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Abbreviations NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

AC pipe asbestos cement pipe

NF nanofiltration
ach air changes per hour
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program
ACS alternative collection system
NIMBY not in my backyard
AFY acre feet per year
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
AQI Air Quality Index
NPSH net positive suction head
BAC biologically activated carbon
NRC noise reduction coefficient
BAF biological aerated filter
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service
BFR ballasted floc reactor
NSPS new source performance standards
BMP best management practice
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
BOD biochemical oxygen demand
O&M operation and maintence
BOP best operating point
OCC old corrugated cardboard
CAA Clean Air Act
ONP old newspaper
CEC contaminents of emerging concern
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
OWTS on-site wastewater treatment system
PCB polychlorinated biphenol
and Liability Act PET polyethylene teraphthalate
CFC chlorofluorocarbons PM particulate mater (airborne)
cfs cubic feet per second POTW publically owned treatment works
cmd cubic meters per day PPCP pharmaceuticals and personal care products
COD chemical oxygen demand PPL pits, ponds, lagoons
COH coefficient of haze ppm parts per million
cps cycles per second PSI Pollutant Standards Index
CSO combined sewer overflow psi pounds per square inch
CSS combined sewer system PURPA Public Utilities Regulatory Act
CWA Clean Water Act RBC rotating biological contactor
DAF dissolved air flotation RBCA risk-based corrective action
dB decibel RCP reinforced concrete pipe
dBA decibel, A-weighted RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
DBR disinfection by-product rule RDF refuse-derived fuel
DIP Ductile iron pipe RFG reformulated gasoline
DNAPL dense nonaqueous-phase liquids RI/FS remedial investigation/feasibility study
DNL day–night level rms root mean square
DO dissolved oxygen RO reverse osmosis
DPR direct potable reuse SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
EIA environmental impact assessment SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
EIS environmental impact statement SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus
EPA Environmental Protection Agency SCS Soil Conservation Service
ETS environmental tobacco smoke SDGS small-diameter gravity sewer
FBRR Filter Backwash Recycling Rule SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
FGD flue-gas desulfurization SEL sound exposure level
FRPP fiber reinforced polymer pipe SIP state implementation plan
F/M food-to-microorganism ratio SBR sequencing batch reactor
FML flexible membrane liner SOC synthetic organic chemical
GAC granular activated carbon SPL sound pressure level
GCM global circulation model SPS source performance standards
GFRP glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe SS suspended solids
GIS geographic information system SSO sanitary sewer overflow
gpcd gallons per capita per day STC sound transmission class
gpg grains per gallon STEP septic tank effluent pump
gpm gallons per minute STP sewage treatment plant
HDPE high-density polyethylene SVI sludge volume index
HGL hydraulic grade line SWD sidewater depth
HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act SWIS subsurface wastewater infiltration system
HWM hazardous waste management SWMM Stormwater Management Model
Hz hertz (cps) SWTR Surface Water Treatment Rule
IAQ indoor air quality TARP Tunnel and Reservoir Project
IDF intensity–duration–frequency TCLP toxicity characteristics leaching procedure
IFAS integrated fixed-film activated sludge TDH total dynamic head
I/I infiltration and inflow TDS total dissolved solids
IPR indirect potable reuse TLV threshold limit value
JTU Jackson turbidity unit TS total solids
LEED leadership in energy and environmental design TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
LNAPL light nonaqueous-phase liquids TSDF treatment, storage, and disposal facility
LID Low-impact development TSP total suspended particulates
MA7CD10 minimum average 7-consecutive-day 10-year low flow TSS total suspended solids
MBR membrane bioreactor TT treatment technique
MCF membrane cartridge filter TTHM total trihalomethanes
MCL maximum contaminant level UF ultrafiltration
MCLG maximum contaminant level goal USDA United States Department of Agriculture
MF microfiltration USGBC United States Green Building Council
mgd million gallons per day USGS United States Geological Survey
MLSS mixed liquor suspended solids UST underground storage tank
MPN most probable number UV Ultraviolet
MRF materials recycling facility VFD variable frequency drive
MSW municipal solid waste VOC volatile organic compound
MSWLF municipal solid waste landfill WL working level
NAAQS national ambient air quality standards WTP water treatment plant
NAPL nonaqueous-phase liquids
Unit conversions, equivalencies, and selected unit abbreviations
SI Metric to U.S. Customary equivalencies Unit abbreviations

Length ac = acre
1 mm = 0.03937 in. atm = atmosphere
1 m = 3.281 ft cfs = cubic feet per second
1 km = 0.6214 mi ft = feet
ft2 = square feet
Area ft3 = cubic feet
1 m2 = 10.76 ft2 gal = gallon
1 ha = 10000 m2 = 2.471 ac gpg = grains per gallon
1 km2 = 0.3861 mi2 gpm = gallons per minute
ha = hectare
Volume hp = horsepower
1 L = 0.2642 gal = 0.03531 ft3 in. = inch
1 m3 = 264.2 gal = 35.31 ft3 kg = kilogram
km = kilometer
Volume flow rate km2 = square kilometer
1 L>s = 15.85 gpm = 0.02282 mgd = 0.03531 cfs kN = kilonewton
1 m3 >s = 15,850 gpm = 22.82 mgd = 35.31 cfs kPa = kilopascal
1 ML>d = 1000 m3 >d = 0.264 mgd kW = kilowatt
L = liter
Mass and Weight (force) L>s = liters per second
1 kg = 2.205 lb lb = pound
1 N = 0.2248 lb m = meter
1 ton 1metric2 = 1000 kg = 2205 lb m2 = square meter
1 kg>L = 8.345 lb>gal m3 = cubic meter
1 kN>m3 = 172 lb>yd3 m3 >s = cubic meters per second
mg>L = milligrams per liter
Pressure mgd = million gallons per day
1 kPa = 0.147 psi mi = mile
1 atm = 100 kPa = 14.7 psi mi2 = square mile
ML>d = megaliters per day
Chemical Concentrations mm = millimeter
1 mg>L = 1 ppm = 0.0584 gpg = 8.345 lb>million gal N = newton
1mg>L = 1 ppb ppb = parts per billion
1% = 10000 ppm ppm = parts per million
% = percent
Power psi = pound per square inch
1 kW = 1.341 hp yd3 = cubic yard
1 hp = 550 ft # lb>s mg>L = micrograms per liter
Basic Environmental Technology
Water Supply, Waste Management,
and Pollution Control
S ixth E dition

Jerry A. Nathanson, MS, PE

Emeritus Professor
Union County College
Cranford, New Jersey

Richard A. Schneider, MS, PE

Madison Area Technical College
Madison, Wisconsin

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Nathanson, Jerry A.
Basic environmental technology: water supply, waste management, and pollution control/
Jerry A. Nathanson, MS, PE, Emeritus Professor Union County College Cranford, New Jersey,
Richard A. Schneider, MS, PE, Instructor, Madison Area Technical College Madison,
Wisconsin.—Sixth edition.
  pages cm
  Includes bibliographical references and index.
  ISBN-13: 978-0-13-284014-9 (alk. paper)
  ISBN-10: 0-13-284014-6 (alk. paper)
  1. Environmental engineering. 2. Water-supply. 3. Sanitary engineering. 4. Pollution.
  I.  Schneider, Richard A.  II.  Title.
  TD145.N38 2014

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 10:    0-13-284014-6
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-284014-9
For Ginger and Adam and in Loving Memory of Sheila—Jerry

To Mom and Dad for Their Love and Support All These Years. To Stacy,
Valentine, and Hannah for Their Patience and Understanding
throughout All My Endeavors—Rich
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B asic Environmental Technology offers a practical

introduction to the topics of municipal water sup-
ply, waste management, and pollution control. The
book is designed primarily for students in civil/construction
technology programs and related disciplines in community
water treatment and distribution, sewage collection, sew-
age treatment and disposal, and stormwater management.
Municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, air pollution, and
noise pollution are covered in Chapters 11 through 14.
Finally, appendixes regarding environmental impact state-
colleges and technical institutes. It can also be useful in bacca- ments and audits; the education and employment of tech-
laureate engineering and technology programs when a broad nicians, technologists, and engineers; green building project
but elementary course of study is desired, or for independent certification; basic mathematics; units and conversions; and
learning by individuals who want to explore the rudiments of an extensive glossary are included.
environmental quality control and public health protection. There is more than ample material in this book for a
Experienced technicians, engineers, scientists, and others in typical one-semester course. Chapters 1 through 10 should
different disciplines who may become involved in environ- suffice for introductory courses that focus mostly on water
mental work for the first time will also find this book of value and wastewater topics. In courses where air quality, solid and
as an initial reference. hazardous waste, and noise pollution are also part of the syl-
The qualities that continue to distinguish this book in labus, the instructor may find it necessary to be selective in
its sixth edition are its clear, easy-to-read style and its logi- coverage of topics from the first 10 chapters to allow time
cal and systematic treatment of the subject. Because the for discussion and study of the last four chapters. In such
field of environmental technology is multidisciplinary and circumstances, less time could be spent on the quantita-
extensive in scope, review or primer sections are included tive parts of the text (e.g., hydraulics) and more time spent
so readers with little or no experience in biology, chemistry, on the descriptive and qualitative aspects of environmental
geology, and hydraulics can comprehend and use the book. technology. Another option is to focus lectures on the first
Mathematical topics are presented at a relatively basic level; 10 chapters for most of the semester, and allow students to
to understand the numerical examples in the book, some select topics of special interest from the last 4 chapters for a
knowledge of algebra and geometry will be useful. term paper and/or oral presentation to the whole class. In
Example problems, diagrams, and photographs are this way, students get some exposure to those topics, as well
used throughout to illustrate and clarify important topics. as practice in communication skills.
Numerous review questions and practice problems follow The original sequence of the chapters remains the same as
each chapter; answers to the practice problems are presented in previous editions (although some instructors have suggested
in Appendix F. Both SI metric and U.S. Customary units are changes in this regard). It is not possible, however, to satisfy
used because students and practitioners in the United States the different preferences of all instructors. Naturally, a course
must be familiar with these two systems. Online Instructor’s syllabus can readily designate a sequence of reading assign-
Resources are available that include downloadable resources ments that will meet particular course needs. In fact, one of the
for lecture, modified classroom, and distance education. purposes of the extensive glossary in Appendix E is to provide
Chapter 1 provides an overview of environmental technol- brief definitions of terms that students may need to know and
ogy, including elements of public health, ecology, geology, encounter for the first time, particularly if they read the chap-
and soils. The next nine chapters, that is, Chapters 2 to 10, ters in a different sequence than that presented in the book.
focus on water and wastewater topics, including hydraulics This introductory textbook addresses a wide range of
and hydrology, water quality and water pollution, drinking environmental topics, each of which is covered in greater
vi Preface

depth and detail in other, more narrowly specialized and ● Updated water and air quality standards and regulations,
advanced texts. They are presented here in a form and at a including the recent acknowledgment by the EPA that car-
level that is more readily accessible to students and others bon dioxide is an air pollutant that can harm public health
who are studying the subject for the first time. In writing and welfare by causing global warming and climate change.
and revising the book over six editions, decisions had to be ● Expanded glossary and list of acronyms; expanded
made to include or exclude certain facts, details, examples, discussion of environmental education, certification,
and illustrations, and some compromises were inevitable. and employment; new section introducing LEED green
Every effort has been made to maintain a balance between building project certification.
thoroughness and practicality in covering the material to ● Expanded online Instructor’s Resources materials, in-
ensure that the book will continue to be a user-friendly and cluding worked-out solutions to all practice problems
useful learning tool for all readers. and text-page references for answers to review questions;
An important factor in deciding what to include is the supplemental problems, 100 + multiple-choice test ques-
prescribed limit to the total size of the book, and we have tions (and answers), and additional test problems and
necessarily resisted the temptation (and requests by some student project assignments; photos; descriptions of
instructors) to add even more topics and details. From our ­selected URLs of environmental websites for each chap-
experience, a good textbook is one that provides a broad, ter; suggested references and video materials; and so on.
solid foundation on which experienced instructors can (and
should) build and provide additional information and expli-
cation to satisfy the needs of their students. We hope this Supplements
updated textbook provides that basic foundation for student To access supplementary materials online, instructors need to
learning, and that it helps motivate and prepare readers to request an instructor access code. Go to www.pearsonhighered
study environmental technology or engineering at a more .com/irc to register for an instructor access code. Within
advanced level. 48 hours of registering, you will receive a confirming e-mail
A plethora of information related to environmental including an instructor access code. Once you have received
topics is, of course, now available on the World Wide Web. your code, locate your text in the online catalog and click on
There is so much information and so many links among the Instructor Resources button on the left side of the cata-
the profusion of Web pages that it is easy for beginners to log product page. Select a supplement, and a login page will
be quickly overwhelmed. It is best to start exploring envi- appear. Once you have logged in, you can access instructor
ronmental topics on the Web gradually, after using a text- material for all Pearson textbooks. If you have any difficulties
book such as this, in which the information is organized and accessing the site or downloading a supplement, please con-
­presented so that students can understand the underlying tact Customer Service at
concepts before delving online into the details of specific
environmental technology subjects.
As the topics in this book are studied and mastered, stu- Acknowledgments
dents will be much better prepared to mine the wealth of
The helpful comments, suggestions, and contributions from
environmental information in cyberspace. Lists of relevant
the many people (too numerous to list here) who used and
website URLs are intentionally not presented because they
reviewed the book as it developed over the first five editions
are so numerous and, in many cases, transitory. Users of this
are gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank
book can, at their convenience, quickly search the World
Kenneth R. Leitch, PhD, PE, West Texas A&M University;
Wide Web for more specific online information using
Dr. Brian Matthews, NC State University, Raleigh, NC; and
appropriate keywords and topic headings.
Tom Spendlove, Baker College of Flint, who took the time to
review the previous edition of this book and offer useful sug-
gestions. And last, but certainly not least, we thank the exem-
New to the sixth edition plary editorial, design, production, and marketing team who,
● Discussions related to environmental sustainability, at Pearson Education, continue to make this book a reality.
­integrated water management, low impact development, We have made every attempt to keep errors and inac-
and green building design are included throughout the curacies in this textbook to a minimum. Nevertheless, we
relevant sections of the text. remain fully responsible for any mistakes that may be found
● A section on water resources augmentation using herein, and welcome constructive comments and sugges-
advanced wastewater treatment and recycling, including tions for the book’s improvement from those who use it.
expanded description of membrane filtration technology
for advanced water purification. Jerry A. Nathanson, MS, PE
Union County College
● Discussions of new topics, including dual water ­systems,
Cranford, New Jersey
new pipeline materials, environmental impacts of
hydraulic fracturing (fracking), constructed wetlands, Richard Schneider, MS, PE
single stream municipal solid waste recycling, and Madison Area Technical College
plasma gasification of solid and hazardous waste. Madison, Wisconsin

C h a p t e r
C h a p t e r
1 3
Basic Concepts  1 Hydrology  50

1-1 Overview of Environmental 3-1 Water Use and Availability 50

Technology 2
3-2 The Hydrologic Cycle 52
1-2 Public Health 5
3-3 Rainfall 53
1-3 Ecology 8
3-4 Surface Water 59
1-4 Geology and Soils 15
3-5 Droughts 64
1-5 Historical Perspective 18
3-6 Reservoirs 65
1-6 Chapter Synopsis 21
3-7 Groundwater 69
Review Questions 22
3-8 Chapter Synopsis 72

Review Questions 73
C h a p t e r
2 Practice Problems 74
Hydraulics  24

2-1 Pressure 24

2-2 Flow 29
C h a p t e r
Water Quality  76
2-3 Flow in Pipes under Pressure 32
4-1 Fundamental Concepts in
2-4 Gravity Flow in Pipes 36 Chemistry 77

2-5 Nonuniform Open Channel 4-2 Physical Parameters of Water

Flow 42 Quality 86

2-6 Computer Applications in 4-3 Chemical Parameters of Water

Hydraulics 46 Quality 88

2-7 Chapter Synopsis 46 4-4 Biological Parameters of Water

Quality 95
Review Questions 47
4-5 Water Sampling 101
Practice Problems 48
4-6 Chapter Synopsis 102

Review Questions 103

Practice Problems 105

viii Contents

7-7 Chapter Synopsis 184

C h a p t e r
Review Questions 186
Water Pollution  106
Practice Problems 187
5-1 Classification of Water
Pollutants 106

5-2 Thermal Pollution 108

C h a p t e r
Sanitary Sewer Systems  189
5-3 Soil Erosion and Sediment
8-1 Sanitary Sewer Design 190
Control 109
8-2 Sewage Lift Stations 199
5-4 Stream Pollution 110
8-3 Sewer Construction 201
5-5 Lake Pollution 114
8-4 Infiltration and Inflow 207
5-6 Groundwater Pollution 117
8-5 Sewer Rehabilitation 208
5-7 Ocean Pollution 121
8-6 Alternative Wastewater
5-8 Water Quality Standards 124
Collection Systems 211
5-9 Chapter Synopsis 126
8-7 Computer Applications
Review Questions 128 and GIS 213

Practice Problems 128 8-8 Chapter Synopsis 213

Review Questions 215
C h a p t e r
Practice Problems 215
Drinking Water Purification  129

6-1 Safe Drinking Water Act 130 C h a p t e r

6-2 Sedimentation 136 Stormwater Management  217

6-3 Coagulation and 9-1 Estimating Storm Runoff 218

Flocculation 140
9-2 Storm Sewer Systems 225
6-4 Filtration 141
9-3 Stormwater Mitigation
6-5 Disinfection 145 Techniques 229

6-6 Other Treatment Processes 149 9-4 Floodplains 236

6-7 Chapter Synopsis 154 9-5 Control of Combined Sewer

Overflow 238
Review Questions 155
9-6 Computer Applications 241
Practice Problems 155
9-7 Chapter Synopsis 242

Review Questions 243
C h a p t e r

Water Distribution Systems  157 Practice Problems 243

7-1 Design Factors 158

7-2 Water Mains 161

C h a p t e r
Wastewater Treatment and
7-3 Centrifugal Pumps 167 Disposal  245

7-4 Distribution Storage 175 10-1 Legislation and Standards 246

7-5 Flow in Pipe Networks 179 10-2 Primary Treatment 248

7-6 Computer Applications 182 10-3 Secondary Treatment 249


10-4 Tertiary Treatment 260

10-5 On-Site Wastewater Treatment

C h a p t e r
and Disposal 267 Air Pollution and Control  345

10-6 Sludge (Biosolids) 13-1 Historical Background 345

Management 278 13-2 Atmospheric Factors 346
10-7 Operation and 13-3 Types, Sources, and
Maintenance 285 Effects 350
10-8 Chapter Synopsis 287 13-4 Global Air Pollution 355
Review Questions 288 13-5 Indoor Air Quality 362
Practice Problems 289 13-6 Air Sampling and
Measurement 367
C h a p t e r
13-7 Air Pollution Control 373
Municipal Solid Waste  291
13-8 Chapter Synopsis 385
11-1 Historical Background 292
Review Questions 387
11-2 Solid Waste
Practice Problems 388
Characteristics 292

11-3 Solid Waste Collection 295 C h a p t e r
11-4 Solid Waste Processing 297 Noise Pollution and Control  389
11-5 Recycling 304 14-1 Basic Physics of Sound 389
11-6 Sanitary Landfills 309 14-2 Measurement of Noise 391
11-7 Chapter Synopsis 316 14-3 Effects of Noise 396
Review Questions 317 14-4 Noise Mitigation 397
Practice Problems 318 14-5 Chapter Synopsis 401

Review Questions 402
C h a p t e r
Practice Problems 403
Hazardous Waste Management  319

12-1 Characteristics and

Quantities 321 Appendixes  404

12-2 Transportation of Hazardous A Environmental Impact Studies

Waste 323 and Audits  404

12-3 Treatment, Storage, and B Education, Employment,

Disposal 325 Licensing, and Certification  408

12-4 Site Remediation 331 C LEED Green Building Project

Certification Process  413
12-5 Hazardous Waste
Minimization 341 D Review of Basic Mathematics,
Units, and Unit Conversions  414
12-6 Chapter Synopsis 342
E Glossary and Abbreviations  423
Review Questions 343
F Answers to Practice
Problems  437

Index 438
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Chapter Outline Biogeochemical Cycles

Stability, Diversity, and Succession
1-1 Overview of Environmental Technology
Biological Monitoring in Lakes and Streams
Water Supply
Biological Magnification
Sewage Disposal and Water Pollution Control
Endangered Species Act
Stormwater Management
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 1-4 Geology and Soils
Air and Noise Pollution Control Types of Rock
Other Environmental Factors Types of Soil
Development of a Master-Planned Community Soil Survey Maps
Environmental Interrelationships 1-5 Historical Perspective
1-2 Public Health An Era of Environmental Awareness
Communicable Diseases Environmental Regulations
Noninfectious Diseases Green Engineering and Environmental
1-3 Ecology
1-6 Chapter Synopsis
Food Chains and Metabolism
Aerobic and Anaerobic Decomposition

E nvironmental technology primarily involves the

­application of engineering principles to the planning,

design, construction, and operation of the following
Actually, there is considerable overlap of these two
objectives because of the relationship between the quality of
environmental conditions and the health and well-being of
people. In fact, the terms “public health” and “environmen-
tal health” are often used synonymously.
● Drinking water treatment and distribution
Public health includes more than just the absence of
● Sewage treatment and water pollution control
­illness. It is a condition of physical, mental, and social well-
● Stormwater drainage and runoff control being and comfort. The cleanliness and esthetic quality of
● Solid and hazardous waste management our surroundings—the atmosphere, rivers, lakes, forests,
● Air and noise pollution control and meadows, as well as towns and cities—have a direct
● General community sanitation impact on this condition of human well-being and comfort,
and sanitation, that is, the promotion of cleanliness, is a
The structures and facilities that serve these functions,
basic necessity in the effort to protect public and environ-
including pipelines, pumping stations, treatment plants, and
mental health.
waste disposal sites, make up a major portion of society’s
Environmental engineering technology is part of the
infrastructure—the public and private works that allow human
broader field of civil engineering. It has had a variety of
communities to thrive and function productively.
names, including sanitary engineering, public health engi-
The practice of environmental technology encompasses
neering, pollution control engineering, and environmental
two fundamental objectives:
health engineering. The phrase “green engineering” is also
1. Public health protection to help prevent the transmis- used now (in a broader sense), referring to design, construc-
sion of diseases among humans. tion, and manufacturing activities that focus on environ-
2. Environmental health protection to preserve the quality of mental sustainability and on energy and natural resource
our natural surroundings, including air, land, and water. conservation. Low impact (land) development and green

2 chapter one

building design are also part of the modern-day civil and 2. Is it best to build a new centralized treatment and dis-
environmental engineering lexicon. tribution system for the whole community, or would it
Environmental technology is an interdisciplinary field be better to use individual well supplies? If a centralized
because it encompasses several different technical subjects. treatment facility is selected,
In addition to such traditional civil engineering topics as 3. What types of water treatment processes will be
hydraulics and hydrology, these include biology, ecology, required to meet federal and state drinking water stan-
geology, chemistry, and others. This variety makes the field dards? (Water from a river or a lake usually requires
interesting and challenging. Fortunately, it is not necessary more extensive treatment than does groundwater, to
to be an expert in all these subjects to understand and apply remove suspended particles and bacteria.) Once the
the basic principles of environmental technology. This par- source and treatment processes are selected,
ticular text has been designed so that a student with little 4. What would be the optimum hydraulic design of the
academic background in some or all of the supporting sub- storage, pumping, and distribution network to ensure
jects can still use it productively. that sufficient quantities of water can be delivered to
This chapter is a review of basic and pertinent topics in consumers at adequate pressures?
public health, ecology, and geology. Practical hydraulics is
covered in Chapter 2, and the fundamentals of hydrology Illustrating the importance of water supply in new com-
are presented in Chapter 3. The essential concepts and ter- munity development and environmental planning is the
minology from chemistry and microbiology are presented in California law (implemented in October 2001) that forces
sections of Chapter 4 on water quality. The remaining chap- builders to prove that there will be adequate water to sup-
ters of the book build on these subjects by presenting specific ply their new developments. This law imposes strict require-
principles and applications of environmental technology. ments for cities and counties when issuing permits for new
subdivisions of 500 or more homes. The local water agen-
cies must verify that water quantities are ample enough to
1-1 OVERVIEW OF serve the project for at least 20 years, including periods of
ENVIRONMENTAL drought. California is the first state to pass such strict legis-
TECHNOLOGY lation linking new development to water supply.

Before beginning a study of the many different topics that

make up environmental technology, it would be helpful to Sewage Disposal and Water Pollution Control
have an understanding of the overall goals, problems, and When running water is delivered into individual homes and
alternative solutions available to practitioners in this field. businesses, there is an obvious need to provide for the disposal
To present an overview of such a broad subject, we can of the used water, or sewage. Sewage contains human waste,
consider an engineering project involving the subdivision wash water, and dishwater, as well as a variety of chemicals if
and development of a tract of land into a new community, it comes from an industrial or commercial area. It also carries
which may include residential and commercial centers. microorganisms that may cause disease and organic material
Whether the project owner is a governmental agency or a that can damage lakes and streams as it decomposes.
private company, a wide spectrum of environmental issues It will be necessary to provide the new community
will have to be considered before construction of the new with a means for safely disposing of the sewage, to prevent
community can begin. Usually, the owner hires and retains water pollution and to protect public and environmental
the engineering services of an independent environmen- health. Some of the technical questions that will have to be
tal consulting firm to address these issues. Various project addressed include the following:
reviews are also performed, and permits issued, by local,
state, and federal agencies prior to project implementation. 1. Is there a nearby municipal sewerage system with the
(An example of a “master-planned” community project is capacity to handle the additional flow from the new
described on page 4.) community? If not,
2. Are the local geological conditions suitable for on-site
Water Supply subsurface disposal of the wastewater (usually septic sys-
tems), or is it necessary to provide a centralized ­sewage
One of the first tasks project developers and consultants
treatment plant for the new community and to discharge
must consider is the provision of a potable water supply,
the treated sewage to a nearby stream? If treatment and
one that is clean, wholesome, safe to drink, and available
surface discharge are required,
in adequate quantities to meet the anticipated demand in
the new community. Some of the questions that must be 3. What is the required degree or level of wastewater treat-
answered are as follows: ment to prevent water pollution? Will a secondary
treatment level, which removes at least 85 percent of
1. Is there an existing public water system nearby with the biodegradable pollutants, be adequate? Or will some
capacity to connect with and serve the new develop- form of advanced treatment be required to meet fed-
ment? If not, eral and state discharge standards and stream quality
Basic Concepts 3

criteria? (Some advanced treatment facilities can remove of solid wastes. Improper garbage disposal practices can lead
more than 99 percent of the pollutants.) to the spread of diseases such as typhus and plague due to the
4. Is the flow of industrial wastewater an important factor? breeding of rats and flies.
5. Is it possible to use some type of land disposal of the If municipal refuse is improperly disposed of on land in a
treated sewage, such as spray irrigation, instead of dis- “garbage dump,” it is also very likely that surface and ground-
charging the flow into a stream? water resources will be polluted with leachate (leachate is a
contaminated liquid that seeps through the pile of refuse into
6. What methods will be used to treat and dispose of
nearby streams as well as into the ground). However, incin-
the sludge, or biosolids, that is removed from the
eration of the refuse may cause significant air pollution prob-
lems if proper controls are not applied or are ineffective.
7. What is the optimum layout and hydraulic design of Hazardous wastes, such as poisonous or ignitable chem-
a sewage collection system that will convey the waste- icals from industrial processes, must receive special atten-
water to the central treatment facility with a minimum tion with respect to storage, collection, transport, treatment,
need for pumping? and final disposal. This is particularly necessary to protect
the quality of groundwater, which is the source of water
Stormwater Management supply for about half the population in the United States.
In the second half of the 20th century, a significant number
The development of land for human occupancy and use of water supply wells were found to be contaminated with
tends to increase the volume and rate of stormwater runoff synthetic organic chemicals, many of which are now known
from rain or melting snow. This is due to the construction of to cause cancer and other illnesses in humans. Improper dis-
roads, pavements, or other impervious surfaces, which pre- posal of these hazardous materials, usually by illegal burial
vent the water from seeping into the ground. The increase in the ground (or “midnight dumping”), has been the main
in surface runoff may cause flooding, soil erosion, and water cause of the contamination.
pollution problems both on the site and downstream. The Some of the general questions related to the disposal
following are some of the questions the developer and con- of solid and hazardous wastes from the new community
sultant have to consider: include the following:
1. What is the optimum layout and hydraulic design of a 1. Is there a materials recycling facility (MRF, or “murf”)
surface drainage system that will prevent local flooding serving the area? What will be the waste storage, collec-
during wet weather periods? tion, and recycling requirements (e.g., will source sepa-
2. What intensity and duration of storm should the sys- ration of household refuse be necessary)?
tem be designed to handle without surcharging, or 2. Will a waste processing facility (such as one that pro-
overflowing? vides for shredding, pulverizing, baling, composting, or
3. Do local municipal land-use ordinances call for facili- incineration) be needed to reduce the waste volume and
ties that keep post-construction runoff rates equal to or improve its handling characteristics?
less than the amount of runoff from the undeveloped 3. Is there a suitable sanitary landfill serving the area, and
land? If so, will it have sufficient capacity to handle the increased
4. What are the “best management practices” (BMPs) for amounts of solid waste for a reasonable period of time?
reducing the peak runoff flows and protecting water (Despite the best efforts to recycle solid waste or reduce
quality during wet weather periods? its volume, some material will require final disposal in
5. What provisions can be made, during and after con- the ground in an environmentally sound manner.) If not,
struction, to minimize problems related to soil erosion 4. Is there a suitable site for construction and operation
from runoff? of a new landfill to serve the area? (A modern sanitary
6. What is the best way to manage combined sewer over- landfill site must meet strict requirements with respect
flows (CSOs) in older sewer systems? to topography, geology, hydrology, and other environ-
mental conditions.)
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 5. Will commercial or industrial establishments be gener-
ating hazardous waste, and, if so, what provisions must
The development of a new community (or growth of an be made to collect, transport, and process that material?
existing community) will certainly lead to the generation Is there a secure landfill for final disposal available, or
of more municipal refuse and industrial waste materials. must a new one be constructed to serve the area?
Ordinarily, the collection and disposal of solid wastes is a
responsibility of the local municipality. However, some of
the wastes from industrial sources may be particularly dan-
Air and Noise Pollution Control
gerous, requiring special handling and disposal methods. Major sources of air pollution include fuel combustion for
There is a definite relationship between public and power generation, certain industrial and manufacturing
environmental health and the proper handling and disposal processes, and automotive traffic. Project developers can
4 chapter one

exercise the most control over traffic. Private industry will hygiene and occupational safety, and the cleanliness of recre-
have to apply appropriate air pollution control technology ation areas such as public swimming pools. These concerns
at individual facilities to meet federal and state standards. are generally the responsibility of local health departments.
The volume of traffic in the area will obviously increase,
leading to an increase in exhaust fumes from cars and other Development of a Master-Planned
vehicles. Proper layout of roads and traffic-flow patterns,
however, can minimize the amount of stop-and-go traffic,
thus reducing the amount of air pollution in the development. Anthem Community Park in Maricopa County, Arizona, is
Usually, the developer’s consultant will have to pre- an example of a large master-planned community, one that
pare an environmental impact statement (EIS), which will exemplifies many of the environmental issues discussed
describe the traffic plan and estimate the expected levels of above. Beginning around 2000, this community has gradually
air pollutants. It will have to be shown that air quality stan- been developed on approximately 2400 hectares (ha) [5800
dards will not be violated for the project to gain approval acres (ac)]. Zoning densities on the property allowed for the
from regulatory agencies. (In addition to air pollution, the construction of approximately 14,000 residential units, with
completed EIS will address all other environmental effects about 240 ha (600 ac) set aside for mixed commercial uses. The
related to the proposed project.) initial 2001 population of 2500 residents increased to 25,000
Noise can be considered to be a type of air pollution in 2010; the ultimate design population is 30,000 residents.
in the form of waste energy—sound vibrations. Noise pol- Planned features for the growing Anthem community
lution will result from the construction activity, causing a included school sites, a community center, two golf courses,
temporary or short-term impact. The builders may have to a water park, single family and multifamily housing, as well
observe limitations on the types of construction equipment as mixed commercial uses. Although the Anthem commu-
and the hours of operation to minimize this negative effect nity is a good example of a project for which the developer
on the environment. A long-term impact with respect to the must consider a wide range of environmental factors, as
generation of noise will be caused by the increased amount mentioned above, the discussion here will focus mainly on
of vehicular traffic. This is another environmental factor water supply and wastewater disposal issues.
that the consultants will have to address in the EIS. As part of the engineering work for this project, the
developer hired a consulting engineering firm to create
computer programs (also called computer models) of the
Other Environmental Factors ­community’s water supply and wastewater disposal networks.
Not to be overlooked as an environmental factor in any land The initial purpose of the computer models was to establish
development project is the potential impact on local vegeta- design parameters and construction phasing for the planned
tion and wildlife. The destruction of woodlands and meadows ­infrastructure. They have also served to maintain, operate,
to make room for new buildings and roads can lead to signifi- and update the system on an ongoing basis. (Computer appli-
cant ecological problems, particularly if there are any rare or cations are discussed in more detail in later chapters.)
endangered species in the area. Cutting down trees and paving As it developed, the Anthem community had to
over meadows can cause short-term impacts related to soil ero- meet the guidelines of the Arizona Department of Water
sion and stream sedimentation. On a long-term basis, it will Resources, which requires that surface water be used to pro-
cause the displacement of wildlife to other suitable habitats, vide for any new development and that a 100-year water
presuming, of course, that such habitats are available nearby. supply be assured. Groundwater could not be used as the
Otherwise, several species may disappear from the area entirely. sole source of water in the Phoenix Active Management
Human activity in wetland areas, including marshes Area in which the project is located, due to overpumping
and swamps, can be very damaging to the environment. of the aquifers within the area. Wells could be used, but the
Coastal wetlands are habitats for many different species of volume of groundwater withdrawn must be equal to or less
organisms, and the tremendous biological productivity of than the recharge volume. (Surface water, groundwater, and
these wetland environments is an important factor in the wells are topics covered in more detail in Chapter 3.)
food chain for many animals. When wetlands are drained, Since there is no permanent source of surface water
filled in, or dredged for building and land development supply in Anthem, it was necessary for the developer to
projects, the life cycle of many organisms is disrupted. Many obtain an assured 100-year supply from Lake Pleasant on
species may be destroyed as a result of habitat loss or loss of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal, a long distance
a staple food source. Wetlands also play important roles in away. A 750-mm (30-in.)-diameter ductile iron pipeline
filtering and cleansing water and in serving as a reservoir for more than 13 km (8 mi) long was built to transport CAP
floodwaters. There is a definite need to control or restrict water to the Anthem community. (Water treatment and dis-
construction activities in wetland environments and to tribution topics are discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.)
implement a nationwide wetlands protection program.
Environmental concerns related to general sanitation in a Adapted from an article that originally appeared in the June 2001 issue
new community include food and beverage protection, insect ®
of Public Works , published by Public Works Journal Corporation, 200
South Broad Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. © 2001 Public Works Journal
and rodent control, radiological health protection, industrial Corporation.
Basic Concepts 5

The task of providing water to the growing commu- inadvertently causes a different problem to arise. For exam-
nity was further complicated because the Anthem property ple, the use of catalytic converters since the mid-1970s to
is located in two different governmental jurisdictions. On reduce smog caused by automobile exhaust gases has been
the west side, it is within the Phoenix city limits, and on the found to contribute to a different air pollution problem—
east, it is in Maricopa County. Each of these governmental global warming (or the “greenhouse effect”). Catalytic
entities has different engineering criteria for planning and converters can form significant quantities of nitrous oxide
design; the public infrastructure designed for Anthem must (“laughing gas”), which is a potent gas that can trap heat
meet the design criteria for both jurisdictions. The computer energy and warm the atmosphere. (The greenhouse effect
model used for water and wastewater infrastructure ensures and atmospheric warming are discussed in more detail later
that minimum and maximum pressures are maintained in Section 13-4.)
under all water demand conditions, and that maximum flow Another example involves the contamination of
velocities are not exceeded. groundwater and surface water in some cities by MTBE
Anthem Community Park wastewater is collected and (methyl tertiary butyl ether), an organic chemical added to
treated to allow the reuse of the effluent for irrigation of gasoline to reduce air pollution. MTBE was used as a fuel
landscaping in roadway medians, parks, and golf courses. additive since the early 1990s to increase gasoline octane
Treatment processes include rotary drum screens as well as ­levels and help reduce carbon monoxide and ozone concen-
biological purification and microfiltration. (Wastewater col- trations in the air. But it is very soluble in water and can con-
lection is discussed in Chapter 8, and sewage treatment pro- taminate water sources, largely as a result of leakage from
cesses are discussed in Chapter 10.) Treated sewage effluent underground storage tanks (see Section 12-3) and the use of
in excess of irrigation needs is allowed to percolate or seep motorized watercraft on lakes and reservoirs. MTBE may be
into the groundwater aquifer, using a network of recharge a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent), and it can give water a
trenches—an example of indirect wastewater recycling. bad taste and odor even at low levels. Its use in the United
Raw CAP water, potable water, and treated effluent are States started to decline in 2005 when more than two-dozen
monitored and managed using automated radio telemetry states banned the chemical.
systems to optimize the reuse of treated wastewater in the As more is learned about the potential interrelation-
planned community. ships among environmental phenomena, engineers and
technologists will be better able to create pollution control
Environmental Interrelationships systems that will not have any unexpected harmful effects
on other components of the environment and will be able to
In the preceding overview of environmental technology, avoid situations like the foregoing.
we have briefly considered many factors that are very much
interrelated and overlapping, as illustrated in Figure 1-1. In a
textbook, it is necessary to organize these factors into chap- 1-2  Public Health
ters and sections. But this is only for academic convenience. Preventing the spread of disease and thereby protecting the
The interrelationships should always be kept in mind. Water, health of human populations is a fundamental goal of envi-
land, and air pollution are part of a single problem. ronmental technology. Public health protection is, of course,
Sometimes, due to unanticipated interrelationships a primary concern of doctors and other medical professionals.
and overlaps, a solution of one environmental problem But engineering technology also plays a significant role in this
effort. In fact, the high standard of health enjoyed by citizens
Incineration of Certain air of the United States and other developed nations is largely
solid wastes to pollution control
conserve and systems, such as due to the construction and operation of modern water treat-
protect land “scrubbers,” ment and pollution control systems. The spread of diseases in
resources can produce a flow of
cause air pollution
dirty water that
countries with inadequate sanitary facilities remains a major
problems. can cause water problem for more than 2 billion people worldwide. Most
pollution. medical professionals consider sanitation (i.e., the prevention
Acid of human contact with potentially harmful waste materials
rain and other agents of disease) to be the most important aspect
of disease prevention and public health protection.
Land Water
Diseases are classified into two broad groups: communi-
cable diseases and noninfectious diseases. Communicable
diseases are those that can be transmitted from person to
Leachate seeping through sanitary person, commonly referred to as being infectious or conta-
landfills can contaminate surface
water and groundwater resources. gious. Noninfectious diseases, as the name implies, are not
contagious; they cannot be transmitted from one person to
Figure 1-1  Most environmental problems pertaining to air,
water, and land quality are interrelated. A problem called another by any means. The kinds of noninfectious diseases
acid rain, for example, is caused by air pollution, and it of concern in environmental technology are associated with
damages both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. contaminated water, air, or food. The contaminants are
6 chapter one

usually toxic chemicals from industrial sources, although A vehicle of disease transmission is any nonliving object
biological toxins can also cause disease. or substance that is contaminated with pathogens. For exam-
ple, forks and spoons, handkerchiefs, soiled clothes, or even
Communicable Diseases children’s toys are potential vehicles of transmission. They
can physically transport and transfer the pathogens from car-
Communicable diseases are usually caused by microbes. rier to contact. (Contaminated objects are also called fomites.)
These microscopic organisms include bacteria, protozoa, and Water, food, and milk are also potential vehicles of dis-
viruses (see Section 4-4). Most microbes are essential com- ease transmission; these are perhaps the most significant
ponents of our environment and do not cause disease. Those with regard to environmental technology and sanitation.
that do are called pathogenic organisms, or simply pathogens. Water, in particular, plays a major role in the transmission
The ways in which diseases are spread from one per- of communicable diseases, but it is most amenable to engi-
son to another vary considerably. They are called modes of neering and technological controls. Water and wastewater
transmission of disease and are summarized in Figure 1-2. It treatment facilities effectively block the pathway of water-
is important to make distinctions among the various modes borne diseases.
of transmission to be able to apply suitable methods of con-
trol. Direct transmission involves an immediate transfer of Types of Communicable Diseases  Waterborne and
pathogens from a carrier (infected person) to a susceptible foodborne diseases are perhaps the most preventable types
contact, that is, a person who has had direct contact with of communicable diseases. The application of basic sanitary
the carrier and is liable to acquire the disease. Clearly, con- principles and environmental technology has virtually elim-
trol of this mode of transmission is not within the scope of inated serious outbreaks of these diseases in technologically
environmental technology; it is in the province of personal developed countries.
hygiene and the medical profession (which provide immu- Water- and foodborne diseases are also called intestinal
nization and quarantine infected persons). diseases because they affect the intestinal tract of humans.
Environmental technology can be applied to intercept The pathogens are excreted in the feces of infected people.
many of the modes of indirect transmission. The three indi- If these pathogens are inadvertently ingested by others in
rect modes of disease transmission are airborne, vectorborne, contaminated food or water, the cycle of disease can con-
and vehicleborne. Airborne transmission involves the spread tinue, possibly in epidemic proportions, that is, when the
of microbes from carrier to contact in contaminated mists or number of occurrences of a disease in a community is far
dust particles suspended in air. It is the least common of the above normal.
indirect modes. (This should not be confused with the non- Symptoms of intestinal disease include diarrhea, vom-
infectious public health problems associated with chemical iting, nausea, and fever. Intestinal diseases can incapacitate
air pollution, which is discussed in Chapter 13.) large numbers of people in an epidemic and sometimes
Vectors of disease include insects, rodents, and other result in the deaths of many infected individuals. Water con-
animals that can transport pathogens to susceptible human taminated with untreated sewage (domestic wastewater) is
contacts. The animals that carry the pathogenic microbes generally the most common cause of this type of disease.
are also called intermediate hosts if the microbes have to The most prevalent waterborne diseases include typhoid
develop and grow in the vector’s body before becoming fever, dysentery, cholera, infectious hepatitis, and gastroenteritis
infective to humans. Vectorborne disease can be controlled (common diarrhea and cramps). These can also be transmit-
to some extent by proper sanitation measures. ted by contaminated food or milk products. Diseases caused
by bacterial toxins include botulism and Staphylococcus food
Modes of disease transmission poisoning. Refrigeration as well as proper cooking and sani-
tation at food-processing facilities and restaurants are impor-
Direct transmission tant for control of these foodborne diseases.
Contact or droplet spray (<1 m) Although cholera and dysentery have not generally been
Pathogens Susceptible a problem in the United States, they are prevalent diseases in
human contacts
Africa, India, and Pakistan and in many other developing
Indirect transmission countries in Southeast Asia. In fact, they are considered to
Airborne Vehicleborne Vectorborne be endemic (habitually present) in these areas. Typhoid fever
is more common in occurrence than cholera or dysentery.
aerosol or water, food, milk insects, animals
dust Until the beginning of the 1900s, typhoid mortality rates in
some urban areas of the United States were as high as 650
deaths per 100,000 population. The beginning of modern
Path of transmission intercepted by environmental technology:
water purification, wastewater treatment, air pollution control,
water purification technology at about that time helped
solid waste management, and general community sanitation. lower the typhoid death rate to considerably less than 1 per
Figure 1-2  Communicable diseases are spread in several
100,000 people per year. (Immunization and improvements
ways, many of which can be controlled or intercepted by in food and milk sanitation also played a role in reducing the
applications of modern environmental technology. incidence of typhoid.)
Basic Concepts 7

Amoebic dysentery, caused by a single-cell micro- Noninfectious Diseases

scopic animal called amoeba, occurred in epidemic pro-
portions in Chicago during the early 1930s. About 100 of It is a well-documented fact that the overall death rate for
the approximately 1000 people who contracted the disease people residing in heavily polluted urban areas is signifi-
died from it. The cause of this epidemic was traced to sew- cantly higher than the mortality rate in areas that are rela-
age that contaminated the water supplies of two hotels in tively pollution free. This is not necessarily because of the
the city. Although epidemics of intestinal disease like this incidence of sewage pollution and the spread of infectious
one are not at all common in the United States, when they diseases. In fact, many current public health problems
do occur they are usually very localized and can be traced related to environmental pollution are considered to be the
to contaminated water supplies in hotels, restaurants, result of contamination of water, food, and air with toxic
schools, or camps. Generally, the contamination is caused chemicals. The resulting diseases are noninfectious.
by cross-connections in the water distribution system, Some noninfectious illnesses associated with toxic
which may allow backflow of wastewater into the drinking chemical pollution have a relatively sudden and severe
water supply. onset, and the acute or immediate health effects can be
Giardiasis and cryptosporidosis are two waterborne readily traced to a specific contaminant. A group of sub-
diseases that can cause gastrointestinal illness and serious stances known as the heavy metals is particularly notorious
public health problems. They are both caused by single- in this regard. Other noninfectious diseases may take years
celled microscopic animals called protozoa (see Section 4-4 to develop and can involve chronic or long-lasting health
for a discussion of microorganisms), which can contami- problems. Generally, various synthetic organic substances
nate drinking water supplies. A very large outbreak of cause this type of problem, even in extremely small concen-
cryptosporidosis, for example, occurred in Milwaukee, trations. Some organics are considered to be carcinogenic,
Wisconsin, in 1993. The city’s water supply comes from having the potential to cause cancer in humans.
Lake Michigan. An unusual combination of circumstances Lead is one of the heavy metals involved in noninfec-
during a period of heavy rainfall and runoff allowed the pro- tious disease. The public health problems related to lead poi-
tozoan Cryptosporidium to pass through the water treat- soning have long been associated primarily with ingestion
ment plant. More than 40,000 people became ill, about 4000 by children of peeling lead-based paint. Lead poisoning can
people were hospitalized, and more than 50 deaths were lead to blindness, kidney disease, and mental retardation
attributed to this outbreak. The original source of the con- (particularly in children).
tamination is uncertain. Since that incident, improved water The evidence against lead as a dangerous environmen-
quality standards and treatment rules make a repetition of tal pollutant is overwhelming. It is a cumulative poison;
this type of outbreak less likely. that is, it accumulates in human tissue and can build up to
Insectborne diseases include those transmitted by the toxic levels over time. As a result, environmental agencies in
bites of mosquitoes, lice, and ticks. Malaria, yellow fever, Europe and the United States have banned the use of lead
and encephalitis are typical diseases spread by certain species additives in gasoline.
of mosquitoes. Flies also transmit disease, but not by biting; Mercury is another heavy metal associated with envi-
the contact of their germ-laden bodies, wings, and legs with ronmental pollution and noninfectious illness. It was first
food consumed by humans spreads diseases such as typhoid noted as such when it afflicted large numbers of people
fever and gastroenteritis. living in the Minamata Bay region of Japan in the 1950s.
The elimination of the breeding places of insects is one Mercury compounds, discharged into the bay in wastewater
of the most important control measures. Proper garbage dis- from a local factory, were ingested by people who ate con-
posal reduces fly breeding places, and elimination of stand- taminated fish. A severe epidemic of disease, resulting in
ing water is one of the methods available for eliminating blindness, paralysis, and many deaths, was the result. Less
mosquito breeding areas. Chemical control with insecticides severe symptoms included hand tremors, irritability, and
is usually a last resort because of the environmental and depression.
potential health problems associated with the use of toxic At the time of the Minamata Bay incident, mercury
substances. vapor was known to be harmful, although metallic mercury
In addition to insects, other vectors of disease transmis- itself was not considered hazardous (it has long been used
sion are vertebrate animals such as dogs and rats. Rabies in dental fillings). Research after the poisoning episode in
is a familiar example of a disease spread by the bite of an Japan, however, led to the discovery that certain microor-
infected dog or other mammal, but it is not generally related ganisms can cause the metallic mercury to combine with
to environmental conditions. Rodent-borne diseases, such other substances in the water, forming harmful mercury
as typhus and bubonic plague, are more readily controlled by compounds, such as methylmercury. This substance was
applications of environmental technology. Rat populations ingested by microscopic organisms in the water, called
can be controlled by good community sanitation practices; plankton, and entered the food chain. People who ate the
rodent access to garbage and water should be prevented. contaminated fish were made ill by the methylmercury.
Modern building codes include specifications for rodent- The episode of mercury poisoning in Japan is one
proof building construction. example of a relatively sudden and acute illness related to
8 chapter one

environmental pollution. The concentration of the pollut- the area were associated with environmental contamination
ant was relatively high, and the harmful effects were noticed with chemical wastes is beyond question. Research is being
within a short time. Questions remain as to the chronic or conducted by many universities and governmental agencies
long-term effects of lower concentrations of mercury com- to determine some of the long-term effects of heavy metals
pounds. It is common to detect small amounts of mercury and synthetic organic chemicals on human health.
in fish and wildlife even in rivers and lakes far from indus- Finally, several noninfectious diseases are specifically
trial centers. associated with air pollution. Air pollution and its con-
Discarded batteries and dry cells are a major source of trol are discussed in Chapter 13. Briefly, common diseases
mercury. This is becoming a very serious problem due to the related to air pollution include bronchial asthma, bronchitis,
difficulty in properly disposing of the many batteries gener- and emphysema. Lung cancer also occurs more frequently
ated by the growing electronics industry and the use of cal- among people who live in congested industrial and urban
culators, cameras, portable CD players, and watches. areas, and poor air quality is considered to play a role in
Unfortunately, mercury and lead are not the only harm- this. Again, it is difficult to prove a direct cause-and-effect
ful chemical substances that become environmental pol- relationship between a specific pollutant and these ill-
lutants when poorly managed or controlled. For example, nesses, but the overall negative effect of dirty air on public
the pesticide Kepone has seriously polluted the James River health is obvious: The incidence of respiratory ailments and
and Chesapeake Bay. The Hudson River is known to be increased mortality rates are directly related to the severity
­contaminated with the toxic industrial chemical PCB (poly- of air pollution.
chlorinated biphenyl) (see page 14). This oily substance was
widely used in electrical transformer fluids, coolants, paints,
and other products. It persists in the environment because it
1-3 Ecology
is nonbiodegradable; that is, it does not readily decompose Ecology is the branch of biological science concerned with
and dissipate by natural processes. PCBs have accumulated the relationships and interactions between living organisms
in the bottom deposits of rivers, and many species of fish are and their physical surroundings or environment. Living
contaminated with them. organisms and the environment with which they exchange
Like the pesticide DDT, PCB has been banned from materials and energy together make up an ecosystem, which
manufacture and most uses in the United States, but because is the basic unit of ecology. An ecosystem includes biotic
these substances are extremely persistent in the environ- components—the living plants and animals—and abiotic
ment, they remain potential dangers to public health for components—the air, water, minerals, and soil that constitute
many years after their initial discharge. Traces of DDT the environment. A third and essential component of most
and PCB are still found in the body tissues of animals far natural ecosystems is energy, usually in the form of sunlight.
removed from the sources of pollution. Both of these chemi- Familiar examples of land-based, or terrestrial, ecosys-
cals are considered potential human carcinogens. tems include forests, deserts, jungles, and meadows. Water-
Environmental pollution with harmful chemicals and based, or aquatic, ecosystems include streams, rivers, lakes,
the resulting incidences of noninfectious disease are part of marshes, and estuaries. There is no specific limitation on
a problem now commonly referred to as hazardous waste the size or boundaries of an ecosystem. A small pond can be
disposal. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 12. studied as a separate ecosystem, as can a desert comprising
Perhaps one of the most publicized environmental hundreds of square kilometers. Even the entire surface of
disasters in the United States that was related to improper Earth can be viewed as an ecosystem; the term “biosphere” is
disposal of hazardous wastes occurred in the 1970s at Love often used in this context.
Canal in Niagara Falls, New York. Waste chemicals in steel If Earth is imagined to be about the size of an apple,
drums were buried in the unused canal over a period of sev- then the layer of air that we breathe would not be much
eral years. The land was sold and many homes were built on thicker than the skin of that apple. This thin envelope of
top of the site. Eventually, the chemicals leaked out of the air (called the troposphere) and the shallow crust of land
drums and into the soil, water, and air in the vicinity of the and water just beneath it provide the abiotic components
old dump site. Soon it was evident that residents in the area that support life in the biosphere. It is a closed ecosystem
of Love Canal were suffering from unusually high rates of because there is essentially no transfer of material into or
cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, kidney disease, and other out of it. Only the constant flow of energy from the sun pro-
illnesses. Love Canal was the first polluted site to be put on vides power to sustain the life cycles within the biosphere.
the federal Superfund list (see Section 12-4). In 2004, the Nutrients are continually recycled and reused.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced The biosphere seems so big that it is sometimes difficult
that after more than two decades of cleanup work at the site, to believe that humans can affect or disrupt its natural bal-
at a cost of about $400 million, the Love Canal site was clean ances. But global problems related to environmental pollu-
enough to be taken off the list. tion, such as acid rain, the ozone hole, and the greenhouse
In incidents like Love Canal, it is difficult to tie a par- effect, are significant and must be controlled before irrevers-
ticular chemical to a specific health problem, but the fact ible environmental changes occur. These and other pollu-
that the noninfectious illnesses suffered by the residents of tion problems are discussed later in the text.
Basic Concepts 9

In addition to natural ecosystems, such as lakes or for- metabolic processes of living organisms are photosynthesis
ests, several types of artificial ecosystems are of particular and respiration, which is discussed shortly. Living organ-
importance in environmental technology. For example, isms require energy, and, as shown in Figure 1-3, the origi-
one of the most common methods of wastewater treatment nal or primary source of energy for all natural ecosystems is
is based on a biological system called the activated sludge the sun.
­process. This is an engineered ecosystem comprising a steel In addition to energy, living organisms need certain
or concrete tank, a suspended population of microorganisms chemicals from the environment, called nutrients, in suffi-
in wastewater, and a constant input of air. The microbes are cient quantities. All organisms need water, and most require
the biotic component; the tank, wastewater, and air are the gaseous oxygen. In addition, plants and animals require
abiotic components. The system removes organic pollut- carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, nitro-
ants from the wastewater. This method is discussed in more gen, sulfur, calcium, iron, and magnesium, as well as other
detail in Chapter 10. ­elements in smaller amounts. For animals, some of these
­elements must be in the form of organic molecules, such as
Food Chains and Metabolism carbohydrates or proteins. (A brief review of basic inorganic
and organic chemistry is provided in Chapter 4.)
There are two basic principles, or laws, of ecology: the one-
way flow of energy and the circulation of nutrients. Photosynthesis and Respiration  The food chain
Energy is the capacity to do work. It can be trans- shown schematically in Figure 1-3 begins with what ecolo-
formed from one form to another, such as from mechanical gists call the first trophic level of organisms—the producers.
to electrical energy or from energy in the form of sunlight These are the green plants. Green plants are autotrophic,
to potential energy stored in food molecules, but it cannot which simply means that they are self-nourishing. They
be created or destroyed. No energy transformation is 100 have the unique ability to convert carbon dioxide, water,
percent efficient; some is always lost to the environment. and some basic nutrients into organic compounds that store
Because of this, energy cannot be recycled in an ecosystem; the sun’s energy.
it can only flow one way. This natural process, called photosynthesis, is illustrated
In contrast, nutrient materials needed to sustain life can in Figure 1-4. The plants utilize solar energy to form carbohy-
be reused over and over again. They are constantly recycled drates from carbon dioxide and water. The carbohydrates can
or circulated through the ecosystem. The one-way flow of also combine with nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and other
energy and the circulation of nutrients are illustrated in elements, forming other organic compounds that are the
Figure 1-3. This is a very simplified diagram of a food chain, building blocks of living organisms. Chlorophyll, the pigment
showing three broad groups or types of organisms: the pro- that gives plants their characteristic green color, plays a key
ducers, the consumers, and the decomposers. role in trapping solar energy and converting it into chemi-
The biological and chemical process by which an organ- cal energy. A portion of the energy-rich organic compounds
ism sustains its life is called metabolism. Two fundamental stored in the plant tissue are available for use by other organ-
isms that consume the plants at the next trophic level.
During the process of photosynthesis, gaseous oxygen
Sun is released into the atmosphere. Oxygen is essential for the
metabolism of the next trophic level in the food chain—the
consumers. Actually, the consumer organisms include sev-
eral intermediate trophic levels, including the herbivores, the
First trophic level Producer
Nutrients carnivores, and the omnivores. Herbivores are plant-eating
organisms Energy animals, carnivores are meat eaters, and omnivores eat both
green plants plants and animals.

Consumer organisms Second

Nutrients "Lost" Plant eaters (herbivores) trophic Sun
energy Meat eaters (carnivores) level

Third Carbon plants Organic matter Gaseous
Decay organisms Water Nutrients
trophic dioxide carbohydrates oxygen
bacteria and fungi
level Nutrients Chlorophyll
"Energy-poor" substances "Energy-rich" substances
Figure 1-3  Simplified diagram of a food chain. Nutrients
are recycled, but energy must be continuously supplied by Figure 1-4  Schematic diagram of photosynthesis. Energy
the sun. The efficiency of energy transfer from one trophic from the sun is stored in organic molecules and is available
level to the next is less than 10 percent. for use by the next trophic level.
10 chapter one

Energy for growth, maintenance

and reproduction
Free oxygen
not available Methane
Organic Consumers Carbon
Oxygen Water Organic matter Anaerobic Unstable
matter Enzymes dioxide
proteins bacteria Hydrogen "smelly"
sulfide by-products
Figure 1-5  Schematic diagram of respiration, the opposite of
photosynthesis. Organic matter is metabolized or “burned,”
thereby releasing the stored energy for use by consumer Volatile
organisms. Enzymes are chemicals that help the metabolism organic
reactions occur in the living cell. acids

Figure 1-6  Anaerobic decomposition of proteins in the

The consumer organisms are heterotrophic. Unlike the absence of free or molecular oxygen is called putrefaction.
autotrophic plants, which manufacture their own food from
simple inorganic chemicals, the herbivores must utilize the Certain species of microorganisms are able to decom-
energy-rich compounds synthesized by the plants. In turn, pose organic material in the absence of freely available oxy-
the carnivores obtain energy for their metabolism when they gen. These organisms are called anaerobes, and the process is
consume the herbivores. The process by which the consum- called anaerobic decomposition. As illustrated in Figure 1-6,
ers obtain energy from the organic material stored in plants the end products of anaerobic decomposition include meth-
and animals they eat is called respiration. ane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic acids,
Respiration, illustrated in Figure 1-5, may be viewed many of which are responsible for the unpleasant odors asso-
as a process of slow combustion or oxidation of organic ciated with putrefaction (the anaerobic decay of proteins).
material during which energy is released. Essentially, res- Hydrogen sulfide, with the chemical formula H2S, causes
piration is the opposite of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis the familiar rotten-egg odor. (See Section 4-1 for a review of
builds energy-rich organic substances and gives off oxygen; chemical symbols and formulas.)
respiration breaks down the organics and gives off carbon Anaerobic decomposition is an inefficient biochemical
dioxide. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, and res- process. Although the anaerobes get energy from it for their
piration requires oxygen. This is one of the fundamental growth and reproduction, the end products are still rela-
­balances in nature. tively unstable and can decompose further. In effect, anaer-
The simplified food chain shown in Figure 1-3 is com- obic decay is similar to incomplete combustion. It plays a
pleted or closed by the decomposers, or decay organisms. key role in some wastewater treatment processes. Methane,
These are primarily microscopic organisms, such as bacteria CH4, one of the few odorless products of anaerobic decom-
and fungi. During their own metabolism, microorganisms position, has a high enough energy value to be useful as a
break down the waste products and the remains of dead fuel; it is collected for that purpose at some sewage treat-
organisms into simpler inorganic substances, which are ment plants and sanitary landfills (see page 2).
then readily usable by the autotrophs. For example, nitrogen A type of anaerobic decomposition that is useful in pro-
in ammonia is not available in plants as a nutrient until it ducing certain foods and beverages is called fermentation,
is broken down and converted to inorganic nitrates by cer- that is, the decomposition of carbohydrates by microbes
tain bacteria. The nitrates can be absorbed by the plants. Not without free oxygen. Although it is used to produce cheese
only are decomposers essential for all natural ecosystems, and alcohol, for example, some kinds of fermentation are
they are the workhorses of engineered water pollution con- not desirable, such as those that sour milk or produce acetic
trol systems. acid in wine.

Aerobic and Anaerobic Decomposition Biogeochemical Cycles

Decomposition that occurs in the presence of free oxygen Although an ecosystem needs a constant source of energy
is called aerobic decomposition, and the microorganisms from outside, the nutrients on which life depends can be
that thrive in oxygen are called aerobes. Aerobic decompo- recycled indefinitely. The pathways in which the chemi-
sition results in the oxidation of the carbon, hydrogen, sul- cal nutrients move through the biotic and abiotic compo-
fur, nitrogen, and phosphorus that are tied up in complex nents of the ecosystem are called biogeochemical cycles or
organic molecules. These elements become combined with nutrient cycles.
oxygen, forming carbon dioxide, water, sulfates, nitrates, A cycle of particular concern in the field of environ-
and other simple substances that can be taken up by green mental technology is the hydrologic (water) cycle. This is
plants for photosynthesis. The energy released from the discussed in some detail in Chapter 3. The important nutri-
organic molecules in this process is used by the microbes for ent cycles considered here are the carbon cycle, the nitrogen
growth and reproduction. Aerobic decomposition is an effi- cycle, and the phosphorus cycle.
cient and “clean” biochemical process and does not produce Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are considered to
the offensive odors often associated with decay. be among the macronutrients because they are needed in
Basic Concepts 11

relatively large amounts in protoplasm, the fundamental Atmospheric nitrogen

substance of which a living cell is made. Other macronutri- (about 78% of the air)
ents essential to life include hydrogen, oxygen, potassium,
calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. The many micronutrients, "Nitrogen fixation"
required only in very small quantities, include iron, manga- Bacterial Lightning and
nese, copper, zinc, and sodium. action bacterial action
action Nitrate nitrogen
Carbon Cycle  Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air and dis- (Inorganic)
solved in water is the primary source of the element carbon. Absorbed and
Bacterial used by plants
Through the process of photosynthesis, the carbon is re- for food
moved from the CO2 and incorporated with other chemical
elements in complex organic molecules. The CO2 eventually Nitrite
(Inorganic) (Organic)
finds its way back into the atmosphere when the organics nitrogen Plant
are broken down during respiration. A schematic diagram Decomposition of tissue
of this cycle is shown in Figure 1-7. dead plants
Bacterial Consumed
The combustion of wood and fossil fuels (e.g., gasoline action (Organic) for food
and natural gas) for energy is a human activity that increases
Ammonia Decomposition Animal
the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon diox-
nitrogen Dead animals tissue
ide plays a role in absorbing radiated heat and in regulat-
and wastes
ing global atmospheric temperatures. A rise in CO2 levels
in the atmosphere tends to cause the average temperature to Figure 1-8  Simplified diagram of the nitrogen cycle.
increase. This problem is called the greenhouse effect (see ­ olecular nitrogen must first be fixed (combined with
­oxygen) into the form of nitrate nitrogen before it can be
Section 13-4). used by plants as a nutrient.

Nitrogen Cycle  About 78 percent of the atmosphere is

nitrogen gas, N2, but in this molecular form it is not active Phosphorus Cycle  Phosphorus is another nutrient
in biological systems. The nitrogen must first be fixed in the that  plays a central role in aquatic ecosystems and water
form of nitrates, NO3–, whereby it can be utilized by plants quality. Unlike carbon and nitrogen, which come primarily
during photosynthesis. Eventually, it is combined with other from the atmosphere, phosphorus occurs in large amounts
substances and converted into proteins, consumed by het- as a mineral in phosphate rocks and enters the cycle from
erotrophs, and broken down again in the process of decay. erosion and mining activities. This is the nutrient consid-
This cycle is illustrated in Figure 1-8. Nitrification, the ered to be the main cause of excessive growth of rooted and
process in which nitrogen in the form of ammonia, NH3, is free-floating microscopic plants in lakes (algal blooms).
converted to nitrate nitrogen, is of particular significance in
water pollution control (see page 2).
Stability, Diversity, and Succession
Each species of living organism occupies a particular hab-
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
in air and water itat and serves a particular function in an ecosystem. The
function and habitat constitute the organism’s ecological
Combustion niche. A  basic characteristic of a healthy or well-balanced

ecosystem is an overlapping of niches occupied by differ-



ent species. The more complex the ecosystem, in terms of


Deposits of

the numbers and interrelationships among different species,


coal, oil, gas

the more stable it will be. A stable ecosystem can withstand

and carbonate rocks


some external stress, such as pollution, construction, or
ath ath hunting, without being completely disrupted or damaged.
In a stable ecosystem, if any one species disappears
Green Consumed as food
Animals because of natural or artificial causes, other species are avail-
De a nd able to occupy its niche and take over its role in the food
(Producers) ath s (Consumers) chain. Actually, the term food web is more appropriate
De aste
w for a healthy ecosystem because of the overlapping nature
Respiration and complexity of the eat-and-be-eaten-by relationships.
A tropical rain forest is a good example of a stable ecosys-
(Decomposers) tem because of the tremendous number of plant and animal
Figure 1-7  Simplified diagram of the carbon cycle. The
species thriving in it. The loss of one species of tree or one
a­ rrows show the various directions of carbon transfer species of animal is not likely to have a significant impact on
through the biosphere. the whole ecosystem.
12 chapter one

In an ecosystem with little diversity, that is, only a few polluted stream, only a few species of more tolerant organ-
different species of organisms, the situation is more unstable isms, such as catfish, may be found.
and susceptible to the effects of stress. The disappearance When evaluating the biodiversity of an ecosystem, it
of a group of organisms from the food web is more likely is important to account for the relative abundance of each
to break the chain of trophic levels and severely disrupt the species (called evenness) and the number of different species
ecosystem. Diversity of species, then, provides a factor of present (called richness). Diversity increases as both species
safety or buffer against ecological disruptions by increas- evenness and richness increase. For example, consider two
ing the likelihood of adaptation to changing environmental areas, each having 10 different species and a total population
conditions. The greater the diversity of species, the healthier of 100 organisms. Suppose the first area has 10 members of
is the ecosystem. each species, but the other has 91 members of one dominant
Although aquatic ecosystems such as streams and lakes species and one member of each of the other nine species.
are generally stable, they are sensitive to disruption from Both areas have the same richness, but the first has greater
human activity. A diagram of an aquatic system is shown evenness and would have a higher diversity index. An exam-
in Figure 1-9. Most desirable organisms, from the fish down ple of a biological diversity index that incorporates both
to the microscopic plankton and bacteria (see Section 4-4), richness and evenness in the calculation is the Simpson’s
need oxygen to survive. Diversity Index.
One effect of water pollution is the reduction of the It is important to realize that even healthy or well-­
dissolved oxygen level in the water. This type of pollution balanced ecosystems change over time in a process called
changes the ecological balance, favoring a smaller number of natural succession. For example, a lake will eventually
species of organisms that are tolerant of low oxygen levels. become shallower as silt and organic material accumulate
In heavily polluted water, only maggots and sludge worms in bottom sediments. As time goes on, the lake will eventu-
may survive. ally turn into a marsh and finally a meadow. These natural
In studying the health or quality of a stream or lake, changes in a lake, called eutrophication, are discussed in
ecologists may use a formula to compute a diversity index more detail in Chapter 5. As shown there, this natural pro-
for the ecosystem. In a field survey the number of differ- cess can be affected by human activity and pollution.
ent species is counted, and the population of each species is Although the lake, marsh, and meadow may be stable
estimated by sampling limited areas. These data are used in and healthy ecosystems during their individual lifetimes,
the diversity index formula, and a single number or index is natural geological and biological processes will cause the
determined to characterize the condition of the ecosystem. succession from one stage to another. If geological and
Generally, a low diversity index is indicative of a pol- weather conditions are suitable, the process of natural suc-
luted ecosystem, and the pollution-tolerant species are cession will continue until a climax stage is reached. For
readily identified. In a clean stream, for example, many dif- example, the meadow, once a lake, will eventually become
ferent species of fish may be found, including trout. But in a a hardwood forest in many temperate ecosystems. Natural

Zooplankton Phytoplankton

Microscopic animals Microscopic plants (algae)


Rooted plants


Figure 1-9  An aquatic ecosystem showing the various biological components
of a freshwater or marine habitat.
(Courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Basic Concepts 13

succession, though, takes place over very long periods of magnified at each successive trophic level, and the process
time, and the changes are not ordinarily visible during a is called biological magnification (or biomagnification). In
human life span. other words, biomagnification is the steadily increasing con-
centration of a substance as it moves from one level of a food
chain to the next (e.g., from plankton to fish to birds or to
Biological Monitoring in Lakes and Streams humans). Biomagnification is of particular importance when
Small insects and other organisms that live on the bottom of chemicals are concentrated to harmful levels in organisms
streams and lakes form an important part of the aquatic food higher up in the food chain. Even very low concentrations of
web. Ecologists call them benthic (which means “bottom environmental pollutants can eventually find their way into
dwelling”) macroinvertebrates. They are sensitive to many organisms in high enough doses to cause serious problems.
factors in their environment and are useful as indicators Biomagnification occurs only when the pollutants are
of the condition or “health” of streams and lakes. Routine environmentally persistent (last a long time before break-
macroinvertebrate monitoring or sampling (e.g., about six ing down into simpler compounds), mobile, and soluble in
times a year) can indicate problems that may not easily be fats. If they are not persistent, they will not last long enough
detected by chemical testing and can detect pollution prob- in the environment to be concentrated in the food chain.
lems that may no longer be evident in water samples (e.g., (Persistent substances are generally not biodegradable.) If
from a chemical spill that washes downstream). they are not mobile, that is, not easily transported or moved
Macroinvertebrates depend on adequate water quality from place to place in the environment, they are not likely to
for survival. The time required for insect communities to be consumed by many organisms. Finally, if they are soluble
return to their natural state after disturbances, such as those in water rather than fatty tissue, they are much more likely
from point-source industrial pollutants, can be on the order to be excreted by the organism before building up to danger-
of many years for streams and decades for lakes. As a result, ous levels.
changes in their numbers and species can indicate pollution
from various sources. Biological sampling and monitoring Impact of DDT  The incidence of mercury poisoning in
of these communities provide an effective method for deter- people who consumed contaminated fish in the Minamata
mining if a watercourse has been impacted by pollution. (It Bay region of Japan in the 1950s is just one example of
is best to sample either in the spring, when late-stage larval the detrimental effects of biomagnification (see page 13).
forms are present but have not yet begun their final matura- Another classic example involves DDT, an abbreviation for
tion, or in late fall, after most species have mated.) the organic chemical dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. It is a
More than 4000 species of aquatic insects have been type of chemical known as a chlorinated hydrocarbon, and it
reported. These benthic macroinvertebrates are therefore takes a long time to break down in the environment. With a
a highly diverse group, which makes them excellent can- “half-life” of 15 years, if 10 kg of DDT were released into the
didates for studies of changes in biodiversity. Changes in environment in the year 2000, 5 kg would still persist in the
population numbers or behavior of these organisms can year 2015, about 2.5 kg would remain in 2030, and even after
indicate that the physical or chemical conditions are out- 100 years had elapsed, in the year 2100, more than 100 g of
side their preferred limits. Also, the presence of numerous the substance would still be detected in the environment. Of
families of highly tolerant organisms usually indicates poor course, long before that time span elapsed, some of the DDT
water quality. could be inadvertently consumed by living organisms as they
forage for food, and thereby enter a food chain.
DDT is toxic to insects, but not very toxic to humans.
Biological Magnification It was much used in World War II to protect U.S. troops
When a living organism cannot metabolize or excrete an from tropical mosquitoborne malaria as well as to prevent
ingested substance, that substance gradually accumulates the spread of lice and liceborne disease among civilian pop-
in the organism. This phenomenon, called biological accu- ulations in Europe. After the war, DDT was used to protect
mulation (or bioaccumulation), refers to the process by food crops from insects and to protect people from insect-
which a substance first enters a food chain. The extent to borne disease. As one of the first of the modern pesticides,
which bioaccumulation will occur depends on an organ- it was overused, and by the 1960s, the problems related to
ism’s metabolism and on the solubility of the substance. If biomagnification of DDT became very apparent. Rachel
the substance is soluble in fat, it will typically accumulate Carson’s book Silent Spring, published in 1962, raised the
in the fatty tissues of the organism. Bioaccumulation is of public awareness of the environmental dangers involved in
particular concern when the substance being concentrated its continued use (see page 20). DDT has since been banned
is a toxic environmental pollutant and the organism is of a from most applications in the United States.
relatively low trophic level in a food chain. If DDT is not very toxic to humans, why was there a
When many contaminated organisms are consumed by problem with its use? The difficulty lies in the adverse eco-
a second organism that can neither metabolize nor excrete logical impact of DDT on bird populations, particularly
the substance, the concentration of the substance will build the thinning of egg shells and the detrimental effect on egg
to even higher levels in the second organism. This effect is hatching and brood survival. Ospreys and bald eagles were
14 chapter one

severely impacted, as were other species (the title of Rachel proper disposal. General Electric would be responsible for
Carson’s book alluded to the disappearance of songbirds). the cleanup under the Superfund law (see page 331).
Since the ban on DDT in the United States in 1972, many
bird populations have recovered, but exposure in other Endangered Species Act
countries may still be a problem for some species of birds.
(Note: In addition to the impact on bird populations, before Although extinction is a natural process, a number of species
its ban, DDT had also been found in human mothers’ milk of fish, wildlife, and plants in the United States have become
at seven times the level permitted for milk sold in stores and extinct as a consequence of economic growth and develop-
may have had adverse impacts on human health.) ment that took place without adequate ecological concern
Many other substances in addition to mercury and and conservation measures. Some species of fish, wildlife,
DDT exhibit bioaccumulation and biomagnification in an and plants have been depleted in numbers to the point that
ecosystem. These include copper, cadmium, lead, and other they are now threatened with extinction. These species are
heavy metals, pesticides other than DDT, and cyanide, sele- of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational,
nium, and PCBs. and scientific value to the nation and its people. Because of
this, the Endangered Species Act was drafted. As defined in
the act, endangered species means “any species which is in
PCBs in the Hudson River  PCBs are a group of or- danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
ganic industrial chemicals that become very persistent of its habitat.” The term “threatened species” means “any
contaminants when released into the environment. (They species which is likely to become an endangered species
were used as insulating materials in transformers and other within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant
electrical equipment before being banned from such use portion of its range.”
in 1977.) One example of PCB contamination involves Enacted by Congress in 1973, the law provides for the
the Hudson River in New York State, into which large protection and conservation of threatened or endangered
amounts of PCBs were discharged (legally, at the time) plants and animals and their habitats. A list of more than
from two General Electric plants between 1947 and 1977; 1100 endangered species and about 300 threatened species
over 136,000 kg (300,000 lb) of PCBs remain concentrated is maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), a
in bottom sediments of the Hudson River. The extensive branch of the Department of the Interior. This list includes
spread of PCBs throughout the food chain of the Hudson a wide variety of insects, crustaceans, birds, fish, reptiles,
River is considered to be one of the most significant haz- and mammals, as well as flowers, grasses, and trees. The law
ardous waste pollution problems in the nation. [In fact, prohibits any action that would adversely affect or reduce
about 320 km (200 mi) of the Hudson River bottom are the numbers of the listed organisms. Anyone can petition
considered to be a Superfund site.] the FWS to include a particular species on the list. The final
Small amounts of PCBs are consumed by microorgan- determination of a species’ listing by the FWS is based on
isms in the riverbed and are passed up and through the food available scientific data.
chain in ever-increasing concentrations. People who con- Protecting endangered and threatened species and
sume fish contaminated with PCBs are in jeopardy. PCB restoring them to a secure status in the wild is the basic
­levels in most fish found in the Hudson exceed the 2-ppm objective of the endangered species program; administra-
limit set by the federal government; commercial fishing is tion of the program includes the following responsibilities:
banned in most of the Hudson River because of this. (PCB
was classified as a carcinogen by the EPA). ● Listing, reclassifying, and delisting species
The danger of exposure to PCB will remain as long ● Providing biological opinions to federal agencies on
as it remains in the river. In spite of the ban on commer- their activities that may affect listed species
cial fishing in the Hudson and periodic issuance of rec- ● Overseeing recovery activities for listed species
reational fishing advisories, many people continue to eat ● Providing for the protection of important habitat
contaminated fish from the river. Many scientists believe ● Providing grants to states to assist with their endangered
the best way to reduce PCB levels in Hudson River fish
species conservation efforts
(as well as in the people who eat the fish) is to remove
the contaminated sediments from the river. Studies have Since the enactment of the Endangered Species Act,
been conducted to determine if dredging the contami- there have been several successful recoveries of endangered
nated sediments from the riverbed is the optimum solu- species. For example, the American alligator was delisted in
tion to the problem. The EPA has recommended the 1987, the American peregrine falcon was delisted in 1999,
removal of 2 million m3 of sediment from hundreds of and the bald eagle was delisted in 2007 because of recov-
so-called PCB hotspots along a 64-km stretch of the river ery. (Species are also delisted if they become extinct.) The
north of Albany. This project involves dredging only FWS has established recovery program goals for listed spe-
the most contaminated portions of the river rather than cies and has a specific protocol for down listing a particular
extensive bank-to-bank dredging. The sediment would be species from endangered to threatened, or for d ­ elisting it
transported away from river communities by railroad for entirely.
Basic Concepts 15

1-4 Geology and Soils Igneous

To a large extent, both liquid and solid wastes are disposed
of on top of or below the ground surface. An important con-
Heat and Weathering, transport,
cern in environmental technology is the interaction between pressure deposition,
such waste materials and naturally occurring bodies of consolidation
water. The protection of groundwater quality is of particu-
lar concern. This involves soil types and characteristics (see
Section 10-5). Because soil comprises unconsolidated rock Heat and pressure
Metamorphic Sedimentary
particles, it will be helpful for the student who has little or no rocks rocks
background in the subject of geology or soils to first review Weathering, transport,
deposition, consolidation
the brief discussion in this section.
Figure 1-10  Schematic diagram of the rock cycle.

Types of Rock Both sedimentary and metamorphic rocks can again be

Rocks are composed of inorganic substances called minerals. subject to the weathering, transportation, and deposition
Some common minerals are quartz, mica, feldspar, calcite, process in a continual cycle of rock formation. This is illus-
magnetite, and kaolinite. The fundamental chemical ele- trated in Figure 1-10.
ments making up these minerals include silicon, potassium, The physical properties of rock that are of primary
aluminum, calcium, iron, oxygen, and many others. interest in environmental technology include those that
The three major types of rocks are igneous, sedimen- are related to the underground storage and flow of water.
tary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks, which compose Two terms are of significance in this regard: porosity
most of the solid crust of the planet, have cooled and solidi- and ­permeability. Rock is not entirely solid through and
fied from a hot molten state. Granite, composed primarily through. Porosity refers to the percentage of total rock
of the minerals quartz and feldspar, is a common type of ­volume that is occupied by voids, or pore spaces. Permeability
igneous rock. refers to the characteristic of the rock that enables water to
Even the hardest and most durable igneous rocks that flow through the pore spaces. This is called the matrix per-
are exposed at Earth’s surface are subject to physical disin- meability. Note that porous rocks are not necessarily highly
tegration and chemical decay. Changes in the composition permeable, particularly if the pore spaces are very small or
and structure of the rock are constantly occurring because are not interconnected.
of the action of wind, water, temperature changes, carbon Sedimentary rocks are generally porous and relatively
dioxide, and oxygen. This gradual process is called weath- permeable, whereas most igneous and metamorphic rocks
ering. The solid rock made up of consolidated minerals is are impermeable. Carbonate sedimentary rocks, such as
broken down into relatively small unconsolidated frag- limestone, are relatively soluble. In this type of rock, solution
ments called soil. cavities may form as water slowly flows through the pore
When the soil particles are moved by wind or water spaces and dissolves the mineral calcite. The solution cavi-
and deposited elsewhere, they form sediments. These ties increase the rock’s permeability.
sediments may be covered under additional deposits of Rock formations have characteristic structural features
material; eventually, they are compacted and consoli- that may also affect permeability. For example, a feature
dated under the load of overlying layers. With time, the called layering or stratification is usually present in sedi-
rock fragments can become cemented together, forming a mentary rocks. This comes about because the unconsoli-
second type of rock called sedimentary rock. Sandstone, dated soil particles are deposited as sediments by water or
formed from cemented sand grains, and shale, formed wind in horizontal layers; these layers may differ in particle
from consolidated and lithified mud (silt and clay), are size or mineral composition. As a consequence, permeabil-
common sedimentary rocks. Limestone, consisting pri- ity is generally higher in the direction parallel to the layers
marily of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) in sedimentary rocks.
crystallizing in a marine environment, is also a widely Rock masses can gradually bend and fold because of
occurring sedimentary rock type. environmental changes and earth movements. When the
Under conditions of excessive heat and pressure caused rocks shatter and crack from excessive stresses, fractures or
by environmental conditions, both the igneous and sedi- fissures are formed; these are called joints. Joints in which
mentary rock types can be changed from their original forms one side of the rock mass moves or is displaced relative to the
and mineral structures. The newly formed rock is called other side, as occurs during an earthquake, are called faults.
metamorphic rock. Marble and slate are familiar examples Unless cemented or tightly closed, both joints and faults serve
of this third fundamental type of rock. Marble is formed as as convenient pathways for the flow of water and add fracture
calcite in limestone recrystallizes due to heat and pressure. permeability to the rock mass. In soluble rocks like limestone,
Slate is the metamorphic equivalent of shale. the joints can be enlarged by solution to form caves.
16 chapter one

Types of Soil 100

Percent finer by weight

80 D60 = 0.7 mm
Soil, the unconsolidated rock fragments formed from weath- D10 = 0.12 mm
ering, may be classified or grouped on the basis of texture, or 60 Cu = D60 = 0.70 = 5.8
the size and shape of the soil particles. There are four major D10 = 0.12
textural classifications of soil:
1. Gravel: rock fragments between 4.75 mm and 75 mm in
size 1987 6 5 4 3 2 1987 6 5 4 3 2 1987 6 5 4 3 2 1987 6 5

2. Sand: rock particles larger than 0.075, but less than 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01
4.75 mm in size Particle diameter, mm

3. Silt: fine, powderlike particles larger than 0.002, but less Figure 1-11  Typical soil gradation curve. The uniformity
than 0.075 mm coefficient Cu can be used to classify the soil.
(From D.F. McCarthy, Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations,
4. Clay: very small particles, less than 0.002 mm in size 2nd ed., Reston Pub. Co., Reston, VA. Copyright 1982. Reprinted and
­electronically reproduced bt permission of Pearson Education, One Lake
Natural soil deposits may include organic materi- Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 074580.)
als (about 5 percent) and mineral rock fragments (about
45 ­percent). The remaining volume formed by the spaces, soil particle sizes. The distribution and percentage of differ-
called pores (voids), which exist among and between adja- ent particle sizes in the soil is referred to as soil gradation.
cent soil particles, contains water (20 to 30 percent) and air Soil gradation can be easily determined mechanically by
(20 to 30 percent). When the pore spaces are completely separating the different soil particles in sieves or screens with
filled with water, the soil is saturated. varying sizes of mesh openings. The result of this mechanical
The term “loam” is used for a combination of silt, sand, analysis is usually expressed graphically in a gradation curve.
and clay; it may or may not contain organic material. Clay A typical gradation curve is shown in Figure 1-11, where the
differs from gravel, sand, and silt not only in size but also in vertical axis shows the percentage of the soil particles that
particle shape and mineral composition. Gravel, sand, and are finer than a specific particle size, and the horizontal axis
silt consist of relatively coarse grained, bulky particles; the shows the particle size. This particular curve shows that 60
very finely divided clay particles are platelike in shape and percent of the soil is less than 0.7 mm in size and 10 percent
have a strong affinity for water. of the soil is less than about 0.12 mm.
The permeability of soil decreases as the particle size The particle size for which 10 percent of the soil is smaller
decreases. Gravel and sand are porous and highly permeable, is called the effective size of the soil because there is a reason-
readily allowing the flow of water through the spaces between ably consistent relationship between the size and soil perme-
the soil grains. Silt is considerably less permeable because of ability. The effective size, designated D10, is used as a factor
the small particle and void size, and clay, although a porous when specifying sand for filters used in water or wastewater
material, is virtually impervious to the flow of water. This is treatment systems. Another gradation factor, called the uni-
basically because the water in the clay is held by molecular formity coefficient, is also used in this regard. The uniformity
forces on the platelike clay particles. The impermeability of coefficient is the ratio of two particle sizes: the 60 percent finer
clay soil can be used to advantage in building a sanitary land- size and the effective size, or D60>D10. The soil depicted in the
fill for solid waste disposal, but it is a serious disadvantage gradation curve in Figure 1-11 has an effective size of 0.12 mm
for subsurface disposal of wastewater. This is discussed in and a uniformity coefficient of 0.7 mm/0.12 mm  =  5.8.
more detail in subsequent chapters. Mixed soils can be described as being well graded or
In addition to “porosity” and “permeability,” other poorly graded, depending on the distribution of particle sizes.
terms related to the flow of water in soil include infiltration Good gradation is represented by curve A in Figure 1-12.
and percolation. Infiltration refers to the penetration of the There is a wide variation of particle sizes in this kind of soil;
water through the ground surface layer of soil or rock, and the smaller particles fit into and fill up most of the pore
percolation refers to the continuing movement or flow of spaces between the larger particles. As a result, a well-graded
water through the pore spaces under the force of gravity. soil tends to have relatively low porosity and permeability. It
Generally, the tight soils, which contain a significant per- is also resistant to erosion and scour.
centage of silt and clay, have low infiltration and percolation Gradation curve B is typical of a poorly graded soil,
rates. However, coarse-textured soils, containing mostly sand which consists primarily of soil grains in a very narrow range
or gravel, have high infiltration and percolation rates. Tight of sizes. In a soil of this type, the porosity and permeability are
soils are not suitable for on-site subsurface disposal of sew- relatively high because there are not enough small particles to
age. The percolation or “perc” test, which may be used when fill the voids between the larger particles. Poorly graded soils
designing on-site septic systems, is discussed in Section 10-5. generally have uniformity coefficients of less than 10.
Mixed soils are ordinarily classified or grouped in order
Soil Gradation  Although soils can be classified according to help predict their behavior and characteristics. Several
to particle size as gravel, sand, silt, or clay, naturally occur- classification systems are used in soil mechanics technology,
ring soil deposits are not usually found in such distinctive most of which are based on sieve analysis and other labora-
groupings. They are generally mixed, containing a variety of tory tests. One of the simplest methods, the USDA Textural
Basic Concepts 17


100 90
"Well graded"

Percent finer


graded" 70
B A Clay


te ,


50 Silty

Sandy clay

0 40 clay
Gravel Sand Silt Clay Silty
Clay loam

Particle size 30 Sandy clay loam
clay loam
Figure 1-12  Well-graded soil (curve A) has lower porosity

and permeability than poorly graded soil (curve B). 20 Loam Silt
Sandy loam

10 loam
Loamy Silt
classification system makes use of a triangular classification


chart, as illustrated in Figure 1-13.










The triangular classification chart relies only on the rel-

Sand Separate, %
ative amounts of sand, silt, and clay in the soil sample. For
Figure 1-13  Triangular soil classification chart.
example, a soil that contained 30 percent sand, 40 percent silt,
(Courtesy of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States
and 30 percent clay would be characterized as clay loam on Department of Agriculture.)
the chart. Generally, when the proportion of clay exceeds 20
percent of the total soil sample, the clay will tend to domi-
nate the soil characteristics and behavior, and the primary soil
Soil Survey Maps
type or designation will be clay. A classification scheme more A group of related soils that has developed from similar
common than the triangular chart, called the Unified Soil parent rock formations is called a soil series. Soils within
Classification System (USCS), makes use of additional lab test a specific soil series are essentially alike in all basic charac-
data to classify the soil. The textural characteristics of mineral teristics. They are designated on the basis of their textural
soils, in terms of their feel and appearance, are summarized in classification and the name of the geographic location that
Table 1-1. (Soil structure is discussed in Section 10-5). is particularly representative of the soil type.

Table 1-1  Textural Properties of Mineral Soils—Feel and Appearance

Soil class Dry Moist

Sandy Gravel Loose stones and single grains that feel gritty. Squeezed in the hand, it forms a cast that crumbles
Squeezed in the hand, the soil mass falls apart when touched. Does not form a ribbon when rubbed
when the pressure is released. between thumb and forefinger.
Silty sand Aggregates easily crushed; very faint velvety Forms a cast that bears careful handling without
feeling initially, but with continued rubbing, the gritty ­breaking. Does not form a ribbon between the thumb
feeling of sand soon dominates. and forefinger.
Sandy silt Aggregates are crushed under moderate pressure; Casts can be handled quite freely without breaking.
clods can be quite firm. When pulverized, soil has Very slight tendency to ribbon between the thumb and
velvety feel continued rubbing. Casts bear careful forefinger. Rubbed surface is rough.
Clayey silt Aggregates are firm but may be crushed under Cast can be freely handled without breaking. Slight
moderate pressure. Clods are firm to hard. Smooth, ­tendency to ribbon between thumb and forefinger.
flour-like feel dominates when soil is pulverized. Rubbed surface has a broken or rippled appearance.
Silty clay Very firm aggregates and hard clods that strongly Cast can bear much handling without breaking.
resist crushing by hand. When pulverized, the Pinched between the thumb and forefinger, it forms a
soil takes on a somewhat gritty feeling due to the ribbon whose surface tends to feel slightly gritty when
­harshness of the very small aggregates. dampened and rubbed. Soil is plastic, sticky, and
puddles easily.
Clay Aggregates are hard; clods are extremely hard and Casts can bear considerable handling without breaking.
strongly resist crushing by hand. When pulverized, Forms a flexible ribbon between thumb and forefinger
it has a grit-like texture due to the harshness of and retains its plasticity when elongated. Rubbed sur-
­numerous very small aggregates which persist. face has a very smooth, satin feeling. Sticky when wet
and easily puddled.

Source: National Small Flows Clearinghouse, 800-624-8301,

18 chapter one

The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Slope (%) = Rise x 100
formerly called the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), of the Run Run
U.S. Department of Agriculture has surveyed local areas of Example: Rise = 10 m
Rise Run = 50 m
the country and prepared countywide soil survey maps.
Soil survey maps show the location of different soil series Slope = 10 x 100 = 20%
in an area and are readily available in print form from
most county NRCS offices and in digital form through the Sloping Ground
NRCS’s website. A part of a typical NRCS soil survey map is
illustrated in Figure 1-14.
Soil survey maps are superimposed on top of aerial
photographs of the area. In addition to the soil series dis-
Figure 1-15  The slope of the ground surface is important
tribution, they show lakes, roads, and other physical land in environmental planning. Slopes of over 15 percent are
features. They are particularly useful as an aid for good land- generally considered to be steep.
use planning and development. The letter symbols, such as
HnB and RrD, designate the soil series. For example, HnB The slope of the ground is of importance in environ-
stands for “Hibernia very stony loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes.” mental planning and land development. Slopes expressed in
RrD stands for “Rockaway rock outcrop association, sloping percent (%) represent the change in elevation of the ground
and moderately steep.” Hibernia and Rockaway are the geo- per 100 m or 100 ft of horizontal distance. For example, a
graphic locations in Sussex County, New Jersey, where these hill with a 20 percent slope changes 20 m in elevation in a
soils have been identified. distance of 100 m. This is illustrated in Figure 1-15.
Slopes of less than 5 percent are usually considered to
RrD Ca be gentle, whereas those over 15 percent are considered to be
steep. Steep slopes are much more susceptible to high rates of
stormwater runoff and soil erosion than are gentle slopes. In
contrast, areas of very flat topography (0 to 2 ­percent slopes)
Wo may suffer from poor stormwater drainage and flooding
Wo RpD problems. Modern municipal land-use ordinances may limit
the extent of home building and other development allowed

on steep slopes, and proper hydraulic design of storm drain-


age systems is important for the very flat areas.



RpD The descriptive material in the NRCS soil survey reports

contains a lot of information regarding soil characteristics
and behavior. Data on depth to bedrock and depth to the
Wo water table are given. Bedrock is the unweathered rock for-

mation underlying the surface soils. The water table repre-

sents the depth at which the soil is saturated with water, as

o RrD is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3. Depth to bedrock
RrD and the water table are important with respect to designing
RpD V solid or liquid waste disposal facilities. Other NRCS data
include soil index properties, gradation, permeability, ero-
HnB La HnB sion potential, and suitability of the land for various types
of development. For example, the HnB series is described
as having a seasonal high water table that severely limits
Wo the use of the ground for a sanitary landfill or septic tank
absorption fields.
Wo RrD

1-5 Historical
Water was an important factor in the location of the earliest
Soil series boundary line
settled communities, and evolution of public water supply
systems is the first focus of environmental technology (which,
Figure 1-14  Typical NRCS soil series map. The symbols
of course, is a modern expression). In the development of
identify the different soil series in an area. The characteristics
of each soil series are described in the NRCS publications. water resources beyond their natural condition in local riv-
(Courtesy of the Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of
ers, lakes, and springs, the digging of shallow wells was per-
Agriculture.) haps the first innovation. As the need for water increased
Basic Concepts 19

and tools were developed, the wells were made deeper. The potentially dangerous water sources in the world” by engi-
need to move water supplies from distant sources was an neers and scientists of that time. A filter plant was also con-
outcome of the growth of urban communities. structed in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1892, dramatically
Piped water supply systems have been in existence for reducing the number of typhoid outbreaks caused by the
well over 3000 years. Archeological findings show that pipes polluted Merrimac River water source. The Lawrence filter
were made out of hollow logs, clay, and other materials that plant proved to be a turning point in establishing the prac-
could not withstand much in the way of pressure. Even the tice of “sanitary engineering” on a scientific basis.
most sophisticated of the ancient systems, the masonry Beginning in the first decade of the 20th century, newly
aqueducts and tunnels constructed by the ancient Romans applied water purification techniques, mostly by disinfection
(many of which are still standing), were not capable of car- using chlorine, started to drastically reduce the incidence
rying water under pressure. of waterborne diseases in the United States. The dramatic
Ancient Rome had sewers as well as aqueducts, but these inverse relationship between the number of American water
were used primarily as storm drains rather than for sanitary supplies being chlorinated and the decline in waterborne
disposal of human wastes. At that time in history there was disease is clearly evident from the historical record. At the
no knowledge of the relationship between improper waste beginning of the 20th century, there were more than 250
disposal and the spread of disease. reported waterborne disease outbreaks occurring each year
Not until the mid-1800s did people realize that there in the United States, but there were no water chlorination
was a direct connection between contaminated drinking plants. By 1960, when there were about 9000 chlorination
water and disease. The cause of a localized cholera epidemic plants in operation, fewer than about 10 waterborne disease
in London was traced by Dr. John Snow to a polluted com- outbreaks were reported each year. Chlorine was used for the
munity well, known as the Broad Street well. People who first time in the United States for disinfecting the Jersey City,
drew their water from the well were affected by the epidemic, New Jersey, water supply in 1908.
whereas people with other water sources were not affected at In the first half of the 20th century, many public health
all. When the well was taken out of service by simply remov- authorities believed that “the solution to pollution is dilu-
ing the pump handle, the outbreak of cholera subsided. tion.” They felt that the best and most economical way to
The Broad Street well incident of 1854 pointed to the protect public health was to purify drinking water, not waste-
need for proper disposal of human wastes and for clean water. Most sewage was discharged untreated (or “raw”)
water supplies. Today, it is common knowledge that sew- into streams and rivers. The first facility for “primary sew-
age carries “germs” that can spread disease, but in 1854 the age treatment” was built in New Jersey, in 1911, and the first
germ theory of disease had not even been postulated. The “secondary sewage treatment” plant was built in Texas, in
only evidence of the need for sanitation was the coincidence 1916. A large-scale municipal sewage treatment plant was
of the dirty well water and the epidemic. It was not until built in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1919. But it was not until
the late 1800s that Robert Koch proved that the presence the late 1950s that it really became apparent that wastewa-
of certain microscopic living organisms caused disease in ter treatment was important for water pollution control and
humans. Koch’s famous postulates state that (1) a specific public health protection. (Primary and secondary wastewater
organism can always be found in association with a given treatment is discussed in Chapter 10.)
disease. (2) The organism can be isolated and grown in pure The first “Earth Day” celebration in 1970 heralded
culture in the laboratory. (3) The pure culture will produce a new environmental era in the United States, when air
the disease when inoculated into a susceptible animal. (4) It quality and solid and hazardous waste disposal joined
is possible to recover the organism in pure culture from the with drinking water supply and water pollution control
experimentally infected animal. as major concerns. The more comprehensive profession
In the United States, a piped water supply system was called environmental engineering replaced the field called
used for the first time in 1801 when a steam-powered water- sanitary engineering. This new environmental era is dis-
works station was put into operation in Philadelphia. By the cussed ­further, below. (The historical development of solid
end of the 1800s, about 25 percent of all urban households and hazardous waste disposal methods are discussed in
in the country had running water. During the mid-1800s, Chapters 11 and 12, and air pollution control requirements
sewers began to replace cesspools for waste disposal because are discussed in Chapter 13.)
of the rapid growth of urban populations and the provision
of running water in individual homes. Construction of the
first large sewage collection systems in the United States was
An Era of Environmental Awareness
completed in Chicago and Brooklyn in the late 1850s. Serious In the 1960s, a broad awareness of environmental pollution
outbreaks of cholera and other epidemics of waterborne dis- problems developed among the general public. Many people
ease were frequent in American cities throughout the 1800s. came to realize the value and importance of protecting envi-
Water filtration plays an important role in disease pre- ronmental quality. Clean air and clean water were worth ral-
vention. The first slow sand filters in the United States were lying about, and public demonstrations were held. People
built in Poughkeepsie, New York, in 1872 to treat water wanted streams and lakes that could be used for swimming
from the Hudson River, called “one of the most polluted and and fishing as well as for safe drinking water supplies.
20 chapter one

The words ecosystem and biosphere became popular Environmental Regulations

buzzwords, and newspaper articles about local pollution
problems became more common. Educational programs Since 1970, many laws have been enacted by Congress to
that focused on ecology and environmental issues were establish and implement standards of environmental qual-
developed for grade school through the university level and ity for water, land, and air. Many of these laws have been
grew in popularity. revised and amended several times since their enactment,
In addition to stopping air and water pollution, solv- and some remain under congressional review. A few of the
ing problems related to refuse disposal, radiation, noise, pes- key environmental laws are listed next and are discussed in
ticides, and wildlife preservation became important in the pertinent sections of this book:
modern quest for environmental quality. Although infec- ● Clean Air Act (CAA)
tious diseases like typhoid and cholera had virtually disap- ● Clean Water Act (CWA)
peared in the United States, people became aware of other ● Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
types of problems caused by human and ecosystem exposure
and Liability Act (CERCLA)
to industrial toxic chemical substances.
Rachel Carson’s influential book, Silent Spring, a “best-
● Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
seller” in the early 1960s (as of 2012, 2 million copies had ● Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
been sold), focused attention on the environmental dam- Implementing and enforcing these and other envi-
age caused by improper use of pesticides. DDT and other ronmental laws is very expensive. To some people, the
synthetic chemicals used to protect agricultural crops were objectives of environmental protection seem to be at
seriously disrupting the natural balance of ecosystems on a odds with other goals—industrial growth and economic
wide scale. After DDT was finally banned for most uses in “progress.” But in the long run, the external diseconomies
the United States in 1972, the concentrations of this chemi- caused by environmental degradation are likely to be far
cal found in human and animal tissues was observed to greater than the costs of regulation. In other words, if the
decline significantly, and several endangered species, such environment is damaged now in the interest of profits,
as the bald eagle and osprey, began to thrive once again. society will have to “pay the piper” in the future, either in
(American chemical companies continued to export DDT the form of expensive cleanup operations and increased
until the mid-1980s; China ceased manufacturing the pesti- health problems and medical costs or in a generally lower
cide in 2007.) quality of life.
The emergence of an environmental awareness on the Although there is often controversy on just what steps
part of the general public in the 1960s was apparently more to take and how much to spend for environmental protec-
than just a passing fad. It was a genuine concern that served tion, most people agree that the problem cannot be ignored
to focus the attention of politicians, lawmakers, and govern- altogether. A certain amount of governmental regula-
mental agencies on the need for an appropriate legal and tion will always be necessary. Eventually, a balance will be
regulatory framework for environmental quality control. reached in which environmental, economic, energy, and
In 1970, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) social problems will be solved without one preempting or
was signed into law in the United States. NEPA established overshadowing the others. Meanwhile, there is a need for
a national policy to “maintain conditions under which technical personnel at all levels of training and education
humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, and to  plan, design, build, and operate environmental control
fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of pres- systems. (See Appendix B.)
ent and future generations of Americans.” The concept of
using EISs as a planning tool to minimize the harmful effects Green Engineering and Environmental
of land development and urban growth was developed for
the first time under NEPA. In 1970, the EPA was also cre-
ated, consolidating into one independent federal agency a The need for enforceable governmental regulations to pre-
means for establishing and enforcing pollution control and serve environmental quality and to protect public health
environmental quality standards. became well established over the second half of the 20th cen-
The EPA is basically a regulatory agency, but it has other tury. As successful as these laws and regulations have been,
responsibilities in addition to establishing and enforcing it has gradually become clear that more efforts are needed
environmental standards. It is a research organization with to protect the environment, conserve energy, and preserve
a scientific and technical staff that collects environmental natural resources. At the beginning of this century, a distinct
data and studies the causes, effects, and methods of control environmental trend has emerged in this regard and taken
for all types of pollution. The EPA also provides technical root in many industrial and construction practices, including
and financial assistance to state governments. Individual the production of chemicals, the manufacture of appliances
states have set up their own environmental protection agen- and other consumer items, and the design and construction
cies to provide similar assistance to county and municipal of commercial, institutional, and residential buildings. This
governments. trend is generically called “green engineering.”
Basic Concepts 21

The earth’s natural resources are limited in quantity 1-6 Chapter Synopsis

as well as in capacity to absorb the ecological impacts of
human activities. A primary goal of green engineering is Environmental technology is a broad, interdisciplinary field
“environmental sustainability,” a phrase that reflects the involved in providing water supply, pollution control, and
long-term need to conserve as well as to protect those waste management infrastructure. Generally a part of civil
resources from contamination or depletion. Current engineering, it encompasses the objectives of public health
governmental regulations do not explicitly mandate
­ protection and environmental quality control. These objec-
application of green engineering principles. But many tives are achieved by the efforts of a knowledgeable team of
industrial, engineering, and architectural organizations, engineers, technologists, and technicians who have training
building owners and project developers, and professional in many diverse disciplines, including hydraulics, h­ ydrology,
design practitioners, are voluntarily adopting and apply- biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and mathematics.
ing its goals and practices. Environmental considerations Environmental technology is also an integral component of
are factored in to the entire planning, design, production, modern green building design and low impact development
and construction process from the very beginning of a projects, which all endeavor to protect environmental qual-
project. ity and sustainability.
“Green chemistry,” for example, is a discipline-specific Practitioners in environmental technology work on
area of green engineering. It involves the design of chemical projects related to drinking water purification and distri-
processes and development of products in a way that con- bution; sewage collection, treatment, and disposal; storm-
serves resources and energy, and reduces or eliminates the water management and flood control; solid and hazardous
generation of hazardous wastes over the life cycle of the prod- waste disposal; air and noise pollution control; community
uct. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) sanitation; and the general protection of air, water, and land
promotes green chemistry by awarding Presidential Green environments.
Chemistry Awards. Environmental quality control involves the applica-
Another application of green engineering is called tion of basic ecological principles. Public health protec-
“green building design and construction,” which mitigates tion involves prevention of the spread of communicable
negative environmental impacts related to the siting and and noninfectious diseases. Although biologists and doc-
construction as well as the operation and maintenance of tors are involved in these activities, they are supported to
various types of buildings. It has the added benefits of reduc- a large degree by engineering and technological activities.
ing building operation and maintenance costs and enhanc- Pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, protozoa, and viruses
ing building marketability. In year 2000, the U.S. Green cause communicable diseases. Toxic chemical pollution
Building Council (USGBC) initiated the Leadership in is often the cause of noninfectious disease. Environmental
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building technology serves to break the cycle of transmission of dis-
Rating System to provide a method for ranking and certify- ease, and most water purification systems involve the con-
ing “green buildings.” This program has evolved over the struction of synthetic ecological or biological systems. One
years; the LEED system is an internationally recognized of the easiest ways to protect public health and environmen-
program. The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), tal quality is to provide water and wastewater treatment, as
for example, uses the LEED certification protocol (adapted well as proper sanitation.
for Canadian conditions). Two basic principles of ecology involve the one-way
(See Appendix C for more information on LEED certi- flow of energy and the circulation of nutrient materials,
fication; green building design and construction technology which are manifested in a food chain comprising producers,
is included in related sections of the text.) consumers, and decomposers. The sun is the primary source
Low-impact development (LID), a component of of the energy, and two fundamental metabolic processes,
green building design, is the application of green engi- photosynthesis and respiration, keep the cycle of the food
neering principles to site preparation and stormwater chain going. In the process of photosynthesis, plants (the
management. LID is an array of land planning and devel- producers) use the solar energy to form carbohydrates from
opment practices used to manage stormwater and reduce carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen into the air.
pollution to streams, lakes, wetlands, and coastal areas. Oxygen is essential for the next trophic level of a food chain
A key objective in LID is designing a landscape so that (the consumers), which eats the plants to obtain nutrients
the movement, treatment, and storage of stormwater are and energy for growth and reproduction, using the process
similar to what occurs on a natural landscape. By promot- of respiration. A food chain cycle is completed by micro-
ing infiltration of stormwater, reducing overland runoff, scopic decay organisms (the decomposers), which break
and protecting vegetated areas, LID practices can help down the waste products and remains of dead consumer
reduce groundwater depletion, reduce the number and organisms into simpler substances that are once again avail-
magnitude of flooding events, improve water quality, able for the producers.
and enhance neighborhood beauty. (LID is discussed in A healthy and stable ecosystem is one that is occu-
Chapter 9.) pied by many different species of living organisms, and the
22 chapter one

greater the diversity of species, the healthier is the ecosys- variety of soil particle sizes and the distribution of particle
tem. All ecosystems change over time in a process called sizes is called the soil gradation or texture. Other impor-
natural succession until a climax stage is reached. Pollution tant soil characteristics include soil structure and color. Soil
of an ecosystem, particularly by nonbiodegradable toxic series (a group of related soils) are depicted on countywide
substances such as DDT and PCBs, can lead to bioaccumu- soil survey maps available from the NRCS.
lation and biomagnification, causing great harm through- The field of environmental technology, as it is now
out the higher trophic levels. The extinction of species is a practiced, is only a little more than 50 years old. In the
natural process that can be accelerated as a consequence United States, an era of environmental awareness began pri-
of human activity and pollution. A basic objective of the marily in the early 1960s. In 1970, the NEPA was signed into
Endangered Species Act is to protect both endangered and law in the United States. Other federal and state laws and
threatened (likely to become endangered) species of fish, regulations enacted since that time provide a framework
wildlife, and plants. within which public and environmental health protection
Earth’s mantle (soil and rock) serves not only as the rules are legally enforceable. Protecting public health and
foundation of structures but also as the depository of many environmental quality costs money, but direct and indi-
of civilization’s waste products. Consequently, geology is rect costs of not applying environmental technologies can
of particular significance within the discipline of environ- be even greater. Practically speaking, it is not possible to
mental technology, particularly with regard to the protec- completely eliminate environmental pollution. However, it
tion of groundwater resources. Soil, the unconsolidated rock is possible to apply basic mathematics, science, economics,
fragments formed from weathering, comprises four major and engineering knowledge in an effort to minimize or avert
textural classifications: gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Gravel most adverse effects of air, water, and land pollution caused
and sand are porous and highly permeable, readily allow- by human activities, and to conserve energy and natural
ing the flow of water through the pore spaces between the resources. This textbook provides a “user-friendly” learning
soil grains. Silt is somewhat less permeable, and clay is very tool for students who seek to understand the fundamentals
impermeable. Naturally occurring soil deposits comprise a of environmental technology.

Review Questions 13. Sketch a biogeochemical cycle for two different

1. Give a brief definition of environmental technology, 14. What are plankton, and what role do they play in the
including mention of basic activities and objectives. aquatic food web?
2. List at least 15 technical factors or options related to the 15. Why is species diversity important for an ecosystem?
environmental aspects of a land development project. 16. What is meant by natural succession of an ecosystem?
3. Define the term “pathogen.” 17. Briefly describe three types of rock and give one exam-
4. Briefly discuss the modes of transmission of communi- ple of each type. Briefly compare their permeabilities.
cable disease. What role do structural features such as layering, joints,
5. List five common intestinal diseases. What is the most and faults play in permeability?
common mode of transmission of these diseases? 18. What is the difference between the terms “porosity” and
6. Briefly discuss the environmental aspects of noninfec- “permeability”? What is the difference between infiltra-
tious diseases with reference to some specific illnesses. tion and percolation?
7. What constitutes an ecosystem? Give examples of five 19. What is soil? List four basic types of soil and compare
different types and sizes of ecosystems. their permeability characteristics.
8. Make a sketch that illustrates the two basic principles of 20. What is meant by soil gradation? What is meant by the
ecology. effective size and uniformity coefficient of soil? Why is
soil gradation important in environmental technology?
9. Briefly describe two fundamental metabolic processes
of living organisms. 21. What is the difference between a well-graded soil and a
poorly graded soil? Illustrate the difference by sketching
10. What is the difference between a heterotrophic and an typical gradation curve shapes for each. If a soil sample
autotrophic organism? had a uniformity coefficient of 50, would it be consid-
11. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic ered well graded or poorly graded?
decay? 22. A soil sample is determined to contain 25 percent sand,
12. What is the difference between putrefaction and 20 percent silt, and 55 percent clay. Using the triangu-
fermentation? lar classification chart in Figure 1-13, how would you
Basic Concepts 23

classify this soil? Do you think its permeability will be 27. What major piece of environmental legisla-
high or low? tion was  passed by Congress in 1970? What did it
23. What information does an NRCS soil survey map accomplish?
convey, and what other information is given in NRCS 28. List at least five other federal environmental laws. What
publications? do SDWA and RCRA stand for?
24. During what period of history did people first begin to 29. Briefly describe what is meant by the term “biomag-
recognize the connection between contaminated drink- nification.” What is the difference between biomag-
ing water and disease? About when was the germ theory nification and bioaccumulation? Briefly describe two
of disease proved? examples of biomagnification and its effects.
25. Approximately when were filtration and chlorination 30. Briefly describe the purpose and scope of the
applied to drinking water supplies in the United States? Endangered Species Act. Visit The Endangered Species
What was the effect on public health? program website and write a brief description of the
26. The first major challenge for environmental technol- contents of that website.
ogy was the control of communicable disease. Has this 31. Briefly describe the meaning of the phrase “green
challenge been met? How? What would you say is the engineering.”
present-day challenge in this field?
chapter TWO


Chapter Outline 2-4 Gravity Flow in Pipes

Manning’s Formula
2-1 Pressure
Partial Flow in Pipes
Hydrostatic Pressure
Open Channel Flow Measurement
Pressure Head
Measurement of Pressure 2-5 Nonuniform Open Channel Flow
Buoyant Force Specific Energy
Critical Flow
2-2 Flow
Gradually Varied Flow
Continuity of Flow
Rapidly Varied Flow
Conservation of Energy
2-6 Computer Applications in Hydraulics
2-3 Flow in Pipes under Pressure
Hazen–Williams Equation 2-7 Chapter Synopsis
Hazen–Williams Nomograph
Flow Measurement

T he study of water at rest or in motion, called hydraulics,

is an important aspect of environmental technology.
Knowledge of basic hydraulic principles is necessary
for the design and analysis of water supply, stormwater, and
water pollution control systems. Knowledge of fluid ­mechanics,
there is generally no difference in the design or analysis of
storage tanks, pipelines, and other facilities involving these
two liquids.
The unit of lb>ft3 is only one way to express a physical
property called unit weight, that is, weight per unit volume.
a broader field that encompasses hydraulics and involves all Weight, expressed in pounds (lb), and volume, expressed
fluids (liquids and gases), not just water, is also r­equired of in cubic feet (ft3), are used in the U.S. Customary System
most environmental scientists, engineers, and other technical (USCS) of units. In the SI metric system (International
personnel. System), the unit for weight (a force due to gravity) is called
This chapter explains the fundamental concepts of a ­newton (N), the unit for volume is a cubic meter (m3),
hydraulics that will help students understand many of the and the unit weight of water is expressed as 9800 newtons
technical topics covered later in this textbook. It can serve per cubic meter (N>m3). More appropriately, this can be
as a primer for students who have not yet been exposed expressed as 9.8 kilonewtons per cubic meter (kN>m3), where
to the subject or as a review for those who have studied it the prefix kilo stands for a factor of 1000 or 103. Before study-
in the past. (Study of this chapter can be postponed until ing this chapter, it may be helpful for students to review the
needed for solving problems related to hydraulics (Chapters material in Appendix D, which reviews basic mathematics,
7, 8, and 9). It is presented now because some important units of measurement, and conversions of units.
terms used in subsequent chapters, such as flow rate, are
first defined here.)
Applied hydraulics is concerned primarily with the 2-1 Pressure
­computation of flow rates, pressures, and forces in water or
wastewater storage and conveyance systems. For practical Water or wastewater exerts force against the walls of its
purposes, water and wastewater are considered to be incom- container, whether it is stored in a tank or flowing in a
pressible liquids, each with a weight of 62.4 pounds per cubic pipeline. We can also say that it exerts pressure. There is
foot (lb>ft3). The physical and hydraulic behavior of domestic a difference between force and pressure, although they
wastewater (sewage) is so similar to that of clean water that are  closely related. Specifically, pressure is defined as a

Hydraulics 25

force per unit area. In equation form, this can be expressed reference or starting point. When we do this, we are working
as follows: in terms of gage pressure as opposed to absolute pressure.
A total vacuum would have a pressure of absolute zero.
P = (2-1) Pressures less than atmospheric, but greater than absolute
A zero, are called partial vacuums. Partial vacuums expressed
where P = pressure in terms of gage pressure have a negative sign; absolute
F = force ­pressures are always positive. For example, an absolute pres-
sure of 61 kPa (8.9 psi) is equivalent to a gage pressure of
A = area over which the force is distributed
-40 kPa 1 -5.8 psi2. This is illustrated in Figure 2-2.
In U.S. Customary units, pressure is usually expressed in The second principle of hydrostatic pressure listed is
terms of pounds per square inch (lb>in.2 or psi). In SI metric one that can be appreciated from personal experience when
units, pressure is expressed in terms of newtons per square diving under water in a pool or lake. One can feel the pres-
meter (N>m2). For convenience, the unit N>m2 is called a sure on one’s body (especially eardrums) increase when
pascal, abbreviated as Pa. Because pressure of 1 Pa is rela- descending deeper into the water. The pressure at point B
tively small 11 Pa = 0.000 145 psi2, the term “kilopascal” near the bottom of tank 1 (Figure 2-1) is greater than the
(kPa) is used in most practical hydraulics applications: pressure at point A; also, the pressure at point A is greater
1 kPa = 1000 Pa = 0.145 psi. than zero. Actually, if point B were exactly twice as deep as
point A, the gage pressure at point B would be exactly twice
Hydrostatic Pressure the pressure at point A because the pressure varies in direct
proportion to the depth.
The pressure that water at rest exerts is called hydrostatic Consider point E in tank 2. Because point E is at the
pressure. The following important principles always apply same depth below the water surface as point A, the pressure
for hydrostatic pressure: at point E is the same as the pressure at point A. It makes no
1. Pressure depends only on the height of water above the difference that tank 2 is narrower than tank 1. Hydrostatic
point in question (not on the water surface area). pressure depends only on the height of water above the
2. Pressure increases in direct proportion to the depth. points and not on the volume or surface area of the water.
Even though point C in the connecting pipe does not
3. Pressure in a continuous volume of water is the same at
have water directly above it, it still has the same pressure as
all points that are at the same depth.
points B and D. This is in accordance with the third prin-
4. Pressure at any point in the water acts in all directions ciple of hydrostatics listed. Another way of expressing this is
at the same magnitude. to say that pressure in a continuous fluid at rest is transmitted
Consider the two tanks connected by a horizontal undiminished at the same depth throughout the fluid.
pipe shown in Figure 2-1. The water surfaces in both tanks The fourth principle states that pressure acts in all
are at the same elevation. We can consider the pressure at directions: the pressure at point C is acting on the walls of
the water surface to be equal to zero. Actually, there is some the connecting pipe—upward, sideways, and downward
pressure at the free surface because of the weight of the col- (we are neglecting the small variations in height due to the
umn of air above. This pressure is called atmospheric or
barometric pressure.
Atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately 40 kPa 5.8 psi
(gage) (gage)
101  kPa or 14.7 psi. For most practical applications, we 141 kPa 20.5 psi
neglect the atmospheric pressure in hydraulic computations. (absolute) (absolute)
In other words, we consider atmospheric pressure to be a zero
101 kPA Atmospheric pressure 14.7 psi
(absolute) Zero gage pressure (absolute)
Tank 1 Tank 2

Water Partial
surface Zero gage pressure –40 kPA vacuum –5.8 psi
(gage) (gage)
A 61 kPa 8.9 psi
and B
E and (absolute) (absolute)
Connecting pipe
D –101 kPa Complete vacuum –14.7 psi
(gage) Absolute zero pressure (gage)

Figure 2-1  Pressure at point A equals pressure at point Figure 2-2  Pressure measured with reference to standard
E because these points are at the same depth in the water. or normal atmospheric pressure is called gage pressure.
Likewise, the hydrostatic pressures at points B, C, and D Gage pressure can have a negative sign when it is less than
are equivalent. atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure is always positive.
26 chapter TWO

Filled to top with water Pressure

Water surface gage B
25 ft
2m 2m 15 ft
1m A gage A
4 m2
1 m2 1 m2

Figure 2-4  Illustration for Example 2-1.

P = 9.8 kPa P = 19.6 kPa P = 19.6 kPa
(a) (b) (c) Example 2-1
Figure 2-3  Hydrostatic pressure at a point depends on the The tank shown in Figure 2-4 has a total depth of 25 ft of
depth of water above the point, but not on the water surface water in it. What pressure would be recorded on gage A at
area or volume. Note that the pressure at the bottom of tank
(b) is the same as the pressure at the bottom of (c). the tank bottom? What pressure would gage B, at a height
of 15 ft from the bottom, indicate?

diameter of the pipe). It is important to realize that there Solution

does not have to be any water directly above point C for
Using Equation 2-2b, we can compute the pressure at the
there to be pressure at that point, as long as there are no
tank bottom as follows:
valves or other barriers separating the water at point C from
the water at point B or D. (The third and fourth principles PA = 0.43 * 25 = 11 psi (rounded to two
of hydrostatic pressure discussed here are together called significant figures)
Pascal’s law.) When water is stored in a tank, the pressures To compute the pressure that would be recorded
are exerted perpendicularly on every point of the tank walls; by gage B, it is first necessary to determine the depth of
the pressures increase uniformly with depth. point B below the water surface. This is 25 - 15 = 10 ft. Do
not use the 15 ft height above the tank bottom! The pressure
Computation of Pressure  Consider the tank shown in is computed as follows:
Figure 2-3a, with a bottom area of 1 m2. If the tank is filled
with water to a height of 1 m, the volume of water would be P = 0.43 * 10 = 4.3 psi
1 m3, and its weight would be 9.8 kN. The pressure at the
bottom of the tank can be computed from Equation 2-1 as Example 2-2
P = F>A = 9.8 kN>1 m2 = 9.8 kN>m2 = 9.8 kPa. An elevated water storage tank and connecting pipeline are
If the height of water in the tank were increased to 2 m, shown in Figure 2-5. Compute the hydrostatic pressures at
the total weight of water would be 2 * 9.8 = 19.6 kN, and points A, B, C, D, and E.
the pressure at the bottom would be P = 19.6 kN>1 m2 =
19.6 kPa, as shown in Figure 2-3b. It can also be seen, in Solution
Figure 2-3c, that for a tank with a bottom area of 4 m2 filled Point A: The height of water above point A in the tank is
with water to a height of 2 m, the bottom pressure is still equal to the difference in elevation between the water
19.6  kPa. This is because the additional weight of water is ­surface and the tank bottom, or 100.00 - 95.00 = 5.00 m.
spread over a proportionally greater area. This again demon- ­Using Equation 2-2a, we get the following:
strates one of the basic principles of hydrostatics: pressure at a PA = 9.8 * 5 = 49 kPa
point in water depends only on the height of water above the
point. Expressed in the form of an equation, this becomes Point B: The total height of water above point B is 100.00 -
70.00 = 30.00 m. The pressure at that point is as follows:
P = 9.8 * h (2-2a)
PB = 9.8 * 30.00 = 290 kPa (rounded to two
where P = hydrostatic pressure, kPa significant figures)
h = water depth from surface, m
In U.S. Customary units, 1 ft3 of water weighs 62.4 lb. A
Elevation 100.00 m
For a 1-ft height of water on an area of 1 ft2 or 144 in.2, the Elevation 95.00 m
pressure at the bottom is P = 62.4 lb>144 in.2 = 0.43 psi. Water storage tower
Following the same reasoning as given previously, we can surface
say that in water B Water main C Elevation
70.00 m Closed
P = 0.43 * h (2-2b) Elevation valve
70.00 m
where P = hydrostatic pressure, psi
h = water depth from surface, ft
Elevation 55.00
The following examples illustrate the use of Equations
2-2a and 2-2b. Figure 2-5  Illustration for Example 2-2.
Hydraulics 27

Point C: The pressure at point C is equal to the pressure at is the pressure head at that point? What is the total depth of
point B because these points are at the same elevation. Thus, water in the tank?
PC = PB = 290 kPa Solution
Point D: The total height of water above point D is 100.00 - Using Equation 2-3b, we get
55.00 = 45.00 m. The pressure at that point is as follows:
h = 2.3 * 13 = 30 ft (rounded to two
PD = 9.8 * 45.00 = 440 kPa (rounded to two significant figures)
significant figures)
The pressure head is equivalent to the height of water above
Point E: There is not enough information to determine the the gage. The total depth of water in the tank, therefore, is
pressure at point E because it is isolated from the system 30 + 5 = 35 ft.
above it by the closed valve. Remember, pressures are
transmitted only in a continuous fluid; the water at point E is Example 2-4
not continuous with the water on the other side of the valve. A sealed tank, shown in Figure 2-6, has a pocket of air
In general term, the static pressure at a particular depth trapped above the water, which is 1 m deep. A pressure
in a volume of any fluid can be expressed as P = g * h, gage at the bottom of the tank reads 30 kPa. Determine
where g (a Greek letter pronounced “gamma”) is the unit (a) the pressure head of water at the tank bottom, (b) the
weight of the fluid. For example, if a tank of gasoline that has height that water will rise to in the vertical tube if the valve is
a unit weight of about 47 lb>ft3 (735 N>m3) is 13 ft (4.0 m) opened, and (c) the pressure in the trapped air.
deep, then the pressure at the bottom of the tank would be
P = 47 lb>ft3 * 13 ft = 610 lb>ft2 1or P = 7350 N>m3 *  
4.0 m = 29,400 N>m2 2. A pressure of 610 lb>ft2 can be (a) Using Equation 2-3a, we can compute the pressure
converted to an equivalent pressure in psi as follows: head as follows:
610 lb>ft2 * 1 ft2 >144 in.2 = 4.2 psi, and 29,400 N>m2 can h = 0.10 * 30 = 3 m
be expressed as 29 kPa. (See Appendix D for a discussion of
unit conversions, rounding, and significant figures.) Notice that the pressure head is greater than the
depth of water in the tank. This means that the air in
the tank must be exerting additional pressure, pushing
Pressure Head
downward on the water.
It is often convenient to express pressure in terms of the height (b) The water would rise 3 m in the vertical tube, a height
of a column of water, in meters or feet, instead of in terms of equal to the pressure head at the bottom of the tank.
kPa or psi. This pressure head, as it is called, is the actual, or (c) If the tank were open to the atmosphere, then 1 m of ­water
equivalent, height of water above the point in question. depth would cause a pressure of only 9.8 kPa to regis-
For example, in the tank shown in Figure 2-4, we could ter on the gage. The difference, or 30 - 9.8 = 20 kPa
simply say that the pressure head at point A is 25 ft of water (rounded to two significant figures), must be exerted by
instead of 11 psi. Likewise, the pressure head at point B is the pressurized air in the sealed tank. Therefore, the air
10 ft of water. In Figure 2-5, the pressure head at point D is pressure in the tank is 20 kPa. (The pressure in a small
45 m of water. If a tall vertical tube were inserted into the volume of gas is considered to be uniform and does not
pipe at point D, the water in the tube would rise 45 m, to the depend on the height or depth of gas.)
original water surface elevation of 100.00 m.
In some instances, we might know the pressure in terms In general terms, the pressure head at any point in a
of kPa or psi, but would like to use units of pressure head volume of any confined fluid can be expressed as h = P>g.
instead. This is done, for example, when evaluating water dis- For example, if the pressure in a pipe ­containing gaso-
tribution systems. Rearranging the terms in Equations 2-2a line 1g = 7350 N>m3 2 is 29 kPa (or 29,000 N>m2), then
and 2-2b, we get, respectively,
h = = 0.1 * P (2-3a)
h = = 2.3 * P (2-3b)
where Equation 2-3a is for SI units and Equation 2-3b is for
U.S. Customary units.

Example 2-3
Figure 2-6  Illustration for Example 2-4. When the valve
A pressure gage on an open tank of water at a point 5 ft is open, the water will rise in the vertical pipe to a certain
above the tank bottom registers a pressure of 13 psi. What height h that depends on the pressure in the tank.
28 chapter TWO

the pressure head on the pipe is h = 129,000 N>m2 2 >

17350 N>m3 2 = 3.9 m.

Measurement of Pressure
Pressure measurement is important in the operation of envi-
ronmental control facilities. The operating pressure of pumps
in water and sewage treatment plants must be monitored,
and the pressures throughout a water distribution s­ystem
must be determined to ensure adequate service. Often, pres-
sure measurements are made and recorded automatically
with electromechanical instrumentation, but it is sometimes
necessary for technical personnel to measure pressures in the
field with other devices.
The simplest way to determine pressure is to use a Figure 2-8  A well-type mercury manometer is more
practical than a piezometer tube for measuring pressures in
piezometer tube. For example, if a narrow transparent tube is most hydraulic systems.
attached to a pipeline under pressure, as shown in Figure 2-7,
the water in the pipe will rise in the tube until the pressure
head caused by the column of water is equal to the p ­ ressure in One of the most commonly used pressure-measuring
the pipe. By measuring the height of the column in meters or devices is the Bourdon tube gage. It works on the principle
feet and using a simple computation (Equation 2-2a or 2-2b), that a flattened hollow metal tube, curved in the form of a
one can find the pressure in kPa or psi. spiral or circular arc, tends to uncurl as pressure is applied
Although they are simple, piezometer tubes are not very inside the tube. As the tube uncurls, a pointer linked to it
practical for field use. As seen in Figure 2-7, for a pressure of indicates the pressure on a calibrated scale. This is illustrated
150 kPa (22 psi), the piezometer tube would have to be about schematically in Figure 2-9. Bourdon tubes are calibrated to
15 m (50 ft) high. These tubes are used primarily in labora- indicate gage pressure, that is, pressure above atmospheric
tory situations to measure very low pressures. In Section 3-7, pressure, which is taken as 0 psi.
on groundwater, the term piezometric surface is used to Pressure transducers, devices that sense changes in pres-
indicate pressure in water that is confined under the ground. sure and convert them to electrical signals, are installed in mod-
The manometer is a somewhat more practical device for ern water and wastewater treatment plants and in pumping
measuring pressure using the height of a column of liquid. ­stations. They transmit signals to a central control panel, where
Here the liquid in the manometer tube is different from the the plant managers can see the pressure readings conveniently
liquid in the system being measured. A well-type manom- displayed in digital format. A schematic view of a pressure
eter, using mercury as the manometer fluid, is illustrated in transducer (or pressure sensor) is illustrated in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-8. Mercury is a heavy metal that is liquid at room
temperature; it is 13.6 times as heavy as water. In a well-
type mercury manometer, the equivalent pressure head of
water in the system is 13.6 times the measured height of the
column of mercury. For example, if the column of mercury 80
shown in Figure 2-8 is 16 in. high, the pressure in the system
is P = 13.6 * 0.43 * 116>122 ft = 7.8 psi. 70
60 Pressure
scale Pivot



Figure 2-7  A piezometer tube offers a simple means Figure 2-9  Simplified cutaway view of a Bourdon pressure
for determining pressure by direct measurement of the gage; the internal hollow tube uncurls as pressure is applied,
­corresponding pressure head. thereby moving a pointer on the scale.
Hydraulics 29

Remote For instance, suppose an empty cylindrical fiberglass

digital tank, with a diameter, D, of 1.0 m and a length, L, of 2.0 m,
000182 display
weighs 3000 N. Will it float in water? The volume of the tank
is equal to pD2L>4, or 13.14211.0 m2 2 12.0 m2 >4 = 1.6 m3
(rounded). The buoyant force on the tank, if it were fully
submerged, is the product of the unit weight of water and the
tank volume, or about 9800 N>m3 * 1.6 m3 = 15,000 N.
pressure Clearly, the buoyant force on the fully submerged tank
Pressure to
be measured
exceeds the tank weight, so the tank will float. In fact, it will
gages rise up out of the water until the weight of the volume of
water it displaces equals the weight of the tank. (It will be
partially submerged.)
Figure 2-10  A schematic example of a pressure transducer
that converts pressure into a proportional electrical signal.
When the reference pressure is atmospheric, a gage pressure 2-2 Flow
is displayed. Pressure differences between two points in a
system can also be measured. Most applications of hydraulics in environmental technol-
ogy involve water in motion—in pipes under pressure or
in open channels under the force of gravity. The volume of
In this type of device, pressure causes an internal membrane to water flowing past any given point in the pipe or channel per
bend. Changes in electrical properties (e.g., electrical resistance) unit time is called the flow rate or discharge.
of strain gages attached to the membrane are proportional to In the SI metric system, the unit for flow rate is cubic
the pressure in the system, and the signals can be converted meters per second (m3>s). The term “liters per second”
electronically into a digital display of either absolute, gage, or (L>s) is also used, particularly for relatively small flow rates.
differential pressure. Other  SI expressions for flow rate are megaliters per day
(ML>d) (Note: 1 m3 = 1000 L and 1 ML = 106 L) and cubic
Buoyant Force meters per day (m3>d or CMD).
In U.S. Customary units, flow rate may be expressed
Buoyancy refers to the upwardly directed net force that as cubic feet per second (ft3>s or cfs), gallons per m ­ inute
acts on an object that is fully or partially submerged in a (gpm), or million gallons per day (mgd). An approxi-
fluid. Buoyant force arises due to the variable distribution mate, but convenient conversion to remember is that
of pressures acting on the surfaces of the submerged object. 1 mgd = 1.55 cfs = 700 gpm. Also, 1 mgd = 3.79 ML>d =
Because hydrostatic pressures increase with depth, the forces 44 L>s.
acting on the bottommost parts of the object are, on average,
greater than the forces acting on the uppermost parts of the Example 2-5
object. Hence, the net or resultant force acts in an upward
Convert a flow of 50 m3>s to its equivalent value expressed
in terms of L>s and ML>d.
Buoyancy is sometimes of significance in environmental
technology. For example, if a tank is installed underground, Solution
buoyant forces can act on it as the water table rises. (The
water table and groundwater are discussed in Section 3-7.) 50 m3 >s * 1000 L>m3 = 50,000 L>s
Designers must account for the uplift forces caused by buoy- 50,000 L>s * 3600 s>h * 24 h>d * 1 ML>106 L
ancy. The tank must be properly anchored to the ground so = 4320 ML>d
that it does not rise off its foundation, particularly just after
construction when it is still empty, or when it is periodically Example 2-6
emptied of its contents for maintenance. Underground tanks Convert a flow rate of 50 ft3>s to its equivalent value
made of concrete resist buoyant forces better than fiberglass expressed as gpm and mgd.
or high-density polyethylene tanks, because of the higher
density of concrete. Solution
The buoyant force equals the weight of fluid displaced Using the conversion 1 ft3 = 7.48 gal (see Appendix D), we
by the object. (This fact has been known for millennia and find
is called Archimedes’s principle.) In other words, the net
upward force on the object is equal to the unit weight 50 ft3 >s * 7.48 gal>ft3 * 60 s>min
of the fluid times the submerged volume of the object = 22,440 gal>min or 22,440 gpm
(because the unit weight equals weight over volume). If and
the total weight of an object exceeds the buoyant forces
on it when it is fully submerged, it will sink. Otherwise, it 22,440 gal>min * 60 min>h * 24 h>d
will float. = 32.3 * 106 gal>d or 32 mgd
30 chapter TWO

Alternative Solution Example 2-8

Using the approximate conversions and setting up appropri- Determine the required diameter of a pipe that will carry a
ate ratios, we obtain discharge of 50 ML>d of water at a velocity of 3 m>s.

flow 700 gpm 700 gpm Solution

= and flow = 50 cfs *
50 cfs 1.55 cfs 1.55 cfs
The pipe diameter D can be determined from the required
= 22,580 gpm flow area A. Rearranging the terms in Equation 2-4 to solve
To the nearest 500 gpm, this is for practical purposes the for A, we get A = Q>V. In this problem, both Q and V are
same as the first answer, or 22,500 gpm, and for mgd we get given, but the proper units must be used so that the equa-
tion is dimensionally correct. First, convert the flow rate of
flow 1 mgd 1 mgd 50 ML>d to an equivalent value in terms of m3>s, as follows:
= and flow = 50 cfs *
50 cfs 1.55 cfs 1.55 cfs
Q = 50 * 106 L>d * 1 d>24 h * 1 h>3600 s
= 32 mgd
* 1 m3 >1000 L
Many students confuse flow rate with velocity of flow, = 0.58 m3 >s
but there is a distinct difference between those two terms.
Now apply Equation 2-4 to get
Flow rate represents volume per unit time, whereas veloc-
ity represents distance per unit time. There is a relationship 0.58 m3 >s
among flow rate, flow velocity, and the flow area, expressed A = = 0.19 m2
3 m>s
by the formula
Rearranging the terms in the formula A = pD 2 >4 gives
Q = A * V (2-4)
4 * A 1>2 4 * 0.19 1>2
where Q = flow rate or discharge D = c d = c d = 0.49 m
p p
A = cross@sectional flow area
V = velocity of flow
D = 0.49 m * 1000 mm>m = 490 mm
In SI units, area A is expressed in terms of m2 and veloc-
ity V is expressed in terms of m>s, resulting in units of m3>s
for Q. In U.S. Customary units, V is usually expressed in
Continuity of Flow
terms of ft>s; therefore, A should be in units of ft2 and the Water is considered to be an incompressible fluid. In other
units for Q are ft3>s. It is important to use the appropriate words, its volume does not change significantly with chang-
units in Equation 2-4 so that the results are dimensionally ing pressure. Thus, for a steady discharge in a pipe, the flow
correct. The following examples illustrate the use of the rate Q must be constant at any section in the pipe, no matter
basic flow equation, Q = A * V. how the flow area or velocity may change.
Referring to Figure 2-11, it can be said that the flow
Example 2-7 rate Q1 at section 1 must equal the flow rate Q2 at section
Water is flowing with an average velocity of 4.0 ft>s in 2 because water is neither added to nor removed from the
an 18-in.-diameter storm drain. The pipe is flowing full. pipe between those two sections. But the path of flow is con-
Compute the flow rate in cfs. stricted at section 2 of the pipe. Common sense says that
something must be happening to the water because of the
Solution reduced area of flow.
Because the pipe is flowing full, the flow area is the same as One of the things that is happening is that the flow veloc-
the cross-sectional area of the pipe. The formula for the area ity is increasing as the water moves from section 1 to section 2
of a circle is A = pD 2 >4, where D is the diameter and p can
be approximated as 3.14.
To keep units consistent in applying Equation 2-4, the
area must be expressed in terms of ft2. First, convert D from
inches to feet:
18 in. * 1 ft>12 in. = 1.5 ft

Now compute the flow area:


p * 11.5 ft2 2 1
A = = 1.77 ft2
Now, applying Equation 2-4, we find Figure 2-11  For an incompressible fluid, such as water or
2 sewage, the volume flow rate Q is constant at any section of
Q = A * V = 1.77 ft * 4 ft>s the pipeline. Because Q = A * V, when the flow area A is
= 7.1 ft3 >s or 7.1 cfs constricted, the velocity V of flow must increase.
Hydraulics 31

of the pipe. Because Q is constant and Q = A * V, when

A gets smaller, V must get larger; the product A * V must
always equal Q. Conversely, if the area of flow increases, the
velocity of flow must decrease.
This principle is sometimes referred to as continuity of
flow. A common formula used to express this is
Q = A1 * V1 = A2 * V2 (2-5)
Equation 2-5 is sometimes called the continuity
­equation. The product of area and velocity is constant
­anywhere in the pipeline. The following examples illustrate
the concept of continuity of flow. Figure 2-12  Illustration for Example 2-10.

Example 2-9
Now compute the flow rates in branches A and B as follows:
In the pipeline shown in Figure 2-11, the area at sec-
QA = AA * VA = 0.785 ft2 * 1.0 ft>s = 0.79 ft3 >s
tion 1 is 0.50 m2 and the area at section 2 is 0.25 m2. For
Qin = 1000 L>s, determine the velocities at sections 1 and 2. QB = AB * VB = 0.087 ft2 * 5.0 ft>s = 0.44 ft3 >s
The flow rate in branch C is the difference between that in
branch A and that in branch B, or QC = QA - QB:
First convert 1000 L>s to 1.0 m3>s for use in Equation 2-5:
QC = 0.79 cfs - 0.44 cfs = 0.35 cfs
Q = A1 * V1 = A2 * V2
1 m3 >s = 0.50 * V1 = 0.25 * V2
QC 0.35
and VC = = = 1.8 ft>s
AC 0.196
1 m3 >s
V1 = = 2.0 m>s
0.50 m2
Conservation of Energy
1 m3 >s
V2 = = 4.0 m>s It is a basic principle in physics that energy can neither be
0.25 m2
created nor destroyed, but it can be converted from one
Note that because the area decreased by a factor of form to another. In a given closed system, the total energy
2, the velocity increased by a factor of 2. The velocity is is constant. This is the law of conservation of energy. Applied
inversely proportional to the area. Also, the velocity is to problems involving the flow of water, it proves to be a
inversely proportional to the square of the diameter. If the most useful principle.
diameter of a pipe is reduced by a factor of 3, for example, In hydraulic systems, there exist three forms of mechan-
the velocity increases by a factor of 32 or 9. ical energy: potential energy due to elevation, potential
energy due to pressure, and kinetic energy due to velocity.
Example 2-10 Energy has the units of foot-pounds (ft-lb) or newton-meters
For the branching pipe section shown in Figure 2-12, com- (N-m). It is convenient to express hydraulic energy in terms
pute the velocity of flow at section C in the 6-in. diameter of energy head, in meters or feet of water. This is equivalent
branch. The velocity in the 12-in. branch at section A is 1.0 to foot-pounds per pound of water 1ft@lb>lb = ft2 or new-
ft>s, and the velocity at section B in the 4-in. branch is 5.0 ft>s. ton-meters per newton of water 1N@m>N = m2.
In a hydraulic system, then, there are elevation head,
Solution pressure head, and velocity head. (Pressure head has already
Because water is incompressible, the total volume of flow been discussed in Section 2-1.) The total energy head in
entering the system at branch A must equal the total volume a hydraulic system is equal to the sum of these individual
of flow leaving the system in branches B and C. This can be energy heads. This can be expressed mathematically as
stated mathematically as QA = QB + QC. follows:
First, compute the cross-sectional flow areas using the p v2
unit of feet for diameter: E = z + + (2-6)
g 2g
p11 ft2 2 total = elevation + pressure + velocity
AA = = 0.785 ft2 head head head head
where E = total energy head
p 1 13 ft 2 2
AB = = 0.087 ft2 z = height of the water above a reference plane, m 1ft2
p = pressure, kPa 1psf2
p 1 ft 2 2
AC = = 0.196 ft2 g = unit weight of water, 9.8 kN>m3 162.4 lb>ft3 2
32 chapter TWO

v = flow velocity, m>s1ft>s2 Example 2-11

g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m>s2 132.2 ft>s2 2 For the system illustrated in Figure 2-13, the diameter at
(Note: g is the Greek letter “gamma”.) section 1 is 12 in. and that at section 2 is 4 in. The flow rate
through the pipe is 2.0 cfs, and the pressure at section 1 is
Consider the constricted section of pipe shown in
100 psi. What is the pressure in the constriction at section 2?
Figure 2-13. From the law of energy conservation, the total
energy head at section 1, E1, must equal the total energy head Solution
at section 2, E2. Setting E1 = E2 and using Equation 2-6,
First, compute the flow area at each section, as follows:
we get
p11 ft2 2
p1 v21 p2 v22 A1 = = 0.785 ft2
z1 + + = z2 + + (2-7) 4
g 2g g 2g
p10.333 ft2 2
Equation 2-7 is called Bernoulli’s equation and is one of A2 = = 0.087 ft2
the most useful formulas in hydraulics. As written here, it
applies to ideal fluids because viscosity and energy loss due Now, from Q = A * V or V = Q>A,
to friction are neglected. 2.0 ft3 >s
For the system shown in Figure 2-13, we can simplify V1 = = 2.5 ft>s
0.785 ft2
Bernoulli’s equation because the pipeline is horizontal and
z1 = z2. Because they are equal, the elevation heads cancel V2 = = 23 ft>s
out from both sides, leaving 0.087

p1 v21 p2 v22 Applying Equation 2-8, we find

+ = + (2-8)
g 2g g 2g 100 * 144 2.52 p2 * 144 232
+ = +
62.4 2 * 32.2 62.4 2 * 32.2
Now consider what happens as water passes through
the constricted section of the pipe, section 2. From con- Note that the pressures are multiplied by 144 in.2>ft2
tinuity of flow, the velocity at section 2 must be greater to  convert from psi to lb>ft2 to be consistent with the
than the velocity at section 1 because of the smaller flow units for w; the energy head terms are in feet of head.
area at section 2. This means that the velocity head in the Continuing, we obtain
system increases as the water flows into the constricted
231 + 0.1 = 2.3 p2 + 8.2
But the total energy must remain constant. For this to and
occur, the pressure head, and therefore the pressure, must
drop. In effect, pressure energy is converted into kinetic 231.1 - 8.2 222.9
p2 = = = 97 psi
energy in the constriction. The fact that the pressure in the 2.3 2.3
narrower pipe section is less than the pressure in the big-
ger section contradicts what many beginning students often 2-3 Flow in Pipes Under
“feel” about the system. But it follows logically from conti-
nuity of flow and conservation of energy. As shown in the
next section, the fact that there is a pressure difference will When water flows in a pipeline, there is friction acting
allow measurement of flow rate in the closed pipe. between the flowing water and the pipe wall, and between
the layers of water moving at different velocities in the pipe.
This is because of the viscosity of the water. The flow veloc-
ity is actually zero at the pipe wall and maximum along the
centerline of the pipe. When the term “velocity of flow” is
used in this text, it means the average velocity over the cross
section of flow.
The frictional resistance to flow causes a loss of energy
in the system. This loss of energy is manifested as a continu-
ous pressure drop along the path of flow. It is often neces-
sary to be able to compute the expected pressure drop in
a given system or to design a new system with a specified
maximum pressure loss.
In Figure 2-14a, a straight section of pipe filled with
Figure 2-13  Because the velocity and kinetic energy of
water under pressure is shown attached to a tank. There is
the water flowing in the constricted section must increase,
the potential energy must decrease (from the law of energy no flow in the system and therefore no pressure loss when
conservation). This is observed as a pressure drop in the the valve in the pipe is closed. It can be seen that the pressure
constriction. head at section 1 equals the pressure head at section 2.
Hydraulics 33

Static Pressure Head

Hazen–Williams Equation
To be able to design new water distribution pipelines or
h1 = h2 = H sewage force mains or to analyze existing pipe networks, it is
H h1 h2 Closed necessary to be able to compute head losses, pressures, and
flows throughout the system. There are several formulas in
hydraulics to do this, but one of those most commonly used
1 2
is the Hazen–Williams equation:

P1 P2
Q = 0.28 * C * D 2.63 * S 0.54 (2-9)
P1 P2 where Q = flow rate, m3 >s or gpm
(a) Valve closed: C = pipe roughness coefficient
no flow
D = pipe diameter, m 1in.2
HGL S = slope of HGL, dimensionless
hL = h1 – h2
S = hL/L (Note: Equation 2-9 is not the original form of the
Hazen–Williams equation, but with the constant 0.28, this
hL equation can be used with sufficient accuracy for both SI
H Open units and U.S. Customary units, as long as the appropriate
h2 valve units noted here for Q and D are used. For practical pur-
1 Q poses, computed values may be rounded off to two signifi-
cant figures.)

P1 P2
Hazen–Williams Nomograph
P1 > P2 In engineering practice, sophisticated computer programs
(b) Valve open are used for hydraulic analysis of large water or sewerage
systems. But engineers and technicians often have occasion
Figure 2-14  The hydraulic grade line, or HGL, is a graph of
the pressure head above the pipe centerline. Its downward to do computations “by hand,” that is, with a hand-held
slope in the direction of flow shows pressure loss due to electronic calculator. Programmable calculators are useful
friction. (A free water surface is on the HGL. Note also that for solving formulas such as the Hazen–Williams equation.
p1 = gh1 and p2 = gh2.) Many practitioners, though, make use of charts, tables, or
graphs that provide a quick and easy solution to a specified
When the valve is opened, flow begins to occur with equation. These design aids provide numerical accuracy that
corresponding energy loss due to friction. This loss can is sufficient for most engineering purposes. One such chart,
be seen by measuring the pressures along the pipeline. In called a nomograph (or nomogram), is shown in Figure 2-15.
Figure 2-14b, the difference in pressure heads between A ruler or straightedge is used to line up known data and to
sections 1 and 2 can be seen in the piezometer tubes read a solution for the unknown quantity where the ruler
attached to the pipe. A line connecting the water surface intersects the appropriate axis.
in the tank with the water levels at sections 1 and 2 shows The Hazen–Williams nomograph presented in Figure
the pattern of continuous pressure loss along the pipeline. 2-15 has been prepared for a pipe roughness coefficient of
This is called the hydraulic grade line (HGL) of the sys- 100. A value of C = 100 could represent the friction of an
tem. It is a useful graphical aid when analyzing pipe flow unlined iron pipe that is about 20 years old. Most design-
problems. ers would use this value when preparing plans for a new
The HGL is actually a graph of the pressure head along unlined pipeline to account for the inevitable aging and dete-
the pipe, plotted above the pipe centerline. It is not neces- rioration of the pipe. Newer pipes are smoother and allow
sary to draw the piezometer tubes, as in Figure 2-14. The more flow 1C 7 1002; older pipes offer more resistance to
HGL always slopes downward in the direction of flow unless flow 1C 6 1002. Concrete pipes generally have a value of
additional energy is added to the system by a pump. The C = 130, and smooth plastic pipes may have a C value as
vertical drop in the HGL between two sections separated by high as 150. In this text, all problems will have an assumed
a distance L is called the head loss (hL). The ratio of hL to L is value of C = 100.
the slope (S) of the HGL or hydraulic gradient. In equation To use the Hazen–Williams nomograph, two of the
form, S = hL >L. three variables (Q, D, and S) must be known; the unknown
The HGL always passes through the free water surface variable can then be determined. A straight edge is placed
of any storage tank in the system because that elevation is across the axes so that the two known variables are inter-
equivalent to the system’s pressure head at that point. The sected by a straight line. The third variable is found where
greater the flow rate is in a given pipeline, the greater is the the line crosses its corresponding nomograph axis. The
rate of pressure loss and the steeper is the slope of the HGL. ­following examples illustrate this procedure.
34 chapter TWO

Q D S A nomograph solution is sufficiently accurate for most

2000 practical applications, although the results may differ by
1000 72 0.0001
15,000 about 5 percent or so.
1500 60
600 10,000 54 0.0002 Example 2-13
48 An 8-in.-diameter pipe carries a flow of 1.0 cfs. Compute the

Slope of HGL or loss of head, m/m; ft/ft

7000 44 0.0003
400 40 pressure drop per mile of pipeline, in psi.
5000 900 36
300 0.0005 Solution
800 32
700 28 0.0007 First, it is necessary to convert the flow to units of gpm in
200 3000 order to use the nomograph:
600 24 0.0010

500 20 1.0 ft3 >s * 7.48 gal>ft3 * 60 s>min = 450 gpm

0.0020 Using a straight edge to connect Q = 450 gpm and
Pipe diameter, mm (1000 = 1 m)

100 16
Flow rate, L/S (1000 L = 1 m3)

80 D = 8 in. on the nomograph, read a corresponding value of
0.0064 on the S axis.
1000 12 Exa 0.0040
Flow rate, gpm

60 300 m Because S = hL >L, hL = S * L. In this problem, L is

2.1 ple 0.0050
50 10 2 specified to be 1 mi, or 5280 ft. Therefore,
40 0.0070
Pipe diameter, in.

hL = 0.0064 * 5280 = 34 ft
500 200 0.0100
400 In other words, the HGL would drop a vertical distance
6 of 34 ft over each mile of pipeline. To convert this pres-
20 300 0.0200 sure head loss to its equivalent value in terms of psi, use
Equation 2-2b:
100 4 0.0400 pressure drop P = 0.43 * hL = 0.43 * 34
10 90 0.0500 = 15 psi>mi
8 80
3 0.0700
100 70 Example 2-14
60 What minimum pipe diameter is required to carry a flow
2 of  30 L>s without causing the pressure to drop more than
4 50
10 kPa per kilometer of pipeline?
50 0.2000
0.3000 Solution
2 0.4000 Convert the pressure drop to an equivalent pressure head,
30 30 using Equation 2-3a, as follows:
Figure 2-15  A nomograph that provides a graphical
s­ olution to the Hazen–Williams equation for water flowing hL = 0.10 * P = 0.10 * 10 = 1.0 m>km
in circular pipes under pressure, with C = 100.
Because S = hL >L and L = 1 km = 1000 m, S = 1.0 m>
1000 m = 0.001.
Example 2-12 Entering the nomograph with Q = 30 L>s and
A 12-in.-diameter pipe carries water with a head loss of 10 ft S = 0.001, read 310 mm on the D or diameter axis.
per 1000 ft of pipeline. Determine the flow rate in the pipe
using the nomograph in Figure 2-15. Check the solution The energy loss due to viscosity and friction along the
using Equation 2-9. straight length of the pipeline accounts for most of the pres-
sure drop. This loss is called the major loss. As the water
Solution flows through valves, bends, and other pipe fittings, there
Compute the value of S = hL >L = 10 ft>1000 ft = 0.010. are additional losses due to turbulence. These losses are
Place a straight edge across the nomograph intersecting called minor losses.
12 in. on the D line and 0.010 on the S line. Read a flow rate In larger water distribution systems, the combined
of about 1700 gpm on the Q line. minor losses are very small compared to the major loss, and
Applying Equation 2-9, we find they are neglected. In pumping stations, where there may be
many valves and bends in a confined space, the minor losses
Q = 0.28 * 100 * 122.63 * 0.0100.54 = 1600 gpm must be accounted for by using appropriate loss coefficients
1rounded to two significant figures2 or equivalent length factors.
Hydraulics 35

Flow Measurement Vent and drain Inspection hole

The rate at which water is pumped into a distribution system or
at which sewage is pumped in a force main must be known for
proper control and operation of the system. One of the most
common types of flow meters used to measure the discharge in
a closed pipe under pressure is the venturi meter. This is actu- Q
ally a differential pressure meter; the flow rate is related to the
pressure difference caused by the meter, using the formulas
from continuity of flow and the Bernoulli equation. Pressure connections
A section through a venturi meter is shown in Figure
2-16. As seen in the discussion on energy conservation in Figure 2-16  A venturi meter can be installed in a pipeline
Section 2-2, the pressure in the constricted section, called to measure the flow rate. The difference between the pres-
sure in the throat of the venturi and that in the upstream
the throat of the venturi tube, must be lower than the pres- section can be converted to discharge, using Bernoulli’s
sure just upstream of the converging section. equation.
Using the continuity equation and Bernoulli’s equation, (Reprinted with permission from Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plant,
the following formula can be derived to relate the discharge 2nd ed., MOP No.11, Copyright ©1976. Water Environment Federation,
Q to the measured pressure difference p1 - p2: Alexandria, VA.

