Itep Writing

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People who would like to get accurate information about their needs always try to find better way.

Some people prefer to read to learn something that they need whereas other prefer experimental way
to get experiences. Even though both these two ways have advantage and disadvantage features and
there is a coherent between experimental and theorically learning method.In my opinion hands-on
experience way is a crucial way for people’s learning.

Firstly, Reading is always an essential way for people who would like to get new informations.
Undoubtedly, Even you have no idea about what you look for, reading is most easiest way to obtain
some knowledge about that. By developing of internet environment, it has become easier to access
information. However, even reading is well-based method, it would be not enough especially
experimental activities which require direclty people’s physial effort.

Secondly, Experimental learning method provides different kind of aspect for people’s experiences. It
is very important because people generally learn experimental knowledge by doing actively.Some
people believed that it helps people to memorize the knowledge faster compare to read them. On the
other hand, Some activities requires directly hands-on experience such as the cooking,playing football
or playing an instrument. these might be learned general informations about these kind of activities
but in order to perform experiential learning must be always required.

All things considered, Both reading and doing are methods that help people learn for their needs. There
would be always balanced between these two. However, from my point of view hands-on experience
is much better and valuable for people’s learning.

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