A Quiet Revolution - Grimaldo Ramos Diego

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Escuela Náutica Mercante de Tampico

“Cap. Alt. Luis Gonzaga Priego González”

2020 - 2021

Name & Sign

Grimaldo Ramos Diego


Grade & Level


Naval Pilot

English Upper - Intermediate


1B I don’t agree with any of the statements

2-1 The quiet revolution is that some British men are reducing their work hours, with some
going part-time
2-1 To reduce stress


3A-1 Spend more time with the family

3A-2 to make money

3B-1 To take money 3

3B-2 To get back lost energy 2
3B-3 To help his partners career 1
3B-4 To have more time for himself 2
3B-5 To avoid getting bored 3
3B-6 To spend more time with his family 1,2

4-1 Women have more time with children because closeness with mother is important
4-2 Family depends primarily on man for financial support

5A-1 Laws that say companies should have 50 percent men and 50 percent women as
directors, on the positive side it promotes gender equality and lets people know that women
are capable as men to do any work

6A-1 Compulsory school uniforms, identical for boys and girls

6B-1 Omitting subjects
6B-2 Using abbreviations
6B-3 Using slashes
6B-4 Omitting articles
6B-5 Omitting the verb be
1A - 1 Urban, rural
1A - 2 Domestic, global
1A - 3 Ethical
1A - 4 Economic
1A - 5 Pollution, industrial


2A-1 How long have you been learning English

2A-2 Your English has improved a lot recently. What have you been doing?
2A-3 How many teachers have you had?
2A-4 How far have you travelled on public transport today?
2A-5 Have you done your homework for today?
2A-6 How long did it take you to do it?
2A-7 Have you studied a lot this week?
2A-8 Have you ever forgotten to bring anything to class?


3A-1 Crime prevention, deterrent

3A-2 Identify
3A-3 Access, invasion of privacy
3A-4 Authorities, monitoring
3A-5 Keep track
3A-6 Store information


4A-1 I don’t like been called by my nickname

4A-2 I was brought up in a house full of pets
4A-3 I’ve never been robbed
4A-4 I hate being given clothes as present
4A-5 I’m often told I look like my father
4A-6 I’ve always wanted to be admired for my intelligence

5A-1 Have you ever been bitten by an animal?

5A-2 Would you like to be invited to dinner by a celebrity?
5A-3 Do you enjoy being photographed?
5A-4 Do you always want to be told the truth even if it hurts?
5A-5 What will you be remembered for after you die?
6A-1 I’m in favour of
6A-2 I’m really against it
6A-3 I see your point, but
6A-4 Actually, I think
6A-5 I agree to a certain extent, but
6A-6 I’m still not convinced
6A-7 I see what you mean

Diego Grimaldo Ramos #11

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