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Oral Communication in Context

(Week 4-6)
Module 3: Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Senior High School

Division of Bohol
Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines
Oral Communication in Context – Grade 11/12
Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 2 (Week 4 – Week 6) Module 3: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
First Edition 2020

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Published by the Department of Education Division of Bohol (for classroom use):

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Writer/s: Myrna D. Hidlao, MAEd; Estrella N.Lofranco; and Liezl Mae B. Caῆo
Editor: Khem N. Alvarez
Layout Artist: Myrna D. Hidlao, MAEd
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Please use separate paper for your answer.

Oral Communication in
Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
(Week 4 - Week 6)

This learning material was conspired and materialized by the

selected senior high school teachers of Bohol Division who are teaching the
subject and reviewed by the Technical Working Group (TWG) from the
department and quality assured by the division. We fortify all teachers who
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feedback, comments, and recommendations to the …

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Division of Bohol

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Communication plays a drastic role in our world today. Our voice, our ideas
can only be heard by the world if we speak up. Being able to communicate well is one
life skill that 21st century learners should have, in order for them to be ready for the
world. Giving a speech is both a responsibility and an art, and if one is not adept,
he/she will not be heard and understand.

This module is expected to deepen learners’ writing and speaking skills in any
situation. This will also guide students to become multi-skilled in different methods of
learning and be flexible under different communication circumstances. Furthermore,
it is geared towards honing their writing skills to help them become creative speech
writers and effective speakers.

Specifically, this module consists of the following lessons:

Lesson 1 - Principles of Effective Speech Writing focusing on
 Audience Profile
 Logical Organization
 Duration
Lesson 2–Principles of Effective Speech Writing focusing on
 Word Choice
 Grammatical Correctness

Lesson 3 - Speech Writing Exercises


For the learners:

For the teacher:
To be guided in achieving the
objectives of this module, do the To facilitate and ensure the
following: students’ learning from this
1. Read and follow instructions module, you are encouraged to do
carefully. the following:
2. Answer the pretest before going 1. Clearly communicate learning
through the lessons. competencies and objectives
3. Take note and record points for 2. Motivate through applications
clarification. and connections to real life.
4. Do the activities and fully 3. Give applications of the theory
understand each lesson. 4. Discuss worked-out examples
5. Answer the self-check to monitor 5. Give time for hands-on unguided
what you learned in each lesson. classroom work and discovery
6. Answer the posttest after you 6. Use formative assessment to give
have gone over all the lessons. feedback
7. If you encounter any difficulty in 7. Introduce extensions or
answering the tasks in this module, generalizations of concepts
do not hesitate to ask assistance 8. Engage in reflection questions
from your teacher. 9. Encourage analysis through
8. Make sure to return the higher order thinking prompts
modules. Use another sheet of 10. Provide alternative formats for
paper for your answer or use the student work
answer sheets provided.
9. Do not write anything on this

Lesson Principles of Effective Speech
1 Writing Focusing on Audience
(Week 4) Profile, Logical Organization and

The Speech Writing Process

Just like events planning, or any other activities, writing an effective speech
follows certain steps or processes. The process for writing is not chronological or
linear; rather, it is recursive. That means you have the opportunity to repeat a writing
procedure indefinitely, or produce multiple drafts first before you can settle on the
right one. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram.


? Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the basic steps in making a well-organized speech;

2. Identify the appropriate way of utilizing duration as one of the principles in
speech writing;
3. Conduct a sample audience analysis;
4. Create an outline to come up with a logical organization of a speech;


Pre-test. Let’s see how well you know about the lesson before we discuss.

Directions: Write T if the statement is true; write F if it is false.

___1. An outline determines whether your supporting ideas match with your main idea
or not.
___2. Any speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
___3. In the introduction, you explain the importance of your topic by giving examples.
___4. Knowing the audience and the occasion is crucial in writing a speech.
___5. Rehearsing is a major requirement.
___6. Speech writing is a recursive process.
___7. The approach that you will use in your introduction can determine the success
of your speech.
___8. The primary objective of speech writing is getting the right or appropriate topic.
___9. The purpose of the speech will help you identify ideas that will support your
main idea or message.
___10. Word choice is one consideration in writing a speech.


In the previous lesson you have learned that a shift in speech context affects
language form, duration of interaction, relationship of speaker, role and
responsibilities of speaker, message and delivery. To become an effective
communicator, you should also know the fundamentals in speech writing. Thus, it is
very important for you to understand the different principles of effective speech


Activity 1.1

Study the following scenario:

You were assigned by your principal to be your school’s events planner. Now,
your task is to organize a welcome program for a foreign visitor.

Directions: You have ten minutes to think of the steps you will take to organize
the program. When done with the task, answer the following questions.
1. How did you plan for the program?
2. What difficulties did you encounter while planning?


A well-organized speech is simple and readily intelligible to the listeners. These

characteristics should be foremost in your mind as you go about preparing your

The preparation of a speech involves six basic steps:

1. Knowing your audience
2. Choosing the topic
3. Determining your purpose
4. Collecting your supporting materials
5. Making an outline, and
6. Writing the speech


Audience Analysis entails looking into the profile of your target audience. This
is done so you can tailor-fit your speech content and delivery to your audience. The
profile includes the following information.

