Student Micro-Computing Labs: Monthly Report - May 1997: Laser Paper Greenbar Paper Toner 3si/4si 5si Supplies

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Student Micro-Computing Labs: Monthly Report - May 1997

Monthly Overview:

The month of May has brought with it the inevitable preparation for Spring Quarter finals.
Utilizing the usage statistics that have been gathered over the last two academic quarters we were
better able to meet student needs by providing ext ended lab hours where and when they were
really needed. This improved extended hours model will be used in all subsequent academic

Planning for the lab upgrade has been a major focus for myself, as well as working to redefine
the role of the SMC Lab Staff. With the installation of new equipment in the labs we will be able
to redistribute our resources and finally be able to dedic ate the majority of our energy towards
improving customer service. This will be accomplished through retraining and by having the
opportunity to divert our most knowledgeable staff from hardware repair to the front desk.

Monthly Expenditures:

  Quantity Cost per Unit Total Expenditure

Laser Paper 80 $19.95 $1,596.00

Greenbar Paper 50 $20.16 $1,108.80


3si/4si 10 $92.06 $920.60

5si 12 $145.25 $1,743.00

Supplies N/A N/A 0


Replacement Parts 0 0 0
Printer Maintenance 0 0 0


Staffing N/A N/A $36,360.75


Total Monthly     $41,729.15


Project Status:

With a firm decision on a vendor for the lab upgrade project, plans have been finalized for the
actual implementation of the project. A final version of the lab software load will be generated
with the delivery of one of the vendor's ma chines.

o Approximately 85% of the current lab courseware is operating

under the new Windows 95 environment. 100% compatibility is
the goal - realistically we will obtain the 90th percentile.
o A modular way to handle printing, logins, machine names and
numbers, has been finished. It will allow for an easier and more
centralized method for controlling machine specifics.
o A master harddrive will be available for duplication by June 9th,

Visual Statistics:

 Monthly Average Head Count - These seven graphs plot the average usage of the 3
major areas of DePaul (Loop, LPC, Suburban) for the entire month. The LPC campus is
divided into two sections: Byrne/McGaw and SAC.



 Web Page - This pie chart shows the amount of hits to each area of the SMC lab web
page stored on Condor. As can be seen these numbers are low. We are in the process of
completely rede signing the SMC web page to make it much more functional for the
students (online tipsheets, etc) - at which point we will concentrate on marketing the
SMC web page to increase usage.


 Payroll - This bar graph shows the cost of the SMC Student and Part-Time staff. A pay
period was missing from last month's report (due to when the pay period ended) and is
included on t his month's. This is why the payout is much higher than previous months.


 Operating Equipment - These three bar graphs display the average percentage of
operational equipment in the three major areas of DePaul (Loop, LPC, Suburban) for the
entire month. T here are only 50% of the MAC's operational in the Loop due to the
availability of the parts and the age of the MAC's VS. cost of repair.


Supervisor Comments:

I have been very pleased by the interest of upper level management in the SMC Lab Upgrade
project. With the completion of this project, we will be able to concentrate on rebuilding the
SMC support staff into an incredible resource for both our students and faculty. The addition of
the Lab Coordinator positions in July will be what really allows us to make these improvements.

Overall I have been very satisfied with the performance of the SMC labs and with how quickly
our requests are met.

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