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Study of the Dolok-Penggaron River System

and Design of the East Floodway, Final Report

under JICA Loan IP-534 on Flood Control



8.1 Problems and Issues

Followings are the problems and issues related to the flood control of the Penggaron and Dolok River Systems.

1) Insufficient discharge capacity of the KBT, Babon, Dombo-Sayung and Dolok rivers
 Based on the analysis on the present discharge capacity of the rivers, it can be
understood that the discharge capacity of KBT, Babon, Dombo-Sayung and
Dolok rivers are insufficient to convey safely the flood discharges such as 50-
year return period.
2) Excess inflow from the inlet gate of KBT (over 200m3/s) causing floods in the
downstream reaches
 The inlet gate of KBT was originally designed with the maximum capacity of
145m3/s (source: Detail Desain “Sistem Sungai Dolok Penggaron (Kanal Banjir
Timur – Dombo Sayung)”, PT.Jasapatria Gunatama, November 2009, Summary
Report page.4). This is also recognized by the operators of the inlet gate of KBT
as there is a note that the maximum discharge of the Gate is 150m 3/s, which is
pasted on the wall in the operation house of the gate.
 However, based on the operation record of the inlet gate, there are cases that
more than 200m3/s discharging into the inlet gate, which exceeded the discharge
capacity of the KBT in some places in the upstream to mid-stream, and most
places in the downstream.
3) Transfer of floods from the Dolok River System to the Penggaron River System
 Principally, floodwater in the Penggaron River System and the Dolok River
System should have been treated by each river system for not to make any
adverse impacts each other (River System Principle). It means that the
floodwater from the Penggaron River should be treated through the Babon
River, Dombo-Sayung River and the KBT. Here, it is noted that the Babon
River is the original main river course in the mid-stream to downstream reaches
of the Penggaron River.
 However, floodwater of the Dolok River is transferred to the Penggaron River
upstream of Pucanggading through the Kebon Batur Canal. This is same as
inter-basin transfer of flood problems from the Dolok River System to the
Penggaron River System, which adds burden of flood problems of the Dolok
River System over the Penggaron River System.
4) Excess inflow from the inlet gate of the Kebon Batur Canal causing overflow along
the Canal
 It is said that the discharge capacity of the Kebon Batur Canal is about 50m 3/s.
 However, actual operation of the inlet gate of Kebon Batur Canal is that bigger
discharge than 50m3/s inflows to the Canal, which causes overflow along the
5) Artificial closing of the water course in the downstream reach of the Dolok River
 In the downmost reach of the Dolok River, where the River is crossing the
Pantura Road and the Playaran Channel, flood flow is stopped by artificial
closing of the river channel by irrigation gates.

CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 1

with Associates
Study of the Dolok-Penggaron River System
Final Report and Design of the East Floodway,
on Flood Control under JICA Loan IP-534

6) Insufficient development of the low water channels and excessive dependence on

 In general, it seems that the low water channels of the rivers are small and more
dependence on high water channels with dikes for flowing down flood water
(example: downstream reach of the KBT, mid-stream and downstream reaches
of the Babon and Dombo-Sayung Rivers).
 Especially, the low water channel of the mid-stream and downstream reaches of
the Dolok River is very small. It seems that just dikes were put along both sides
of the original stream of the Dolok River without development of the low water
7) Deteriorated dikes causing dike breach due to overflow
 There are portions of deterioration of dikes along the KBT, Babon, Dombo-
Sayung and Dolok rivers.
 Due to the above problems and due to insufficient capacities of the rivers as
well, there are some portions causing breaching problems along the dikes
(example: Dombo-Sayung River and Dolok River).
8) Many river crossing structures along the rivers
 There are many river crossing structures along the Rivers such as road bridges,
railway bridges, water pipe bridges, gas pipes under-passing the river channel,
and weirs. Many of these river crossing structures have almost same length
compared to the width of the present river cross sections, which are insufficient
width against necessary width for passing flood discharge in 50-year return
9) Many houses especially along the KBT
 There are many houses or buildings especially along the KBT.
10) Sediment deposition especially in the downstream reaches of the rivers
 In general, sediment deposition, especially along the downstream reaches, are
the one of the problems along the KBT, Babon, Dombo-Sayung and Dolok
rivers. The sediment deposition in the downstream reaches may be caused by
bed load, suspended load as well as by wash load.
 Annual dredging of river channels especially in the downstream reaches is
necessary to maintain the river channels.
11) Water Pollution
 In the river reaches passing through the urban areas, water pollution can be seen
especially in KBT mid-stream to downstream reaches, where almost raw
sewage enter into the KBT without treatment.
 Same condition can be seen in the mid-stream and downstream reaches of the
Babon and Dombo-Sayung Rivers.
 In addition, garbage also enters into the river course, which deteriorates the
river environment including river water.
12) Land subsidence especially in the downstream reaches of the rivers.
 There are serious problems of land subsidence especially in the downstream
reaches of the rivers.

