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One of those everyday activities that is
Is communication is effective when it is being done
intertwined with all of human life so
individually/within yourself or it is better when we
completely that we sometimes overlook its
going to share it with one another?
pervasiveness, importance, and complexity
Communication can be effective between 2 We considered that communication is intertwined
people whereas: or knotted already as part of our human life, but we
we convey information or thoughts or ideas for us tend to overlook its:
to build a bridge to a better relationship with Importance
them. Pervasiveness the rampant of
The sense of communication it is meant to be communication
shared with one another because of course for Complexities or we are not focusing about
us not to be limited by our own knowledge, we the its complicatedness because we just know
must explore other's idea so that we could the communicating is saying and receiving
enhance, enrich whatever we know. something from someone without filtering what
we are going to say. Because through that, when
we are not going to think or assess the thoughts,
At the same time, communication can be
we are tend to be misunderstood.
effective also to an individual by means of:
An individual has still an communicative skill on
himself when we have self-assessment which it is
an another form of intelligence whereas we
know what we are going to say before we MEANING OF DEFINITION: ACCORDING
communicate to other people.
INTELLIGENCE - particular intelligence whereas
Without speech or oral communication,
we are effective in communicating within societies could not attain levels of civilization;
ourselves. communities could not organize into living
and working groups, mark and ritualize
BOTTOMLINE: practices and traditions, debate and decide
Communication is still effective when it is different issues, and transform society for
shared with one another because we could good.
have a feedback, which can help us to become When there is no communication, we cannot
communicate with other people. And when the
better, could foster our personality, attitude,
world doesn't have communication, the society
perspective, opinion, etc.
cannot progress because we cannot what we feel.
Communication is not exclusive for humans, but we
are in the highest form of intelligence level of the
animal kingdom. Proper communication is
exclusive for us because we have systematize
DEFINING language.

COMMMUNICATION We could just be better if we are being exposed,
The root of the word "communication" in without any input, we don't have output.
Latin is communicare, which means to It is better when we know other people's idea.
share, or to make common, or to divide out This is an idea where a person is exposed in
(Weekley, 1967). different environment that may have chance
Communication is defined as the process of the development of our language. Some of
understanding and sharing meaning external influence are the following:
(Pearson & Nelson, 2000).
It may also be thought to originate from
another Latin word communis, which
roughly means "working together".
Family Emergence of Exposure to
Communication has a lot to do with a sense of Media different
Environment Education
sharing. companionships

This is the internal influences or intrinsic
OR NURTURE? motivation; own will, desire to develop a
COMMUNICATIONS IS NATURE We maybe accurate now with a language
without one, a professional teaching you on how
Communications is nature because human to effectively communicate, you could not make
brains are pre-wired for language. yourself as an effective communicator.
Even as infants, they have a pre-wired idea of No matter how good you are, there is still
how language works. Noam Chomsky calls this someone that have influence the style of
innate ability as the language faculty (Schultz, communication and using language.
Noam Chomsky is a linguist which he believes that
language is the natural process within humans.
Communication is a nature in the sense that human MEANS AND THE ENDS IN
has built-in system, that human brains are innate COMMUNICATION
within our genes, it is natural within our biological
components that we know how to communication.
brain that we know how to communicate instantly.
They are so intertwined that information is one
COMMUNICATIONS IS NURTURED of the reasons why communication is done in the
first place; this information can be shared
Language can be learned through language s through media.
saturation and it can be further acquired We are communicating because we have
through language saturation. (Stephen something to share, you have an information
Krashen). and thus it must shared through media.
Language is being learned but at the same there are
others who are naturally, linguistically intelligent
called POLYGOT, where their system of the brain
can easily acquire language and they are the
people who knows about several language
Example: Dr. Jose Rizal
Stephen Krashen is a linguist that has a different
viewpoint that communication is nurtured against
Chomsky which is nature.
Refers to the combination of physical
Media Communica- objects used to communicate or mass
(the content) (the channel tion communication through physical objects such
where the (the process; as radio, tv, computers or films, etc.
information without these Physical objects - referring to physical
flows through) one, there is media.
no media and What is needed to be combined would be
received or delivered with the physical
media to deliver an information through
the presence of electricity and satellite
Media has been defined in several ways by
different sources. Strictly speaking, media is the
plural form of medium, although the former is LONDON UNIVERSITY CENTEER FOR THE
already acceptable as a singular noun. STUDY OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND MEDIA
Media is a channel where the communication (CALLISON & TILLEY, 2006):
takes places, whereas this is the way the Something we use when we want to
information flows. communicate with people indirectly, rather
Media are the devices or the emergency of than in person or by face-to-face contact.
technology like physical components, printed Media can serve as an alternative
materials and the Internet. communication like in our current situation
We have different media like Television,
OXFORD LEARNER'S DICTIONARY: radio, newspaper, etc.
The main ways that large numbers of people
receive information and entertainment, that is
television, radio, newspapers, and the
Give and receive. It is not mean that we say a) MODALITY
media, we are only giving information
through it. Rather, we also received
information from it.
It could be in a way of form of physical
objectives like Television, Radio or printed
materials and intangible concepts like the Text Audio Video



