JDE Document Type Description

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Code Description Description 2

## Prior Year Transactions Hard Coded use in G/L

$A Eventual Withholdings Argentina
$B Gross Income Withholdings Argentina
$G Profit Withholdings Argentina
$I V.A.T Withholdings Argentina
$S Contract Withholdings Argentina
% Percentage Journal Entry Hard Coded use in G/L
@O Payment order
A Inv. Cnv. - Adjustments
AC Lease Accrual / Deferral
AD Asset Disposal Hard Coded use in F/A
AE Automatic Entries Hard Coded
AF Adjusting Entries
AJ Service Billing Adjustments Hard Coded use in S/B
AM Test AM
AR Asset Revaluation
AS Asset Split Hard Coded use in F/A
AT Asset Transfer Hard Coded use in F/A
AU Units - Committed Procurement
BA Billing Adjustments Hard Coded use in S/B
BB Bulk - Simple Blend
BC Base Agreement Contract
BD Bulk- Decant
BE Billing Entries
BF Balance Forward/Summarize Hard Coded
BG Regrade/GSM
BI Bulk/Packed Invoice
BJ Bulk - Adjustment
BL Bulk-Filling
BM Bill of Lading
BO Bulk-Consumed in Operations
BP Bulk-Repacking
BR Bulk-Rebrand or Regrade
BT Bulk-Tank to Tank Transfer
BX Budget Change Order
C Agile Adapter ECO
C4 Credit Order - Transportation
CD Container Deposits
CF Journal Entry From Conversion
CG Lot Grade Change Hard Coded
CI Customer Owned Inventory
CL Call
CM Service Contracts - CSMS
CO Credit Order
CP Lot Potency Change Hard Coded
CT Transportation Confirmation Load, Deliver, Disposition, GL
CV CRG Credit Order Added by Plexus
CX Change Request Hard Coded use in J/C
CZ Cash Basis
DA Debit Note Argentina
DD Sale Order Argentina
DL Delivery Ticket
DN Credit Note Argentina
DP Depreciation Journal Hard Coded use in F/A
DR Job Cost Draw Splits Hard Coded use in F/A
E Energy
EA Lease Cost Adjusting Entries
EC Revenue Checks
EG Engireering Change Request
EN Engineering Change Order
EP Revenue J/E`s 8/8`s
EQ Revenue J/E`s Subledger
ER Revenue J/E`s Net Company
ES Revenue Suspense Entries
EU Service Billing Revenue Hard Coded use in S/B
EV Revenue Manual/Void Checks
EX Currency Conversion Offsets Hard Coded
FA Invoice Argentina
FC Forecast
FE Revenue Fees
FJ Revenue Fees - Jrnl Entry Only
FO Firm Work Order W/Parts List
FP Field Progress Reporting
FR Firm Rate Order W/Part List
FS FASTR Created Doc. Types
FT Freight
GF General Ledger Transferred
GL Bulk Product Gain/Loss
HP Purchase Order Brazil
HT Purchase Transfer Order Brazil
I Inv Cnv - Issues
I1 Interbranch Sales
IA Inventory Adjustments
IB Item Cost Changes
IC Completed W.O.`s To Inventory
ID Material Scrapped - Purchased added by Plexus
IE Inventory Reclassification NPIA
IF Part Change - postive adj Added by Plexus
IH Labor Charged To W.O.`s
II Inventory Issue
IJ Inventory Adjustments
IK Inventory Value Correction Reclassification of Parts
IL Inventory Issue
IM Material Charged To W.O.`s
IN Part Change - negative adj added by Plexus
IO Inventory Scrap - Purchased Purchased parts
IP Physical Inventory Hard Coded to Phys Inventory
IQ Inventory Quantity Only Hard Coded to Inventory
IR Inventory Receipt
IS Inventory Scrap - Mfg Assemblies & components
IT Inventory Transfers
IV Variance Calculated for W.O.`s
