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McNeese 1

Melody McNeese

English Comp II

Annotated Bibliography

22 June 2021

The Effects of Ocean Pollution

Union of Concerned Scientists: CO2 and Ocean Acidification: Causes, Impacts, and

Solutions. 2019. This writer is educating the readers on the problems of carbon pollution and

how it changing the ocean’s chemistry. They state how much pollution has been dumped into the

ocean in the past 15 years and how that is making a change in our environment. They explain

that ocean acidification is when Carbon Dioxide enters the ocean, and it starts to dissolve the salt

water. Many of the marine animals rely on the carbonate ions that the carbon is destroying which

is making it difficult for our marine life to survive. Therefore, many are starting to die off and

when the lower food chain is depleting, the larger species suffer as well. He also talks on how the

ocean’s temperature is rising from the acidification and that could mean the earth would get

warmer as well. They also speak more on the negative accents on the marine life and how the

acidification hinders the recovery of these species. At the end of the article, they speak on how

we can make a change and what we can help do differently in hopes of saving our beautiful blue


Oceanic Society: 7 Ways to Reduce Ocean Pollution Today. Blue Habit Tips, 2020

In this article the author states 7 ways in which we can help with the ocean pollution today. He

states how we should lower our use of single use plastic, such as straws and plastic bags, that
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easily get thrown into the environment. How we need to recycle properly and participate in

beach/river cleanups in our area to clean up further pollution. We should also support bans on

single use plastic and avoid plastic microbeads. We should also spread the word on pollution and

bring awareness to it so we can make a change in our environment. Finally he states we should

support organizations working diligently to create a safer and cleaner environment.

New York Times: America’s Air Quality Worsen’s, Ending Years of Gains, Study Says.

Nadja Popovich, 2019. In this study, the writer shows multiples graphs showing the pollution

over the years. In some parts of the U.S., In 2016, pollution had increased dramatically while in

some areas it decreased. She shows data on our air quality and how much it has changed over the

past 10 years.

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