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Secondary One Express History

Worksheet 4.4 – Practice on Inference and Comparison

Name : _____________________ ( )Class : ______ Date : _____

These sources show how different societies functioned and how they were ruled.

Source A: A historian’s view of the Shang civilization.

A grim feature of Shang burials was the sacrifice of large numbers of human
victims in groups of ten. They were ceremonially beheaded with large axes, also
found in the tombs. These were prisoners taken in war or captured from nomad
shepherd tribes on the western borders of Shang. There was an institution of
priesthood, sacrifice and oracle-taking, the use of the bow and the chariot and
funeral rites accompanied by human sacrifice.

Adapted from China: Its History and Culture by Morton, W.Scott, 1995

Study Source A.

a) What can you infer from this source about the life of people of the Shang
civilization? [5]










Source B: An account of the forms of punishment under Chandragupta

Obtaining confessions by torture was a normal method under Chandragupta.

Common people were executed for theft, for damaging property of the king,
breaking into someone’s home, escaping taxes, injuring an artisan working for
the state and many other crimes. People lived in fear of Chandragupta and none
dared to disobey him.

Adapted from

Source C: A description by Fa Xian, a traveler who visited India during

Chandragupta’s reign of the Mauryan empire.

The people are prosperous and happy, and could do as they pleased. Those who
want to go away may go. Those who want to stay may stay. Criminals are merely
dealt with according to the seriousness of their crimes. Even for a second
attempt at rebellion, the consequence is only the loss of the right hand.

Adapted from the The Travels of Fa Xian by HA Giles, 1993.s

b ) Study sources B and C

In what ways are the sources different? [5]











Source D: A writer’s description of Shang society

Cities were surrounded by thick walls. Inside these walled cities lived the Shang
people. They used tall bronze candlesticks, bronze drinking cups and elaborately
designed bronze weapons of all shapes and sizes. The nobles wore elaborate
gowns of silk, and lived in large, brick homes with tiled roofs. In the tombs,
archaeologists found entire chariots, objects of art, and the remains of guards
and dogs.

Adapted from

Source E: A writer’s description of life in the Mauryan empire.

This was an age of plenty, even for the poor, as the fields were fertile, the basic
crops being rice, barley, wheat, millet, and sugarcane. Metals including gold and
silver were mined. The government saw to the building of roads, public buildings,
and ensured the maintenance of a strong army. All this helped to create a sense
of well-being and safety in the populace.

Adapted from Ancient Indian Costume by Roshen Alkazi, 1983.

c ) Study sources D and E.

In what ways are the sources similar? [5]










a. Study Source A.
What can you infer from this source about the life of people of the Shang
civilization? [5]

L1 Lift from source (1m)

E.g. “There was an institution of priesthood, sacrifice and oracle-taking, the use
of the bow and the chariot and funeral rites accompanied by human sacrifice.”

L2 Inference(s) without support (2-3m)

E.g. Source A tells me that the people were cruel/brutal/aggressive/religious

L3 Inference(s) with support (3-5m)

1 inference (3-4m); 2 inferences (5m)

E.g. Source A shows that the Shang people were cruel. As seen from source,
“A grim feature of Shang burials was the sacrifice of large numbers of
human victims in groups of ten.” The large number of people who died
indicates the cruelty of the rule.


Source A also shows that the Shang people were religious. As seen from
source, “There was an institution of priesthood, sacrifice and oracle-
taking, the use of the bow and the chariot and funeral rites accompanied
by human sacrifice.” There were many objects and practices which
showed they regarded religion as important in their life.

Note from Mrs Ang when doing inference questions :

1 ) Pl. follow structure as shown here. 1st sentence – inference statement ( in own
words ). 2nd part – use direct quotes “……….”. 3rd part – explanation of source
evidence quoted in own words

2 ) Do not just quote source evidence and not explain in own words. Do not also
attempt to rephrase source evidence without using direct quotes.

3 ) For students who gave the inference…. Life for the Shang people was difficult
and harsh – you only had L3/3m

b. Study Sources B and C.