2g1p1 - p2 2 >w 1>2

overall length, but they obstruct the flow and cause greater
Q = C * A2 * c d (2-10)
1 - 1A2 >A1 2 2 head loss than the venturi meter.
Another device that is used to measure flow rates in
In Equation 2-10, C is a discharge coefficient that closed pipelines is the magnetic flow meter. It has the advan-
accounts for a small amount of head loss in the venturi tage of not causing any constriction in the path of flow.
meter; it is usually about 0.98. All the other terms are as The operating principle is based on the fact that water is a
previously defined in the continuity and Bernoulli equa- slight conductor of electricity, and when it moves through a
tions. Care must be taken to use appropriate units so that the magnetic field, it induces a voltage. The meter produces the
equation is dimensionally consistent. magnetic field around the pipe and also senses the induced
voltage. The greater the flow rate, the greater is the voltage.
Example 2-15 The voltage signals are transmitted to a recording chart cali-
A venturi meter in a 100-mm pipe has a throat diameter of brated in units of flow rate.
50 mm. A pressure difference of 75 kPa is measured in the A device called a Pitot static tube, illustrated sche-
meter. What is the flow rate under these conditions? matically in Figure 2-17, can be used to measure the flow
­discharged by an open hydrant in a water distribution sys-
tem. It consists basically of a tube open at both ends and
First, compute the flow areas in terms of m2 as follows: bent so that one end can be pointed into the flowing water
while the other end is vertical. The vertical part of the tube
p * 10.1 m2 2
A1 = = 0.007 85 m2 fills with water to a height that is proportional to the flow
p * 10.05 m2 2 Pitot
A2 = = 0.001 96 m2
4 tube

The ratio A2 >A1 = 0.00196>0.00785 = 0.25, and

1 - 10.252 2 = 0.9375. Applying Equation 2-10, we obtain 2
h =v
2 * 9.8 * 75>9.8 1>2 A 2g
Q = 0.98 * 0.00196 * c d
= 0.024 m3 >s = 24 L>s
In most systems where flow rates must be monitored
continuously, the pressure difference in the venturi tube is Q
sensed by pressure transducers and the flow rate is recorded
automatically on a rotating chart in the control room.
Venturi meters are available in a wide range of sizes from
several manufacturers. They must have the correct shape
and proportions in the converting section, throat, and
Figure 2-17  Schematic diagram of a Pitot tube, a simple
diverging section to maintain streamline flow and accurate device that can be used to measure flow velocity. The velocity
measurements. Other pressure differential meters, such as is proportional to the square root of the height of water in
orifice or nozzle meters, are available. They are shorter in the tube. 1v = 12gh and Q = A * V2
36 chapter TWO

velocity. If the area of the hydrant opening is known, the Ground surface
discharge can be computed by a formula derived from the Pipe
continuity and Bernoulli equations. In practice, a hand-held crown
or clamp-on Pitot gage is used. Rather than actually mea- Air
suring height of water in the open L-shaped tube, the flow
velocity is read on the gage dial, and that can be used to
compute the flow rate. Pipe
The common household water meter records the total invert
volume of water that passes through it. That provides a (a) Buried pipe (b) Stream
partial flow
means for the water utility company to bill customers on
the basis of actual water use instead of at a flat rate. Water
conservation is encouraged when users must pay for actual Figure 2-19  Any flow that occurs with a free surface
exposed to atmospheric pressure is open channel flow,
metered consumption. whether it occurs in a surface stream or in an underground
A common type of meter for small water service con- pipe. (Note: ▽ indicates a free surface.)
nections is a positive-displacement or nutating-disk meter.
In this device, the water passes through a small chamber of Under steady uniform flow conditions, the slope of the
known volume. An inclined hard-rubber disk undergoes a water surface is the same as the slope of the channel bot-
wobbling rotation as the water flows through the chamber. tom. The HGL lies along the water surface and, as in pres-
The number of rotations on the disk, which is proportional sure flow in pipes, it slopes downward in the direction of
to the volume of water, is transmitted to a recording register. flow. Energy loss is manifested as a drop in elevation of the
In modern installations, a digital register can be mounted water surface. A typical profile view of uniform steady flow
outside the customer’s house to facilitate meter reading by is shown in Figure 2-18. The slope of the water surface rep-
the utility company. Computerized billing systems based on resents the rate of energy loss. It may be expressed as the
automatic remote meter readings are also used. ratio of the drop in elevation of the surface in the reach to
the length of the reach.
Typical cross sections of open channel flow are shown
2-4  Gravity Flow in Pipes in Figure 2-19. In Figure 2-19a, the pipe is only partially
When water flows in a pipe or channel with a free surface filled with water, and there is a free surface at atmospheric
exposed to the atmosphere, it is called open channel or pressure. It is still open channel flow, even though the pipe is
gravity flow. Gravity provides the moving force, while fric- a closed conduit underground. The important factor is that
tion resists the motion and causes energy loss. Stream or gravity, not a pump, is moving the water.
river flow is open channel flow. Flow in storm and sanitary The top of the inside pipe wall is called the crown, and
sewers is also open channel flow, except when the water is the bottom of the pipe wall is called the invert. One of the
pumped through a pipe under pressure (a force main). basic objectives of sewer design is to establish appropriate
In most routine problems in the design or analysis of invert elevations along the pipeline. The length of ­wetted
storm or sanitary sewer systems, a condition called steady surface on the pipe or stream cross section is called the
uniform flow is assumed. Steady flow means that the dis- ­wetted perimeter. The size of the channel as well as its slope
charge is constant with time. Uniform flow means that the and wetted perimeter are important factors related to its
slope of the water surface and the cross-sectional flow area ­discharge capacity.
are also constant. A length of a stream, channel, or pipe-
line that has a relatively constant slope and cross section is Manning’s Formula
called a reach. A common formula for solving open channel flow problems
Water surface = HGL S = hL/L is called Manning’s formula, written as follows:
1.0 or 1.5
Q = * A * R2>3 * S1>2 (2-11)
hL n
It is an empirical or experimentally derived equation, where
Q = channel discharge capacity, m3 >s1ft3 >s2
1.0 = constant for SI metric units
1.5 = constant for U.S. Customary units 1rounded from
bottom the traditional value of 1.4862
L n = Manning channel roughness coefficient
A = cross@sectional flow area, m2 1ft2 2
Figure 2-18  In steady uniform open channel flow, the slope
of the water surface, or HGL, is equal to the slope of the R = hydraulic radius of the channel, m1ft2
channel bottom. S = slope of the channel bottom, dimensionless
Hydraulics 37

Table 2-1  Manning Roughness Coefficients Circular Pipes Flowing Full  Most sanitary and storm
sewer systems are built with sections of circular pipe. In addi-
Material Manning n tion to the roughness coefficient, the important factors related
Cast iron 0.015
to the design or analysis of these pipelines are discharge Q,
flow velocity V, pipe diameter D, and pipe slope S. Limitations
Corrugated metal 0.022
on slope and pipe velocity are discussed in Chapters 8 and 9.
Gravel 0.029 In a circular pipe carrying water such that the pipe is just
Earth and weeds 0.035 full to the crown (but still under atmospheric pressure and
gravity flow), the flow area A is pD2 >4, the area of the pipe. The
wetted perimeter P is the perimeter of the pipe, or pD. Because
The hydraulic radius of a channel is defined as the ratio hydraulic radius R is defined as A divided by P, we have
of the flow area to the wetted perimeter P. In formula form, 1 pD2 2 >4 pD2 1 D
R = A>P. The roughness coefficient n depends on material R = = * =
and age for a pipe or lined channel and on topographic fea- pD 4 pD 4
tures for a natural stream bed. It can range from a value of For circular pipes flowing full, Manning’s formula then
0.01 for a smooth clay pipe to 0.1 for a small natural stream. takes the following form:
A value of n commonly assumed for concrete pipes or lined 1.0 or 1.5 pD2 D 2>3
channels is 0.013. Selected values of Manning’s n are shown Q = * * a b * S1>2
n 4 4
in Table 2-1.
The following example illustrates the application of For a given value of n, only the pipe diameter and slope
Manning’s formula for a channel with a rectangular cross are needed to solve for discharge in a circular pipe flowing
section. full. To facilitate the application of Manning’s formula, par-
ticularly for routine problems with circular pipes, charts or
Example 2-16 nomographs are usually used. A nomograph for Manning’s
formula for circular pipes flowing full is shown in Figure
A rectangular drainage channel is 3 ft wide and is lined with
2-21. To use the nomograph, three of the five variables
concrete, as illustrated in Figure 2-20. The bottom of the
(n, D, S, Q, and V) must be known. A straight edge lined up
channel drops in elevation at a rate of 0.5 ft per 100 ft. What
across the two known variables, such as n and S, or Q and D,
is the discharge in the channel when the depth of water is
or V and D, or V and Q, will intersect the turning line. The
1.5 ft? Assume n = 0.013.
straight edge can then be lined up across the third-known
Solution variable and the point of intersection on the turning line.
The solution for the other two variables can be read on their
Because the data use U.S. Customary units, the constant
respective axes from the crossing or the projection of the
1.5 is used in Equation 2-11. Refer to Figure 2-20; the
appropriate line. Applications of the Manning nomograph
­cross-sectional flow area A = 3.0 ft * 1.5 ft = 4.5 ft2, and
are illustrated in the following examples.
the wetted perimeter P = 1.5 ft + 3.0 ft + 1.5 ft = 6.0 ft.
The hydraulic radius R = A>P = 4.5 ft2 >6.0 ft = 0.75 ft.
Example 2-17
The slope S = 0.5>100 = 0.005.
Applying Manning’s formula, we obtain A 12-in.-diameter pipeline is built on a slope of 1 percent.
Assuming that n = 0.013, determine the discharge capacity
1.5 of the pipeline with full flow. What is the flow velocity?
Q = * 4.5 * 0.752>3 * 0.0051>2 = 30 cfs
1rounded off2
Line up the values n = 0.013 D and S = 0.01 on the nomo-
graph in Figure 2-21 and mark the intersection with the turn-
Free water surface ing line. Line up the intersection point on the turning line
with the value of D = 12. Project the line to the discharge
scale and read a value of 3.7 ft3>s for flow rate or discharge.
Project this same line over to the velocity scale and read a
1.5 ft Wetted perimeter
value of 4.5 ft>s for velocity.
Using Manning’s formula to check the accuracy of the
nomograph, we obtain
1.5 p * 12 1 2>3
Q = * * a b * 0.011>2
0.013 4 4

3.0 ft
= 3.6 cfs
Q = 3.6 ft3 >s * 7.48 gal>ft3 * 60 s>min
Figure 2-20  Illustration for Example 2-16. = 1600 gpm
Discharge, m^3/s

Discharge, ft^3/s

Slope, ft/ft, m/m

Velocity m/s
Velocity ft/s

Slope, %
0.5 0.15 40 0.4

Turning lline
40 0.6 20 0.2
30 1000 0.7
10 0.1

Mannings roughness coefficient, n

20 0.8 0.08
600 6 0.06
500 0.9

0.3 4 0.04
Pipe diameter, cm

400 1

Pipe diameter, in


8 300
2 0.02
200 0.4
4 1.5 1 0.01
300 120
3 270 0.5 0.008
100 100
240 0.10 0.6 0.006
80 210 84 0.08
0.06 2 0.6 0.4 0.004
60 180 72
50 150 60 0.04
40 135 0.03 0.2 0.002
1 2.5
120 48
0.8 30 42 0.02
90 36 0.013 3 0.9
0.6 0.1 0.001
20 0.01
0.5 30 1 0.0008
0.4 0.06 0.0006
24 0.006
0.3 52 4
10 20 0.04 0.0004
8 45 18
6 37.5 14 Example 0.002 5 0.02 0.0002
5 12
0.1 4
v 6
Q, D, 25 10 0.01 0.0001
0.08 3 2 0.00008
0.06 0.006 0.00006
0.05 2
0.004 0.00004
1 10 3
0.002 0.00002
0.02 0.8

0.001 0.00001
0.5 13 4
0.01 0.4
0.0006 0.000006
0.008 0.3 16
5 0.000004
Q D TL n V S
Figure 2-21  Manning’s nomograph for circular pipes flowing full. Manning’s equation is used for open channel or gravity
flow, whereas the Hazen–Williams equation is used for flow under pressure.
(Adapted from U.S. Bureau of Public Roads.)

Hydraulics 39

and Line up D = 16 in. V = 2.0 ft>s on the Manning nomograph,

fv, and mark the intersection with the turning line. Line up the
Q 3.6
V = = = 4.6 ft>s intersection point on the turning line with n = 0.013, project
A 1p * 12 2 >4
this line to the slope scale and read S = 0.0014. V = 1.2 ft>s,
These values check well with the nomograph solution. Note that at a V = 2.0 ft>s, the actual discharge capacity of
a full 16 in. pipe is 3.0 ft3>s, which is larger than the 1.7 ft3>s
Example 2-18 the pipe is anticipated to carry, As a result the pipe will be
A 450-mm-diameter storm sewer, with n = 0.013, is built flowing partially full. The minimum flow velocity is the con-
on a grade of 2.0 percent. What are the discharge capacity trolling factor in this problem.
and velocity of flow when the pipe is full?
Partial Flow in Pipes
Most of the time, gravity sewers flow only partially full. The
Using the Manning nomograph, line up the grade of 2.0 per- free water surface is usually below the crown of the pipe.
cent, or 0.02 with the roughness, n = 0.013 and mark the This condition is depicted in Figure 2-19a. The partial-flow
intersection with the turning line. Line up the intersection hydraulics can be analyzed directly, using the Manning
point on the turning line with the pipe diameter of 45 cm. formula, but it is much more convenient to use the partial-
Project the line to the discharge scale and read a discharge flow diagram shown in Figure 2-22. This diagram takes into
of 0.43 m3>s. Project this same line over to the velocity scale account the variation of hydraulic radius with depth, which
and read a velocity of 2.5 m>s. otherwise would require tedious computations. The follow-
Manning’s formula gives ing examples illustrate its use.
1.0 p * 0.452 0.45 2>3
Q = * * a b * 0.021>2
0.013 4 4
= 0.4 m3 >s 1.0

and 0.9

Q 0.4 0.8
V = = = 2.5 m>s
A p * 0.452 >4 0.7
0.6 c urv
a rge
Example 2-19
Ratio d/D

0.5 Dis
What diameter pipe, with n = 0.013, is needed to carry a
peak flow of at least 500 L>s on a 0.25 percent grade? 0.4
0.3 cu
Solution locity
0.2 Ve
Convert the flow to cubic meters per second.
Q = 500 L>s * 1 m3 >1000 L = 0.5 m3 >s
Line up n = 0.013 and S = 0.25 percent, or 0.0025, on the 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
appropriate axes on the nomograph in Figure 2-21. Mark Ratio q/Q or v/V
the intersection of this line with the turning line. Line up
the point of intersection on the turning line with 0.5 m3>s Nomenclature:
on the discharge scale. The solution obtained on the diam- d = partial depth
D = full depth or pipe diameter
eter scale is about 73 cm, or 730 mm. In practice, the next q = partial discharge
largest standard pipe size that is manufactured would be Q = full-flow discharge
selected. v = velocity, partially full
V = velocity, full

Example 2-20 Crown

On what slope should a 16-in.-diameter sanitary sewer, with Flow

n = 0.013, be built if it is to carry at least 750 gpm of sew- surface
age at a velocity of not less than 2 ft>s? D
Convert the discharge from gpm to ft3>s.
gal 1 min 1 ft3 ft3
Q = 750 * * = 1.7 Figure 2-22  A partial-flow diagram for a circular pipe that
min 60 s 7.48 gal s carries flow with the water surface below the pipe crown.
40 chapter TWO

Example 2-21 Example 2-23

A 300-mm-diameter pipe, with n = 0.013, is constructed An 18-in.-diameter sewer line, with n = 0.013, drops 1.6 ft
on a slope S = 0.02. What is the depth of flow in the pipe in elevation over a 400 ft distance. Determine the discharge
when it carries a flow of 96 L>s? What is the velocity of flow and velocity in the pipe when the depth of flow is 6 in.
at that depth?
Solution The slope S = 1.6>400 = 0.004. Using the Manning
Using the Manning nomograph, it is found that nomograph, we obtain Q = 2900 gpm and V = 3.8 fps.
a 300 mm or 30 cm pipe on a 0.02 slope carries The partial-flow depth ratio is 6>18 = 0.33, and from
Q = 0.135 m3 >s = 135 L>s = 135 L>s when flowing full the partial-flow diagram, q>Q = 0.22 and v>V = 0.82.
(which is the condition the nomograph is set up for). Its full- Therefore, q = Q * 0.22 = 2900 * 0.22 = 640 gpm and
flow velocity is V = 1.9 m>s. v = V * 0.82 = 3.8 * 0.82 = 3.1 ft>s.
The discharge under partial-flow conditions is
q = 96 L>s, and the ratio of partial flow to full flow is Open Channel Flow Measurement
q>Q = 96>135 = 0.71.
Now enter the partial-flow diagram, Figure 2-22, on An approximate, but very simple method, for determining
the horizontal or x-axis with the value q>Q = 0.71. Move open channel discharge is to measure the velocity of a float-
straight up to an intersection with the “Discharge curve Q”; ing object moving in a straight uniform reach of the chan-
from that point on the Q curve, move horizontally to the left nel. If the cross-sectional geometry of the channel is known
and read d>D = 0.62. Because D = 300 mm, solve for the and the depth of flow is measured, then the flow area can
partial depth d as follows: be computed. From the relationship Q = A * V, the dis-
charge Q can be estimated.
d>300 = 0.62 and d = 300 * 0.62 = 186 mm This is a useful way to get a ballpark estimate for the
To compute the velocity at the depth of flow, reenter flow rate as part of a preliminary field study, but it would not
Figure 2-22 on the vertical or y-axis with d>D = 0.62 and be suitable for routine measurements. The average velocity
move horizontally to the right to an intersection with the of flow in a reach is approximated by timing the passage of
“Velocity curve V ”; from that point on the V curve, move the floating object along a measured length of the channel.
straight down and read v>V = 1.08 on the horizontal axis.
Because the full-flow velocity V = 2 m>s, compute the Example 2-24
­partial-flow velocity as follows: A floating object is placed on the surface of water flowing
v>1.9 = 1.08 and v = 1.9 * 1.08 = 2.1 m>s in a stormwater drainage ditch and is observed to travel a
distance of 10 m downstream in 20 s. The ditch is 1.5 m
Notice that the partial-flow velocity is actually greater wide, and the average depth of flow is estimated to be 0.5 m.
than the velocity under full-flow conditions. As can be Estimate the discharge under these conditions.
seen from Figure 2-22, there is a range of depths at which
both  discharge and velocity exceed full-depth values. The Solution
maximum velocity in the pipe occurs when the depth is The flow velocity is computed as distance over time, or
82 percent of the diameter, and the maximum discharge
V = D>T = 10 m>20 s = 0.5 m>s
occurs when the depth is 93 percent of the diameter of the
pipe. The basic reason for this is the reduction in friction at The channel area is A = 1.5 m * 0.5 m = 0.75 m2.
the pipe wall. At the shallower depths, however, the smaller The discharge Q = A * V = 0.75 m2 * 0.5 m>s =
flow area outweighs the effect of the reduced friction, and 0.38 m3 >s (rounded off).
the discharge ratio drops below 1.0.
Weirs  A widely used device to measure open channel flow
Example 2-22 is the sharp-crested weir. A weir is simply a dam or obstruc-
What is the maximum possible discharge capacity of a 900 tion placed in the channel so that the water backs up behind
mm-diameter pipe, with n = 0.013, built on a slope of 0.1 it and then flows over it. The sharp crest or edge allows the
percent? water to spring clear of the weir plate and to fall freely in the
form of a nappe, as shown in Figure 2-23.
Solution When the nappe discharges freely into the air, there
The Manning nomograph gives the full-flow capac- is a hydraulic relationship between the height or depth of
ity as Q = 550 L>s. From the partial-flow diagram, the water flowing over the weir crest and the flow rate. This
maximum discharge occurs when d>D = 0.93; at that height, the vertical distance between the crest and the water
depth, q>Q = 1.08. Therefore, the maximum discharge surface, is called the head on the weir; it can be measured
q = 1.08 * 550 = 590 L>s. It occurs at a depth of directly with a meter or yardstick or automatically by float-
d = 900 * 0.93 = 840 mm. operated ­recording devices (see Section 3-4 on stream gaging
Hydraulics 41

water surface



Weir crest

Air Downstream
water surface


Stream or channel bed

Figure 2-23  Side view of a sharp-crested weir, a simple device used for measuring open channel or stream flow.

stations). The head on the weir should be measured a short called V-notch weirs, can have notch angles ranging from
distance upstream of the weir plate to avoid the effect on the 22.5° to 90°, but right-angle notches are the most common;
surface drawdown as the flow passes over the crest. this is illustrated in Figure 2-24b. (A trapezoidal or Cipolletti
The part of the weir plate over which the water flows weir is shown in Figure 3-18, installed as part of a stream
can have one of several different shapes, depending on the gaging station.)
particular application. The most common shapes are rectan- V-notch weirs allow accurate measurement of much
gular, triangular, and trapezoidal. A contracted rectangular lower discharges than rectangular or trapezoidal weirs.
weir is one that does not extend across the full width of the They are commonly used in small sewage treatment plants
channel, as shown in Figure 2-24a. Triangular weirs, also to monitor the sewage effluent flow rate. V-notch weirs
can also be inserted into sewer lines to measure sewer dis-
charges, and they are used frequently during infiltration–
inflow studies (see Section 8-4). These weirs, manufactured
Head to fit a range of different pipe sizes, can be held in the end of
a pipe in a manhole; the flow rate can be read directly from a
Crest crest
calibrated scale on the weir plate.
length For larger sewer lines, or when continuous flow data
(a) Rectangular weir over 24 h are needed, a temporary weir installation can
be set up in the manhole. The ­disadvantage of this type of
flow-metering installation is that sewage solids settle out
and accumulate behind the weir plate.
V-notch angle There are many equations, tables, and charts in hydrau-
lics textbooks and handbooks that relate discharge to the
head on a weir. Some of the formulas account for end con-
tractions, approach velocities, and other factors. A simple
formula for a 90° V-notch weir is as follows:
Head Q = 2.5 * H 2.5 (2-12)
where Q = discharge, ft3 >s
Weir crest H = head on weir, ft
(b) Triangular weir
Example 2-25
Figure 2-24  Commonly used weir shapes include (a) the
contracted rectangular weir and (b) the triangular V-notch Estimate the discharge in L>s over a 90° V-notch weir when
weir. the head on the weir H = 100 mm.
42 chapter TWO

Solution A set of tables or a nomograph can be used to relate the

It is necessary to use some conversion factors in this prob- water level in the flume to the flow rate. Usually, automatic
lem because Equation 2-12 is given only for U.S. Customary recording devices provide a continuous record of discharge
units. We have once the instrument has been calibrated with the flume and
level-sensing device. Another type of flume, called a Palmer–
100 mm * 1 in.>25.4 mm * 1 ft>12 in. = 0.33 ft Bowlus flume, can be placed in existing circular channels or
Applying Equation 2-12, we obtain sewer pipes, as illustrated in Figure 2-27.

Q = 2.5 * 0.332.5 = 0.156 ft3 >s

2-5 Nonuniform Open
Channel Flow
Q = 0.156 ft3 >s * 28.32 L>ft3 = 4.4 L>s
Section 2-4 focuses on steady uniform gravity flow, pri-
A formula used to compute discharges flowing over a marily in circular pipes. There are many other applica-
Cipoletti weir with steep side-slopes is as follows: tions of open channel flow hydraulics in environmental
Q = 3.4 * b * h1.5 (2-13) technology. Open channel flow that is not always steady
over time or uniform in cross-sectional area is frequently
where Q = discharge, ft3 >s encountered. Such gradually varied flow occurs in natu-
b = base width of weir, ft ral streams and rivers as well as urban sanitary and storm
h = head on weir, ft sewer systems. The physical principles and mathematical
methods needed to fully analyze nonuniform flow prob-
A graphical solution in metric units can be obtained lems are covered in more advanced engineering textbooks.
using a chart like the one shown in Figure 2-25. This section provides a brief descriptive overview of non-
uniform and gradually varied flow, to introduce students
Example 2-26 to hydraulic conditions that are often encountered in
Estimate the discharge flowing over a Cipoletti weir with a practice.
base width of 18 in. when the head on the weir is 9 in. As described in Section 2-4, steady uniform flow refers
to the hydraulic condition where the discharge (flow rate)
Solution and cross-sectional area of flow remain constant throughout
Applying Equation 2-13, after converting units from inches
the entire length of the channel. Under these conditions, the
to feet, we get
velocity and the depth of flow must also be constant, and the
hydraulic grade line must be parallel to the actual channel
Q = 3.4 * 1.5 * 0.751.5 = 3.3 ft3 >s slope. The depth of flow is called the normal depth. In pris-
After converting from inches to metric units, com- matic (constant-cross-section) channels that are sufficiently
pare this result with that obtained from Figure 2-25: long, the flow conditions naturally approach uniform flow
18 in. = 1.5 ft * 10.3048 m/ft2 = 0.46 m, and 9 in. * and the depth naturally approaches the normal depth, with
12.54 cm>in.2 = 23 cm. Entering the chart with h = 23 cm steady discharge.
on the right, moving left to the sloping line marked 0.45,
then down to the Q-axis, obtain a discharge of about 90 L>s, Specific Energy
which is equivalent to about 3.2 ft3>s. Note that calculations Channels do not always flow at normal depth, particu-
of this type are only approximate at best. larly in the vicinity of changes of slope or channel cross-­
sectional changes. An important concept related to the type
Flumes  A flume is a specially shaped constricted sec- of flow in a channel is called the specific energy, which is
tion in an open channel (similar to the venturi tube in a defined as the sum of the depth of flow and the velocity
pressure conduit). The geometry of the flume causes a free- head in a channel. In equation form, this can be expressed
fall condition in the channel, which allows a correlation as follows:
to be made between the discharge and the depth of flow.
Although they are more expensive to install than weirs, E = y + v2 >2g
flumes offer the advantage of a self-cleansing action that
prevents deposits of sewage solids. Also, there is a little where E = specific energy, m 1ft2
head loss and no significant backup of sewage upstream of y = depth of flow, m 1ft2
the meter. v = average velocity, m>s 1ft>s2
One flume often used for a permanent sewage g = acceleration due to gravity, m>s2 1ft>s2 2
­flow-metering installation is the Parshall flume, shown in 2
v >2g = “velocity head”
Figure 2-26. For small channels, prefabricated fiberglass
flumes can be installed, but for larger systems, the flumes are If friction losses and change in elevation are neglected
built of cast-in-place concrete. for a very short section of a channel, the specific energy

0. 0
0 2.4 4
0 2.1
s 0 1.8
et 1.5
b. 0 3
60 2

h. centimeters


b 10
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 2 3 4 5

Q. Liter/s
Figure 2-25  Discharge nomograph for Cipoletti weirs.
(Courtesy of Public Works Magazine.)
44 chapter TWO

Converging Diverging
inlet outlet

Channel depth, y

Top view
45° Subcritical flow

Critical depth
Stilling well for
measuring head Top of wall Supercritical flow
Specific energy, E
Water surface
Free fall Figure 2-28  The flow in an open channel versus the specific
H energy of flow. The critical depth occurs when the specific
e energy is minimum.
Level floor
of flow is higher than the critical depth, the type of flow is
Section A-A
characterized as subcritical; flow velocity in subcritical flow
Figure 2-26  A Parshall flume is often used to measure flow is slower than the critical velocity. If the actual depth of flow
rate in an open channel that carries sewage; discharge is
related to the head or depth of water just upstream of the is lower than the critical depth, the flow is characterized as
constricted flume section. supercritical; flow velocity in supercritical flow is faster than
the critical velocity. Typically, water flowing rapidly down a
steeply sloped, shallow channel is undergoing supercritical
flow, whereas water flowing slowly in a relatively deep chan-
Float cable to
recorder nel on a gentle or mild slope is in subcritical flow conditions.
tube Gradually Varied Flow
Manhole Flume When the flow is steady and the change in water depth along
a reach of a channel is negligible, the constant water depth is
Flow the normal depth of flow. In many cases, though, in sanitary
Sewer line
A-A and in storm sewer systems and other hydraulic structures, as
A Free flow well as in natural streams or rivers, there may be some condi-
Enlarged end view of flume
Flume installed in manhole tion that prevents water depth from equaling normal depth
Figure 2-27  A typical Palmer–Bowlus flume installation.
throughout the full length or reach of the channel. For exam-
ple, an obstruction at the end of a storm drain may force the
depth to be above normal at the downstream outlet of the
pipe. Under such conditions, the engineer must be able to
must be constant for two adjacent channel cross sections, or
calculate the upstream water elevations, or hydraulic grade,
E1 = E2, and thus
to make sure flooding or pipeline surcharging will not occur.
y1 + v12 >2g = y2 + v22 >2g When difference in water depth from one end of an open
channel reach to the other is significant, the flow is charac-
From the principle of continuity of flow, the velocity of
terized as gradually varied flow, and an advanced form of
flow is inversely proportional to the area of flow, with con-
engineering analysis is required. The channel is divided into
stant discharge. Also, area of flow is a function of channel
a series of smaller lengths or segments, and each segment is
depth. Therefore, for a given discharge the specific energy is
analyzed separately. The first step is to determine the type
solely a function of depth at each point in a channel, and there
of flow that is expected to occur in the channel (or gravity
may be more than one depth having the same specific energy.
pipe) segment. This determination is based on the slope of the
This is depicted in Figure 2-28, which is a plot of channel
channel, the calculated normal depth and critical depth, and
depth y versus specific energy E for a constant flow rate.
controlling downstream (or upstream) hydraulic conditions
(or boundary conditions).
Critical Flow
It can be seen from Figure 2-28 that there is one flow depth Slope Classification  The normal depth and critical
at which the specific energy reaches a minimum value. This depth can be computed for the section, using appropriate
is called the critical depth, and the velocity at which critical engineering formulas. If the normal depth is higher than
depth occurs is called the critical velocity. If the actual depth the critical depth, the slope is said to be mild. If the normal
Hydraulics 45

depth is equal to the critical depth, the slope is said to be for an M2 profile is called a drawdown analysis. When
critical. If the normal depth is lower than the critical depth, supercritical flows occur, the controlling section is at the
the slope is said to be steep. upstream end of the conduit and the computations pro-
ceed in the downstream direction. This type of calculation is
Flow Profile Classification  There are three zones of called a frontwater analysis.
gradually varied flow:
Rapidly Varied Flow
1. Zone 1: The actual flow depth is higher than both nor-
mal depth and critical depth. In some cases involving gravity flow, the profile types are
2. Zone 2: The actual flow depth is between normal depth mixed within a channel segment. Rapidly varied turbulent
and critical depth. flow may result from a sudden change in upstream and down-
stream slopes. One common example of rapidly varied flow is
3. Zone 3: The actual flow depth is lower than both normal
the hydraulic jump, which occurs when the flow passes from
depth and critical depth.
supercritical to subcritical conditions. Figure 2-30 illustrates
Once the slope classification and flow zone have been a hydraulic jump on a steep slope channel, with an S2 profile
determined, the flow profile type can be defined. (The flow making an abrupt transition to an S1 profile.
profile is a “side view’’ of the flow, showing the straight chan- In a storm sewer system, for example, a hydraulic jump
nel bottom and the curved water surface, as contrasted with a will occur when there is a discharge from a steeply sloping
cross-section view.) There are several flow profile classifica- pipe into a high tailwater condition. (The term “tailwater”
tions. It is necessary to know the profile classification in order refers to the downstream hydraulic grade condition, which
to be able to proceed with hydraulic grade computations. A may be caused by a channel constriction, an obstruction
selection of some gradually varied flow profile types is depicted such as a weir, or another condition that backs up the flow.)
in Figure 2-29. In Figure 2-29, the solid lines represent the Figure 2-30 illustrates this situation. There are significant
actual water surfaces, the lines with small dashes represent the energy losses associated with hydraulic jumps due to the
calculated normal depths, and the lines with large dashes rep- amount of turbulence (rapid mixing) that occurs. The forces
resent the calculated critical depths. Knowing the profile type caused by the jump can cause significant erosion, so engi-
and the location of the actual water depth, the engineer can neers may try to prevent hydraulic jumps from occurring
determine whether the flow is subcritical or supercritical. in sewer systems. As an alternative, they can calculate the
To prevent excessive velocities that could cause pipe expected location of the jump in order to provide adequate
scour or channel erosion, most storm sewers are designed channel, pipe, or structure protection. For instance, when a
with mild slopes to carry subcritical flows. This means that hydraulic jump occurs just downstream of a dam spillway
the hydraulic control is at the downstream end of the section (Figure 2-31), a suitable apron must be designed and built so
and computations proceed in the upstream direction. When that excessive channel bottom erosion does not occur.
the flow depth is above the normal depth (Zone 1), on a mild
slope, the flow profile is characterized as an M1 profile. The Hydraulic Jump S1
computation of upstream water elevations (the hydraulic S2
grade) for an M1 profile is called a backwater analysis. Critical Depth

When the flow depth is between critical and normal

Normal Depth
depth (Zone 2), on a mild slope, the profile is characterized
as an M2 profile. The computation of the hydraulic grade
Figure 2-30  In a hydraulic jump, the flow suddenly changes
from supercritical to subcritical, and the depth of flow
Zone 1 Flow Profiles Zone 2 Flow Profiles increases over a short segment of the channel.
Mild M1 M2
Slope ya ya
yc yc Flow surface

Spillway Supercritical
Steep S1 S2 of dam flow
Slope yc yc Hydraulic
ya ya

Figure 2-29  Examples of flow profile classifications. Here, Figure 2-31  The location of the hydraulic jump below a
ya is the actual depth and yc is the calculated critical depth. dam must be determined in order to design the apron.
46 chapter TWO

2-6 Computer 2-7  Chapter Synopsis

Applications in Hydraulics, the study of water at rest and in motion, is a
Hydraulics branch of physics and fluid mechanics that plays a key role
in environmental technology. It is essential for the design
It is essential for students to fully understand the underlying
and analysis of water and wastewater conveyance, stor-
physical and mathematical concepts when doing hydraulic
age, and treatment systems and for stormwater manage-
computations. This reduces the chance for errors in any
ment. The unit weight of water (and wastewater), g, one
hydraulic design or analysis problem. Once the underlying
of the basic physical properties used in hydraulic calcula-
concepts are understood, however, the solution processes
tions, is 9.8 kN>m3 in SI metric units, or 62.4 lb>ft3 in U.S.
can become repetitive and tedious, even with computational
Customary units.
aids such as nomographs. Repetitive computational prob-
Pressure, is one of the essential operational parameters
lems are very well suited to computer analysis. Although
for water supply and pollution control systems. It is usually
some hand-held calculators can be programmed to do the
expressed in units of kN>m2 (kPa) or lb>in.2 (psi). Pressure
calculations automatically, the use of commercial software
in water at rest (hydrostatic pressure) increases with depth,
packages avoids the need to program the calculator and gen-
is the same at all points at the same depth, and acts in all
erally offers a more extensive set of options for doing the
directions at any point in the water. In general, P = g * h,
where P is the pressure, g is the unit weight, and h is the
There are several advantages of using computerized
height of water. Hydrostatic pressure in a continuous body
solutions for performing common hydraulic calculations.
of water is transmitted undiminished at the same depth
The amount of time to do the calculations is greatly reduced.
throughout the water. Another way to express the pressure
As long as there are no “bugs’’ in the program, the solution
at a point is in terms of pressure head, which is the actual
process will be less prone to algebraic and unit conversion
or equivalent height of water above the point. Symbolically,
errors; conversions between SI metric and U.S. Customary
h = P>g. Pressure measurements are made in tanks and
units can be done automatically, without mistakes. Because
pipelines using a variety of analog (dial) gages or pressure
of the speed and accuracy of computer calculations, a wide
transducers that convert pressures to electrical signals and
range of design options can be evaluated in less time than
digital displays.
a single computation can be done by “hand.” Last, but
Flow rate or discharge, the volume of water moving in a
not least, computer solutions are readily documented and
pipe or channel per unit time, is another essential parameter
in environmental systems, including natural streams or riv-
Using computers to perform engineering calculations
ers as well as water and wastewater systems. It is expressed
does not relieve the user of the software from liability for
in many ways, including m3 >s, L>s, ft3 >s (or cfs), gal>min
the accuracy of the results. In other words, an engineer or
(or gpm), and mil gal>d (or mgd). The relationship among
technician who uses software with bugs and produces an
discharge, velocity of flow, and cross-sectional area of the
erroneous analysis or poor-quality design cannot blame
flow conduit is Q = A * V, where Q is discharge, A is area,
the software for the mistakes. The engineer is still legally
and V is velocity. (It is important not to confuse velocity of
responsible for the work. Before using any software for
flow with the volume rate of flow.) For an incompressible
the first time, it is best to test it out first by comparing the
liquid, like water, and for a constant Q, the velocity of flow
computer solutions to “hand’’ calculated solutions for a
must increase where the cross-sectional area decreases; and
few typical problems. This is one reason why it is impor-
the velocity of flow must decrease where the cross-sectional
tant to know the underlying theoretical principles for the
area increases. This is the principle of continuity of flow,
which can also be expressed as Q = A1 * V1 = A2 * V2
One example of a powerful, easy-to-use software pro-
where the subscripts refer to two different points in the
gram for hydraulic calculations is called FlowMaster®. This
flowing water.
is an easy-to-use hydraulics program that rapidly solves
The law of conservation of energy as it applies to hydrau-
design and analysis problems involving pipes and open
lic systems is essential for the analysis and design of a wide
channels, like the example problems in the preceding sec-
variety of systems involving the flow of water or wastewater.
tions of this chapter. FlowMaster computes such quanti-
It states that the sum of three forms of mechanical energy in
ties as flows, pressures, slopes, and diameters, using a wide
the water (elevation head, pressure head, and velocity head)
choice of well-known hydraulic equations, such as the
is constant at all points in the system for an ideal fluid (in
Manning and Hazen–Williams formulas. The user sim-
which the effect of friction can be ignored). This principle
ply inputs known values and the program automatically
leads to the fact that at a constricted section of a pipe in
computes and displays the desired quantity. Tabular and
which water flows under pressure, the pressure at that con-
graphical output can be viewed on the screen, saved to a
striction must be less than the pressure in the unconstricted
file, or printed. An unlimited number of worksheets can be
section of the pipe. This is called the Bernoulli effect, and it
created for analyzing u ­ niform sections of pressure pipe or
can be applied in a venturi meter to measure flow rates in
open channels, including irregular sections (such as natu-
a pipe. If the pressures at the constricted and unconstricted
ral streams).
Hydraulics 47

sections of the pipe are measured, the flow rate can be cal- to the depth of water, called the head on the weir. A specially
culated by applying Bernoulli’s equation (see Equation 2-7). shaped constricted section, called a flume, can also be used
In most cases, the effect of friction between the layers to measure open channel flow rates.
of flowing water and the pipe wall cannot be neglected. It Flows in sanitary sewers and storm sewers are usu-
causes energy loss, typically seen as continuous drop in pres- ally analyzed as steady uniform flow, in which the flow rate
sure head along the path of flow. The drop in pressure can and channel geometry remain constant throughout the full
be shown graphically with a hydraulic grade line (HGL). length of the channel. Under these conditions, the HGL
The downward slope of the HGL in the direction of the flow (free water surface) is parallel to the sloping channel bot-
is the hydraulic gradient. A formula that relates flow rate, tom, and the depth of flow is called normal depth. Channels
pipe diameter, pipe material, and hydraulic gradient is the do not always convey flows at normal depth. For example,
Hazen–Williams equation, one of the most commonly used at changes of slope or channel cross-sectional geometry, the
formulas in hydraulics (see Equation 2-9) for flow in pipes depth of flow will vary from normal depth. Often, the condi-
under pressure, such as water distribution mains. tion is one of gradually varied flow, in which the depth of
The flow of water in a channel with a free surface water slowly changes due to a downstream condition of the
exposed to the atmosphere (or partial flow in a pipe) is channel. It is necessary to calculate the flow depths along the
called open channel flow. Open channel flow is characteris- sections of the channel where depth varies from normal, in
tic of flow in storm and sanitary sewers, streams, rivers, and what is called a backwater analysis (or a frontwater analy-
canals. Manning’s formula (see Equation 2-11) is typically sis, depending on where the hydraulic control section is in
used to analyze open channel flow systems. It relates the dis- the channel). Sometimes a rapidly varied flow condition
charge to cross-section flow area and the hydraulic radius can occur, as when the channel slope changes from steep
of the channel, as well as to the roughness of the channel to mild, and a condition called a hydraulic jump occurs.
walls and the slope of the channel bottom. (The hydraulic Hydraulic jumps cause much turbulence in the channel, and
radius of a channel is the ratio of flow area to the wetted it is necessary to calculate where and when they will occur.
perimeter.) Open channel discharge is typically measured Computers are often used to perform hydraulic calcu-
by a channel obstruction called a weir. The flow rate is pro- lations. But it is essential for users of computer programs
portional to the depth of water flowing over the edge of the to fully understand the hydraulic principles underlying the
weir; weir charts or formulas are used to relate the discharge computations.

Review Questions 13. Give a definition of uniform, steady, open channel flow.
14. Briefly describe two methods for measuring discharge
1. Why is hydraulics an important aspect of environmen- in an open channel.
tal technology? 15. Briefly define normal depth in open channel flow.
2. What is the definition of pressure? Under what conditions does the depth of flow in an
3. List four important characteristics of hydrostatic open channel differ from the normal depth?
pressure. 16. What is specific energy? Sketch and label a graph depict-
4. What is the difference between absolute pressure and ing depth of flow in a channel versus specific energy. What
gage pressure? is critical depth and how is it related to specific energy?
5. What is pressure head? 17. Briefly describe the difference between subcritical flow
and supercritical flow in an open channel.
6. Briefly describe three different ways to measure
pressure. 18. What is gradually varied flow? Briefly describe three
zones or classifications of gradually varied flow.
7. What is the simple formula that relates flow rate to flow
velocity and area? 19. Briefly describe the conditions for an M1 flow profile
type to occur in an open channel. Do the same for an
8. Briefly describe what is meant by continuity of flow. M2 flow profile.
9. Briefly describe the principle of conservation of energy 20. Give an example of rapidly varied flow and briefly explain
as it relates to hydraulic systems. its significance in the design of hydraulic facilities.
10. Explain why the pressure in a pipeline drops in a con- 21. When using a computer software package to perform
stricted section of the pipe. hydraulic calculations, if erroneous results are obtained,
11. What is a hydraulic grade line? who is legally liable for any damages that may occur—
12. Briefly describe the operating principle of a venturi the software provider or the engineer who uses the
meter. software?
48 chapter TWO

22. Visit the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research website. at a constriction in the pipe. Determine the flow velocity
From the “Projects” hyperlink, select a research report in the constricted pipe section.
in the Environmental Hydraulics category. Write a brief 9. For the branching pipe section shown in Figure 2-33,
summary of the report. determine the flow velocity in pipe A if the velocity of
flow in pipe B is 2 m>s and that in pipe C is 1 m>s.
Practice Problems
1. A water supply reservoir is 50 ft deep. Compute the s
pressure at the bottom of the reservoir and at a point B m/
30 ft above the bottom. VB

2. The pressure at the bottom of an open tank is measured A m

to be 50 kPa. How deep is the water in the tank? 10
3. A water storage tank is situated on a hill, as shown in 300 mm
Figure  2-32. The water main is 2 m below the ground
surface at all points. The elevations above sea level of the 20 C
ground and the water surface are given. Compute the m
hydrostatic pressure at the closed valve at the bottom of =1
the hill. s

Atmospheric Figure 2-33  Illustration for Problem 9.

Elevation 78 m

10. For the system illustrated in Figure 2-13, the diameter at

section 1 is 16 in. and that at section 2 is 8 in. The flow
rate through the pipe is 6.0 cfs, and the pressure at sec-
Elevation 66 m tion 1 is 50 psi. What is the pressure in the constriction
at section 2?
11. For the system illustrated in Figure 2-13, the diameter
at section 1 is 300 mm and that at section 2 is 100 mm.
The flow rate through the pipe is 50 L>s, and the pres-
sure at section 1 is 700 kPa. What is the pressure in the

constriction at section 2?
Ground elevation 50 m 12. A 600 mm-diameter pipe carries a flow of 0.20 m3>s.
2m Compute the pressure drop per kilometer of pipeline.
5m Closed
valve 13. What minimum pipe diameter is needed to carry a flow
of 1000 gpm without exceeding a pressure loss of 20 psi
Figure 2-32  Illustration for Problem 3.
per mile of pipeline?
14. A 300 mm-diameter pipe carries water with a head loss
of 10 m>km of pipeline. Determine the flow rate in the
4. The pressure in a water main is 50 psi. What is the pres- pipe using the Hazen–Williams nomograph and check
sure head in the main? What is the hydrostatic pressure the solution using Equation 2-9.
at a customer’s tap that is 40 ft above the main?
15. A venturi meter has a pipe diameter of 6 in. and a throat
5. If the air pressure in the sealed tank of Figure 2-6 were diameter of 3 in. A pressure difference of 10 psi is measured
30 kPa, what would the pressure gage read at the tank in the meter. What is the flow rate under these conditions?
bottom and how high would the water rise in the verti-
16. A venturi meter has a pipe diameter of 150 mm and
cal tube?
a throat diameter of 75 mm. A pressure difference of
6. A 300 mm-diameter pipe carries a flow of 100 L>s. 100 kPa is measured in the meter. What is the flow rate
Compute the velocity of flow. under these conditions?
7. What diameter pipe is needed to carry a flow of 500 gpm 17. An 800 mm-diameter sanitary sewer is built on a slope
at a velocity of 1.4 fps? of 0.2 percent. What is the full-flow discharge capac-
8. Water is flowing at a velocity of 2 m>s in a 200 mm- ity of the sewer and what is the flow velocity? Assume
diameter pipe. The pipe diameter is reduced to 100 mm n = 0.013.
Hydraulics 49

18. An 18-in.-diameter sewer, with n = 0.013, is placed on 24. The invert elevation of a 600 mm sewer drops 0.5 m over
a grade of 1.5 ft>1000 ft. What are the discharge and the a 100-m distance. Determine the discharge and the flow
flow velocity when the pipe is full? velocity in the sewer when the depth of flow is 200 mm.
19. What diameter pipe, with n = 0.013, is needed to carry Assume n = 0.013.
a peak flow of 200 L>s on a grade of 0.007? 25. A float placed on the surface of water flowing in a
20. What grade is required for a 36-in.-diameter pipe, with stormwater drainage ditch is seen to move a distance of
n = 0.013, to carry at least 7 mgd of sewage at a velocity 25 m downstream in 75 s. The ditch is 2 m wide and the
of not less than 2 ft>s? average depth of flow is estimated to be 0.75 m. Estimate
the channel discharge.
21. A 300 mm-diameter sewer is built at a grade of 2 per-
cent. What is the depth of sewage flowing in the pipe 26. Estimate the discharge in cfs over a 90° V-notch weir
when it carries a flow of 50 L>s? What is the velocity? when the head on the weir is 4 in.
Assume n = 0.013. 27. Estimate the discharge in L>s over a 90° V-notch weir
22. What is the highest discharge capacity of an 18-in.- when the head is 150 mm.
diameter pipe on a slope of 0.15 percent, and what is the 28. Estimate the discharge over a Cipolleti weir with
depth of flow in the pipe? a base width of 20 in. when the head on the weir
23. What is the highest flow velocity in a 900 mm pipe on a is 10 in. Compare this result to that obtained from
0.1 percent slope? What are the discharge and the depth Figure 2-25.
of flow? Assume n = 0.013.
chapter Three


Chapter Outline Streamflow

Gaging Stations
3-1 Water Use and Availability
The Distribution of Water 3-5 Droughts
MA7CD10 Flow
3-2 The Hydrologic Cycle
3-6 Reservoirs
3-3 Rainfall
Summation Hydrograph
Depth, Volume, and Intensity
Recurrence Interval 3-7 Groundwater
Probability of Occurrence Aquifers
Intensity—Duration—Frequency Groundwater Flow
Relationships Wells
3-4 Surface Water Sustainability of Groundwater Resources
Watersheds 3-8 Chapter Synopsis

H ydrology is a branch of earth science that is

­concerned with the distribution and movement of
water on and under Earth’s surface. The science of
hydrology is of great importance in environmental technol-
ogy for many reasons. Two extreme hydrologic conditions,
quantities of water for irrigation are necessary to support agri-
culture. Water resources are also essential for power genera-
tion, recreation, fish and wildlife conservation, and navigation.
Water use refers to the withdrawal of water from its
source, which may be a river, lake, or well, and the transport
droughts (not enough water where needed) and floods (too of that water to a specific location. For example, water used
much water in the wrong place), are well known for the en- for cooling purposes in a power plant may be diverted from
vironmental problems they cause. But droughts and floods a nearby river, passed through the power plant, and then
are not the only aspects of hydrology that are important. discharged back into the river without significant loss in
In general, the presence and quantity of water must be es- quantity. (The water would have to be cooled down before
timated in order to plan, design, and operate water supply, discharge to prevent thermal pollution, which is discussed in
pollution control, and stormwater management facilities. Chapter 5.) Navigation and recreation are other examples of
This chapter presents fundamental hydrologic concepts nonwithdrawal use. However, it is necessary to make a dis-
for measuring present conditions and estimating future vari- tinction between water use and water consumption. Water
ations in water availability. Applications of these concepts that is used for drinking or combined with a product and is
are discussed in further detail in Chapter 9 on stormwater not directly available for use again is consumed water.
management and water pollution and in other sections of More than 100 million cubic meters (m3) of water per
the book. day are withdrawn for public water supplies in the United
States. More than 500 million m3 are withdrawn each day
3-1 Water Use and for irrigation. Industrial use accounts for the largest share
of water demand, almost 1 billion m3 per day. Most of this
Availability is used as cooling water at electric power utilities. These
Everyone knows that water is essential for sustaining life. It approximate figures are presented just to give an appre-
also plays a central role in the economic growth and environ- ciation of the tremendous quantities of freshwater water
mental health of cities and towns, as well as nations. People needed in developed nations.
depend on water for more than just drinking, cooking, and There is, of course, an abundant amount of water
personal hygiene. Vast quantities are often required for indus- ­worldwide—about 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is cov-
trial and commercial uses. In some parts of the country, large ered by it. But the world’s oceans are shallow compared to the

Hydrology 51

Earth’s radius, and if all of the water on or near the surface of The Distribution of Water
the Earth were collected and formed into a single sphere or ball,
the radius of that ball would be less than half the radius of the In addition to the limited availability of usable water, another
Earth’s moon. Although the volume of water may seem vast, it basic problem in managing water resources is that it is not
is finite, and the world’s oceans are very susceptible to pollu- evenly distributed geographically. In some regions there is
tion and degradation from human activities (see Section 5-7). ample precipitation, including rain, snow, hail, sleet, and
About 97 percent of the Earth’s water is seawater and dew, and water is readily available for use. On the average,
only about 3 percent is freshwater. Most of that freshwater about one third of this precipitation becomes available in
lies underground (i.e., as groundwater) or is frozen in snow lakes and rivers, and some makes its way into the groundwa-
packs and icebergs. In fact, only about 0.3 percent of all the ter. But where there is little precipitation, water is scarce. The
water on Earth is readily accessible and clean enough for fact that there is a close relationship between the amount of
human use. In the United States and throughout the world, rain or snow and the amount of water available for use may
many freshwater lakes and rivers have been deteriorating in be self-evident, but the details of that relationship are the
quality because of land development and pollution, limiting essence of hydrology and its applications in environmental
the availability of water for use, particularly for public water technology. These details are discussed later in this chapter.
supplies. Even groundwater is affected by pollution, and Figure 3-1 illustrates the different annual precipitation
much of it is just too deep to pump out of wells economically. amounts across the United States. Except for the extreme
According to U.N. estimates, water scarcity affects northwestern corner of the country, where the total annual
about one-fifth of the world’s population, and many areas amount of rainfall may exceed 2500 mm (100 in.), it can be
lack the infrastructure to take water from rivers, lakes, and seen that the eastern half of the country gets significantly more
wells, to treat it, and to distribute it for use. Water scar- rainfall than the western half. In some areas of the Southwest,
city can impact public health, cause social hardships, and less than 100 mm (4 in.) of rain may fall in any one year. In the
impede economic development. In fact, water shortages can Northeast, an annual rainfall of about 1000 mm (40 in.) is mod-
create international tensions and conflicts. There is enough erate compared to the two previously mentioned extremes.
freshwater on the planet to satisfy human needs, but it has to The amount of rainfall and the availability of water can
be managed wisely, kept clean, and shared fairly. vary considerably, even within a relatively small area. California


Less than 10

10 to 20

20 to 30

30 to 40

40 to 50

50 to 75

75 to 100
and over

Figure 3-1  The distribution of annual precipitation, and therefore the availability of water, is not uniform
over the continental United States.
(From American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Hydrology, Hydrology Handbook, ASCE, New York, 1949. Copyright © 1949
by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Used with permission.)
52 chapter Three

is an example of a state with a very uneven distribution of

Atmospheric water vapor
water. Although southern California is very dry, the growing and Sun
population there generates a large demand for water. Most of cloud storage
the needed water must be transported to the south from the Energy
northern part of the state, where water is more readily avail-
Precipitation (rain, snow, etc.)
able. A huge system of reservoirs, open channels, pumping sta- Evaporation
tions, and tunnels is used to accomplish this transfer of water. Vegetation Transpiration
Part of the system, called the California Aqueduct, can Ground surface
convey about 2800 m3 (100,000 ft3) of water per second. The
aqueduct is an open channel, about 40 m (130 ft) wide at Overland flow and
the surface and about 9 m (30 ft) deep. At one point in the Infiltration and percolation
surface runoff
system, the water is pumped up about 600 m (2000 ft) to get through soil and rock Water
over a mountain, quite an engineering undertaking. vapor
The uneven distribution of water from one geographic
location to another is only part of the problem in hydrol- Surface waters
Base lakes, streams, rivers
ogy and water resources management. The occurrence Groundwater flow
and availability of water also vary with time. In any given storage
location there may be occasional periods of little rainfall or Groundwater
drought, and severe water shortages may result as water in recharge
storage reservoirs is used up during these dry periods.
In contrast, the same area may sometimes experience Evaporation
periods of above-average rainfall. Serious flooding problems Oceans
may result, with accompanying loss of lives and property,
as well as environmental pollution problems. In any given Figure 3-2  Schematic diagram of the natural hydrologic
area, then, there can be too little water or too much water, cycle. The constant circulation of water is powered by
depending on natural climatic conditions. ­energy from the sun and by gravity.

vegetation or small surface depressions. In other words, it

3-2 The Hydrologic is temporarily stuck on the surfaces of leaves or grass, or it
is retained in puddles. Second, a portion of the water can
Cycle infiltrate through the Earth’s surface and seep (or percolate,
Water is in constant motion on, under, and above Earth’s as it is called) downward into the ground. Third, a portion of
surface. Even in what appears to be a stagnant pond, the the water can flow over the ground’s surface. Measuring and
water is evaporating, changing into a vapor and moving into predicting the relative amounts of water that follow each of
the atmosphere. Powered by energy from the sun and from these paths is of importance in hydrology.
gravity, there is a constant circulation of water and water Some of the intercepted water soon evaporates, and
vapor. This natural process is called the hydrologic cycle. It some of it is absorbed by the vegetation. A process called
is illustrated in schematic form in Figure 3-2. transpiration takes place as water is used by the vegetation
Surprisingly, there was a time when people did not have and passes through the leaves of grass, plants, and trees,
an understanding of the cyclical motion of water through the returning to the atmosphere as vapor. The combined pro-
environment and had misconceptions about the origin of cess of evaporation and transpiration is called evapotrans-
water in streams or lakes. Even today, some people still have piration. Overall, more than half of the precipitation that
misconceptions, particularly with respect to groundwater. reaches the ground is returned to the atmosphere by this
Although the hydrologic cycle looks simple when process before reaching the oceans.
sketched in schematic form as in Figure 3-2, there is more Overland flow and surface runoff occur when the rate
to it than initially meets the eye. The science of hydrology of precipitation exceeds the combined rates of infiltra-
gets quite complicated, applying a lot of statistics and higher tion and evapotranspiration. Eventually, the overland flow
mathematics. The basic objective is to measure and analyze finds its way into stream channels, rivers, and lakes, and
the relationships controlling the form, quantity, and distribu- finally the oceans. The ocean can be thought of as the final
tion of water. When these relationships are understood, reli- “sink” to which the water flows. As previously mentioned,
able predictions may be made concerning the occurrence of about one third of the average annual rainfall in the United
future floods or droughts. It is important that engineers and States becomes surface runoff in streams and rivers. This,
technicians involved in environmental quality control have of course, varies from region to region. In some areas of the
an appreciation of the basic structure of the hydrologic cycle. Southwest, for example, there is no runoff for years at a time
Precipitation begins when atmospheric moisture because the rate of precipitation does not often exceed the
(water vapor) is cooled and condensed into water droplets. rate of infiltration and evapotranspiration in that area.
The precipitation can follow three different paths after it The water that infiltrates the ground surface will perco-
reaches the ground. First, some of it may be intercepted by late into saturated soil and porous rock layers, forming vast
Hydrology 53

groundwater reservoirs. A “groundwater reservoir” should aspect of environmental technology is the management and
not be visualized as an underground lake—the water actu- control of the urban water cycle, with the goals of protecting
ally fills the tiny voids or spaces between the soil particles public health, conserving freshwater resources, and sustain-
and fractures in the rock in what may be called an aquifer. ing aquatic ecosystems. This is now called integrated water
(Aquifers are discussed further in Section 3-7.) The ground- management (see page 266). Chapters 5 to 10 of this text-
water may later seep out onto the ground surface in springs or book cover this topic.
into streams. (Groundwater flowing into streams is referred
to as the base flow, which may be the sole source of stream-
flow during dry-weather periods.) Eventually, the groundwa- 3-3 RAINFALL
ter makes its way to the ocean, either directly or via surface Water in streams, rivers, and lakes, as well as water in the
streams. Evaporation from the ocean surface substantially ground, is the residue of precipitation. It is possible, and
replenishes the water vapor in the atmosphere, winds carry often necessary, to refer to records of rainfall in order
the moist air over land, and the hydrologic cycle continues. to estimate the quantity of water that will be found on
and under the ground. Other factors, such as topography
Urban Hydrologic Cycle  The above description of the and land use, play a role in the relationship between rain-
hydrologic cycle is only a brief summary of a complex natu- fall and water availability. These are considered later. In
ral phenomenon. Some of the details of this natural cycle this section, basic concepts related to rainfall intensity and
are discussed in the following sections of this chapter. But ­volume are discussed.
one other water cycle should be introduced here—the urban
water cycle, illustrated in Figure 3-3.
In human communities, there is a constant circulation Depth, Volume, and Intensity
of water. Water is withdrawn from its source in the natu- The collection of rainfall data is the responsibility of the U.S.
ral hydrologic cycle—surface waters or groundwater—and National Weather Service, a government agency that main-
flows through water treatment and distribution systems. tains rain-gage stations throughout the country. Rainfall
After the water is used, the wastewater is collected in sewer amounts are expressed in terms of the depth of water accu-
systems, treated to reduce adverse effects of sewage pollu- mulated in the rain gage during a storm. The units can be
tion, and discharged back into natural bodies of water. expressed in millimeters or inches. It is usually necessary
The discharge (or “disposal”) of treated wastewater to compute weighted averages of rainfall amounts over a
effluents into surface waters or groundwater is a form of region, using the data from several rain gages. The data may
indirect recycling of the water (now called “de facto reuse”). be weighted in proportion to the area covered by each gage.
In some communities, treated wastewater may be recycled Sometimes it is necessary to compute the total volume
for nonpotable, or even potable, purposes. A significant of water that falls on an area during a storm. The volume is
computed by multiplying the land area by the rainfall depth
as follows:
Water use
Public, industrial, commercial volume = depth * area (3-1)

In SI metric units, the volume is usually expressed
reclamation in terms of cubic meters, but rainfall depth is expressed in
Wastewater Water
collection Advanced distribution terms of millimeters. To keep the units consistent when
treatment applying Equation 3-1, area should be expressed in square
meters, and rainfall depth should be converted to meters.
Indirect reuse Relatively large areas that are expressed in units of hectares
reuse (ha) should first be converted to m2 11 ha = 10 000 m2 2.
Wastewater Water
treatment treatment Example 3-1
sewage–dry During a 20-min rainstorm, a depth of 25 mm of rainfall was
weather recorded for an area of 2.5 ha. Compute the total volume of
water that fell on that area during the storm.
“Disposal” runoff Solution
(Defacto reuse)
Wet First, convert the rainfall depths from mm to m:
25 mm * = 0.025 m
Water sources: 1000 mm
Streams, rivers, lakes,
and groundwater Now convert ha to m2 as follows:
10,000 m2
2.5 ha * = 25,000 m2
FIGURE 3-3  The urban hydrologic cycle. 1 ha
54 chapter Three

Applying Equation 3-1, we get to provide 56,000 AFY of potable water to residents of
volume = depth * area the San Diego County region by 2016. (See Section 6-6
for a discussion of desalination.)
= 0.025 m * 25 000 m2 = 625 m3

We can round this up to 630 m3 because the given data Example 3-3
have only two significant figures. (In this problem, we do not During a storm, a total of 4.0 in. of rain fell on an area of
need the data regarding storm duration. We will use that 120 ac. The storm duration was 8.0 h. What was the aver-
information in a subsequent example.) age rainfall intensity during the storm? Determine the total
Often more important than total volume of rain is the volume of rain that fell on the area in the 8-h period. Express
rate at which the rain falls. This is called rainfall intensity. As the volume in acre–feet and cubic feet.
­discussed later, the rainfall intensity that occurs during a storm
is of particular significance in civil and environmental tech- Solution
nology, particularly in the design of urban drainage facilities. The average intensity is determined by dividing the total
Rainfall intensity is expressed in terms of depth per unit depth of rain by the storm duration, as follows:
time, as in.>h, mm>min, or mm>h. The National Weather 4 in. in.
Service gathers this kind of data using automatic rain gages intensity = = 0.5
8h h
that record rainfall duration as well as depth; a continu-
To apply Equation 3-1, the depth should be expressed
ous record of rainfall amount and intensity is plotted on a
in feet. The computation can be done in one step, as follows:
revolving drum. It is generally observed that short-duration
storms have higher average rainfall intensities than longer- volume = 120 ac * 4.0 in * 1 ft.>12 in.
duration storms. This will be of significance when we con- = 40 acre - feet
sider problems in stormwater control. To convert from acre–feet to ft3, we use
volume = 40 ac -ft * 43,560 ft3 >ac -ft
Example 3-2
= 1,700,000 ft3
For the storm described in Example 3-1, compute the rain-
fall intensity. (The answer is rounded off to two significant figures.)

It is important to consider that the rainfall intensity

is not constant over the duration of a storm, although the
Even though the storm lasted only 20 min, its intensity can average intensity is a very useful number in a wide variety
still be computed in terms of mm>h. In effect, this is the of hydrology problems and applications. In some hydro-
same as computing how much rain would have fallen if the logic analyses, though, it is necessary to have more detailed
storm had lasted for 1 h at a steady intensity: information regarding the rainfall intensity. These data can
25 mm 60 min mm be depicted in a hyetograph, which is a graph of rainfall
intensity = * = 75 intensity (or volume) versus time. An example hyetograph is
20 min 1h h
depicted in Figure 3-5. Note that the average rainfall inten-
When using U.S. Customary units, cubic feet is a com- sity over the 60-min duration of the storm is about 2.2 in.>h,
mon unit for volume. But in hydrologic applications, large whereas the peak intensity is about 8 in.>h.
volumes of water are usually expressed in terms of acre–feet
(ac–ft). This may seem to be a strange term at first, but, as
illustrated in Figure 3-4, 1 ac–ft can easily be visualized as Recurrence Interval
the volume required to cover 1 ac of land to a depth of 1 ft. Common experience shows that hydrologic events, such
Because 1 ac is equivalent to 43,560 ft2, 1  ac–ft is equal to as rainstorms, do not occur with any definite regularity.
43,560 ft2 * 1 ft, or 43,560 ft3 (325,900 gal). Occasionally, The  time span or period between storms is not constant.
the capacities of large water resource projects are expressed in The occurrence of rainfall, its intensity, and its duration are
units of acre-feet per year (AFY). For example, the Carlsbad random natural events. Consider, for instance, the storm
seawater desalination plant in southern California is designed described in Example 3-1. It dropped 25 mm of rain in
20 min. Despite the random nature of precipitation events, it
is possible to determine average frequencies of occurrence of
storms having specific intensities and durations. It would be
convenient if the exact dates on which identical storms would
Depth = 1 ft occur in the future could be predicted, but obviously that is
not possible. For instance, even though the date of the next
Area = 1 acre 20-min, 25-mm storm cannot be determined in advance, it
is possible to predict how many times a similar storm can be
Figure 3-4  One acre–foot of water is equivalent to the
expected to occur over the next year or several years. In addi-
volume that would cover 1 ac of land at a depth of 1 ft, or tion, a prediction of the likelihood or probability of observing
43,560 cubic feet (ft3) of water. (Not to scale.) that storm again in any given period can be made.
Hydrology 55

9.00 this would be expensive. Designers must be able to balance

8.00 the economics and the risks, using probability concepts.
The probability or chance that a given event will occur
can be expressed as a fraction, a decimal, or a percent. For
Rainfall intensity, in/h

6.00 example, the probability of a tossed coin coming up heads

5.00 is one chance out of two, or 1>2 = 0.50 = 50 percent. In the
long run, 50 of 100 tosses can be expected to come up heads.
A probability of 1 or 100 percent represents a certainty, and
3.00 a probability of 0 represents an impossibility.
Avg = 2.2
2.00 There is a simple relationship between the return period
of a hydrologic event and the probability of occurrence of
that event. If N is the recurrence interval of the event (in
0.00 years), then the probability P of that event being equaled or
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
exceeded in any given year is the reciprocal of N. Expressed
Time, min as a formula, this is
Figure 3-5  Example of a hyetograph.
P = (3-2)
By examining many years of rainfall records and apply-
ing statistical analyses, the average number of years between For example, the probability of a 5-year storm occurring
storms of specific intensities and durations can be deter- in any single year is P = 1>5 = 0.2 or 20 percent. In effect,
mined. This time span between identical storms is called the this also means that there is less than a 20 percent chance that
recurrence interval or return period of the storm. These a worse or more intense storm will occur in any given year.
return periods are determined and reported by the National Relying on common experience again, it can be seen that
Weather Service, and designers of environmental facilities the really intense storms are few and far between. In other
must know how to interpret and use the data. words, the more extreme the hydrologic event, the larger is
When applying these data, the expression N-year storm its recurrence interval. And the larger the recurrence interval
is used, where N stands for the recurrence interval in years. N, the lower is the probability of occurrence P because of the
For example, a storm with a return period of 5 years is called inverse relationship between the two. For example, there is
a 5-year storm. This means that over a long period of time, the only a 1 percent chance that a 100-year storm will occur in a
average time span between storms of that particular intensity given year. It is much less likely to observe a severe 100-year
and duration is 5 years. It does not mean that a similar storm storm than a 5-year storm. (Although in many regions of the
will occur once exactly every 5 years. In fact, it is possible that country rainfall records do not go as far back as 100 years,
more than one of these 5-year storms could occur within a statistics and probability theory can be used to extrapolate or
shorter time span, even within a single year, but the chances for extend the existing data beyond the actual period of record.)
this are slim. Note, too, that the probability of the 5-year storm To summarize, the larger the recurrence interval N, the
occurring in any given 5-year period is not quite 100 percent. In less likely it is for a hydrologic event to be equaled or exceeded
other words, no one can say for sure that what is called a 5-year in a given year. This is an important concept. Generally, the
storm will actually take place within, say, the next 5 years. But more critical a project is in terms of potential loss of life, eco-
over a long time span, 500 years, for example, it is a good bet nomic damage, or adverse environmental effects, the larger is
that there will be about 100 of these 5-year storms. the value of N used in design computations.
A dam, for instance, may be designed to accommo-
Probability of Occurrence date a 100-year flood, whereas a local storm drain may be
designed to handle only the flow from a 2-year storm. In the
Data on storm intensity, duration, and return period are former case, designing the dam for the big flow will reduce
important in the design of urban drainage structures and the chance of failure or breach of the dam and ensure the
for predicting peak flows in rivers. On the other end of the protection of human lives and property downstream. In
hydrologic spectrum, knowing the severity of droughts and the latter case, a trade-off is made between saving money
their frequency of occurrence is of importance in designing for construction and taking more of a chance on the storm
water supply reservoirs. drain backing up or overflowing once every 2 years or so.
Because of the uncertain and irregular nature of hydro-
logic events, there is always some risk of failure when
designing a structure or facility involving water resources.
Intensity–Duration–Frequency Relationships
For example, a river used for water supply may not provide In these discussions, terms such as “storm intensity,” “storm
enough water for a growing community during dry periods. duration,” and “recurrence interval” have been examined as
Even if a small reservoir were built to overcome this defi- if they were independent quantities. But these three factors
ciency, the risk that a more severe (though less frequent) are related to each other and must be considered together.
drought would cause the reservoir to run dry would remain. The term “frequency” is often used instead of “return
This risk can be reduced by building a larger reservoir, but period.” The frequency of a storm or other hydrologic event
56 chapter Three

varies inversely with its return period. A 10-year storm, for Now enter Figure 3-6 on the horizontal axis with 40 min
example, will occur less frequently than a 5-year storm. and on the vertical axis with 75 mm>h. The intersection of
The rainfall data collected by the National Weather horizontal and vertical lines extended from those points falls
Service are compiled, analyzed, and published in various about halfway between the 5-year storm and the 10-year
forms. The relationships among rainfall intensity, duration, storm. From this it can be concluded that the return period
and frequency may be shown graphically in curves or maps, for the storm in question is about 7.5 years. The probability
or they may be expressed as formulas. As shown in Chapter 9 of observing a similar or more intense storm in the next year
on stormwater management, these data are used by designers is computed using Equation 3-2, as follows:
to estimate storm runoff and peak streamflow or discharge. 1
P = = 0.13 or 13%
Rainfall Curves  A typical set of rainfall intensity–­
duration–frequency (IDF) curves is illustrated in Figure 3-6. Rainfall Formulas  Rainfall IDF relationships may be ex-
Rainfall patterns vary significantly with geographic location pressed in equation form instead of in the form of curves on
and climate. For an actual application of rainfall data to a real a graph. One of the equations that may be used is as follows:
design problem, the appropriate rainfall curves for the specific
location under study should be obtained from the National i = (3-3)
Weather Service or from appropriate state or county agencies. t + B
Rainfall curves of this form are generally used by entering where i = rainfall intensity, mm>h 1in.>h2
the horizontal axis with a preselected storm duration, moving t = rainfall duration, min
vertically to an intersection with a specific storm return period A and B = constants that depend on the recurrence
(the curved lines), and then moving horizontally to the vertical interval and geographic locale
axis, where an expected rainfall intensity is read. For example,
it can be seen in Figure 3-6 that a 10-year storm with a 30-min Values of the constants A and B have been derived from
duration would have an intensity of 100  mm>h (or about data for various sections of the country. For example, for a
4 in.>h). The shape of these rainfall curves reflects the fact that 10-year storm in the eastern Middle Atlantic states, A and B
storms of shorter durations have higher average intensities than are reported as 5840 and 29, respectively. A and B are reported
do longer storms. Also, for a given duration, the higher intensi- as 1520 and 13, respectively, for the western states. (These val-
ties correspond to storms with longer recurrence intervals. ues of A and B are for use in the SI metric system; intensity i
in this case is in mm>h.)
Example 3-4
A storm of 40-min duration drops 50 mm (2 in.) of rain. Using Example 3-5
the rainfall curves in Figure 3-6, estimate the probability of Using the rainfall formula given by Equation 3-3, determine
observing a similar storm in the next year. the expected rainfall intensity for a 10-year storm of 60-min
duration (a) in California and (b) in Delaware.
Compute the storm intensity as follows: Solution
50 mm 60 min (a) For California, use the constants A = 1520 and B = 13
intensity = * = 75 mm>h
40 min 1h for the western states. Applying Equation 3-3 with
t = 60, we find

1520 1520
i = = = 21 mm>h
250 (10) 60 + 13 73
Rainfall intensity, mm/h and (in./h)

225 (9) (b) For Delaware, use the constants A = 5840 and B = 29
200 (8) for the Middle Atlantic states. Applying Equation 3-3
175 (7) with t = 60, we find
150 (6) 10 5840 5840
0- i = = = 66 mm>h
125 (5) 25 year 60 + 29 89
-ye s
100 (4) 10- ar s torm The rainfall formula presented in Equation 3-3 covers
yea tor
r m
75 (3) 5-ye storm large regions of the country for given values of A and B and
ar s
torm can be rather insensitive to more local variations in rain-

50 (2)
fall patterns. It is preferable to use more local information
25 (1)
regarding rainfall data if they are available.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Storm duration (min) Rainfall Maps  Rainfall data can be depicted on a map,
Figure 3-6  Typical rainfall intensity–duration–frequency
as illustrated in Figure 3-7. The lines seen crisscrossing the
(IDF) curves. IDF curves are prepared from rainfall United States may look like ground contour lines at first
­statistics by the U.S. National Climatic Data Center. glance. But, instead of contours, they represent lines of
100-Year 24-hour rainfall (inches)
ic O


Atlantic Ocean

Gulf of Mexico

Figure 3-7  Rainfall maps, which show lines of equal rainfall depth across the nation, are available for a range of recurrence intervals and storm durations.
The lines of equal rainfall depth are called isohyetal lines. These maps are updated periodically as the hydrologic database increases.
(Courtesy of the National Weather Service.)
58 chapter Three

equal rainfall depth for a 24-h storm with a 100-year return Haestad severity index levels >10
period. It can be seen, for example, that a 100-year, 24-h 10

Return period, years

storm would cause 5 in. of rain in northern Maine, western 100 8
10 year 7
Texas, and many other locations in between. A storm with 10

the same frequency and ­duration would cause 14 in. of rain 1 3


in southern Florida. Maps of this nature are available for a 0.1 1


2 hour
wide range of durations and frequencies from the National 0.01 <1
Weather Service (NWS). 10–3
In 2007, the NWS began a major update to the precipita- 0.1 1 10 100 300
Duration, hours
tion frequency estimates that are so widely used by designers
of systems that depend on such information. The updated Figure 3-8  A logarithmic plot of rainfall return period
estimates are based on a more expansive set of data and uti- v­ ersus rainfall duration for determining the Haestad
­Severity Index (HSI) for a storm. For example, a 10-year,
lize new statistical approaches and spatial interpolation. In 2-h storm has an HSI level of 5.1.
addition, the NWS developed a point-and-click Web-based
(Reprinted with permission from Bentley Systems, Incorporated.)
interface, called the Precipitation Frequency Data Server,
that can be used to access precipitation estimates for any
location in the United States. The Haestad Severity Index™ (HSI), which uses ten
levels of magnitude, is defined by a logarithmic relation-
Rainfall Classification System  Phrases using return ship between return period and duration and five categories
periods, such as “5-year rainfall” or “100-year storm,” are of severity similar to those used for hurricanes and tornados.
commonly used to describe rainfall events. At first glance, A graph depicting the HSI levels is shown in Figure 3-8, and
it might be assumed that a 5-year event is small compared a chart depicting a relationship among the HSI levels and
to a 100-year event. But this is not necessarily the case be- the categories of severity is shown in Table 3-1.
cause the duration of a storm also plays an important role
in characterizing the severity of the storm. For example, it
Example 3-6
is possible that a 2-year, 24-h storm would have a larger
rainfall depth than a 50-year, 1-h storm. That would result Compare the HSI level of two rainfall events with a return
in more runoff from the 2-year storm, which may have a period of 10 years, and determine the category of each
more severe environmental impact and cause more flood event. The first storm lasts for 2 h, and the second storm
damage. To more fully characterize the severity of a storm, lasts for 48 h.
then, it is necessary to account for both return periods and
durations. (Perhaps another factor that should be taken Solution
into account is the size of the watershed over which the From Figure 3-8, the intersection of the horizontal and verti-
storm occurs.) cal lines for a 10-year, 2-h storm yields a severity level or
In recent years, several alternative rainfall classification HIS of about 5. From Table 3-1, it is seen that such a storm
systems have been suggested to deal with the spatial context would be a Category 2 event, a level that would approach
of rainfall and to better describe rainfall event severity and the design capacity of typical storm sewers and inlets.
rarity; the Haestad Severity Index™ (HSI), the Rainfall Rate Again from Figure 3-8, for the 10-year, 48-h storm, the HSI
Weighted Index, the Alluvial Strength Index, and the IDF is about 7. From Table 3-1, it would be a Category 4 storm,
Method with Areal Reduction. which would cause major flood damage.

Table 3-1  Haestad Severity Index™ (HSI) Levels and Rainfall Category Levels

HIS Category General description

62.5 None Insignificant in terms of flooding; still may be applicable to water quality concerns
2.5 to 4 1 Minor flooding in parking lots, clogged inlets, and poorly drained areas
4 to 5.5 2 Approaches design capacity of typical storm sewers and inlets; street flooding expected
5.5 to 7 3 Most storm sewer and channel capacities exceeded; significant rise in channel water
­surface elevations
7 to 8.5 4 Approaches or exceeds typical maximum design for all drainage conveyance systems;
­floodplains inundated; major flood damage
Ú 8.5 5 Catastrophic rainfall event; all storm sewers, channels, streams, and rivers exceeded;
­massive flooding; extreme flood damage

Source: Reprinted with permission from Bentley Systems, Incorporated.

Hydrology 59

Both storms have the same return period or recurrence Ridge

Catchment line
interval, yet the longer-duration storm has a greater severity area
or magnitude. This may seem obvious for storms with the
same return period—the longer the duration, the greater is
the overall severity. But it is not as obvious when comparing
storms of different return periods, as illustrated in the follow-
ing example.

Example 3-7
Which storm has a greater severity, a 5-year, 24-h storm or Outlet
a 100-year, 20-min storm event?
Figure 3-9  Simplified view of a watershed or drainage
From Figure 3-8 and Table 3-1, it is seen that the 5-year,
practical applications, the ridgeline must be located and
24-h storm is a Category 3 event, whereas the 100-year,
drawn on a topographic (topo) map by the engineer or tech-
20-min (0.33 h) storm is a Category 2 event, which is less
nician. Invariably, the ridgeline forms an irregular shape
severe. In this case the 5-year storm could do more damage
rather than a circle like the rim of a funnel, and the point of
than the 100-year storm.
concentration lies on the line rather than in the center of the
area because the plan view of a watershed is depicted.
3-4 Surface Water To draw a drainage divide line on a topo map, the fol-
lowing procedure may be followed:
Water that flows over the ground is often called runoff.
Runoff that has not yet reached a definite stream channel is 1. Start at the point of concentration. This might be at the
called overland flow or sheet flow (on a smooth surface, such intersection of two streams, at a point where a stream
as pavement). This type of surface water is important in the flows through a highway culvert, or at the location of a
discussion of stormwater drainage systems. For the most part, dam. The divide line will begin and end at this point.
the term surface water refers to water flowing in streams and 2. Examine the contours to determine flow patterns.
rivers as well as water stored in natural or artificial lakes. Imagine a drop of water on the ground at any given
point and visualize which way it will flow. Start to
Watersheds sketch sections of the divide line that clearly separate
the watershed from an adjacent watershed. These sec-
As mentioned in Section 3-2, runoff occurs when the rate tions of the line will follow ridges and pass through
of precipitation exceeds the rate of interception and evapo- topographic saddles. Remember, the natural drain-
transpiration. The total land area that contributes runoff to age divide line is always perpendicular to the contour
a stream or river is called a watershed. It may also be called a lines.
drainage basin or catchment area, particularly if the water
3. Fill in any gaps that may be left in the line being
flows toward or in an urban drainage system. Generally,
sketched. Occasionally, the divide line will turn sharply
engineers are interested in determining the amount of run-
on the top of a ridge to pass through one of the saddles
off at a specific point in the natural stream or engineered
on the line.
drainage system. This point is called the basin outlet or
point of concentration. A perspective sketch depicting flow patterns and a
The natural boundary or perimeter of the watershed drainage divide line is shown in Figure 3-10a, and a plan
may be determined from a topographic map, using the view of the same area is shown in Figure 3-10b.
ground elevation contour lines. Viewed on a topographic The sharp turns that may characterize a divide line as
map, water flowing freely over the ground’s surface would it passes through adjacent ridges and saddles are illustrated
move in a direction perpendicular to the contour lines, in Figure 3-11. (Another drainage divide line is shown in
which is the direction of the steepest slope at any given Figure 3-22 as the dot–dash line.)
point. By examining the contour map and visualizing the The point at which two streams converge or intersect is
pattern of overland flow, it is possible to locate the bound- called a point of confluence. As small streams converge, larger
ary of the watershed. This boundary is called the drainage streams and eventually rivers are formed. The catchment
divide line or ridgeline; it separates adjacent watersheds. area for a particular stream may be only a part of a larger
A simplified picture of a watershed is that of a funnel watershed; the smaller area is called a subbasin of the water-
(Figure 3-9). The wide rim at the top of the funnel repre- shed. A typical drainage network is shown in Figure 3-12.
sents the ridgeline, and the circular area encompassed by The streams may be classified by their position in the overall
the rim represents the catchment area. As water falls within network. Typical classifications are first-order streams, sec-
the rim, it flows downward toward the narrow outlet at the ond-order streams, and so on. A first-order stream does not
bottom, which represents the point of concentration. In have any tributaries or smaller streams flowing into it.
60 chapter Three

Drainage divide
800 Contour line
760 74 Drainage
ddle 0

720 760

Figure 3-11  A drainage divide line will sometimes turn

sharply on a ridge or saddle, as shown here. The dashed
­arrows show the direction of overland flow.

AutoCAD Civil 3D®, have integrated tools that can delin-

eate drainage basins and compute their area at the click of
0 a button.
The volume and rate of runoff in a watershed are func-
tions of many variables. The basin area and the intensity and
Drainage 78 duration of rainfall have a direct effect on the amount and
800 divide line 0 rate of runoff. Other factors include the slope of the ground,
0 76 the type of soil and vegetative cover, and the type of land use.
76 0
0 For example, a flat area with sandy soil would produce less
720 runoff than a sloping area with clay soil. More of the water
would infiltrate the ground surface through the porous sand
(b) in the former case, leaving a smaller fraction of the rain to
Figure 3-10  (a) A perspective view of runoff patterns; become surface flow. Also, densely populated urban areas
a­ rrows show the direction of sheet flow. The drainage divide generate more runoff than suburban or rural areas. The rela-
line passes through the ridges and the saddle, separating tionships among these various factors and runoff are dis-
two adjacent watersheds. The direction of sheet flow is cussed in more detail in Chapter 9.
­perpendicular to the contour lines. (b) A plan view topo-
graphic map that shows the same drainage divide line and
contours as depicted in (a).

A river is generally a free-flowing body of water provid-
ing drainage for a watershed of 65 km2 (25 mi2) or more.
A watershed for a typical large river may encompass sev- order
eral thousand square kilometers and include many smaller streams
tributaries. Large watersheds are also called river basins.
The Raritan River Basin in New Jersey, for example, encom-
passes about 2850 km2 (1100 mi2). The Raritan basin is Subbasin Second-
illustrated in Figure 3-13. The USGS has divided the United ridgeline order
States into 2149 basic watershed units, the smallest of which streams
encompasses about 1800 km2 (700 mi2). (The Amazon
watershed, the largest in the world, encompasses more than
6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) in Tributary
South America.) ridgeline
The size of a drainage basin refers to its total horizon- Third-order stream
tal surface area. Relatively small basins may be expressed
in terms of acres or hectares. A mechanical device called a
To basin
planimeter can be used to measure the area by simply trac- outlet
ing the boundary of the watershed on a topographic map.
Modern electronic planimeters can be calibrated to display
the area digitally, based on the scale of the map being used. Figure 3-12  A large watershed usually comprises several
In addition, some site design software packages, such as smaller catchment areas or subbasins.



Somerset County




Rivers and streams

Figure 3-13  The Raritan River Basin. This 2850-km watershed includes a total of 536 km of rivers and streams.
(Courtesy of the Division of Water Resources, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.)

62 chapter Three

Hydrograph peaks
The amount or volume of water that flows in a stream is 3 indicate wet

Discharge, m3/s
called the flow rate or discharge of the stream. The discharge weather periods
is expressed in terms of volume per unit time passing any 2
given point in the stream. The SI units for discharge are usu- Lowest yearly flow
ally cubic meters per second (m3>s), cubic meters per hour 1 seven consecutive days
(m3>h), or megaliters per day (ML>d). In U.S. Customary
units, discharge may be expressed as cubic feet per second

(ft3>s or cfs), gallons per minute (gpm), million gallons per






r il




day (mgd), or acre–feet per day (ac–ft>d). A section of a



stream that has a relatively constant slope, cross section, and

discharge may be called a reach of the stream.
Figure 3-14  Typical annual hydrograph for a small stream.
Stream discharge varies with time. Generally, higher
flow rates are observed in the spring and summer months,
whereas lower discharges occur in the fall and winter. This Lag time
is particularly the case for the northeastern United States.
Snowmelt can contribute significantly to streamflow. Rainfall
Variations in discharge that occur on a weekly, daily, or even Storm
hourly basis are directly associated with rainfall events. In hydrograph
Maximum discharge
some streams, an extremely wide variation in discharge can Qmax
occur, from a raging torrent during wet weather to hardly a
trickle of water during dry periods.
Low flow rates can cause environmental problems in
streams receiving discharges from wastewater treatment
Base flow
plants because there is less water in the stream to dilute the
wastewater. In Chapter 5, the relationship between the dis-
charge and the waste-assimilative capacity of the stream is
discussed. (Under certain conditions, a stream can assimilate
or absorb biodegradable wastes without excessive environ- Figure 3-15  A storm or flood hydrograph shows the direct
effect of a specific rainfall event on streamflow. A sharply
mental damage.) rising limb, a peak flow after a lag time, and a gradually
Low stream discharges also cause problems if the stream receding limb are typical characteristics.
is used as a source for water supply. On the other end of the
spectrum, excessively high discharges usually necessitate the
construction of flood control facilities. hydrograph. After a time interval called the lag time, which
depends on the physical characteristics of the watershed, the
maximum discharge occurs. This peak streamflow can occur
Hydrographs  A graph of discharge versus time is called many hours after the rain stops. (Computation of peak flow
a hydrograph. The vertical axis represents stream dis- is discussed in Section 9-1.) After the peak is reached, the
charge and the horizontal axis represents time. Time inter- streamflow gradually recedes toward the base flow. The base
vals may span several years or several hours, depending on flow is the normal dry-weather flow in the stream; it is sus-
the type of hydrograph and its use. (A hydrograph is simi- tained by groundwater seeping out of the ground into the
lar to a hyetograph, as shown in Figure 3-5. The difference stream channel. A stream that has a base flow throughout
is that a hyetograph depicts rainfall intensity versus time the year is called a perennial stream. A stream that dries
for a particular storm, while a hydrograph depicts flow rate up completely during periods of very little rainfall is called
versus time at a specific location on a stream or river.) an intermittent or ephemeral stream. Perennial stream chan-
Streamflow over a span of 1 year may be depicted in nels penetrate the groundwater table, whereas ephemeral
an annual hydrograph, as illustrated in Figure 3-14. The streams lie above the water table. Groundwater is discussed
isolated peaks on the hydrograph correspond to periods of in more detail in Section 3-7.
heavy rainfall.
A flood hydrograph or storm hydrograph represents the
flow response of a stream to one particular rainfall event.
Gaging Stations
The time interval on the horizontal axis is generally hours The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is a government
or days, rather than months, as in the annual hydrograph. agency that measures streamflows and publishes records
A typical storm hydrograph is shown in Figure 3-15. of discharges for most of the large streams or rivers in
Shortly after the storm begins and overland flow the United States as one of its responsibilities. In many
reaches the stream channel, the discharge in the stream cases, a permanent structure called a gaging station is con-
starts to increase. This is depicted as the rising limb of the structed along the river to provide a continuous record of
Hydrology 63

Float-operated stream; the end of the pipe is securely submerged below the
Gaging recording gage water surface. Air is forced under pressure from inside the
station Ground
shelter surface gage house to an orifice at the submerged end of the pipe.
Because a change in water height creates a proportional
change in water pressure (see Equation 2-2), it is possible
to correlate the change in air pressure with the stream dis-
Stilling Stream charge. A change in air pressure is converted to an electronic
Inlet pipe signal by a transducer inside the gage station enclosure, and
the data can be recorded or transmitted to an offsite moni-
toring office.
Figure 3-16  Cross section of a typical stream gaging station.
The water elevation in the stilling well is the same as the In some locations, the method used to correlate stage
stage of the river or stream. with discharge is to construct a low dam or weir in the
stream channel. As discussed in more detail in Section 2-4,
flow versus time. A sketch of a typical gaging station is a weir is an obstruction in the stream over which the water
shown in Figure 3-16. must flow. The height of water flowing over the weir, called
The basic measurement made at a gaging station is of the the head on the weir, is related hydraulically to the volume
depth of water in the stream or river. The elevation or height flow rate. Figure 3-18 shows the installation of a weir and
of the water surface above a reference level is called the stage of unsheltered gaging station in a small stream.
the stream. The stage changes as the discharge changes; as one In larger streams or rivers, it may be impractical
would expect, higher stages correspond to higher discharges. to obstruct the flow of water with a weir. The increase in
The stage may be measured and recorded graphically water depth behind the weir can cause excessive flooding
on a rotating chart by a float-operated device. A cable with upstream. Instead, devices called current meters can be sub-
a float on one end and a counterweight on the other end is merged at various points in the river to measure velocity
hung over a pulley, as shown. The float moves up or down as of flow at various stages. A typical current meter includes
the stage changes, rotating the pulley and thus changing the a small propeller that rotates in the water at a rate propor-
position of a pen on the chart. The stilling well, connected to tional to the water velocity. Knowing the depth and cross-
the stream channel by a pipe, prevents excessive fluctuations sectional area of the stream where the current measurement
of the water level due to wind or other disturbances. Modern is made, one can compute the discharge. (The hydraulic
digital recording and telemetry technology is now also used relationship between velocity and area of flow is explained
to record and transmit the data. in Section 2-2.) Because the depth and shape of the stream
Before a gaging station can provide data on streamflow, bed may change gradually because of erosion or sedimen-
it is necessary to determine the actual relationship between tation, the rating curve must be checked and revised from
the stage and the discharge. This relationship is often time to time.
expressed graphically in a rating curve or stage–discharge Streamflow statistics in areas without gaging stations can
curve, as illustrated in Figure 3-17. Once a rating curve is now be estimated using an automated equation-based system
established for the stream, it is only necessary to measure developed by the USGS. At a user-selected site, the physical
the stage in order to know what the discharge is in terms of characteristics of the watershed that drains to the site are deter-
a volume flow rate. mined from the computerized database, a system of equations
Another method to measure the height of water in is solved, and the estimated streamflow statistics along with a
a stream is to use a bubbler system, which requires a long
open-ended pipe that extends from the gage house to the
Stage, m or ft

Discharge, m3/s or ft3/s

Figure 3-17  A typical stage–discharge curve for a stream or Figure 3-18  An unsheltered gaging station adjacent to a
river showing the relationship between flow rate and depth weir on a small stream.
of water in that particular river. (Courtesy of Richard Croft.)
64 chapter Three

topographic location map are provided to the user. These esti- may be used to estimate return periods or frequencies of
mates are useful for carrying out river basin planning studies, droughts. The same method may be used to determine flood
creating flood insurance rate maps, and other applications. frequencies or recurrence intervals of storms from precipi-
tation records. It is a good idea for designers or others who
make use of return period data to have some understanding
3-5 Droughts of how the data are determined.
In everyday terms, a drought is a long period of dry weather To illustrate the procedure, a simplified example for
that causes a lack of available water. At the other extreme, determining a drought flow in a stream is presented here.
a flood is what happens when a stream or river overflows In Example 3-8, only 5 years’ worth of discharge records
its banks, shortly after periods of excessive rainfall or snow- is used. In practical applications, much longer periods of
melt. Both of these events are hydrologic extremes that are record are required for meaningful results, but for the sake
notorious for the environmental problems, in addition to of clarity, as well as to illustrate extrapolation beyond the
possible loss of life and property damage, that they cause. period of record, this is a useful example.
To reduce or mitigate the problems caused by floods or
droughts, designers of hydraulic structures and water man- Example 3-8
agement facilities must be able to quantify the severity and Given the following record of streamflow data, estimate the
frequency of these events. The magnitude of the N-year flood MA7CD10 for the stream:
for a particular watershed must be determined if flood con-
trol efforts are to be effective. The low flow in a stream due to
Lowest 7-d
a drought must be estimated if the problems associated with Year average flow, m3>s
prolonged periods of dry weather are to be avoided.
To a large extent, the occurrence and severity of floods 2008 4.4
or droughts can be related to precipitation. Because precipi- 2009 2.8
tation records are more commonly available than stream- 2010 4.0
flow data, designers often have little choice but to make 2011 3.4
estimates of the occurrence of droughts or floods from
2012 5.2
correlations with rainfall data. The computation of peak
streamflows from rainfall data is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 9. It is assumed that the return period of the maxi- Solution
mum stream discharge is the same as the return period of First, rearrange the flow data in decreasing order of magni-
the storm from which the discharge is computed. tude and assign a rank or m value to each flow, beginning
The low flows that occur in perennial streams during with 1 and increasing by 1 sequentially. The probability of
droughts are of importance for two reasons. If a stream is observing an equal or higher flow in any given year is esti-
to be used for water supply, it must be determined whether mated by dividing the rank m by the number of years of
a storage reservoir must be built to ensure adequate supply record plus 11n + 12; in this example, n = 5. In formula
during a drought; and if the stream is receiving wastewater form, the probability P = m> 1n + 12. We have
discharges from a sewage treatment plant, it must be deter-
mined whether the low streamflow will still be adequate to Low flow, m3 >s Rank Probability
dilute the sewage or if some type of advanced wastewater
treatment is necessary. 5.2 1 1>6 = 0.167
4.4 2 2>6 = 0.333
MA7CD10 Flow 4.0 3 3>6 = 0.500
In water pollution studies, a drought flow is commonly 3.4 4 4>6 = 0.667
defined as the lowest average discharge over a period of 2.8 5 5>6 = 0.833
1 week with a recurrence interval of 10 years. This is called
the minimum average 7-consecutive-day 10-year flow, or the Hydrologic data are often plotted on a special type of
MA7CD10 flow. Because the value of N for the MA7CD10 graph paper called logarithmic probability paper. The points
flow is 10 years, there is only a 10 percent probability that usually plot as a straight line or close to it. The low flows and
there will be a more severe drought in any given year. In their corresponding probabilities in this problem are plot-
other words, the probability is 90 percent that the mini- ted in Figure 3-19. A straight line of best fit has been drawn
mum weekly discharge in the stream will be greater than the through the plotted points and extended, or extrapolated, to
MA7CD10 flow. This is generally considered to provide an the 90 percent probability value. This identifies a flow rate on
acceptable risk for water pollution control projects, and the the vertical axis of the graph that would be exceeded nine
MA7CD10 flow is used for design computations. times out of ten in any given subsequent year. Conversely,
When many years of records of stream discharge are the probability of observing a lower flow (a more severe
available, a statistical procedure called frequency analysis drought) is 10 percent. This flow, therefore, represents the
Hydrology 65

Recurrence interval, yr
1.1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000


Yearly 7-consecutive-day low flow, m3/s


Line of best fit


Extend line to here
10-yr, 7-consecutive-day low flow = 2.4 m3/s



.01 .10 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .95 .97 .98 .99 .995 .998 .999
Probability of larger flow
Figure 3-19  Logarithmic probability paper is used to estimate the MA7CD10 drought flow in a stream or river.
(See Example 3-8.)

MA7CD10 flow. As seen in Figure 3-19, the MA7CD10 flow Other types of smaller reservoirs, used in most cities and
for this stream (based on the very limited 5 years of record) towns, include distribution storage reservoirs for municipal
is estimated at 2.4 m3>s. water distribution systems, and detention reservoirs for storm-
water control. These are discussed in subsequent chapters.
The storage capacity of a large reservoir is usually
3-6 Reservoirs expressed in units of megaliters or acre–feet. The yield of a
When streamflow is not sufficient for a dependable water reservoir represents the amount of water the reservoir can
supply, particularly during dry spells, a reservoir can be built supply in a specific time interval without going dry. The
to overcome this problem. Reservoirs equalize the flow pat- relationship between reservoir yield and storage capacity is
terns in rivers or streams by storing excessive wet weather a key factor in its design. In this section, a graphical method
flows, for use during periods of drought or low streamflow. for determining the required volume of a conservation res-
A reservoir serving primarily for water supply is called a ervoir is discussed, to demonstrate typical yield and storage
conservation reservoir. A reservoir of this type is built on a relationships. A graphical technique for measuring reservoir
natural site with suitable topography by blocking the stream volume using a topographic map is also presented.
with a compacted earth or masonry dam, allowing an artifi- There are about 800,000 dams worldwide. Of these,
cial lake to be formed upstream of the dam. roughly 45,000 are considered large dams, that is, more than
Conservation reservoirs are usually very large and pro- 15 m (50 ft) high or more than 3 million m3 (2500 ac–ft) in
vide capacity for long periods of dry weather. Because of reservoir volume. (About half the world’s large dams were
economic constraints, it is often not feasible to build a dam built primarily for land irrigation.) Large (as well as small)
and reservoir for only one purpose, such as water supply. dams and reservoirs can cause adverse environmental and
Reservoirs that simultaneously serve for drinking water sup- social effects that must be considered, in addition to the
ply and other needs, such as for flood control, hydroelectric purely technical and economic aspects of the project; such
power, and recreation, are called multipurpose reservoirs. effects are also discussed later in this section.
66 chapter Three

Summation Hydrograph Solution

Determine the cumulative streamflow entering the reservoir
To determine the required volume of a conservation reservoir,
on a monthly basis. For example, in February the cumulative
records of streamflow spanning many years must be used.
flow would be 60 + 100 = 160 ML, and in March it would be
Conservation reservoirs are often designed to provide the
160 + 180 = 340 ML. Just keep adding the flows for each
needed yield during a drought equal to the worst drought on
month. Prepare a table of cumulative monthly flows as follows:
record. A summation hydrograph, also called a mass diagram,
is a convenient graphical tool for determining the required
storage volume. This technique is illustrated in Example 3-9. Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN
Example 3-9 Flow, ML 60 160 340 360 375 390
A conservation reservoir is to provide a uniform withdrawal
or yield of 60 ML>month without being depleted. The stream-
flow records for the year of lowest flows are summarized on 395 410 525 725 905 1005
Flow, ML
a monthly basis as follows:

Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Now the cumulative monthly flows can be plotted on a
Streamflow, graph as shown in Figure 3-20. This graph is the summation
60 100 180 20 15 15
ML>Month hydrograph; it is a plot of flow versus time, but the flows are
Month JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC cumulative with time.
Streamflow, The slope of the summation hydrograph or mass curve
5 15 115 200 180 100
ML>Month represents the rate of inflow into the reservoir. Notice that
the slope is very flat during the summer months because of
Determine the required reservoir volume. the low streamflows during that period.

Summation hydrograph or mass curve

Reservoir is being Reservoir
emptied here because filling B
inflow is less than
outflow. Uniform withdrawal or
yield line at 60 ML/month
Cumulative flow, ML

215 ML

Required volume full

625 – 410 = 215 ML again

A th
0 ML
e =6
Assume reservoir lop 120 ML
is full here.
2 months

Construction line to establish

slope of the withdrawal line.




















Figure 3-20  Summation hydrograph.
(See Example 3-9.)
Hydrology 67

A uniform yield or withdrawal can be represented as a to determine the volume of water in the reservoir at any given
straight line on the graph; in this case the withdrawal line time by simply measuring the elevation of the water supply.
has a slope of 60 ML>month, as shown. Where the mass
curve slope is flatter than the withdrawal line slope, more Measuring Reservoir Volume  The volume of a reser-
water is leaving the reservoir than is flowing in; the reservoir voir can be estimated from a topographic map. For exam-
is emptying. Where the mass curve is steeper than the with- ple, in Figure 3-22, if the spillway of a dam at AB is to have
drawal line, more water is flowing in than is flowing out of an elevation of 100 ft, the water in the reservoir will cover
the reservoir; the reservoir is filling up. the area enclosed by the 100-ft contour, as shown by the
Draw a line parallel to the withdrawal line and tangent cross-hatching. Because the contour interval is 10 ft on this
to the mass curve at the point labeled A in Figure 3-20. map, the total body of water contained in the reservoir can
Point A, in general, represents a peak of the mass curve be viewed as a stack of layers 10 ft thick, separated by level
where it is concave downward. Assume that the reservoir is surfaces at each contour line. Each layer would then be a
just full at this point. It would immediately start to decrease solid figure bounded at the top and bottom by parallel plane
in water volume since, just past point A, the rate of with- surfaces. The area at each of these surfaces could be mea-
drawal exceeds the rate of inflow. But after several months, sured with a planimeter by tracing each of the contour lines.
the slope of the mass curve increases and the rate of inflow Multiplying the average area for each pair of surfaces by the
surpasses the rate of withdrawal; the water volume begins 10-ft thickness of the layer can then approximate the volume
to increase. At point B, where the line crosses the mass of each layer. The sum of the volumes, plus an approxima-
curve, the reservoir will be at full capacity once again. tion of the volume below the lowest contour, provides an
The vertical distance between the yield line AB and the estimate of the total reservoir volume. If the data are in an
mass curve represents the volume of water taken out of electronic form, it is often possible to use a CADD pack-
storage to satisfy the yield or withdrawal. In this example, age, such as AutoCAD® (Autodesk Inc.) or Microstation®
the maximum vertical distance is measured to be 215 ML, (Bentley Systems Inc.) to calculate the volumes. In addition,
as shown in Figure 3-20. This is the minimum storage online mapping and geographic information tools, such as
volume needed to ensure that the specified yield can be Google Earth, can be used to compute volumes.
satisfied. All streams and rivers carry suspended soil particles to
Because this volume of 215 ML was determined for the some degree. These particles tend to settle out by gravity in
worst drought year on record, it is reasonable to assume the reservoir, forming deposits of sediment. All reservoirs
that during years of normal precipitation and streamflow, ultimately become filled with sediment and therefore have
the reservoir will be more than adequate to provide the limited design lives or periods during which they can fulfill
required yield. But it is still possible that a more severe their intended purposes. Figure 3-23 illustrates the accu-
drought could occur. A frequency analysis could be done to mulation of sediment behind a dam. Although reservoir
provide estimates of recurrence intervals and probabilities sedimentation cannot be prevented, it can be controlled and
of more serious droughts. slowed down. Sluice gates below the crest of the dam permit
the occasional discharge of sediment before it has a chance
Reservoir Capacity  The maximum volume of water that to settle to the bottom.
can be stored in a reservoir depends on the elevation of the
spillway of the dam forming the reservoir and on ground Adverse Impacts  In addition to reducing effective vol-
topography upstream of the dam. In addition to this total ume of a reservoir, the accumulation of sediment behind a
volume, it is important to know the relationship between the dam can cause unanticipated and unwanted impacts on the
volume and the elevation of the reservoir surface. A graph downstream environment. Glen Canyon Dam, for example,
of water elevation versus volume is called a reservoir capacity a 215  m (710 ft)-high concrete structure, was built in 1963
curve or elevation-storage curve. A typical capacity curve is on the Colorado River in Arizona for hydroelectric power.
illustrated in Figure 3-21. Using a curve like this, it is possible In 1996, it was necessary to rapidly release huge quantities of
water from the reservoir through sluice gates, to mimic a nat-
ural flood and restore the downstream sandbars and ecosys-
tems so essential to the survival of native plants and fish. Since
Surface elevation, ft or m

the dam’s construction, three native species of fish became

extinct in the river and others were endangered. The large re-
lease of water was repeated in 2008 and again in 2012; it will be
repeated every few years, as part of a water resources manage-
ment plan to preserve and sustain the river environment.
Another example is the multipurpose Aswan High Dam
in Egypt, built on the Nile River to control floods, to provide
water for irrigation, and to generate hydroelectric power.
Reservoir volume, ac–ft or ML After its completion in 1970, the loss of silt and essential plant
Figure 3-21  Typical reservoir capacity curve. nutrients that were naturally deposited on the downstream
68 chapter Three









Figure 3-22  The spillway of a dam at AB would form a reservoir with a surface
elevation of 100 ft, shown by the cross-hatching. The watershed ridgeline for the
reservoir is shown by the dot–dash line.
(From P. Kissam, Surveying for Civil Engineers, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981. Copyright © 1981
by McGraw-Hill. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

Water surface farm fields after a flood significantly altered agricultural pro-
ductivity in the Nile River Valley; fishing harvests in the Nile
Accumulating Dam delta and nearby coastal areas also declined.
Dams and reservoirs can cause changes in water tem-
perature and the water quality. In the United States, for
Streambed example, a federal court ruled, in 2001, that the operation
of four Snake River dams in eastern Washington State vio-
lated the Clean Water Act and endangered the survival of
Figure 3-23  Sedimentation in a reservoir reduces its salmon and trout. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a fed-
c­ apacity to store water. Over time, a reservoir can ­ eral agency responsible for operating dams, was ordered to
eventually become completely filled in with sediment.
Hydrology 69

find ways to lower water temperatures and reduce levels of Zone of aeration Rain
nitrogen in the reservoirs. Ground
Zone of saturation surface Infiltration
In addition to disrupting river basin ecosystems, con-
Water in well
struction of large dams can have serious social impacts. Percolation
Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China, for exam-
ple, is considered one of the world’s largest infrastructure
projects. Designed primarily for flood control and hydro- Water table
electric power, construction began in 1993, and the reservoir
began filling in 2003. By the time the reservoir was filled, in "Water table" well
2009, the water behind the 180 m (600-ft)-high dam sub-
merged many old cities, towns, and historical sites. More
than 2 million people were displaced from their homes and Figure 3-24  Soil below the water table is saturated with water.
relocated. The eviction of families from their homes is an
example of the significant social impacts that a large dam of saturation, a layer of soil or rock in which all the pore
and reservoir project can have on people. spaces or rock fissures are completely filled with water.
Dams and reservoirs can provide many benefits. But Even though the individual pore spaces and rock crevices
they also can incur costs that go beyond pure economic are relatively small, the total volume of groundwater is large
imperatives. Some reservoir projects can actually eliminate because the geological formations that can hold water are so
the flow of river water downstream. The “cost-benefit” ratios vast. Groundwater can be considered to be a huge subsur-
of future water resource projects that can alter the natural face reservoir.
flow of ­rivers and streams must be carefully evaluated before The dividing line between the zone of aeration and
any construction begins. Actually, some old, outdated (and the zone of saturation is called the water table (or phreatic
dangerous) dams have been demolished, and others are ­surface). An excavation or a well that is deep enough to pen-
now being considered for demolition and removal in the etrate the zone of saturation will fill up with water to the height
United States. For example, two century-old dams on the or ­elevation of the water table. This is illustrated in Figure 3-24.
Elwha River in the state of Washington have been removed The elevation of the water table is not constant. It
to restore that river’s ecology and to sustain several species depends on weather conditions and varies seasonally. The
of salmon. And in 2013, the Veazie Dam on the Penobscot water table is generally closer to the ground surface in the
River near Bangor, Maine, was removed to revive the migra- spring or during rainy periods and deeper during dry spells.
tory ecosystem of Atlantic salmon, which swims upriver to The water table can also be lowered by pumping, as is seen
spawn. In the Northeast United States, roughly 100 dams in the discussion on wells later in this section.
have been removed since the beginning of the 21st century,
due to adverse environmental impacts, and more than 1000
have been removed nationwide in the last century. Removal
of dams, rather than construction of dams, seems to be prev- An aquifer is a layer of soil or rock in which groundwater
alent at this time. can move relatively freely. It is, in other words, a geologi-
cal stratum that can transmit water in sufficient quantities
to permit economical use of the groundwater for supply
3-7 Groundwater purposes. Porous sand and gravel aquifers yield more water
As discussed in Section 3-2, part of the precipitation that falls than do more impermeable silt or clay deposits. Rock for-
on the land may infiltrate the surface, percolate downward mations may contain enough cracks or fissures to yield sig-
through the soil under the force of gravity, and become what nificant quantities of water.
is known as groundwater. The groundwater is an extremely An aquifer that is sandwiched between two imperme-
important part of the hydrologic cycle. Almost half of the able layers that block the flow of water is called a confined
people in the United States obtain their public water supply or ­artesian aquifer. The water in a confined aquifer is under
from groundwater. Overall, there is more groundwater than hydrostatic pressure. It does not have a free water table. An
surface water in the United States, including the waters in imaginary line, representing the piezometric surface, can be
the Great Lakes. It is sometimes uneconomical to pump it used to represent the height to which water would rise in a well
to the surface for use, however, and in recent years the pol- that penetrated the aquifer. This is illustrated in Figure 3-25.
lution of groundwater supplies from improper disposal of The recharge area for an aquifer is where precipitation
wastes has become a significant problem. infiltrates the ground to replenish the water flowing through
After water first infiltrates the ground surface, it the aquifer. As seen in Figure 3-25, the recharge area may be
seeps downward through a layer of soil called the zone of remote from the point of actual water use. This is an impor-
­aeration or vadose zone. This is a layer of soil in which the tant factor in land-use planning and urban development.
small spaces between the solid soil particles are partially Covering recharge areas with pavements and parking lots
filled with air as well as with water. As the water contin- blocks the infiltration process and reduces the amount of
ues to percolate downward, it eventually reaches the zone water that can be withdrawn from the aquifer.
70 chapter Three

Rain Table 3-2  Typical Permeability Coefficients

Ground Recharge area
surface Piezometric Soil type K, mm > s
Gravel 10 to 40
Sand 0.01 to 10
Silty sand 0.001 to 0.02
Artesian wells
Confined Silt 0.0001 to 0.005
of clay (artesian)
Confining layer Clay 10-6 to 10-8

Permeability is a characteristic of a porous material that
Figure 3-25  Water in a confined or artesian aquifer is allows it to transmit water; it has the same units as velocity.
under hydrostatic pressure. Water in an artesian well rises The slope of the water table is the drop in elevation divided
to the level of the piezometric surface.
by the horizontal distance; it is a dimensionless number.
Darcy’s law is the basis of more complicated mathemat-
Groundwater Flow ical analyses of groundwater hydraulics. If aquifer condi-
tions are known, it is possible to predict such things as how
Groundwater is in a constant state of motion through the pores
much water can be pumped out of a well. But the limita-
and crevices of the aquifer in which it occurs. The water table is
tions of mathematics, including Darcy’s law, for evaluating
rarely level; it generally follows the shape of the ground surface.
groundwater conditions need to be mentioned. To apply the
The groundwater flows in the downhill direction of the slop-
formulas, it is necessary to assume that the aquifer is a uni-
ing water table, as illustrated in Figure 3-26. The water table
form or homogeneous material that can be described by a
sometimes intersects low points of the ground, where it seeps
single coefficient K. In reality, natural soil deposits or rock
out into springs, lakes, or streams. As previously discussed, the
aquifers are rarely uniform over large areas. Nevertheless,
base flow of a perennial stream is actually sustained by ground-
Darcy’s law is of value in making initial estimates of the
water flow. Such streams are also called influent streams.
rate of groundwater movement. Typical values of K are pre-
The rate of movement of groundwater due to gravity is
sented in Table 3-2, and the application of Darcy’s law is
usually very slow. It is limited by the frictional resistance to
illustrated in the following example.
flow in the soil and rock openings. A velocity of about 18
m>d (60 ft>d) is considered high, even in porous sand and
Example 3-10
gravel deposits. In more impervious clay soils, the velocity of
flow may be as low as a fraction of a meter per year. Compute the velocity of groundwater flow in an aquifer that
The velocity of groundwater flow is a function of the has a coefficient of permeability K = 0.1 mm>s. The water
slope of the water table and the permeability of the soil. This table slopes at a rate of 1 m over a distance of 200 m.
relationship is expressed in a formula known as Darcy ’s
law, which is as follows:
The slope of the water table is computed as follows:
V = K * S (3-4)
where V = flow velocity, mm>s S = = 0.005
200 m
K = permeability coefficient, mm>s
S = slope of the water table
V = K * S = 0.1 * 0.005 = 0.0005 mm>s
Ground Perennial or
surface stream
Water V = 0.0005 mm>s * 3600 s>h * 24 h>d
table = 43.2 mm>d

Groundwater Wells
The most common method for withdrawing ground-
water is to penetrate the aquifer with a vertical well and
then  pump the water up to the surface. Other methods
include using natural springs or infiltration galleries. An
Figure 3-26  Groundwater flows slowly through the soil.
Sometimes it seeps out of the ground in a spring or into the infiltration gallery consists basically of several horizontal
channel of a perennial stream, resulting in a relatively stable perforated pipes radiating outward from a large-diameter
dry-weather base flow in the stream. central shaft.
Hydrology 71

Wells may be constructed in a variety of ways, depend- discussed in Chapter 7.) The well pump may be driven by an
ing on the depth and nature of the aquifer. A dug well is a electric motor at ground level connected to the submerged
shallow excavation, up to about 10 m (30 ft) deep, that pump by a shaft or by a special submersible motor directly
penetrates an unconfined aquifer. It is generally lined with connected to the pump.
stone or masonry to support the side walls. Dug wells are Airlift pumps can be used to raise well water. (They
not dependable sources of water because of the seasonal are also used to pump thin sludge (a suspension of solids)
variation in the depth of the water table and the well’s sus- in wastewater treatment processes.) In this type of a pump,
ceptibility to pollution. They still may be observed in use in compressed air is released at the bottom of the water col-
some agricultural and rural areas, but modern environmen- umn. Because the mixture of water and air bubbles weighs
tal sanitation standards generally prohibit their construction less than the water itself, the air–water mixture rises in the
for public water supply. well casing or pipe.
Wells up to about 20 m (65 ft) deep may be constructed in The elevation of the water table in the well before pump-
soft soils by driving a well point into the ground. A well point ing begins is called the static level. When the well is pumped,
is a section of perforated pipe with an internal screen and a the water level in the well drops below the static level, as seen
point on the lower end. The required depth is reached by cou- in Figure 3-27. The elevation difference between the static
pling additional sections of pipe to the well point as it is driven level and the pumping level is called the drawdown. A draw-
down. This type of well is more commonly used to dewater down surface of the water table, or cone of depression, as it
construction excavations than to provide a water supply. is also called, is formed around the well during pumping.
Deep wells, those more than 30 m (100 ft) deep, are As the distance from the well increases, the slope of the
most commonly used for public water supplies. They can drawdown curve flattens out, eventually merging with the
penetrate extensive aquifers with more dependable yields undisturbed static water table. The horizontal distance from
of water and better water quality than shallower wells. Deep the well to the area where the water table has not been appre-
wells are typically 100 to 300 mm (4–6 in.) in diameter. They ciably affected by the pumping is called the radius of influence
are drilled using percussion or rotary drilling techniques. of the well. These terms are illustrated in Figure 3-27.
Deep wells are permanently lined with a metal pipe, The drawdown and the circle of influence will increase
called a casing. (Plastic, for example polyvinyl chloride as the pumping rate is increased. From the discussion of
(PVC), casings are used in some instances.) The annular groundwater flow, it should be clear that for the same rate of
space around the casing is filled with cement grout. The cas- pumping, a very permeable aquifer will have a smaller draw-
ing and the grout serve to seal off poor-quality water coming down than an aquifer with less permeability. Likewise, the
from the surface and the upper soil layer, protecting the well radius of influence will be larger in the more porous aqui-
from contamination. A sanitary seal is installed at the top fer. Mathematical formulas allow for the computation of all
of the casing to further protect the water quality. In uncon- the terms defined here, but a full discussion of groundwater
solidated aquifers, a slotted well screen is usually attached hydraulics is beyond the scope of this book.
to the bottom of the casing to strain silt and sand out of the The safe yield of a well is the rate at which water can
well water. These basic features of deep well construction be withdrawn without pumping the well dry. The larger the
are illustrated in Figure 3-27. drawdown, the greater is the yield. The relationship between
Multistage vertical turbine pumps (a type of centrifugal the yield and drawdown of a well is called its specific capacity.
pump) are commonly used in deep wells to lift the water. For example, if the drawdown in a well is 50 m when the with-
(The operating characteristics of centrifugal pumps are drawal rate is 500 m3>h, the specific capacity is expressed as
500>50 or 10 m3>h per meter of drawdown. If the drawdown
is 25 m instead of 50 m, the output from the well can be esti-
Radius of influence mated to be 10 m3 >h>m * 25 m = 250 m3 >h. The diameter
of a well has very little effect on the yield; doubling the diam-
Discharge supply eter increases the yield by only about 10 percent.
Sanitary seal
Wells must be developed before they are put into use, in
order to remove silt and fine sand adjacent to the well screen.
Cement Well development unplugs the aquifer, producing a natural
Static level casing Water table filter of coarser particles around the well screen and allowing
Drawdown silt-free water to flow freely into the well. In one method of
Drawdown surface developing a well, called surging, a plunger is moved rapidly
Submersible pump up and down in the well. In aquifers consisting of very fine
uniform sand and silt, a filter must be constructed around the
Well screen
Zone of saturation
well screen. This is called gravel packing and is accomplished
by filling the annular space around the well screen with gravel.
Figure 3-27  Schematic diagram of a water table well ­showing
After a well is developed, a pump test is conducted to
the drawdown that occurs during water withdrawal by determine if it can supply the required amount of water. The
­pumping. well is generally pumped for at least 6 h at a rate equal to or
72 chapter Three

greater than the desired yield. A stabilized drawdown should a shallow aquifer on the island during winter periods of low
be obtained at that rate, and the original static level should demand and is withdrawn in the summer by using dual injec-
be recovered within 24 h after pumping stops. During this tion and recovery wells. The water is injected into nonpotable
test period, samples are taken and tested for bacteriological saline aquifers where it forms a “lens” of good quality water
and chemical quality. suitable for later recovery from the same wells. This practice
More than 15 million U.S. households obtain their serves to smooth out the annual variation in water demand.
drinking water from their own well. These private wells serve It requires much less land than recharge basins, and the use
about 15 percent of the U.S. population. Another 36 percent of dual injection and recovery wells is cost effective.
get their drinking water from centralized public well systems.
3-8 Chapter Synopsis
Sustainability of Groundwater Resources Water is in constant motion on, under, and above the Earth’s
Groundwater is continually replenished from precipitation surface, in a natural sequence called the hydrologic cycle.
that infiltrates the land surface. But the rates of replenishment Two extreme hydrologic conditions, droughts and floods, are
may be much smaller than the rates of withdrawal, and the of importance in environmental technology, and many dams
effects of pumping may not be evident for many years after have been built to mitigate those recurring events. Knowledge
pumping of groundwater begins. Groundwater mining, a pro- of hydrology is also essential for the design and operation of
longed and progressive decrease in the amount of water stored public drinking water supplies, water pollution control facili-
in an aquifer, may occur in some regions. Because ground- ties, and stormwater management infrastructure.
water is a valuable natural resource, effective groundwater Although water is present in abundant quantities on
sustainability plans are needed to allow the development and Earth, less than 1 percent of it is economically available to
use of groundwater in a manner that can be maintained for meet human needs. It is not evenly distributed geographi-
an indefinite time without causing adverse environmental or cally, and in many areas, water quality is deteriorating due
economic consequences. to human activities. In fact, more than 1 billion people
The interaction of groundwater with surface water bod- worldwide have no access to suitably clean drinking water.
ies, including springs, streams and rivers, lakes, wetlands, Hydrology is the study of the relationships between pre-
and coastal areas must be taken into account. The possibility cipitation and the quantity and distribution of water on and
of land subsidence, which is a drop in the ground surface under the Earth’s surface. (The study of water quality lies
elevation that can be caused by groundwater withdrawal, primarily in the fields of chemistry and biology.)
must be considered. (In southcentral Arizona, for example, Rainfall intensity, expressed in terms of in.>h or mm>h,
the use of groundwater for agriculture over many decades is a basic hydrologic parameter for predicting surface water
has resulted in regional subsidence exceeding 3 m (10 ft) in flows. In the United States, the National Weather Service
some areas.) Subsidence can damage buildings and roads, collects and publishes rainfall data that include storm dura-
and can also cause flooding problems. Saltwater intrusion, tions and intensities. Because rainfall events are irregular
another possible adverse effect of groundwater pumping in with regard to when and how often they occur, it is necessary
coastal areas, is discussed in Section 5-6. to apply statistics and probability concepts to the analyses
A variety of methods are available and have been under- of the data. The average time span between storms of spe-
taken to enhance sustainability of groundwater resources in cific durations and intensities is called the storm recurrence
the United States. For example, in Long Island, New York, interval. For instance, a rainstorm with a recurrence interval
where the groundwater is the only natural source of freshwa- of 10 years (called a “10-year storm”) may occur with the
ter for more than 3 million people, more than 3000 recharge same intensity and duration on average every 10 years. But
basins between 400 m2 and 12 ha (0.1 and 30 ac) in area are this is only an average time interval. It does not mean that
used to dispose of storm runoff at an average rate of about the same storm will occur every 10 years like clockwork.
570 ML (150 mil gal) per day. The stormwater infiltrates the The probability that a storm will occur or be exceeded
bottom of the basins, many of which were abandoned gravel in any given year is the reciprocal of the recurrence interval,
pits, and replenishes the aquifer (Recharge basins are dis- or P = 1>N, where P is the probability and N is the recur-
cussed in more detail in Sections 9-3 and 10-4.) rence interval. For example, the probability of a 10-year
An example of an innovative approach to ground- storm occurring (or being exceeded) in any single year is
water sustainability is the ASR (aquifer storage recovery) P = 1>10 = 0.1 = 10 percent. Likewise, the probability
system that has been used in Wildwood, New Jersey, since of a 50-year storm occurring is 2 percent. The larger the
1967. Wildwood is a resort community on a barrier island recurrence interval, the less likely it is that a storm of that
that experiences a population increase from about 5000 in intensity and duration will occur in any given year. In other
the winter up to about 30,000 in the summer tourist season. words, the really big storms have large recurrence intervals
The winter water demand is met by withdrawals from wells and are not likely to occur frequently, an obvious fact, but
located about 8 km (5 mi) inland. To supply water in the one that must be quantified in hydrologic studies.
summer, a large and costly pumping and transmission sys- The relationship among rainfall intensities, durations,
tem would be needed. Instead, groundwater is injected into and frequencies for a geographic region (compiled and
Hydrology 73

published by the National Weather Service) can be depicted recurrence interval of 10 years, and is called the minimum
graphically as a set of curves, expressed in formulas, or shown average 7-consecutive-day 10-year flow (MA7CD10 flow).
on maps. This kind of information is essential for the proper It is the streamflow typically used to design water pollution
planning and design of stormwater management and flood control facilities. A type of hydrograph used for the design
control facilities. Because the impact of a storm depends on of reservoirs, called a summation hydrograph or mass
both duration and intensity, a rainfall classification index can ­diagram, is a plot of the cumulative flow versus time.
be used to assess the overall effect of a storm. A long storm Precipitation that infiltrates the ground surface and
of low intensity can sometimes do more damage than a brief percolates downward through voids or pore spaces between
storm of high intensity and would have a higher rainfall index. soil particles is called groundwater. Groundwater is the
Precipitation that flows over the ground surface is source of drinking water for about half the population in the
called runoff, and the total land area that contributes run- United States. A layer of soil or rock in which groundwater
off to a stream or river is call a watershed, a drainage basin, fills the voids and can flow freely is called an aquifer, and the
or a catchment area. The boundary of a watershed, called land area where precipitation enters the ground is called the
a drainage divide or ridgeline, is determined from examin- recharge area. The top of the zone of saturated soil is called
ing the elevation contours on a topographic map. A catch- the water table.
ment area can be as small as a few square blocks of an urban The rate at which water flows through an aquifer is calcu-
neighborhood, or as large as thousands (and even millions) lated using a formula known as Darcy’s law, in which the flow
of square kilometers for the watershed of a major river (like velocity is proportional to the soil permeability and the slope
the Amazon). The volume and rate of runoff in a drainage of the water table. An important goal of environmental tech-
basin is a function of the total basin area, the intensity and nology is to protect recharge areas from unsuitable urban and
duration of the rainfall, the slope of the ground, the type of suburban development, which may reduce the quality and
soils and vegetation, and the type of land use. Several com- amount of water available. Groundwater is withdrawn from
putational techniques are available to correlate the runoff an aquifer for domestic use by a pump submerged in a deep
with precipitation (see Section 9.1). well. Pumping causes the water table surface to “drawdown,”
The discharge of runoff collecting in streams and rivers forming a cone of depression around the well. The science of
varies with time, and is depicted in a plot of flow rate versus hydrology allows computation of the safe yield of a well, which
time, called a hydrograph. The USGS measures streamflows is the rate at which water can be withdrawn without pumping
at numerous gaging stations nationwide, and streamflow the well dry. Plans for groundwater sustainability are impor-
can also be estimated mathematically in areas without gag- tant, allowing the development and use of groundwater in a
ing stations. A drought (a long period of dry weather) is manner that can be maintained for an indefinite time without
the lowest average discharge over a period of 1 week with a causing adverse environmental and economic consequences.

Review Questions 12. What is the difference between the expressions storm
recurrence interval and storm frequency?
1. Why is the science of hydrology of importance in envi- 13. On average, are the intensities of long-duration storms
ronmental technology? less than, equal to, or greater than the intensities of
2. List two uses of water other than for public supplies. short-duration storms? Sketch a graph of intensity ver-
Which use requires the greatest amount of water? sus duration to illustrate your answer.
3. Is there a difference between water withdrawal and water 14. Which rainstorm is likely to cause more environmental
consumption? Name two nonwithdrawal uses of water. damage, a 1-year, 24-h storm or a 100-year, 8-h storm?
What are the likely environmental consequences of each
4. Briefly discuss the relative availability of water across
storm? (Use Figure 3-8 and Table 3-1.)
the United States.
15. List three basic characteristics of a drainage divide
5. Briefly outline the basic features of the hydrologic cycle.
6. What is the origin of subsurface water (groundwater)?
16. List three general characteristics of a watershed that
7. What is the meaning of rainfall intensity? How is it may affect the volume and rate of runoff.
17. What is a hydrograph?
8. What is an acre–foot?
18. What is meant by base flow of a perennial stream?
9. Briefly discuss the meaning of N-year storm.
19. Briefly explain the basic operation of a stream gaging
10. If a 5-year storm occurred today, when would you next station.
expect to observe a similar storm? Explain.
20. What is a stage–discharge curve?
11. Is a 50-year storm more likely to be observed than a
21. What is the MA7CD10 flow of a stream?
20-year storm? Explain.
74 chapter Three

22. What is a summation hydrograph and how is it used? 4. A storm of 30-min duration causes 75 mm of rainfall.
23. Sketch a typical reservoir capacity curve. Why do you Using the rainfall curves in Figure 3-6, estimate the
think it is shaped concave downward? probability of observing a similar storm in the next year.
24. What is the difference between the zone of aeration and 5. Using Equation 3-3, determine the expected rainfall
the zone of saturation? intensity for a storm of 1.5-h duration if A = 3000 and
B = 20.
25. What is a water table? What may cause it to change position?
6. What is the probability of a 20-year storm being equaled
26. What is an aquifer?
or exceeded in any given year?
27. What is the difference between a water table well and an
7. Based on the following record of weekly low flows in a
artesian well?
river, determine the MA7CD10 drought flow. Use the
28. Does groundwater constantly flow through the ground probability graph of Figure 3-19; multiply vertical axis
or is it stationary? Explain. values by 10.
29. What is the most common method of groundwater
withdrawal for public water supply? Briefly discuss con- Year Discharge, m3 >s Year Discharge, m3 >s
struction and operation details.
1998 50 2006 40
30. For a given rate of groundwater withdrawal, will the
drawdown occurring in a sand and gravel aquifer be 1999 47 2007 45
any different from that in a less permeable, silty aquifer? 2000 57 2008 50
Will there be any difference in the radius of influence? 2001 42 2009 33
2002 36 2010 45
Practice Problems 2003 39 2011 48
2004 53 2012 50
1. A total of 500 mm of rain fell on a 75-ha watershed in a
2005 44 2013 41
10-h period. Compute the average rainfall intensity and
the total volume of rain that fell on the watershed.
8. a. In Figure 3-28, a stream tributary to the south branch
2. A total of 1 in. of rain fell on a 96-ac area in 30 min. of the Raritan River is shown on a USGS topographic
Compute the average rainfall intensity and the total map. (The point of confluence is near BM 530 on the
­volume of rain that fell. railroad line.) Sketch the drainage divide line for the
3. Using the rainfall curves in Figure 3-6, determine the stream, beginning at its point of confluence.
expected rainfall intensity for (a) a 5-year storm of b. In Figure 3-29, Clyde Potts Reservoir is shown on a
10-min duration, (b) a 10-year storm of 1.5-h duration, USGS topographic map. Sketch the drainage basin
and (c) a 100-year storm of 2-h duration. boundary for the reservoir.

Figure 3-28  Illustration for Problem 8(a).

(Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey.)
Hydrology 75

Figure 3-29  Illustration for Problem 8(b).

(Courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey.)

9. A conservation reservoir is needed to provide a uniform 10. Compute the velocity of groundwater flow in soil that has
withdrawal or yield of 0.5 mgd without being depleted. a coefficient of permeability of 0.05 mm>s if the water
The streamflow records for the year of lowest flows are table drops 0.5 m in elevation over a distance of 100 m.
summarized on a monthly basis as follows:
11. The slope of a water table is determined to be 0.035, and
Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Jun the average velocity of groundwater flow is determined
Streamflow, to be 0.5 m>h. In what type of soil deposit is the flow
mil gal>month 20 20 10 2 10 38 probably occurring?

Month JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12. The specific yield of a 100-mm-diameter well is 2 m3>h
Streamflow, per meter. What is the yield of the well when the draw-
mil gal>month 8 3 2 6 30 50 down is 15 m? If the well diameter is doubled to 200
mm, what do you expect the yield to be at the same
Determine the required reservoir volume. drawdown of 15 m?
chapter Four

Water Quality

Chapter Outline Fluorides

4-1 Fundamental Concepts in Chemistry
Chlorine Residual
Elements and Compounds
Suspensions and Colloids
Expressing Concentrations
Acidity, Alkalinity, and pH
Acids, Bases, and pH
Toxic and Radioactive Substances
Organic Substances
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Concept of Mass Balance
4-4 Biological Parameters of Water Quality
4-2 Physical Parameters of Water Quality
Indicator Organisms
Testing for Coliforms
Color, Taste, and Odor
4-5 Water Sampling
4-3 Chemical Parameters of Water Quality
Grab Samples
Dissolved Oxygen
Composite Samples
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
General Requirements
Hardness 4-6 Chapter Synopsis
Iron, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc

T he topic of water quality focuses on the presence

of foreign substances in water and their effects on
people or the aquatic environment. Water of good
quality for one purpose may be considered to be of poor
quality for some other use. For example, water suitable for
Water has a remarkable tendency to dissolve other
s­ ubstances. Because of this, it is rarely found in nature in a
pure condition. Even water in a mountain stream, far from
civilization, contains some natural impurities in solution
and in suspension.
swimming may not be of good enough quality for drinking. Changes in water quality begin with precipitation.
But even drinking water may not be suitable for certain in- As rain falls through the atmosphere, it picks up dust par-
dustrial or manufacturing purposes that require pure water. ticles and such gases as oxygen and carbon dioxide. In some
What exactly is pure water? Just how pure does it have industrialized regions, the quality of rain water is altered
to be for drinking or for other uses? Obviously, it is not significantly before it ever touches the ground. Acid rain, a
enough to simply describe water quality as being “good” or prime example of this, is discussed in Chapter 13.
“poor.” Some quantitative measures for determining and Surface runoff picks up silt, bacteria, organic mate-
describing the condition of the water are needed. It is nec- rial, and dissolved minerals. Groundwater usually contains
essary to determine what substances are in the water and in more dissolved minerals than surface water because of its
what concentrations they are present. Some knowledge of longer contact with soil and rock. Finally, water quality is
the effects of those substances on public and environmen- very much affected by human activities, including land use
tal health is also needed. Finally, some yardsticks or stan- (such as agriculture) and the direct discharge of municipal
dards against which to compare the results of our analysis or industrial wastewaters to the environment.
and thereby judge the suitability of the water for a particu- Protecting water quality and modifying it for a particu-
lar use are needed. lar purpose are major objectives in the field of environmental

Water Quality 77

technology. It is therefore necessary to make use of techni- subsequent chapters as they relate to drinking water, surface
cal terms in discussing the various aspects of water qual- water, or wastewater treatment plant effluents.
ity and  pollution. In particular, reference to the different Portable field test kits, as illustrated in Figure 4-1, are
­parameters of physical, chemical, and biological quality particularly useful for conducting preliminary water quality
needs to be made. surveys. But for most water quality analyses to be official and
This chapter begins with an overview of chemical con- able to stand up to legal scrutiny if challenged, they must be
cepts and terminology. In the discussion of specific water done by qualified personnel in certified laboratories, following
quality parameters that follows, only brief reference is made standard methods.
to actual laboratory analysis procedures. These are thor-
oughly described in Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater (published by the American 4-1 Fundamental
Water Works Association) and other professional publica- Concepts in
tions. Discussion of water quality standards is included in
The study of water quality and pollution control requires a
basic knowledge of chemistry, a science that focuses on the
composition and properties of substances. For those students
with little or no previous training in chemistry, this section
will provide a foundation for an understanding of the envi-
ronmental topics covered later. It may serve as a quick review
for others.

Elements and Compounds

All matter is composed of basic substances, called elements,
which cannot be subdivided or broken down into simpler
substances by ordinary chemical change. The smallest part
of an element that can exist and still retain the same chemi-
cal characteristics of that substance is called an atom.
There are over 100 known elements. Some of the more
common elements along with the letters used to represent
them symbolically in chemical formulas and equations are
listed in Table 4-1.
The science of chemistry is also concerned with how
the elements react and combine with each other, forming
compounds. Compounds are substances made up of vari-
ous combinations of the basic elements. The smallest part of
a chemical compound that can exist and still retain the same
chemical properties of that compound is called a molecule.
Matter can exist in four states or phases. The three most
familiar states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases. The
atoms or molecules of matter in the solid state are ordered,
that is, they remain in a relatively stable geometric form with
respect to each other; solids have a definite shape and volume.
In liquids, the atoms or molecules are less ordered; liquids
have a definite volume but a variable shape, and can flow. In
gases, the atoms or molecules are completely disordered; gases
have neither definite shape nor volume. Matter can change
phase and exist in either of these states, depending on tem-
perature and pressure. The phases of the elements listed in
Table 4-1 (and the compounds in Table 4-2) are at standard
temperature 0°C (32°F) and pressure 100 kPa (14.5 psi).
The fourth state of matter, called plasma, exists in the
Figure 4-1  Portable water testing kits are used in the form of a gaslike cloud at such extremely high temperatures
field to measure (a) chemical and physical quality
(Courtesy of HACH Company.) and (b) microbiological that the particles comprising it are electrically charged and
or sanitary quality (Courtesy of EMD Millipore respond to electromagnetic fields (e.g., lightning and flame).
Corporation). Plasma is actually the most common state of matter, existing
78 chapter Four

Table 4-1 Common Elements and Their c­ ompounds. Organic compounds are typically complex
Symbols and Atomic Weights ­molecules of carbon in combination with other elements,
such as hydrogen and oxygen.
Element Symbol Atomic weight Inorganic compounds usually do not contain carbon,
Aluminum (solid) Al 27
although there are exceptions to this. In a very general sense,
organic compounds are closely related to living organ-
Arsenic (solid) As 75
isms, whereas inorganic compounds are more a part of the
Barium (solid) Ba 137 inanimate world. A list of common inorganic compounds is
Cadmium (solid) Cd 112 presented in Table 4-2. Many of these compounds are used
Calcium (solid) Ca 40 in water or wastewater treatment operations and are men-
Carbon (solid) C 12 tioned again later. The list includes the chemical name, the
Chlorine (gas) Cl 35
common name, and the formula of each compound, as well
as its physical state (solid, liquid, or gas) at ordinary room
Chromium (solid) Cr 24
temperature and pressure.
Copper (solid) Cu 64
Fluorine (gas) F 19 Atomic Structure  The way in which elements combine
Hydrogen (gas) H 1 with each other to form compounds depends on their atomic
Iron (solid) Fe 56 structure. A simplified model of atomic structure includes a
Lead (solid) Pb 207
dense center or nucleus of positively charged particles called
protons and uncharged or neutral particles called neutrons.
Magnesium (solid) Mg 24
Very light, negatively charged particles called electrons spin
Manganese (solid) Mn 55 around the atomic nucleus in concentric shells or orbitals.
Mercury (liquid) Hg 201 To illustrate this basic model of atomic structure, sche-
Nitrogen (gas) N 14 matic diagrams of a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom are
Oxygen (gas) O 16 shown in Figure 4-2.
Phosphorus (solid) P 31
The unique identity of an element is established by the
number of protons in its nucleus, called its atomic number.
Potassium (solid) K 39
Each element has a different atomic number. For example,
Selenium (solid) Se 79
the atomic number of hydrogen is 1, and the atomic number
Silicon (solid) Si 28 of oxygen is 8. The atoms themselves are electrically neutral
Silver (solid) Ag 108 because the number of negatively charged electrons orbiting
Sodium (solid) Na 23 the nucleus is the same as the number of positively charged
Sulfur (solid) S 32 protons inside the nucleus; the opposite charges cancel or
balance each other.
Zinc (solid) Zn 65
The total number of protons plus neutrons in a nucleus
is called the mass number of the element and is approxi-
mately equal to its atomic weight. The electron has very little
in stars and in the seemingly empty vastness of interstel- mass or weight compared to the proton. For example, the
lar space. As is discussed later, a process called plasma arc atomic weight of hydrogen is 1 (because it has no neutrons
gasification finds application in certain waste treatment and in its nucleus) and the atomic weight of oxygen is 16 (eight
disposal systems (see Sections 11-4 and 12-3). protons plus eight neutrons).
Molecules can be represented using combinations of the The way an element behaves chemically depends pri-
symbols for the atoms in the molecule; such a combination marily on the number of electrons in the atom’s outermost
is called a chemical formula. For example, a single molecule shell or orbital. The orbital closest to the nucleus is most sta-
of water is composed of two atoms of hydrogen H and one ble when it has two electrons, which is the maximum it can
atom of oxygen O. Its chemical formula is H2O, pronounced contain. The second orbital is most stable when it contains
“H-two-O.” The subscript 2 after the H indicates that two its maximum of eight electrons. Larger atoms have addi-
atoms of hydrogen are in a water molecule. The formula for tional electron orbitals.
iron oxide, commonly called rust, is Fe3O4, indicating that
there are three atoms of iron and four atoms of oxygen in Formation of Molecules  Compounds are formed
one molecule of this compound. by either the transfer or the sharing of electrons among
There are hundreds of thousands of known com- two or more atoms. For example, sodium chloride, NaCl, is
pounds. Chemists have traditionally separated them into formed by the transfer of one electron from the outermost
two broad groups, called organic compounds and inorganic shell of the Na atom to the outermost shell of the Cl atom.
Water Quality 79

Table 4-2  Common Inorganic Compounds

Chemical name Common name State Formula

Aluminum sulfate Alum Solid Al2(SO4)2

Ammonia — Gas NH3
Calcium carbonate Limestone Solid CaCO3
Calcium hydroxide Slaked lime Solid Ca(OH)2
Calcium hypochlorite — Solid Ca(ClO)2
Calcium oxide Lime Solid CaO
Carbon dioxide — Gas CO2
Carbon monoxide — Gas CO
Chlorine — Gas Cl2
Copper sulfate Blue vitriol Solid CuSO4
Hydrochloric acid Muriatic acid Liquid HCl
Hydrogen — Gas H2
Hydrogen sulfide — Gas H2S
Hypochlorous acid — Liquid HClO
Iron oxide Rust Solid Fe3O4
Nitric acid — Liquid HNO3
Nitrogen — Gas N2
Nitrogen dioxide — Gas NO2
Nitrogen oxide — Gas NO
Oxygen — Gas O2
Ozone — Gas O3
Sodium carbonate Soda ash Solid Na2CO3
Sodium chloride Table salt Solid NaCl
Sodium hydroxide Lye Solid NaOH
Sodium hypochlorite — Solid NaClO
Sulfur dioxide — Gas SO2
Sulfuric acid Oil of vitriol Liquid H2SO4

Electrons As a result, the Na has a positive charge, and the Cl has a

negative charge. Because unlike charges attract each other,
the compound NaCl is formed as the Na+ and Cl- ions stick
together. This is an example of what is called ionic bonding
between atoms. (Ions are discussed later in the chapter.)
1p 8p In the case of the water molecule, H2O, the two atoms
8n of hydrogen tend to share their electrons with the oxygen
Nucleus atom, as illustrated in Figure 4-3. This is called covalent
bonding. In ionic bonding there is a complete transfer of
Hydrogen electrons, but in covalent bonding the outer orbitals are sta-
bilized by a sharing of electrons.
p = Proton Oxygen
n = Neutron
The atoms in a water molecule are arranged at an angle
instead of along a straight line, and the shared electrons
Figure 4-2  The solar system model of atomic structure
are pulled closer to the oxygen atom than to the hydro-
for hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen has one proton in
its nucleus; oxygen has eight protons and eight gen atoms. This results in what is called a polar molecule,
neutrons. in which the positive and negative charges are not evenly
80 chapter Four

Carbon, C, and manganese, Mn, are dissolved in iron, form-

ing steel, an example of a solid solution.
In these mixtures, the substance present in the largest
amount is called the solvent, and the substances present in
smaller amounts are called solutes. The properties of solu-
Shared tions differ from the properties of the solvent. For example,
electrons 8n Shared although water freezes at 0°C, the presence of a dissolved
electrons salt, such as NaCl, in water lowers the freezing point of the
solution to below 0°C. Most chemical changes or reactions
take place in solution.
1p 1n
Consider the aqueous solution of sugar shown sche-
matically in Figure 4-5. The individual sugar molecules are
Oxygen uniformly dispersed throughout the water and do not settle
out to the bottom. The solute molecules will always remain
Hydrogen evenly mixed in the solvent because of the kinetic energy
Figure 4-3  The water molecule, written as H2O, is formed and constant motion of the molecules.
by the sharing of electrons between a hydrogen and an If more sugar is added, the solution will eventually
­oxygen atom. This is an example of covalent bonding. reach a state where the sugar molecules no longer dis-
solve. At this point, the solution is called a saturated solu-
distributed. The  oxygen end of the molecule is negatively tion. Temperature has a great effect on the saturation point,
charged and the hydrogen ends are positively charged. It is that is, on the amount of solute a solution can hold before it
this polarity of the water molecule that accounts for most becomes saturated. Most solid substances are more soluble
of its properties, including its ability to dissolve many other in warm water than in cold water (e.g., increasing the tem-
substances. A schematic drawing of polar water molecules perature of the sugar–water solution will allow more sugar
and the hydrogen bonds that hold them together in a ­volume molecules to dissolve).
of water is shown in Figure 4-4. Some liquid substances can dissolve in water without
limit. Alcohol, for example, can be mixed with water in all
proportions. If there is more alcohol than water, the alcohol
Solutions is then considered to be the solvent and water, the solute.
A solution is a uniform mixture of two or more substances The solubility of various gases in water, such as oxy-
existing in a single phase, that is, as a solid, a liquid, or a gas. gen, carbon dioxide, and chlorine, is of particular concern
Solutions in water are called aqueous solutions and are the in environmental technology. As with solids, the solubil-
most familiar to people. Carbon monoxide, CO, can be con- ity of gases depends on temperature, but the relationship
sidered to be dissolved in the air; this is a gaseous solution. is just the opposite of that for solids. The solubility of a gas
decreases with increasing temperature.
The solubility of oxygen is of particular importance in
H water quality, as discussed in more detail later in this chap-
ter and in Chapter 5. Typical saturation values of dissolved
oxygen in freshwater, at selected temperatures, are sum-
marized in Table 4-3 (see Section 4-3), which illustrates the



H Hydrogen bonds
between polar H
water molecules

Figure 4-5  Schematic representation of an aqueous sugar

Figure 4-4  Water molecules stick together because of solution. The sugar molecules remain uniformly dispersed
­attractive forces in what are called hydrogen bonds. in the volume of water.
Water Quality 81

very limited solubility of oxygen and the pronounced effect

of temperature on its solubility.
The term “mg>L” used in the table for the concentration
of oxygen in the water is an abbreviation for milligrams per
liter. This and other ways of expressing concentrations are Chloride ion Cl–
discussed on pages 82 to 84.
Factors other than temperature also affect the solubil-
ity of gases. At higher altitudes and lower atmospheric pres-
sures, the solubility of a gas is less than it is at sea level. Also, Sodium ion Na+
increasing the salinity, or salt content, decreases the solu-
bility of gases. For example, less oxygen can be dissolved in Water molecules
seawater than in freshwater under the same conditions of
temperature and pressure.
Figure 4-6  A schematic representation of an ionic solution
Ionization  In the previous illustration of an aqueous of sodium chloride, NaCl, in water.
sugar solution, the sugar molecules retained their identity.
In other words, they did not break apart into fragments
smaller than sugar molecules. The uncharged or neutral The SO42- is called a sulfate ion; it has a double negative
sugar molecules remained dispersed in the solution, sur- charge, balancing the total positive charge of the two hydro-
rounded by the water molecules. gen ions. The complex sulfate ion behaves like a simple ion,
There are many substances, however, that dissociate, in that it does not dissociate into smaller fragments.
or break apart, as they dissolve, forming smaller electri- Other complex ions of interest in environmental appli-
cally charged particles called ions. This process is called cations include nitrate, NO3- , phosphate, PO42- , ammonium,
ionization. Ions have positive or negative electrical charges, NH4+ , and hypochlorite, OCl- . There are many others, some
depending on how many electrons they retain when they are of which appear in later discussions of water treatment and
formed. (Heating a gas to very high temperatures can also pollution.
form ions; see the earlier discussion of plasma).
Sodium chloride, NaCl, was previously described as an Ionizing Radiation  Radiation is the emission of energy
ionic compound because of the nature of the chemical bond from the nucleus of an atom. The atoms of certain elements
between the Na+ and Cl- ions. Sodium chloride dissociates are unstable (have excess energy), and they spontaneously
in water, as shown in the following chemical equation: emit ionizing radiation in a process called radioactive decay.
This is of particular concern in environmental technology
NaCl S Na+ + Cl-
with regard to drinking water quality, indoor air quality, and
sodium positive negative
radioactive waste disposal. Exposure to radioactive contam-
chloride   sodium ion   chloride ion
inants (called radionuclides) in drinking water or air can
The sodium ion, Na+ , has a positive charge because it has ­result in an increased risk of cancer and other adverse health
given up its outermost electron to the chlorine atom and there- effects in humans.
fore has more protons than electrons. The chloride ion, Cl- , is Although all atoms of the same element have the same
negative because it has more electrons than protons; its outer number of protons, it is possible for atoms of one element to
shell is stable with the extra electron from the sodium atom. have different numbers of neutrons. Atoms of the same ele-
Ionic solutions are neutral; the total positive charges must ment with different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes
equal the total negative charges in the solution. Figure 4-6 of that element. When an unstable nucleus of a radioactive
illustrates schematically the solution of NaCl in water. isotope emits radiation (decays), it is altered, and another
isotope or a new element is formed. The time required for
Polyatomic Ions  In some cases, molecules dissociate half of a large number of identical radioactive atoms to
into charged particles consisting of groups of atoms that act decay is called the half-life, and this can vary substantially
together as a unit. These charged fragments are called poly- from one isotope to another. For example, a radioactive iso-
atomic ions (or complex ions), and they have special names tope of iodine used in medical applications has a half-life
that are used quite frequently in water chemistry. For exam- of about 8 days, while the half-life of a radioactive cesium
ple, the water molecule can dissociate into a hydrogen ion, isotope found in spent nuclear fuel is about 30 years. And
H+ , and a hydroxyl ion, OH- , as follows: uranium, which has been present in the Earth’s crust since it
was formed, has a half-life of about 5 billion years.
H2O S H+ + OH- Ionizing radiation occurs in three forms: alpha particles,
Sulfuric acid is an example of a compound that dissoci- beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles (compris-
ates readily in water, as follows: ing two protons and two neutrons) are relatively slow mov-
ing and can travel only a few inches in air. A sheet of paper
H2SO4 S 2H+ + SO42- or the outer layer of a person’s skin can easily shield them.
82 chapter Four

Beta particles (free electrons, not attached to an atom) are solutions, are called colloids. Colloids occur in both air and
more energetic and can travel a few feet in air. A thin sheet water. In water, for example, clay particles or tiny fragments
of aluminum foil or glass can stop them. Gamma rays (high- of decaying vegetation and organic wastes may form colloidal
energy x-rays) require shielding by thick layers of concrete, suspensions. In air, colloidal suspensions of tiny solid par-
lead, steel, soil, or water. ticles (smoke) or liquid particles (fog) are often encountered.
When ionizing radiation passes through any material, it Like the particles in a true solution, the particles in a
can displace or “knock” electrons out of their atomic orbit- colloidal suspension cannot be seen under a microscope. In
als, forming ions, hence its name. Because ions have an elec- a true solution, a beam of light can pass through the solution
trical charge, they are easy to detect. This makes it possible to without any scattering of the light. However, in a colloidal
measure the amount of radiation present, even at extremely suspension, the colloidal particles will scatter the light, allow-
low levels. If ions are formed in living tissue, such as in the ing the beam to be seen. This is called the Tyndall effect, and
human body, they can cause damage. A primary health con- it is one of the characteristics distinguishing colloids from
cern occurs when alpha- and beta particle–emitting mate- solutions. The Tyndall effect is illustrated in Figure 4-7.
rials are ingested or inhaled, thereby damaging lungs and Colloidal particles may have either all positive or all neg-
other tissues. The radiation destabilizes the atoms as it trav- ative electrical charges of various magnitudes, depending on
els through living tissue cells, causing damage that can lead the nature of the substance. Because like charges repel each
to death of the cell or to unnatural reproduction of the cell other, colloidal particles keep their distance from each other.
(i.e., cancer). Gamma rays can pass completely through the There is a force of repulsion between them. Because colloi-
human body, and may cause ionization and adverse health dal particles repel each other, they very rarely collide, so they
effects in any organ in the body. have no chance to stick together to form larger, heavier par-
ticles. In addition to their small size, this is a basic reason
that colloids are stable and do not settle out of suspension.
Suspensions and Colloids A very common water treatment process involves the addi-
Although many substances occur in solution in molecular tion of certain chemicals to neutralize the effect of the colloi-
or ionic form (true solution), some substances may be sus- dal charges. This allows the particles and chemicals to collide
pended in the mixture in fragments significantly larger than and form flocs, which can settle out or be separated from the
the size of molecules. The properties of these mixtures dif- water by filters. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6.
fer from those of true solutions and are of particular signifi-
cance in environmental technology. Expressing Concentrations
Perhaps one of the most important characteristics of a true
solution is that the solute particles do not settle out or separate The properties of solutions, suspensions, and colloids depend
from the mixture, no matter how long the solution remains to a large extent on their concentrations. A dilute or weak
under quiescent or still conditions. Furthermore, solutes can- solution has a relatively small amount of solute dissolved
not be physically separated from the solvent by conventional in the solvent. It has characteristics different from those of
filters (although some synthetic membranes can separate or a concentrated or strong solution of the same substance, in
filter out small molecules from water; see Section 6.6).
In contrast to this, most suspended particles, if
allowed enough time, will settle out from the water, due
to gravity. Also, suspended particles can be removed from
the water by filters. Because of this, suspensions of silt,
organic material, and even microbes are among the first
of the impurities to be removed in conventional water and
sewage treatment systems. Solution
A suspension of relatively large particles is called a coarse
suspension. In quiescent or still water, large particles settle Light Beam
out of the water in a matter of minutes. Finer particles, how- source of
ever, take many hours to settle out. Even some bacteria, about beam
0.001 mm, or 1 mm in size, eventually settle to the bottom
(a mm, pronounced “micrometer,” is one millionth, or 10-6,
of a meter; see Appendix D for further discussion of metric
terms and symbols). It can be predicted mathematically that
bacteria will settle at a rate of about 1 m in 175 h, but this is
hardly an efficient way to remove bacteria from water.
Extremely fine particles, those less than about 0.1 mm, are Colloid
generally too small to settle out because of the force of grav-
ity or to be removed by most filters. These particles, smaller Figure 4-7  The Tyndall effect: light is scattered by the
than those in coarse suspensions but larger than those in true ­colloidal particles, and the light beam is visible in the liquid.
Water Quality 83

which a relatively large amount of solute is present. Because have been developed that can measure “trace amounts” of
concentrations need to be expressed quantitatively, instead dissolved substances, at levels of nanograms per liter or
of qualitative terms like “dilute” or “strong,” concentrations parts per trillion (ppt). A concentration of 1 nanogram per
are usually expressed in terms of mass per unit volume, parts liter (1 ng>L) is equivalent to 1 ppt.
per million or billion, or percent. In professional practice, it is generally best to express
chemical concentrations in terms of mass per unit volume.
Mass per Unit Volume  One of the most common terms That is, mg>L rather than ppm, and mg>L rather than its
for concentration is mg>L. For example, if a mass of equivalent of ppb. Also, ng>L is preferred over ppt. But both
10  mg of oxygen is dissolved in a volume of 1 L of water, types of unit expressions are still generally in use and stu-
the concentration of that solution is expressed simply as dents of environmental technology should be familiar with
10 mg>L. If 0.3 g of salt is dissolved in 1500 mL of water, each.
then the concentration is expressed as 300 mg , 1.5 L =
200 mg>L, where 0.3 g = 300 mg and 1500 mL = 1.5 L Percentage Concentration  Concentrations in excess
11g = 1000 mg; 1 L = 1000 mL2. of 10,000 mg>L are generally expressed in terms of percent,
Very dilute solutions are more conveniently expressed for convenience. For practical purposes, the conversion of
in terms of micrograms per liter 1mg>L2. For example, a 1 percent = 10,000 mg>L can be used even though the den-
concentration of 0.004 mg>L is preferably written as its sities of the solutions are slightly more than that of pure water
equivalent 4 mg>L. Because 1000 mg = 1 mg, simply move 110,000 mg>L = 10,000 mg>1,000,000 mg = 1 mg>100 mg =
the decimal point three places to the right when converting 1 percent2.
from mg>L to mg>L. Move the decimal three places to the The concentration of salts in seawater is about 35,000
left when converting from mg>L to mg>L. For example, a mg>L. To convert to percent salts, divide by 10,000, obtain-
concentration of 1250 mg>L is equivalent to 1.25 mg>L. ing 3.5 percent. The concentration of wastewater sludge may
In air, concentration of particulate matter or gases is be about 3 percent solids. To convert this to mg>L, multiply
commonly expressed in terms of micrograms per cubic meter by 10,000, getting 30,000 mg>L solids.
1mg>m3 2. (Computations related to the concentrations of A concentration expressed in terms of percent may also
air pollutants are discussed in Section 13-6.) be computed from the following equation:
mass of solute 1mg2
Parts per Million, Billion, or Trillion  One liter of percent = * 100 (4-1)
water has a mass of 1 kg (at standard pressure and tem- mass of solvent 1mg2
perature). But 1 kg is equivalent to 1000 g or 1 million mg.
Therefore, if 1 mg of a substance is dissolved in 1 L of water, U.S. Customary Units  The expression grains per gallon
we can say that there is 1 mg of solute per 1 million mg of ( gpg) is sometimes used for the concentrations of certain
water. In other words, there is a concentration of one part ­substances in water. One grain per gallon is equivalent to a
per million (1 ppm). concentration of 17.1 milligrams per liter: 1 gpg = 17.1 mg>L.
Neglecting the small change in the density of water as The expression pounds per million gallons is also used in
substances are dissolved in it, we can say that, in general, a U.S. Customary units of concentration for water treatment
concentration of 1 mg per liter is equivalent to one part per applications. Because 1 gal of water weighs 8.34 lb, 1 gal>mil
million: 1 mg>L = 1 ppm. Conversions are very simple; for gal is the same as 8.34 lb>mil gal. Or we can say that 1 mg>L =
example, a concentration of 17.5 mg>L is identical to 17.5 ppm. 8.34 lb>mil gal. To convert from mg>L to lb>mil gal, multiply
The expression parts per million is useful in convey- by 8.34; to go from lb>mil gal to mg>L, divide by 8.34.
ing a picture of just how small most of the concentrations
encountered in environmental technology actually are. If  Example 4-1
2.5 kg (or a little more than a 1 L container) of salt were dis- A 500-mL aqueous salt solution has 125 mg of salt dissolved
solved in an Olympic-sized swimming pool, the concentra- in it. Express the concentration of this solution in terms of
tion of salt would be about 1 ppm. Also, the ratio, “one part (a) mg>L, (b) ppm, (c) gpg, (d) percent, and (e) lb>mil gal.
per million,” is roughly the same ratio as 1 inch to 16 miles,
and 1 second to 12 days. Solution
Very dilute concentrations can be expressed in terms of (a) 125 mg>500 mL * 1000 mL>L = 250 mg>L.
parts per billion (ppb), instead of parts per million, where
(b) 250 mg>L = 250 ppm.
1 ppb = 1 mg>L. For example, a concentration of 0.005
ppm can also be written as its equivalent of 5 ppb. (One (c) 250 mg>L * 1 gpg>17.1 mg>L = 14.6 gpg.
part per billion corresponds roughly to 1 second in 33 years, (d) Applying Equation 4-1 and the fact that 500 mL of water
or a single penny in 10 million dollars.) Even such tiny has a mass of 500 g gives
­concentrations of some substances can significantly affect percent = 0.125 g>500 g * 100 = 0.025 percent
environmental quality and human health. Modern ana-
lytical instruments are capable of detecting these very low Or divide 250 mg>L by 10,000 to get 0.025 percent.
concentrations. In fact, very sensitive analytical instruments (e) 250 mg>L * 8.34 = 2090 lb>mil gal.
84 chapter Four

Example 4-2 illustrates this scale, along with the relative positions of some
How many pounds of chlorine gas should be dissolved in familiar substances.
8 mil gal of water to result in a concentration of 0.2 mg>L? In more technical terms, pH is defined as the negative
logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. For example,
Solution in pure water the numerical value of the hydrogen ion con-
0.2 mg>L * 8.34 = 1.67 lb>mil gal centration is 10-7. The logarithm (or exponent) is -7, and
the negative of that is 7.
and Because the pH scale is based on logarithms to the base
1.67 lb>mil gal * 8 mil gal ≈ 13 lb 10, each unit change in pH actually represents a t­enfold
change in the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. For
instance, a solution with pH = 5 is ten times more acidic than
Acids, Bases, and pH
a solution with pH = 6. Likewise, a solution with pH = 4 is
An acid is a substance that causes an increase of the hydro- 100 times more acidic than the solution with pH = 6.
gen ion 1H+ 2 concentration in an aqueous solution. A
­substance that causes the hydroxyl 1OH- 2 concentration Organic Substances
to increase is called a base. Acids and bases may be charac-
terized as strong or weak, depending on the degree to which The defining characteristic of an organic compound is that
they increase the relative concentrations of H+ or OH- . it contains carbon in combination with other elements, such
Hydrochloric acid, HCl, is an example of a strong acid as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.
that readily dissociates in water, forming H+ and Cl- ions; All living organisms are composed of organic compounds,
the H+ concentration in the water is greatly increased. some of which are so complex in molecular structure that
Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, is an example of a strong base they are still not fully understood by scientists.
that dissociates into Na+ and OH- , greatly increasing the Hundreds of thousands of organic chemicals are known
OH- concentration. A substance that is basic, like NaOH, is to exist. Many of these occur naturally in animal and plant
also called an alkaline substance. tissues and wastes. Other organic compounds are synthetic
The chemical reaction between an acid and a base is substances that never occur in nature outside the chemist’s
called neutralization. The two products of a neutralization laboratory. The basic reason for there being so many organic
reaction are water and a salt. Table salt, NaCl, for example, compounds, both natural and synthetic, is that a carbon
is a product of the neutralization reaction between hydro- atom combines readily with other carbon atoms and other
chloric acid, HCl, and sodium hydroxide, NaOH, as follows: elements, linking together in long chains or rings.
Organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen
HCL + NaOH S NaCl + H2O are called hydrocarbons. The simplest hydrocarbon is meth-
ane, CH4, which is a gas at ordinary temperature and pressure.
The pH Scale  The pH is a dimensionless number that It is produced naturally during the decay of other organic
indicates the strength of an acidic or basic solution. The pH compounds, such as those found in sewage sludge or garbage.
scale ranges from 0 to 14. The middle of the range, pH = 7, The simplest ring hydrocarbon is benzene, C6H6, in
represents a neutral solution, or one that is neither acidic which the carbon atoms link together to form a hexagon-
nor basic. Pure water is neutral because it contains the same shaped ring. Butane is an example of a straight-chain
number of hydrogen ions, H+ , as hydroxyl ions, OH- . hydrocarbon molecule. Schematic diagrams showing the
Solutions with pH values less than 7 are acidic; those molecular structure of methane, benzene, and butane are
with pH values greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Figure 4-8 shown in Figure 4-9.
In addition to the ability of carbon atoms to bond to each
The pH Scale other, forming rings and chains of various lengths, different
Pure groups of atoms can readily replace the hydrogen atoms in
Sulfuric Orange Egg Milk of
the hydrocarbons. This is another reason for the existence of
acid juice Milk white magnesia Lye the extremely large number of organic substances.
The classification of different organic chemicals depends
on which particular group of atoms replaces the hydrogen.
Alcohols, for example, are formed when hydrogen atoms
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 are replaced by hydroxyl groups. Methanol, CH3OH, is an
Strong N Strong example of an alcohol used in solvents and fuel additives. Its
acid E base molecular structure is illustrated schematically in Figure 4-10.
Increasing T Increasing Ethanol, C2H5OH, is an alcohol resulting from the fermenta-
acidity R alkalinity
tion of sugar and is found in alcoholic beverages. Oxidation
L of alcohol may result in organic compounds called aldehydes
Figure 4-8  The pH scale is used to indicate the intensity or and ketones.
strength of an acidic or basic solution. A pH of 7 is neutral, Organic acids are formed when the carboxyl group,
neither acidic nor basic. —COOH, replaces hydrogen in a hydrocarbon. Acetic acid,
Water Quality 85


Methane CH4 H C H

Benzene C6H6


Butane C4H10 H C C C C H


Figure 4-9  Schematic representations of the molecular structures for three common organic
compounds called hydrocarbons.

