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Task 4 - Speaking Part of Cambridge C1 Advanced

Yesenia Muñoz Ruiz 1059363442

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación – ECEDU
Licenciatura en inglés como lengua extranjera – LILE
Henry Carvajal
November 19, 2021.
My participation:


I felt very nervous in this activity, so one of the things that I would change if I had the

opportunity to do the test again is to put my fears aside, because when I get nervous, I don't know

what to say, I forget the words , I can't think of what I need to say, I feel like I'm blocking myself

and I can't express myself clearly. Nor did I feel comfortable in the environment of the activity I

was in, it was all on the run and that made me more nervous since the tutor did not give me that

tranquility either, on the contrary it made me more nervous than I was, I think at the beginning I

was calmer than at the end.

However, I consider that my performance throughout the activity was good, I was able to

answer at all stages, I shared very important ideas and answers, I was able to answer all the

questions that the tutor asked and I expressed what was required.
On the other hand, I think that my colleague Mery Yicel Grijalba also did quite well, she also

responded to everything required, she expresses herself clearly and although she has some fillers

and aspects to improve like me, I think that in general we did a great job and above all we put in a

lot of effort.

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