Arthropods: Lethal Against Non-Lethal

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Lethal against Non-Lethal

Non-Lethal Lethal

Hobo spiders these spiders were The brown recluse spider is one of the
once called “aggressive spiders,” but most dangerous spiders in the United
that isn’t due to
their danger to
States. Its venom destroys the walls of
humans. While they’re swift and
ominous looking, they were named blood vessels near the site of the bite,
because of a misinterpretation of sometimes causing a large skin ulcer.
their Latin name, agrestis, which
actually means “of the field.”

Commonly called yellow sac The black widow is responsible for

spiders, these arachnids can more than 2,500 visits to poison
actually appear cream or control centers every year in the
beige-colored, too. Sac spiders U.S.Its bite, which may feel like a
don’t build webs to catch their pinprick on the skin, often produces
prey and instead spend the severe muscle pain and cramping,
night hunting for small insects nausea, and mild paralysis of the
and eggs to munch on.. diaphragm, which makes breathing

Wolf spiders can be pretty bold. It’s The brown widow is thought to
common to catch sight of one of have evolved in Africa, but the
these large spiders out in the open first specimen described came
at ground-level where they reside. from South America. Brown
These spiders were once believed widow venom is considered to
to hunt in packs as their canine be twice as powerful as that of
namesake suggests. While they the black widow; however, the
don’t congregate to hunt, they are species is not aggressive and
very swift and aggressive toward only injects a tiny amount of
their prey venom when it bites.


Non-Lethal Lethal

Tarantulas in Texas are This family of spiders in the order

members of the hairy Araneida are named for their
mygalomorph family in the funnel-shaped webs, which open
genus Aphonopelma. wide at the mouth of the tube.
Several human deaths from the
Tarantulas are sometimes bites of these aggressive spiders
kept as pets and can become have been recorded in the Sydney
quite tame area since the 1920s.

Jumping spiders, all of which are in The redback is another cousin of

the family Salticidae, are among the black widow L. mactans;
the most interesting spider groups however, this species is not as
to watch. Jumping spiders come in widespread. It is native to
many sizes and color patterns. Australia, but it has spread to New
Active hunters during the day, they Zealand, Belgium, and Japan
have good eyesight. through grape exports.

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