Dermato Kandemir Equinum Tonsurans 2020

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Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Polyphasic Discrimination of Trichophyton tonsurans

and T. equinum from Humans and Horses
Hazal Kandemir . Karolina Dukik . Ferry Hagen . Macit Ilkit .
Yvonne Gräser . G. Sybren de Hoog

Received: 19 February 2019 / Accepted: 30 May 2019 / Published online: 5 July 2019
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract The anthropophilic dermatophyte Tri- T. equinum (n = 15) strains originating from humans
chophyton tonsurans and its zoophilic counterpart (n = 40), horses (n = 26), and a mouse (n = 1).
T. equinum are phylogenetically closely related. The Culture characteristics and physiology on Trichophy-
barcoding marker rDNA internal transcribed spacer ton agar media 1 and 5 were evaluated. Multi-locus
(ITS) shows limited variation between these two sequencing involving ITS, partial large rDNA subunit
species. In the current study, we combined molecular (LSU), b-tubulin (TUB), 60S ribosomal protein (RPB),
approaches with phenotypic data to determine the and translation elongation factor-3 (TEF3) genes, and
species boundaries between T. tonsurans (n = 52) and the mating-type (MAT) locus was performed. Ampli-
fied fragment length polymorphism data were added.
None of the test results showed complete mutual
The findings of the study were presented at the ISHAM
correspondence. With the exception of strains from
Workshop Onygenales, 28–29 June 2018, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. New Zealand, strains of equine origin required niacin
for growth, whereas most strains from human origin
Handling Editor: Vishnu Chaturvedi. did not show this dependence. It is concluded that
T. tonsurans and T. equinum incompletely diverged
Electronic supplementary material The online version of from a common lineage relatively recently. MAT1-1
this article ( con-
tains supplementary material, which is available to authorized

H. Kandemir  M. Ilkit (&) F. Hagen

Division of Mycology, Department of Microbiology, Department of Medical Microbiology, University Medical
Faculty of Medicine, University of Çukurova, Adana, Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
e-mail: F. Hagen
Laboratory of Medical Mycology, Jining No. 1 People’s
H. Kandemir  G. S. de Hoog Hospital, Jining, Shandong, People’s Republic of China
Centre of Expertise in Mycology, Radboud University
Medical Centre/Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen, Y. Gräser
The Netherlands Institute für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie der Charité,
Berlin, Germany
K. Dukik  F. Hagen  G. S. de Hoog (&)
Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The