Methanol The –COOH group

is characteristic of
H O all organic acids


This hydroxyl Figure 4-11  Molecular structure of acetic acid, commonly
ion has found in vinegar.
replaced an H
from methane
Carbohydrates are the most abundant group of biode-
gradable organic compounds and are sometimes called the
This hydroxyl ion “fuel of life.” They are the basic products of photosynthesis
has replaced an H in green plants. Photosynthesis is the process by which the
from an ethane
molecule sun’s energy is converted into a form that can be used by liv-
H H ing organisms (see Section 1-3).
Carbohydrate molecules are formed from the elements
H C C OH carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; the hydrogen and oxygen
always occur in the same proportion as in water, that is, two
to one. The sugar called glucose is an example of a simple
Figure 4-10  Molecular structure for two different types of carbohydrate. Its molecular structure is illustrated schemati-
alcohol: methanol and ethanol. The OH- group replaces an cally in Figure 4-12. Sucrose, common table sugar, is a carbo-
H atom in both types.
hydrate formed by the combination of glucose and another
commonly found in vinegar, is an example of an organic sugar called fructose. Starch and cellulose are larger and more
acid. It is illustrated in Figure 4-11. complex carbohydrates that are not as biodegradable as the
Many organic substances are biodegradable. This is simpler sugars. Cellulose is the primary material in plants.
a popular term used in reference to substances that can be Fats are also biodegradable organic compounds, and are
used by microbes as food; biodegradable organic molecules composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. Although
are readily broken down into smaller, simpler molecules by they are important energy storage molecules in living organ-
biological action. isms, they are not very soluble in water, and decompose at
86 chapter Four

H H H OH H H balance can be applied to determine the concentration of

the mixed solution discharged from the tank because under
H C C C C C C steady-state conditions, the total amount of salt entering the
tank must be equal to the total amount leaving the tank. In
other words, because the salt neither decays nor reacts with
Figure 4-12  Molecular structure of the sugar called glucose, other substances (in this example), the concentration of salt
C6H12O6. in the mixture in the tank stays constant over time.
The product of concentration and volume flow rate
a slow rate. Proteins (formed from amino acids) are much equals the mass flow rate because mg>L * L>d = mg>d,
more complex than carbohydrates or fats, and they form the where the volume flow rate in this example is expressed in
primary substance of animal tissue. In addition to carbon, terms of liters per day, or L>d. (See Appendix D for a discus-
oxygen, and hydrogen, proteins contain nitrogen and sulfur. sion of unit cancellation.) For convenience here, consider
that the time interval is 1 d. Then the product of c1 * Q1
Concept of Mass Balance must equal the mass of salt entering the vessel in 1 d from the
first pipe. Similarly, c2 * Q2 equals the mass of salt entering
A fundamental concept in science is the law of conserva-
the tank from the second pipe. The total mass of salt enter-
tion of matter. This means that when there is no appreciable
ing the tank in 1 d, that is, the input, must be equal to the
­conversion of mass into energy, the sum of the masses of
sum from the two pipes, or input = c1 * Q1 + c2 * Q2.
substances entering into a reaction must always equal the
The total mass of salt leaving the tank equals the product
sum of the masses of the products of the reaction. Even if
of the concentration in the mixture c3 and the volume flow
there is no chemical reaction occurring, the law of conserva-
rate leaving the tank. Because water is virtually incompress-
tion underlies the concept of mass balance (also called mate-
ible, however, that flow rate must be Q1 + Q2. Therefore,
rial balance) and is useful in environmental technology.
the output of salt is c3 * 1Q1 + Q2 2. Because the concept of
Mass balance calculations play an important role in the
mass or material balance applies here and output = input,
design and operation of water, sewage, air, and solid waste
the following relationship is obtained:
treatment processes. In treatment systems, the physical,
chemical, and biochemical processes usually occur in vessels c3 * 1Q1 + Q2 2 = c1 * Q1 + c2 * Q2
or tanks called reactors, and the particular reactions or pro-
Solving the previous equation for c3 by dividing both sides by
cesses are referred to as unit processes. In the simplest case, it
1Q1 + Q2 2, we obtain the following mass balance equation:
can be said that the input must equal the output, or, in other
words, “what goes in must go out.’’ If this does not occur, c1 * Q1 + c2 * Q2
c3 =
there must be an accumulation (or depletion) of the material Q1 + Q2
in the reactor equal to the difference between the input and
output, or accumulation = input - output. Because, in this Mass balance calculations can also be applied to natural envi-
kind of situation, the composition of material in the reactor ronmental systems, such as streams, rivers, lakes, and even
changes with time, it is referred to as an unsteady-state oper- the  atmosphere. Examples of the application of the mass
ation. In a steady-state operation, it can be assumed that the ­balance equation derived here are included in Section 5-4.
rates of input and output are constant, as is the composition
of the completely mixed reactor.
Suppose, for example, two pipes containing salt solutions 4-2 Physical Parameters
discharge into a tank in which the two solutions are com- of Water Quality
pletely mixed, and a third pipe carries the mixture out of the The parameters that are commonly used to describe the
tank (as shown in Figure 4-13). The solution in the first pipe physical quality of water include turbidity, temperature,
has a concentration of c1 mg>L and that in the second pipe color, taste, and odor.
has a concentration of c2 mg>L. The flow rates in the pipes
are Q1 and Q2, respectively. The concept of mass or material
When small particles are suspended in water, they tend to
Salt solution c1 scatter and absorb light rays. This gives the water a murky
Q1 Completely Salt solution c3
Salt solution c2 stirred Q3 or turbid appearance, and this effect is called turbidity.
Q2 tank reactor Clay, silt, tiny fragments of organic matter, and microscopic
organisms are some of the substances that cause turbidity.
Figure 4-13  Mass balance sketch. The total mass of salt They occur in water naturally or because of human activities
e­ ntering the tank on the left must equal the total mass of salt and pollution.
leaving the tank on the right 1input = output2. If the salt
concentrations and volume flow rates in pipes 1 and 2 are Turbidity is a particularly important parameter of
known, the concentration of salt in pipe 3 can be calculated drinking water quality. Suspended particles can provide hid-
using a mass balance equation. Note that Q3 = Q1 + Q2. ing places for harmful microorganisms and thereby shield
Water Quality 87

them from the disinfection process in a water treatment

plant. Because of this shielding effect, the microbes can be Viewer's line
of sight
consumed by people who drink the water, and the spread of
disease may result.
Turbidity in drinking water is also unacceptable for
esthetic reasons—it makes the water look very unappetizing.
Turbidity units read here
Most people find even a slight degree of turbidity in their on glass tube
water objectionable. Even when told that the water is safe to
drink in spite of its turbidity, people tend to seek alternative
water supplies (which could possibly be of poorer quality). glass
Turbidity is measured in units that relate the clarity tube Water sample is added to the
of the water sample to that of a standardized suspension of tube until the candle flame
silica. The interference in the passage of light caused by a is just obscured from view
suspension of 1 mg>L of silica is equivalent to one turbidity
unit (TU). For example, a water sample that has the same
degree of cloudiness as a 10 mg>L suspension of silica has a
turbidity of 10 TU.
To interpret turbidity data, it is useful to be familiar
with the typical ranges that occur. Turbidity in excess of
5 TU is just noticeable to the average person; most people
do not complain about the clarity of the water at TU values Figure 4-14  The candle turbidimeter.
less than 5. Turbidity in what most people would consider to
be a relatively clear lake may be as high as 25 TU. In muddy white Secchi disks may be lowered into the water on a line
water, turbidity generally exceeds 100 TU. Modern water marked off in meters until the disk disappears from view.
treatment plants can routinely produce crystal clear water The depth of the disk at that point can be correlated with the
with turbidities of less than 1 TU. turbidity of the lake water.
Groundwater normally has very low turbidity because
of the natural filtration that occurs as the water percolates
through the soil. Most streams and rivers, though, have rela-
tively high turbidities. This is particularly true during and Fish and other aquatic organisms require certain conditions
just after rainstorms, which cause soil erosion. The treat- of temperature in order to live and reproduce. The optimum
ment of turbid stream water for drinking supplies can be an temperature for trout, for example, is 15°C. A temperature
expensive process; the greater the turbidity, the greater is the of about 24°C is best for perch, and carp do very well at a
amount of chemicals needed and the more frequently the fil- cozy 32°C, which is more than twice the preferred tem-
ters must be cleaned. perature for trout (a coldwater fish). (See Appendix D.2 for
For drinking water, instruments called nephelometers ­discussion of temperature units and conversions.)
are used to measure the turbidity after purification. These Most species can adapt to a moderate change from
devices measure the amount of scattered light electronically their optimum temperature, but if the change is excessive,
and do not depend on human vision or judgment in making the organisms will perish or migrate to a new location.
comparisons to standard suspensions. Measurements made Generally, a change of about 5°C can significantly alter the
with nephelometric turbidimeters may be expressed in balance and health of an aquatic environment. Sudden drops
terms of NTU instead of just TU, to indicate how the mea- in temperature can be harmful, but usually an increase in
surement was made. Turbidity in filtered drinking water in temperature will cause more damage than a decrease (thus,
the United States must be equal to or less than 0.5 NTU in at rivers must be protected from warm water discharges from
least 95 percent of the samples tested each month. power plants).
A conventional Jackson candle turbidimeter is illustrated A basic reason for this, as discussed previously, is that
in Figure 4-14. It may be used to measure raw (untreated) the solubility of oxygen in water decreases markedly as
water turbidities. The water is added to a vertical glass tube the temperature of the water rises. Fish and other organ-
until the candle flame is just obscured from view. The glass isms need the oxygen to survive, and higher temperatures
tube is graduated with turbidity units; the higher the water increase their rate of metabolism. In other words, the rate
column required to obscure the flame, the less is the turbidity. at which the organisms use oxygen to burn food for energy
Turbidity values obtained using the candle turbidimeter may increases at higher temperatures. The combined effect of
be expressed as JTU. there being less available oxygen and the organisms having
Excessive turbidity in a lake reduces the depth to which faster metabolism rates can eventually be very damaging.
sunlight penetrates the water. This has an effect on the pho- Other than the fact that most people prefer cold drink-
tosynthesis of microscopic plants, or algae, and on the over- ing water, temperature is of little direct significance in pub-
all environmental balance of the lake. In field surveys, small, lic water supplies. Temperature plays a more important
88 chapter Four

role, however, in wastewater treatment and water pollution Just as people need oxygen in the air they breathe, fish and
control. Biological wastewater treatment systems are more other aquatic organisms need DO in the water to survive.
­efficient at higher temperatures. In colder regions of the With most other substances, the less there is in the water,
country, treatment plants may be sheltered in heated enclo- the ­better is the quality. But the situation is reversed for DO.
sures to maintain optimum temperature ranges. The higher the concentration of dissolved oxygen, the better is
the water quality.
Oxygen is only slightly soluble in water. For example,
Color, Taste, and Odor the saturation concentration at 20°C is about 9 mg>L or
Color, taste, and odor are physical characteristics of drink- 9 ppm. (Remember that this is equivalent to the relationship
ing water that are important for esthetic reasons. They do not between 9 in. and 16 mi.) Because of this very slight solubil-
cause any direct harmful effects on health, but no matter how ity, there is usually quite a bit of competition among aquatic
safe the water may be to drink, most people object strongly to organisms, including bacteria, for the available dissolved
water that offends their sense of sight, taste, or smell. oxygen. As discussed in some detail later, bacteria will use
Color may be caused by dissolved or suspended colloi- up the DO very rapidly if there is much organic material in
dal particles, primarily from decaying leaves or microscopic the water. Trout and other fish soon perish when the DO
plants. This tends to give the water a brownish-yellow hue. level drops. Another factor to remember is that oxygen
Streams or rivers with tributaries in swampy areas may have ­solubility is very sensitive to temperature. Changes in water
this problem. Color is measured by comparing the water temperature have a significant effect on DO concentrations.
sample with standard color solutions or colored glass disks. The solubility of oxygen in water decreases as the tempera-
One color unit is equivalent to the color produced by a ture increases. This is shown in Table 4-3.
1-mg>L solution of platinum. It is not practical to isolate and Aquatic environments in which the DO concentrations
identify specific chemicals that cause the color. are 80 percent of their saturation levels, or higher, are con-
Hydrogen sulfide gas, H2S, is a common cause of odor sidered to be “healthy” and can support a diverse population
in water supplies. The rotten-egg smell of this gas may be of living organisms. But when the DO concentration declines
encountered in water that has been in contact with naturally to less than 30 percent of the saturation value (a condition
occurring deposits of decaying organic matter. Groundwater called hypoxia), most fish cannot thrive. In natural bodies
supplies sometimes have this problem; the wells are called of water, oxygen depletion can be caused by pollution from
sulfur wells. sewage and plant nutrients (see Chapter 5). When DO con-
Odor is measured and expressed in terms of a thresh- centrations in water and wastewater are zero, or very close to
old odor number. The threshold odor number is the ratio by it, conditions are said to be anaerobic.
which the sample has to be diluted for the odor to become Dissolved oxygen has no direct effect on public health,
virtually unnoticeable. For example, if a 50 mL volume of but drinking water with very little or no oxygen tastes flat
water sample has to be diluted to a volume of 200 mL for and may be objectionable to some people. Dissolved oxygen
the odor to be just barely detectable, the threshold number does play a part in the corrosion or rusting of metal pipes; it
would be 200>50 = 4. A similar technique may be applied is an important factor in the operation and maintenance of
in measuring the taste of the water. Taste and odor measure- water distribution networks.
ments are very subjective and depend on the sensitivity of Dissolved oxygen is used extensively in biological waste-
the person conducting the test. water treatment facilities. Air, or sometimes pure ­oxygen, is
mixed with sewage to promote the aerobic decomposition
of the organic wastes. The role of dissolved oxygen in water
4-3 Chemical
Parameters of Table 4-3 Solubility of Oxygen in Freshwater
Water Quality at Standard Atmospheric Pressure
Many organic and inorganic chemicals affect water quality.
Water temperature, Saturation do concentration,
In drinking water, these effects may be related to public health °C mg>L
or to esthetics and economics. In surface waters, chemical
quality can affect the aquatic environment. Several chemical  0 14.6
parameters are also of concern in wastewater. In this section,  5 12.8
the most common chemical parameters of water quality are 10 11.3
discussed. 15 10.2
20  9.2
Dissolved Oxygen 25  8.3

Dissolved oxygen is generally considered to be one of the 30  7.6

most important parameters of water quality in streams, 35  6.9
­rivers, and lakes. It is usually abbreviated simply as DO.
Water Quality 89

pollution and wastewater treatment is discussed in subse-

quent chapters. Ultimate carbonaceous BOD
The DO concentration can be determined by using BODL
standard wet chemistry methods of analysis or membrane 5-day BOD
electrode meters in the lab or in the field. Field instruments BOD5
are available that have probes that can be lowered directly
into a stream or treatment tank. The electrode probe senses BOD curve
small electric currents that are proportional to the dissolved

BOD, mg/L
oxygen level in the water.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Bacteria and other microorganisms use organic substances 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
for food. As they metabolize organic material, they consume Time, d
oxygen. The organics are broken down into simpler com- Figure 4-15  Biochemical oxygen demand, or BOD, increases
pounds, such as CO2 and H2O, and the microbes use the over time until all the organic pollutants are stabilized. The
energy released for growth and reproduction. value of the BOD after 5 d, or BOD5, is used for routine
When this process occurs in water, the oxygen con- measurement and analysis.
sumed is the DO. If oxygen is not continually replaced in the
water by artificial or natural means, then the DO level will The BOD is a function of time. At the beginning of a
decrease as the organics are decomposed by the microbes. BOD test, or time = 0, no oxygen will have been consumed
This need for oxygen is called the biochemical oxygen and the BOD = 0. As each day goes by, oxygen is used by
demand. In effect, the microbes “demand” the oxygen for the microbes, and the BOD increases. Ultimately, the BODL
use in the biochemical reactions that sustain them. The is reached and the organics are completely decomposed.
abbreviation for biochemical oxygen demand is BOD; this is A graph of the BOD versus time has the characteristic shape
one of the most commonly used terms in water quality and illustrated in Figure 4-15. This is called the BOD curve.
pollution control technology. The BOD curve can be expressed mathematically by the
As discussed in Chapter 5, organic waste in sewage is one following equation:
of the major types of water pollutants. It is impractical to iso-
late and identify each specific organic chemical in these wastes BODt = BODL * 11 - 10-kt 2 (4-2)
and to determine its concentration. Instead, the BOD is used where BODt = BOD at any time t, mg>L
as an indirect measure of the total amount of biodegradable BODL = ultimate BOD, mg>L
organics in the water. The more organic material there is in the
k = a constant representing the rate of the
water, the higher the BOD exerted by the microbes.
BOD reaction
In addition to being used as a measure of the amount
of organic pollution in streams or lakes, the BOD is used as t = time, d
a measure of the strength of sewage. As seen in Chapter 10, The rate at which oxygen is consumed is expressed by
this is one of the most important parameters for the design the constant k. The value of this rate constant depends on
and operation of a water pollution control plant. A strong the temperature, the type of organic material, and the type of
sewage has a high concentration of organic material and microbes exerting the BOD. For ordinary domestic sewage, at
a correspondingly high BOD. A weak sewage, with a low a temperature of 20°C, the value of k is usually about 0.15>d.
BOD, may not require as much treatment.
The complete decomposition of organic material by Example 4-3
microorganisms takes time, usually 20 d or more under A sample of sewage from a town is found to have a BOD
ordinary circumstances. The amount of oxygen used to after 5 d (BOD5) of 180 mg>L. Estimate the ultimate BOD
completely decompose or stabilize all the biodegradable (BODL) of the sewage. Assume that k = 0.1>d for this
organics in a given volume of water is called the ultimate wastewater.
BOD, or BODL. For example, if a 1 L volume of municipal
sewage requires 300 mg of oxygen for complete decom- Solution
position of the organics, the BODL would be expressed as Applying Equation 4-2 gives
300 mg>L. One liter of wastewater from an industrial or
food processing plant may require as much as 1500 mg 180 = BODL * 11 - 10-0.1 * 5 2
of oxygen for complete stabilization of the waste. In this = BODL * 11 - 10-0.5 2
case, the BODL would be 1500 mg>L, indicating a much = BODL * 11 - 0.3162 = BODL * 0.684
stronger waste than ordinary municipal or domestic sew-
Rearranging terms to solve for BODL gives
age. In general, then, the BOD is expressed in terms of
mg>L of oxygen. BODL = 180>0.684 = 260 mg>L 1rounded off2
90 chapter Four

Ultimate carbonaceous BOD generally has a BOD5 value of about 200 mg>L. If the sample
was not diluted, the DO would be very quickly depleted, and
1 it would not be possible to get a DO reading on the fifth day.
Computation of the BOD5, using this dilution method in a
BOD, mg/L

2 300-ml BOD bottle, is done using the following equation:

BOD curve 1: temperature > 20°C; k > 0.15 1DO0 - DO5 2 * 300
BOD curve 2: temperature = 20°C; k = 0.15 BOD5 = (4-3)
BOD curve 3: temperature < 20°C; k < 0.15
where DO0 = initial DO at t = 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DO5 = DO at t = 5 d
Time, d V = sample volume, mL
FIGURE 4-16  The rate of the BOD reaction is directly
­ roportional to temperature, but the total amount of
p Example 4-4
­organics in the sample and therefore the ultimate BOD
do not change. A 6.0-mL sample of wastewater is diluted to 300 mL with
distilled water in a standard BOD bottle. The initial DO in the
bottle is determined to be 8.5 mg>L, and the DO after 5 d at
The effect of different temperatures on the rate of the 20°C is found to be 5.0 mg>L. Determine the BOD5 of the
BOD reaction and on the shape of the BOD curve is shown wastewater and compute its BODL. Assume that k = 0.1>d.
in Figure 4-16. At higher temperatures, the organics decom-
pose at a faster rate, but the BODL remains the same.
The 20 d or so required for the ultimate BOD to develop is
much too long a time to wait for lab results. This is particularly Applying Equation 4-3 gives
true when the BOD data are used to monitor the efficiency of 18.5 - 5.02 * 300 3.5 * 300
a water pollution control plant. It has been found that more BOD5 = =
6.0 6.0
than two thirds of the BODL is usually exerted within the first
= 180 mg>L
5 d of decomposition. For instance, in the preceding example,
the 5-d BOD is 180>260 = 0.69, or 69 percent of the ultimate Now applying Equation 4-2 gives
BOD. For practical purposes, the 5-d BOD, or BOD5, has been
180 = BODL * 1 1 - 10-0.1 * 5 2
chosen as a representation of the organic content of water or
wastewater. For standardization of results, the test must be and
conducted at a temperature of 20°C.
In summary, the parameter of BOD5 is the amount of BODL = = 260 mg>L
dissolved oxygen used by microbes in 5 d to decompose
organic substances in water at 20°C. In some cases, particularly when analyzing industrial or
food-processing wastewater that does not contain bacteria,
Measurement of BOD5  The traditional BOD test is the dilution water must be seeded with sewage. This pro-
conducted in standard 300-mL glass BOD bottles. The test vides a suitable population of microorganisms for the BOD
for the 5-day BOD of a water sample involves taking two reaction to take place. Remember that, even though there
DO measurements: an initial measurement when the test may be a lot of organic material present in the water, if there
begins, at time t = 0, and a second measurement, at t = 5, are no microbes to use oxygen and stabilize the organics, a
after the sample has been incubated in the dark for 5 d at measurement of the BOD cannot be obtained. When seeded
20°C. The BOD5 is simply the difference between the two dilution water is used, Equation 4-3 must be modified to
DO measurements account for the BOD added by the dilution water.
For example, consider that a sample of water from a
stream is found to have an initial DO of 8.0 mg>L. It is placed Nitrification  In Figure 4-15, the BOD curve flattens out
directly into a BOD bottle and incubated for 5 d at 20°C. After after about 8 d, as it approaches the ultimate BOD. This
the 5 d, the DO is determined to be 4.5 mg>L. The BOD is the BODL is called the ultimate carbonaceous BOD because,
amount of oxygen consumed, or the difference between the during the first week or so of decomposition, the bacteria act
two DO readings. That is, BOD5 = 8.0 - 4.5 = 3.5 mg>L. primarily on the carbon-containing substances.
Very clean bodies of surface water usually have a BOD5 As time goes on and the carbonaceous material is
of about 1 mg>L due to the presence of naturally occurring depleted, another group of bacteria become active. These
organics from decaying leaves and animal wastes. BOD5 are called nitrifying bacteria. This group of microorgan-
­values in excess of 10 mg>L, however, usually indicate the isms thrives on the noncarbonaceous ammonia, NH3, in the
presence of sewage pollution. wastewater, metabolizing it for energy. In this process, called
When measuring the BOD5 of sewage, it is necessary to nitrification, the ammonia is converted into the more stable
first dilute the sample in the BOD bottle. Domestic sewage nitrite, NO2- , and nitrate, NO3- , ionic forms of nitrogen.
Water Quality 91

suspended solids are retained on top of the filter, and the

Combined carbon and nitrogen BOD dissolved solids pass through the filter with the water.
If the filtered portion of the water sample is placed in
Biochemical oxygen demand

Additional a small dish and then evaporated, the solids in the water
nitrogenous remain as a residue in the evaporating dish. This material is
BOD usually called total dissolved solids, or TDS. The concentra-
BOD5 tion of TDS is expressed in terms of mg>L. It can be calcu-
lated as follows:
Ultimate 1A - B2 * 1000
carbonaceous TDS = (4-4)
where A = weight of dish plus residue, mg
B = weight of empty dish, mg
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
C = volume of sample filtered, Ml
Time, d
Figure 4-17  A complete BOD curve, showing the
delayed effect of nitrification on the total oxygen demand. Example 4-5
Additional oxygen is consumed by the nitrifying bacteria The weight of an empty evaporating dish is determined to
as they convert ammonia to nitrate.
be 40.525 g. After a water sample is filtered, 100 mL of the
During this process, the nitrifying bacteria consume addi- sample is evaporated from the dish. The weight of the dish
tional oxygen, causing a rise in the BOD curve after the first plus the dried residue is found to be 40.545 g. Compute the
8 to 10 d of decomposition. This is illustrated in Figure 4-17. TDS concentration.
Most sewage treatment plants remove only the carbonaceous
BOD. But it is possible that the discharge from a conven-
tional treatment plant could still deplete the DO in a small Applying Equation 4-4, we get
receiving stream because of nitrogenous BOD that is exerted. 140 545 mg - 40 525 mg2 * 1000
Sometimes, advanced treatment systems must be built to TDS =
100 mL
also remove the ammonia and protect sensitive aquatic envi-
ronments from DO depletion due to nitrification. 20 * 1000
Chemical Oxygen Demand  The BOD test provides a = 200 mg>L
measure of the biodegradable organic material in water, that
is, of the substances that microbes can readily use for food. In drinking water, dissolved solids may cause taste
There also may be nonbiodegradable or slowly biodegrad- problems. Hardness, corrosion, or esthetic problems may
able substances that would not be detected by the conven- also accompany excessive TDS concentrations. In wastewa-
tional BOD test. ter analysis and water pollution control, the suspended sol-
The chemical oxygen demand, or COD, is another ids retained on the filter are of primary importance and are
parameter of water quality, which measures all organics, referred to as total suspended solids, or TSS.
including the nonbiodegradable substances. It is a chemi- The TSS concentration can be computed using Equation
cal test using a strong oxidizing agent (potassium dichro- 4-4, where A represents the weight of the filter plus retained
mate), sulfuric acid, and heat. The results of the COD test solids, B represents the weight of the clean filter, and C rep-
can be available in just 2 h, a definite advantage over the 5 d resents the volume of sample filtered.
required for the standard BOD test. One routine test used in wastewater treatment plants
COD values are always higher than BOD values for the to determine the efficiency of the treatment process is the
same sample, but there is generally no consistent correla- measurement of settleable solids. Settleable solids are the
tion between the two tests for different wastewaters. In other coarser fraction of the suspended solids that readily settle
words, it is not feasible to simply measure the COD and then out because of gravity. A 1-L volume Imhoff cone, illus-
predict the BOD. Because most wastewater treatment plants trated in Figure 4-18, is filled with the sewage sample.
are biological in their mode of operation, the BOD is more After 1 h of quiescent settling, the solids accumulate at the
representative of the treatment process and remains a more bottom of the cone; the cone is graduated in milliliters,
commonly used parameter than the COD. and the amount of settleable solids is expressed in terms
of mL>L.
Another classification of solids that is of particular
Solids ­significance in wastewater treatment is volatile solids. These
Solids occur in water either in solution or in suspension. are organic substances that can be burned off or volatilized
These two types of solids are distinguished by passing the at 550°C in a furnace. The residues remaining after burn-
water sample through a glass-fiber filter. By definition, the ing at that temperature are the fixed or nonvolatile solids.
92 chapter Four

Imhoff water, however, and at high concentrations zinc imparts a

cones milky appearance to the water.

Settling Fluorides
Fluorides (inorganic fluorine compounds, such as sodium
influent fluoride) dissolve easily and can occur naturally in water
sample sample
that has been in contact with certain types of soils and rocks.
Settled solids The presence of fluorides in drinking water is a “double-
after 1 h
edged sword,” that is, it can have either positive or negative
public health consequences.
Figure 4-18  Imhoff cones are used to measure the amount
A moderate amount of fluoride ions, F- , in drink-
of settleable solids in raw and treated sanitary sewage. ing water contributes to good dental health. Extensive
research over many years has demonstrated that a fluo-
ride concentration of about 1 mg>L is very effective in
The  concentration of volatile suspended solids gives an preventing tooth decay, particularly in children, with-
­indication of the organic loading on biological treatment out any harmful side effects (the optimum level is 0.7
units. It can be determined by measuring the loss in weight mg>L). Many cities and towns throughout the United
of the glass-fiber filter plus solids after burning. States practice fluoridation, that is, the intentional addi-
tion of compounds containing fluoride to drinking water.
Hardness Fluoridation of drinking water is considered by the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be one of
Hardness is a term used to express the properties of certain the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century.
highly mineralized waters (high TDS concentrations). The It is not required by federal regulation, but is practiced
dissolved minerals cause problems such as scale deposits in voluntarily on a local basis.
hot water pipes and difficulty in producing lather with soap. However, high levels of fluorides occur naturally in
The economic aspects of these problems, rather than any some geographic locations. When the concentrations are
adverse health effect, are what make hard water generally excessive, either alternative water supplies must be used
unacceptable to the consumer. or treatment to reduce the fluoride concentration must be
Calcium, Ca2+ , and magnesium, Mg2+ , ions cause the applied. This is because excessive amounts of fluoride can
greatest portion of hardness in naturally occurring waters. cause mottled or discolored teeth (dental fluorosis), especially
These minerals enter the water primarily from contact with in children. Also, if high levels of fluorides are consumed
soil and rock, especially limestone deposits. In general, over a long period of time (40 to 50 years), skeletal fluorosis
groundwater is harder than surface water because it is in and bone fractures may occur in adults. There is only a small
contact with mineral deposits for long periods. margin of error between beneficial levels of fluoride and lev-
Hardness is usually expressed in terms of milligrams els that cause fluorosis. In the United States, the maximum
per liter of calcium carbonate, CaCO3; grains per gallon is allowable level of fluoride in public drinking water supplies
also used to express hardness concentrations. Water with is regulated by the EPA (see Section 6-1). States may set
more than 300 mg>L of hardness is generally considered higher standards, depending on local climate, because cli-
to be hard, and water with less than 75 mg>L is considered mate affects the amount of drinking water ­consumed. In the
to be soft. Very soft water is undesirable in public supplies warmer regions of the United States, the maximum allow-
because it tends to increase corrosion problems in metal able concentration of fluoride is 1.4 mg>L.
pipes; also, some health officials believe it to be associated
with the incidence of heart disease. Chlorides
Chloride ions, Cl- , in drinking water do not cause any
Iron, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc harmful effects on public health, but high concentrations
Although iron, Fe, and manganese, Mn, do not cause health can cause a salty taste that most people find objectionable.
problems, they do impart a noticeable bitter taste to drink- Salt levels are, of course, very high in ocean waters—about
ing water, even at very low concentrations. These metals 35,000 mg>L or 3.5 percent.
usually occur in groundwater in solution as ferrous, Fe2+ , Chlorides occur naturally in groundwater, streams, and
and manganous, Mn2+ , ions. When exposed to air, they lakes, but the presence of relatively high chloride concen-
form the insoluble ferric, Fe3+ , and manganic, Mn3+ , forms, trations in fresh water (about 500 mg>L or more) may be
making the water turbid and unacceptable to most people. an indication of sewage pollution. Salt, NaCl, used in foods,
They also cause brown or black stains on laundry and on is excreted with body wastes; sanitary sewage carries these
plumbing fixtures. chlorides into the receiving waters. Also, chlorides from
Copper, Cu, and zinc, Zn, are nontoxic in small con- roadway deicing salts may enter the groundwater as well as
centrations, and are, in fact, both beneficial and essential streams and lakes. Saltwater intrusion into wells is a prob-
for human health. They cause undesirable tastes in drinking lem in some coastal areas.
Water Quality 93

Chlorine Residual effects, but there is no significant danger to public health

from sulfates.
It is important to make a distinction between chloride ions Sulfates in sewage can result in offensive odors from
and chlorine in water because many beginning students the formation of hydrogen sulfide gas, H2S, with its charac-
confuse these two. Chlorine, Cl2, does not occur naturally teristic rotten-egg odor. It also leads to a problem in sewer
in water. It is, however, one of the most common chemicals systems called crown corrosion. This is discussed in more
added to water and wastewater, primarily for disinfection. detail in Chapter 8.
This is discussed in more detail in subsequent chapters.
Although chlorine itself is a toxic gas, in dilute aqueous
solutions it is not harmful to human health. One advantage of
chlorine as a disinfectant is that a leftover or residual concen- Nitrogen, N2, occurs in many forms in the environment and
tration can be maintained in the water distribution system, takes part in many biochemical reactions. The four forms of
ensuring good sanitary quality of the water. In drinking water, nitrogen that are of particular significance in environmental
a residual of about 0.2 mg>L is optimal. The measurement of technology are organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite
chlorine residual in a water sample can be made using a color nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen. The circulation of nitrogen
comparator test kit, illustrated in Figure 4-19. in its various forms throughout the environment is illus-
One problem with chlorination of water supplies is that trated in the nitrogen cycle in Figure 1-8.
the chlorine can react with organics in the water, forming In water contaminated with sewage, most of the nitro-
toxic compounds. The naturally occurring organics, primar- gen is originally present in the form of complex organic
ily from vegetation, are called precursors. By themselves, they molecules (proteins) and ammonia, NH3. These substances
are harmless. The toxic compounds, called trihalomethanes, are eventually broken down by microbes to form nitrites
or THMs, have been identified as potential carcinogens, or and nitrates. This process of nitrification was discussed in
cancer-causing substances. One of the most common THM Section 4-3 under biochemical oxygen demand.
compounds formed is chloroform, CHCl3. The chlorine Nitrogen, particularly in the nitrate form, is a basic
replaces three of the hydrogen atoms in the methane mol- nutrient that is essential to the growth of plants. Excessive
ecule (see Figure 4-9) to form chloroform. nitrate concentrations in surface waters encourage the rapid
It is ironic that the disinfection process using chlorine, growth of microscopic plants called algae; excessive growth
designed to destroy microbes that cause disease, may be the of algae degrades water quality. This problem, referred to as
source of a different public health hazard. Methods of con- eutrophication, is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
trol, including removal of the precursors before chlorina- Nitrates can enter the groundwater from chemical
tion, are now being applied. ­fertilizers used in agricultural areas. Excessive nitrate con-
centrations in drinking water pose an immediate and seri-
Sulfates ous health threat to infants younger than three months.
The nitrate ions react with blood hemoglobin, reducing the
Sulfate ions, SO42- , occur in natural waters and in wastewa- blood’s ability to carry oxygen; this produces a disease called
ter. If high concentrations are consumed in drinking water, blue baby or methemoglobinemia.
there may be objectionable tastes or unwanted laxative
Like nitrogen, phosphorus, P, is an essential nutrient that
contributes to the growth of algae and the eutrophication of
lakes, although its presence in drinking water has little effect
on health. Phosphorus can enter water from sewage or from
agricultural runoff containing fertilizers and animal wastes.
Phosphate, PO43- , the inorganic form of phosphorus, had
been commonly used in detergents in the past, but even
with the ban on phosphate-based detergents, the amount of
phosphorus occurring in water from other sources poses a
significant environmental problem.

Acidity, Alkalinity, and pH

Very high levels of either acidity or alkalinity in water
may indicate the presence of industrial or chemical pollu-
tion, but acidity and alkalinity also occur naturally. Carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere or from the respiration of
Figure 4-19  A color comparator test kit for measuring aquatic organisms causes acidity when dissolved in water
chlorine residual. by forming carbonic acid, H2CO3. Dissolved carbonate ions,
(Courtesy of HACH.) CO32- , or bicarbonate ions, HCO3- , of sodium, calcium, or
94 chapter Four

magnesium cause natural alkalinity. Contact between the these are the trihalomethanes formed after chlorination,
water and minerals in the ground is the major source of as previously discussed in the section on chlorine residual.
these substances. Pesticides such as endrin and toxaphene are toxic chlori-
Acidic substances yield H+ ions in water, and alkaline nated hydrocarbons that are monitored; DDT and chlordane
substances yield OH- ions. The pH is a measure of the inten- are not routinely monitored in drinking water because they
sity of the acidity or alkalinity, as discussed in Section 4-1. have been banned from use.
The primary reason for measuring the acidity, alkalinity, Relatively expensive and sophisticated instruments are
and pH of water is to be able to control the water treatment required for analyzing water samples for trace contami-
process in a water purification facility. The required doses of nants. Atomic absorption spectrophotometers for detecting
various chemicals depend on the concentration of acidity or heavy metals and gas chromotography>mass spectrometry
alkalinity, or on the pH of the water. (GC>MS) instrumentation for detecting organics are now
Water with moderate amounts of acidity or alkalinity commonly found in water quality labs. Modern instruments
can be consumed without adverse health effects, but exces- are capable of detecting substances in extremely dilute
sive concentrations cause objectionable tastes; acids are sour ­concentrations, in the parts-per-trillion (ppt) or nanograms-
and alkaline solutions are bitter. per-liter (ng>L) range.
The acidity and alkalinity in natural waters provide a To illustrate the low concentrations involved, consider
buffering action that protects fish and other organisms from that the maximum allowable concentration of the pesti-
sudden changes in pH. For example, if an acidic chemical cide Lindane in drinking water is 0.2mg>L or 0.2 ppb; this
has somehow contaminated a lake that had natural alkalin- is equivalent to the presence of only one Lindane molecule
ity, a neutralization reaction occurs between the acid and among several billion water molecules. It is quite a techni-
alkaline substances; the pH of the lake water remains essen- cal achievement to make measurements in this range—like
tially unchanged. Most aquatic organisms can survive in a finding a needle in a haystack as big as a house.
pH range of about 6 to 9.5.
Radionuclides  The emission of subatomic particles
Toxic and Radioactive Substances or energy (radiation) from the unstable nuclei of certain
atoms (radionuclides) poses a serious public health haz-
A wide variety of toxic inorganic and organic substances ard. Obviously, the consumption of radioactive substances
may be found in water in very small or trace amounts. Even in water is undesirable, and maximum allowable concen-
in trace amounts, they can be a danger to public health. trations of radioactive materials have been established for
Some toxic substances are from natural sources (e.g., soils public water supplies (see Section 6-1). Potential sources of
and rocks in contact with groundwater), but many come radioactive pollutants in water include wastes from nuclear
from industrial activities and improper disposal of hazard- power plants, from industrial or medical research using
ous wastes (see Chapter 12). radioactive chemicals, and from refining of uranium ores.
A toxic chemical may be a poison, causing death, or it Radon sometimes occurs naturally in groundwater. The
may cause disease that is not noticeable until many years unit of radioactivity used in water quality applications is the
after exposure. A carcinogenic substance is one that causes ­picocurie per liter (pCi>L); 1 pCi is equivalent to about two
cancer; substances that are mutagenic cause harmful effects atoms disintegrating per minute.
in the offspring of exposed people.
Some heavy metals that are toxic include cadmium, Cd;
chromium, Cr; lead, Pb; mercury, Hg; and silver, Ag. Arsenic,
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
As; barium, Ba; and selenium, Se, are also poisonous inor- An emerging topic of interest in environmental science and
ganic elements that must be monitored in drinking water. technology is the detection of trace amounts of pharmaceu-
Arsenic, for example, a well-known poison, is not only lethal ticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water. PPCPs,
at high doses, but it can cause serious health problems (e.g., also called microconstituents, include all kinds of medica-
cancer) if consumed in drinking water over a long period tions and prescription drugs, cosmetics, antibacterial soaps,
of time, even at relatively low concentrations. In the United household cleaning products, and other chemicals. These
States, arsenic is found in about 5 percent of untreated pub- types of microconstituents are also referred to as contami-
lic water sources; it is found more frequently in New Mexico, nants of emerging concern (CEC).
Arizona, and other southwestern states because of geologic The biggest source of PPCPs is domestic sewage from
conditions in that part of the country. Arsenic in drinking the typical household, which enters wastewater treatment
water is also a problem in many other countries throughout and disposal systems and eventually is returned to rivers,
the world. The World Health Organization estimates that lakes, and groundwater. PPCPs get into sewage not just
about 35 million people in Asia, for example, are drinking from the flushing of unused medicines and chemicals down
water with arsenic levels high enough to cause many chronic the drain but from human wastes as well; they are inex-
illnesses and premature deaths. tricably mixed in sewage as a by-product of modern life.
Many toxic organic chemicals have been identified and Existing sewage treatment plants have not been designed or
are currently monitored in public water supplies. Among equipped for removing PPCPs from wastewater, nor are they
Water Quality 95

specifically targeted for removal from water supplies under- particularly in their role as decomposers in the food chain
going conventional drinking water purification processes. (see the discussion on ecology in Section 1-3). Only a rela-
Additional PPCP sources include drug manufacturing tively small number of species of microbes cause disease in
facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facili- humans or otherwise harm the environment.
ties, and stormwater runoff from animal feeding and meat Microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature, that is, they
processing facilities, where large amounts of antibiotics and occur everywhere. There are millions of bacteria and molds
other pharmaceutical drugs are used. Antibiotics are of par- living in a single gram of rich garden soil, for example. They
ticular concern because they may lead to the development serve to decompose organic materials, converting them into
of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic organisms. Other simpler nutrients, which can be absorbed through the roots
types of PPCPs, such as steroidal hormones and endocrine of plants. Foods also contain microorganisms, such as yeasts,
disruptors, may interfere with hormonal systems in humans, which cause fermentation, producing CO2 and alcohol
animals, and aquatic organisms. from sugars.
There are many questions about the possible effects Because foods are not sterile, human bodies acquire a
of trace amounts of PPCPs in water on human health and normal population of microbes in the intestinal tract; the
aquatic life, and much research on these topics is under way. coliform group of bacteria makes up a large part of this pop-
Although there is no direct evidence at this time of PPCPs ulation. Animal wastes consist primarily of microorganisms
causing adverse human health effects, a few research studies from the intestines. Although sewage contains millions of
have shown there may be some ecological harm. Because the microbes per milliliter, most of them are harmless. It is only
variety of PPCPs is increasing and their use is growing, there when sewage contains wastes from people infected with dis-
is now more of a public focus on the need for monitoring and ease that the presence of harmful organisms in the sewage
possibly preventing certain PPCPs from entering the aquatic is likely.
environment. However, the EPA does not currently regulate
them in surface water, groundwater, or drinking water.
Bacteria  Bacteria are considered to be single-celled plants
because of their cell structure and the way they take in food.
4-4 Biological They utilize soluble food taken in through a rigid cell wall,
but unlike green plants, which use photosynthesis, bacteria
Parameters of do not produce their own food.
Water Quality Bacteria are tiny, typically about 2 mm in size, and
The presence or absence of living organisms in water can be can be seen only with the aid of a microscope. They occur
one of the most useful indicators of its quality. In streams, in three basic cell shapes: rod-shaped or bacillus, sphere-
rivers, and lakes, the diversity of fish and insect species shaped or coccus, and spiral-shaped or spirellus. In some
provides a measure of the biological balance or health of cases, the individual cells grow together in larger groups or
the aquatic environment. A wide variety of different spe- chains. Sphaerotilus natans is an example of a species of bac-
cies of organisms usually indicates that the stream or lake is teria that grows in a chain or filament enclosed within a long
unpolluted. The disappearance of certain species and over- sheath or tube. Excessive growth of these filamentous organ-
abundance of other groups of organisms is generally one isms is known to be one of the causes of reduced treatment
of the adverse effects of pollution. Trout, for example, will efficiency in biological sewage treatment plants.
soon disappear from a polluted stream, whereas catfish and In less than 30 min, a single bacterial cell can mature
other scavenger organisms will thrive. If the pollution is and divide into two new cells. This process of reproduc-
severe, fish life will vanish altogether. Biologists can survey tion is called binary fission. Under favorable conditions of
the fish and insect life of natural waters and assess the water food supply, temperature, and pH, bacteria can reproduce
quality on the basis of a computed species diversity index so ­rapidly that a bacterial culture may contain as many as
(see Section 1-3). 20  million individual cells per milliliter after just 1 d of
Microscopic plants and animals are also important in growth. This rapid growth of visible colonies of bacteria on
assessing the quality of water, particularly of drinking water a suitable nutrient medium makes it possible to detect and
and sewage. In this section, some basic facts about bacteria count the number of bacteria in water. This is discussed in
and other microbes are discussed. The main focus is on a more detail in the section on coliform bacteria.
group of organisms called coliforms, which are perhaps the There are several distinctions among the various spe-
most important of the biological parameters of water quality. cies of bacteria. One depends on how they metabolize their
food. Bacteria that require oxygen for their metabolism are
called aerobic bacteria or aerobes. Those that live only in an
Microorganisms oxygen-free environment are called anaerobic bacteria or
Microscopic plants and animals play an essential role in the anaerobes. The distinction between aerobes and anaerobes
life processes of all living organisms, including humans. is of great significance in water pollution and wastewater
Contrary to a popular misconception that microbes are treatment. (Some species, called facultative bacteria, can
harmful, the fact is that most of them are beneficial, live in either the absence or the presence of oxygen.)
96 chapter Four

Another distinction among species of bacteria is a func- species of algae do cause serious environmental and pub-
tion of the type of food that they require. Those that utilize lic health problems. Blue-green algae, for example, can kill
simple inorganic compounds for nourishment are called cattle and other domestic animals if the animals drink water
autotrophic bacteria; those that require complex organic containing those species. A toxic alga called Pfiesteria can kill
substances are called heterotrophic bacteria. The nitrify- fish and sicken people who consume tainted water. Another
ing bacteria, for example, which use ammonia as food and organism, Chattonella verruculosa, can kill fish and sicken
­convert it to nitrate, are autotrophs. Other examples of auto- beachgoers when so-called “red tides” occur in seawater.
trophs include the iron bacteria and the sulfur bacteria. Iron
bacteria thrive in some water pipelines and often cause taste Protozoa  Protozoa are the simplest of animal species.
and odor problems in drinking water. The sulfur bacteria, These single-celled microscopic animals consume solid
which are also anaerobes, are active in sewers and speed organic particles, bacteria, and algae for food. They are, in
the deterioration of concrete pipes by converting hydrogen turn, ingested as food by higher-level multicellular animals.
­sulfide gas to sulfuric acid. Floating freely in water, these zooplankton, as they are
One of the most important factors affecting the growth sometimes called, are a vital part of the natural aquatic food
and reproduction of bacteria is temperature. At low tem- chain. They are also of significance in biological wastewater
peratures, bacteria grow and reproduce slowly. As the treatment systems.
­temperature increases, the rate of growth and reproduction Amoebae are protozoa that move by projecting sections
just about doubles for every additional 10°C (up to the opti- of their bodies; this mobile protoplasm of the amoebae is
mum temperature for the species). The majority of species also used to surround and engulf food particles. Amoebae
of bacteria are classified as mesophilic, having an optimum are commonly found in slimes formed in certain types of
temperature of about 35°C. Those that do best at elevated sewage treatment processes.
temperatures of about 60°C are called thermophilic bacteria. A group of protozoa called flagellates move around in
Bacteria with an optimum growth temperature between 0°C water by means of a long threadlike strand, called a flagellum,
and 20°C are called psycrophilic bacteria. that propels them with its whiplike action. One such organ-
ism, Giardia lamblia, is an intestinal parasite that causes a
Algae  Algae are microscopic plants, which contain form of dysentery in humans. Another type of protozoa has
­hotosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll. They are
p hundreds of short hairs, called cilia, that propel the organ-
­autotrophic organisms and support themselves by convert- ism through the water and serve to direct food particles into
ing inorganic materials into organic matter by using energy its digestive system. The paramecia, for example, are ciliated
from the sun. During the process of photosynthesis, they protozoa commonly found in freshwater ponds and lakes.
take in carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen. A species of protozoa called Cryptosporidium has been
A basic characteristic of these simple plants is their found to be the cause of recent waterborne gastrointesti-
lack of roots, stems, and leaves. Free-floating algae are also nal disease outbreaks in the United States (see Sections 1-2
called phytoplankton. (Plankton are tiny floating plants or and 6-5). These pathogens are frequently found in lakes and
animals that live in either fresh- or saltwaters. More than streams, and are very resistant to disinfection by chlorina-
90 percent of atmospheric oxygen is produced by saltwater tion (although they can be controlled by ozonation). The
or marine phytoplankton, by the process of photosynthesis.) 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Even though most species of algae are microscopic, they can call for enhanced surface water treatment rules to prevent
be easily noticed when their numbers proliferate in the water. such outbreaks.
Excessive growths of algae, called algal blooms, are often Several types of protozoa, as well as some common
unsightly. Some algal species are multicellular, growing as forms of algae and bacteria, are illustrated in Figure 4-20.
filaments that sometimes appear as a green slime in the water.
Common species include the blue-green algae, such Viruses  Viruses are extremely small pathogens, so small
as Anabaena; green algae, such as Spirogyra; yellow-green that they can pass through filters that do not permit the pas-
algae, such as Botrydium; and red algae, such as Gelidium. sage of bacteria. Most viruses can be seen only with the aid of
Another important group of algae, called diatoms, produce a powerful electron microscope. Because they are incapable
hard shells of silica. Deposits of these shells, from dead dia- of independent metabolism and reproduction, there is debate
toms, that have accumulated over many hundreds of years as to whether viruses should be called “living” organisms. To
form diatomaceous earth, a material sometimes used for reproduce, viruses must invade a suitable host cell and take
­filtering water. over the cell’s metabolic processes for their own use.
Algae play a role in the eutrophication (aging) of lakes Viruses can cause a variety of illnesses in humans,
(discussed in Section 5-5). They are also important for waste- including chickenpox, rabies, yellow fever, polio, influenza,
water treatment in stabilization ponds (discussed in Section gastroenteritis, and the common cold. They can be transmit-
10-3). In regard to public health considerations, algae are pri- ted among people in a variety of ways, including by inges-
marily nuisance organisms in water supplies because of the tion of water contaminated with sewage. Viruses that can
taste and odor problems they create and the extra expense infect cells of the intestinal tract of humans are called enteric
needed to filter them out of the water. Occasionally, certain viruses or enteroviruses. Many types of viral infection can be
Water Quality 97

typhoid  fever, or Entamoeba histolytica, the protozoan that

causes dysentery, is a difficult, time-consuming, and imprac-
tical task. The concentrations of these organisms in a
Nauicula (diatom) ­contaminated water sample may be small enough to elude
detection, ­making it necessary to test large volumes of water.
Furthermore, it would be necessary to test for a wide variety of
different organisms before the water could be considered safe.
Spirogyra A more practical and reliable approach than testing
for individual pathogens is to test for a single species that
ALGAE would signal the possible presence of sewage contamination.
If sewage is present in the water, it can be assumed that the
water may also contain pathogenic organisms and is a threat
to public health. A species of organisms that serves this pur-
pose is called an indicator organism.

Coliforms  An important biological indicator of water

quality and pollution used in environmental technology is
the group of bacteria called coliforms. Not pathogenic, co-
liforms are always present in the intestinal tract of humans,
Amoeba and millions are excreted with body wastes. Consequently,
water that has been recently contaminated with sewage will
Paramecium always contain coliforms.
PROTOZOA A particular species of coliforms found in domestic sew-
age is Escherichia coli. Even if the water is only slightly pol-
luted, they are likely to be found; there are roughly 3 million
E. coli bacteria in a 100-mL volume of untreated sewage.
Most  strains of E. coli are generally harmless, but infected
individuals also excrete pathogens along with the coliforms.
Micrococcus Coliform bacteria are hardy organisms and survive in
Bacillus Spaerotilus
water longer than most pathogens. They are also relatively
easy to detect. In general, it can be stated that, if a sample of
water is found not to contain coliforms, then there has not
BACTERIA been recent sewage pollution and the presence of pathogens
Figure 4-20  Sketches of some typical microorganisms is therefore extremely unlikely. In contrast, if coliforms are
found in water and>or sewage. (Depicted greatly enlarged, detected, there is a possibility of recent sewage pollution.
not to scale.) However, additional tests would be required to prove that
the coliforms are from sewage and not from other sources.
controlled by use of vaccines or by eradication of insect vec- In summary, we can say
tors that transmit the viruses to humans. Most waterborne no coliforms S no sewage S no pathogens
viruses can be inactivated by water treatment methods,
which include coagulation, filtration, and disinfection (see Coliforms are actually a broadly defined group of micro-
Chapter 6); the inactivation occurs during the disinfection organisms. They occur naturally in the soil and in the diges-
process, after coagulation and filtration remove substances tive tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans. It is
that can interfere with disinfection. necessary to make a distinction between the following two
groups: total coliforms and fecal coliforms. “Total coli-
forms” refers to all the members of the group regardless of
Indicator Organisms origin. Fecal coliforms are those from the intestines of warm-
One of the most important attributes of good-quality water blooded animals; E. coli are fecal coliforms from humans.
is that it be free of disease-causing organisms—pathogenic A total coliform test is particularly applicable to the
bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or parasitic worms. Water analysis of drinking water to determine its sanitary qual-
contaminated with sewage may contain such organisms ity. Drinking water must be free of coliforms of any kind.
because they are excreted in the feces of infected individu- A  fecal coliform test is more appropriate for monitoring
als. If contaminated water is consumed by others before it pollution of natural surface waters or groundwaters because
is properly treated, the cycle of disease can continue in epi- a total coliform count would be inconclusive in this case.
demic proportions. Municipalities and industries are required to test for fecal
Testing water for the presence of individual pathogens coliforms in their wastewater treatment plant discharges to
such as the Salmonella typhosa bacterium, which causes make sure that the disinfection process is working properly.
98 chapter Four

Fecal Coliform–to–Fecal Strep Ratio  It is some-

times necessary to determine whether fecal coliforms in
a tested sample originated from human or animal waste.
The presence of another type of bacteria, called fecal strep-
tococci (or strep), can provide the necessary clue. Fecal
strep bacteria are also intestinal bacteria, but they pre-
dominate over coliforms in animals other than humans.
When the ratio of the number of fecal coliform bacteria
to fecal strep bacteria is more than 2, the contamination is
likely to be of human origin. When this ratio, abbreviated
FC>FS, is less than 1, then animal wastes rather than sew-
age are more likely to be the source of pollution. FC>FS
ratios between 1 and 2 are inconclusive. In addition to
the FC>FS ratio, an investigation called a sanitary survey
is usually required to determine the source of water pol-
lution. In a sanitary survey, factors such as the extent of
agricultural activity, the location and condition of resi-
dences, and the prevalence of individual on-site sewage
Figure 4-21  A membrane filter apparatus for detecting and
disposal systems are studied. counting bacteria in water or sewage.
(Courtesy of EMD Millipore Corporation.)
Testing for Coliforms
Two testing procedures can be used for detecting and
measuring coliforms in water—the membrane filter
method and the multiple-tube fermentation method.
The membrane filter method takes less time and provides
more of a direct count of the coliforms than the multiple-
tube method. It also requires less laboratory equipment.
Although the membrane filter method is gaining in use, the
multiple-tube procedure is still practiced in some labs; the
membrane filter method is not applicable to turbid sam-
ples. It is necessary to understand the essential differences
between these two tests.

Membrane Filter Method  In this procedure, a mea-

sured volume of sample is drawn through a special mem-
brane filter by applying a partial vacuum. The filter, a flat,
paperlike disk about the size of a silver dollar, has uniform
microscopic pores small enough to retain the bacteria on its
surface while allowing the water to pass through.
After the sample is drawn through, the filter is placed in
a sterile container called a petri dish. The petri dish also con- Figure 4-22  After filtration, the membrane filter is placed
tains a special culture medium that the bacteria use as a food in a petri dish that contains a nutrient medium. The
source. This nutrient medium is usually available in small trapped bacteria on the filter will grow into visible colonies.
glass containers called ampuls (or ampoules), from which it (Courtesy of EMD Millipore Corporation.)
is readily transferred into the petri dish. Its composition is
such that it promotes the growth of coliforms while inhibit- The coliform concentration is obtained by counting
ing the growth of other bacteria caught on the filter. the number of colonies on the filter. A basic premise for
A membrane filter apparatus is shown in Figure 4-21, and the membrane filter test is that each colony started grow-
the filter is shown being placed in a petri dish in Figure 4-22. ing from one single organism. From this, it can be assumed
The petri dish holding the filter and nutrient medium is that each colony counted represents only one coliform in the
usually placed in an incubator, which keeps the temperature original sample.
at 35°C for 24 h. After incubation, colonies of coliform bac- The filter has a grid printed on it to facilitate counting col-
teria, each containing millions of organisms, will be visible. onies; a magnifying glass helps obtain accurate results. Small
The colonies form by the reproductive process of binary samples of polluted water or wastewater must be diluted with
fission. They appear as specks or dots, with a characteristic sterile water before filtering so that the filter is not overgrown
green metallic sheen. This is illustrated in Figure 4-23. with colonies, making it impossible to get an accurate count.
Water Quality 99

be present in the sample. But if gas is not produced within

48 h of incubation at 35°C, it can be concluded that coli-
forms were not present in the sample volume injected into
the broth. This is illustrated in Figure 4-24.
The failure of gas to form after incubation indicates a
negative test. The appearance of gas and the accompanying
cloudiness in the broth indicates a positive presumptive test.
Some bacteria other than coliforms occasionally produce
gas in lactose. Because of this, it is usually necessary to per-
form another test, called the confirmed test, to prove that it
was really the coliform bacteria that produced the gas in the
positive presumptive tube.
The confirmed test involves transferring the nutri-
ent medium from a positive presumptive tube to another

Figure 4-23  The visible colonies have a characteristic green Inoculated Inoculated
metallic sheen that is readily identifiable. with 10 mL with 1 mL
of sample of sample
(Courtesy of EMD Millipore Corporation.)

Coliform concentrations are expressed in terms of the

number of organisms per 100 mL of water. The following
formula can be used to express the results of samples of vari- tube Cloudiness
ous sizes: Lactose due to
broth nutrient Gas bubbles fermentation
number of colonies * 100 medium due to
coliforms per 100 mL = (4-5) fermentation
mL of sample Inverted of lactose
glass vial by coliforms
Example 4-6
A 4-mL volume of water from a stream was drawn through a
membrane filter. The filter was first covered with sterile water "Positive" "Positive"
to dilute and spread the sample evenly over the filter. Sixteen tube, tube,
coliforms present coliforms present
coliform colonies were counted on the filter after incubation
for 24 h at 35°C. Determine the coliform count per 100 mL.

Solution Inoculated
with 0.1 mL
Applying Equation 4-5 gives of sample

16 * 100
coliforms per 100 mL = = 400
The basic procedure described here for the membrane
f­ilter test can be applied to tests for total coliforms or fecal Clear broth
coliforms, but different nutrient media are used, and the
fecal coliform test is conducted at 44.5°C rather than at No gas in vial
after 48 h
35°C. A  special water bath incubator is used to accurately at 35˚C
maintain the higher temperature for the fecal coliform test.
The membrane filter technique can also be used to test for
fecal streptococci.
Multiple-Tube Fermentation Method  This technique no coliforms present
is based on the fact that coliform organisms can use lactose, in sample
the sugar occurring in milk, as food and produce gas in the of 0.1 mL

process. A measured volume of water sample is added to a Figure 4-24  A positive test in a fermentation tube
tube that contains lactose broth nutrient medium. A small (a trapped gas bubble and cloudiness in the lactose broth)
inverted vial in the lactose broth traps some of the gas that is signals the possible presence of coliform bacteria in the
sample. The larger the sample volume, the more likely it
produced as the coliform bacteria grow and reproduce. The is that the tube will test positive. If the number of positive
gas bubble in the inverted vial along with a cloudy appear- tubes that occurs in a series of sample dilutions is high,
ance of the broth provide visual evidence that coliforms may then the MPN of coliforms is high.
100 chapter Four

fermentation tube that contains a different nutrient medium, As the size of the sample volume placed into a fermen-
called brilliant green bile. Now, if gas is again formed within tation tube is increased, the probability of coliforms being
48 h of incubation at 35°C, the presence of coliforms is con- present in the tube increases. Using statistics and probability
firmed. In some cases, a third procedure, called the completed theory, it is possible to analyze the combinations of positive
test, may have to be performed. The fermentation tube proce- and negative results in a multiple-tube series and to deter-
dure can be used to test for fecal and total coliforms, but the mine the most probable number of coliforms in the origi-
higher temperature of 44.5°C is used for the fecal organisms. nal sample, referred to as the MPN.
The MPN is expressed in terms of the number of coli-
Most Probable Number  The production of gas in a forms per 100 mL, but, as the name implies, it is more of
single fermentation tube may indicate the presence of coli- an educated guess based on probability formulas than a
forms, but it gives no clue as to the concentration of bacteria direct count of organisms. Statistical analyses have been
in the sample. A coliform count cannot be obtained directly. worked out for a variety of tube dilutions and combina-
The gas bubble could have been caused by one bacterium or tions, and conveniently summarized in references such as
by thousands. To estimate the actual number of organisms, Standard Methods. To illustrate this, MPN values using a
a multiple series of fermentation tubes with different sample series of nine tubes are presented in Table 4-4. Three of the
volumes must be used. nine tubes are inoculated with 10 mL of sample, three are

Table 4-4 MPN Index and 95 percent Confidence Limits for Various

Combinations of Positive and Negative Results When Three 10-mL
Portions, Three 1-mL Portions, and Three 0.1-mL Portions Are Used

Number of tubes giving 95 percent Confidence

positive reaction out of limits

3 of 10 3 of 1 3 of 0.1 Mpn index per

mL each mL each mL each 100 mL Lower upper

0 0 1 3 6 0.5 9
0 1 0 3 6 0.5 13
1 0 0 4 6 0.5 20
1 0 1 7 1 21
1 1 0 7 1 23
1 1 1 11 3 36
1 2 0 11 3 36
2 0 0 9 1 36
2 0 1 14 3 37
2 1 0 15 3 44
2 1 1 20 7 89
2 2 0 21 4 47
2 2 1 28 10 150
3 0 0 23 4 120
3 0 1 39 7 130
3 0 2 64 15 380
3 1 0 43 7 210
3 1 1 75 14 230
3 1 2 120 30 380
3 2 0 93 15 380
3 2 1 150 30 440
3 2 2 210 35 470
3 3 0 240 36 1300
3 3 1 460 71 2400
3 3 2 1100 150 4800

Source: From Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Reprinted by permission. Copyright ©
the American Water Works Association.
Water Quality 101

inoculated with 1 mL of sample, and three are inoculated samples to be collected at specific depths below the surface,
with 0.1 mL. Example 4-7 illustrates the use of the table. without mixing with air, are also available. This is particu-
larly important for DO sampling. Sampling of surface water
Example 4-7 and groundwater at contaminated waste disposal sites is dis-
The results of a multiple-tube fermentation test on a sample cussed in Section 12-4.
of river water are as follows:
Composite Samples
Dilution series Results after incubation In many instances, grab samples alone are not enough to
adequately characterize water or wastewater quality. This
10 mL 2 positive,
is particularly true for wastewater collection and treatment
1 negative
systems in which both quality and quantity change from
1 mL 1 positive, hour to hour. Composite sampling is more appropriate
2 negative
when it is necessary to determine overall or average condi-
0.1 mL 0 positive, tions over a certain period of time.
3 negative Composite samples are obtained by mixing individual
grab samples taken at regular intervals over the sampling
period. For example, a composite sample may consist of a
Determine the MPN of coliforms from these data.
mixture of smaller samples taken every 20 min over an 8-h
Solution period.
In wastewater studies, the volumes of the smaller grab
Entering Table 4-4, locate the row with 2, 1, and 0 in the
samples that make up the composite are generally taken in
first three columns, respectively. These numbers represent
proportion to the flow rate, for more meaningful results. For
the number of positive tubes in each dilution series. Under
example, if a 100-mL grab sample is taken when the flow
the  MPN index column, read an MPN of 15 coliforms per
rate is 5 L>s, then a 200-mL sample would be taken when the
100 mL. The last two columns of the table point out the sta-
flow increased to 10 L>s.
tistical nature of the MPN. The probability is 95 percent that
Automatic sampling equipment is usually used for
the actual coliform concentration is at least 3, but no more
composite sampling. The cost of the equipment is balanced
than 44, per 100 mL.
by the savings on the labor involved in manual collection
and mixing. An automatic sampler installed in a sewer man-
4-5  Water Sampling hole is shown in Figure 4-25, and a device being set up for
composite stream sampling is shown in Figure 4-26.
Proper sampling procedures are an important part of any
survey to assess water (or wastewater) quality and to check
compliance with water quality standards. A sample that has
General Requirements
been improperly collected, preserved, transported, or identi- The methods for taking and preserving samples vary,
fied will result in invalid and useless test results, despite the depending on the specific water quality parameter and anal-
precision of the analytical lab procedure. Because the results ysis to be made. The sampling frequencies and locations are
of water quality tests are the basis for decisions that affect stipulated in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination
public health, good sampling procedures must be followed. System (NPDES) permit for wastewater effluent standards
There are two basic sampling methods: grab sampling and and by the SDWA for drinking water. (The NPDES is
composite sampling. ­discussed on page 246 and the SDWA on page 130.) A sum-
mary of four general considerations that apply for any type
Grab Samples of sample follows:

As its name implies, a grab sample is a single sample col- 1. The sample must be truly representative of the existing
lected over a short period of time. Most people envision this conditions. For instance, collecting a water sample from
as a quick “scoop,” but technically it can take up to 15 min to a faucet without first letting the water run for a while
fill the sample container. will not give results representative of conditions in the
It is important to note that the test results from a grab water main, but only of the water that was stagnant in
sample only represent the conditions of the water or waste- the service line for an unknown period of time.
water at the particular time and location of sample collection. 2. The time between collection and analysis should be as
Grab samples are most suitable when testing for chlorine short as possible for the most reliable results. Certain
residual, pH, coliforms, and dissolved oxygen. They are usu- tests, such as chlorine residual or temperature tests,
ally collected manually. must be determined immediately. Dissolved oxygen
For stream or wastewater grab sampling, devices that is another parameter that needs immediate analysis,
provide easy access to the flow channel from boats, spill- although it is possible to add a chemical that fixes the
ways, or docks are available. Special containers that allow DO concentration, allowing later testing in the lab.
102 chapter Four

Composite Figure 4-26  Automatic composite samplers can be used

to collect stream samples in order to determine the average
water quality conditions over a period of time.

4. Accurate and thorough sampling records must be kept to

avoid any confusion as to the “what, when, and where”
of the sample, as well as to satisfy legal requirements.
Figure 4-27 illustrates a sample bottle label that facili-
tates thorough record keeping.
Flow Suction
channel Line
4-6  Chapter Synopsis
Water is rarely found in nature in a pure condition because
of its remarkable tendency to dissolve other substances.
Protecting water quality and modifying it for specific uses is
Figure 4-25  Automatic composite samplers can be left a major objective of environmental technology. Water said to
unattended in sewer manholes, providing a sample that is be of good quality for one purpose (e.g., swimming) may not
representative of average flow conditions. be of good enough quality for drinking. Quantitative mea-
(Courtesy of Teledyne ISCO., Environmental Division, Lincoln, Nebraska.) sures are needed to distinguish waters of variable quality. The
three general measures typically used to characterize water
3. Appropriate preservation techniques should be applied to (and wastewater) quality are physical, chemical, and biologi-
slow down the biological or chemical changes that may cal. The parameters can be measured in the field using porta-
occur in the time between sample collection and sample ble testing kits, or in testing laboratories, following ­procedures
analysis. This usually involves refrigeration to cool the described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
sample or chemical fixing (as for DO). and Wastewater and other professional sources.

Figure 4-27  All sample bottles should be properly identified, and records of the date, time, place, and type
of sampling should be kept.
(Reprinted by permission. Copyright © the American Water Works Association.)
Water Quality 103

Key physical parameters of water quality include turbid- Mass per unit volume is typically expressed in units of mg>L
ity, temperature, color, taste, and odor. Turbidity, caused by or, for very dilute solutions, mg>L. Concentrations of partic-
tiny suspended particles, is of particular importance in drink- ulate matter in air may be expressed in units of mg>m3. The
ing water. It can harbor microorganisms and interfere with expressions parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion
disinfection processes, and it makes water look esthetically (ppb) are useful in conveying the small size of most pollut-
unacceptable for drinking. Drinking water should be crystal ant concentrations. A concentration of 1 ppm in an aqueous
clear, free of noticeable turbidity. Temperature is of concern solution is equivalent to 1 mg>L, and 1 ppb is equivalent to 1
primarily in rivers and lakes with regard to the survival of cer- mg/L. High concentrations are generally expressed in terms
tain species of fish and other organisms; it is of little impor- of percent, where a concentration of 1 percent is equivalent
tance in public water supply. The parameters of color, taste, to 10,000 mg>L. A dimensionless number used to indicate
and odor are important in drinking water for esthetic reasons. the strength of an acidic solution is called pH, which ranges
Although it does not harm public health, most people will not from 0 to 17. A pH of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution.
drink water that offends their sense of sight, taste, and smell. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most important
There is a wide variety of chemical parameters for parameters of water quality. The higher the DO, the better
characterizing water and wastewater quality. The science the water quality. A related parameter of major importance
of chemistry is largely concerned with the reactions among is called biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which is used
basic chemical elements to form compounds. The smallest to measure the level of organic pollution in wastewater. The
component of a chemical compound that retains the same higher the BOD, the higher is the level of organic pollution.
chemical properties of the compound is called a molecule. Other chemical parameters of significance in water and
There are hundreds of thousands of chemical compounds, wastewater analyses include levels of hardness, iron, man-
usually classified into two broad groups called organic com- ganese, copper, fluoride, chloride, sulfate, nitrogen, phos-
pounds and inorganic compounds. Organic compounds are phorous, and alkalinity. Toxic organic compounds and toxic
complex molecules of carbon combined with other elements, inorganic substances (e.g., heavy metals) are also of signifi-
such as hydrogen and oxygen, that are related to living cance in drinking water, surface, and groundwater quality.
organisms. Inorganic compounds generally do not contain The biological parameters of water quality are of
carbon and are part of the inanimate world. Chemical com- major importance for both water and wastewater analyses.
pounds can exist in three physical phases, either as solids, Microorganisms, including bacteria, protozoa, and algae, are
liquids, or gases, depending on temperature and pressure. essential for many wastewater treatment processes. Of course,
Chemical compounds can mix with water to form solu- harmful microbes, called pathogens, must be eliminated from
tions, suspensions, or colloids. A solution is a uniform mix- drinking water. One of the most common tests for drinking
ture existing in a single phase. For example, salt dissolves water quality is the coliform test. Coliform bacteria are gener-
in water to form an aqueous solution in which water is the ally not harmful, but their presence in water indicates the pos-
solvent and salt is the solute. Solute particles do not settle sible presence of pathogens. If coliforms are not present, it can
out or separate from the solvent, nor can they be filtered be assumed that sewage pollution is not present in the water.
out. Suspensions contain small particles that can eventually One method for detecting coliforms is the membrane filter
settle out due to gravity or be separated from the water by test, in which visible colonies of coliforms grow until they
filtration. A colloid contains particles that are smaller than are visible and can be counted. The most probable number
those in a suspension but larger than those in a solution. The (MPN) test is also used to determine coliform bacteria levels
properties and behavior of solutions, suspensions, and col- in water. Appropriate sampling procedures must be followed
loids differ, and are of significance in a wide variety of envi- to assess the biological (as well as chemical and physical) qual-
ronmental technology applications. ity of water. Grab samples are sometimes used, but compos-
The different properties of solutions, suspensions, and ite samples often provide more useful water and wastewater
colloids depend largely on their concentrations. There are quality information. Required sampling frequencies and loca-
several ways to express these concentrations, based on mass tions are specified in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
per unit volume, parts per million or billion, or percent. and state environmental agency regulations.

Review Questions 3. Briefly describe the difference between ionic bonding and
covalent bonding. Give one example compound for each.
1. What is the difference between an element and a com- 4. Briefly describe the difference between a suspension
pound? What is the difference between an atom and a and a solution and between a colloid and a solution.
5. How does the solubility of solids in water change with
2. Briefly describe four different states of matter and their increasing temperature? Is the situation the same for
primary characteristics. gases?
104 chapter Four

6. Match the following symbols or formulas for certain 16. What do JTU and NTU mean?
chemical substances on the left with the appropriate 17. Briefly describe the significance of temperature in water
descriptive term(s) from the list on the right: quality.
________ Mg (a) atom 18. Briefly describe how odor or taste is measured in water.
________ Pb (b) ion 19. What is DO? Why is it a significant parameter of water
________ Na+ (c) molecule quality?
________ Cl- (d) complex ion 20. What does BOD stand for? What does this parameter
________ O3 (e) organic indicate about water or wastewater quality?
________ CaO (f ) manganese 21. What is ultimate BOD? Why is BOD5 used for the stan-
________ OH- (g) magnesium dard BOD test?
________ H+ (h) silver 22. Briefly describe how the BOD of a sewage sample is
________ NO3- (i)  lead determined.
________ CH4 (j) oxygen 23. Briefly explain the effect of nitrification on oxygen
________ —COOH (k) lime demand.
________ HCl (l)   hydroxyl 24. What is the difference between a BOD test and a COD test?
________ Mn (m)  proton 25. What is the difference between TDS and TSS? How are
________ Cl2 (n) nitrate they measured?
(o) chlorine 26. What is an Imhoff cone?
(p) acid 27. What is the difference between hard water and soft
7. What is the approximate saturation concentration water? Is it advisable to remove all the hardness from
of oxygen in fresh water at a temperature just above drinking water? Why?
freezing? 28. Are high concentrations of fluoride ions in drinking
8. Give one example of an ionic solution. water beneficial for public health? Why?
9. What is a complex ion? Give three examples. 29. If a sample of stream water had an unusually high
­chloride ion concentration, what might you conclude
10. What do ppm, ppb, and gpg stand for?
about its quality? Briefly describe the difference between
11. What is a neutralization reaction? chloride and chlorine residual in water.
12. A solution has a pH of 8.5. Is it acidic or basic? Which 30. What are two effects of sulfate ions in water?
substance is more likely to cause this pH in water, HCl
31. What is the significance of nitrogen and phosphorus in
or NaOH? Why?
water quality?
13. The pH of a solution changes from 6 to 3. By what factor
32. What are two reasons for measuring acidity, alkalinity,
did the strength of its acidic condition increase?
and pH?
14. What is an organic compound? List three different
33. Briefly describe the basic characteristics of bacteria,
groups or types of organic substances.
algae, and protozoa. List one example of a species from
15. Match the following parameters of water quality on the each group.
left with the possible effects listed on the right:
34. What is the difference between an aerobe and an
________ turbidity (a) causes dysentery anaerobe?
________ TDS (b) interferes with 35. Why are indicator organisms used to evaluate the sani-
________ DO disinfection tary quality of water?
________ iron (c) suffocates fish 36. If coliform bacteria are not detected in a water sample,
________ fluoride (d) causes algal blooms what can you conclude about the possibility of recent
________ phosphorus (e) is toxic to humans sewage pollution? If coliforms are detected, will the
(f) prevents tooth decay water definitely cause disease among people who drink
________ fecal coliforms
it? Explain your answer.
________ lead (g) may cause cancer
(h) increases corrosion 37. A stream passing through a sparsely populated agri-
________ THM
cultural area was found to have a fecal coliform count
(i) indicates sewage
of 80 per 100 mL and a fecal strep count of 100 per
100 mL. What is the most likely source of the bacterial
(j) causes taste problems contamination?
in water
Water Quality 105

38. Briefly describe the membrane filter method for deter- 9. In Problem 8, what could you say about the BOD and
mining the coliform count of a water sample. What is the the quality of the stream if, after 5 d of incubation, DO
basic premise or assumption underlying this method? was not detected in the bottle?
39. Briefly describe the multiple-tube fermentation method 10. A sample of sewage is found to have a BOD5 of 250
for obtaining a coliform count of a water sample. What mg>L. Assuming the rate constant is 0.15>d, estimate
does MPN mean? the ultimate carbonaceous BOD of the wastewater.
40. Briefly discuss two different methods of collecting sam- 11. A 5-mL sample of sewage is diluted to 300 mL in a stan-
ples for water (or wastewater) quality testing. dard BOD bottle. The initial DO in the bottle is 9.2 mg>L,
41. List and briefly discuss four general requirements for and after 5 d of incubation the DO is found to be 4.7 mg>L.
good sampling procedure. Determine the 5-d and ultimate BOD values for the
­sewage, assuming that the reaction rate constant is 0.14>d.
12. A wastewater sample has an ultimate BOD of 280 mg>L.
Practice Problems A 5-mL volume of this sample is diluted to 300 mL in a
BOD bottle, and the initial DO is determined to be 9.0
1. Convert a concentration of 275 ppm to an equivalent mg>L. What is the expected DO in the bottle after 5 d of
value in terms of mg>L and gpg. incubation if k = 0.1d?
2. A sample of water has 4 grains per gallon of hardness as 13. The weight of an empty evaporating dish is 38.820 g.
CaCO3. What is the hardness in terms of mg>L? Is this A 50-mL volume of a filtered sample is evaporated from
level of hardness objectionable? Why? the dish. The weight of the dish plus dried residue is
3. A discharge from a sewage treatment plant enters a found to be 38.845 g. Compute the TDS of the sample.
stream at a flow rate of 3 mgd. The BOD of the discharge 14. The weight of a clean glass-fiber filter is 545 mg. After
is 50 mg>L. How many pounds of BOD are entering the filtering a 100-mL sample, the weight of the filter plus
stream per day? retained solids is found to be 580 mg. After ignition in
4. A 50-lb bag of copper sulfate, CuSO4, is dissolved in a a furnace at 550°C, the weight of the filter and residue is
lake to control algal growth. The lake volume is 30 ac–ft. 560 mg. Compute the concentration of suspended solids
If the chemical is completely dispersed throughout the in the sample and the percentage of volatile solids.
lake volume, what is its concentration in mg>L? 15. A 10-mL water sample was tested for fecal coliforms
5. How many kilograms of chlorine gas should be dis- using the membrane filter method. A total of 22 colo-
solved in 5 mL of water to result in a concentration of nies of fecal coliforms was counted on the filter after
2 ppm? incubation at 44.5°C. What was the fecal coliform count
of the sample?
6. How many pounds per day of chlorine are needed to
apply a chlorine concentration of 0.5 ppm in a flow of 16. The results of a multiple-tube fermentation test of a
25 mgd? water sample are shown to the right. What is the MPN
of the sample?
7. A 200-mL aqueous solution contains 0.005 mg of arse-
nic. What is the concentration of arsenic in terms of
ppb? Dilution series Results after incubation
8. A sample of water from a stream is placed into a stan- 10 mL 3 positive
dard 300-mL BOD bottle and is found to have a DO of 1 mL 1 positive,
14.0 mg>L. After 5 d of incubation at 20°C, the DO in 2 negative
the bottle has dropped to 6.0 mg>L. What is the BOD5 of
0.1 mL 2 positive,
the stream? What can you conclude about the quality of
1 negative
the stream?


Chapter Outline 5-5 Lake Pollution

5-1 Classification of Water
Pollutants Thermal Stratification

5-2 Thermal Pollution 5-6 Groundwater Pollution

Sources of Contamination
5-3 Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control Preventive Measures

5-4 Stream Pollution 5-7 Ocean Pollution

Dilution 5-8 Water Quality Standards
Dissolved Oxygen Profile Stream Standards
Zones of Pollution Clean Water Act
Computation of Minimum DO
5-9 Chapter Synopsis

W ater has such a strong tendency to dissolve other

substances that it is sometimes referred to as
the universal solvent. This is largely ­because of
its polar molecular structure. (see p. 79.) Pure water, that is,
pure H2O, is not found under natural conditions in streams,
To understand the effects of water pollution and the
­technology applied in its control, it is useful to classify
lakes, groundwater, or the oceans. It always has something ­pollutants into various groups or categories. A pollutant
dissolved or suspended in it. Because of this, there is not any can be classified according to the nature of its origin as
definite line of demarcation between clean water and con- either a point source or a dispersed source pollutant.
taminated water. A point source pollutant is one that reaches the water
If pure water does not exist outside a chemist’s labo- from a pipe, channel, or any other confined and localized
ratory, how can a distinction be made between polluted source. The most common example of a point source of
and unpolluted water? In fact, the distinction depends on ­pollutants is a pipe that discharges domestic sewage or indus-
the type and concentration of impurities as well as on the trial wastewater into a stream, river, or other body of water.
intended use of the water. In addition, the concentrations Most of these discharges are treatment plant effluents, that
of the dissolved or suspended substances can be compared is, treated sewage from a water pollution control facility; they
with water quality standards set for a particular use. still contain some degree of pollutants.
In general terms, water is considered to be polluted A dispersed or nonpoint source is a broad, uncon-
when it contains enough foreign material to render it unfit fined area from which pollutants enter a body of water.
for a specific beneficial use, such as for drinking, recreation, Surface runoff from agricultural areas, for example, carries
or fish propagation. Actually, the term pollution usually silt, fertilizers, pesticides, and animal wastes into streams,
implies that human activity is the cause of the poor water but not at only one particular point. These materials can
quality. (The phrase “anthropogenic pollution” is sometimes enter the water all along a stream as it flows through the
used to distinguish between pollution caused by people and area. Acidic runoff from mining areas is a dispersed pol-
pollution from natural causes.) lutant. Stormwater drainage systems in towns and cities are
This chapter expands on some of the topics mentioned also considered to be dispersed sources of many pollutants
in Chapter 4. It focuses on many of the common types and because, even though the pollutants are often conveyed into
sources of water pollutants and on their effects in streams, streams or lakes in drainage pipes or storm sewers, there are
lakes, groundwater, and the oceans. usually many of these discharges scattered over a large area.

Water Pollution 107

Urban areas
Lake Legend:
STP Runoff carrying oil, heavy metals,
silt, organics, litter, deicing salts, etc.
Dispersed source
plant Stream
effluent Point source

Farmland Land development Rural areas

Soil erosion; runoff Seepage from failing
Runoff carrying from construction septic systems
fertilizers, pesticides, sites carrying sand,
and animal wastes silt, and clay particles

Figure 5-1  Dispersed source pollutants are more difficult to control than are point source pollutants, which can be collected
and removed from the water.

The distinction between point sources and dispersed Sewage also carries oxygen-demanding substances—
sources of pollutants is illustrated in Figure 5-1. Point the organic wastes that exert a biochemical oxygen demand
source pollutants are easier to deal with than are dispersed (BOD) as they are decomposed by microbes. BOD is
source pollutants; those from a point source have been col- ­discussed in some detail in Chapter 4. BOD changes the
lected and conveyed to a single location where they can be ­ecological balance in a body of water by depleting the dis-
removed from the water in a treatment plant, and the point solved oxygen (DO) content. Nitrogen and phosphorus, the
discharges from treatment plants can easily be monitored major plant nutrients, are in sewage, too, as well as in runoff
by regulatory agencies. Under the Clean Water Act (CWA), from farms and suburban lawns.
a discharge permit is required for all point sources (see Conventional sewage treatment processes significantly
Sections 5-8 and 10-1). reduce the amount of pathogens and BOD in sewage, but do
Pollutants from dispersed sources are much more not eliminate them completely. Certain viruses, in particu-
difficult to control. Many people think that sewage is the lar, may be somewhat resistant to the sewage disinfection
primary culprit in water pollution problems, but dispersed process. (A virus is an extremely small pathogenic organ-
sources cause a significant fraction of the water pollution ism that can only be seen with an electron microscope.) To
in the United States, especially from stormwater runoff in decrease the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in sew-
urban as well as rural areas. The most effective way to con- age, some form of advanced sewage treatment must usually
trol the dispersed sources is to set appropriate restrictions be applied.
on land use. Agricultural activities are a significant source of pol-
In addition to being classified by their origin, water lutants entering streams and rivers: for example, farming is
­pollutants can be classified into groups of substances based a source of silt, as well as nutrients, pesticides, and organic
primarily on their environmental impacts or effects on material; and livestock feeding operations that confine thou-
human health. For example, the following list identifies nine sands of animals in a small space and produce huge amounts
generic types of pollutants: of animal waste.
1. Pathogenic organisms Toxic organic chemicals, primarily pesticides, may
also be carried into water in the surface runoff from agri-
2. Oxygen-demanding substances
cultural areas. Perhaps the most dangerous type is the fam-
3. Plant nutrients ily of chemicals called chlorinated hydrocarbons. Common
4. Toxic organics examples are known by their common chemical names as
5. Inorganic chemicals chlordane, dieldrin, heptachlor, and the infamous DDT,
6. Sediment which has been banned in the United States. They are very
7. Radioactive substances effective poisons against insects that damage agricultural
crops. Unfortunately, they can also kill fish, birds, and mam-
8. Heat
mals, including humans. And they are not very biodegrad-
9. Oil able, taking more than 30  years in some cases to dissipate
Domestic sewage is one of the primary sources of the from the environment.
first three types of pollutants. Pathogens, or disease-causing Toxic organic chemicals can also get into water directly
microorganisms, are excreted in the feces of infected ­persons from industrial activity, either from improper handling of
and may be carried into waters receiving sewage discharges. the chemicals in the industrial plant or, as has been more
Sewage from communities with large populations is very common, from improper and illegal disposal of chemical
likely to contain pathogens of some type. wastes. Proper management of toxic and other hazardous
108 chapter Five

wastes is a key environmental issue, particularly with Dissipated

respect to the protection of groundwater quality. Poisonous Recycled heat
inorganic chemicals, specifically those of the heavy metal cooling water
group, such as lead, mercury, and chromium, also usually R
originate from industrial activity and are considered haz- Power
Makeup water i
generating Cooling tower
ardous wastes. station or pond v
Oil is washed into surface waters in runoff from roads e
Heated water
and parking lots, and groundwater can be polluted from
leaking underground tanks. Accidental oil spills from large
transport tankers at sea occasionally occur, causing sig-
nificant environmental damage. Blowout accidents at off-
shore oil wells can release many thousands of tons of oil
Figure 5-2  Thermal pollution from power plants can be
in a short period of time. Oil spills at sea may eventually eliminated by using recirculating cooling towers or ponds.
move toward shore, affecting aquatic life and damaging
recreation areas.
In 1989, a major oil spill by the tanker Exxon Valdez the river. Although it is true that many fish may congregate
occurred off the coast of Alaska. At that time it was con- near the outfall pipe from the power plant, a problem arises
sidered the worst oil spill (11 million gallons of petroleum) if the plant is suddenly shut down for repairs. The sudden
worldwide in terms of damage to the environment. In 2010, decrease in water temperature causes a fish kill of significant
a more serious oil spill occurred when an oil well drilling proportions, leaving thousands of dead fish floating belly-up
rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico (see p. 124 for more in the river or washed up along the shore.
about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill). According to a 2002 Thermal pollution may be controlled by passing the
report by the National Academy of Sciences, though, most heated water through a cooling pond or a cooling tower
oil pollution in North American coastal waters comes from after it leaves the condenser. The heat is dissipated into the
nonpoint land sources and boaters, rather than from leak- air, and the water can then be either discharged to the river
ing oil tankers or oil rigs. More than half of oil runoff in or pumped back to the plant for reuse as cooling water. This
North America occurs along the East Coast from Virginia to is illustrated in Figure 5-2. There is no discharge of heated
Maine, and, overall, humans release about 210 million gal- water into the river, but some water will be withdrawn to
lons of petroleum a year into the seas, while natural seepage make up for evaporative losses.
adds 180 million gallons. In locations where there is not enough room for a
cooling pond, one or more cooling towers may be built to
prevent thermal pollution. These structures are expensive
to construct but they occupy less land area than ponds.
5-2 Thermal Pollution A common type is the natural draft hyperbolic cooling tower,
Heat is considered to be a water pollutant because of the in which evaporation accounts for most of the heat transfer.
adverse effect it can have on the oxygen levels and the A typical hyperbolic tower is shown in Figure 5-3a. These
aquatic life in a river or lake. Overall, the amount of water towers are usually very tall and may dominate the landscape
withdrawn for cooling purposes in power plants exceeds in their vicinity. They are built in the form of a hyperbola
the amount of water used for any other purpose. The cool- because that shape adds to the tower’s structural strength,
ing water carries away waste heat as it passes through the allowing the concrete wall to be relatively thin compared to
condensers in the plant. (Steam is converted back to water the height and diameter of the tower.
in the condensers.) The temperature of water used for The operation of an evaporative cooling tower is basi-
cooling may increase by up to 15°C after it serves to con- cally a simple process, as illustrated in Figure 5-3b. Warm
dense the steam. water coming from the condensers is sprayed downward
The discharge of warm water into a river is usu- over vertical sheets or baffles, called fill. The water flows
ally called thermal pollution. The warmer temperature in thin films through the fill. Cool air enters the tower
decreases the solubility of oxygen and increases the rate of through the air inlet that encircles the base of the tower
metabolism of fish. This changes the ecological balance in and rises upward through the fill. Evaporative cooling
the river. Valuable game fish, such as trout, cannot survive takes place as the cool air passes over the thin films of
in water above 25°C and will not reproduce in water warmer warm water. A chimney effect or natural draft is main-
than 14°C. Coarser fish, such as carp or pike, can do well in tained because of the density differential between the cool
water as warm as 35°C. air outside and the warmer air inside the tower. The waste
Because several species of coarser fish actually prefer heat is dissipated into the atmosphere about 100 m above
warmer waters, some representatives of the power industry the base of the tower. The cooled water is collected in a
ironically use the term “thermal enrichment” rather than basin at the floor of the tower and recycled back to the
“thermal pollution” to refer to the warm water they return to power plant condensers.
Water Pollution 109

Soil particles suspended in water interfere with the

­ enetration of sunlight. This in turn reduces photosynthetic
activity of aquatic plants and algae, disrupting the ecological
balance of the stream. When the water velocity decreases, the
suspended particles settle out and are deposited as ­sediment
at the bottom of the stream or lake. Sediment smothers
­benthic, or bottom-dwelling, organisms and disrupts the
reproductive cycles of fish and other life forms.
There are two types of water-caused soil erosion: sheet
erosion from land areas by raindrop impact and overland
flow of storm runoff, and stream erosion, or the removal of
soils from stream beds and stream banks by the swiftly mov-
ing channelized water.
The factors that affect the rate of sheet erosion include
rainfall intensity, soil texture, steepness of slope, and amount
Waste heat
of vegetative cover. The velocity of streamflow is one of
the most important factors in stream erosion, although the
type of soil is important, too. The quantity of eroded mate-
Draft concrete shell rial carried by some of the larger streams and rivers can be
cooling tower enormous. The Mississippi River, for example, transports an
average of 1.5 million tons of sediment per day to the ocean.
Most of this material is carried as suspended load in the tur-
Spray of warm water bulent currents, but a significant portion is also carried as
Warm water
from power plant Fill bed load, sliding or rolling along the river bottom.
A natural vegetative cover of grass and trees provides
Air Air protection against sheet erosion. Land-use activities such
Cooled water as agriculture and construction, which temporarily remove
Cooling the natural vegetation and expose the bare soils, are the
main causes of serious anthropogenic erosion and sediment
(b) problems. Construction projects involving major land dis-
Figure 5-3  In a natural draft cooling tower, the waste heat turbances may be the more significant of these two causes.
is dissipated into the atmosphere. The towers are typically The uncontrolled erosion of soil at major construction sites
about 100 m in diameter and about 130 m in height. can exceed the erosion from naturally vegetated areas of the
(Courtesy of fototrm12/Fotolia.)
same size by a factor of 100 or more.
Construction plans and specifications should describe
the location and details of specific best management practices
5-3 Soil Erosion and (BMPs). Best management practices are devices, practices, or
Sediment Control methods that are used to conserve the soil and prevent water
pollution. In some states, a soil erosion and sediment control
The natural movement of soil particles by wind or water plan is required to accompany the construction contract
from  one location to another is called soil erosion. documents. The particular methods used depend primarily
Uncontrolled soil erosion is a significant environmental on the types of soil and the slope of the construction site.
problem. Soils in agricultural regions are a precious natural The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the
resource, and the loss of these fertile soils from unwise land- Department of Agriculture sets standards for erosion and
use practices can be devastating. One of the most notable sediment control. Some of the more common best manage-
examples of this is the Oklahoma Dust Bowl of the 1930s. ment practices include the following:
When a prolonged drought hit Oklahoma after many years
of decreasing soil fertility, strong summer winds literally blew 1. Temporary grass cover on exposed soils can be used to
the dry topsoil away. In addition to environmental damage, reduce wind and water erosion until permanent seeding
this caused severe economic hardship and social dislocation. or soil stabilization is accomplished. Application of lime
Not all problems related to soil erosion are as dramatic and fertilization should be done on the basis of soil test
as the Oklahoma Dust Bowl, but the cumulative effect of less data, and the proper seed mixture should be applied.
extensive erosion episodes can still have adverse environ- 2. Mulching materials, such as unrotted salt hay or wood-
mental effects, particularly with respect to water quality. Soil chips, can be used for temporary cover on areas difficult
erosion has been identified as one of the most significant to vegetate because of steep slopes, unsuitable soils, or
sources of water pollutants. winter operations.
110 chapter Five

Soil berm Original Sheet flow Supporting

or ridge ground wooden
blocks flow stakes

2 ft

Channelized flow is
diverted to a
stabilized area Gravel

Figure 5-4  Diversion channels reduce the distance of overland

sheet flow, thereby reducing soil erosion and sedimentation of
nearby streams and lakes.
Figure 5-6  A temporary fence can be constructed to control
erosion at a construction site.
3. Diversion channels can be constructed across slopes to
reduce open slope length, as illustrated in Figure 5-4. 8. Scheduling of construction can be done so as to mini-
These channels are constructed with a ridge on the lower mize exposure of bare soils prior to final landscaping or
side of the slope, diverting water to sites where it can be paving. Drainage and soil protection facilities should be
disposed of safely. They may be temporary or permanent. completed as early as possible.
4. Hay bales can be placed around stormwater inlets or at Low-impact development (LID) techniques have been
the low point on the site to intercept sediment-laden gaining in application and are being frequently applied for
runoff and prevent the soil from entering the storm long-term stormwater management at new land develop-
drainage system. This is illustrated in Figure 5-5. ment sites and redevelopment areas of cities and towns. The
5. Temporary fences, as illustrated in Figure 5-6, can be goal of LID is to limit the amount of rainfall that ultimately
used to reduce erosion at construction sites. They are becomes runoff. LID design and construction methods are
generally placed on the perimeter of the site at the lower discussed in more detail in Chapter 9.
elevations where water runs off.
6. Sediment basins or ponds can be built to intercept and
retain water carrying suspended soil particles. The sedi-
5-4 Stream Pollution
ment is deposited in the pond, protecting streams or Rivers and streams are surface waters in which the entire
drainage systems downstream of the construction site. water body continually moves downhill in natural channels
These ponds can be temporary or permanent earth under the force of gravity. They are shallower and narrower
structures and may be designed to reduce peak storm than lakes and have a greater proportion of water exposed to
flows and flooding. land surfaces. The flowing water carries algae rapidly down-
7. Channel stabilization can be used to provide capacity in stream and tends to discourage the growth of rooted plants
streams and drainage ditches for the flow of water without on the stream bed.
excessive erosion. Flow velocities should be minimized by To a limited extent, streams and rivers have the ability
the proper alignment and slope of the channel. Also, the to assimilate biodegradable wastes. Thus, they can recover
channel can be protected by use of lining materials such from the effects of pollution naturally, without significant
as grass, concrete, or stone riprap. or permanent environmental damage. The capacity for self-
purification depends on the strength and volume of pollut-
ants, on the stream discharge or flow rate, and on the level
Sediment Hay bale Coarse of turbulence in the water as it may cascade over rocks and
blocked gravel Inlet grate boulders in the stream channel.
It used to be said that “the solution to pollution is
dilution.” The effects of dilution and the constant flushing
Rough action of the flowing water are obvious factors involved in
grade the waste-assimilative capacity of a stream. Not as obvi-
Stormwater ous, but equally important, is the effect of oxygen transfer
between the air and the water. This is called reaeration.
The DO in the water is constantly replenished as atmo-
spheric oxygen is dissolved at the water surface. Fast-flowing,
shallow, turbulent streams are reaerated more effectively
Figure 5-5  A typical hay bale and gravel filter, which
prevents sediment from entering a drainage system and than slow, deep, meandering streams. This is because of the
then local streams, is usually used in the vicinity of active increased surface area and contact between the air and the
construction sites. water in the churning and well-mixed turbulent flow.
Water Pollution 111

Modern-day population densities are too high for most Point source
Cd =
Cs × Qs + Cw × Qw

streams and rivers to assimilate raw sewage discharges with- Waste discharge Qw Qs + Qw

out offensive environmental conditions and public health Pollutant concentration Cw

hazards quickly developing. Some degree of treatment is Mixing zone Shoreline

required to remove enough of the BOD from the sewage
so that stream dilution and reaeration can finish the job of Combined flow
Waste Qs + Qw
purification. A level of treatment called secondary treatment
is generally sufficient for this purpose; it is the minimum River discharge Qs Diluted
Initial concentration Cs concentration
level of treatment required by law in the United States. This Cd
is discussed in more detail in Section 10-3. Shoreline
Even when appropriate levels of treatment are applied
Figure 5-7  Dilution of pollutants from a point source, such
to point sources of pollutants, a water body may remain
as a sewage treatment plant, occurs within the mixing zone
impaired. (The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] of the stream.
defines an impaired water body as one in which water qual-
ity standards have not been attained or maintained.) To make
progress toward improving water quality in impaired waters, calculate the diluted concentration of any water quality
a total maximum daily load (TMDL) rule has been established parameter using the following mass balance equation:
by the EPA (as described in more detail in Section 5-9). csQs + cwQw
It is important to note that not all pollutants can be cd = (5-1)
Qs + Qw
assimilated in water by natural means. This is particularly
true for nonbiodegradable or persistent contaminants that where cd = diluted concentration or temperature
do not dissipate in the environment. Even the physical pro- cs = original stream concentration or temperature
cess of dilution is ineffective when these persistent chemicals cw = waste concentration or temperature
become trapped in river sediments. Two notable examples of Qs = stream discharge
this problem are the accumulation of polychlorinated biphe- Qw = waste discharge
nol (PCB, a toxic industrial chemical) in the sediments of the
Hudson River in New York State and the contamination by (See page 86 for a derivation of Equation 5-1)
the pesticide Kepone of the sediments of the James River in
Virginia. These problems may persist unless the sediments Example 5-1
are removed by dredging. But dredging may even increase The BOD5 of an effluent from a municipal sewage treatment
the pollution by stirring up the contaminated deposits. plant is 25 mg>L, and the effluent discharge is 4 ML>d. The
receiving stream has a BOD5 of 2 mg>L, and the stream-
flow is 40 ML>d. Compute the combined 5-day BOD in the
Dilution stream just below the mixing zone.
There are two basic steps involved in the process of waste
assimilation in a stream or river: First, the physical processes
of dilution and reaeration occur; second, biological processes Applying Equation 5-1 directly gives
occur, in which microorganisms in the water use dissolved
2 * 40 + 25 * 4 180
oxygen to metabolize organic pollutants and convert them cd = = = 4.1 mg>L
into harmless substances. To calculate the extent of assimila- 40 + 4 44
tion, it is necessary to account for the physical effect of dilu- where cd represents the diluted BOD5 in the combined flow.
tion of the waste discharge.
When a point discharge of wastewater enters a flowing Example 5-2
stream, the physical processes of mixing and dilution begin A river has a dry-weather discharge of 100 cfs and a tem-
immediately. With the exception of small turbulent streams, perature of 25°C. Compute the maximum discharge of
however, it is unlikely that the pollutants will be thoroughly cooling water at 65°C that can be discharged from a power
mixed in the streamflow at or near the point of discharge. plant into the stream. Assume the legal limit on temperature
Instead, a waste plume forms, as illustrated in Figure 5-7. increase in the stream is 2°C.
The length of this gradually widening mixing zone depends
on the channel geometry, the flow velocity, and the design of Solution
the discharge pipe. The maximum allowable stream temperature is
In water pollution control, it is often necessary to pre-
dict the BOD concentrations and DO levels downstream 25 + 2 = 27°C
from a sewage discharge point. One of the first computations Applying Equation 5-1 gives
needed for this involves the effect of dilution. Assuming
that the pollutant is completely mixed in the streamflow 25 * 100 + 65 * Qw
27 =
(at a point just below the end of the mixing zone), one can 100 + Qw
112 chapter Five

Multiplying both sides by 1100 + Qw 2 gives along the length of the stream and is also called the dissolved
2700 + 27Qw = 2500 + 65Qw
oxygen profile.
Initially, the rate of deoxygenation exceeds the rate of
Transposing similar terms gives reaeration, so the oxygen profile begins to sag. After most of
200 the organics are decomposed, the rate of reaeration domi-
38Qw = 200 and Qw = = 5.3 cfs nates, and the oxygen profile begins to rise toward its original
level. The minimum dissolved oxygen content in the stream
The discharge of warm water cannot exceed 5.3 ft3>s if occurs when the rate of reaeration equals the rate of deoxy-
the stream temperature is not to increase more than 2°C. genation. The computation of this level is of importance in
water pollution studies.
Dissolved Oxygen Profile In cases of extremely heavy organic pollution or very
low streamflow, the oxygen in the water may be completely
When sewage is discharged into a stream, dissolved oxygen
depleted. The sag curve intersects the horizontal axis at
is utilized by microorganisms as they metabolize and decom-
DO = 0, resulting in anaerobic or septic conditions. This is
pose organic substances from the wastewater. The microbes
illustrated in Figure 5-9.
exert a biochemical oxygen demand, or BOD, as discussed
in Chapter 4. The BOD causes the dissolved oxygen level in
the stream to gradually drop. This is illustrated in Figure 5-8 Zones of Pollution
as curve A, called the stream deoxygenation curve. Most streams that are polluted by a point source of biode-
While deoxygenation is occurring, oxygen from the air gradable organic substances can be described and evaluated
is dissolving into the water at the surface. The rate of oxygen in terms of four relatively distinct zones. These are illus-
transfer from the air into the water depends on temperature trated in Figure 5-10. The first is the zone of degradation,
and on the oxygen deficit. The oxygen deficit is the differ- which forms below the point of waste discharge. This zone
ence between the actual DO concentration and the satura- is characterized by floating solids, turbidity, and other visual
tion DO value. The larger the deficit, the faster is the rate of evidence of pollution. The DO level begins to drop rapidly
oxygen transfer. This is illustrated as curve B in Figure 5-8, in the zone of degradation.
called the stream reaeration curve. Notice that the slope (rate When the DO level drops to about 40 percent of its satu-
of change) of the reaeration curve gradually increases as the ration value, the zone of active decomposition is considered
deoxygenation curve falls. to start. This zone is characteristic of heavily polluted water.
At any given time, the DO level in the stream is a func- Higher forms of aquatic life and desirable species, such as
tion of the combined effects of deoxygenation and reaera- trout, either die or migrate out of the area. More tolerant fish
tion. In other words, the actual DO is equal to the sum of ­species such as carp and catfish may survive. The mixture of
the DO on the deoxygenation curve plus the DO on the different species is altered because of the low DO levels. Sludge
reaeration curve. The graph of the combined DO versus ­deposits of settleable solids may form in the stream. If anaero-
time is seen as curve C, called the dissolved oxygen sag curve. bic conditions occur (see Figure 5-9), gas bubbles, floating
Because the product of velocity and time equals distance sludge, and obnoxious odors may be noticeable in this zone.
3m>s * s = m4, the horizontal or x-axis in Figure 5-8 can After most of the organics have been decomposed by
also be labeled “distance” for a given reach of the stream. the microbes in the water, the rate of reaeration will exceed
Curve C is, in effect, a profile view of the DO concentrations

Organic Curve C
pollution oxygen profile, or Point source of
sag curve excessive
Dissolved oxygen

organic pollution
Dissolved oxygen

Minimum DO
Anaerobic, or
septic zone
Sag curve
Curve A

Curve B
Time or distance
Time or distance
Figure 5-9  Under heavy loads of pollution, the DO level
Figure 5-8  The oxygen sag curve shows the effect of organic may drop to zero. This results in obnoxious odors and very
pollution on the DO levels in a stream or river. After the unsightly conditions in the water. With additional time and
­organics decompose, surface reaeration will restore the distance downstream, the water will eventually be reaerated
­original water quality. This is called stream self-purification. and water quality will be restored.
Water Pollution 113

Zone of
Saturation DO level
DO levels start Initial

Dissolved oxygen
Organic to increase, no odor, oxygen Critical
pollution Flow less turbidity deficit oxygen
Di deficit
Oxygen sag
Minimum curve
DO level


Zone of Zone of Active

Time or distance
Zone of
degradation decomposition clean water FIGURE 5-11  The critical time tc and the critical oxygen
Visible evidence of Low DO levels, DO level high, deficit Dc can be computed using appropriate equations.
pollution–floating change in ecology, clear water,
solids, turbidity trout disappear, healthy ecosystem The minimum DO is the difference between the saturation
possible septic DO level and the computed deficit.

FIGURE 5-10  The zones of pollution in a stream that receives

biodegradable organic contaminants. the stream is the difference between the saturation DO level
and the critical oxygen deficit. The formulas are as follows:
the rate of deoxygenation. When the DO level increases 1
back up to 40 percent of the saturation concentration, the tc =
k2 - k1
zone of recovery begins. This zone is characterized by gradu- k2 k2 - k1
ally clearing water with no offensive odors; desirable aquatic * logc * a 1 - Di * b d (5-2)
species reappear. When the organic waste loading on a k1 k1 * BODL
stream is small or when there is considerable dilution, the k1 * BODL
zone of recovery may follow directly after the zone of degra- Dc =
k2 - k1
dation, with no zone of active decomposition forming at all.
Following the zone of recovery is the zone of clean * 110 - k1tc - 10 - k2tc 2 + Di * 110 - k2tc 2 (5-3)
water. This zone is characterized by clear water, high in where tc = time it takes for the critical oxygen deficit or
DO; diverse species of aquatic organisms thrive, utilizing minimum DO to develop, d
the stable inorganic nutrients remaining in the water. In
Dc = critical oxygen deficit, mg>L
effect, the stream has recovered its original quality through
a process of natural self-purification. Of course, additional Di = initial oxygen deficit at time t = 0 just below the
point discharges or dispersed sources of pollutants along the point of waste discharge into the stream, mg>L
stream can alter this model of pollution zones in a stream. BODL = ultimate BOD in the stream just below the
Nevertheless, this model is of value in understanding stream point of waste discharge, mg>L
pollution and in creating technical solutions to the problem. k1 = deoxygenation rate constant, d - 1
k2 = the reaeration rate constant, d - 1
Computation of Minimum DO The value of k1 is generally taken to be the same as the
It is important to be able to predict the minimum DO level rate constant for the BOD reaction in Equation 4-2; it can
in a polluted stream or river. For example, if a new sew- be determined in the laboratory. The value of k2 depends on
age treatment plant is to discharge its effluent into a trout the velocity and the depth of the flow and can be determined
stream, it is possible that conventional (secondary) treat- from field studies or by an appropriate formula. The reaera-
ment levels will not remove enough BOD to prevent exces- tion rate constant k2 can vary from about 0.1 for a sluggish
sively low DO downstream. To determine if some form of river to about 4.0 for a shallow turbulent stream. Both rate
advanced treatment is required to preserve the stream for constants, k1 and k2, depend on temperature.
trout spawning and survival, it is necessary to compute the Equations 5-2 and 5-3 look complicated, and they are.
minimum DO caused by the sewage effluent and to compare They are presented here to illustrate the power of mathemat-
it to the allowable value for trout streams. ics as a tool for modeling the environment and helping solve
One technique used to describe and predict the behavior water pollution problems. But as complicated as they appear,
of a polluted stream uses the so-called Streeter–Phelps equa- the Streeter–Phelps equations are not completely accurate
tion. This equation is based on the assumption that the only representations of the oxygen profile in a polluted stream
two processes taking place are deoxygenation from BOD and or river. Other factors that affect the oxygen balance include
reaeration by oxygen transfer at the surface, as previously dis- photosynthesis and respiration of rooted plants and algae,
cussed. Two key formulas from the Streeter–Phelps model of as well as the oxygen demand of benthic (bottom) deposits.
stream pollution and oxygen sag follow. Figure 5-11 illustrates Equations that have been developed to include these factors
some of the variables in these equations. The minimum DO in are even more complicated than Equations 5-2 and 5-3.
114 chapter Five

Example 5-3 moving and providing a flushing action for incoming

The BODL in a stream is 3 mg>L, and the DO is 9.0 mg>L. ­pollutants, but in lakes the water is not moving much and
Streamflow is 15 mgd. A treated sewage effluent with is detained for a relatively long period of time. In some
BODL = 50 mg>L is discharged into the stream at a rate of cases, pollutants discharged into a lake can remain there for
5 mgd. The DO of the sewage effluent is 2 mg>L. Assuming many years. Lakes are also significantly affected by seasonal
that k1 = 0.2, k2 = 0.5, and the saturation DO level is ­temperature changes.
11 mg>L, determine the minimum DO level in the stream. For In streams, organic pollutants affect the oxygen pro-
a stream velocity of 0.5 ft>s, how far downstream does the file. In lakes, water quality may be more dependent on
minimum DO occur? plant nutrients than on organics from sewage. As discussed
in Chapter 4, phosphorus and nitrogen are the most criti-
Solution cal plant nutrients. When pollutants containing phospho-
It is necessary to compute the diluted BODL and DO using rus and nitrogen compounds accumulate in a lake, rooted
Equation 5-1 as follows: aquatic plants and free-floating algae may grow profusely.
The algae and aquatic weeds eventually die and settle
15 * 3 + 5 * 50 295 to the bottom of the lake, where they are decomposed by
BODL = = = 14.8 mg>L
15 + 5 20 bacteria and protozoa. This exerts an oxygen demand on the
15 * 9 + 5 * 2 145 water and may deplete the DO in parts of the lake.
DO = = = 7.3 mg>L Excessive growth of algae, or algal blooms, forms slimy
15 + 5 20
mats that float on the lake surface. They are unsightly and,
Then compute the initial oxygen deficit as along with the thick growths of weeds that develop along the
Di = saturation DO - initial DO shore, they interfere with boating, swimming, and fishing.
= 11.0 - 7.3 A lake suffering from algal blooms is not a good recreational
resource. Furthermore, if the lake or reservoir is used for water
= 3.7 mg > L
supply purposes, the algae raise the cost of water treatment
Applying Equation 5-2 gives because the microscopic plant cells tend to clog the filters in
the treatment facility, requiring them to be cleaned more fre-
1 0.5 0.5 - 0.2
tc = * log c * a1 - 3.7 * bd quently. Also, additional chemicals may be required to help
0.5 - 0.2 0.2 0.2 * 14.8
control the tastes and odors imparted to the water by the algae.
1 Decaying plants, along with silt carried into the lake by
= * log32.5 * 11 - 0.37524
0.3 overland runoff and feeder streams, gradually accumulate in
= 13.332log 1.56 significant amounts as sediment at the lake bottom. As the
= 0.64 d lake becomes shallower and, as a consequence, warmer,
the balance of aquatic life shifts to favoring less desirable
It will take about 0.64 d (roughly 15 h) for the minimum DO ­species. For example, trout give way to perch and bass and
to occur. eventually to bullheads and carp as the process continues.
Now applying Equation 5-3 gives

Dc =
0.2 * 14.8
* 1 10 - 0.2 * 0.64 - 10 - 0.5 * 0.64 2 Eutrophication
0.5 - 0.2
+ 3.7 * 10 - 0.5 * 0.64 The process of nutrient enrichment and gradual filling in
of a lake, as just described, is a natural process. It is called
= 9.87 * 10.745 - 0.4792 + 3.7 * 0.479
eutrophication and can be thought of as an inevitable and
= 2.63 + 1.78 continual aging of the lake.
= 4.4 mg > L Lakes have a natural life cycle. Most lakes start out geo-
logically as deep, cold, clear bodies of water. At this stage,
The minimum DO in the stream is the difference
they are called oligotrophic lakes. They usually have a sand
between the saturation DO and the critical oxygen deficit,
or rock bottom, few nutrients, and a scarcity of plant or fish
or 11.0 - 4.4 = 6.6 mg>L. At a velocity of 0.5 ft>s, in
life. Over the years, nutrients slowly accumulate, and more
0.64 d the distance downstream for the minimum DO is
organisms enter from inlet streams and the surroundings.
0.64 d * 24 h>d * 3600 s>h * 0.5 ft>s = 27,650 ft ≈ 5 mi
Silty sediments begin to form at the bottom as the lake
passes through a mesotrophic stage of existence.
The eutrophic stage of a lake’s life cycle is characterized by
a relatively shallow and warmer body of water, with enough
5-5  LAKE POLLUTION nutrients to support large populations of plants and animals.
The pollution of natural lakes or conservation reservoirs In a eutrophic lake, there are frequent algal blooms, as pre-
poses problems that are different from the problems caused viously described, and at certain times of the year the water
by pollution of streams or rivers. This is primarily because at the bottom may be devoid of dissolved oxygen. Further
of physical characteristics. Water in a stream is constantly aging or eutrophication leads to what is called a senescent lake,
Water Pollution 115

Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Senescent

Time Time Time

Deep, clear, cold Nutrients and Nutrient-rich, relatively Oldest stage of a lake;
nutrient-poor water, sediment begin shallow, warmer water, very shallow; overgrown
with little to accumulate; with much plant growth with emerging rooted
aquatic life increasing and other aquatic plant life
populations of organisms; algal blooms
aquatic life appear occur
Figure 5-12  Four stages in the life of a lake. All lakes go through a natural aging process called eutrophication. Human
activity often accelerates this process.

characterized by thick deposits of organic silts and very high In areas where most of the nutrient input is from dis-
nutrient levels. Senescent lakes are very shallow, with much persed sources, such as surface runoff from agricultural
rooted emergent vegetation growing throughout the lake. areas, advanced sewage treatment is of little value as a control
Eventually, what was once a lake will become a marsh as natu- method. It has been estimated that more than 7 million tons
ral geological and ecological processes continue. The aging of of nitrogen and 0.5 million tons of phosphorus enter sur-
a lake is illustrated in Figure 5-12. face waters from agricultural areas each year in the United
The natural process of lake eutrophication, from the States. More efficient use of fertilizers, soil erosion control,
oligotrophic through the senescent stages, takes many thou- and ­surface water diversion must be put into effect for lakes
sands of years. It is an exceedingly slow process. But many in agricultural areas.
people use the term “eutrophication” synonymously with Another way of reducing nutrient input is to divert
“pollution” in reference to lakes. Perhaps a more accurate wastewater effluents around the lake into some other body
characterization of the problem would be the term “cultural of water, such as a stream, that may be less sensitive to the
eutrophication.” Cultural (or anthropogenic) eutrophica- nutrients. The city of Madison, Wisconsin, applies this
tion is the acceleration and hastening of the natural aging method to protect a series of five lakes. Lake Washington
process because of human activity in the drainage basin or in Seattle is another example of a lake protected by waste-
watershed of a lake. water diversion. This method of controlling eutrophica-
tion requires construction of extensive interceptor pipeline
Controlling Cultural Eutrophication  As many as systems.
two thirds of the lakes in the United States are significantly Another source of nutrient pollution in lakes is seep-
degraded as a result of eutrophication. About one third of age from individual subsurface wastewater disposal systems
the country’s population lives within 5 mi of a lake. Sewage (see Sections 5-6 and 10-5). In fact, many lakes, because of
effluents and surface runoff carry large amounts of plant the nature by which the surrounding watershed becomes
nutrients into these lakes, accelerating the eutrophication developed, are at first impacted by nutrient loading from
process. septic systems. According to EPA studies, all septic systems
Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds are the most within about 90 m (300 ft) of a lake have the potential to
­significant of the plant nutrients. Of these, phosphorus is contribute nutrients to the lake. The extent of this pollution
generally recognized as the limiting factor and requires
­ depends on depth to groundwater and bedrock, as well as
the greatest degree of control. It takes only a concentration the slope and the composition of the native soils. The ages
of about 0.02 mg>L of inorganic phosphorus to cause algal and sizes of the septic systems are also important factors
blooms in a lake; the inorganic nitrogen concentration can be affecting nutrient loads.
more than 10 times that level. However, even with very high The nuisances caused by excessive algal growth in
nitrogen levels, if phosphorus concentrations are kept below lakes and reservoirs may be alleviated temporarily by the
0.02 mg>L, excessive growths of algae usually do not occur. application of copper sulfate. The copper sulfate kills the
Wastewater effluent and runoff containing phosphorus algae, but its dose must be carefully controlled to prevent
compounds can easily trigger algal blooms. Advanced treat- fish kills as well. In lieu of chemicals, harvesting of the
ment of sewage can effectively remove much of the phospho- algae and weeds can offer temporary relief from the prob-
rus, as well as the nitrogen, from wastewater, but this is an lems related to eutrophication. Underwater weed cutters
expensive means of control. Advanced wastewater treatment mounted on boats can be used to remove rooted aquatic
is discussed in Section 10-4. It is being applied to control plants, and dredges can be used to remove sediments,
nutrient enrichment of the Great Lakes, San Francisco Bay, but these are not very practical measures for large bodies
and many other bodies of water. of water.
116 chapter Five

Thermal Stratification poor quality, particularly in a mesotrophic lake. The decay-

ing benthic sediments exert a BOD that depletes the dis-
Lakes and reservoirs are affected by seasonal temperature solved oxygen in that zone. Sometimes anaerobic conditions
changes. These effects include a layering or thermal strati- may develop at the bottom of the lake.
fication of the water and a mixing or seasonal overturn of As the air temperature decreases during the autumn
the water because of temperature differences. Both thermal months, the epilimnion waters cool, become denser, and
stratification and seasonal overturn can have significant begin to sink toward the lake bottom. Eventually, the entire
impacts on pollution and the quality of the lake water. In lake becomes completely mixed and the well-defined lay-
temperate climates, the cycle of stratification and overturn ers of the summer stratification disappear. This circulation,
occurs twice a year, whereas in warm climates where the called the fall overturn, is illustrated in Figure 5-13b.
water never freezes, the cycle occurs once. In the cold winter months, when ice covers the lake
Stratification due to temperature differences in the lake surface, a winter stagnation occurs. Then, in the spring, the
water is of most concern in the warm summer months. The ice melts, and when the water warms to 4°C (at which tem-
lake water is warmed by the air, and the warm water forms perature water is densest), it starts to sink toward the bottom.
a top layer called the epilimnion. Colder and therefore Aided by the wind, the entire lake soon becomes completely
denser water remains at the lake bottom in a layer called mixed again. This is called the spring overturn. The winter
the hypolimnion. A relatively thin layer of water with stagnation and spring overturn are illustrated in Figure 5-13c
­rapidly decreasing temperature from top to bottom, called and Figure 5-13d, respectively.
the ­thermocline, separates the epilimnion and the hypo- In lakes or reservoirs used for water supply, stratification
limnion. The thermocline acts as a physical barrier, which and overturns can affect the quality of the water. During the
prevents mixing of water between the top and bottom layers fall overturn, for example, the poorer-quality bottom waters in
of the lake. This is illustrated in Figure 5-13a. the hypolimnion become mixed throughout the volume of the
The warm water in the epilimnion is mixed by the wind lake. This usually intensifies taste and odor problems in the
and receives energy from sunlight, allowing it to support finished water unless additional steps are taken in the treat-
algal growths. This relatively turbid water interferes with ment process. Water intake structures can be built in the lake,
the penetration of sunlight to greater depths. The stagnant with inlet ports and valves at several depths. This  provides
hypolimnion waters are relatively cool and dark. Because of flexibility in operation and permits the water of optimum
this, some species of fish may prefer the hypolimnion envi- quality to be taken into the treatment plant.
ronment, but the water at the lake bottom can often be of

Sunlight Sunlight
Warm water;
Algal Epilimnion complete mixing Ice cover 0°C
growth 20°C Best location for
Best location for
Prevents water withdrawal water withdrawal
mixing Thermocline 10°C
Cold, stagnant water No mixing
between top and
bottom layers Hypolimnion
Low DO concentrations
(a) Summer stratification

(c) Winter stagnation


Sunlight Wind

Complete Complete
mixing mixing

10°C 4°C

(b) Fall overturn (d) Spring overturn

Figure 5-13  Seasonal stratification and overturn of a lake or reservoir has an effect on water quality.
Water Pollution 117

During the winter, the best-quality water is generally The water may appear to be crystal clear, but it is far from
withdrawn from a depth just below the ice cover. In the pristine pure. In some cases, the concentrations of syn-
summer, the water in the epilimnion and the water near the thetic organics found in contaminated groundwater have
bottom of the hypolimnion are of the poorest quality for exceeded by several orders of magnitude the typical levels of
reasons already discussed. At this time of the year, the best- those compounds found in very polluted rivers.
quality water is usually withdrawn from a depth just below The slow rate of flow of groundwater in an aquifer is
the thermocline. discussed in Chapter 3. This is a significant factor in evaluat-
Various methods have been tried to reduce the adverse ing the impact of groundwater pollution. Because it moves
effects of stratification. When oxygen depletion and anaerobic so slowly, typically less than 30 m>yr, a contaminated aqui-
conditions become severe in the hypolimnion, compressed fer will remain contaminated for hundreds of years.
air  is sometimes diffused through perforated pipes placed If an aquifer that supplies drinking water is polluted, it
on the lake bottom to reoxygenate the water. In some cases, may be necessary to abandon the contaminated well(s) and
mechanical mixing and destratification may be effective in drill new ones some distance away or to seek alternative
improving water quality. One method is to pump cold bottom ­surface supplies. In some cases, it may be feasible to install
waters up to the surface. The cooler water tends to shift algal special treatment units, such as aerators or activated carbon
growth to less troublesome species, thus reducing taste and filters, to remove the contaminant, but this adds a perma-
odor problems in the water supply. nent and often large expense to the water utility budget.

Sources of Contamination
5-6 Groundwater
Although groundwater quality is typically excellent, ground-
Pollution water is not “pure” water, even in areas far removed from
Groundwater supplies about one fourth of the freshwater human activity. Although it is generally free of turbidity due
used for all purposes in the United States, including irriga- to natural filtration, it usually contains dissolved minerals.
tion, industrial uses, and drinking water. About half of the This is to be expected because the water is in intimate con-
U.S. population relies on groundwater for drinking water. tact with minerals in soil and rock deposits for long periods
Despite this strong reliance on it, groundwater had for many of time. Groundwater is usually harder (see page 92) than
years been one of the most neglected natural resources, surface water for this reason. But, for the most part, the nat-
largely because it is underground and out of sight. Since the ural contaminants found in groundwater pose no threat to
latter part of the last century, though, potential problems public health.
related to aquifer contamination and well pollution have The main problems with respect to serious ground-
become important issues of general public concern and gov- water pollution have been improper disposal of wastes and
ernmental regulation. accidental spills of hazardous substances, especially from
Groundwater is usually of excellent quality. This is industrial activities. Petroleum products leaking from old
primarily because of the natural filtration that occurs in underground storage tanks (USTs) are another source of
the layers of soil through which the water slowly moves groundwater pollution, and most recently, the increasing
underground. The distance that a pollutant can travel in use of hydraulic fracturing technology to obtain natural gas
the ground before being separated from the groundwater for energy production is of concern, because of the potential
depends on both the type of soil and the type of pollutant. environmental harm it can cause. These and other sources
Deposits of fine sand, for example, may remove suspended of groundwater pollution are discussed below.
solids or bacteria from the water in a short distance, whereas
coarse gravel or fissured rock could allow those pollutants Industrial Wastes  Industrial chemical wastes disposed
to travel considerable distances. And soluble pollutants are of in surface impoundments, such as unlined landfills or
not affected at all by the filtering action of the soil, although lagoons, represent a significant source of groundwater con-
other processes, such as adsorption, may take place. tamination. A large fraction of the hundreds of millions of
Since the late 1970s, an increasing number of discover- tons of industrial wastes generated each year is hazardous.
ies of contaminated groundwater in certain locations have Land disposal of these liquid and solid wastes is practiced, be-
been reported. The contaminants come from many different cause it is the least expensive way to “get rid of” the unwanted
sources and include a variety of materials, most notably syn- materials. Although it seemed to be the most economical al-
thetic organic chemicals. These include a group of substances ternative for industry, in the long run it proved to be very
called chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as trichloroethylene expensive for society as a whole with respect to the health
and carbon tetrachloride. Many of these organic chemicals hazards and the costs of cleanup activities.
are toxic; some are suspected to be carcinogens or mutagens, Many industrial impoundments in the United States
which pose serious public health risks at concentrations as did not have any bottom liners and did not meet new federal
low as 10 μg>L (10 ppb). or state standards for land disposal of wastes. Contaminated
Of all types of water pollution, this is perhaps the most liquids leaked out of these landfills and lagoons, percolated
insidious because at low concentrations the contaminants through the soil, and eventually reached a groundwater
rarely impart any noticeable taste or odor to drinking water. aquifer. This is illustrated in Figure 5-14. (The liquid from
118 chapter Five

Water Industrial Waste Artesian

table waste injection well
well lagoon well
Ground surface
Zone of Groundwater
aeration table
Septic leaching field Sewage
Septic Gravity
Impervious layer tank well
Water table
Confined freshwater aquifer

Deep saline Plume of pollution

Impervious layer aquifer Zone of saturation

Figure 5-14  Diagram showing two sources of ground- Figure 5-15  Groundwater can be polluted from on-site
water pollution from industrial waste disposal—a leaky sewage disposal systems. Wells located downhill from septic
surface impoundment or lagoon and deep well wastewater absorption fields are susceptible to contamination.
injection. The arrows indicate the direction of flow of the
pollutants. A bottom liner for the lagoon and thorough such as TCE. These potential human carcinogens also
geological exploration of the saline aquifer can help prevent ­pollute the groundwater in areas served by septic systems.
the pollution. Other ­contaminants that can reach the groundwater from
septic effluents include detergents, nitrates, and chlorides.
a solid waste landfill is called leachate.) Organic chemicals Pollution from septic systems is illustrated in Figure 5-15.
such as PCB and benzene have been found in groundwa- Subsurface disposal of settled wastewater is not inher-
ter at many industrial impoundment sites. One of the sub- ently an environmental problem. When they are properly
stances found most frequently is trichloroethylene (TCE), designed, installed, and maintained, on-site wastewater
a chlorinated hydrocarbon used as a solvent and degreaser. disposal systems are not sources of groundwater pollution.
Heavy metals such as selenium, arsenic, and cyanide have Percolation of the septic tank effluent through an appro-
also been found. priately thick layer of natural soil can provide effective
Industrial wastes are sometimes pumped into the treatment. It is important to note that the EPA considers
ground under pressure through deep wells, in a process on-site subsurface treatment and disposal to be a viable,
called deep well injection. This is generally an acceptable low-cost, long-term method for decentralized management
method for industrial waste disposal, but the geological of domestic wastewater or sewage. (See Section 10-5.)
conditions must be suitable. At depths over 300 m (1000 ft),
groundwater is often saline (high salt concentrations) and Municipal Landfills  Burial in the ground is one of the
is not appropriate for other uses. But even with deep well most common methods of disposing of municipal refuse.
injection, accidental contamination of important water sup- In the past, this practice was largely uncontrolled and the
ply aquifers is possible, as illustrated in Figure 5-14; deep disposal sites, commonly known as garbage dumps, were lit-
well injection of industrial waste is now strictly regulated by erally just that—places where municipal solid wastes were
government agencies (see Section 12-3). simply dumped on and into the ground. These dumps were
often located in low-lying areas with high groundwater ta-
Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems  Almost one bles or in abandoned sand and gravel pits. Leachate flowing
third of the population of the United States is served by on- through the refuse, high in BOD, chloride, nitrate, organ-
site subsurface sewage disposal systems. The most common ics, heavy metals, and other contaminants, easily reaches
of these is the septic tank and leaching field system, discussed the groundwater and enters underlying aquifers from such
in Section 10-5. Briefly, the septic tank traps and stores sol- disposal sites. There are thousands of inactive or abandoned
ids, while the liquid effluent from the tank flows into a net- dumps like this throughout the United States.
work of buried perforated pipes. The perforated pipes form Modern solid waste disposal technology can effectively
what is called the leaching or absorption field and serve to prevent groundwater pollution. The disposal sites are prop-
spread out the sewage effluent over an area large enough for erly called landfills rather than dumps. This is discussed in
it to seep slowly into the soil and degrade naturally. more detail in Section 11-6. Briefly, proper location of the
It has been estimated by the EPA that more than landfill with respect to geological conditions and the use
1  ­trillion gallons of sewage enter the ground each year of bottom liners are two of the ways in which groundwater
through on-site disposal systems. Unfortunately, because quality can be protected.
of inadequate design, poor construction, or lack of mainte-
nance, not all of these systems work properly. Septic disposal Mining and Petroleum Production  Many of the active,
systems are frequently the sources of fecal bacteria and virus as well as the abandoned, coal, metal, and other mines in
contamination in private wells. Also, the septic tank cleaning the United States are a threat to groundwater quality. Surface
fluids that some homeowners use contain organic solvents, water flowing in the vicinity of the mines can pick up dissolved
Water Pollution 119

metals and other solids, acidity, and even radioactive sub- Saltwater Intrusion  The subsurface flow of seawater
stances. As it infiltrates the earth, either in the open pits from into wells, called saltwater intrusion, is a groundwater pol-
strip mining or in underground tunnels and shafts, the pol- lution problem in many coastal cities and towns. Because
luted water easily carries these contaminants into underlying of increasing population, urbanization, and industrializa-
groundwater aquifers. Leaching of contaminants from t­ailings tion, increasing quantities of groundwater are being used in
(residue) ponds and slag (cinder) piles is also a source of many shore areas, and the amount of natural groundwater
groundwater contamination from mining operations. recharge is decreasing in these communities due to the con-
Many instances of groundwater pollution from petro- struction of roads and parking lots. As a consequence, the
leum production activities have been reported, particularly elevation of the groundwater table is dropping and draw-
in the south central and southwestern United States. A basic down depths (see Figure 3-27) in drinking water supply
cause of this has been the use of brine pits for disposal of the wells are increasing.
saline by-products of drilling. In coastal areas, there is an underground interface or
Petroleum products such as gasoline and motor oil also boundary line between fresh groundwater flowing from
are groundwater pollutants. These materials can flow through upland areas and the saline water percolating into the
the zone of aeration and reach the groundwater table. shore from the sea (the interface is more of a narrow tran-
Numerous instances of local groundwater pollution due to sition zone than a distinct line). Because seawater is about
leaky gasoline tanks at filling stations have been reported. It is 2.5 ­percent denser than freshwater, a pressure head of 40 ft
estimated by the EPA that nationwide as much as 11 million of seawater is equivalent to a pressure head of 41 ft of fresh-
gallons of gasoline leaked into the ground each year before water 11>40 = 0.025 = 2.5 percent2.
underground storage tank (UST) regulations were enacted. In other words, the hydrostatic pressure at a depth of
Now petroleum companies more often replace steel tanks 40 ft in seawater is the same as the pressure at a depth of 41 ft
with rustproof fiberglass tanks to eliminate leakage. in freshwater, and the pressure at a depth of 80 ft in ­seawater
Accidental spills on the surface are also sources of oil is the same as the pressure at a depth of 82 ft in freshwater,
and gasoline contamination in groundwater. Even in low and so on. As a result, for each foot the water table drops in
concentrations, these materials cause noticeable tastes and elevation, the seawater boundary rises 40 ft. This is illustrated
odors in drinking water obtained from a contaminated aqui- in Figure 5-16. Wells pumping water that is salty because of
fer. Leaded aviation and auto racing fuels contain ethylene seawater intrusion usually have to be abandoned as sources
dibromide (EDB) and benzene, which may be carcinogenic of drinking water. In addition to water conservation and
in humans. EDB was removed from on-road gasoline in the land use regulations, artificial recharge of the groundwater
mid-1980s when the addition of lead to on-road fuels was from freshwater impoundments can be effective in halting
discontinued. EDB was used to prevent precipitation of lead saltwater intrusion.
on engine pistons during the combustion process. Because of chronic saltwater intrusion, several coastal
In some cases, if the plume of petroleum pollution has communities in the United States require desalination plants
not traveled too far, steps can be taken to clean up the water. to ensure potable water supplies. The first desalination plant
The contaminated water can be pumped out of the ground, in the northeast United States, for example, now serves the
put through oil separators, and then discharged back into resort community of Cape May, New Jersey. It is a reverse
the ground. osmosis facility with a treatment capacity of 7.6 ML>d
(2  mgd). Reverse osmosis and other desalination methods
Agriculture  The most significant groundwater contami- are discussed in Section 6-6, along with a discussion of the
nants from agricultural activities are fertilizers and pesti- Cape May facility.
cides. Nitrates are of particular concern in ground­water In some locations, it is possible to prevent saltwater
used for drinking because of the health problem called blue ­intrusion from occurring by creating a “groundwater barrier,”
baby (see page 93). In the farming areas of eastern Long
Island in New York State, for example, many families with
infants must use bottled drinking water. The soil is very water
sandy, and nitrates from fertilizers are easily carried through interface
the porous soil into the groundwater, contaminating many Well
private wells. Ground surface
Water table
Mean sea level
Urban Areas  The public works departments of many cit-
ies and towns often spread salt on the roads to keep them 40 ft 41 ft
ice-free during the winter. Eventually, these salts are dis- 80 ft 82 ft
solved and carried off the pavement in sheet flow. Much of Interface
this material is carried into underlying aquifers, increasing
Saline groundwater
the chloride and TDS concentrations of the groundwater.
(In some communities, calcium magnesium acetate is used FIGURE 5-16  Saltwater intrusion into coastal area wells is a
instead of chloride salts.) significant source of groundwater contamination.
120 chapter Five

which effectively blocks the landward seepage of the salt water. There are five steps in the water cycle for hydrau-
For example, the Ocean County Water District in California is lic fracturing: water acquisition, chemical mixing, well
doing this by pumping highly treated wastewater into a series injection, flowback storage, and wastewater disposal (see
of 23 injection wells along the coast, thereby raising the eleva- Figure 5-17).
tion of the water table and protecting the freshwater aquifer Due to the increase in hydraulic fracturing activity
serving region. This unique application of wastewater recy- in the United States, there has been much concern about
cling, called indirect potable reuse, is described in more detail in potential harmful effects of this drilling method on the envi-
Sections 6-6 and 10-4. ronment and on human health. In 2010, the EPA began to
Hydraulic Fracturing Advances in horizontal drill- study the possible impacts of fracking on drinking water
ing methods and hydraulic fracturing technology have resources. Fundamental drinking water questions associated
made it economically feasible to tap vast geologic depos- with each step in the hydrofracking water cycle are summa-
its of natural gas as a source of relatively “clean energy.” rized in Figure 5-18.
The gas (mostly methane) is found in deep layers of shale Improper hydraulic fracturing operations can also
and other sedimentary rock formations (see Section 1-4 emit harmful air pollutants. Several states have set stan-
Geology and Soils). dards to regulate these new drilling activities, including
Hydraulic fracturing (often called “fracking”) enhances requirements for disclosure of the exact chemicals used in
the flow of gas through the porous rock. Injection wells used the process, so that accidental spills can be identified. But
in the process pump a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals not all states have the same standards. A better approach
under high pressure into the ground, to create fractures and for protecting drinking water supplies and the environ-
stimulate the flow of gas back up to the wellhead for col- ment from hydraulic fracturing operations may be to
lection (sand keeps the fractures open when well pressure is establish nationwide standards and allow individual states
reduced). flexibility to meet them.

Water Chemical Well Flowback and Storage Treatment and
Acquisition Mixing Injection Produced Water tanks
Waste Disposal


Water Use in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Hydraulic fracturing often involves Water Acquisition—Large volumes of water are
the injection of more than a million transported for the fracturing process.
gallons of water, chemicals, and sand Chemical Mixing—Equipment mixes water, chemicals,
at high pressure down the well. The and sand at the well site.
depth and length of the well varies Well Injection—The hydraulic fracturing fluid is
depending on the characteristics of pumped into the well at high injection rates.
the hydrocarbon-bearing formation. Flowback and Produced Water—Recovered water
The pressurized fluid mixture causes (called flowback and produced water) is stored
the formation to crack, allowing on-site in open pits or storage tanks.
5,000 natural gas or oil to flow up the well. Wastewater Treatment and Waste Disposal—The
wastewater is then transported for treatment and/or

7,000 feet

Hydrocarbon-bearing Induced Fractures


FIGURE 5-17  Water cycle in hydraulic fracturing.

(Courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Water Pollution 121

Water Use in Hydraulic

Potential Drinking Water Issues
Fracturing Operations

• Water availability
Water Acquisition • Impact of water withdrawal on water quality

• Release to surface and ground water

Chemical Mixing (e.g., on-site spills and/or leaks)
• Chemical transportation accidents

• Accidental release to ground or surface water (e.g., well malfunction)

• Fracturing fluid migration into drinking water aquifers
Well Injection • Formation fluid displacement into aquifers
• Mobilization of subsurface formation materials into aquifers

• Release to surface and ground water

Flowback and
• Leakage from on-site storage into drinking water resources
Produced Water
• Improper pit construction, maintenance, and/or closure

• Surface and/or subsurface discharge into surface and ground water

Wastewater Treatment
• Incomplete treatment of wastewater and solid residuals
and Waste Disposal
• Wastewater transportation accidents

Figure 5-18  Water use and potential concerns in hydraulic fracturing operations.
(Courtesy of EPA.)

Preventive Measures approved by the EPA. A WHP plan consists of (a) delinea-
tion of the wellhead protection area, (b) an inventory of pos-
Natural purification of chemically contaminated ground- sible sources of pollution, and (c) an emergency or contin-
water can take decades and perhaps centuries, and cleanup gency plan should a contaminant threaten the groundwater
efforts are sometimes much too expensive to be practical. supply. The costs of completing and implementing a WHP
The best way, then, to control groundwater pollution is to plan and monitoring and regulating some activities are far
prevent it from occurring in the first place. Laws related to less than the costs of emergency procedures (e.g., providing
solid and hazardous waste disposal now significantly reduce an emergency water supply or cleaning the groundwater,
new contamination. Not only are physical barriers between should a public well become contaminated).
the waste and the groundwater required, but monitoring
wells must be installed in some cases to provide early warn-
ing of possible leakage.
Land-use management applied on the local level by
5-7 Ocean Pollution
towns and cities can be effective in preventing aquifer Ocean water is naturally saline (salty), containing about
contamination. For example, zoning ordinances that pre- 3.5  percent dissolved solids (35 grams per liter). This is
vent residential or industrial development in areas that are much greater than the concentration of total solids car-
known groundwater recharge zones can reduce pollution ried in raw sewage, but the ocean is not considered to be
problems. Strict enforcement of regulations pertaining to “polluted” because of its natural salinity. This is because
the siting, design, and construction of septic systems can dissolved solids in the sea are inorganic minerals, mostly
reduce or eliminate the incidence of sewage contamination sodium chloride. The salinity, however, does make ocean
of private wells. Prudent application of pesticides and fertil- water unsuitable for most human uses, with the exception
izers in agricultural areas can also be effective in this regard. of instances where it is subjected to a desalting (or desalina-
The Safe Drinking Water Act amendments of 1996 tion) process (see Section 6-6) to make it potable.
require states to establish a wellhead protection program For these reasons, as well as because of the tremen-
(WHP) for groundwater-based public water supplies (the dous amount of dilution it apparently provides, there was
term “wellhead” refers to a well or to the cover built over a natural tendency to consider the ocean as a convenient
a well casing). Each state must develop, with public par- “sink” or receptacle for wastes of all kinds. Ultimately, most
ticipation, a WHP program plan that is to be reviewed and of  the sewage effluent discharged into streams and rivers,
122 chapter Five

or underground, makes its way to the ocean. In coastal areas

of developed nations, treated sewage effluent is discharged Ontario
directly into the ocean, but the effluent may still contain
­pollutants, and, all too often, untreated sewage is discharged
into coastal waters because of storm overflows at the treat- NY
ment plants. Despite the tremendous volume of the marine
environment, the natural capacity of the ocean to assimilate Watershed
wastes is limited. ridgeline
In some coastal areas, excessive chemical nutrients OH
(nitrogen and phosphorous) from sewage and dispersed agri- PA
cultural runoff can cause seasonal formations of hypoxic areas,
or so-called “dead zones,” in which DO levels drop so low
that most higher forms of aquatic life vanish. The DO drops
when algal blooms caused by the nutrients die and decay NJ
through bacterial action. Hypoxic zones occur worldwide; in MD
the United States, they occur annually in Long Island Sound,
Chesapeake Bay, and, one of the largest, in the northern Gulf DC
of Mexico beginning at the Mississippi River delta; it is some-
times extends over an area as large as 22,000 km2 (8500 mi2).

