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To find illustrations of the love–hate

utty professors. It’s
a stereotype in
relationship between industry and academia industry; academ-
ics whose lack of
in finance, one need look no further than the business acumen is
only matched by
software trade. Dan Tudball talks to the faith that they
are well on their way to their first
Ron Dembo of Algorithmics, John Hull and billion. Ron Dembo, founder of
Algorithmics Inc., the risk systems
Alan White about their perspective on the company, can well remember the
outlook many in the market had
place where big bucks meet big brains. when he was starting what is now
one of the most successful compa-
nies in the sector. “I was looked on
as a professor who had too many

24 Wilmott magazine

There were a lot of place and understand it all. I had

entered it not knowing much
this was being done except for in a
very few institutions. But our

academics that set up finance at the time and just as a

mathematician this looked like an
biggest contribution was to sit back
and say, due to the fact that we were
obvious problem to solve. The bene- so naive and had never been tainted
companies but there fits, intuitively, were very obvious.”
It is this academician’s eye on
by real-world big finance stuff: ‘How
would you solve such a problem if
aren’t many that remain the world that Dembo feels marks
his approach and thus his company
there were no constraints, and you
could choose to do so in any way you
out from the rest of the field. wished?’ That’s the way I looked on
Algorithmics has the largest staff of it as an academic, I said if I was
quantitatively trained personnel in going to look at a bank this is
the software industry. “The kind of how I’d do it, in a completely
people you have to attract and man- generic way. That’s the
researchers running around and set up and staffed by academics, à la age, are academics – how do you academic advantage.”
doesn’t know how to run a business. Dembo’s Algorithmics, software attract and motivate them? “It’s But Dembo also feels that the
Too many researchers! Another pro- firms may bring in the academic big very difficult to do this if you don’t downside of academic contribution
fessor’s gonna blow up, whatever!” guns to work on a project – in this come from an academic back- can be an inability to veer from pro-
The finance software industry is article Wilmott talks to John Hull and ground. It’s no coincidence scribed approaches, an orthodoxy
at its most interesting, sociologically Alan White of the University of Algorithmics has the largest num- that he often rails against. “An aca-
speaking – some might say amusing Toronto on their collaboration with ber of financial engineers of any demic approach could be to go back
– when it plays host to the interac- GFI to create the Fenics Credit prod- software company and it’s also a to a standard academic theory of
tion between academia and uct. Software firms get involved in team where there’s no attrition. risk management i.e. Markowitz dat-
industry. What are the various ways academic funding, and public Even during the boom and ing back to the 1950s, and it’s quite
that these two worlds might inter- bodies fund academics to produce with mega salaries on Wall Street, amazing that nothing happened
sect? We have software companies commercial software. The permuta- this is a very cohesive group that’s between Markowitz and the late
tions are many, but worth hung around. I think knowing how 1980s. And they said well okay get a
understanding in a field like finance to create and manage that is an framework, variance, covariance,
where the codependency of the two academic role. There were a lot of we’re going to measure risk this way
areas is so marked. academics that set up companies and out came RiskMetrics. And it
but there aren’t many that remain.” was just standard academic finance
Academia nuts? Coming from academia to indus- thirty years old being applied to
Ron Dembo sees himself as essential- try can provide blessings, but in those problems, without a real
ly an academic, that’s everything he some cases can be a curse. “Early on understanding of what the real
did until he started Algorithmics. He in Algorithmics we did a lot of work issues were. We had the advantage
taught at Yale, a combination of on exotic options and we published of starting with the real issues. The
computer science and operations a whole library of them; way before reason why Black-Scholes is so suc-
research, and consulting in various
areas, a lot in engineering – particu-
larly hydroelectric power. One day
he did some consulting on Wall
Street. At that time there was no
such concept as enterprise risk,
there was no function in banks of
enterprise risk, as we know it today.
“It was kind of an academic’s dream
or a Wall Streeter’s dream that you
could put all the risk of a Goldman
Sachs or a Morgan Stanley in one