 Demography (age range, male-female ratio, educational background and
affiliations or degree program taken, nationality, economic status, academic
or corporate designations)
 Situation (time, venue, occasion, and size)
 Psychology (values, beliefs, attitudes, preferences, cultural and racial
ideologies, and needs)

The audience is one of the major factors that determine the uniqueness of the
Speech. First, the demographic data may influence the Audience’s reaction to the
Speech. Moreover, the data will influence the way you will write the Speech – what
points to choose, what to leave out, the words to use, and even what tone of voice will
work on them.

Second, it is important to know the groups to which your Audience belongs as

these groups hold certain beliefs and values. You may then be able to ascertain how
your Listeners feel about certain issues without having to talk to each and every
Listener or do a survey among them.

Third, it is just as important to find out how your audience feels about the topic
of your Speech and what they already know about it (so that you do not repeat it and
bore the audience).

Finally, you should try to know how they feel about you as the Speaker and
what they already know about you. The Speaker may be able to gauge this from the
organizers of the event and the people who extended the invitation.


Activity 1.2
Directions: Conduct an Audience Analysis on your classmates or the people in your
community (Sitio/Purok) where you are living as they will be the Listeners to the final
class activity. (You may communicate with them through text, FB or messenger). Then, fill
in the table below.

Audience Analysis

Number of Students/Audience

Place of Meeting (indoor or outdoor)

Age Range

Male-Female Ratio

Social Status


Place of Residence (city, province, town)

Affiliation (clubs/organizations your

classmates are members of)
Interests in certain issues (Ex.
Environment, Filipino films, etc.)


A speech is effective if it captures the audience’s attention and that the listeners
understand and remember the speech. Organization is the key to a brilliant speech. It
is the process of selecting and structuring the ideas in your speech, guided by
audience analysis. Here are the steps involved in organizing your speech:

a. Select a topic.
A distinguished speech writer believes that a speech is simply telling a group of people
about something that interests you. Any topic can be interesting. It can range from a
mundane object to an outlandish experience. Just keep in mind that your topic of
choice must replicate an awareness and real consideration for your audience. What
you say and how you say it is critical to making it memorable.

b. Decide on your speech’s purpose.

After you have selected a topic, ask yourself” What is my purpose in giving this
speech?” There are three general purpose: 1) to inform, 2) to entertain and 3) to
persuade. The purpose of your speech will help you narrow your speech to a specific
direction. Suppose you are passionate about cooking, you may give an informative
speech about a recipe you have recently discovered. Likewise, you can also give an
inspiring speech about the joys of cooking or present 3 reasons why a young lady
needs to learn how to cook.

c. Gather and evaluate support.

To enhance credibility and sincerity in your speech, you need research and support
most relevant to your speech. Support takes many forms: a vivid description, a
detailed personal narrative, hard facts or compelling testimony. As you prepare your
speech, you need to look into different aspects to aid you with your information and

d. Write the thesis statement of your speech.

The next step is to write down in one sentence what you will convey in your
speech. This is to ensure that you will come up with a cohesive speech. For example,
Martin Luther King’s famous speech “I Have a Dream” can be squashed to “I believe
that someday the white people will have the same rights as the black people.”

e. Develop your main points by choosing an organizational pattern

appropriate to the flow of your ideas.

Below are different writing patterns from which you can select the one that best suits
your topic and/or purpose.
 Biographical Pattern – presents descriptions of your life or of a person, famous
or not.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about my grandfather, the late former
President Ramon Magsaysay
Specific Topic: Describing the life and works of my grandfather, the late former
President Ramon Magsaysay

 Categorical/Topical Pattern – presents related categories supporting the topic.

Specific Purpose: To persuade the community members to reduce, reuse and
recycle as means of eliminating garbage and protecting the
Specific Topic: Why the community members should promote reducing, reusing,
and recycling

 Causal Pattern– presents cause-effect relationship.

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience the effects of overeating
Specific Topic: Explaining the possible effects of overeating to one’s health

 Chronological Pattern – presents the idea in time order.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the significant events in the
1986 EDSA revolution or People Power
Specific Topic: Describing the significant events before, during, and after the
1986 EDSA revolution or People Power

 Comparison/Contrast Pattern – presents comparison/contrast of two or three

Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that living in the Philippines is
better than living in Australia
Specific Topic: Explaining why the Philippines is more habitable than Australia

 Problem-solution Pattern – presents an identified problem, its causes, and

recommended solutions.
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to support the educational programs
of the national government
Specific Topic: Explaining the reasons for supporting the government’s
educational programs seen as the primary means of increasing the
literacy rate in the Philippines.

f. Create an outline.
An outline is a hierarchical list that shows the relationship of your ideas. Experts in
public speaking state that once your outline is ready, two-thirds of your speech writing is
finished. A good outline helps you see that all the ideas are in line with your main idea or
message. The elements of an outline include introduction, body, and conclusion. Write
your outline based on how you want your ideas to develop. Below are some of the
suggested formats.

g. Write the Introduction, body and conclusion.

The introduction is the foundation of your speech. Here, your primary goal is to get
the attention of your audience and present the subject or main idea of your speech.
Your first few words should do so. The following are some strategies.
 Use a real-life experience and connect that experience to your subject.
 Use practical examples and explain their connection to your subject.
 Start with a familiar or strong quote and then explain what it means.
 Use facts or statistics and highlight their importance to your subject.
 Tell a personal story to illustrate your point.

The body of the speech provides explanations, examples, or any details

that can help you deliver your purpose and explain the main idea of your speech.
One major consideration in developing the body of your speech is the focus or
central idea. The body of your speech should only have one central idea.