Before the emergence of technology, or digital
devices, the main medium we are
Graphics Animation
communicating with one another, especially
when we are away is from sending letters.
Snail Mail - came from the word "snail"
where the mails are slowed in giving and
receiving mails.
b) FORMAT (type of media) MEDIA LITERACY
DIGITAL ANALOG This involves understanding and using mass
(Uses a binary system (e.g. seismograph used for media in either an assertive or nonassertive
and faster than analog earthquake recording of
way, including an informed and critical,
system and more faster waves;
than analog media)
understanding of media, what techniques
they employ, and their effects.
c) WAYS OF TRANSMITTING One sense of a literate individual that he is a
ELECTRONIC or LIGHT WAVES fact-checker, whereas he doesn't believe
RADIO WAVES (faster than electronic abruptly or immediately sees on social media
(It uses electronic waves); or platforms, thus he do fact-checking, where
waves; ) Light travel faster than the we need to locate where is the reliable, what
speed of sound.
is reliable source, how do we evaluate the
d) MASS MEDIA FORM validity and reliability of the information.
This is the umbrella term or the mother
Assertive way - a person who is bold or
confidence in using media;
Television Radio Print Internet Non-assertive way, whereas a person is not
still confident or uncertain yet you are still
on the process of perfecting the media.
An individual who has the ability to decode,
read, analyze, evaluate and produce
Telephone; or Mobile communication in a variety of media forms.


TECHNOLOGY LITERACY Refers to the ability to recognize when
information is needed to locate, evaluate if
WHAT IS LITERACY? its valid or reliable, efficiently use, and
communicate information in its various
A literate individual refers to someone who formats.
could read and write and commonly they To be information literate, we must have the
are professional, who obtained degree and sense inquisitiveness, as one of the
well-versed to their field and they are component of information literate where we
multi-disciplinary. doubt the information we read if it is a fact
In the complex definition of literacy, it or false.
involves 5 basic macro skills, such as: To be information literate, we have several
Productive Skills questions to be considered:
Writing which we can produce texts or Where to locate the information? -
articles or written symbols and ensuring the source of information is
Speaking we can produce speech. credible.
Receptive Skills - received information How to locate the information? - a
in it person has a ability to access a device to
Reading can receive many information locate an information
and Listening we receive sound. Why it should be located? - to avoid
Because of the emergence of technology, false information; for you to acquire an
we have also a macro skill called viewing, evidence.
which it is also part of receptive skills we
interpret something from a particular
What is it that needs to be located? -
first, an information that is valid which
is relevant what we looking while If we combine the two terms, information and
reliable, the author and source should digital literacy, we can develop a media literacy.
be credible.