114 Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122

and MAT1-2 are the main distinguishing genes Traditionally, clinical characteristics and nicotinic
between the two species. acid (niacin) requirements have been used to differ-
entiate between T. tonsurans and T. equinum [18].
Keywords Amplified fragment length More recently, sequencing of the rDNA internal
polymorphism  Multi-locus sequencing  transcribed spacer (ITS) was proposed as an additional
Biodiversity  Mating type  Physiology  Trichophyton differentiating parameter [19, 20]. Since the virulence
of anthropophilic and zoophilic species is believed to
be different, species recognition at the molecular level
is essential. In the current study, we combined
Introduction molecular and phenotypic characteristics with the
detection of mating type to determine the taxonomic
The taxonomy of dermatophytes has been dynami- boundaries between T. tonsurans that causes tinea
cally changing since 1841, when Robert Remak and capitis in humans and T. equinum that inhabits the
David Gruby initiated studies in this field [1, 2]. When horse skin. We also speculated on the evolutionary
Raymond Sabouraud published the first comprehen- fate of the dermatophyte after domestication of its
sive work on dermatophytes and dermatophytosis, Les host.
teignes in 1910, clinical classification of dermato-
phytes was supplemented with culture and micro-
scopic characteristics. Later studies described the Materials and Methods
nutritional and mating abilities of dermatophytes
[3–6]. Finally, recent molecular techniques have Isolates
provided a new framework for dermatophyte classi-
fication [7]. The molecular approach revealed that In the current study, 67 isolates from the reference
anthropophilic dermatophytes are evolutionarily collection of the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcul-
recent, adapted to humans and domesticated animals, tures (CBS; housed at Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity
and are highly similar. Consequently, some ambiguity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands) were analyzed.
is associated with the taxonomic borders of anthro- They were originally identified as T. equinum (n = 15)
pophilic species and their counterparts in domesti- or T. tonsurans (n = 52); 26 strains carrying either of
cated hosts. the two Trichophyton species names were originated
Trichophyton tonsurans Malmsten 1845 is an from horse skin. All isolates were inoculated onto a
anthropophilic dermatophyte that mainly causes tinea Sabouraud glucose agar (SGA; Merck, Darmstadt,
capitis and, occasionally, tinea corporis. Outbreaks Germany) and incubated at 24 °C for 14 d before
with human-to-human transmission are observed, but further examination.
infection may also be asymptomatic with chronic and
minimal inflammation [8–10]. By contrast, the Physiology
zoophilic fungus Trichophyton equinum, first
described by Matruchot and Dassonville in 1898, Trichophyton agar media 1 and 5 (Thermo Fisher
and by Louis Gedoelst in 1902, causes dermatophy- Scientific, Waltham, MA) were used to evaluate
tosis in horses [11, 12]. Human infections caused by nicotinic acid requirement [3], and SGA was used as
the zoophilic dermatophyte T. equinum tend to be a control medium. The plates were incubated at 24 °C
acute and inflammatory [13]. Many cases of and dermatophyte growth monitored on days 7 and 14.
T. equinum show horse-to-horse [14, 15] or horse-to- Cell growth rate and colony morphology (pigmenta-
human transmission, the latter leading to an inflam- tion) were recorded.
matory response with kerion celsi [11, 16, 17]. How-
ever, no proven case of human-to-human transmission Mating
of T. equinum has been documented. Likewise, the
incidence of human-to-horse transmission by either Mating was assayed in vitro on Medium E (12 g of
dermatophyte species is not known. oatmeal agar, 1 g of MgSO47H2O, 1 g of KH2PO4,
1 g of NaNO3, and 16 g of agar/L) [21] and SGA

Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122 115

plates containing blond prepubertal hair [6]. Strains of fungal DNA, 2.5 lL of 10 9 NH4 reaction buffer
were inoculated in pairs and incubated in the dark at (Bioline, London, United Kingdom), 1 lL of MgCl2
24 °C, unsealed, for 6 weeks. The presence of sexual (50 mM; Bioline), 2.5 lL of dNTPs (1 mM; Bioline),
structures was then examined using light microscopy. 1.5 lL of dimethyl sulfoxide (Sigma-Aldrich), 1 lL
each of the forward and reverse primers (10 pmol), 1
DNA Extraction and PCR lL of DNA polymerase (0.7 U/lL; Takara), and 13.5
lL of sterile distilled water. PCR products were
DNA was extracted using the cetyltrimethylammo- visualized on a 1.5% agarose gel.
nium bromide protocol [22]. The quantity and quality
of the isolated DNA were evaluated using a NanoDrop Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
ND-1000 spectrophotometer with the ND-1000 v3.3.0 (AFLP)
software (Coleman Technologies, Wilmington, NC,
USA). Gene regions of interest were amplified as AFLP analysis was performed using HpyCH4IV-C
follows: rDNA ITS was amplified using primers ITS4 (50 -FLU-GTAGACTGCGTACCCGTC-30 ) and MseI-
and ITS5; the D1–D2 region of rDNA large subunit TGAG (50 -GATGAGTCCTGACTAATGAT-30 ) pri-
(LSU) was amplified using primers LR0R and LR5; mers (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA, USA) and
partial b-tubulin gene (TUB) was amplified using complementary adaptors as described previously [27].
primers TUB2Fd and TUB4Fd; the 60S ribosomal One microliter of the 10 9 diluted amplicon was
protein gene (RPB) was amplified using primers added to a mixture of 8.9 lL water and 0.1 lL LIZ600
AlGr52_412-433_F1 and Algr52_1102_1084_R1; internal size marker (Promega, Leiden, The Nether-
the translation elongation factor 3 gene (TEF3) was lands). After the heating step for 1 min at 95 °C, raw
amplified using primers Al50 ? 51_EF3_2900_F and data were analyzed using Bionumerics v7.5 (Applied
Al50 ? 51_EF3_3300_R [7, 23]. Maths, Sint-Martens Latem, Belgium) and a dendro-
All PCR amplifications were performed in 12.5 lL gram was generated using Arthroderma melis CBS
reaction volumes following a modified protocol by 120.30 as an outgroup and by a UPGMA algorithm.
Stielow et al. [24]. The reaction mixtures contained
1.5 lL of fungal DNA, 1.25 lL of PCR buffer (Takara, Statistics
Shiga, Japan), 1 lL of dNTP mix (1 mM stock;
Takara), 1 lL of dimethyl sulfoxide (Sigma-Aldrich, All analyses were performed using the SPSS Statistics
Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands), 0.25 lL each of the version 20.0 statistical software package (IBM,
forward and reverse primers (10 mM stock), 0.06 lL Armonk, NY, USA). Categorical variables were
(5 U) of Taq polymerase (Takara), and 7.19 lL of expressed as numbers and percentages. A v2 test was
sterile distilled water. PCR products were visualized used to compare categorical variables between the
on 1.5% agarose gels and cycle-sequenced using groups. The statistical level of significance for all tests
Applied Biosystems BigDye Terminator version 3.1 was set at 0.05.
(Thermo Fisher Scientific) [24] after purification from
the gel. Bidirectional sequencing was performed using
a capillary electrophoresis system (3730 9 l DNA Results
analyzer; Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA), and
the obtained sequences were manually edited and The current study included 40 strains from humans, 26
deposited in the BioloMICS database [25]. The strains from horses, and one strain from a mouse. In
obtained sequences were aligned using MAFFT the CBS collection, 52 strains were identified as
v6.850b [26]. Phylogenetic trees were generated using T. tonsurans and 15 as T. equinum. Only two of the
MEGA6 software, employing the T92?G model for T. equinum strains were isolated from humans, and 13
LSU, K2 model for TUB and RPB, T92?I model for strains identified as T. tonsurans were isolated from
ITS, and the K2?G?I model for TEF3. horses. According to the available geographical data,
The mating-type (MAT) locus was amplified using the strains were mostly from Europe (n = 34), fol-
the primers listed in Table 1. PCR amplification was lowed by North America (n = 8), the Middle East
performed in a final 25 lL reaction volume, with 1 lL (n = 4), Asia (n = 3), and Australia (n = 3).

116 Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122

Table 1 MTL primers Primer name Primer sequence (50 –30 ) Size (bp) References
used in the study

The reverse sides of colonies on SGA plates were (Medium E or SGA). The AFLP analysis, alone or in
off-white (n = 20), pale yellow (n = 7), bright yellow combination with the SNP and mating-type data, did
(n = 4), brown with yellow edges (n = 23), or brown not unambiguously discriminate groups of strains with
(n = 13) (Table 2). Twenty isolates from humans different profiles (Fig. 1). The results are summarized
formed pigmented colonies and 20 were unpigmented. in Table 2.
All horse isolates were pigmented, with the color When all parameters tested were compared, human
ranging from pale yellow to brown. isolates harboring the ITS C-SNP exhibited the MAT1-
Twenty-five strains isolated from humans grew on 1 mating type and grew on both Trichophyton agar
Trichophyton agars 1 and 5, whereas 11 strains grew media. The horse isolates harbored only the T-SNP,
only on Trichophyton agar 5. All horse isolates grew exhibited the MAT1-2 mating type, and grew only on
only on Trichophyton agar 5, except for three strains Trichophyton agar 5. The three New Zealand isolates
from New Zealand, which grew on both the Tri- were exceptional, as they grew on both Trichophyton
chophyton media. The remaining four isolates did not agars 1 and 5. Although none of the parameters was
grow on the tested media. diagnostic, statistically significant differences were
Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on ITS observed between strain origin and physiology on
and partial LSU, TUB, RPB, and TEF3 sequences. Trichophyton agar, the SNP type, and mating type
None of the five phylogenetic trees based on single (p \ 0.001). Similarly, the mating type and origin of
loci nor the multi-locus tree (Fig S1) unambiguously strains harboring different SNPs were significantly
separated T. tonsurans and T. equinum. In the ITS different (p \ 0.001).
region, 40 isolates (26 from horses and 14 from
humans) harbored a T single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) at position 18; all strains with a C-SNP at this Discussion
position were human isolates (n = 27) or the single
mouse isolate (Table 2). The aim of the current study was to differentiate
PCR analysis of the MAT locus produced inconsis- between T. tonsurans and T. equinum using a
tent results in repeated amplifications using previously polyphasic approach. We show that the morphological
published primer sets [28, 29]. Therefore, new primer and physiological characteristics of strains conven-
pairs were designed using the whole-genome data of tionally identified as T. tonsurans and T. equinum may
T. tonsurans CBS 112818 and T. equinum CBS 127.97 be identical and that the amplification of different loci
( MAT1-2 that are widely used to distinguish species is also
was identified in 35 isolates and MAT1-1 in 32 isolates. insufficient for unambiguous differentiation between
After 6 weeks of in vitro incubation, no sexual struc- the two species. Nevertheless, the mating types were
tures were observed on either of the two media found to correlate significantly with physiology and

Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122 117

Table 2 Strain data and combined results of the current study

Accession Original ID Final ID Origin SNP Physiology MAT Morphology Country
CBS 561.50 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C - 1 Canada
CBS 112818 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C - 1 Canada
CBS 112817 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C - 1 Canada
CBS 130800 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C - 1 Iran
CBS 498.48 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 France
CBS 729.88 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 France
CBS 120134 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 Greece
CBS 120.65 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -
CBS 318.31 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -
CBS 130941 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -
CBS 171.65 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 India
CBS 419.52 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 Switzerland
CBS 120323 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 Switzerland
CBS 164.45 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 The Netherlands
CBS 385.68 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 The Netherlands
CBS 455.61 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 The Netherlands
CBS 459.59 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 The Netherlands
CBS 375.49 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 France
CBS 496.48 NT T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 France
CBS 132349 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 Turkey
CBS 334.32 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -
CBS 118.65 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -

CBS 219.32 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -

CBS 238.33 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Mouse C T1&T5 1 -
1410291240 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T1&T5 1 -
CBS 130924 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T5 1 Iran
CBS 132348 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human C T5 1 Turkey
CBS 141827 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human T T1&T5 1 China
CBS 131552 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human T T1&T5 1 -
CBS 129.35 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human T T1&T5 1 Japan
CBS 131549 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human T T1&T5 1 -
CBS 131557 T. tonsurans T. tonsurans Human T T1&T5 1 -
CBS 100080 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T1&T5 2 New Zealand
CBS 634.82 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T1&T5 2 New Zealand
CBS 635.82 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T1&T5 2 New Zealand
CBS 112199 T. tonsurans T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112200 T. tonsurans T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112198 T. equinum T. equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112188 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112194 T. tonsurans T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112195 T. tonsurans T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112192 T. tonsurans T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom

118 Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122

Table 2 continued

Accession Original ID Final ID Origin SNP Physiology MAT Morphology Country

CBS 112197 T. tonsurans T. equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom

CBS 112187 T. tonsurans T. equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112189 T. tonsurans T. equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112196 T. tonsurans T. equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112191 T. tonsurans T . equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112190 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112193 T. equinum T . equinum Horse T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112186 T. tonsurans T . equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 112201 T. tonsurans T . equinum Human T T5 2 United Kingdom
CBS 182.76 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 The Netherlands
CBS 244.84 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 The Netherlands
CBS 292.81 T. equinum T . equinum Horse T T5 2 The Netherlands
CBS 856.71 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 The Netherlands
CBS 127.97 T. tonsurans T . equinum Human T T5 2 The Netherlands
CBS 109035 T. equinum T . equinum Horse T T5 2 Canada
CBS 109033 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 Canada
CBS 109034 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 Canada
CBS 109036 T. equinum T. equinum Human T T5 2 Canada
CBS 295.76 T. tonsurans T . equinum Horse T T5 2 Croatia
IHEM15219 T. equinum T . equinum Horse T T5 2 Switzerland
CBS 270.66 NT T. equinum T . equinum Horse T T5 2 U.S.A.
IHEM20668 T. equinum T . equinum Horse T T5 2 -
IHEM20669 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T5 2 -
IHEM15220 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T5 2 -
1014897 T. equinum T. equinum Horse T T5 2 -
CBS, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures at Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands; IHEM; Institute for Hygiene and
Microbiology, Brussels, Belgium; NT, neotype.