26 Wilmott magazine
But our biggest contribution
was to sit back and say, due to
the fact that we were so naive
and had never been tainted by
real world big finance stuff:
‘How would you solve such a
problem if there were no
constraints, and you could
choose to do so in any way
you wished?’
Ron Dembo, Algorithmics

cessful is that the actual Black- we didn’t have to use so-called mod-
Scholes theorem is a constructive
essay on how to actually hedge, so
ern financial theory, which was a
major advantage.”
Finance is an applied math field
there the proof actually gives some
insight into how to manage risk, and
The company didn’t work to any
model that the finance industry had
and demands that nothing is
it’s beautiful. Since Black-Scholes
there have been three-gazillion
yet seen succeed. Their capital was
heavily ploughed into research and terribly way out. Things need
papers written on three-gazillion development, “… talking real
variations of Black-Scholes that are research here and not what’s called to be more evolutionary than
completely useless. They’re nice ‘research’ in the software industry,
mathematical exercises that are like
gymnastics, but the reason that
but fundamental finance research
was extremely highly funded rela-
something like Black-Scholes stands tive to our revenues all the way
out is that it’s a marvelous piece of along, to the extent that people
work. That’s what all applied math thought, ‘how on earth can he han-
should look like. The constructive dle money?’ And I think in hindsight Industrial evolution mathematical experts. I was
stuff, just by reading the proof you that’s probably one of the best Dembo is of the opinion that not hired because I knew any
get insight and I’d say there’s very lit- things we ever did because in a field finance is one of those academic finance; they hired me as an expert
tle of that. This is a fortunate field like this that is fast evolving, having fields where a lot of what you see in optimization.”
that had a really early paper, a the ability to stay ahead of the curve being done today has been driven by Dembo recalls that Goldman at
beautiful paper.” on research is extremely important.” industrial need. Academics have not that time was better than the best
Thanks largely due to their It isn’t rare to see university or for the most part identified the university, “It had every top star
reliance on the people who paid the quasi-academic institutions funded opportunities that the finance floating around and I couldn’t
piper, Dembo feels Algorithmics was by public money to research and industry was offering. He was one of believe it. It was like going to a top-
on course to accelerate beyond a develop what will hopefully become the early converts when Goldman notch university and getting paid
market perception of an academic’s something with commercial value. Sachs began hiring mathematicians for it. But that was their brilliance,
pipe dream. “Everybody we were This approach to funding can lead to in the late 1980s, being hired to look it wasn’t academics that pushed, it
competing with in the early days a lackadaisical approach to business, at optimization problems on the was a few brilliant people on Wall
was drawing on resources grounded Dembo suggests, requiring a huge recommendation of Steve Ross. Street who saw that the industry
in finance and we took an approach amount of self-imposed discipline. “Steve Ross said to me what are would become more mathematical
that was more mathematical, but Market forces provide natural disci- you doing in hydroelectrics when and they never gave up.”
our bills were paid for by guys with pline. “I think it’s the way to do you can do the same thing in Top management at Goldman
a real problem to solve. We things because you get the right finance and get paid better? So up to Sachs communicated their vision
leapfrogged, we were clean, and problems that way, you have to be that point I was a kid of the 1960s thus “Picture yourself as a general in
pretty focused, you can’t just dream. where money was real dirty. I used 1910 and you’re going out to this
So we founded the company without to avoid finance, I used to have the wild weird guy called Henry Ford
any venture capital or any debt. It top people in finance just around and out of this factory comes this
was just consulting contracts I had the corner from me at Yale and yet I clunky looking vehicle off a produc-
that paid me enough to hire two knew no finance. It was a shame in tion line and you say, ‘my God, the
people, then we had more work hindsight; so I started directing my next war will be fought with tanks,
which paid for two more and so on consultancy towards that.” I’d better get into this.’ Meanwhile
to bootstrap that way. There’s room “When Goldman Sachs hired me the nay-sayers are saying people will
for pure research, a need for it, a in 1986 I just thought these were never want to drive cars. Those
need to dream about very cutting two brilliant guys running Goldman Sachs guys were watching
edge out-there stuff. Finance is an Goldman Sachs, Ruben and the first cars come off the line.
applied math field and demands Friedman who intuitively said the Institutions, tier 1 banks that were
that nothing is terribly way out. next war in finance would be not on Wall Street were not on the
Things need to be more evolutionary on mathematics and they thought ball and did not build up their
than revolutionary.” they’d better gear up with mathematical capability, that