Estuaries  Estuaries are natural transition zones be-

tween freshwater rivers and saline ocean waters. They Chesapeake
are semi-enclosed bodies of water, including bays, river Bay
mouths, and salt marshes. Because they are adjacent to
land, they are the first marine areas to receive wastes car- NC Atlantic
ried by river flow. Estuaries are considered to be one of Ocean
the most biologically productive environments and are
of critical importance to a variety of both terrestrial and Figure 5-19  The Chesapeake Bay watershed encompasses
marine organisms. Not only is pollution a threat to these land in six states and is tributary to the largest estuary in the
United States.
vital ecosystems, poor land-use management that allows
(Courtesy of EPA.)
the filling in of wetland areas for residential or commercial
development also takes its toll.
Beyond the estuaries and the relatively shallow coastal And in 2011, only 5 percent of the Bay’s tidal waters met
ocean waters is the open ocean, which composes about 70 the water clarity goal.
percent of Earth’s surface. The open ocean is almost entirely In 2004, a U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy reported
dependent on the estuaries for nutrients, which are trans- that coastal waters were severely degraded by human activi-
ported by currents to the deeper water, and for the support ties. The commission also noted that about half of the pop-
of life processes. ulation of the United States lives on or near the coast and
The Chesapeake Bay watershed (Figure 5-19) is tribu- coastal watersheds. Suggestions for curbing nutrient pollu-
tary to the largest estuary in the United States including tion and overfishing were offered to prevent further deg-
about 166,000 km2 (64,000 mi2) of land in six states. In radation of the ocean water environment. But the health of
the late 1990s, the EPA designated the bay and many of its most estuary and ocean ecosystems continues to decrease
tributaries as being impaired because of low DO levels, poor because of coastal land development, pollution, overfishing,
water clarity, and excessive algal blooms. The Chesapeake and the presence of invasive plant and aquatic species. In
Bay Program, a partnership between the EPA and the states the United States, the coastal economy generates about half
in the watershed, has established standards to improve bay of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP); coordinated
water quality conditions. In particular, the amounts of plant regional ecosystem management plans and a national ocean
nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) that can enter the policy could support healthier and more resilient coastal
bay are strictly limited to prevent the large algal blooms that and ocean ecosystems.
deplete DO levels, reducing the amount available to fish and Problems related to degradation of the ocean waters are,
other aquatic organisms. of course, global in scope, and efforts to reverse the increas-
Over the first decade of this century, DO levels in ing rate of marine ecosystem degradation must be interna-
roughly one third of the water in the Bay improved and tional in scope as well. Several groups of marine scientists
met the standards. But the overall health of the Bay’s eco- (e.g., International Program on the State of the Ocean, or
system remains in poor condition. Chesapeake Bay still IPSO) have gathered increased worldwide efforts for coor-
contains polluted water, degraded aquatic habitats, and dinating ocean research and finding creative solutions to
depleted populations of many fish and shellfish species. ocean pollution problems.
Water Pollution 123

Diffusion of Sewage in Seawater  Treated sewage ef- Multiport diffuser

fluent from cities and towns is discharged directly into the Port
ocean in many coastal areas. The pipes that carry the waste- Sewage
Sewage 2m
water into the ocean are called outfalls. These are often Ports
large-diameter conduits that may extend far offshore. For
example, the outfall from the Deer Island Treatment Plant
Up to Typical diffuser section
in Boston is 12.5 km (7.5 mi) long. 400 m
When sewage flows out of the open end of an outfall
pipe, it forms a rising column because it is warmer and less Figure 5-21  Multiport diffusers at the end of an ocean out-
dense than seawater. This is illustrated in Figure 5-20. When fall pipe increase the mixing and dilution of sewage in the
it reaches the surface, the column of sewage forms a large seawater, thereby preventing the formation of plumes.
bubble or boil, which moves in the direction of the surface
currents. As the current carries the boil, a plume of diluted and New Jersey used a sewage sludge dumping site in the
wastewater forms, similar to a plume from a smokestack. Atlantic Ocean. It was located about 20 km (12 mi) offshore
Unfortunately, the plume is sometimes carried toward and was only about 25 m (80 ft) deep and about 36 km2
shore, raising the coliform counts near recreational areas. (14 mi2) in area. In 1984 alone, approximately 8 million tons
Occasionally, beaches must be closed for swimming because of sewage sludge was dumped there. That area of the ocean
of excessive coliform counts. was found to have high levels of bacteria, which prevented
The effectiveness of ocean disposal of sewage effluent shellfishing, as well as high levels of toxic metals and PCB, a
depends on how well the effluent is dispersed and spread out in known carcinogen. Normal marine life was virtually elimi-
the ocean when it exits the outfall. Sufficient dispersion of the nated at the site, and ocean currents sometimes carried the
effluent will facilitate the natural purification process, reduce sludge to beaches and parks along the shore.
bacteria concentrations, and prevent pollution at shore areas. In 1985, the EPA ordered that the 12-mi site be closed
Most outfalls are now built with multiport diffusers at the dis- and required that sewage sludge be hauled out to a more
charge end to maximize the amount of diffusion. The diffuser distant site, about 175 km (106 mi) off the coast. This
distributes the effluent over a relatively large area of the ocean dumping location, just beyond the continental shelf, had
bottom through many circular holes or ports. This allows a an area of about 250 km2 (100 mi2) and was about 2500 m
much greater degree of mixing and dilution than there is from (8000 ft) deep. Ocean dumping of sewage sludge at this site
an outfall without a diffuser. Diffusers prevent the formation was allowed until 1992, at which time Congress banned
of sewage boils and provide greater shore protection. ocean dumping completely in all coastal areas. Currently,
The success of a diffuser in accomplishing this objec- New York City contracts with companies to convert
tive depends on careful hydraulic design computations. It approximately half of annual sludge volume into benefi-
is necessary to achieve uniform flow distribution through cial soil amendments, which are applied to city parks, golf
the ports. A typical ocean outfall diffuser is illustrated in courses, and lawns. The balance is shipped by rail for land
Figure 5-21. Typical dimensions are shown just to illustrate disposal in locations as far away as Texas.
the size of these structures.
Oil Spills  Accidental discharges of oil into ocean and bay
Ocean Dumping of Sludge  In the past, many coastal waters can cause serious ecological damage in the open sea,
cities in the United States dumped sewage sludge in the as well as onshore where oil slicks may be driven by wind
ocean. For example, for about 60 years New York City and tide action. Oil pollution on the shore harms all forms
and many of the surrounding communities in New York of aquatic life and interferes with bathing, fishing, and recre-
ational use of beaches. Oil spills can also cause the death of
birds that live on the surface and dive to obtain their food. It
Wind and tide may carry plume of has been estimated that the Torrey Canyon oil spill in 1967
polluted water back to shore was responsible for the deaths of about 100,000 birds. In
1989, when the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilled 42 million
Sewage "boil" liters (11 million gallons) of oil into Prince William Sound,
Alaska, hundreds of kilometers of shoreline was polluted
and ecological damage was severe.
pipe The main sources of oil pollution include tanker spills
Ocean and offshore oil-well blowouts. Worldwide in 1979 alone,
water about 140 million gallons of oil from tanker accidents was
spilled into the sea. In the same year almost 95 million gal-
Ocean floor lons (3 million barrels) of oil was spilled from a single off-
Figure 5-20  Sewage effluent from an ocean outfall pipe
shore well off the coast of Mexico over a nine-month period.
forms a rising column in ocean water because of its lower The oil and tar slick traveled about 1100 km (700 mi) north,
density. The column reaches the surface in a boil. reaching the coast of Texas.
124 chapter Five

An oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico during Plastic pollution of the oceans is a difficult prob-
the summer of 2010, when the Deepwater Horizon offshore lem to solve because of its global scale. Increasing use of
drilling rig exploded, became the largest environmental ­biodegradable plastics, as well as an emphasis on waste
disaster in American history at that time. Over a period of recycling and waste minimization by the public and by
more than three months after the explosion, approximately governmental ­bodies, can certainly help to mitigate this
800 million liters (200 million gallons) of oil gushed from the growing problem.
wellhead, located at a depth of about 1500 m (5000 ft) and
about 66 km (41 mi) from the Louisiana coast. An oil slick
formed, eventually covering about 10,000 km2 (38,500 mi2) 5-8 Water Quality
of water. Damage to the coastal environment, as well as to
the Gulf’s fishing and tourism industries, was extensive. The
oil company that was leasing and operating the drilling rig In the urbanized and industrialized world of today, it is
was held responsible for all cleanup costs and compensation necessary to have a legal basis for protecting water qual-
for victims of the spill. ity. It takes human effort, energy, and money to keep water
In some cases, the spread of an oil slick can be controlled clean enough for the many different uses for which society
by employing physical barriers, and mechanical means of requires it. Without a legal framework to allow the enforce-
collecting the spilled oil have been used with varying degrees ment of water quality standards, environmental quality and
of effectiveness. Detergents used as chemical dispersants public health would be in constant jeopardy.
have been used to break up oil slicks, but even these deter- Water quality standards are limits on the amount of
gents can be toxic and harm the marine ecosystem. physical, chemical, or microbiological impurities allowed in
The best way to prevent environmental damage from water that is intended for a particular use. These are legally
an oil spill is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. enforceable by governmental agencies and include rules and
Stricter international standards for the design and opera- regulations for sampling, testing, and reporting test results
tion of oil tankers can be effective in reducing the frequency to the public.
and extent of spills. Similarly, stricter requirements for the Since the mid-1960s in the United States, Congress has
safety, licensing, inspection, and monitoring of offshore enacted several laws that focus on the problems of water pol-
drilling operations can protect the ocean environment. lution and water quality protection. They require the EPA
to set minimum standards; individual states have the right
Floating Plastic Rubbish  Starting in the 1970s, m
­ arine to adopt the same federal standards or to establish stricter
scientists began to notice large areas of ocean water that standards of their own.
contained floating plastic debris. In addition to coming There are certain disadvantages in having such rigid
from the illegal dumping of refuse, plastic waste (e.g., plas- statutory laws, including the fact that sometimes not
tic bags, bottles, and bottle caps) that originates as litter on enough scientific data are available to really confirm the
land can be carried by wind into storm runoff collection validity of a particular standard. But the laws generally
systems, streams, and rivers, all of which eventually drain serve as a reasonable basis for pollution control and public
into the ocean. Floating plastic trash can kill fish and other health protection. As more research is done, the standards
large marine animals, as well as seabirds, by being mistaken are revised to better balance the risk of contamination with
as food and directly ingested. Also, plastic can eventually be- the cost of cleanup.
come brittle from the chemical and physical effects of sea- There are three different types of water quality stan-
water and sunlight, and break down into much smaller bits dards: stream standards, effluent standards, and drink-
and pieces; these pieces can be ingested by zooplankton and ing water standards. To put this in proper perspective,
thereby enter the food web. Some chemical compounds in the relationship among these three kinds of water qual-
plastic may cause a wide variety of adverse health effects in ity standards is shown schematically in Figure 5-22.
fish as well as in humans. Together, they reinforce each other and cover all bases in
Plastic debris has been found by oceanographers to the ­ultimate goal of protecting public health and environ-
accumulate primarily in five regions that together may cover mental quality.
as much as 40 percent of the world’s oceans. These areas of Stream standards are discussed in this section, and
large rotating ocean currents that contain floating plastic drinking water standards are discussed in Section 6-1.
objects and suspended plastic detritus have been identified Effluent standards are covered in Section 10-1.
as the North and South Pacific Gyres, the North and South
Atlantic Gyres, and the Indian Ocean Gyre. The North Pacific
Gyre (also called the Trash Vortex of the North Pacific and the
Stream Standards
Great Pacific Garbage Patch) is estimated to be about the size Beginning with the Water Quality Act of 1965, individual
of the State of Texas. Most plastic debris in the oceans is sus- states were required by federal law to classify surface waters
pended just below the water surface; it is not visible in aerial on the basis of their “maximum beneficial use.” The states
photographs or in satellite images. But larger floating plastic also had to establish specific criteria for limiting the amount
waste objects in the gyres are clearly visible from boat decks. of pollutants allowed in the different classifications of
Water Pollution 125

Stream standards
spawning streams, however, have minimum DO levels set
apply here at about 8 mg>L.
Set limits on pollutants State standards for maximum coliform levels in class
in surface water A waters may vary somewhat from the EPA recommended
level of 200 fecal coliforms per 100 mL. In surface water
Raw intended for public supply, the permissible level of fecal
Treated Effluent standards water coliforms may be as high as 2000 per 100 mL, 10 times the
sewage apply here supply level for bathing waters.
effluent Set limits on amounts of At first glance, this may seem to be a mistake, but it
Sewage pollutants in effluent Water must be kept in mind that these stream standards are for
treatment treatment
plant plant the raw or untreated water. Surface water must be treated
Drinking water before consumption, and modern water treatment plants
Raw sewage standards Potable can easily reduce coliform levels to an average of less than
influent apply here water
1 coliform per 100 mL, even if the water initially contained
Set limits on contaminants
in public water supply 2000 per 100 mL.
However, swimmers do not normally swallow signifi-
Figure 5-22  Three different types of water quality
s­ tandards are enforced by the EPA and state regulatory cant quantities of water, and even at a level of 200 coliforms
agencies to protect public health and environment. per 100 mL, the probability of disease transmission is very
low. Moderate levels of coliforms, then, are tolerable in
primary contact recreational waters. Of course, in waters
surface water. These classifications and criteria are gener- intended for public drinking supplies, it would still be best
ally referred to as stream standards, although they have been to have a source with coliform levels as low as possible so as
established for lakes and coastal waters as well. not to overburden the treatment processes.
This law took into account the fact that the water quality
of many streams and lakes had already deteriorated enough
to prevent certain uses, but to allow others. Classification on Clean Water Act (CWA)
the basis of maximum beneficial use is intended to prevent The Water Quality Act of 1965, one of the early laws
even further deterioration of the water from excessive sew- aimed at controlling water pollution, in the United States
age discharges. Stream classifications can be upgraded by was amended and strengthened by the Federal Water
the states as progress is made in cleaning up the water, but Pollution Control Act Amendments (FWPCA) of 1972.
they cannot be lowered. In this manner, existing low-quality The FWPCA began a national permit system for all point
and high-quality waters were identified, and pollution con- source dischargers. This shifted the focus from stream
trol efforts could be focused where the maximum benefit standards, which regulate the amount of pollutants in
could be obtained. receiving water, to effluent standards, which limit the
Specific classifications and criteria vary among the amount of pollutants in separate discharges from point
­different states, but in general, four categories or classes of sources such as sewage treatment plants (for more on this,
surface waters are commonly identified, as follows: see Section 10-1).
More amendments have been passed over the years
Classification Description since 1972. The Clean Water Act (CWA) is a 1977 amend-
A Water suitable for primary contact
ment, and in 1987, the CWA was reauthorized Among the
­recreation (i.e., swimming and the like) provisions of the reauthorization was the requirement for
B Water suitable for the maintenance and
the EPA to develop regulations for control of stormwater
propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, runoff and the requirement for states to prepare nonpoint-
and for secondary contact recreation source management programs. The CWA allows for the
(boating and fishing) delegation by the EPA of many permitting, administrative,
C Water suitable for public water supply and enforcement aspects of the law to state governments.
after treatment and purification In states with the authority to implement CWA programs,
D Water suitable for agricultural or the EPA still retains oversight responsibilities.
­industrial use A great deal of progress in cleaning up the nation’s
waters has been made since the mid-1970s, under the pro-
The actual water quality criteria for the different use visions of the CWA and its predecessors. In 1972, only 30
classifications usually include allowable limits on dissolved to 40 percent of assessed waters met water quality goals
oxygen, coliforms, solids, turbidity, pH, and toxic wastes. such as being safe for fishing and swimming. Today, almost
For example, a minimum DO of 5 mg>L is typically set 70 percent of assessed waters meet state water quality goals.
for the maintenance of fish life, but a minimum DO of only In 1972, sewage treatment plants served about 85 million
3 mg>L may be required for class D waters just to main- people; today, less than 1 percent of the U.S. population
tain aerobic conditions. Streams to be protected as trout discharges untreated wastewater. And compliance with
126 chapter Five

national standards for discharges from industrial plants control activities within well-defined hydrologic drainage
results in the removal of millions of kilograms of pollutants basins, rather than by politically defined boundaries. It is the
from wastewater each year. foundation for the Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and
A primary reason for the dramatic progress in reducing Protecting America’s Waters, which was initiated in 1998.
water pollution is the remarkable improvement in the treat- Development and implementation of plans to restore
ment of municipal wastewater. More than $100 billion has water quality on a watershed basis should result in a signifi-
been invested in wastewater treatment facilities since 1972. cant reduction of polluted runoff. Focusing on the whole
In addition to providing funding, the CWA implemented watershed balances efforts to control polluted runoff as well
uniform sewage treatment standards (secondary treatment, as point source pollution and protect drinking water sources
see Section 10-3) for all sewage treatment systems across the and sensitive natural resources such as wetlands. A watershed
country. This provision of a single sewage treatment goal focus also helps implement the most cost-effective pollution
helped overcome extended debates over treatment levels control strategies for meeting clean water goals.
and became a basis for the successful construction of more
than 14,000 municipal sewage treatment facilities in the Index of Watershed Indicators  To describe water qual-
United States. ity on a watershed scale, the EPA and other federal agencies
Over the last few decades, other laws have enhanced have produced the index of watershed indicators (IWI). The
parts of the CWA. For example, the Great Lakes Critical IWI organizes information on several indicators of watershed
Programs Act of 1990, enacted by both the United States health and uses them to assess the condition of the aquatic
and Canada, established water quality criteria for certain system in each watershed in the nation. The indicators in-
toxic pollutants in the Great Lakes, setting maximum lev- clude most conventional water quality data (see Chapter 4)
els safe for humans and aquatic life. Under the CWA, states as well as data on sediment contamination, fish consumption
are required to submit a water quality report every 2 years. advisories, wetlands loss rates, soil loss, and other environ-
The EPA must analyze the state reports and send a sum- mental conditions.
mary to Congress. That summary, called the National Water In 1997, the EPA released the first IWI report. At that
Quality Inventory Report, contains information about cur- time, 16 percent of U.S. watersheds were reported to have
rent water quality conditions in U.S. rivers, lakes, estuaries, good water quality, 36 percent had moderate water quality
and groundwater. Water quality is judged by determining if problems, 21 percent had serious water quality problems,
the water is clean enough for the basic uses, such as swim- and 27 percent of the watersheds lacked sufficient informa-
ming, drinking supply, and fishing. Despite the significant tion to make an overall assessment. (There are 2149 water-
progress in reducing pollution since the early 1970s, serious sheds in the continental United States; see Section 3-4 for
water quality problems persist throughout the United States. more about watersheds.)
Many of the nation’s rivers, lakes, and estuaries remain too
polluted for the basic uses of fishing or swimming. Total Maximum Daily Load Program A total maxi-
In order to increase the effectiveness of the CWA and mum daily load (TMDL) specifies the maximum amount of a
ensure water quality protection, in 2009 the U.S. EPA ini- specific pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet
tiated an enforcement action plan to strengthen oversight water quality standards. TMDLs also allocate the pollutant
of the states and to assure federal enforcement against seri- loads among point and nonpoint sources. Under the CWA,
ous violators of pollution laws. Also, in 2010, the National states are required to develop a list of water bodies that do not
Resource Conservation Service implemented the National attain and maintain current water quality standards, to es-
Water Quality Initiative, a program that provides finan- tablish priority rankings for the list, and to calculate TMDLs
cial assistance to farmers and ranchers in small watersheds ­for each listed water body. The list of impaired waters must be
throughout the United States to improve water quality by updated every 2 years. Although TMDLs have been required
reducing nutrient, sediment, and pathogen contamination by the CWA since 1972, the program was not fully imple-
from agricultural lands. mented. In an effort to speed progress toward achieving water
quality standards and improving the TMDL program, the EPA
Watershed Management Approach published a new revised and clarified TMDL rule in July 2000.
For close to four decades, the CWA has helped steadily
reduce water pollution caused by point discharges from
municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. 5-9  Chapter Synopsis
Now, the predominant source of the remaining water pol- Water is considered to be polluted when it contains
lution is nonpoint runoff from urban and agricultural lands. ­certain substances that make it unfit for a specific use,
The key to controlling this is the watershed management such as drinking or swimming. There is a wide variation
approach. This is a strategy that integrates water quality in types of beneficial water use and in the concentrations
Water Pollution 127

of substances that may render the water unfit for use. proliferate. Lakes that are nutrient rich, relatively shallow
Whether water is characterized as “polluted” basically and warm, and have abundant forms of plant and animal
depends on a comparison of contaminant levels to the life are generally in a eutrophic stage. Although eutrophi-
maximum allowable levels specified by environmental and cation (the aging of lakes) is a natural process, the rate
public health agencies. The term “pollution,” though, gen- of eutrophication is accelerated when pollutants from
erally implies that the source of the contamination is from runoff or subsurface sewage disposal systems enter the
human activities. water. Algal blooms, excessive growth of algae that floats
Water pollutants may come from a point source (e.g., on the lake’s surface, are characteristic of most eutrophic
a single pipe) or from a dispersed source (e.g., runoff from lakes. Lakes and reservoirs are also affected by seasonal
a farm). Water pollution from dispersed sources is much temperature changes, which cause thermal stratification
more difficult to prevent than that from point sources. and overturns (mixing of layers) in the spring and fall.
Specific types of water pollutants include pathogenic This affects drinking water quality if the lake is a source
microbes, BOD, plant nutrients, toxic chemicals, sedi- of supply, and appropriate water intake structures must
ment, radionuclides, heat, and oil. Sewage is the primary be constructed.
source of pathogens and BOD, which can be significantly About half of the U.S. population relies on groundwa-
reduced by wastewater treatment processes. Plant nutri- ter for potable supply. Groundwater is typically of excel-
ents (e.g., nitrogen) come from sewage and runoff, as does lent quality because of natural filtration in the soil. But
sediment (suspended silt). Toxic chemicals, heat, and oil groundwater can be polluted from a variety of activities and
typically originate from chemical plants and other indus- sources, including industrial wastes, defective septic sys-
trial facilities. Hot water discharge (from a power plant) tems, old landfills, saltwater intrusion in coastal areas, and
can be a water pollutant because it reduces DO levels in a fracking in drinking water aquifer regions. Groundwater
stream or river and harms aquatic life. Sediment deposits pollution is of particular concern because of the slow rate
and oil spills also harm aquatic ecosystems. Pretreatment at which water moves through an aquifer, and the conse-
of industrial wastewater, soil erosion and sediment control quent difficulty in solving groundwater pollution prob-
plans, and avoidance of oil spills can mitigate pollution lems. Polluted wells must be abandoned, and, in some
from those sources. coastal areas where saltwater intrusion has occurred, the
Flowing streams and rivers have a natural capacity for construction and operation of desalting plants is an expen-
self-purification as they absorb or assimilate biodegradable sive option for water supply.
wastes. This natural waste assimilative capacity includes the Ocean water, although unsuitable for potable supply
physical processes of dilution and reaeration, as well as the (without desalination), is susceptible to pollution despite its
biological processes in which microorganisms in the water vastness. It provides a tremendous reservoir for “dilution
use DO to metabolize organic pollutants and convert them of pollution,” but the ocean volume is not infinite, and its
into harmless substances. When point source pollutants capacity to assimilate pollution in estuaries and other sen-
enter a stream, dilution begins as a waste plume forms and sitive coastal zones between ocean and land is finite and
spreads out. The diluted concentration of a pollutant depends limited. Estuaries, situated between freshwater rivers and
on its original concentration in the flowing water, the waste the saline ocean waters, are biologically productive envi-
flow concentration, the stream discharge and the waste dis- ronments that are of critical importance to many terrestrial
charge (see Equation 5-1). As an organic pollutants continue and  aquatic organisms. Nutrients from estuaries are also
to flow downstream, the DO levels begin to drop because transported to deeper ocean waters for the support of life
the microbes in the water and the waste use oxygen as they processes. Multipart diffuser outfall pipelines carry treated
metabolize and decompose the pollutants. At the same time, sewage effluent far offshore to minimize adverse environ-
reaeration occurs as oxygen from the air dissolves into the mental impacts. Ocean dumping of sewage sludge in U.S.
water at the surface. The combined effect of DO depletion coastal waters was banned in 1992.
and reaeration forms a dissolved oxygen sag curve that can Beginning in 1965, federal law required classification
be depicted on a graph. If the rates of deoxygenation and of surface waters on the basis of their “maximum beneficial
reaeration are known (or measured), it is possible to calculate use,” and standards were established to limit the amount
the critical oxygen deficit and its location in the stream (see of pollutants discharged into streams, lakes, and coastal
Equations 5-2 and 5-3). This kind of analysis may be done to waters. Current policy uses a watershed management
determine the level of wastewater treatment required to pro- approach for controlling water pollution, which integrates
tect water quality in the stream. water quality control activities within hydrologic drain-
Lakes are more susceptible to the effects of a form of age basins rather than by politically defined boundaries.
pollution called nutrient enrichment than are streams and An index of watershed indicators is used to organize and
rivers because the lake water remains in one location for assess water quality information in each watershed in the
a relatively long time, allowing algae and aquatic weeds to United States.
128 chapter Five

Review Questions 25. What is the most widespread source of stream and river
pollution in the United States? What is the most wide-
1. Give a brief definition of water pollution. spread source of groundwater pollution?
2. What is the difference between a point source and a dis- 26. Briefly describe the main strategy of the Clean Water
persed source of pollutants? Give an example of each. Action Plan.
3. List nine different types or groups of water pollutants.
Indicate a primary source of each type. Practice Problems
4. Briefly discuss the effects of thermal pollution.
5. How can thermal pollution be controlled or eliminated? 1. An effluent from a sewage treatment plant has a TDS
concentration of 500 mg>L and a flow rate of 1.5 mgd.
6. Why is suspended silt or clay considered to be a water The receiving stream has a TDS level of 100 mg>L and
pollutant? How does it get into streams and lakes? a discharge of 6 mgd. Compute the TDS concentration
7. Briefly describe eight soil erosion control methods. in the combined sewage and streamflow downstream of
8. What are two important factors affecting stream the mixing zone. Assume that the sewage is completely
self-purification? mixed in the stream water.
9. Briefly describe a dissolved oxygen profile. Make a 2. The BOD5 of an effluent from a poorly operating sew-
sketch of a DO profile for a small, slow-moving stream age treatment plant is 100 mg>L, and the discharge is
receiving a raw sewage discharge. 1.5 ML>d. The receiving stream has a BOD5 of 3 mg>L.
What minimum streamflow is needed for a dilution
10. Briefly describe the four zones of stream pollution.
such that the combined BOD5 of the sewage and stream
11. Why is it important to be able to compute the minimum water is no greater than 10 mg>L?
DO in a stream or river?
3. The combined BODL in a stream mixed with sewage efflu-
12. What is one of the basic differences between lake pollu- ent is 25 mg>L. The stream reaeration rate is found to
tion and stream pollution? be 0.4>d, and the deoxygenation constant is assumed to be
13. Is the eutrophication of a lake a pollution problem? 0.1>d. The initial combined DO in the stream is 8.0 mg>L,
Why? and the DO saturation level is 11 mg>L. Compute the min-
14. What are some methods for controlling cultural eutro- imum DO level in the stream due to the sewage discharge.
phication of lakes or reservoirs? 4. A sewage treatment plant discharges 4 ML>d of efflu-
15. Briefly explain the occurrence of thermal stratification ent with 28 mg>L of BOD5 into a stream. The stream
and seasonal turnover in a lake. How does this affect the discharge is 16 ML>d, and its initial BOD5 is 6 mg>L.
quality of the lake water? The initial DO in the effluent is 2 mg>L, and in the
stream it is 7 mg>L. Compute the minimum DO level in
16. Is groundwater naturally pure? Why?
the stream, assuming that k1 = 0.1>d and k2 = 0.3>d.
17. Do you think that the contamination of an important Assume that the saturation DO level is 10.0 mg>L. If the
groundwater aquifer is a serious problem? Why? velocity of streamflow is 0.1 m>s, how far downstream
18. Briefly discuss eight different possible sources of does the minimum DO occur?
groundwater contamination. 5. An effluent from a sewage treatment plant has a DO
19. What measures can be taken to prevent groundwater level of 3 mg>L and a flow rate of 6 ML>d. The receiving
pollution? stream has a DO level of 10 mg>L and a discharge of 30
20. Are ocean waters immune to pollution problems? ML>d. Compute the DO concentration in the combined
Briefly discuss your answer. sewage and streamflow just downstream of the mixing
21. What is an estuary? Why are estuaries important
ecosystems? 6. A sewage treatment plant discharges 2 mgd of effluent
with 30 mg>L of BOD5 into a stream. The stream dis-
22. Briefly discuss the role of multiport diffusers in ocean
charge is 10 mgd, and its initial BOD5 is 5 mg>L. The
disposal of sewage.
initial DO in the effluent is 3 mg>L, and in the stream
23. Briefly discuss ocean dumping and oil spills with regard it is 9 mg>L. Compute the minimum DO level in the
to ocean pollution. stream, assuming that k1 = 0.1>d and k2 = 0.3>d.
24. What is the function of stream classification stan- Assume that the saturation DO level is 12.0 mg>L. If the
dards? Briefly discuss four common classifications of velocity of streamflow is 20 ft>min, how far downstream
streams. does the minimum DO occur?
chapter six

Drinking Water Purification

Chapter Outline 6-5 Disinfection

6-1 Safe Drinking Water Act
Other Methods of Disinfection
Drinking Water Standards
Sampling Procedures 6-6 Other Treatment Processes
Record Keeping and Reporting Water Softening
6-2 Sedimentation
Activated Carbon
Detention Time
Corrosion Control
Overflow Rate
Settling Tank Design
Arsenic Removal
6-3 Coagulation and Flocculation Membrane Filtration
6-4 Filtration Desalination
Rapid Filters
6-7 Chapter Synopsis
Filter Design
Filter Operation
Other Types of Filters

W ater withdrawn directly from rivers, lakes, or

reservoirs is rarely clean enough for human
consumption if it is not treated to purify it.
Even water pumped from underground aquifers often re-
quires some degree of treatment to render it potable, that is,
that are used to prepare potable water are also discussed in
this chapter.
Groundwater is the source of potable water for about
one-half of the U.S. population. It is usually free of patho-
genic organisms and turbidity because of the natural filtra-
suitable for drinking. tion that occurs as the water percolates through the geologic
The nature and extent of treatment required to prepare layers in an aquifer. But because it is in direct contact with
potable water from surface or subsurface sources depend soil or rock, groundwater often contains dissolved minerals,
on the quality of the raw (untreated) water. Better-quality such as calcium, iron, and other substances that may have to
water needs less treatment. Generally, a source of raw sur- be removed from the water using chemical treatment, aera-
face water with a coliform count of up to 5000>100 mL and tion, activated carbon filters, or other methods.
a turbidity of up to 10 units is considered good. Water with Groundwater may require disinfection if it is found
coliform counts that frequently exceed 20,000>100 mL and to be susceptible to contamination. If dissolved miner-
turbidities that exceed 250 units is considered a very poor als are present in excessive amounts, some combination of
source and requires expensive treatment to render it potable. chemical treatment, aeration, filtration, and other processes
The primary objective of water purification is to remove may be needed to purify the water. Some aquifers can also
harmful microorganisms or chemicals, thereby preventing become contaminated with very low or trace amounts of
the spread of disease and protecting public health. In addi- toxic organic chemicals, usually from improper land dis-
tion to being safe to drink, the water must also be esthetically posal of hazardous wastes, or in coastal areas, by saltwater
pleasing. It should be crystal clear, and it should not have intrusion. If purification is not feasible, contaminated wells
any objectionable color, taste, or odor. Section 6-1 discusses may have to be abandoned.
the criteria and standards by which a public water supply Surface water supplies generally require much more
is determined to be potable. Common treatment processes extensive treatment than groundwater supplies because

130 chapter six

Coagulant Dirty Disinfection Potable
chemicals backwash water
added water to
Flash system
Raw water Flocculation Sedimentation Clear
mix Rapid filter
From lake tank basin basin well
or river Low-lift High-lift
Intake pumps Filtration pumps
screens Coagulation Sedimentation

Figure 6-1  A flow diagram of a typical surface water treatment plant. Screens keep fish and debris out of the plant; low-pressure
pumps lift the water to the flash-mix tank; coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration remove turbidity and clarify the water;
disinfection destroys pathogenic organisms; high-pressure pumps deliver potable water to the consumers.

most streams, rivers, and lakes are contaminated to some and Wastewater Utilities, published in 2010. The National
extent with domestic sewage and stormwater runoff. Even Environmental Services Center (NESC), in conjunction with
in areas far removed from human activity, surface water the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is also actively involved
contains suspended soil particles (silt and clay) and organics in promoting environmental sustaina­bility, particularly in
and bacteria (from decaying vegetation and animal wastes). providing technical assistance to relatively small water and
The most common type of treatment for surface water wastewater utilities and rural communities.
includes clarification and disinfection. Clarification is usually
accomplished by a combination of coagulation–flocculation,
sedimentation, and filtration; the most common method 6-1 Safe Drinking
for disinfection in the United States is chlorination. A typi-
cal flow diagram that shows the sequence of the individual
Water Act
treatment steps, called unit processes, is shown in Figure 6-1. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), enacted by Congress
These and other unit processes are discussed later in the in 1974 and amended several times since then, establishes
chapter. drinking water standards for all public water systems in
This chapter focuses on conventional water treatment the United States. Whereas stream standards (discussed in
systems needed to provide a supply of clean and safe water Section 5-8) serve to protect surface water quality and aquatic
for public use, and the following chapter focuses on systems ecosystems, the SDWA standards are for water that people
needed to distribute the potable water to consumers. Water use for drinking, cooking, and washing and thereby serve
purification and distribution systems comprise a vital part directly to protect public health and welfare. SDWA stan-
of environmental infrastructure (as do wastewater collection dards ensure that water supplied to the public is safe and
and treatment systems). The efficient design, construction, wholesome by setting limits on the amounts of various sub-
maintenance, and operation of this infrastructure in a sus- stances sometimes found in the water supply. There are about
tainable fashion are essential to ensure economic vitality and 150,000 public water supply systems in the United States.
social well-being in all communities. Public water systems include community water systems
Most modern water (as well as wastewater and solid (CWS) and noncommunity systems (NCWS). A CWS is one
waste) treatment facilities are now planned and designed that has 15 or more service connections (see Figure 7-7) or
with environmental sustainability as a key goal. These efforts serves 25 or more people each day, year-round. There are
include the following: reducing the carbon footprint as well two types of NCWS: a transient NCWS is one that serves 25
as the building site footprint, by minimizing any fossil fuel or more people for at least 60 d per year (e.g., parks, restau-
power requirements and by using compact and efficient rants, churches, temples); a nontransient NCWS regularly
treatment units; incorporating green building design ele- serves people for more than 6 months per year (e.g., schools,
ments, using LEED principles, into the structures needed to factories, office buildings). The SDWA rules for water sam-
house the treatment units as well as management and opera- pling, testing, and monitoring depend on the type of com-
tional staff; and installing photovoltaic panels on rooftops of munity system serving the public.
many of those buildings for solar power generation. A water system can be owned by a private company and
In the United States, the EPA actively encourages and still be classified as a community system if it meets the above
supports water and wastewater utilities in the development definitions. Most states have been delegated the authority
of sustainable environmental infrastructure, by promulgat- for making sure that the SDWA standards are met; some
ing policy and planning guidelines. These include the Clean states in turn have delegated their authority to county health
Water and Safe Drinking Water Infrastructure Sustainability departments, which routinely keep track of water quality
Policy and Planning for Sustainability: A Handbook for Water testing results, conduct inspections, and take enforcement
Drinking Water Purification 131

actions when necessary. The U.S. Environmental Protection treatment processes (e.g., filtration or corrosion control)
Agency (EPA) provides guidance and technical assistance may be required in lieu of an MCL to remove those contam-
to the states, conducts research, and periodically revises the inants. The EPA has also issued maximum contaminant
standards. level goals (MCLGs). An MCLG is a level of a ­contaminant
About 15 percent of all Americans obtain domestic not expected to cause any adverse health effects; it is a goal,
water from private wells serving individual homes; these are not an enforceable standard. MCLs, which are revised
not regulated by the SDWA; however, township and county ­periodically, are set as close to MCLGs as current technol-
health department requirements and local building stan- ogy and economics allow. MCLGs are set at zero for carci-
dards would apply for those wells. The EPA recommends nogenic chemicals because there are no known safe levels
that private wells be tested periodically to assure contami- for them.
nants are not present in the water.
The last major revision of the SDWA was done through Primary MCLs  MCLs for potentially toxic or harm-
the Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1996. In addition ful substances reflect levels that can be safely consumed in
to authorizing billions of dollars of expenditures for drink- water, taking into account exposure to substances from other
ing water systems, it focused on water program spending on sources. They are based on consumption of 2 L (roughly 2
contaminants that pose the greatest risk to human health and quarts) of water-based fluids every day for a lifetime (which
that are most likely to be present in a public water ­system. would result in a one-in-a-million chance of having the de-
The amended act required stricter controls on microbial scribed health effect). The states can establish MCLs that are
contaminants as well as on the by-products of chlorina- more stringent than those set by the EPA.
tion. Health risk reduction analyses were required to include Categories of primary contaminants include organic
cost–benefit considerations. Additional revisions included chemicals, inorganic chemicals, microorganisms, turbidity,
the requirement that water utilities notify the public of water and radionuclides. Except for some microorganisms and
safety violations within 24 h, that all water system operators nitrate, water that exceeds the listed MCLs poses no imme-
be certified to meet the EPA’s minimum certification stan- diate threat to public health. However, all these substances
dards, that community water system owners must mail to all must be controlled because drinking water that exceeds the
customers an annual “consumer confidence report” on con- standards over long periods of time may be harmful.
taminants detected in their drinking water and that the EPA
establish a database to monitor the presence of unregulated Organic Chemicals.  Many synthetic organic chemicals
contaminants in water. (SOCs) are included in the primary regulations. Some of
In 2002, several drinking water security provisions were them (like benzene and carbon tetrachloride) readily be-
added to the SDWA through the Public Health Security and come airborne and are known as volatile organic com-
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. This pounds (VOCs). Table 6-1 shows a partial list of maximum
act included requirements for community water systems allowable levels for several selected organic contaminants.
serving more than 3300 individuals to conduct vulnerability As more has been learned from research about the health
assessments and prepare emergency response plans. The law effects of various contaminants, since 1974, the number of
also required the EPA to conduct research on preventing regulated organics has increased. Public drinking water sup-
and responding to terrorist or other attacks. plies must be sampled and analyzed for organic chemicals at
least every 3 years.
It is seen from Table 6-1 that extremely small con-
Drinking Water Standards centrations can have public health significance. Levels are
Based on the results of public health research and scientific expressed in terms of mg>L; 1 mg>L is equivalent to one
judgment, the EPA has established two types of drinking part per million. The MCL for the insecticide lindane, for
water standards: primary and secondary. Primary standards example, is 0.0002 mg>L; this value can also be expressed as
are designed to protect public health by setting maximum 0.2 μg>L (micrograms per liter) and is equivalent to 0.2 parts
permissible levels of potentially harmful substances in the per billion. [One part per billion is roughly proportional to
water. Secondary standards are guidelines that apply to the first 0.4 m (about 1.3 ft) of a trip to the moon.]
the esthetic aspects of drinking water, which do not pose The current MCL for total trihalomethanes (TTHM) is
a health risk (e.g., color and odor). Primary standards are 0.08 mg>L. In addition to TTHM, which are harmful organic
enforceable by law; secondary standards are not. The EPA byproducts of chlorination, current SDWA rules set MCLs
is required to review the primary standards every 5 years, to for residual disinfectants. For example, the MCLs for chlo-
determine which additional contaminants warrant regula- rine and chloramines are each 4 mg>L; the MCL for chlorine
tion, and to make revisions to the standards, as needed. dioxide is 0.8 mg>L. (Chlorination methods are discussed in
Most primary standards are specified as maximum Section 6-5.)
contaminant levels, or MCLs; these are the enforceable
limits. Primary standards may also be specified as treat- Inorganic Chemicals.  Several inorganic substances (i.e.,
ment technique (TT) requirements, which are set for those containing no carbon), particularly heavy metals, are of pub-
contaminants that are difficult or costly to measure; specific lic health importance. Some of these inorganics are listed in
132 chapter six

Table 6-1  Selected Primary Standard MCLs and MCLGs for Organic Chemicals

Contaminant Health effect MCL (mg/L) Typical source MCLG

Alachlor Eye, liver, kidney, or spleen 0.002 Herbicide Zero

problems; anemia and
increased risk of cancer
Benzene Possible cancer 0.005 Industrial chemicals, ­pesticides, Zero
paints, plastics
Carbon tetrachloride Possible cancer 0.005 Cleaning agents, industrial wastes Zero
Chlordane Possible cancer 0.002 Insecticide Zero
Endrin Nervous system, liver, 0.002 Insecticide 0.002
kidney effects
Heptachlor Possible cancer 0.0004 Insecticide Zero
Lindane Nervous system, liver, 0.0002 Insecticide 0.0002
kidney effects
Pentachlorophenol Possible cancer, liver, 0.001 Wood preservative Zero
kidney effects
Styrene Liver, nervous system ­ 0.1 Plastics, rubber, drug industry 0.1
Toluene Kidney, nervous system, 1 Industrial solvent, gasoline ­additive, 1
liver, circulatory effects chemical manufacturing
Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) Possible cancer risk 0.08 Chloroform, drinking water ­chlorination Zero
Trichloroethylene (TCE) Possible cancer 0.005 Waste from disposal of dry cleaning Zero
­materials and manufacture of pesticides,
paints, waxes; metal degreaser
Vinyl chloride Possible cancer 0.002 May leach from PVC pipe Zero
Xylene Liver, kidney, nervous ­system 10 Gasoline refining by-product, 10
effects paint, ink, detergent

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Table 6-2. Treated water is sampled and tested for inorgan- supplies naturally from soil and mineral deposits as well as
ics at least once per year in public supplies. For most inor- from fertilizers and sewage pollution. Fluorides also occur
ganics, MCLs are the same as the MCLGs, but the MCLG naturally in water. Although at low concentrations fluo-
for lead is zero; the use of lead pipe and lead solder of flux rides improve dental health, concentrations above the MCL
for installation or repair of public water systems is no longer of 4.0 mg>L may cause skeletal fluorosis. (The use of fluo-
allowed in the United States. rides to prevent tooth decay is discussed in Section 4-3 on
Arsenic can contaminate drinking water supplies natu- page 92.) The sources and health effects of other inorganic
rally if the raw water has been in contact with certain rocks drinking water contaminants are summarized in Table 6-2.
and minerals. Arsenic can also enter water sources from
industrial and mining activities. It is usually found at higher Lead and Copper Rule.  Treatment techniques have been set
levels in groundwater than in surface waters (i.e., lakes and for lead and copper because the occurrence of these chemi-
rivers). The 0.01-mg>L (10-ppb) MCL was set by the EPA in cals in drinking water usually results from corrosion of
2006, based on research that showed that the older standard plumbing materials. All systems that do not meet the action
of 0.05-mg>L was insufficient to adequately protect public level at the tap are required to improve corrosion control
health. The MCLG for arsenic is set at zero. (Ten ppb of treatment to reduce the levels. The action level for lead is
arsenic is equivalent to one teaspoon of it per 5 million liters 0.015 mg>L and for copper is 1.3 mg>L.
of water (1.3 million gallons). The MCLG for arsenic is set
at zero because of its toxicity if consumed over long periods Microorganisms.  This group of contaminants includes bac-
of time. teria, viruses, and protozoa. As described in Section 4-4, the
Nitrate levels above 10 mg>L pose an immediate threat total coliform group of bacteria can be used to indicate the
to children younger than 1 year. Excessive levels of nitrate possible presence of pathogenic organisms. In 1989, the EPA
can react with hemoglobin in blood to produce an anemic set maximum limits and a sampling and testing protocol for
condition known as blue baby. Nitrates can enter water total coliforms in what is called the total coliform rule (TCR).
Drinking Water Purification 133

Table 6-2  Selected Primary Standard MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals

Contaminant Health effect MCL (mg/L) Typical source

Arsenic Nervous system effects 0.01 Geological, pesticide residues, industrial waste, smelter operations
Asbestos Possible cancer 7 MFLa Natural mineral deposits, air conditioning pipe
Barium Circulatory system effects 2 Natural mineral deposits, paint
Cadmium Kidney effects 0.005 Natural mineral deposits, metal finishing
Chromium Liver, kidney, digestive 0.1 Natural mineral deposits, metal finishing, textile and leather
system effects industries
Copper Digestive system effects TTb Corrosion of household plumbing, natural deposits,
wood preservatives
Cyanide Nervous system effects 0.2 Electroplating, steel, plastics, fertilizer
Fluoride Dental fluorosis, skeletal effects 4 Geological deposits, drinking water additive, aluminum industries
Lead Nervous system and kidney TT Corrosion of lead service lines and fixtures
effects, toxic to infants
Mercury Kidney, nervous system effects 0.002 Industrial manufacturing, fungicide, natural mineral deposits
Nickel Heart, liver effects 0.1 Electroplating, batteries, metal alloys
Nitrate Blue-baby effect 10 Fertilizers, sewage, soil and mineral deposits
Selenium Liver effects 0.05 Natural deposits, mining, smelting

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Million fibers per liter.
Treatment technique.

Under the TCR, the number of monthly samples was based can meet certain strict criteria related to raw water quality
on the population served and the size of the water distribu- and source water protection). Public water systems must
tion system. The MCL for total coliforms was set at zero in also disinfect the water, without exception, to kill disease-­
95 percent of samples examined, and all positive total coli- causing microorganisms.
form samples had to be further tested for fecal coliforms. The SWTR requires source water reductions of 99.9
The TCR was revised in 2013 with the intention of ­percent for Giardia and virus concentrations, in lieu of set-
improving public health protection; public water systems in ting MCLs. The MCLGs, though, are zero because inges-
the United States must comply with the new TCR by 2016. tion of even very low numbers of those organisms can cause
Under the revised rule, the MCL of zero for Escherichia coli ­illness. Cryptosporidium, another common surface water
(fecal coliforms from humans) was retained, because the contaminant that can cause intestinal illness or death, must
presence of E. coli is such strong evidence of recent sew- be reduced by 99 percent. This is done using traditional
age contamination, indicating an urgent public health risk. clarification (sedimentation and filtration) methods because
There is no longer an MCL for total coliforms because they disinfection does not completely eliminate spores of the
are only indicator organisms and are not considered to be a microbe. The SWTR also requires all drinking water reser-
direct or imminent public health threat. voirs to be covered, and all unfiltered systems must include
Total coliforms are now managed as a treatment tech- mention of Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia in written
nique contaminant rather than as an MCL. Under the revised watershed control provisions. Because an affordable analyti-
TCR, detections of total coliform and E. coli in water samples cal test for detecting Cryptosporidium is not available, the
trigger two “levels of assessment” to identify and correct san- EPA relies on strict turbidity limits to ensure that filtered
itary defects or incorrect operational practices in the water systems achieve 99 percent removal.
utility system. Level 2 Assessments, the most serious condi- Only a few cities in the United States are exempt from
tion, are triggered when E. coli is detected in any one sample, the SWTR. New York City, for example, does not filter
because modern analytical methods are so accurate. 90 percent of its water (about 1 billion gallons per day). That
Legionella (which causes an upper respiratory disease), water is carried to the city through underground aqueducts
intestinal viruses, and Giardia lamblia (a protozoan cyst that from reservoirs in the Catskill and Delaware watersheds,
causes intestinal illness) are also regulated under the SDWA, which are located more than 150 km (90 mi) northwest of
using treatment technique requirements. The Surface Water the city.
Treatment Rule (SWTR) requires that all public systems Because that raw water is exceptionally clean, and
using surface water properly filter the water (unless they because New York City has many safeguards in place to
134 chapter six

protect the watersheds, it can apply every 5 years to the gas seeping out of the ground and into basement air; this
EPA for the filtration exemption. The safeguards include is discussed in Section 13-5.) Radionuclides from human
buying and conserving watershed land, monitoring agricul- sources, primarily beta particle emitters, are the result of
tural practices in the watersheds, and assisting homeowners improper low-level radioactive waste storage, transport, or
in replacing failing septic systems. The current exemption, disposal practices.
valid until 2017, allows New York City to postpone having The EPA has promulgated MCL standards for radionu-
to build a filtration plant estimated to cost about $8 billion clides in drinking water, which include 5 pCi>L for radium,
to construct and several million dollars a year to operate. 15 pCi>L for alpha emitters (not including radon or ura-
(A $2 billion filtration plant, under construction to treat the nium), 4 mrem>year for all beta emitters, and 30 mg/L for
10 percent of the city’s water from the Croton watershed, uranium. (Ingestion of uranium in drinking water, in addi-
was completed in 2013.) tion to the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, can cause
toxic chemical effects to the kidney.) In addition to meeting
Ground Water Rule.  After passage of the Safe Drinking the MCL requirements, community water utilities must now
Water Act, all public water systems using groundwater had provide thorough monitoring of all water entering the dis-
to be disinfected (usually with some compound of chlo- tribution system (rather than just testing at a representative
rine). But in 2006, the EPA established the groundwater rule point in the system).
(GWR), which uses a risk-targeted approach for protecting There are presently no enforceable federal regulations
well water from contamination by pathogenic microorgan- for radon levels in drinking water, although the EPA has
isms. This approach relies on periodic sanitary surveys, proposed regulations for community water systems that use
monitoring of source water, mandating corrective actions groundwater or a mixture of ground- and surface water. The
(e.g., disinfection, if necessary), and compliance monitoring proposed MCLG for radon in drinking water is zero, and
by individual states. Along with the total coliform rule, the the proposed MCL is 300 pCi>L. (There is also an alterna-
GWR prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering tive MCL for radon that depends on whether the state or the
community water supplies in a cost-effective manner. water utility develops a mitigation program that addresses
the problem of radon in indoor air.)
Turbidity.  The presence of suspended particles in the water
(e.g., clay, silt, plankton) is measured in nephelometric tur- Secondary Standards  Under the Secondary Drinking
bidity units (NTUs). NTUs measure the amount of light Water Standards, a range of concentrations is established
scattered or reflected from the water, which is correlated for substances that affect mostly the esthetic qualities of
with turbidity (but they do not actually measure the quan- drinking water (e.g., taste, odor, and color), but have no di-
tity of suspended solids). Turbidity testing is not required rect effect on public health. (However, the secondary stan-
for groundwater sources, but is required for surface sources. dard for fluoride is set at 2.0 mg>L to prevent against dental
Turbidity affects more than just the appearance of water; fluorosis in children.) Secondary standards are presented
it can be a health hazard in drinking water and is therefore in Table 6-3. These standards are guidelines or suggestions
controlled as a primary contaminant. Turbidity interferes related to the general acceptability of the water to consum-
with disinfection by shielding microorganisms. Under the ers. States may adopt their own enforceable regulations
most recent SWTR regulations, all drinking water filtration governing these substances (most of which are discussed
systems must maintain a turbidity level of no more than 0.3 in Sections 4-2 and 4-3). Although adherence to secondary
NTU in at least 95 percent of their monthly representative standards is voluntary, the EPA requires that water utilities
samples, with the level never to exceed 1 NTU. In addition, notify the public if the standards are exceeded. Secondary
continuous monitoring of turbidity is now required for each standards are important because water with objectionable
filter in a system. tastes, odors, or colors tends to cause people to seek other,
perhaps less wholesome, water.
Radionuclides.  Water can be contaminated with radioac-
tive substances from natural sources in the environment,
as well as from human sources (e.g., radioactive wastes).
Sampling Procedures
Exposure to ionizing radiation (alpha and beta particles Sampling frequency requirements vary for each contami-
and gamma radiation) emitted by radionuclides in drink- nant group and for individual contaminants within each
ing water can result in an increased risk of cancer and other group. They also depend on the population served and
adverse health effects. Most naturally occurring radio- whether surface water or groundwater is used. The sampling
nuclides found in water are alpha particle emitters. They frequencies can range from once every 4 h (for turbidity) to
come from weathered rocks that contain trace amounts once every 9 years (for asbestos). Detection of a contami-
of radioactive isotopes of uranium and other elements. nant above a certain level sometimes triggers increased sam-
Another natural radionuclide is tritium, which is a beta pling requirements, even if the MCL is not exceeded.
particle emitter. The radioactive gas radon occurs in certain Most samples must be collected at points represen-
types of rock and can get into groundwater. (The primary tative of water quality throughout the distribution sys-
source and risk of exposure to radon in the home is radon tem. Generally, drinking water samples are fully flushed.
Drinking Water Purification 135

Table 6-3  National Secondary Drinking Water Standards

or adverse effect Suggested level Contaminant effect

Aluminum 0.05–0.2 mg >L Discoloration of water

Chloride 250 mg >L Salty taste; corrosion of pipes
Color 15 color units Visible tint
Copper 1.0 mg >L Metallic taste; blue-green staining of porcelain
Corrosivity Noncorrosive Metallic taste; fixture staining, corroded pipes (corrosive water can leach
pipe materials, such as lead, into drinking water)
Fluoride 2.0 mg >L Dental fluorosis (a brownish discoloration of the teeth)
Foaming agents 0.5 mg >L Esthetic: frothy, cloudy, bitter taste, odor
Iron 0.3 mg >L Bitter metallic taste; staining of laundry, rusty color, sediment
Manganese 0.05 mg >L Taste; staining of laundry, black-to-brown color, black staining
Odor 3, threshold odor number Rotten-egg, musty, or chemical smell
pH 6.5 to 8.5 Low pH: bitter metallic taste, corrosion
High pH: slippery feel, soda taste, deposits
Silver 0.1 mg >L Argyria (discoloration of skin), graying of eyes
Sulfate 250 mg >L Salty taste; laxative effects
Total dissolved solids 500 mg >L Taste and possible relation between low hardness and cardiovascular disease;
also an indicator of corrosivity (related to lead levels in water); can damage
plumbing and limit effectiveness of soaps and detergents
Zinc 5 mg >L Metallic taste

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

This means that the water has run for a long enough time to reports, and actions taken to correct deficiencies. Depending
­represent water in the main line rather than in the house- on the type of record, it may have to be kept on file for up
hold plumbing. The exception to this is monitoring for to 12 years.
copper and lead, for which a first draw sample is required Records of MCL analysis data for bacteria and chemi-
at the consumer’s taps, where contamination is more likely cals are particularly important. Records should include the
to occur. name, date, and place of sampling; the name of the techni-
Some samples must be collected in glass containers; cian who took the sample; the type of sample; and the place,
others must be collected in plastic. Sample volumes vary date, method, and results of analysis.
for each contaminant, ranging from 100 mL for a coli-
form sample to 1 L for some radionuclide samples. Certain Public Notification  The SDWA requires that public
samples must be kept cold for preservation; others can be water systems submit reports to consumers and to an appro-
delivered to the lab at ambient temperature. Sampling bot- priate local regulatory agency. Results of routine sampling
tles for VOCs must be filled to the top with no air space. and testing must be sent to the agency every month. Also,
The maximum allowable time between sample collection the state must be notified within 48 h of a violation of any of
and analysis in the laboratory can range from 1 d for coli- the primary regulations MCLs. The requirement for routine
forms to 1 year for a radionuclide sample. Details of these sample and violation reports helps ensure that water system
requirements can be obtained from the laboratory doing deficiencies and potential health hazards will be identified
the testing. and corrected.
Public notification is required to advise consumers of
the potential health hazards and to educate them about the
Record Keeping and Reporting importance of adequate financing and support for drink-
Good record-keeping procedures are important for proper ing water systems. The public is notified only of confirmed
operation of a public water system. They also provide data MCL violations by mail, newspaper, and radio and televi-
for future planning, public information, and legal protec- sion broadcasts (for acute health risks). Timely public notice
tion. Under the requirements of the SDWA, each public must describe the nature of the problem and include any
system must maintain records of water quality test results, steps people should take to protect their health (Figure 6-2).
136 chapter six







Figure 6-2  A typical MCL violation notice that would appear in local newspapers.
(Reprinted from Safe Drinking Water Act Self-Study Handbook, by permission. Copyright © 1978, The American Water Works

6-2 Sedimentation called hindered settling. In a sedimentation tank, there may

be up to four different zones or types of settling that occur at
The impurities in water may be either dissolved or sus- different depths, and exact mathematical analysis of the pro-
pended. The easiest way to remove the suspended material is cess can be quite complicated. This section discusses some
to let the force of gravity do the work. Under quiescent con- common factors related to discrete particle settling.
ditions, when flow velocities and turbulence are minimal,
particles that are denser than water will be able to settle to
the bottom of a tank. This process is called sedimentation,
Detention Time
and the layer of accumulated solids at the bottom of the tank If a volume of water is left completely undisturbed in a tank
is called sludge. The tank may be called a sedimentation tank, for several days or weeks, just about all suspended solids have
a settling tank, or a clarifier. a chance to settle to the bottom. Even some bacteria, micro-
The speed at which suspended particles settle toward scopic in size, eventually settle out. But this procedure is not
the bottom of a tank depends on their size and their density. practical for municipal water treatment plants because they
The larger and heavier particles will naturally settle faster generally handle large volumes of water on a continuous-
than smaller or lighter particles. The forces opposing the flow basis. It is not feasible to simply shut a valve to stop the
downward force of gravity include buoyancy and friction flow and let a fixed volume of water remain undisturbed in
(drag). The temperature and viscosity of the water are addi- a tank for a long period of time. Too many very large tanks
tional factors that affect the particle-settling rate. would be needed.
The nature of the sedimentation process also varies with Instead, settling tanks for water (or wastewater) treat-
the concentration of suspended particles and their tendency ment are designed to operate as the flow slowly continues
to interact with one another. In a dilute suspension, where from the inlet to the outlet of the tank. The movement of
the particles are free to settle without interference, the pro- water is slow enough to allow quiescent settling for a large
cess is called free settling or discrete settling. As the concen- percentage of the suspended particles. Generally, the water
tration increases, the particles tend to interact and interfere remains in the tank for only a few hours before it reaches the
with the free movement of one another; this is sometimes tank outlet. The theoretical amount of time water remains in
Drinking Water Purification 137

a settling tank is called the detention time. It can be com- Converting gallons to cubic feet, we obtain
puted as follows: 1 ft3
V = 750,000 gal * = 100,000 ft3
V 7.5 gal
TD = (6-1)
Q Because the volume of a tank can be expressed as the
product of its depth and surface area (volume = depth * area),
where TD = detention time the depth of water can be computed as Volume , area or
V = volume of water in tank 100,000 ft3 >10,000 ft2 = 10 ft deep.
Q = average tank inflow rate (volume per unit time)
Detention time is usually expressed in terms of hours.
Overflow Rate
It is important to use consistent units for V and Q so that Another factor or term that is of importance in the design
Equation 6-1 will be dimensionally correct. Minimum and operation of a settling tank is the “overflow rate,” or “sur-
detention times of 3 h are specified by most state health face loading,” as it is called. It can be computed as follows:
departments or environmental agencies to ensure sufficient
settling; most of the settleable suspended solids will reach Vo = (6-2)
the sludge layer in this time period. The following examples As
illustrate the use of Equation 6-1. where Vo = overflow rate
Q = average inflow rate
Example 6-1 As = tank surface area (top view)
A sedimentation tank has a volume capacity of 15,000 m3. If In SI metric units, the overflow rate (also called the
the average flow rate entering the tank is 120 ML>d, what is “surface loading rate” or SLR) is expressed in terms of cubic
the detention time? meters per square meter per day 1m3/m2 # d2, inflow rate
is expressed in terms of cubic meters per day (m3>d), and
surface area is expressed in terms of square meters (m2). In
First convert cubic meters to megaliters, or vice versa, for customary units, Vo is expressed in terms of gallons per day
dimensional consistency. Choosing to convert volume to per square foot (gpd>ft2), Q is expressed in terms of gallons
megaliters gives per day (gpd), and As is expressed in terms of square feet
V = 15,000 m3 * 1000 L>m3 (ft2). The maximum SLR typically allowed by state regula-
= 15,000,000 L = 15 ML tory agencies is 33m3 >m2 # d or 800 gpd>ft2.
Overflow rate can be visualized as an average upflow
Now, applying Equation 6-1, we get velocity of water in the settling tank. In fact, it can be eas-
ily seen that overflow rate is actually a velocity by canceling
units in the SI metric system: m3 >m2 # d = m>d (meters
15 ML
TD = = 0.125 d
120 ML>d
per day). The schematic cross section of a tank shown in
and converting to hours, we get Figure 6-3 illustrates the general flow pattern. The clarified
TD = 0.125 d * 24 h>d = 3 h
water is skimmed from the surface as it flows over weirs into
an effluent channel. All suspended particles that settle at
a faster velocity than Vo reach the sludge layer at the bot-
Example 6-2 tom of the tank. Only a fraction of the smaller and lighter
Water flowing at a rate of 6 mgd is to have a 3-h deten-
tion time in a sedimentation tank. Compute the required Clarified water is
skimmed over weirs
volume capacity of the tank in cubic feet. If the tank has
a surface area of 10,000 ft2, how deep will the water be in Free board
the tank?
Effluent Effluent
Solution channel channel
Because it is necessary to solve for volume, first rearrange Vo rate)
the terms of Equation 6-1 to get V = TD * Q. For dimen- Side water
depth (SWD)
sional consistency, convert the flow rate from units of million Suspended
gallons per day to gallons per hour, as follows: solids

Q = 6,000,000 gal>d * 1 d>24 h = 250,000 gal>h

V = TD * Q = 3 h * 250,000 gal>h
= 750,000 gal Figure 6-3  Schematic view of the sedimentation process.
138 chapter six

particles that settle at velocities less than Vo are removed (Note the factor 1/24 for dimensional consistency.) Converting
from the water before it leaves the tank. the volume to cubic meters gives

Example 6-3 1 m3
V = 1,000,000 L * = 1000 m3
1000 L
What is the minimum settling velocity, in feet per hour, of
suspended particles that can be completely removed in a Before using Equation 6-2, it is convenient to first con-
settling tank that has an overflow rate of 700 gpd>ft2? vert the flow rate to units of m3 >d for dimensional consis-
tency, as follows:
1 m3
700 gal 1 ft3 1d Q = 6 ML>d * 106 L>ML * = 6000 m3/d
* * = 3.9 ft>h
ft2 # d 7.5 gal 24 h 103 L

Only a fraction of particles that settle slower than 3.9 Now, applying Equation 6-2, compute the surface area as
ft>h will be removed; the slower the settling velocity, the Q 6000 m3 >d
As = = = 300 m2
smaller is the percentage removed. For example, only 20 Vo 20 m3 >m2 # d
percent of particles that settle at a velocity of 0.2 * 3.9 =
0.78 ft>h will be captured in the sludge layer. To determine the tank diameter, use the formula for the
area of a circle: A = pD 2 >4. From this,
Settling Tank Design D = 24A>p = 214 * 3002 >p ≈ 20 m
By combining specified values of detention time and overflow Finally, because V = As * SWD, rearranging terms gives
rate, it is possible to determine the required dimensions of a set-
tling tank. The tanks may be either rectangular or circular in V
SWD = = 1000 m3 >300 m2 = 3.33 m
shape. The actual depth of water in the tank is called the side As
water depth, or SWD. The height of the tank wall is usually In a rectangular settling tank, the influent (water
about 0.45 m, or 1.5 ft, above the SWD. This is called freeboard, flowing into the tank) is directed against a baffle that
and it serves to prevent splashing of water over the tank sides. ­distributes the water uniformly across the width of the
Example 6-4 illustrates how tank dimensions are determined. tank and imparts a downward velocity to the flow. This
Example 6-4
is illustrated in Figure 6-4. The effluent (water flowing
out of the tank) is skimmed from the surface over weirs
A circular sedimentation tank is to have a minimum detention placed at the opposite end of the tank. A series of redwood
time of 4 h and a maximum overflow rate of 20 m3 >m2 # d. boards moving on a continuous chain scrapes the sludge
Determine the required diameter of the tank and the SWD if toward a collection hopper, from where it is pumped out
the average flow rate through the tank is 6 ML>d. of the tank.
Solution In a circular clarifier, the water usually enters at the cen-
Applying Equation 6-1, compute the required volume as
ter of the tank and flows radially outward toward an efflu-
ent weir built along the perimeter of the tank, as shown in
1d Figure 6-5. A rotating sludge-scraper mechanism moves the
V = Q * TD = 6 ML>d * * 4h
24 h sludge toward a central collection hopper at the bottom of
= 1 ML = 1,000,000 L the tank.

Weir Outlet Inlet

baffle baffle
Clarified Water surface Influent

Sludge scraper


boards Sludge
hopper withdrawal

Figure 6-4  Simplified section view of a rectangular sedimentation tank. A slowly moving endless-chain scraper mechanism
pushes sludge into a hopper for removal.
Drinking Water Purification 139

Large surface area
(a) High
Equal overflow
volume rate

FIGURE 6-6  The shallow tank (a) has a lower overflow rate
than tank (b) because it has a larger surface area; it is more
effective in clarifying the water than the deeper tank.

FIGURE 6-5  In a circular sedimentation tank, the ­influent

enters at the center of the tank and clarified water is skimmed Water surface
from the surface as it flows over the effluent weir situated Clear water
to effluent Inclined tubes
around the tank periphery. (Courtesy of Antiksu/Fotolia) weir

te r
wa lea
Whatever the shape of the tank, the inlets and outlets Solids
must be designed carefully to prevent currents that could
resuspend the sludge. It is also necessary to avoid a condi-
tion called short-circuiting of the flow. In this context, ge
short-circuiting refers to a condition that allows most of the Sl
water to flow through the tank in a period of time that is
considerably less than the computed detention time. The
effectiveness of sedimentation may be significantly reduced
if short-circuiting occurs. Sludge to bottom of tank
The effluent weirs in a settling tank are designed to FIGURE 6-7  A series of inclined tube settlers increases the
operate at minimum head and velocity conditions, to reduce effective surface area of a settling tank. Settleable solids are
the chance for particles to be carried over in the effluent. quickly entrapped in the downward-flowing sludge in each
tube, whereas the clarified water flows upward.
The total weir length must be long enough so that the flow
rate per foot or meter of weir is less than a specified maxi-
mum value, called the weir loading rate. The weirs usually of existing tanks. Prefabricated units, or modules, compris-
consist of a series of uniformly spaced V-notches in a long ing a series of inclined and nested plastic tubes or metal
metal plate. The effluent flows through the notches into a plates, can be installed near the top of the tank to increase
channel called an effluent launder, which directs the flow to its effective surface area. The modules can be fabricated in
an outlet pipe. various sizes to fit any tank shape. Shallow depth sedimen-
The effectiveness of a settling tank in removing sus- tation basins can operate at two to four times the normal
pended solids depends more on the surface area than on rate of conventional basins; this reduces the required “foot-
the total volume or detention time. It can be seen from print,” that is, land area taken up by new settling tanks. It
Equation 6-2 that, for a given flow rate Q, as the surface also allows a reduction in the use of chemical coagulants
area As increases, the overflow rate Vo decreases. Thus, the (discussed in Section 6-3) and in filter backwashing times
maximum particle settling velocity for complete removal (discussed in Section 6-4).
also decreases with increasing surface area. Therefore, a As shown schematically in Figure 6-7 the suspended
shallow tank with a large surface area will be more effective particles in the water become caught in the downward-
than a deep tank with the same volume, but smaller area. flowing stream of sludge in each inclined tube or plate
This is illustrated in Figure 6-6. Most settling tanks are section, while the clarified water flows upward toward the
not less than 3 m (10 ft) deep, however, to provide enough effluent weirs. The velocity of flow through the tube or over
room for the settled sludge layer and the sludge scraper the plate must be low enough to prevent turbulent condi-
mechanism. tions, which would carry the sludge particles upward; this is
Shallow Depth Sedimentation The technology of shal- one of the design factors that determine the size and num-
low depth sedimentation, a relatively new application for ber of modules installed in the tank. A typical installation of
clarification of water, is now often used when designing new plate settlers in a rectangular tank is shown schematically in
settling tanks or for increasing the capacity and efficiency Figure 6-8.
140 chapter six

Influent Weirs & Troughs Plate settlers Clarified effluent

Sediment collection

Figure 6-8  Plate settlers can be installed in new or in existing sedimentation tanks to improve suspended solids
removal efficiency.
(Courtesy of Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. Charlotte, NC.)

It is generally referred to as alum. Sometimes certain syn-

6-3 Coagulation and thetic organic chemicals, called polymers (or p­ olyelectrolytes),
Flocculation are added along with the alum to act as coagulant aids. These
long-chain, high-molecular-weight compounds help the for-
Suspended particles cannot be completely removed from
mation of larger, heavier floc particles.
water by plain settling, even when they are given very long
The success of the coagulation process depends on sev-
detention times and low overflow rates. Some of the very small
eral factors, including the chemical dose, water temperature,
turbidity-causing particles, called colloids (see Section 4-1),
pH, and alkalinity. Because the quality of a surface water sup-
will not settle out of suspension by gravity without some help.
ply often varies with time, it is frequently necessary to adjust
If certain chemicals, called coagulants, are rapidly mixed in
the dose. The optimum coagulant dose is usually determined
the water and then the mixture is slowly stirred before allow-
in the laboratory by a procedure called the jar test.
ing sedimentation to occur, the particles will settle.
In the jar test, six beakers or jars are filled with a sample
One of the properties of colloidal particles that keeps
of the raw water, and each sample is mixed with a differ-
them in suspension is the small electrostatic charge that they
ent amount of coagulant. A stirring apparatus, illustrated in
each carry. Because of the presence of like charges, colloi-
Figure 6-9 is used to provide slow mixing, thereby simulat-
dal particles push each other apart and avoid collisions. The
ing the flocculation process.
coagulant chemical, however, neutralizes the effect of the
colloidal charges. Once neutralized, the colloidal particles
can collide and agglomerate (stick together), forming larger
and heavier particles, called flocs. The coagulant also reacts
with the natural alkalinity in the water, forming a sticky
solid precipitate that comes out of solution and helps in the
formation of the flocs by capturing particles.
After the initial flash-mix of the coagulant with the water,
a gentle agitation caused by slow stirring further enhances
the growth of the flocs by increasing the number of parti-
cle collisions. The slow mixing or stirring process is called
­flocculation. The combined rapid mix–slow mix process is
usually referred to as coagulation. Most of the flocs formed
during coagulation are settleable and can be removed from
the water in a sedimentation tank. As illustrated previously
in Figure 6-1, coagulation generally precedes the sedimenta-
tion process in a typical water treatment plant. Figure 6-9  A stirring apparatus for the jar test, which is
Several different chemicals can be used for coagulation. used to determine optimum coagulant dosage.
The most common coagulant is aluminum sulfate, Al2(SO4)3. (Courtesy of Phipps & Bird Inc.)
Drinking Water Purification 141

After the stirring paddles are stopped, the flocs are Dissolved Air Flotation  Dissolved air flotation (DAF)
allowed to settle in the beakers. The dose in the beaker that is an alternative to gravity settling for clarification of drink-
required the least amount of coagulant to produce a clear ing water. DAF has been commonly used for sewage sludge
water with well-formed, rapidly settling floc is used to com- thickening (described in Section 10-6), and for removing oil
pute the dose for the entire water treatment plant. Additional and grease from industrial wastewater. However, recent im-
tests can be made with the same apparatus to determine the provements in high-rate DAF technology have made it pos-
effects of pH or alkalinity adjustments on the formation of sible to apply the process to raw drinking water sources. It
flocs to further optimize the process. is most efficient for water sources with turbidity levels less
The first step in the coagulation process is the flash-mix than 100 NTU and low density suspended particles (e.g.,
or rapid-mix of water and coagulants. This involves violent algae and color causing organics), typically producing clari-
agitation to quickly spread the chemicals throughout the fied effluents with less than 0.5 NTU.
water and to ensure that there is a complete chemical reac- In the DAF process, flocculated water enters a clarifi-
tion. Sometimes this is accomplished by adding the chemi- cation tank into which millions of “micro air bubbles” are
cals in the suction line just ahead of the centrifugal low-lift released from solution through diffuser nozzles at the bot-
pump that brings the water into the treatment plant. The tom. The tiny air bubbles become attached to the floc par-
impeller of the pump provides the rapid-mix action inside ticles and float them upwards to the water surface, where the
the pump casing. floating sludge is removed periodically. The clarified water
In most treatment plants, though, a rapidly rotating flows along the bottom of the tank into a narrow chamber
propeller is installed in a relatively small tank that provides and then flows upward to an effluent control weir for collec-
about 1 min of detention time. These flash-mix tanks are tion and discharge. There are currently more than 50 drink-
often built immediately adjacent to the flocculation tanks to ing water plants using DAF in the United States, treating
save on construction costs. flow rates as high as 1100 ML>d (290 mgd). The 75 ML>d
The size of the flocculation tank is such that it provides (20 mgd) Lake DeForest Water Treatment Plant in Nyack,
a detection time of up to 1 h for slow stirring. Paddle-type New York, for example, uses DAF as a pretreatment step
flocculators are the most common, using redwood slats before conventional filtration.
mounted horizontally on motor-driven shafts. Rotating
slowly at about one revolution per minute, the paddles pro-
vide a gentle agitation that promotes the growth of flocs. 6-4 Filtration
Some relatively small water treatment plants combine Even with the help of chemical coagulation and flocculation,
chemical addition, flocculation, and sedimentation in a clarification by gravity settling or dissolved air floatation
single tank, called a solids-contact tank or upflow clarifier. is not sufficient to remove all suspended impurities from
Chemical addition and rapid mixing occur where the water water. About 5 percent of the suspended solids may still
enters the tank, in the center. The water first flows down- remain as nonsettleable floc particles. These remaining flocs
ward under a cone-shaped hood, where flocculation occurs. can cause noticeable turbidity and may shield microorgan-
Then it flows upward through the portion of the tank that isms from the subsequent disinfection process. To produce
serves for gravity settling. A sludge blanket of floc particles crystal clear, potable water that satisfies the SDWA require-
is formed at the bottom of the tank. Treatment units like this ment of 0.5 NTU (the MCL for turbidity), an additional
are particularly useful in plants where the water must also water treatment step following coagulation and sedimenta-
be softened by adding lime (discussed in Section 6-6) and tion is typically needed.
where only limited space is available. This next step is a physical process called filtration.
Filtration involves the removal of suspended particles from
Ballasted Coagulation  In an alternate coagulation the water by passing it through a layer or bed of a porous
technique, called ballasted coagulation, fine sand particles granular material, such as sand. As the water flows through
are added to the chemical mix of alum and polymers. The the filter bed, the suspended particles become trapped
sand particles adhere to the clumps of coagulated mate- within the pore spaces of the filter material, or filter media,
rial and the added weight speeds up the settling process. as it is called. This is shown schematically in Figure 6-10.
A machine called a hydrocyclone separates the sand from Filtration is an important treatment process in a surface
the sludge, allowing the sand to be washed and recycled. water purification plant. In fact, many of these facilities are
Ballasted coagulation allows the same amount of water called ­filtration plants, even though filtration is only one
to be treated in a smaller tank than would otherwise be step in the overall treatment sequence.
needed. There are about 25 plants currently using the
method in the United States, and its use is growing, espe-
cially in areas where space for a treatment plant is limited.
Rapid Filters
One example of a water treatment plant that makes use of The first filters built for water purification used very fine
this technology is the 57-ML>d (15-mgd) Wilson, Oregon sand as the filter media. Because of the tiny size of the
water treatment facility, which uses raw water from the pore spaces in the fine sand, water takes a long time to
Willamette River. flow through the filter bed, and when the surface becomes
142 chapter six

is about 1.5 (see Section 1-4). A difficulty that arises when

Suspended solids using only sand in the rapid filter is that, after backwashing,
the larger sand grains settle to the bottom first, leaving the
smaller sand grains at the filter surface. This pattern of filter
medium gradation is shown in Figure 6-12a.
filter Because of this small-to-larger gradation of sand grains
media in the direction of flow, most of the filtering action takes
place in the top layer of the bed. This results in inefficient
Filtered use of the filter. The filter run time (period of time between
water backwashes) is reduced, and frequent backwashes are
required. Also, if some of the suspended material penetrates
the upper layer of fine sand, it is then likely to pass through
the entire filter bed.
Figure 6-10  Schematic diagram of the filtration process.
A preferable size distribution of the filter material is
shown in Figure 6-12b. The larger-to-smaller particle grada-
clogged with suspended particles, it becomes necessary to tion allows the suspended particles to reach greater depths
manually scrape the sand surface to clean the filter. These within the filter bed. This in-depth filtration, as it is called,
units, called slow sand filters, take up a considerable amount provides more storage space for the solids, offers less resis-
of land area because of the slow filtration rates. Slow sand tance to flow, and allows longer filter runs. The process of
filters are still used in several existing treatment plants. They filtration becomes more than just a physical straining action
are effective and relatively inexpensive to operate. at the surface of the bed. The processes of flocculation and
In modern water treatment plants, the rapid filter has sedimentation also occur within the pore spaces, and some
largely replaced the slow sand filter. As its name implies, material is adsorbed onto the surfaces of the filter medium.
the water flows through the filter bed much faster (about 30 To achieve the optimum gradation for in-depth fil-
times as fast) than it flows through the slow sand filter. This tration, it is necessary to use two or more different filter
naturally makes it necessary to clean the filter much more materials. For example, if a coarse layer of anthracite coal
frequently. But instead of manual cleaning by scraping of is placed above the sand, the coal grains will always remain
the surface, rapid filters are cleaned by reversing the direc- on top after backwashing occurs. This is because the coal
tion of flow through the bed. This is shown schematically in
Figure 6-11. Direction of
During filtration, the water flows downward through filtration
the bed under the force of gravity. When the filter is
washed, clean water is forced upward, expanding the filter
bed slightly and carrying away the accumulated impurities.
This process is called backwashing. Cleaning by a backwash
operation is a key characteristic of a rapid filter. fine
Many rapid filters currently in operation use sand as the Filter media
filter medium and are called rapid sand filters. But the sand course
grains (and pore spaces) are larger than those in the older,
slow sand filters. In a rapid sand filter, the effective size of
the sand is about 0.5 mm, and the uniformity coefficient

Direction of
Dirty backwash water filtration

Expanded filter bed

Filter media

Previously filtered water (b)

Figure 6-12  (a) Typical gradation of a rapid sand filter bed.
Solids removal occurs primarily by straining action at the
top of the sand bed. (b) Typical coarse-to-fine gradation in a
Figure 6-11  Schematic diagram of the backwash or clean- mixed-media filter. It is preferable to the sand bed because it
ing cycle of a rapid filter. provides in-depth filtration.
Drinking Water Purification 143

has a much lower density than the sand. Even though the The filtration rate is proportional to the velocity of flow
coal grains are larger than the sand grains, they are lighter through the filter bed.
and therefore settle more slowly. The heavier sand particles
settle to the filter bottom first at the end of a backwash cycle. Example 6-5
A rapid filter that uses both coal and sand is called a dual-
A filter unit has a surface area of 50 ft2. The flow rate through
media filter. In effect, the upper coal layer acts as a rough fil-
the filter is 0.25 mgd. Compute the filtration rate and the
ter, removing most of the large impurities first. This allows
velocity at which the water flows through the filter bed.
the sand layer to remove the finer particles without getting
clogged too quickly. Solution
The coarse-to-fine gradation shown in Figure 6-12b is
Convert the flow rate to gallons per minute, as follows:
even more closely obtained by using three filter materials:
coal, sand, and garnet (a very dense material). After back- 1 day 1h gal
250,000 gal>d * * = 174
washing, the top layer of the filter bed is mostly coarse coal, 24 h 60 min min
the middle is mostly medium sand, and the bottom layer
is mostly very fine grains of garnet. This is called a mixed- Then
media filter. Filter material ranges in size from about 2 mm 174 gpm
at the top to about 0.2 mm at the bottom. In recent years, filtration rate = = 3.5 gpm>ft2
50 ft2
dual- and mixed-media filters have been used to replace
gal 1 ft3
existing rapid sand filters in many treatment plants. velocity = 3.5 * = 0.47 ft>min
ft2 # min 7.5 gal

Filter Design Example 6-6

Rapid filters, whether of sand, dual media, or mixed media, A square filter box is to be designed for a filtration rate of
are usually built in boxlike concrete structures. Multiple 2.8 L>m2 # s. What are the required surface area and side
­filter boxes or units are arranged on both sides of a central dimension of the unit if the flow rate is 6 ML>d?
piping gallery, and a clear well used for storing filtered water
is often located under the filters. Because only one unit is Solution
backwashed at a time, the filtration process can occur con- The flow rate in terms of liters per second is
tinuously as water flows through the treatment plant.
6 * 106 L>d * 1 d>24 h * 1 h>3600 s = 69.4 L>s
A typical rapid filter box is about 3 m, or 10 ft, deep,
but the filter bed itself is only about 0.75 m, or 2.5 ft, deep. Because filtration rate = flow rate>area,
Located above the surface of the filter bed are wash-water
area = flow rate>filter rate
troughs, which carry away the dirty backwash water as
it flows upward through the bed and over the edge of the = 69.4 L>s , 2.8 L>m2 # s = 25 m2
troughs. The filter medium is generally supported on a layer and
of coarse gravel. Below the gravel, which only serves to sup-
port the filter bed and does not contribute to the filtering side dimension = 225 m2 = 5 m
action, is a special filter bottom or underdrain system.
The underdrains collect the filtered water and uniformly
distribute the wash water across the filter bottom during the
Filter Operation
backwash cycle. They may consist of a grid of perforated Rapid filtration is usually preceded by coagulation and sedi-
pipes leading to a common header pipe that carries the water mentation. In some cases, however, depending on the qual-
into the clear well. In many filters, the underdrains consist of ity of the raw water, direct filtration may be used. In direct
specially manufactured porous tile blocks or steel plates with filtration, coagulant mixing and flocculation occur, but the
nozzles to help distribute the backwash water. sedimentation step is omitted. Instead, the water flows from
The effectiveness of filtration and the length of a fil- the flocculation basin directly to the filters. This provides a
ter run depend on the filtration rate. Lower filtration rates saving in treatment plant area and construction cost. (Some
generally allow longer filter runs and produce higher- direct filtration plants may use dissolved air floatation prior
quality water, but they require larger filters. Filtration rate to filtration, to aid the clarification process.)
is often expressed as the flow rate of water divided by the A cross-sectional view of a typical rapid filter unit is
surface area of the filter. In Customary units, this is usu- shown in Figure 6-13. When filtration begins through a clean
ally in terms of gallons per minute per square foot (gpm>ft2 bed, the inlet valve A is fully open, and the outlet valve B
or gal>ft2>min). In SI metric units, it is liters per square is throttled (i.e., only partially open). Valve B is gradually
meter per second 1L>m2 # s2. Rapid sand filters are usually opened farther by an automatic filter rate controller, which
designed to operate at an average rate of about 1.4 L>m2 # s operates by sensing pressure differences caused by changes
or 2 gpm>ft2, whereas mixed-media filters can operate effec- in flow rate. The control device is usually a venturi meter
tively at an average rate of about 3.5 L>m2 # s or 5 gpm>ft2. (see Section 2-3).
144 chapter six

Water level troughs and then is either recycled or drained into a

municipal sewerage system.
Filter backwash water may contain very high lev-
Water els of harmful microbes, such as Cryptosporidium (which
A in has caused 12 waterborne disease outbreaks in the United
Filter States since 1984). Improper backwash recycling proce-
media dures have been identified as possible causes for several
C of those disease outbreaks. Under the SDWA, a Filter
D Backwash Recycling Rule has been promulgated to protect
Underdrain public health. The rule requires that backwash water be
returned to the headworks of the water treatment facility
(a) Filtering E so that it undergoes all of the conventional treatment pro-
A Open Rate of flow cesses. Appropriate record keeping of recycle flow rates is
B Open controller also required.
C Closed
Rapid filters are generally backwashed at a rate of about
10 L>m2 # s 115 gpd>ft2 2 for about 10 min. After the back-
D Closed
E Closed Filtered
backwash water
from storage

water wash flow stops, the filter material settles back in the bed,

and the filtration cycle begins again. For the first 5 min of
Water ­filtering, however, the filtered water is discarded through
level valve E to ensure that any remaining solids will not be car-
ried into the clear well.
media Example 6-7
(expanded) If the filter designed in Example 6-6 is backwashed once a
day for 12 min at a rate of 10 L>m2 # s, what percentage of
the total flow rate is used for cleaning the filter?
(b) Backwashing E
A Closed
The volume of water used for the backwash each day can
B Closed be computed by multiplying the backwash rate times the
C Open Dirty backwash filter area and the time of backwash, as follows:
D Open water to sewer
E Closed
10 L>m2 # s * 25 m2 * 12 min * 60
= 180 m3
Figure 6-13  Schematic diagrams of a rapid filter in the min
(a) filtering cycle and (b) backwash cycle of operation.
Valves A, B, C, D, and E control the flow. Valve E is opened The total daily flow is given as 6 ML = 6000 m3. The
briefly when filtering starts. percentage of water used for backwash is therefore

* 100 = 3%
As solids accumulate in the filter, the resistance to flow
through the bed increases and the filtration rate tends to This percentage of water used for backwashing is typical for
decrease. The reduced flow is sensed by the rate controller, most water treatment plants.
which causes valve B to open farther. The gradual opening
of valve B compensates for the continually increasing resis- In lieu of constant rate filtration, a mode of operation
tance to flow in the filter bed. In this way, the rate of flow called declining-rate filtration is used in some water treat-
through the filter does not vary. This type of operation is ment plants. In this mode of operation, rate-of-flow control-
called constant-rate filtration. During constant-rate filtra- lers are not used. The filtration rate is allowed to gradually
tion, the water level in the filter box remains about 1 m (3 ft) decline from a maximum value at the beginning of the filter
above the top of the filter bed. run to a minimum value when the bed is clogged. As the
Eventually, the filter bed gets clogged to the extent that filter becomes clogged with accumulated solids, the water
valve B must be wide open to maintain the desired filtra- level gradually rises in the filter box. When the water level
tion rate. At this point, it becomes necessary to clean or reaches a predetermined height, the filter is automatically
backwash the filter. To do this, valves A and B are closed, backwashed.
and valves C and D are opened. Water from the backwash Both declining-rate filtration and constant-rate filtra-
storage tank then flows upward through the filter bed, tion produce water of excellent quality. The crystal clear
expanding it slightly and carrying away the accumulated effluents from properly designed and operated rapid filters
solids. The dirty backwash water flows into the wash-water generally have turbidity levels less than 0.2 NTU.
Drinking Water Purification 145

Other Types of Filters chlorine, other methods of disinfection (e.g., ozone and
UV systems) are now often applied to increase the capacity
The gravity-flow, rapid filter is the most common type of of existing treatment plants and when building new water
filter used for treating most public water supplies, primar- treatment facilities.
ily because it is the most reliable. Other types of filters are Molecular chlorine, Cl2, is a greenish-yellow gas at
sometimes used to clarify water, including pressure filters and ordinary room temperature and pressure. In gaseous form
diatomaceous earth filters. Also, biofilters, which use granular it is very toxic, and even in low concentrations it is a severe
activated carbon, and membrane filters, which use sheets of respiratory irritant. But when the chlorine is dissolved in
semipermeable plastic materials, are discussed in Section 6-6; low concentrations in filtered water, it is not harmful; if it is
they are typically used for advanced water and wastewater properly applied, objectionable tastes and chlorine odors are
treatment applications, and for desalination. not noticeable to the average person.
A pressure filter is very much like a conventional rapid Although chlorine is effective in destroying patho-
filter in that the water flows through a granular filter bed. gens and preventing the spread of communicable disease,
But instead of being open to the atmosphere and utilizing there may be an indirect noninfectious health problem
the force of gravity, the pressure filter is enclosed in a cylin- caused by the chlorination process. Natural waters often
drical steel tank and the water is pumped through the bed contain trace amounts of organic compounds, primarily
under pressure. Because it operates under pressure, there is from natural sources such as decaying vegetation. These
more of a chance that solids will get through the bed in the substances can react with the chlorine to form compounds
effluent. Because they are not as reliable as gravity filters, called ­trihalomethanes (THMs), which may cause cancer in
pressure filters are only occasionally used for treating public humans. Chloroform is an example of a THM compound;
drinking water supplies. They are more commonly used for together with other varieties of these harmful organic sub-
filtering water for industrial use or for swimming pools. stances formed in chlorinated water they are called total
The diatomaceous earth filter is also used primarily for ­trihalomethane (TTHM).
industrial or swimming pool applications. Like the pressure The EPA has set standards that limit the maximum
filter, it is less reliable than the rapid sand or mixed-media amount of TTHM compounds in drinking water (see Table
filter. The filter medium in this type of filter is a thin layer of 6-1); the MCLG for TTHM is zero. One way to prevent
diatomaceous earth, a natural, powder-like material formed TTHM formation is to make sure that the chlorine is added
from the shells of microscopic organisms called diatoms. to the water only after clarification and the removal of most
The diatomaceous earth is supported on a cylindrical metal of the organics. Also, alternative methods of disinfection are
screen or fabric, called a septum. A typical diatomaceous available that do not use chlorine at all. These are discussed
earth filter is composed of many of these small septa. later in this section.

Chlorination Chemistry  When chlorine gas is dis-

6-5 Disinfection solved in pure water, it reacts with the H+ ions and the OH–
The unit processes described in the previous sections— ions in the water. Two of the products of this reaction are
coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration— together com- hypochlorous acid, HOCl, and the hypochlorite ion, OCl–.
pose a type of treatment called clarification. Clarification These are the actual disinfecting agents. If microorganisms
removes many microorganisms from the water along with are present in the water, HOCl and OCl– penetrate the mi-
the suspended solids. But clarification by itself is not suffi- crobe cells and react with certain enzymes. This reaction
cient to ensure the complete removal of pathogenic bacteria disrupts the organisms’ metabolism and kills them.
or viruses. Potable water must be more than crystal clear—it Hypochlorous acid is a more effective disinfectant than
must be completely free of disease-causing microorganisms. the hypochlorite ion because it diffuses faster through the
To accomplish this, the final treatment process in water microbe cell wall. The relative concentrations of HOCL and
treatment plants is disinfection, which destroys or inacti- OCl– depend on the pH of the water. The lower the pH, the
vates any pathogens still in the water. Disinfection is consid- more HOCl there is relative to the OCl–. In general, then,
ered to be the single most important process for preventing the lower the pH of the water, the more effective is the
the spread of waterborne disease. ­chlorination–disinfection process.
When chlorine is first added to water containing some
impurities, the chlorine immediately reacts with the dis-
Chlorination solved inorganic or organic substances and is then unavail-
The addition of chlorine or chlorine compounds to drinking able for disinfection. The amount of chlorine used up in this
water, for the purpose of disinfection, is called chlorination. initial reaction is called the chlorine demand of the water. If
Chlorine has been the most commonly used water disinfec- dissolved ammonia, NH3, is present in the water, the chlo-
tant in the United States for more than one hundred years. rine reacts with it to form compounds called chloramines.
As the number of chlorinated water supplies increased Only after the chlorine demand is satisfied and the reaction
throughout the 20th century, there was a steady decline in with all the dissolved ammonia is complete is the chlorine
waterborne disease outbreaks. In addition to, or in lieu of actually available in the form of HOCl and OCl–.
146 chapter six

Chlorine in the form of HOCl and OCl– is called free concentrated chlorine solutions conveyed relatively long
available chlorine, whereas chloramines are referred to as distances under pressure. These present somewhat greater
combined chlorine. Free available chlorine is often the pre- risks of chlorine leaks. In any chlorine feed installation,
ferred form for disinfection of drinking water. It works safety factors are very important because of the toxicity of
faster than combined chlorine and does not cause objection- the gas.
able tastes and odors. Combined chlorine is also effective as Hypochlorites are usually applied to water in liquid
a disinfectant, but it is slower acting and it may cause the form by means of small chemical metering pumps. These
typical swimming pool odor of chlorinated water. Its advan- are positive-displacement-type pumps, which deliver a spe-
tage is that it lasts longer and can maintain sanitary protec- cific amount of liquid on each stroke of a piston or flexi-
tion throughout the water distribution system. ble diaphragm. They can pump hypochlorite solutions at a
A process called breakpoint chlorination is sometimes constant rate or at a rate proportional to the flow. A typical
used to ensure the presence of free chlorine in public water pump set-up is shown in Figure 6-15. (Also see page 276 for
supplies. To do this, it is necessary to add enough chlorine illustration of a nonmechanical device called stack-feed tab-
to the water to satisfy the chlorine demand and to react let chlorinator that can be used for small flows.)
with all the dissolved ammonia. When this occurs, it is said Two types of hypochlorite compounds are available for
that the chlorine breakpoint has been reached. Chlorine disinfection: sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite.
added beyond the breakpoint will be available as a free Sodium hypochlorite is available only in liquid form and
­chlorine residual in direct proportion to the amount of chlo- contains up to 15 percent available chlorine. It is usually
rine added. This is illustrated in Figure 6-14. The chlorine diluted with water before being applied as a disinfectant.
demand and the breakpoint dose vary, depending on the (Common laundry bleach is a 5 percent solution of sodium
water quality. Sometimes, chlorine doses up to 10 mg>L are hypochlorite.) Calcium hypochlorite is a dry compound,
needed to obtain a free chlorine residual of 0.5 mg>L. available in granular or tablet form; it contains up to 70 per-
cent of chlorine (by weight) and is readily soluble in water.
Chlorination Methods  Chlorine is commercially avail- Calcium hypochlorite solutions are more stable than solu-
able in gaseous form or in the form of solid and liquid tions of sodium hypochlorite, which deteriorate over time.
­compounds called hypochlorites. For the disinfection of rela- The use of hypochlorite compounds for drinking water
tively large volumes of water, the gaseous form of chlorine is disinfection is becoming increasingly common. Gas chlori-
generally the most economical, but for smaller volumes, the nation is becoming less popular because of the safety risks
use of hypochlorite compounds is more common. involved in handling large volumes of the highly toxic and
Gaseous chlorine is stored and shipped in pressur- corrosive chlorine gas. Also, the cost of installing, operating,
ized steel cylinders. Under pressure, the chlorine is actually and maintaining hypochlorite disinfection systems is gener-
in liquid form in the cylinder; when it is released from the ally lower than that of the gaseous injection systems.
cylinder, it vaporizes into a gas. The cylinders may range in In addition to pH, the effectiveness of chlorine and
capacity from 45 kg (100 lb) to about 1000 kg (1 ton). Very chlorine compounds in destroying bacteria depends on the
large water (or wastewater) treatment plants may use special chlorine concentration and the contact time. Contact time
railroad tank cars filled with chlorine. is the time period during which the free or combined chlo-
A device called an all-vacuum chlorinator is considered rine is acting on the microorganisms. At pH values close to
to provide the safest type of chlorine feed installation. It 7 (neutral conditions), a free chlorine residual of 0.2 mg>L
is mounted directly on the chlorine cylinder. The gaseous with a 10-min contact time has about the same disinfecting
chlorine is always under a partial vacuum in the line that power as 1.5 mg>L of combined chlorine residual with a 1-h
carries it to the point of application; chlorine leaks cannot contact time.
occur in that line. The vacuum is formed by water flowing The effectiveness of chlorination can be determined by
through the ejector unit at high velocity. There are other the coliform test or, as mentioned in Section 4-3, by a more
types of chlorinators, some of which have the chlorine or convenient test for chlorine residual in the treated water.
The method approved for chlorine residual testing, under
the SDWA regulations, is called the DPD chlorine residual
test. Field test kits, such as the one illustrated in Figure 4-19
Combined Free chlorine (page 93), are readily available. The test procedure, which is
Measured residuals residual based on a color comparison, takes only 5 min to complete.
chlorine In the DPD test, a chemical dye is added to the water
residual, sample. The dye turns red if chlorine residual is present, and
mg/L Chloramines
forming the intensity of the red color is proportional to the chlorine
Breakpoint concentration. It is assumed that the presence of chlorine
dosage residuals ensures that there are no surviving pathogenic
organisms in the water. It is possible to measure either the
Applied chlorine, mg/L total residual, the free residual, or the combined residual
Figure 6-14  Breakpoint chlorination curve. with the DPD test kit.
Drinking Water Purification 147

Flow sensor
(from 1/2" TO 20")
In-line static mixer

Pump injection valve Chemical mixer

Flow controller

Sodium hypochlorite solution,

tank & stand

Chemical metering pump

with degassing head

Figure 6-15  Typical hypochlorinator installation.

(Courtesy of J.L. Wingert Co.)

It is often necessary to compute the total weight or and

mass of chlorine used at a treatment plant to be able to 31 lb>d * 30 d>month * 1 cylinder>100 lb = 9.4 cylinders
order chlorine supplies at the appropriate time. Also, it
may be necessary to determine the applied chlorine dos- At least ten chlorine cylinders should be ordered per month.
age or concentration if the mass or weight consumed is
known. The following relationships are useful for these Example 6-9
purposes: A total of 15 kg of chlorine is used in 1 d to disinfect a vol-
ume of 50 ML of water. What is the chlorine dose?
kg>d = Q * C (6-3a)
where Q = flow rate, ML>d Solution
C = chlorine concentration, mg>L Applying Equation 6-3a gives

or 15 kg>d = 50 ML>d * C

lb>d = 8.34 * Q * C (6-3b) and

where Q = flow rate, mgd 15

C = = 0.3 mg>L
C = chlorine concentration, mg>L
8.34 = lb>gal of water
Other Methods of Disinfection
Example 6-8 Chlorination has been the most widely used method for dis-
infection of water supplies in the United States because of
How many pounds per day of chlorine is required to disin-
its economy and its ability to maintain a protective resid-
fect a flow of 7.5 mgd with a chlorine dose of 0.5 mg > L?
ual. Alternative methods of disinfection are receiving more
How many 100-lb chlorine cylinders are needed per
attention now, primarily because of the problem of TTHM
formation and its potential harmful effect on public health.
Solution Also the use of gaseous chlorine is declining because of
safety concerns (respiration of chlorine gas can be fatal).
Applying Equation 6-3b gives
In 1998, the EPA promulgated a Disinfection
lb>d = 8.34 * 7.5 * 0.5 = 31 lb>d Byproducts Rule (DBR) to restrict the presence of
148 chapter six

trihalomethane (THM) in drinking water. One way to called cryptosporidiosis, which sickened more than 400,000
­comply with the DBR is to use a mixture of chlorine and city residents. In addition to removing Cryptosporidium
ammonia (called chloramines) instead of just chlorine for from the water, the upgrade was intended to reduce taste
disinfection. (Other methods that do not use any form of and odor problems caused by disinfection by-products.
chlorine are discussed below.) Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite (see Section
In 2003, thousands of houses in Washington, DC, 4-4) that can move through the aquatic environment in the
were found to have excessive concentrations of lead in their form of microscopic egg-shaped capsules called oocysts.
drinking water. Ironically, this may be due to the fact that Oocysts, the dormant stage of the organism, are typically
the water treatment plant serving the city switched to chlo- 1>20 the thickness of a strand of human of hair (about 5 μm)
ramines to comply with the DBR. Some scientists believe and are resistant to ordinary filtration and chlorination.
that the chloramines changed the water chemistry and dis- Drinking water contaminated with these pathogens causes
solved lead dioxide scale deposits from water main walls, gastrointestinal illness (severe cramps and diarrhea) in
thereby mobilizing the lead and raising lead concentrations humans. The effects can be fatal, particularly for people with
in the water. Because 30 percent of major water companies weakened immune systems (about 100 deaths were attrib-
have already switched to chloramines for disinfection, this uted to the outbreak in Milwaukee). Cryptosporidia capa-
problem may be prevalent in other areas. More research to ble of infecting humans can come from cattle manure that
ascertain the exact relationship between the DBR and lead washes off the land into lakes and streams, or from human
levels in drinking water is needed. waste if it is not treated before entering surface water.
Improvements were made to two of the city’s major
Ozone  Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas at ordinary water treatment facilities, which together served 850,000
temperature and pressures, and acts as a potent disinfec- people. Dual media (sand and anthracite) filters replaced the
tant when mixed with water. It has been used for almost a original sand filters. In addition, the 2.7 m (9 ft) diameter
century in European countries as an alternative to chlorine, water intake pipe in Lake Michigan was extended so that
which sometimes leaves a noticeable taste and odor in drink- the end of the pipe was 4 km (2.5 mi) offshore and 18.3 m
ing water. Ozone can be produced by passing a high-voltage (60 ft) below the lake surface. This improved the quality of
electric current through air or oxygen. However, because it the source water. The main feature of the upgrade, though,
is unstable and cannot be stored, it must be manufactured was the application of ozone at each plant; ozone is the most
on site, where it is used. And because it does not leave a effective disinfectant against Cryptosporidium.
measurable residual in water after the initial contact time, Ozone may be added to drinking water at one or more
some chlorine (although in relatively smaller amounts) must points in a water treatment process. Comprehensive labora-
be used to ensure continued disinfection as the water flows tory studies at the treatment plants indicated that preozona-
throughout the network of water distribution pipes. tion (adding ozone before filtration) is the preferred method
In addition to the ability of ozone to act as a disinfectant for the source water in Milwaukee. Ozone is generated from
without causing taste and odor problems, it does not react liquid oxygen at the two plants and is mixed with the water
to form TTHM compounds. Ozone is also a stronger disin- using fine-bubble diffusion technology. In addition to kill-
fectant than chlorine and is able to inactivate most viruses in ing Cryptosporidium, the preozonation method, reduces the
addition to bacteria. (It is approved by the EPA for disinfec- need for coagulation chemicals and chemicals used for taste
tion.) It can assist as a coagulant when used with alum, thus and odor control. Use of less coagulant also reduces sludge
reducing the amount of chemicals needed to adjust the final production and sludge disposal costs, lengthens the filter
pH of the water to make it noncorrosive. Because it greatly runs, and reduces the volume of backwash water.
aids the coagulation process, ozone can also facilitate the
application of a direct filtration process and eliminate the Ultraviolet Radiation  Ultraviolet (UV) light can be
need for large sedimentation basins. used for disinfection. UV light is electromagnetic radiation
Despite these advantages, the high cost of its produc- just beyond the blue end of the light spectrum, outside the
tion and application compared to that for chlorine has dis- range of visible light. It has a much higher energy level than
couraged widespread use of ozone for disinfection in the visible light, and in large doses it destroys bacteria and vi-
United States. There are some notable exceptions to this. ruses. The UV energy is absorbed by genetic material in the
For example, ozone is used at the 1900-ML>d (500-mgd) microorganisms, interfering with their ability to reproduce
Los Angeles water treatment plant. It is also used for clari- and survive. UV light can be generated by a variety of lamps;
fication and disinfection at the 570-ML>d (150 mgd) water submerged, low-pressure mercury lamps are best suited for
treatment plant in Haworth, New Jersey. Both plants also use in disinfection systems because they generate a large
use the direct filtration process. fraction of UV energy that gets absorbed.
Ozone is more effective than chlorine as a disinfec- UV disinfection systems do not involve chemical han-
tant when used to prevent outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis. dling, as do chlorine or ozone systems, thereby minimizing
For example, the water treatment facilities in Milwaukee, chemical safety concerns. Like ozone, though, UV radiation
Wisconsin, were upgraded in the 1990s, for just this pur- leaves no measurable residual in the water. Advances in UV
pose. This was done after a serious outbreak of an illness germicidal lamp technology are making UV disinfection a
Drinking Water Purification 149

more reliable and economical option for disinfection. A UV common treatment processes for both surface and subsur-
treatment facility with a capacity of 7.6 million m3>d (2000 face water, are discussed in the following paragraphs.
mgd) is now being used to provide disinfection for a part
of New York City’s water supply (from the Catskill and
Delaware watersheds). UV disinfection can also be used in
Water Softening
wastewater treatment; this is discussed in Section 10-3.) Water that contains dissolved salts of calcium and magne-
UV disinfection of drinking water can be used to sium is known as hard water, as discussed in Section 4-3.
supplement chlorination, and to assure the destruction of Hardness in water interferes with the lathering action of
Cryptosporidium at an existing treatment facility. An exam- soap and causes deposits of scale in water heaters, pipes,
ple of this kind of application is at the 910 ML>d (240 mgd) and plumbing fixtures. This is basically an economic and
Richard Miller Treatment Plant in Cincinnati, Ohio. The esthetic problem, rather than a health problem. Generally,
original water treatment plant at the site takes raw water when the hardness exceeds about 500 mg>L in the raw water,
from the Ohio River and puts it through a series of unit it is best to remove the calcium and magnesium at a central
processes that include flocculation and coagulation, shallow municipal treatment plant. The process of removing these
depth sedimentation, sand filtration, and granular activated minerals is called water softening. The two most common
carbon adsorption. Chlorination is also used, and although methods of softening are the lime–soda method and the ion-
it meets EPA disinfection requirements, the chlorine is exchange method.
ineffective for killing Cryptosporidium, which is some- In the lime–soda method, two chemicals are added to
times detected in the raw water. Because of this, in 2013 the the water to cause what chemists call a precipitation reac-
city completed construction of a new 1860 m2 (20,000 ft2) tion. These chemicals are lime, Ca(OH)2, and soda ash,
building to enclose ten large UV lamp disinfection reactors Na2CO3. A reaction takes place among these chemicals and
that are capable of 99.99 percent Cryptosporidium inacti- the dissolved calcium and magnesium ions in the water,
vation, as well as providing enhanced protection against causing the formation of calcium carbonate, CaCO3, and
a wide range of other microorganisms that may be in the magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2.
Ohio River. Because they are very insoluble in water, the calcium
The new UV water disinfection building at the Richard carbonate and magnesium hydroxide compounds precipi-
Miller Treatment Plant is, in a way, a “green building.” It tate out of solution as they form during the reaction. This
includes 160 solar panels installed on the roof. The solar process is then followed by sedimentation and filtration to
panels generate 45 kW of electricity, which helps to meet remove the insoluble precipitates and clarify the water. Also,
much of the power needs for UV disinfection under aver- carbon dioxide, CO2, may be added to the water to precipi-
age flow conditions. The Greater Cincinnati Water Works, tate excess calcium and to adjust the pH, which is raised by
owner of the facility, gets renewable energy credits from the the addition of lime; this process is called recarbonation.
local electricity provider, further reducing the UV opera- Softening by ion exchange involves passing the water
tional costs. through a column containing a special ion-exchange mate-
rial. Several different types of ion-exchange materials are
in use, including natural substances called zeolites and syn-
6-6 Other Treatment thetic resins. When water containing calcium or magne-
sium ions is in contact with these materials, an exchange or
Processes trade of ions takes place. The calcium and magnesium ions
Clarification by coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration are taken up by the resin, whereas sodium ions, Na+, are
removes suspended impurities and turbidity from drinking released into the water.
water. The final step of disinfection produces potable water, The ion-exchange process is illustrated schematically in
free of harmful microorganisms. But other treatment pro- Figure 6-16. Eventually, the exchange capacity of the zeolite
cesses may be required, particularly to remove some of the or resin is used up and the ion exchangers must be regener-
dissolved substances. These processes may be used in addi- ated for further use. This is done by washing the exchanger
tion to clarification or applied separately, depending on the with a sodium chloride, NaCl, solution. Now the sodium
source and quality of the raw water. ions replace the calcium and magnesium ions, which are
Groundwater, for example, does not ordinarily require discharged to a waste disposal drain. The softening process
clarification because the water is filtered naturally in the can then begin again.
layers of soil from which it is withdrawn. Disinfection of Softening by ion exchange can produce water with
groundwater supplies, regulated under EPA’s groundwater almost zero levels of hardness, but this is not really desir-
rule, is needed only for systems at risk of sewage contamina- able. Very soft water may be aggressive, or corrosive, caus-
tion, or where other operational problems exist; ­groundwater ing damage to metal pipes and plumbing. Hardness levels of
is usually free of bacteria or other microorganisms. However, about 100 mg>L are considered optimum for drinking water.
because of its contact with soil and rock, groundwater There is also some evidence that the presence of mod-
may contain high levels of dissolved minerals that must be erate hardness levels in drinking water actually reduces
removed. Methods to accomplish this, as well as other less the incidence of heart disease. Another factor that must be
150 chapter six

Hard water of perforated trays or slats with staggered openings. The

with Ca and In In Salt (NaCl) water is applied at the top and trickles downward in thin
Mg ions solution
films or sheets of flow. In some cases, a fan or blower might
Ion exchange Exhausted resin is be used to force air upward through the stack to increase the
resin or zeolite saturated with Ca and contact with air.
trades Na ions Mg ions, which are
for Ca and Mg For very large volumes of water, the use of diffused-
replaced by Na ions
ions from the salt solution
air aerators is generally the most practical method. In this
type of aerator, air is pumped by centrifugal blowers into a
tank of water. The air enters the water at the tank bottom
through special diffuser nozzles or porous fixtures, form-
Soft water
with Na ions Water with ing air bubbles that become thoroughly mixed with the
Out Out water. Mechanical aerators consisting of a large propel-
Ca and Mg ions
to waste ler that churns the water at the surface are also available.
(a) Softening (b) Regeneration (Mechanical and diffused-air aerators find frequent applica-
Figure 6-16  (a) An ion-exchange column used for water tion in wastewater treatment, as discussed in Section 10-3.)
softening; (b) the column may be regenerated and used
again after washing with a strong salt solution.
Activated Carbon
considered is that softened water from an ion exchanger Activated carbon (also called activated charcoal) is derived
contains sodium, which may be harmful to persons who from coal or wood and has two unique properties that make
already have heart disease. In such cases, the softened water it useful for water purification. First, it is a very porous
may not be suitable for consumption. Finally, it should be material and has an extremely high ratio of surface area to
noted that ion-exchange softening does not produce a pre- mass or to unit weight—usually in excess of 40 ha per kg (44
cipitate or sludge and is generally less costly than lime–soda ac per lb). (Only one half of a gram of activated carbon has
softening. But because of the disadvantages mentioned, it is the surface area of approximately a tennis court.) Second,
usually better adapted for treating industrial water supplies the surface of activated carbon attracts and holds many of the
or for use in individual home softening units. impurities in water, particularly the dissolved organics. This
process is called adsorption. (Unlike absorption, adsorp-
tion is a surface phenomenon.)
Aeration Adsorption on activated carbon is an effective method
A physical treatment process in which air is thoroughly for removing dissolved organic substances that cause taste
mixed with water is called aeration. Thorough contact with and odor problems in drinking water. It is also effective in
air and oxygen can improve water quality in a number of removing the organic precursors that react with chlorine to
ways. For example, one of the common uses of aeration is form harmful THM compounds after disinfection.
for taste and odor control. Dissolved gases that tend to cause When the carbon surfaces become covered with impu-
the taste and odor problems, such as hydrogen sulfide, are rities, the carbon can be cleaned or reactivated chemically
transferred from the water to the air during aeration. This or physically by heating to a high temperature in a special
application is also called air stripping. furnace. The organics are driven off by the heat, and the car-
Aeration is also used for the removal of iron and man- bon can then be reused. But on-site reactivation, rather than
ganese from the water, particularly in groundwater supplies. complete replacement with fresh carbon, is economical only
The oxygen in the air reacts with the iron and manganese for large municipal water treatment plants.
to form an insoluble precipitate (rust). Sedimentation and Activated carbon is available as a very fine black
filtration are then necessary to clarify the water. Aeration, powder or in granular form. The powdered carbon can
along with low doses of hydrogen peroxide added to the be mixed with the water by a special dry-feeder device
water, and followed by sedimentation and filtration, can also at a point in the treatment plant that precedes the filtra-
be used to remove arsenic from drinking water. tion process; it is removed from the water by the filters.
Several methods for aerating the water are available. The Granular activated carbon (GAC) is sometimes used in the
method selected depends primarily on the type and concen- filter bed itself, combining both filtration and adsorption
tration of material to be removed from the water and on the in one treatment unit.
available pressure head. Aeration using spray nozzles pro- A relatively recent innovation in water treatment
vides a large total air–water contact area, but relatively high involves the use of biologically active carbon (BAC) media
pressures and much space are required. Spraying the water for removal of excess biodegradable dissolved organic car-
into the air can be followed by allowing the water to cascade bon and disinfection by-products from treated drinking
and flow in thin sheets down several concrete or metal steps. water. The BAC units may be called biofilters. In a biofilter,
Cascade structures require at least a 3-m (10-ft) drop. heterotrophic bacteria (see Sections 1-3 and 4-4) colonize
Another common method for aeration makes use of the granular carbon medium (in a supplemental tank or
multiple-tray aerators. These consist basically of a tall stack contactor) and metabolize the biodegradable organic matter.
Drinking Water Purification 151

For certain water sources, biofilters can reduce the content (10 ug>L), it can be removed at a centralized water treat-
of organics more than that achieved by using only activated ment plant using a variety of methods, and can operate in a
carbon. It is usually necessary to first convert nonbiodegrad- variety of ways, including gravity or pressure flow.
able organics into biodegradable forms, using ozonation The process of precipitation has been the most fre-
before the BAC units. The BAC contactors are generally quently used method to treat arsenic contaminated water.
added at the end of the treatment system, before disinfec- In the precipitation process, coagulation chemicals are used
tion. (BAC technology may also be used for advanced waste- to transform dissolved forms of arsenic into an insoluble
water treatment.) form, which then removed by sedimentation and filtration.
The sludge produced in this process may require additional
Corrosion Control treatment before disposal or require proper disposal as a
hazardous waste.
Corrosion or rusting of metals in water supply systems can Another effective way to reduce arsenic levels is to use
be a serious problem. Because corrosion involves a trans- an adsorptive media process. For example, after pH adjust-
fer of electrons, control methods are aimed at blocking the ment of the water to 5.5, a granular media of activated alu-
flow of electrons between the water and the metal that is sus- mina (aluminum oxide) can provide efficient removal of
ceptible to corrosion. One way to do this is to add chemicals excessive inorganic arsenic, which is its most common form
called complexing agents to the water. Complexing agents, in water. The process also works without pH adjustment,
such as sodium silicate or sodium phosphate, are added at but at lower efficiency.
concentrations of about 1 mg>L. They combine chemically In systems with arsenic concentrations only slightly
with the metal to form a barrier that blocks corrosion reac- above the MCL, it is possible to bypass part of the flow
tions. Control of the pH of the treated water is also used to around the activated alumina vessel and blend the two
prevent corrosion in the distribution system. treatment streams. This option reduces chemical needs,
extends treatment media usage, and reduces operating costs.
Fluoridation The activated alumina media can be regenerated on site or
replaced with new media when it becomes fully saturated.
As discussed in Sections 4-3 and 6-1, fluorides are very Spent media must be disposed of in a manner that meets all
effective in preventing tooth decay and improving oral local or state requirements.
health, particularly in young children. In the United States, Other treatment options that may be used for arsenic
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has removal include ion exchange and membrane filtration; the
called fluoridation of water supplies one of the top ten public choice of treatment method depends on raw water quality
health achievements of the 20th century. As of 2011, almost and plant flow requirements.
75 percent of Americans had access to fluoridated drinking
Fluoridation is accomplished by adding sodium fluo- Membrane Filtration
ride, NaF, or sodium silicofluoride, Na2SiF6, to the water Although membrane filters have been used for water treat-
after filtration. It is important that the dosage of fluoride ment since the 1960s, their use has increased rapidly in
be carefully controlled; the optimum concentration is about recent years. This is because of improvements in membrane
0.7 mg>L. Excessive concentrations may cause discoloration materials and in the growing need for advanced water treat-
of tooth enamel, called dental fluorosis, and if consumed ment techniques.
over long periods of time, very high levels of fluoride in Membrane filtration can be used to increase the
water may also cause skeletal fluorosis in adults. For these capacity of existing conventional water treatment plants.
reasons, fluoridation of public water supplies must be care- The 200 ML>d (50 mgd) Wes Brown Water Treatment
fully monitored and controlled. In areas where fluorides Plant in Thornton, Colorado, for example, is one of the
occur naturally in groundwater supplies, it may actually be largest and technologically advanced membrane filtra-
necessary to provide treatment to reduce the fluoride levels, tion plants in the United States. A combination of mem-
so as not to exceed the current EPA’s primary fluoride MCL brane filtration and other processes may also be used
of 4 mg>L. for advanced treatment of wastewater, preparing the
reclaimed wastewater for indirect recycling into a pota-
ble water system. (Wastewater reclamation and reuse is
Arsenic Removal described in Section 10-4).
Arsenic is a naturally occurring contaminant is some water Membrane filtration is a process in which hydrostatic
supplies that are in contact with arsenic-bearing rock or pressure forces a liquid against a thin layer or sheet of a syn-
soil. It also may be released into the aquatic environment thetic semipermeable material to separate substances from
by mining and smelting operations, and is a contaminant of the liquid. The membranes serve as barriers to block the
concern near hazardous waste remediation sites (site reme- flow of certain contaminants while allowing water molecules
diation is discussed in Section 12-4). When it is present in a to pass through. Membrane filtration typically requires pre-
water supply at concentrations above its MCL of 0.01 mg>L treatment using conventional water clarification processes
152 chapter six

(i.e., coagulation, sedimentation, and granular media filtra- the global population but less than 2 percent of the world’s
tion), to prevent fouling of the membrane and to prolong renewable freshwater). One of the largest desalination plants
its use. in the world began operation at half-capacity in Ashkelon,
There are four basic kinds of membrane filtration pro- Israel, in 2005, producing 165 ML>d (43 mgd) of potable
cesses, including: microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), water. When the plant operates at full design capacity, it
nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO). MF and UF will provide 330 ML>d (86 mgd), which will meet about 15
membranes are usually made of plastic hollow fiber mate- percent of Israel’s domestic water needs. Desalination for
rials; NF and RO membranes, also usually plastic, are spi- public water supply is also used in Caribbean countries and
ral wound and wrapped inside fiberglass tubes, several of in coastal areas of the United States. A 7.6 ML>d (2.0 mgd)
which are assembled together into groups or modules. MF desalting plant, for example, now in full operation in Cape
and UF systems operate under relatively low pressures of May, New Jersey, was the first to be built in the northeast-
about 7 to 200 kPa (1 to 30 psi), while NF and RO systems ern United States to desalinate brackish groundwater; this
require significantly higher pressures to operate. MF mem- facility is discussed below, after the following description of
branes, generally considered to have an average pore size of basic desalting technology.
0.1 micrometers, are capable of filtering out suspended sol- Two basic methods are available for desalination of
ids and some bacteria from the pretreated water. UF mem- water: thermal processes and membrane processes. Thermal
branes, with a nominal pore size of 0.01 micrometers, can processes involve transfer of heat and a phase change of
filter out colloidal particles, most bacteria and viruses, and water into either vapor or ice. Membrane processes make
large molecules. use of thin sheets of special materials that allow freshwater
NF and RO systems are capable of extremely high lev- to pass through, but not salt. Both methods require large
els of purification; they can remove very small molecules inputs of energy to operate.
from water, including dissolved solids that cause color The most common thermal process in use is multistage
and hardness. RO is often used in desalination systems (as flash distillation. In distillation, freshwater is separated
discussed below). The operating pressures for NF and RO from saltwater by heating, evaporation, and condensation.
systems depend on the total amount of dissolved solids Multistage flash distillation is a technique that allows the
(TDS) in the pretreated water and range from 680 kPa (100 production of relatively large quantities of desalted water. It
psi) to more than 6800 kPa (1000 psi) needed for desalting is based on the fact that the boiling temperature of water is
applications. lowered as the air pressure drops, reducing the amount of
Another type of filtering device, called a membrane energy needed for vaporization. The process is carried out
cartridge filter (MCF), finds application in some water in a series of closed vessels (stages) set at progressively lower
purification systems. It is similar to MF and UF in that it pressures. Heat is provided by steam from a boiler. When
sieves particles from water using a permeable plastic sheet preheated salt water enters a vessel that is at low pressure,
or membrane under pressure, but it cannot remove parti- some of it rapidly boils (flashes) into vapor. The vapor is
cles less than 1 micrometer in size. MCFs can be used for condensed into freshwater on heat-exchange tubes and then
pretreatment prior to RO (as in the Cape May, New Jersey, collected in trays under the tubes. The remaining saltwater
desalination plant described below). flows into the next stage set at even lower pressure, where
some of it also flashes, thus continuing the process. Some
facilities may have up to 40 stages.
Desalination Solar humidification is a thermal process suitable pri-
Water with high levels of dissolved minerals or salts is marily for providing desalted water to small communi-
unfit for most domestic, industrial, or agricultural uses. ties where sunlight is abundant. Water evaporates from a
This includes both brackish water (having more than 1000 free surface at a temperature below its boiling point. Salty
mg>L of salts) and seawater (with about 35,000 mg>L of water can be collected in shallow basins in a solar still
salts). It is possible to separate freshwater from seawa- (similar to a greenhouse) and warmed as sunlight passes
ter or brackish water in a process called desalination (or through sloping glass or plastic covers. Vapor rises and
desalting). Desalinating seawater or brackish water to a condenses on the cooler covers; then the freshwater trick-
level of 500 mg>L or less of dissolved minerals renders it les down to a collecting channel. Although energy from
suitable for drinking. Although expensive, desalination the sun is free, a solar still is expensive to build, requires a
can be more economical than moving large quantities of large land area, and needs additional energy for pumping
freshwater over long distances in pipelines or aqueducts. the water.
Advances in desalting technology have made it a feasible Reverse osmosis and electrodialysis are two mem-
treatment option. brane treatment processes used for desalination, but elec-
Desalted water is now the primary source of munici- trodialysis is usually limited to the treatment of brackish
pal water supplies in many areas of the world, particularly inland or well water supplies, rather than seawater. In
in densely populated arid regions such as North Africa and electrodialysis, a voltage (rather than a hydrostatic pres-
the Middle East (which includes more than 6 percent of sure) is applied across the salty water, causing ions to
Drinking Water Purification 153

in the northeastern part of the United States, is discussed

The City of Cape May at the southern end of New Jersey
is a National Historic Landmark and an increasingly popu-
lar vacation destination for people from around the globe.
Its year-round population of 6800 swells to nearly 43,000
during the summer months. As the population increases, so
does the daily water demand—the amount of water required
each day to supply residents and businesses in the City of
Cape May and the neighboring communities with potable
water. The average water demand on an off-season day is
about 2.6 ML (0.7 mil gal). The average daily demand is as
high as 10 ML (2.7 mil gal) in the heat of the summer and at
the height of the tourist season.
Throughout the years, this water has been pumped
from the “Cohansey aquifer” faster than it could be
Figure 6-17  An assembly of spiral-wound RO tubes.
naturally replaced, causing saltwater intrusion (see
(HenryHo/Shutterstock.) page 119) from Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. By
the early 1960s, two water supply wells had to be com-
migrate toward an electrode of opposite charge. Plastic pletely abandoned due to high salinity levels. Three more
membranes that are selectively permeable to either posi- wells were drilled further inland as replacement supply
tive or negative ions are used to separate freshwater from wells. During the 1990s, even those new “Cohansey wells”
salty water. showed signs of saltwater intrusion. In fact, one of the
In a reverse osmosis, a semipermeable membrane sepa- new wells also had to be abandoned as a potable water
rates salty water of two different concentrations. There is a source. The City of Cape May was faced with a real water
natural tendency for the concentrations to become equal- supply problem.
ized by a flow of water from the dilute side to the con- As the water supply problem grew, the City of Cape
centrated side (osmosis). But high pressure applied to the May retained a firm of consulting civil and environmen-
high-­concentration side of the membrane can reverse this tal engineers to evaluate the problem and to recommend
direction of flow. Freshwater diffuses through the mem- a solution. The engineering study was completed in 1996.
brane, leaving a more concentrated salt solution behind. Of six water supply alternatives that were evaluated in
To conserve space and to help make RO technology an detail, the consultant’s recommendation was to construct a
­economically acceptable water treatment process, the semi- 7.6-ML>d (2.0-mgd) RO desalination facility in two phases,
permeable membranes can be packaged in multiple layers of with two new water supply wells drilled into the so-called
spiral-wound units and aligned in long tubes, as illustrated Atlantic City 800-ft Sands aquifer. Even though the water in
in Figure 6-17. this area of the Atlantic City 800-ft Sands aquifer is brack-
Next to multistage flash distillation (which is used pri- ish, the three new water supply wells were recommended
marily to treat seawater), RO is the second-ranking process so that the city’s dependence on the Cohansey aquifer
in the worldwide production of desalted water. However, could be drastically reduced. By reducing the demand on
compared to multistage flash distillation, RO requires only the Cohansey aquifer, the intrusion of saltwater across the
about half the energy to produce potable water. No heating lower Cape Peninsula would be greatly slowed and perhaps
is necessary for reverse osmosis; the major energy required is stopped, thereby extending the water supply of neighboring
for pressurizing the feed water. Moreover, because of recent communities to the north.
improvements in the durability and efficiency of semiper- The City of Cape May accepted the recommended plan
meable synthetic membranes, the market for RO facilities is and awarded the consulting engineering firm a contract to
growing much faster than that for multistage flash distilla- design and oversee the construction of the desalination facil-
tion plants. ity. The treatment plant was completed in 1999, providing a
Construction of the largest seawater desalination plant potable water supply projected to meet the needs of the city
in the United States began in 2013 in Carlsbad, California. through the year 2020. The Cape May RO facility includes
When completed in 2016, this modern RO facility will cartridge pressure filtration and chemical treatment. The
deliver about 190 ML>d (50 mgd) to the residents of the San cartridge filters remove particles large enough to lodge in
Diego County region, which currently imports about 90 the RO membrane. Chemicals are added to control the pH
percent of its water from northern California. Plans are also of the finished water to keep substances such as calcium car-
under way for more than a dozen additional desalination bonate from precipitating in, and clogging, the membrane
plants along the coast of California, south of San Francisco. and to maintain a residual disinfectant concentration in the
Another example of an RO desalination application, located finished water.
154 chapter six

6-7 Chapter Synopsis After clarification by coagulation, flocculation, sedi-

mentation, and filtration, the water may still contain harm-
All water drawn from lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and under- ful microbes. In addition to being crystal clear, drinking
ground aquifers requires some form of treatment to render water must be free of any pathogenic organisms. To destroy
it suitable for drinking. Surface water supplies typically need the pathogens, surface water supplies are always disinfected
a higher level of treatment than do groundwater supplies. after clarification. (Most states also require groundwater
The SDWA establishes minimum drinking water standards supplies to be disinfected.) Chlorine is the most commonly
in the United States, and includes primary standards and used substance for disinfection in the United States, in a pro-
secondary standards. The primary standards are intended cess called chlorination. For large volumes of water, gaseous
to protect public health by establishing maximum contami- chlorine is mixed with the filtered water, and the mixture is
nant levels (MCLs) for harmful substances (pathogens, toxic stored briefly in a tank to provide adequate contact time for
organics, and heavy metals) in drinking water. Secondary the disinfection to be effective. For smaller volumes, hypo-
standards are guidelines related to the esthetic aspects of chlorite compounds are applied to the water in liquid form.
drinking water (taste, color, odor). Primary standards are A chlorine residual can be maintained as the water flows
enforceable by law; secondary standards are not. The SWDA throughout the distribution system, to ensure continuous
includes requirements for water sampling, testing, record disinfection. Other methods of disinfection, which do not
keeping, and reporting. leave residuals (or possible chlorine by-products such as tri-
Surface water treatment includes clarification and halomethane), include the application of ozone, or the use of
disinfection. (Groundwater generally does not require UV light. Ozone must be generated on site and is expensive,
clarification due to the natural filtration that occurs as the as is UV disinfection.
water flows through the soil.) Some suspended solids can Depending on the quality of the raw water supply, other
be removed in a process called sedimentation, in which the treatment processes may be required in addition to clarifica-
particles settle to the bottom of a large tank called a clarifier. tion and disinfection. For example, water supplies contain-
The clarifiers must be designed to provide ample detention ing dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium, called hard
times and overflow rates. The layer of solids that collects on water, must often be treated to reduce levels of those com-
the bottom, called sludge, is continually scraped to a hop- pounds. Hardness in water interferes with lathering of soap,
per from which it is pumped for disposal. Processes called and can cause deposits of scale in water heaters and pipes.
coagulation and flocculation generally precede the sedi- This is more of an economic and esthetic problem than a
mentation process. Chemicals are added to the water in a health problem. Reduction of calcium and magnesium levels
flash-mix tank, and then the water is stirred gently in a floc- is called water softening. It can be accomplished either by a
culation tank. Coagulation and flocculation cause the small- lime–soda method or by the ion-exchange method. It is not
est suspended solids (colloids) to clump together, forming desirable to eliminate hardness completely because very soft
larger flocs, which can settle out and improve the overall water can be corrosive and cause damage to metal pipes and
sedimentation process. The water treatment plant operator plumbing fixtures.
must periodically conduct jar tests to determine the opti- Aeration is a physical treatment process used for taste
mum dosages of the coagulant chemicals (e.g., aluminum and odor control and for removal of iron and manganese
sulfate). from the water. It can be accomplished using spray nozzles,
Even after coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, multiple-tray aerators, or diffused-air aerators. During aera-
about 5 percent of the suspended solids originally present tion, dissolved gases that tend to cause taste and odor prob-
still remains in the water. This can cause noticeable tur- lems (e.g., hydrogen sulfide) are transferred from the water
bidity and shield microbes from disinfection. To produce to the air. Also, oxygen from the air reacts with any dissolved
a crystal clear water supply that meets SDWA standards a iron and manganese compounds to form an insoluble pre-
process called filtration follows sedimentation. Filtration is cipitate that can be settled out of the water. Activated carbon
a physical process, which traps the particles as clarifier efflu- is sometimes used to remove dissolved organic substances
ent flows through a layer of a porous, granular filter media. that cause taste and odor problems in drinking water, using
A mixed-media filter is often used (granules of coal, sand, and the physical process of adsorption as the water flows through
garnet) to achieve in-depth filtration. The media is enclosed a porous column of the carbon. Many communities in the
in a boxlike structure and is underlain by a piping gallery to United States use fluoridation as a public health measure.
collect filtered water. Filters are periodically cleaned by back- Carefully controlled dosages of sodium fluoride have been
washing, a process in which the flow is reversed through the shown to prevent tooth decay in children.
filter. Most water filters operate by gravity flow, but there Desalination (desalting) is a process that separates
are other types, including pressure filters and diatomaceous freshwater from brackish water or seawater. Two types of
earth filters (used primarily for industrial applications and desalination methods are available: thermal processes and
swimming pools, rather than for public water supplies). In membrane processes. Thermal processes use heat transfer
recent years, the use of membrane filtration has increased, and a phase change of vapor to freshwater, and membrane
primarily to provide advanced water and wastewater treat- processes use thin sheets of special materials that allow
ment options. freshwater to pass through.
Drinking Water Purification 155

Review Questions 26. Briefly describe the ways in which chlorine can be
applied to water in a treatment plant.
1. Which water usually requires more extensive treatment 27. What is the DPD test?
for purification—groundwater or surface water? Why? 28. Briefly describe two methods other than chlorination
2. Sketch a flow diagram for a typical surface water treat- that can be used to disinfect water supplies.
ment plant. 29. Briefly describe two methods used to soften water.
3. What is a public water system? What is the difference 30. How can aeration improve drinking water quality?
between a community system and a noncommunity What methods are available to aerate water?
31. How can activated carbon improve drinking water
4. What do SDWA, MCL, and MCLG stand for? ­quality? What are two important properties of activated
5. What are the five general groups or types of contami- carbon?
nants that are controlled and limited under the SDWA? 32. Why would sodium silicate be added to drinking water?
Briefly discuss the requirements for each group. Why would sodium flouride be added?
6. What is the difference between the SDWA primary reg- 33. What is the difference between freshwater, brackish water,
ulations and the secondary regulations? and seawater with respect to dissolved mineral content?
7. Briefly discuss the record-keeping and reporting 34. What are the two basic methods for desalinating water?
requirements of the SDWA. Briefly describe a key process that is representative of
8. Describe the meaning of detention time and overflow each.
rate with regard to the process of sedimentation. 35. Briefly describe the different types and applications of
9. Explain what is meant by short-circuiting in a sedimen- membrane filtration technology.
tation tank. 36. Find out where your own household drinking water
10. What is meant by the term “freeboard”? comes from (by contacting your city or township
11. Is a narrow and deep settling tank more effective in municipal utilities authority, public works department,
removing suspended solids than a wide and shallow or health department). Make an appointment to visit
tank? Explain your answer. the facility, if possible, and tour the plant. Write a brief
report on what you learned. Include data about the aver-
12. What is the function of a tube settler? age and maximum plant capacities, the total population
13. Briefly describe the process of coagulation. How does it served, and the type of treatment processes used. Draw
improve the purification of drinking water? a flow diagram showing the sequence of all unit pro-
14. What is the purpose of a jar test? Describe it briefly. cesses and treatment steps.
15. What is an upflow clarifier?
16. Briefly describe the concept and application of shallow Practice Problems
depth sedimentation.
17. What is the purpose of filtration? What is a key charac- 1. A settling tank with a 50-ft diameter and a SWD of 9 ft
teristic of a rapid filter? treats a flow of 15,000 gpd. What is the detention time?
18. What is meant by in-depth filtration? How can it be 2. Compute the required volume of a sedimentation tank
accomplished? that provides 3 h of detention time for a flow of 10
19. Briefly describe the configuration of a typical rapid filter. ML>d. If the tank is 10 m by 25 m in plan dimensions,
how deep is the water in the tank?
20. Briefly describe the operation of a typical rapid filter.
3. A clarifier operates with a surface loading of 500 gpd>ft2.
21. What is meant by declining-rate filtration?
What is the slowest settling velocity of particles that will
22. What is meant by direct filtration? be completely removed in the tank?
23. What is considered to be the most important water 4. A circular settling tank is to have a minimum detention
treatment process with respect to preventing the spread time of 3 h and a maximum overflow rate of 800 gpd>ft2.
of waterborne disease? Is there any potential harmful Determine the required basin diameter and SWD for a
side effect from this process? flow rate of 2 mgd.
24. What are the disinfecting agents that kill bacteria when 5. A rectangular settling tank is to have a minimum
chlorine is added to water? What is the difference detention time of 3.5 h and a maximum surface load-
between free chlorine and combined chlorine? Compare ing of 25 m>d. The tank length is to be twice its width.
their relative merits in disinfection. Determine the required tank dimensions, including
25. What is meant by breakpoint chlorination? freeboard, for a flow of 5000 m3>d.
156 chapter six

6. A rapid filter has plan dimensions of 10 ft by 15 ft, and 9. How many 100-lb chlorine cylinders should be
it treats a flow rate of 1 mgd. Compute the filtration rate ordered  per month to disinfect a flow of 12 mgd of
in terms of gpm>ft2 and the velocity of flow through the water using a 0.6-mg>L dose of chlorine? Would you
filter bed. recommend ordering 1-ton cylinders instead of 100-lb
7. Compute the required plan dimensions of a square filter cylinders?
box that will treat a flow of 9 ML>d at a maximum rate 10. A mass of 150 kg>d of chlorine is used to disinfect a flow
of 2.9 L>m2 # s. of 250,000 m3>d. What is the chlorine dose?
8. If the filter designed in Problem 7 is backwashed once a 11. A mass of 20 kg per day of chlorine is applied to water,
day for 10 min at a rate of 10.4 L>m2 # s, what percent- resulting in a chlorine concentration of 0.4 ppm. What
age of the total flow is used for cleaning the filter? is the flow rate of the water?
chapter Seven

Water Distribution Systems

Chapter Outline System Characteristics

Pump Operating Point
7-1 Design Factors
Parallel Operation
Required Flows and Pressures
Power and Efficiency
Water Use Efficiency and Conservation
Operation and Maintenance
Pipeline Layout
Dual Water Systems 7-4 Distribution Storage
7-2 Water Mains 7-5 Flow in Pipe Networks
Materials Equivalent Pipes
Appurtenances Pipe Network Analysis
Pipeline Installation 7-6 Computer Applications
7-7 Chapter Synopsis
7-3 Centrifugal Pumps
Pump Characteristics

T he need to transport and distribute water for human

consumption is ancient. Archeological evidence
demonstrates that the use of tubular conduits to
convey water began as long ago as 1500 bc on the island of
Crete. The ancient Romans also built aqueducts to bring
were soon replaced by steam-driven pumps, which were in
turn replaced by pumps driven by electric motors. Now,
of course, state-of-the-art computer systems automate the
operation of most water distribution system components.
A modern water distribution system is an intercon-
water from far distances to their cities. Many Roman aq- nected network of pipelines, storage tanks, pumps, and
ueducts are above ground and can still be seen today. smaller appurtenances, including valves and flow meters.
(Aqueducts generally transport large quantities of water A  community water system can be relatively small and
great distances to a centralized point of distribution and simple, serving as few as 15 homes or 25 people, or it can
use.) Underground channels or tunnels were also built to be vast in size. For example, the New York City water sup-
supply the public fountains and baths. Because the water ply system comprises a complex network of 19 reservoirs
commissioner of Rome, Sextus Julius Frontinus, wrote two (with a storage capacity of 580 billion gallons) and more
books about the Roman water supply (circa 100 ad), a lot is than 6000 mi of tunnels, water mains, and pipes. This ­system
known about these early systems. reliably conveys more than a billion gallons per day of pota-
In early America, the first water pipe was installed in ble water through underground aqueducts from reservoirs as
Boston in 1652, to bring water from springs to what is now far as 125 mi away, and distributes it to more than 8 million
the Quincy Market area. In the mid-18th century, one of people throughout the 5 boroughs of the City (as well as
the earliest water distribution systems in the United States 1 million people outside of the City).
was built in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and included horse- This chapter describes some of the practical aspects
driven pumps and pipes made of bored logs. Wood stove related to the design, analysis, and operation of modern
pipes with iron hoops, which withstand higher pressures, water distribution systems. It begins with discussion of
soon replaced the bored logs. Water distribution technology basic design factors, materials, and appurtenances. A sec-
evolved gradually, making use of more durable pipe materi- tion on centrifugal pumps—the prime movers of a distri-
als, including cast iron and ductile iron. Horse-driven pumps bution system—is included. Conservation and distribution

158 chapter Seven

reservoirs are discussed, and the analysis of pipe network climates; lawn watering is much more common in dry cli-
hydraulics is covered. Much of this material assumes some mates. However, when the water bill is based on individual
prior knowledge of hydraulics, so it would be best to study meter readings rather than on a flat rate, conservation is
or review Chapter 2 before starting this chapter. encouraged and water demand decreases.
In engineering practice, sophisticated computer model-
ing programs are used to analyze and design water distribu- Per Capita Demand  If the total annual water use of
tion networks. Many of these programs are integrated with a community is divided by 365 d, a value of average daily
computer-aided drafting (CAD), and geographic informa- water consumption is obtained. If this value is further
tion system (GIS), software, and provide graphical output ­divided by the total population served, a per capita value is
and hydraulic analysis. Application of water distribution obtained. In SI units, this is expressed in terms of liters per
modeling software is discussed in Section 7-6. But the best day per person, in U.S. Customary units in gallons per capita
way to learn about water distribution system design and per day (gpcd).
analysis is to do the computations “by hand,” that is, with an For example, if the average daily water demand
electronic hand-held calculator. It is only after the student is 5  megaliters per day (5 ML>d) in a system serving
obtains a firm grasp of underlying computational methods 10,000  people, the average per capita demand would be
and terminology that powerful software packages can be (5,000,000 L>d)>(10,000 people) = 500 L>d per person.
used effectively. Keep in mind that a figure like this includes each person’s
share of industrial, commercial, and public use and leakage;
it is not just individual domestic use.
7-1  Design Factors Because the exact water demands of a new service
area may not be known, it is common to use average per
The design of a water distribution system begins after a
capita values from similar communities to design the new
study of community water requirements has been com-
distribution system. New systems are generally designed
pleted. A water distribution system must be able to deliver
to accommodate populations and water demands that are
adequate quantities of water for various uses in a commu-
anticipated 10 to 30 years in the future. Otherwise, the sys-
nity. Also, sufficient pressures must be maintained through-
tem would be too small soon after it was built. Table 7-1
out the system.
presents an example of typical daily water demands in the
A survey of the service area is required so that maps of
United States.
streets and topographical features can be prepared. On a rel-
atively small scale map (about 1:24,000, or 1 in. = 2000 ft),
Variations in Water Demand  In any community,
the principal elements of the system can be planned, show-
water demand will vary on a seasonal, daily, and hourly basis.
ing the general locations of water mains, pump stations,
For example, on a hot summer day it is not unusual for water
storage tanks, and so on. On larger scale maps (about 1:600,
consumption to be as much as 200 percent of the average
or 1 in. = 50 ft), the exact locations of the proposed facili-
daily demand. If the average demand is 670 L>d, then we can
ties are shown in detail, as are existing utilities such as sew-
estimate a peak daily demand to be 2 * 670 = 1340 L>d
ers or gas mains. These plan drawings are accompanied by
per person. Generally, the pipelines and pumps of a distribu-
written specifications describing the materials and methods
tion system (as well as treatment plants and wells) must be
of construction.
designed to accommodate peak daily flows rather than aver-
age flows. The minimum flow a system should be designed
Required Flows and Pressures for is about 1000 L>d per person (or about 250 gpcd).
Water consumption also varies hourly throughout the
When planning and designing a public water distribution
day, according to a somewhat predictable pattern. Peak
network it is convenient to classify water requirements into
four basic categories, as follows:
1. Domestic  water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, Table 7-1  T
 ypical Community Water
lawn sprinkling, and the like. Requirements in the United States
2. Municipal water for fire protection and street cleaning
and for use in schools or other public buildings. L , d per Percent
3. Commercial and industrial water for restaurants, laun- Type of use person gpcd of total
dries, manufacturing operations, and the like. Domestic 300  80  44
4. Loss due to leaks in mains and house plumbing fixtures. Commercial > 260  70  39
The total demand for water in a community varies,
Municipal  60  16   9
depending on the population, the industrial and commer-
cial activity, the local climate, and the cost of the water. For Loss  50  14   8
example, in warm, dry climates, domestic use is generally Total 670 180 100
a larger fraction of total consumption than it is in colder
Water Distribution Systems 159

Water flows out of are verified through third-party testing as meeting the speci-
storage when demand fied efficiency and performance are permitted to display the
is above average
Peak hourly demand WaterSense label.
Significant water savings come from the moderate use
Hourly water consumption

of better technology—water conservation and water use effi-

ciency acting in tandem. There is always the risk that such
Average daily demand/steady pumping rate efforts can be counteracted by Jevon’s paradox, which is the
proposition that technological progress that increases the
Storage tanks are filled efficiency with which a resource is used tends to increase,
when demand is below
average rather than decrease, the rate of consumption of that
Minimum resource (e.g., taking longer showers because you installed a
A.M. Noon P.M. low-flow shower head).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Despite this risk water use efficiency and conservation
Time of day make sound environmental and financial sense by less-
Figure 7-1  The typical variation in water demand or
ening the impact on one of our most precious resources
­consumption throughout the day. while saving money on energy consumption and facility
hourly demands in residential districts usually occur in the
morning and evening hours, just before and after the normal Fire Flows  Water for firefighting is an important part of
workday. In commercial or industrial districts, water con- the total demand that must be provided for in a water distri-
sumption may be uniformly high throughout the workday. bution system. Fire flows are only required once in a while,
Minimum flows typically occur around 4 am, when almost and the total amount of water used to extinguish fires in any
no one is using water. year is small compared to all other uses. But the rate and
A graph illustrating typical hourly variations in water volume of water needed in the few hours of a fire emergency
use is shown in Figure 7-1. On this graph, the peak hourly can be large in a local area. Sometimes, it can be the control-
flow occurs at about 6 pm. In extreme cases, these maximum ling factor affecting the size of the water mains.
hourly flows could be as much as 10 times the average flow, Municipal insurance rates depend to a large extent
but they are usually around 3.5 times the average flow rate. on the fire protection provided by the distribution sys-
As discussed later, these peak hourly demands are generally tem. Factors involved in determining required fire flow
accommodated by water from storage tanks instead of by capacity include type of building construction, occupancy,
the pumps in the system. Otherwise, the pumps and pipes sprinkler protection, and so on. As a minimum, 30 L >s
would have to be excessively large just to handle flows that (475 gpm) of fire flow is required for at least 2 h. In more
occur for a relatively short time. extreme cases, up to 760 L >s (12,000 gpm) for a 10-h dura-
There can be a wide variation in average, peak daily, and tion may be necessary. The required fire flow must be
peak hourly flow rates among different communities. As far added to the peak daily demand in the system when sizing
as is practical, the specific water demands should be deter- pipes and pumps.
mined or estimated for each service area. Generally, big cities
have higher per capita water use than small communities, and Pressures  Water pressures in a distribution system
small service areas are noted for their very high peak rates. should not drop below 350 kPa (50 psi) in order to pro-
vide for adequate operation of home plumbing fixtures and
­appliances, as well as for fire fighting when pumper trucks
Water Use Efficiency and Conservation are used at fire hydrants. (In the United States, many state
When talking about saving water many people use the words or county regulatory agencies require a minimum pressure
“efficiency” and “conservation” interchangeably. While both of about 210 kPa (30 psi) at the water meter or at the prop-
achieve the same end result, they rely on different techniques erty line.) Maximum pressures in water mains are gener-
to do so. Water conservation is the reduction in level of out- ally kept below 760 kPa, or 110 psi, to reduce the chances
put or service by deliberately using less water. Water conser- for leaks or water main breaks. Pressures of about 550 kPa
vation is based on human behavior. Water use efficiency is (80 psi) are considered optimum. Pressure-regulating valves
defined as the application of better technology to maintain must be installed in the distribution system to reduce pres-
the level of output or service while using less water. Water sures in low-lying service areas; otherwise, pressure heads
use efficiency is based on the application of technology. in the system would be too high.
In 2006, the EPA launched the WaterSense program
with the goal of protecting the future U.S. water supply. LEED and Water Use  Under the LEED green build-
Working with stakeholders and the general public, the EPA ing certification program, project certification points can be
develops standards and specifications for water efficient earned by implementing strategies that increase water effi-
products and systems. Product manufacture compliance ciency within buildings and reduce the burden on municipal
with these standards is voluntary; however, products that water supply and ­wastewater systems. WaterSense-certified
160 chapter Seven

fixtures and fixture fittings, and the use of high-efficiency fix- In the dead-end layout, frequent flushing of the pipes
tures and dry fixtures, such as toilets attached to composting at the fire hydrants is necessary to prevent consumer com-
systems, are among the techniques that can be used to reduce plaints about taste and odor. Another disadvantage of the
potable water demand. Using alternative on-site sources of dead-end system is that water service could be disrupted
water (e.g., rainwater, stormwater, and air conditioner con- for long periods of time while repairs are made to a broken
densate) and graywater for nonpotable applications such water main. But in a gridiron system, the broken section can
as custodial uses and toilet and urinal flushing can further be isolated by valves, and water can still reach consumers
­improve water efficiency. from the other side of the loop. Most distribution systems
combine both layouts, depending on local conditions and
Pipeline Layout economic factors.
Water mains may be referred to as primary feeders or
Water mains are generally not less than 150 mm (6 in.) in secondary feeders. The primary feeders, also called arterial
diameter. They are usually located in the street right-of-way mains, carry large quantities of water from the treatment
(ROW) to provide water to every potential customer. The or pumping facility to areas of major water use. Secondary
gridiron arrangement of pipes is preferred to a layout that feeders are smaller pipes that provide a daily supply to
has many dead-end branches. In the gridiron system, water local areas.
can circulate in interconnected loops, but in the dead-end
system, the water may remain relatively stagnant in ­sections
of the s­ystem, causing taste and odor problems from bac- Dual Water Systems
terial growth. A gridiron network of pipes is also called a A dual water distribution system provides two indepen-
looped network, and a dead-end network may be called a dent pipeline networks within the same municipal service
branched or tree network. The two types of layouts are illus- area. One network carries potable water that meets drinking
trated in Figure 7-2. water standards for household use; the other network car-
ries nonpotable water (e.g., seawater or treated and recycled
wastewater) that can be used for firefighting, street cleaning,
station irrigation of lawns and gardens, or other uses that do not
require highly purified water.
The potable network of a dual system can use smaller-
Q diameter distribution lines, smaller pumps, and smaller
This area is out of service if
Arterial the water main breaks at point A storage facilities than those needed in a traditional single
main distribution system; fire hydrants may not be required in
the potable network. (Most states require that all pipes that
carry reclaimed water have a purple color that is integral
with the pipe material.) Also, in a dual system, less water
has to be treated to the high level required for drinking and
cooking and other household uses. The cost-saving benefits
can, however, be offset by the cost of installing and operat-
Dead-end system ing the nonpotable water distribution system.
Dual water systems can be of advantage in small com-
munities, particularly where landscape and sports field irri-
gation is a major nonpotable water use, and where droughts
Pumping and water shortages are a recurring problem. Although dual
systems are uncommon, they can be considered a viable
option in many locations, and their use is increasing. For
Q This area still gets water example, a dual system is now used in the city of Surprise,
Arterial despite a water main break at A Arizona; a special water-rate plan has been implemented to
main make full use of the economic benefits provided by the dual
supply systems.
The above discussion of dual water systems pertains
mostly to urban or suburban neighborhoods. On a smaller
scale, in individual homes or buildings, graywater can be
separated from blackwater in separate plumbing systems,
and the graywater can be treated and reused for nonpotable
Gridiron system purposes. Graywater treatment recycling helps to conserve
Figure 7-2  A gridiron (looped) pattern for water mains
water resources and reduces demands on potable water
is preferable to a dead-end (branched) system; gridiron treatment plants; this also saves energy. (Graywater treat-
­networks provide greater flexibility in operation and service. ment and reuse is discussed in Section 10-4.)
Water Distribution Systems 161

7-2  Water Mains Rubber-ring gasket

Materials Iron pipe

The water mains in a distribution system must be strong and
durable in order to resist applied forces and corrosion. The
pipe is subjected to internal pressure from the water and to
external pressure from the weight of the soil (backfill) and
vehicles above it. Another force the pipe may have to with-
stand is called water hammer. This can occur when a valve
is closed too fast, for example, causing waves of high pres- Spigot Bell
sure to surge through the pipe. Finally, damage due to cor- end end
rosion or rusting may occur internally because of the water Push-on (compression) joint
quality or externally because of the nature of the soil condi-
tions. Materials commonly used in water mains to provide
adequate strength and durability are discussed here. Bolts
Iron pipe

Ductile Iron Pipe  Ductile iron has been one of the most
common materials used for the construction of water dis-
tribution pipelines for more than 60 years. Because of its
chemical composition, ductile iron is stronger and more
elastic than gray cast iron (CI), which was the predomi-
nant pipe material used until the mid-1900s. Cast iron is
also strong and ­durable, with many older installations still
in service after 120  years or more. Ductile iron, though, is Flanged ends
less brittle than gray cast iron; it is less vulnerable to damage
Flanged joint
during construction and is considered to be more corrosion
resistant. Figure 7-3  Two common methods for joining sections of
Ductile iron pipe (DIP) sections are available in lengths iron pipe.
up to about 6 m (18 ft) and in diameters up to 1200 mm
(48 in.). They are manufactured in several thickness classes Asbestos Cement Pipe  Asbestos cement (AC) pipe was
or groups; higher class pipe (thicker pipe walls) would be first introduced in North America in the late 1920s and be-
specified for deep installations or high water pressures. came a common choice for potable water main construction
Two common methods for joining individual sections from the 1940s to the 1970s. The use of AC pipe was largely
of pipe together are the push-on joint and the flanged joint. discontinued in North America in the early 1980s, but AC
In the push-on, or compression-type, joint, as it is also called, pipe is still a significant component of water distribution
a spigot end of one pipe is pushed into the bell end of an adja- systems in many North American cities.
cent pipe; a rubber-ring gasket in the bell end is compressed The compacted mixture of sand, cement, and asbestos
when the sections are joined, creating a watertight, but flex- fibers provided a lightweight pipe material that was smooth
ible, connection. Flanged connections involve the bolting and corrosion resistant. Although it was not as strong as iron
together of the ends of the pipe sections; they are used for pipe, the absence of tuberculation and the ease of installa-
aboveground installations in treatment plants or pumping tion made asbestos cement pipe desirable in many instances.
stations. Both push-on and flanged joints are illustrated in AC pipe has long-lasting hydraulic properties with
Figure 7-3. high carrying capacity 1C = 1402. Manufactured in about
Unprotected iron pipes are subject to a process called 4-m (12-ft) lengths and in diameters up to about 400 mm
tuberculation—the formation of tubercles or small projec- (16 in.), it was also available in several pressure classes up to
tions of rust on the inside wall of the pipe. Tuberculation a ­maximum of about 1400 kPa (200 psi). The plain ends of
­significantly increases the resistance to flow, reduces pipe AC pipe sections were easily joined with a coupling sleeve, as
capacity, and increases pressure losses in the system. Iron illustrated in Figure 7-4. The two rubber-ring gaskets in the
pipes are usually coated with a thin cement–mortar l­ining sleeve provided a watertight, yet flexible, joint.
on the inside pipe wall to prevent tuberculation and to
preserve the hydraulic capacity of the pipe. (The Hazen– Plastic Pipe  Use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic as a
Williams C factor may be as high as 145 for cement-lined pipe material for construction of water distribution mains
pipes; see Section 2-3.) Tarlike coatings are also applied on (and other pipelines) has been increasing since the 1950s.
the outside of the pipe to prevent external corrosion and on PVC plastic pipes are strong and durable, yet they are very
the inside to prevent the leaching of lime out of the cement lightweight and are easily handled and installed. They are re-
lining into the water. sistant to corrosion and tuberculation and are very smooth,
162 chapter Seven

Rubber gaskets Pretensioned reinforcing wire

Mortar coating
AC pipe
Field-placed mortar
Steel bell ring

Steel cylinder Field-placed mortar
Figure 7-4  Asbestos cement pipes are joined with a sleeve
Mortar lining Rubber gasket
and two rubber-ring gaskets. Steel spigot ring
Figure 7-5  Section of an RCP joint.
providing excellent hydraulic characteristics 1C = 1502. (From Water Distribution Operator Training Handbook. Reprinted
Available in diameters up to about 600 mm (24 in.), PVC by permission. Copyright © the American Water Works Association.)
pipe sections are joined using a bell-and-spigot, compres-
sion-type joint with rubber-ring seal. To distinguish among
Sections of steel pipe may be joined by welding or with
appropriate uses of PVC pipe, a color is added during the
mechanical coupling devices as shown in Figure 7-6.
manufacturing process: Blue is used for drinking water,
green for sewage, white for irrigation water, and purple for
reclaimed wastewater. Appurtenances
Other plastic materials used for service connections Proper functioning of the water mains in a distribution
and domestic plumbing include polyethylene (PE) and system requires many different devices in addition to
­acrylonitrate–butadiene–styrene (ABS) plastic. These pipes the sections of pipe. These devices, called appurtenances,
may be joined using threaded screw couplings or chemical include hydrants, shutoff valves, throttling valves, pressure-­
solvent welds. reducing valves, and other fittings.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipe has
become more widely used in water distribution system con- Hydrants  The primary purpose of a hydrant is to provide
struction over the last 10 years as trenchless pipe construc- convenient access to water for firefighting and other emer-
tion and rehabilitation techniques have evolved. Segments gencies. A hydrant also serves for flushing out water mains,
of HDPE pipe are joined by butt fusion welding wherein washing debris off public streets, and providing access to the
the ends of the pipe segments to be joined are heated to a underground pipe system for pressure testing. The spacing
specific temperature and then fused together by pushing the and location of hydrants depend primarily on fire protec-
ends together with hydraulic force. When the polyethylene tion and insurance needs. Hydrants are also placed at dead
material is heated, the molecular structure is transformed ends and at high and low points in the pipeline.
from a crystalline state into an amorphous condition (lack-
ing crystalline structure). When fusion pressure is applied,
the molecules from each polyethylene part mix. As the joint
cools, the molecules return to their crystalline form, the
original interfaces are gone, and the two pipes become one
homogeneous unit.