2 CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.

with Associates
Study of the Dolok-Penggaron River System
and Design of the East Floodway, Final Report
under JICA Loan IP-534 on Flood Control

 It is necessary to taken into account the future land subsidence height for
designing the dikes along the rivers.
13)Climate change (sea water level rise and increase of storm rainfall)
 Due to possible climate change, there is a possibility of sea water level rise and
increasing frequency, intensity and quantity of storm rainfall.
 It is necessary to taken into account the effects of climate change for
formulating the flood control plan probably by stage-wise method such as
increasing the height of dikes etc. based on the observation of the occurrence of
effects of climate change.

8.2 Direction of Flood Control

Considering the problems and issues described in 8.1, followings are the proposed direction of flood control of the
Penggaron and Dolok River Systems.

1) To ensure discharge capacity of the KBT, Babon, Dombo-Sayung and Dolok rivers
 It is necessary to conduct improvement of the KBT, Babon, Dombo-Sayung and
Dolok rivers to ensure discharge capacity to flow down safely the design floods
for these rivers.
2) To revive the water course of the Dolok River downstream reach
 In order to safely flow down floodwater along the Dolok River to the sea, it is
necessary to revive the river course of the Dolok River downstream reach.
3) To stop inter-basin transfer of floods from the Dolok River System to the Penggaron
River System through the Kebon Batur Canal.
 In order to eliminate the additional burden of floods of the Dolok River on the
Penggaron River System, to stop inter-basin transfer of floods from the Dolok
River to the Penggaron River through the Kebon Batur Canal.
 This will follow the river system principle for treatment of floods within each
river system.
 The inlet gate of the Kebon Batur Canal can be opened during the normal period
for flowing water along the Kebon Batur Canal for water use and environment.
 In addition, the sediment deposition (maximum about 3m) in the Dolok River at
just downstream of the bifurcation point to the Kebon Batur Canal, shall be
removed for returning to the original river bed elevation, so that water can flow
down along the Dolok River from the bifurcation during normal period in the
wet season for environment along the river course.
4) To ensure discharge capacity of low water channels supplemented by high water
channels with sufficient standard for constructing the low water channels and dikes
 In order to flow down safely the floodwater of the KBT, Babon, Dombo-Sayung
and Dolok rivers, it is necessary to ensure discharge capacity of the low water
channels in the first. Then, dikes or river walls will be provided to supplement
the discharge capacity of the channels.
 Quality of construction of the low water channels and dikes or river walls shall
be done with sufficient standard.
5) To minimize reconstruction of river crossing structures (bridges etc.)

CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 3

with Associates
Study of the Dolok-Penggaron River System
Final Report and Design of the East Floodway,
on Flood Control under JICA Loan IP-534

 As there are so many crossing facilities such as road bridges and railway
bridges, it is necessary to minimize the number of reconstruction of the crossing
facilities of the rivers for river improvements.
6) To minimize relocation of houses
 It is necessary to minimize number of relocation of houses to make smaller
adverse social impacts by the Project by involuntary resettlement.
7) To include some allowance against the effects of climate change and land subsidence
 It is necessary to include some allowable height in the design cross sections of
river improvement against the effects of climate change such as sea water level
rise and increase amount and intensity of storm rainfall as well as land
 Monitoring of the phenomena of climate change and land subsidence is
necessary to conducted for stage-wise countermeasures such as raising the dikes
and river walls.

4 CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.

with Associates

エラー! 文書が自己参照を行っています。 1
Chapter 8. Problems and issues and direction of flood control 8-1
8.1 Problems and Issues 8-1
8.2 Direction of Flood Control 8-3

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