28 Wilmott magazine
came later once they saw the success able. “So if you said to somebody ‘I’m America and just couldn’t get soft-
that Goldman Sachs and Morgan going to simulate combined market ware to solve it. For example in
were having.” and credit risk across an entire Brazil you had 3000 per cent infla-
The industry visionaries had the multinational financial institution,’ tion and you’d wake up and the
idea to bring in the mathematicians they would have said it couldn’t be futures market had gapped by 15 per
and mathematicians began to done. I had a very interesting experi- cent. If that happened in a major
become useful. Dembo and others ence wherein an academic who was market it would be a serious tragedy.
were seeing problems saying, “My writing a book on risk management Those guys were selling and buying
God. Use some modeling here and happened to let me see an early options and asking how could they
we can improve this!” He sees much chapter and in it said it’s impossible hedge them. So we got some really
the same relationship in to link market and credit risk, and avant garde thinkers down there
Algorithmics’ core area of enterprise this is four years ago. Today it’s like who were lending money and col-
risk. “In enterprise risk the business motherhood, you can’t argue with lecting at 3000 per cent! Good days.
needs, the regulatory needs have the fact.” They had money to spend on soft-
driven an awful lot of research – “I started Algo with a consulting ware to look at risk in a different
there’s the finance departments contract to Repsol Petroleum to way. We tapped that market and in
being driven by what’s happening in measure their enterprise risk. This is
the industry. Software companies 1987, we’re looking at an oil compa-
have taken a big role. Look at ny measuring paper trading and
Alphanumeric, who Sungard bought physical trading and you know full
– they were trying to solve a prob-
lem; they said, ‘here’s credit risk, it’s
of complexities that even today big
oil companies don’t do.”
Nice, but why would I want one
hard to calculate, maybe there’s a
way to approximate it mathemati-
In those early days exotic options
were not around in any great quanti- of those when it’s basically
cally,’ so it was driven by a real need ties, credit derivatives had never
rather than someone just dreaming been heard of, derivatives on broad- going to screw me!?
about it.” band had never been heard of, the
Internet bubble had yet to occur.
Enterprising initiative “And yet we were trying to solve
Exposed to the industrial needs of some of those problems and also try- fact the guy who runs our business product although we wouldn’t rec-
finance through his stint at ing to think of how we would actual- there is one of our original clients. ommend that they do that. But it’s
Goldman Sachs, Dembo lighted on ly measure risk. So, one of the things It’s thanks to people like because RiskMetrics was in some
the area of enterprise risk as a des- that surprised us was I just pre- RiskMetrics, Goldman Sachs, sense stamped and the way to go
perately important one; whether the sumed all finance people had got Morgan who legitimized what we early on that some clients still decide
rest of the industry knew it or not. their heads around risk because they were doing, by that stage we had a to do it that way. We had a brand as a
“The enterprise risk problem fasci- knew that to measure all this was product. But if they hadn’t we’d have risk supplier. They took our machine,
nated me, that there wasn’t a single really an IT problem.” been struggling somewhere in but if we were going to be religious
institution in the world that could Dembo recalls early forays South America to this day.” we’d never do RiskMetrics. What’s
look at its risk as a whole. I thought attempting to market his product, funny is we came out with a standard
that was fundamental. “they’d look at us and say ‘why Voltaire 2.0 which to this day is the only pub-
Furthermore, no one could define would we need one of those?’ First Dembo’s particular ax to grind is the lished standard of how you might
what he or she meant by risk. Risk you’d have no one to talk to. Then topic of blind faith and inflexibility. integrate the market to credit risk
was synonymous with variance, a you’d be talking to a trader who He feels it is the death of industry called Mark-To-Future. We were peed
view that was 100 years old. The area would say, ‘Nice, but why would I and knowledge. But he’ll defend to on from every corner on this one.
seemed a ripe and interesting one.” want one of those when it’s basically the death someone else’s right to And what’s funny about this one is
When the early partners started going to screw me!?’” practice whatever religion they that if you look at the way that risk
to build an enterprise risk system, “So we ended up selling to banks wish.” We have clients who use the systems are evolving in banks and
there was nothing being written on in South America where people had RiskMetrics VaR, which is one of the outside banks, they are in fact evolv-
the subject, no methodology avail- problems they didn’t have in North options that you can pull out of our ing towards Mark-To-Future.”