The following are some strategies to highlight your main idea.

 Present real-life or practical examples
 Show statistics
 Present comparisons
 Share ideas from the experts or practitioners

The conclusion restates the main idea of your speech. Furthermore, it

provides a summary, emphasizes the message, and calls for action. While the
primary goal of the introduction is to get the attention of your audience, the
conclusion aims to leave the audience with a memorable statement.

The following are some strategies.

 Begin your conclusion with a restatement of your message.
 Use positive examples, encouraging words, or memorable lines from songs or
stories familiar to your audience.
 Ask a question or series of questions that can make your audience reflect or



Activity 1.3
Directions: Prepare an outline for your speech using any of the formats discussed
earlier. In choosing your topic, consider the audience analysis that you have
conducted. Use the sheet below.

General Purpose

Specific Purpose


Specific (Narrowed-down)

Speech Pattern



The person speaks in an average manner at somewhere between 125 and 150
words per minute. It's almost always better to speak more slowly than too quickly.
Thus, if you're speaking for 20 minutes, you want a total word count of somewhere
between 2,500 and 3,000 words.

Most effective speeches do not exceed 20 minutes in length. After researching a

topic, speechwriters should prepare an outline from which the speech will be
developed. They should strive to maintain a clear theme throughout the speech.

Here is a sample table for Word Count per Speech Length.

Speech length Slow (100 wpm) Fast (160 wpm)

10 minutes 1000 words 1600 words

15 minutes 1500 words 2400 words
20 minutes 2000 words 3200 words
25 minutes 2500 words 4000 words

The secret to saying something memorable in 20 minutes is to resist the urge to

say too much. Changing lives in 20 minutes takes focus. And that is something that
most people have a hard time doing. In 20 minutes, you can say roughly 2500, give or
take, and that is not very many if you have set yourself the task of changing the world.
So, you’ve got to narrow the field, resist the urge to say it all, and pick your details

How to prepare a 20-minute TED-like talk

What is TED? – TED is a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas usually in

the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). It started with talks focusing on

Technology, Entertainment and Design and today covers almost all topics in more than
100 languages.

1. A good 20-minute talk presents one idea, tells one story, and asks one question.

2. Begin by choosing one idea. Try to make it an idea that has universal interest, but
where your specific expertise can usefully be applied. Then narrow it down and focus
it until you can sum it up easily in an elevator pitch of a few sentences.

3. Next, pick one story to go with the one idea. Make it a story only you can tell. And
make it a story with a point, or lesson.

4. Finally, ask one question. A good talk poses a question, for which it has an answer
that might be sketched quickly at the beginning of the talk, but for which the talk
itself is the fuller answer.

One idea, one story, one question. That is how you focus your thoughts to
produce a coherent, potentially powerful 20-minute speech.


Activity 1.4
Directions: Identify the appropriate way of utilizing “Duration” as one of the principles
in speech writing by answering the following questions briefly.

1. How many words does an average speaker speak per minute?


2. How many words should you write in 20 minutes in a fast manner of delivering
the speech? How about in an average manner?

3. What is the secret to saying something memorable in 20 minutes?


4. How will you focus your thoughts to produce a coherent, potentially powerful
20-minute speech?

---------- End of Module 3: Lesson 1 ---------------

Oral Communication
Please use separate paper for your answer.

2 Principles of Effective Speech Writing Focusing
(Week 5) on Word Choice and Grammatical Correctness


Learning Objectives:

1. Determine the appropriate words to be used in speech writing;

2. Apply the principle of editing to a given speech;
3. Write an effective speech following the guidelines in speech writing.

Directions: Write T if the statement is true; write F if it is false.

____1. Word choice is one consideration in writing a speech.

____2. Rehearsing is a major requirement in delivering a speech.
____3. Make sure that the speech is within the time allotted.
____4. Take a closer look at the language you have used to be sure that you express
your ideas effectively.
____5. Editing makes your writing error-free.

In the previous lesson you have learned that the process for writing is not
chronological or linear; rather, it is recursive. That means you have the opportunity to
repeat a writing procedure indefinitely, or produce multiple drafts first before you can
settle on the right one.


Activity 1.1
Directions: Pick out the statements that made the paragraph erroneous.

It’s an honourable to speak tonight. I appreciate you all for coming to hear me
at this writing seminar. Many of you have travelled quite a ways and I thank you in
everyone esle for attending. This writing seminar has been held here at this college for
the last ten years. It brings together writers, editors, or publishers. If she could live
you one nuggets of information about writing it would be to get no one to criticize your
work with a note to sent it back. Often writer, both old and new, forget the secret to
writing and that is edit, edit, and edit again.


It’s an honorable to speak tonight. I appreciate you all for coming to

hear me at this writing seminar. Many of you have travelled quite a ways and I
thank you in everyone else for attending. This writing seminar has been held
here at this college for the last ten years. It brings together writers, editors, or
publishers. If she could live you one nuggets of information about writing it
would be to get no one to critic your work with a note to sent it back. Often
writer, both old and new, forget the secret to writing and that is edit, edit, and
edit again.

The noun “honor” should be used instead of the word “honorable”.

The three nouns “writes, editors or publishers” should be connected by the

transitional word “and”.

Instead of using “she” the pronoun” I” should be used as this refers to the speaker.

“Live” should be substituted by the word “leave”.