It could not be a misinformation but an Remember, this is now how the media is really
incomplete information. controlling, that they remove the "human"
The one that the information disseminated from us.
among mass media is incomplete, but still it is Because media is powerful, it can control a
factual information, but it just incomplete person's psychological capability.
Being desensitized person is compassioned
Under this term is fake news. Compassion Fatigue is synonymous with the
This is when the author deceives people, word psychological numbness.
intentional or forceful of creating information. With the emergence of the genre of "violence"
becomes "normalize" already, we became numb.
DIGITAL LITERACY According to TedTalk, we have been exposed by
a lot of crimes or violence, it seems it is a
Includes the ability to read and interpret normal happening already.
media, to reproduce data and images When it comes to media desensitization, we feel
through digital manipulation, and to less empathy because psychological speaking,
evaluate and apply new knowledge gained because it is too stressing/stressful or heavy for
from digital environments. us, we become apathetic already.
If you are digital literature, you know a lot Desensitization is a feeling of apathy of a
when it comes to physical devices, like person because of events that are normalize
laptops, computers, cellphones. on the society or world of media.
It could be categorized into three parts for a
person tell that he/she is a digital literate: REMEMBER:
HARDWARE LITERATE - the ability to
manipulate or basically operate the As a media netizen, you have 2 categories:
different physical components of the Either you are an accessory to the crime;
device (e.g. knowing how to use a or
mouse, open a laptop, etc.) We are being accessory to the crime
SOFTWARE LITERATE - the ability to because you're one of those who
manipulate the certain soft wares or implement "that's okay", "it is now
applications (e.g. several websites, etc.) normal", you don't share something
APPLICATION LITERATE - we are after about that. You don't have a voice with
to its applicability, we are after its that kind of crime or violence which is
utility, its usage or usefulness. really hideous, traumatizing
You could do something.
We could voice out, signed petition or
shared through out.
Example of Desensitized Events:
1. The Decera Rape Case AND TILLEY (2006)
You are media and information literate individual if you are
2. The Kian and Extrajudicial Killings
able to do the following:
From the words "ang dami (so many)"
becomes normalize already, thus we became
desensitized as citizens already, because we
Post worthwhile/debatable questions.
are not sharing, we are not saying something
about it, we are not doing something about
this, which many of us became desensitized
or psychological numb, which it is not benefit
us, we would not care anymore. Recognize facts, inferences (conclusions),
and opinions and use each appropriately.
Evaluate the adequacy of an argument.
To recalibrate yourself, you could do a lot and Check if the argument is one-sided or did they
do not let this crime or violence becomes proposed the opposing arguments to make it
normalize and part of our lives because at the stronger.
From the word, itself, adequacy, we check if the
first place this events will never be part of our
information is sufficient

REMEMBER: Deal with quandaries and ill-formed

If you are being desensitized or ignorant, you
problems that have no fixed or unique
are being accessorize to the crime or violence.
Quandaries - problematic situations.
THINGS WE NEED TO DO TO It may require a higher order thinking skills


Different methods we can do as "we can say something" about
this crimes, how to voice out the expressions regarding the Give and receive criticism constructively.
crimes or violence's:

With the emergence of technology, we can

1 do social media awareness. We can join
different activist groups Extend a line of though beyond the range
of first impressions.

If we are not sociable, we could share

some news, use our voice, as we do it
properly, with credible information
2 Agree or disagree in degrees measured
against the merits of the issue and
It is not enough that we are making solution for the
problem. First, the awareness, you need to let the
3 people know in social media about the awareness,
second, suggest solutions through the power of social Articule a complex position without
adding to its complexity.
AND INFORMATION LITERATE This is the basic of the basic step in typology
of Media Literacy.
There are two factors that can influence you to
The literal thinking must included here like
become a media and information-literate individual:
recognition of shapes, form, size,
movements, spatial relation verbal and
A B non-verbal communication,
recognition/basic concept of time to know
Acquiring more skills the information is outdated or updated,
Clarifying your goals because in media literacy, we should be
in discerning,
and motivations for familiar with the pictures, visual aids, and
appreciating, and
