Restaurant Roleplay

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Waiter: Good afternoon!

Welcome to La Torreta

Laura: Hi! I’d like a table for two, please.

Waiter: Of course. If you would please be seated over in the waiting area, I will be with you in a

Laura: Thank you. How long is the wait?

Waiter: It should only be about ten minutes.

Laura: All right, that’s fine. We’ll wait here.

Waiter: Laura, party of two? Right this way, please.

Laura: I would really prefer an outside table. Would that be possible?

Waiter: Sure, if you would like one of those tables, I could seat you right away.

Laura: That would be great! Thank you!

Waiter: Here are your menus. Can I get you something to drink?

Laura: I’d like a Coke, please.

Waiter: We have Pepsi products. Is a Pepsi all right?

Laura: Ah, no, I don’t really care for Pepsi. Can I get a Fanta instead?

Waiter: Of course. I’ll get that right in for you! Do you need a moment to look over the menu?

Laura: Yes please.

Waiter: Sure thing. I’ll be back right away with your drinks.

Waiter: Have you had enough time to look over the menu?

Laura: Yes, we’re just about ready to order.

Waiter: Let me remind you of the specials of the day, which are posted on the board. On
Wednesdays we offer our famous margarita pizza with fresh mozzarella.

Laura: Oh, that all sounds so good! Can we get extra cheese on top?
Waiter: Of course!

Laura: I was wondering if you have any vegetarian choices.

Waiter: Yes, the veggie burger is excellent, and the portabella mushroom burger is also a good

Laura: I think that I would like to order the veggie burger for my friend. Is that ok?.

Waiter: Of course!, One veggie burger. Are the fries on the side okay?

Laura: Yes, I would like my fries on the side..

Waiter: Okay, I’ll get that right in for you! Here you are. Enjoy your meal!

Laura: That was delicious!

Waiter: Can I get you anything else? Are we hungry for dessert today?

Laura: No thanks, just the check, please.

Waiter: Will you be paying on one check, or separate?

Laura: Put it all together on one check, please.

Waiter: Okay, I’ll be right back with that. Here you are. .

Laura: Thanks, here’s my debit card.

Waiter: Thank you very much, I’ll go run this. I’ll be right back.

Waiter: Here’s your card back, ma’am. Is there anything else I can get for you?

Laura: Nope, that will be all. Here’s $5 for the tip, and have a great day!

Waiter: Thank you so much for coming in. Have a good day!
Key Expressions:

Do you have...?

Could you explain...?

Let me see/think.
Just a moment (while I think)
May I think about that for a moment?

I prefer X to Y.
I(’d) prefer (to)... (if possible)

I’m (very) satisfied.

I’m not satisfied/happy (with...)
I want to complain about...

Would you say that again (please)?

(Can you speak) more slowly, please?

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