Nuggets of information should be changed to nugget of information.
“No one” should be changed to “someone”.

“To sent” should be changed to ” to send”

Understanding the Purpose of Revising and Editing

Revising and editing allow you to examine two important aspects of your writing
separately, so that you can give each task your undivided attention.
 When you revise, you take a second look at your ideas. You might add, cut,
move, or change information in order to make your ideas clearer, more
accurate, more interesting, or more convincing.
 When you edit, you take a second look at how you expressed your ideas. You
add or change words. You fix any problems in grammar, punctuation, and
sentence structure. You improve your writing style. You make your essay into a
polished, mature piece of writing, the end product of your best efforts.

Editing/Revising your written speech involves correcting errors in mechanics such as

grammar, punctuation, capitalization, unity, coherence, and others. Andrew Dlungan
(2013), an award winning public speaker, lists power principles for speech editing.
1. Edit for focus.
“So, what’s the point? What’s the message of the speech?”

Ensure that everything you have written, from introduction to conclusion, is

related to your central message.

2. Edit for clarity.

“I don’t understand the message because the examples or
supporting details were confusing.”

Make all ideas in your speech clear by arranging them in logical order ( e.g.,
main idea first then support/examples, or support/examples first then main

3. Edit for concision.

“The speech was all over the place; the speaker kept on talking
endlessly as if no one was listening to him/her.

Keep your speech short, simple, and clear by eliminating unrelated stories and
sentences and by using simple words.

4. Edit for continuity.

“The speech was too difficult to follow; I was lost in the middle.”

Keep the flow of your presentation smooth by adding transition words and

5. Edit for variety.

“I didn’t enjoy the speech because it was boring.”
Add spice to your speech by shifting tone and style from formal to
conversational and vice-versa, moving around the stage, or adding humor.

6. Edit for impact and beauty.

“There’s nothing really special about the speech. “Make your speech memorable by
using these strategies: surprise the audience, use vivid descriptive images, write well-
crafted and memorable lines, and use figures of speech.

→Rehearsing gives you an opportunity to identify what works and what does not work
for you and for your target audience. Some strategies include reading your speech
aloud, recording for your own analysis or for your peers or coaches to give feedback on
your delivery. The best thing to remember at this at this stage is: Constant practice
makes perfect.”
Some Guidelines in Speech Writing
1. Keep your words short and simple. Your speech is meant to be heard by your
audience, not read.
2. Avoid jargon, acronyms, or technical words because they can confuse your
3. Make your speech more personal. Use the personal pronoun “I”, but take care
not to overuse it. When you need to emphasize collectiveness with your
audience, use the personal pronoun “we.”
4. Use active verbs and contractions because they add to the personal and
conversational tone of your speech.
5. Be sensitive to your audience. Be very careful with your language, jokes, and
nonverbal cues.
6. Use metaphors and other figures of speech to effectively convey your point.
7. Manage your time well; make sure that the speech, falls under the time limit.

Careful writers use transitions to clarify how the ideas in their sentences and
paragraphs are related. These words and phrases help the writing flow smoothly.
Adding transitions is not the only way to improve coherence, but they are often useful
and give a mature feel to your essays. Table 8.3 "Common Transitional Words and
Phrases" groups many common transitions according to their purpose.

Common Transitional Words and Phrases

Transitions That Show Sequence or Time
after before later
afterward before long meanwhile
as soon as finally next
at first first, second, third soon
at last in the first place then
Transitions That Show Position
above across at the bottom

at the top behind below
beside beyond inside
near next to opposite
to the left, to the right, to the
under where
Transitions That Show a Conclusion
indeed hence in conclusion
in the final analysis therefore thus
Transitions That Continue a Line of Thought
consequently furthermore additionally
following this idea
because besides the fact
in addition in the same way moreover
considering…, it is clear
looking further
Transitions That Change a Line of Thought
but yet however
nevertheless on the contrary on the other hand
Transitions That Show Importance
above all best especially
in fact more important most important
most worst
Transitions That Introduce the Final Thoughts in a Paragraph or Essay
finally last in conclusion
most of all least of all last of all
All-Purpose Transitions to Open Paragraphs or to Connect Ideas Inside
admittedly at this point certainly
granted it is true generally speaking
in general in this situation no doubt
no one denies obviously of course
to be sure undoubtedly unquestionably
Transitions that Introduce Examples
for instance for example
Transitions That Clarify the Order of Events or Steps
generally, furthermore, in the first place, also,
first, second, third
finally last
in the first place, furthermore, in the first place, likewise,
finally lastly

Activity 1.2

Directions: Read the original speech below. Pick out the part which needs editing. Then
write the revised version in the second column and the principle for speech editing in the
last column. Number one is done for you. (Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.)

Original Speech Edited Speech Speech Editing Principle

1. The first big project I The first project was to Concision
tackled was to take care address numerous bushes
of numerous bushes and and trees that were either
trees that were either dead dead or located in places
or located in places where where my wife didn’t want
my wife didn’t want them. This involved
them. Most of this pulling many dry sticks out
involved of the earth, but the
pulling dried sticks out Japanese maple tree was
of the earth. The different… it had leaves!
Japanese maple tree Rather than chop it out, we
was a bit different…it decided to move it to a
had leaves! So, rather prominent spot in the front
than chop it out, we yard.
decided to move it to a
prominent spot in the front
2.The tree was only seven
tall. I quickly estimated
that I would be done in
time to enjoy a mid-
morning lemonade. I
started digging a
hole around the tree about
two feet in diameter.
Unfortunately, the
roots seemed to
extend beyond that. I
extended the hole to three
feet… no luck. Four feet.
No luck! After a few hours
of digging, I had a moat
around the tree, several
feet wide and deep


Activity 1.3
Directions: Below is an example of a speech from a student. Fill in the blank with the
correct transitional words. Choose your answer inside the box.