Wilmott magazine 29

Things go wrong when people ment. The worst mistake I’ve seen is derivatives model is to price new
get too religious, he avers. “You get people get too religious. It happens deals consistently with deals that
an academic who’s got a particular all the time.” they can observe the prices of out
religion and they try to get a square there in the marketplace,” explains
peg in a round hole, they keep on Credit due Hull. “The sort of idealized notion
pushing the peg ignoring the fact Matt Woodhams, Global Product we have of a model is that we give
that the hole is round. They beat Manager Analytics at GFI , is a disci- the model parameters in order to get
stuff and it dies in the process. You ple of flexibility. He has the pleasure a price. But that’s not really the way
can’t be too religious. Being non-reli- of working with John Hull and Alan that models are used in practice. In
gious you can still have your own White on GFI’s Fenics Credit offer- practice models are used to price one
view, and make money too – agnosti- ing the pricing and portfolio deal consistently with other deals.
cism works best in this environ- management tool for CDS, FDS, An example is the Black-Scholes
options on default swaps and cance- model where you imply volatilities
lable default swaps. The tool from the price of deals that trade
includes exclusive models built in actively and you use those to imply
SKOOL RULES cooperation with Hull and White volatility to price other deals and the
A number of commercial entities make it a point to and utilizing the GFI credit deriva- big advantage of the GFI software is
interact with academia as often as possible. tive data feed. that it does exactly that. Quotes
Working with the two award- come across GFI’s desk every minute
“We have a project that we started quite a long time ago called Risklab – winning Toronto-based academics is of every day and form the database
we offered a deal, universities are offered free access to our software, a breeze – no nasty religious clashes of where the market is as far as the
everything, if they put in enough effort to actually run it. There was no here. Woodhams explains just why credit default swaps are concerned.
contract, the research belonged to them and there was no need for the two are so suited to these kinds That database is the basis for our
them to do stuff for us. That was based on the idea that no matter how of partnerships. “Alan and John’s modeling. That’s a very direct use of
much research we did internally we could never do enough, so we work is noted for its applicability data to come up with the price of
wanted to create a leverage research environment with academia. We’ve and this has been de”monstrated instruments. Using equity markets
got a fairly successful group of Risklabs around the world. The problem whilst working on version one of the and Merton’s model and that sort of
is it’s not a zero-cost thing. The university has to put up significant product. We didn’t intend to thing is not really what the market’s
money to put in place an enterprise risk system and we don’t have the include options on CDS but as we looking for as far as pricing is con-
money to do that. So universities or sponsoring banks have to come up were developing and working cerned. ‘how much should I pay
with the money. One of these is the University of Toronto. In addition to through the product the market right now for a seven-year CDS for
that we get involved in setting up a math finance program in Toronto, was starting to take some interest in Ford Motor Company? Seven-year
one of the earliest ones. We helped fund that. We lend our people, Dan the area. We had a conference call CDS on Ford don’t trade that actively
Rosen lectures there; I lecture there, Andy Aziz lectures there. We’ve with one of the senior broking man- but we know that five-year CDS
had a constant contact with academics probably not enough. I’d like agers here, and from that John and where they are right now and we
to do more.” Ron Dembo, Algorithmics Alan went off and started to build a have some other information where
“We have sponsored seminars at the Courant Institute in New York. model or a framework that would the term structure on credit spreads
It’s part of our commitment to keeping abreast of leading-edge actually work with Fenics so we on the market are right now. So
approaches. Through involvement of this kind we hope that we help to were able to react to the market therefore we can deduce a seven-year
facilitate further development in the field.” Thorsten Schmidt, Instinet changing very quickly, and that is should be about there. That’s our
“A large number of our guys are coming from some kind of engineer- very attractive to a company like GFI approach – it’s very much feeding
ing discipline. They are essentially academics. What’s exciting about which is working in a fast-moving off market data than a sort of model
working in the Software industry is that no one day replicates another – environment.” such as a model feeding off equity
there is variety and that helps to keep it engaging. This is an important Fenics Credit’s calculations are prices which are one stage removed
motivation. At a company level we support an academic program in made from the underlying credit from the credit market.”
Canada called MITACS which is a network of math related academics default swap market rate as opposed
looking at various policy applications.” to the equity or bond based models. The process
Owen Walsh, VP Analytics, FinancialCad “Right throughout the derivatives The production process is testament
market what people want from a to the power of telecommuting.