seeking informations. what do they mean.
filtering information.
(A) We need to be clear with our goals to be a
media and information-literate in order to EXAMPLE:
have an efficiency. Clarifying your goals to
focus on one certain topic or angle so that we What does this hand
can search faster and filter all the information sign symbol of?
that we are taking for us to write an effective Answer: ILLUMINATI
(B) We need to know how discern or
distinguish difference between facts or
opinions, but at the same not all facts are truth, REMINDER:
but all truths are fact thus we need to each If we don't have this fundamental, we don't
information to verify it or check it. know how to recognize what is a circle,
If a fact is verified, it becomes truth. triangle, you don't attach meaning to such, in
which attaching meaning falls under
language acquisition.
Recognize shapes, form, size, color,
Learning that there are human beings and movement, and spatial relations, echo
other physical things apart from one's self; sounds, and attach meaning to them.
these things look different and serve different Be able to reproduce speech sounds and
functions. orient to visual and audio media.
Learn the meaning of facial expressions and Make emotional and behavior responses to
natural sounds. music and sounds.
Recognize shapes, form, size, color, Recognize certain characters in visual media
movement, and spatial relations. and follow their movement.
Rudimentary concept of time - regular
patterns. STAGE 2 NOTES:
Language Acquisition is also told as meaning
making stage.
We get meaning from language, single words,
shapes, and characters.
STAGE 3 Under Make-Believe (continuation):
Selective Information - just like in
NARRATIVE ACQUISITION Position paper, the argument is not strong
if it is always affirmative, thus, it must
Acquiring meaning from the different have opposing arguments. remember,
stories or narratives everything you see is true, when it's one-
Develop understanding of differences: sided, it means make-believe
Fiction vs. nonfiction
Fiction it is based on imagination or Understand how to connect plot elements
made of story. No matter how true the time sequencing
story or the plot, if the characters and It has two strategies of author in
setting are not really existing in real life narration: Flashback and
and they're were just fabricated out of Foreshadowing or Flashforward.
one's imagination. We should know how to assess the time
sequencing in the plot.
Example: Jose Rizal's two novels, Noli
Foreshadowing is giving hints at
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo is
what happened in the end.
considered fiction where the
Flashback, the sequence is
characters and settings are fabricated returning to the past.
and they are just made up no matter
how true the situation is. motive-action-consequence
Non-fiction is based on real life
Motive: One family man, he has
situation. It is always and will be
motive to have a mistress because
always characters, settings, and plots,
his wife is not good in sexual
it will be based on the reality.
Action: Having third-party
Ads vs. entertainment
Consequences: Broken family
Ads or advertisements or
commercials, it aims to sell a
product or service. It can be form of a STAGE 3 NOTES:
video, brochure, etc. And they could last
In EAPP, when we say Narration, we tell a
for a year, month, or week. particular story, therefore, Narrative
Entertainment or sometimes called as Acquisition, we get meaning from larger
commercials, aside from giving part of a text from a movie or stories.
entertainment, they make us aware If we combining sounds, it can create words,
about the product, for the sake of combines words, we form sentences, combines
awareness. sentences, we form paragraph, combines
paragraphs, we form stories.
In Make-believe, unless there is certainty
Real vs. make-believe
when it comes comes to information, credible,
Real is about reality.
reliable, valid, it can turn to real, but if it's not,
it is still Make-believe.
Make-believe has two types: theories
and conspiracies.
Theory is a particular
assumption that it is not proven.
Example: Theory of Alien
Developing doubtfulness in an information It is already giving a person or the interest is
whether it is useful, valid, reliable or not. already happening in a person's system; you are
getting to be interested in the information a person
Discount claims made in ads
We need to be doubtful that not all discounts Strong motivation to seek out information on certain
are really true, we need to skeptical in the topics.
information consumed in the ads. This particular intensive development is already
starting to give interest, to give triggered interest to
Sharpen differences between likes and dislikes seek or exploring it more or voluntarily seeking out
for shows, characters, and actions.
Whenever we look characters in the certain
Developing a detailed set of information on particular
movie, we could predict the ending of the topics (sports, politics, etc.).
story by their attitudes, knowing their likes It means we form our outlines as we scrutinized an
and dislikes. information.