Firstly Thirdly Most In addition Thus
Secondly Lastly Because Actually At this point

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, teachers, parents, and my fellow

students. Our today’s occasion is an outstanding event for all of us as another
academic year has come to an end. This means that another group of students
graduate from our school and is to start its way into the ‘adult life’. ____________, this
‘adult life’ seems to be less appealing and more terrifying with its close oncoming.
_________, there are a few important things I am eager to tell our graduates.
______________is: do not be afraid of the changes that come to your life; they are
crucial, unpredictable, and overwhelming but you are able to deal with them.
__________, just built your own way and remember that your families and friends are
always there to provide you with any needed support. ____________, please, keep in
mind the fact that we are graduating after you and look up for you as the examples
and inspirations, so, do not be up to anything you would not like us to do. I believe
that would be the most suitable advice and recommendation you can hear from
someone my age. _______________, follow always unto what you really want.
____________, I would like to highlight is the crucial value of your dreams as, like the
great Steve Jobs pointed out, the way to success is to “dream bigger”, and this tool is
available for everyone. There has barely been one person in the world that had never
failed, so, you, most probably, will not become such an exception. _________, do not
limit yourself by the fear of losing; you will lose one day anyway, and this occasion is
unpredictable and unpreventable. It may sound absolutely discouraging but have a
think about it: if there is nothing to hold you back, everything is possible.
With this in mind, make a bold, confident, and reckless step in the life, hurry to fall, -
__________ the sooner you will do this, the more time you will have for getting back to
the top. ________, do not let the obstacles and failures stop you as they are just other
twists of a great life adventure you are to embark on and we are looking forward to
witness. Thank you and congratulations!



Directions: Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Writing an effective speech follows certain ________________________.The

process for writing is not ___________________ or linear; rather, it is
2. The preparation of a speech involves six basic steps; these are __________,
_______________, ____________________, __________________, ______________,
3. In editing/revising your written speech involves correcting errors in
mechanics such as ___________, _____________, ________________, _____________,
______________, and others.
4. Andrew Dlungan (2013), an award winning public speaker, lists power
principles for speech editing these are _________________, ____________________,
________________, __________________ , ___________________, and

---------------- End of Module 3: Lesson 2 ---------------

Oral Communication
Please use separate paper for your answer.

(Week 6)


? Learning Objectives:

1. Revise and Edit the given statements; and

2. Write a speech using the different principles in effective speech writing.

Careful writers use transitions to clarify how the ideas in their sentences and
paragraphs are related. These words and phrases help the writing flow smoothly.
Adding transitions is not the only way to improve coherence, but they are often useful
and give a mature feel to your essays.
Directions: Revise and Edit the given statements. Number one is done for you.
(Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.)

1. There are two major 1.The Biology Department sponsors two
experiments that the Biology major experiments.
Department sponsors.

2. Two extremely famous and well-

known consumer advocates spoke
eloquently in favor of the proposed
important legislation.

3. As a world leader in the field of

green technology, the company
plans to focus its efforts in the
area of geothermal energy.
A report as to whether or not to
use geysers as an energy source is
in the process of preparation.

4. It might perhaps be said that

using a GPS device is something
that is a benefit to drivers who
have a poor sense of direction.

5. The e-book reader, which is a

recent invention, may become as
commonplace as the cell phone.
My over-sixty uncle bought an e-
book reader, and his wife bought
an e-book reader, too.

A. Following the speech writing process, prepare/plan a speech about how social
media influences public opinion to be delivered in class. As you go along, make
sure to fill in the details in the columns with the ideas you have decided on. Use
the sheet below.

General Purpose
Specific Purpose

Specific (Narrowed
down Topic)
Speech Pattern


B. Using the plan that you have created above, write a speech of 150-200 words on
how social media influences public opinion.


Body of the


Be guided by this rubric:

4 3 2 1

FOCUS AND There is one There is one There is one topic. The topic and
DETAILS clear, well- clear, well- Main ideas are main ideas are
focused focused topic. somewhat clear. not clear.
topic. Main Main ideas are
ideas are clear but are
clear and not well
are well supported by
supported detailed
by detailed information

ORGANIZATION The The The introduction There is no

introduction introduction states the main clear
is inviting, states the topic. A conclusion introduction,
states the main topic is included. structure or
main topic, and provides conclusion
and provides an overview of
an overview the paper. A
of the paper. conclusion is
Information included.
is relevant
presented in
a logical
order. The
is strong.

DEPTH & The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
ACCURACY OF purpose of purpose of purpose of writing purpose of
EXPLANATION writing is writing is is somewhat clear writing is
very clear somewhat and there is unclear.
and there is clear, and evidence of
a strong there is some attention to
evidence of evidence of audience. The

attention to attention to author’s
audience. audience. The knowledge and or
The author’s author’s experience with
extensive knowledge the topic is/are
knowledge and/or limited.
and/or experience
experience with the topic
with the is/are evident.
topic is/are

WORD CHOICE The author The author The author uses The writer
uses vivid uses vivid words that uses a limited
words and words and communicateclearl vocabulary.
phrases. phrases. The y , but the writing Jargon or
The choice choice and lacks variety. clichés may be
and placement of present and
placement of words is detract from
words seems inaccurate at the meaning.
accurate, times and/or
natural and seems
not forced. overdone.

