The Lauren Smith-Fields Story: "Bumble'S Unrequited Connection"

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“Unrequited Love Season 1 Episode 3”

SMH! Hello my Unique friends. I’m here again to share information and awareness about our
fellow brothers and sisters. This story is one of many tragic eye-openers.

Yet another young girl has become a victim to the hands of someone close to her.

Lauren was a smart, young, and beautiful woman. She studied Physical Therapy at Norwalk
Community College. She engaged in social media, showing off her love for food and travel. She
also had a Bumble account where she met someone that her family wished she hadn’t. Bumble is
a popular dating app for singles.

Lauren agreed to meet up with a man from the app at her apartment. The man’s name was
Matthew LaFountain, 37 years old from Connecticut. The two exchanged what officials say
“SHORT MESSAGES” before meeting up. They had only known each other for 3 days.
Lauren’s brother also came by her apartment when she was alive and stated to police that she
looked normal, and she didn’t show any signs of being in any harm. He left and went home.
Then that’s when things took a turn for the worst. A disturbing 911 call was made on December

Matthew told police that they met 3 days prior and had agreed to meet up for a good time. A
date. They had a few drinks, played games, watched a movie, and then went to sleep. Why would
someone go to sleep around someone that they just met? That just doesn’t make any sense. He
said that Lauren started to feel sick, and he laid her down into her bed. So why didn’t he call
someone to help her? Why didn’t he call 911 AT THAT MOMENT she felt sick? He then said
he woke up THE NEXT MORNING and realized that Lauren was unresponsive and bleeding
from her nose. He said he couldn’t wake her up. He said she was asleep snoring in bed when he
last checked on her and he didn’t think anything was wrong with her. They took that information,
and actually let this man walk the hell away without incident. He was there, he should have been
taken in for questioning!

The family was not informed of the tragic news until days later. They declined to investigate on
what happened to Lauren initially. They violated the family’s civil rights and had been racially
insensitive to them and also did not have any sense of urgency to help the family find out what
happened to Lauren. They even ruled her death as ‘Accidental’. This was not the case at all.
They family asked Bridgeport Police about the man, Matthew, and they told the family that they
never interviewed him and that he was a nice guy and that there was no NEED to investigate
him. They were angered and in disbelief about how they were treating their beloved one’s case.
After getting no where with Bridgeport Police Department, the family paid out of pocket for a
separate autopsy that revealed some chilling discoveries, that were ignored by Bridgeport Police
Department’s Coroner. Lauren had suffered from a Drug overdose. Family immediately
confirmed that Lauren HAS NEVER IN HER LIFE USED DRUGS! The types of drugs that
were in her system were combined effects of Fentanyl, Promethazine, Hydroxyzine, and high
levels of alcohol.

This case swept all over the nation. Grabbing attention and awareness from celebrities like Cardi
B. Cardi B Tweeted “This is so scary! A fictional murderer character but in real life! Justice for
Lauren. Connecticut you have failed that young lady!” Cardi helped launch a criminal probe into
Lauren’s death and Matthew’s involvement. By Cardi making the comments she did, helped
Lauren’s family out a great deal. The family has announced an update as of February 2nd that two
of the police officers that handled Lauren’s investigation has been put on administrative leave,
and one has resigned from the Department. It is also reported that they neglected another
woman’s case the same way, Brenda Lee Rawls, 53, who had reportedly passed away the same
day as Lauren. A new investigation has taken place to get justice for Lauren and find out what
happened to her. The family’s lawyer stated that Matthew was cooperating with officials but that
does NOT exclude him from being person of interest in this case. He needs to be further
investigated and prosecuted.

The family has established a GoFundMe account in honor of Lauren to raise money to get a
private investigator and the justice that Lauren deserves. I will leave a link in the description for
those of you that would like to contribute in helping out the family. The goal has reached
$89,419 out of from the initial goal of $100,000. The family also left a message to the public that
reads “We are extremely grateful for the outpouring of love shown to our family from all over
the world during this time and ask that you continue to show that love by assisting us in hiring a
private investigator. We are hoping an investigator of our own can shed light on this tragic event
and give us the answers we need to move forward and heal as a family. We realize this road and
fight will not be easy, but we are willing to do whatever it takes to get Justice for Lauren!”

Now for QUESTIONS???

Why did she agree on meeting him at her house? Why couldn’t they have met in a public place,
being that they were complete strangers? Only known each other 3 days. How was it a date, and
they were at an apartment? Where do first dates supposed to take place? Do you think he used
the same tactic of building trust with the police the same way he built trust with Lauren? How
was he so calm? Did he know the officers that were called to the scene? How did she get that
many lethal drugs in her system? Why did they let him go so easily? All these questions are still
on the table while this case is still unfolding with more and more information that has yet to be
released. I pray that the family get justice for Lauren and that they can find peace out of this
tragic storm. I also pray that Brenda’s family get justice as well. Neither women deserved what
happened to them before and after they lost their lives. Open your eyes and see that meeting
strangers is dangerous. Do your research on people. Do not use dating apps to market or solicit
yourself. I hope this raises awareness on how careful you should be at meeting someone behind a

Thank you for watching!

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