ITS SNPs, suggesting that indeed two different species possible reason for this difference could be the long-
are concerned. term maintenance and repeated transfer of isolates in
Although morphological characteristics are a clas- culture collections, which might lead to degeneration
sical key parameter for identifying dermatophytes, and pleomorphy.
their diversity greatly exceeds the molecular genetic Trichophyton agar media 1 and 5 test the assimi-
diversity, as revealed in the present study. Colony lation of casein and the requirement of niacin (nico-
morphology and pigmentation may differ after serial tinic acid) for growth [3]. Horse hair contains niacin
inoculation, and the physiological characteristics of and its precursors. Consequently, strains naturally
the same strain may vary. For example, T. tonsurans colonizing horse hair lack mechanisms for niacin
CBS 318.31 analyzed in the present study grew on synthesis; these strains require exogenous niacin to
Trichophyton agar media 1 and 5, whereas Gräser degrade the casein basal medium (Trichophyton agar
et al. [30] reported that the same strain did not grow on 1). Conversely, niacin is absent from human hair, and
either medium after 4 weeks of incubation. One anthropophilic strains are autotrophic for this

Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122 119

Fig. 1 AFLP profiles of the strains together with the mating type, physiology, SNP, and origin data

compound [31]. Indeed, in the current study, all strains further away from each other than the T. benhamiae
isolated from horses required niacin, with the excep- mating types which are still able to produce ascomata
tion of three isolates from New Zealand (CBS 634.82, in vitro. The absence of full correspondence between
CBS 635.82, and CBS 100080). The New Zealand molecular and conventional markers of the T. ton-
isolates have been described as a regional variant surans and T. equinum strains demonstrates incom-
autotrophicum of T. equinum [32]. Conversely, two plete lineage sorting.
T. tonsurans showed Trichophyton agar 5 The current study indicates that differentiation of
assimilation. T. tonsurans and T. equinum is not possible with 100%
Nearly all strains with the MAT1-2 profile (97%) confidence. Based on the findings of Summerbell et al.
formed pigmented colonies on SGA, whereas only [19], T. tonsurans harbors a C-SNP at ITS position 18
53% of strains with the MAT1-1 profile showed and 9 adenine bases starting at position 201, and
pigmentation. In vitro mating experiments with T. equinum harbors a T-SNP at position 18 and a series
T. tonsurans and T. equinum strains, however, were of 9 adenine bases starting at position 201. The
inconclusive. It is generally accepted that conven- researchers also suggested a third type as ‘‘T.
tional analyses, including colony morphology and tonsurans DNA type 2’’ which shows T-SNP at ITS
pigmentation, and physiological tests on Trichophyton position 18 and 11 adenine bases at starting position
agars provide ecologically relevant data about strains 201 [19]. In the present study, we showed that 48% of
that cannot be unambiguously identified using molec- strains originally identified as T. tonsurans harbor the
ular markers alone [33]. In the present study, the T-SNP at the same ITS position, but none of these
mating types within the T. tonsurans/T. equinum group strains showed 11 adenine bases starting at position
mostly showed phenotypic differences. The inability 201 except CBS 131557 (data not shown). The name
to produce ascomata suggests that they have drifted for these strains was kept as T. tonsurans according to