SENTENCE All Most Most sentences are Sentences

STRUCTURE, sentences sentences are well constructed, sound
GRAMMAR, are well well but they have a awkward, are
MECHANICS constructed constructed similar structure distractingly
AND SPELLING and have and have and/or length. The repetitive, or
varied varied author makes are difficult to
structure structure and several errors in understand.
and length. length. The grammar, The author
The author author makes mechanics and/or makes
makes no a few errors in spelling that numerous
errors in grammar, interfere with errors in
grammar, mechanics, understanding. grammar,
mechanics, and/or mechanics,
and/or spelling, but and/or
spelling it they do not spelling that
may contain interfere with interfere with
few errors if understanding understanding
any. These . .
errors do
not interfere
with the
ng of the

Directions: Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word in the

1. My little cousin turns ________(to, too, two) years old tomorrow.

2. The next-door neighbor’s dog is ________(quite, quiet, quit) loud. He barks constantly
throughout the night.
3. ________(Your, You’re) mother called this morning to talk about the party.
4. I would rather eat a slice of chocolate cake ________(than, then) eat a chocolate
5. Before the meeting, he drank a cup of coffee and ________(than, then) brushed his
6. Do you have any ________(loose, lose) change to pay the parking meter?
7. Father must ________(have, of) left his briefcase at the office.
8. Before playing ice hockey, I was ________(suppose, supposed) to read the contract,
but I only skimmed it and signed my name quickly, which may ________(affect, effect)
my understanding of the rules.
9. Tonight she will ________(set, sit) down and ________(right, write) a cover letter to
accompany her résumé and job application.
10. It must be fall, because the leaves ________(are, our) changing, and ________(it’s, its)
getting darker earlier.

A. Edit and revise the given paragraph and determine the principle being used.

Original Speech Edited Speech Principle Used

Planting it in the front yard
was quite a bit easier. As I
gazed up, exhausted, my
eye was drawn to my
neighbour’s yard.
Specifically, the fifty-foot
monster tree in my
neighbour’s yard looming
over my garage. I put on
my engineering cap, and
walked a few houses down
the street so I could get a
good perspective. No doubt
about it… that tree would
easily crush my garage if it
ever toppled over. Good
thing trees have such
strong roots.
Terror gripped me… could
my neighbour’s monster
tree be toppled by the
wind? I called my wife.
She reported that the gas
BBQ had been lifted off the
deck and slammed into the
house. However, the
monster tree stood
tall, and only a few of its
branches littered my yard.
Over the past few years,

my sister-in-law Michelle
and her husband Lance
have had a pair of
pregnancies cut short by
miscarriage. This was
obviously heartbreaking,
but Michelle and Lance
have strong roots. When
the wind came, not once,
but twice, they faced the
wind head on, and did not
let it topple them or their


Directions:Using a minimum of 500 words, make a speech about “Planting as a Way to

Cope up Depression Brought by Covid-19.” Use a separate sheet of paper.

Be guided by this rubrics:

4 3 2 1

FOCUS AND There is one There is one There is one topic. The topic and
DETAILS clear, well- clear, well- Main ideas are main ideas are
focused focused topic. somewhat clear. not clear.
topic. Main Main ideas are
ideas are clear but are
clear and not well
are well supported by
supported detailed
by detailed information

ORGANIZATION The The The introduction There is no

introduction introduction states the main clear
is inviting, states the topic. A conclusion introduction,
states the main topic is included. structure or
main topic, and provides conclusion
and provides an overview of
an overview the paper. A
of the paper. conclusion is
Information included.
is relevant
presented in
a logical
order. The

is strong.

DEPTH & The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
ACCURACY OF purpose of purpose of purpose of writing purpose of
EXPLANATION writing is writing is is somewhat clear writing is
very clear somewhat and there is unclear.
and there is clear, and evidence of
a strong there is some attention to
evidence of evidence of audience. The
attention to attention to author’s
audience. audience. The knowledge and or
The author’s author’s experience with
extensive knowledge the topic is/are
knowledge and/or limited.
and/or experience
experience with the topic
with the is/are evident.
topic is/are

WORD CHOICE The author The author The author uses The writer
uses vivid uses vivid words that uses a limited
words and words and communicate vocabulary.
phrases. phrases. The clearly, but the Jargon or
The choice choice and writing lacks clichés may be
and placement of variety. present and
placement of words is detract from
words seems inaccurate at the meaning.
accurate, times and/or
natural and seems
not forced. overdone.

SENTENCE All Most Most sentences are Sentences

STRUCTURE, sentences sentences are well constructed, sound
GRAMMAR, are well well but they have a awkward, are
MECHANICS constructed constructed similar structure distractingly
AND SPELLING and have and have and/or length. The repetitive, or
varied varied author makes are difficult to
structure structure and several errors in understand.
and length. length. The grammar, The author
The author author makes mechanics and/or makes
makes no a few errors in spelling that numerous
errors in grammar, interfere with errors in
grammar, mechanics, understanding. grammar,
mechanics, and/or mechanics,
and/or spelling, but and/or
spelling it they do not spelling that
may contain interfere with interfere with
few errors if understanding understanding
any. These . .
errors do
not interfere
with the

ng of the


Baraceros, Esther L. &Lintao, Rachelle B. 2010. Oral Communication in Context.
QuezonCity: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Flores, Carmelita S. & Lopez, Evelyn B. 2003. Effective Speech Communication in

Context. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store.

