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10 - Alcohol Abuse
F10.14 - Alcohol abuse w/alcohol-induced mood disorder
F10.20 - Moderate Alcohol Use
F12.10 – Cannabis Use D/o mild
F12.10 – Cannabis Use D/o moderate/severe
F11.10 Opiate use D/o Mild
F11.10 Opiate use D/o Moderate/severe
F15.10 - Other stimulant abuse, uncomplicated
F15.14 - Other stimulant abuse with stimulant - induced mood disorder
F15.150 - Stimulant Use Disorder
F15.250 - Other stimulant dependence with stimulant - induced psychotic
F15.20 - Other stimulant dependence, uncomplicated
F15.90 - Stimulant Use Disorder
F15.94 - Other stimulant use
F15.959 - Stimulant induced psychotic disorder
F15.99 - Other stimulant use, unsp with stimulant-induced disorder
F19.94 - Substance induced mood disorder
F20.0 - Chronic paranoid schizophrenia F31.64 - Bipolar disorder, current episode
mixed, severe, with psychotic features
F20.1 - Chronic disorganized schizophrenia
F31.75 - Bipolar I disorder, current or MRE
F20.9 - Schizophrenia, unspecified
depressed, in partial remission w/ mood-
F23 - Acute psychosis congruent psychotic features

F25.0 - Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar F31.9 - Bipolar disorder, unspecified

F25.1 - Schizoaffective disorder, depressive F32.2 - Major depressive disorder, single

episode, severe
F25.9 - Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified
F32.3 - Major depressive disorder, single
F29- Unspecified Psychosis not due to
episode, severe w/psychotic features
F32.9 - Major depressive disorder, single
F31.12 - Bipolar 1 disorder, current or mre
episode, unspecified
manic, moderate
F33.2 - Major depressive disorder, recurrent
F31.10 - Bipolar 1 disorder, most rececent
severe w psychosis
episode manic
F33.3 - Major depressive disorder,
F31.2 - Bipolar disorder, current or mre
recurrent, severe
manic, w/psychotic features
F33.9 - Major depressive disorder,
F31.30 - Bipolar disorder, MRE depressed
recurrent, unspecified
F31.31 - Bipolar disorder, current or MRE
F43.1 - PTSD
depressed mild
F60.3 - Borderline Personality Disorder
F31.32 - Bipolar disorder, current or MRE
Depressed, Moderate F63.81 Intermittant Explosive Disorder

F31.4 - Bipolar disorder, current episode

F31.5 - Bipolar disorder, current episode
depressed, severe, w/psychotic features
F31.60 - Bipolar I disorder, most recent
episode mixed
F31.63 - Biopolar disorder current episode
mixed, severe

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