High awareness of utility of information and quick

Make fun of certain characters even though
facility in processing information judged to be useful.
those characters are not presented as foils in
In this stage, it is like you are only skimming an
their shows. article, you would know already that is already
Foil Character - you could grasp a reliable, because you are reach the level of intensive
particular ambience of a particular development as you have a high level of awareness
character if it is implicitly compared to as to whether the information is valid, credible, or
other/opposite character. They are being fallacious.

used to highlight a particular character.

Example: When squid ward, which is
After we come up with our doubtfulness, we need to
grumpy and Spongebob, who is jolly, and
have intensive development, we mean we have a
when they are put beside to each other, remarkable progress as a media literate.
everyone's attention will be put to
Spongebob attitude as hyper character
will highlighted.
Even though those characters are not EXPERIENTIAL EXPLORING
presented as foils in their shows, if we are
You don't settle in an narratives, but digging
developing doubtfulness, skepticism, you information with the use of audiovisual
make fun those characters, which is we are presentations, or any different sources and
doing critical thinking. surprises new knowledge a person going to acquire.

Seeking out different forms of content and narratives.

STAGE 4 NOTES: We are not just satisfied with written narrative, we
Being skeptical, you are being doubtful or can also satisfied with other narratives like videos,
unsure. Whenever we are being an information etc.
literate, it is not enough that we only need
Focus on searching for surprises and new emotional,
locate information, we know where to locate
moral, and aesthetic reactions.
it, how to evaluate it as well, with its validity
We are searching different modalities or media, in a
and reliability. particular content, there are new knowledge that
We must be doubtful in everything we see, we are discovering.
in media or in real life.
This is the last stage of typology of being a media
This is the stage whereas we are not only accepting
literate because it requires actions already.
facts, not only accepting opinion, we scrutinized
Remember, ignorance is a choice, but ignorance is
This stage also happens the compare and contrast
Taking a moral stand that certain messages are more
process of different texts whether which is true
constructive for society than others; this is a
and which is lie.
multidimensional perspective based on thorough
This stage requires ability to construct a summary
analysis of the media language.
Taking this step, we are evolving as a netizen, as a
It means, that we are scrutinizing the information
media literate, because you could do several actions
above or beyond the surface level.
already, you could defend why do you have this
Accepting messages on their own terms, then
stand, why do you support something or someone,
evaluating them within the sphere.
you let it out on social media by posting, making
People are only doing accepting message, but they
blog, making debates etc.
are not scrutinizing the message anymore.
For you to have critical appreciation, we need to
Recognizing that one's own individual decisions affect
familiarize with HOTS or Higher Order Thinking
society - no matter how minutely.
Skill, and we are always above the level of
A small action can bring down or develop a country.
mediocre or surface information.
This is also where what you will do if you already
know them, will you just keep quiet or make noise.
Developing very broad and detailed understanding of
the historical, economic, political, and artistic contexts
Recognizing that there are some actions on individual
of message systems.
can take to make a constructive impact on society.
Example: Upuan by Glock 9, which it is the message
of political oppressions in the country is an example
of critical appreciation. CRITICAL THINKING: AN
Ability to make subtle comparisons and contrasts IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF MIL
among many different message elements
According to media scholar Art Silverblatt, there are eight
(8) fundamental elements of media literacy:
Example: If we will try to compare Glock 9's Upuan
and Magdalena which about prostitution, it
1. A critical thinking skill enabling audience members to
connotes something happening in the society, that
develop independent judgment about media content.
this is the most pressing issue in the Philippines.
a. This is about the moral stand of a person, and
First is corruption and prostitutions, if we are
independent, it came from a person's judgment
compare it, we see the view of Glock 9 that he strikes
because you are researching about it.
the Philippine government of their policies.
2. An understanding of the process of mass
Ability to construct a summary judgment about the
a. Mass communication contains any mass media, and
overall strength and weaknesses of a message.
we need to information plus digital literate equals
Example: if we will transcribe the campaign of
media literate.
candidates, we are making judgments what is the
3. An awareness of the impact of media on the individual
strength of the candidate, his/her weaknesses, and
and society.
vice versa. And if we will compare that, we are
a. We must know the impact of media (e.g.
being judgment who is better between the two.
Desensitization which is about compassion fatigue)
4. Strategies for analyzing and discussing media
a. This includes information literacy.
5. An understanding of media content as a text that
provides insight into our culture and our lives
a. How an information or being an information literate
could affect our personal lives.
6. The ability to enjoy, understand, and appreciate
media content.
This is under critical appreciation, where we are
discovering messages.

7. Development of effective and responsible production

This component applies the application literacy
of a person.

8. An understanding of the ethical and moral obligations

of media practitioners.
Data privacy falls on this component, the moral
obligation, that not all information, you need to
disclose. You need to seek permission.
Verb Adjective
In gerund or present participle: gaslighting Causing someone serious impairment of strength
Manipulate (someone) by psychological means or ability to function; Making someone week or
into questioning her own sanity. infirm from an illness or disease.
Weak, infirm, drain, exhausting, crippling.
Example in sentence:
He had been gaslighting her for years, which made Sample Sentence:
her question her sanity. Many local government units in the Philippines issued
no classes for one week on education sector because
BUMFUZZLE many teachers and students debilitated from fever,
long screen time using gadgets and internet, and high
level of anxiety.
To confuse
Confusing, perplexed, fluster
Sample Sentence: Adjective
The suspect tried to bumfuzzle the detective but failed Someone who is scared, fearful, shy or expressing
to do so. timidity.

CATFISH Sample Sentence:

Verb Adrian is a timorous person who avoids human
Catfishing is a deceptive activity where a person interaction every day.
creates a fictional persona or fake identity on a
social networking services, usually targeting a BAMBOOZLE
specific victim.
To trick or deceive someone, often by confusing
Sample Sentence:
I met this woman online and kept asking for money,
Trick, fool, confuse
after several months of talking, I realized that she was
using a picture that was not hers, and she was only
Sample Sentence:
catfishing me.
She was bamboozled into telling them her credit card
A sanctuary where you feel safe.
Sanctuary, haven, home Adjective
Being in a state of mental or physical fatigue.
Sample Sentence: Tired, annoyed, exhausted, worn out
In bullfighting, a bull may stake out his "querencia", a
certain part of the bull ring where he feels strong and Sample Sentence:
safe. All the activities she had to do left her all frazzled.
Deep blue in color like a clear sky.
Lazuline, sky blue, azure

Example in sentence:
Cerulean waters and golden sands.

Acting or done quickly and without thought or
Impulsive, reckless.

Sample Sentence:
Her friend was headstrong and impetuous.

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