Fresnillo,Philippe John S. &Balgos, Anne Richie G. 2016. Oral Communication in

Context for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.


Dlugan, Andrew. 2008. Six Power principles for Speech editing.

Effective Speech Writing Focusing on Duration.

Schmitz, Andy. 2012. Writing for Success.


The pensters. 2017. “Sample Speeches for Students.

The wordpress.“How To prepare a 20-minute TED-like talk”. 2016.

--------------- End of Module 3: Lesson 3 ---------------


Name: _____________________________ Score:____________



Pre-test. Let’s see how well you know about the lesson before we discuss.

Write T if the statement is true; write F if it is false.

___1. An outline determines whether your supporting ideas match your main idea or
___2. Any speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
___3. In the introduction, you explain the importance of your topic by giving examples.
___4. Knowing the audience and the occasion is crucial in writing a speech.
___5. Rehearsing is a major requirement.
___6. Speech writing is a recursive process.
___7. The approach that you will use in your introduction can determine the success
of your speech.
___8. The primary objective of speech writing is getting the right or appropriate topic.
___9. The purpose of the speech will help you identify ideas that will support your
main idea or message.
___10. Word choice is one consideration in writing a speech.

Activity 1.1

Study the following scenario:

You were assigned by your principal to be your school’s events planner. Now,
your task is to organize a welcome program for a foreign visitor.

You have ten minutes to think of the steps you will take to organize the program.
When done with the task, answer the following questions.
3. How did you plan for the program?
4. What difficulties did you encounter while planning?


Activity 1.2
Direction: Conduct an Audience Analysis on your classmates or the people in your
community (Sitio/Purok) where you are living as they will be the Listeners to the final
class activity. (You may communicate them through text, FB or messenger). Then, fill
up the table below.

Audience Analysis

Number of Students/Audience

Place of Meeting (indoor or outdoor)

Age Range

Male-Female Ratio

Social Status


Place of Residence (city, province, town)

Affiliation (clubs/organizations your

classmates are members of)
Interests in certain issues (Ex.
Environment, Filipino films, etc.)

Activity 1.3
Direction: Prepare an outline for your speech using any of the formats discussed
earlier. In choosing your topic, consider the audience analysis that you have
conducted. Use the sheet below.

General Purpose

Specific Purpose


Specific (Narrowed-down)

Speech Pattern


Activity 1.4
Directions: Identify the appropriate way of utilizing “duration” as one of the principles
in speech writing by answering the following questions briefly.

1. How many words does an average speaker speak per minute?


2. How many words should you write in 20 minutes in a fast manner of delivering
the speech? How about in an average manner?

3. What is the secret to saying something memorable in 20 minutes?


4. How will you focus your thoughts to produce a coherent, potentially powerful
20-minute speech?


Name: _____________________________ Score:____________



Pre-test. Write T if the statement is true; write F if it is false.

____1. Word choice is one consideration in writing a speech.

____2. Rehearsing is a major requirement in delivering a speech.
____3. Make sure that the speech is within the time allotted.
____4. Take a closer look at the language you have used to be sure that you express
your ideas effectively.
____5. Editing makes your writing error-free.

Activity 1. Underline the statements that made the paragraph erroneous.

It’s an honourable to speak tonight. I appreciate you all for coming to hear me
at this writing seminar. Many of you have travelled quite a ways and I thank you in
everyone esle for attending. This writing seminar has been held here at this college for
the last ten years. It brings together writers, editors, or publishers. If she could live
you one nuggets of information about writing it would be to get no one to criticize your
work with a note to sent it back. Often writer, both old and new, forget the secret to
writing and that is edit, edit, and edit again.


Activity 1.2
Direction: Read the original speech below. Underline the part which needs editing.
Then write the revised version in the second column and the principle for speech editing
in the last column. Number one is done for you.

Original Speech Edited Speech Speech Editing Principle

1. The The first project was to Concision
first big project Itackled was address numerous bushes
to take careof numerous and trees that were either
bushes and trees that were dead or located in places
either dead or located in where my wife didn’t want
places where my wife didn’t them. This involved
want them. Most of this pulling many dry sticks
involved pulling dried sticks out of the earth, but the
out of the earth. The Japanese maple tree was
Japanese maple tree was a different… it had leaves!
bit different…it had Rather than chop it out, we
leaves! So, rather than chop decided to move it to a
it out, we decided to move it prominent spot in the front
to a prominent spot in the yard.
front yard
2.The tree was only seven
feet tall. I quickly estimated
that I would be done in time
to enjoy a mid-morning
lemonade. I started digging

a hole around the tree
about two feet in diameter.
Unfortunately, the
roots seemed to
extend beyond that. I
extended the hole to three
feet… no luck. Four feet. No
luck! After a few hours of
digging, I had a moat
around the tree, several feet
wide and deep

Activity 1.3
Direction:Below is an example of a speech from a student. Fill in the blank with the
correct transitional words. Choose your answer inside the box.