30 Wilmott magazine

I don’t know if you’ve ever

worked in the software
industry but you have these
customers who are not the
easiest group of people Alan White

“There’s a team of programmers in asset liability area.” But there must

New York who develop the code and be other advantages for an academic
we communicate with those pro- getting involved with a large com-
grammers In the past we provided mercial operation. White chuckles
C++ code – but the providing VB as he says, “ I don’t know if you’ve
code is working well as far as the GFI ever worked in the software
relationship is concerned.” says industry but you have these cus-
Hull. White adds a little more detail tomers who are not the easiest
as to how this process works. “We group of people. And I would say
mark it up in Excel spreadsheets. anyone getting into this line of
We talk to Matt quite extensively as business without knowing about
to what the job requires. The the customers is in for a rude awak-
theoretical development is marked ening. Organizations like GFI have
up in an Excel spreadsheet and we built a large customer-support
transmit those to John and Matt group, have a lot of experience inter-
who pass them onto the program- acting with customers and as a
mers; we use the spreadsheets as result they take care of those
test frames to make sure the theory thorny problems.”
works properly.” Hull and White perfectly
This isn’t the first collaboration represent the sort of virtuous circle
that Hull and White have made with that can develop out of an inclusive John Hull
a software firm. view on the relationship between
The first of these was industry, academia and commerce.
Renaissance Software, which were “Virtually everything we’ve ever
taken over by Sungard and merged done has been aimed at applica-
with Infinity. There was FNX tion,” says White,”and so to paper for the Journal Of Derivatives derivatives, then VaR stuff, now
bancware and now GFI. The commercialize the projects is a about first to default credit default we’re working on Credit Default
Renaissance and FNX contracts ran fairly straightforward and natural swaps, at the same time we’re devel- Swaps. We tend to move with the
their course. “They were not thing. A lot of academic research is oping software with GFI and we may market – whatever the market
renewed due to various reasons,” not terribly applied there would be be getting some consulting work thinks is a hot area at any given time
Hull explains, “in Renaissance’s case quite a lot of difference there.” “In done elsewhere. There are certain and that’s the big advantage we get
it was due to the Sungard takeover. fact there is not a lot of difference; “ topics that become, shall we say, hot this synergy because it’s also the
FNX never really got its interest rate expands Hull,” it’s amazing how at any given time, our services are in area where people want consulting
product off the ground. Bancware is much synergy there is between the demand across the board. If we go and want software development. So,
a long-standing relationship in the different activities. We may write a back, it used to be interest rate we don’t run into conflicts.”
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