Project Management Plan: School Carnival

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Project Management Plan

School Carnival
Your task at hand is to create a project management plan, following the 7 components on the
“Components of a Project” document (found in the Resources Folder).  

Part #3

It is very important to know exactly what resources (or tools) you will need to complete your
project. Create a list of exactly what you will need in the planning and creation of your carnival.
You can break this down into two stages:

1. Planning Stage
2. Implementation Stage

What you will need (resources)

Planning Stage  1. 15-20 volunteers to set up and run one game/booth each and help out
with the overall operation of the carnival
2. A small team (2-3 people) of people who will run finance and make
financial decisions
3. A small team (2-3 people) of people who will take charge of marketing
and advertising for the event
4. Space for planning and game testing
5. Computers and software (such as excel) to communicate and run a
RAID log

Implementation 1. Game rentals

Stage 2. Permission from my school to use the front parking lot
3. Tables and booths
4. Prizes
5. Food and beverages
6. Speakers and music 

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