IW WIP Cycle Count Adjustment
IX Recalculate Average Cost Hard Coded
IZ Lot Hold/Release Hard Coded
JA Budget or Cost Allocation
JB Joint Interest Billing
JC Job Cost % Complete
JD JIB Detail Owner Entries
JE Journal Entry JZ Cash Basis
JF Journals Brought Forward
JP Subscription Sales
JQ Sub. Sales Net Ledger
JR Recurring Journal entries
JT Accrued Property Taxes
JX Foreign Currency Revaluation Hard Coded
JZ Cash Basis Journal Entry
K1 Kanban Type 1
K2 Kanban Type 2
K3 Kanban Type 3
K4 Kanban Type 4
LH Work Order Labor Hours
LS Property Management Lease
M Agile Adapter MCO
MU Mileage (Meter) Update
N Other Values
NA Stand Alone Nota Fiscal Brazil
ND Ship-To Nota Fiscal Return Brazil
NF Purchasing Nota Fiscal Brazil
NI Non Stock Nota Fiscal Brazil
NN Nota Fiscal Reverse/Void Brazil
NO Netting Transactions
NP Partial NSF Hard coded use in A/R
NR Ship-From Nota Fiscal Return Brazil
NS Nota Fiscal Sales Brazil
O Ordering Document Types
O1 PO - Intercompany Added by Plexus
O2 PO - Intracompany Added by Plexus
O4 Purchase Order -Transportation Added by Plexus - not in use
O5 PMC - Purchase Material Cost Added by Plexus
O6 JIT PO Added by Plexus
O7 POU PO Added by Plexus
O8 Supplier Managed Inventory Added by Plexus
O9 Supplier Managed Inventory-ROP Added by Plexus
OA Do Not Use Hard coded to Transportation
OB Blanket Order
OC Part Purchased from Customer Added by Plexus
OD Direct Ship Order
OE Do Not Use--Exchange Rate Var. Hard coded to Matching
OF Forecast PO Added by Plexus - Used by MX
OG Intra Transfer PO (2 sided) added by Plexus
OH Free Samples - PO Added by Plexus
OI Interoperability Direct P.O.
OJ In-Plant -Stores PO Added by Plexus
OK Purchase Intercompany Order
OM PO Plant and Equipment Added by Plexus
OO Outside Operations Added by Plexus
OP Purchase Order
OQ Purchase Quote or Bid
OR Purchase Requisition
OS Service Purchase Order Sustaining Solutions
OT Inter Transfer PO (2 sided)
OV Do Not Use--Receiving Document Hard Coded to Receiving
OX Change Order
OY EDI Purchase Order Quote
OZ EDI Purchase Order
P Payables
P1 A/P Drafts Hard Coded use in A/P
P7 Alternate Currency Payment
P9 Voucher
PA Credit Note Reimbursements Hard Coded use in A/P, A/R
PB BACS Electronic Funds Transfer Hard Coded use in A/P
PC Percent Complete FASTR Entry
PD Debit Memo
PE Change to Voucher Amount Hard Coded use in A/P
PF Recurring Billing
PG Gain/Loss on Exchange Rate Hard Coded use in A/P
PI Physical Inventory Hard Coded to Phys Inventory
PJ Sales Overage
PK Automated Check Hard Coded use in A/P
PL Voucher Logging Hard Coded use in Vchr Log
PM Manual Voucher Hard Coded use in A/P
PN Manual Check Hard Coded use in A/P
PO Void Check Hard Coded use in A/P
PP Periodic Invoice
PQ Manual Billing
PR Recurring Voucher Hard Coded use in A/P
PS PackSlip For Romania NN CO/FY Hard Coded use in R42520
PT Electronic Funds Transfer Hard Coded use in A/P
PV Voucher
PW Withholding Hard Coded use in A/P
PY Payment Order - EDI Only Hard Coded use in A/P
PZ A/P Cash Basis
QA Non-Comformance Report
R Receivables
R1 A/R Drafts Hard Coded use in A/R
R2 Contract Billing Hard Coded use in J/C
R3 Draft Invoice
R4 Final Invoice
R5 Deduction Hard Coded use in A/R