Other Pipe Materials  Reinforced concrete pressure pipes

(RCPPs) are made of welded steel cylinders wrapped with
steel wire and embedded in concrete. They are used primarily
in long water transmission lines of large diameter. They can
be precast in sections up to 5 m (16 ft) in length and up to
about 6 m (20 ft) in diameter. RCPP is very strong and du-
rable and has excellent hydraulic characteristics. Sections may
be joined using a modified bell-and-spigot type of connection
and sealed with cement mortar, as shown in Figure 7-5.
Steel pipe is sometimes used for water transmission
lines, particularly for aboveground installations. It is very Figure 7-6  A mechanical coupling device used to join
strong, yet it is lighter in weight than RCP. But it must be ­sections of steel pipe.
carefully protected against corrosion; this is usually done by (From Water Distribution Operator Training Handbook. Reprinted
lining the interior and painting and wrapping the exterior. by ­permission. Copyright © the American Water Works Association.)
Water Distribution Systems 163

A long valve stem inside the cast-iron barrel of the

hydrant operates a shutoff valve at its base. Another valve nut
in the pipe connecting the hydrant to the water main
allows isolation of the hydrant for maintenance. The con-
necting pipe is usually 150 mm (6 in.) in diameter, and the
hydrant has two hose connections on top. A gravel foot-
ing is provided to allow drainage from the barrel after the
hydrant is used; this is particularly important in cold cli-
mates because the water can freeze and break the hydrant Valve
barrel. cover

Service Connections  Water from the distribution main

reaches the property line of individual consumers through a
service pipe, usually made of copper or plastic, with a mini-
mum diameter of 20 mm (3 > 4 in.), as shown in Figure 7-7.
Service connections can be made initially when the
main is installed (a dry tap) or later when the main is already
in service (a wet tap). Pipe tapping machines are avail-
able that allow wet taps to be made without affecting water
­service to existing users of the system. The service pipe is
connected to the main by means of a special fitting called a
corporation stop. At the user’s end of the service line, there is
usually a water meter and shutoff valve.

Valves  Many different types of valves are used in water

distribution systems to control the quantity and direction
of flow. Many of these can be opened or closed manually
by screw stems or gear train devices; large valves often are
power operated using electric or hydraulic systems. (a)
The most common function of a valve is for complete
shutoff of flow. Gate valves are usually used for this p
­ urpose.
They are placed throughout the distribution network, allow-
ing sections of pipeline to be shut off and isolated during
repairs of broken mains, pumps, or hydrants. A gate valve
consists basically of a sliding disk that is moved across the
path of flow by a screw-operated stem. When the valve is
in the open position, the disk is enclosed in a valve cover or
housing above the pipe and is completely out of the path of
flow. In the closed position, the disk is lowered and tightly
wedged in a valve seat, blocking the flow. A typical gate valve
is illustrated in Figure 7-8a.

Curb box water
consumer (b)
Figure 7-8  (a) A typical gate valve
(Courtesy of M&H Valve Company)

Corporation (b) A typical butterfly valve

stop (Val-Matic Valve & Manufacturing Corp. )

Water Gate valves are usually either in the fully open or in fully
Main Curb stop meter closed position; they are rarely used for throttling flow by
Copper or plastic blocking it only partially. In most distribution networks,
water line they are placed at pipe intersections and are operated manu-
Figure 7-7  Typical service connection. ally using an extension rod to reach the operating nut on
164 chapter Seven

the valve; cast-iron valve boxes, which extend from the valve
up to the street surface, cover and protect the underground
valve. Large gate valves may be placed in underground man-
hole structures or valve pits for easier access and operation. Q
A type of valve commonly used for throttling and con-
trolling flow rate is the butterfly valve. In a butterfly valve,
a movable disk rotates on an axle in the path of flow. In the
closed position, the disk is tightly seated against a rubber
ring in its casing. In the open position, the disk is turned 90°, Figure 7-9  A swing-check valve will open to allow flow in
allowing the water to flow around and past it. The fact that only one direction.
the disk is always in the flow is a disadvantage of the butter-
fly valve as it blocks the use of pipe cleaning tools. Because Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention  A cross
the force of flowing water tends to close the valve, reducing connection is an unintentional link between a potable water
gear drives are used for manual operation, and power opera- system and a nonpotable water source, through which back-
tors are required for the large butterfly valves. A butterfly flow and contamination of the potable system can occur.
valve is illustrated in Figure 7-8b. Cross connections in municipal water distribution systems,
A device called a check valve is used to permit flow in or in individual home plumbing systems, can be a serious
only one direction in a pipe; it closes automatically when public health hazard. Prevention of cross connections is es-
the flow stops or tends to flow in the opposite direction. pecially important in areas served by dual water systems and
A common type, called a swing-check valve, is illustrated in in individual buildings or homes where gray water is treated
Figure 7-9. The valve disk is lifted up by the force of the and recycled for nonpotable uses.
flowing water and closes by gravity when the flow stops. An air gap between potable and nonpotable systems
A valve seat prevents the disk from swinging open in the provides the best way to prevent cross connection and
opposite direction. ­backflow (or backsiphonage), because it has no mechanical
Check valves are usually installed in the discharge pip- parts. However, because air gaps are not possible in many
ing of a pump to prevent backflow when the pump stops. situations, mechanical devices are often used to prevent
They are called foot valves when installed at the end of a backsiphonage, or backflow.
pump suction line in a well or tank. Foot valves prevent loss Atmospheric vacuum breaker valves, for example, can
of prime in the centrifugal pumps. (The operation of cen- be used in potable plumbing systems. When flow in the
trifugal pumps is discussed in the next section.) In plumbing potable pipe is stopped, the vacuum breaker valve drops
systems, special double-check valves may be used to prevent down automatically, closes the water supply, and opens
backflow and possible contamination of a drinking water an air vent, thereby preventing contaminants from being
supply when a cross section with another system exists. siphoned back in to the potable line. A lawn irrigation sys-
Other types of valves that find use in water distribution tem, for example, needs a vacuum breaker valve to prevent
systems include pressure-reducing valves, air-release valves, lawn chemicals and other contaminants from being drawn
and altitude valves. Pressure-reducing valves operate auto- into the water supply when the sprinklers are not operating.
matically to lower excessive hydrostatic pressure in water In municipal systems, mechanical devices such as
mains that are at a low elevation in the system. In effect, ­double-check valves and reduced pressure zone backflow
these valves form separate networks or pressure zones in a preventers (RCBP) can be used where cross connections
large distribution system. must be prevented. A double-check valve assembly has two
Water mains generally follow the hills and valleys of the check valves in series and a gate valve at each end for iso-
natural topography. It is not uncommon for pockets of air lation and testing. It also must have two ball valves or test
to develop at the high points of the main. These pockets of cocks in place for evaluating the functionality of the check
air reduce the flow capacity of the system and increase pres- assembly. An RCBP has two spring check valves with a pres-
sure losses. Air-release valves are placed in the pipeline at the sure relief valve located between them, which can be vented
peaks to automatically vent the accumulated air in the system. to the atmosphere.
Another appurtenance, called an altitude valve, is an
automatic device that controls flow into an elevated water
storage tank. It automatically closes when the tank is full,
Pipeline Installation
preventing overflow. When there is demand for water from Water mains must be installed at sufficient depths below the
the tank, the lower pressure in the distribution main is ground surface to provide protection against traffic loads and
sensed by the valve mechanism, and the valve opens to allow to prevent freezing. Generally, these depths are in the range
flow out of the tank. In effect, the water in the tank “floats” of 1 to 2 m (3 to 6 ft). Because flow occurs under pressure
on the water in the main and freely flows into or out of the instead of by gravity, the water mains can follow the general
tank, depending on pressure differentials. The hydraulics of topographic shape of the ground, uphill as well as downhill.
elevated storage in water distribution systems is discussed There are several ways of placing the pipeline in an exca-
later in this chapter. vated trench to provide additional strength and protection.
Water Distribution Systems 165

The material placed in the trench on top of the pipeline is Now, applying Equation 7-1 gives
called backfill. Compacting the backfill in layers around 50 * 305 * 10001>2
the pipe barrel increases the support for the pipe and can = 15 L>h
reduce the incidence of water main breaks. The type of bed-
ding condition selected depends on the trench depth and the Because the observed leakage of 10 L>h is less than the
thickness class of the pipe. computed allowable leakage of 15 L>h, the pipe is suffi-
Water mains should not be installed in the same ciently watertight.
trench with a sewer line. Generally, they should be at
least 3 m (10 ft) away from a sewer, horizontally, and they Thrust Restraints  It is usually necessary to anchor the
should be at least 0.5 m (18 in.) higher than sewer lines pipeline securely in the trench at dead ends and at bends or
when they cross. at changes in horizontal or vertical direction. This is because
of the force, or thrust, caused by the internal pressure and
Pressure Testing  No matter how well a pipeline is con- the kinetic energy of flow, which tends to move the pipe or
structed, there may be some leakage at the joints. Within fittings. Such movement can damage the joints and cause
certain limits, some leakage is acceptable; the construction excessive leakage. Three methods are commonly used to
specifications should indicate the maximum allowable rate counteract these thrust forces: thrust blocks, tie rods, and
of leakage. A formula used for this purpose may take the fol- mechanical pipe joint restraints. Thrust blocks, as illustrated
lowing form: in Figure 7-10a, consist of blocks, bricks, or concrete placed
against the trench wall and the pipe fitting. Tie rods, or har-
N * D * P 1>2 ness restraints, illustrated in Figure 7-10b, consist of metal
QL = (7-1) rods that span pipe segments between fittings. The threaded
ends of the rods pass through lugs on the flanges of the me-
where QL = allowable leakage, L>h (gal>h) chanical joint connections and are subsequently tightened.
N = number of joints in length of main tested Mechanical joint restraints are specially designed fitting
D = pipe diameter, mm (in.) flanges with restrainer bolts that are tightened and “bite”
into the outside wall of the pipe.
P = test pressure, kPa (psi)
In most cases, the internal pressure causes most of the
C = a constant depending on units used: for SI thrust, and the dynamic thrust due to the flow velocity can
metric, C = 32,600 (for U.S. Customary
units, C = 1850)
A hydrostatic pressure test (or leakage test) must be Plan (top) view
conducted on newly installed water mains. This typically
involves filling the new pipeline with water and maintaining
a specified pressure for a specified time interval. For exam- Soil
ple, the pressure may be 1000 kPa (150 psi), and the time
interval may be 1 h. If an amount of water greater than QL Direction of
must be pumped into the pipeline to maintain the specified thrust on bend
pressure, then an excessive amount of leakage has occurred.
If this occurs, repairs are necessary before the pipeline can be Soil
accepted for use. (Note: The form of Equation 7-1, and the
required pressure and time interval may vary. Hydrostatic Concrete
testing procedures specified in project design documents thrust block
should be used in actual practice.)
Reaction of Trench wall
Example 7-1 thrust block
A 300-m-long section of a newly installed 305-mm-diameter (a)
water main is pressure tested for leakage. It was observed
that during the 1-h test period, a volume of 10 L of water was
pumped into the pipeline to maintain the required pressure of
1000 kPa. The pipe sections are 6 m long between joints. Has
the allowable rate of leakage been exceeded?
Tie rods
Compute the number of joints in 300 m of pipeline as follows: (b)
Figure 7-10  (a) Thrust blocks are used to anchor the pipe-
300 m line and to prevent movement or possible joint opening at
N = = 50 joints
6m bends. (b) Tie rods are another thrust restraint alternative.
166 chapter Seven

be neglected. For a bend in a pipeline, the thrust due to static the system can occur when the water pressure is turned off).
pressure can be computed from the following formula: All water is pumped out of the excavated trench. Repair
clamps or sleeves are installed over the leakage section of
F = 2 * P * A * sin (∆ >2) (7-2)
pipe and tightened until the leakage stops. The pipe should
where F = force or thrust, kN (lb) be flushed, hydrostatically retested, and disinfected after the
P = water pressure, kPa (psi) repair has been made.
A = cross-sectional area of pipe, m2 (in.2)
Cleaning  Sudden water main breaks are not the only
Δ = change in direction of the pipe, degrees
problems that can occur in a water distribution system.
Loose deposits of sediment may accumulate in the pipeline,
Example 7-2 particularly in dead-end branches. These sediments, which
An 18-in.-diameter pipe carries water under a pressure of cause taste, odor, and color problems, can be removed by
80 psi. Compute the static thrust for a 90° bend in the pipe, periodic flushing through hydrants.
and compute the required bearing area of a concrete thrust Many water mains suffer the effects of a gradual and
block if the soil can support a bearing stress of 3000 lb>ft2. persistent buildup of solid deposits on the inside wall of the
pipe. The longer the pipeline is in service, the worse this
Solution problem becomes. These deposits, illustrated in Figure 7-11,
Compute the area of the pipe section as follows: reduce the hydraulic capacity of the pipeline and cause high
pressure losses. Pumping costs increase and there is a greater
pD 2 182
A = = p * = 254 in.2 chance for regrowth of bacteria in the distribution system.
4 4 The deposits may consist of tubercles or lumps of iron
Now use Equation 7-2 to compute the static thrust: oxide if the pH of the water is low and the metal pipe is
unlined. This problem is called tuberculation. When the pH
F = 2 * 254 * 80 * sina b of the water is high, the deposits consist of calcium carbon-
ate scale. Maintaining a proper pH so that the water is nei-
= 2 * 254 * 80 * 0.707 ≈ 30,000 lb ther corrosive nor scale forming may be accomplished by
If the soil can withstand 3000 lb>ft2, then the required adding chemicals at the treatment plant. Although this can
area of the thrust block that is needed to spread the force out minimize the formation of additional deposits, it does not
of the supporting soil is 30,000 lb , 3000 lb>ft2 = 10 ft2. restore the lost capacity that has already occurred.
A common method for rehabilitating old water mains is
Disinfection  A newly installed water main must be flushed to clean them using a mechanical or hydraulic scraper tool.
clean and disinfected before being put into service. Flushing During the cleaning operation, water supply service can be
velocities of about 1 m>s (3 ft>s) are generally enough to re- provided to customers by using small-diameter temporary
move dirt and debris that may accumulate in the pipe during bypass pipes or hoses. Thick deposits can be removed using
construction. The pipe is disinfected to kill bacteria by filling power-driven mechanical cleaning devices. The cutting tool
it with a relatively concentrated chlorine solution for a certain consists of rotating steel blades mounted on a series of body
period of time, as specified by local regulatory agencies. It is sections attached to a center rod.
flushed again before being put into service.

The use of proper material and installation methods does
not guarantee trouble-free operation of a water main for an
unlimited period of time. Pipeline breaks and leaks occur
periodically for several reasons, and emergency repairs
must be made. According to EPA estimates, there are about
240,000 water main breaks each year in the United States.
Most water utilities have a plan of action for dealing with
these emergencies and keep spare parts, tools, and equip-
ment readily available.
Leaks that are not readily observable from wet or
sunken spots in the street can be located by using sounding
rods for electronic amplification of the sound of the escap-
ing water. Relatively small leaks can be repaired without
shutting off the water pressure. This avoids inconvenience Figure 7-11  View of a deteriorated water main with
to utility customers and prevents contamination of the dis- ­accumulated interior deposits that reduce the pipe capacity.
tribution system by backflow (backflow of dirty water into (Courtesy of Engineered Lining Systems, Jacksonville, Florida.)
Water Distribution Systems 167

Another type of cleaning device is a bullet-shaped into the transmission and distribution system are called
resilient foam object called a pig. It is wrapped with wear- high-lift pumps; they operate under relatively high heads or
ing strips in a spiral or crisscross arrangement. Propelled by pressures.
water pressure through the pipeline, the pig serves to scrape Sometimes it is necessary to increase the pressure
the deposits off the wall of the pipe. It is inserted into the within the distribution system or to raise the water into an
line either through a fire hydrant or through a specially elevated storage tank; booster pumps can be used for this
installed launcher. Several passes of the pig may be needed purpose. Well pumps lift water from an underground aqui-
to remove all deposits. Afterward, the pipe is flushed out and fer and often discharge directly into the distribution system.
disinfected before being placed into service again. Another way of classifying pumps is according to the
mechanical principles on which they operate. The two basic
Lining  Newly installed metal pipes are supplied with a types are positive-displacement pumps and centrifugal
c­ ement–mortar lining to prevent tuberculation. But many pumps. A positive-displacement pump will deliver a fixed
iron water mains were installed in the past without these quantity of water with each revolution of the pump rotor
linings. When these mains are cleaned and the deposits or piston. The water is physically pushed or displaced from
­removed, it is necessary to install a lining that will prevent the pump casing. The capacity of the pump is unaffected by
the ­problem of tuberculation from recurring. One such changes in pressure in the system in which it operates.
rehabilitation method, called sliplining, involves placing Centrifugal pumps are the most common type used in
a plastic pipe inside the cleaned pipe. The plastic pipe, of water supply (as well as wastewater) systems. As discussed
slightly smaller diameter than the original pipe, is pulled shortly, the capacity of the pump is very much a function
through straight sections of the transmission main. of the pressure against which it operates in the system.
Another method for protecting the cleaned pipe wall is A centrifugal pump adds energy to the water by accelerat-
to apply a cement–mortar lining to the pipe in place. For ing it through the action of a rapidly rotating impeller. The
pipes less than 600 mm (24 in.) in diameter, mortar can be water is thrown outward by the vanes of the impeller and
pumped through a hose to a lining machine that is pulled passes through a spiral-shaped casing, where its velocity is
through the pipeline. The mortar is sprayed centrifugally ­gradually slowed down. As its velocity drops in the expand-
onto the pipe wall; the thickness of the lining can be con- ing spiral volute, the kinetic energy is converted to pressure
trolled by the speed at which the machine is pulled through head, called the discharge pressure.
the pipe. A lining thickness of 6 mm or less is preferred, so Centrifugal pumps can be further classified as radial
as not to reduce the inner diameter of the pipe excessively. flow or axial flow. In the radial-flow type, the water dis-
For pipes over 600 mm in diameter, a worker can enter the charges at right angles to the direction of flow into the pump
water main with the lining equipment. impeller; in the axial-flow type, the water discharges in the
Cleaning and lining can effectively rehabilitate a water same direction as the axis of the impeller. Centrifugal pumps
main, increasing its carrying capacity and reducing pressure with more than one impeller are called turbine pumps.
drops. But the pipe must not be structurally defective if this Centrifugal-type pumps have several advantages over
method of rehabilitation is to be used. A deteriorated pipe- positive-displacement pumps. They are simple, with only
line that experiences frequent breaks and leaks may have to one moving part—the impeller; no internal valves are
be replaced completely with a new pipeline. Large concrete required, and there is no need for internal lubrication. Also,
water mains, however, may be lined with pipe made of steel they operate very quietly. Disadvantages include the effect of
plate to restore structural integrity with minimum loss of pressure on the pump output and efficiency, and the neces-
capacity. It is always necessary to compare the relative eco- sity for priming the pump before it is operated. Priming
nomics of complete replacement versus cleaning and relin- involves filling the pump casing and suction line with water.
ing. If water demands in the area are increasing, new water
mains may be needed; rehabilitation alone may not be suf- Pump Characteristics
ficient to meet the higher demands.
The performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump
define the relationships among the discharge or rate of flow,
the discharge pressure head against which the pump oper-
7-3 Centrifugal Pumps ates, the power requirements, and the efficiency of opera-
A pump is a mechanical device that adds energy to water or tion. These characteristics depend on the diameter, speed,
other liquids. In most water distribution systems, pumps are and shape of the impeller(s) within the pump casing. They
needed to raise the water in elevation and to move it through are different for each model of pump.
the network of water mains under pressure. One way of clas-
sifying pumps is by their application in the system. Pumps Pump Head Curve  Pump manufacturers provide data
that lift the water from a river or lake and move it to a in catalogs that describe the performance characteristics of
nearby treatment plant are called low-lift pumps. They move their line of pumps. These data are usually presented graphi-
large quantities of water but at relatively low discharge pres- cally, for convenience. A typical graph showing the relation-
sures. The pumps that discharge the treated drinking water ship between the rate of flow and the total pressure head for
168 chapter Seven

Shutoff head (discharge valve is closed and Q = 0) is zero because the energy driving the impeller is entirely
lost (as heat); no physical work is done by the completely
Pum The rated discharge point
p represents the combination
throttled pump. As the discharge is allowed to increase, the
Total dynamic head (TDH)

d of Q and TDH at which efficiency of operation will increase to a maximum value

rve the pump operates most and then begin to decrease. The combination of Q and TDH
at which the maximum efficiency is measured is called the
TDH rated or normal discharge capacity of the pump. The rated
capacity may be indicated on the pump head curve with a
mark, as shown in Figure 7-12.
Pump manufacturers often indicate the efficiency and
power consumption, over a range of flows and impeller speeds
Rated discharge and/or diameters, on the graph with the pump head curve.
Pump discharge (Q) Impeller Speed  For a given centrifugal pump, it is some-
Figure 7-12  Typical centrifugal pump head–discharge times desirable to change the rotational speed of the impel-
curve. The discharge decreases as the TDH or pressure head ler (using a variable-speed motor) as flow changes, so that
on the pump increases. the pump operates most efficiently. The discharge of a cen-
trifugal pump varies directly with the impeller speed, and
a centrifugal pump, for a fixed impeller speed and diameter, the discharge head (pressure) varies directly with the square
is shown in Figure 7-12. It is called a pump head curve. of the impeller speed. In other words, if the impeller speed is
The pressure head is plotted on the vertical axis of doubled, the discharge doubles, and the discharge pressure
Figure 7-12. This is called the total dynamic head, or TDH, head increases by a factor of four. These relationships, called
and is expressed in meters (feet) of water. The TDH depends affinity laws, can be expressed as follows:
on the configuration of the system into which the pump dis-
charges and the flow rate; this is explained in more detail Q1 N1
= (7-3)
shortly. The flow rate or discharge, Q, is plotted on the hori- Q2 N2
zontal axis and is expressed in terms of L>s or gpm. H1 N12
The pump head curve clearly shows that the pump dis- = 2 (7-4)
H2 N2
charge rate is a function of the total pressure against which
the pump works and that a given centrifugal pump can where  Q1 and Q2 = pump discharges, L>s (gpm)
operate over a wide range of Q and TDH values. The dis- H1 and H2 = pump discharge pressure heads, m (ft)
charge decreases as the TDH increases. In effect, the harder N1 and N2 = pump impeller speeds, revolutions>
the pump has to work to move the water, the less it can minute (rpm)
discharge per unit time. Specification or description of the
operating conditions for a centrifugal pump must always Example 7-3
have a Q value and a corresponding TDH value.
Manufacturer’s data for a centrifugal pump indicate that
A centrifugal pump that operates with its discharge
the pump can discharge 100 L>s at a discharge pressure
valve completely shut will build up a maximum discharge
of 25 m when the impeller speed is 1500 rpm. What is the
pressure, called the shutoff head. At shutoff head, the dis-
expected pump discharge and discharge pressure head if
charge is zero, but the rotating impeller adds energy to the
the impeller speed is increased to 2000 rpm?
water circulating within the pump casing and this develops
pressure. When the valve is gradually opened and the water Solution
begins to flow, the pressure head will decrease, as the pump
Applying Equations 7-3 and 7-4, we find
head curve shows. When the valve is completely opened, the
unthrottled pump will operate at a discharge and TDH that Q1 2000
= and Q1 = 130 L>s
match those of the system in which the pump is working. 100 1500
Pump head curves, or head–discharge curves, as they H1 20002
are also called, are determined by the pump manufacturer = and H1 = 45 m
25 15002
under shop test conditions. During the test, power and
efficiency characteristics of the pump are also measured. Variable speed pumps, sometimes called variable fre-
Like any other mechanical device, a centrifugal pump can- quency drive or VFD pumps, are available. In a VFD pump,
not operate at 100 percent efficiency. There is always water an adjustable speed motor is used to control impeller speed.
circulating with the rotating impeller in the casing, causing Using a VFD motor, pump impellor speed can be reduced
energy loss. This is called slip, and the more slip there is in a from its designed maximum operating point, effectively
given pump, the lower is its efficiency. lowering the position of the discharge-head curve on the
The efficiency of a centrifugal pump depends on the dis- pump’s characteristic graph and allowing the pump to
charge and TDH. At shutoff head 1Q = 02, the efficiency continue to operate at reduced flow rates without wasting
Water Distribution Systems 169

electrical energy. A variable speed pump can meet system

demand for flow throughout the day without continually
running at full speed, or without having to be stopped and Tank
started for different intervals of time.
Electronic sensors installed in the system at locations
remote from the pump can control the VFD pumps so that
impeller speeds match system flow requirements. Newer Total
VFD pumps are equipped with microprocessors that are pro- static
grammed to adjust speed and pressure to match the system
load at all times, without need for remote sensors, providing Q
optimum energy savings. These types of pumps may some-
times be called “smart” pumps or “intelligent variable speed”
(IVS) pumps. Discharge
Net Positive Suction Head  A centrifugal pump re- Tank suction
quires a certain minimum pressure head on the suction side A head
of the pump to operate properly. This is called the required Pump
net positive suction head (NPSH), and it is a function of Q
flow, impeller speed, and pump details. Values of required Suction line
NPSH are determined and reported by the pump manufac- (a)
turer for each model pump. In the design of a pumping sys-
tem, the required NPSH must be compared to the available
NPSH for the system. If the available NPSH is too low, it will
be difficult to keep the pump primed (filled with water), and
a problem called cavitation may also occur. B
Cavitation occurs when the pressure inside the pump Discharge
is reduced to the vapor pressure of the water. Some water
vaporizes and tiny bubbles (cavities) repeatedly form and
collapse in the pump casing. This can result in loss of pump- static
ing efficiency and breakdown of the pump impeller (in head
severe conditions). Cavitation is always accompanied by a Suction line
rattling or pinging noise coming from the pump. Pump
Available NPSH is equal to the sum of the atmospheric
(barometric) pressure and the static pressure head on the suction
pump inlet, minus the friction losses in the inlet pipe and lift
fittings, and the vapor pressure of the water (which is a func-
tion of temperature). If the available NPSH is found to be Tank
less than the required NPSH, it may be necessary to lower A
the pump, raise the suction tank water level, increase the
diameter of the inlet piping to reduce friction loss, or select a (b)
pump with a lower required NPSH. Figure 7-13  In diagram (a), the water in tank A is above
the pump, causing a condition of suction head. In dia-
gram (b), the water in tank A is below the pump, causing
System Characteristics static suction lift. The total static head is always the vertical
In this discussion, the term “system” refers to the network distance between the lower and the upper water surfaces,
regardless of the suction line conditions.
of interconnected pipes, distribution reservoirs, valves, and
other appurtenances to which the pump is connected. The
piping from the water source to the inlet of the pump is between the water surface and the pump centerline is called
called the suction line. One possible system configuration static suction lift. The maximum theoretical height to which a
has the pump located below the water level on the suction water column can be lifted by any pump is about 10 m (33 ft)
side, as shown in Figure 7-13a. The vertical distance between at sea level. This is equivalent to standard atmospheric pres-
the water level and the pump centerline is called the static sure. But under dynamic conditions, that is, when the pump
suction head. This is a good arrangement because a suction is operating and there is flow in the system, the suction lift
head will always keep the pump and suction line primed or, is limited to a maximum height of about 5 m (16 ft); this is
in other words, filled with water and ready to operate. because of the frictional resistance to flow in the suction line
When the system is arranged so that the pump is above that the pump must also work against. A system configura-
the water level on the suction side, then the vertical distance tion with static suction lift is illustrated in Figure 7-13b.
170 chapter Seven

Under suction lift conditions, a foot valve is usually

installed in the suction line to maintain prime on the pump. Pump head curve
This is a check valve that allows water to flow into, but not out Pump
of, the pipe. Without a foot valve, water would flow out of the operating
TDH point
suction line when the pump is not operating. A centrifugal
pump that loses its prime for any reason must have its casing
and suction line refilled with water to operate. This can be done
System head curve
manually or automatically for special self-priming pumps.
The vertical distance between the free water surfaces
on the suction side and the discharge side of the pump is Discharge (Q)
called the total static head. As illustrated in Figure 7-13, it Figure 7-15  The intersection of the head curve for a
represents the actual change in elevation of the water being c­ entrifugal pump and the system curve for the system in
pumped. But when the pump is operating and moving water which it works represents the operating point for the pump
through the system (a dynamic condition as opposed to a in that system.
static or no-flow condition), the pump must also overcome
the frictional resistance to flow. in the system the TDH increases as the flow rate increases.
This is just the opposite of what happens from the pump’s
System Head Curve  The amount of energy lost because perspective: The TDH against which the pump can operate
of friction in the system is primarily a function of pipe di- decreases as the flow increases.
ameter and flow rate. For a given diameter pipe, the greater
the flow rate, the greater is the resistance to flow and friction Pump Operating Point
head loss. In addition to adding energy to lift the water and
to overcome frictional resistance, the pump is adding veloc- The pump head curve gives a picture of the hydraulic
ity head to the system when it operates. response of the pump to changes in flow rate or TDH.
At a given flow rate, the sum of the total static head, the The system head curve gives a picture of the relationship
total friction head, and the velocity head is called the total between flow rate and TDH in the system. But when an
dynamic head, or TDH. (In most cases, the velocity head is unthrottled pump operates steadily in a given system (with
small compared to the static and frictional heads, and it can a fixed total static head), there is only one point, that is,
be neglected.) In effect, the pump “thinks” it is lifting the water only one pair of Q and TDH values, at which the pump
a distance equal to the TDH, which is always greater than the will operate. This point can best be determined graphically
static lift. by drawing both the pump and system head curves on a
This TDH is the same term used in the previous dis- single graph. The intersection of the two curves represents
cussion of pump characteristics. But the student must keep the operating point of the pump in the given system. This is
in mind that TDH is now being considered from the per- illustrated in Figure 7-15.
spective of the system, not the pump. A graph of TDH as a When selecting a pump for use in a particular system,
function of flow rate is called the system head curve. A typi- the designer must examine the system head curve together
cal system head curve is illustrated in Figure 7-14. Note that with the pump head curves given in the manufacturer’s
data catalogs. The basic objective in pump selection is to
find a pump that will provide the required flow rate at or
close to its peak operating efficiency (sometimes called the
best operating point, or BOP). In other words, the rated
discharge for the pump should match the point at which
it is expected to operate in the system. It is not a good
Total dynamic head (TDH)

practice to select an oversized pump for a system and then

throttle the discharge to obtain the desired flow. Example
7-4 ­illustrates the procedure for determining a pump’s
curve operating point.
m head Head loss (hL)
in system
Example 7-4
A centrifugal pump head curve is given in Figure 7-16.
Total static head Determine the pump’s operating point in a system that
has a total static head of 50 m and comprises 4500 m of
Flow rate (Q) 305-mm-diameter pipe.
Figure 7-14  A system head curve shows the hydraulic Solution
r­ esponse of a water transmission system to various flow
rates. There is greater resistance to flow and therefore a The system head curve must be plotted on the graph in
higher THD in the system for higher flow rates. Figure 7-16 to find the operating point. To do this, several
Water Distribution Systems 171

From manufacturer's

Pump operating point
Pum 90 L/S at 83 m TDH d cur
ph hea
ead tem
ve Sys
TDH, m

100 Plotted by evaluating

83 m system hydraulics


90 L/s
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Q, L/s
Figure 7-16  Illustration for Example 7-4.

discharge values are arbitrarily selected, and friction losses at Parallel Operation
those discharges are determined using the Hazen–Williams
nomograph (Figure 2-15 in Section 2-3). Water demand and consumption vary on an hourly, daily,
Neglecting velocity head, one determines the TDH for and seasonal basis, as discussed in Section 7-1. Although
each of the selected Q values by adding the computed the peak hourly demands are usually satisfied by water from
­friction loss to the total static head. This is summarized in local storage tanks, it is still necessary to provide for vary-
Table 7-2. The friction head loss is computed as hL = S * L, ing pump outputs to satisfy the changes in daily or seasonal
where S is the slope of the HGL and L is the pipe length demand.
of 4500 m. The TDH = 50 m + hL at each of the selected One way to do this is to select a pump large enough to
flow rates. handle the maximum expected flow in the system and then
Plotting the values of Q and TDH from Table 7-2 to reduce its discharge by throttling when the water demand
gives  the system head curve, as shown in Figure 7-15. is low (i.e., partially closing the pump discharge valve). But
The intersection of the system curve with the given pump this is not a preferred method—the pump operating effi-
curve  is the operating point for the pump in the given ciency will be low because the pump will rarely be working
­system. This is read from the graph to be 90 L >s at a at its rated discharge. Throttling a centrifugal pump’s dis-
TDH of 83 m. charge is analogous to running an automobile engine at full
power (“pedal-to-the-metal”) and then trying to control the
car’s speed with the brakes. It wastes energy and money.
Table 7-2  C
 omputation of TDH
Rather than throttling a pump, a VFD pump can be
for Example 7-4
used (as described earlier), although VFD pumps are expen-
sive. Another method to accommodate changing flow rates
Q, L , S S, m , m hL, m TDH, m
involves the parallel operation of two or more pumps in
  0 0  0  50 the system. Pumps that are connected in parallel discharge
 25 0.00065  3  53 into a common header or manifold pipe; the suction and
 50 0.0025 11  61 discharge pressures for each pump are the same. A parallel
arrangement is illustrated in Figure 7-17. Parallel operation
 75 0.005 23  73
is advantageous because one or more pumps can be shut off
100 0.009 41  91
when water demand is low, allowing the remaining pump(s)
125 0.014 63 113 to operate at or near peak efficiency. Also, parallel connec-
150 0.019 86 136 tion allows maintenance work to be done on one pump
without shutting down the entire pumping station.
172 chapter Seven

A Prepare a graph with a pump head curve for a single pump,
Suction QA QA Discharge
side as shown in Figure 7-16. Arbitrarily select a few values of
QT TDH, say 75 m, 100 m, and 125 m. For TDH = 75 m, the
QB QB To distribution discharge of the pump is 97 L>s. For two pumps operating
source Pump network in parallel at the same TDH of 75 m, the combined discharge
B would be 97 + 97 or 194 L>s. Plot a point on the graph with
Pumps in parallel operate against coordinates Q = 194 L>s and TDH = 75 m.
the same TDH in the system
If the TDH is 100 m, the flow from a single pump is 80 L>
Figure 7-17  Schematic representation of pumps ­connected s, and the combined flow from two pumps in parallel is 160 L>
in parallel. The total flow in the system is the sum of s. Likewise, for TDH = 125 m, the combined flow is 106 L>s.
each individual pump discharge at the same TDH, or
Q T = Q A + Q B. Finally, at the shutoff head of 144 m, there will be no flow from
either pump and the combined Q = 0 L>s. Plotting all these
points on the graph and sketching a smooth line that passes
To evaluate the performance of parallel pumps operat- through them results in the combined pump head curve for the
ing in a given system, it is first necessary to determine and two pumps operating in parallel. This is shown in Figure 7-18.
plot the combined head curve of the pumps. This can be The system head curve from Example 7-4 is also plot-
done simply by adding or combining the individual pump ted on Figure 7-18. The intersection of the combined head
head curves horizontally. In other words, for selected values curve with the system curve represents the point at which
of TDH on the vertical axis, add the values of the discharge the parallel pumps operate: From the graph, we see that
from each pump and plot the result along the horizontal they will discharge a combined flow of 130 L>s at a TDH of
axis. Example 7-5 illustrates this procedure for a system 115 m. Each of the two pumps contributes 65 L>S of flow in
with two identical pumps in parallel. It is important to note parallel operation, whereas one pump operating alone in the
that the combined discharge from the two pumps is not system discharges 90 L>s.
simply twice the discharge from one pump operating alone
in the system. When two or more different pumps are connected in par-
allel, the procedure for determining the combined head curve
Example 7-5 is similar to that just described. But the combined curve will
Two identical pumps with the pump head curve shown in branch off from the curve for the larger pump at the higher val-
Figure 7-16 are connected in parallel. Sketch the combined ues of TDH. Even when the smaller pump is operating, it would
head curve for the two pumps, and determine their operat- not contribute any discharge when the TDH in the system is
ing point in the system given in Example 7-4. above the pump shutoff head. This is illustrated in Example 7-6.

Operating point for

pumps in parallel
150 Q = 130 L/s, TDH = 115 m
C ombin
ed pum
p -h e a d
Pu cur ve
mp for
cur para
ve llel o
TDH, m

100 of i d
p um

System c Operating point for
one pump alone
Q = 90 L/s, TDH = 83
(See example 7.4)

25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Q, L/s
Figure 7-18  Illustration for Example 7-5.
Water Distribution Systems 173

Example 7-6 Table 7-4  C

 omputation of TDH
Pump A and pump B are connected in parallel in a system for Example 7-6
that comprises 8000 ft of 8-in.-diameter pipe (with C = 100).
The total static head of the system is 80 ft. The pump man- Q, gpm S, m , m hL, ft TDH, ft
ufacturer has provided data that describe the pump head
curves in tabular form, as shown in Table 7-3.   0 0  0  80
Determine the operating point of the parallel pumps 200 0.0014 11  91
in the given system. How much flow will each pump 400 0.0055 44 124
contribute? 600 0.012 96 176

First, plot the head discharge curves for each pump
­individually from the data given in Table 7-3, as shown in equal to its shutoff head, and Q = 0. When the TDH is less
Figure 7-19. than 200 ft, both pumps can contribute flow. For example,
Now plot the combined head curve for the two pumps when the TDH is 100 ft, pump A discharges 450 gpm and
operating in a parallel; add the discharges for each pump pump B discharges 335 gpm; the combined discharge at
at a few selected values of TDH. Note that, when the TDH TDH = 100 ft is therefore 785 gpm.
is between 200 ft and 240 ft, only pump A will be discharg- Now plot the system head curve. Computations for the
ing into the system; pump B will be operating at a TDH system TDH at four selected discharge values are summa-
rized in Table 7-4.
As seen from Figure 7-19, the combined head curve
and the system curve intersect at Q = 530 gpm and
Table 7-3  P
 ump Operating Data TDH = 160 ft, which represents the operating condition of
for Example 7-6 the pumps in parallel. Of the total discharge of 530 gpm,
pump A contributes about 330 gpm and pump B contrib-
utes about 200 gpm.
TDH, ft

Discharge, gpm Pump A Pump B

Power and Efficiency
  0 240 200
100 225 185
The rate at which a pump adds energy to the water is the
power output of the pump, called the water power. Pumps
200 200 155
are usually driven by electric motors (often with gaso-
300 165 115 line or diesel standby engines to be used in the event of
400 125  60 a power failure). Because a pump (or any machine) can
500  65 — never operate at 100 percent efficiency, the water power is
always less than the power delivered to the pump impeller

Pump Operating point for pumps A and B

240 A
Combin in parallel: Q = 530 gpm, TDH = 160 ft
Pum pump A ed curve
pB and pu
mp B
TDH, ft

In pa

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Q, gpm
Figure 7-19  Illustration for Example 7-6.
174 chapter Seven

by the motor. The efficiency of a pump can be expressed TDH = 100 + 72 = 172 ft. Now, applying Equation 7-7
as follows: gives

Pout 1500 * 172

efficiency = * 100 (7-5) Pout = = 65 hp
Pin 3960

In SI metric units, power is expressed in terms of kilo- From Equation 7-5,

watts (kW). Water power, Pout, can be computed with the Pout 65
following formula: Pin = * 100 = * 100 = 100 hp
efficiency 65
Pout = 9.8 * Q * TDH (7-6)

where Q = the pump discharge, m3 >s Example 7-9

TDH = total dynamic head, m The overall wire to water efficiency of a pump and motor
is 50 percent. The water horsepower is 150 kW. If electric
Note that 9.8 is the unit weight of water in terms of
power costs $0.15 per kilowatt-hour (kW # h) how much
kN>m3 and power has the units kN · m>s, which is work per
does it cost to operate the pump for 8 h?
unit time. In the SI system, 1 kN · m>s is called one kilowatt
(1 kW). Solution
The electric power consumption is 150>50 * 100 = 300
Example 7-7 kW. For 8 h of operation, the energy consumed is
A pump discharges 500 L>s at a TDH of 25 m. The drive 300 kW * 8 h = 2400 kW # h
motor delivers 150 kW of power to the pump. At what effi-
ciency is the pump operating? The cost of operation is

2400 kW # h * $0.15>kW # h = $360

(Note: Wire to water efficiency is the efficiency of the
Converting 500 L>s to 0.5 m3 >s and applying Equation 7-6
pump and motor combined.)
to compute water power gives

Pout = 9.8 * 0.5 * 25 = 123 kW

The cost of energy needed for pumping can be one
From Equation 7-5, of  the largest operating expenses for most water utilities.
123 For example, a single 75-kW (100-hp) pump operating full
efficiency = * 100 = 82 percent time for a year, at an average energy cost of, say, $ 0.11 per
kilowatt-hour, would cost 75 kW * 24 h>d * 365 d>yr
In U.S. Customary units, power is commonly expressed * $0.11>kW.h ≈ $72,270 per year. In water (and waste­
in terms of horsepower (hp), where 1 hp = 33,000 ft lb>min. water) treatment plants, the energy consumed by pumps can
The power input to the pump shaft is called brake horse- account for up to 50 percent of the total energy bill. And the
power (bhp). Water horsepower can be computed from the capital cost (for purchase and installation) of a ­centrifugal
following formula: pump is typically only 5 percent of its total cost (capital
cost plus cost of electricity for pumping plus the cost of
Q * TDH maintenance).
Pout = (7-7)
3960 It has been estimated that half of the pumps now used
in existing water facilities no longer operate at their best
where Q is expressed in terms of gpm and TDH is expressed
efficiency points, for a variety of reasons. A pump designed
in terms of feet. Horsepower can be converted to kilowatts
for a certain flow rate, for example, may no longer have
by multiplying by 0.746 (i.e., 1 hp = 0.746 kW).
to deliver water at that rate due to a drop in total water
demand. If the pump output is throttled back by partially
Example 7-8 closing the outlet valve, its operating point is changed and
A centrifugal pump with an efficiency of 65 percent dis- energy is wasted. Also, wear of internal pump compo-
charges 1500 gpm into a system that includes 3000 ft of nents (e.g., impellers, seals, bearings) will reduce operating
10-in.-diameter pipe 1C = 1002. The total static head is efficiency.
100 ft. Compute the required brake horsepower (Pin). Replacing an inefficient pump with one sized for proper
flow is a costly undertaking. A more economical solution
Solution may be to modify internal hydraulics by replacing the pump
Determine the TDH on the pump. Enter the Hazen–Williams impeller with one specifically designed for the new flow.
nomograph with Q = 1500 gpm and D = 10 in.; read Replacement of worn seals and bearings will also improve
S = 0.024. Then hL = S * L = 0.024 * 3000 = 72 ft, and operating efficiency.
Water Distribution Systems 175

Operation and Maintenance 7-4  Distribution Storage

Proper operation and maintenance (O&M) procedures must Elevated water storage tanks and towers are familiar sights
be followed to obtain satisfactory service from centrifugal in most communities. These relatively small water storage
pumps. Two important aspects of O&M involve keeping facilities serve two basic purposes: They provide equalizing
the pumping station clean and keeping the pump properly storage and emergency storage. They are called distribution
lubricated. Pumps located in a dirty and messy pumping sta- storage tanks or reservoirs because they are part of the local-
tion cannot be operated properly. Oil and grease cans must ized water distribution systems. Much larger storage facili-
be covered and kept free from dirt. Dirt in lubricating oil or ties, called conservation reservoirs, are generally located at
grease causes excessive wear on pump bearings and short- a considerable distance from the distribution network and
ens their life. The manufacturer’s recommendations must be are meant to store water that can be used during long dry-
followed carefully for proper lubrication. It is important that weather periods (see Section 3-6).
the pump bearings not be overlubricated; too much grease Equalizing storage refers to the volume of water in the
causes damage. tank that is available to satisfy the peak hourly demands for
The rotating impeller is the only moving part in the water use in the community. The hourly variation in water
pump casing. Thrust bearings and guide bearings support the demand is illustrated in Figure 7-1. During the late night
shaft that carries the impeller. A packing gland or seal is used and early morning hours, when water demand is very low,
where the pump shaft protrudes from the casing to stop air the high-lift pumps move water into the distribution stor-
from leaking in or water from leaking out. The packing gland age tanks. During the day, when water demand exceeds the
usually consists of several graphite-­ impregnated asbestos average daily demand, water flows out of the tanks to help
rings around the shaft. These rings can be compressed to bear meet the peak hourly needs of the community.
against the shaft; the graphite provides some lubrication. It is Distribution storage tanks are often described as
important that the packing glands be properly adjusted and ­floating on the line. This means that the flow into or out of
not overtightened. During operation, a slight trickle of water the tank varies directly with the demand for water in the
leaking out of the casing is desirable to keep the gland cool. system, and the hydrostatic pressure in the water main is
A centrifugal pump must be primed or filled with water equivalent to the pressure head or elevation of water in the
when it is started; the casing and suction piping must be free tank. Also, the hydraulic grade line (HGL) of the system at
of air. When the pump is situated above the water level on the location of  the tank is at the free water surface in the
the suction side, an electric or hand-operated vacuum pump tank. (See Section 2-3 for a discussion of HGL.) A distribu-
can be used to prime the centrifugal pump. The foot valve tion storage tank is illustrated in Figure 7-20 Automatically
is designed to keep the pump and suction line filled with controlled altitude valves can maintain the water eleva-
water when the pump is not operating, but if the valve leaks tions, and therefore the water main pressure, within a
slightly, the pump will lose its prime. The ideal arrangement desired range.
is to have the pump located lower than the water surface so The equalizing or averaging effect on flow rates pro-
that it will always be primed. vided by the stored water allows for a uniform or steady
When the pump is started, the suction valve should be water treatment and pumping rate. When water demand
open, and the discharge valve should be closed. The dis- is low, the extra water being pumped fills the storage tanks,
charge valve is then opened slowly when the motor is up and when demand exceeds the pumping rate, the tanks are
to speed. If a slight drip or flow of water from the packing emptied to make up the difference. This has the advantage
gland is not observed, the packing may be too tight and of reducing the required sizes and capacities of the pipes,
cause excessive friction on the shaft. The gland should be pumps, and treatment facilities, resulting in reduced con-
adjusted before allowing continued operation. struction and operating costs.
Before stopping a centrifugal pump, the discharge valve Generally, the volume of water needed to balance or
must be closed slowly. If the valve is closed too fast or if the equalize the peak hourly flows is about 20 percent of the
pump is stopped suddenly, a condition called water ham- average daily water demand in the service area. For example,
mer will occur. Water hammer refers to a surge or pressure if a community has an average water demand of 1  ML>d,
wave that travels throughout the pipeline. The momentary then at least 0.2 ML, or 200,000 L, of storage volume should
pressure caused by water hammer is often high enough to be provided for equalizing purposes. In communities where
rupture the pipe or the pump casing. adequate records of water use and demand are available,
Daily inspection of operating pumps is important to the summation hydrograph method (see Section 3-6) can
check for excessive heat, noise, or gland leakage. A properly be used for a more accurate determination of the required
installed pump should not vibrate. Vibration is an indica- equalizing volume in a new tank.
tion of misalignment between the motor and the pump, Distribution storage tanks are not constructed for the
which will cause premature wear and damage of the pump- sole purpose of providing equalizing storage. Emergency
ing system. If vibration is noticeable, the manufacturer’s storage volume is also provided by these tanks. This
specifications for proper alignment procedures and toler- furnishes additional water for firefighting needs, or for
ances should be checked. overcoming problems due to power blackouts or pump
176 chapter Seven


The water surface

elevation can vary
within a desired range,
Equalizing depending on water
and demand and pressures
emergency in the main.

Pressure Tank empties

head Q
when demand
on is high
Tank fills
when demand
is low Q

Inlet/outlet pipe

Ground surface
Automatic valve regulates height by sensing pressure

Water main
Figure 7-20  An elevated water storage tank will float on the line in a water distribution system.

s­tation ­failure. And construction of “green” storage tanks average water demand, unless it can be demonstrated with
can enhance environmental sustainability efforts in a com- available data that a smaller volume will suffice.
munity. An elevated water distribution storage tank recently
built in Austin, Texas, for example, provides a large flat Types of Distribution Reservoirs  Distribution reser-
roof for capturing and recycling rainwater, and for support- voirs store water for relatively short periods of time (1 d or
ing solar panels that provide power for on-site lighting and less) and are small enough to be covered to prevent contami-
other equipment. nation and reduce evaporation. In areas with flat t­ opography,
The amount of water required for fire control varies the storage tanks are elevated above the ground on towers
depending on the type of service area and the capacity of to provide adequate pressures in the water mains. These
the water pumping station. For example, if storage for a fire ­elevated tanks are usually constructed of steel.
flow of 30 L >s for a 2-h duration is needed, the required vol- In hilly areas, distribution tanks can be built at ground
ume is 30 L>s * 3600 s>h * 2 h = 216,000 L. This would level on hilltops higher than the service area and still float on
be added to the volume needed for equalizing purposes to the line while maintaining adequate pressures in the system.
determine the total tank volume. If 200,000 L is needed for They may be constructed of either steel or reinforced con-
equalizing storage and 216,000 L is needed for fire control, crete. A typical ground-level distribution reservoir is illus-
the minimum tank volume is 416,000 L, or 416 m3. trated in Figure 7-21.
If an emergency power generator or standby diesel When the height of the storage tank is greater than its
engine is not available at the high-lift water pumping sta- diameter, the structure is called a standpipe, as illustrated in
tion, it may be necessary to provide additional storage so Figure 7-22. Standpipes provide more storage capacity than
that both domestic water demand and emergency firefight- elevated tanks. But the storage capacity that is useful for
ing needs can be met, even during a temporary power fail- equalizing purposes is only that volume above the ­elevation
ure. To accommodate these distribution needs, some states required for minimum pressure in the water main. The
simply require that the storage volume be equal to 1-d water below that elevation can be used for fire protection
Water Distribution Systems 177

Figure 7-21  A ground-level distribution storage reservoir.

(Courtesy of DN Tanks.)

Static water level

D Hy
Ma raulic
xim g
um rade
dem line
Useful head
Pump Center of demand

Supporting Reservoir fillin

g at night
storage Hydr
grade e max. demand


Figure 7-22  A water storage tank is called a standpipe when Pump Center of demand
its height is greater than its diameter 1H 7 D2. station
Figure 7-23  Location of distribution storage tanks opposite
with pumper trucks or during other emergency conditions. the source (a) is preferable to location at the source (b).
Standpipes are constructed of steel, with thicker walls at the (From Water Distribution Operator Training Handbook. Reprinted by
bottom to withstand the hydrostatic pressure. ­permission. Copyright © the American Water Works Association.)

Location of Storage Tanks  Using several small storage

tanks near the major centers of water withdrawal is pref- involved and the effect of storage on the r­ equired discharge
erable to using one large tank near the pumping station. pressure at the pump station.
Also, it is best to locate the tanks on the opposite side of the
demand center from the pumping station. This a­ llows for Example 7-10
more ­uniform pressures throughout the distribution net- A peak hourly flow rate of 100 L>s is required at point A,
work, as illustrated in Figure 7-23. It also allows the use of as illustrated in Figure 7-24. Pressure at that point is not
smaller-diameter mains and pumps than would otherwise be to drop below 150 kPa. Determine (a) the required pressure
needed. Example 7-10 illustrates the hydraulic computations at the pump station if the demand is satisfied without any
178 chapter Seven

sto HG
ge L
id ed
HG )
L (w
sto L
39 m e) HG
63 m 5m
(without (with
storage) flow

20 m

Water demand
15 m center


Q = 100 L/s

250 mm A 200 mm
2000 m Minimum pressure 500 m
150 kPa
or (15 m)

Figure 7-24  Illustration for Example 7-10.

distribution storage tank, and (b) the required pressure head the Hazen–Williams nomograph, with Q = 68 L>s and
at the pumps if the storage tank is used to help to meet peak D = 250 mm, read S = 0.012. The head loss between the
demand by floating on the line at elevation 20 m, as shown. pump station and point A is then hL = 0.012 * 2000 = 24 m,
and the required pressure head at the pump sta-
Solution tion is then 15 + 24 = 39 m; the required pressure is
(a) Compute the drop in pressure head from the pump sta- P = 9.8 * 39 ≈ 380 kPa.
tion to the point of withdrawal, as follows: It can be seen in this problem that the required pump
For Q = 100 L>s and D = 250 mm, read S = 0.024 capacity decreases from 100 L>s at a discharge pressure
on the Hazen–Williams nomograph (Figure 2-15). Compute of 620 kPa to a capacity of 68 L>s at a pressure of 380 kPa
hL = S * L = 0.024 * 2000 = 48 m. when peak hourly demand is partially satisfied by water
At point A, the pressure is not to drop below 150 kPa. from a distribution storage tank.
Using Equation 2-3a, one sees that 150 kPa is equivalent
to 0.1 * 150 or 15 m of pressure head. Since flow occurs Maintenance  Distribution storage reservoirs should be
in the direction of sloping HGL, the 48 m of head loss must inspected frequently. Cracks and leaks must be repaired,
be added to the 15-m minimum pressure head requirement and air vents should be kept clear. Blocked air vents can
at point A. The HGL is shown in Figure 7-24. The pressure cause excessive pressures or vacuums to develop in the tank,
head is then 48 + 15 = 63 m, and using Equation 2-2a, which can result in structural damage.
we find that the required pressure at the pump station is Storage tanks are occasionally drained, cleaned, and dis-
P = 9.8 * 63 ≈ 620 kPa. infected. Accumulated silt should be removed. Sometimes
(b) In this part of the problem, the storage tank is con- the inside of a steel tank will have to be painted with an
tributing flow to the withdrawal point. The head loss in the approved bituminous or vinyl coating. All traces of rust
500 m of pipeline is 20 - 15 = 5 m. The slope of the HGL must first be removed. Disinfection can be accomplished by
is then 5>500 = 0.01, and from the Hazen–Williams nomo- spraying the tank walls with a 500-mg>L chlorine solution.
graph, with D = 200 mm and S = 0.01, read Q = 32 L>s. Corrosion of steel tanks can be a major problem. About
Because the total withdrawal is still 100 L>s, the flow 10 kg (22 lb) of steel per year can be lost because of cor-
from the pump station must be 100 - 32 = 68 L>s. From rosion. In addition to protecting the steel with high-quality
Water Distribution Systems 179

bituminous coatings, a method called cathodic protection is loops). For any given series or parallel system, there is no
sometimes used. Corrosion involves a flow of electric cur- limit to the combinations of theoretical pipe diameters and
rent through the water in the form of positively charged lengths for the equivalent pipe. Usually, either the diame-
metal ions. In cathodic protection, a voltage is maintained ter (or length) is first specified, and the required length (or
in the tank that tends to reverse the direction of the current. diameter) for hydraulic equivalence is then determined.
This applied voltage keeps the metal from ionizing and thus
prevents corrosion. A cathodic protection system must be Pipes in Series  The following five steps summarize
custom designed by specialists for each tank. the method for determining an equivalent pipe to replace
­several different pipes connected end to end:

7-5 Flow in Pipe Step 1: Assume any flow rate Q. The flow rate should gen-
erally be selected within the range of flows on the
Networks Hazen–Williams nomograph of Figure 2-15, but,
Water distribution systems, particularly those serving theoretically, any flow rate can be selected.
densely populated cities, consist of a complex network of Step 2: Using the nomograph, line up flow rate Q and diam-
interconnected pipes and appurtenances. The hydraulic eter D for each section of the original series pipeline;
conditions in these systems must be analyzed to determine read slope S, and compute head loss hL = S * L for
flow capacities and pressures in the main and secondary each section, where L is the length of the section.
feeders and at points of significant water withdrawal. Step 3: Add up the head losses for all sections in the series to
It may be convenient to first simplify or skeletonize determine a total head loss HL for the assumed dis-
the system by replacing the many smaller water mains with charge Q in the pipeline.
equivalent pipes to reduce the number of loops and inter-
Step 4: Convert the total head loss HL to an overall hydraulic
connections. This is done only conceptually, in theory; the
gradient S′ = HL >L′, where L′ is the specified total
existing pipes are not actually replaced in the streets. After
length of the equivalent pipe.
the distribution system has been skeletonized, network
analysis methods can be applied to study the hydraulics of Step 5: Enter the nomograph again with the assumed value
the system. Studies of this type are done to plan for possible of Q and the computed value S′; read the required
expansion or upgrading of the water supply network. value for the diameter D of the equivalent pipe.
This section presents the basic hydraulic techniques for
determining hydraulically equivalent pipes and for analyz- Example 7-11
ing the pipe network.
A series pipeline is shown in Figure 7-25. It consists of 1500 ft
of 8-in.-diameter pipe from point A to point B and 2500 ft of
Equivalent Pipes 12-in.-diameter pipe from point B to point C. Determine the
An equivalent pipe is one that has the same hydraulic char- equivalent diameter of a single 4000-ft-long pipeline from
acteristics as the pipes it theoretically replaces. In other A to C that could theoretically replace the pipes AB and BC.
words, for any given flow rate, the pressure drop through
the equivalent pipe is the same as the total pressure drop
through the original pipes. For any given pressure drop, the Step 1: Assume a flow rate Q = 450 gpm.
flow rate in the equivalent pipe is the same as the total dis- Step 2: For section AB, line up Q = 450 gpm and
charge through the original pipes. D = 8 in. on the Hazen–Williams nomograph. Read
Equivalent pipes can be determined to replace pipes in S ≈ 0.0064. Compute hL = S * L = 0.0064 *
series (connected end to end) or pipes in parallel (forming 1500 ft = 9.6 ft. Similarly for section BC, line up

S = HGL hL = 9.6 ft
06 HGL HL = 12.1 ft
4 S' =
hL = 2.5 ft
S = 0.0

Assume A 8 in. 12 in. Q Find equivalent D = 9.5 in.

Q = 450 gpm 1500 ft B 2500 ft C 450 gpm A L = 4000 ft C
Original series pipeline Equivalent pipe
Figure 7-25  Illustration for Example 7-11.
180 chapter Seven

Q = 450 gpm and D = 12 in., then read S ≈ 0.001 series. The following seven steps outline the method for a
and compute parallel or looped pipe system (see Figure 7-26):
hL = 0.001 * 2500 = 2.5 ft
Step 1: Assume a total head loss HL across the loop from the
Step 3: Compute the total head loss from A to C as first pipe junction at A to the second pipe junction
HL = 9.6 + 2.5 = 12.1 ft at  B. This assumed head loss must be the same for
both the top branch and the bottom branch of the
Step 4: Compute the overall hydraulic gradient from A to
loop because the pressures at the ends of each pipe
C as
are the same at the junctions.
12.1 Step 2: For branch AIB, compute S = HL >L, where L is the
S′ = = 0.003
4000 length of AIB.
Step 5: Now line up Q = 450 gpm and S′ = 0.003 on the Step 3: Enter the Hazen–Williams nomograph with D and S
nomograph. Read D = 9.5 in. for branch AIB; determine QI in that branch.
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for branch AIIB to determine QII.
An equivalent pipe for this problem, then, is one that
Step 5: Compute the total flow rate Q entering junction A,
would have a diameter of 9.5 in. and a length of 4000 ft.
as Q = QI + QII.
(Nomograph readings are approximate.)
Step 6: Determine an overall hydraulic gradient S′ as follows:
Notice that the equivalent diameter of 9.5 in. in the S′ = assumed HL >L′, where L′ is the specified length
preceding example is not simply a weighted average of of the equivalent pipe.
the ­original two diameters from A to B and B to C. It is Step 7: Enter the Hazen–Williams nomograph with Q and
the diameter that for a 4000-ft length of pipe would have S′ to determine the equivalent diameter D.
the same hydraulic characteristics as the original 8-in. and
12-in. pipes. The original pipeline could also be replaced
by an equivalent 3000-ft length of an 8.9-in. pipe, a 2000-ft Example 7-12
length of an 8.1-in. pipe, and so on; there are an unlimited
Two pipelines are connected in parallel from junction A to
number of equivalent pipes for any given system.
junction B, as shown in Figure 7-26. Branch AIB consists of
For Example 7-11, if a flow rate other than
500 m of 300-mm-diameter pipe, and branch AIIB consists
Q = 450 gpm is assumed in step 1, the same final answer
of 1500 m of 200-mm pipe. Determine the equivalent diam-
of 9.5 in. will be obtained for the equivalent diameter. Try
eter of a single 500-m-long pipeline from A to B that could
the same problem with an assumed Q = 1000 gpm, or any
replace the given loop.
other flow rate, to verify this.
Pipes in Parallel  The procedure for determining an
equivalent pipe to replace a loop configuration of pipes dif- Step 1: Assume that HL = 10 m.
fers somewhat from the preceding procedure for pipes in Step 2: For branch AIB, S = 10>500 = 0.02.

HGL Assume
S' = H
HL = 10 m 10/ GL HL = 10 m

QI For HL = 10 m
300 mm Q = 175 L/S
500 m

Q Q Q Find equivalent D = 325 mm Q

A B A L = 500 m B

Equivalent pipe
200 mm
1500 m
Original parallel system
Figure 7-26  Illustration for Examples 7-12 and 7-13.
Water Distribution Systems 181

Step 3: From the Hazen–Williams nomograph with where ∆Q = flow correction

D = 300 mm and S = 0.02, read QI = 143 L>s. ΣhL = sum of head losses
Step 4: For branch AIIB, S = 10>1500 = 0.0067. From the ΣhL >Q = sum of hL >Q ratios for each pipeline in a loop
nomograph, with D = 200 mm and S = 0.0067,
read QII = 27 L>s. (here ∆Q is pronounced “delta Q” and ΣhL to pronounced
Step 5: The total flow into junction A is Q = QI + QII = “sigma hL”).
143 + 27 = 170 L>s. A sign convention is used in the Hardy Cross procedure
Step 6: The overall hydraulic gradient S′ = 10>500 = 0.02. to indicate the direction of flow in a loop: flows in a clock-
Step 7: From the nomograph, with Q = 170 L>s and wise direction (   ) are considered to be positive 1 + 2, and

flows in a counterclockwise direction (   ) are considered to

S′ = 0.02, read an equivalent diameter of 320 mm.
be negative 1 - 2. Head losses caused by clockwise flows are
The calculations in Example 7-12 show that a also considered to be positive, and head losses from counter-
500-m-long, 320-mm-diameter pipeline is hydraulically clockwise flows are negative.
equivalent to the given loop from A to B. An unlimited In a hydraulically balanced system, the algebraic sum of
number of other equivalent pipes with different com- the head losses around a loop (ΣhL) will add up to zero. For
binations of length and diameter can be found. Also, if example, in the parallel pipe system shown in Figure 7-26,
a head loss other than 10 m was assumed in step 1, the the flow rate of 143 L>s in AIB is positive (clockwise), and
same final answer of 320 mm for a length of 500 m would the 10-m head loss in that pipe is also positive 1 +10 m2. The
result. Try the same problem with an assumed HL = 20 m flow rate of 27 L>s in AIIB is negative (counterclockwise),
to verify this. and the 10-m head loss in that pipe is also negative 1 -10 m2.
In this simple loop, ΣhL = 1 +102 + 1 -102 = 0, as it
Pipe Network Analysis should be for a balanced system.

After a complex water distribution system has been simpli-

fied using equivalent pipes, it is then analyzed to determine Example 7-13
pressures and flow rates at important points in the system. Consider again the single loop of parallel pipes shown in
Water distribution networks can be readily modeled and Figure 7-26. Instead of replacing them with an equivalent
analyzed using desktop computers and network model- pipe, the problem here is as follows: If a flow of 400 L>s
ing software. Such software allows engineers to create a enters the loop at junction A, what will be the flow rates QI in
mathematical model (rather than a physical model) of a branch AIB and QII in branch AIIB?
network and to simulate hydraulic and water quality con-
ditions at intervals over a specified time period. Before the Solution
development of such computer modeling software, pipe From the principle of continuity of flow, the flow entering a
networks were analyzed “manually” (with slide rules and junction must equal the total discharge from the junction, or
later with hand-held calculators), using the Hardy Cross QI + QII = 400 L>s. If branches AIB and AIIB were identical
method (based on the approach introduced in 1930 by the in all respect, then the flow of 400 L>s would be evenly split
civil engineer Hardy Cross). Although the Hardy Cross between the two. But this is not the case here; AIIB is longer
method is now rarely used in modern engineering prac- and narrower than AIB, and it will therefore offer more resis-
tice, it is described here so that the student can gain a real tance to flow. It is reasonable to assume that the flow rate in
understanding of, and an appreciation for, the underlying AIIB will be less than that in AIB.
hydraulic concepts related to “balancing” a network. Start by assuming that the flow rate QI = 300 L>s and
The Hardy Cross method is a controlled trial-and-error QII = -100 L>s. (The minus sign for QII indicates a coun-
procedure; corrections are applied to assumed flow rates in terclockwise direction of flow.) The magnitudes of the flows
a manner that leads (converges) to a hydraulically balanced must still add up to 400 (i.e., 300 + 100 = 400).
system. A balanced system is one in which the computed If the assumption for flow rate is correct, then the head
flows and head losses match up at the pipe junctions of the losses in AIB and AIIB should be equal in magnitude (but
distribution network. In other words, no matter which path opposite in sign). Using the Hazen–Williams nomograph to
or branch is followed to get to a specific junction, the com- check this gives the following results:
puted pressure is the same. The total flow into the junction
equals the total flow out of that junction. ● Pipe AIB: For Q = 300 L>s and D = 300 mm,
The corrections applied to the assumed flows are deter- S = 0.075
mined from the following formula, which is derived from hL = S * L = 0.075 * 500 = 37.5 m
the Hazen–Williams equation:
● Pipe AIIB: For Q = - 100 L>s and D = 200 mm,
ΣhL S = -0.07
∆Q = - (7-8)
1.85 * Σ1hL >Q2 hL = S * L = - 0.07 * 1500 = - 105 m
182 chapter Seven

Since ΣhL = 37.5 + 1 -1052 = -67.5 m, instead of 7-6 Computer

zero, the loop is not balanced and our assumed flows are
incorrect. Instead of simply guessing at new flows to try,
use the Hardy Cross correction formula, Equation 7-8, as Municipal water distribution systems are, of course, much
follows: more complex than the single loop of parallel pipes analyzed
in Example 7-13. A gridiron distribution pattern, for exam-
- 67.5
∆Q = - ple, includes multiple interconnected loops (see Figure 7-2).
1.85 * 137.5>300 + 105>1002 It is possible to use the Hardy Cross method to determine
- 67.5 pipe flows such systems using a handheld electronic calcula-
= - = 31 L>s
1.85 * 1.175 tor, but it is a very time-consuming task.
Mathematical models of distribution networks are now
Adding the flow correction ∆Q = 31 L>s to the assumed readily created and analyzed with desktop computers. Modern
flows, get new flow rates as follows: network modeling software can integrate the hydraulic calcu-
● Pipe AIB: Q1 = 300 + 31 = 331 L>s. lations of water pressure and flow rates (as well as water qual-
● Pipe AIIB: QII = - 100 + 31 = - 69 L>s. ity) with CAD software and GIS programs. These generate
● Check continuity: 331 + 69 = 400 OK. drawings of distribution networks, pressure contour maps,
graphs, and many other visual images of the network and its
Note the importance of using the algebraic signs properly. performance. (See Section 8-7 for more on GIS.)
Now, use the nomograph again to see if the loop is Network models are used for long-range planning in
hydraulically balanced with the new flows: the water utility industry, and they serve as the basis for
the preliminary design of pipe sizes and pump capacities
● Pipe AIB: For Q1 = 331 L>s and D = 300 mm,
for new facilities. Models are also used for fire flow stud-
S = 0.085
ies, emergency response planning, energy management,
hL = S * L = 0.085 * 500 = 42.5 m and optimization of the use of existing facilities. Network
models allow more time for creative thinking and pro-
● Pipe AIIB: For QII = - 69 L>s and D = 200 mm, viding answers to “what-if” questions, in lieu of tedious
S = - 0.037 number-crunching tasks. They facilitate the planning,
hL = S * L = - 0.037 * 1500 = -55.5 m analysis, and design of large water distribution systems in a
cost-effective manner.
Now ΣhL = 42.5 + 1 - 55.52 = - 13 m. This is still not
zero, so make another flow correction as follows: EPANET—EPA’s Network Modeling Software 
EPANET is a computer program that models and simulates
- 13
∆Q = - hydraulic and water-quality conditions within pressurized
1.85 * 142.5>331 + 55.5>692 water distribution networks. Results can be viewed in a va-
- 13 riety of formats, including color-coded network maps, data
= - = 7.53 L>s
1.726 tables, time series graphs, and contour plots. The program
can be used for network design (i.e., determining the location
For practical purposes, round up the 7.53 to a ∆Q = 8 L>s, and size of pipes, pumps, valves, and tanks) and analysis of
and, for corrected flows, get the following: existing networks. Furthermore, it can be used for designing
● Pipe AIB: QI = 331 + 8 = 339 L>s.
sampling programs, fire flow analysis, vulnerability studies,
● Pipe AIIB: QII = - 69 + 8 = -61 L>s.
and operator training.
● Check continuity: 339 + 61 = 400 OK.
Developed by the Water Supply and Water Resources
Division (formerly the Drinking Water Research Division)
Now check head losses again to see if the loop is balanced: of the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Risk
Management Research Laboratory, EPANET is public
● Pipe AIB: For QI = 339 L>s and D = 300 mm, S = 0.09
domain software that may be downloaded for free from the
hL = S * L = 0.9 * 500 = 45 m EPA’s website.
EPANET models a water distribution system as a col-
● Pipe AIIB: For QII = - 61 L>s and D = 200 mm, lection of links connected to nodes. The links represent
S = - 0.03 pipes, pumps, and control valves. The nodes represent
hL = S * L = -0.03 * 1500 = -45 m
junctions, tanks, and reservoirs. Figure 7-27 illustrates
how links and nodes can be connected to one another to
Because ΣhL = 45 + 1 - 452 = 0, the loop is balanced form a network. EPANET tracks the flow of water in each
and the final answers for the flow rates are QI = 339 L>s pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each
and QII = 61 L>s (for practical purposes, round off the tank, and the concentration of a chemical species through-
answers to 340 L>s and 60 L>s, respectively). The pressure out the network during a simulation period comprising
drop from A to B is 9.8 * 45 = 440 kPa. multiple time steps.
Water Distribution Systems 183

Reservoir Tank
interface (HMI) software provide the functionality to moni-
tor and control the remotely located field data interface
Junction devices. Modern SCADA systems provide high-resolution
computer graphics to display user interface screens showing
the various components of the water distribution network.
Geographic Information Systems A Geographic
Pipe information system (GIS) is a configuration of computer
hardware and software capable of storing, manipulating, an-
alyzing, and displaying (mapping) a large amount and wide
Figure 7-27  Illustration of links and nodes in a simple variety of geographically referenced data. It is a valuable tool
distribution network. in environmental projects, such as the mapping, modeling,
(Courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) and analysis of water distribution systems. Locations for the
distribution network components can be given x, y, and z
Junctions are points in the network where links join coordinates of longitude, latitude, and elevation. They can
together and where water enters or leaves the network. also be located using ZIP codes, road mile markers, and
Tanks are nodes with storage capacity, where the volume other such systems. In addition to location data, physical at-
of stored water can vary with time during a simulation, and tributes that describe various characteristics of the network
reservoirs are nodes that represent an infinite source or sink components and other geographical features are included as
of water to the network, such as lakes, rivers, or ground- part of the database stored in the GIS.
water aquifers. Pipes, the links that convey water from one One of the key features of a GIS is its ability to layer sev-
point in the network to another, are assumed to flow full eral kinds of information on top of each other, at the same
at all times. The Hazen–Williams equation (see page 33) is location. The layers can be viewed as a set of “transparen-
used to compute head losses in the pipes. cies” that can be depicted individually or in combination.
For example, one layer could simply be a street map. Another
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition  layer could depict the neighborhood water distribution pipes.
Computerized Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Yet another could show a variation of pressure levels. These
(SCADA) systems are used in modern water distribution layers can be viewed separately, or together, with the pipe
facilities for efficient operation. They enable operators to network superimposed on the street map. Multiple layers
remotely monitor real-time measurements of storage tank can be superimposed, and the GIS user can manipulate the
water levels, water main pressures, pump flow rates, valve order in which they appear. A set of GIS layers is depicted
positions, power consumption, and other operational data. schematically in Figure 7-28. The use of different colors can
SCADA systems also enable remote control and operation enhance the appearance of the resulting map.
of the pumps, valves, and other network elements. They can In a GIS, all objects shown on a map (features) can have
be set to sound alarms at a central operating office if a prob- information associated with them (attributes). In a water
lem arises in the distribution system, such as a sudden drop distribution system, for example, pipes, tanks, pumps, and
in pressure. They can also be used to keep a historical record valves are the features. The pipe diameters and materials,
of the parameters of operation. SCADA reduces operational tank volumes, and pump capacities are some of the attri-
staffing needs through automation and by operating a sys- butes associated with the corresponding features. Each type
tem from a single location. of feature can be stored and displayed as a layer. Clicking
A SCADA system comprises one or more field data on a particular feature will display its unique attributes.
interface devices, called remote terminal units (RTUs), con- An  example of the implementation of a GIS to aid in the
nected to field sensing instruments, local control switch- management of a municipal water distribution system in
boxes, and valve actuators. A communications system the central United States is discussed below. (See Section 8-6
(radio, telephone, cable, or satellite) transfers data between for  a description of a GIS application involving a sanitary
the RTUs and a central host computer server, called a master sewer system.)
terminal unit (MTU).
The RTUs are the “eyes and ears” of a SCADA system. Germantown, Tennessee1
The pressure meters, flow meters, water level meters, and
other such electromechanical devices provide data on how The city of Germantown, Tennessee, created a GIS to get
the distribution system is performing. Electronic valve actu- a complete and accurate digital mapping inventory of its
ators, motor control switchboards, and electronic chemi- water network. The city also wanted to use the GIS to create
cal dosing facilities allow for the remote automation of the a skeletonized water network suitable for hydraulic model-
water distribution process. ing. Germantown’s approach to GIS development was to
Operator terminals are connected to the MTU by a
computer network so that data can be displayed on the view- 1
Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management, Bentley
ing screens. Computer programs called human machine Institute Press, 2003. Courtesy of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
184 chapter Seven


Parks River
Sand and Solid Waste Point
Water Table Sandstone
Shale Shale

Figure 7-28  Schematic illustration of mapping layers used in GIS technology.

(Courtesy of ESRI.)

develop a basic infrastructure GIS for a single application— also extracted from Germantown’s DEM and automatically
modeling—and then consistently enhance and build upon assigned to model nodes. The model was then calibrated and
the GIS for additional applications over time. run to determine whether the system could meet the pres-
In the past, Germantown had maintained its water data ent-day demand, and where future capital improvements
on a 1 in. = 500 ft scale, hard-copy map. The city used digi- were needed.
tal orthophotos to compile planimetric data so a spatially Based on the success of the GIS, Germantown is now
accurate GIS could be created and used as the basis for the considering a GIS expansion that would produce an inte-
water model. Valve and hydrant locations from the digital grated information system featuring an online parcel appli-
orthophotos and planimetric mapping were used with the cation and a document management system for managing
1in. = 500 ft scale map as the basis for connecting water the city’s as-built drawings.2
pipes. The result was a highly accurate GIS dataset that could
be used immediately for modeling applications, inventory,
and map maintenance, and in the future, for building addi- 7-7 Chapter Synopsis
tional applications.
GIS tools were used to extract a skeletonized water net- Modern water distribution systems are interconnected
work for hydraulic modeling. The model was skeletonized networks of pipelines, storage tanks, pumps, fire hydrants,
to include water lines larger than 6 in., plus all other lines valves, and other appurtenances that deliver potable water
critical for looping. to homes, businesses, and public institutions for immedi-
Additional criteria were used to perform batch que- ate use. They are typically preceded by water treatment
ries and skeletonize the network. For example, because facilities, which render the water crystal clear and whole-
Germantown did not need to perform unidirectional flush- some. Computer software is used to plan, design, analyze,
ing, all hydrant laterals were queried and removed from the map, and automate the operation of certain components of
model dataset. Once the skeletonization was complete, any these systems. Hydraulics is the underlying technical subject
critical pipe spans omitted were added back into the skel- that governs applications in this aspect of environmental
etonized network. technology.
The GIS was used to assign customer demand informa- A public water distribution system must deliver ade-
tion, taken from the city’s billing database and stored in par- quate quantities of water, at sufficient pressures, for a variety
cel centroids, to model nodes. Each billing data address was of uses. These include domestic uses (e.g., drinking, cook-
matched with a parcel centroid address, and demands were ing), public uses (e.g., fire protection, street cleaning), and
then aggregated and assigned to modeling nodes. The pro-
cedure resulted in very precise demand assignments, which 2
Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management, Bentley Institute
would not have been possible without GIS. Elevations were Press, 2003. Courtesy of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Water Distribution Systems 185

commercial or industrial uses (e.g., restaurants, factories). depends on the flow rates and the configuration of the sys-
Total demand for water varies, depending on climate and tem into which the pump discharges. In a centrifugal pump,
industrial and commercial activity, as well as on popula- the discharge decreases as the TDH increases. The maxi-
tion. Water demand is typically expressed in terms of liters mum discharge pressure, called shutoff head, occurs if the
per person per day or, in U.S. Customary units, gallons discharge valve is closed but the impeller is rotating. When
per capita per day (gpcd). In the United States, the average the valve is completely opened, the unthrottled pump will
water demand for domestic use is about 300 L>d per person operate at a discharge and TDH that matches those of the
(80  gpcd), and the total demand (including each person’s system in which the pump operates. A combination of dis-
share of industrial, commercial, and public use, and leakage) charge and TDH at which the maximum efficiency occurs
is about 670 L>d per person (180 gpcd). New distribution is the rated discharge capacity of the pump. Impeller speed
systems are typically designed for water demands that are can be changed to maximize efficiency for pumps with
anticipated 10 to 30 years in the future. Water demand var- variable-speed motors. Minimum net positive suction head
ies on a seasonal, daily, and hourly basis; distribution sys- (NPSH) must be available for proper pump operation and
tems are designed to handle peak daily flows rather than the to avoid cavitation.
average flow. Minimum system pressures of about 350 kPa The difference between the elevation of the free water
(50 psi) are needed for adequate operation of home plumb- surface on the suction side and the discharge side of a pump
ing fixtures. is called the total static head. When the pump is operating,
Water mains, generally not less than 150 mm (6 in.) it must also overcome pressure head losses due to friction,
in diameter, may be arranged in a gridiron (loop) pattern, called the total friction head. At a given flow rate, the sum
a dead-end (branched) pattern, or some combination of of the total static head, the total friction head, and the veloc-
the two. Looped patterns are preferred; branched systems ity head is called equal to the total dynamic head (TDH) in
require frequent flushing of pipes and are susceptible to the system. In the system, the TDH increases as the flow
water service disruptions. Water mains are usually made of increases, because the energy loss due to friction increases.
DIP sections available in lengths up to 6 m (18 ft). The sec- A plot of TDH versus discharge in the system is called the
tions are joined using compression-type joints or flanged system head curve. When an unthrottled pump operates
joints. Other pipe materials used in water distribution sys- steadily in a system, there is one pair of discharge and TDH
tems are AC, plastic, steel, and reinforced concrete (for values at which the pump will operate. It can be determined
large-diameter transmission lines). System appurtenances by locating the intersection of the pump head curve and the
include hydrants (for firefighting, pressure testing, and system head curve. Centrifugal pumps should be selected so
other uses), and many different types of valves to control that their unthrottled operating points occur at near maxi-
the direction and quantity of flow. Gate valves are used for mum efficiency. Several pumps may operate in a system,
complete shutoff of flow and are placed throughout the dis- arranged for parallel operation or series operation, to pro-
tribution network. Butterfly valves serve for throttling and vide varying pump outputs required by changes in daily or
control of flow rate. Other types of valves include check seasonal water demand. Proper pump operation and main-
valves (which permit flow in only one direction), pressure- tenance (O&M) procedures must be followed to obtain
reducing valves, and air release valves. satisfactory long-term service because pumping is a major
Water mains are installed 1 to 2 m (3–6 ft) below operating expense for most water utilities.
ground to provide protection against traffic loads and Elevated tanks, called distribution storage reser-
freezing. Because flow is under pressure, they can follow voirs, provide equalizing storage and emergency storage.
the general topographic shape of the ground. For strength Equalizing storage is the volume of water in the tank avail-
and protection, different trench bedding methods are used able to satisfy peak hourly demands for water use in the
to support the pipe from below. Backfill soil placed on community. Emergency storage is the volume of water avail-
top of the pipe to fill the trench is carefully compacted in able for firefighting or pump station failure. Distribution
layers. Water mains are installed at least 3 m (10 ft) away reservoirs store enough water for about 1 d of operation.
from any sewer lines and must be at least 0.5 m (16 in.) They are said to float on the line because the flow into or
above a sewer if they cross. Thrust restraints, including out of the tank varies with demand, and the pressure in the
thrust blocks, tie rods, and mechanical pipe joint restraints, main is equivalent to the pressure head or elevation of water
are used to anchor the pipeline at bends and dead ends. in the tank. Covered reservoirs or tanks may be built at
Newly installed water mains are pressure tested and dis- ground level on hilltops to provide adequate pressures in the
infected. Older systems may experience breaks, leaks, and mains; or, in flat areas, the tanks may be built elevated above
gradual clogging due to tuberculation. Clogged pipes can ground on towers. When the height of the storage tank is
be cleaned and relined. greater than its diameter, it is called a standpipe. Tanks are
Centrifugal pumps move water through the distribu- generally located near major centers of water use, preferably
tion system under pressure. Pump operational character- on the opposite side of the demand center from the pump-
istics (discharge rates and pressure heads, power require- ing station to provide more uniform pressures throughout
ments, efficiency) are depicted on graphs called pump the network. Steel tanks are coated internally and may be
head curves. The discharge pressure head, called the TDH, provided with a corrosion control system.
186 chapter Seven

The hydraulics of a water distribution system must important points in the system, at a variety of flow rates. The
be analyzed during design, as well as during operation, to underlying concept of the network analysis is that the sys-
evaluate flow capacities and pressures throughout the sys- tem must be balanced hydraulically, that is, computed flows
tem. In a complex network comprising primary feeders and head losses must match up at pipe junctions throughout
(arterial mains) and smaller secondary feeders, the system the system. The Hardy Cross method of network analysis,
may first be simplified or skeletonized to reduce the num- a controlled “trial-and-error” computational procedure, was
ber of loops and interconnections in the analysis. (This is used for many years. Modern computer modeling software
done conceptually, “on paper,” not physically.) The loops integrates hydraulic calculations with CAD and GIS appli-
that are skeletonized can be replaced by equivalent pipes, cations. SCADA systems are also used in modern water
which have the same hydraulic characteristics (flow rate facilities. These systems provide remote monitoring of real-
and head loss) as the pipes they theoretically replace. The time operational measurements and remote controlling of
system can then be analyzed to determine the pressures at pumps, valves, and other network elements.

Review Questions 16. What is the maximum practical height to which a col-
umn of water can be lifted by a pump under suction lift
1. List four basic categories of water use. What is the effect conditions?
of local climate and the use of individual water meters 17. What is the effect of increasing the impeller speed of a
on water demand? centrifugal pump on discharge and on pressure head?
2. What does gpcd stand for? Explain briefly. 18. What is TDH? Sketch a graph showing the relationship
3. Briefly discuss variations in water demand over time. between TDH and the discharge of a centrifugal pump.
Sketch a graph that would illustrate hourly variations 19. What is meant by the term “shutoff head”?
over a 24-h period. 20. How does TDH vary with discharge in a water distri-
4. What is the range of working pressures in a typical water bution system? Sketch a graph showing this relationship
distribution main? on the same paper that you used for Question 17. What
5. What is the minimum size of a water main in a public does the intersection between the two curves represent?
water system? 21. If two identical pumps operate in parallel in a water dis-
6. Why is a gridiron pipe layout preferable to a system with tribution system, would the total discharge be twice the
many dead ends? discharge from one pump alone? Why?
7. What is a dual water system, and what are its advantages 22. What is meant by the term “water power” of a pump? Is
and disadvantages? it greater than, the same as, or less than the power used
to operate the pump?
8. List five materials commonly used in the manufacture
of water distribution pipes. Briefly discuss each type. 23. What is meant by the term “equalizing storage”? What
benefits does equalizing storage provide in a water dis-
9. List three common types of valves used in water distri- tribution system?
bution systems. Briefly explain the use and operation of
each type of valve. 24. What are the basic functions of a distribution storage
tank other than to provide equalizing storage?
10. Are water mains completely watertight?
25. Why are distribution storage tanks often elevated above
11. What is the purpose of a thrust restraint? the ground by a tower? What does it mean to say that
12. Briefly discuss methods for rehabilitating a water main the tank floats on the line?
that has reduced flow capacity due to internal deposits 26. Is it preferable to have a single large water storage tank
on the pipe wall. located near the pumping station or to have several
13. What is a low-lift pump? A high-lift pump? smaller tanks located near the major centers of water
14. Make a sketch showing the difference between static demand? Explain briefly.
lift and static suction head for a pump. Also, show total 27. What is the difference between a standpipe and a reservoir?
static head. 28. What is an equivalent pipe? What is the purpose of
15. What happens when a centrifugal pump loses its determining equivalent pipes in water distribution
prime? systems?
Water Distribution Systems 187

29. What is the first step in determining an equivalent pipe 8. Pump A and pump B are connected in parallel in a sys-
for pipes in series? For pipes in parallel? tem that includes 10 km of 600-mm pipe. The following
30. What is a hydraulically balanced pipe network? What is data describe the head–discharge relationship for each
the sum of the head losses around a balanced pipe loop? pump:

TDH, m
Practice Problems
Q, L , s Pump A Pump B
1. A community in the United States has a population of   0 28  3
52,500 people. What is the total expected daily water  50 27 33
demand? (Refer to Table 7-1.)
100 24 31
2. Referring to Problem 1, compute the peak hourly flow in
liters per second for the day of maximum use. Assume 150 20 26
that the peak daily demand is 200 percent of the average 200 12 19
daily demand and that the peak hourly flow is 400 per- 250 — 10
cent of the daily demand.
3. A 240-m-long section of 600-mm water main is pres- The total static head in the system is 16 m. For the
sure tested for 1 h, in which time a volume of 100 L of pumps operating in parallel, what is the operating
water is pumped into the pipeline to maintain the test point? Assuming that the discharge line is throttled
pressure of 1000 kPa. Pipe sections are 6 m long. By how by a butterfly valve to a point that increases the
much is the allowable leakage exceeded? ­system TDH to 30 m, describe the operating condi-
tion of the pumps.
4. Compute the static thrust on a 90° bend in a 305-mm
pipe that carries water at a pressure of 600 kPa. If the 9. For the pump described in Problem 6, compute the
soil has a bearing capacity of 100 kN>m2, what area of water horsepower. Assuming that the pump efficiency is
thrust block is needed to anchor the bend? 75 percent, what horsepower must the motor deliver to
drive the pump?
5. Manufacturer’s data for a centrifugal pump indicate that
the pump can discharge 500 gpm at a discharge pressure 10. For Problem 8, the total power input to the pumps is
of 100 ft when the impeller speed is 2000 rpm. What is 75 kW. At what efficiency are the pumps operating?
the expected pump discharge and pressure head if the 11. A town has a population of 32,000 people and an average
impeller speed is increased to 2500 rpm? per capita water demand of 500 L>d. Assuming that the
6. A centrifugal pump with the following characteristics is need for equalizing storage is 20 percent of the average
installed in a system to raise water from one reservoir to daily demand and that storage for a fire flow of 60 L>s
another. The water surface elevation in the first reser- for a 4-h duration is required, compute the required vol-
voir is 500 ft and in the second reservoir is 650 ft above ume of a distribution storage tank for the town.
mean sea level. The pipeline connecting the reservoirs 12. Referring to Figure 7-24, determine the rate at which
includes 2 mi of 10-in.-diameter pipe. Determine the water is being withdrawn from the system at point A
operating point of the pump in this system. when the pump discharge pressure is 350 kPa and the
pressure at point A is 250 kPa. The storage tank floats
Q, gpm TDH, ft on the line with water at a height of 20 m, as shown.
Sketch the HGL for the system. Determine at what rate
   0 210
the storage tank is being filled (or emptied) under these
 200 205 conditions.
 400 190 13. Determine the theoretical diameter of a single
 600 165 2000-m-long pipeline from A to D that would be equiv-
 800 125 alent to the series pipeline shown in Figure 7-29.
1000  70

7. If two identical pumps with the characteristics tabulated A 1200 m B 400 m C 400 m D
in Problem 6 are operating in parallel in that system, 400 mm 300 mm 200 mm
what will be the operating point of the pumps? Figure 7-29  Illustration for Problem 13.
188 chapter Seven

14. Determine the theoretical diameter of a single 0.8 mile

1000-m-long pipeline from A to C that would be equiv- 12 in.
alent to the looped pipeline shown in Figure 7-30. 0.5 mile B
16 in.

B 0.7 mile
m 8 in.
0 00 mm
1 0 Figure 7-31  Illustration for Problem 15.
40 6
20 00
0 m
16. A flow of 500 L>s enters junction A of the loop shown
A C in Figure 7-30. Determine the flow rate in each pipe if
200 L>s is withdrawn at junction B and 300 L >s is with-
drawn at junction C.
17. Under the conditions stated in Problem 16, if the pres-
sure at junction A is 750 kPa, what is the pressure at
1600 m junction C, assuming that A and C are at the same
300 mm
Figure 7-30  Illustration for Problem 14 and 16.

15. Determine the theoretical diameter of a single 1-mi-long

pipeline from A to C that would be equivalent to the
pipe system shown in Figure 7-31.
chapter Eight

Sanitary Sewer Systems

Chapter Outline 8-4 Infiltration and Inflow

8-1 Sanitary Sewer Design 8-5 Sewer Rehabilitation
Materials and Appurtenances Pipeline Repair
Sewer Location and Layout Manholes and Service Connections
Quantity of Sewage 8-6 Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems
Depth and Velocity Limitations
8-7 Computer Applications and GIS
Size, Slope, and Invert Elevations
Sanitary Sewer Overflows 8-8 Chapter Synopsis

8-2 Sewage Lift Stations

8-3 Sewer Construction
Structural Requirements
Field Layout and Installation

A  sewage collection system consists of a network of

 pipes, pumping stations, channels, and appurte-
 nances that conveys wastewater to a point of treat-
ment, storage, or disposal. The wastewater may be sanitary
sewage, industrial sewage, storm sewage, or a mixture of
weather, the sanitary sewage flows in the smaller channel at
the bottom.
Today, combined sewers, as depicted in Figure 8-1b,
are no longer built. Instead, separate sewer systems are con-
structed. Stormwater is carried in separate storm sewers to a
the three. The sewage collection and treatment facilities are point of storage or disposal; sanitary sewage and pretreated
collectively referred to as a sewerage system. industrial wastewater are carried in separate sanitary sewers,
Sanitary sewage, also called domestic sewage, contains usually to a municipal wastewater treatment plant. This is
human wastes and washwater from homes, public buildings, shown in Figure 8-1c.
or commercial and industrial establishments. Industrial The basic reason for building separate systems is that
sewage is the used water from manufacturing processes, conventional wastewater treatment plants do not have the
usually carrying a variety of chemical compounds. Storm capacity to handle the huge volumes of stormwater that
sewage, or stormwater, is the surface runoff caused by rain- develop when it rains. Consequently, stormwater mixed with
fall; it carries organics, suspended and dissolved solids, and sanitary sewage must be bypassed around the treatment plant
other substances picked up as it travels over the ground. directly into receiving waters, causing water pollution. This
Pipelines that carry a mixture of these three types of liq- is called combined sewer overflow (CSO). In some large cities,
uid wastes are called combined sewers. Combined sewers CSO may be directed to a large storage basin and disinfected
were commonly built in the 19th century and can be found before flowing into the receiving waters. Separate sewers are
in older cities and towns. Most of these systems, some of designed to prevent the problem of CSO by conveying only
which are more than 100 years old, are still in use today. sanitary sewage to the sewage treatment plant (STP).
Combined sewers typically consist of large-diameter In most sewer systems, the wastewater flows downhill,
pipes or tunnels. This is because the volumes of stormwater by gravity, in partially filled pipes that are not under pres-
that must be carried away during wet weather periods are sure. Sometimes, sewage must be conveyed under pressure
so large. The volume of sanitary sewage is very small when in pipelines called force mains to a treatment plant or to a
compared to stormwater flow. To keep the sanitary sewage point where it again can flow downhill due to the effect of
flowing swiftly in the large-diameter conduits, a combined gravity. In some cases, the entire sanitary sewer system for
sewer may have the shape shown in Figure 8-1a. During dry a localized area may consist of relatively small-diameter

190 chapter Eight

(a) management and control of CSO are covered in Chapter 9.)

Conventional (gravity) sewers are discussed in Section 8-1,
Sanitary and alternative collection systems are discussed in Section 8-6.
sewage Stormwater and
sanitary sewage Sanitary sewer systems are a valuable part of the nation’s
­infrastructure. The collection system of a single large city is
Dry Wet an asset worth billions of dollars, and the U.S. Environmental
weather weather Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the total value
(replacement cost) of sewage collection systems throughout
the United States exceeds $1 trillion.
(b) Household
backs up Street
8-1 Sanitary Sewer
catch basins
Street sewer
floods Sewers that collect wastewater directly from a series of
homes or buildings are called lateral sewers. Except for the
Diverter Treatment plant
full during Overflow receives sewage
individual house connections, these are the smallest diam-
heavy rainstorm diverter and stormwater eter sewers in the system. Laterals carry the sewage by grav-
ity flow into larger submains or collector sewers, which in
STP turn tie into an even larger main sewer, called a trunk line
River is or interceptor. The interceptor carries the sewage to the
polluted with treatment plant, where most of the pollutants are removed
raw sewage
before the sewage flows into the receiving waters. It is gener-
ally located in the lowest part of the service area or drainage
(c) basin and may be built parallel to a valley floor or river bed.
Rain leader is disconnected from sanitary sewer
Materials and Appurtenances
Street The pipes in a sanitary sewer system must be strong and
No backups catch basins
durable to resist the abrasive and corrosive properties of
Sanitary sewer the wastewater. They also must be able to withstand stresses
Treatment plant caused by the soil backfill material, which is placed into the
only receives
flow from
excavated trench to cover the pipe, and the effect of vehicles
Storm sewer passing above the pipeline.
sanitary sewer
The joints between sewer pipe sections should be flex-
STP ible, but tight enough to prevent excessive leakage, either of
sewage out of the pipe or of groundwater into the pipe. In
River stays
addition to the use of appropriate materials to meet these
requirements, a variety of appurtenances is necessary for
Figure 8-1  (a) Cross section of a combined sewer; the proper operation of a sewer system. These include man-
combined sewers, which were built in many older cities,
carry both storm and sanitary sewage. A smaller channel holes, inverted siphons, lift stations, and flow meters. Flow
at the bottom serves to carry the sanitary sewage at self- meters are discussed in Section 2-4, and lift stations are dis-
cleansing velocities during dry-weather periods. During cussed in Section 8-2.
rainstorms, the storm runoff and sanitary sewage become
mixed together. (b) During very heavy rainstorms, most of Vitrified Clay Pipe  Vitrified clay pipe (VCP) is a good
the combined sanitary and storm sewage must be diverted sewer material because it is very resistant to corrosion or
directly into the receiving stream because it is too much for
the treatment plant to handle; this causes water pollution. deterioration from acids and other chemicals. It also resists
(c) Separate sewers are used in new construction. erosion and scour from abrasive materials carried in the
(From Waterworld News. Reprinted by permission. Copyright © the flow, but it is brittle and can break easily. Careful handling
American Water Works Association.) during construction is important, and proper placement in
the trench, called bedding, will provide support to resist ex-
ternal loads. VCP is limited in size; it is available in diam-
pipes under pressure, called pressure sewer systems. Vacuum eters up to about 1 m (3 ft) and in lengths up to about 2 m
­sewers, which use suction to move the wastewater, are used (6 ft). Bell-and-spigot O-ring compression joints are gener-
in some situations (see Section 8-6). ally used to connect the pipe sections.
This chapter focuses on sanitary sewer systems and
includes design factors, materials, appurtenances, construc- Reinforced Concrete Pipe  Precast sections of rein-
tion, infiltration and inflow, and rehabilitation. (Stormwater forced concrete pipe (RCP) are suitable for larger sewer
Sanitary Sewer Systems 191

systems. RCP is available in diameters up to about 6 m Manhole cover

(20 ft) and in lengths up to about 8 m (25 ft). It is a strong Ground surface
pipe material, but the concrete is susceptible to deterioration
in the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas. This problem, called Cast-iron
crown corrosion, is discussed in more detail later in this sec- frame
tion. A variety of protective linings applied on the inside
pipe wall can prevent crown corrosion. Joints are generally
bell-and-spigot with O-ring rubber gaskets.

Plastic Pipe  The use of plastic pipe for gravity sewer lines
has become very common because of its lightness and ease concrete
Barrell Minimum 1.25 m
of handling during construction. It is corrosion resistant, (4 ft) sections
and the smooth plastic pipe wall provides good hydraulic
characteristics. One type of plastic commonly used is poly-
vinyl chloride (PVC); PVC sewer pipe is available in diam-
eters up to 750 mm (30 in) and lengths up to 6 m (20 ft).
The pipes are colored green (or white), to clearly distinguish Sewer
them from drinking water pipelines, which are blue in color. Slope
Bell-and-spigot pipe section ends can be joined using either
an O-ring gasket or a chemical weld joint. High-density Base
polyethelyne (HDPE) is also used.

Fiberglass Pipe  Fiber reinforced polymer pipe (FRPP)

(a) Vertical Section
and glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe (GFRP) are available
in diameters from 150 mm (6 in) to 3048 mm (120 in) and Flow
lengths up to 6 m (20 ft). Bell-and-spigot O-ring compres-
sion joints are generally used to connect the pipe sections. Inlet sewer pipe

Other Materials  Ductile iron with cement linings or ce-

ramic epoxy linings, and steel pipe with polyurethane lin-
Open channel
ings, are sometimes used in sanitary sewer systems. Iron and
steel pipes are generally used for force mains or in pumping
stations, where the sewage is under pressure, for unusual ex-
ternal loading conditions, or when the sewer line is installed
very close to or above a water main.
In the past, asbestos cement (AC) pipe and plastic truss
pipe were also used and may be encountered when rebuild- Bench
ing or rehabilitating and existing sewer.
Outer sewer pipe
Manholes  Manholes, are underground structures that
provide access to the sewer pipeline for cleaning, repair, Q
sampling, and flow measurement. They are generally circu- (b) Section A–A
lar in cross section, with a diameter of at least 1.25 m (4 ft) Figure 8-2  Section views of a lateral sewer manhole, which
so that a worker can move inside them without too much provides access for pipeline inspection, cleaning, repair, and
difficulty. flow sampling or measurement.
A typical manhole for a lateral sewer is shown in
Figure 8-2. The inside of the bottom section, referred to as of varying thicknesses are stacked on top of the cone section
the bench, is made of concrete, with a semicircular channel and below the casting as a means of adjusting the elevation
connecting the inlet and the outlet sewer pipes. It is com- of the casting. This is particularly important when the struc-
mon practice to use precast concrete pipe sections to build ture is located in a roadway.
the manhole up to required grade, although brick, concrete Manholes are located over the pipe centerline under the
block, or plain concrete may also be used in its construction. following circumstances:
Precast concrete manholes typically consist of a bottom sec-
1. When there is a change in pipeline diameter
tion, one or more barrels of varying height stacked on the
bottom and a concentric or offset cone top section. A cast- 2. When there is a change in pipeline slope
iron frame and cover are provided to carry traffic loads and 3. When there is a change in pipeline direction
keep out surface water. Concrete or HDPE adjusting rings 4. At all pipe intersections
192 chapter Eight

Match crown
elevations of
Large diameter all sewers Small diameter
outlet sewer inlet sewers

Flow Open end Flow

for cleaning
Sewer invert
Sewer invert
least Figure 8-4  When intersecting pipes at a manhole are of
0.6 m different diameters, the pipe crown elevations may be kept
(2 ft) the same to allow for a smooth flow transition.

Sewer Crossings  A sewer line can be built across a stream,

highway cut, or other obstruction, either below ground or
Figure 8-3  Typical outside drop-manhole structure. above ground. An aboveground crossing is the most econom-
ical method. For example, a pipeline may be suspended on an
existing bridge, and supporting the pipe on concrete piers can
5. At the uppermost end of each street lateral cross a shallow topographic depression in the ground.
6. At intervals not exceeding about 150 m (400 ft) (this When built below ground, the section of sewer that is
distance is often dictated by regulation and the mechan- built under the stream or road is called an inverted siphon or,
ical limitations of municipal sewer jetting and cleaning more accurately, a depressed sewer. A sketch of a depressed
equipment) sewer is shown in Figure 8-5. It can be seen that this section
of sewer is under the hydraulic grade line; it flows full and
Sometimes, when a lateral sewer joins a deeper submain under pressure. To maintain flow velocities high enough to
sewer, the use of a drop-manhole will reduce the amount prevent solids from settling out in the pipe, two or three dif-
of excavation needed by allowing the lateral to maintain a ferent sizes of parallel pipes are used to carry the minimum,
shallow slope Drop manholes may be constructed with the average, or peak flows. Because the siphon is under pressure,
drop occurring outside the structure or inside the structure. a concrete encasement or ductile iron pipes are provided to
An outside drop manhole is illustrated in Figure 8-3. The prevent leakage.
wastewater drops into the lower sewer through the verti-
cal pipe at the manhole. In this way, a worker is protected Example Siphon Project  Flood control, especially dur-
from the incoming sewage flow. Outside drops are gener- ing hurricanes, is essential to San Juan, Puerto Rico, especially
ally preferred to inside drops since inside drops tend to near the Rio Puerto Nuevo, a river that empties into San Juan
take up space inside the structure complicating access and Bay. The river was dredged to widen and deepen it so that it
maintenance. could better accommodate floodwaters. Originally about 2 m
Manholes should be built so as to cause minimum (7 ft) deep, the river depth was increased to about 11 m (35 ft).
head loss and interference with the hydraulics of the sewer The increased depth and width required replacement of sewer
line. One way to maintain a relatively smooth flow transi- and water pipelines to bring them under the channel bottom.
tion through the manhole when a small sewer joins one of a Construction of two main sanitary sewer siphon projects, the
larger diameter is to match the pipe crown elevations at the Miramar trunk sewer close to the Bay and the San Jose trunk
manhole. This is illustrated in Figure 8-4. sewer farther upstream, was completed in 2001.

Hydraulic Grade
Line (HGL)


Sewage Flow Depressed sewer

flows under pressure
Figure 8-5  A depressed sewer, or inverted siphon as it is called, is constructed to carry the gravity flow under an
­obstacle along the pipeline route.
Sanitary Sewer Systems 193



Street 85
Typical right-of-way
service 80

Laterals 70

Manholes 65

Submain Int


ge nt
ewa pla
s nt
To me

Figure 8-6  Sanitary sewers are located to provide gravity (downhill) flow as much as possible. It is best to avoid the need for
pumping stations.
HDPE pipe material was selected for the three-barrel The designer sketches the location of the sewer lines
siphons because of the substantial savings it offered com- and manholes in the streets or easements on the map, with
pared to concrete-encased ductile iron pipe, and adjustable the objective of obtaining gravity (downhill) flow as much
weirs were built to regulate higher flows entering the two as possible. Force mains and the required pumping stations
larger, 1-m-diameter siphon barrels. The ultimate design are avoided because of the added expense and potential
capacity is 2190 L>s (50 mgd) under a pressure of 1100 kPa operating problems. The slope of the ground governs the
(160 psi).1 degree to which gravity or open channel flow conditions
can be maintained. A typical sewer system layout is shown
Sewer Location and Layout in Figure 8-6.
From the field survey data, detailed maps of each street
Before the detailed design of a sewer system can begin, the are prepared at a relatively large scale, showing the locations
area to be sewered must be surveyed to obtain topographic of the houses to be served by the sewers as well as the loca-
data. A map must be prepared so that a preliminary layout tions of other utilities, such as storm sewers and water and
can be made. Sewers are generally located in the public right- gas mains. In urban areas, the congestion caused by other
of-way (ROW), near the center of the street to conveniently underground utilities often complicates the design and con-
serve houses on both sides. Sometimes they are located in struction of a new sewer line.
alleys or in easements across private property. Profile views of the streets and utilities are generally
drawn directly below the plan views. These plan and pro-
(A complete description of the design and construction of this project is
provided in John Ruhl and Steve Campbell, “Sinking a Sewer Line,” Civil
file drawings serve as working drawings during the detailed
Engineering Magazine [American Society of Civil Engineers], September 2000.) design phase. The final design of the system is then added to
194 chapter Eight

the drawings, which serve as part of the construction con- the number of feet (and decimals of a foot). For example, the
tract documents. Data from soil borings, including depth to starting point would be labeled 0 + 00, and the first full sta-
bedrock and groundwater, are also shown on the profiles, tion (or distance of 100 ft) would be written as 1 + 00. A
and sometimes the boring logs or records are included with manhole at station 3 + 00 would be 300 ft from the starting
the contract documents. point, and a manhole at station 5 + 67.89 would be 567.89 ft
The construction drawings for a sewer system must from the beginning of the line. In SI metric units, the
show the location, depth, diameter, and slope of the pipeline meter is the base unit for length, and a full station would be
so that the construction contractor can readily excavate 1 + 00, or 100 m. Station numbers may increase from left to
the trench and place the pipe sections at the proper posi- right (as in Figure 8-7) or from right to the left.
tion and grade. A typical sewer plan and profile drawing On construction drawings, manholes may be abbrevi-
is shown in Figure 8-7. In addition to showing the sewer ated as M.H., or as SAS (short for sanitary access structure),
diameter and slope, the drawings show manhole locations, or as SSMH (short for “sanitary sewer manhole”). Inverts
pipe-invert elevations, and existing utilities. (The invert are usually abbreviated as INV and invert elevations as IE.
of a pipe is the bottommost surface of the inner pipe Service lines are typically installed by the house contractor
wall; elevation refers to height, usually above mean sea and then become the responsibility of the homeowner for
level. Determination of invert elevations is discussed in maintenance. A legend for abbreviations and symbols is
Example 8-2.) often shown on the plan and profile drawing.

Plan and Profile Details  In Figure 8-7, the plan (top)

view of the sewer line is located directly over the profile
Quantity of Sewage
(side) view, and both views are fully aligned. Sewer lines Before the diameter and slope of a sewer can be established,
may change direction several times in plan view, but they it is necessary to have an estimate of the quantity of waste-
are always “projected” onto a flat plane when drawn in pro- water it will carry. Actually, the quantity of sewage carried
file view, and thus they appear as a straight line. The vertical by a sewer is not constant with time. The flow rate varies
scale of the profile is typically “magnified,” normally by a throughout the day in a pattern similar to the variation in
ratio of 10 to 1, for clarity in depicting important elevations water demand, which is illustrated in Figure 7-1.
and slopes. Sewers must be designed to carry the peak or maximum
A typical symbol shown on a sewer plan and pro- flow rates, not just the average flow rates. They also must
file is a station number, which is used to indicate distance maintain self-cleansing flow velocities, as is discussed shortly.
from a starting point (often a manhole cover in a street State environmental agencies or local health departments
­intersection.). In U.S. Customary units, each 100 ft is called generally have specific requirements for sewer design flows.
a station. Station numbers are labeled in two parts separated For example, a typical requirement for lateral and submain
by a plus sign—first the number of hundreds of feet and then sewers is that they be designed to have a full-flow capacity


Figure 8-7  Typical sewer plan and profile will show the location, depth, diameter, and slope of
the pipeline, as well as the location of the other utility lines.
(Courtesy of the National Clay Pipe Institute, Elkhorn, WI.)
Sanitary Sewer Systems 195

that is four times the average flow rate. Main or trunk sewers Population densities are expressed as the number of
must have a capacity of 2.5 times the average flow. people per hectare or acre. Sewer pipelines are generally
The flow rate peaks are less pronounced in the larger designed to carry peak flows from the anticipated satura-
diameter sewers because it is less likely that all the sources tion (maximum possible) population for the local area to
of wastewater in a large service area will contribute sew- be served. These population estimates are usually available
age into the system at the same time. In effect, this smooths from county or state planning agencies.
out the daily flow pattern; by the time the sewage reaches Not all of the water used in a community actually
the treatment plant, there is considerably less variation becomes sewage because some water is lost in lawn water-
among peak, average, and minimum flows than there is in ing, car washing, and other uses that keep it out of the
the laterals. sewers. But, in some cases, the quantity of infiltration and
It is very important to have a good estimate of flow rates inflow into the system can more than make up for these
before designing the sewer system. If the quantity of sew- losses. For practical purposes, then, it is often assumed that
age flow is underestimated, the selected pipe diameters and the average sewage discharge is about the same as the aver-
slopes may be too small to carry the peak flow rates. This is age water use in the community. Of course, if more accu-
called underdesign; it can result in the surcharging of part of rate data are available, such as from sewage flow studies of
the sewer system. similar neighborhoods in the area, they should be used to
A sewer system is surcharged when the wastewater is estimate the flow quantities.
backed up into the manholes and the hydraulic grade line On the maps showing the sewer layout, the total
is above the pipe crown. This is illustrated in Figure 8-8. In areas that contribute sewage to segments of the sys-
severe cases of surcharging, the sewage may overflow out of tem are ­outlined by the designer. A segment, for design
the manholes and into the street, and it also can back up into purposes, is typically a length of the sewer line between
basements of houses connected to the line. Surcharging may manholes, called a sewer reach. A reach of a sewer line
occur in a sewer system because of poor design or because is constant in  slope and diameter. The boundary of the
of excessive infiltration or inflow, as discussed later in this tributary area is similar in concept to the drainage divide
chapter. line ­discussed in Section 3-4, but it does not follow the
Underdesign and surcharging are problems related to same set of rules regarding contour lines and direction of
inaccurate sewage flow estimates. Another problem may flow. This is because the flow is confined in and must fol-
occur if the amount of sewage is overestimated, resulting low the direction of the service connections and the sewer
in overdesign of the system. Not only does construction of line itself.
an overdesigned system become unnecessarily expensive, After the tributary boundaries have been sketched for
it also tends to attract extra land development sooner than every reach of the system, the areas can be determined. For
expected. This premature development is usually undesir- square or rectangular shapes, computation of the areas using
able, particularly because other municipal services and utili- scaled map dimensions is easily done. For irregularly shaped
ties may not have sufficient capacity to support it. In an EIS areas, a planimeter is used to trace the boundary and deter-
(see Appendix A), land development following overdesign mine the enclosed area. A high degree of precision in defin-
of sewers is considered a secondary environmental effect of ing the boundary is usually not warranted because of the
sewer construction. uncertainties in the assumed population densities and the
Sewage flow rates depend on several factors, includ- per capita flow rates.
ing population density, per capita water consumption, and For a given sewer reach, the design flow is taken as the
commercial or industrial activity. The amount of ground- product of three factors: the tributary area, the population
water seeping into the pipeline, called infiltration, must also density for that area, and the assumed peak per capita sew-
be taken into consideration. Infiltration (and inflow) is dis- age flow rate. This is illustrated in Example 8-1.
cussed in more detail in Section 8-4.
Example 8-1
Manhole A reach of a submain sewer is to be designed to receive
structures Surcharged sewer
and manhole flow from 100 ha of a community where the population den-
sity is estimated to average 25 people>ha. The average per
Ground surface capita sewage flow is estimated to be 400 L>d. Compute the
design flow for the reach in liters per second.
Hydraulic grade line
Sewage Solution
First, determine the peak per capita flow rate, assuming
Sewer pipe
that the submain must be designed to carry a flow rate four
times the average:
Figure 8-8  When the sewer pipe diameter and slope are
not adequate to carry the peak wastewater flows, the system peak flow = 4 * 400 L>d>person
will temporarily become surcharged. = 1600 L>d per person
196 chapter Eight

The design flow rate for the reach is then computed as diameter or slope of sewer, Manning’s formula or nomo-
100 ha * 25 persons>ha * 1600 L>d>person graph can be used to check that the full-flow velocity is
within the allowable range. For example, the minimum
= 4,000,000 L>d or 4 ML>d
slope for a 300-mm (12-in) pipe flowing full is 0.2 percent
and (0.002) in order to maintain the self-cleansing velocity.
1d 1h
4 * 106 L>d * * ≈ 46 L>s Crown Corrosion  When flow velocities in a sanitary
24 h 3600 s
sewer drop below the minimum self-cleansing velocity,
Design generally starts at the uppermost reach in the sludge deposits form in the pipeline. As the sludge decom-
system and proceeds downstream, accumulating tributary poses, the dissolved oxygen in the sewage is depleted, result-
areas and populations along the way. This is continued until ing in septic or anaerobic conditions. Even the remaining
a junction with an incoming branch sewer occurs, at which suspended solids have time to undergo decomposition in
point the uppermost reach and then the rest of the branch the pipeline, because of the long travel time, before reaching
are designed. The reach just downstream of a junction must the treatment plant.
be designed to accommodate the total population and sew- Sanitary wastewater contains sulfate (SO42–) compounds,
age flows from the branches above it. which are converted to hydrogen sulfide gas, H2S, by anaero-
bic bacteria. This results in the characteristic rotten-egg odor
Depth and Velocity Limitations of stale sewage. But a serious structural problem can also
develop in concrete pipelines. In gravity sewers, which have
As far as is practical, sewer pipelines are placed deep air and moisture in the pipeline above the flowing wastewa-
enough in the ground to be able to receive wastewater flow ter, aerobic bacteria attached to the pipe crown oxidize the
by gravity from the houses and buildings to be served. But H2S, converting it to sulfuric acid, H2SO4. This is illustrated
very deep basements or buildings located below street level in Figure 8-10. The sulfuric acid reacts with and weakens
because of steep topography may require individual pump- the concrete, causing the problem called crown corrosion. In
ing units to lift the sewage up into the public sewer. This extreme cases, concrete sewer lines have actually collapsed
condition is illustrated in Figure 8-9. Generally, a minimum from crown corrosion, necessitating immediate and expensive
cover of about 2 m (6 ft) above the crown of the sewer pipe repairs. Proper hydraulic design of the sewer system to main-
is maintained, but design practice may vary in this regard. tain self-cleansing flow velocities can help avoid this problem.
Greater depths require more excavation and increase the
cost of construction. Generally, sewer depths do not exceed
about 6 m (20 ft).
Size, Slope, and Invert Elevations
It is common practice to select the size and shape of a To minimize the amount of excavation, the slope or grade
sanitary sewer so that the full-flow velocity will not be less of the sewer should follow the slope of the ground as much
than about 0.6 m>s (2 ft>s). This is called the minimum self- as possible. A typical design procedure starts with an
cleansing velocity because it is the velocity that will keep examination of the street profile to determine the average
sewage solids suspended in the flow. Low velocities tend to ground slope for a reach between two manholes. Manning’s
allow solids to settle out in the pipes, blocking the flow and nomograph is used to determine the smallest standard pipe
reducing the capacity of the sewer line. diameter that will carry the design flow for that reach at
The upper limit of flow velocity is usually about 3 m>s the same slope as the ground surface. For that diameter and
(10 ft>s) to prevent excessive abrasion and wear of the pipe slope, the velocity is then checked to make sure it is within
wall from sand and grit carried in the sewage. For a given the acceptable limits.

Service connection
gravity flow Crown corrosion
Service connection
pumped flow H2SO4
Concrete pipe
pump Air (O2)
sewer H2S gas

Septic sewage

Figure 8-9  Sewers cannot always be placed deep enough

in the ground to allow gravity flow from all service
­connections. Individual sewage pumps or ejectors may Figure 8-10  Crown corrosion in unlined concrete sewers
have to be used by some homeowners. can eventually lead to structural collapse of the pipeline.
Sanitary Sewer Systems 197

Appropriate adjustments are then made either in Solution

the pipe slope or in diameter, as needed. For example, The ground elevation drops 90.00 - 87.60 = 2.4 m.
if the velocity is too low or if a very large diameter pipe The ground slope is the change in elevation divided by
is required, the designer might opt to increase the sewer the horizontal distance, or S = 2.4>120 = 0.020. Now enter
slope. A steeper slope will increase the velocity of flow and Manning’s nomograph (Figure 2-21) with S = 0.02 and Q =
reduce the required pipe diameter. But the designer must 100 L>s, or 0.1 m3>s. The straight line connecting S and Q
keep in mind that steeper slopes make it necessary to place crosses the diameter axis at 26 cm, or 260 mm.
the pipeline deeper in the ground, increasing excavation It is necessary to choose a standard pipe size, one that
costs. is readily available from pipe manufacturers. A 250-mm pipe
Lateral sewers are generally not less than 200 mm (8 in.) could be selected, but its slope would have to be steeper,
in diameter, no matter how small the design flow; this mini- about 0.03, for it to have a capacity of 100 L>s, according to
mum size reduces the occurrence of pipe blockages and the nomograph solution of Manning’s formula. At a slope of
facilitates maintenance activities. But the low-flow rates 0.03, the sewer reach would drop 0.03 * 120 m = 3.6 m in
contributed at the upper reaches of the system lead to low- elevation. Starting with 2 m of cover at the upper end, it then
flow velocities in these oversized laterals, and they need would have 3.2 m of cover at the lower end. In other words,
to be routinely flushed and cleaned to keep them clear of the extra cover is 3.6 m – 2.4 m = 1.2 m.
sludge deposits and blockages. It may be preferable to select the larger, 300-mm-
Once the pipe diameter and slopes have been estab- diameter pipe and install it at a slope of 0.02, parallel to the
lished, the invert elevations of the pipe can be determined ground surface. This would keep the depth of cover con-
and the proposed sewer can be drawn on the profile. (The stant at 2 m and involve less excavation than the 250-mm
invert is the bottom inside wall surface of the pipe.) Usually pipe would require. It is important to note that the savings in
a minimum depth of earth cover above the pipe crown is excavation will be more than that one reach. If the 250-mm
specified. The invert elevation is computed by subtracting pipe is used, the extra depth of 1.2 m will be carried through-
the cover and the pipe diameter from the ground eleva- out the rest of the sewer line downstream of that reach. This
tion at the manhole or by matching crown elevations (see can be seen in the sewer profile shown in Figure 8-12
Figure 8-4). This design procedure for a sewer reach is Note that the full-flow capacity of the 300-mm pipe
illustrated in Example 8-2. placed on a 0.02 slope is more than the required 100 L>s;
from Manning’s nomograph, it is seen that the actual full-
Example 8-2 flow capacity is 0.135 m3>s, or 135 L>s. Partial-flow condi-
A 120-m reach of sewer is to be designed with a flow capac- tions can be evaluated using Figure 2-22. If q = 100 L>s,
ity of 100 L>s. The street elevation at the upper manhole is then the ratio of q>Q = 100>135 = 0.74, and d>D = 0.63 is
90.00 m and at the lower manhole is 87.60 m, as shown read from the partial-flow diagram. From this, d = 0.63 * D =
in Figure 8-11. Determine an appropriate pipe diameter and 0.63 * 300 mm = 190 mm. The full-flow velocity V = 1.95 m>s
slope for this reach, and establish the pipe invert elevations from the nomograph. For d>D = 0.63, read v>V = 1.08 from
at the upper and lower manholes. Assume a minimum earth the partial-flow diagram. From this, v = 1.08 * V = 1.08 *
cover of 2 m above the crown of the pipe. 1.95 m>s = 2.1 m>s.

Ground elevation 90.00 m


MH1 Groun
89 d surfa

Ground elevation 87.60 m


87 300 m Invert elevation

m at S
Invert elevation = 0.02 85.30 m MH2
87.70 m 250
86 mm
at S
= 0.
More excavation needed 1.2 m
for the smaller diameter
84 sewer pipe

0 120
Distance, m
Figure 8-11  Illustration for Example 8-2.
198 chapter Eight

Let us select the 300-mm-diameter pipe and a slope of Solution

0.02 for this reach and compute the invert elevations. The For reach 1, the ground slope is computed as
upper invert elevation is computed as follows:
1100 - 1093 7
upper invert elevation S = = = 0.023
300 300
= ground elevation - cover - pipe diameter
To use Manning’s nomograph in Figure 2-21, first
= 90.00 m - 2.00 m - 0.300 m ­ onvert the flow rate from units of million gallons per day to
= 87.70 m gallons per minute, as follows:
The fall or drop in elevation of the sewer over the length gal 1d 1h gal
of the reach is the product of the slope and the distance, as Q = 1,000,000 * * = 690
d 24 h 60 min min
Now entering the nomograph with Q = 690 gpm and S =
fall of sewer = 0.020 * 120 m = 2.40 m
0.023, select an 8-in-diameter pipe. The actual full-flow
and therefore capacity of an 8-in-diameter pipe at that slope is about
lower invert elevation 840 gpm, and the velocity is about 5.3 ft>s. Invert elevations
= upper invert elevation - fall of sewer are computed as follows:
= 87.70 - 2.40 8
= 85.30 m upper invert elevation = 1100 ft - 8 ft - ft
This is illustrated in Figure 8-12. = 1091.33 ft

Example 8-3 fall of sewer = 0.023 * 300 ft = 6.90 ft

Design the two sewer reaches shown in Figure 8-12a. The lower invert elevation = 1091.33 - 6.90 = 1084.43
design flow for reach 1 is 1 mgd, and for reach 2 it is 2 mgd. For reach 2, the ground slope is computed as
The ground elevation at the first manhole, MH 1, is 1100 ft,
at MH 2 it is 1093 ft, and at MH 3 it is 1090 ft. Use a mini- 1093 - 1090 3
S = = = 0.0075
mum cover of 8 ft. 400 400

Reach 1 Reach 2
Q = 1 mgd Q = 2 mgd
MH 1 300 ft MH 2 400 ft MH 3
Elevation Elevation Elevation
1100 1093 1090
(a) Plan view

MH 1


1095 MH 2
Elevation (ft)

MH 3
8 in
0.0 Crown elevations
12 in 1081.10

Invert Invert S = 0.00

1084.43 75
1080 1084.10

0 + 00 3 + 00 7 + 00
Stations (1 + 00 = 100 ft)
(b) Profile view
Figure 8-12  Illustration for Example 8-3.
Sanitary Sewer Systems 199

From Manning’s nomograph with S = 0.0075 and Q = Inflow and infiltration (I/I) are often the key factors caus-
1380 gpm, select a 12-in-diameter pipe for this reach. The ing chronic SSO problems. I/I may be due to excessive rainfall
velocity is 3.9 ft>s. To establish the upper invert elevation or snowmelt infiltrating into leaky or broken sanitary sewers,
of the 12-in pipe, match its crown elevation with that of the water inflowing through roof drains connected to the sewers,
8-in pipe in reach 1, as follows: or poorly constructed service lines that connect homes to the
The crown elevation of the 8-in pipe is simply the sum pipes in the streets. I/I can be reduced by proper sewer con-
of its invert elevation and the pipe diameter, or struction and testing as well as by enforcement of laws that
prohibit connections from storm drains; green infrastruc-
1084.43 ft + ft = 1085.10 ft ture strategies can also reduce SSOs (see Section 8-4). Other
causes of SSOs include undersized systems, pipe settlement,
The upper invert elevation for the 12-in (1.00-ft)-diameter and pipe blockages (by tree roots or sediment deposits).
pipe is therefore

1085.10 - 1.00 ft = 1084.10

The fall of sewer is 0.0075 * 400 ft = 3.0 ft, and 8-2  Sewage Lift Stations
lower invert elevation = 1084.10 - 3.0 = 1081.10 Sanitary sewers are usually built to follow the general slope
This is illustrated in Figure 8-12b. of the land so that the wastewater will flow downhill by grav-
ity. In some cases, however, it becomes necessary to pump
the sewage up from a low point to a higher elevation, either
Sanitary Sewer Overflows to reach a treatment plant or to reach another gravity sewer.
Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) are accidental discharges There are several differences between the design require-
of raw (untreated) sewage from municipal sanitary sewer ments for pumping water and those for pumping sewage:
systems into streams and rivers. SSOs can also involve sewage cannot be stored, except for short periods of time;
“backups,” releasing sewage into basements or out of man- sewage flow rates are highly variable, requiring pump capac-
holes and into public streets, playgrounds, and streams ities that can handle peak flows rather than average daily
before the overflowing wastewater can reach a treatment flows; and raw sewage contains coarse solids that may clog
facility. According to EPA estimates, there are between a pump.
40,000 and 75,000 SSOs in the United States each year. Special nonclog centrifugal pumps are available for
They can pose a substantial public health threat and envi- pumping raw sewage. The impellers and casings of these
ronmental challenge. pumps are designed to allow sewage solids, including rags
SSOs may occur frequently during wet weather in and small sticks, to pass through without causing any dam-
some large cities served by old combined sewerage sys- age or blockages. The structure in which these pumps oper-
tems. They occasionally occur in communities served by ate is called a lift station.
separate sewerage systems, even though the sewer lines A lift station may be used, for example, in an area
are designed to collect and transport peak sewage flows. where, because of flat topography, the sewer line would
When SSOs happen in separate systems, however, poor eventually become excessively deep, even at the minimum
collection system maintenance and management are often slope needed for self-cleansing velocity. This is illustrated
the cause. in Figure 8-13.

Ground surface
Lift station

Manhole Flow Not too

deep Force Gravity
main sewer

Would be too
Submersible deep if gravity
pump sewer continued
and motor Wet well
Figure 8-13  Lift stations are used to raise the hydraulic grade line in the sewer system.
200 chapter Eight

Sewer construction costs increase with increasing Pumps

trench excavation depths. When the slope of the pipeline Control
carries it too deep, it may be more economical to install panel Protective
and operate a lift station to raise the hydraulic grade line. enclosure
Another situation in which a lift station is necessary is when Access cover
a new residential or industrial development is built in a
topographically low area that is close to an existing munici-
pal sewer system. A lift station will be needed to pump the
sewage from the new development up into an existing sub- Overflow
pipe Inlet sewer
main or trunk sewer.
There are two basic types of lift stations: dry-well instal-
lations and wet-well installations. A wet-well installation has Discharge
only one chamber to receive and hold the sewage until it is piping Level sensing
pumped. One such arrangement involves the use of spe- displacement
cially designed submersible pumps and motors, as shown
in Figure 8-14. It is also possible to use a submerged pump,
powered by a vertical shaft connected to a motor that is Suction
located above the wet well. In both cases, the pumps must be piping
raised out of the wet well for maintenance.
In yet another arrangement, both the motor and the
pump may be located above the wet well in a protective
enclosure, but then suction lift and provision for priming
the pumps are necessary. A typical prefabricated pack-
age lift station of this type is shown in Figure 8-14. The
displacement switches serve to automatically shut the
pumps off and on by sensing the water level in the wet well.
A dry-well installation has two separate chambers, one Figure 8-14  A wet-well mounted pump station.
to receive the wastewater and another to house the pumps (Courtesy of Smith and Loveless, Inc., Lenexa, Kansas.)
and controls. The protective dry chamber allows easy access
to the pumps and controls for inspection and maintenance. prime the pumps. A dry-well installation is sketched in
An advantage of the dry-well installation is that the pumps Figure 8-15. The back pressure sensed by the air bubbler
may be located below the sewage level. This provides suc- tube serves to indicate the sewage level and start or stop the
tion head instead of suction lift, eliminating the need to pumps automatically.

Ground surface

dry well

level sensor
Flow Flow

Force main Discharge

line Gravity
Pump line
Check valve and
shut-off valve

Figure 8-15  A dry-well type of lift station.

Sanitary Sewer Systems 201

The hourly variation in sewage flow rates must be known Engineers considered installing variable-speed controls
or estimated in order to design a lift station or to select and on the pumps, which can save energy in applications involv-
specify a suitable prefabricated package unit. Even the small- ing fast or frequent changes in flow rates. Because the sta-
est lift station should have at least two pumps so that one can tion sump acted as a buffer in this application, the outflow
operate while the other is removed from service for mainte- rate did not need to be changed frequently, so variable-speed
nance or repair. Use of these two pumps can be automatically controls were not the answer. Other options involved trim-
alternated so that one will not sit idle for long periods of time. ming the impeller or replacing the original pumps. After
The volume of the wet well should be large enough so analyzing tests performed on the original pumps, the engi-
that the pumps do not cycle on and off too frequently, yet it neers concluded that the best solution would be to install a
should be small enough so that the sewage does not remain smaller pump to operate at lower outflow rates for longer
stagnant for too long. If the wet well is too small, the pumps running periods.
will run continuously or cycle on and off so frequently that The new system includes a 35-hp pump that replaced
they will soon be worn out. If the wet well is too large, the one of the original three pumps. It operates for longer
long detention time of sewage before pumping starts will ­periods, 1 to 2 h on average, but at a lower outflow rate.
lead to anaerobic decomposition and septic conditions in The  lower outflow reduces friction in the piping system,
the lift station. The designer must have reliable flow rate which reduces energy consumption. The original two
data to determine an appropriate wet-well volume. pumps will no longer operate under normal conditions,
It is often more efficient to use a relatively small lift but only during periods with heavy inflow rates. The opti-
pump that operates for longer time interval than would a mized system now delivers sewage at an average flow rate of
larger pump that operates for very brief intervals. For exam- 1930  gpm under normal conditions. Energy consumption
ple, by adding a small booster pump to its Welches Point is estimated to be 176,000 kW>yr, about 17 percent lower
sewage lift station in 1997, the City of Milford, Connecticut, than the old system.
reduced energy consumption at the station by more than In addition to the energy savings, the new design has
3000 kW per month, resulting in an annual savings of sev- increased equipment life and reduced downtime and repair.
eral thousand dollars.2 The Welches Point pump station Frequent starting and stopping of the pumps in the old
was built in 1963 and handled about 2 mgd of raw sewage. system contributed to wear and tear of the equipment and
The station had three identical 75-hp pumps, which were increased maintenance needs. With the new system, less
vertically mounted 40 ft below ground level and driven by stress is placed on the system.
electric motors positioned directly above at ground level.
Each pumped raw sewage to a common header from which
the sewage flowed through a gravity feed header (shared 8-3  Sewer Construction
by several sewage stations) to the main treatment plant. To
After the engineering plan drawings and specifications for
evaluate the pumping station’s efficiency, an analysis of flow
a sewer system are completed, they must be approved by
volume, operating time, and energy consumption was per-
the local regulatory agencies before construction can begin.
formed by city engineers and consultants.
The most common type of sewer construction uses open
The old pump system was designed to operate with
trenches and prefabricated circular pipe sections. Larger
only one pump under normal conditions. One of the pumps
sewer systems or unusual construction situations sometimes
would begin operating when the water level reached a set
require tunneling, jacking of pipe through the soil, or cast-
high-water level and remained on until the water dropped
in-place concrete sewers.
to a designated low-water level. During periods with very
To ensure that there is quality construction and a well-
heavy inflow rates, two pumps operated simultaneously.
built system, careful and continuous surveillance of the proj-
The third pump served as a backup, operating if another
ect by trained inspectors is required. The basic responsibility
pump needed repair. The pumps rarely operated for more
of an inspector during sewer construction is to ensure that
than 15 min during each cycle.
there is compliance with the project plans and specifications.
The sewage station was designed to handle a peak inflow
Some specific tasks of the inspector include the following:
of 3000 gpm. The average inflow rate of sewage is 1700 gpm.
Average flow rates from the station to the local treatment 1. Making sure that each pipe section is uncracked and
plant were estimated at 3350 gpm during normal conditions fully usable
and 4250 gpm with two pumps operating. Each year, the old 2. Checking for proper placement (bedding) of the pipe
pumping system consumed about 212,000 kW of electric sections in the open trench
energy, with an overall system efficiency rated at 73 percent. 3. Checking for proper joining of pipe sections
To increase efficiency, several alternatives were considered,
4. Checking for proper alignment (direction and slope) of
each of which involved pumping water out of the station
the pipeline
more slowly. This would reduce head loss due to friction in
the piping system, thereby reducing energy consumption. 5. Making sure that the pipe is covered (backfilled) prop-
erly with clean fill material
Adapted from WaterWorld, July/August 1997. Used with permission. 6. Determining the need for trench dewatering
202 chapter Eight

Structural Requirements Bedding refers to the way in which the pipe is placed on
the bottom of the trench. Proper bedding always increases
Sewers must be able to support the load caused by the back- the actual supporting strength of the installed pipe above
fill soil above them, called the dead load, and the force due the reported crushing strength value by distributing the
to vehicular traffic, called live load. This is illustrated in load over the pipe circumference. The ratio of the actual
Figure 8-16. The depth of cover, the width of trench, and field supporting strength to the crushing strength is called
the type of backfill material are the key factors that affect the load factor
the dead load. The key factors that affect the load-carrying
capacity of the pipe are the pipe crushing strength and the field supporting strength
type or class of pipe bedding. load factor = (8-1)
crushing strength
The crushing strength of a pipe is determined by a
standard laboratory procedure, and it is specified in terms Another way of expressing this is
of load or force per unit length. The procedure is called a field supporting strength
three-edge bearing test because the load is applied to the test
= load factor * crushing strength
sections only along three “edges” of the pipe barrel: one on
the top and two on the bottom. Minimum required crushing Four types or classes of bedding are illustrated in
strengths for various pipe materials and sizes are published Figure 8-17. Class D bedding is the weakest and least desir-
by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), able type and is not recommended for sewer construction
and pipe manufacturers must meet these requirements. For in most circumstances. The bottom of the trench is left flat,
example, typical values for the crushing strength of VCP are and the barrel of the pipe is not fully supported because of
presented in Table 8-1. the protruding bell ends; backfill is placed loosely over the
pipe without proper compaction.
Class C, called ordinary bedding, has compacted granu-
lar material placed under the pipe and extending partially
up the pipe barrel. This provides good support, with a load
factor of 1.5. In other words, the field supporting strength is
Ground surface 1.5 times greater than the crushing strength.
Class B, or first-class bedding, has the compacted granu-
lar material extending halfway up the pipe barrel, and the
material backfill is carefully compacted over the top of the pipe;
H the load factor is 1.9. In class A bedding, the pipe barrel is
External loads on ­cradled in concrete and the backfill is carefully compacted,
pipe due to weight providing a load factor of 2.8.
of backfill and
passing vehicles In addition to the load factor provided by the pipe bed-
ding, a safety factor is applied to the computations to arrive
at the safe supporting strength of the pipeline, as follows:
Sewer pipe
safe supporting strength
field supporting strength
Figure 8-16  A buried pipeline must be able to resist exter- = (8-2)
nal forces without excessive deflection or cracking. The load safety factor
on the pipe due to backfill depends on the type of soil, the and substituting from Equation 8-1 yields
depth of cover over the pipe crown (H), and the width of
the trench (B). safe supporting strength
load factor * crushing strength
= (8-3)
Table 8-1 Selected Minimum VCP Crushing safety factor
Strengths A safety factor of 1.5 is commonly used for clay or unre-
inforced concrete sewers to compensate for the possibility of
Nominal size Standard strength Extra strength use of poor-quality materials or for faulty construction.
mm (in.) kN , m lb , ft kN , m lb >ft

200 (8) 20.4 1400 32.0 2200

Marston’s Formula  To select an appropriate bedding
condition for a pipeline, the total live load and dead load on
250 (10) 23.2 1600 35.0 2400
the pipe must first be determined. The class of bedding is
300 (12) 26.3 1800 37.9 2600 selected so that the safe supporting strength is equal to or
380 (15) 29.2 2000 42.3 2900 greater than the computed total load on the pipe.
460 (18) 32.0 2200 48.1 3300 For pipes in shallow trenches, such as storm sewers
and some water mains, the vehicular traffic load may be a
Sanitary Sewer Systems 203

Minimum Minimum
Carefully Carefully
300 mm (12 in.) 300 mm (12 in.)
compacted compacted
backfill backfill

Concrete material

Class A Class B
load factor = 2.8 load factor = 1.9

Loose backfill
150 mm
(6 in.)
Lightly compacted

Compacted granular

Class C Class D
load factor = 1.5 load factor = 1.1
Figure 8-17  Different types of pipe bedding conditions affect the safe supporting strength of the pipe.

significant part of the total load; tables are available to help Example 8-4
the designer estimate these live loads. For pipes in relatively A 300-mm-diameter pipe is placed in a 3-m-deep rectan-
deep trenches, however, such as sanitary sewers, the live gular trench that is 0.60 m wide. The trench is backfilled
traffic loads are often insignificant when compared to the with clay that has a unit weight of 18.8 kN>m3. Compute the
dead load due to backfill. For purposes of illustration, we dead load due to backfill that the pipe must support.
consider only the dead load on the pipe.
An equation commonly used to estimate the dead Solution
load due to backfill is known as Marston’s formula and is The cover H is equal to the total trench depth minus the pipe
expressed as follows: diameter, or H = 3 m – 0.3 m = 2.7 m.
W = CwB2 (8-4) The ratio of cover to width is H>B = 2.7>0.6 = 4.5.
From Figure 8-18, read C = 2.6 for clay soil. Now, applying
where W = dead load due to backfill, kN>m (lb>ft) Marston’s formula (Equation 8-4), we have
C = a dimensionless coefficient
W = CwB2 = 2.6 * 18.8 * 0.602 ≈ 18 kN>m
w = unit weight of the backfill soil, kN>m3 (lb>ft3)
B = trench width at the pipe crown, m (ft)
The value of the coefficient C depends on the depth of cover, Example 8-5
the trench width, and the type of backfill material. A chart If the pipe in the previous example is standard strength VCP,
for determining values of C is presented in Figure 8-18. The what class of bedding should be specified for construction,
horizontal axis represents the ratio of cover H to trench using a safety factor of 1.5?
width B.
Typical values of unit weights for a few selected soil Solution
types are presented in Table 8-2. The following simplified From Table 8-1, the crushing strength of a standard-
examples will illustrate the use of Marston’s formula and the strength 300-mm VCP is 26.3 kN>m. From the solution to
analysis of pipe bedding conditions. Example 8-5, the safe supporting strength of the pipeline
204 chapter Eight


Marston's coefficient, C


3.0 Sand and gravel
Saturated top soil
Saturated clay
5.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30
Ratio of cover to width, H/B
Figure 8-18  Values of the C coefficient used in Marston’s formula.
(From Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers, with permission of Civil Engineering/American Society of Civil
Engineers and the Water Pollution Control Federation.)

Table 8-2  Typical Values of Soil Unit Weights Solution

Compute the cover-to-width ratio and determine C:
Unit weight H 11
= = 5.5
Soil type kN , m 3
lb , ft3 B 2

Sand and gravel 17.2 110 From Figure 8-18, C = 3.2. From Table 8-2, read
Clay 18.8 120 w = 130 lb>ft3.
Now, applying Marston’s formula, we get W = 3.2 * 130 *
Saturated clay 20.4 130
2.02, and the dead load W = 1700 lb>ft (rounded to two sig-
nificant figures). The safe supporting strength must be equal
to or greater than this load.
For standard-strength 8-in VCP, the crushing strength
must be equal to (or greater than) the dead load of 18 kN>m.
is equal to 1400 lb>ft. Applying Equation 8-3, we obtain
Applying Equation 8-3 gives
load factor * 1400
1700 =
safe supporting strength 1.5
load factor * crushing strength and
safety factor
1.5 * 1700
load factor * 26.3 kN>m load factor = = 1.8
18 kN>m = 1400
Figure 8-18 shows that class B bedding, which has a
and from this load factor of 1.9, is needed for the standard-strength VCP
in this problem; class C does not have a high enough load
1.5 * 18 factor. For extra-strength VCP, the crushing strength is
load factor = = 1.0
26.3 2200 lb>ft, and recomputing the required load factor yields

According to these computations, class D bedding, 1.5 * 1700

load factor = = 1.2
with a load factor of 1.1, will be adequate. But use of class 2200
D bedding is generally not considered good construction Therefore, if extra-strength pipe rather than standard-
practice, and preferably class C bedding will be specified strength pipe is used, class C bedding with a load factor
instead. of 1.5 will be sufficient. The additional cost for the stronger
pipe may be justified because it could offset the time, mate-
Example 8-6 rial, and money that would be spent for class B bedding.

An 8-in.-diameter VCP sewer is to be placed in a 2-ft-

wide trench with 11 ft of cover. Backfill is saturated clay.
Field Layout and Installation
Determine the required bedding condition for standard- A basic consideration in sewer construction is the accurate
strength as well as for extra-strength pipe, using a safety field layout of the line and grade of the pipeline, as shown in
factor of 1.5. the plan drawings. The line, or horizontal alignment, defines
Sanitary Sewer Systems 205

the location and direction of the pipeline within the ROW. Transit
The grade, or pipe slope, must also be accurately established
to provide the required hydraulic capacity of the system.
In the construction survey, the location of the sewer
trench is usually established and laid out as an offset line,
which runs parallel to the proposed sewer centerline. The
Line of sight to next manhole
offset line is marked by wooden stakes driven into the transferred to laser beam
ground at uniform intervals, usually about 15 m (50 ft)
long. The offset line is far enough away from the pipe cen-
terline so that it will not be disturbed during construction, Pipe Laser beam Target held by worker
yet it is close enough so that transfer of measurements to laser set at pipe slope in end of pipe
the excavated trench can readily be done by the builder.
The offset stakes may be set so that their tops are a specific
height above the required trench bottom. They can then be
used periodically to check the depth of the trench during
excavation. Invert adjusted
Two methods are used to set the pipe sections prop- until beam hits target center
erly in the open trench: batter boards and lasers. The batter Figure 8-20  In modern sewer construction, laser beams
board method is the older of the two, but the application of are used to establish the specified slope of the pipe; the laser
low-power laser instruments in surveying and construction beam is set in the proper horizontal direction with a transit
activities is becoming more popular. Placing the pipe using or electronic theodolite.
lasers is more accurate, quicker, and less labor intensive than
using the traditional batter board method. Nevertheless, Invert elevations are set and checked using a vertical rod
batter boards are still sometimes used in sewer construction. marked off in even increments. The lower end of the rod
is placed on the pipe invert, and the batter board string is
Batter Boards  After the trench has been excavated, bat- checked to see if it matches with the proper elevation mark
ter boards are set across the trench at uniform intervals, as on the rod. If it does not match with the required mark, an
shown in Figure 8-19. The tops of the boards are usually appropriate adjustment of the pipe invert elevation is made
set at some even height above the required sewer invert by a worker in the trench.
­elevation. The sewer centerline is marked on the boards by
extending a line of sight with a transit or theodolite; a string Lasers A laser is an instrument that can project an intense
is stretched from board to board along this line. but narrow beam of light for a long distance. This pencil-thin
The centerline is transferred down into the trench with light beam is aimed through a pipe and can be seen on a target
a plumb-bob line held against the top centerline string. placed in the other end of the pipe, as shown in Figure 8-20.
The laser is securely mounted in the manhole, and
the slope of the light beam is accurately set to match the
Centerline string required slope of the pipe. A transit or theodolite mounted
Batter board
above the manhole is used to establish pipe alignment from
field reference points and to transfer the alignment down to
the laser instrument. Lasers can maintain accuracies in the
pipe slope of 0.01 percent over a distance of up to 300 m
(1000 ft). In other words, the invert elevations can be set
accurately to within 30 mm in a 1000-m length of pipeline
(0.1 ft in a 1000-ft-long pipeline).
Centerline transferred
into trench with Excavation  The most common type of equipment used
Rod to plumb bob for digging a sewer trench is the backhoe, although this may
check invert
vary depending on the depth and type of material (soil or
rock) being excavated. The trench width should be kept
as narrow as possible while allowing enough room for a
worker. Keeping the trench narrow not only reduces excava-
tion costs, but it also reduces the backfill load on the pipe.
Generally, a minimum working room allowance of at least
300 mm (1 ft) from each side of the pipe is required.
For safety, the sides of trenches more than 1.5 m (5 ft)
Figure 8-19  Batter board method of construction for a deep must be benched, sloped, shored or shielded to pre-
sewer line. vent collapse and to protect workers. Benching is a means of
206 chapter Eight

protecting workers from cave-ins by excavating the sides of pipe sections so that excessive infiltration through the joints
an excavation to form one or a series of horizontal levels or will not be a problem.
steps, usually with vertical or near-vertical surfaces between Backfilling of the sewer trench should be done imme-
levels. Sloping involves cutting back the trench wall at an diately after the pipe has been placed at the proper grade.
angle inclined away from the excavation. Shoring requires The backfill must not contain boulders or large cobbles,
installing aluminum hydraulic or other types of supports frozen material, tree stumps, or other debris. It should be
to prevent soil movement and cave-ins. Shielding protects placed and compacted in uniform layers about 150 mm (6
workers by using trench boxes or other types of supports to in.) deep to a height of about 300 mm (1 ft) above the top
prevent soil cave-ins. of the pipe; after that, backfilling can usually proceed more
If the trench is flooded with groundwater that seeps in rapidly.
through the bottom and sides, dewatering with a pump or
well-point system may be necessary. The effect of a well- Trenchless Construction  In locations where it is not
point system on lowering the groundwater table in the vicin- practical to excavate long open trenches for sewer (or water)
ity of the trench is illustrated in Figure 8-21. pipeline installations, such as in congested urban areas and
where it is necessary to cross a road, stream, or an environ-
Placement and Backfill  Installation of gravity flow mentally sensitive area, it may be possible to use trenchless
systems should generally start downstream, at or near the construction methods. A trenchless technique called hori-
interconnection point, and progress upstream. This allows zontal directional drilling, for example, can be used to install
for some adjustment from the design grade to occur during pipelines up to 2000 m (6600 ft) long and 1.2 m (48 in) in
construction to accommodate unforeseen problems. Pipe diameter. The feasibility of this method, which uses a steer-
segments should be oriented with the pipe bell upstream able drilling rig, depends on soil and rock conditions. Pipes
and the spigot downstream. This reduces the risk of rubble made of steel or ductile iron, PVC, and other materials, can
being scooped under the gasket and it is easier to insert the be pushed (or pulled) through the drilled hole.
spigot into the bell than it is to push the bell over the spigot. The drilling starts in an entrance pit that provides space
The importance of proper bedding design was d ­ iscussed for the drill rig and for the removal of drilled material and
in the previous section. Improper bedding can significantly drilling fluid (water and polymer lubricant). Directional
reduce the supporting strength of the pipe, causing pipe control of the drilling head is essential so as to avoid damage
deflection, cracking, and excessive infiltration. Of prime to any underground utilities in the area. This can be done
concern in bedding is that the entire length of pipe barrel using an electromagnetic guidance system that transmits
be uniformly supported by the soil or the gravel bed under and detects a signal to verify the location of the drill head;
the pipe. The pipe sections should be handled carefully and gyro guided systems can also be used. The operator of the
placed with minimum disturbance of the supporting mate- drill must have complete information about the location of
rial on the trench bottom. Care must be taken in joining any existing underground utilities.