Firstly Thirdly Most In addition Thus

Secondly Lastly Because Actually At this point

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, teachers, parents, and my fellow

students. Our today’s occasion is an outstanding event for all of us as another
academic year has come to an end. This means that another group of students
graduate from our school and is to start its way into the ‘adult life’. 1)____________, this
‘adult life’ seems to be less appealing and more terrifying with its close oncoming.
2)_________, there are a few important things I am eager to tell our graduates.
3)______________is: do not be afraid of the changes that come to your life; they are
crucial, unpredictable, and overwhelming but you are able to deal with them.
4)__________, just built your own way and remember that your families and friends are
always there to provide you with any needed support. 5)____________, please, keep in
mind the fact that we are graduating after you and look up for you as the examples
and inspirations, so, do not be up to anything you would not like us to do. I believe
that would be the most suitable advice and recommendation you can hear from
someone my age. 6)_______________, follow always unto what you really want.
7)____________, I would like to highlight is the crucial value of your dreams as, like the
great Steve Jobs pointed out, the way to success is to “dream bigger”, and this tool is
available for everyone. There has barely been one person in the world that had never
failed, so, you, most probably, will not become such an exception. 8)_________, do not
limit yourself by the fear of losing; you will lose one day anyway, and this occasion is
unpredictable and unpreventable. It may sound absolutely discouraging but have a
think about it: if there is nothing to hold you back, everything is possible.
With this in mind, make a bold, confident, and reckless step in the life, hurry to fall, -
9)__________ the sooner you will do this, the more time you will have for getting back to
the top. 10)________, do not let the obstacles and failures stop you as they are just
other twists of a great life adventure you are to embark on and we are looking forward
to witness. Thank you and congratulations!



Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Writing an effective speech follows certain ________________________.The
process for writing is not ___________________ or linear; rather, it is
2. The preparation of a speech involves six basic steps; these are __________,
_______________, ____________________, __________________, ______________,

3. In editing/revisingyour written speech involves correcting errors in mechanics
such as ___________, _____________, ________________, _____________,
______________, and others.
4. Andrew Dlungan (2013), an award winning public speaker, lists power
principles for speech editing these are _________________, ____________________,
________________, __________________ , ___________________, and


Name: _____________________________ Score:____________



A. Revise and Edit the following statements given:

1. There are two major
experiments that the Biology
Department sponsors.

2. Two extremely famous and well-

known consumer advocates spoke
eloquently in favor of the proposed
important legislation.

3. As a world leader in the field of

green technology, the company
plans to focus its efforts in the
area of geothermal energy.
A report as to whether or not to
use geysers as an energy source is
in the process of preparation.

4. It might perhaps be said that

using a GPS device is something
that is a benefit to drivers who
have a poor sense of direction.

5. The e-book reader, which is a

recent invention, may become as
commonplace as the cell phone.
My over-sixty uncle bought an e-
book reader, and his wife bought
an e-book reader, too.

B. Following the speech writing process, prepare/plan a speech to be delivered in

class. As you go along, make sure to fill in the details in the column with the ideas
you have decided on. Use the sheet below.

General Purpose
Specific Purpose

Specific (Narrowed
down Topic)
Speech Pattern


C. Following the format in writing a speech, write a speech of 150-200 words on how
social media influences public opinion.


Body of the


D. Having a healthy body is given an utmost importance to the society in this time of
pandemic, write a speech highlighting the proper balance diet.


Body of the


A. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word in the
1. My little cousin turns ________(to, too, two) years old tomorrow.
2. The next-door neighbor’s dog is ________(quite, quiet, quit) loud. He barks constantly
throughout the night.
3. ________(Your, You’re) mother called this morning to talk about the party.
4. I would rather eat a slice of chocolate cake ________(than, then) eat a chocolate
5. Before the meeting, he drank a cup of coffee and ________(than, then) brushed his
6. Do you have any ________(loose, lose) change to pay the parking meter?
7. Father must ________(have, of) left his briefcase at the office.
8. Before playing ice hockey, I was ________(suppose, supposed) to read the contract,
but I only skimmed it and signed my name quickly, which may ________(affect, effect)
my understanding of the rules.
9. Tonight she will ________(set, sit) down and ________(right, write) a cover letter to
accompany her résumé and job application.
10. It must be fall, because the leaves ________(are, our) changing, and ________(it’s, its)
getting darker earlier.

B.Edit and revise the given paragraph and determine the principle being used.

Original Speech Edited Speech Principle Used

1.Planting it in the front
yard was quite a bit easier.
As I gazed up, exhausted,
my eye was drawn to my
neighbour’s yard.
Specifically, the fifty-foot
monster tree in my
neighbour’s yard looming
over my garage. I put on
my engineering cap, and
walked a few houses down
the street so I could get a
good perspective. No doubt
about it… that tree would
easily crush my garage if it
ever toppled over. Good
thing trees have such
strong roots.
2.Terror gripped me…
could my neighbour’s
monster tree be toppled by
the wind? I called my wife.
She reported that the gas
BBQ had been lifted off the
deck and slammed into the
house. However, the
monster tree stood
tall, and only a few of its
branches littered my yard.
3.Over the past few years,
my sister-in-law Michelle
and her husband Lance
have had a pair of
pregnancies cut short by
miscarriage. This was
obviously heartbreaking,
but Michelle and Lance
have strong roots. When
the wind came, not once,
but twice, they faced the
wind head on, and did not
let it topple them or their

Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, make a speech with a minimum of 500 words
about “Planting as a Way to Cope up Depression

--- END ---


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