R6 Service Invoice Added by Plexus
R7 Alternate Currency Receipt
R8 Return Material Authorization
R9 RMA Credit Order
RA Adjustment Hard Coded use in A/R
RB Chargeback Hard Coded use in A/R
RC Cash Receipts Hard Coded use in A/R
RD Recurring Billing
RE Change to Invoice Amount Hard Coded use in A/R
RF Finance Charge Hard Coded use in A/R
RG Gain/Loss on Exchange Rate Hard Coded use in A/R
RH Expense Participation
RI Invoice Tax Invoice
RJ Sales Overage
RK Cash Receipts Check Hard Coded use in A/R
RL Debit Note Debit Memo
RM Credit Memo Credit Note
RN Manual Billing
RO Reversing or Void Entry Hard Coded use in A/R
RP Direct Payments
RQ Chargeback Amount Created Hard Coded use in A/R
RR Recurring Invoice Hard Coded use in A/R
RS Spread Adjustments Hard Coded use in A/R
RT A/R Fee & Interest
RU Unapplied Cash Hard Coded use in A/R
RV Non-sufficient Funds Hard Coded use in A/R
RW Balance Forward Hard Coded use in A/R
RX Sales Contracts
RY Cash Receipts - EDI Only Hard Coded use in A/R
RZ A/R Cash Basis
S Sales Order Document Types
S1 Intl or TG Sale with Markup
S2 Dom/Intl or TG Sale -No Markup
S3 Sales-Scrap at Customer Cost Added by Plexus
S4 Sales Order - Transportation
S5 Sales Intracompany Billing Added by Plexus
S6 Test for Cust Owned Added by KF
SA Shipping Authorization Added by Plexus
SB Blanket Sales Order
SC Actual Rate Schedule Hard Coded in Manufacturing
SD Direct Ship
SE Extended Warr. Service
SF Sales Forecast Added by Plexus
SG Intra Sale IntraCo added by Plexus
SI Interbranch Sales
SK Sales Intercompany Order
SM Manual Invoice - ECS
SN Nonwarranty Service
SO Sales Order
SQ Sales Quote
SR Sales Order - Rush
SS Do Not Use--Summary Records Hard Coded to Update
ST Trans Sale InterCo
SU Sales test
SV Service Order
SW Sales with Trans. & Warehouse
SY EDI Sales Order Quote
SZ EDI Sales Order
T Time and Pay
T1 Payroll Disbursement Entries
T2 Payroll Labor Distribution
T3 Actual Burden Journal Entries
T4 Labor Billing Distribution
T5 Equipment Distribution
T6 Payroll Accruals / Deferrals
T7 Payroll Vouchers
TE Time Sheet Entry
TJ Payroll Journal
U1 U1 through U9 client reserved
UA UA through UZ client reserved
UC cj's tare/pack detail
UP Used Produt
VA Add Vendor Request added by Plexus
VC Sales Order Reverse Brazil
VL Nota Fiscal Batch Return Brazil
VN Vendor Notice
VO Sales Order Brazil
VR Sales Order Return Brazil
VS Purchase Order Return Brazil
VT Sales Transfer Order Brazil
W1 Service Work Orders Sustaining Solutions
WA Work Order - ATP Program Suggested WO for ATP
WB Repair/Breakdown Work Order
WD Write Downs
WI Indirect Hours work order
WM System Generated Maintenance
WO Real (firm) Work Orders
WP Planned Work Order
WR Rework Work Orders
WS CRG Work Order
WT Wire Transfer
X1 User-defined Doc Type X1
X2 User-defined Doc Type X2
X3 User-defined Doc Type X3
X4 User-defined Doc Type X4
XV Purchase Price Variance Used for PPV Only - Plexus add
Y1 User-defined Doc Type Y1
Y2 User-defined Doc Type Y2
Y3 User-defined Doc Type Y3
Y4 User-defined Doc Type Y4
Y5 User-defined Doc Type Y5
Z Inv Cnv - Month End Summary
ZZ Unrecognized Version E Trans.

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