Header pipe connected

to other wellpoints
and to pump

Water level in
trench without
Original water table pumping

Water table wellpoint
because of pumping
water table

Figure 8-21  A series of well points attached to the main header pipe and a pump can be used to dewater a trench that
­contains groundwater.
Sanitary Sewer Systems 207

8-4 Infiltration and Newly constructed sewer lines must be tested to ensure

compliance with infiltration specifications before they are
put into service. Older systems may also be tested to deter-
When a gravity sewer line lies below the groundwater table, mine the extent of leakage. The objective is to ensure that
the groundwater will seep into the sewer through poorly tax dollars will not be spent on expensive new treatment
constructed pipe joints, cracked pipe sections, and leaky plants or treatment plant additions that would have oper-
manhole structures. This flow of groundwater into the sys- ating problems due to hydraulic overloads. This process
tem is called infiltration. of examining the integrity of older systems is called an
Control of infiltration depends primarily on the qual- I/I survey.
ity of construction of the pipeline. Even in well-constructed There are several methods of infiltration and inflow
sewer systems, there will be some infiltration; building a testing, including direct measurement, exfiltration test-
completely watertight gravity flow pipeline is neither feasi- ing, smoke testing, and low-pressure air testing. Video
ble nor economical. Generally, up to 45 L>d per millimeter of inspections can also be performed to locate displaced joints,
pipe diameter per kilometer of pipe length (45 L>d>mm>km) cracked pipe, and illegal connections.
is allowed in the specifications for a sewer construction proj- Direct measurement for infiltration in a new sewer is
ect. This is roughly equivalent to 500 gal>d per inch of pipe done when the pipeline lies below the groundwater table
diameter per mile of pipe length (500 gal>d>in.>mi). at the time of the test and before service connections are
made. A V-notch weir can be placed in the end of a known
Example 8-7 length of the sewer line to gage the flow; any flow in the
What is the total allowable rate of infiltration in a 1500 m-long, line must be infiltration. Direct measurement can also be
200-mm-diameter lateral sewer if 45 L>d>mm>km is accept- done as part of an I/I survey of an existing sewer system.
able? How does it compare to the minimum pipe capacity? But in existing systems, flow measurements must be made
at about 3 am, when little or no sanitary flow would be
Solution expected.
The allowable infiltration is computed as follows: If a new sewer must be tested for watertightness when
it lies above the water table, as is often the case, an exfiltra-
45 L>d>mm>km * 200 mm * 1.5 km = 13 500 L>d tion test is conducted in lieu of direct measurement. This is,
The minimum capacity of a 200-mm pipe is the dis- in effect, just the opposite of measuring infiltration: It mea-
charge that would have a self-cleansing velocity of 0.6 m>s. sures the flow going out of the pipeline instead of the flow
Using Manning’s nomograph in Figure 8-21, read a dis- coming in. After plugging the pipes as shown in Figure 8-22,
charge of 0.019 m3>s, or 19 L>s. Converting to L>d gives the reach of sewer being tested is filled with water. The
reach is kept flooded for a few hours so that entrapped air
19 L>s * 3600 s>h * 24 h>d ≈ 1,600,000 L>d can be removed and the pipeline material becomes saturated
The ratio of infiltration to pipe capacity is therefore with water.
If water is leaking out of the sewer line, the water level
13 500 in the manhole will be observed to drop in elevation. By
= 0.008 or 0.8 percent
1,600,000 measuring the amount of drop in the water surface over a
This amount of infiltration is negligible compared to the known interval of time, the rate of exfiltration can be com-
pipe capacity. puted. Obviously, if the water can leak out of the pipe, it is
an indication of a potential infiltration problem during wet-
Stormwater runoff that enters a sewer system through weather and high groundwater-table conditions.
poorly sealed manhole covers or adjusting rings, or that
comes from intentional (but illegal) connections to residential Example 8-8
roof drains and basement sump pumps on private property, is An exfiltration test is conducted on a 400-ft-long, 12-in-
called inflow. Most communities have sewer-use ordinances diameter sewer reach. The water level in a 4-ft-diameter
that prohibit roof or cellar drain connections to the sanitary manhole is observed to drop 2 in in 1 h. Compute the rate of
sewer, in an attempt to control the inflow problem. exfiltration in terms of gallons per day per inch of diameter
It is important to prevent excessive infiltration or inflow per mile of pipe.
in a sanitary sewer for two basic reasons:
1. Too much infiltration and inflow can cause surcharging The volume of water that leaked out of the system is equal
of the sewer system during wet-weather periods. to the product of the manhole cross-sectional area and the
2. Sewage treatment plants are not designed to handle drop in water elevation. This is computed as follows:
the extra volume of water from infiltration and inflow.
During wet weather, the rapid increase of flow through area = pD2 >4 = p * 42 >4 = 12.6 ft2
the treatment plant causes hydraulic overloading and drop = 2 in * 1 ft>12 in = 0.167 ft
failure of the treatment process. volume = 12.6 ft2 * 0.167 ft = 2.1 ft3
208 chapter Eight

Add water to
specific level

Time drop of water level

Plug pipe
"exfiltration" Plug pipe

Figure 8-22  An exfiltration test is one method used to judge the watertightness of a new sanitary sewer.

Converting the volume to gallons yields to capture and reuse stormwater runoff in environmentally
volume = 2.1 ft * 7.5 gal>ft ≈ 16 gal 3 sustainable ways. In other words, rather than building struc-
tural facilities (sometimes called “grey infrastructure”) to
sewer length = 400 ft * 1 mi>5280 ft
control stormwater runoff (e.g., pipelines, concrete lined
= 0.076 mi channels, surface storage basins, and deep-tunnel storage fa-
Because the time interval for the drop was 1 h, cilities), the goal is to provide mostly nonstructural facilities
and areas for stormwater conveyance, storage, evapotrans-
leakage rate = 16 gal>h * 24 h>d = 384 gal>d
piration, infiltration and aquifer recharge and to maintain
and natural hydrologic patterns.
exfiltration = 384 gal>d , 12 in , 0.076 mi Green infrastructure facilities include use of porous
pavements, native landscaping, greenways, bio-swales,
≈ 420 gal>d>in>mi
green roofs, rain gardens, wetlands, detention ponds, and
The tightness of construction of a sewer system can also others (see Section 9-3). Sometimes there may be conflicts
be evaluated by using a low-pressure air testing procedure; between use of green infrastructure and infiltration prob-
the pressure used is about 28 kPa, or 4 psi. Specifications for lems in sanitary sewers. For example, it would not be helpful
allowable air loss rates, in terms of pressure drop, are used to retain and store runoff in an area where there are leaky
in lieu of allowable infiltration or exfiltration rates. In the air sewer pipes. It is important for a municipality to coordinate
pressure test, the sewer pipes are tightly plugged with special both I/I control efforts with the use of green infrastructure
air-lock balls or other devices that allow the introduction of strategies, so as not to exacerbate existing SSO problems. In
pressurized air into the sewer reach. The time it takes for the some cases it may be necessary to first repair and rehabilitate
air pressure to drop 7 kPa (1 psi) is determined. This time is a large section of a sewer line before applying green infra-
compared to a specified allowable time, which is a function structure technology.
of the pipe length and diameter. If the pressure drops in less
than this specified allowable time, the sewer line has failed
the test and repairs must be made. 8-5  Sewer Rehabilitation
Smoke testing can be used effectively to locate sewer
Sewer systems are clearly an important part of urban infra-
leaks or illegal sources of inflow. In the smoke test, a sewer
structure. But unlike other types of infrastructure, such as
reach is isolated (but flow is not completely blocked), and
highways and bridges that are quite visible to the public,
smoke from a nontoxic smoke bomb is forced through by a
sewers receive almost no attention once they are put in the
blower. The smoke will appear above ground wherever there
ground in many communities. The old saying, “Out of sight,
is a hole or crack in the pipe. It also will appear rising from
out of mind,” seems to apply to sewerage systems.
the roof drain on a home where there is an illegal connection
Often, little thought is given to the need for mainte-
to the sewer line.
nance of wastewater collection systems, and only a bare
minimum of funds is allocated for this purpose. As a result,
Green Infrastructure and I/I Control  Infiltration and many sewer systems in the United States are in a state of dis-
inflow into sanitary sewers and manholes is a major cause repair. They are leaky and carry large volumes of infiltration
of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). Green infrastructure ap- water, frequently become blocked and surcharge as a result,
plications aimed at the reduction of SSOs involve strategies and occasionally even collapse. (Aboveground infrastructure
Sanitary Sewer Systems 209

also suffers from lack of maintenance; in 2013, the American Chemical, catalyst, and
Society of Civil Engineers issued its Report Card for America’s air pressure feed lines: also Winch
Infrastructure, assigning an average letter-grade of “D+” to power source for TV camera
the country’s infrastructure status. An estimated $3.6 trillion
is needed by 2020 to remedy this situation.)
The cost of excavating and replacing a section of a Sealing packer
poorly functioning sewer system is very high. It is usually
TV camera
more economical to apply one of several available meth-
ods to repair and rehabilitate the system internally, with-
out having to excavate it. It is even more economical for
municipalities and sewer agencies to have continuing sewer Manhole assembly roller
maintenance programs designed to prevent unnecessary
Figure 8-23  In small sewers, a sealing packer can be pulled
deterioration of the system in the first place. through the line for repair.
(From Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation, with permission of Civil
Pipeline Repair Engineering/American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Pollution
Control Federation.)
There are several methods of restoring flow capacity, or seal-
ing of leaks in sewer lines, that do not require excavation. To
a certain extent, the structural integrity of a pipe weakened
by crown corrosion can also be strengthened, as long as a
complete collapse has not already occurred. The particular
method selected depends on the nature of the problem, the
need to maintain flow during the repair, possible traffic dis- Hand-held probe
ruption, safety, and cost.
Cleaning and Inspection  Sewer lines must be cleaned Chemical, catalyst, Sealing
and air pressure ring
before a visual inspection and the selected rehabilitation
feed lines
efforts can be made. Flushing the line, that is, using a fire
hose attached to a hydrant and discharging the flow into a Figure 8-24  In large sewers, workers must enter the line for
manhole, is a common cleaning method. But this must be repairs.
done with caution to prevent backups into nearby houses (From Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation, with permission of Civil
connected to the system. Engineering/American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Pollution
Control Federation.)
Another cleaning method for sewers without serious
blockages makes use of a soft rubber ball that is inflated
to match the diameter of the pipe and then pulled by rope for excavation. The gel- or foam-type grouts that are used
through a reach between manholes. Sometimes, power solidify after being forced into the joints or cracks under
rodding machines can be used for mechanical cleaning of pressure. In small or medium sewer lines, a sealing packer
a line with blockages. In sewers with accumulations of grit with inflatable rubber sleeves can be pulled through a reach
because of relatively low-flow velocities, power winches of the system, as illustrated in Figure 8-23. Closed-circuit
can be used to pull a bucket through the line to scrape up TV is used to ­position the packer over the joint or crack to
the deposits. Whichever method of cleaning is used, col- be repaired.
lected sediment and debris should be removed and dis- In larger-diameter sewer lines, workers must enter the
posed of properly. line to place a sealing ring manually over the defective joint,
After cleaning, inspections can be made with a flash- as illustrated in Figure 8-24. The grout is pumped through a
light during low-flow periods. A much more thorough hand-held probe. The air in the sewer must be tested for car-
inspection can be accomplished, however, using closed- bon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and explosive gases before
circuit television systems. TV inspection allows accurate the workers enter, and appropriate safety precautions must
location of leaks, root intrusion, and structural problems. be taken.
The camera is pulled through a sewer reach on a special
mounting, and a photographic or videotape record of the Linings  Larger sewers with structural damage caused by
inspection is made. crown corrosion can be reinforced by applying an internal
lining of gunite, which is a mixture of fine sand, cement, and
Grouting  Sealing leaks with chemical grout in struc- water. Gunite is applied pneumatically by spraying; it ad-
turally sound sewer lines is a common method for reha- heres to the vertical and overhead surfaces of the pipe. Long
bilitation. The grout is applied internally to joints, holes, or lengths of concrete sewers can be effectively renewed with a
cracks using special tools and techniques, without the need gunite lining.
210 chapter Eight

Winch assembly Liner pipe Pipe support

Ramp for two-way roller
insertion Minimum of Minimum of
12 x liner 2.5 x D

Remote manhole Existing pipe Cable attached

or access pit to guide cone "Pull" method
Figure 8-25  Sliplining is one method used to repair cracked sewers.
(From Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation, with permission of Civil Engineering/American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Pollution
Control Federation.)

A method called sliplining can be used to rehabilitate may be resealed in place by applying hydraulic cement and a
extensively cracked pipelines. This involves pulling a flex- waterproof epoxy coating.
ible plastic liner pipe into the existing pipe and then recon- Sometimes an effective way to reduce inflow is to
necting individual service connections to the liner. This is raise the frame and cover by adding a manhole adjusting
illustrated in Figure 8-25. Sometimes the narrow annular or extension ring and by coating the exposed portion with
space between the liner and the old pipe is filled with grout cement or asphalt. Another method is to insert a concave
to prevent movement. Multiple excavations are required to circular receptacle below the manhole cover, supported by
reconnect each service line to the new liner. the frame; joint sealing tape is applied at the junction of
A method for sewer main repair that avoids the need the receptacle and frame to make it watertight. The insert,
for service-line excavations is called inverse lining or cured- which has pressure and vacuum relief vents, prevents water
in-place pipe (CIPP). In a CIPP installation, a custom-fitted and grit from entering the manhole, but allows gas to escape
liner that is saturated with thermoplastic resins is inserted through the vents.
into the existing pipeline. The liner is installed through a Concrete manholes are also subject to sulfuric acid
tube placed in a manhole, using water or air pressure to push corrosion and therefore sometimes need structural reha-
it through the pipe. When the liner is in place, the water or bilitation. Severe structural deterioration is usually solved
air is heated to begin the resin curing (hardening) process. by excavating and replacing the manhole and applying cor-
The hardened liner effectively forms a new pipe inside the rective measures to eliminate the cause of deterioration.
old pipe. A special cutting device can then be used with a Structural repair of less severely damaged manholes first
closed-circuit TV camera to locate and reopen the service involves removal of the deteriorated materials, using water,
connections. The jointless liner is smooth and typically sandblasting, or mechanical tools. The remaining material
improves the flow capacity. An example of the use of CIPP is then stabilized using special chemical preparations, high-
technology is a project in Naperville, Illinois, where about strength patching mortar is used to fill in surface irregulari-
5.5 km (3.5 mi) of sanitary sewer mains were rehabilitated ties, and a lining or coating is then applied.
in 2013. One of the most common manhole maintenance prob-
A section of the combined sewer system in Portland, lems is infiltration of groundwater through the sidewall and
Oregon, for example, which is more than a century old, base and around pipe entrances. Chemical grouting can be
was rehabilitated using an inversion lining of this kind in used effectively to solve this problem. It is less costly than
the mid-1990s. A similar lining process using carbon fiber lining or coating methods, and it does not require prior sur-
reinforced polymer (CFRP) is finding more recent applica- face restoration. The cracks and openings are sealed by pres-
tions. CFRP liners are applied directly to the inner surface of sure injection of gel or foam grouting materials.
the pipe, and are resistant to damage from harsh chemicals. Service or house connections are small-diameter pipe-
They replace the old pipe material lost to corrosion, and can lines of 100 mm (4 in) that connect the lateral sewer line in
restore the original structural integrity of the line. the street to the buildings it serves. Also called building sew-
ers or service laterals, they can be as long as 30 m (100 ft).
The section of the service connection between the sewer line
Manholes and Service Connections and the property line is installed and maintained by the local
Manholes often need repair to eliminate surface water inflow public works or sewer department; the section between the
or groundwater infiltration. Inflow can enter the manhole property line and the building’s drainage system is installed
through holes in the manhole cover, through spaces between under local plumbing or building code regulations and must
the cover and the frame, through the adjusting rings and be maintained by the property owner.
under the frame itself if it is poorly sealed. Self-sealing Defects in service connections, including cracked or
frames and covers are available, but the seals are often dam- open-jointed pipes, can be the cause of a significant por-
aged by heavy traffic, road work, or snowplowing. Frames tion of the infiltration problem in a sewerage system. This is
Sanitary Sewer Systems 211

because the total length of service connections in a commu- alignments between manholes, as are conventional sewers.
nity is often greater than the length of sewer mains. In view Cleanouts for inspection and maintenance are used more
of this often-neglected fact, repair of service connections is frequently than are manholes because they are less costly
an important aspect of a sewer system rehabilitation effort. and can be more tightly sealed. (Vents in the household
Several methods are available for applying chemical grout plumbing are sufficient to allow free-flowing conditions in
as a repair material, and the inversion lining method can be the collector mains, although in some cases air release valves
used. Efforts also must be made to eliminate illegal hookups may be necessary.)
of roof drains and basement sump pumps to service connec- Because the main collector in a SDGS system does
tions on private property to reduce the inflow problem. not have to carry grease, grit, and sewage solids, as does a
conventional sewer main, it does not have to be designed
to maintain self-cleansing velocities. This means that pipe
8-6 Alternative gradients (slopes) and depths of excavation can be reduced,
Wastewater lowering the construction costs. In some places, the main
can be placed below the hydraulic grade line, and the
Collection Systems alignment may be curved between cleanouts or manholes
Under certain circumstances, particularly in rural com- to avoid obstacles. Lift stations may be necessary where
munities, the cost of conventional gravity sewer systems topography does not permit gravity flow. The SDGS col-
can be prohibitively high. Consequently, alternative sew- lector may discharge to a nearby sewage treatment plant,
age collection systems have been developed to provide to a nearby conventional gravity sewer, or to a centralized
lower-cost options. These include small-diameter gravity subsurface disposal field (see Section 10-5 for details about
sewer (SDGS) systems, pressure sewers, and vacuum sew- subsurface disposal).
ers. In addition to providing low-cost options, alternative SDGS systems are well suited for small rural commu-
systems can minimize potential problems related to flat nities and low-density residential and commercial devel-
topography, high groundwater tables, and adverse soil or opments on the fringes of larger urban areas. They are
rock conditions. In some cases, an alternative collection usually not suitable in relatively high-density areas due to
system (ACS) can be less costly than a conventional sys- the costs for installing and maintaining (periodic clean-
tem, even if the aforementioned problem conditions are ing) the interceptor tanks. Several hundred SDGS systems
not present. In fact, the EPA now recommends that an have been installed in the United States since the 1980s,
ACS be considered for all communities with populations and their use is increasing. In some places, they are also
between 3500 and 10,000 people, during the planning called variable-grade sewers (VGSs) or common effluent
stages of the project. drains (CEDs).
ACSs use lightweight plastic pipes buried at shallower
depths and with fewer joints as compared to conventional Pressure Sewers  Pressure sewer mains are typically 50
systems. These two common characteristics offer the abil- to 150-mm (2 to 6 in.)-diameter pipes buried at least 0.75 m
ity for ACS installations to reduce construction costs. But (30 in.) below the ground surface (i.e., below the frost line).
the need for a properly trained staff for operation and main- Each home (or small group of homes) uses a grinder pump
tenance is also a common feature of ACSs, and it may be to discharge wastewater into the main sewer, which can fol-
a restrictive factor in some rural communities. In addition, low the natural ground profile. (Figure 8-26). The pump
the shallow burial depth of the pipelines increases the poten-
tial for damage (e.g., from excavation projects or heavy traf-
fic loads), and good engineering design and management is
needed to minimize this problem, including maintenance of
high-quality as-built drawings.

Small-Diameter Gravity Sewers  In SDGS systems, 1

wastewater from each house flows by gravity into buried 2
watertight interceptor tanks, which remove the floating and Main Sewer
settleable solids from the wastewater. (Interceptor tanks are 1 Control panel
typically single-chamber septic tanks, which are discussed 2 Buried electrical cable
3 Electrical junction box
in more detail in Section 10-5.) A service lateral, typically 4 4 Sewage flow from home
about 75 mm (3 in) in diameter, connects each interceptor 8
7 5 Plumbing disconnect
tank to a main collector sewer. The service laterals may in- 6 Shutoff value
7 Service line to main
clude check valves to prevent backflow. 9 10 8 Level sensors
Collector mains, typically about 100 mm (4 in) in 9 Check valve
diameter, are placed in trenches at sufficient depth to col- 10 Grinder pump
lect wastewater from most service laterals by gravity. The Figure 8-26  Pressure sewer.
mains are not necessarily laid on uniform slopes or straight (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991)
212 chapter Eight

(typically using a 2-hp motor) grinds wastewater solids into that is located in an external valve pit or sump. The valve pits
slurry before it is pumped into the main sewer. The service are located near a property line; however, no vacuum line
line from the grinder pump to the sewer is typically about extends onto private property. As sewage fills the sump, air is
40 mm (1.5 in) in diameter. compressed in a sensor tube that is connected to a valve con-
Pressure sewers are most suitable and cost effective in troller. A preset pressure activates the valve, which stays open
areas where expensive rock excavation would be required for just a few seconds and allows about 40 L (10 gal) of sewage
if conventional sewers were used, in very flat areas where to be propelled by differential pressure into the vacuum main.
lift stations would be required to limit trench excavation The vacuum main conveys the wastewater to the vacuum
depths, in areas where groundwater tables are high and station, which is the “heart” of the vacuum sewer system. A
dewatering is not feasible, and in areas where the topogra- typical neighborhood layout is shown in Figure 8-27. There
phy simply does not favor gravity collection (e.g., in low- are no manholes in the system; instead, division valves are
lying areas where the sewer lines have to be built up slope installed in branches to allow for isolation and repairs.
of the houses). The vacuum sewer main, typically 100- to 150-mm (4
Hundreds of pressure sewer systems are in operation in to 6 in)-diameter plastic pipe, is installed in a “sawtooth”
the United States, each serving 50 to 200 homes. A few systems layout to prevent excessive excavation in flat t­errain and
serve more than 1000 homes, and the application of pressure to ensure  adequate vacuum levels at the end of each line.
system technology is growing. In some developments, septic Wastewater travels up to 5.5 m>s (18 ft>s) to the vacuum
tank effluent pump (STEP) systems are used, in which the ­station (Figure 8-28). The vacuum station, typically a con-
home septic tank first provides primary treatment. crete block building, functions as transfer facility between a
central collection point for the vacuum sewer mains and a
Vacuum Sewers  Vacuum sewers were patented in the pressurized line (or force main) leading directly to a treat-
United States as long ago as 1888, and they have been used ment plant. The station includes a collection tank, vacuum
in Europe for more than 100 years. Advancements in the pumps, wastewater pumps, and pump controls.
technology since the mid-1970s have lead to increased ac- The collection tank (steel or fiberglass) serves the
ceptance of vacuum (negative-pressure) systems as a viable same purpose as a wet well in a conventional lift station.
ACS choice for many communities. Although design details The vacuum pumps produce the negative pressure neces-
vary among the vacuum sewer systems currently available sary for wastewater flow to the station. Nonclog wastewa-
and in use, the underlying concepts for their operation are ter discharge pumps deliver the sewage to a force main (or
similar. In addition to gravity, differential air pressure is conventional gravity sewer), and then to a treatment plant.
used to move the wastewater, and a central source of electric They have sufficient net positive suction head to overcome
power to run the vacuum pumps is required to maintain a the collection tank vacuum. Level control probes regulate
negative pressure on the collection system. the discharge pumps, and vacuum switches regulate the vac-
In the vacuum sewer system described here, a traditional uum pumps. Modern design advancements have resulted in
gravity sewer pipeline carries wastewater from one or more vacuum systems that are very reliable with routine operating
buildings (up to four) to a vacuum–gravity interface valve and maintenance efforts.

Figure 8-27  Typical layout of a vacuum sewer system.

(Courtesy of Bilfinger AIRVAC Water Technologies, Inc.)
Sanitary Sewer Systems 213

Collection tank

Customer Valve pit Vacuum sewer main Vacuum station

Gravity service lines Vacuum plant
from up to 4 customers pumps pumps

Figure 8-28  Schematic view of a vacuum sewer piping arrangement.

(Courtesy of Bilfinger AIRVAC Water Technologies, Inc.)

An example of an application of vacuum sewers is factors can be selected from a user-customizable extreme
the system is installed by the Englewood Water District in flow factor library.
southwest Florida.3 This system, which serves 10,000 cus- As discussed in Section 7-6, geographic information
tomers at a cost estimated to be 25 percent less than the cost systems (GIS) are finding widespread use in many areas of
of a conventional gravity system, was built over a period of environmental technology, including the management of
about fifteen years, beginning in 1996. Comprising seven sewer infrastructure. Several available sewer modeling pro-
separate vacuum stations and 3000 vacuum valves, it is one grams work in conjunction with GIS software, making it
of the largest vacuum sewer systems in the world. possible to quickly integrate and analyze information in a
unique way. For example, with GIS technology and house-
hold water billing information, it is possible to simulate the
8-7 Computer discharge of wastewater into the septic systems in a neigh-
borhood close to a wetland area (septic systems are discussed
Applications and GIS in Section 10-5). The water bills show how much water is
Several commercially available computer software programs used at each address. Because the amount of wastewater is
are available for existing sewer system capacity analysis and proportional to the amount of water used, areas of excessive
rehabilitation, new sewer system design, and master plan- septic discharges and possible water pollution problems can
ning for wastewater collection systems. Sewer modeling be located on a map. The way that a wide variety of data can
programs have graphical interfaces and data exchange capa- be stored as different “layers” of information in a GIS makes
bilities that facilitate the development of complex hydraulic it possible to depict spatial relationships and perform com-
models of combined gravity and pressure sewer networks. plex analyses, as in this example and in many other environ-
The gravity portion of the sewer system can be designed and mental applications.
analyzed for either uniform flow or gradually varied flow An example of the use of GIS to improve a munici-
conditions. The graphical editor and scenario management pal sewer system is the system implemented by the city of
capabilities allow the timely analysis of a large number of New Hartford, New York. This mapping system contains
design alternatives or the finding of potential problems in documents and photographs linked to sewer components
an existing system. Modeling software can be used to track that serve 11,000 homes. Sewer maps were scanned and
sewer system response to an unlimited range of dry- and digitized, forming seven GIS layers that include sewer lines,
wet-weather flow combinations clean-outs, manholes, force mains, pumping stations, later-
The automatic design capabilities of the programs allow als, and interceptors. Attribute data include addresses, ele-
design of the sewer system based on user-defined constraints vations, diameters, materials, slopes, and survey line station-
for flow velocity, soil cover, and pipe slope. The programs ing. Field technicians can readily identify site locations and
can also accommodate partially full pipes, multiple paral- view information needed for operation and maintenance of
lel sections, pipe invert/crown matching criteria, and drop the sewerage system, and engineers can use the GIS database
manholes. A dry-weather flow library can be customized to for planning future construction needs.
include population, area, discharge, and dry-weather flows.
Wet-weather flows, inflow, and infiltration can be added to
the model as lump sums; in terms of pipe length, pipe diam- 8-8  Chapter Synopsis
eter, or pipe surface area; or based on a unit count. Peak flow
A sewage collection system is a network of pipes, pumping
stations, and other appurtenances that conveys wastewater
Courtesy of Bilfinger AIRVAC Water Technologies, Inc. to a point of treatment and disposal. In many large cities in
214 chapter Eight

the United States, combined sewers were originally built to be accounted for in the design flows. In the United States,
carry stormwater and sanitary (domestic) sewage, and most the average sewage discharge is about 400 L>d per person
of these older systems are still in use today. Modern prac- (roughly 100 gpcd).
tice is to build separate sewer systems. Domestic sewage is Sewers are placed deep enough in the ground to receive
collected in sanitary sewers, and storm runoff is collected in wastewater flow by gravity from service connections to the
storm sewers. The volume of sanitary sewage is small when homes and buildings, typically at depths of at least 2 m
compared to stormwater flows. Separate sewer systems pro- (6 ft) above the crown (top) of the pipe. The slope or grade
tect sewage treatment plants from excessive wet-weather of the sewer follows the slope of the ground as much as
flows and minimize the occurrence of combined sewer over- possible, to minimize excavation costs. But both slope
flows, which cause water pollution. and diameter must be selected so that flow velocities are
Lateral sewers collect sewage from homes or buildings. within an acceptable range (typically 0.6–3 m>s). If the
Laterals connect to larger pipes called submains, which flow velocity is too low, solids settle out and clog the pipe;
in turn connect to even larger trunk lines or interceptors. very high velocities cause damage to the pipe wall from
The trunk lines carry the raw sewage to a treatment facil- sand and grit carried in the sewage. Lateral sewers are gen-
ity, generally located in the lowest part of the service area. erally not less than 200 mm (8 in) in diameter, regardless
Most flow in sewers is open channel, gravity flow, because of how small the peak design flow is, to reduce the occur-
the pipes flow only partially full. Sometimes sewage must rence of pipe blockages. Pipe-invert elevations are deter-
be pumped through force mains under pressure to a treat- mined after the diameters and slopes are specified. When
ment plant or to a point from which it can again flow by it is not possible for a sewer line to follow the downward
gravity. Sewer lines must be strong and durable to resist the slope of the ground, or when it becomes necessary to
abrasive and corrosive properties of the wastewater, and to pump the sewage up from a low point to a higher eleva-
withstand soil backfill and traffic loads. Sewer sections may tion, a sewage lift station can be built. Special nonclog
be made of VCP, RCP, AC pipe, PVC pipe, plastic truss centrifugal pumps in the lift station can pump the sewage
pipe, or DIP. under pressure into a force main.
Sewers are generally located in the public ROW, near Sewer lines are generally constructed in open
the center of the street, to serve houses on both sides. trenches with prefabricated circular pipe sections. Very
Structures called manholes provide access to the pipeline large systems may require tunneling or cast-in-place
for cleaning, repair, sampling, and flow measurement. concrete sewers. Sewers must support significant backfill
They are often made of cylindrical precast concrete sec- loads and traffic loads, and require proper pipe bedding
tions, about 1.25 m (4 ft) in diameter. A cast-iron frame and backfill construction methods. A design procedure
and cover carry traffic loads and keep surface water from using Marston’s formula to select a proper bedding con-
entering. Manholes are located over the pipe centerline figuration is often used. The formula accounts for the unit
at changes in pipeline diameter, slope, or direction, and weight of the backfill soil, the strength of the pipe mate-
at all pipe intersections. When the sewer line has to cross rial, and the trench dimensions. A construction survey
under a highway or stream, the section that goes under must be conducted to provide line and grade markers on
the obstruction and flows full, under pressure, is called the ground so the pipeline can be installed in the proper
an inverted siphon. When a lateral sewer joins a deeper direction and at the specified depth and slope. Offset
submain sewer, a drop-manhole is used, to minimize stakes and batter boards are often used to guide pipeline
excavation requirements. The construction drawings for construction. Laser beam instruments are also used to
a sewer system show plan and profile details, including establish the slope of the pipe in the trench. Suitable back-
location, depth, diameter, and slope. The drawings also fill soil must be placed in thin layers and carefully com-
show manhole locations and pipe-invert (bottom interior) pacted above the pipe. Newly constructed sewers must
elevations. be tested to ensure compliance with maximum allowable
Sewers must be designed to carry peak flow rates. infiltration specifications. Direct measurement, exfiltra-
Typically, laterals and submains must be able to carry four tion testing, smoke testing, or low-pressure air testing can
times the average flow rate, and trunk sewers must have be used to do this.
a capacity of 2.5 times the average flow. This is to ensure In developments where problems with bedrock, ground-
that the sewers will not become surcharged, causing over- water, topography, and other circumstances make the con-
flow. Sewage flow rates depend on population density, water struction of conventional sewers prohibitively expensive, an
consumption, and commercial activity in a community. ACS can be installed. An ACS may be an SDGS system, a
Sewers are designed to carry peak flows from the projected pressure sewer system, or a vacuum sewer system. Each of
saturation (maximum possible) population for the area these alternate systems uses lightweight plastic pipe placed
to be served. In addition, infiltration (groundwater) and at shallower trench depths and with fewer joints than con-
inflow (surface water) that will inevitably seep into a sewer ventional systems, thereby reducing system installation
line through cracks in the pipes, joints, and manholes must costs. The EPA recommends that an ACS be considered for
Sanitary Sewer Systems 215

communities with populations between 3500 and 10,000 high, it is usually best to rehabilitate the system internally,
people during the planning stages of a project, even if the using one of a variety of grouting and lining techniques. It
aforementioned problems are not present. is even more economical for municipalities to have ongo-
Sanitary sewer systems are a valuable part of urban ing sewer maintenance programs to prevent unnecessary
and suburban infrastructure, and they must be properly deterioration of the system. Many communities are start-
maintained for long-term service. Because the cost of exca- ing to use geographic information systems to keep accu-
vating and replacing a damaged sewer line is extremely rate sewer network maps and maintenance records.

Review Questions 22. Why is it important to limit the amount of infiltration

and inflow into a sewer line? Briefly indicate how each
1. What is the difference between a combined sewer system may be controlled.
and a separate sewer system? Which is preferable? Why? 23. Describe three methods for infiltration testing.
2. What is the difference between a lateral and a submain 24. Briefly discuss methods used to rehabilitate sanitary
sewer? What is an interceptor sewer? sewer systems.
3. List five different materials used in sewer-line construc- 25. Briefly explain GIS technology and how it may be
tion. Briefly describe the characteristics of three of these. applied in the management of sanitary sewer systems.
4. List four purposes of a sewer manhole.
5. List six factors that determine where a manhole is Practice Problems
located in a sewer system.
6. What is a drop manhole? What is an inverted siphon? 1. A collector sewer is to be designed to receive flow from
7. Describe the general procedure for sanitary sewer design. 250 ac of a community where the population density is
estimated to be 12 persons>ac. The average per capita
8. What key information must be shown on the plan draw- sewage flow is taken to be 100 gpcd. What is the required
ings for sanitary sewer construction? design flow for the collector in gallons per minute?
9. Why are sewer pipelines designed to accommodate 2. A trunk sewer is to be designed to receive flow from a
peak hourly flows? Why is the peak flow factor in a 1-km2 area of a community where the population den-
trunk sewer less than that in a lateral? sity is 50 persons>ha. The average per capita sewage
10. What happens when a sewer system is surcharged? flow is taken to be 400 L>d. What is the design flow for
Under what circumstances might this occur? the trunk sewer in liters per second?
11. Is it good practice to overdesign a sewer pipeline? Why? 3. A 100-m reach of sewer is to have a minimum capac-
12. Describe in general terms how the design flow for a ity of 200 L>s. The street elevation at the upper man-
sewer reach is determined. hole is 305.55 m and at the lower manhole is 303.05
m. Determine an appropriate pipe diameter and slope
13. What are typical limitations on the pipeline depth and
for this reach, and establish the pipe invert eleva-
wastewater flow velocity for a sanitary sewer system?
tions at the upper and lower manholes. Assume that a
14. Describe the problem called crown corrosion of sewers. minimum earth cover of 2 m above the pipe crown is
15. Describe two types of sewage lift stations. Under what required.
circumstances might a lift station be needed? 4. Design the two sewer reaches shown in Figure 8-29. The
16. List six important factors in sewer construction design flow for reach 1 is 40 L>s and that for reach 2 is 80
inspection. L>s. The ground elevation at MH 1 is 350.00 m, at MH
17. What are three key factors that affect the dead load on a 2 is 347.87 m, and at MH 3 is 347.00 m. Use a minimum
buried pipeline? cover of 2.5 m. Sketch a profile of the street and sewer,
using a horizontal scale of 1:1000 and a vertical scale
18. List two key factors that affect the external load-carry-
of 1:100.
ing capacity of a pipeline.
19. Describe two different methods for setting line and Reach 1 Reach 2
grade of a sewer pipeline.
MH 1 Q = 40 L/s MH 2 Q = 80 L/s MH 3
20. What is trenchless construction, and when is it used for
Ground 100 m Ground 120 m Ground
sewer installation? elevation elevation elevation
21. What is the difference between infiltration and inflow in 350.00 m 347.87 m 347.00 m
a sanitary sewer system? Figure 8-29  Illustration for Problem 4.
216 chapter Eight

5. A 12-in-diameter pipe is placed in a 10-ft-deep, 2.5-ft- 8. What is the total allowable rate of infiltration in a
wide trench that is backfilled with saturated clay. 750-m-long, 600-mm-diameter sewer if 45 L>d>mm>
Compute the dead load on the pipe. km is allowed?
6. A 200-mm-diameter pipe is placed in a 3-m-deep, 0.9 9. An exfiltration test is conducted on a 350-ft-long, 18-in.-
m-wide trench and backfilled with sand. Using a safety diameter sewer reach. The water level in a 4-ft-diameter
factor of 1.5, select an appropriate class of bedding for manhole is observed to drop 5.5 in in 1 h. Compute the
the pipe if it is standard strength VCP. rate of exfiltration.
7. What would be a suitable type of bedding for the pipe
in Problem 6 if it were extra-strength VCP instead of
standard strength?
chapter Nine

Stormwater Management

Chapter Outline 9-4 Floodplains

9-1 Estimating Storm Runoff 9-5 Control of Combined Sewer
Rational Method Overflow
SCS TR 55 Graphical Method CSO Control Technology

Effects of Land Development 9-6 Computer Applications

9-2 Storm Sewer Systems 9-7 Chapter Synopsis
Layout and Sizing Process

9-3 Stormwater Mitigation Techniques

Stormwater Flow Attenuation
Stormwater Quality Control

U ncontrolled stormwater and surface runoff can

cause significant environmental damage. Flooding
is one obvious example of a stormwater problem,
with the accompanying loss of property and, sometimes,
human life. Even when the amount of stormwater runoff is
practices and low-impact development techniques to further
control or restrain the flow of the collected stormwater and to
prevent flooding and pollution problems in the lower part of
the drainage basin. In fact, stormwater is increasingly being
viewed as a natural resource for use in a beneficial manner,
not enough to be characterized as a flood, water pollution rather than as a waste material to be disposed of quickly.
problems can be severe, particularly from soil erosion and The use of on-site storage or detention basins is a common
sedimentation (see Section 5-3). Storm runoff is a major method for controlling stormwater. In some cases, infiltration
nonpoint source of water pollutants, including fertilizers, basins, or recharge basins, are used to capture stormwater and
pesticides, oil, organics, and other substances. percolate it to the groundwater and help recharge an aquifer;
Land development and urbanization increase the fre- this is a beneficial use of the water. Even if the stormwater is
quency and severity of these problems. Technical personnel not used to recharge an aquifer, the fact that it is held tem-
involved in the design and construction of new residential, porarily in storage and released slowly from a detention basin
commercial, or industrial land-use facilities must take steps protects the environment: Some water pollutants are removed,
to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of storm- and downstream runoff flow rates are reduced.
water runoff. Since 1994, stormwater has been regulated Water pollution control is an important consideration in
under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System the design of stormwater management facilities. Computers are
(see Section 10-1). Municipalities, as well as industries, are frequently used to analyze complex mathematical models of
required to obtain a stormwater discharge permit. stormwater control systems. The EPA Stormwater Management
Until the mid-1970s, the basic approach toward storm- Model (SWMM), for example, simulates water quality and
water control was to collect it in underground pipes and to quantity in storm or combined sewer systems; it is capable of
dispose of it as soon as possible at some convenient down- analyzing existing systems and designing new systems.
stream location. But this is precisely what led to many of the This chapter focuses on some of the ways stormwater
flooding and pollution problems seen today, particularly is collected and controlled. It builds on some of the topics
those in rapidly developing suburban areas. This approach covered in Chapter 3, particularly those sections dealing
is no longer acceptable in most developing communities. with rainfall and surface water. Also, knowledge of basic
It is still necessary to provide storm drains to remove hydraulics is necessary to study and understand stormwater
excess water from streets and parking lots to prevent inconve- control technology. It may be necessary to review the mate-
nience or flood damage in localized areas, but modern drain- rial in Chapter 2, particularly the section on gravity or open
age practice recognizes the need to apply best management channel flow, as well as the pertinent material in Chapter 3.

218 chapter Nine

9-1 Estimating Storm Example 9-1

Runoff Estimate the peak rate of runoff on a 5-ac watershed from a
storm with rainfall intensity of i = 3 in.>hr. Assume that the
The design or analysis of stormwater control facilities begins dimensionless runoff coefficient C = 0.4. (The meaning of
with an estimate of the rate and volume of surface runoff this coefficient is explained shortly.)
to be controlled. Usually, the most important figure to be
estimated is the peak flow rate from a storm of a specified Solution
frequency and duration. In most cases, it is necessary for the Applying the rational formula (Equation 9-1) yields
designer to rely on local rainfall data and to use an accept-
able formula that relates rainfall intensity and duration to Q = C * i * A = 0.4 * 3 * 5 = 6 ft3 >s
the volume or rate of surface runoff. Remember, there is no need to convert the units for i
or A; keep them as inches per hour and acres, respectively,
Rational Method and the value for Q is in terms of cubic feet per second.
The most popular formula used to correlate rainfall with
runoff in relatively small urban and suburban drainage SI Metric Units  In this system of units, rainfall intensity
basins is called the rational formula. The rational formula is usually expressed in terms of millimeters per hour (mm>h).
expresses the relationship between peak runoff and rainfall To obtain a correct value for Q, it is necessary to convert
as follows: millimeters per hour to meters per hour (m>h) and to ex-
press the area A in terms of square meters (m2). Drainage
Q = C * i * A (9-1) areas in SI units are usually expressed in terms of hectares
where Q = peak or maximum rate of runoff (ha) or square kilometers (km2). The following conversions
will be used: 1 ha = 10,000 m2 and 1 km2 = 1 * 106 m2.
C = a dimensionless runoff coefficient
i = rainfall intensity Example 9-2
A = drainage basin area
Estimate the peak rate of runoff from a 2-ha drainage basin
It is important to note that Q in the rational formula that has a runoff coefficient of 0.4 for a rainfall intensity of
represents only the maximum discharge caused by a par- 75 mm>h.
ticular storm; it can be visualized as the peak of the storm
hydrograph illustrated in Figure 9-1. Solution
In SI metric units, Q is computed in terms of cubic Converting the intensity from millimeters per hour to meters
meters per hour (m3>h) and then converted to cubic meters per hour is simply a matter of dividing by 1000 because
per second or liters per second; in Customary units, Q is 1 m = 1000 mm; therefore, i = 0.075 m>h. The area
computed directly in terms of cubic feet per second (ft3>s A = 2 ha * 10,000 m2 >ha = 20,000 m2. Applying the
or cfs). It is important to use appropriate units for rainfall rational formula yields
intensity i and area A in each case. Q = 0.4 * 0.075 m2>h * 20 000 m2 = 600 m3>h
U.S. Customary Units  In this system of units, rainfall and
intensity is expressed in terms of inches per hour, and area 1h
is expressed in terms of acres. No conversions are necessary. Q = 600 m3>h * ≈ 0.17 m3>s or 170 L>s
3600 s
The resulting dimensions for Q become inch-acre>hour, but
1 in.-ac>h is so close to 1 ft3>s that the difference is neglected
for practical purposes. (Try the conversion yourself to see Area  The watershed area A can be easily measured from
how close it is.) a topographic map, as described in Section 3-4. Of all the
terms in the rational formula, area is the only one that can
be determined with some degree of precision. The ratio-
D Q=C× i × A nal formula has been applied to drainage areas ranging in
i Maximum size from a fraction of an acre to about 5 mi2, but for areas
s stormwater
c flow rate, ­exceeding about 200 ac (80 ha), it is considered best to apply
h Q some other, more sophisticated hydrologic method to esti-
a mate runoff.
e Runoff Coefficient  The coefficient C is a dimensionless
number that represents the fraction of rainfall that ­appears
Time as surface runoff in the drainage basin. If all the rainfall
Figure 9-1  The rational formula is used to estimate the ­became runoff, as it would on a completely impervious
peak or maximum rate of surface runoff due to a particular surface, the value of C would be 1.0, its maximum possible
storm in a specific drainage basin. value. But as discussed in Section 3-2, some of the rain water
Stormwater Management 219

Table 9-1  Typical Runoff Coefficients have been used. For example, if the lawn area had been very
steep, then C = 0.25 might have been selected instead of
Type of surface or land use Runoff coefficient C C = 0.20. Using the upper and lower limits of each range
Woodland areas 0.01 to 0.20 of C for this problem, the composite C could fall within the
range of 0.16 through 0.35. (Try the computation yourself
Grassland or lawns 0.10 to 0.25
to check it out.)
Pavements and roofs 0.70 to 0.95
Suburban residential areas 0.25 to 0.40 Rainfall Intensity  The value of rainfall intensity i used
Apartment housing areas 0.50 to 0.70 in the rational formula depends on the storm recurrence in-
Industrial areas 0.60 to 0.90 terval and the storm duration. It is determined from local
Business areas 0.70 to 0.95 rainfall intensity–duration–frequency relationships, as dis-
cussed and illustrated in Section 3-3.
The first step in establishing the value of rainfall inten-
sity to use in the rational formula is to select a storm fre-
is intercepted, evaporates, or infiltrates the ground surface. quency or recurrence interval. More often than not, the
Therefore, the value of C is always a decimal less than 1.0. recurrence interval is specified by local municipal, county,
Factors that affect the value of the runoff coefficient or state agencies for various types of projects. Longer recur-
include the type of land use in the drainage basin, the rence intervals reduce the possibility of the selected storm
ground cover or vegetation, and the ground slope. Typical intensity being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
values of the coefficient C are presented in Table 9-1. Each Accordingly, a local municipal engineering depart-
type of surface or land use has a wide range of possible C val- ment may specify a 5-year return period for the design of
ues; the selection of a runoff coefficient for a drainage basin storm drains in a typical residential neighborhood. This
requires good technical judgment and careful evaluation of would indicate a willingness to accept some occasional
the physical characteristics of the basin. street flooding in order to have a reasonably economical sys-
tem. However, a high-value commercial district may have
Composite Runoff Coefficient  When several different storm sewers designed for a 15- or 25-year storm, reduc-
surface types or land uses make up a watershed, a composite ing the chance of street flooding but increasing the cost of
or weighted average value of the runoff coefficient can be construction.
computed using the following formula: The spillway structure of a dam must be designed to
accommodate stormwater flows from at least the 100-year
C= * 1C1 * A1 + C2 * A2 + C3 * A3 + g2 (9-2) frequency storm in order to minimize the chance for fail-
AT ure of the dam and loss of life or property downstream. In
where   C = composite runoff coefficient general, the risks of failure must be balanced with the cost of
AT = total basin area 1A1 + A2 + A3 + g2 construction for all stormwater control projects.
The second step in determining the value of rainfall
A1, A2, etc. = areas of different type in the basin
intensity to use is to select an appropriate storm duration.
C1, C2, etc. = respective runoff coefficients for A1, A2, etc. The storm duration used in the rational method is equal to
the time of concentration of the drainage basin, abbrevi-
Example 9-3 ated Tc. It is defined as the time it takes a drop of water to
From an air photo of a 15-ha watershed, it is determined
flow from the hydraulically most distant point of the basin
that 6.5 ha is a flat, densely wooded area; 6.0 ha is lawn;
to the outlet of the basin.
and 2.5 ha is paved roadway and parking area. Compute
If the storm lasts at least as long as the time of concen-
a composite runoff coefficient for the total watershed area.
tration, then the entire watershed will be contributing flow
to the outlet; only under this condition is there enough time
Solution for the maximum peak flow to develop. For shorter duration
Refer to Table 9-1. For the wooded area, use C1 = 0.01
storms, not all of the basin area contributes flow simultane-
because it is flat and densely wooded. For the lawn, use
ously; for storms longer than Tc, the rainfall intensity, and
C2 = 0.20, the middle of the range, and for the paved areas,
therefore the peak flow, will be less than the maximum com-
use C3 = 0.95, a conservative judgment. Applying Equation
puted by using the time of concentration of the basin as the
9-2, we get
storm duration.

1 Time of Concentration  There are three parts or com-

C = * 16.5 * 0.01 + 6.0 * 0.20 + 2.5 * 0.952
15 ponents of the time of concentration. These are the overland
= 0.24 flow time, shallow concentrated flow time, and the channel
flow time, as illustrated in Figure 9-2
If more detailed information about the characteris- Overland flow occurs in the upper reaches of a water-
tics of the land had been available, other values of C might shed as shallow, sheet-type flow, typically at flow depths of
220 chapter Nine

0.8 to 1.2 in. (20 to 30 mm) or less. Such flow occurs over
short distances prior to the point where topography and
Sheet flow remote point surface characteristics cause the flow to concentrate in rills
and small swales. It is not always apparent when the flow
changes from overland flow to shallow concentrated flow. If
there is no field evidence of small channels or concentrated
Overland flow distance flow conditions, it is reasonable to assume a maximum over-
land flow length of 300 ft (90 m).
Shallow concentrated flow occurs in rills and swales at
Shallow depths on the order of 1.6 to 2.9 in. (40 to 100 mm). As
concentrated the flow continues to accumulate and concentrate in larger
Drainage flow
divide line
and deeper amounts, channel flow occurs. Channel flow
will typically be confined to natural or human-made open
channel conveyances and in pipe systems such as storm
channel sewers.
or Channel flow time = It is important to realize that in practice, there are
storm channel distance
sewer ÷ velocity many different charts, nomographs, and equations that may
be used to calculate the various components of the time of
concentration. Presented below is a small sampling of these
Several charts or nomographs are available that corre-
late overland flow time with ground slope and runoff coeffi-
cient or land use. One such chart is illustrated in Figure 9-3.
As illustrated, the chart is entered on the left with the known
outlet overland travel distance, and a horizontal and then vertical
path is traced to the known values of slope and runoff coef-
ficient curves, respectively; finally, the overland travel time
is read from the vertical axis on the right side of the chart.
Discharge Shallow concentrated flow time can be determined
Q through the use of various equations or a nomograph like the
one illustrated in Figure 9-4. This particular nomograph is
Figure 9-2  The time of concentration for a drainage basin
includes overland flow time and channel flow time. entered on the left with an estimate of the slope of the terrain
in pe






Overland travel distance, m

Overland travel distance, ft

Overland time of travel, min

600 80


400 10 60
= 0.20 0
100 C 3
0. 0
200 0.5 40
50 0.6
0 0 20

Figure 9-3  A chart like this may be used to estimate the overland flow time
when the average travel distance, slope, and runoff coefficient are known.
(Courtesy of Federal Aviation Administration.)
Stormwater Management 221

.50 taken to ensure a reasonable value is obtained. As a general

guideline, if the total time of concentration, Tc, is less than
5 minutes, a minimum value of 5 minutes should be used for
estimating the design discharge.

.20 Example 9-4

A 62 ac watershed has a composite runoff coefficient
C = 0.25. The flow distance to the beginning of the stream
that drains the watershed is 500 ft, and the slope is 7 percent.
.10 The stream is 2000 ft long and drops 100 ft in elevation by
Water course slope (ft/ft)

the time it reaches the watershed outlet. Estimate the peak

rate of runoff for the 5-year storm and the 100-year storm.

.04 The drainage area A = 62 ac. We will assume that the max-


imum overland flow distance is 300 ft. The remainder of the


flow distance, 200 ft (500–300 ft), will be shallow concen-

trated flow. Enter Figure 9-3 with 300 ft for overland travel
.02 distance, move horizontally to the right to the slope curves,
and estimate where the 7 percent curve would be (about
midway between the 5 percent and 10 percent curves); then
move down vertically to the runoff coefficient curves and
.01 estimate the position for C = 0.25. Finally, move horizon-
tally to the right and read 18 min for the time of overland
Use Figure 9-4 to estimate the shallow concentrated
.005 flow time. A slope of 7 percent means that there is 7 ft of fall
1 2 4 6 10 20 for every 100 ft of horizontal distance travelled or 0.07 ft>ft.
Average velocity (ft/sec) Further, since the runoff coefficient (C) for this drainage basin,
Figure 9-4  Average velocities for estimating travel time for it is 0.25 it is reasonable to assume that the majority of the area
shallow concentrated flow. is unpaved. Enter the figure with 0.07 ft>ft for the watercourse
(From “Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,” with permission from the slope and travel horizontally to the diagonal line marked
Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
unpaved; then move vertically down and read the average
velocity as 4.4 ft>sec. Lastly, compute the shallow concen-
trated flow time: 200 ft , 4.4 ft>sec ≈ 45 sec ≈ 0.8 min.
in the area of the shallow concentrated flow and a horizontal
Use Figure 9-5 to estimate channel flow time; line up
path is traced to the appropriate surface cover, unpaved or
the drop in elevation of 100 ft with the length of channel,
paved. From that point a vertical path is traced down to the
2000 ft, and read a channel flow time of about 8 min.
horizontal axis where the average velocity of the flow is read.
The time of concentration for this watershed is the sum
The shallow concentrated flow time can be then be com-
of the overland flow time, the shallow concentrated flow
puted from the simple relationship: time = distance ,
time and the channel flow time, or
velocity or more specifically shallow concentrated flow
time = shallow concentrated flow distance , shallow con- TC = 18 min + 0.8 min + 8 min ≈ 27 min
centrated flow velocity.
This value of Tc is used as the storm duration to determine
If the velocity of flow in the stream or channel is known
the peak flow at the basin outlet. From Figure 3-6, the rain-
or estimated, the channel flow time can be computed as:
fall intensity for a 5-year, 27-min-duration storm is 3 in.>hr
channel flow time = channel flow distance , channel flow
and that for the 100-year, 27-min-duration storm is 6.3 in.>hr.
velocity. If the channel geometry is known, Manning’s for-
Applying the rational formula yields
mula can be used to estimate the velocity of flow. Otherwise,
a nomograph such as the one illustrated in Figure 9-5 may 5-year storm:   Q = 0.25 * 3.0 in.>hr * 62 acres
be used. = 46.5 in@ac>hr ≈ 45 ft3 >s
Extreme precision in determining the time of concentra-
100-year storm: Q = 0.25 * 6.3 in.>hr * 62 acres
tion, particularly for small area drainage system design is not
necessary. However, since the rainfall intensity determination = 97.7 in@ac>hr ≈ 98 ft3 >s
and ultimately the peak discharge, (Q), are generally quite Q = 0.25 * 6.3 in.>hr * 62 acres
sensitive to the time of concentration, some care should be = 97.7 in@ac>hr ≈ 98 ft3 >s
222 chapter Nine

m ft

m ft


Channel flow time, min

Drop in channel evaluation, m or ft

le 9

Length of channel, m or ft

Figure 9-5  A rough approximation of channel flow time may be obtained with this nomograph using a straight
edge. For example, the time of travel in a channel that drops 4 m in elevation over a distance of 500 m is about
15 min. A more accurate estimate can be obtained using Manning’s formula.

Assumptions of the Rational Method  While the SCS TR 55 Graphical Method

rational method is widely used by designers to determine
peak runoff rates, there are some important assumptions This method for estimating the volume and rate of storm
made in application of the method: (1) the rainfall inten- runoff in rural and suburban areas was developed by the for-
sity is constant over a period that equals the time of con- mer Soil Conservation Service (SCS) of the U.S. Department
centration of the basin, (2) the rainfall intensity is constant of Agriculture (USDA). The SCS, now called the Natural
throughout the basin, (3) the time of concentration of the Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), documented this
basin is constant, and (4) the runoff coefficient doesn’t method in a report titled Technical Release 55—Urban
change, regardless of season of the year or intensity of Hydrology for Small Watersheds.
rainfall. A basic distinction between the SCS and rational
Many alternative methods for estimating storm runoff ­methods is in the emphasis that the SCS places on the
have been developed to address some or all of these limita- ­correlation between the type of soil cover in the watershed
tions. One such method, the SCS TR 55 Graphical method, and the runoff. In this section, a brief overview of the SCS
is discussed below. graphical method is presented for relatively small watersheds.
Stormwater Management 223

Four hydrologic soil groups are defined in the SCS 7

method, which are as follows:

Soil 0
5 10

R = Runoff, in.
group Description Permeability =



A High infiltration 7 0.30 in.>hr

rate>low runoff 1 7 0.76 cm>hr2 =

CN 60
potential =
CN 0
B Moderate 0.15 to 0.30 in.>hr
2 =5
CN 0
infiltration rate (0.38 to 0.76 cm>hr) =4
1 CN
C Slow infiltration 0.05 to 0.15 in.>hr CN =
rate (0.13 to 0.38 cm>hr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D Very slow 0.00 to 0.05 in.>hr Rainfall, in.
infiltration>high (0.00 to 0.13 cm>hr) Figure 9-6  A selection of SCS rainfall–runoff relationships
runoff potential for several CN values.
(From “A Method for Estimating Volume and Rate of Runoff in Small
Watersheds,” with permission of the Soil Conservation Service, U.S.
The soil groups in a particular watershed can usually be
Department of Agriculture.)
determined from countywide SCS soil survey maps of the
type illustrated in Figure 1-14 or from the NRCS’s Web Soil
Survey (WSS). Data from field studies of the site and mea- The chart in Figure 9-6 is entered on the horizontal
sured infiltration rates can also help identify the appropriate axis with the depth of rainfall from an N year storm of 24-h
soil group. ­duration. First moving vertically up to the curve matching
In addition to the soil group, the volume and rate of the CN for the watershed (or the estimated curve position
runoff depend on the type of land use in the watershed. In if it falls between the values shown on the graph) and then
the SCS method, the effects of both soil group and land use moving horizontally to the left, one can read the volume
are characterized in a term called the “runoff curve number” of runoff on the vertical axis. For example, a 24-h rainfall
(CN). Table 9-2 presents a summary of typical CN values of 6 in. on a watershed with CN = 70 will produce 2.8 in. of
used in the NRCS method of estimating runoff. direct runoff over the area of the watershed.
Note that the CN values for pavements and roofs are To determine the peak rate of runoff, the graph shown
independent of soil type, as they obviously should be. A in Figure 9-7 is used. The horizontal axis represents the time
completely impervious surface would have a CN = 100, of concentration Tc for the watershed; this was defined pre-
and all the rainfall would become runoff. As the value of viously in the discussion for the rational method. The verti-
CN decreases, the amount of direct runoff will also decrease. cal axis has the units of cubic feet per second per square mile
Composite or weighted CN values can be computed for of watershed per inch of runoff (csm>in.). This value is then
watersheds comprising more than one type of soil or land applied in the following equation to compute the peak rate
use in the same way this is done for the composite C in the of runoff:
rational method.
A graph showing the relationships among rainfall Q = qu * A * R (9-3)
depth, in inches, the amount of runoff, also expressed in where Q = peak rate off runoff, ft3>s
inches, and the CN values is illustrated in Figure 9-6.
qu = unit peak discharge, csm>in.
    (from Figure 9-7)
Table 9-2  Typical SCS Runoff Curve Numbers A = drainage area, mi2
R = direct runoff, in. (from Figure 9-6)
CN value for hydrologic This SCS method for estimating runoff is generally
soil group
applicable for drainage areas up to about 2000 ac, or 3 mi2.
Land-use description A B C D It is considered to be more conservative than the rational
method and usually results in higher estimates of runoff.
Meadows 30 58 71 78
The following example illustrates the SCS graphical proce-
Forests 25 55 70 77 dure for determining peak discharge.
Grass lawns 39 61 74 80
Commercial–business 89 92 94 95 Example 9-5
Residential 54 70 80 85 A 1000-ac watershed has a composite CN = 70 and a time
Pavement–roofs 98 98 98 98 of concentration Tc = 66 min . From rainfall data, it is deter-
mined that the 100-year, 24-h storm will cause a total of
224 chapter Nine



Peak discharge, csm/in. (q)





0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Time of concentration, h (Tc )
Figure 9-7  Unit peak discharge in csm>in. of runoff versus time of concentration for a
24-h storm duration.
(From “Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,” with permission from the Soil Conservation Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture.)

7.5 in. of rainfall in the watershed. Compute the peak rate of The net result of land development and urbanization
stormwater runoff from the watershed by the SCS method. is a definite increase in both the peak rate and total vol-
ume of runoff from a given storm. This effect is depicted
Solution in Figure 9-8.
From Figure 9-6, R = 4.0 in. The time of concentration On a short-term basis, soil erosion and stream silt-
Tc = 66 min * 1 h>60 min = 1.1 h. From Figure 9-7, ation problems may be particularly severe during the period
qu = 300 csm>in. of land development and construction. In the long run,
Applying the conversion 1 mi2 = 640 ac yields the chances for severe flooding increase as a result of land
development. In addition, urban runoff can carry oil, lawn
watershed area A = 1000 ac * 1 mi2 >640 ac
fertilizers, organics, and other pollutants into the receiving
= 1.56 mi2 waters.
Now, applying Equation 9-3 yields Modern land planning practices, however, generally
require the implementation of methods to prevent any sig-
Q = qu * A * R = 300 * 1.56 * 4.0 ≈ 1900 ft3 >s
nificant increase in the rate of runoff due to urbanization.
Some of the technical solutions to this problem are discussed
Effects of Land Development
The construction of homes, factories, roads, and other facili-
ties for a growing community changes the runoff patterns Peak runoff discharge after land
B development
of the watershed in which it takes place. Unless appropri-
ate steps are taken, land development can increase the fre-
quency and severity of flooding and water pollution from
Peak runoff discharge before land

stormwater runoff. development

As land is developed and urbanization takes place,
much of what was originally woodland, meadow, or farm-
land is covered with relatively impervious surfaces—paved
roads, driveways, parking lots, and buildings. This has two
direct effects on the local hydrology:
1. The amount of infiltration decreases and therefore the
volume of direct surface runoff increases. Figure 9-8  Curve A shows a storm hydrograph for the orig-
inal or predevelopment conditions; curve B shows a postde-
2. The time of concentration of the watershed decreases velopment hydrograph for the same area. Land development
because the runoff flows faster to the outlet over the or urbanization causes the volume and rate of stormwater
modified land surfaces and in the drainage channels. runoff to increase.
Stormwater Management 225

in Section 9-3. The following example illustrates the effects design level is very important as an underdesigned storm
of land development on runoff. drainage system may bring unwelcome and unintended
flooding while an overdesigned system results in a waste of
Example 9-6 public funds. The designer, with the constraints imposed by
The 62 ac watershed described in Example 9-4 is now to be this compromise, must select a storm return period in order
developed as a residential and business area. The resulting to estimate peak discharge and then size the pipeline. This
composite runoff coefficient C is estimated to be 0.60. Part limits the capacity of the system to storm intensities equal to
of the stream is to be carried in a pipeline, and it is estimated or less than the one selected for design.
that the new channel flow time after development will be Sanitary sewers, on the other hand, are designed to carry
only 5 min. For both the 5- and 100-year storms, determine a peak flow rate of sanitary wastewater from a saturation
the estimated peak flow rates under developed conditions population without surcharge or overflow. When sanitary
using the rational method. Compare the increases in peak sewers do surcharge, it is usually from excessive infiltration
discharges to those during the predevelopment conditions or inflow (i.e., poor construction or maintenance).
of Example 9-4. There are other differences between storm sewers and
sanitary sewers. Storm sewers are usually much larger in
Solution diameter than the separate sanitary sewers serving the same
Entering Figure 9-3 with overland flow distance = 300 ft, area and can be placed in shallow trenches. Although they
slope = 7 percent, and C = 0.60, read overland flow time = generally do not carry a flow during dry weather and only
14 min. From Figure (9.4), with a slope of 0.07 ft>ft, the average partial flows during most rainfalls, storm sewers still must
shallow concentrated flow velocity is 5 ft>s and the shallow be sized to carry the peak flow from a major storm of speci-
­concentrated flow time is 200 ft , 5.0 ft>s = 40 s ≈ 0.7 min. fied intensity and duration. Also, unlike sanitary sewers,
Adding the channel flow time of 5 min, a new time of con- which are placed in relatively deep trenches for service con-
centration Tc = 19.7 ≈ 20 min for the developed watershed nections, storm sewers can be placed at shallower depths to
is obtained. minimize excavation.
Now, from Figure 3-6, read rainfall intensity i = 3.4 in.>hr
for the 5-year storm and i = 7.2 in.>hr for the 100-year Layout and Design
storm. Applying the rational formula yields
A storm sewage collection system primarily consists of a
5-year storm:  Q = 0.60 * 3.4 in.>hr * 62 ac network of inlets, pipes and manholes, or access structures,
= 126.5 in@ac>hr ≈ 127 ft3 >s located in the street right-of-way or in easements along lot
lines. A common location within the right-of-way is near the
Under predevelopment conditions (Example 9-4), the peak
flow was computed to be 47 ft3>s. Therefore, land develop-
curb or edge of pavement because inlet boxes can then be
ment is expected to increase the peak stormwater discharge
connected with fewer manholes and less pipe. Storm drains
by a factor of 127>47 = 2.7 for the 5-year storm:
are located to allow gravity flow to a stream or other body
of water, to a storage basin, or, in some cases, to a special
100-year storm:  Q = 0.60 * 7.2 in.>hr * 62 ac treatment facility. The installation of stormwater pumping
= 267.8 in@ac>hr ≈ 268 ft3 >s stations is especially avoided because of the large peak flow
capacity that would be required.
Land development will increase the peak discharge by
a factor of 268>98 = 2.7 for the 100-year storm.
Modern design practice makes more use of existing
natural streams, open channels, or grass-lined swales to
carry runoff before resorting to the use of buried pipes. This
is basically to slow down the flow and increase the time of
9-2 Storm Sewer
on-site detention (without basin storage), thereby reducing
Systems peak flows downstream. Roadway crossings over natural
Storm sewers serve to convey surface runoff to a point of drainage ditches or streams may require the installation of
storage or disposal. In separate sewer systems, sanitary or culverts. A culvert is a relatively short section of pipe or a
industrial wastewater is excluded from the storm sewers. cast-in-place concrete structure that carries surface runoff
There are several basic differences in design between storm under an obstruction.
sewers and sanitary sewers. Storm sewers are usually built with circular reinforced
First, it can be said that storm sewers are actually designed concrete or plastic pipes. Elliptically shaped pipes are some-
to fail with a predictable recurrence interval. In other words, times used when the pipe depth is shallow, to gain leeway for
a storm drainage system will periodically surcharge and over- soil cover over the shorter axis of the pipe. Corrugated metal
flow, causing local flooding, with a known frequency. This is pipe may be used in some cases for storm drains and culverts.
because storm sewer system construction is capital intensive.
When a storm drainage system is designed a compromise Inlets  A stormwater inlet is a structure that intercepts
between the cost of protection and the possible future cost flow and directs the runoff into the underground pipe sys-
and risks associated with flooding is made. An appropriate tem. The location and spacing of inlets are important design
226 chapter Nine

Curb inlet
Flow Gutter inlet grate

Stormdrain Pavement
Inlet basin
Gutter flow Street

Catch basin

Figure 9-9  Proper location of stormwater inlets prevents

stormwater runoff from flooding a street intersection.
Figure 9-11  A section view of a typical stormwater inlet
basin. Catch basins that trap grit, leaves, and debris are not
factors; there must be sufficient inlet capacity to remove the commonly used in new storm sewer systems.
stormwater from the surface and transfer it into the sewers
fast enough to prevent backups. Factors such as hydraulic pipe slopes (for adequate flow velocity) can keep the collec-
capacity, clogging, nuisance to traffic, and safety must be tion system free from debris and blockage problems.
evaluated. For example, it is desirable to keep runoff from
flooding across street intersections. To accomplish this, Layout and Sizing Process
­inlets are generally located as shown in Figure 9-9.
There are basically three different types of inlet struc- Step 1: Information gathering: Prior to starting the layout
tures: curb inlets, gutter or grate inlets, and combined inlets. and sizing of a storm sewer system, it is important
A curb inlet has a vertical opening along the curb, into which to collect information needed to create the design.
the runoff flows, as shown in Figure 9-10a. A gutter inlet is a Some of the pieces of information needed are as fol-
horizontal opening in the pavement covered with a cast-iron lows: existing topography and land-use maps, aerial
gate, as shown in Figure 9-10b. photos—for determining existing land-use patterns;
The curb inlet is not an obstruction or nuisance to proposed topography street and lot layout plans;
traffic, but for child safety the opening should be less than typical street cross section; location of existing and
150 mm (6 in.) high; this limits the hydraulic capacity of the proposed underground utilities; local design stan-
inlet. Disadvantages of the gutter-type inlet are that it can dards; future drainage plans; soil information; and
obstruct the smooth flow of traffic (including bicycles) and floodplain maps and IDF Curves.
that the iron grate may become plugged with debris. Step 2: System layout: System layout consists of four tasks:
A combination inlet has both a curb and a gutter open- locate discharge points, locate the inlet positions,
ing, as shown in Figure 9-10c. This inlet may be depressed or sketch the preliminary network, and locate manhole
lowered for additional hydraulic capacity. The combination or access structures. The goal is to develop a system
inlet is the least subject to clogging. that will adequately collect and convey the stormwa-
A cross-sectional view of an inlet basin is shown in ter with the minimum amount of inlets, pipes, and
Figure 9-11. If the pipe invert is above the bottom of the manholes. There are many constraints that must be
basin, as shown with the dashed lines, the structure is called considered in the layout process, the most fundamen-
a catch basin. A catch basin serves as a trap for grit, sand, tal of which is that the system must be located with
and debris that may be washed into the inlet during a storm. the public right-of-way or within an easement area.
Because of the need for periodic cleaning, mosquito control, Locate discharge points: The discharge points are
and odor problems, catch basins are not always used in new those locations in the system where the stormwater
storm drainage systems. Good inlet design and self-cleansing will exit the proposed system into a receiving water

Vertical Curb
Curb curb opening Curb Curb opening

Gutter Gutter Gutter

Grate flow flow
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 9-10  There are several different types of stormwater inlets, including (a) the curb inlet, (b) the gutter inlet, and (c) the
combined inlet. Curb opening inlets are undesirable due to the possibility that small objects or animals can fall into the basin.
Stormwater Management 227

body, drainage channel, or stream or will intercon- concentration (inlet time) for each area; for small areas use
nect with another storm sewer system. a minimum inlet time of 5 or 6 minutes (some designers use
Locate inlet positions and spacing: The location of the 10 minutes).
inlets is one of the most critical parts of storm sewer For the first reach of pipe, find the rainfall intensity
layout. Improper inlet location is often the cause of using the proper storm recurrence interval (which is typi-
underperforming storm sewer systems. Inlets should cally obtained from the municipal design criteria) and the
be located at low points; positioned at intersections inlet time as the duration of the storm. Apply the Rational
to intercept the gutter flow before it reaches a pedes- Method formula and compute the peak discharge (Q) for
trian crosswalk; located at driveway openings— that reach.
when driveways have a descending grade from the Using Manning’s equation or a Manning’s nomograph,
gutter, the installation of inlets might be necessary compute the pipe diameter required to carry the peak dis-
to preclude the design storm from overflowing at the charge. You will have to choose an appropriate pipe rough-
driveway opening; placed at bridge ends—generally, ness coefficient (n) and a pipe slope. Typically, the slope of
inlets should be placed to intercept the gutter flow trunk lines is set to be the same as the longitudinal roadway
before it reaches the bridge; and located to prevent slope. In instances where there are vertical curves, it may be
cross pavement flow: The flowing of water across necessary to use an average longitudinal slope, continue the
pavements should be prevented in order to pre- slope from a previous run of pipe, or select a slope.
clude icing in the winter and hydroplaning during Determine the flow velocity in the pipe. This will be
the warmer months. At changes in pipe direction, used to compute the pipe flow time. Move on to the second
size, or slope, an inlet box can be used to make these reach of pipe. Recover the inlet time for this reach. Compute
transitions; if this is a trunk line, a manhole would be the flow time in the previous reach. The flow time is the sum
more appropriate. of the inlet time for the previous reach and the pipe flow
Inlets should be placed close enough together time (which is time it takes for water to flow down the pipe
to prevent any one inlet from receiving too much from the upstream inlet to the current inlet). The pipe flow
runoff. A typical clean inlet can accept about 110 L>s time is determined by taking the length of the reach and
(4 ft3>s) of runoff. When inlets are placed in the curb dividing by the pipe flow velocity.
line, they should not be spaced more than about Determine which is longer (or larger), the flow time in
75 m (250 ft) apart to prevent excessive flow along the previous reach or the inlet time for the current reach.
the gutter and spread of water into the street. Use the larger as the basis for determining rainfall intensity
for the second reach. This represents the worst-case scenario
Layout the preliminary pipe network and man-
for flow in the second reach of pipe. We want all the area
hole locations: The purpose of the pipe network is to
that feeds the previous inlet and the current inlet contribut-
connect the inlets to the discharge points. Layout of
ing to the flow in second reach of pipe.
the network is best accomplished by starting at the
Compute the total area (A) and the composite runoff
discharge point and working “upstream” developing
coefficient (C) for the areas served by the first and second
trunk lines and branches to connect the inlets into
reach of pipe. Determine the peak discharge (Q) that the
the system. Where pipes intersect and where there
second reach must carry using the composite values of C
are sharp curves or angles, it may be necessary to
and A along with the rainfall intensity determined for the
install a manhole or other type of access structure.
second reach of pipe.
If possible, avoid locating manholes in traffic lanes.
Using Manning’s equation or a Manning’s nomograph,
When manholes must be placed in traffic lanes, place
compute the pipe diameter required to carry the peak dis-
them to avoid the normal vehicle wheel path.
charge in the second reach. Also, determine the flow velocity
S tep 3: Hydraulic Design: The goal of hydraulic design is to in the second reach. Move on to the next downstream reach
determine the pipe size and grade reach by reach. A and perform the above process again.
storm sewer reach, also referred to as a run, is a sec- There are some basic constraints to keep in mind
tion of pipe with constant diameter and slope, usually as you work through the process. First, pipe flow veloc-
between two structures. The pipe size is determined ity should be high enough to prevent silt and debris from
by first applying the rational method to compute the depositing in the pipe; however, flow velocity should not
peak discharge (Q) that the pipe must carry and then be too high since surcharging at inlets and structures will
applying Manning’s formula to find the required pipe occur. The self-cleansing velocity for storm sewers is about
size for a given slope. Hydraulic design must begin 0.9 m>s (3 ft>s); it is higher than that for sanitary sewers
with the most upstream reach of pipe and proceed because stormwater tends to carry heavier and more set-
downstream to the discharge point. tleable solids than sanitary sewage does. Maximum flow
velocities for storm sewers are often set by municipal ordi-
Start by drawing the drainage divide for each inlet. nances and typically range between 3 m>s (10 ft>sec) and
Determine the area (A) and rational runoff coefficient (C) 4.6 m>sec (15 ft>sec). A minimum pipe diameter of 0.3 m
for each of the drainage areas. Determine the time of (12 in.) should be used to prevent clogging and facilitate
228 chapter Nine

maintenance. Sequential pipe diameters for each down- diameter for each reach for a 10-year storm. Assume the
stream reach should be equal to or larger than the segment pipe has a Manning's roughness coefficient n = 0.013.
immediately upstream. When making transitions at inlets
Solution  Reach 1: First, determine the rainfall intensity
or manholes, the vertical alignment of the incoming and
for area 1, using the inlet time as the time of concentration.
outgoing pipe should be set so that the crowns line up (not
Enter Figure 3-6 with Tc = 5 min, and read i = 150 mm>h
the inverts); this helps promote smooth flow through the
or 0.15 m>h for the 10-year storm. The catchment area is
transition and limits backwater in the upstream pipe. In
1 ha, or 10,000 m2. Applying the rational formula yields
addition, if the same-size pipe is carried through a struc-
ture, such as an inlet or manhole, dropping the invert of Q = 0.4 * 0.15 m>h * 10000 m2 = 600 m3 >h
the downstream pipe 90 mm (0.3 ft) will just about balance
and converting to m3>s gives
the friction losses in the transition.
The following example illustrates the basic procedure Q = 600 m3 >h * 1 h>3600 s = 0.167 m3 >s
for determining design flows and required pipe diameters. It
can be assumed that the given pipe slopes are roughly paral- To determine the required diameter for reach 1, enter
lel to the street slope, as determined from a topographic map Manning’s nomograph with Q = 0.167 m3 >s and the given
of the area or street profile. The data for the problem are slope of 0.0035; read the required diameter D = 45 cm and
given in Figure 9-12. a flow velocity of 1.05 m>s.

Reach 2: To compute the peak discharge or design flow for

Example 9-7 the pipeline between inlet 2 and inlet 3, first compute the
A storm drainage system has been laid out in a street as composite runoff coefficient for the combined areas 1 and 2,
shown in Figure 9-12. Individual inlet catchment areas and as follows:
runoff coefficients have been determined and are shown.
Inlet times have been estimated, and the pipe length and C = * 11 * 0.4 + 1.5 * 0.32
slope for each sewer reach are given. Using the rational 2.5
method, compute the design flow and the required pipe = 0.34 1from Equation 9@22

Ridge line time = 5 min
area 1
Inlet time = 6 min A1 = 1 ha
Catchment C1 = 0.40
area 2 Cul-de-sac
A2 = 1.5 ha
C2 = 0.30
1 35
Catchment ch 0
area 3 Rea = 0.0 Inlet 1
A3 = 2 ha 20
Inlet Inlet 2 1 mm
C3 = 0.20
= 450
time = 12 min D
S= h2

m c
0 Rea




Inlet 3



t 4 ch


nle ea


Figure 9-12  Illustration for Example 9-7. Plan view of drainage area.
Stormwater Management 229

Next, compute the time of flow in reach 1, using the others. Automatic flow calculations handle pressure and
relationship varied flow situations, including hydraulic jumps, back-
time = distance , velocity = 120 m , 1.05 m>s water, and drawdown curves. Nearly all of the packages
include automatic design features that allow design of all or
= 114 s = 1.9 min
part of a system based on a set of user-defined constraints,
The total time of flow to inlet 2 is the inlet time for area including velocity, slope, cover, invert>crown matching,
1 plus the channel flow time in reach 1, or 5 + 1.9 = 6.9 min. inlet efficiency, gutter spread, gutter depth, and others.
This is larger than the inlet time for area 2; therefore, use Some software packages can determine invert elevations
a time of concentration Tc ≈ 7 min for the composite area and diameters of pipes, as well as the size of a drainage inlet
draining to inlet 2. necessary to maintain a given spread or capture efficiency
From Figure 3-6, read i = 145 mm>h for the 10-year depending on its location in sag or on grade.
Applying the rational formula yields
Q = 0.34 * 0.145 m>h * 25 000 m2 9-3 Stormwater
= 1230 m >h Mitigation
Q = 1230 m3>h * 1 h>3600 s As discussed in Section 9-1, one of the most serious prob-
3 lems associated with land development is that it changes
= 0.34 m >s for reach 2
the rate and amount of stormwater runoff reaching streams
Now enter Manning’s nomograph with Q = 0.34 m3>s and rivers. Conventional stormwater conveyance systems
and the given slope of S = 0.002; read the required diam- are designed to collect, convey and discharge runoff as effi-
eter D = 65 cm and flow velocity V = 1.02 m>s. ciently as possible from developed areas. The intent is to
Reach 3: The total tributary area to inlet 3 is create a highly efficient drainage system, which will pre-
1 + 1.5 + 2 = 4.5 ha, or 45,000 m2. The composite runoff vent localized flooding, promote good drainage and quickly
coefficient is computed to be convey runoff to a discharge point. However, this approach
1 decreases groundwater recharge, increases runoff volume,
C = * 10.4 * 1 + 0.3 * 1.5 + 0.2 * 22 and changes the timing, frequency, and rate of discharge,
which leads to downstream flooding, stream erosion, and
= 0.28 overall degradation of water quality. In fact a series of inde-
The time of flow in reach 2 is 180 m , 1.02 m>s = pendent systems, each designed and installed to deal with
176 s = 2.9 min . The total flow time to inlet 3 is then site-specific stormwater problems, can collectively create
5 + 1.9 + 2.9 = 9.8 min (inlet time for area 1 + travel time bigger problems on a watershed level.
in reach 1 + travel time in reach 2). But this is less than the Many techniques are often implemented to mitigate
individual inlet time for area 3, which is 12 min. Therefore, stormwater volume and quality issues at the site and water-
the 12-min inlet time dominates and is taken as the time of shed levels. These techniques are referred to as best manage-
concentration (or storm duration) for the design of reach 3. ment practices (BMPs). They are any procedure, protocol,
Enter Figure 3-6 with Tc = 12 min and read i = 135 structural device, or site design that prevents or mitigates
mm>h or 0.135 m>h for the 10-year storm. Now, applying the stormwater runoff. In low-impact design, these are also
rational formula yields referred to as integrated management practices. BMPs can
be broadly categorized by whether they prevent stormwater
Q = 0.28 * 0.135 m>h * 45,000 m2 = 1700 m3 >h
pollution (source controls) or treat stormwater to make it
and cleaner (treatment controls).
Q = 1700 m3 >h * 1 h>3600 s = 0.47 m3 >s Source controls provide cost-effective ways to manage
stormwater because they usually require no land or con-
From Manning’s nomograph, with Q = 0.47 m3 >s and struction. Debris removal from streets, landscaping and
S = 0.0015, read D = 80 cm and V = 1 m>s. lawn management control, vegetated swales, and pervious
soil buffers are just some of the preventive measures that can
Several software packages are available for design and be implemented to achieve the objectives of BMPs. In some
analysis of stormwater collection systems. Piping networks drainage basins, however, more sophisticated control mea-
can easily be laid out graphically, and the hydraulics of a sures are necessary to meet the requirements of local water
system can be calculated at the click of a button. Rainfall quality control standards.
information is calculated using rainfall tables, equations, or Low-impact development (LID) is an innovative
National Weather Service data, and the intensity–duration– stormwater management approach with a basic principle
frequency (IDF) curves can be plotted. that is modeled after nature. LID’s goal is to mimic a site’s
Most of the packages include a library of conveyance predevelopment hydrology by using design techniques that
elements, including circular pipes, pipe arches, boxes, and infiltrate, filter, store, evaporate, and detain runoff close to
230 chapter Nine

its source (source control). Examples of LID include biore- On-site Top of embankment
tention cells (commonly known as rain gardens), permeable storm sewer
pavers, and vegetated roofs. Emergency
Inflow Outlet
Stormwater Flow Attenuation Stormwater berm Outflow
The most common approach to stormwater flow control basin
generally utilizes temporary storage of the water on site, in
the vicinity where it falls, rather than quick discharge to a Figure 9-13  Section view of a stormwater detention pond.
nearby body of water. To some extent, stormwater storage The outlet structure acts as a bottleneck, restraining the rate
of discharge from the pond. The pond or basin is usually
occurs naturally in most drainage basins. In some cases, empty of water during dry weather, except perhaps for a
intentional ponding of rain water on rooftops or in parking small stream.
lots for a short period of time can provide enough storage
to reduce peak runoff flow rates. Using open grass–swale into an underlying aquifer. They serve to recharge and
drainage channels also can effectively retard the flow of replenish groundwater reserves as well as to control storm
stormwater runoff. runoff. For a recharge basin to be effective, the soils under-
The construction of relatively small reservoirs or basins lying the basin must be permeable to allow relatively rapid
to hold stormwater after it has been collected from streets, infiltration, and the seasonal high water table should be at
parking lots, and other surfaces is being required in a grow- least 0.5 m below the bottom. In some communities, a por-
ing number of communities undergoing urbanization. tion of a recharge basin may be built underground, freeing
These basins store or retain the stormwater and allow it to up valuable land area for other uses; these subterranean
be released slowly under controlled conditions. They can basins are sometimes called dry wells.
be effective in controlling relatively short, but intense, local Even with the use of recharge basins and dry wells, it is
storms, which tend to cause the most frequent flooding, ero- difficult to re-create the soil recharge rates of predevelop-
sion, and pollution damage in small streams. ment conditions in any stormwater management project.
Some specific benefits of stormwater storage basins are Basins are fairly good at controlling the peak rate of runoff
as follows: by extending the discharge over time, but the volume of
runoff is increased in most postdevelopment conditions.
1. Reduction of peak runoff rates
2. Reduction of the severity and frequency of flooding Design Procedure  Local subdivision regulations and
3. Reduction of soil erosion and stream sedimentation municipal land-use ordinances must be reviewed at the very
4. Protection of surface water quality beginning of the project to determine the specific perfor-
5. Groundwater aquifer recharge, if soil conditions permit mance requirements for the basin with regard to stormflow
reduction. The computations to determine the predevelop-
The basic disadvantage of on-site stormwater storage ment peak discharge (before construction) and the postdevel-
basins is related to the problem of maintenance. The out- opment peak discharge (after construction) can be made as
let structures are prone to clogging, and the basins them- illustrated in Examples 9-4 and 9-6.
selves often become the depository for sediment and debris. Most communities require that a detention basin pro-
Weed control is a problem, and mosquitos can breed in vide enough storage volume and outflow control to keep
pools of water that remain stagnant for a long time. In some postdevelopment runoff equal to or less than predevelop-
cases, safety for children in the area must be considered. ment runoff. In other words, the developer must build a
Maintenance may be the responsibility of the local munici- facility that will effectively maintain the rate of runoff from
pality or of nearby property owners. the site just about as it was in its natural condition, before
There are basically three different types of stormwa- construction.
ter storage basins: retention basins, detention basins, and This requirement usually pertains to the 100-year storm,
recharge basins. A retention basin holds some water all but some ordinances also specify that the basin should
the time, forming a permanent pond or small lake. In addi- reduce runoff flows from the 2- and 10-year storms as well.
tion to stormwater control, it may also provide esthetic If the basin is designed only for the large 100-year storm,
and recreational benefits on the site. A detention basin, it will have no attenuating effect on the smaller, but more
however, only holds the stormwater for a relatively short frequent stormflows. Accommodation of more than one
period of time, during and shortly after periods of rainfall. storm return period in the basin is accomplished by proper
It is empty and dry most of the time. Sometimes there may hydraulic design of the basin volume and outlet structure. A
be a small stream flowing through the basin, even in dry concrete structure with several outlets for handling different
weather. A section view of a detention basin is shown in size storms is illustrated in Figure 9-14.
Figure 9-13. Using a topographic map of the site, a suitable location
The third type of basins, recharge or infiltration, are for the detention basin should be established. This should be
specifically designed to allow the collected water to percolate in the lower part of the tributary drainage area. The on-site
Stormwater Management 231

In mathematical terms, the storage equation is

Overflow I1∆t2 - O1∆t2 = ∆S (9-5)
Outlet outlet
Basin outlet where ∆t = a small time interval, such as 5 or 10 min
structure Basin (pronounced “delta t”)
Embankment I = average inflow rate during ∆t
O = average outflow rate during ∆t
∆S = change in storage volume during ∆t
Stormwater (pronounced “delta S”)
The solution of this equation leads to the determination
of the basin outflow hydrograph, which shows the rate of
Figure 9-14  The outlet structure for a detention basin can flow out of the basin as a function of time. The procedure for
be hydraulically designed to reduce peak discharge flows solving the equation and preparing the outflow hydrograph
from a range of storm magnitudes or frequencies. Multiple- is called flood routing or reservoir routing.
outlet openings or specially designed proportional weirs can
be used for this purpose. Typical inflow and outflow hydrographs for a detention
basin are shown in Figure 9-15. Initially, the rate of inflow
exceeds the rate of outflow and water accumulates in the
storm sewer system should be designed, as described in basin (∆S is positive). The outlet structure serves, in effect, as
Section 9-2, to direct the runoff into the detention basin. A a bottleneck that prevents the water from flowing out of the
preliminary estimate of the required basin volume can be basin as fast as it flows in. Eventually, the inflowing storm-
made at this point. A simple and quick way of doing this is water subsides, and the basin gradually empties as the water
described later in this section. flows through the outlet (∆S is negative). A comparison of the
After a preliminary basin size is determined, a grad- inflow and the outflow hydrographs clearly shows the effect of
ing plan should be sketched on the topographic map. The the basin in attenuating or reducing the peak flow rate.
basin can be constructed by balancing excavation and The reservoir routing procedure just outlined involves
fill in the low-lying area of the site, forming a confining a lot of computation to arrive at a solution of the storage
earth embankment that gradually blends in to the natural equation and the outflow hydrograph. For this discussion, a
topography of the land. A thorough hydraulic analysis of ­simplified procedure is used to illustrate the fundamental con-
flow through the basin and outlet structure should then be cept of stormwater detention without getting bogged down in
conducted. computations. This procedure is sufficient to provide a pre-
If the discharge at the outlet is determined to be equal liminary or ballpark estimate of the required storage volume
to or less than the maximum allowable discharge, then the or peak outflow rate of a detention basin. It is not an exact
basin design is accepted as satisfactory; otherwise, changes method and would not be used for final design or analysis.
are made and the process is repeated until an acceptable In this method, two factors related to the effectiveness
design is reached. Finally, an emergency spillway is designed of a stormwater detention basin are defined as follows:
for the greatest design storm; freeboard is added to account
for the estimations in the calculations. basin storage volume
storage factor (SF) = (9-6)
total rainfall volume
Preliminary Design Computations  The basic relation-
ship that expresses the function and operation of a stormwa-
ter detention basin is that at any given time the volume of
water in storage is equal to the difference between the inflow Basin inflow hydrograph
volume and the outflow volume up to that time, or (postdevelopment runoff)

inflow - outflow = storage (9-4) Basin filling ( S positive)

Basin outflow hydrograph

The rate of inflow changes with time. It depends on the (peak runoff = predevelopment rate)
intensity and duration of rainfall, as well as on the physi-
Basin emptying ( S negative)

cal characteristics of the drainage area. The relationship
between inflow and time is shown graphically in an inflow
The rate of outflow from the basin also changes with
time. It depends on the hydraulic characteristics of the basin Time
outlet structure. The outflow is generally a function of the Figure 9-15  Typical inflow and outflow hydrographs for a
height or depth of water in the basin; the deeper the water, stormwater detention basin. The basin and outlet structure
the faster it flows over or through the outlet. reduce the peak rate of runoff from a developed site.
232 chapter Nine

If there is no storage volume at all, then SF = 0, and

therefore FF = 1.0. In other words, the outflow rate will
equal the inflow rate, and there will be no flow attenuation.
1.0 However, if a basin big enough to store the total rainfall vol-
ume from the storm is provided, then SF = 1.0. Under this
Flow factor = 1.0 – Storage factor
circumstance, FF = 0, and there is no outflow at all. The
Flow factor = peak outflow straight-line relationship approximates what happens in
peak inflow
between these two extreme conditions when some storage
storage volume
Storage factor = volume is provided.
Flow factor

0.6 rainfall volume

0.4 Total Rainfall Volume  The total rainfall volume is

equal to the area under the inflow (or outflow) hydro-
graph because the product of discharge (volume per
0.2 unit time) and time is equivalent to volume. For prac-
tical purposes, it is reasonable to make the simplifying
0 assumption that the inflow hydrograph is triangular in
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Storage factor
The peak inflow can be easily computed using the ratio-
Figure 9-16  The relationship between flow factor and nal method. The time for the rising limb of the hydrograph
storage factor offers a simplified procedure for stormwater to reach the peak flow value is taken as the time of concen-
detention calculations.
tration Tc of the drainage area. The time for the receding
(From A. Pagan, “Flow factor line used in storage calculations,” Irrigation
Journal, 1980, with permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers.)
limb to reach the base is conservatively taken as twice the
time of concentration, or 2Tc. This triangular hydrograph is
peak outflow rate illustrated in Figure 9-17.
flow factor (FF) = (9-7) The total rainfall volume is the area of the triangular
peak inflow rate
inflow hydrograph. The area of a triangle is equal to the
The relationship between the storage factor and the product of one half the base times the height 1A = bh>22.
flow factor can be approximated by a straight line, as shown Because in this case the base b = 3Tc and the height
in Figure 9-16. The line is a graph of the equation h = Q max , the area is 1>2 = 3Tc * Qmax and
FF = 1.0 - SF (9-8)
total rainfall volume = 1.5 * Tc * Qmax (9-9)
where FF and SF are the flow factor and storage factor,

Qmax The volume of rainfall is

represented by the
area under the hydrograph.
Runoff flow rate Q

Height = Qmax


Area = 1.5 x Tc x Qmax

Time of concentration Time

2 Tc
Base = 3 Tc
Figure 9-17  A triangular hydrograph provides a reasonable estimate of total rainfall volume. The peak flow, or height of the
triangle, can be computed using the rational formula.
Stormwater Management 233

The following examples illustrate the application of no greater than it was before development (Example 9-4).
this simplified method for preliminary detention basin Assume that the detention basin will have an average water
computations. depth of 6.5 ft when filled to capacity. How much area of the
site, in acres, will have to be used for the detention basin (a)
Example 9-8 for a 5-year storm and (b) for a 100-year storm?
A storm causes a peak runoff rate of 5 m3>s in a drainage Solution
basin that has a time of concentration of 30 min. A detention
(a) 5-year storm: From Examples 9-4 and 9-6, the prede-
basin with 10,000 m3 of volume can be built on-site for a
velopment discharge of 47 ft3>s is set equal to the basin
residential land subdivision. Estimate the peak outflow from
outflow rate, and the postdevelopment discharge of
the basin for this storm.
127 ft3>s is set equal to the inflow rate. From Equation 9-7,
Solution FF = 47>127 = 0.37, and from Equation 9-8, SF = 0.63.
The time of concentration Tc = 20 min = 1200 sec
Tc = 30 min * 60 s>min = 1800 s Applying Equation 9-9 yields
Applying Equation 9-9 yields total rainfall volume = 1.5 * 1200 s * 127 ft3 >s
total rainfall volume = 1.5 * 1800 s * 5 m3 >s = 228,600 ft3
= 13,500 m3 Now, from Equation 9-6, 0.63 = storage volume>228,600, or
Now, applying Equation 9-6 gives storage volume = 0.63 * 228,600 ft3 = 144,018 ft3.
10,000 m3 Since volume = area * depth, or area = volume>depth,
SF = = 0.74
13,500 m 3 basin area = 144,018 ft3 >6.5 ft ≈ 22,157 ft2 ≈ 0.5 acres

From Figure 9-16 (or Equation 9-8), we get FF = 0.26, and (b) 100-year storm: Following the same procedure as in
from Equation 9-7 part (a), using the data for the 100-year storm, the following
results are obtained:
peak outflow rate = 0.26 * 5 m3 >s = 1.3 m3 >s
In summary, it can be expected that the 10,000-m3 basin 98
FF = = 0.37
will reduce the peak runoff discharge from 5 m3>s to about 267.5
1.3 m3>s. and
SF = 1 - 0.37 = 0.63
Example 9-9
total rainfall volume = 1.5 * 1200 s * 268 ft3 >s
Estimate the storage volume needed in a detention basin
to reduce peak inflow rate of 150 cfs to 100 cfs if the total = 482,400 ft3
rainfall volume is 300,000 ft3. basin area = 482,400 ft3 >6.5 ft
≈ 74,215 ft2 ≈ 1.7 acres
This represents only 2.7 percent of the total site area of
Applying Equation 9-7 yields
62 acres.
FF = = 0.67
Stormwater Quality Control
From Figure 9-16,
There are a number of stormwater quality control tech-
SF = 0.33 niques that are able to reduce stormwater pollutant load
Now, applying Equation 9-6 gives impacts in a watershed. An effective general approach is to
create a system with components that resemble natural pro-
storage volume cesses that promote infiltration and flow attenuation, as well
0.33 =
300,000 ft3 as biological and physical removal of pollutants. By dividing
and the watershed into a series of small, linked subwatersheds, it
is often possible to apply and successfully utilize BMPs that
basin storage volume = 0.33 * 300,000 ft3 are otherwise incapable of managing large volumes of run-
= 100,000 ft3 off. The following is a brief description of typical BMP com-
ponents that can be linked in series to provide stormwater
Example 9-10 quality control.
Referring to the data given in Examples 9-4 and 9-6,
assume that the local planning board has required that the Sedimentation Basins  Excavated areas that collect and
land developer provide an on-site stormwater storage basin. retain stormwater flows for long enough time periods to
The peak runoff after development (Example 9-6) is to be trap suspended soil particles are called sedimentation basins.
234 chapter Nine

They are typically used during the construction phase of a intensity and magnitude of a storm, or the length of time
project to eliminate off-site transport of eroded soils and between storm events, will affect the opportunity for runoff
sediment. A sedimentation basin can also be designed to to infiltrate into the soil. The pollutant removal efficiency of
function as a permanent integral part of a stormwater man- grassed swales on average is 70 percent for TSS, 40 percent
agement system. for TP, and 25 percent for total nitrogen (TN). However, the
When used as a fore bay (i.e., the first structural com- reported range of removal is highly variable.
ponent in the system), a sedimentation basin will effectively
remove suspended soil particles, leaves, litter, road grit, and Bioretention Systems  Bioretention systems utilize a
other trash and gross particulate pollutants from the incom- combination of settling, filtration, and bioaccumulation
ing runoff. The sedimentation basin also serves as an area processes to treat stormwater runoff. They can be designed
where the energy associated with the storm surge can be with or without a preceding sedimentation basin. In ad-
dissipated, thereby reducing the scour potential and ero- dition, bioretention systems can be built online or offline
sive force of the incoming runoff. As is the case with stan- ­(operate in series or parallel). In an online system, runoff
dard detention basins, the pollutant removal efficiencies is directed into and through the bioretention area, whereas
are highly variable. On average, the removal efficiency for in an offline system, runoff is diverted from the main col-
total suspended solids (TSS) is about 70 percent and for total lection system into the treatment area. The general concept
phosphorus (TP) about 30 percent. of any bioretention system is the slowing and detention of
runoff for the purpose of facilitating some form of biologi-
Swales  A swale is a shallow depression or ditch con- cally active treatment. (Biological treatment processes are
structed to collect and convey runoff from one point to an- discussed in Section 10-3.)
other. Although swales may have a limited capacity to store In some applications, an offline riparian buffer type of
and treat stormwater runoff, when combined with other bioretention system can be effective. In addition to attenu-
structural stormwater measures, they can substantially im- ating peak flow and filtering particulate pollutants, ripar-
prove the quality of stormwater. They do so in two ways. ian buffer bioretention systems provide habitat for a wide
First, the vegetation present in the swale reduces runoff ve- variety of living organisms. Runoff is diverted, retained, and
locity. The extent to which this occurs is dependent on the treated for a period of 18 to 36 h in an area of nominal grade
length, depth, and gradient (or slope) of the swale, as well as at least 3 to 5 m (10 to 15 ft) wide. Plantings within the cre-
the density of the vegetation. Second, a portion of the runoff ated riparian corridor can range from grasses to trees. About
discharged to a swale infiltrates into the soil, thus reducing 70 percent TSS, 50 percent TP, and 80 percent TN can be
the quantity or volume of the surface runoff. The amount of removed from the stormwater in riparian buffer zones.
infiltration depends on soil moisture conditions, the gradi-
ent of the swale, and the velocity of the runoff. Created Treatment Wetlands  A created treatment
Most swales are constructed for the purpose of collect- wetland (CTW) is a constructed shallow wetland area de-
ing runoff and directing it to another BMP. Thus, stormwa- signed specifically to detain and treat stormwater runoff
ter runoff typically has a very short contact time in a swale (rather than to create a wildlife habitat). Most CTWs have
(about 5 to 20 min). This limits the amount of treatment a broad, gently graded (1 to 2 percent) bottom, and are de-
that can occur. The best designed swale, from a stormwater signed to accommodate and treat the stormwater runoff
quality enhancement perspective, is wide and shallow with volume of the 1-year storm, using specially designed outlet
a slope in the range of 2 to 3 percent. Side slopes should be control structures or check dams. Most CTWs are planted
no greater than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). A water-tolerant, with a dense assortment of vegetation capable of existing in
erosion-resistant grass should be established as a dense saturated conditions. Small standing pools of water are often
ground cover on the bottom of the swale. Swale grasses interspersed within the dense vegetation of a CTW.
should not be mowed close to the ground because this CTWs provide very high pollutant removal efficiencies,
impedes the filtering and hydraulic functions of the swale. particularly for nutrients and dissolved pollutants. Pollutant
Also, if the swale is adjacent to a roadway, grass spe- removal is achieved as a result of settling, filtering, and
cies that are relatively tolerant to road salts should be used. biouptake. In general, expected pollutant removal efficien-
Swales should be designed to generate sheet flow across cies for CTWs are 70 to 80 percent for TSS, 40 to 45 percent
their point of discharge. This can be accomplished by using for TP, and 25 percent for TN.
rip-rap (large stones), a concrete apron, or another, similar
device at the end of the swale. Once sheet flow degrades into Wet Ponds  Wet ponds (or retention basins) provide
concentrated flows, erosion channels are formed, thereby substantially higher pollutant removal efficiency rates
defeating the pollutant removal attributes of the swale. than conventional dry detention basins. In general, wet
Groundwater infiltration and recharge will also be ponds have relatively high TSS and particulate pollutant
limited by the design of the swale. Again, wide, nominally removal capabilities. As in any standing water body, in-
sloped swales constructed over soils with high infiltration coming particulate pollutants (e.g., nutrients and heavy
rates are most capable of infiltrating runoff. Underlying soils metals) will initially be removed as a result of the settling
should have a percolation rate more than 0.5 in.>hr. The of the heavier, coarse-grain particulate matter (i.e., total
Stormwater Management 235

suspended solids). Studies have shown that the majority of number of different BMPs, including a sedimentation basin,
suspended particulate pollutants will settle out during the a vegetated swale, an infiltration basin, a created treatment
first 6 to 12 h. Most wet ponds are designed to store water wetland, and a small wet pond. These BMPs work in series
from storm events of a given magnitude (e.g., 1-, 5-, and to attenuate peak flows, promote groundwater recharge, and
10-year storms). passively remove pollutants through a combination of filter-
Unlike most conventional structural stormwater mea- ing, settling, and biological treatment mechanisms. The final
sures, wet ponds can also remove significant amounts of design exceeded the township’s stormwater management
dissolved pollutants, especially soluble nutrients, from the requirements while providing an attractive, passive recre-
water. This occurs due to bacterial, algal, and aquatic plant ation and learning environment for Pennswood Village and
uptake of dissolved constituents. Biological assimilation the community at large.
of dissolved pollutants and soluble nutrients represents an The functional design of the Pennswood Village
important removal pathway, since these types of pollutants stormwater management system mimics that of a natural
are not greatly affected by settling processes. Once assimi- riparian, stream corridor channel (Figure 9-18). The sys-
lated, either the nutrients are trapped in biomass and in the tem consists of an integrated series of BMPs, each sized
sediments or microbial activities remove them from the and located to address a specific stormwater management
system (e.g., denitrification). This combination of the set- purpose. The alignment and grading of the swales, basins,
tling of TSS and the assimilation of soluble forms of nutri- and wetlands combined with the careful selection of native
ents, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, makes wet ponds grasses, shrubs, and trees diminishes the velocity of the
an effective means of reducing the stormwater-related pol- runoff, biofilters and settles the pollutants, and creates
lutant load. Pollutant removal efficiencies of wet ponds are opportunities for groundwater recharge. The five major
approximately 70 percent for TSS, 60 percent for TP, and 40 elements of the system and their functional attributes are
percent for TN. as follows.
At the uppermost end of the system, where runoff is
Integration of BMPs  The efficiency of an individual directed by a series of pipes from Route 413 and the con-
BMP can be increased by creating a routing system that in- tributing watershed, is a sedimentation basin. The sedi-
tegrates a series of hydrologically linked BMPs, thereby cre- mentation basin is a stone-lined structure. Its purpose is to
ating a “pollutant removal train.” A system of linked BMPs slow the storm surge, settle out gross particulate material,
can decrease the load of pollutants discharged from a site to and contain the majority of the trash and road debris con-
levels no greater than that discharged prior to development. veyed along with the runoff. Runoff discharged from the
This occurs because each of the interlinked BMPs works in sedimentation basin is directed into a grassed swale that
unison with the others to remove pollutants by either dif- conveys the runoff to an infiltration basin. The soils that
ferent processes or as a result of repeated processes. For ex- predominate in this section of the site are highly p
­ ermeable.
ample, a vegetated swale linked with a wet pond creates an The depth to the seasonal high water table is in excess of 2 m
opportunity for the removal of course particulate materials (6 ft), as is the depth to bedrock. These conditions of good
(via filtration) followed by the removal of dissolved nutri- soil permeability and lack of a constraining horizon are
ents (via biouptake). conducive to the infiltration of runoff and the recharge of
Typically, linked BMPs can be used to augment the pol- the shallow aquifer. The infiltration basin is sized to man-
lutant removal capabilities of the individual BMPs (as in the age the first flush runoff volume of a storm event.
previous example) or to pretreat or prefilter stormwater to Flows exceeding the infiltration capacity of this basin
increase the efficiency of the primary BMP. An example of are discharged from the basin over a broad crested weir
such a situation would be the installation of a catch basin into a long, winding vegetated swale. On either side of
or sediment chamber prior to a bioretention system, where the swale is a broad, flat meadow graded and designed
the sedimentation chamber’s primary function would be to to function in a manner similar to a riparian corridor or
remove coarse sediments. This linking of BMPs is a funda- steam floodplain. That is, it consists of a series of shal-
mental feature of the stormwater management project at low, stepped channels, each of which accommodates and
Pennswood Village, which is described below as an example detains the runoff from increasingly larger storm events.
of a low-impact land development project. At the terminus of the system is a CTW and small wet
Pennswood Village is a retirement community located pond. Outflow from the wet pond is controlled by an out-
in Middletown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. As part of the let structure designed to safely pass the 100-year storm.
facility’s planned expansion, Pennswood Village entered into Initially, during the early part of a storm, runoff that
a partnership with the township, which in part involved cor- exceeds the capacity of the infiltration basin flows via the
rection of existing runoff and stormwater quality problems swale into the wet pond. The outlet control structure on
associated with lands both on and off the Pennswood site. the pond causes water to flood back into the CTW. As
The resulting stormwater quality management system was water is detained in the CTW and wet pond, it will back
designed to mimic the functional properties of a riparian cor- up further, eventually overflowing into the broad meadow
ridor floodplain. The Pennswood Village design integrated a and created riparian corridor.
236 chapter Nine


Route 413
Swale Water source/forebay

Forebay weir
Sedimentation basin
Created treatment

Low flow
ripparian corridor

Created treatment
Wetland terraces

Phase I - Storm Water Management System
Figure 9-18  A plan view of the Pennswood Village stormwater system.
(Courtesy of Princeton Hydro, LCC, and Wells Appel Land Strategies, Lambertville, New Jersey. Used with permission.)

The result is a highly functional stormwater manage- 9-4 Floodplains

ment system that exceeded the township’s stormwater
management requirements while providing an attractive Flooding is a natural event that occurs periodically when the
environment for Pennswood Village and the community water in a stream or river overflows its channel banks and
at large. As designed, this system attenuates peak flows, inundates adjacent low-lying land. This land is called the
promotes groundwater recharge, and passively removes
­ floodplain. The portion of the floodplain that is inundated
­pollutants through a combination of filtering, settling, and by the 100-year flood is usually called the flood hazard area,
biological treatment processes.1 as illustrated in Figure 9-19. The flood hazard area includes
the floodway, which carries the major portion of the flood at
LEED and Stormwater Mitigation  Under LEED,
project certification points can be earned by implement-
ing strategies to reduce stormwater quantity and improve 100-year floodplain (flood hazard area)
stormwater quality to specific levels. Minimizing impervi-
ous area, specifying vegetated roofs and promoting on-site Water surface for 100-year flood
infiltration with rain gardens and pervious pavement are Floodway
among the techniques that can be used. Reuse of stormwater
for nonpotable uses such as landscape irrigation, toilet and Flood fringe
urinal flushing, and custodial uses also are techniques recog- Flood fringe Main
nized by LEED. channel

Adapted from Stephen J. Souza, Mark Gallagher, and Stuart Appel, “The
Pennswood Village Stormwater System: The Design and Construction of
a Multi-functional Riparian Corridor for the Management of Stormwater
Quality,” Princeton Hydro, LLC, and Wells Appel Land Strategies, Figure 9-19  The 100-year floodplain or flood hazard area
Lambertville, New Jersey. Used with permission. includes the floodway and the flood fringe areas.
Stormwater Management 237

Higher flood elevation after development structure and contents in the floodplain and reduces pollu-
tion problems.
Floodplain management must be preceded by a study
Main that shows the extent of the floodplain on a suitable map.
channel The easiest way to delineate the floodplain is to examine the
Flood elevation before
filling and building area topography on available U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
maps. Also, an examination of NRCS soil-type data can pro-
vide useful information; floodplain areas are usually associ-
ated with deposits of silty soils laid down by the stream over
Figure 9-20  Urban development in a floodplain causes
the years.
an increase in flood elevations due to the constricted flow
channel. The most accurate method of delineating the floodplain
is to obtain detailed topographic information from field
surveys and conduct hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of
high velocities, and the flood fringe, which is covered with the flood surface profile. A typical flood hazard area map
shallower, slowly moving water. is shown in Figure 9-21. Hydraulic analyses are typically
It is important to understand that the 100-year flood is made using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydraulic
a statistical value; it can occur 2 d in a row, several times in a Engineering Center–River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
single year, several times in a century, or not at all in a period computer program. HEC-RAS is the most widely used soft-
longer than 100 years. Larger databases give more accurate ware for conducting floodplain hydraulic modeling studies,
values. using open channel varied flow computation procedures.
Floods are particularly damaging to houses and other (See Section 2-5 for a discussion of nonuniform open chan-
structures in the floodway. In addition to economic loss nel flow.)
totaling billions of dollars annually in the United States, Structural methods for flood protection include the use
many lives are lost in severe floods. Furthermore, significant of dams and reservoirs, levees or dikes, and channelization.
pollution problems, including contamination of ­drinking Reservoirs store the excess runoff in upstream areas. Levees
water supplies, occur during flood conditions. Flood and dikes serve to confine floodwaters to a specific channel
­damages are the result of poor land use and environmental or flood zone, and channelization increases existing capacity
planning, and they can be avoided with proper floodplain to carry flow. But all structural methods provide only lim-
management practices. ited protection up to the storm recurrence interval for which
Improper floodplain management results in the con- they are designed, and they often spur additional develop-
dition illustrated in Figure 9-20. As the floodway is filled ment of the floodplain because of the sense of security that
in and built on, the flow path is restricted. This causes an they provide.
increase in the flood elevation, making the problem even Reservoirs and levees take up large land areas, and the
more severe. The basic objective of regulating land use in expense of construction is usually beyond the means of local
the floodplain is to reduce the risk of future flood damages. municipalities. Overall, the preferred method for prevent-
Floodplain regulation is generally a responsibility of local ing flood damage is regulation of land use in the floodplain,
government, subject to state guidelines. Control is also exer- rather than use of structural methods. The devastating
cised by the federal government under the requirements flood that overwhelmed the city of New Orleans, Louisiana,
of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Federal after levees and floodwalls failed in the wake of Hurricane
subsidized flood insurance cannot be purchased unless the Katrina in August 2005, is a dramatic example of the poten-
municipality participates in the NFIP. tial for catastrophe surrounding the dependence on struc-
Many states have adopted regulations that restrict or tural methods for flood control.
prohibit certain types of construction or activities in the Most of New Orleans is below sea level and can-
floodplain. These include the following: not depend on gravity alone for drainage. As a result, the
1. New buildings U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has taken responsibility for
2. Sanitary landfills designing flood protection structures in New Orleans and
other parts of the Gulf region. However, despite their efforts,
3. On-site sewage disposal systems
the danger of severe flooding in New Orleans due to surges
Recreational facilities such as playgrounds and picnic caused by hurricanes stronger than category 3 (on a National
areas and farming activities are still permitted because they Weather Service scale of 1–5, where a category 5 storm is the
are unlikely to cause obstructions and increase the poten- strongest) has been well known for sometime. At the time
tial for flooding or environmental damage. Buildings and Hurricane Katrina struck, New Orleans was served by an elab-
sanitary facilities constructed in the flood fringe must be orate drainage system comprised of about 560 km (350 mi)
floodproofed to a height above the base flood level (which of levees and floodwalls, several pumping stations, and out-
has a 100-year recurrence interval) to comply with the flow canals that drain water into Lake Pontchartrain and the
requirements of the NFIP. This prevents damage to the Mississippi River.
238 chapter Nine

Figure 9-21  A typical flood hazard area map, which shows a plan view of the floodway and flood
hazard area.
(Courtesy of Division of Water Resources, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.)

9-5 Control of of the wastewater treatment facilities. Unless modern engi-

Combined Sewer neering controls are provided in the CSS and at the relief
points, sanitary sewage and stormwater mixtures in com-
Overflow bined sewer overflows (CSOs) are discharged directly into
About 770 older urban communities in the United States are nearby rivers, lakes, or estuaries without treatment.
served by combined sewer systems (CSSs) instead of separate CSO contains debris, suspended solids, pathogens,
sewers; most CSSs were built in the densely populated cit- toxic pollutants, floatable solids, nutrients, organic com-
ies of the Northeast and Great Lakes regions and the Pacific pounds, oil and grease, and other contaminants. Water pol-
Northwest. They were designed to convey sanitary sewage lution caused by intermittent CSOs can exceed pollution
(domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewater) and from treated sewage effluent. Most of the public beach clos-
stormwater through a single-pipeline system to a sewage ings imposed after periods of wet weather are due to CSO
treatment plant. As explained in the beginning of Chapter 8, pollution and its potential for harming the public health.
CSSs are no longer built in the United States, but there are About 16 percent of the shellfish harvest limitations in the
persistent environmental problems that require solutions in Northeast and the Middle Atlantic states and about half of
many areas due to the CSSs that remain in use. the estuary contamination nationwide are also attributable
During dry-weather conditions, the sanitary sewage to CSOs.
carried in a CSS receives full treatment at the sewage treat- In 1994, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ment facility, but during periods of rainfall (or snowmelt), (EPA) established a policy for the control of CSO pollu-
when the pipeline also carries stormwater, the capacities of tion based on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
the pipe and treatment plant may be exceeded. Due to exces- System (NPDES) permitting program (see Section 10-1)
sive flows, combined sewer overflows (CSOs) often occur at because each CSO is a point source. This policy recognizes
one or more “relief points” in the pipe system. Relief points the site-specific nature of CSO problems and provides the
are necessary to prevent basement flooding and overloading necessary flexibility to tailor controls to local situations.
Stormwater Management 239

It encourages the evaluation of water pollution control needs In-System Controls , Inline Storage  This is one of the
on a watershed management basis and the coordination of least costly CSO control methods, but it is not normally suf-
CSO control efforts with other point and nonpoint control ficient by itself to provide the complete degree of control re-
activities. Communities served by CSSs must develop and quired. Its objective is to optimize the use of available storage
implement long-term plans for CSO control that will attain capacity in the existing pipe system and to maximize the con-
compliance with water quality standards. veyance of combined flows to the treatment plant. Because
this technique reduces the required design capacity (and
cost) of other control methods that must also be applied, it is
CSO Control Technology typically an essential component of all control plans.
Complete separation of stormwater and municipal wastewa- There are many “in-system” strategies that can help
ter in older cities is the best long-term solution to the CSO optimize inline storage and maximize the flows to a treat-
problem, but it can be prohibitively expensive. It requires ment facility. To mention only a few, these include tidegate
the construction of either a new sanitary sewer system or a repair, the removal of flow obstructions (such as sediment),
new storm sewer system. Sometimes separation is feasible enlargement of undersized CSS pipe sections to eliminate
in the older areas of small towns, as described in the follow- flow restrictions, and adjustment of regulator settings.
ing case study. For most large communities, however, full Regulators are designed to control the amount of sew-
separation is economically and politically impractical. Other age that enters an interceptor from an upstream section of
engineering methods must be applied to mitigate the CSO the system and to provide an overflow relief point for flows
problem. that exceed the interceptor capacity. Two general catego-
Effective CSO control technologies in wide use include ries of regulators are static and mechanical. Static regula-
the following: tors have no moving parts and are not easily adjustable,
but they require little maintenance. Mechanical regulators
● In-system controls>inline storage
have moving parts, but they are readily adjustable and may
● Offline near-surface storage>sedimentation be controlled by remote telemetry or designed to respond
● Deep tunnel storage to variations in local flow conditions. Motor-operated sluice
● Coarse screening gates, for example, respond to water-level sensing devices.
● Swirl>vortex technologies Controls can be set to fully open or close the gate, or any-
● Disinfection thing in between, as required by flow conditions.
An example of a static-type regulator is the vortex valve,
These techniques are almost never sufficient separately which allows dry-weather flows to pass without restric-
to meet the needs of a comprehensive CSO control program; tion, but controls higher flows by a vortex throttling action
two or more are generally combined to produce the required (Figure 9-22). Vortex valves can be used to divert flows to
results. Coarse screening, for instance, is usually used to CSO treatment facilities and to control flow out of storage
provide pretreatment for any of the other technologies. facilities. They are typically made of stainless steel and are
Where high bacterial levels are the cause of water quality housed in reinforced concrete structures.
impairment, disinfection may be applied to the CSO along
with one or more of the other methods. Offline Near-Surface Storage , Sedimentation This
A factor that complicates many CSO control efforts is type of CSO control facility comprises tanks that store and
the existence of multiple relief points or overflow locations treat flow diverted from the combined trunk sewers and
in any particular CSS; these may often discharge to different ­interceptors. Coarse screening, sedimentation, and disin-
receiving bodies of water. They may all be consolidated or fection are commonly provided (these treatment processes
combined for treatment, or controlled separately. Sometimes are described in more detail in Sections 6-2, 6-5, and 10-2).
it is best to completely eliminate a particular discharge point The tanks are built near the ground surface using open-cut
at an environmentally sensitive location by rerouting the ­excavation methods, rather than being put in tunnels deep
flows in a modified piping system. Often, a variety of CSO underground. They can be designed to capture the more
control alternatives are available for a given community. concentrated flows that occur during the initial stages of
Each CSS is unique, and most are very complex. a storm and to reduce the number of overflow events, as
Determination of an appropriate design approach requires well as to provide a level of treatment that meets receiving
detailed analysis of rainfall records, drainage areas, and pip- water quality standards for storms of a specified recurrence
ing systems. This usually requires application of computer interval.
simulation programs such as EPA’s SWMM. Pollutant The contents of storage>sedimentation tanks are nor-
levels in CSOs are site specific and vary widely. They are mally returned to the CSS (by gravity, if feasible, or by
influenced by the strength of the sanitary sewage flow, the pumping) and flow to the treatment plant at a rate the plant
age and condition of the sewer system, and the amount of can accommodate. The tanks may be aerated or mechani-
infiltration>inflow. The highly variable nature of CSOs in cally agitated to resuspend settled solids before pump-back
quantity and quality and the differences between sites make to the sewage treatment plant. Some facilities have a sepa-
CSO control a technically challenging design problem. rate means to handle grit and heavy solids, such as access for
240 chapter Nine

Adjustable weir

Effluent flow pattern


Influent regulator

Wet weather flow To WWTP
(controlled discharge)

Figure 9-23  Example of a Hydrovex ™ Fluidsep vortex


pump the stored sewage to a treatment plant after the storm

event subsides. One example of a deep tunnel project is the
Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP), which serves Chicago
and many nearby communities that have combined ­sewers.
The system consists of 175 km (109 mi) of deep, large
diameter, rock tunnels providing 2.3 billion gallons of vol-
ume to capture of CSOs that previously discharged at hun-
dreds of outfall locations. The “Mainstream tunnel” is 10 m
(33 ft) in diameter, bored between 70 m and 90 m (about
240 to 300 ft) below the ground, and holds 1 billion gallons
of water. CSO is pumped out and conveyed to sewage treat-
Dry weather flow ment plants. The TARP, along with sewer upgrades in the
(free discharge)
local towns, will eliminate pollution and flooding problems
in the Cook County CSS area.

Swirl , Vortex Technology  Swirl concentrators and

Figure 9-22  Example of a vortex valve. vortex separators provide flow regulation and some degree
of solids and floatable material removal in combined flows.
Typically, sewage entering the device is directed around the
removal by a vacuum truck or a separate set of pumps for perimeter of a cylindrical shell, creating a swirling, vortex
solids removal. flow pattern. The swirling action throttles the flow and
causes solids to concentrate at the bottom. Clarified efflu-
Deep Tunnel Storage  In congested urban areas, ent flows out through the top of the unit, as illustrated in
where space constraints or possible construction impacts Figure 9-23. The concentrated solids in the underflow are
make near-surface facilities unfeasible, deep tunnel stor- discharged to a treatment plant; floatable material, cap-
age can be a viable alternative. Relatively large volumes tured by baffles, is carried out in the underflow when the
of combined sewage can be conveyed and stored in deep storm flow subsides and the unit drains. Since swirl>vortex
tunnels, with little disturbance to ground surface features units have no moving parts, operation is governed solely
caused by their construction or operation. The feasibility by hydraulic conditions. The devices are used in conjunc-
of deep tunneling for CSO control depends on subsurface tion with upstream regulators, bar screens, and disinfection
geological factors to a large degree. The total storage vol- systems.
ume needed to accomplish a specified CSO control goal
is usually calculated using a computer flow-routing model Disinfection  Disinfection is a common goal of CSO
(such as SWMM). control strategies. Although liquid sodium hypochlorite is
In addition to the tunnel itself, a typical system includes most commonly used, alternatives such as UV light, ozone,
regulators to divert and control storm flows to the tunnel, or gaseous chlorine are available. (Disinfection methods are
coarse screens, vertical dropshafts and air separation cham- discussed in more detail in Section 6-5; coarse screens are
bers, access and vent shafts, and a dewatering system to discussed in Section 10-2.)
Stormwater Management 241

9-6 Computer can easily be updated to show them on the plan drawings.

GIS provides additional tools for data storage and analysis,
allowing consideration of both spatial and attribute data to
As for the water distribution and wastewater collection sys- provide model inputs, processing rainfall data, and mod-
tems described in previous chapters, mathematical model- eling runoff response of the watershed. Many cities and
ing software can also be used to simulate and analyze the towns maintain extensive GIS systems that can be sources of
hydraulic behavior of stormwater collection systems, drain- hydrologic and hydraulic model input data.
age basins, rivers, and flood control facilities. The models One example of a computer program for modeling the
are based on fundamental laws of physics, and apply prin- hydraulics and hydrology of storm runoff is HydroCADTM. It
ciples of conservation of mass, energy, and momentum. A is based on the computational techniques of the SCS>NRCS,
computer model is essentially a collection of automated soft- and it also includes an option for the rational method. For
ware routines that can perform the required calculations at a given project, a routing diagram can readily be developed
incredibly fast speeds, allowing for repeated analyses under (Figure 9-24). A routing diagram includes nodes represent-
a wide range of flows and conditions, and optimization of ing subcatchments, reaches, and ponds, with arrows indicat-
the system design. The basic elements that must be incor- ing how the outflows are routed to connect the nodes. Based
porated into a model include local hydrology and watershed on the routing diagram, the program calculates the flows
response to storms, hydraulic capacities of the system struc- throughout the project. In Figure 9-24, subcatchments are
tures, and upstream and downstream impacts. shown as hexagons, the reaches as squares, and the ponds as
Stormwater conveyance and flood control facilities triangles. Clicking and dragging the nodes into the project
primarily involve gravity flow in pipes and open channel window easily constructs the diagram. Each node is auto-
hydraulics (discussed in Sections 2-4 and 2-5). Models typi- matically numbered and can also be described or annotated
cally apply appropriate hydraulic relationships and formu- with text.
las to analyze steady or unsteady flow conditions. In steady A subcatchment models the effect of rainfall on a spe-
flow, the discharge is constant over time at a given point in cific section of the watershed, and produces a runoff hydro-
the pipe or channel. Steady flow may be uniform or varied. graph. Subcatchments are described by parameters such as
In uniform flow, the depth, velocity, and cross-sectional area, curve number, and time of concentration. A reach
area of flow are constant along the channel length. In var- models the effect of flow being routed through a uniform
ied flow, the depth and velocity change along the channel. stream, channel, or pipe under open channel flow condi-
FlowMaster™ is one example of a computer model that is tions. This results in attenuation and delay of the peak flow
used for steady uniform flow calculations (as described in due to the storage and travel time of the reach. Reaches are
Section 2-6). Varied flow is called gradually varied flow, if described by shape, slope, length, and roughness coefficient.
the depth and velocity change slowly along the channel. If A pond is used to model the storage effects of any retention
depth and velocity change quickly, the condition is called or detention area, from a small catch basin to a large pond.
rapidly varied flow (as in a hydraulic jump). Hydraulic This includes analysis of the outlet devices, such as culverts
modeling of varied flow conditions is much more complex and weirs. Hydraulic calculations are done using either SI
than that for uniform flow because of the need for more metric or U.S. Customary units. The results can be depicted
data on channel cross-section geometry, reach lengths,
roughness factors, and other factors. The U.S. Army Corp
of Engineers HEC-RAS software is frequently used for
gradually varied flow profile computer modeling calcula-
tions (see Section 9-4).
Various levels of model complexity exist for the analysis
of storm sewer systems, which consists of two major parts:
surface analysis (i.e., gutter flow and inlet capacity) and sub-
surface hydraulics (i.e., pipe capacity and energy losses).
Flow in the subsurface system is modeled as open channel
flow when a pipe is not full and as closed conduit pressure
flow when the pipe is full or surcharged. Minor energy losses
that occur at inlets, outlets, and locations where pipe sizes or
alignments change must be included in the model. Computer
models such as StormCADTM (Bentley Systems Inc.) can be
used to calculate these losses as part of a network analysis.
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling software is often
integrated with a CAD program or a GIS. A CAD draw-
ing typically displays the physical layout of topography Figure 9-24  A typical HydroCAD routing diagram
and existing sewers, channels, and detention ponds. After showing subcatchments, reaches, ponds, and links.
new hydraulic structures have been designed, the drawing (Screen image courtesy of HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC.)
242 chapter Nine

rainfall that appears as runoff. It can be estimated from an

evaluation of land use and characteristics, and ground slope.
The value of rainfall intensity depends on a chosen storm
frequency and duration. It can be determined from a rainfall
IDF graph (see Section 3-3).
The first step in determining rainfall intensity is to
select a storm frequency or recurrence interval. A 5-year
rainfall frequency, for example, may be selected for the
design of storm drains in a residential neighborhood,
but a longer, say 25-year frequency, may be selected for
a ­high-value commercial district, to reduce the chance of
flooding. The second step in determining i is to select an
appropriate storm duration based on the time of concen-
tration. The time of concentration is the total time it takes
water to flow from the most distant point in the basin to the
outlet, including overland flow time, shallow concentrated
Figure 9-25  A typical HydroCAD hydrograph. flow time, and channel flow time. The time of concentra-
(Screen image courtesy of HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC.) tion is then used as the storm duration in an appropriate
IDF graph, to determine the rainfall intensity for a particu-
lar frequency storm.
The rational formula is used to determine only peak
in tabular form or in the form of hydrographs, as illustrated flow rates in relatively small urban or suburban drainage
in Figure 9-25. basins. In some states, especially for basin areas up to 2000
Another example of a modeling program is AutoDesktm ac (3 mi2), the so-called SCS method is used to determine
Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA). SSA is an advanced peak flows, as well as full hydrographs. In the SCS method,
modeling package for analyzing and designing urban drain- an emphasis is placed on the type of soil cover in the basin
age, stormwater, and sanitary sewer systems. It is based on to determine runoff amounts. Four hydrologic soil groups
the EPA SWMM engine and includes additional hydrology are defined, ranging from those with high infiltration and
modeling methods such as the Rational, Modified Rational, low runoff to very slow infiltration and high runoff. The soil
DeKalb Rational, SCS-TR20, and SCS-TR55. group in a watershed can be determined from countywide
Bentley Systems Incorporatedtm StormCAD, soil survey maps (see Section 1-4). In addition to soil group,
CulvertMaster, FlowMaster, PondPak, and CivilStorm fam- the type of land use determines a curve runoff number (CN).
ily of products are additional examples of stormwater mod- A graph of SCS rainfall–runoff relationships can be used to
eling programs. determine the total amount of runoff for a 24-h duration
storm of a particular depth. A different graph can be used
to determine the peak rate of runoff for the 100-year, 24-h
9-7 Chapter Synopsis storm, as a function of time of concentration.
Stormwater and excessive surface runoff must be con- Because storm sewers are designed for specific recur-
trolled to prevent flood damage and water pollution. It is a rence intervals, they can be expected to surcharge and
major nonpoint source of water pollutants, including fertil- ­overflow periodically and cause local flooding. Storm sewer
izers, pesticides, oil, and other substances. BMPs are used systems designed for longer recurrence intervals are expen-
to control stormwater runoff from new land development sive because larger diameter pipes are required. Stormwater
projects to attenuate runoff discharge and to prevent water inlets must be located properly to intercept sheet flow
pollution. Rather than simply collecting it in channels and on roadways and other surfaces and direct it to the storm
underground pipes and quickly conveying it to a convenient sewers. Design begins at the uppermost inlet and proceeds
downstream location (as was done in the past), runoff can downstream; cumulative areas and composite runoff coef-
be temporarily retained on site and released slowly after ficients are computed for each section between inlets, and a
some pollutants are removed. Some of the retained runoff new time of concentration is computed to account for grad-
can also help recharge groundwater aquifers. ually increasing flow time. As with sanitary sewers, storm
The peak rate of runoff expected from a storm of speci- drain locations, diameters, slopes, and invert elevations are
fied frequency and duration is an important factor. A com- shown on engineering plan drawings. In older communities
monly used method for correlating runoff with rainfall served by combined sewer systems, CSOs, which occur dur-
applies the rational formula, Q = C * i * A, where Q is ing periods of excessive rainfall, must be controlled. This can
the maximum rate of flow, C is a runoff coefficient, i is the be accomplished by complete separation of the two types of
rainfall intensity, and A is the drainage basin area. The basin sewers (an expensive method), or by inline storage, offline
area can be measured from a topographic map. The dimen- near surface storage and sedimentation, deep tunnel storage,
sionless runoff coefficient is equivalent to the fraction of and other methods.
Stormwater Management 243

Land development, which typically involves building storm. Groundwater recharge basins allow the collected
impervious surfaces such as roads and parking lots, tends water to percolate into an underlying aquifer. Most munici-
to increase the total volumes of runoff and the peak rates pal land-use regulations now require that on-site storage
of runoff flow. In the United States, modern land devel- basins provide enough volume and outflow control to keep
opment practices require that these increases be mitigated postdevelopment runoff equal to or less than predevelop-
by the application of BMPs, including source controls and ment runoff, for the 100-year storm, and should also reduce
treatment controls. Source controls include land manage- runoff from the 2- and 10-year storms. Design involves the
ment techniques to reduce both the amount of runoff and development and analysis of inflow hydrographs and out-
the quantity of pollutants in it. BMP components that can flow hydrographs in a computational procedure called flood
reduce pollutant impacts include sedimentation basins, routing. The basic premise underlying flood routing is that
swales, and wet ponds. Treatment controls typically include at any given time the volume of water in storage equals
temporary storage of stormwater on site, in a small reservoir the difference between the inflow volume and the outflow
or basin. Treatment control measures are generally more ­volume up to that time. This is also applied in floodplain
expensive than source control measures. management, which can include regulating land use in the
Three types of stormwater storage reservoirs include floodplain and construction of dams, reservoirs, levees,
retention basins, detention basins, and recharge basins. and dikes. Floodplain regulations are subject to local and
Retention basins hold water all the time, while detention state guidelines and the requirements of the National Flood
basins hold water temporarily, during and shortly after a Insurance Program.

Review Questions 18. Visit the US EPA's website and search for the National
Menu of Best Management Practices. Compare and
1. Why is stormwater control an important aspect of envi- contrast two practices; bioretention (a LID approach)
ronmental technology? and dry detention ponds (a BMP approach).
2. Briefly compare the present-day approach toward
stormwater control with past practices. Practice Problems
3. Define time of concentration of a drainage basin. How
is it determined, and what is it used for? 1. Estimate the peak rate of runoff on a 15-ac watershed
4. What is a runoff curve number? What is it used for? from a storm with rainfall intensity of 2 in.>hr. Use a
5. What does csm>in. stand for? runoff coefficient of 0.6.
6. Give two direct effects of urbanization on stormwater 2. Estimate the peak rate of runoff from a 0.15-km2 drain-
runoff. What is the overall effect on a short-term basis age basin that has a runoff coefficient of 0.3 if the rainfall
and in the long run? intensity is 60 mm>h.
7. Briefly describe three basic differences between storm 3. From an aerial photo of a 22-ac watershed, it is deter-
sewer systems and sanitary sewer systems. mined that 4.5 ac is flat grassland, 6.0 ac is lightly wooded,
8.5 ac is a suburban residential area with large lots, and
8. List and briefly describe three types of stormwater inlets. 3.0 ac is impervious pavement and roofs. Compute a
9. Briefly discuss the design procedure for storm sewers. composite runoff coefficient for the total watershed area.
10. List five specific benefits of on-site stormwater storage. 4. A drainage basin of 180 ac comprises 40 percent wooded
11. What is a disadvantage of stormwater storage basins? areas, 45 percent grassed areas, and 15 percent paved
areas. Estimate a conservative value of the composite
12. Briefly describe three different types of stormwater stor-
runoff coefficient for this drainage basin.
age basins.
5. A 250-ha watershed comprises 80 ha of woods, 120 ha of
13. Briefly discuss the design procedure for a stormwater
suburban residential area, 30 ha of business area, and 20
detention basin.
ha of industrial area. Determine a probable range of values
14. Sketch and label a typical inflow and outflow hydro- for the composite runoff coefficient in this watershed.
graph for a stormwater detention basin.
6. A 15-ac catchment area has a composite runoff coef-
15. What is a floodplain? What is a flood hazard area? ficient of 0.5 and a time of concentration of 20 min.
16. Briefly discuss floodplain management measures. Compute the 25-year peak discharge.
17. Briefly describe the CSO problem in the United States. 7. A 10-ha drainage basin has a composite runoff coef-
Name two important CSO control methods and briefly ficient of 0.7 and a time of concentration of 30 min.
describe them. Compute the peak rate of runoff from a 100-year storm.
244 chapter Nine

8. A 0.45-km2 watershed has a composite runoff coeffi- Using the rational method, compute the design flow and
cient of 0.33. The overland flow distance to the begin- required pipe diameter for each reach of the system for
ning of a stream that drains the watershed is 200 m, and a 25-year storm.
the ground slope is 5 percent. The stream is 750 m long, 12. A storm drain system is laid out similar to that shown in
with an average flow velocity of 0.25 m>s. Estimate the Figure 9-12, with the following characteristics:
peak rate of runoff for the 100-year storm.
catchment area 1: A1 = 1.2 ha, C1 = 0.6,
9. The watershed described in Problem 8 is to be developed
inlet time = 5 min
as an industrial area, with a runoff coefficient of 0.9.
Part of the stream is channelized, increasing the aver- catchment area 2: A2 = 2.0 ha, C2 = 0.35,
age flow velocity to 0.4 m>s. Assume that the overland inlet time = 6 min
flow time remains the same. Determine the ­100-year catchment area 3: A3 = 3.0 ha, C3 = 0.2,
peak discharge from the watershed under developed inlet time = 7 min
conditions. reach 1 1inlet 1 to inlet 22: L = 100 m, S = 0.0015
10. An 800-ac forested watershed with type C soils has been reach 2 1inlet 2 to inlet 32: L = 120 m, S = 0.003
zoned for the following land uses: 300 ac residential, 200
reach 3 1inlet 3 to inlet 42: S = 0.010
ac business and commercial, and the remaining 300 ac
left as undeveloped forest. Assume that the time of con- Using the rational method, compute the design flow and
centration for the watershed decreases from 60 min to required pipe diameter for each reach of the system for
45 min, after development takes place. Using the SCS a 5-year storm.
method, estimate the peak runoff discharge, both before 13. A storm causes a peak runoff rate of 8 m3>s in a drain-
and after development, for a 24-h storm that causes 7 in. age basin that has a time of concentration of 20 min. A
of rainfall. detention basin with 12,000 m3 of storage volume is built
11. A storm drain system is laid out similar to that shown in on site. Estimate the peak outflow rate from the basin for
Figure 9-12, with the following characteristics: this storm, using the simplified storage factor method.
1 4. Estimate the storage volume needed in a detention basin
catchment area 1: A1 = 3 ac, C1 = 0.5, to reduce a peak inflow rate of 10 m3>s to 2 m3>s when
inlet time = 5 min the total rainfall volume is 15,000 m3.
catchment area 2: A2 = 4.5 ac, C2 = 0.4, 15. In a land development project, the peak flow before
inlet time = 8 min construction is 40 cfs. The peak flow after construction
catchment area 3: A3 = 6 ac, C3 = 0.3, is estimated to be 120 cfs. The local planning board
inlet time = 6 min requires that the peak runoff leaving the site after devel-
reach 1 1inlet 1 to inlet 22: L = 300 ft, S = opment be no greater than the 40-cfs ­predevelopment
0.4 percent rate and that on-site storage be provided to accomplish
this. If the detention basin will have an average depth
reach 2 1inlet 2 to inlet 3): L = 350 ft, S = of 4 ft at full volume, approximately how many acres of
0.3 percent the site will have to be used for the basin? Assume that
reach 3 1inlet 3 to inlet 42: S = 0.3 percent the time of concentration is 30 min.
chapter Ten

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal

Chapter Outline Land Treatment of Wastewater

Alternative Treatment Technologies
10-1 Legislation and Standards
Advanced Treatment and Reuse
10-2 Primary Treatment
10-5 On-Site Wastewater Treatment
10-3 Secondary Treatment and Disposal
Trickling Filters Conventional Systems
Activated Sludge Treatment Alternative On-Site Systems
Modifications of the Activated Sludge
10-6 Sludge (Biosolids) Management
Sludge Characteristics
Other Secondary Treatment Processes
Sludge Treatment
10-4 Tertiary Treatment
Sludge Disposal
Effluent Polishing
Phosphorus Removal 10-7 Operation and Maintenance
Nitrogen Removal 10-8 Chapter Synopsis

R aw or untreated sewage is mostly pure water. In

fact, municipal sewage comprises about 99.9 per-
cent water and only about 0.1 percent impurities.
In other words, if a sample of sewage is allowed to evaporate
from a 1-L container, just a very tiny amount (about 1 mg)
a TSS of about 240 mg>L. Industrial wastewater may have
BOD and TSS values much higher than those for sanitary
sewage; its composition is source dependent.
Another group of impurities that is typically of major
significance in wastewater is the plant nutrients. Specifically,
of solid residue will remain behind. these are compounds of nitrogen, N, and phosphorus, P. On
In contrast to this, seawater is only about 96.5 percent pure the average, raw sanitary sewage contains about 35 mg>L of
water; it normally contains about 35,000 mg>L, or 3.5 p ­ ercent, N and 10 mg>L of P.
dissolved impurities. Although seawater contains much more Finally, the amount of pathogens in the wastewater is
impurities than does sanitary sewage, we do not ordinarily expected to be proportional to the concentration of fecal coli-
consider seawater to be polluted. The important distinction form bacteria. The coliform concentration in raw (untreated)
here is not the total concentration, but the type of impurities. sanitary sewage is roughly 1 billion per liter. Coliform con-
The impurities in seawater are mostly inorganic salts from centration, as well as BOD, TSS, and concentrations of N
natural sources, but domestic sewage contains biodegradable and P, are parameters of water quality that are discussed in
organic material and is likely to contain pathogenic micro- some detail in Chapter 4.
organisms; industrial sewage may contain toxic chemicals as Before discharging wastewater back into the environ-
well as organic material. (Seawater is, of course, susceptible to ment and the natural hydrologic cycle, it is necessary to
anthropogenic pollution, as discussed in Section 5-7.) provide some degree of treatment in order to protect pub-
Actually, sewage can contain so many different sub- lic health and environmental quality. The basic purposes of
stances, both suspended and dissolved, that it is impractical sewage treatment are to destroy pathogenic microorganisms
to attempt to identify each specific substance or microor- and to remove most suspended and dissolved biodegradable
ganism. The total amount of organic materials is related to organic materials. Sometimes it is also necessary to remove
the strength of the sewage. This is measured by the biochemi- the plant nutrients—nitrogen and phosphorus. Disinfection,
cal oxygen demand (BOD). Another important measure or usually with chlorine, serves to destroy most pathogens and
parameter related to the strength of the sewage is the total helps prevent the transmission of communicable disease. The
amount of suspended solids (TSS). On average, untreated removal of organics (BOD) and nutrients helps protect the
domestic sanitary sewage has a BOD of about 200 mg>L and quality of aquatic ecosystems.

246 chapter Ten

This chapter describes the most common forms of treatment processes. Section 10-5 covers the topic of on-site
wastewater treatment systems. In most urban and suburban wastewater treatment and disposal, and Section 10-6 covers
areas, a sewer system collects and conveys the raw wastewa- the topics of sewage sludge management and the disposal
ter (influent) to one or more sewage treatment plants (STPs). of residual solids (often called biosolids) from wastewater
These centralized facilities (serving more than 20 people) treatment processes. Section 10-7 introduces the topic of
are usually owned and operated by a local governmental treatment plant operation and maintenance (O&M).
agency, and hence are called publicly owned treatment works A flowchart showing the typical sequence of waste-
(POTWs). After undergoing treatment, the improved STP water treatment processes used at a centralized POTW is
effluent is generally discharged into a stream, river, or lake given in Figure 10-1 (although shown in this figure, tertiary
through an outfall pipe at a single point in the water. ­treatment is not always necessary).
There are about 16,000 POTWs in the United States,
serving roughly three-quarters of the population. In some
communities, STPs may be “privatized,” that is, privately 10-1 Legislation
owned and operated (typically for economic savings in the
municipality). There are about 60,000 industrial STPs that and Standards
are owned and operated by private companies (which gen- In the United States, one early effort at the federal level to
erally discharge their pretreated industrial sewage effluents guide the nation’s clean water strategy was the Water Quality
into nearby POTWs for further treatment). Act of 1965 (see Section 5-8). This act was strengthened by
In most rural areas, population densities are too low to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of
warrant the expense of sewers and a centralized wastewater 1972. A basic goal of the amendments was to encourage indi-
treatment facility. Houses are often spread far apart, and the vidual states to clean up surface waters to the extent that they
shared cost for each service connection would be excessive. would once again be “swimmable and fishable.” Reduction
In rural areas, therefore, an on-site wastewater treatment of water pollution from point sources was required, funds
system (OWTS) is typically used to treat and dispose of the were made available for construction of sewage treatment
wastewater from individual dwellings or from small clusters plants, and a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
of buildings. In most cases, the OWTS effluent is discharged enforcement program was created.
underground at individual building sites. The strategy of reducing pollution from point sources
Wastewater treatment methods can be grouped into is implemented by the National Pollution Discharge
four general categories: primary treatment, secondary Elimination System (NPDES). Under the NPDES, all munic-
treatment, tertiary treatment, and advanced treatment. ipal or industrial treatment facilities that discharge wastewa-
These are described in Sections 10-2 through 10-4. First, in ter effluents must obtain an NPDES Discharge Permit from
Section 10-1, the topic of sewage effluent standards is dis- the EPA or a delegated state agency. The NPDES permits
cussed to put in perspective the overall goals of the various clearly state the allowable amounts of specific pollutants that
a particular facility can discharge into the environment.
Raw wastewater influent The Federal Water Pollution Control Act was amended
again in 1977, at which time the treatment of toxic pollut-
Screening ants was required to include the best available technology
(BAT) that was economically achievable. For conventional
Grit removal Screenings/grit disposal pollutants (including BOD, suspended solids, fecal coli-
forms, and pH), the EPA established guidelines reflect-
Sludge ing the best ­conventional technology (BCT), which took
different cost considerations into account. Since the 1977
amendments, which redefined the focus of EPA priorities
Secondary treatment Sludge treatment and strengthened its enforcement powers, the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act has been referred to as the Clean Water
Sludge Act (CWA).
Tertiary treatment
CWA was amended in 1981 and 1987, and further
amendments are likely in the future. The 1987 CWA contin-
Disinfection Sludge disposal ued many provisions of the prior laws concerned with water
pollution control. It included requirements for joint state–
Treated wastewater effluent
federal programs to clean up streams and rivers still pol-
Figure 10-1  Overview of a centralized wastewater treatment luted with toxic substances, even after application of BAT
system. Screening, grit removal, and sedimentation (settling) to remove them; limits on the ability of polluters to obtain
are primary treatment processes. Secondary treatment usu- variances from cleanup projects were also established. In
ally involves biological processes and additional settling. Not
all sewage treatment plants require tertiary (or advanced) 1990, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between
treatment. the United States and Canada was implemented under
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 247

the CWA, to control toxic pollutants and improve water Treatment Efficiency  Treatment efficiency can be de-
quality in the Great Lakes. In 2012 the agreement was fined as the ratio of the amount of pollutants removed to the
amended and provisions to address the near-shore envi- amount of pollutants in the raw wastewater. In mathemati-
ronment (which is the primary source of drinking water for cal form, this is
most Great Lakes communities), aquatic invasive species,
habitat degradation, and the effects of climate change were PIN - POUT
efficiency = * 100 (10-1)
included. The amended agreement also continues the work PIN
on existing threats to people’s health and the environment where PIN = c oncentration of pollutant flowing into
in the Great Lakes basin such as harmful algae, toxic chemi- the treatment system
cals, and discharges from ships and other vessels.
POUT = concentration of pollutant flowing out of
the system
Effluent Standards and NPDES Requirements 
Implementation of the NPDES permit program effectively
Example 10-1
established a system of effluent standards for water pollution
control. This shifted the focus away from stream standards Raw sewage flowing into a treatment plant (the plant influent)
(see Section 5-8), which regulate the amount of pollutants has a BOD5 value of 200 mg>L. What is the maximum con-
in the receiving waters, to the amount of pollutants in sepa- centration of BOD5 allowed in the treated sewage discharge
rate discharges. Effluent standards stipulated in an NPDES (the plant effluent) if the required treatment efficiency is
permit are easier to enforce than are stream standards. It is 85 percent? If the flow rate is 5 mgd, how many pounds of
quite clear who is responsible when effluent standards are BOD will be discharged per day?
violated, but the responsibility for violation of stream stan- Solution
dards is more difficult to determine. For example, if the DO
level in a stream drops below the minimum required value, Applying Equation 10-1 gives
it is difficult to prove that a specific polluter is responsible 200 - POUT
for the problem. However, it is easier to prove that a specific 85 = * 100
polluter is violating the conditions of its NPDES permit with
regard to excessive BOD discharges. which, after rearranging terms, gives
NPDES permit requirements and effluent standards 200 * 85
may vary for different treatment plants. They depend on the = 200 - POUT
nature of the wastewater, the type of treatment, and the clas-
sification of the receiving waters. A typical NPDES permit from which
includes limits as shown in Table 10-1. POUT = 200 - 170 = 30 mg>L
Effluent limits are based on the best conventional tech-
nology, which includes a combination of primary, second- Now applying Equation 6-3b (which is not limited to only
ary, and sometimes tertiary treatment. Most treatment chlorine in its application), we obtain
plants in the United States are required to use some form pounds per day = 8.34 * Q * C
of secondary treatment, which removes at least 85 percent
= 8.34 * 5 mgd * 30 ppm
of BOD and suspended solids from the wastewater. When
treatment levels are not sufficient for achieving stream stan- ≈ 1300 lb>d
dards, requirements can be made more stringent. Some
Example 10-2
municipal or industrial facilities are required to provide
advanced (tertiary) treatment levels, which increase treat- A sewage treatment plant influent has an average TSS con-
ment (pollutant removal) efficiencies to 95 percent or more. centration of 250 mg>L. If the average effluent TSS concentra-
Removal of phosphorus and nitrogen may also be required tion is 20 mg>L, what is the removal efficiency for TSS? If the
to reduce the rate of lake eutrophication and nitrogenous flow rate is 5 ML>d, how many kilograms of suspended solids
oxygen demand. are discharged in the plant effluent each day?