120 Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122

their physiology and mating-type profiles, and they The mating-type distribution in the analyzed set of
were thought to be isolated from humans in contact strains was almost even (MAT1-1, n = 32; MAT1-2,
with horses. Conversely, in addition to the SNPs, n = 35). The tested characteristics overlapped
insertions and/or repeats in the variable internal repeat between the species identified as T. tonsurans and
region of the non-transcribed spacer of rRNA could T. equinum, and no clear border could be determined
provide clues to understand the inter- and intra-species using AFLP in the current study. Consistent with our
differences, and even the host preferences of T. ton- findings, a previous study showed that proteomic
surans and T. equinum strains, as suggested by Abdel- differences between strains were greater than those
Rahman et al. [34]. Indeed, the (GAT)n repeat in between species [38]. On the other hand, no successful
T. equinum is highly variable but is fixed in T. ton- in vitro mating between opposite mating types was
surans, which suggests that a unique host niche may observed in the current study to confirm conspeci-
exert a different selective pressure on this locus [34]. ficity. One possible explanation is that the mating
Strains from United Kingdom analyzed in the conditions used were not optimal. Alternatively, one
current study were phenotypically and genetically could propose that the species are in an early state of
identical (i.e., the presence of T-SNP, MAT1-2 profile, sympatric speciation, with incomplete lineage sorting
and niacin requirement) and matched with T. equinum. and a loss of ascoma formation. Of note, MAT1-1 was
This suggests a horse-associated phenotype; however, almost always (97%) human-associated (T. tonsurans)
these strains were derived from both humans and and MAT1-2 was always (100%) horse-associated
horses. Hence, it may be concluded that human (T. equinum). The groups contain the neotypes of the
patients were infected by strains of horse origin. The two species, CBS 496.48 and CBS 270.66, respec-
strains were all MAT1-2 and otherwise corresponded tively. The two mating types seem to drift toward
with T. equinum characteristics. Precise clinical data clonality as individual species, i.e., ‘‘clonal off-
are unfortunately not available, and the degree of shoots,’’ as defined by Gräser et al. [39].
inflammation could not be verified. Human-to-human Considering the lack of unambiguous differences
transmission, particularly between wrestlers between the two species, it would be logical to regard
[9, 10, 35], may lead to tinea capitis, erythematous- the MAT loci for defining the clonal species, with the
scaly lesions, alopecia, black dots, and/or pustules or MAT1-1 profile referring to T. tonsurans and the
present as a ‘‘carrier state,’’ here matching with MAT1-2 profile referring to T. equinum, as also
T. tonsurans (MAT1-1). The anthropophilic species suggested by earlier studies [21, 40]. The ITS profiles
T. tonsurans triggers limited cytokine secretion that in terms of the C/T SNPs at position 18 overlapped
leads to minimal inflammation, whereas the zoophilic with their respective mating profiles; consequently,
T. equinum is prone to causing inflammatory infection ITS diagnosis correctly identified the strains with 91%
in humans because it induces a broad spectrum of confidence. Strains that require niacin, harbor the
cytokines [36]. Preuett et al. [37] reported that T-SNP, and have the MAT1-2 profile can unambigu-
T. tonsurans and T. equinum have different profiles ously be classified as T. equinum, and strains that do
of secreted enzyme gene expression in vitro despite not require niacin, harbor the C-SNP, and have the
their genetic similarity. MAT1-1 profile should be classified as T. tonsurans.
Geographically similar strains might be very The presented data support the hypothesis proposed by
different [34]. For instance, in the current study, Summerbell et al. [41] that T. tonsurans and T.
strains from The Netherlands had different character- equinum might have evolved from a geophilic sexual
istics: (1) strains from humans harbored the C-SNP, ancestor that might have switched host preference
MAT1-1 profile, and no niacin requirement (T. ton- such that one mating type adapted to humans and the
surans), whereas (2) strains from horses harbored the other mating type on horses at some point in evolu-
T-SNP, MAT1-2 profile, and niacin requirement tionary history, and since the new hosts did not support
(T. equinum; Table 2). Strains from Turkey showed mating, is in the process of becoming asexual. Humans
a similar diversity. Therefore, strains from a single as well as horses provide a smaller environmental
country can have different origins and transmission habitat than, for example, that available in the rodent-
routes, suggesting that two different species are associated terrestrial geophiles. During the adaptation
concerned. to larger hosts, phenotypic and genetic characteristics

Mycopathologia (2020) 185:113–122 121

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Acknowledgements HK was supported by a Grant from the dermatophyte research. Med Mycol. 2018;56(suppl. 1):2–9.
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