In what ways are the sources different? [5]

L1 Difference in provenance 1m

E.g. Source B is an account of the forms of punishment under Chandragupta

but Source C is a description by Fa Xian, a traveler who visited the Mauryan

L2 Difference in content, unsupported 2-3m

(one difference, 2 m, two differences, 3 m))

E.g. It is different because Source B says that Chandragupta was very cruel in
his punishments on the people but Source C says that Chandragupta was
fair in his punishments to the people. (2m)
E.g. It is different in showing the degree of control that Chandragupta had
over his people. Source B says that Chandragupta had a lot of control
over his people but Source C shows that he did not have much control
over his people.

L3 Difference in content, supported

(one difference, supported, 4. 2 differences, supported, 5m) 4-5m

E.g. Both sources are different in showing how Chandragupta punished his
people for their crimes. (common criterion). Source B says that
Chandragupta was very cruel in his punishments on the people as can be
seen from the source, “Obtaining confessions by torture was a normal
method under Chandragupta.” However, Source C says that
Chandragupta was fair in his punishments on his people as can be seen
from the source, “Criminals are merely dealt with according to the
seriousness of their crimes.”

E.g. Both sources are different in showing the amount of control Chandragupta
had over his people (common criterion). Source B shows that
Chandragupta had a lot of power over his people as can be seen from the
source, “People lived in fear of Chandragupta and none dared to disobey
him.” While Source C shows that Chandragupta had little power over his
people as can be seen from the source, “people could do as they

c. Study sources D and E.

In what ways are the sources similar? [5]

L1 Similarity in provenance 1m

E.g. Source D and E are both writer’s descriptions.

L2 Similarity in content, unsupported 2-3m

(one similarity, 2 m, two similarities, 3 m)

E.g. It is similar in showing how wealthy the people in both civilizations are,
Source D shows that the Shang people of were rich. Similarly, Source E
shows that the people living in the Mauryan empire lived a life of

Or It is similar in showing how secure each civilization is. Source D shows that
the Shang civilization was well-protected while Source E shows that the
Mauryan empire was a safe place to be in
L3 Similarity in content, supported
(one similarity, supported, 4. 2 similarities, supported, 5m) 4-5m

E.g. Both sources are similar in showing the wealth of both societies. (common
criterion) Source D says that Shang civilization was one that was very rich
as can be seen from the source, “They used tall bronze candlesticks,
bronze drinking cups and elaborately designed bronze weapons.”Similarly,
Source E shows that the Mauryan empire was one that was abundant with
resources as seen in the source “This was an age of plenty, even for the
poor, as the fields were fertile.”

E.g. Both sources are similar in showing the (high) level of security in both
societies. (common criterion). Source D shows that Shang society was
well protected as can be seen from the source “cities were surrounded by
thick walls. Similarly, Source E shows that the Mauryan empire had good
levels of defence from enemies as can be seen from the source “The
government… ensured the maintenance of a strong army. All this helped
to create a sense of well-being and safety in the populace.”

Note from Mrs Ang when doing comparison questions :

1 ) A lot of students have still not cultivated the habit of having a criteria
statement as your 1st sentence. An answer with no criteria statement can only get
L2/2m. But an answer with a valid criteria statement can get L3/4-5m. In the

answer above, the criteria statements are underlined. Remember to keep your
criteria statement short and simple.

2 ) Please do not give answers that start like that : Source B tells me……. While
Source C tells me…….
Such answers are describing sources and not comparing.

3 ) What is a good criteria statement and a bad and clumsy criteria statement?

Example of a Bad criteria statement : Source B tells me that Chandragupta has

harsh punishment for his people while Source C tells me he was fair in his

Example of a good criteria statement : Source B and C are different in showing

how Chandragupta punished his people.

4 ) A one sided comparison question like part b and c of this worksheet requires
2 paragraphs. Part b requires 2 paragraphs of differences. Part c requires 2
paragraphs of similarities

5 ) If the question is a 2 sided comparison, just give 1 paragraph of similarity and

1 paragraph of difference

6 ) You must remember to use direct quotes “……..” followed by explanation of

source evidence in your own words.

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