Table 10-1  Typical NPDES Effluent Limitations
First, applying Equation 10-1, we find
Parameter Maximum allowable value 250 - 20
efficiency = * 100
BOD5 30 mg > L 250
TSS 30 mg > L 230
= * 100 = 92 percent
pH 6.0 to 9.0 250
Fecal coliforms 200 per 100 ML Now, applying Equation 6-3a, we obtain kilograms per
day = Q * C = 5 ML>d * 20 mg>L = 100 kg.
248 chapter Ten

Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewater  Sewage con- Within the framework of the national standards,
veyed by municipal sewers into POTWs comes from several POTWs are required to develop local pretreatment pro-
sources, including industrial plants. Wastewater discharged grams. These local programs are enforced by the EPA, the
by industry often contains toxic chemicals, such as cyanide state, or the local POTW, depending on the status of pro-
from electroplating processes and lead from battery manu- gram approvals for a given community. As the generator of
facturing plants. Several serious problems can occur when toxic pollutants, industry must finance, construct, and oper-
industrial wastewater is discharged into a POTW, such as ate any pollution control facility necessary to comply with
the following: federal regulations or local pretreatment rules. Industrial
compliance ensures that toxic industrial pollutants will not
Passthrough: Nondegradable toxic substances may harm the environment or pose a public health hazard.
pass through the treatment plant, causing water pollu-
tion; this pollution can pose a threat to aquatic life and,
through the food chain, to public health. 10-2  Primary Treatment
Interference: Toxic industrial wastes may interfere Wastewater treatment processes can be categorized as being
with the operation of the treatment plant, particularly biological, chemical, or physical (i.e., mechanical) in form.
in those processes that use bacteria to stabilize organic Primary treatment refers to the first group of unit processes
matter in the wastewater. used to remove pollutants from wastewater at a treatment
Contamination: Industrial wastes with high levels of plant. These are all physical processes.
toxic metals or organic substances can contaminate Untreated or raw wastewater usually flows continu-
sewage sludge, thereby limiting sludge disposal options ously, under to the force of gravity, from an interceptor
and raising disposal costs. or trunk sewer into the headworks of a treatment facility;
Corrosion: Industrial wastewater may corrode and sometimes, though, it may be pumped to the treatment
damage the pipes and equipment in the sewage collec- plant under pressure in a force main. The headworks of a
tion system and treatment plant. treatment plant include a flow measurement device such as
Hazards:  Some industrial wastes are highly volatile and a Parshall flume (see page 42) and mechanical systems that
can explode. Other wastes may produce toxic gases, provide preliminary treatment. Flow measurement is nec-
posing a threat to persons at the plant and in the local essary for process control throughout the treatment facility
community. and for record keeping. Preliminary treatment systems typi-
cally include screens, comminutors, and grit chambers.
These problems can readily be avoided by pretreatment
of wastewater at the industrial site before it is discharged Preliminary Processes  The first treatment process for
into the public sewer system. In some localities, restrictions raw wastewater is coarse screening. Bar screens (or racks), as
on the content of industrial discharges into public sewers they are called, are made of long, narrow metal bars spaced
were imposed many years ago, but these restrictions were about 25 mm (1 in.) apart. They retain floating debris, such
limited. In 1972, the EPA created a National Pretreatment as wood, rags, or other bulky objects, that could clog pipes
Program; this uniform nationwide program is comprehen- or damage mechanical equipment in the rest of the plant.
sive in scope and must be enforced by all POTWs. In most large sewage treatment plants, the bar screens are
Two sets of rules are now in effect under the National cleaned automatically by a mechanical device The collected
Pretreatment Program. Categorical pretreatment standards debris or screenings are promptly disposed of, usually by
are industry specific; they mandate different requirements burial on the plant grounds.
for each type of industry. For example, there is a categori- In some treatment plants, a mechanical cutting or shred-
cal standard for the iron and steel industry that limits the ding device, called a comminutor, is installed just after the
ammonia and cyanide discharged by any firm in that indus- coarse screens. A typical comminutor, shown in Figure 10-2,
try into a municipal sewerage system. Examples of other consists of a slotted cylindrical screen with a moving cut-
major industries subject to categorical pretreatment standards ter blade. The comminutor shreds and chops solids or rags
include timber product processing, petroleum processing, that pass through the bar screen. The shredded material is
textile manufacturing, electrical component manufactur- removed from the wastewater by sedimentation or flotation
ing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, paper manufacturing, later in the treatment plant. In small sewage treatment plants,
chemical production, and food product processing. a manually cleaned bar screen is generally installed in a chan-
The second category of rules, prohibited discharge stan- nel next to the comminutor to serve as an emergency bypass
dards, are substance specific; they prohibit any discharge to when the comminutor needs repair.
sewer systems of certain types of wastes from all sources.
For example, the discharge of any wastewater with pollut- Grit Removal  A portion of the suspended solids in raw
ants that can create a fire hazard or explosion in the sew- sewage consists of gritty material, such as sand, coffee
age system is not allowed. Also, discharges that have a pH of grounds, eggshells, and other relatively inert material. In cit-
less than 5.0 or a temperature of more than 40°C (104°F) are ies with combined sewer systems, sand and silt may be car-
prohibited from any industry. ried in the sewage. Suspended grit can cause excessive wear
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 249

and 2 h of detention time; side water depth (SWD) is gener-

ally between 2.5 m and 5 m (8 ft and 16 ft). The tanks may
be circular or rectangular in shape. In addition to mechani-
cal sludge collectors that continually scrape the settled solids
along the bottom to a sludge hopper for removal, a surface-
skimming device is used to remove grease and other float-
ing materials from the liquid surface. Two or more clarifiers
should be provided at all but the smallest treatment plants.
The combination of preliminary processes and gravity
settling is called primary treatment. Chemical coagulants
may sometimes be added to the primary clarifiers to promote
the removal of very small (or colloidal) particles (although
this is not common practice in most modern sewage treat-
ment plants). Primary treatment usually can remove up to
60 percent of the suspended solids and about 35 percent of
the BOD from wastewater, but this relatively low level of
treatment is no longer adequate in the United States.
To achieve BOD and TSS removal efficiencies of at least
85 percent, as now required for all sewage treatment plants
by the CWA, at least one additional treatment process must
follow primary treatment. Generally, this next step is char-
Figure 10-2  Typical comminutor installation.
acterized as secondary treatment; tertiary treatment may
(Courtesy of Dresser-Rand Company, Orlean, New York.)
also be required to protect very sensitive bodies of water
that receive the treated effluent (e.g., trout streams). In the
and tear on pumps and other equipment in the plant. Most rare instances or during emergencies, when primary effluent
of it is nonbiodegradable and will accumulate in treatment must temporarily be discharged directly to surface waters,
tanks. For these reasons, a grit removal process is usually chlorine would be added for disinfection.
used after screening and>or comminuting.
In the sewers, the flow velocity is generally not less than Example 10-3
0.6 m>s (2 ft>s), the self-cleansing velocity. Most gritty mate- A primary clarifier has an average influent TSS (total sus-
rial is dense enough to settle out of the flow by gravity if the pended solids) concentration of 250 mg>L. If its TSS
velocity is reduced to about 0.3 m>s (1 ft>s). Although the removal efficiency is expected to be 60 percent, what is the
grit will settle out at this reduced velocity, the lighter sus- expected average effluent TSS concentration?
pended organic solids will still be carried through to the next
treatment unit. Solution
The reduction in velocity and the collection of the Applying Equation 10-1 gives
grit is usually accomplished in long, narrow tanks called
grit chambers. Even though the sewage flow rate varies 250 - POUT
60 = * 100
throughout the day, the flow velocity can be kept almost 250
constant at 0.3 m>s by the use of a specially shaped outlet and rearranging terms yields
weir. Mechanical collectors made of buckets on a continu-
ous chain serve to remove the grit from the tank; the grit is 250 * 60
POUT = 250 - = 100 mg>L
promptly disposed of by burial on the plant grounds. 100

Sedimentation  After preliminary treatment by screen-

ing, comminuting, and grit removal, the wastewater still con-
10-3 Secondary Treatment
tains suspended organic solids that can be removed by plain Primary treatment processes remove only those pollutants
sedimentation. The basic principles of sedimentation, or that will either float or settle out by gravity, but about half of
plain gravity settling, are discussed in Section 6-2 with regard the raw pollutant load still remains in the primary effluent.
to drinking water purification (see Figures 6-5 and 6-6). For The purpose of secondary treatment is to remove the sus-
the most part, the same principles apply to sewage treatment. pended solids that did not settle out in the primary tanks and
There are, however, differences in the recommended design the dissolved BOD that is unaffected by physical treatment.
values for detention time, overflow rate, and tank configura- Secondary treatment is generally considered to mean 85
tion. And, of course, there is a big difference in the character- percent BOD and TSS removal efficiency and represents the
istics of the sludge collected at the bottom of the settling tanks. minimum degree of treatment required in most cases. In the
Settling tanks that receive sewage after grit removal are United States, secondary treatment systems almost always
called primary clarifiers. They usually provide between 1 h comprise biological processes that take place in artificial or
250 chapter Ten

constructed environments (i.e., concrete tanks or excavated filters are always preceded by primary treatment to remove
earthen ponds); natural environments are sometimes used coarse and settleable solids. The primary effluent is sprayed
(e.g., for land treatment of wastewater). over the surface of the crushed stone bed and trickles down-
Biological treatment of sewage involves the use of micro- ward through the bed to an underdrain system.
organisms. The microbes, including bacteria and protozoa, A rotary distributor arm with nozzles located along its
consume the organic pollutants as food. They metabolize the length is usually used to spray the sewage, although some-
biodegradable organics, converting them into carbon diox- times fixed nozzles are used. The rotary distributor arm
ide, water, and energy for their growth and reproduction. is mounted on a center column in the trickling filter; it
This natural aerobic process requires oxygen and was previ- is driven around by the reaction force or jet action of the
ously described under the topic of BOD in Section 4-3. wastewater that flows through the nozzles.
A biological sewage treatment system must provide The underdrain system serves to collect and carry away
the microorganisms with a comfortable home. In effect, the the wastewater from the bottom of the bed and to permit air
t­reatment plant allows the microbes to stabilize the organic circulation upward through the stones. As long as topogra-
pollutants in a controlled, artificial environment of steel and phy permits, the sewage flows from the primary tank to the
concrete, rather than in a stream or lake. This helps protect the trickling filter by the force of gravity, rather than by pumping.
dissolved oxygen balance of the natural aquatic environment. A cutaway view of a typical trickling filter unit is shown in
To keep the microbes “happy” and productive in their Figure 10-3.
task of wastewater purification, they must be provided with As the primary effluent trickles downward through the
enough oxygen, adequate contact with the organic material bed of stones, a biological slime of microbes develops on the
in the sewage, suitable temperatures, and other favorable surfaces of the rocks. The continuing flow of the wastewater
conditions. The design and operation of a secondary treat- over these fixed biological growths provides the needed con-
ment plant is accomplished with these factors in mind. tact between the microbes and the organics. The microbes
Two of the most common biological treatment systems in the thin slime layer absorb the dissolved organics, thus
are the trickling filter and the activated sludge process. The removing oxygen demanding substances from the waste-
trickling filter is a type of fixed-growth system: The microbes water. Air circulating through the void spaces in the bed of
remain fixed or attached to a surface while the wastewater stones provides the needed oxygen for stabilization of the
flows over that surface to provide contact with the organics. organics by the microbes.
Activated sludge is characterized as a suspended-growth system, Note, however, that the trickling filter is not really a
because the microbes are thoroughly mixed and suspended in ­filter at all, in the true sense of the word. The stones are usu-
the wastewater rather than attached to a particular surface. ally about 75 mm (3 in.) in size, much too large to strain
or filter out suspended solids. And, by definition, filters
have no effect on dissolved solids. The stones in a trickling
Trickling Filters filter only serve to provide a large amount of surface area
A trickling filter consists basically of a layer or bed of crushed for the biological growths, and the large voids allow ample
rock about 2 m (6 ft) deep. It is usually circular in shape and air circulation. Sometimes materials other than rock, such
may be built as large as 60 m (200 ft) in diameter. Trickling as modules of corrugated plastic or redwood slats, are used

Distributor arms
Filter medium

Center column Cover blocks of Underdrains

Ventilation riser effluent channel
Feedpipe Effluent channel
Figure 10-3  Cutaway view of a trickling filter. Trickling filters are sometimes enclosed or covered for odor control or for
temperature (and process) control.
(Courtesy of FLSmidth, Salt Lake City, Utah.)
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 251

Recirculation Hydraulic Load  The rate at which the wastewater flow

QR is applied to the trickling filter surface is called the hydraulic
load. The hydraulic load includes the recirculated flow QR;
the total flow through the trickling filter is equal to Q + QR.
Q filter Q
In formula form, it is given by
Primary Secondary
Influent clarifier Q + QR clarifier Effluent Q + QR
hydraulic load = (10-3)

Figure 10-4  Recirculation of flow through a trickling filter. where Q = raw sewage flow rate
The rate of sewage flow applied to the filter is the sum of the QR = recirculated flow rate
influent flow rate and the recirculated flow rate.
AS = trickling filter surface area (plan view)
Hydraulic load may be expressed in terms of cubic
to provide the needed surface area and void spaces, but the
meters per day per square meter of surface area, or
m3>m2 # d. It may also be expressed in terms of million gal-
basic purpose and operation remain the same.
As the microorganisms grow and multiply, the slime
lons per acre of surface area per day, or mil gal>ac>d. A typ-
ical value for a conventional trickling filter is 20 m3>m2 # d
layer gets thicker. Eventually, it gets so thick that the flowing
wastewater washes it off the surfaces of the stones. This is
(19 mil gal>ac>d).
called sloughing (pronounced “sluffing”). Because sloughing
does occur periodically, there is a need to provide settling
time for the trickling filter effluent, in order to remove the Organic (BOD) Load  The rate at which organic mate-
sloughed biological solids. These solids consist basically of rial is applied to the trickling filter is called the organic or
billions of microorganisms that have absorbed the dissolved BOD load. It does not include the BOD added by recircu-
lation. Organic load is expressed in terms of kilograms of
BOD per cubic meter of bed volume per day, or kg>m3 # d.
organics into their bodies.
The trickling filter effluent is collected in the underdrain
system and then conveyed to a sedimentation tank called a It is also expressed in terms of pounds of BOD per thousand
cubic feet of bed volume per day, or lb>1000 ft3>d. A typical
value for organic load on a trickling filter is 0.5 kg>m3 # d, or
secondary clarifier. The secondary clarifier, or final clarifier
as it is sometimes called, is similar in most respects to the pri-
mary clarifier, although there are differences in detention time, 30 lb>1000 ft3>d. In formula form, the organic load may be
overflow rate, weir loading, and other details. expressed as
To maintain a relatively uniform flow rate through the Q * BOD
trickling filter and to keep the distributor arm rotating even organic load = (10-4a)
during periods of low sewage flow, some of the wastewater
may be recirculated. In other words, a portion of the effluent (SI metric units)
is pumped back to the trickling filter inlet so that it will pass or
through the bed of stones more than once. Q * BOD
Recirculation can also serve to improve the pollutant organic load = 8340 * (10-4b)
removal efficiency; it allows the microbes to remove organ-
ics that flowed by them during the previous pass through (U.S. Customary units)
the bed. There are many recirculation patterns and con-
where Q = raw wastewater flow, ML>d (mgd)
figurations of trickling filter plants. One common pattern,
called direct recirculation, is shown in a flow diagram in BOD = BOD5 in the primary effluent, mg>L (ppm)
Figure 10-4. V = volume of trickling filter bed, m3 (ft3)

Recirculation  The amount of recirculation can vary. It Example 10-4

is characterized by a recirculation ratio, which is the ratio of A 2-m-deep trickling filter with a diameter of 18 m is oper-
recycled flow to the raw wastewater flow. In formula form, ated with a recirculation ratio of 1.5. The raw wastewater
it is given by flow rate is 2.5 ML>d, and the 5-day BOD of the raw sewage
QR is 210 mg>L. Assuming that the primary tank BOD removal
R = (10-2) efficiency is 30 percent, compute the hydraulic load and the
organic load on the trickling filter.
where R = recirculation ratio
QR = recirculated flow rate Solution
Q = raw sewage flow rate Compute the surface area of the trickling filter,
The recirculation ratio, R, is generally in the range of 0.0 p * D2 p * 182
AS = = = 254.5 m2
to 3.0. 4 4
252 chapter Ten

Because volume = area * depth, be remembered that 35 percent of the raw BOD was
recently removed by primary settling. Thus, 65 percent or
V = 254.5 m2 * 2 m = 509 m3
0.65 * 200 = 130 mg>L remains as BOD in the primary
From Equation 10-2, write QR = R * Q and effluent.
QR = 1.5 * 2.5 = 3.75 ML>d But 79 percent of the BOD entering the trickling filter is
removed, leaving 21 percent or 0.21 * 130 = 27 mg>L in
Also, the secondary effluent. The overall plant efficiency is there-
Q + QR = 2.5 + 3.75 = 6.25 ML>d = 6250 m3 >d fore computed as

From Equation 10-3, 200 - 27

efficiency = * 100 ≈ 87 percent
6250 m3 >d
hydraulic load = ≈ 25 m3 >m2 # d This is greater than 85 percent, so the treatment plant is
254.5 m2
providing secondary treatment.
The primary effluent BOD can be computed with Equation
Activated Sludge Treatment
210 - POUT
30 = * 100 The basic components of an activated sludge sewage treat-
ment system include an aeration tank and a secondary
and ­settling basin or clarifier. Primary effluent is mixed with
­settled solids that are recycled from the secondary clarifier
210 * 30 and then introduced into the aeration tank. Compressed air
POUT = 210 - = 147 ppm
100 is injected continuously into the mixture through porous
From Equation 10-4a, diffusers located at the bottom of the tank along one side.
A schematic flow diagram of the activated sludge
= 0.72 kg>m3 # d
2.5 * 147 ­process is illustrated in Figure 10-5 (a), and a view of a typi-
organic load =
509 cal aeration tank is shown in Figure 10-5 (b). A group of
circular secondary settling tanks (or clarifiers) are shown in
Efficiency  BOD removal efficiency of a trickling filter Figure 10-5 (c).
unit depends primarily on the organic load, the recirculation In the aeration tank, microorganisms consume the dis-
ratio, and the temperature of the wastewater. Generally, the solved organic pollutants as food. The microbes absorb and
efficiency increases with decreasing organic load, increas- aerobically decompose the organics, using oxygen provided
ing recirculation, and increasing temperature. For example, in the compressed air; water, carbon dioxide, and other
with no recirculation 1R = 02 and a temperature of 20°C, a stable compounds are formed. In addition to providing
typical trickling filter will have an efficiency of about 60 per- oxygen, the compressed air thoroughly mixes the microbes
cent when the organic load is about 2 kg>m3 # d. But if the and wastewater together as it rapidly bubbles up to the sur-
organic load is 0.5 kg>m3 # d, at the same conditions of recir- face from the diffusers. Sometimes, mechanical propeller-
culation and temperature, the efficiency will be 75 percent. like mixers, located at the liquid surface, are used instead
Furthermore, at the 0.5@kg>m3 # day loading, a recircu- of compressed air and diffusers. The churning action of the
lation of R = 1 instead of R = 0 could raise the efficiency propeller blades mixes air with the wastewater and keeps the
to about 80 percent. If the temperature increased to 22°C, contents of the tank in a uniform suspension.
the efficiency would be raised to about 85 percent. Because The aerobic microorganisms in the tank grow and mul-
of the marked effect of temperature on treatment efficiency, tiply, forming an active suspension of biological solids called
trickling filters in northern climates are often enclosed activated sludge. The combination of the activated sludge
under fiberglass domes to provide protection against wind and wastewater in the aeration tank is called the mixed
and snow and to reduce the rate of heat loss from the liquor. In the basic or conventional activated sludge treat-
wastewater. ment system, a tank detention time of about 6 h is required
for thorough stabilization of most of the organics in the
Example 10-5 mixed liquor.
The BOD removal efficiency of a trickling filter system is 79 After about 6 h of aeration, the mixed liquor flows to
percent, and the efficiency of the primary treatment that the secondary or final clarifier, in which the activated sludge
precedes it is 35 percent. If the raw BOD is 200 mg>L, what solids settle out by gravity. The clarified water near the sur-
is the effluent BOD? Is the treatment plant providing an effi- face, called the supernatant, is discharged over an effluent
ciency that meets the requirement for secondary treatment? weir; the settled sludge is pumped out from a sludge hopper
at the bottom of the tank. Recycling a portion of the sludge
Solution back to the inlet of the aeration tank is an essential charac-
Although the biological treatment and secondary clari- teristic of this treatment process. The settled sludge is in an
fication provide only 79 percent BOD removal, it should active state. In other words, the microbes are well acclimated
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 253

(b) (c)
Figure 10-5  (a) Flow diagram of a conventional activated sludge treatment system.
(b) View of a typical rectangular aeration tank.  (Courtesy of Antiksu/Fotolia.)
(c) A group of circular secondary clarifiers.  (Courtesy of Antiksu/Fotolia.)

to the wastewater and, given the opportunity, will readily The F>M ratio is an indicator of the organic load on
absorb and decompose more organics by their metabolism. the system with respect to the amount of biological solids in
By pumping about 30 percent of the wastewater flow the tank. For conventional aeration tanks, the ratio is in the
from the bottom of the clarifier back to the head of the aera- range of 0.2 to 0.5. It can be computed from the following
tion tank, the activated sludge process can be maintained formula:
continuously. When mixed with the primary effluent, the
hungry microbes quickly begin to absorb and metabolize F>M = (10-5)
the fresh food in the form of BOD-causing organics. Because MLSS * V
the microbes multiply and increase greatly in numbers, it is where F>M = f ood-to-microorganism ratio, in units of
not possible to recycle or return all the sludge to the aeration kilograms of BOD per kilogram of MLSS
tank. The excess sludge, called waste activated sludge, must per day
eventually be treated and disposed of (along with sludge from
Q = raw sewage flow rate, ML>d (mgd)
the primary tanks). Sludge management is a major aspect of
wastewater treatment and is discussed in Section 10-6. BOD = applied 5-day BOD, mg>L (ppm)
MLSS = mixed liquor suspended solids, mg>L
F/M Ratio  An important factor used in the design and V = volume of aeration tank, ML (million gal)
operation of activated sludge systems is known as the food-
to-microorganism (F>M) ratio. The food is measured in
terms of kilograms (pounds) of BOD added to the tank per Example 10-6
day. Because the suspended solids in the mixed liquor con- An activated sludge tank is 30 m long and 10 m wide and
sist mostly of living microorganisms, the suspended solids has an SWD of 4 m. The wastewater flow is 4.0 ML>day and
concentration is used as a measure of the amount of mi- the raw 5-day BOD is 200 mg>L. The MLSS concentration
croorganisms in the tank. This concentration is called the is 2000 mg>L. Compute the food-to-microorganism ratio for
mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). the system.
254 chapter Ten

Solution of it will be carried over the effluent weirs of the clarifier and
A conventional activated sludge aeration tank is preceded cause pollution of the receiving body of water.
by primary treatment. Assuming that 35 percent of the raw Under certain conditions in an activated sludge sew-
BOD is removed in the primary clarifier, 65 percent of the age treatment plant, filamentous or stringy bacteria, usually
BOD will be applied to the aeration tank: of the species Sphaerotilus natans, grow prolifically in the
aeration tank, making the sludge very fluffy and light. Sludge
0.65 * 200 = 130 mg>L
with excessive growth of these filamentous organisms settles
The tank volume is the product of length, width, and very slowly, and a clear supernatant is not formed in the
depth, or secondary clarifier. Much of the sludge flows out with the
effluent. This condition is called sludge bulking. Bulking of
V = 30 m * 10 m * 4 m = 1200 m3 or 1.2 ML
activated sludge may be controlled or limited by appropriate
Applying Equation 10-5 yields adjustments in the MLSS concentration and F>M ratio; this
is accomplished by regulating the rate of sludge return from
4.0 * 130
F>M = = 0.22 the clarifier. The amount of aeration may also be a factor;
2000 * 1.2
sludge bulking is sometimes associated with too much aera-
tion. Occasionally, adjustments in the mixed liquor pH are
Example 10-7
made to solve the problem.
A conventional aeration tank is to treat a flow of 800,000 A number called the sludge volume index (SVI) is
gpd of primary effluent with a BOD of 125 ppm. The MLSS used to evaluate the settleability of the activated sludge. It
concentration is to be maintained at 1800 ppm, and a food- is equal to the volume occupied by 1 g of settled sludge and
to-microorganism ratio of 0.4 is specified. Compute the is expressed in units of milliliters per gram (mL>g).
required volume of the aeration tank. If the side water depth The determination of SVI involves taking a sample of
is to be 15 ft and the tank length is to be three times its mixed liquor from the aeration tank and allowing it to settle
width, how long should the tank be? for 30 min in a 1-L graduated glass cylinder. This is illus-
trated in Figure 10-6. The volume of settled sludge is read
from the markings on the cylinder. The MLSS concentration
Rearranging the terms of Equation 10-5 gives in the mixed liquor is also measured.
Q * BOD 0.8 * 125
The following formula is used to compute SVI:
V = =
F>M * MLSS 0.4 * 1800
V * 1000
= 0.139 million gal ≈ 140,00 gal SVI = (10-6)
and where SVI = sludge volume index, mL>g
1 ft3 V = volume of settled sludge, mL>L
140,000 gal * = 18,500 ft3
7.5 gal MLSS = mixed liquor suspended solids, mg>L
Because volume = length * width * depth, or V = L *
W * SWD, and since the length is to be three times the Example 10-8
width, or L = 3W, volume is expressed as An aeration tank has an MLSS concentration of 2000 mg>L.
V = 3W * W * SWD = 3 * W 2 * SWD After settling for 30 min in a 1-L graduated cylinder, the
sludge volume is measured to be 150 mL. Compute the SVI
Solving for the tank width yields
of the sludge.
18,500 ft3 1>2
W = a b ≈ 20 ft Solution
3 * 15 ft
Applying Equation 10-6 yields
and solving for lengths yields
150 mL>L * 1000
L = 3 * 20 = 60 ft SVI = = 75 mL>g
2000 mL>g
Sludge Settling  In the activated sludge process, the or- A normal sludge with good settling characteristics
ganic pollutants are absorbed by the billions of microorgan- generally has an SVI of less than 100. As the SVI increases
isms in an aeration tank. These microorganisms essentially above 100, sludge settleability decreases and some solids get
are the activated sludge. But without proper clarification carried over the effluent weir of the clarifier. Severely bulk-
or separation of the sludge from the liquid portion of the ing sludges have SVI values of over 200. A very high SVI is
mixed liquor, the treatment process will not be effective at an indication to a treatment plant operator that the sludge
all. For this reason, gravity settling in the secondary clari- return rate should be increased, the aeration rate should
fier is a most important part of the activated sludge treat- be decreased, or some other process adjustment should be
ment system. If the sludge does not settle fast enough, some made. Sometimes chlorine is added to the aeration tank to
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 255

Take sample of mixed liquor and

determine MLSS concentration
Add sample of mixed
liquor to cylinder
SVI = Volume x 1000

1000 mL

liquor Clear liquid
Wait 30 min

Aeration tank Volume


Start Finish
T=0 T = 30 min
Figure 10-6  Lab test for the sludge volume index (SVI), which is used to evaluate sludge settling characteristics.

destroy the filamentous organisms, but this is a last resort to Step Aeration  A process called step aeration provides
control the problem. multiple feed points of the primary effluent into the aera-
In general, a well-operated activated sludge treatment tion tank, as shown in Figure 10-7. By introducing the or-
system can remove about 90 percent of the raw sewage BOD ganics into the tank in increments or steps, rather than only
and TSS; sometimes removal efficiency may be as high as once at the head of the tank, the oxygen demand is spread
95 percent. In contrast to the simpler trickling filter sew- more uniformly over the length of the tank. In this manner,
age treatment system, however, an activated sludge plant greater treatment plant capacities can be obtained in a given
requires careful operational control. Energy requirements in volume of aeration tank than can be obtained using the con-
an activated sludge plant are also high because of the power ventional process.
consumed for aeration.
Extended Aeration  For treating small sewage flow rates
from suburban residential developments, hotels, schools, and
Modifications of the Activated Sludge Process other relatively isolated wastewater sources, a process called
Several modifications of the conventional activated sludge extended aeration is often used. These small systems are gen-
process have been developed; these serve to increase the erally in the form of prefabricated steel tanks and are called
treatment plant capacity or to reduce the tank volume package plants. (Conventional tanks, in contrast, are usually
requirements. made with cast-in-place reinforced concrete.) In the extended


Activated sludge Secondary Secondary effluent

aeration tank clarifier

Primary effluent

Return sludge


Figure 10-7  Step aeration modification of the activated sludge process.

256 chapter Ten

Flow meter Weir box

Plant effluent

Spray nozzels

Blower #2
Influent well and

V-notch plate wier

valve chamber
Blower #1

Waste sludge line


Activated sludge aeration basin contact

Diffuser drops

(a) Plan view

Weir box
Comminutor Flow meter
Bar screen

Aerobic digester Activated sludge aeration basin Sludge settling zone

Difuser air drops

Sludge tank #1

Sludge tank #2
Air lift pump

Air lift pump

Chlorine contact
Open Open Open
Reinforced concrete base pad
(b) Side view
Drain plugs

Figure 10-8  Schematic drawing of a typical extended aeration system or "package plant," shown in (a) plan or top view, and
(b) side or section view.
(From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Design Manual EM 1110-2-501, Design, Construction, and Operation—Small Wastewater Systems.)

aeration system, the aeration tank and secondary clarifier are of the liquid. Most oxidation ditches are usually operated as
built in a single unit, as illustrated in Figure 10-8. extended aeration systems with aeration times greater than
There are two important distinctions between an 12 h. A flow diagram of a typical oxidation ditch facility is
extended aeration system and a conventional system. shown in Figure 10-9.
First, screened or comminuted sewage is directed into the
extended aeration tank without any primary settling. Second, Contact Stabilization  In yet another modification of the
the detention time or aeration period is about 30 h, whereas activated sludge process, the influent sewage is mixed and
the conventional system’s detention time is about 6 h. aerated with return activated sludge for only about 30 min.
Another difference is that the extended aeration pro- This process is called contact stabilization. The short con-
cess operates with F>M ratios as low as 0.05. This means that tact period of 30 min is sufficient for the microorganisms to
there is a large population of microorganisms compared absorb the organic pollutants, but not to stabilize them.
to the amount of food (organics). The low F>M ratio and After the short contact time, the mixed liquor enters
the extended period of aeration allow for the stabilization a clarifier and the activated sludge settles out; the clari-
of most of the organics in the wastewater. But eventually fied sewage flows over effluent weirs. The settled sludge is
some sludge has to be removed from the aeration tank for pumped into another aerated tank, called a reaeration or
disposal. stabilization tank. The contents of the stabilization tank are
aerated for about 3 h, allowing the microbes to decompose
Mechanical Aeration  Mechanical aeration systems, the absorbed organic material. The total size of a contact sta-
which employ oval-shaped basins and horizontal rotor bilization tank is generally less than that of a conventional
brush aerators, are efficient and easy to operate. These con- plant. This is because the volume of activated sludge being
crete-lined basins, called oxidation ditches, are between 1.2 stabilized in the reaeration tank is considerably less than the
m and 1.8 m (4 ft and 6 ft) deep. The horizontal aerator acts total wastewater flow. A schematic flow diagram of the con-
like a paddle wheel, propelling the wastewater around in the tact stabilization process is shown in Figure 10-10.
channel at a velocity sufficient to prevent settling of solids. A typical installation consists of a field-erected cir-
Atmospheric oxygen is transferred through the free surface cular steel tank, with an inner tank providing a zone for
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 257

Guide baffle Aeration



A Drive Return
motor sludge Bar screen
Oxidation ditch

wall Influent

Waste sludge
Section A-A to disposal Return
sludge Effluent
Figure 10-9  Flow diagram for an oxidation ditch.
(From Hammer, Sr., Mark J.; Hammer, Jr., Mark J., Waste and Wastewater Technology, 4th Ed., © 2001. Reprinted and Electronically
reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.)

Air achieved by injecting high-purity oxygen into the mixed

liquor of an activated sludge sewage treatment plant. The
Influent Contact Secondary oxygen is manufactured at the plant site. Primary efflu-
tank Clarifier effluent ent, return activated sludge, and oxygen are introduced
into the first compartment of a multistaged, covered tank.
Air Mechanical agitators mix the oxygen with the wastewater as
it flows through the tank. The total aeration period is only
Stabilization about 2 h, and the F>M ratio is as high as 1.5. Consequently,
Excess tank
the aeration tank volume is considerably less than that
sludge ­required for the conventional system.
Figure 10-10  The contact stabilization modification of the
activated sludge process. Organic pollutants are absorbed by Other Secondary Treatment Processes
the microbes in the contact aeration tank and stabilized in The activated sludge process (a suspended-growth system)
the reaeration tank.
and the trickling filter process (a fixed-growth system) pro-
vide the two most common forms of centralized secondary
clarification. The annular volume between the inner tank or biological wastewater treatment in the United States and
and the outer tank wall provides the room or zones for in many other countries. There are other secondary treat-
contact, reaeration, and sludge storage. An air-lift type of ment processes, though, which provide adequate levels of
pump is usually used to transfer sludge between zones of biological purification, and are used for sewage treatment
the tank. With some minor modification of piping and baf- in some rural or suburban communities, where ease of con-
fling arrangements, a contact stabilization system can also struction and operation, low power consumption, and cost
be operated in the step aeration or in the extended aeration issues are of concern. Two such processes include the rotat-
mode. A circular sewage treatment unit (or “package plant”) ing biological contactor (a fixed-growth system) and the
is shown in Figure 10-11. wastewater treatment pond (a suspended-growth system).
Pure Oxygen Aeration  Air is only 21 percent oxygen. Biodiscs  Rotating biological contactors (also called RBCs
Instead of using air, greater treatment capacities can be or biodiscs) have been used in Europe and other countries
258 chapter Ten

Figure 10-11  Prefabricated circular steel “package plants” are available in diameters up to
about 30 m (100 ft).
(Courtesy of Siemens Water Technologies.)

for many years, and beginning in the mid-1970s, biodisc sys- Biodiscs are typically used in hamlets, villages and other
tems became an accepted technology for sewage treatment small communities, at hotels, schools, shopping centers, and
in the United States. A rotating biological contactor consists similar locations.
of a series of large plastic discs mounted on a horizontal The discs are partially submerged in settled sewage (pri-
shaft. The lightweight discs are about 3 m (10 ft) in diam- mary effluent or septic tank effluent). As the shaft rotates,
eter and are spaced about 40 mm (1.5 in.) apart on the shaft. the disc surfaces are alternately in contact with air and with
A typical open biodisc unit is illustrated in Figure 10-12. the wastewater. Consequently, a layer of biological slime

Figure 10-12  A group of rotating biological contactors (RBCs), or biodiscs, used for
secondary wastewater treatment. The semicircular covers for three RBC units in the
foreground have been removed during maintenance work.
(Courtesy of Siemens Water Technologies, Waukesha, WI.)
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 259

grows on each disc, and the attached microbes that form Organic material is decomposed through natural processes
the slime absorb the organic material in the wastewater. involving water, sunlight, nutrients, algae, protozoa, atmo-
This process is similar to the trickling filter system, except spheric oxygen, and bacterial metabolism. There are two
that the attached microbial growths are passed through the general types of treatment ponds: facultative lagoons and
wastewater, instead of the wastewater being sprayed over the stabilization (or oxidation) ponds. Stabilization ponds are
microorganisms. designed to be aerobic throughout their depth, whereas fac-
The speed of rotation and the number of discs can be ultative lagoons are designed to be anaerobic at the bottom
varied to achieve specific levels of pollutant removal. With and aerobic toward the top.
several stages of discs, it is possible to remove nitrogenous as Faculative lagoons are generally about 2.5 m (8 ft) deep
well as carbonaceous BOD. This is because growths of nitri- (see Figure 10-13). Raw wastewater enters the pond, elimi-
fying bacteria predominate in the microbial population on nating the need for primary treatment. Organic solids that
the final disc stages. settle to the bottom decompose anaerobically, producing
In a biodisc system, there is no need to recycle sludge, such substances as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and organic
but a secondary clarifier is needed to settle out the excess acids. In the liquid above the sludge zone of the pond,
biological solids that slough off the discs as the slime layer incoming organics and the products of anaerobic decompo-
thickens. As with the trickling filter, the efficiency of the sition are stabilized by facultative bacteria as well as by aero-
biodisc process is adversely affected by low temperatures. bic microorganisms. Facultative bacteria can grow in either
This is because the rate of metabolism of the microbes slows aerobic or anaerobic environments. The average sewage
down when the temperature drops. In areas where season- detention time in a facultative pond may be 60 d or more.
ally cold weather occurs, RBC tanks may be built with covers Oxygen is added to the wastewater in the pond by wind
or installed in small buildings to maintain sufficient temper- action and mixing at the surface and from the daylight
ature levels and treatment efficiency. metabolism of algae. This oxygen supports the aerobic reac-
tions. The mutually dependent relationship between the algae
Wastewater Treatment Ponds  In suburban or rural and bacteria in a stabilization pond is very important. Using
areas where land is available at relatively low cost, wastewa- energy from sunlight, the algae grow and multiply by con-
ter treatment ponds may be used for secondary treatment. suming the carbon dioxide and other inorganic compounds


Wind Energy
Liquid surface


Aerobic Carbon dioxide

Oxygen stabilization inorganic nutrients

Dissolved and
Aerobic bacteria

Raw sewage
Organic acids, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide

Faculative bacteria
Anaerobic bacteria

Pond bottom

Figure 10-13  Complex biochemical reactions that occur in a wastewater stabilization pond or lagoon.
260 chapter Ten

released by the bacteria. The bacteria use both the oxygen is to inject sulfur dioxide gas into chlorinated plant effluent.
released by the algae and the organics from the wastewater. This problem can be avoided if ultraviolet (UV) light rather
Although the algae play an important role in the puri- than chlorine is used for disinfection of effluent.
fication process in a sewage lagoon, they can also cause a Disinfection using UV light is becoming increasingly
problem. When these microscopic plants are carried out of important, especially at new or upgraded sewage treatment
the pond in the effluent flow, the allowable levels of TSS for plants as well as at advanced treatment facilities. Exposure to
a secondary effluent are usually exceeded. This problem can UV light destroys pathogens by blocking DNA required for
be particularly severe during the warm summer months. cell division. UV disinfection can destroy up to 99.99 p ­ ercent
Sometimes, using two or more ponds in series and with care- of all bacteria and viruses in the water without producing
ful control of the effluent flow, algae carryover can be elimi- toxic by-products. (The application of UV radiation for dis-
nated. Faculative lagoons are usually followed by shallower infection is discussed in Section 6-5.)
stabilization ponds (about 1.5 m or 5 ft deep). Detention To test the effectiveness of a particular treatment method
time in a stabilization pond is typically about 30 days. on a specific source of water or wastewater, pilot plant stud-
Wastewater treatment ponds are being used with ies are often performed. This involves building and operat-
increasing frequency in areas where land is readily available. ing a small-scale treatment facility before making a major
Wastewater from about 1000 people can be served per hect- investment in the full-scale plant. Prior to construction of a
are of pond surface area (about 400 people per acre). Typical pilot plant, bench-scale testing is done in the laboratory.
pond operating permits allow 30 mg>L of BOD and 90 mg>L
of TSS in the pond effluent. The low construction costs, ease
of operation and maintenance, and negligible energy costs 10-4  TERTIARY TREATMENT
offer distinct advantages for this natural purification system. Secondary treatment can remove between 85 percent and
95 percent of the BOD and TSS in raw sanitary sewage.
Secondary Effluent Disinfection  The last process in a Generally, this leaves 30 mg>L or less of BOD and TSS in the
secondary sewage treatment process is disinfection. Sewage secondary effluent. But sometimes this level of sewage treat-
disinfection destroys any pathogens in the effluent that may ment is not sufficient to protect the aquatic environment. For
have survived the secondary treatment process, thereby example, periodic low-flow rates in a trout stream may not
protecting public health. (Removal of BOD and TSS serves provide the amount of dilution of the effluent that is needed
primarily to protect the aquatic environment.) Sewage dis- to maintain the necessary DO levels for trout survival.
infection is particularly important when the secondary efflu- Another limitation of secondary treatment is that it does
ent is discharged into a body of water used for swimming or not significantly reduce the effluent concentrations of nitro-
water supply by a downstream community. gen and phosphorus in the sewage. Nitrogen and phospho-
Like drinking water, sewage is usually disinfected by rus are important plant nutrients. If they are discharged into
chlorination. The method of application and the chemistry a lake, algal blooms and accelerated lake aging or cultural
of this process are discussed in Section 6-5. The chlorine eutrophication may be the result. Also, the nitrogen in the
demand of wastewater is relatively high when compared to sewage effluent may be present mostly in the form of ammo-
that of drinking water. A chlorine dose of about 10 mg>L is nia compounds. These compounds are toxic to fish if the
required to leave a combined chlorine residual of 0.5 mg>L concentrations are high enough. Yet another problem with
in the secondary effluent. A residual of 0.5 mg>L is the mini- the ammonia is that it exerts a nitrogenous oxygen demand in
mum required by most environmental regulatory agencies the receiving water as it is converted to nitrates. This process
for wastewater effluents. is called nitrification, as discussed in Section 4-3.
A separate chlorine contact tank, with a series of baffles When pollutant removal greater than that provided by
to eliminate short-circuiting of the flow, is used to ensure secondary treatment is required, either to further reduce the
at least 15 min of contact time between the sewage and the BOD and TSS concentrations in the effluent or to remove
chlorine. Although the presence of a chlorine residual is a plant nutrients, a third level of purification, called tertiary
good indication of effective disinfection, more than just treatment, is needed. Tertiary treatment of sewage can
residual testing is required; specifically, bacteriological test- remove more than 99 percent of the pollutants from raw
ing may be necessary. NPDES permits typically specify a sewage and can produce an effluent of very high quality. But
maximum allowable concentration of 200 fecal coliforms the cost of tertiary treatment, for operation and maintenance
per 100 mL in the plant effluent. as well as for construction, is very high, sometimes doubling
Excessive chlorination of sewage can have an adverse the cost of secondary treatment. Some commonly used ter-
environmental impact. High chlorine concentrations in the tiary processes are discussed in the following sections.
vicinity of sewage treatment plant outfall pipes can kill fish
and other aquatic life. The treatment plant operator must
carefully control the chlorine dose to prevent wasting chlo-
Effluent Polishing
rine as well as to avoid fish kills. The removal of additional BOD and TSS from secondary
In some cases, it is necessary to dechlorinate the effluent effluents is sometimes referred to as effluent polishing. It
prior to discharge to protect aquatic life. One way to do this is most often accomplished using a granular-media filter,
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 261

much like the filters used to purify drinking water. Since the Some filter manufacturers mount the backwash storage tank
suspended solids consist mostly of organic compounds, fil- directly above the filter, forming a single self-contained unit.
tration removes BOD and TSS. Another process, called microstraining, also has found
Generally, mixed-media filters are used to achieve in- application as a tertiary step in wastewater treatment for
depth filtration of the effluent. Because of the organic and suspended solids reduction. The microstrainers also called
biodegradable nature of the suspended solids in the second- microscreens, are composed of specially woven steel wire
ary effluent, tertiary filters must be backwashed frequently. cloth mounted around the perimeter of a large revolving
Otherwise, decomposition would cause septic or anaerobic drum. The steel wire cloth acts as a fine screen, with openings
conditions to develop in the filter bed. In addition to the as small as 20 micrometers (mm, or millionths of a meter).
conventional backwash cycle, an auxiliary surface air wash is The rotating drum is partially submerged in the sec-
used to thoroughly scour and clean the filter bed. Filtration ondary effluent, which must flow into the drum and then
may be done by gravity in an open tank or by pressure in outward through the microscreen. As the drum rotates,
closed pressure vessels. captured solids are carried to the top, where a high-velocity
A schematic diagram of an automatic-backwash tertiary water spray flushes them into a hopper mounted on the hol-
filter is shown in Figure 10-14. The filtered water may be low axle of the drum.
stored in an adjacent tank and used for backwash water when Filtration using improved synthetic membrane mate-
the head loss through the filter reaches a predetermined level. rials is now finding more widespread use for secondary

Head box

outlet Air vent line


Backwash storage Inlet pipe

Filter Inlet valve, open
Backwash outlet
valve, closed
Air inlet valve

Backwash pipe
Drain down
Isolation valve

Plan view
Outlet pipe and pocket
Backwashing Loss of head switch
Air backwash pipe Cell 3

Level dropping Manhole

Filter compartment
division wall

Cell 2


Cell 1
Backwash water
to waste
Transfer pipe
(b) (c)
Figure 10-14  Auto-backwash rapid filters may be used to polish the effluent in a tertiary or advanced sewage
treatment plant: (a) shows the filtration mode, and (b) shows the backwash mode of operation. Three individual
filter cells may be constructed in a single prefabricated unit, as shown in (c).
(Courtesy of FL Smidth, Salt Lake City, Utah.)
262 chapter Ten

Points for adding chemical

1 2 3 4

Influent Primary Aeration Secondary settling
settling tank Effluent
sewage settling and

Figure 10-15  Phosphorus can be removed from sewage by chemical precipitation; the chemical, usually alum, can be added
at one of four different points in the process. Point 2 is the most common point of application.

effluent polishing and advanced wastewater treatment precipitation and flocculation reactions occur along with
(see Section 6.6 for a more detailed description of membrane the biochemical reactions. Sometimes the coagulant may be
filtration). added to the wastewater just before the secondary or final
clarifiers. Regardless of the point in the process at which
Phosphorus Removal coagulant is added, the total volume and weight of sludge
requiring disposal increase significantly. The options for
Phosphorus is one of the plant nutrients that contributes to the phosphorus removal by chemical precipitation are illustrated
eutrophication of lakes. Raw sewage contains about 10 mg>L in Figure 10-15.
of phosphorus, from household detergents as well as from
­sanitary wastes. The phosphorus in wastewater is p ­ rimarily in
the form of organic phosphorus and as phosphate, PO43–, com-
Nitrogen Removal
pounds. Only about 30 percent of this phosphorus is removed Nitrogen can exist in wastewater in the form of organic
by the bacteria in a conventional secondary sewage treatment nitrogen, ammonia, or nitrate compounds. The effluent
plant, leaving about 7 mg>L of phosphorus in the effluent. from a conventional activated sludge plant contains mostly
When stream or effluent standards require lower phos- the ammonia nitrogen (ammonium ion) form, NH4+.
phorus concentrations, a tertiary treatment process must be Effluents from a trickling filter or rotating biodisc may con-
added to the treatment plant. This usually involves chemi- tain more of the nitrate ion form, NO3- . This is because the
cal precipitation of the phosphate ions and coagulation. The nitrifying bacteria, those microbes that convert ammonia
organic phosphorus compounds are entrapped in the coag- to nitrate, have a chance to grow and multiply on some of
ulant flocs that are formed and settle out in a clarifier. the surfaces in the trickling filter or biodisc units. They do
One chemical frequently used in this process is alumi- not survive in a mixed-growth aeration tank, where they are
num sulfate, Al2SO4. This is called alum, the same coagulant crowded out by faster-growing bacteria that consume carbo-
chemical used to purify drinking water. The aluminum ions naceous organics.
in the alum react with the phosphate ions in the sewage to Nitrogen in the form of ammonia can be toxic to fish,
form the insoluble precipitate called aluminum p ­ hosphate. and it exerts an oxygen demand in receiving waters as it is
Other coagulant chemicals that may be used to precipitate converted to nitrate. Nitrate nitrogen is one of the major
the phosphorus include ferric chloride, FeCl3, and lime, CaO. nutrients that causes algal blooms and eutrophication. For
Adding the coagulant downstream of the secondary these reasons, it is sometimes necessary to remove the nitro-
processes provides the greatest overall reliability for phos- gen from the sewage effluent before discharge. This is par-
phorus reduction. It not only removes about 90 percent of ticularly important if it is discharged directly into a lake.
the phosphorus, but it removes additional TSS and serves to One of the methods used to remove nitrogen is called
polish the effluent as well. But when applied in this manner, biological nitrification–denitrification. It consists of two
as a third or tertiary treatment step, additional flocculation basic steps. First, the secondary effluent is introduced into
and settling tanks must be built. In some cases, even filters another aeration tank, trickling filter, or biodisc. Because
may have to be added to remove the nonsettleable floc. most of the carbonaceous BOD has already been removed,
To avoid the need for construction of additional tanks the microorganisms that will now thrive in this tertiary step
and filters, in most plants requiring phosphorus removal the are the nitrifying bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. In
coagulant is added to the wastewater at some point in the this first step, called nitrification, the ammonia nitrogen is
conventional process. For example, alum may be added just converted to nitrate nitrogen, producing a nitrified effluent.
before the primary settling tanks. The resulting combination At this point, the nitrogen has not actually been removed,
of primary and chemical sludge is removed from the primary but only converted to a form that is not toxic to fish and that
clarifiers. does not cause an additional oxygen demand.
In activated sludge plants, the coagulant may be A second biological treatment step is necessary to actu-
added directly into the aeration tanks. In this case, the ally remove the nitrogen from the wastewater. This is called
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 263

Nitrification Denitrification
Ammonia converted Nitrates converted to nitrogen
to nitrates Denitrifying
NO3– N2
Nitrifying bacteria
NH3 + O2 NO3–

From Secondary Nitrified effluent Anaerobic
aerobic Tertiary Effluent
settling biological
biological biological settling 85 percent of N
treatment process removed

(Return sludge for
added for
suspended growth system) carbon source
Can be discharged if
nitrates will not cause
eutrophication problems
Figure 10-16  Nitrogen can be removed from sewage to prevent eutrophication of lakes. The biological processes of
nitrification and denitrification must be carried out after the basic activated sludge process is complete.

denitrification. It is an aerobic process in which the organic kind of treatment, and soil type as well as climate are criti-
chemical methanol is added to the nitrified effluent to serve cal factors in controlling the feasibility and design of a land
as a source of carbon. The denitrifying bacteria Pseudomonas treatment process.
and other groups use the carbon from the methanol and the There are three basic types or modes of land treatment:
oxygen from the nitrates in their metabolic processes. One slow rate, rapid infiltration, and overland flow. The condi-
product of this biochemical reaction is molecular nitrogen, tions under which they can function and the basic objectives
N2, which escapes into the atmosphere as a gas. A schematic of these types of treatment vary.
diagram of this process is shown in Figure 10-16. In the slow rate system, also called irrigation, vegetation
Another method for nitrogen removal is called ammo- is the critical component for the wastewater treatment pro-
nia stripping. It is a physical-chemical, rather than a biologi- cess. Although the basic objective is wastewater treatment
cal, process consisting of two basic steps. First, the pH of and disposal, another goal is to obtain an economic benefit
the wastewater is raised in order to convert the ammonium from the use of the water and nutrients to produce mar-
ions, NH4+, to ammonia gas, NH3. Second, the wastewater is ketable crops (i.e., corn or grain) for animal feed. Another
cascaded down through a tall tower; this causes turbulence objective might be to conserve potable water by using sec-
and contact with air, allowing the ammonia to escape as a ondary effluent to irrigate lawns and other landscaped areas.
gas. Large volumes of air are circulated through the tower to A schematic diagram of a slow rate land treatment sys-
carry the gas out of the system. The combination of ammo- tem is shown in Figure 10-17. Wastewater can be applied
nia stripping with phosphorus removal using lime as a coag- onto the land by ridge-and-furrow surface spreading or by
ulant is advantageous because the lime can also serve to raise sprinkler systems. The most common sprinkler system con-
the pH of the wastewater. Ammonia stripping is less expen- sists of a long spray boom that rotates on wheel supports
sive than biological nitrification–denitrification, but it does around a center pivot. In ridge-and-furrow application, the
not work very efficiently under cold-weather conditions. wastewater flows by gravity in small ditches. In either mode
of application, most of the water and nutrients are taken up
or absorbed through the roots of the growing vegetation.
Land Treatment of Wastewater
The application of secondary effluent onto the land surface
can provide an effective alternative to the expensive and Applied
complicated advanced treatment methods previously dis- wastewater
cussed. A high-quality polished effluent can be obtained by
the natural processes that occur as the effluent flows over the
vegetated ground surface and percolates through the soil.
Additional benefits of land treatment are that it can
provide the moisture and nutrients needed for vegetation
growth and can help recharge groundwater aquifers. In
effect, land treatment of wastewater allows a direct recy-
cling of water and nutrients for beneficial use; the sewage
becomes a valuable natural resource that is not simply dis- Figure 10-17  Slow rate land treatment.
posed of. But relatively large land areas are needed for this (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
264 chapter Ten

Applied biological processes as the wastewater flows in a thin film

wastewater down the relatively impermeable surface. Overland flow can
be used to achieve removal efficiencies for BOD and nitro-
gen comparable to other methods of tertiary treatment, but
phosphorus removal is somewhat limited. The water col-
lected in the ditch is usually discharged to a nearby body of
surface water.
Relatively large-scale land treatment systems can be
used to effectively replicate the filtering and purification
Figure 10-18  Rapid infiltration. processes that occur in natural wetlands. When constructed
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) outside of floodplains (to avoid damage to natural wetland
resources), such systems may be called constructed treatment
Not all the water applied to the land in a slow rate sys- wetlands. These are areas where treated effluent saturates the
tem is absorbed; some of it percolates through the soil to ground sufficiently to maintain native wetland vegetation. A
the groundwater zone. Uncontrolled surface runoff of the notable example of a large constructed wetlands project is
wastewater is not usually allowed, so the soil must have rea- the 200 ha (480 ac) Tres Rios facility in Phoenix, Arizona. In
sonably good drainage characteristics. The wastewater can addition to providing advanced wastewater treatment and
be applied to the land at rates of up to 100 mm (4 in.) per flood protection, the constructed wetland serves as an excel-
week, except during the winter months in northern climates. lent habitat for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds.
Of the three basic types of land treatment systems, the
slow rate method provides the best results with respect to Alternative Treatment Technologies
tertiary treatment levels of pollutant removal. Suspended Increasingly strict water quality standards require the
solids and biochemical oxygen demand are significantly upgrading of many older sewage treatment plants. This
reduced by filtration of the wastewater and biological oxida- trend, along with limited land for expansion at many older
tion of the organics in the top few inches of soil. Nitrogen is plants in urban areas, has led engineers to develop new
removed primarily by crop or native vegetation uptake, and wastewater treatment technologies that improve the level
phosphorus is removed by adsorption within the soil. of pollutant removal without necessarily occupying more
The rapid infiltration or infiltration–percolation land area at the plant site. Five such treatment methods are
mode of land treatment has as basic objectives to recharge briefly described here, including the sequencing batch reac-
groundwater aquifers and to provide advanced treatment tor (SBR), membrane bioreactor process (MBP), the ballasted
of wastewater. A schematic diagram of the rapid infiltra- floc reactor (BFR), the biological aerated filter (BAF), and the
tion method is shown in Figure 10-18. Most of the second- integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) process.
ary effluent percolates to the groundwater; very little of it is
absorbed by vegetation. The filtering and adsorption action
Sequencing Batch Reactor  Unlike a convention activated
of the soil removes most of the BOD, TSS, and phosphorus
sludge treatment system, which is a continuous flow processes,
from the effluent, but nitrogen removal is relatively poor.
a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is a fill-and-draw, nonsteady
Soils must be highly permeable for the rapid infiltration
state system in which the reactor basin is filled with wastewater
method to work properly. Usually, the wastewater is applied
for a discrete time interval, that is, operated in “batch mode”
in large ponds called recharge basins.
Two or more SBRs can be used at a site, so that one is filling
An overland flow system is illustrated in Figure 10-19.
while the other is operating. SBRs provide aeration and clari-
Wastewater is sprayed on a sloped terrace and allowed to
fication in a single reactor basin; there is no need for primary
flow across the vegetated surface to a runoff collection ditch.
clarifiers or return sludge pumps. After a timed period of aera-
Purification is accomplished by physical, chemical, and
tion, the sludge settles and clarified effluent is skimmed from
the surface by a floating device called a decanter. By varying
Evapotranspiration operating parameters, reactor conditions that achieve nitrifi-
wastewater cation, denitrification, and biological phosphorous removal
Grass and can be obtained. In addition to providing up to 95 percent
vegetative litter
BOD removal and nutrient removal, SBR systems take up less
Sheet flow collection land area than conventional biological treatment systems. SBR
plants are now finding more widespread applications for flow
Slope 2 to
rates up to 20 ML>d (5 mgd), largely because of improvements
8 percent in aeration systems and the automated control of tank water
levels, valve positions, and SCADA systems.

Figure 10-19  Overland flow. Membrane Bioreactor Process  In the MBR process,
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) aeration, secondary clarification, and filtration occur within
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 265

Water surface

Influent Effluent

Aeration basin


Air bubbles

Wasted sludge

Diffuser grid
Figure 10-20  A membrane bioreactor, which combines activated sludge with
membrane filtration to accomplish tertiary treatment in a single treatment tank.

a single bioreactor rather than in three separate basins, simi- processes. A coagulant is first mixed rapidly with the influent
lar to that of an SBR, providing the required tertiary treat- to promote flocculation. Sand and a polymer are then added
ment within a smaller land area compared to conventional to form heavier, larger floc particles that settle rapidly; the
treatment. In addition, hollow-fiber microfiltration mem- polymer binds the sand to the organic floc particles. The clari-
branes are bundled into modules and grouped together in fied effluent is discharged over a weir and settled sludge is
cassettes. Connected by a header pipe to effluent vacuum pumped to a hydroclone, where the sand is separated by cen-
pumps, the cassettes are submerged in the bioreactor tank. trifugal force. The sand is recycled back to the BFR, and the
The vacuum pumps pull the effluent through the mem- organic sludge is pumped to an appropriate treatment pro-
branes but leave the solids behind, eliminating the need for cess. MBR and BFR systems can be used in parallel to allow
secondary clarification and return sludge pumping. An MBR cost-effective designs.
is shown schematically in Figure 10-20. Flat plate membrane
configurations can also be used in MBRs, which operate as Biological Aerated Filters  BAFs use a reactor basin
continuous flow systems. with submerged media that serves both as a contact sur-
In an MBR, since activated sludge stays in the tank, the face for biological activity and as a filter to separate solids
MLSS levels are much higher than in conventional activated from the sewage. Primary effluent flows upward through the
sludge systems, thus facilitating treatment within a smaller basin, and fine-bubble aeration is used to aid the process.
volume. Air is supplied through coarse bubble diffusers Routine backwashing is used to remove the captured solids
below the membrane cassettes, providing oxygen for bio- from the media. Two stages of BAF units can be used if both
logical treatment and agitation to scour and clean the mem- nitrification and BOD removal are needed. Organic loading
branes; fine bubble diffusers are also used to supply more air rates can be up to six times greater than those of conven-
for treatment. Automatic backwash cycles are also used to tional activated sludge treatment systems, and the “foot-
clean and restore membrane permeability at regular inter- print” (required area) of a BAF basin is roughly 15 percent
vals. An MBR system can be built new or retrofitted into an of that required for conventional activated sludge. More
existing activated sludge tank. commonly used in Europe, BAF is now being utilized in
The City of Fillmore Wastewater Treatment Plant some U.S. communities, including Roanoke, Virginia, and
in California is an example of a relatively large municipal Carson, California.
facility, treating about 7 ML>d (1.8 mgd) that uses MBR
­technology. MBR systems can also be used effectively for Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge  In activated
small ­on-sight sewage treatment and nonpotable reuse sludge treatment plants that are required to upgrade to in-
applications (e.g., outdoor irrigation). Local environmental clude nitrification, integrated fixed-film technology can be
agencies and health departments set strict design standards used, without the need to build additional tanks. In IFAS,
for such systems and require increased levels of monitoring. small plastic sponges or rings, called carriers, are suspended
in the activated sludge tank. The carriers increase the total
Ballasted Floc Reactor  Ballasted flocculation is a physi- biomass undergoing nitrification and allow the system to
cal–chemical process that increases the settling rate of sus- operate at higher organic loading rates. As with BAF, IFAS
pended solids over that of conventional primary sedimentation technology is not uncommon in Europe.
266 chapter Ten

In the United States, IFAS has been implemented in the in the water cycle, and includes water conservation practices
city of Broomfield, Colorado, for example. It also is used in as well as recycling. Also, stormwater is considered an asset
the village of Dexter, New York, and other locations, where rather than a nuisance; it is put to use in recharging ground-
the process is called fixed activated sludge treatment, or FAST. water aquifers using best management practices, or BMPs
These types of treatment systems, which effectively combine (see Section 9-3).
suspended growth and fixed growth biological processes in The practice of integrated water management can serve
one tank, can be used for a wide range of flows, including to replenish freshwater supplies and create an improved and
small flows from individual homes using septic tanks. more sustainable urban hydrologic cycle. In other words, it is
a modern engineering and planning approach that helps meet
the water supply needs of present as well as future generations.
Advanced Treatment and Reuse In addition to using water conservation methods and storm-
With the use of modern membrane filtration as an advanced water BMPs, this effort includes reuse of graywater, rainwater
treatment step, municipal wastewater can be purified to any harvesting, green roofs, dual plumbing for potable and non-
desired level or quality. In fact, it is possible to apply mem- potable purposes, and other green building design elements.
brane filtration (along with other treatment processes) to It has been estimated that about 8 percent of wastewater
produce a wastewater effluent that actually exceeds drinking is currently reused in the United States; this will very likely
water quality. The range of water quality levels that can be increase in the future, perhaps to as much as 33 percent.
achieved with varying degrees of treatment is shown sche- In other countries with greater needs for ample sources of
matically in Figure 10-21. The extent of treatment applied freshwater, recycling is more common. Israel, for example,
depends on the intended use, or more accurately, on the reuses about 70 percent of its domestic wastewater; Saudi
intended reuse of the wastewater effluent. (Membrane fil- Arabia currently reuses about 16 percent and is planning to
ters, key components of advanced water and wastewater increase that to 65 percent by 2016.
treatment systems, are discussed in Section 6-6.) The most common applications of planned or inten-
For many people, the phrase “wastewater disposal” tional wastewater recycling involve nonpotable purposes, that
implies that we are somehow “getting rid of” the sewage, is, not for drinking water. After some level of advanced treat-
whether or not one or more of the many sewage treatment ment, improved wastewater effluents can be used for water-
methods described in this chapter are used. But in reality, all ing golf courses and recreational fields, lawn and landscape
sewage or wastewater, treated or not, is effectively recycled irrigation, crop irrigation (for animal feed crops), and other
into the aquatic environment and eventually reused (albeit agricultural purposes and to augment, enhance, and sustain
indirectly). This is called de facto (or unplanned) potable natural bodies of water, aquatic environments, and ecosys-
reuse; it has always been a component of the “urban hydro- tems. It can also be used in industry for cooling, boiler water
logic cycle” (see Figure 3-3). We can never literally “dispose makeup, and other purposes. Graywater from individual
of” wastewater; we can only reduce its potentially harmful homes can also be treated and recycled (see page 277), earn-
effects on public health and on the environment. ing credits for LEED green building certification.
Municipal wastewater can be intentionally recycled or Planned or intentional use of reclaimed wastewater for
reclaimed for a wide range of different applications (the nonpotable purposes has been practiced for many years and
terms “reclaimed” and “recycled” are often used synony- is well accepted by the public, while the intentional use of
mously). In many regions of the world, including arid parts reclaimed water for potable purposes is an emerging practice.
of the United States, there are increasing needs for wastewa- Advanced treatment following tertiary processes is typically
ter reuse because of urbanization, population growth, and required prior to potable reuse. This may include a pretreat-
competition for freshwater. Many water resource engineers ment of tertiary effluent using MF or UF membrane filtra-
are now using a planning and design approach called inte- tion, followed by NF or RO filtration and UV disinfection.
grated water management for new water infrastructure proj- There are two kinds of planned wastewater recycling
ects. This enhances beneficial use of water at various stages protocols for drinking water use: indirect potable reuse (IPR)



tre ced



Water quality








* Level of treatment depends
Wastewater on the reuse application

Figure 10-21  Treatment technologies are available to achieve any desired level of water quality.
(Courtesy of EPA 2012 Guidelines for Reuse.)
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 267

Precipitation and surface runoff

Conventional water supply

Surface water Groundwater


Non public systems only

Potable (e.g., Singapore NEWater and
Environmental buffer
water treatment Upper Occoquan Service Authority,
IPR Surface water Virginla)
Public supply reservoirs
(e.g., Orange County Water District
systems Groundwater Replenishment System,
Distribution Groundwater California)
system IPR aquifer
Non public systems only

Wastewater treatment
Other types of
Conventional Advanced
reuse and/or
wastewater treatment wastewater treatment
discharge to
water bodies

Figure 10-22  Flowchart for planned IPR options.

(Courtesy of EPA 2012 Guidelines for Reuse.)

and direct potable reuse (DPR). IPR is defined as augmenta- are actually added back at the end of the process. In Singapore,
tion of a drinking water source (surface or groundwater) with the phrase “used water” is substituted for “sewage,” and the
reclaimed wastewater, using an engineered or environmental finished product is called “NEWater.”
storage buffer that precedes drinking water treatment. The Direct potable reuse or DPR can be defined as the
buffer can be a reservoir, lake, or a groundwater aquifer. intentional introduction of reclaimed wastewater directly
Options for IPR are illustrated schematically in Figure 10-22. into the source water intake of a drinking water plant, with-
There are many IPR facilities now in operation, world- out prior retention in an engineered or environmental stor-
wide. The first “sewage-to-potable water” system built in the age buffer. There are no criteria or standards yet for DPR
United States is the 45 ML>d (12 mgd) Fred Hervey Water implementation in the United States, although research is
Reclamation Plant, in El Paso, Texas. The highly treated being conducted to assess its public health concerns. Public
effluent from this plant is injected into the Hueco Bolson acceptance of DPR is also a challenging issue. In arid com-
Aquifer for groundwater recharge. munities in many other parts of the world, though, DPR
The world’s largest IPR facility is the Orange County may be the most economical method to assure a reliable and
Water District’s Groundwater Replenishment System a sustainable public water supply.
(GWRS) The advanced GWRS wastewater treatment system
uses a three-step process to further treat an already-highly
purified secondary effluent. It includes microfiltration,
reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light with hydrogen per- 10-5 On-Site Wastewater
oxide for final disinfection and destruction of trace organic Treatment and
compounds. Half of the GWRS effluent is injected under-
ground to act as a freshwater barrier that prevents saltwater
intrusion into the aquifer. The rest of the effluent is pumped In lightly populated suburban or rural areas where it is not
21 km (13 mi) to a recharge basin where it slowly percolates economical to provide a public sewage collection system and
into the ground and supplements a water supply aquifer. centralized treatment facility, it is necessary to provide sepa-
Examples of international IPR systems include a proj- rate (decentralized) wastewater treatment processes for indi-
ect in Toowoomba, Australia, and a project in Singapore, vidual sources of flow. These are called on-site wastewater
in Southeast Asia. In Australia, where the reclaimed effluent is treatment systems, and they may serve individual houses or
called “six-star water,” the water is so pure that some minerals small clusters of buildings connected to a common system.
268 chapter Ten

(The EPA defines an OWTS as one that serves a group of less

than 20 people.) About one quarter of the U.S. population is
served by some type of an OWTS, usually one that treats and
“disposes of” the wastewater underground (called subsurface
disposal), and more than a third of newly constructed U.S. Septic tank Drain field
homes are built with OWTS.
In past years, subsurface wastewater disposal systems
Soil absorption
were usually considered temporary in most growing com-
munities, and were meant to be replaced as soon as possible
by a public sewer system and a centralized wastewater treat- Soil layers Purification
ment plant. This was largely because of the frequent failure
rate for subsurface systems, as well as the resulting poten-
tial for groundwater pollution and public health risks. But Groundwater
if properly situated, designed, installed, and maintained,
an OWTS can serve effectively for wastewater disposal for Figure 10-23  A conventional OWTS. Contaminants are
an extended period of time. In fact, the current policy of r­ emoved from the septic tank effluent as it percolates
the EPA is to recognize and encourage the construction of through soil layers.
OWTS as viable, low-cost, long-term, decentralized facilities (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
for wastewater disposal.
OWTSs can range in complexity from the cesspools or also important factors. Typically, these depths should be at
pit privies used throughout history to highly sophisticated least 3 m (10 ft) below the bottom of the drain field, and are
systems capable of producing an effluent suitable for human specified in most local health department or environmental
consumption. But cesspools are no longer sanctioned by agency regulations.
local public health agencies, and systems capable of produc-
ing effluent of drinking water quality are seldom necessary. Key Soil Characteristics  As described in Section 1-4,
The typical OWTS comprises a conventional septic tank and soil is a mixture of unconsolidated weathered rock frag-
a soil absorption field. These work well in areas with suitable ments, including gravel, sand, silt, and clay in various
geologic conditions. In other areas, alternative treatment proportions. Soil survey maps available from the Natural
and disposal systems are needed for long-term wastewater Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) can be studied for
management. preliminary data. But detailed data must be obtained by di-
rect observation of exposed soil profiles on the site. A soil
profile is best observed in a large test pit that is excavated by
Conventional Systems a backhoe to a depth of about 4 m (12 ft) at the drain field
A conventional OWTS, the most common type, comprises location. Visual observations regarding soil classification,
both a septic tank and a subsurface wastewater infiltration depth to groundwater, and depth to bedrock are recorded.
system (SWIS). This type of a subsurface system is very For single-home SWIS sites, a hand auger or probe may suf-
much controlled by on-site soil conditions, with regard to fice to get soil profile data, but for larger projects serving a
its suitability and performance. The septic tank provides cluster of dwellings or buildings, several test pits and deep
primary treatment and removes most settleable and float- borings may be needed to provide more detail.
ing material from the wastewater. The soil further treats the One of the most important determinations to be made
tank effluent by both physical and biological processes as it when investigating subsurface site conditions is the ability
percolates into the ground through the SWIS (also called of water to move freely through the soil. Specifically, the
an absorption field, drain field, or leaching field). This is permeability or hydraulic conductivity of the soil must be
depicted schematically in Figure 10-23. within an acceptable range. If it is too low, the effluent will
Only a fraction of the land area in the United States is not be able to percolate fast enough for effective disposal,
suitable for subsurface drain fields. A thorough field evalua- and it may seep out on the surface of the drain field. If it
tion is therefore essential to assess a site’s capacity to assimi- is too high, there may not be sufficient purification of the
late the wastewater effluent. Land features such as swales, effluent before it reaches the water table.
depressions, floodplains, and wetlands must be avoided as Soil profiles depict soil horizons, which are layers of
locations for drain fields. Preferred locations include gentle soil that exhibit similar properties based largely on texture,
convex slopes or flat areas with deep permeable soils that structure, and color. They result from natural soil-forming
readily allow wastewater infiltration and dispersion through processes and from human activities. Soil texture is based
unsaturated layers of soil. Because the soil is the key element on the relative amounts of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, and
in treating the wastewater before it gets into an aquifer, it is is one indicator of a soils ability to transmit water. Water
most important to conduct a detailed study of the soil char- flows between the soil particles in spaces called pores. Soil
acteristics at the proposed location of a drain field. Depths texture is indicative of the relative size distribution of the
to the seasonably high groundwater table and to bedrock are soil particles and pores. Triangular classification charts
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 269

(see Figure 1-13) are useful for identifying soil textures, required by many regulatory agencies. Traditionally, the
although experienced soil evaluators are often adept at iden- ­so-called percolation test, or perc test, has been used to esti-
tifying this property using a skill called hand texturing. Soil mate the hydraulic conductivity of soil. But soil texture and
with a high proportion of sand, for example, feels gritty in structure have been better predictors than the perc test of
the hand of the evaluator. the infiltration rate of septic tank effluent through the soil.
Relatively coarse granular soils, which contain a large In some places in the United States, the perc test is no lon-
percentage of sand and gravel, generally have high hydrau- ger used to determine acceptable hydraulic loading rates for
lic conductivities. They are usually suitable for subsurface a SWIS, while in others the perc test is supplemented by a
disposal of wastewater, as long as the percolation rate is not detailed soil profile evaluation. Because more than 30 states
excessive. Fine-grained soils, such as very fine sands and silts, still make use of the perc test for SWIS planning and design,
offer more resistance to the flow of water. Soils containing a and because many technicians may still be involved in con-
large fraction of clay are often unacceptable for subsurface ducting a perc test, the procedure is briefly described here.
disposal because of their extremely low permeability.
When septic tank effluent percolates through dry and Percolation (Perc) Test  The perc test provides an indi-
silty soils, most suspended particulates, bacteria, viruses, rect measure of the soil permeability, or hydraulic conduc-
and other potential pathogens in the effluent are filtered out tivity. Usually, several separate perc tests are required in the
in relatively short flow distances. But in saturated (very wet) vicinity of a proposed subsurface disposal system, particularly
soil, the microorganisms can travel greater distances. When if soil conditions are highly variable on the site.
effluent enters gravel with little or no fine material (silt and A perc test simply measures the rate at which water
clay), it can quickly pass through the pores unfiltered, allow- seeps into the soil in a test hole. It is sometimes called a fall-
ing pathogens to travel relatively long distances. Slower per- ing head perc test because it is the rate of drop of the water
colation velocity provides sufficient contact time between level in the test hole that is measured. In addition to pro-
soil particles and effluent, thereby providing more effective viding data as to whether a conventional subsurface system
purification before the effluent reaches the water table. may be utilized, the perc test provides data for designing the
Soil color can also be a useful indicator of its poten- size of the leaching field. Generally, perc tests must be per-
tial for disposal of wastewater, and published color guides formed by a qualified technician under the supervision of a
are available to aid soil evaluators in this regard. One of the professional engineer and witnessed by a representative of
most useful soil characteristics, however, for determining the the local health department.
ability of water to move through it is the soil structure. Soil Specific procedures for conducting perc tests vary
structure refers to the aggregation of soil particles into larger somewhat among local environmental agencies and health
units, including those characterized as granular, blocky, pris- departments across the country. Although the details vary,
matic, and platy (Figure 10-24). Soil structure has an effect including the dimensions of the test hole, most perc test
on the movement of subsurface water. Platy and massive procedures can be summarized as follows:
soils severely restrict water movement. Blocky and prismatic
structure allows for moderate percolation, and single-grain 1. The test hole.  A test hole about 200 mm (8 in.) in diam-
or granular soils allow the most rapid flow of water. eter is dug in the soil to the depth of the proposed leach-
An evaluation of the soil profile by a professional soil ing field, usually about 0.6 m (2 ft). This may be done
scientist or certified site evaluator is important and is now on a shallow ledge adjacent to the test pit. The sides of
the hole may then be scratched with a sharp tool, and
the loose material is removed. An inch or two of coarse
Single-grain Blocky Platy
gravel may be placed at the bottom of the hole to pre-
vent scour later on.
2. Soaking the test hole.  The soil is soaked and saturated
by filling the hole with clean water. For sandy soils, all
the water is allowed to drain away; for silty soils or soils
with a high clay content, the water is allowed to remain
Rapid Moderate Slow in the hole overnight and the test is conducted on the
Granular Prismatic Massive
next day. After thorough soaking, the hole is again filled
with clean water to a depth of about 200 mm (8 in.). At
a uniform time interval of 5 to 30 min (depending on
the rate of fall), the drop in the water level is measured
and recorded. This is repeated until a constant rate of
drop is observed.
3. Measurement of the perc rate. After the rate of drop
Rapid Moderate Slow
becomes constant, the hole is again filled to a depth of
Figure 10-24  Types of soil structure and percolation rates. 200 m (8 in.). The time required for the water level to
(Courtesy of U.S. Department of Agriculture.) drop 150 mm (6 in.) is recorded. In tight or slow-draining
270 chapter Ten

soils, it may be permissible to measure the drop of water subsurface disposal may also be prohibited in order to protect
in a 30-min time interval instead of waiting for a 150- groundwater quality.
mm drop.
4. Computation of perc rate. The perc rate for each test Septic Tank  Settleable and floating solids must first be
hole is computed in terms of minutes per inch of water r­emoved from raw wastewater before it can be applied to a
level drop, or minutes per 25 mm of drop. As long as the subsurface infiltration system, to reduce the potential of clog-
perc rates do not vary by more than 20 min, the perc rate ging. A septic tank provides this primary treatment step.
for the area is obtained by averaging the rates from each The tank stores the solids (temporarily), and the infiltration
test hole. Otherwise, the variations in soil type are noted. system serves to distribute the effluent so that it can perco-
late through the soil. A perspective sketch of a typical system
Example 10-9 is shown in Figure 10-26. Organic materials retained in the
tank decompose anaerobically (i.e., without oxygen), hence
During a percolation test, it is observed that the water level
the name septic tank. A well-functioning tank can reduce
in the test hole drops at a steady rate of 3>4 in. at 10-min
intervals. Compute the perc rate in terms of minutes per inch.
BOD and TSS levels by about 40 percent and 70 percent, re-
spectively. (Additional treatment levels are achieved as the
Solution ­effluent ­percolates through the soil via the infiltration system.)
The perc rate, in minutes>inch, can be calculated by simply
A septic tank is a watertight container buried under-
dividing the time interval by the corresponding uniform drop
ground, typically about 3 m (10 ft) from the building foun-
in the water level:
dation and about 0.5 m (1.5 ft) below the ground surface.
Tanks are made in a variety of shapes and sizes, usually of
10 min concrete or fiberglass. The minimum volume of tank gener-
perc rate = 3
= 14 min>in. 1rounded up2
>4 in. ally allowed for an individual household is 3800 L (1000 gal),
but this may vary with local health department regulations.
In this example, the drop in water level was measured at
Larger tanks are required for buildings with more than one
10-min intervals; shorter-time intervals may be used if the
family. Septic tanks may have either one or more chambers,
water level drops rapidly, or longer intervals may be used if
although dual compartment tanks may offer better treat-
the level drops slowly.
ment than traditional single compartment tanks and are
One method for measuring and timing the drop of now required by law in several states. A diagram of a dual-
water in a test hole is illustrated in Figure 10-25. A yardstick compartment tank is shown in Figure 10-27. The inlet and
or meter stick is simply held against a batter board that is outlet tees prevent short-circuiting of the flow, and an efflu-
placed across the test hole; the board serves as a fixed refer- ent filter or screen may be used to prevent some suspended
ence level for taking the measurement when the bottom of solids from entering the drain field.
the stick just penetrates the water surface. Although some of the organic solids stored in a septic
Battery-operated devices called percometers are avail- tank decompose, undecomposed solids eventually accumu-
able commercially. Their operation is based on the fact that late and the sludge layer grows. Excessive sludge accumu-
water conducts electricity; when the water level drops below lation can cause solids to be carried out of the tank in the
the end of a probe placed in the test hole, a gage indicates effluent and lead to plugging of the drain field. This is one
that the circuit is broken, and the time interval for a prede- of the most common causes of failure for a conventional
termined drop in water level can then be measured. septic system. To ensure proper operation and long service
Generally, if the perc rate is slower than 60 min>in. life, septic tanks should be pumped clean on a routine basis,
(40 min in some states), the soil is considered unsuitable for every 2 to 4 years. In tanks with effluent filters or screens, the
conventional septic systems. If the rate is faster than 1 min>in., screen should be cleaned periodically. Appropriate access
ports are required for each chamber of a dual-chamber
The board serves as a fixed tank. (The use of commercially available additives promoted
reference line for to improve the performance of septic systems is generally
measuring depth to water Measuring considered by engineers to be ineffective and could actually
Ground surface Batter board
damage the system.)
The entire contents of a septic tank, called septage,
must be disposed of properly. It may contain potentially
The hole is dug toxic levels of organic and inorganic chemicals, as well as
to the depth of the Gravel may be microorganisms. Land application is the most common
intended disposal Water placed to protect
the bottom from method for disposing of septage in the United States. It is
sediment and scour simple and cost effective, and it recycles organic material
and nutrients back to the land. Treatment at a POTW or a
special septage treatment plant provides additional disposal
Figure 10-25  A perc test can be conducted using a batter options and may be necessary for certain sources of septage.
board and a meterstick or yardstick. The EPA, as well as state and county regulatory agencies,
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 271

rfac d
d su rie
n bu hes
ou s
e nc
Gr pip tre
e d e d
at fill
r for vel-
Pe gra


Septic tank Ef

covers Absorption
Septic sludge field
retained in tank



The sludge and scum layers must be periodically

removed by pumping every 1 to 3 years.
If these layers are allowed to build, the settling
(or storage) area is reduced, forcing solids into
the drainfield. This reduces the effectiveness Evapotranspiration
of the treatment process and will cause
premature system failure.

Scum layer Gravel


Sludge layer Percolation

Figure 10-26  (a) Perspective view of an on-site subsurface sewage disposal system that utilizes a septic
tank and leaching or absorption field. (b) As the effluent enters the drainfield, most of it percolates through
the gravel, in which pockets of oxygen allow aerobic bacteria to live and pathogenic bacteria perish.
Phosphorus and nitrogen are metabolized by the vegetation covering the drainfield, and a portion of the
moisture is returned to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration.
(From J. vonMeier, Groundwater Contamination and Septic System Failure, 1996. Used with permission.)
272 chapter Ten

Bury access
There are several different designs and configurations
Cover hatches or of leaching fields used for subsurface infiltration including
Riser provide trenches, beds, seepage pits, and mounds. They each provide
locked water-
tight hatches both dispersal and treatment of the applied wastewater efflu-
Scum ent. A common type of leaching field consists of two or more
separate trenches with pipes that serve to spread the waste-
Outlet Effluent water. Before reaching the trenches, the effluent flows into a
Inlet tee tee filter distribution box, which serves to evenly divide the flow into
"Clear" liquid each trench. Local health department regulations usually
require a minimum of 30 m (100 ft) of separation between the
leaching field and a water supply well. A typical layout plan
for a residential septic system is illustrated in Figure 10-28.
The disposal trenches in the leaching field are shallow
Figure 10-27  Side view in a dual-compartment septic tank. excavations that are a minimum of 0.3 m (1 ft) wide and
(From Pipeline, Fall 2004, National Small Flows Clearinghouse, West Virginia at least 0.6 m (2 ft) deep. About 150 mm (6 in.) of gravel
is placed on the bottom of the trench to support the line of
perforated effluent distribution pipe. The pipe is covered
have established septage management regulations for the with more gravel and then with straw or paper to prevent
protection of public health and the environment. the final layer of backfill soil from penetrating the gravel
voids. The slope of the pipe is generally about 0.5 percent
Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration System  The SWIS or less. On sites with relatively steep slopes, the trenches run
is the “middle man” in a conventional OWTS. In other words, roughly parallel to the ground contours. Individual trenches,
it is the component situated between the septic tank and the or ­laterals as they are sometimes called, should be less than
natural soil that further treats the effluent before it is mixed 30 m (100 ft) long and should be separated from each other
with the groundwater. It distributes the septic tank effluent by a distance of at least 1.8 m (6 ft). A typical trench cross
over a sizable area, allowing the effluent to readily percolate section is illustrated in Figure 10-29.
downward by gravity to the water table. As the effluent flows
through soil voids, physical, chemical, and biochemical pro- Design of a SWIS  The design of a subsurface wastewa-
cesses remove microorganisms and other pollutants, thereby ter infiltration system involves a determination of the mini-
protecting groundwater quality. mum acceptable total area for the infiltration surface. For

Notes: 1. Watertight footing drain within 25' of well

2. Tile field to be 50' or more from any lake, swamp, ditch, or watercourse and 10' or
more from any water line under pressure
3. Cast iron pipe, lead caulked joints within 50' of any well
4. Discharge footing, roof, and cellar drainage away from sewerage system and well

Figure 10-28  Plan view of a typical residential on-site subsurface sewage

disposal system.
(From Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, 4th ed., J. Salvato. Copyright © 1992 John
Wiley & Sons. This material is used by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 273

Perc rate, s/mm

Minimum 1.8 m (6 ft)
25 50 75 100 125
to next trench 350
Ground surface
Earth 300

Required area, ft2/bedroom

Required area, m2/bedroom

0.5 – 1.5 m 25
Gravel 250

100-mm (4 in.)-diameter 20
perforated pipe 200
mm 250 mm
Figure 10-29  Cross section through an absorption 150
field trench.
a trench configuration, this requires a computation of the 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
total required area of the bottom of the trenches. (Although
Perc rate, min/in.
the sides of the trench may allow some infiltration, most de-
sign procedures assume that infiltration occurs through the Figure 10-30  Typical absorption or leaching field area
trench bottom.) In addition to the total required area, the requirements for private residencies; total required area
depends on the perc rate and on the number of bedrooms
number of trenches, their lengths and widths, and their lay- in the home.
out on the site must be established.
In areas where soil characteristics such as texture and
structure take precedence over perc test data for sizing an requirements differ somewhat for systems serving commercial
absorption field, state and local guides are now available to establishments, and actual design methods vary nationwide.)
correlate soil texture and structure with allowable hydraulic
loadings. The hydraulic load is the rate at which effluent can Example 10-10
be spread over the infiltration area, in units typically of gal-
A four-bedroom home is situated on a site that has an aver-
lons per square foot per day (gal>ft2-d). This rate is a func-
age perc rate of 30 min>in. How many laterals are required
tion of both wastewater and soil characteristics.
if the trench is 2 ft wide? What are the overall dimensions of
For example, a SWIS site overlying very fine sin-
the leaching field?
gle-grain sand may have an allowable hydraulic load of
0.4 gal>ft2-d if the BOD of the sewage is about 150 mg>L, Solution
but the allowable load can be 1.0 gal>ft2-d if the BOD is only
From Figure 10-33, determine that 250 ft2 of absorption area
30 mg>L. This is because wastewater with low BOD levels
is required per bedroom. For a four-bedroom home, a total
has been shown to be absorbed more readily without clog-
of 4 * 250 = 1000 ft2 of absorption area is needed for the
ging the field. For a SWIS site overlying sandy clay with a
leaching field.
prismatic or blocky structure, the allowable load may be
Because the trench width is to be 2 ft, there is a need
0.2 gal>ft2-d with a BOD of 150 mg>L, and 0.3 gal>ft2-d with
for 1000 ft2 , 2 ft = 500 ft of trench. Also, because the
a BOD of 30 mg>L. This is because sandy clay offers more
maximum length of an individual lateral is 100 ft, there is a
resistance to flow than does fine sand.
need for 500 ft , 100 ft>lateral, or five laterals.
Suppose that an absorption field is to be sized for a
Each lateral will be separated by a distance of 6 ft.
dwelling on a site with fine sandy soil, and the average daily
Because there are four spaces between the five laterals, the
flow from the house is assumed to be 400 gpd (gallons per
width of the absorption field will be 6 * 4 = 24 ft. The entire
day). Further assume that the allowable hydraulic load is
leaching field will occupy 24 * 100 = 2400 ft2 of the site
specified as 0.4 gal>ft2-d. The required infiltration area of the
(0.022 ha, or 0.0055 ac).
system would then be 400>0.4 = 1000 ft2. If the underlying
soil was sandy clay instead of fine sand, then the required SWIS failures are not uncommon. System failures involve
area would have to be 400>0.2 = 2000 ft2. Clearly, it would overflow of septic effluent onto the ground and into surface
take up more land area and be more expensive to build the waters, causing public health nuisances and water pollution.
system on the sandy clay rather than on the fine sand. Such failures usually can be prevented. All septic tanks require
In areas where the results of perc tests are acceptable for periodic pumping to remove accumulated sludge deposits
sizing the absorption field for a single dwelling, the designer and prevent solids overflow into the drainfield. Neglect of this
may use a chart similar to that shown in Figure 10-30, simple requirement is a frequent cause of drainfield blockage
in which a required absorption area is correlated with the and system failure. Abuse of the septic system, by using it for
perc rate. Total absorption area can be converted to liner disposal of harsh chemicals or other inappropriate wastes and
feet of trench, as illustrated in Example 10-10. (Charts and by excessive use of household water, may contribute to the
274 chapter Ten

frequency of failures. Washing machines use a lot of water the high water table be at least 1.2 m (4 ft) below the bottom
and may be a contributing factor in septic system failures. In of the pit, to protect groundwater quality.
addition to the volume of wastewater generated, the amount The required diameter and depth of a seepage pit
of lint (material fibers) and chemicals in washing machine depend on the perc rates and thicknesses of the different
effluent discharges can be key factors of system failure. Special layers of soil encountered in the excavation. Soil layers that
filters or “septic protectors” are commercially available for have perc rates slower than 30 min>in. are not included
removing fibers from washing machine discharges and pro- in the design computations. A typical seepage pit is about
longing the functional life of most septic systems. 3 m (10 ft) in diameter and about 4.5 m (15 ft) deep. When
more than one pit is required on a given site, a separation
Seepage Pits  When the site is too small for a conventional of at least three times the diameter is required. A seepage
leaching field, deeper excavations that take up less area are pit can be dug with conventional excavation machinery,
sometimes used for subsurface disposal. These excavations but care must be taken not to excavate when the soil is wet;
are called seepage pits or dry wells. They also may be selected smearing of the soil will reduce its absorptive capacity.
instead of trenches to utilize more favorable deeper soil.
Effluent from the septic tank flows into the pit, where Mounds  To overcome site restrictions that prohibit the use
it is stored until it seeps out through the side wall and bot- of either seepage pits or leaching fields, a mound system can be
tom. A cross section of a typical seepage pit is shown in used. Typical site restrictions include soils with very slow perc
Figure 10-31. Although the use of seepage pits is usually dis- rates and conditions where bedrock or the water table is close
couraged by local health departments, it is sometimes accept- to the ground surface. A mound is an effluent absorption sys-
able for small wastewater flow rates. It is very important that tem that is raised above the natural ground surface. It provides
a suitable fill material for percolation and adequate separation
4 in. inspection pipe
Reinforced concrete cover from bedrock or the water table. A cross section of a typical
extended to solid earth
mound system is shown in Figure 10-32.
The fill material is usually a medium-texture sand from
locally available sources. A bed of gravel and distribution lat-
Effluent erals are placed in the upper part of the mound for uniform
Brick, block, ring or absorption of the effluent from the septic tank. The effluent
precast chamber must be intermittently applied into the absorption area. The
with open joints
dimensions of a mound system depend on the natural soil
6 to 12 in.
of 3/4 to 2 1/2 in. conditions, the ground slope, and the depth of fill below the
clean rock absorption area.
4 ft min. unsaturated soil
Water table
or impervious layer
Alternative On-Site Systems
Figure 10-31  Cross section of a typical seepage pit for
on-site disposal of wastewater. A seepage pit is preceded by The combination of a septic tank and a leaching field is
a septic tank. the most common type of system for on-site wastewater
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) treatment and disposal. The septic tank provides minimal

Fabric Soil Fill

Distribution network

septic tank

Pump chamber

Figure 10-32  A mound system for on-site sewage disposal.

(From Pipeline, Fall 2002, National Small Flow Clearinghouse, West Virginia University.)
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 275

treatment, but the quality of the effluent need not be high in the southwestern United States. Transpiration by plants
because the assimilative or purifying capacity of the soil is increases the amount of water vapor discharged into the
usually enough to protect the groundwater. The leaching air in soil-covered systems, but only during daylight hours
field provides a means of uniform effluent distribution into of the growing season.
the soil. As previously discussed, certain restrictions on sub- An important design parameter for an ET system is the
surface disposal into the soil can be overcome with the use of hydraulic loading rate, which must be low enough to pre-
seepage pits or mound systems. vent the bed from filling completely with effluent. A typical
In some instances, however, soil or site conditions are loading rate is about 2 L>m2>d (0.05 gpd>ft2>d) in the south-
such that subsurface disposal is not feasible at all, yet it is western part of the country. The hydraulic loading rate is
still necessary to dispose of the wastewater on site because of determined from the difference between the rate of evapora-
the lack of a nearby POTW. Several alternatives to disposal tion and the rate of precipitation. A typical ET system for
by subsurface absorption are available, but they generally are a single-family residence in the Southwest would require
somewhat more expensive to build, operate, and maintain about 465 m2 (5000 ft2) of land area.
than subsurface systems. These include the use of evapo-
transpiration systems, intermittent sand filters, and aerobic Intermittent Sand Filters  One of the oldest methods
treatment units. The first two systems can be used follow- of wastewater treatment involves intermittent application of
ing a septic tank. If a higher level of treatment is required, settled wastewater to a bed of sand. The sand bed is usually
a small aerobic treatment unit, such as a package extended about 1 m (3 ft) deep and is underdrained with gravel and
aeration tank, may be installed on site. collecting pipes. The collected effluent may be disinfected
with chlorine before discharge to surface waters.
Evapotranspiration Systems  An evapotranspiration Used as an alternative to a conventional OWTS, a sand
(ET) system consists of a sand bed, a network of perforated filter (also called a packed bed filter) can serve to pretreat
distribution pipes, and an impermeable liner that prevents septic tank effluent prior to its dispersion and disposal in a
the treatment effluent from reaching the water table. In SWIS. This is important on sites where the natural soil has
some cases, the liner may be omitted to allow some of the insufficient depth above groundwater or bedrock to achieve
effluent to seep into the soil. But the basic objective of this adequate treatment. The filter acts like an aerobic, fixed-film
type of system is to dispose of the wastewater into the atmo- bioreactor and also removes suspended solids via strain-
sphere and to avoid the need for discharge to either surface ing and sedimentation within the pore spaces. Most of the
water or groundwater. A cross section of a typical ET system organic solids are ultimately decomposed. Chemical adsorp-
is shown in Figure 10-33. tion of pollutants also occurs. Typical filter effluent p
­ ollutant
Effluent from a septic tank is distributed throughout levels are less than 10 mg>L for both BOD and TSS. Nitrogen
the bed in the perforated pipe network. The effluent rises levels are also reduced.
through the sand by capillary action and then evaporates The filters may be built as open units at ground level,
into the air. Grass or other vegetation growing on the top of or they may be buried in the ground. They provide effi-
the bed serves to absorb some of the wastewater in the root cient treatment while requiring a minimum of mainte-
zone and transpire it into the air through the leaves, hence nance. Many of these systems are in use throughout the
the name evapotranspiration system. One of the most criti- United States, providing on-site treatment for homes and
cal factors controlling the use and design of an ET system is small commercial establishments. A profile view of a typical
the local climate, which affects the rate of evaporation. underground sand filter is shown in Figure 10-34.
Specifically, factors such as average annual rainfall, The upper perforated distribution lines are level and are
wind speed, humidity, solar radiation, and temperature are spaced about 2 m (6 ft) apart. The underdrain pipes are per-
of importance. ET systems operate effectively in areas where forated or open joint lines on a slope of about 0.5 percent.
the evaporation rate exceeds the rate of precipitation, such as They are spaced about 4 m (12 ft) apart. The hydraulic load

Topsoil (varies from 0 to 4 in.)


Filter cloth or equivalent

24 to 30 in.

liner Rock Sand
2 in. Perforated
pipe (4 in.)

Figure 10-33  An evapotranspiration system for on-site sewage disposal.

(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
276 chapter Ten

Dosing chamber or
distribution box Vent pipe Vent pipe

House sewer
tank Sand filter

Inspection manhole and
disinfection contact tank
(if required)
Figure 10-34  Cross section through a typical buried sand filter for on-site sewage disposal.
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)

on a buried filter is about 0.04 m3/m2 # d 11 gpd>ft2 2. The Proper maintenance is critical for trouble-free perfor-
finished grade of the topsoil over the filter is mounded to mance of an ATU. In some cases, owners are required to
direct runoff away from the bed. maintain ongoing service agreements with the manufac-
Dosing, or application of the wastewater to the sand turer. The unit must be pumped when the mixed liquor
bed, is an important factor related to the operation and per- (aeration compartment) solids exceed a specified limit; the
formance of the filter. Large filters must be dosed intermit- settling compartment must be pumped when it is more than
tently, about two times per day, to flood the entire unit. It is one-third full of settled solids. These systems are costly to
important to have a sufficient resting period between doses install and maintain. They are generally used as a last resort
to maintain aerobic conditions in the bed. for on-site wastewater disposal, that is, when site and or soil
Small tanks called dosing chambers store the wastewa- conditions preclude a conventional system.
ter until it is applied to the filter by a pump or siphon device.
A typical siphon dosing chamber is shown in Figure 10-35. Disinfection for OWTS  Disinfection processes are dis-
The siphon automatically discharges when the wastewater in cussed in Section 6-5 for drinking water and on page 260
the tank reaches a level called the drawing depth; no mechan- for secondary wastewater effluent. Disinfection may also
ical or electrical controls are needed. It is activated by the be required in an OWTS if effluent is disposed of in surface
pressure head of the wastewater. Cast-iron or fiberglass water, if there is inadequate soil depth above groundwater or
siphons are commercially available in a range of sizes. Siphon bedrock, or if the texture and structure of the soil is insuffi-
chambers require only minimal routine maintenance. cient to protect groundwater quality. Tablets of solid calcium
hypochlorite are most commonly used for OWTS applica-
Aerobic Treatment Units  A prefabricated aerobic treat- tions because of their relatively low cost and ease of main-
ment unit (ATU) may be used to provide additional treatment tenance compared to liquid sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
of septic tank effluent before final disposal in a SWIS (or in or UV light systems. A small stack-feed tablet chlorinator,
surface water after disinfection with chlorine, if permitted by shown in Figure 10-37, allows the tablets to dissolve in the
local health agencies). A typical ATU, shown in Figure 10-36, flow of wastewater. An additional baffled tank following the
may be operated as a continuous or batch flow system. When chlorinator is then necessary to provide sufficient contact
properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained, an on- time for the disinfection process to be effective.
site ATU can provide a level of treatment equivalent to that
provided by a conventional municipal secondary treatment
plant. Higher soil infiltration rates may be used in the SWIS, Electric
thereby reducing the land area requirements on the site. motor Outlet
Manhole Vent

Drawing Vent and compartment
depth overflow
Siphon bell Settling
with vent discharge
Mixing return compartment
Siphon leg Sludge return

Figure 10-35  Section view of a typical dosing chamber and Figure 10-36  Side view of a typical prefabricated aerobic
siphon device. treatment unit.
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 277

Separation of graywater and blackwater plumbing systems

offers an alternative wastewater management method that can
Feed tubes be beneficial in areas where freshwater supplies are scarce and
expensive, and in areas where lots are too small for conven-
Water outlet tional on-site drainfields. Treatment and nonpotable recycling
of graywater can lower household water demands, extend the
service life of on-site treatment systems, and help recharge
aquifers. A disadvantage of s­eparation, though, is the cost of
having two separate plumbing systems; separate systems are
easiest to install in newly constructed buildings. Additional
disadvantages include the need for careful maintenance of the
systems and the possibility of cross-contamination.
Water inlet
The average person in the United States generates about
Ca(OCl)2 tablets 150 L (40 gal) of graywater per day. It can safely be reused
for watering the lawn and landscape plantings, washing cars,
Figure 10-37  A stock-feed tablet chlorinator. and flushing toilets. In most states where graywater systems
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) are allowed, the graywater must be fully treated and dis-
infected before it is reused. A few states in the Southwest,
Graywater Reuse and Recycling  Domestic wastewa- where there often are serious water shortages (e.g., Arizona),
ter can be categorized as either graywater or blackwater. are less strict in this regard so untreated graywater can be
Graywater is the portion of household wastewater p ­ roduced used to irrigate shade and ornamental trees.
from showers, bathtubs, bathroom sinks, and washing ma- In some cases, where freshwater is scarce or poor soil
chines. The remaining wastewater generated from toilets, conditions severely limit the use of subsurface infiltration
kitchen sinks, and dishwashers is called blackwater. (Kitchen systems, a totally closed-loop system can be used, from which
sink or dishwasher wastewater generally contains too many there is no effluent discharge. A schematic diagram of a
potential contaminants to be considered graywater.) closed loop system is shown in Figure 10-38.


Make-up water

Lavatories and Water


drinking closets

fountains and urinals



storage building


Holding pond
Overflow (evaporation)

Extended aeration Pre-filter

treatment system storage basin

Meter Sludge
Rate controller holding
Potable water line
Wastewater line
Sludge line

Figure 10-38  Flow diagram for a closed wastewater recycle–reuse system.

( From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Design Manual EM 1110-2-501, Design, Construction, and Operation-Small Wastewater Systems.)
278 chapter Ten

The USGBC green building and sustainability certi- Sludge Characteristics

fication program (LEED) provides an incentive for gray-
water recycling applications in urban and suburban areas. The composition and characteristics of biosolids or sludge
On-site treatment and water conservation measures in vary widely. Because no two wastewaters are alike, the slud-
new or existing buildings and developments can make ges produced will differ. Furthermore, sludge character-
up a significant fraction of green building certification istics change considerably with time. Wastewater sludge
points. For example, using harvested rainwater as a water typically contains organics (proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
resource combined with high-quality on-site graywa- oils), microbes (bacteria, viruses, protozoa), nutrients
ter treatment and reuse can account for up to ten LEED (phosphates and nitrates), and a variety of household and
points (at least 40 points are required for green building industrial chemicals. The higher the levels of heavy metals
certification). and toxic compounds, the greater is the risk to humans and
A notable example of on-site reuse is its application the environment. A key physical characteristic is the solids
in Battery Park City, which is a collection of eight high- concentration because this defines the volume of sludge
rise buildings in New York City. Potable water is obtained that must be handled. It also determines whether the sludge
from the city’s water mains, and treated graywater is used behaves as a liquid or a solid. Sludges tend to act like plastic
for ­toilet flushing, cooling, and other nonpotable uses. fluids as the solids concentration increases until a relatively
Membrane bioreactors provide secondary treatment and the solid state is reached.
effluent is disinfected using UV and ozone. All the buildings The amount of sludge solids generated in a wastewater
are LEED certified. (or drinking water) treatment system depends largely on the
degree of treatment provided and on the amount of chemi-
cals added. Sludge initially forms at the bottom of a clarifier
or settling tank in the form of a concentrated slurry of sol-
10-6 Sludge (Biosolids) ids suspended in water. Its volume depends on the relative
Management amounts of solid material and water. The concentration of
The layer of suspended solids that forms at the bottom of the sludge is expressed as a percentage by weight or mass.
a sedimentation tank in a water or wastewater treatment For example, a mass of 100 kg of liquid sludge that contains
process is called sludge. Eventually the sludge must be 3 kg of solids and 97 kg of water will have a concentration of
removed from the tank, treated, and dewatered (or dried) 3>100 or 3 percent solids. This is equivalent to a solids con-
before its final disposal. This is necessary even for aerobic centration of 30,000 mg>L.
sewage treatment systems in which much of the sludge is The concentration of solids has a very significant effect
recycled and metabolized by microorganisms. Treatment on the total volume occupied by the liquid sludge. The total
and dewatering are required to stabilize the sludge and to sludge volume is inversely proportional to the solids concentra-
reduce its volume. tion. For example, if the percentage of solids is doubled, say
Sewage sludge forms initially as a 3 to 7 percent sus- from 3 percent to 6 percent, then the total sludge volume will
pension of solids, and each person typically generates about be decreased to half its original volume. This is an important
15 L (4 gal) of sludge per week. For a small city of about relationship. Increasing the solids concentration in the slurry
500,000 people, that adds up to about 1 mil L (250,000 gal) by a few percentage points can significantly reduce the total
of sludge per day. The task of treating and disposing of sludge volume. This reduces the cost of handling, treating,
this material is called sludge management. Because of and disposing of the sludge.
the large quantity and biodegradable nature of the raw For practical purposes, it can be assumed that the
sludge, sludge management is a major factor in the design weight or mass per unit volume of liquid sludge is the same
and operation of all water pollution control plants. It can as that of pure water. For example, the mass of 1 m3 of water
account for more than half of the total costs in a typical sec- is 1000 kg; the mass of the same volume of a relatively thick
ondary treatment plant. sludge (such as 10 percent solids) is only about 1020 kg. The
Under proper circumstances, sewage sludge can be put difference of 2 percent can be neglected for design or opera-
to beneficial use (e.g., to provide nutrients for agricultural tional purposes. Based on this, the relationship between
crops and vegetation, and for reclaiming disturbed areas of sludge concentration and sludge volumes can be expressed
land). For this reason, sewage sludge is now often referred as follows:
to as biosolids, to emphasize its potential value as a ben- M
eficial natural resource. Strict rules established by the EPA S = * 100 (10-7a)
are in effect to protect public and environmental health
when the biosolids are used for beneficial land application or
purposes. These rules, as well as sludge characteristics and
common treatment and disposal options, are presented in W
S = * 100 (10-7b)
this section. 8.34 * V
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 279

where S sludge solids concentration, in percent

= and
M =dry sludge solids, kg (Equation 10-7a) 100,000
W dry sludge solids, lb (Equation 10-7b)
= V = * 100 = 300,000 gal
4 * 8.34
V total sludge volume, L (Equation 10-7a) or gal
Primary sludge typically has a solids concentration of
(Equation 10-7b)
about 7 percent. Secondary sludge has a much lower solids
8.34 = number of pounds per gallon (Equation 10-7b) concentration because the suspended solids are mostly bio-
logical flocs that settle slowly and do not compact to as high
Example 10-11 a density as primary sludge. Waste-activated sludge contains
A sludge with a 6 percent solids concentration occupies a only about 2 percent solids or less.
total volume of 300 m3. (a) What is the water content of the Primary and secondary sludge solids are mostly organic
sludge? (b) What is the mass of the sludge solids? (c) If the materials, with a volatile fraction of up to 0.8. Primary
sludge is further concentrated (or dewatered) to a volume of sludge gives off a strong and offensive odor; it can quickly
200 m3, what will the solids concentration be? What will the become septic and difficult to handle. In addition to volume
water content be? reduction, a basic objective of sewage sludge treatment is to
stabilize the biodegradable organic solids and to render the
Solution sludge unoffensive and easy to handle.
Water treatment plant sludges are mostly inert chemi-
(a) If 6 percent of the sludge consists of dry solids,
cal precipitates that are relatively stable and unoffensive.
then the water content is simply the difference, or
Quantities of this type of sludge can vary widely, depending
100 - 6 = 94 percent.
on the amount and type of chemicals used and on the com-
(b) First, position of the raw water.
V = 300 m3 * 1000 L>m3 = 300,000 L The quantity of primary sludge produced in a sew-
age treatment plant depends on the concentration of
Applying Equation 10-7a gives suspended solids in the raw wastewater and on the TSS
removal efficiency. It can be estimated from the following
M expressions:
6 = * 100
 mass = E * TSS * Q(10-8a)
 weight = E * TSS * Q * 8.34(10-8b)
6 * 300,000 where mass = dry sludge solids, kg (Equation 10-8a)
M = = 18,000 kg of dry solids
100 weight = dry sludge solids, lb (Equation 10-8b)
(c) Again applying Equation 10-7a yields E = TSS removal efficiency, decimal form
Q = sewage flow rate, ML>d
S = * 10 = 9 percent solids (Equation 10-8a) or mgd
(Equation 10-8b)
The water content will be 100 - 9 = 91 percent. The quantity of secondary sludge produced in a sew-
age treatment plant depends on the BOD concentration
Example 10-12 and on the fraction of BOD that is converted to biological
A volume of 500,000 gal of sludge contains 100,000 lb of dry solids (microbe cells). It can be estimated by the following
solids. What is the solids content of the sludge expressed in expressions:
percent? If the sludge is concentrated to 4 percent solids,
mass = K * BOD * Q (10-9a)
what will its volume be?
weight = K * BOD * Q * 8.34 (10-9b)
where K = a coefficient that represents the proportion
Applying Equation 10-7b gives
of BOD converted to biological solids, in
100,000 decimal form
S = * 100 = 2.4 percent
8.34 * 500,000 BOD = applied 5-d BOD, mg>L

Again applying Equation 10-7b yields The value of K depends on the organic loading or F>M
ratio; a typical value for extended aeration or fixed growth
100,000 systems is K = 0.25, and for conventional or step aeration
4 = * 100
8.34 * V processes, a typical value is K = 0.35.
280 chapter Ten

Example 10-13 Sludge treatment options

A flow of 4 ML>d with raw TSS = 240 mg>L and raw
Thickening Digestion Dewatering
BOD = 220 mg>L enters a trickling filter sewage treat-
ment plant. Removal efficiency in the primary settling tank
Sewage Ash
is 50 percent for TSS and 30 percent for BOD. (a) Compute Dewatering Incineration Landfill
the mass of primary sludge solids generated per day.
(b) Compute the mass of secondary sludge solids generated Compost
Co-composting Land application
per day. (c) If the primary and secondary sludges are com-
bined and the mixture has a solids concentration of 4 ­percent, Sludge disposal options
what is the total volume of sludge generated per day? Figure 10-39  Alternative pathways for sewage sludge treat-
ment and disposal. Sludge disposal in the ocean is no longer
Solution allowed in the United States.
(a) Applying Equation 10-8a gives
A treatment unit called a gravity thickener is usually
mass = 0.50 * 240 * 4 used to increase the solids concentration. It resembles a cir-
= 480 kg>d of primary sludge cular sewage sedimentation tank that is equipped with verti-
cal slats or pickets attached to the sludge scraper arm. As the
(b) Compute the BOD applied to the secondary system:
scraper arm slowly rotates, the pickets gently stir the sludge.
applied BOD = 11.0 - 0.32 * 220 ≈ 150 mg>L The stirring action serves to release trapped water and gases
Using Equation 10-9a yields
from the sludge, allowing it to become denser or thicker.
The thickened underflow of sludge is withdrawn from the
mass = 0.25 * 150 * 4 bottom of the tank; the effluent or supernatant overflows a
= 150 kg>d of secondary sludge weir and is pumped back to the inlet of the treatment plant.
Sludge can be thickened to more than 10 percent solids in a
(c) The total mass of combined primary and second- gravity thickener.
ary sludge is 480 + 150 = 630 kg>d. Now, applying An alternative to gravity thickening is a process called
Equation 10-7a gives dissolved-air flotation (DAF), which is particularly effective
630 for very thin sludges. In this process, air is forced into solu-
4 = * 100 tion under pressure and then mixed with influent sludge, as
shown in Figure 10-40. Air bubbles come out of solution in
the open flotation tank, carrying sludge flocs to the liquid
V = 63,000 , 4 = 15 750 L>d surface as they rise. A layer of thickened sludge forms and
≈ 16 m3>d total volume of sludge is skimmed from the surface; the floating sludge layer may
be about 400 mm (16 in.) thick. Up to about 6 percent sol-
Sludge Treatment ids concentrations can be obtained in the layer of thickened
sludge by dissolved-air flotation.
Sludge is treated prior to ultimate disposal for two basic
reasons: volume reduction and stabilization of organics. Sludge Digestion  Sludge digestion is a process in which
Stabilized sludge does not have an offensive odor and can biochemical decomposition of the organic solids occurs; in
be handled without causing a nuisance or health hazard. the decomposition process, the organics are converted into
A reduced sludge volume minimizes pumping and storage simpler and more stable substances. Digestion also reduces
requirements and lowers overall sludge handling costs. the total mass or weight of sludge solids, destroys patho-
Several processes are available for accomplishing these gens, and makes it easier to dry or dewater the sludge. Well-
two basic objectives. They include sludge thickening, digestion, digested sludge has the appearance and characteristics of a
dewatering, and co-composting. Typical sludge treatment rich potting soil.
options are shown in Figure 10-39. Incineration is discussed
later as a final disposal option. Co-composting of sludge with Floating sludge skimmed off
garbage and yard waste is discussed in Section 11-4.
Sludge Thickening  It is usually impractical to treat wa- Air bubbles carry Pressurized
tery or thin sludges that have solids concentrations of less sludge to surface air
than about 4 percent. Waste-activated sludge is an example Effluent Baffle
of a thin sludge. Sludge thickening is a physical process that
serves to increase the solids concentration of the sludge. Influent
Because sludge volume varies inversely with the solids con- and air
centration, doubling the solids content from 3 percent to 6 Figure 10-40  The dissolved-air sludge flotation process can
percent, for example, will cut the total sludge volume in half. be used to thicken sewage sludge.
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 281

Sludge may be digested under aerobic or anaerobic as an indicator to the plant operator of whether the process
conditions. Most large municipal sewage treatment plants is working properly. The methane content of the sludge
use anaerobic digestion; aerobic digestion finds applica- digester gas is monitored; if the methane content starts to
tion primarily in small, prefabricated (package) activated decrease, corrective action, such as adjusting the pH, must
sludge treatment systems. Anaerobic digestion offers an be taken immediately. Once the methane-forming bacteria
energy-saving advantage over aerobic digestion because the die off, the tank must be emptied and the process started up
anaerobic process produces methane gas. The methane may again with fresh sludge.
be burned to provide power for other plant processes and In aerobic sludge digestion, the alternative to the anaer-
equipment, as well as to heat the digester unit. Aerobic sys- obic process, the sludge is aerated in an open tank that is
tems, on the other hand, are less expensive to build and have similar to an activated sludge tank. Aerobic digestion is
fewer operational problems. usually used in the prefabricated contact stabilization or
In most modern anaerobic systems, digestion takes extended aeration treatment systems. The sludge is aerated
place in two covered circular tanks. These tanks are typi- for about 30 d, in which time most of the organics are stabi-
cally about 25 m (80 ft) in diameter and about 15 m (50 ft) lized and the amount of sludge is reduced significantly.
deep. The sludge in the first tank is heated to a temperature The underlying premise of the aerobic digestion pro-
of about 35°C (95°F) and is thoroughly mixed. A diagram of cess is that decomposition takes place faster than the rate
this type of digestion system is shown in Figure 10-41. at which new bacterial cells grow. The BOD loading on the
The digestion process is essentially completed in the digestion tank is kept very low, so eventually the microorgan-
first tank within about 15 d of detention time. The sludge isms consume their own cellular mass. This is called endog-
then flows to a second tank, which serves primarily for enous decay. But not all the sludge decomposes, and some of
sludge settling and storage. The digester supernatant, high it eventually has to be removed from the tank for disposal. It
in BOD and TSS, is pumped back to the inlet of the treat- is a thin sludge that is difficult to thicken or dewater without
ment plant. Digested sludge is removed from the second some type of additional treatment. Although aerobic diges-
tank for dewatering and final disposal. tion is more stable in operation than the easily upset anaero-
Many complex biochemical reactions occur during bic process, it has the disadvantage of having high-energy
anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. Certain species of requirements for aeration.
bacteria first metabolize the complex organic compounds,
breaking them down into simpler molecules called organic Sludge Dewatering  Removing enough water from a liq-
acids. Then a different species of bacteria metabolizes the uid sludge to change its consistency to that of moist earth is
organic acids, forming methane. These methane-forming called sludge dewatering. Also called sludge drying, the “dry”
bacteria grow slower and are much more sensitive to tem- or dewatered sludge may still contain a significant amount
perature and pH than are the acid-formers. The treatment of water, often as much as 70 percent. But at moisture con-
plant operator must maintain careful control over the pro- tents of 70 percent or less, the sludge is liftable, that is, it
cess to keep the methane formers alive and healthy; without no longer behaves as a liquid and can be handled manually
them, the digestion process cannot continue. or mechanically. Sludge is usually dewatered prior to land
Methane is an important end product of the anaero- burial or incineration.
bic digestion process. Its energy value can be utilized in the Several methods are available for dewatering sludge.
treatment plant. Even if it is not burned for energy, it serves The simplest method is to spread the digested sludge on an

Gas outlet

Methane gas
Floating cover
Gas burned Methane gas
to heat sludge
Sludge Floating scum layer
influent Supernatant
Continuously to treatment
mixed and heated Liquid plant inlet
sludge supernatant

95°F sludge

to dewatering
and disposal

Figure 10-41  Schematic diagram of the two-stage anaerobic sludge digestion process.
282 chapter Ten

The rotary-drum vacuum filter consists of a large cylin-

drical drum covered with a special filtering fabric. The drum
rotates partially submerged in a vat that contains the sludge.
Sludge A vacuum or suction is applied inside the drum, drawing the
Gate sludge up against the fabric cover and extracting the water.
A thin layer of dewatered sludge, called filter cake, adheres
to the fabric. Further rotation of the drum carries the filter
cake to a stationary blade that scrapes the sludge into a hop-
Side wall per as the drum moves. The fabric is washed by powerful
water sprays before reentering the vat.
It is often necessary to add certain chemicals to the
Splash slab sludge in order to coagulate the solids and to improve the
drainability. This is called sludge conditioning. In this pro-
collection cess, chemicals such as ferric chloride, lime, or organic poly-
system mers are mixed with the sludge before it enters the vat of the
vacuum filter.
In the centrifuge dewatering system, the sludge is
Drainage Gravel pumped into a horizontal cylinder, or bowl, which rotates
at high speed. Sludge conditioning chemicals are also
injected into the bowl. The solids are forced to the wall of
the rotating bowl by the effect of inertia. The liquid super-
Figure 10-42  A section of a sludge drying bed. natant is pumped back to the head of the plant for treat-
(Reprinted with permission from Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plant, ment. Centrifuges are entirely enclosed, thereby reducing
2nd ed., MOP No.11, Copyright ©1976, Water Environment Federation, odor problems, but they are sometimes difficult to maintain
Alexandria, VA.
because of the high speed of the equipment.
open bed of sand and allow it to remain there until it dries; In a belt filter press, biosolids are sandwiched between
drying takes place by a combination of evaporation and two tensioned porous belts that move over and under roll-
gravity drainage. A piping system built under the sand bed ers of various diameters. Increased pressure is created as the
collects the water that drains from the sludge. The collected belt passes over increasingly smaller diameter rollers, and
water is pumped back to the inlet of the treatment plant. A the pressure effectively squeezes water out of the sludge. The
cross section of a typical sludge drying bed, as it is called, is sludge is first conditioned by adding polymers to improve
shown in Figure 10-42. its dewatering behavior. Belt presses are less noisy compared
Sludge drying beds usually consist of about 200 mm to centrifuges, but the sludge must be screened to minimize
(8 in.) of sand placed on top of a layer of gravel or crushed risk of sharp objects damaging the belt. The selection of
stone; the pipes that make up the underdrain system are dewatering equipment should be based on site-specific stud-
placed in the gravel or crushed stone layer. Because a rela- ies of end use alternatives, operational concerns, and costs.
tively large amount of land area may be required to con- In general, using mechanical equipment to dewater biosol-
struct the sand beds, this method of sludge drying is more ids is not as cost effective for sewage treatment plants of less
common in rural or suburban communities than in more than (4 mgd) capacity, compared to sludge drying beds.
densely populated urban areas.
Sludge is applied to the sand beds to depths up to 300
mm (12 in.). A typical dewatered sludge cake, as it is called,
Sludge Disposal
has a solids content of about 40 percent; this level of dewa- Widely employed methods for final disposal of wastewater
tering can be obtained after about 6 weeks of drying. At this sludge have included ocean dumping, landfilling, incinera-
point, the sludge can be removed from the sand manually tion, land application, and sale as fertilizer.
with a pitchfork or with machinery such as a front-end loader. Ocean dumping is no longer a viable option in the
Sometimes it is necessary to build a glass enclosure, much like United States, having been legislated out of existence under
a greenhouse, over the sludge beds to protect the sludge from the 1988 Ocean Dumping Act. Landfilling, or codisposal
rain and to reduce the drying time in cold weather. with solid waste at sanitary landfills, is severely restricted for
When not enough land is available at the plant site to a number of reasons. These include the closing of existing
build sludge drying beds, a mechanical system may be used landfills and increasing restrictions on new ones opening.
to dewater the sludge. In addition to requiring less space, Landfills that remain open are raising disposal costs (tipping
a mechanical system offers a greater degree of operational fees), which is forcing a search for less expensive disposal
control, particularly when thin secondary sludges are being options. When sludge has to be shipped large distances to a
handled. The most commonly used mechanical systems for landfill, there is even more of an economic burden. Finally,
sludge dewatering include the rotary-drum vacuum filter, there may be environmental risks associated with the dis-
the centrifuge, and the belt filter press. posal of sludge in landfills.
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 283

Incineration of Sludge  Sewage sludge can be burned In the fluidized-bed incinerator, an upward flow of air
(incinerated), converting the organic solids into mostly water mixed with sludge is forced through a bed of hot sand; the
vapor and carbon dioxide and leaving behind an inert ash air causes the bed to expand or fluidize. The sand is pre-
residue. Properly dewatered sludge can be burned in a mul- heated to about 800°C (1500°F). The sludge is burned as it
tiple-hearth furnace, a fluidized-bed incinerator, and other passes through the hot sand. The ash, carried out with the
types of incinerators. In the multiple-hearth furnace, dewa- exhaust gases, is removed in the final air-cleaning equip-
tered sludge enters at the top (Figure 10-43a). As it passes ment (see Figure 10-43b).
downward through a series of hearths, it is dried and heated Sludge incineration is expensive. As an option for
to the ignition point. Gas or oil burners furnish the heat for sludge management, it is applicable mostly in congested cit-
start-up, and the sludge itself serves as a fuel to sustain the ies, where land is not available for other disposal methods.
process. Ash is withdrawn from the bottom hearth, and ex- Factors of concern in local communities include site avail-
haust gases must pass through air-cleaning devices. ability, odors, truck traffic, esthetics, and ash disposal. Air

Cooling air discharge

Floating damper

Sludge inlet

Flue gases out

Rabble arm
at each hearth

Drying zone

air return

Combustion zone

Cooling zone

Rabble arm

ASH discharge

Cooling air fan

Figure 10-43  (a) Schematic diagram of a multiple-hearth sludge incinerator.

(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
284 chapter Ten

truck chassis. This includes conventional rear discharge or

Exhaust and ash box spreaders and side discharge or slinger-type spreaders.
Currently in the United States, more than half of the sludge
produced at POTWs is applied to the land as fertilizer or
marketed as a soil conditioner. Almost 30 percent of sludge is
placed in sanitary landfills (landfills are discussed in Section
11-6); the rest is incinerated.
In 1992, when a ban on ocean disposal of sludge took
effect in the United States, coastal communities had to seek
Pressure tap alternative disposal methods. New York City, for example,
is building processing plants to turn sludge into fertilizer or
Sight soil conditioner as a long-term solution. Meanwhile, the city
glass signs contracts with companies that haul the sludge away
Freeboard to disposal in rural areas; about 225 tons per day of sludge
Burner (about one fifth of the city’s total) is shipped as far away
Sand as west Texas by rail. It is placed in slinger-type spreaders
that heave it high into the air as they roll across the vast open
rangeland. About 3 dry tons are spread per acre per year (which
Thermocouple Fluidized Tuyeres is about equal to a “salt-shaker’s worth” per square foot).
sand bed Fuel The method of processing, distribution, and marketing
Sludge gun of sludge for use as fertilizer is a widely considered option
inlet Pressure tap
for sludges with low levels of heavy metals and toxic com-
pounds. In many communities, dried sludge is ground in
Refractor arch Startup hammer mills and bagged for local sale; sometimes it is
preheat given away to individuals willing to haul it. It can also be
Fluidizing burner
air inlet Windbox for hot processed in pellet form. Biosolids can be applied to lawns,
windbox shrubs, and potting soil. Application to vegetable gardens is
(b) questionable because the amount cannot be controlled, as in
large-scale land application programs.
Figure 10-43  (b) Cross section of a fluid bed furnace. Biosolids are distributed in bulk or in bags by a number
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) of cities, including Philadelphia, Houston, and Milwaukee. In
some cases, the sludge is mixed with wood chips and allowed
pollution control is perhaps the most serious environmen- to decompose, forming compost. Although a municipality
tal and economic factor that requires consideration; incin- may receive some return on the sale of sludge ­products, it
erator exhaust gases must be stringently treated to meet the does not usually cover the costs of treating, marketing, and
provisions of the Clean Air Act. Because of these factors, distributing the material. Product liability is a factor of con-
sludge incineration is under increasing scrutiny by regula- cern, as is the potential for water pollution by leachate gener-
tors, legislators, and the general public; it is limited in its role ated from the effects of moisture on sludge. If leachate reaches
as a viable sludge management option (currently, about 17 an aquifer used for drinking water, heavy metals and toxic
percent of sludge is incinerated in the United States). organics are of particular concern because of their possible
health effects. Leachate entering surface waters can elevate
Land Application and Marketing  The ideal manage- nutrient levels, causing algal blooms and killing fish.
ment goal for treated sewage sludge (biosolids) is to use it Standards for final use and disposal of sewage sludge
for beneficial purposes. Large-scale land application is an were established in 1992 under the Clean Water Act. The
option that makes beneficial use of the nitrate and phos- rules affect sludge that is applied to land, distributed, and
phate nutrients contained in the sludge. Biosolids with low marketed, as well as incinerated. These regulations encour-
levels of heavy metals or toxic compounds can fertilize crop- age communities to seek beneficial use options for sludge
lands or trees and can improve the condition of soil on golf disposal.
courses and large land reclamation sites. The sludge can be
applied as ground cover or mixed into the ground during EPA Biosolids Rules  The EPA has established rules for
placement. disposal of biosolids when applied to the land or incinerated.
Liquid digested sludge may be suitable for direct land The rules are designed to protect public health and the en-
application. One method of doing this is to haul the liq- vironment, and are intended to be consistent with a goal of
uid sludge in a tank truck equipped with specially designed promoting beneficial uses of the material. They are based on
spreading equipment. Spray irrigation equipment can also the results of comprehensive risk assessment studies, which
be designed to handle liquid sludge. Air-dried sludge is han- involved about 25 pollutants and many pollutant exposure
dled by special surface spreading equipment mounted on a pathways. Ceiling concentrations of pollutants, primarily
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 285

heavy metals such as arsenic, chromium, nickel, and others, 10-7 Operation and
have been established by the EPA.
The EPA rules refer to exceptional quality (EQ) biosol-
ids and pollutant concentration (PC) biosolids. EQ b ­ iosolids Wastewater treatment systems, large or small, require proper
meet low-pollutant Class A pathogen reduction (virtual O&M. Even the most sophisticated and advanced wastewa-
absence of pathogens) limits and have a reduced level of ter treatment system will not be effective in reducing pol-
degradable substances that may attract vectors of disease lutant levels in the effluent or in preventing water pollution
(e.g., flies). They are unregulated for use in bulk form or problems if it is not operated correctly and routinely main-
when sold (or given away) in bags or other containers. PC tained. This is especially true for POTWs. Each POTW must
biosolids meet the same low-pollutant limits as EQ biosolids be operated so that the requirements of its NPDES permit
but only meet Class B pathogen reduction. PC biosolids can are achieved (see Section 10-1).
only be applied to land in bulk form and are subject to gen- A POTW is typically provided with an O&M manual,
eral management practices. They cannot be applied to home compiled by the engineers who designed the facility, for
lawns and gardens. use by plant managers and operators. Plant operators must
Most of the sewage sludge now generated in the United be state certified, and POTW managers often are licensed
States comprises EQ or PC biosolids containing low levels engineers. Each O&M manual is unique and focuses on the
of pollutants. Municipal sewage treatment plant operators particular processes and equipment used in the POTW.
strive to produce EQ and PC biosolids because of the reduced Operation involves the continuous control and monitoring
regulatory requirements and improved public perception of each unit process (treatment step) in the POTW; of all the
regarding its final use on land. Cumulative levels of pollut- pumps, valves, and appurtenances; of flow rates; of chemical
ants added to the land by these biosolids do not have to be dosing rates; and of many other aspects of the plant func-
monitored because risk assessment has shown that the design tions. Automated Supervisory Control and Data Systems
life of a land application site would be more than 100 years. may be used to assist wastewater treatment plant opera-
Biosolids are considered to be either Class A or Class B, tors (and water treatment plant operators; see Section 7-6).
depending on the number per unit mass of pathogens (dis- Routine maintenance, conducted by mechanics, electricians,
ease-causing microbes) in the material. If the pathogens are and general maintenance personnel, involves lubrication of
below detectable levels, the biosolids meet the Class A desig- plant equipment, cleaning of filters, equipment replacement
nation. There are several alternative methods for producing activities, mechanical and electrical equipment repairs, and
Class A biosolids, including various forms of heat treatment, many other tasks.
aerobic digestion, radiation, or pasteurization. If pathogens One of the key responsibilities of a POTW manager is
are detectable but have been reduced to levels that do not acquisition and reporting of plant operational and main-
pose a public health threat, the biosolids are designated tenance data. Complete and accurate records are essential,
Class B. Certain restrictions apply when Class B biosolids and daily review of the data is needed to prevent opera-
are applied to land, to allow natural processes to further tional problems from developing or from continuing unno-
reduce pathogens levels. ticed until major treatment deficiencies cause pollution of
In addition to reducing pathogen levels, it is necessary the receiving waters. Effective sampling and testing of the
to reduce vector (insects, rodents, etc.) attraction to the bio- wastewater flow at many points throughout the treatment
solids. This lowers the potential for disease transmission. process is essential in this regard. Flow rates, BOD and SS
There are many options available for this purpose, including levels, and other data are used to determine hydraulic and
making sure that the mass of volatile solids in the m ­ aterial organic loading rates, as well as treatment efficiencies, for
is reduced by at least 38 percent during treatment. Also, each unit process in the system. This allows the operator
additional digestion of sludge solids, addition of alkaline to locate potential problem areas that need attention and
material to raise pH levels, moisture reduction to less than adjustment or repair, as well as to monitor overall plant
10 percent, and provision of daily soil cover of the biosolids performance and effluent quality. State regulatory agencies
can reduce vector attraction. require the operators to submit periodic reports document-
When biosolids are applied to the land, sampling and ing the plant performance.
monitoring is required to ensure that pollutant limits and In addition to O&M activity related to effluent qual-
pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements are ity and plant performance, information on O&M costs
being met. The sampling frequency (from 1 to 12 times per and the development of an O&M budget is essential. Also,
year) depends on the amount of biosolids disposed of in that plant managers and operators must be able to communicate
year. EPA biosolid rules also include specifications for sam- effectively with the general public and news media so the
pling methods, record keeping, and reporting requirements. ­function of the facility will be understood within the com-
When biosolids are incinerated, thorough sampling and munity and supported financially. This may require making
monitoring of heavy metals in the sludge and in the stack speeches to local clubs and environmental organizations.
emissions is required. (A case study describing how the Maintenance of a clean and neat POTW is important, and
city of Los Angeles manages biosolids is available online at routine housekeeping chores, including painting, landscap- san/biosolidsems/index.htm.) ing, and others, must not be neglected. Odor control as well
286 chapter Ten

as taking steps to ensure safety of plant personnel and secu- Lime and powdered carbon are also chemicals that can
rity of the entire facility fall within the purview of effective be used for odor control. Addition of lime will raise pH
O&M requirements. values and thereby reduce production of hydrogen sulfide
and volatile acids. Powdered activated carbon can be used
Odor Control  Every individual has a personal percep- to adsorb odor-producing substances. Addition of the lime
tion of and reaction to smells (odors) from a wide variety of or carbon can be made at the headworks of the POTW or
sources. Many people, though, quickly turn up their noses at the specific treatment units where odors are released.
at even the mention of the word sewage. But “fresh sewage,” Sometimes, odor-masking chemicals are used in and around
that is, wastewater that reaches a treatment facility within a sewerage facilities to counteract the offensive odors.
few hours of its origin, generally does not have a very notice- In addition to chemical controls, odors can be mini-
able offensive odor (it is, after all, 99.9 percent pure water). mized using physical means. For example, mechanical clean-
Odor problems may develop, though, for a variety of rea- ing of slime layers on pipe walls and use of high-pressure
sons and at various points within a wastewater collection flushing equipment can reduce odor problems. Aeration
or treatment facility if the facility is not properly designed, of the wastewater in sewers and tanks can be effective in
operated, or maintained. Odor control is often an important maintaining the DO levels and preventing H2S production.
aspect of O&M at most POTW. Dilution of sewer air with fresh air at locations where sew-
Vapors or gases evolving from sewage (often called age enters wet wells and other points in the POTW can also
“sewer gas”) include hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia reduce odor. Finally, enclosures such as domes or fiberglass
(NH3), methane (CH4), and odorous organic gases called lids can be installed over settling tanks or other units to
skatoles, indoles, mercaptans, and others. H2S gas is detect- contain the odor-causing gases; the air in the enclosure is
able at low concentrations and has the characteristic odor of “scrubbed” (see Section 13-7) before it is released into the
rotten eggs. Factors that affect the presence and concentra- outside air.
tions of these substances include temperature, pH, and DO. Aspects of treatment system operation that are related
Generally, the lower the temperature of the wastewater, to odor problems include hydraulic or organic loading
the longer it will remain “fresh” because of the presence of conditions. Organic overloads can lead to odor problems
oxygen, and the production of sewer gas is minimal in fresh if strong wastes are allowed into the system, if the sewage
sewage. Industrial wastewater discharges into a POTW are inflow exceeds the design flow capability of the plant, or
generally not permitted to be above about 50°C (120°F) if excess activated sludge is allowed to build up in the sys-
because of the resulting increase in production of H2S and tem. Organic overloading can cause aeration deficiencies in
other gases. (H2S not only causes odor problems, but it also activated sludge tanks, resulting in sludge settling problems
combines with water vapor to form sulfuric acid, which dam- (e.g., bulking sludge). Floating sludge in final settling tanks
ages pipes and other sewerage components; see page 196.) can release odors. Organic overloads on trickling filters can
Sewage DO levels are important in order to maintain aer- cause excessive growth of slime on the filter media, thereby
obic conditions. When there is no oxygen present in the waste- restricting the passage of air upward and the flow of sew-
water, anaerobic biological decomposition occurs, resulting in age downward. The resulting ponding of primary effluent
the release of the H2S and CH4. One of the most important fac- on the surface of the filter media can cause anaerobic condi-
tors in odor control is to maintain aerobic conditions; as long tions and the release of hydrogen sulfide.
as the wastewater has DO, H2S will not be produced. The pH
values of sewage are also important with regard to production Safety and Security  Frequency rates for injury of sewer-
of odors. Values below 7.5 allow H2S to be released from the age facility personnel tend to be higher than that for other
sewage, but when pH levels exceed about 9, NH4 is released. industry personnel, and effective management of a POTW
Industrial wastewater discharges into public treatment plants requires a high level of attention and effort at achieving
must be controlled so as not to cause any extreme changes in high safety levels. Requirements of health and safety laws
the plant pH values and the resulting odor problems. (e.g., OSHA) must be met. Safety training programs should
Odors can be controlled by pretreatment of sewage in be provided to new employees or when new equipment or
the collection and treatment systems. Chemicals most com- processes are added to the facility, and retraining may be re-
monly used for this purpose include chlorine (Cl2), ozone quired as well. Regardless of size, all sewage treatment facili-
(O3), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Chlorine is most ties should have a thorough safety and accident prevention
commonly used because it is a strong oxidizing agent and program in effect.
­disinfectant, and it creates an environment in which sulfide- The treatment plant site should be fenced to guard
producing bacteria cannot survive. Although ozone gas is against acts of vandalism (or even terrorism), and all access
also a strong oxidizing agent, its main disadvantage for odor gates should be provided with locks and appropriate no
control is that it is unstable and must be continuously pro- trespassing signs. Alarm equipment should be used, and
duced at the point of use. Hydrogen peroxide can be added the plant layout should channel visitors to adequate park-
to sewage to provide an economical oxygen source for odor ing facilities and walkways to the office entrance. Storage
control, but it is a weak disinfectant. It is, though, safer to facilities should provide sufficient space for materials han-
handle than other chlorine or ozone. dling, and proper precautions should be taken for storing
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 287

and handling any chemicals that may be toxic, corrosive, or 35 percent of the BOD from the wastewater. The tanks, also
flammable. Adequate lighting and ventilation must be pro- called clarifiers, usually retain the wastewater between 1 h
vided, and fire alarm systems must meet fire code require- and 2 h, and are between 2.5 m and 5 m (8 ft and 16 ft) deep.
ments. Plant piping cross-connections that could result in Solids settle by gravity to the bottom, forming a layer of
contamination of the separate potable water supply should sludge, most of which is pumped out for subsequent treat-
not exist. This is just a sampling of the safety considerations ment. Chemicals are sometimes added to the clarifiers to
that must be taken into account at a POTW. improve removal of very small (colloidal) suspended solids.
One of the most hazardous conditions that may occur Primary sedimentation, which removes only solids that
in a sewerage (collection or treatment) facility involves an will settle out by gravity (or float to the surface) is, alone,
oxygen deficiency. Any air that contains less than about insufficient for water pollution control in the United States.
21 percent oxygen (by volume) is considered oxygen defi- Secondary treatment is required to remove most of the
cient. Oxygen levels below 12 percent can be fatal to exposed remaining suspended solids and dissolved BOD; this level of
people. Oxygen deficiency usually occurs by displacement treatment removes 85 percent of the solids and BOD from
of fresh air by some other gas such as H2S, CH4, or CO2, wastewater It typically follows primary treatment processes.
but it can also occur because of absorption, consumption, Secondary treatment uses biological processes that provide
or biochemical depletion due to decomposition of organic microbes oxygen for reduction of BOD.
matter. Hydrogen sulfide can be toxic at levels of only 50 In some cases, tertiary treatment processes may be
mg>L, methane is explosive at levels of about 10 percent by needed to protect aquatic ecosystems. The removal of addi-
volume, and carbon dioxide levels of 6 percent or more can tional BOD and suspended solids from secondary effluents
be fatal in less than 1 h. is often called effluent polishing and can be accomplished
Methane and carbon dioxide are odorless gases, and using granular-media filters. Phosphorus can be removed
odors from very high levels of hydrogen sulfide cannot be by chemical precipitation using alum. Nitrogen can be
detected by people (although lower levels of that gas are removed in a biological nitrification–denitrification process.
noticed as the common rotten egg odor). Oxygen deficiencies Advanced wastewater treatment, following tertiary treat-
can occur in manholes, pumping wet-wells, covered tanks, or ment, uses modern membrane filtration systems to reclaim
poorly ventilated rooms at a treatment facility. POTW opera- wastewater for indirect potable reuse.
tors must be familiar with the characteristics and sources of Secondary effluent may also be subjected to land treat-
common sewer gases, as well as with testing methods. Ample ment, providing a “low-tech” alternative for tertiary pollutant
ventilation of areas where noxious gases can accumulate will removal. In land treatment, natural processes that occur as
correct oxygen deficiencies. Workers should not enter any secondary effluent flows over vegetated ground and percolates
confined spaces in sewerage facilities until detection equip- through the soil produces a high-quality polished effluent.
ment has been used and the space has been thoroughly ven- In lightly populated areas, use of individual OWTSs is
tilated, if necessary. generally more economical than a centrally located POTW.
When properly located, designed, and installed, an OWTS
provides a viable low-cost, long-term facility for wastewa-
10-8 Chapter Synopsis ter disposal. A conventional OWTS uses a septic tank and a
Wastewater treatment is necessary to protect environ- SWIS. The septic tank removes settleable and floating mate-
mental quality and public health by removing most of the rial from the sewage, and the SWIS removes additional pol-
suspended and dissolved solids, BOD, and plant nutri- lutants from the effluent as it percolates through the soil. A
ents and by destroying most of the pathogenic microbes SWIS system includes trenches, beds, seepage pits, or mounds
in the wastewater. The Clean Water Act and the National to disperse and spread effluent for efficient infiltration.
Pollution Discharge Elimination System require sewage Soil characteristics are of particular importance in the
effluent standards for water pollution control in the United use of OWTS, and influence the permeability or hydraulic
States. Effluent standards are based on the best conventional conductivity of soil horizons under the SWIS. Hydraulic
technology, which can include a combination of primary, conductivity depends largely on soil texture and soil struc-
secondary, and tertiary treatment levels. In some cases, pre- ture. The perc test may be used to supplement an exami-
treatment of industrial wastewater is necessary before it is nation of the soil texture, structure, and other soil features.
discharged into the POTW. Coarse granular soils, such as sand and gravel, have high
Primary treatment typically includes the physical permeability, and are generally suitable for use of an OWTS.
processes of screening, comminution, grit removal, and
­ Very fine-grained soils such as clay have low permeability
sedimentation. Bar screens retain floating debris, and the and are usually unsuitable for conventional OWTS. When
comminutors shred coarse material that gets through the soil or other site conditions are not suitable for conventional
screens. Grit chambers are used to remove solids such as cof- OWTS, alternative systems are available. These include
fee grounds and eggshells, which can cause excessive wear on evapotranspiration systems, intermittent sand filters, and
pumps and other equipment later in the treatment sequence. aerobic treatment units.
Primary sedimentation (settling) tanks remove up to 60 Solids removed from wastewater treatment processes,
­percent of the remaining suspended organic solids and about called sludge or biosolids, must typically be treated before
288 chapter Ten

final disposal. Sludge management accounts for more than disposal and incineration of sludge to protect public health.
half the overall costs of wastewater treatment. The com- If ­pathogens are below detectable levels after treatment,
position and characteristics of raw sludge vary widely. It is the material is designated as Class A biosolids. Treatment
treated for volume reduction and stabilization. Common methods include radiation or pasteurization for a Class A
sludge treatment processes include thickening, diges- ­designation. For Class B biosolids, in which pathogens are
tion, and dewatering. Gravity thickeners or dissolved-air detectable but do not pose a public health threat, certain land
­floatation tanks can be used to thicken the sludge to reduce application restrictions apply. When biosolids are applied to
its volume. Doubling the sludge solids concentration will land, sampling and monitoring is required to ensure envi-
cut the sludge volume in half. Sludge digestion, a biologi- ronmental quality and public health protection. When bio-
cal process in which the organic material is converted into solids are incinerated, sampling and monitoring of heavy
simpler, more stable substances, can be accomplished in a metals in the sludge and in the stack emissions is required.
two-stage anaerobic process or in an aerobic digestion pro- All wastewater treatment systems require proper O&M
cess. Digested sludge can be dried (dewatered) using open to be fully effective in preventing water pollution. Operation
drying beds or rotary drum vacuum filters so it can easily involves control of pumps, valves, chemicals, and appurte-
be handled mechanically or manually prior to final disposal. nances. It also involves sampling and testing of the waste-
Sludge can be disposed of by incineration, land applica- water throughout the treatment sequence. Maintenance
tion, or marketed as a fertilizer. Properly dewatered sludge involves many routine tasks such as lubrication, clean-
is burned in a multiple-hearth furnace or a fluidized-bed ing, and repair of mechanical and electrical equipment.
incinerator. Incineration is a costly option for sludge man- Complete and accurate records must be compiled, and
agement, and air pollution control is a key concern. Properly reports must be submitted periodically to appropriate state
treated sewage sludge (biosolids) can also be used for ben- regulatory agencies. Odor control is typically an important
eficial purposes by applying it to land in liquid or solid aspect of O&M activities at most POTWs, as are safety and
form. Dried biosolids can also be marketed for use as fertil- security. Plant operators must be state certified, and POTW
izer in bulk or in bags. The EPA biosolids rules govern land managers are often licensed engineers.

Review Questions 13. What is the difference between a fixed-growth second-

ary treatment system and a suspended-growth system?
1. Compare untreated sanitary sewage and seawater with Name one common type of treatment process in each of
respect to the total amount of impurities in each. those two categories.
2. In raw domestic sewage, what are typical concentrations 14. Briefly describe the configuration and operation of a
of BOD, TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus, and coliforms? trickling filter unit. Why is a final clarifier needed?
3. What are effluent standards, and why are they easier 15. What is the purpose of recirculation in a trickling filter?
to enforce than stream standards? Give an example of 16. What is meant by hydraulic load and organic load?
typical effluent limitations that would be included on an 17. How does temperature affect a trickling filter operation?
NPDES permit for a municipal sewage treatment plant.
18. Give a brief description of the configuration and opera-
4. What minimum level of pollutant removal does second-
tion of a conventional activated sludge sewage treatment
ary treatment accomplish?
5. What do the terms “influent” and “effluent” refer to?
19. What is meant by the term “mixed liquor”?
6. What does POTW stand for?
20. What is waste-activated sludge?
7. Briefly describe preliminary and primary sewage treat-
ments. Approximately what level of BOD and TSS is 21. What is the significance of the F>M ratio?
removed? Is this level of treatment alone adequate by 22. What does MLSS stand for?
today’s standards? 23. What is meant by sludge bulking? How is the SVI related
8. What is the difference between a bar screen and a to bulking? How may bulking be controlled?
comminutor? 24. Sketch a flow diagram of an activated sludge treatment
9. What is the purpose of grit removal? How is it process.
accomplished? 25. Briefly describe four different modifications of the con-
10. Give a brief description of a primary clarifier. ventional activated sludge process. What is a package
11. Sketch a flow diagram that shows the overall ­preliminary plant?
and primary sewage treatment processes. 26. Briefly describe the configuration and operation of
12. What is the purpose of secondary treatment? Why is it a biodisc sewage treatment system. In what way is it
called biological treatment? ­similar to a trickling filter system?
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 289

27. What is a stabilization pond? How does it function? In 53. What is the purpose of sludge digestion? Describe the
what ways do algae help and hinder the process? anaerobic digestion process. Describe aerobic digestion.
28. What is the purpose of a chlorine contact tank? Are 54. Describe three methods for drying sewage sludge.
there any problems associated with chlorination of 55. What is filter cake? Would it be advisable for a treat-
­secondary effluent? ment plant operator to have filter cake and mixed liquor
29. What is the basic purpose of tertiary treatment of sewage? for lunch?
30. What is meant by effluent polishing? Briefly describe two 56. Briefly describe two types of sludge incinerators.
different systems used to polish a secondary effluent. 57. Find out where the sewage from your college or town is
31. Describe a method for removing phosphorus from treated and discharged (by contacting the city or local
sewage. municipal utilities authority, public works department,
32. Describe two methods for removing nitrogen from or health department). Make an appointment to visit
sewage. the facility, if possible, and tour the plant. Write a brief
report on what you learned. Include data about the aver-
33. What is a nitrified effluent? What is denitrification?
age and maximum plant capacities, the total population
34. Describe three types of land treatment for sewage. served, and the type of treatment processes used. Draw
35. What is integrated water management? a flow diagram showing the sequence of all unit pro-
36. Discuss advanced treatment for wastewater reclamation cesses and treatment steps.
and reuse, including IPR and DPR.
37. Under what circumstances is on-site sewage disposal
warranted? What is a secondary benefit of on-site
Practice Problems
­subsurface disposal?
1. The influent of a sewage treatment plant has a TSS
38. What factors are of importance in planning and design- concentration of 180 mg>L. What is the concentration
ing a subsurface wastewater disposal system? of suspended solids in the plant effluent if the plant is
39. Describe the purpose and procedure of the perc test. achieving a 90 percent TSS removal efficiency? If the
40. What are the functions of a septic tank in a subsurface flow rate is 10 mgd, how many pounds of solids are
disposal system? Is it ever necessary to clean out the ­discharged per day into the receiving stream?
tank? Why? 2. What is the efficiency of a sewage treatment plant that
41. What is the function of a leaching field in a subsurface has an influent BOD of 240 mg>L and an effluent BOD
disposal system? Briefly describe the configuration of a of 10 mg>L? If the flow rate is 15 ML>d, how many
common type of leaching field. ­kilograms of BOD is the plant discharging into the
receiving stream?
42. What is a seepage pit? When is it used?
3. The influent to a primary clarifier has a TSS concen-
43. Under what circumstances is a mound system used for
tration of 200 mg>L. If the effluent from the tank has a
on-site sewage disposal? Briefly describe this system.
TSS concentration of 60 mg>L, what is the TSS removal
44. Briefly describe the configuration and operation of an ­efficiency of the clarifier?
evapotranspiration system. Under what circumstances
4. The influent to a primary settling tank has a BOD of
is it used for on-site sewage disposal?
210 ppm. It is estimated that 33 percent of the BOD
45. Briefly describe the configuration and operation of an will be removed in the tank. What is the expected BOD
intermittent sand filter system. Under what conditions ­concentration in the tank effluent?
is it used?
5. A trickling filter is used to treat a sewage flow of 2 mgd.
46. Briefly discuss some general options for sludge disposal. A direct recirculation ratio of 2 is being utilized. What is
47. Does sludge volume vary with solids concentration? the rate at which sewage is applied to the surface of the
Describe the relationship in one sentence. Is there a sig- trickling filter?
nificant difference in volume between a 2 percent sludge 6. A trickling filter has a diameter of 20 m and a depth
and a 4 percent sludge, each of which contains the same of 2.5 m. It is operated with a direct recirculation ratio
mass of solids? of 1.0, and the influent sewage flow rate is 3 ML>d.
48. Approximately what is the solids content in primary Influent BOD to the primary tank is 200 mg>L, and
sludge? In secondary sludge? Why is there a difference? the BOD removal efficiency in that tank is 35 percent.
Compute both the hydraulic load and the organic load
49. What are two basic reasons for treating sewage sludge?
on the trickling filter.
50. Name four different sludge treatment processes.
7. The BOD removal efficiency of a trickling filter system
51. Briefly describe the operation of a gravity thickener. is 80 percent, and the efficiency of the primary treat-
52. Briefly describe the dissolved-air flotation process. ment that precedes it is 30 percent. If the raw sewage
290 chapter Ten

BOD is 220 mg>L, what is the secondary effluent BOD? required in the leaching field if the trench width is to be
What is the overall BOD removal efficiency? 0.6 m and the maximum trench length is 20 m?
8. An activated sludge tank is 100 ft long and 30 ft wide, and 14. A five-bedroom home is situated on a lot that has a perc
has a SWD of 15 ft. The wastewater flow rate is 1 mgd and rate of 17 min>in. How many laterals are required in the
the primary effluent BOD is 130 mg>L. The MLSS con- leaching field if the trench width is to be 2 ft and the
centration in the aeration tank is 1800 mg>L. Compute trench length is to be 100 ft? What will be the width of
the food-to-microorganism ratio for the system. the leaching field?
9. Sewage is to be aerated in an activated sludge tank; the 15. A sludge with a 3 percent solids concentration has a vol-
flow rate is 3 ML>d and the primary effluent has a BOD ume of 600,000 gal. How many tons of dry solids are in
of 120 mg>L. The MLSS is to be kept at 2000 mg>L, and the sludge?
the F>M ratio is to be 0.3. If the SWD is 5.0 m and the
tank is to be 20 m long, what should be its width? 16. A wastewater treatment plant generates 300,000 L>d
of a 2 percent sludge. What is the mass of sludge solids
10. An aeration tank is operating with an MLSS concen- removed from the wastewater each day? If the sludge
tration of 1800 mg>L. After settling for 30 min in a 1-L was thickened to 6 percent solids, what would be the
­cylinder, the sludge occupies a volume of 450 mL. What sludge volume and the mass of sludge solids?
is the SVI of the sludge? Would you expect this sludge to
settle satisfactorily in the secondary clarifier? 17. A flow of 3 ML>d of raw sewage, with TSS = 220 ppm
and BOD = 200 ppm, enters a conventional activated
11. In a time interval of 30 min, the water level in a perc test
sludge treatment plant. Removal efficiencies in the
hole is observed to drop 15 mm. What is the perc rate?
primary clarifier for TSS and BOD are 60 percent and
12. A time interval of 2 h is recorded for a 6-in. drop of 35 percent, respectively. The primary and secondary
water level in a perc test hole. Compute the perc rate. sludges are combined and thickened to 6 percent solids.
13. A three-bedroom home is situated on a lot that has What is the total volume of thickened sludge generated
a perc rate of 50 min>25 mm. How many laterals are in the treatment plant each day?
chapter Eleven

Municipal Solid Waste

Chapter Outline Baling

11-1 Historical Background
11-2 Solid Waste Characteristics 11-5 Recycling
Types of Solid Waste Recyclable Materials

Quantities and Components Municipal Recycling Facilities (MRFs)

11-3 Solid Waste Collection 11-6 Sanitary Landfills

Transfer Stations Site Selection
Leachate Containment
11-4 Solid Waste Processing
Construction and Operation
Shredding and Pulverizing 11-7 Chapter Synopsis

A ny nonliquid material that is thrown away or

­discarded as useless and unwanted is considered
to be solid waste. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is
­always generated in cities, towns, and villages. At first glance,
the disposal of solid waste may appear to be a simple and
disposal remains a problem in some areas, particularly in
developing countries with large and growing populations.
Further complicating the solid waste disposal problem
are the large and ever-increasing amounts of solid wastes
generated by society and the difficulty in finding sites for
mundane problem. In this age of nanotechnology, GPS navi- new processing and disposal facilities. In addition to the
gation, and smartphones, it hardly seems possible that “gar- technical challenges that must be met, there are significant
bage” disposal should present any great challenge (garbage is social and economic problems. For example, the NIMBY
only a small fraction of MSW). But many factors make solid (“not in my backyard”) syndrome, whereby some citizens
waste disposal a complex problem of huge proportions for protest and resist the siting of waste processing or disposal
modern (and somewhat wasteful) industrial societies. facilities in their communities, is a major problem for engi-
There is no question that improper disposal of solid neers and public officials. It is best solved by adequately
waste can cause serious environmental or ecological dam- informing the public and involving them in decision making
age. Air pollution can result from inadequate solid waste before final plans and designs are completed.
incineration, and soil contamination, as well as surface water Also of concern is “environmental justice,” that is, the
and groundwater pollution, can be caused by the disposal of need to ensure that new waste processing and disposal facili-
solid waste in improperly built landfills. These kinds of pol- ties do not inflict unfair harm on groups of people by being
lution can lead to a variety of diseases in humans, thereby improperly sited in low-income communities, without full
threatening public health. consideration of all possible alternative locations.
There is another connection between improper solid MSW is not generally considered to be hazardous, but
waste disposal and public health. Solid waste can harbor certain types of commercial or industrial wastes are poisonous,
rodents and insects, which may act as vectors of infectious explosive, or otherwise dangerous and can cause immediate
diseases such as typhoid, plague, and dysentery. In addition, and direct harm to people or the environment if disposed of
waste deposited in open dumps causes a variety of nuisances, improperly. This hazardous waste typically requires transport,
including odors, fire hazards, and windblown debris. Solid processing, and disposal methods that are different from those
waste disposal in open dumps is no longer an acceptable required for nonhazardous MSW. Some household products
practice in the United States and in other developed coun- (paints, cleaners, pesticides, and the like) may contain hazard-
tries, where modern waste disposal methods are designed ous components; it is important that these materials be dis-
to prevent the spread of disease and protect environmental posed of safely and kept out of the municipal waste stream.
quality. But transmission of diseases due to improper waste Many states, local governments, and civil organizations are

292 chapter Eleven

In the United States, near the end of the 1700s, munici-

pal collection of garbage began in Boston, New York, and
Philadelphia. Disposal methods were still crude. In fact,
garbage collected in Philadelphia was simply dumped into
the Delaware River downstream from the city. This kind
of practice is unthinkable today in the United States; the
ACTIVITIES INFRASTRUCTURE dumping of solid waste into any body of water, including
ocean dumping, is not allowed.
The first municipal refuse incinerator was built in
Planning Collection England around 1875. In the United States, several cities
started incinerating solid wastes at the beginning of the 20th
century. Most of the largest cities, though, were still dump-
Design Transport ing solid waste on land or in water at that time.
Early incinerators caused noticeable air pollution. The
sanitary landfill was developed as a relatively inexpensive
Financing Processing
alternative to refuse incineration, especially for cities or
towns with ample land areas. It was an improvement over
Construction Recycling the city dump, but it soon became clear that unlined land-
fills were not environmentally safe in the long run. Today,
extensive air pollution control devices are required on all
Operation Disposal incinerators, and municipal sanitary landfills must be lined
and have other environmental safeguards.
Figure 11-1  An overview of solid waste management activi- In the United States, the first attempt at the federal
ties and facilities. Infrastructure refers to the types of public
and private works that are built to handle the solid wastes. government level to improve solid waste disposal practices
was passage of the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965. This
law provided state funding for solid waste management
developing programs (e.g., used motor oil recycling) to mini-
programs and established disposal regulations. It has been
mize the amount of this type of waste.
amended and greatly enhanced by the Resource Conservation
Clearly, problems related to solid waste go beyond merely
and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, which also addresses the
their proper disposal. In addition to many technical and envi-
management of hazardous waste. RCRA began a significant
ronmental difficulties, administrative, economic, and political
policy change; rather than focusing only on disposal, the
problems must be solved. The effort to address all these prob-
emphasis is now on reducing waste volumes at the source,
lems is usually referred to as the practice of solid waste manage-
recycling materials, and recovering thermal energy.
ment. In this context, management encompasses the p ­ lanning,
Today, the disposal of solid waste should be part of an inte-
design, financing, construction, and operation of facilities for
grated waste management plan. This means that the methods
the collecting, transporting, processing, recycling, and final
of collection, processing, resource recovery, and final disposal
disposal of the residual solid waste material (see Figure 11-1).
should mesh with one another to achieve a common objective.
Overall, in the United States, solid waste management activities
Codisposal of sewage sludge with refuse, for example, could be
constitute a multibillion dollar per year industry.
one part of an integrated waste management plan. Recycling
Modern municipal solid waste collection, processing,
(resource recovery and reuse) is playing an ever-increasing role
recycling, and final disposal methods (e.g., landfilling) are
in these plans, and recycling technology has evolved consider-
discussed in the following sections. (The topic of hazardous
ably since the 1970s; now, almost every municipal solid waste
waste management is discussed in Chapter 12.)
management plan has at least some recycling component.
Despite these advances, there is still (and probably always will
11-1 Historical be) a need to dispose of some solid waste in the ground; in the
early 1990s, federal standards (under RCRA) for landfills were
Background strengthened to further protect groundwater quality.
In ancient cities, food scraps and other wastes were simply
thrown into the unpaved streets, where they accumulated. 11-2 Solid Waste
Around 320 bc, in Athens, the first known law forbidding this
practice was established, and a system of waste removal began
to evolve in several eastern Mediterranean cities. In ancient Solid wastes are grouped or classified in several differ-
Rome, property owners were responsible for cleaning streets ent ways. These different classifications are necessary to
fronting their property; disposal methods were crude, including address, in an effective manner, the complex challenges of
open pits just outside the city walls. As populations increased, solid waste management. Factors related to waste generation
efforts were made to transport the wastes farther out, and the rates, sources, and quantities, and the terms used to describe
city dump was thus created. waste characteristics, are discussed here.
Municipal Solid Waste 293

Types of Solid Waste Quantities and Components

The term municipal solid waste is generally used to Information regarding the weight, volume, and composi­
describe most of the nonhazardous solid waste from a city, tion of MSW is necessary for the proper planning, design,
town, or village that requires routine or a periodic collec­ and operation of collection and disposal facilities. Although
tion and transport to a processing or disposal site. Sources average data are available, it is usually necessary to make
of MSW include private homes, commercial establishments, measurements and evaluate a community’s MSW in detail
and institutions (e.g., schools), as well as industrial facilities. before preparing specific plans or final facility designs.
However, MSW does not include industrial process wastes,
construction and demolition debris, sewage sludge, mining Generation of Solid Waste  Studies by the U.S. Environ­
wastes, or agricultural wastes. mental Protection Agency (EPA) indicate that, on average,
Municipal solid waste comprises two types of materi­ about 20 N (4.5 lb) per person per day of MSW is generated
als: refuse and trash. Refuse includes garbage and rubbish. in the United States. The actual number will vary for each
Garbage contains putrescible or highly decomposable food community depending on the time of year, the location, the
waste, such as vegetable and meat scraps. Rubbish contains amount of commercial and industrial activity, and other fac­
mostly dry, nonputrescible material, such as glass, rubber, tors. In New Jersey, for example, about 30 N (6.7 lb) of MSW
metal cans, and slowly decomposable or combustible mate­ are generated per person per day, 50 percent more than the
rial, such as paper, textiles, or wood objects. Actually, only national average. Typically, solid waste generation rates in
about 14 percent of refuse is garbage; most of it is rubbish. the United States vary between 16 N and 32 N (3.5 and 7 lb)
Trash includes bulky waste materials that generally require per person per day. (Keep in mind that these figures include
special handling and is therefore not collected on a routine nonhazardous solid waste from commercial, industrial, and
basis. An old couch, mattress, television, or refrigerator institutional facilities (e.g., schools), as well as residential or
and even a large uprooted tree stump are examples of trash household waste.)
items. The classification of different types of nonhazardous Nationwide, about 250 million tons of MSW are gener­
MSWs is illustrated in Figure 11-2. ated every year in the United States. To help visualize the
vast magnitude of this quantity of material, consider that
one year’s worth of loose (or uncompacted) MSW would
MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE cover the entire area of New York City (all five boroughs) to
a depth of about 3 m (10 ft), assuming that the uncompacted
MSW weighs 1 kN>m3 (170 lb>yd3). (For practice in solving
problems involving unit weights and volumes, look up the
area of New York City on the Internet and verify the esti­
Refuse Trash mated depth of MSW provided. A review of unit weight and
volume calculations is given in Appendix D.)
According to EPA estimates, about 60 percent of MSW
originates from residential sources, and about 40 percent
originates from commercial establishments, schools, and
other institutional sources. Local and regional factors, such
as climate and level of commercial activity, contribute to the
More solid waste is generated in the United States, both
Routine Aperiodic in terms of a per-person basis and the total amount, than
collection collection in any other country in the world. Waste generation rates
are not necessarily correlated with gross national product.
Japan and Western European nations, for instance, generate
less than half as much solid waste as does the United States,
although they have strong economies. In Calcutta and other
Waste processing large cities in India, MSW generation rates can be less than
energy recovery 5 N>person>day (about 1 lb>person>day). Definitions of
recycling what materials make up MSW vary among nations, so pre­
cise comparisons of generation rates are difficult to make.

Final disposal Composition of Solid Waste  MSW contains a wide va­

(landfill) riety of materials. Some can be burned, others cannot; some
can be recovered and recycled, others cannot. If the only
FIGURE 11-2  A general classification of municipal solid waste management option is disposal in a sanitary landfill,
waste (MSW). it matters little what the relative proportions of glass, paper,
294 chapter Eleven

garbage, and other materials are. But federal regulations environment via landfill leachate (see Section 11-6) or incin-
under RCRA require that communities consider all pos- erator stack emissions (see Section 11-4).
sible options to develop comprehensive waste management Significant amounts of e-waste are being shipped to
plans. Because of this, identifying the specific components developing countries, where many people, including chil-
of the waste stream is an important step for establishing dren, are exposed to the toxic metals during salvage efforts.
waste management goals. Because of concerns for public health, 180 nations have rati-
In the United States, the largest component (almost 30 fied an international treaty called the Basel Convention (of
percent) of MSW is paper and paper products. Only a small 1992), the main goal of which is to prevent the transfer of haz-
fraction (about one seventh) is actually “garbage.” The relative ardous waste from developed countries to poorer countries.
amounts, by weight, of the materials most commonly found And, in the United States, a report entitled National Strategy
in American MSW are shown graphically in Figure 11-3. Yard for Electronic Stewardship was published in 2011, describing
wastes include tree trimmings, grass clippings, and leaves. the federal government’s plan to enhance the management of
“Other” types of waste may include rubber, leather, textiles, used electronics and e-waste, from the design to the eventual
e-waste, and additional miscellaneous materials. recycling or disposal of an electronic product. (However, the
Discarded electronic products (e-waste) comprise the United States currently remains the only industrialized coun-
fastest-growing component of the total solid waste stream. try that has not yet ratified the Basel Convention.)
These include computers and computer peripherals, televi-
sions, telephones, DVD players, and a variety of other elec- Construction and Demolition Waste  Although con-
tronic equipment and devices. The EPA estimates that, in struction and demolition (C&D) waste (or debris) is not
2009, about 2.4 million tons of e-waste was generated in the considered to be a component of MSW, it is a significant
United States, of which about 25 percent was recycled and component of the total solid waste stream generated in the
much of the remainder disposed of in landfills or incinerated. United States. C&D debris is produced when new structures
Metals such as copper, silver, and gold, as well as lead, are built and when existing structures are renovated or de-
mercury, and cadmium are utilized in most electronic molished. About 45 percent (by weight) of C&D waste is
devices. These materials have economic value when prop- concrete rubble, about 25 percent is wood, and roughly 10
erly recovered from e-waste and recycled. But they can percent is drywall (also called wallboard) debris. About 20
also endanger public health if they are released into the percent of C&D waste includes brick rubble, roofing mate-
rial, metal, plastic, and other miscellaneous material. C&D
is considered a nonhazardous waste because it comprises
mostly inert and benign materials.
C&D debris is most commonly discarded in landfills
Glass (6%) (see Section 11-6 for a description of landfill technology).
(5%) Because the waste material is inert, these landfills are typi-
Metal cally not required to provide the same level of environ-
(9%) mental protection as are landfills licensed to receive MSW.
A significant amount of C&D debris is discarded in MSW
Paper board (29%) landfills, especially in regions where landfill tipping
(disposal) fees are relatively low.
(12%) There is an increasing trend to recover and recycle
uncontaminated materials from C&D debris, most fre-
quently including metals, concrete, asphalt, and wood. Most
of the C&D recycling facilities are concrete or asphalt crush-
Other (12%) ing plants and wood waste processing plants. As of July 1,
2006, Massachusetts became the first state in the United
Yard trimmings States to completely ban the disposal of C&D debris in land-
Food scraps fills and to require that it be recycled. If this bold step is suc-
(14%) cessful and does not overwhelm the recycling marketplace,
it is likely that other states will employ similar regulations in
order to extend the life of landfills.
Figure 11-3  MSW components in the United States
(­ percent by weight), before recycling. In 2010, U.S. MSW Management Strategy EPA’s integrated waste
residents, businesses, and institutions produced a total of management strategy includes three main components,
approximately 250 million tons of MSW. This is equivalent listed in order of preference:
to a waste generation rate of about 4.5 lb per person per day,
up from 2.7 lb per person per day in 1960. About 34 percent 1. Source reduction
of the 250 million tons is recovered for recycling and
composting annually, up from 10 percent in 1980. 2. Recycling
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) 3. Disposal
Municipal Solid Waste 295

Source reduction (waste prevention) includes reuse of hazards or provide food and shelter for vectors of disease
products on-site, designing products or packaging to reduce (e.g., rats and flies). Enforcement of these rules is left up to
their quantity or make them easy to reuse, lengthening the the states and local communities.
useful lives of products, as well as on-site composting of Proper on-site storage is of particular importance
yard trimmings (composting is discussed in Section 11-4). for municipal refuse that contains a significant amount of
Recycling, the off-site recovery and processing for reuse of putrescible garbage. Watertight, rust-resistant containers
various MSW components, including off-site composting, is with suitable covers reduce the incidence of rodent or insect
discussed in Section 11-5. Final disposal includes incineration infestation, and offensive odors and unsightly conditions
(preferably with energy recovery) and land disposal (in engi- may be kept to a minimum if the containers and storage
neered landfills); incineration is discussed in Section 11-4, areas are washed periodically. The EPA recommends that
and landfills are discussed in Section 11-6. refuse be collected at least once per week, and trash should
In the United States in 2010, about 54 percent of MSW be collected at least once every 3 months. The EPA also sug-
was disposed of in landfills, about 34 percent was recovered gests a limit of 333 N (75 lb) for the weight of manually emp-
and recycled or composted, and the rest was incinerated. tied waste containers; for many residences, 115-L (30-gal)
Because economic growth results in more products and mate- galvanized metal or plastic containers are effective. Larger
rials being generated, there will be an increased need to further containers can be used along with mechanical collection
develop recycling and composting infrastructure, buy more trucks. Bulk containers or dumpsters should be used where
recycled products, and invest in source reduction activities. large volumes of refuse are generated, such as at shopping
centers, restaurants, apartment buildings, and hotels.
The collection truck and crew make up the most impor-
11-3 Solid Waste tant element of a collection system. Collection trucks most
commonly used in the United States are of the enclosed, com-
Collection pacting type. The collection capacity can vary, but is typically
Of the billions of dollars expended each year in the United about 24 m3 (32 yd3). Compaction in the collection truck
States for MSW management, about two thirds is needed to significantly reduces the volume of loose refuse. Loose refuse
cover the cost of waste collection. Collection includes tem- may weigh about 0.75 to 1.5 kN>m3 (130 to 260 lb>yd3). After
porary storage or containerization, transfer to a collection compaction in a truck, it may weigh as much as 2 to 4 kN>m3
vehicle, and transport to a site where the waste undergoes (350 to 700 lb>yd3). In other words, compaction in a collection
processing and ultimate disposal. Processing and final dis- vehicle temporarily reduces the refuse volume by as much as 80
posal are challenging problems, but waste collection is the percent. (The volume will increase again to some degree when
most expensive phase, largely because it is labor intensive. the refuse is unloaded at a processing or disposal facility.)
In addition, proper collection techniques are important to The majority of refuse collection trucks are front-, side-,
protect public health, safety, and environmental quality. or rear-loading compactors, although some noncompac-
Solid waste collection may be a local municipal responsi- tion closed-body trucks are also used. Typical collection
bility, whereby public employees and equipment are assigned trucks are shown in Figure 11-4. Crew sizes can vary; a one-
to the task. Sometimes it is more economical to have pri- person crew generally uses a special side-loading vehicle or
vate collection companies do the work under c­ ontract to the mechanical truck to minimize collection time.
municipality. In some communities, private collectors are Technical decisions must be made with regard to fre-
paid for the service by the individual homeowners. Whatever quency of collection or pickup from each waste generation
the actual administrative arrangement, proper planning, site and the point of pickup (curb, alley, backyard, or other).
operation, and regulation of the collection activity are neces- These decisions depend on the type of community, the
sary. The EPA has developed recommended procedures for type of waste (mixed or separated), the population density,
the storage and collection of solid waste; these activities must and the land use in the collection area. Cost is also a major
be done in a way that will not cause fire, health, or safety consideration; to lower costs, there is a tendency toward

Front loader Rear loader Side loader

Figure 11-4  Enclosed compaction-type refuse collection vehicles reduce the volume of collected waste material by at least 50
(Courtesy of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.)
296 chapter Eleven

reduced collection frequency, an increased use of curbside Transfer Stations

(rather than walk-in) collection, and an increase in mechan-
ical collection from standardized waste storage containers. It is not always feasible for individual collection trucks to
Mechanical collection systems are becoming popular in haul refuse to a waste processing plant or final disposal site,
many communities because of improved esthetics of curb- especially if the ultimate destination is not in the immediate
side container placement as well as lower costs. These sys- vicinity of the community in which the waste is collected. To
tems consist of standardized containers and truck-mounted solve this waste transport problem efficiently, one or more
lifting mechanisms. In fully automatic systems, an articu- transfer stations may be used.
lated arm mechanism on the vehicle engages, lifts, emp- A transfer station is a facility at which solid wastes from
ties, and replaces the container without manual assistance. individual collection trucks are consolidated into larger
Semiautomatic systems require a truck crew member to vehicles, such as tractor-trailer units. It is more economical
place the container in position to be automatically hoisted for a few of these larger vehicles to transport the consoli-
and emptied into the collection truck and then manually dated solid waste over the long-haul distance to the process-
returned to its setout position. Standardized MSW collection ing or disposal location, rather than have each collection
containers for single-family homes may vary from 225 L to truck make the trip. A one-way haul distance of about 20 km
360 L (60 to 95 gal) in size. Larger containers, up to 1200 L (12 mi) may be a typical upper limit for an individual waste
(315 gal) or greater, may be used at multifamily dwellings. collection truck, but thorough engineering and cost–benefit
All containers are wheel-mounted for ease of movement. comparison studies are generally conducted to determine
Combined collection of garbage and rubbish is gener- the need for and advantages of a transfer station.
ally more economical than separate collection of these types Individual transfer station capacities may vary from
of refuse. In many communities, however, certain materials somewhat less than 100 tons to more than 500 tons of waste
are recycled. Homeowners may practice source separation; per day, depending on the size of the community. There are
that is, they separate glass, metal, paper, and plastic from the two basic modes of operation: direct discharge or storage dis-
remainder of their refuse. The recyclable materials are then charge. In a storage discharge transfer station, the refuse is first
picked up in a separate collection truck to prevent the refuse emptied from the collection trucks into a storage pit or onto
from contaminating the recyclable component and lowering a large platform. Grapples or front-end loaders are then used
its resale value. Recycling collection trucks often have side- to load or push the waste, respectively, into large trailer units.
loading compartments for the various recyclables; in recent In a direct-discharge station, each refuse truck empties
years, the use of single-stream collection of recyclable mate- directly into the larger transport vehicles. The trailers typi-
rial has increased due to improvements in waste processing cally have a capacity of about 75 m3 (100 yd3) and hold the
equipment (recycling is discussed in Section 11-5). solid waste from four collection vehicles if it is not compacted
One of the most effective ways to minimize waste col- and from up to eight collection vehicles if it is compacted. A
lection costs is to optimize the collection route; an optimum direct-discharge transfer station requires a two-level arrange-
route is one that results in the most efficient use of labor and ment, as depicted in Figure 11-5. A backhoe equipped with
equipment. Selected characteristics of an optimum route a tamping device may be used to compact refuse dumped
include the following: directly into an open trailer. Mechanical top-closing panels
are used to produce a closed vehicle during transport.
1. Collection vehicles should not travel twice down the In addition to open-top trailers, two types of closed
same street; that is, collection paths should not overlap. compactor trailers are available. In one type, the compactor
2. Refuse collection on crowded streets and roads should is built into the trailer and compacts the waste for later ejec-
not occur during morning or afternoon rush hours. tion at the process plant or disposal site. The second type of
3. Collection should occur in the downhill direction as trailer is anchored to a separate compactor unit during the
much as possible to conserve fuel. loading process; the trailers must be equipped with convey-
ors or ejection devices for unloading the compacted refuse.
4. The starting point should be close to the collection vehicle
Another type of transfer station design, called the push pit
garage, and the last collection point should be as close as
station, includes a storage pit with a ram at one end and a
possible to the destination of a filled vehicle (i.e., transfer
hopper at the other end. After the pit is filled by the col-
station, incinerator, processing plant, or sanitary landfill).
lection trucks, the ram pushes the refuse into the hopper,
These characteristics may seem to be simplistic examples of which loads the trailers.
what is only common sense. Actually, they place significant con-
straints or limits on the collection routes, especially for large and Other Collection Methods  Before leaving the topic of
densely populated urban areas. In fact, a sophisticated branch municipal solid waste collection, a few other waste collection
of mathematics, called systems analysis or operations research, is and transport methods should be mentioned. Some homes
needed to solve this complex problem. Computers are routinely are equipped with garbage grinders, for example. These de-
used to conduct the analysis, providing engineers and manag- vices reduce the amount of food wastes in refuse. Because
ers with collection routes that can be modified periodically to biweekly collection frequencies are usually only necessary
accommodate changes in community growth or development. because of the rapid decomposition of garbage, if all homes
Municipal Solid Waste 297

Property line

A wall
Compactor– Transfer vehicle
below B B Paved area
Subsurface Hopper
Maintenance A
Paved area Scale


Property line
Site Plan

vehicle Transfer
Hopper vehicle
Pit Compactor

Section A-A Section B-B

Figure 11-5  At a direct-discharge transfer station, several collection trucks

deposit refuse into a larger vehicle for hauling to a more distant disposal site.
(From J. A. Salvato, Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, 4th ed., Wiley, New York.
Copyright © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
and by courtesy of ARCADIS US.)

in a community had grinders, the collection frequency could 11-4 Solid Waste

be cut in half. Although the ground garbage winds up in sew-
age and flows to a wastewater treatment plant, most sewer
systems and treatment plants can handle the extra load; an MSW may be treated or processed prior to final disposal.
engineering study would have to confirm this. Solid waste processing provides several advantages. It can
Innovative collection systems involving pneumatic serve to reduce the total volume and weight of waste material
pipeline transport have been tried. In pneumatic systems, that requires final disposal. Volume reduction helps con-
refuse is pulled by suction or vacuum through underground serve land resources because the land is the ultimate sink or
pipes to a central processing plant. Waste collection at the repository for most waste material. It also reduces the total
Disney World amusement park in Florida, for example, is cost of transporting the waste to its final disposal site.
done by a system of this type. It eliminates the need for noisy In addition to volume and weight reduction, waste pro-
and unsightly refuse collection trucks. But complex controls, cessing changes its form and improves its handling character-
valves, and high-speed turbines are required for operation of istics. Processing can also serve to recover natural resources
the system, and installation costs are high. Pneumatic col- and energy in the waste material for reuse, or recycling. The
lection systems have also been installed in some small com- most widely used municipal waste treatment processes,
munities in Sweden and Japan. Sweden was the first country including incineration, shredding, pulverizing, baling,
to use pneumatic transport of refuse in a large pipeline (300 and composting, are discussed in this section. Although
mm) from an apartment house to an incinerator that also incineration (burning) greatly reduces the waste volume, it
provided energy for space heating. Despite the high-tech is a processing rather than a disposal operation; land burial
appeal of pneumatic waste collection and transport systems, is still required for final disposal of the ashes and other
they are feasible only in specialized local situations and are unburned residue that remains behind. (Recycling is dis-
unlikely to replace conventional methods in the foreseeable cussed in Section 11-5, and final disposal in sanitary landfills
future. is discussed in Section 11-6.)
298 chapter Eleven

Incineration be present in the ash. One way to minimize this potential

problem is to keep toxic products and materials containing
One of the most effective methods of reducing the volume heavy metals (e.g., batteries and plastics) out of the munici-
and weight of MSW is to burn it in a properly designed fur- pal waste stream.
nace under suitable temperature and operating conditions. Fly ash generally has a higher concentration of toxic
This process is called incineration. It is expensive, primar- substances than does bottom ash. Testing of fly and bot-
ily because extensive air pollution control equipment is tom ash, which are often combined, is needed to determine
required. An incinerator also requires high-level technical whether they must be managed as hazardous waste. In any
supervision and skilled employees for proper operation and case, it is important that all incinerator ash be disposed of in
maintenance. The advantages of incineration, however, often lined landfills, preferably separate from other solid wastes.
outweigh these disadvantages. According to EPA estimates, The ash can be chemically or physically treated prior to dis-
roughly 12 percent of the total MSW stream in the United posal or reuse. For example, if mixed with lime and water,
States was incinerated (with energy recovery) in 2010. (In the ash forms a cement-like material that immobilizes the
contrast, Japan burns about 75 percent of its MSW.) metals. In this form, it can be used for road base construc-
Incineration is a chemical process in which the combus- tion and other beneficial purposes.
tible portion of the waste is combined with oxygen, form- Modern air pollution control devices are installed on
ing mostly carbon dioxide and water. This chemical reaction all MSW incinerators to remove the fly ash and potentially
is called oxidation, and it results in the release of thermal harmful gaseous contaminants. This equipment is located
energy, that is, heat. The carbon dioxide gas and water vapor after the furnace, but before the tall chimney or stack. (Air
are released into the atmosphere. For complete oxidation, pollution control devices, such as fabric filters, acid-gas
the waste must be mixed with appropriate volumes of air, scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators, are discussed in
and a proper temperature must be maintained for a suitable Chapter 13.) Incinerator stacks may be between 60 m and
length of time. Typically, furnace temperatures are about 180 m (200 and 600 ft) high; the discharge of cleaned flue
815°C (1500°F), and the waste must remain in the furnace gases at these heights increases the rates of dilution and dis-
for about 1 hr. For some types of solid waste, temperatures persion, further reducing potential air pollution. The height
up to 1400°C (2550°F) may be reached during combustion. of the incinerator stack or chimney depends on several fac-
Natural gas is generally used to start combustion, which is tors, including local topography, land use, climate, and aver-
then sustained by the input of the MSW. Since the compo- age wind conditions, as well as Federal Aviation Agency
sition of the waste is variable, computer-controlled sensors (FAA) regulations.
are used to adjust airflow and grate positions. Efficient operation of the incinerator is essential for
Incineration can reduce municipal refuse by about 90 per- proper air pollution control. High enough combustion
cent in volume and 75 percent in weight. In densely populated temperature, adequate burning time, and sufficient air sup-
urban areas, where large sites suitable for sanitary landfilling ply are needed to destroy harmful organic compounds in
are not available within reasonable hauling distances, incinera- the incoming waste. Frequent emissions (stack) testing is
tion may be the most economical option for refuse processing. important to ensure that all systems are working properly to
In many cases it is feasible to design and operate the incinera- prevent air pollution. The EPA has set maximum emission
tor so that the heat from combustion can be recovered and levels that are used for guidance by state and county regula-
used to produce electricity or steam; this type of system is often tory agencies. States can set their own emission standards as
called a resource recovery or waste-to-energy facility. long as they are equal to or stricter than federal standards.
One type of substance regulated in emissions from MSW
Incinerator Residues and Emissions  Incineration does incinerators in New Jersey, for example, is mercury, a toxic
not completely destroy the solid waste. Bottom ash, the solid heavy metal; between 90 percent and 95 percent of the mer-
residue remaining in the furnace after combustion, includes cury must be removed from the flue gas. (Mercury is found
glass, metal, fine mineral particles, and other unburned sub- in a wide range of consumer products, such as batteries and
stances. The volume of MSW bottom ash is about 5 percent thermostats, and usually winds up in the MSW stream.)
of the original solid waste volume. Another type of incin-
erator ash, called fly ash, is carried along in the combustion Design and Operation  Most large, modern municipal
­airstream (or flue gas). Fly ash consists of finely divided par- incinerators are designed for continuous-feed operation,
ticulate matter, including cinders, mineral dust, and soot. as opposed to the less desirable intermittent or batch-feed
Most of MSW incinerator ash (about 80 percent by weight) is mode of operation. A continuous feed of refuse allows for
bottom ash; the remainder is fly ash. uniform furnace temperature; this provides more efficient
The possible presence of heavy metals in incinerator combustion and reduces potential thermal shock damage to
ash is a factor to be considered. By destroying the burnable the incinerator components.
portion of the waste, incineration concentrates the metals, A typical incinerator plant includes a below-grade refuse
which remain in the ash. Metals such as lead and cadmium storage pit or tipping area, which provides volume for at least
can be harmful if they are present in high enough concentra- 1 d of refuse storage. Sufficient storage volume is necessary
tions. Some organic substances, such as dioxins, may also to allow for continuous operation of the facility. Refuse is
Municipal Solid Waste 299

lifted from the pit by a crane with a grab bucket and depos- The furnaces of incinerators that are not used for energy
ited into a charging hopper and chute. Then it is released recovery are typically built with refractory materials, which
from the chute onto a charging grate or stoker. Various types resist the effects of very high combustion temperatures.
of mechanical traveling or rocking grates are available to agi- Refractory bricks are made of alumina, magnesia, silica, and
tate and move the burning material through the furnace in a a clay mineral called kaolin; the refractory walls are only
manner that allows for a proper draft or flow of air. about 225 mm (9 in.) thick.
Municipal incinerators are built in a variety of configu-
rations, including the rectangular furnace and the rotary kiln Energy Recovery  Recovery of the heat given off by burn-
furnace. In the rectangular type, two or more moving grates ing refuse in an incinerator can be accomplished using a
are arranged in tiers; in a rotary kiln furnace, a drying grate refractory-lined furnace followed by a boiler. The boiler con-
precedes the rotating drum (kiln) where burning is completed. verts the heat from combustion into steam or hot water. In
A rotary kiln furnace is shown schematically in Figure 11-6. this way, the energy content of the refuse can be recycled and
Inside a furnace, combustion occurs in two phases: put to beneficial use. MSW in the United States contains a
primary combustion and secondary combustion. In primary large amount of paper, wood, and other combustible mate-
combustion, moisture is driven off; then the burnable waste rial, giving it an energy content roughly one third that of coal.
is volatized and ignited. In the secondary stage of combus- Another type of energy recovery system makes use of a
tion, the remaining unburned gases and particulates, which water-tube wall furnace. A water-tube wall furnace is lined
are entrained in the airstream after primary combustion, are with closely spaced welded steel tubes that are arranged ver-
oxidized. The secondary stage of combustion helps elimi- tically to form continuous walls. Insulation on the outside
nate odors and reduces the amount of unburned particulates of the walls reduces heat loss. Heat is absorbed by the water
in the exhaust gases. Auxiliary gas or fuel oil is generally that circulates through the tubes, and the heated water is
used for furnace warm-up and to initiate primary combus- used to produce steam. An advantage of this type of system
tion when the refuse is very wet. Auxiliary fuel also facilitates is that the water also serves to control furnace temperature,
complete secondary combustion and provides a­dditional eliminating the need for excess air. Smaller volumes of air-
smoke and odor control in the exhaust gases. flow result in lower air pollution control costs compared to
Sufficient quantities of air must be thoroughly mixed the costs for a refractory-lined furnace.
with the refuse so that oxygen is available for both primary When raw or unprocessed solid waste is fed as a fuel
and secondary combustion. In a rectangular-type furnace, directly into a heat recovery type of facility, the process is
air can be supplied from openings beneath the grates (under- referred to as mass burning. In some incineration systems,
fire air) and admitted to the area above the grates (overfire though, refuse may be treated or processed by shredding
air). The relative amounts of underfire and overfire air may and by separation of the noncombustible waste material
be adjusted by the facility operator, or by automated s­ ensors before being fed into the furnace. In this case, the solid waste
and control devices, for efficient operation of the incinera- is called refuse-derived fuel, or RDF. Roughly 2 kg of steam
tor. Airflow through the incinerator is obtained from the can be produced per kilogram of incinerated RDF, but vari-
natural draft of a chimney or from forced-draft fans. ation in the characteristics of the waste leads to variation in



Water–wall Stack
Rotary–kiln Turbine
boiler Scrubber
Crane Baghouse

storage pit
Ram feed
air system Fly ash collection
Bottom ash

Figure 11-6  Schematic of a rotary kiln waste-to-energy furnace.

(From J. A. Salvato, Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, 4th ed., Wiley, New York. Copyright ©
1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
300 chapter Eleven

the rate of steam production. Provision must be made to produces by-products that can be used as fuels. Natural gas
burn auxiliary fuels when the volume or recoverable heat is burned to start the process. Instead of oxidation, a com-
content of the waste temporarily decreases. plex series of decomposition and other chemical reactions
Heat recovery and reuse from MSW incineration is a very takes place. Air pollution with pyrolysis is less of a problem
attractive waste management option from an environmental than with incineration due to the reduced volume of waste
and ecological perspective. But the high costs for equipment gases. Pyrolysis can be used for the processing of discarded
and controls, the need to have highly skilled technical person- rubber tires; rubber is reduced to oil and methane gas, which
nel, and the need for auxiliary fuel systems are some of the fac- can be sold. (Rubber tires can also be shredded and added to
tors that must be taken into consideration when developing asphalt paving material for road construction.)
a solid waste management plan. Almost all new incinerators,
however, make use of heat recovery systems. And incinera- Plasma Gasification  An innovative technology now
tion is becoming a more attractive waste management option under study and small-scale testing, called plasma arc gas-
when compared to landfilling, largely because suitable landfill ification, may become a possible alternative to mass burn
sites are becoming increasingly difficult to find. incineration of municipal solid waste (as well as medical
Due to their complexity, large incinerators (with capac- and hazardous waste). In this process, the extremely high
ities exceeding 100 tons per day) are often custom designed, temperature of a plasma arc that is created by graphite elec-
constructed, and operated as part of a turnkey operation. trodes converts the waste material into a “synthesis gas,”
Following a competitive bidding process, the incinera- called syngas, which can then be used as an energy source.
tor vendor arranges to finance (privately or through pub- Compared to mass burn steam-turbine waste-to-energy
lic bonding) and operate the facility under contract to the plants, which are relatively large facilities, plasma arc gas-
municipality or regional solid waste authority. ification systems could be built on smaller sites. But for
For relatively small facilities, a modular incinerator this “high-tech” waste disposal process to become a viable
with capacities of about 1 to 3 tons per hour can be sup- option for treating MSW, several technical problems must
plied as a completely prefabricated package by the manu- be solved, including the high cost for the operation and
facturer. Some modular units are batch-fed and operate maintenance of the process.
using a starved air furnace to reduce air pollution. Most state
regulatory agencies have set emission standards specifically Shredding and Pulverizing
for modular incinerators. Modular incinerators can also be
equipped with boilers to recover waste heat energy. Size reduction of MSW is accomplished by the physical pro-
A law enacted by Congress, the Public Utilities Regulatory cesses of shredding or pulverizing. Shredding refers to the
Policies Act (PURPA), requires large power companies to actions of cutting and tearing, whereas pulverizing refers to
purchase energy from smaller generators of electricity who the actions of crushing and grinding. These two terms are fre-
offer it for sale. Consequently, MSW heat recovery plants that quently used synonymously with regard to solid waste man-
generate more steam than can be used or sold can convert agement. Note that the size reduction obtained by shredding
their excess steam into electricity for sale to the local power or pulverizing refers to the size of individual components or
company. A turbine is required at the incinerator facility to pieces of the solid waste material. However, shredding and
convert the steam into electricity. A facility at which both pulverizing also reduce the overall volume of the original or
electrical and thermal energies are produced from the same raw waste material, sometimes by as much as 40 percent.
primary fuel source is called a cogeneration facility. There are many reasons for size reduction of MSW. The
Although the process of converting municipal solid production of refuse-derived fuel requires processing of the
waste into electricity is relatively inefficient (compared to raw solid waste; this typically includes shredding and pul-
producing electricity from fossil fuel), cogeneration offers verizing. Composting, which is discussed in the next section,
some significant advantages to energy recovery from MSW. also frequently requires some type of size reduction process.
It is a reliable technology and is an important component Shredding and pulverizing may first be applied where the
in comprehensive solid waste management in the United basic objective is to recover material from the waste that can
States. The Essex County Resource Recovery Facility, for be recycled and marketed. The size reduction and homog-
example, the largest waste-to-energy plant in New Jersey, enizing processes improve the performance of the mechani-
incinerates about 2800 tons of MSW per day and generates cal separation machinery. Finally, shredding of refuse prior
about 65 mW of electricity. There are currently 86 cogen- to land burial can increase the capacity of the landfill; it also
eration plants operating in the United States, mostly in the reduces the potential of rodent infestation because the ani-
Northeast. In Europe, there are more than 400 waste-to- mals have difficulty finding food scraps or voids for a habitat
energy plants in operation, most of which are in Denmark, in the homogeneous material.
Germany, and the Netherlands.
Hammer Mills  One of the most common types of
Pyrolysis  Pyrolysis is a high-temperature thermal pro- equipment used for processing MSW into a uniform or
cess that can provide an alternative to incineration; it takes homogeneous mass is the hammer mill. A hammer mill
place in a low-oxygen or oxygen-free environment and is a mechanical impact device in which the raw solid waste
Municipal Solid Waste 301

material is hit with a force sufficient to crush or tear indi- a high-torque, relatively low-speed (up to 60 rev>min)
vidual pieces of the waste. Impact is provided by several machine, consisting of two or more parallel horizontal
hammers that rotate at high speeds (up to 1500 rev >min) shafts that rotate in opposite directions. Each shaft has cut-
around a center horizontal or vertical shaft. ters that shear and tear the waste material. The high torque
In horizontal-shaft hammer mills, cutting bars or a and shearing action allow this type of machine to shred dif-
breaker plate attached around the periphery of the mill cham- ficult materials, such as tires. (More than 200 million used
ber also help reduce the size of the waste. When size reduc- tires are discarded each year in the United States.)
tion is complete, the processed waste simply falls through
the grate at the bottom of the chamber. Not unexpectedly, Baling
repair and replacement of hammer mill components are part
of a frequent maintenance routine due to the high speeds and Compacting solid waste into the form of rectangular blocks
impact action. In addition to the cost of maintenance, elec- or bales is called baling. MSW bales are typically about 1.5 m3
tric power requirements are high. A horizontal shaft hammer (2 yd3) in size and weigh roughly 1 kN (or 1 ton). Solid waste
mill is illustrated in Figure 11-7. can be compacted under high pressures (about 700 kPa or 100
A hammer mill is a versatile size reduction device psi) in either vertical or horizontal presses; the bales are fre-
that will accept almost any type of waste material (except quently wrapped with steel wire to help retain their rectangu-
of course very bulky or dense items such as tree stumps or lar shape during handling. (They also may be enclosed in hot
engine blocks). It is possible to reduce the size of solid waste asphalt, plastic, or Portland cement, or tied with metal bands,
material components to uniform fragments between 25 mm depending on the intended use or disposal method. If moisture
and 50 mm (1 to 2 in.) with proper operation. A typical size content and compaction pressures are high enough, they may
for a hammer mill is a 150-hp unit capable of processing retain their shape without being wire wrapped or encased.)
about 100 kN (11 tons) of solid waste per hour. In addition Semiautomatic horizontal presses can bale up to 36 kN (or
to relatively high costs for operation and maintenance, the 4 tons) per hour of MSW (see Figure 11-8). Volume reduction
disadvantages of size reduction by hammer mills include can be as much as 90 percent of the original waste volume.
noise and dust generation. Solid waste volume reduction may be expressed in
A modern innovation in the equipment used for terms of a compaction ratio, as well as in percentage. An
MSW size reduction is the rotary shear shredder. This is understanding of the relationship between percent volume
reduction and compaction ratio is important, particularly
when reviewing and interpreting the manufacturers’ data
Input and selecting or specifying suitable compaction equipment.
Appropriate formulas are as follows:
percent volume reduction(11-1)
initial volume - final volume
= * 100
initial volume
initial volume
compaction ratio = (11-2)
final volume

Example 11-1
The initial volume of a mass of solid waste is 15 m3. After
Hammer compaction, the volume is reduced to 3 m3. (a) Compute the
percent volume reduction and the compaction ratio. (b) If it
Rotor is desired to obtain a volume reduction of 90 percent, what
will the compaction ratio have to be?
bar Grate bars Solution
(a) Applying Equation 11-1 gives
15 - 3
percent volume reduction = * 100
Output Conveyor
= 80 percent

Applying Equation 11-2 yields

compaction ratio = = 5
Figure 11-7  Horizontal shaft hammer mill. The compaction ratio is typically expressed as 5:1, or
(Courtesy of EPA.) “five to one.”
302 chapter Eleven

Figure 11-8  High-pressure compaction units can be used for making rectangular bales or blocks
of solid waste.

(b) Using Equation 11-1 to obtain the compaction ratio Composting

that would correspond to a 90 percent volume reduc-
tion yields Composting is a process in which the organic portion of
MSW is allowed to decompose under carefully controlled
15 - final volume
90 = * 100 conditions. It is a biological rather than a chemical or
mechanical process; decomposition and transformation of
and rearranging terms yields the waste material are accomplished by the action of bac-
final volume = 1.5 m3 teria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Composting, where
it is applied, must be part of a comprehensive MSW man-
Using a final volume of 1.5 m3 and applying Equation agement system that handles other components of the solid
11-2 gives waste stream and the organic portion. In some applications,
15 sewage sludge and agricultural wastes may be combined
compaction ratio = = 10 or 10 : 1 with the organic portion of the municipal solid waste.
With proper control of moisture, temperature, and
From this example, it can be seen that to improve the solid
­aeration, a composting plant can reduce the volume of the raw
waste volume reduction by 10 percent, from 80 percent to
organic material by as much as 50 percent. In addition, com-
90 percent, it is necessary to double the compaction ratio
posting can stabilize the waste and produce an end product that
from 5:1 to 10:1.
may be recycled for beneficial use. The end product is called
The basic advantages of an MSW baling process include compost or humus. It resembles potting soil in texture and
the significant decrease in waste volume, the ease of han- earthy odor, and it may be used as a soil conditioner or mulch.
dling the compacted refuse, and the reduction of litter and A complete MSW composting operation includes
nuisance potential. Additionally, the compacted waste can sorting and separating, shredding and pulverizing, diges-
be hauled to a landfill by conventional vehicles, and the ser- tion, product upgrading, and, finally, marketing. Sorting
vice life of the landfill can be greatly increased (by as much as and ­separation operations are required to isolate organic,
60 percent) because of the smaller volume of waste requiring decomposable waste materials from the plastic, glass, metal,
burial. At the landfill, the bales can be neatly stacked in place and other nonbiodegradable substances. Solid waste ­sorting
without a problem of windblown debris, the likelihood of and separation methods are a key part of MSW recycling
animal or insect infestation is decreased, soil cover require- operations and are discussed in detail in Section 11-5.
ments are reduced, and the need for on-site compaction is Shredding and pulverizing (discussed previously) serve to
eliminated. reduce the size of the individual pieces of the organic waste,
Municipal Solid Waste 303

resulting in a relatively uniform mass of material. This facili- compost systems are available. Oxygen is supplied to the
tates handling, moisture control, and aeration of the decom- waste material by forced aeration, stirring, or tumbling.
posing waste. Size reduction also helps optimize bacterial In addition to reducing land requirements, enclosed
activity and increases the rate of decomposition. After size mechanical compost facilities can reduce the time required
reduction, the wastes are ready for the actual composting or for stabilization from about 5 weeks to about 1 week. Some
digestion step. Digestion may take place in open windrows or mechanical systems use several enclosed vessels or tanks for
in an enclosed mechanical facility. digestion of the waste. They may be equipped with rotating
A windrow is a long, low pile of the prepared organic plows, vanes, or augers to mix the shredded waste material
waste, usually about 3 m (10 ft) wide at the base and about and to facilitate aeration. In some systems, compressed air is
2 m (6 ft) high. Most windrows are conical in cross section blown into the vessel for aeration.
and about 50 m (150 ft) in length. The composting waste is Before the stabilized compost or humus can be sold for use
aerated by periodically turning each windrow. This can be as a mulch or soil conditioner, it must be processed further to
done manually with a pitchfork, but at most large facilities it is upgrade or improve its quality and appearance. This includes
accomplished mechanically by specially designed machinery. drying, screening, and granulating or pelletizing. Sometimes,
Some of these machines turn and rebuild the windrow directly the compost is placed in bags, although bulk sale is more effi-
behind the machine (Figure 11-9); others rebuild the turned cient and economical. The basic purpose of compost upgrad-
windrow adjacent to its original position. Turning frequency ing is to make the final product more readily marketable.
varies with moisture content and other factors. When mois- Marketability is the most serious bottleneck or obstacle to the
ture content is maintained at about 50 percent, windrows are usefulness of composting as a major MSW management option.
turned two or three times a week, and in some cases daily. Only a small portion of MSW is composted in the United States
Generally, open-field windrow composting takes about (and other countries), primarily because of the low demand for
5 weeks for digestion or stabilization of the waste material. the end product. The largest potential market for compost is
An additional 3 weeks may sometimes be required to ensure agriculture; land reclamation and landscaping rank next.
complete stabilization. Temperatures in an aerobic com- Compost can increase the organic and nutrient content of
post windrow may reach 65°C (150°F) because of the natu- soil and improve its texture and ability to retain moisture. But
ral metabolic action of thermophylic microbes that thrive at the demand for compost by farmers is low, largely because of
such elevated temperatures. The relatively high tempera- its relatively poor quality as fertilizer, the cost of transporting
tures destroy most of the pathogenic or disease-causing it, and the availability and ease of applying inorganic chemical
organisms that may be present in the waste. fertilizers. MSW compost does find some use for landscaping,
Open-field windrow composting requires relatively mulching, and erosion control at parks and golf courses, and it
large land areas. A community population of 250,000, for is used as a soil conditioner in residential gardens and nurseries.
example, requires about 24 ha (60 ac) of land for an MSW Home or backyard composting is practiced by many people; if
composting facility. To reduce land requirements, various properly done, home composting can divert up to 30 percent of
types of enclosed mechanical systems can be used in lieu of household waste from a municipal landfill or incinerator.
the open-field method. A typical enclosed system will reduce Negative impacts of composting are possible if inad-
the land area needed to serve 250,000 people by a factor of 6, equate technology is used or if the facility is poorly managed
from 24 ha to 4 ha (60 to 10 ac). A variety of mechanical-type and operated. The potential for water pollution may exist if the


Figure 11-9  Compost windrow turning machines rebuild the windrow as they
move forward.
(From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Design Manual EM 1110-2-501, Design, Construction, and
Operation - Small Wastewater Systems.)
304 chapter Eleven

moisture content of the compost is too high (more than about sustainability and green technology has made the compost-
65 percent); provisions should be made to properly channel ing of garbage a progressive and more viable option in the
and divert runoff around an open windrow site. Suitable mea- spectrum of MSW management techniques. In fact, many
sures should be taken to minimize rodent and insect problems. cities in the United States are adopting rules that mandate
Odor control is a big problem at many compost facilities, composting and recycling of food waste from homes, apart-
particularly for open systems. They can become particularly ment buildings, and businesses. For example, in 2009, in San
foul and intense if anaerobic conditions occur due to poor Francisco, California, a law was passed requiring the sepa-
operation. Proper windrow turning and aeration of the waste ration of all MSW into three separate curbside containers:
can minimize the odors. one for garbage (i.e., food scraps), one for recyclable mate-
rials, and one for rubbish. Fines for noncompliance range
Co-composting  An interesting example of integrated from $100 for individual homes up to $1000 for apartment
waste management is co-composting of municipal solid buildings and large businesses. About 75 percent of MSW
waste and sewage sludge. Sewage sludge adds nitrogen, in San Francisco is now diverted from sanitary landfills as a
phosphorus, and other elements that enrich the solid waste result of mandatory recycling and composting. Other cities
and help the composting process. The sludge is first de- that have recently passed similar composting laws include
watered so that it does not add too much moisture to the Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, and in 2013,
compost pile. The dewatered sludge and organic portion plans for requiring residents of New York City to separate
of MSW must be thoroughly mixed. At a time when ocean garbage for composing were announced. The plan includes a
disposal of sludge has been banned and sludge incinerators proposal to construct a facility that would convert the com-
meet with much public opposition, co-composting may posted garbage into biogas for use in generating electricity.
offer an increasingly viable technique for processing both
sludge and MSW organics prior to final disposal.
When sludge is composted by itself or co-composted
11-5 Recycling
with MSW organics, the static windrow method or mechani- Residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional activ-
cal agitators may be used to aerate the waste. In the static ity will always result in the generation of solid waste. But
aeration method, compressed air is either forced up through the public view of what constitutes waste, that is, useless and
the composting waste or pulled down through it, as shown unwanted material, is changing. As people become more
in Figure 11-10. A length of perforated pipe about 150 mm aware of ecological or environmental imperatives and as
(6 in.) in diameter is located under the windrow, which is the space available to landfill waste in certain regions of the
roughly the same size and shape as the windrow aerated by country shrinks, the need for recovering and reusing much of
the turning method. The windrow may be covered with a what was previously thrown away or dumped is becoming
layer of finished compost to absorb any objectionable odors. more evident. Also, the cost of disposing of solid waste mate-
Air is forced in (or out) by a blower for about 5 min at about rial in an environmentally sound manner makes it more nec-
15-min intervals. Co-composting is practiced for instance, essary to consider alternative waste management techniques.
at the Edmonton Waste Management Centre (EWMC) in The ideal approach to solid waste management is to
Canada. The EWMC is also an example of a facility that fol- first reduce waste at the source and then to recover reus-
lows an integrated waste management plan, including landfill able materials from the waste stream prior to disposal. This
gas recovery as well as MSW, C&D, and e-waste recycling. is accomplished by recycling, that is, by separating out and
Mandatory composting In recent years, increas- reusing these components of the waste stream that may have
ing public awareness of issues related to environmental some economic value. According to EPA estimates, a total


Screened or
unscreened Air
compost Screened
of MSW
air pipe Drain for Exhaust fan

Figure 11-10  Schematic of an aeraeted static pile composting system.

(From G. Tchobanglous et al., Integrated Solid Waste Management, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.
Copyright © 1993 McGraw-Hill. Used with permission.)
Municipal Solid Waste 305

of about 34 percent of the MSW waste stream in the United

States was recycled or composted in 2010, up from about
6 percent in 1960. In the United States there are no federal
recycling laws, but state legislation serves to promote recy-
cling efforts. California and New Jersey currently have the
most stringent requirements and the highest recycling rates.
Recycling returns various materials to the production
cycle and saves natural resources along the way. Some materi-
als, such as aluminum and steel, can be recycled many times.
Energy, as well as material, can be recycled. A resource recov-
ery incinerator is an example of a facility where thermal energy
is recycled by extracting the heat content of MSW and convert-
ing it to steam and even to electricity. Composting is an exam-
ple of a process that allows recycling of the organic component
of municipal solid waste. Usually, however, when people think
of recycling, they think of the collection, processing, and resale (a)
of materials commonly found in homes and businesses.

Recyclable Materials
Many materials can be recycled. Some materials are the
result of commercial and industrial production and never
enter the solid waste stream. The major components of
municipal solid waste that have some economic value and
are recyclable include metals, paper, glass, and plastics.

Metals  Metals are classified as being either ferrous or nonfer-

rous. Ferrous metal contains iron and is magnetic; nonferrous
metal does not contain iron and is nonmagnetic. Steel, for ex-
ample, is a ferrous metal, and aluminum is a nonferrous metal.
Although aluminum is one of the smallest compo-
nents of MSW (less than 1.5 percent), it has one of the (b)
highest values as a recyclable material and is generally con- Figure 11-11  (a) Aluminum cans are placed in a hopper
sidered the “cash cow” of municipal recycling programs and carried along a moving belt; then they move through
because it contributes the highest revenue per ton. It is a magnetic separator that removes any steel cans. (b) The
one of the most abundant metals found in Earth’s crust, cans may be crushed and baled or shredded as shown here,
but the process of extracting aluminum from mined ore prior to reprocessing.
(Courtesy of Aluminum Association, Inc., Washington, DC.)
is expensive. Because new aluminum is relatively costly,
recycled aluminum has a strong market and plays a sig-
nificant role in the aluminum industry. Aluminum scrap for steel scrap. Roughly 12 million tons of steel waste is gener-
can be magnetically separated from ferrous metals, shred- ated each year, and about 15 percent of it is recycled (mostly
ded in a hammer mill, and transported to a smelting plant in the form of food and beverage containers). However, much
in carload lots. Several million tons of aluminum products larger quantities of scrap steel are recycled at the point of origin
are generated each year in the United States, and roughly or obtained from scrapped steel girders and junked cars. This
half of it is recycled. Most recycled aluminum comes from source of scrap steel is not part of the MSW stream.
used beverage cans and is used to make new cans (the alu-
minum can is 100 percent recyclable into new beverage Paper  Paper and paperboard products constitute the larg-
cans indefinitely). Recycling 40 cans has the energy-saving est fraction of MSW (29 percent in 2010). Recycling rates
equivalent of about 3.7 L (1 gal) of gasoline. The recycled vary, depending on the type of paper. Old newspaper (ONP),
aluminum cans may be either shredded or crushed and for example, has about a 30 percent recovery rate, while cor-
baled (see Figure 11-11). rugated paper has almost a 50 percent recovery rate. Some
Ferrous metals make up roughly 9 percent of MSW, and other types of used paper that can be recycled include office
one of the major components of this ferrous waste is the steel paper, tissue, cardboard, bags, magazines, and cartons.
can. The so-called tin can is made of steel and then coated with Recycled paper can be used for several purposes, but it
tin to reduce corrosion and to stabilize the flavors of foods and is never “as good as new” after reprocessing. The fibers are
beverages. The tin coatings may be removed from used cans, weakened, and it is difficult to control the color of the recy-
although current steel-making technology can handle up to 10 cled product. Federal law also prohibits the use of recycled
percent of tin in the recycled steel. There is an unlimited market paper products for many types of food containers in order
306 chapter Eleven

to prevent the possibility of contamination. It often costs have limited volume. Unfortunately, some municipalities
less to transport raw paper pulp than scrap paper; collection, have abandoned plastic recycling due to its low percentage
sorting, and transport account for about 90 percent of the by weight in MSW and its very high collection cost.
cost of paper recycling, and the processes of pulping, deink-
ing, and screening wastepaper are generally more expensive Construction and Demolition Debris  A significant
than making paper from virgin wood or cellulose fibers. The type of community solid waste that is not considered to be
market for recycled paper is quite volatile. As more mills and part of the MSW stream (according to EPA definitions) is
deinking plants come online, demand for recycled paper construction and demolition waste (or debris). This material
should stabilize and price fluctuations may settle down. comprises mostly wood, concrete, brick, and metals that are
It is often noted that paper recycling will help preserve for- the result of building construction, renovation, or demoli-
ests because it takes about 17 trees to make 1 ton of paper. But tion. As landfill space becomes more expensive, more of
this may be an unrealistic notion. The fact that selective harvest- these materials are being recycled. This recycling usually
ing of mature trees is a necessary forest management technique occurs at the source by placing the wood, brick, and other
must be considered. Thinning out timberland by the harvest- materials in separate containers for transfer to market. In
ing or cropping of trees increases the health and productivity some regions, both public and private bulky waste recycling
of the forest. Therefore, from an ecological perspective, paper facilities have been developed to enclose and automate por-
recycling does not necessarily lead to the preservation of forests. tions of the sorting operation. Even though the market value
of the materials is relatively low, the hauler can save money
Glass  Glass makes up almost 5 percent of MSW and has by diverting the waste from a landfill facility.
a recovery rate of about 25 percent; most glass waste is from Metals, asphalt concrete, Portland cement concrete, and
food and beverage containers. Glass is the least troublesome wood are the materials most frequently recovered from C&D
material in MSW. It is an inert, nonpolluting substance debris; gypsum wallboard and roofing shingles are recovered
made primarily from silica sand, an abundant natural re- and recycled to a much lesser degree. The major obstacles to
source. Even though the raw material from which it is made recycling C&D debris include the high cost of sorting and
is so plentiful, there is still a market demand for waste glass. processing the material and the relatively low cost of dis-
But recycled glass has economic value only when it can be posal in landfills in many areas. The number of C&D recy-
separated by color and then crushed to make new glass. cling facilities is growing, however, because of the increasing
Crushed glass, or cullet, can be remelted to produce a efforts being made to develop good markets for the recov-
new batch of glass; it is estimated that cullet could make up ered materials. Metals recovered from C&D debris have the
as much as 30 percent of the material needed to produce new highest recycling rates.
glass containers. If glasses of different colors (clear, brown, Portland cement concrete and asphalt concrete consist
and green) are mixed together, however, the cullet has little mostly of aggregates (sand and gravel). Concrete debris can
value for the remanufacture of new glass containers. At many be crushed and recycled as a replacement for road subbase
municipal recycling drop-off centers, the glass is kept separate gravel, especially in regions where aggregates are in short
in large containers to prevent the mixing of different colors. supply. Many wood processing facilities accept clean wood
from C&D debris; processed (chipped) wood can be used as
Plastic  Plastic, a nonbiodegradable, petroleum-derived mulch, animal bedding, and fuel. Asphalt recovered from
substance, made up about 12 percent of MSW in 2010. asphalt roofing shingles can be reused in cold mix asphalt
Plastics are difficult to recycle because of the many different paving products and new roofing; however, it is often dif-
types of polymer resins used in their production. To be of ficult to meet the quality specifications for those products.
most value, plastics have to be separated by type; if mixed, the Gypsum wallboard (drywall) can be recycled by separating
materials can only be used to make lower-quality products, the paper backing from the gypsum; the paper and the gyp-
such as plastic lumber. sum can be processed and reused in the manufacture of new
Because many people have difficulty in identifying dif- wallboard. Recovered wallboard can also be used as cat liter.
ferent plastic types, a recycling symbol and code have been According to EPA estimates, demolition debris accounts
developed; it is usually stamped on all recyclable plastic for roughly half of the total building-related C&D waste
products. For example, the code for PET-type plastic (poly- stream. This can be significantly reduced if new buildings are
ethylene teraphthalate) is 1, and for HDPE-type plastic designed more for disassembly or deconstruction (i.e., for the
(high-density polyethylene) the code number is 2. Soft drink selective dismantling or removal of materials from a building
containers are typically made of PET; milk and detergent before or instead of demolition) than they have been in the
containers are typically made from HDPE. past. This could be as simple as using screws instead of nails.
Plastic’s share of the waste stream is growing in both
weight and volume as more companies rely on plastic prod- Other Recyclables  Reclaimed rubber must be shredded
ucts and packaging. Collection of plastic containers still in special shredding machines and broken down chemically
remains a problem, though, because of their large volume before it can be rebonded and remolded. Rubber produced by
but very low density. In effect, most of a plastic container this process, called revulcanization, is not usually as strong as
is air. This creates difficulties in collection vehicles, which the original product. As an alternative to revulcanization, the
Municipal Solid Waste 307

use of shredded rubber in asphalt pavements is being investi-

gated by engineers. Another interesting use for discarded tires
is the tire playground for children, which is becoming a more
familiar sight in many communities.
Hundreds of millions of rubber tires are discarded each
year in the United States. Some wind up in landfills, but
most are now burned as fuel for power plants and cement
kilns. Rubber tires provide more energy per pound than
coal and burn more cleanly. Temperatures up to 1900°C
(3500°F) destroy most organic pollutants.
Used motor oil is widely recycled through drop-off cen-
ters at automobile service stations or through municipal recy-
cling programs. Grass clippings are being eliminated from
the MSW stream as more homeowners practice “cut it and
leave it” mowing or backyard composting. Textiles are usually
recycled through relief agencies such as the Salvation Army or
Figure 11-12  A medium-duty truck for applications in
processed into rags; roughly 75 percent of the textiles collected
residential refuse and recycling curbside collection.
in the United States are exported and sold as used clothing.
(Courtesy of KANN Manufacturing Corporation.)
Electronic equipment and components make up a fast-
growing portion of trash and may present an environmental
hazard if they are disposed of improperly. There can be as area of about 4000 m2 (0.4 ha or 1 ac) and may contain sepa-
much as 2 kg (4.5 lb) of lead in older TV picture tubes and rate areas for depositing paper, commingled waste materials,
computer monitors. In addition, electronics are made of valu- and other items. Air pollution control equipment is generally
able materials that can be recovered and reused, including pre- installed to collect and remove dust from the air. Sometimes
cious metals, as well as steel, glass, and plastic. The EPA esti- they are heated, and special sorting rooms are constructed to
mates that about 2 million tons of electronic waste is placed in provide workers with proper lighting and ventilation.
landfills each year in the United States. Many communities and In general, the following types of materials may be
businesses, including major computer and television compa- received at a typical dual-stream MRF, in a collection truck
nies, now offer programs to collect and recycle electronics and separated into two or three compartments:
potentially hazardous electronic components.
Paper Compartment
Municipal Recycling Facilities (MRFs) ● Old newspaper, generally bundled
● Old corrugated cardboard (OCC)
Recyclable materials must first be separated from MSW by type ● Mixed paper, including envelopes, magazines, and junk
in a materials recycling facility, or MRF (pronounced “murf” in
waste management jargon), before they can be sold for reuse.
In some communities, separation is initiated at the point of
Commingled Compartment
collection (i.e., curbside), as shown in Figure 11-12, but final
processing at an MRF is necessary. At an MRF, a series of ● Clear, brown, and green glass
mechanical, optical, electromagnetic, pneumatic, and manual ● Ferrous metal (“tin”) food and beverage containers
methods are used to separate the materials. There are a wide ● Aluminum food and beverage containers
variety of MRF configurations with regard to the combination ● HDPE and PET plastics (milk, detergent, and soft drink
of equipment and the methods used to process the waste. containers)
The marketability of recycled waste materials is strongly
dependent on the effectiveness and cleanliness of the source An MRF utilizes a combination of labor and equipment to
separation methods, which are designed to prevent cross con- sort the source-separated, commingled materials from the col-
tamination of the recyclables. MRFs must produce ­consistently lection trucks into various categories for marketing. A variety
marketable products from a highly variable mixture of waste of technologies are used to improve the quality of the material
materials. Mixed waste streams that include all components of by carefully separating glass (by color), steel, aluminum, and
MSW are the most difficult to process. The most common type plastic (by resin type) into uniform commodities. Paper is also
of MRF relies on a dual-stream system in which commingled processed. MRFs may be custom designed by consulting engi-
containers (plastic, glass, metal) have already been separated neers and built by contractors or constructed as turnkey facili-
at the point of collection from fibrous materials (newspaper, ties by companies that design, build, and operate the systems.
magazines, cardboard), and from wet, organic wastes.
A typical MRF is an industrial-type metal or concrete Typical MRF Operation  Incoming trucks are weighed,
building similar to a warehouse. It has high doors to allow and the waste is then dumped on a concrete tipping floor.
trucks to dump inside. An average MRF building has a floor Any unsuitable materials seen on the floor are removed by
308 chapter Eleven

hand and placed in containers for haul to the landfill. A large manually. After the plastic is separated, it is either baled or
front-end loader then pushes the material onto inclined chipped for shipment to market. Other types of plastic, such
­rubber-belt conveyors, which may pass by one or more as polystyrene and styrofoam, are not generally recovered
workers who remove deleterious materials, such as large because of low tonnages and high processing costs.
metal pots, bricks, or garbage. The conveyor then passes The aluminum is usually separated from the plastic and
under an electromagnetic separator that removes the tin other remaining nonrecyclable materials on the conveyor belt
cans and other ferrous metals from the commingled waste through the use of a device called an eddy current separator.
stream. This metal is then conveyed to a baler for compres- This device repels aluminum up into the air and off of the belt,
sion and baling prior to shipment to steel mills. allowing it to be captured and baled or densified for shipment
The remaining commingled material is then screened to market (see Figure 11-13). Although aluminum typically
on a shaker table to remove the dirt and broken glass. This accounts for about 5 percent of the commingled waste stream,
broken glass has little or no resale value and frequently will it produces almost 80 percent of the commingled revenue.
be used in the manufacture of paving material such as “glass- Quality control inspectors watch the mechanized sepa-
phalt.” The rest of the material is then classified with large ration processes carefully to ensure that the various materials
blowers to remove the plastic and aluminum containers from do not mix in the plant and that the individual commodi-
the remaining unbroken glass bottles. These glass bottles are ties remain clean and pure. By mechanizing the process and
then conveyed into a sorting room, where workers separate maintaining high-quality control, a large MRF can easily pro-
the bottles by color; if the glass is not separated by color, it has cess up to 300 tons of commingled material per day.
no resale value. In most MRFs, the glass bottles are further Paper is processed in a commingled MRF on a separate
processed by crushing them into roughly 12-mm 11>2 @in.2 conveyor line. Old newspaper is generally bundled at the
particles and then removing bottle caps and other such mate- curb and not allowed to mix with the other papers in the col-
rial in a rotating drum trommel screen classifier. The resultant lection truck. At the MRF, the ONP is dumped in a separate
glass product is marketable as furnace-ready cullet. area prior to being conveyed past quality control workers,
The plastic and aluminum containers are also conveyed who remove materials that are considered to be contami-
to a sorting area. The separation of plastic is typically accom- nants. It is baled and loose loaded into tractor trailers and
plished by hand with skilled sorters who can identify the shipped to paper mills for use in making newspaper. Much
plastic types through experience. Recently, equipment has of the remaining paper is suitable for sale to tissue mills.
been developed that can identify plastic by its chemical prop- Advancements in waste handling technology and pro-
erties and can allow the complete automation of plastic sort- cessing equipment in recent years has fostered an increased
ing. The equipment is expensive, but it can eliminate three use of single-stream recycling systems. Single-stream MRFs
or four sorters who normally have to separate the materials typically have a large metering bin and a presort line with

Figure 11-13  A compressed bale or “biscuit” of aluminum compressed and extruded for recycling.
(Courtesy of Chinch Gryniewicz/Ecoscene/Corbis.)
Municipal Solid Waste 309

pneumatic tubes to remove plastic bags and larger rigid soil layer. Construction of natural attenuation landfills for
plastic items. A screening system removes bulky cardboard; MSW is now banned in most locations, and suitable bottom
glass is removed through glass breaker screens, and fibers liners and leachate collection systems are required at new
are separated from containers over another set of screens. landfill sites. Current EPA rules for the operation of munici-
Containers are sorted using electromagnets, ballistic air sep- pal solid waste landfills (MSWLFs) also require installation
arators, modern optical sorters, and aluminum eddy current of monitoring systems to detect groundwater pollution; if
systems. A combination of manual and optical fiber sorters contamination is detected, it must be reduced below the fed-
are also used, and each sorted material is compacted and eral limits for safe drinking water.
baled or shipped loose to domestic or overseas markets. In addition to providing an option for waste manage-
ment, an MSWLF also serves to improve or reclaim poor-
quality land. The landfill gradually raises the ground elevation
11-6  Sanitary Landfills or surface grade of the site. Some completed sanitary landfills
have been successfully converted into municipal parks, play-
The oldest and most widely used method for ultimately grounds, golf courses, and other community land-use proj-
disposing of solid waste is land disposal. Until the mid- ects. The ultimate use of the site should be decided at the out-
20th century, waste was simply placed in a heap on top set of the project so that the landfill can be constructed and
of the ground, and the disposal site was called a dump. operated with that goal in mind.
These uncontrolled, open dumps quickly became breeding Landfilling is generally the most economical alternative
grounds for many vectors of disease, including rats, mosqui- for solid waste disposal, which accounts for its frequent appli-
toes, and flies. In addition to posing a direct threat to public cation. In recent years, however, the practice of landfilling has
health, open dumps were smelly, unsightly nuisances. They declined in popularity as an option for waste disposal. For
also polluted surface water and groundwater, and they regu- many urban communities, it has become increasingly diffi-
larly caught fire. Open dumping of solid waste material is cult to find suitable landfill sites that are within economical
no longer an acceptable (or legal) disposal method in the hauling distances (less than 25 km). Public opposition (the
United States and in many other countries. NIMBY syndrome) has also become a major consideration.
Nevertheless, most municipal waste is still disposed of The suitability of a landfill site is determined by its size or
on land. But the waste is now buried in a sanitary landfill, volume, as well as a host of other technical and environmen-
not simply deposited in a pile on the ground. A sanitary tal factors. A few big cities in the United States are presently
landfill is not a dump. It is a carefully planned and engi- embarking on plans to build MSW cogeneration incinerators
neered facility for solid waste disposal. This means that it is (i.e., with energy recovery) due to the rapidly declining space
designed, constructed, and operated in an environmentally for landfill within city limits. Disposal of MSW in sanitary
sound manner that does not threaten public health or safety, landfills has decreased from about 89 percent in 1980 to 54
and that also minimizes public nuisances (such as wind- percent in 2010.
blown litter and unpleasant odors). Another reason for the declining popularity of sani-
Three key characteristics of a municipal sanitary landfill tary landfilling is the realization that, in the long run, some
distinguish it from an open dump: environmental damage may occur no matter how well engi-
1. Solid waste is placed in a suitably selected and pre- neered the design, construction, and operation of the site are.
pared (e.g., lined) landfill site in a carefully prescribed It is believed by many people that it is not possible to build a
manner. completely safe and secure solid waste landfill (particularly
2. The waste material is spread out and compacted with for hazardous waste). Some of the confined pollutants may
appropriate heavy machinery. eventually escape into the environment (in the form of leach-
ate), with the potential to harm public health and damage the
3. The waste is covered each day with a layer of compacted
local ecosystem.
Despite these concerns, however, landfilling of solid
Perhaps the most salient feature of modern sanitary waste will continue to be practiced worldwide to a significant
landfill design is the technology used to prevent groundwa- extent for many years simply because of economic and tech-
ter pollution. In the recent past, it was believed that a suitable nical necessity. It is not possible to reclaim and recycle all solid
depth or thickness of naturally occurring soil between the waste materials. There will always be a solid residue from
bottom of the landfill site and the groundwater table or bed- incineration (or any other waste processing method), which
rock would suffice to prevent pollution. It was believed that will require ultimate disposal on land or underground, and
pollutants seeping out from the bottom of a MSW landfill (in there is no guarantee that other disposal methods are entirely
a liquid called leachate) would be filtered and absorbed (in a safe. Incineration, for example, will always cause some degree
process called natural attenuation) as they percolated down of air pollution, even with use of the most sophisticated air-
into the groundwater aquifer. cleaning devices.
But, by the 1980s, it was discovered that soil does not According to EPA estimates, about 54 percent of the
necessarily absorb or attenuate the contaminants seeping out total MSW stream in the United States was deposited in
from a sanitary landfill, no matter how thick the underlying landfills in 2010, down from 94 percent in 1960 (about
310 chapter Eleven

34 percent was recycled and the rest was incinerated or Solution

composted). The number of landfills has been decreasing— The total weight of refuse generated per year is
from about 8000 in 1988 to about 1800 in 2010. The total
5 lb 365 d
capacity, though, has remained constant because new land- * * 15,000 persons
person - d 1 yr
fills are much larger than those provided in the past. Also,
the total amount of MSW generated and deposited in land- = 27.4 * 106 lb>yr
fills has continued to increase over the years, despite source The total yearly volume of refuse is
reduction and recycling efforts, because of steady popula-
lb 1 yd3
tion growth. 27.4 * 106 * = 27,400 yd3 >yr
yr 1000 lb
Site Selection The additional volume for cover material is

Many technical factors are involved in selecting a location 0.25 * 27,400 = 6850 yd3 >yr
for a new sanitary landfill. Perhaps the most important Therefore, the total landfill volume required is
include the site’s volume capacity, accessibility, and hydro-
geologic conditions. Other factors include the climate and 27,400 + 6850 = 34,250 yd3 >yr
local socioeconomic conditions. One of the most difficult The available volume of the landfill is
and frustrating problems with regard to siting a new landfill,
43,560 ft2 1 yd3
however, is more political than technical in nature. 25 ac * * 20 ft * = 8.07 * 105 yd3
The general public equates landfill with dump and takes 1 ac 27 ft3
little note of the fact that a landfill is designed, built, and The useful life of the site is estimated to be
operated according to up-to-date engineering principles. 8.07 * 105 yd3 , 34,250 yd3 >yr ≃ 24 years
Citizens, including local politicians, are reluctant to allow
construction of a new landfill in their communities, and
long, drawn-out legal battles over proposed sites are not Example 11-3
uncommon. A possible way to overcome this problem may
Estimate how many hectares of land would be required for a
be to take the siting approval authority out of the hands of
sanitary landfill, under the following conditions:
county officials and politicians and leave the final decision
up to an appropriate nonpartisan statewide commission.
Design life of the site 30 years
The total capacity and design life of a new landfill
depend on the size and topography of the site, the rate of MSW generation rate 25 N > person > d
refuse generation, and the degree of refuse compaction. MSW compacted unit weight 5.0 kN > m3
The amount of daily soil cover material adds roughly 20 Average fill depth 10 m
percent to the overall fill volume and must be considered Community population 50,000
when evaluating the capacity of a landfill. There should be
MSW-to-cover ratio 4:1 (20 percent of volume
enough volume capacity within the working area of the site
for cover)
so that the landfill will have a design life of about 25 years.
The longer the useful life of the site, the more economical is Solution
the overall solid waste management operation for the com-
munities involved. The quantity of MSW generated each year is
A generally accepted rule of thumb regarding municipal N 365 d
landfill capacity is that roughly 1 ha–m (8 ac–ft) of volume 25 * * 50,000 persons
person - d 1 yr
is needed each year to serve a population of 10,000 persons.
(This can be visualized as 1 ha of land covered to a depth of 1 = 4.56 * 105
m, or 1 ac of land covered to a depth of 8 ft, with compacted
refuse.) The following examples illustrate typical computa- The volume of compacted refuse is
tions related to landfill capacity.
4.56 * 105 kN>yr , 5.0 kN>m3 = 91,250 m3 >yr
Example 11-2 The additional volume required for soil cover is
A rural community of 15,000 persons generates refuse at
91,250>4 = 22,813 m3 >yr
an average rate of 5 lb per person per day. A 25-ac landfill
site is available, with an average depth of compacted refuse The total required volume is 91,250 + 22,813 =
limited to 20 ft by local topography. It is estimated that the 114,063 m3 >yr.
compacted refuse will have a unit weight of 1000 lb>yd3 The area required is computed as
and that an additional 25 percent of volume will be taken by
the cover material. What is the anticipated useful life of the volume 114,063 m3 >yr
area = = = 11,406 m2 >yr
landfill? depth 10 m
Municipal Solid Waste 311

Because 1 ha = 10,000 m2 and the design life is 30 years, the fault lines. Finally, the proximity to airports is of concern in
total required landfill area can be estimated as siting new sanitary landfills. A landfill closer than about 1.5
m2 1 ha km (1 mi) to an airport runway must be operated in a man-
11,406 * * 30 years ≈ 34 ha ner that prevents hazards to aircraft from birds that may be
yr 10,000 m2
attracted to the site.
(Additional land would be needed for access roads, buildings,
and the like.)
Leachate Containment
In addition to capacity and useful life, site accessibility is Sanitary landfills generate significant amounts of a highly
another important factor related to the location of a sanitary contaminated liquid called leachate, and past practice in
landfill. Accessibility refers to the ease with which refuse col- landfill design relied on the natural ability of soil to filter and
lection or transport vehicles can reach the disposal area on adsorb the pollutants. This concept of “natural attenuation”
streets and highways without causing a public nuisance or has been abandoned, and the new design concept is based
traffic hazard. on the control, containment, and treatment of the leachate;
Sites that require trucks to travel relatively long distances, modern MSWLFs are also called containment landfills.
particularly through residential neighborhoods, are not desir- Some leachate results directly from the moisture and
able. It would be best to locate the landfill in a nonresidential decomposition of garbage and other putrescible material
area, where the constant truck traffic will not be so much of a in the waste material, but much of it may come from run-
nuisance (litter, noise, and odor) or hazard. Because suitable off or surface water that first infiltrates the fill and percolates
landfill sites are increasingly difficult to find in most urban downward through the waste material. Direct contact with
communities, the landfills are often located well outside city the waste results in severe contamination of this water. If
limits. In such cases, centralized transfer stations (see page leachate then reaches and mixes with groundwater or seeps
296) are used to improve the waste hauling operation. The col- out of the fill into a nearby stream or lake, significant envi-
lection trucks first deliver the refuse from the individual neigh- ronmental damage can occur. Generally, as more water infil-
borhoods to the transfer station, where it is accumulated in trates and flows through the landfill, more pollutants are
large tractor-trailer vehicles for final transport to the landfill. leached. However, if a sanitary landfill is located in an arid
Capacity and accessibility have always been important region with little rainfall, the production of leachate is much
factors related to the location of a sanitary landfill, but public less of a problem. It is important for engineers to be able to
concern for environmental health protection is now a more estimate the rate of leachate generation in a landfill to be able
significant force with respect to landfill siting decisions. It is to adequately design the facility. A hydrogeologic technique
extremely important to minimize contamination from the called the water ­balance method may be used to calculate
landfill of the surrounding environment, particularly of sur- leachate amounts; computer programs are utilized to speed
face water or groundwater. Local hydrology and geology (or up these and other computations related to the design of a
hydrogeology) of the site has a direct influence on the pos- sanitary landfill.
sibility of water pollution. Soil borings and a thorough study MSWLF leachate quality is highly variable, but it gen-
of subsurface geologic conditions are of importance for erally contains more pollutants than raw sewage or many
landfill siting and design. Data regarding underlying rock industrial wastes. The strength of leachate typically depends
types, soil gradation, permeability, and other factors that on the type and depth of the waste, age of the landfill, rate
affect groundwater flow must be obtained. of water infiltration, landfill operation, and other factors.
Perhaps the key imperative for landfill location and In some cases, when sludge from municipal sewage treat-
design is that at no time should the waste be in contact with ment plants is disposed of in an MSWLF (a practice called
surface water or groundwater. Accordingly, landfills should codisposal), the generation and quality of leachate may be
not be located in low-lying wetland areas such as swamps significantly affected. Many parameters are used to measure
or marshes, nor should they be located in the floodplains the quality of leachate, including BOD, dissolved solids, pH,
of streams or rivers; EPA rules (under RCRA) place strong heavy metals, and others. (Leachate BODs of up to 20,000
restrictions on site requirements in this regard. Also, a mini- mg>L have been reported.) Hazardous wastes inadvertently
mum distance of 60 m (200 ft) from any lakes or ponds should disposed of in an MSWLF can lead to more serious envi-
generally be maintained, and a vertical separation of at least ronmental threats from a wide variety of toxic substances
1.5 m (5 ft) between the base of the landfill and the seasonally carried in the leachate.
high groundwater table elevation is generally required. There are basically two ways to prevent leachate prob-
It is important that new landfills not be located in lems at a sanitary landfill. One is to intercept and chan-
unstable areas where landslides or sinkholes may occur. If nel surface runoff to prevent it from entering the landfill.
a sanitary landfill must be located in a seismic impact zone Another is to provide a suitable type of impermeable barrier
where it may be damaged by mild earthquake activity, it or liner between the waste and the underlying aquifer. This
must be designed to resist the forces caused by the seismic is now required for all new municipal solid waste landfills
activity. New MSWLFs or extensions of existing facilities and expansions of old landfills in the United States under
should not be located within 60 m (200 ft) of active geologic RCRA Subtitle D regulations.
312 chapter Eleven

hydraulic conductivity of less than 1 * 10-6 mm>s. That is,

Vegetation/soil any water or leachate that enters the clay will flow at a rate
top layer less than one millionth of a millimeter per second (equiva-
Filter layer
Sand lent to about 30 mm or a little more than 1 in. per year).
20-mil FML drainage layer
Low permeability Leachate Collection and Treatment  The leachate that
FML/soil layer
is intercepted and contained by the bottom liner system can-
not be allowed to simply accumulate indefinitely. It must be
Waste collected and treated at a centralized location prior to dis-
posal. Options for final disposal primarily include discharge
into a municipal sewage treatment plant, land application, or
Figure 11-14  Final cover or cap of an MSW sanitary landfill. on-site treatment and discharge into a stream. A network of
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
perforated plastic pipes located in a drainage layer located just
above the impermeable liner is generally used to collect the
leachate. The perforated pipes, called laterals (100 mm or 4 in.
Control of Surface Water  Surface water can be con-
in diameter), direct the leachate to a larger header system and
trolled and diverted away from the landfill by proper grad-
finally to a sump pit or pump station. Provisions are made for
ing; generally, a 6 to 12 percent slope of the daily cover will
inspection and maintenance to ensure free flow of leachate.
allow water to drain freely from the landfill. Concrete-lined
MSWLF leachate is generally a high-strength wastewater
channels or drainage ditches can be constructed around the
characterized by high BOD, low pH, and the possible presence
perimeter of the site to divert upland rainfall and to collect
of toxic substances. It is sometimes, but not always, amenable
surface runoff from the site.
to conventional sewage treatment processes. In addition to
The final cover or cap at the top of a completed land-
technical problems related to treatment and disposal, non-
fill is constructed so that it is impermeable and prevents
technical factors must often be considered, such as legal and
infiltration of rain water directly on the landfill areas; it is
regulatory constraints as well as public participation.
designed and graded to keep water away from the buried
If a nearby sewer system is available and the munici-
waste. The cap may typically consist of a soil layer at least
pal treatment plant has adequate capacity, it is most conve-
600 mm (24 in.) thick, with a 3 to 5 percent slope; it should
nient to treat the leachate at the existing public facility; the
be underlain by a sandy-soil drainage layer and a flexible
leachate often requires some degree of on-site pretreatment,
membrane liner (FML) with a low-permeability soil layer
depending on its characteristics. If it is treated on-site only
(see Figure 11-14).
and then discharged to a nearby body of water, it is subject
to point source permit requirements. Many of the physical,
Bottom Liners  Most new MSWLFs are to be constructed
biological, and chemical treatment processes described in
with composite liners made of a synthetic material over a
Chapter 10 can be applied, in a variety of combinations, to
600-mm (24-in.) layer of clay; this forms an impermeable
adequately treat the leachate.
barrier that contains the leachate and prevents it from mix-
ing with groundwater. (In some cases, state regulatory agen-
cies may allow some variations in the design and thickness Construction and Operation
of the bottom liner, depending on local conditions.) A construction feature common to all MSW landfills is the
The synthetic material, usually made of HDPE plastic, refuse cell. It is the basic building block of the landfill and
is called a flexible membrane liner (FML) or geomembrane. must be formed in a proper manner. When excavations can
It is placed over a carefully prepared subbase to prevent its be made below ground, the trench method may be used to
puncture or ripping. A typical cross section of a compos- form refuse cells. Where excavations are not feasible due to
ite liner is shown in Figure 11-15. The clay must have a groundwater or rock conditions, other methods are used.
The ramp method may be used to construct the cells in
Drainage blanket low-lying areas or topographic depressions, as illustrated in
Leachate Figure 11-16. In some cases, when the area method is used, a
system mound or hill is gradually formed by the rising lifts of com-
pacted MSW.
Incoming refuse is spread out and promptly compacted
2 feet
in thin layers at a confined portion of the site. To ensure
Flexible Compacted soil proper compaction, these layers are generally no more than
membrane (permeability
_7 1 m (3 ft) thick; several such layers are placed and compacted
liner <
–1 x 10 cm/sec) on top of each other to a maximum height of about 3 m (10
Figure 11-15  Cross section of an MSWLF composite ft). The unit weight of the compacted refuse is typically about
­bottom line. 6 kN>m3 (1000 lb>yd3), which is more than four times its
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) initial loose density when it was collected. Compaction is a
Municipal Solid Waste 313

Daily earth cover (6 in.)

Compacted solid waste

Figure 11-16  In the ramp method of landfill construction, refuse is placed and compacted on a slope.
­Bottom liners are not shown.
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)

key factor in landfill construction and operation, serving to access. When the landfill is finally completed, the cap placed
reduce the waste volume and maximize the useful capacity on top of the uppermost lift must be impermeable to prevent
and design life of the landfill site. water from entering; the cap may also be covered with about
At the end of each day’s operation, the compacted 150 mm (6 in.) of soil (see Figure 11-14).
refuse is covered with a layer of soil, which may also be com- Various types of heavy machinery are needed at MSW
pacted to a thickness of at least 150 mm (6 in.). Both the sanitary landfills to spread and compact the refuse, as well
compacted refuse and the soil cover make up a single cell of as to haul, spread, and compact the soil cover material.
the landfill. Several adjoining cells of the same height make Traditional earthwork construction equipment can be used.
up a lift, and the completed landfill may consist of several The bulldozer, for example, is one of the most versatile
lifts, as illustrated in Figure 11-17. Cover material is prefer- machines at a sanitary landfill. It can be used for a variety of
ably obtained directly from the landfill site, but it also can be operations, including spreading and compacting.
hauled in from off-site locations. Large landfills may require several additional machines,
The daily soil cover serves several useful purposes, including large earthmovers called scrapers or pans. These
although it uses up a significant fraction of the landfill vol- machines excavate, haul, and spread cover material when
ume. It reduces odors, windblown debris, and the risk of the haul distance exceeds the range of dozers (about 100
fires; it minimizes the risk of infectious disease transmis- m or 300 ft). Special landfill equipment, such as the steel-
sion (e.g., by rats or flies), and it improves site esthetics and wheeled compactor shown in Figure 11-18 may be used to
achieve higher compaction densities of the refuse. On-site
Typical MSW densities up to 8 kN>m3, or 1400 lb>yd3, can be
Final cover refuse cell Final elevation or grade achieved with full-width large-toothed compactors. The
Daily cover large-toothed wheels serve as load concentrators, providing
Lift 2 more compaction pressure than conventional rubber-tired
Working face of or crawler-tractor equipment. An increase in the compacted
the landfill
refuse density can significantly increase the capacity and
Lift 1 service life of a landfill.
ground A phasing plan is important for operating large sanitary
landfills. This simply means that selected areas of the land-
fill site will be scheduled to receive final cover or capping
Figure 11-17  The basic building block of a sanitary landfill
is a compacted cell of solid waste, which is separated from in a particular sequence, after final grade is reached. When
other cells by a layer of compacted soil. (Bottom liner and the total depth of the landfill exceeds 9 m (30 ft) from the
cap details are not shown.) base, it is not unusual for an intermediate cover to be used at
314 chapter Eleven

Figure 11-18  A steel-wheeled compactor, one of several types of heavy machinery

needed for daily operation of a municipal sanitary landfill.
(Courtesy of Terex Corporation.)

mid-depth, as illustrated in Figure 11-19. The intermedi- Landfill Gas  The organic material in buried solid waste
ate cover is typically 600 mm (2 ft) of clay soil and 150 mm will decompose from the action of microorganisms. The
(6 in.) of topsoil over the area; new phases are started on top rate of decomposition depends primarily on the amount
of the lower phases. The sequence and direction of filling of moisture present in the waste. Decomposition proceeds
should be indicated in the phasing plan; it must be prepared at a relatively rapid rate when moisture content exceeds 50
to ensure that the waste is deposited in its final resting place. percent, but complete breakdown of the waste and landfill
In flat-lying areas of the country, or where the ramp stabilization typically takes about 20 years.
method of landfill construction may not be appropriate, an At first, the refuse decomposes aerobically until the oxy-
excavation or trench is prepared (and lined) to receive the gen that was present in the freshly placed fill is used up by
waste. Some communities, however, have piled the waste the aerobic microorganisms. Then the anaerobes take over,
into enormous heaps (“Mt. Trashmores”), some of which producing methane, CH4, and other gases as they metabo-
have been converted into ski slopes. lize the organics. Methane mixed with air in concentrations
between 5 percent and 15 percent is highly explosive. It is
also poisonous and can cause death by asphyxiation.
The methane will follow the path of least resistance;
Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Phase VI
it can travel considerable distances horizontally through
porous layers of sand and gravel. Hazardous conditions can
occur if the gas rises to the surface and accumulates in base-
(a) (b) ments, buildings, or other enclosed areas. The explosions
Final cover and tragic loss of life that have occurred in the past because
Lip berm of landfill gas could have been avoided by proper design and
1 Intermediate cover
Phase IV 3 construction of the landfill. This is why the possible flow of
the gas through the refuse cells and soil must be taken into
account during the design stage of an MSW sanitary landfill.
Phase I Phase II Phase III
Providing impermeable barriers in the fill can control
gas movement. A 1-m (3-ft)-thick layer of moist clay soil, for
example, will act as an excellent barrier to the flow of landfill
(c) gas at the bottom and periphery of the fill. A venting system
can be constructed to collect the blocked gas and vent it to
Figure 11-19  Phasing plan for a multiphase landfill:
the surface, where it will be safely diluted and dispersed into
(a) lower phase, (b) upper phase, (c) cross section.
the atmosphere, as illustrated in Figure 11-20. However,
(From Design, Construction, and Monitoring of Landfills, A. Bagchi.
Copyright © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This material is used by methane is a powerful “greenhouse gas” that contributes to
permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) global warming and climate change (see Section 13-4).
Municipal Solid Waste 315

Gas vent

Top layer

Drain layer
FML FML/soil layer
vent layer
Perforated pipe

Figure 11-20  Methane gas can be vented through the cap of a completed
landfill to dilute it below dangerous levels.
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)

Instead of venting the gas to the atmosphere, the meth- gas monitoring. It is also necessary that a description of
ane can be collected and recovered for use as a fuel. Actually, planned uses of the site be prepared. Some of these require-
methane is one of the most important recoverable resources ments can be waived by state regulatory agencies if it can be
from MSW landfilling operations. At several landfills in the demonstrated that there is no potential for hazardous wastes
United States methane recovery is now practiced, and more to pollute the uppermost aquifer.
such gas recovery projects are being planned. Recovery Groundwater monitoring requires the installation of
systems that are designed to process the collected landfill monitoring wells at appropriate locations around the site
gas are commercially available. They use a principle called boundary. Semiannual sampling and testing for a wide
membrane permeation to separate traces of carbon dioxide, variety of inorganic compounds and volatile organics is
nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide from the gas, leaving a purer required. Remedial action must be taken if it is found that
methane product for sale as a fuel. An MSWLF gas extrac-
tion system is shown in Figure 11-21.
The largest methane gas-to-energy facility in the United
States was built in 2012 at the Olinda Alpha landfill in Orange
County, California, with an energy generating capacity of PLAN VIEW
33 MW. In some gas-to-energy sanitary landfills, hydro-
gen sulfide (H2S) that is mixed with the methane must be facility
removed from the landfill gas before combustion, to protect
the turbines from corrosion due to formation of acidic sulfur Landfill
Area to be
dioxide. This is done, for example, at the Central Sanitary protected
Landfill and Recycling Center in Broward County, Florida. Gas
extraction Gas collection
At this facility, about 9 million ft3 >d of gas is collected from well header
300 wells on site that feed the gas turbine generators. Monitoring probe
(space @ 100' +
Although recovering methane gas at a landfill for use as
fuel and a source of energy is beneficial, it is not as efficient as
burning refuse derived fuel at a waste-to-energy incineration Section A-A
plant. For example, the methane recovered per ton of MSW
Gas extraction well Monitoring
at a landfill can generate about 65 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of Control valve probe
electricity, whereas the same amount of MSW incinerated in
Gas collection
a cogeneration plant can produce about 590 kWh of electric header
energy. Moreover, because they are equipped with efficient
air pollution control systems, modern cogeneration inciner-
ators emit fewer equivalent greenhouse gases and other pol-
lutants into the atmosphere per kWh of energy produced. Natural
Landfill Maintenance and Monitoring  In addition
to setting minimum standards for siting, design, construc- varies
tion, and operation of MSWLFs, federal regulations in the
United States address the manner in which the facilities are Groundwater or
completed or closed. The owner or operator of the landfill is base of landfill
required by law to prepare a written 30-year plan for final
cover maintenance, leachate collection system operation Figure 11-21  Landfill gas extraction.
and maintenance, groundwater monitoring, and methane (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
316 chapter Eleven

pollution has occurred and exceeds trigger levels established incineration, shredding, pulverizing, baling, and compost-
by state public health or environmental agencies. ing. Incineration (burning) waste effectively reduces its
weight by about 75 percent and its volume by about 90 per-
A Landfill Landmark  Operation of the first sani- cent, but it is costly and requires extensive air pollution con-
tary landfill in the United States began in 1937, in Fresno, trols. Adequate burning temperatures and burning times
California. This was a landmark for public health protec- are essential for proper air pollution control. Municipal
tion. In fact, in the summer of 2001, the U.S. Department incinerators, including the rotary kiln furnace and the rect-
of the Interior was preparing to include the Fresno landfill angular furnace, are designed for continuous-feed opera-
on the National Register of Historic Places. This idea was tion. The solid residue remaining after combustion (bottom
sponsored by the National Park Service, as part of a pro- ash) requires final disposal in a landfill. Recovery of the heat
gram to document the history of civil engineering. But an given off by burning refuse can be accomplished using a
ironic complication put the effort on hold. It turns out that refractory-lined furnace followed by a boiler.
the landfill was already on a special federal register—the The physical processes of shredding (cutting and tear-
Superfund list, which involved the landfill site in hazardous ing) or pulverizing (crushing and grinding) can achieve
waste cleanup activities (see Section 12-4). size reduction of solid waste. This prepares the waste for
The 56 ha (145 ac) Fresno landfill used the trench ­production of refuse-derived fuel or for composting. Two
method for solid waste disposal, and although it was an engi- common types of size reduction equipment include hammer
neered facility, the site was not lined (because that was not a mills and rotary shear shredders. Size reduction improves
requirement at the time). In the early 1980s, it was discov- the performance of mechanical separation machinery that
ered that methane gas and leachate were causing pollution may be used subsequently and helps increase landfill capac-
problems. Consequently, in 1989, the landfill was closed and ity. Baling involves compaction of the waste into the form
placed on the Superfund list. Since then, roughly $38 million of rectangular blocks, which are wrapped with steel wire to
has been spent on cleaning up the site, which contains about retain their shape during handling. In addition to decreas-
60 million m3 (79 million yd3) of MSW. Methane is now ing the waste volume, baling prior to placement in a landfill
vented, leachate is now treated, and the capped site is being reduces litter and nuisance potential. Composting is a bio-
transformed into a public park and sports complex. logical process that allows the organic portion of MSW to
decompose under controlled conditions, transforming the
waste into a potentially beneficial material called compost
11-7  Chapter Synopsis (humus). Sorting, separating, shredding, and pulverizing
Municipal solid waste, comprising garbage, rubbish, and processes generally precede composting. In some integrated
trash from homes, businesses, and institutions, must be waste management programs, co-composting of MSW and
properly disposed of to protect environmental quality and sewage sludge is applied.
public health. About 20 N (4.5 lb) per person per day of Recycling involves separating out and reusing the com-
MSW is generated in the United States, adding up to about ponents of the MSW stream that have some economic value,
250 million tons every year. (In some other countries, the including metals, paper, glass, and plastic. Separation can
MSW generation rate can be as low as 5 N per person per be done at the source or at a centralized waste processing
day.) In the United States, almost one third of MSW, by plant. Source separation programs are practiced in many
weight, is paper, and garbage (i.e., food waste) makes up communities in which recyclable materials are kept separate
only about 14 percent of the total. Three key components of from garbage at the home or business, thereby increasing
an integrated waste management strategy are source reduc- the cleanliness and marketability of the material. In many
tion (waste prevention), recycling (recovery and reuse), and cases, nonpaper materials (glass, metals, plastic) are com-
disposal (incineration and landfill). mingled and collected in one compartment of a recycling
About two thirds of the total cost for MSW management truck. Most recently, single-stream collection of solid wastes
is needed for waste collection, including transfer to a collection is being used with increasing frequency due to advance-
vehicle and transport to a processing facility or disposal site. ments in processing technology. The waste materials must
Compaction in a collection vehicle can temporarily reduce the be separated by type in a materials recycling facility (MRF).
waste volume by as much as 80 percent. In many communi- Glass must be separated by color; otherwise, it has no resale
ties, source separation is practiced so recyclable material can value. Electromagnets are used to remove tin cans and other
be collected separately from garbage and nonrecyclable rub- ferrous metals from the commingled waste. Plastic is sepa-
bish. Transfer stations are used if it is not economical for indi- rated by hand via skilled sorters. An eddy current separator
vidual collection trucks to haul the waste to a processing or separates aluminum from plastic and other materials. Paper
disposal site. In some places, innovative pneumatic collection is processed on a separate conveyor line.
systems pull the waste by vacuum to a central processing plant. Ultimately, a portion of the MSW stream is disposed
MSW is processed to reduce the total volume and of in a sanitary landfill, which is a carefully planned and
weight that needs final disposal, to improve its handling engineered facility. The key characteristics that distin-
characteristics, and to recover natural resources and guish landfills from old-fashioned “dumps” are as follows:
energy for reuse. The commonly used processes include Waste is placed in a suitably selected and prepared site in
Municipal Solid Waste 317

a carefully prescribed manner, waste material is spread out to serve a population of 10,000 persons. Accessibility refers
in layers and compacted with appropriate heavy machinery, to the ease with which collection or transport vehicles can
and waste is covered each day with a layer of compacted soil. reach the disposal area without causing a public nuisance or
In addition, all landfills are designed to prevent groundwa- hazard. Local geology and hydrology (hydrogeology) have
ter pollution by the leachate (polluted liquid) seeping out a direct influence on the possibility of water pollution. At
from the bottom of the landfill. Landfill is generally the most no time should the waste be in contact with surface water or
economical alternative for MSW disposal, although it has groundwater. Modern landfills are also called containment
become increasingly difficult to find suitable sites for new landfills because they are constructed with bottom liners. The
landfills. Also, in the long run, some environmental dam- liners confine the leachate and prevent it from mixing with
age may occur no matter how well the site is designed, built, groundwater. They are generally a combination of a layer of
and operated. (Nonetheless, it is not possible to recycle and clay covered with a flexible plastic material called a geomem-
reclaim all MSW.) brane. Methane gas that is generated in MSW landfills must
The most important factors in landfill site selection are be properly vented or collected for use as a fuel. Placing final
volume capacity, accessibility, and hydrogeologic condi- capping soil and drilling groundwater-monitoring wells is
tions. Generally, about 1 ha-m (8 ac-ft) of volume is needed necessary to close completed landfills.

Review Questions 11. What is composting? Briefly describe two methods by

which it is accomplished, and discuss any advantages or
1. Investigate how MSW is managed in the town or city disadvantages. What is co-composting?
in which you live or attend school. How much waste 12. What materials in the MSW stream are recyclable?
is generated per person per day? Who is responsible Briefly discuss some of the factors related to the recov-
for collection? How much recycling is done? Where ery and reuse of each type of material. Which recyclable
is the waste processed and disposed of? You probably material provides the largest revenues?
can obtain most of this information at the local depart- 13. Briefly discuss the collection of MSW recyclables. What
ment of public works. Write a brief report describing the is source separation? What is meant by commingling
results of your investigation. and beneficiation?
2. Why is solid waste disposal a significant problem?
14. What is a murf? Make a sketch or flow diagram show-
Briefly discuss the historical development of solid waste
ing the major steps in its operation, and briefly describe
management in the United States.
each step.
3. Give a brief definition of MSW, including the meaning
15. What is a cullet? Is clear cullet less valuable than mixed
of the terms “refuse,” “garbage,” “rubbish,” and “trash.”
color cullet? Explain.
Roughly how much MSW is generated in the United
States each year? About how much of it is garbage? 16. What are three key characteristics of an MSW sani-
tary landfill that distinguish it from an open dump?
4. What does the practice of solid waste management
What are some potential disadvantages of landfill-
encompass? What is generally the most expensive func-
ing as a waste disposal technique? Why will it con-
tion or activity?
tinue to be used for many years to come despite any
5. Briefly discuss the basics of MSW collection and trans- disadvantages?
port. What are some of the characteristics of an opti-
mum collection route? What is a transfer station and 17. Briefly discuss the technical and environmental factors
when is it needed? Briefly discuss an example of a non- involved in selecting a site for a new sanitary landfill.
conventional method for solid waste collection. What are some of the nontechnical factors involved? If a
new sanitary landfill was being proposed for construc-
6. List three purposes or advantages of solid waste processing. tion in your town, what are some of the questions you
7. Discuss the process of incineration, including design would ask at a town meeting? What is the NIMBY syn-
and operation factors. What is a resource recovery drome? Would you have it?
18. To what does site hydrogeology refer? Why is it of
8. Discuss the two kinds of solid residue remaining after importance with regard to sanitary landfill design?
incineration. What is a natural attenuation landfill?
9. Briefly discuss the purpose of shredding or pulverizing 19. What is the basic building block of a sanitary landfill?
MSW. How is it accomplished? How is it constructed? Make a sketch to illustrate your
10. What is the purpose or advantage of baling solid waste? answer. What kind of equipment or machinery is used
How is it accomplished? to construct and operate the landfill?
318 chapter Eleven

20. What is the purpose of daily cover at a sanitary landfill? 7. A community of 20,000 people generates MSW at a rate
How does it differ from the final cover or cap? of 5 lb per person per day. The compacted unit weight
21. What is leachate? How is it controlled? Make a sketch of the MSW in the collection truck is 500 lb>yd3. If the
of the cross section of a containment landfill. Briefly capacity of a collection truck is 15 yd3, how many truck-
describe how a MSW landfill is monitored after it is loads of MSW, on average, will be unloaded at the land-
completed. fill each day?
22. Discuss the generation of gas at a landfill and its control 8. A community of 30,000 people generates MSW at a rate
and possible dangers. Are there any potential advan- of 30 N per person per day. The compacted weight of the
tages of landfill gas generation? MSW in the collection trucks is 3 kN>m3. If the capacity of
a collection truck is 12 m3, how many truckloads of MSW,
23. What is a landfill phasing plan?
on average, will be unloaded at the landfill each day?
9. A community of 20,000 people uses a 10-ac landfill site
Practice Problems that can be filled to an average depth of 50 ft. If MSW is
generated at a rate of 6 lb per person per day, its compacted
1. If the initial loose volume of a mass of MSW is 20 yd3 and unit weight in the fill is 1000 lb>yd3, and the MSW-to-
after compaction the volume is reduced to 4 yd3, what is cover ratio is 4:1, what is the useful life of the site?
the percent volume reduction and the compaction ratio? 10. A community of 50,000 people uses a 12-ha landfill site
If it is desired to increase the volume reduction to 95 per- that can be filled to an average depth of 20 m. If MSW is
cent, what would the compaction ratio be? generated at the rate of 25 N per person per day, its com-
2. The minimum waste compaction ratio reported by the pacted unit weight in the fill is 8 kN>m3, and the MSW-
manufacturer of a high-pressure compaction machine is to-cover ratio is 5:1, what is the useful life of the site?
8:1. What is the corresponding percent volume reduc- 11. A community of 35,000 people generates MSW at the
tion of the waste? What was the uncompacted waste vol- rate of 30 N per person per day. It is compacted in a
ume of a 2.5 yd3 bale? sanitary landfill to a unit weight of 6 kN>m3. To what
3. The waste compaction ratio reported by the manufac- depth would a 2-ha area of a landfill site be covered after
turer of a high-pressure compaction machine is 10:1. 1 year of operation? Assume that soil cover adds 25 per-
What is the corresponding percent volume reduction of cent to the required volume.
the waste? What was the uncompacted waste volume of 12. A community of 70,000 people generates MSW at the rate
a 2.0 m3 bale? of 4 lb per person per day. It is compacted in a landfill to
4. If the initial loose volume of a mass of MSW is 18 m3 a unit weight of 1200 lb>yd3. To what depth would a 3-ac
and after compaction the volume is reduced to 2 m3, area of a landfill site be covered after 1 year? Assume that
what are the percent volume reduction and the compac- soil cover adds 20 percent to the required volume.
tion ratio? If it is desired to increase the volume reduc- 13. How many acres of land are required for a sanitary
tion to 95 percent, what would the compaction ratio be? landfill under the following conditions: design life =
5. A community of 50,000 people generates MSW at a rate 25 years, waste generation = 5 lb per person per day,
of 8 lb per person per day. It is compacted in a sanitary compacted weight = 1000 lb>yd3in the fill, average
landfill to a unit weight of 1200 lb>yd3. After 1 year of fill depth = 35 ft, population = 30,000, and MSW-to-
operation, to what depth will a 25-ac landfill be cov- cover ratio = 4:1?
ered? Assume an MSW-to-cover ratio of 4:1. 14. How many hectares of land would be required for a
6. A community of 240,000 people generates MSW at a sanitary landfill under the following conditions: design
rate of 25 N per person per day. It is compacted in a life = 40 years, waste generation = 20 N per person
sanitary landfill to a unit weight 10 kN>m3. After 1 year per day, compacted weight = 8kN>m3 in the land-
of operation, to what depth will a 10-ha landfill be cov- fill, average fill depth = 10 m, population = 50,000,
ered? Assume an MSW-to-cover ratio of 4:1. and MSW@to@cover ratio = 4:1?
c h a p t e r Tw e l v e

Hazardous Waste Management

Chapter Outline 12-4 Site Remediation

Superfund Program
12-1 Characteristics and Quantities
Field Sampling Methods
Definition of Hazardous Waste
Remediation Techniques
Waste Sources and Amounts
12-2 Transportation of Hazardous Waste
12-5 Hazardous Waste Minimization
Manifest System
Waste Minimization Audits
12-3 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Waste Reduction Methods
Hazardous Waste Treatment Methods
12-6 Chapter Synopsis
Storage Tanks and Impoundments
Land Disposal of Hazardous Waste

I n a modern society, large quantities of dangerous wastes

are generated by chemical manufacturing companies, pe-
troleum refineries, paper mills, smelters, and other indus-
tries. Even commercial establishments, such as dry cleaners,
machine shops, and automobile repair shops, generate some
The storage, collection, transport, treatment, and dis-
posal of hazardous waste require special attention. Years
ago, most people did not fully understand or appreciate
how these types of wastes might adversely and seriously
affect public health and natural ecosystems. Many hazard-
dangerous waste. These hazardous wastes, as they are called, ous wastes were simply left out in the open on the ground,
can result in serious illness, injury, or even death of the in- placed in pits or lagoons, or dumped in rivers. As a result
dividuals and populations exposed to them; they can also of this practice, thousands of uncontrolled or abandoned
pose an immediate and significant threat to e­ nvironmental hazardous waste sites were created, including old ware-
quality when improperly stored, transported, or disposed of. houses, manufacturing facilities, and landfills. One of the
Because of these dangers, current waste ­management prac- most significant environmental problems facing society
tice does not allow the intermingling or mixing of municipal today is the challenge of identifying, containing, and reme-
refuse and hazardous waste. Chapter 11 focused on nonhaz- diating (cleaning up) these old sites to protect public health
ardous municipal refuse (garbage, rubbish, and trash); this and environmental quality. In addition to the need to
chapter covers the management of hazardous waste from remediate uncontrolled hazardous waste sites (see Figure
industrial and commercial facilities, as well as from smaller 12-1), modern design requirements for proper treatment,
household sources. storage, and disposal of newly generated hazardous wastes
Hazardous wastes differ from other wastes in form and are extremely complex and costly. Synthetic bottom liner
behavior. They are often generated as liquids, but they can systems, for example, are just one of the many construc-
occur as solids, sludges, or gases. The wastes are often con- tion features now used at modern waste landfill sites (see
tained and confined in metal drums or cylinders. There are Figure 12-2).
hundreds of incidents on record in which illegal or inad- During the 1970s, the seriousness of the hazard-
equate handling and disposal of such hazardous wastes ous waste problem came into focus, and in 1976 in the
caused harm to the public and the environment. Many cases United States, the first law to deal with it on the national
involved surface and groundwater contamination, including level was enacted by Congress. This was the Resource
public water supplies. Other incidents involved the emission Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA (pronounced
of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The illegal, but “rekra” in waste management jargon). This act is adminis-
frequent, practice of “midnight dumping,” as it was called, tered and enforced by the U.S. Environmental Protection
may have saved the waste generators money, but it took a Agency (EPA) or by individual states that have established
toll on public and environmental health and public tax dol- approved hazardous waste programs no less stringent
lars (for site cleanups and proper disposal). than the federal program. The federal regulations that

320 chapter Twelve

(CERCLA), is commonly referred to as the “Superfund”

Under RCRA, a “cradle-to-grave” system for managing
hazardous waste from its point of origin to its final disposal
was established by the EPA. Design requirements for haz-
ardous waste landfills were also established. By 1984, when
RCRA was strengthened by the Hazardous and Solid Waste
Amendments, it had become clear that even well-regulated
land disposal could result in environmental damage and
that hazardous waste problems could not be solved by land
disposal alone. Greater emphasis was placed on effective
treatment prior to land disposal; treatment can neutralize
or stabilize the waste by changing its chemical or physical
Figure 12-1  Improper storage of hazardous waste material. Today, it is widely recognized that even strict controls
(Courtesy of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.) on land disposal coupled with modern treatment technol-
ogy cannot fully solve the nation’s hazardous waste prob-
lem. It is imperative that the amounts of hazardous wastes
control hazardous waste management (under Subtitle C generated in the first place be reduced and, wherever fea-
of RCRA), particularly disposal of the waste on land, are sible, completely eliminated. Waste minimization (apply-
more stringent than those for nonhazardous municipal ing source reduction and recycling) is now the main strategy
solid waste. In 1980, another federal law was passed to for managing hazardous (as well as municipal) waste in the
provide funds for the cleanup of the many uncontrolled United States and many other countries. The EPA promotes
and abandoned hazardous waste sites that were created voluntary waste minimization by providing technical guid-
before RCRA took effect. This law, the Comprehensive ance and assistance to waste generators; individual states
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act play a central role in these efforts.

Synthetic liner
Drums of
chemical waste
awaiting proper

Figure 12-2  A synthetic bottom liner installed at a hazardous waste landfill site; a layer of soil covers the liner to protect it
from damage by construction equipment. See Figures 12-9 and 12-10 for details.
(Courtesy of GSE Environmental LLC.)
Hazardous Waste Management 321

Several options are available for hazardous waste man- The necessary criteria for identifying hazardous wastes
agement and disposal. In order of preference, these can be have been set up by the EPA. First, a material may be defined
summarized as follows: as hazardous if it is specifically named or listed as such in
the federal regulations. This is a direct and unambiguous
1. Eliminate or reduce waste quantities at their source by
method of definition and makes it easy for waste genera-
modifying industrial processes and other techniques.
tors to know if they must manage their waste as hazardous;
2. Reclaim and recycle the waste, using it as a resource for if it is on the list, it is hazardous, period. The list adopted
some other industrial or manufacturing process. by the EPA includes nonspecific source wastes, specific source
3. Stabilize the waste, rendering it nonhazardous, by using wastes, and certain commercial chemical products.
appropriate chemical, biological, or physical processes. Nonspecific source wastes commonly generated by
4. Incinerate the waste at temperatures high enough to industrial processes include materials such as degreasing
destroy or detoxify it. solvents, dioxin wastes, and other dangerous materials that
5. Apply modern land disposal methods, preferably after come from a wide variety of manufacturing plants. Source-
providing some form of containerization or appropri- specific wastes, however, come from identifiable industries,
ate treatment. such as petroleum-refining or wood-preserving facili-
ties, and include wastewaters, sludges, and other residues.
Note that there is a difference between the terms “haz- Commercial chemical products include discarded acids,
ardous wastes” and “hazardous materials,” although many chloroform, creosote, and pesticides such as DDT. Also, any
people use these terms interchangeably. A hazardous waste waste material that contains a listed waste, regardless of the
is a used substance or by-product of some process or activ- percentage, is considered a hazardous waste. (This prevents
ity, whereas a hazardous material is new or unused. This may generators from simply diluting their listed wastes with
seem like a trivial distinction, but it is significant with regard nonhazardous wastes to evade the RCRA regulations.)
to the myriad laws now on the books to control the man- If a material is not on the EPA list of hazardous sub-
agement of these substances. One federal law intended to stances, it does not imply that it is nonhazardous. It still
regulate hazardous materials before they become hazardous may be defined as a hazardous waste if it exhibits any of the
wastes is the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), passed by measurable characteristics of a hazardous waste. The four
Congress in 1976. In this chapter, the focus is on the manage- primary characteristics, under the RCRA, are based on the
ment of hazardous waste rather than hazardous materials. physical or chemical properties of toxicity, reactivity, ignit-
ability, and corrosivity. Two additional types of hazardous
materials include waste products that are either infectious or
12-1 Characteristics
radioactive. (Note that toxicity is only one of several possible
and Quantities characteristics of a hazardous waste material, so the term
Effective management of hazardous waste requires a “toxic” should not be used synonymously with the term
straightforward and unambiguous means of identifying the “hazardous.”)
type of waste that is to be managed and regulated. A defini-
tion of hazardous waste should be workable, that is, reason- Toxicity  Toxic wastes are poisons, even in very small
ably easy to apply. Also, the use of technical terms must be or trace amounts. Some may have an acute or immediate
precise. For example, many people frequently use the terms effect on humans or animals, causing death or violent ill-
“toxic” and “hazardous” interchangeably. But this is not ness. Others may have a chronic or long-term effect, slowly
accurate, as is explained shortly. In addition to a workable causing irreparable harm to exposed persons. Certain toxic
definition for a waste management plan to be effective, data wastes are known to be carcinogenic, causing cancer (some-
are also needed on waste sources and quantities. times many years after initial exposure). Others may be
mutagenic, causing biological changes in the children or off-
spring of exposed people and animals.
Definition of Hazardous Waste Most toxic wastes are generated by industrial activities,
Published definitions and classifications of hazardous waste including the manufacture of chemicals, pesticides, paints,
vary. In the United States, wastes are defined under RCRA petroleum products, metals, textiles, and many other prod-
as being hazardous if they “cause or significantly contribute ucts. The toxicity of any particular waste is determined by
to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irrevers- an EPA-specified test called the toxicity characteristics leach-
ible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a substantial ing procedure (TCLP). The TCLP is used to determine the
present or potential hazard to human health or the envi- mobility of organic and inorganic compounds present in the
ronment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or waste. This procedure attempts to mimic conditions a waste
disposed of, or otherwise managed.” This may give a broad may be exposed to in a landfill, thus projecting the potential
view of hazardous waste, but it is definitely not a workable mobility of those compounds. In general, the extract from a
definition; more specific criteria are needed to facilitate representative sample of the waste is analyzed to see if it con-
an accurate identification of a particular waste material as tains more than the allowable concentrations of one or more
being hazardous or not. of the specific toxic substances listed by the EPA. Currently
322 chapter Twelve

Table 12-1  Maximum Concentration include listed exempted wastes such as drilling muds or
of Contaminants for the TCLPa wastes that are recyclable, such as lead acid batteries. States
have the right to list and regulate certain wastes as hazard-
Contaminant Maximum level (mg/L) ous in addition to those listed or determined to be hazard-
Arsenic 5.0 ous by RCRA. New Jersey and South Carolina, for example,
regulate waste oil.
Benzene 0.5
The EPA estimates that, until the mid-1980s, only about
Carbon tetrachloride 0.5
10 percent of hazardous waste was actually disposed of in
Chlordane 0.03 an environmentally sound manner. Much of it was disposed
Chloroform 6.0 of in unlined landfills, waste piles, or lagoons and poses a
Chromium 5.0 potential threat to public health and environmental quality.
Endrin 0.02 The cost of cleanup is expected to reach billions of dollars
Lead 5.0 and is currently being paid for through industrial contri-
Mercury 0.2 butions and federal funds allocated through the Superfund
Pentachlorophenol 100.0
program (as covered later in this chapter).
Silver 5.0
Trichloroethylene 0.5 Waste Sources and Amounts
Vinyl chloride 0.2 Under RCRA, the generator or creator of hazardous waste
This is an abbreviated list, for illustration purposes only. is responsible for identifying it as such. The generator is any
person or company that produces material that is listed by
the EPA as hazardous or has any of the defined characteris-
40 specific organic and inorganic chemicals are listed. An tics of a hazardous waste. It is the generator’s task to analyze
abbreviated list showing some selected toxic chemicals is all solid wastes to determine if they meet the RCRA defini-
provided in Table 12-1. tions or are on the list. Once a waste is identified as being
hazardous, it becomes subject to RCRA rules, and the gen-
Other Characteristics of Hazardous Wastes  Reactive erator assumes legal responsibilities for its proper manage-
wastes are unstable and tend to react vigorously with air, ment and disposal.
water, or other substances. The reactions cause explosions Three different categories of generators are recognized
or form very harmful vapors and fumes. Ignitable wastes by RCRA, including large-quantity, small-quantity, and con-
are those that burn at relatively low temperatures (less than ditionally exempt small-quantity generators. Large-quantity
60°C, or 140°F) and are capable of spontaneous combustion generators create more than 1000 kg (2200 lb) of hazardous
(i.e., they present an immediate fire hazard) during storage, waste per month or more than 1 kg (2.2 lb) of acutely haz-
transport, or disposal. Many waste oils and solvents are ig- ardous waste per month. Acutely hazardous wastes are those
nitable. Corrosive wastes, including strong alkaline or acidic considered to be so dangerous that even small amounts are
substances, destroy materials and living tissue by chemical regulated in the same way as are larger amounts of other
reaction. The pH value is used as an indicator of this char- hazardous wastes; they are specifically identified as being
acteristic; typically, liquids with pH less than 2 or greater acutely hazardous on the EPA list.
than 12.5 are considered to be corrosive. Such wastes can Small-quantity generators (SQGs) create between
rust or corrode unprotected steel at a rate more than 6 mm 100 and 1000 kg (220 and 2200 lb) of hazardous waste per
(0.25 in.) per year at a temperature of about 55°C (130°F). month or less than 1 kg (2.2 lb) of acutely hazardous waste
Infectious or medical waste includes human tissue from per month. Typical SQGs include dry cleaning facilities and
surgery, used bandages and hypodermic needles, microbio- automobile service stations. Conditionally exempt small-
logical material, and other substances generated by hospitals quantity generators create less than 100 kg of hazardous
and biological research centers. This type of material must be waste per month.
handled and disposed of properly, following EPA guidelines, Large-quantity waste generators and SQGs must com-
to avoid infection and the spread of communicable disease. ply with the RCRA regulations, including obtaining an EPA
Radioactive waste, particularly high-level radioactive identification (EPA ID) number, properly handling the
waste from nuclear power plants, is also of special concern waste before transport, manifesting the waste (discussed in
as a hazardous waste. Excessive exposure to ionizing radia- the next section), and properly keeping records and report-
tion can harm living organisms. Radioactive material may ing. Conditionally exempt SQGs do not require EPA ID
persist in the environment for thousands of years before it numbers. Appropriate pretransport handling requires suit-
decays appreciably. Because of the scope and technical com- able packaging to prevent leakage and labeling of the pack-
plexity of this problem, radioactive waste disposal is always aged waste to identify its characteristics and dangers.
considered separately from other forms of hazardous waste. Large-quantity generators may accumulate waste on
Even though a waste exhibits a characteristic of hazard- site for a maximum of 90 days if it is properly stored and
ous waste, it may be exempt from regulation. These wastes labeled and if a written emergency plan is prepared. SQGs
Hazardous Waste Management 323

may accumulate waste on site for up to 180 days. The com- pesticides. They are sometimes disposed of improperly in
plete details of these regulations are extensive and complex sewers, on the ground, or by intermingling them with ordi-
and require full and careful attention by the responsible par- nary household refuse. Many of these wastes can injure sanita-
ties. There are close to 70,000 generators of RCRA-regulated tion workers, contaminate wastewater treatment systems, and
hazardous waste in the United States. pollute the air, surface water, and groundwater. Individuals
can minimize these risks by reducing the use of hazardous
Hazardous Waste Quantities  Databases regarding the products and by taking their hazardous wastes to local waste
total amount of hazardous waste generated each year in the collection facilities, if available. Many states are drafting leg-
United States differ with respect to scope, content, and time islation to encourage this practice, and many civic organiza-
frame. It can be said, however, that of the several hundred tions and private firms have implemented successful recycling
millions of tons of hazardous waste generated each year, most programs (e.g., for used motor oil, paint, and solvents).
of it is corrosive liquid industrial waste that is discharged into
sewerage systems after appropriate pretreatment. Roughly 35 Radioactive Wastes  The two major categories of radio-
million tons per year of additional types of hazardous waste, active waste are high-level radioactive waste and low-level
though, must be stored, incinerated, treated, or disposed of ­radioactive waste. High-level waste includes the spent nu-
on or in the land. Much of the total production of hazardous clear fuel from nuclear power plants. Low-level waste includes
waste in the United States comes from the northeastern and ­radioactive materials generated at commercial facilities, hos-
midwestern regions of the country. pitals, and research institutions, as well as nuclear power
Hazardous wastes are generated by a wide variety of plants. For example, contaminated tools, pipes, containers,
manufacturing and nonmanufacturing facilities and pro- clothing, gloves, shoes, cleaning cloths, sampling filters, and
cesses, much too numerous to give a comprehensive list research equipment would be low-level radioactive waste. The
here. About half of the hazardous waste comes from the concentration of radioactive material in low-level radioactive
chemical products industry; the rest of it is generated by the waste can vary. All high-level radioactive waste is the respon-
petroleum, electronics, and metal-related industries, as well sibility of the federal government and must soon be disposed
as numerous others. of in a centralized deep geologic repository (possibly at Yucca
There are about 750 listed hazardous wastes and count- Mountain, Nevada). The federal government is also respon-
less more of the characteristic hazardous wastes. Examples sible for disposal of low-level waste from the atomic weapons
of the types of hazardous wastes produced by the chemical program. Disposal of other low-level waste is the responsibil-
industry include spent solvents and still bottoms (acetone, ity of the states in which the waste is generated. States may
benzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, and others), strong form groups (called “compacts”) to share the disposal respon-
acids (nitric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric acid, and others), sibilities. For example, the Midwest Compact includes Ohio,
strong alkaline wastes (ammonium and potassium hydrox- Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
ide, and others), and reactive wastes (sodium permanganate, Generators of low-level waste must store it on site until
potassium sulfide, and others). enough waste is accumulated for shipment to a disposal
Metal manufacturing produces spent plating wastes, ­facility. Temporary on-site storage buildings or rooms must
heavy metal sludges, cyanide wastes, chromic acid, and be equipped with special handling equipment and detectors.
many others. The paper industry creates carbon tetrachlo- Solid-form, low-level waste may be compacted to reduce vol-
ride, acids, ammonium hydroxide, and petroleum distillates. ume. It may also be incinerated, but the remaining ash from
The list of examples can go on and on, and the few given incineration must also be handled as low-level radioactive
here only serve to indicate the scope and wide variety of waste. Liquid, low-level waste may be temporarily stored as
hazardous wastes that must be managed. Adding to the vast is or may be solidified in concrete to confine its movement;
scope of the problem is the introduction of new products by water may be evaporated to reduce its volume. However, all
industry and therefore new wastes; the tremendous pace and liquid low-level radioactive waste must be solidified before
volume of hazardous waste generation point to the need to final disposal. Permanent low-level waste disposal sites must
intensify waste minimization and recycling efforts. meet the minimum siting criteria requirements of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to protect the general popu-
Household Hazardous Wastes  About 1.6 million tons lation from any releases of radioactive materials, and to ensure
of household hazardous wastes is generated each year in the long-term stability of the disposal site (see Section 12-3).
United States. This is a small fraction (less than 1 percent) of
the total amount of MSW generated, but when it is improp-
erly disposed of, it can create potential risks to people and 12-2 Transportation of
the environment. Household hazardous wastes should not
be intermingled with municipal refuse.
Hazardous Waste
As much as 45 kg (100 lb) of hazardous substances can One of the most important laws that regulate the handling
accumulate in the basements, garages, and storage closets of of hazardous waste in the United States is RCRA; under
the average American home. These substances include left- Subtitle C of this law, the EPA is given the responsibility
over paint, stains, and varnishes, batteries, motor oil, and for establishing and enforcing a national hazardous waste
324 chapter Twelve

management system. In addition to identifying the hazard- for managing the waste and gives the manifest to a licensed
ous wastes that are subject to the regulations, the EPA sets waste transporter, along with the waste itself. The trans-
and administers standards related to hazardous waste trans- porter must comply with the regulations of the DOT and the
port, treatment, storage, and disposal. This section focuses EPA with regard to transport vehicle standards, operation,
on the transport of hazardous waste. and response to accidental spills.
Hazardous waste generated at a particular source The manifest must be delivered by the waste transporter
requires movement to a licensed facility for proper treat- or hauler to the recipient of the waste at an authorized off-
ment, storage, or disposal. Because these three activities site storage, processing, or disposal facility. Each time the
are so closely related, the RCRA legislation links them all waste changes hands, the manifest form must be signed.
together and refers to their locations as treatment, storage, Copies of the manifest are kept by each party involved, and
and disposal facilities (or TSDFs). Moving or transporting copies are also sent to the appropriate state environmental
the waste from its source to a TSDF requires special care agency. Figure 12-3 illustrates a typical manifest cycle fol-
and attention due to the potential threats to environmental lowed by the state of New Jersey.
quality and public health and safety. Not only is there a pos- In addition to curtailing the practice of improper dis-
sibility of an accidental spill, there has been (before RCRA) posal (e.g., midnight dumping), the manifest system serves
a tendency for unscrupulous waste transporters to aban- several other purposes. It provides data with regard to
don the wastes at random locations or to open a valve and sources, types, and quantities of hazardous wastes. These
dump them “on the run.” This illegal practice (often called data are valuable for future planning and design of hazard-
“midnight dumping”) has been significantly curtailed by the ous waste management systems. The manifest ensures that
enactment of RCRA and other legislation. the nature of the waste is described to haulers and operators
In the United States, the transport of hazardous mate- of processing or disposal facilities; this prevents accidents
rials and hazardous waste is regulated by the EPA, as well due to improper handling or disposal of the waste. It also
as by the Department of Transportation (DOT). A law that
specifically focuses on transport activities is the Hazardous
Materials Transportation Act (HMTA), passed by Congress
in 1975. The HMTA requires proper labeling and transport
of all hazardous materials, including hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste that is moved from its source is trans- Generator
Disposal facility
ported mostly by truck over public highway routes that are • Identifies the hazardous waste
• Identifies the hauler
less than 160 km (100 mi) long. Only a very small amount • Completes generator's section
of hazardous waste is transported by rail and almost none • Sends copy to the state
by air or inland waterways. Highway shipment is used the State copy
most because the trucks can access most industrial sites and Generator copy
TSDFs; trains require expensive rail siding facilities and are
• Keeps records
suitable only for very large waste shipments. • Collects fees
Hazardous wastes can be shipped in cargo tank trucks Generator
• Checks for violations
• Inspects haulers and
made of steel or aluminum alloy, with capacities between 7600 disposal facilities
and 34,000 L (2000 and 9000 gal). They can also be contain- Hauler
• Assists in spill cleanup
• Undertakes long-term
erized and shipped in 210-L (55-gal) drums. Specifications accounting for
and standards for cargo tank trucks and shipping containers Disposal facility
hazardous waste

are included in RCRA and HMTA, and are enforced by the

EPA and the DOT. The DOT regulations deal mostly with Hauler
the “hardware,” that is, with the containers, trucks, and ship- Hauler copy
• Completes hauler's section
ping descriptions; the EPA regulations pertain primarily to a • Delivers waste to disposal
comprehensive tracking or manifest system, which follows facility

the waste from “cradle to grave.” All transporters of hazard- Generator

ous waste are required to have an EPA ID number.
Hauler Disposal facility

Manifest System • Completes disposal facility's section

• Certifies the form
Disposal facility
• Collects fees
One of the key features of RCRA with regard to the transport • Sends copy to the state
of hazardous waste is the “cradle-to-grave” manifest system Facility copy
for monitoring the journey of the waste from its point of
Figure 12-3  Hazardous waste “cradle-to-grave” manifest
origin to point of final disposal. The manifest is a record-
keeping document that must be prepared by the generator of
(From G. F. Bennett, et al., Hazardous Materials Spills Handbook,
the hazardous waste, such as a chemical manufacturing plant McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983. Reproduced with permission of
or other industry. The generator has primary responsibility The McGraw-Hill Companies.)
Hazardous Waste Management 325

provides information regarding recommended emergency The burning of organic wastes at very high tempera-
response procedures in the event of accidental spills or leaks. tures converts them to an ash residue and gaseous emis-
In the event of a leak or accidental spillage of hazardous sions. Combustion detoxifies hazardous waste material by
waste during its transport, the EPA and the DOT require altering its molecular structure and breaking it down into
the truck driver to take immediate and appropriate actions, simpler chemical substances. Although the ash itself may
including notifying local authorities of the discharge. An have to be treated as a hazardous waste (if so indicated after
area may have to be diked to contain the wastes, and clean- a TCLP test), a much smaller volume of waste is left for ulti-
ups may have to be started to remove it and reduce environ- mate disposal.
mental or public health hazards. Stack emissions from a properly designed and operated
incinerator burning organics, such as chlorinated hydrocar-
bons, for example, include CO2, H2O, N2, and HCl (hydro-
12-3 Treatment, Storage, chloric acid). Only the HCl is hazardous, but it is readily
and Disposal reacted with lime to produce nonhazardous salts, which can
be landfilled.
The RCRA links together the activities of hazardous waste
Not all hazardous waste can be incinerated. Heavy met-
treatment, storage, and disposal. A site to which hazardous
als, for example, are not destroyed but enter the atmosphere
wastes are transported and at which any one or a combina-
in vapor form. However, incineration has been successfully
tion of these three activities occur is called a TSDF (treatment,
applied to potent hazardous wastes such as chlorinated
storage, and disposal facility). TSDFs are subject to the RCRA
hydrocarbon pesticides, PCBs, and many other organic
rules and regulations and must obtain an EPA ID num-
ber and operating permit. Treatment, storage, and disposal
Special types of thermal processing equipment, such
include a wide variety of methods and technologies, and, as
as the rotary kiln, the fluidized bed incinerator, the multi-
a result, TSD regulations are even more extensive than those
ple-hearth furnace, and the liquid injection incinerator, are
for hazardous waste generators and transporters. Personnel
available for burning hazardous waste in solid, sludge, or
at TSDFs must be well trained to ensure that the wastes are
liquid form. Figure 12-4 is a schematic of a liquid injection
correctly identified and handled, and the facilities must have
incinerator. It is of interest to note that incineration of haz-
controlled entry systems of 24-h security ­surveillance to pre-
ardous wastes on oceangoing ships (to reduce air pollution
vent the possibility of unauthorized entry. In addition, TSDFs
concerns) has been tried, but the future of this practice is
must have contingency plans and emergency procedures,
doubtful due to technical difficulties.
equipment and facility inspections, closure and postclosure
Like any other TSDFs, hazardous waste incinerators
plans, and other requirements.
must be licensed and must follow federal and state environ-
mental rules and regulations. They generally must conduct a
Hazardous Waste Treatment Methods trial burn to determine the optimum operating methods for
Some types of hazardous waste can be detoxified or made the incinerator. As much as 99.99 percent of organic waste
less dangerous by chemical, biological, or physical treatment constituents must be destroyed or removed (and 99.999 per-
methods. Treatment of hazardous waste may be costly, but cent of dioxin wastes). Particulate and HCl emissions in the
it can serve to prepare the material for recycling or ultimate stack gas are also limited.
disposal in a manner that is safer than disposal without
treatment. It also can reduce the volume needing final dis- Other Chemical Processes.  In the ion-exchange process,
posal. Many effective treatment methods are available. The industrial wastewater is passed through a bed of resin that
hazardous waste treatment industry is in a phase of rapid selectively adsorbs charged metal ions. An example of its use
development and innovation because of the need for even in the metal finishing industry is for removal of waste chro-
more economical treatment techniques. An overview of mic acid from production rinse water.
some of the prevalent treatment methods is given here. Neutralization refers to pH adjustment for reducing the
strength and reactivity of acidic or alkaline wastes. Limestone,
Chemical Treatment Processes  Chemical processes for example, can be used to neutralize acids, and compressed
often used for treatment of hazardous waste include in- carbon dioxide can be used to neutralize strong bases.
cineration, ion exchange, neutralization, precipitation, and Precipitation refers to a type of reaction in which certain
oxidation–reduction. chemicals are made to settle out of solution as a solid mate-
rial. An example of its application is in the battery industry,
Incineration.  Incineration is a thermal–chemical process where the addition of lime and sodium hydroxide to acidic
that not only can detoxify certain organic wastes, but also battery waste causes lead and nickel (both are toxic heavy
can essentially destroy them. It is preferred by some people metals) to precipitate out of solution.
in the waste management industry over most other hazard- Oxidation and reduction are complementary chemi-
ous waste treatment processes, particularly because of the cal reactions involving the transfer of electrons among ions.
economic and public pressures to reduce or eliminate land Oxidation of waste cyanide by chlorine, for example, ren-
disposal. ders it less hazardous.
326 chapter Twelve

Discharge to
quench or waste
25–250% heat recovery
Excess air
Aqueous waste
Refractory wall

Auxillary Spray
Liquid Flame
steam or
Cross section
combustion 2600°F–3000°F 1500°F–2200°F
air 0.3–2.0
Seconds main
combustion gas
residence time

Figure 12-4  A typical liquid injection incinerator.

(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)

Plasma Gasification  Plasma gasification is an innova- must undergo a clean-up step to remove dust, mercury, sul-
tive waste-to-energy technology now being applied and phur, and heavy metals, before it is suitable for conversion
tested for hazardous waste management (as well as for into other forms of liquid fuel or energy. Plasma gasifica-
management of MSW; see page 300). Operating at tempera- tion is currently used at energy-recovery hazardous waste
tures that exceed 3000°C (5500°F), a superheated column facilities in India, China, and Japan, and is being tested at a
of plasma completely destroys waste material, while pro- commercial demonstration facility in the United States, in
ducing a synthesis gas (called syngas) and a nonhazardous Madison, Pennsylvania.
slag residue. The syngas contains mostly carbon monoxide
and hydrogen, and can be used for chemical manufactur- Biological Treatment Processes  Biological treatment
ing ­processes or converted into hydrocarbon fuel for energy involves the action of living microorganisms. The microbes
production (see Figure 12-5). utilize the waste material as food and convert it, by natu-
Although temperatures are very high in a plasma gasifi- ral metabolic processes, into simpler substances. It is most
cation vessel, there is very little oxygen present in the vessel commonly used for stabilizing the organic waste in munici-
and combustion does not occur. Instead, the extreme heat pal sewage (see Section 10-3), but certain types of hazardous
breaks the waste materials down into hydrogen and simple industrial waste can also be treated by this method. Organic
compounds such as carbon monoxide and water. The syngas waste from the petroleum industry, for example, can be


Power Liquids Steam

Feed material
storage Air or
conveying oxygen
Plasma Syngas
Slag &
torches recovered

Figure 12-5  Plasma gasification is an innovative waste-to-energy technology for hazardous waste treatment.
(Courtesy of Westinghouse Plasma Corp.)
Hazardous Waste Management 327

treated biologically. It is necessary, though, to inoculate the them with lime, fly ash, and water to form a solid, cementlike
waste with bacteria that are readily acclimated to it and can product. Another process that is used to solidify and stabi-
use it for food. In some cases, genetically engineered species lize contaminated soil is vitrification. This involves the melt-
of bacteria may be used. ing and fusion of the materials at high temperatures (about
In addition to the traditional biological treatment systems, 1600°C, or 2900°F), thereby reducing the potential for leach-
including the activated sludge and trickling filter processes, ing of contaminants. It is possible to remediate old waste
a treatment method called landfarming or land treatment dumps using in situ (on-site) vitrification. The required
(which is not the same as landfilling) may be used. The waste high temperatures can be achieved by inserting electrodes
is carefully applied to and mixed with surface soil; microor- in the ground and allowing heat to build up as current flows
ganisms and nutrients may also be added to the mixture, as through the soil.
needed. The toxic organic material is degraded biologically, The simplest physical process that can concentrate
whereas inorganics are adsorbed and retained in the soil. and reduce wastewater volume is evaporation, which may
Landfarming is a relatively inexpensive method for be facilitated by using mechanical sprayers. Other physical
treatment, as well as being a way to ultimately dispose of processes utilized to separate hazardous waste from a liquid
certain types of hazardous waste. But food or forage crops include sedimentation, flotation, and filtration.
must not be grown on the same site because they could take Two examples of physical processes used to remove
up toxic material. In this regard, a disadvantage of land specific hazardous components from a liquid waste include
treatment for hazardous waste is that relatively large tracts activated carbon adsorption and air/gas stripping. Hazardous
of land may have to be withdrawn from potentially produc- substances can be adsorbed onto a porous granular or pow-
tive agricultural use. The surface topography and subsurface dered carbon matrix. Used or spent carbon is regenerated or
geological conditions of the site must be suitable so that sur- activated for reuse (see page 150). Air/gas stripping in cascade
face or groundwater contamination will not occur. or countercurrent towers has been used to remove volatile
Certain organic hazardous wastes can be treated in organics from wastewater and contaminated groundwater.
slurry form in an open lagoon or in a closed vessel called a
bioreactor. A bioreactor may have fine bubble diffusers to Storage Tanks and Impoundments
provide oxygen and a mixing device to keep the slurry solids
in suspension, as illustrated in Figure 12-6. Proper storage of hazardous waste is imperative because of
the potential for serious harm to public health and environ-
Physical Treatment Processes  Physical treatment can mental damage in the event of an accidental discharge. Many
be used to concentrate, solidify, or minimize the volume of generators of hazardous waste store the material on site for
hazardous waste material. Solidification can be accomplished varying periods of time. Relatively large quantities may be
by encapsulating the waste in concrete, asphalt, or plastic. stored in aboveground basins or lagoons. Aboveground
This produces a solid mass of material that is resistant to basins may be constructed of steel or concrete, but they are
leaching. Hazardous wastes can also be solidified by mixing subject to corrosion or cracking and are not suitable for
storing reactive or ignitable waste.
Relatively small amounts of hazardous waste that are
generated on an intermittent basis may be placed in 210-L
Dual drive (55-gal) fiberglass, plastic, or steel drums for ease of han-
dling, temporary storage, and transportation. Corrosive
material is stored in fiberglass or glass-lined containers to
Slurry removal reduce deterioration and leakage. Toxic chemical liquids
may be stored in metal drums.
Baffles Containers or drums of hazardous waste must be labeled
properly before transport to a processing or disposal facility.
Impeller The label must identify the contents as an explosive, flamma-
Airlift shaft ble, corrosive, or toxic material. Appropriate signs or placards
must be placed on the transport vehicle to warn the public of
potential danger and to assist emergency response workers if
there is an accidental spill along the transport route.
Fine bubble
Underground Storage Tanks  The design and con-
Rake arm struction of tanks used to store hazardous materials and haz-
ardous wastes is a major environmental concern. Thousands
of cases of environmental damage (particularly groundwa-
Figure 12-6  Bioreactor for treatment of hazardous waste.
ter contamination) caused by leaking tanks are known to
(Reprinted by permission of Waveland Press, Inc. From M. D. LaGrega,
et al., Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd ed. (Long Grove, IL); Waveland have occurred in the past. The bulk of these cases involved
Press, Inc., 2001 [reissued 2010]. All rights reserved.) leaks from old underground gasoline or oil storage tanks,
328 chapter Twelve

but many old underground tanks holding hazardous wastes were deposited in surface excavations such as pits, ponds,
have also been known to corrode and leak. Because more and lagoons (PPLs, in waste management jargon). Most
than half of the population in the United States depends on PPLs were unlined impoundments or holding facilities,
groundwater for public and household use, leaking waste which provided no protection against leakage and ground-
storage tanks are a threat to public health and to environ- water contamination. Except for sedimentation, evaporation
mental quality. Underground storage tanks (USTs) pose of volatile organics, and possibly some surface aeration, they
even more of a threat than aboveground tanks. USTs are un- provided no treatment of the waste. A large number of these
seen, and their existence is often unknown to people living old PPLs are today’s hazardous waste remediation sites.
in their vicinity until a problem occurs, damage is done, and Surface impoundments of liquid hazardous waste
expensive cleanup or remediation actions are required. are allowed for temporary storage or treatment under the
Under RCRA and its 1984 amendments, standards have RCRA if  they meet stringent design criteria, and they are
been set by the EPA to control the use of UST systems. These still widely used by generators of liquid waste. All existing
standards apply to tanks with more than 10 percent of their surface impoundments must have at least one liner and be
volume below ground, containing hazardous wastes, petro- located over an impermeable base if they are to continue in
leum products, or other hazardous substances; underground use. New impoundments must have at least two liners and
piping and pumping systems associated with the tanks are a leachate collection system. Groundwater monitoring wells
also regulated. UST regulations are intended to prevent leaks are also required, and the impoundment must be protected
and spills as well as to detect them if they do occur. by a dike or berm to prevent overtopping. A cross-section
Regulations governing the design, installation, and diagram of a typical surface impoundment for liquid haz-
operation of aboveground and underground storage tanks ardous waste is shown in Figure 12-8. Accumulated sludge
are numerous and complex. New UST systems must be must be periodically removed and provided further han-
made of fiberglass or cathodically protected steel for cor- dling as a hazardous waste.
rosion control. A secondary containment system, includ-
ing either double-wall tanks or cutoff walls with impervious Waste Piles  As with unlined lagoons used for liquid
underlayment, must be provided. wastes, many old piles of solid hazardous waste are now in
Automatic leak detection systems and alarms as well as need of cleanup or remediation. But with proper precau-
devices that prevent overfills must be installed (see Figure 12-7). tions, generators of certain hazardous wastes are allowed
Owners or operators of the tanks are responsible for monthly to use a waste pile for temporary accumulation of hazard-
inspections and periodic removal of sludge from the tanks. ous waste; the material must be landfilled when the pile
Existing storage tanks that are not protected from corrosion size becomes unmanageable. Only noncontainerized solid,
or leakage must be taken permanently out of service; they nonflowing material can be stored in a waste pile; examples
must be emptied of all liquids, vapors, and sludge and then of such materials include the nonmagnetic materials from
either removed or filled with sand or concrete. automobile shredding operations, which contain fabric,
rubber, plastic, insulation, lead, and cadmium. Waste from
Surface Impoundments  Before implementation of the aluminum salvage operations may also be stored temporar-
RCRA regulations, large volumes of liquid hazardous wastes ily in waste piles.

Test tank

Spill device

Interstitial In tank
monitor monitor
Barrier &

Water table

Figure 12-7  Leak-detection alternatives include automatic monitors to detect

loss of volume, vapors from leaked petroleum products, and leaked liquids. Sur-
rounding soil, as well as the interstitial space between the tank and secondary
liner or barrier, is monitored.
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Hazardous Waste Management 329

Ground water Double liner Leachate collection Dike or berm

monitoring well and removal system

Figure 12-8  Cross section view of a surface impoundment for liquid hazardous waste.

Waste piles must be carefully constructed over an network of monitoring wells to sample groundwater, and an
impervious base and must comply with requirement for impermeable cap or cover when completed. A cross-sectional
landfills. The pile must be protected from wind dispersion view of a typical secure landfill is shown in Figure 12-9.
and erosion; if hazardous leachate or runoff is generated, An impermeable liner on the bottom and sides of a secure
monitoring and control systems must be provided. hazardous waste landfill serves as a barrier, preventing ground-
water from entering or any leachate from leaving the fill. But
no liner can be considered 100 percent effective; some leakage
Land Disposal of Hazardous Waste
of liquid can always be expected. The double-liner and leach-
Certain hazardous wastes may be disposed of in the ground. ate collection system at a secure landfill provide redundancy to
Nonliquid or containerized hazardous waste can be buried ensure protection of environmental quality and public health.
in a secure landfill; liquid waste can be disposed of using A synthetic flexible filter called a geotextile may be used
deep-well injection systems. Disposal in underground mines, to separate soil and waste material from the upper or pri-
caves, or concrete vaults may sometimes be allowed, but mary leachate piping system. Under that is the primary liner,
only after proper treatment and containment. which must be a synthetic material with a permeability coef-
Land disposal of hazardous waste is not an attrac- ficient equivalent to 10–6 mm/s or less. It is called a geomem-
tive option because of the inherent environmental dangers brane or flexible membrane liner (FML). Geotextiles and
involved in its practice and because of future liability. In the FMLs are generally made from plastic polymer resins. The
past, it did not provide sufficient environmental protection, secondary or lowermost leachate collection piping network
and many uncontrolled and abandoned waste sites now serves as a leak detection and backup system. The lower or
need to be cleaned up. But with proper site selection, engi- secondary liner is a composite layer of compacted clay and
neering design, and operational safeguards, land disposal is an FML, as illustrated in Figure 12-10. Collected leachate
the least expensive alternative for many types of hazardous can be pumped to a treatment facility for processing.
waste. It will continue to be necessary in the future. Even A secure landfill is considered to have four phases in its
with waste minimization and incineration, it is not possible total operation. During the first or active phase, the hazardous
to completely eliminate the generation of hazardous waste. wastes are deposited in the prepared fill area. Incompatible
To discourage land disposal activities, particularly chemical wastes are placed at separate locations in the fill to
when other treatment or destruction methods exist, the EPA avoid explosions or other dangerous reactions. The waste
and many states have placed strict limitations on their use. material should first be solidified or containerized in drums,
Certain hazardous wastes, such as dioxins, PCBs, cyanides, and care must be taken to avoid rupturing the individual
halogenated organic compounds, and acids with pH less containers as they are placed in the fill.
than 2, are banned from land disposal. These wastes must During the second or closure phase, the impermeable cap
be treated or stabilized before land disposal, or meet certain or cover is constructed over the landfill site. The composite
concentration limits on the hazardous constituents. bottom liner, the impermeable cap, and the double leachate
collection systems serve as a first line of defense against leak-
Secure Landfills  A secure landfill must have a minimum age during both the active and the closure phases of the landfill
of 3 m (10 ft) of height separating the base of the landfill operation. A third or postclosure phase, defined as the 30-year
from underlying bedrock or a groundwater aquifer; this is period after closure of the site, involves continuous operation of
twice the minimum separation needed for a municipal solid the monitoring well. This is a second line of defense. A routine
waste landfill. All secure landfills also must have a double- program of sampling and testing must be implemented to detect
liner and leachate collection system for increased safety, a any plumes of chemical leakage or contaminated groundwater.
330 chapter Twelve

Impermeable cap
Cap shaped so rainwater
drains away from landfill
Top soil

Gravel layer

Plastic liner

Hazardous wastes in drums

Plastic liners
Sand and
gravel liners

monitoring Perforated pipes for
well collecting leachate
Clay soil
Groundwater level

Figure 12-9  Cross section of a typical secure landfill.

(From P. Montague, “Hazardous waste landfills: Some lessons from New Jersey,” Civil Engineering, September 1982,
with permission from the American Society of Civil Engineers.)

It is believed that no landfill can be completely secure leakage of the waste material into the environment. When
forever; the natural degradation of the protective liner the leakage is detected, pumps can be installed in the
or natural geological forces, including the possibility of monitoring wells to intercept the polluted water and bring
earthquake, will eventually destroy the structural integ- it to the surface for treatment. This last line of defense is
rity of the landfill. A fourth and last phase for the land- intended to protect the underlying aquifer from any sig-
fill, called the eternity phase, is expected to involve some nificant damage from the landfill operation.

Waste Leachate
(filter zone)
collection zone Free
Primary barrier stone
Secondary leachate
collection zone
Secondary barrier
Primary leachate
collection piping Compacted clay liner
Secondary leachate
collection piping Perforated drainage
pipe encased in

Figure 12-10  Section view of a double liner and leachate collection system for a
secure landfill.
(Reprinted by permission of Waveland Press, Inc. From M. D. LaGrega, et al., Hazardous Waste
Management, 2nd ed. (Long Grove, IL); Waveland Press, Inc., 2001 [reissued 2010]. All rights reserved.)
Hazardous Waste Management 331

Underground Injection  An option for land disposal of and release of radioactive atoms into the air, and multiple
liquid hazardous waste is called deep-well or underground ­engineered barriers must be incorporated in facility design to
injection. This involves pumping the liquid down through prevent inadvertent intrusion.
a drilled well into a porous layer of rock. The liquid is then Vaults made of reinforced concrete, metal, or masonry
injected under high pressure into the pores and fissures of blocks can be constructed above or below grade, to store
the rock. The layer or stratum of rock in which the waste the waste. The vaults, which can be similar in size to ware-
is stored, usually limestone or sandstone, must lie between houses, must have drainage sump pumps and monitoring
impervious layers of clay or rock; this injection zone can be systems. Another disposal method, called improved shal-
from a few hundred meters to a few kilometers below the low land burial, involves placement of low-level waste in
surface. The capacity of the geological strata to accept an trenches that are about 10 m (30 ft) deep and about 30 m
injected waste depends on its porosity (void space), perme- (100 ft) wide. The bottom of the trenches must be above
ability (ability to transmit a liquid), and other factors. the water table, and gravel is placed at the bottom to allow
The injection well must be at least 0.4 km (0.25 mi) from drainage of water and provide a dry foundation for the
an underground source of drinking water, and the waste waste containers. Spaces between waste containers are
must be injected into a separate geological formation free filled with sand, and the filled trenches are covered with
of faults or fractures. The well must be cased and cemented compacted clay. The trenches must have drainage systems
for added protection against contamination of any drinking with monitoring devices to detect any radioactive materials
water supplies. The casing usually includes three concentric that may have leaked out of the containers into the water.
pipes. The outermost or surface casing should extend below Earth-mounded concrete bunkers, combining features of
the deepest usable water aquifer. A long string casing pipe above-grade and below-grade facilities, may also be used for
and inner injection tubing extend into the injection layer or low-level radioactive waste disposal. All low-level radioac-
strata. Well injection pressures and flow rates must be care- tive waste disposal facilities must meet federal performance
fully monitored; injection pressure must not be so great as to design objectives and receive a license from the Nuclear
fracture the geological formation receiving the waste. Regulatory Commission before they can operate (see http://
The chemical and petroleum refining industries are
the largest users of injection wells, together accounting for
about 90 percent of their use as a disposal option. Most
active waste injection wells are located in heavily industrial- 12-4 Site Remediation
ized states or in oil- and gas-producing states. Siting criteria Before the enactment of legislation prohibiting uncontrolled
for new wells focus on the geological requirements. There disposal of hazardous wastes, many industrial and manufac-
must be a water-bearing stratum of nonbeneficial use that turing facilities had long been storing or disposing of their
has sufficient volume, porosity, and permeability to accept hazardous waste materials in unlined waste piles, lagoons,
the injected waste. Confining strata below and above the and landfills. Many thousands of these old abandoned and
injection zone must be sufficiently thick and impermeable unlined waste sites exist in the United States, posing a seri-
so as to confine the waste. ous threat to public health and environmental quality.
Comprehensive engineering and geological stud- Efforts to remediate or clean them up will continue for years
ies must be conducted to show that underground drink- to come. The cradle-to-grave hazardous waste tracking or
ing water supplies will not be degraded by operation of manifest provision of the RCRA was implemented primarily
the injection well. In addition to the requirements of to eliminate this problem in the future.
the Underground Injection Control program (under the
SDWA), each state may have regulatory requirements for
Superfund Program
injection wells. Underground injection takes up little land
area and requires little or no waste pretreatment, but it is Although the RCRA of 1976 greatly expanded the role of the
unlikely to become a predominant method for disposal of government in regulating solid and hazardous waste man-
hazardous waste because of the inherent risk of eventual agement, it did not address the serious problems at exist-
leakage into drinking water aquifers, despite the most thor- ing or abandoned hazardous waste dump sites. As a result,
ough engineering and subsurface geological investigations. a federal law, the CERCLA, was enacted by Congress in
1980. This act is commonly referred to as the Superfund
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal  The primary legislation because it authorized expenditures of billions
method of permanent low-level radioactive waste disposal of dollars of federal funds. The money is intended primar-
considered suitable in the United States is called near-sur- ily to pay for cleanup action (site remediation) at the most
face land disposal. (Ocean disposal is no longer allowed, and dangerous hazardous waste dumps in the United States;
the methods of deep-well injection and mine disposal, used these sites are identified on the Superfund List or National
elsewhere, are not being considered in the United States.) Priority List (NPL). In 1986, the Superfund Amendments and
There are several options for near-surface land disposal, Reauthorization Act (SARA) allocated $8.5 billion for the
­including both above-grade and below-grade facilities. In all cleanup of these sites over a 5-year period, and $5 billion in
cases, the waste must be isolated to avoid contact with water additional funds was made available after 1991.
332 chapter Twelve

hazardous 5/31
site 5/16 12/19
Prepare Activities in the bold face boxes are
Conduct Select 2/25
detailed on the "critical path" of the project.
1/2 topographic site plan remedial
action Prepare
survey 8/13 final
Retain 3/27 alternative
consulting Prepare cleanup
Conduct 5/16 6/29 plans and 8/14/85
engineer engineering
preliminary 4/17 6/6 11/6 specifications
Subsurface Identify and report Implement
field survey Conduct
2/13 Develop a geology: Soil testing evaluate site
boring and alternative site public cleanup
work and
Begin evaluation remediation information 1/11
safety plan meeting
collecting measures 7/2
6/6 Retain
available 3/27 8/13 design Retain
data Prepare 12/19
Initiate Groundwater 6/20 engineering construction/
public sampling environmental Finalize firm cleanup
Water impact
relations quality engineering contractor
plan statement (EIS) report
5/16 testing
and EIS

Figure 12-11  A network diagram and schedule may be used to help manage the many activities for a hazardous site
remediation project. More than 1 year is typically needed for investigation and planning before cleanup and confinement
work can actually begin. Additional borings, sampling, and testing activities are frequently required throughout the project
to accurately define the limits of soil, sediment, and groundwater contamination. (Activities on the “critical path” control
the duration of the project.)

In 2006, there were about 1240 Superfund sites on the studies and in the design of remedial action plans, particu-
NPL, and there were about 60 proposed sites, for a total of larly with regard to the hydrogeological and groundwater
about 1300 final and proposed sites. Cleanup work on the contamination aspects of the project. A simplified critical
first listed site, Love Canal, was completed in 2004 (see path network diagram that may be used for the planning
page 8) and about 300 sites have been delisted since the NPL and scheduling of the many tasks that make up a site reme-
was created in the early 1980s. diation project is shown in Figure 12-11.
Potential NPL sites can be reported by local and state One problem involved in financing the cleanup of
agencies and citizens, as well as by the EPA. To evaluate old and abandoned hazardous waste sites is identification
the extent of danger at a site, the EPA uses a scoring sys- of the company responsible for the dumping. This can be
tem called the Hazard Ranking System (HRS); sites that difficult and sometimes impossible. A basic purpose of the
score high enough on the HRS are eligible for the NPL. The Superfund is to raise money for remedial action when the
site is also evaluated to determine if it requires early action, responsible party cannot be identified and government has
long-term action, or both. The evaluation (called a Remedial to oversee the cleanup activity. Potentially responsible par-
Investigation/Feasibility Study, or RI/FS) includes a descrip- ties must share in the cleanup costs, if they can be identified,
tion of the existing extent of pollution and an evaluation of but most of the Superfund has been financed by a “pollutes
alternative solutions to the problem. pays” tax on oil and chemical companies.
Early actions are taken at sites that may pose threats to The work of the Superfund got off to a slow start in
people or the environment in the very near future. Long- the 1980s, largely because of political difficulties and legal
term actions are planned for sites that require extensive problems; unfortunately, the Superfund is still struggling to
cleanup efforts. (An early action site should not be confused achieve its goal. The “polluter pays” tax expired in 1995, and
with a hazardous material incident, such as an emergency the political struggle to reinstate it has not been successful
involving a spill of dangerous chemicals. Those “hazmat (as of 2006). In the coming years, considerable progress will
emergencies” require immediate attention by trained haz- have to be made if environmental health and public safety
ardous material technicians, usually called an environmental are to be protected.
response team, or ERT.)
Remedial action at an abandoned hazardous waste site
is typically quite complicated and cannot be accomplished
Field Sampling Methods
overnight. There is a significant distinction between an Site remediation must be preceded by a comprehensive study
immediate emergency response to an accidental spill of of surface and subsurface site conditions. Environmental
hazardous material and an engineered solution to a long- sampling is a key part of any field investigation, and it is
abandoned festering waste dump. The total size or area of important that an appropriate sampling method be chosen if
the dump site and the degree of damage already done to the the investigation is to be successful. Field studies of a site can
local environment cannot be known until thorough studies be characterized as being either nonintrusive or intrusive.
have been conducted. Engineers, geologists, environmental Nonintrusive investigative methods include aerial pho-
scientists, and technicians play a significant role in the site tography, surface geophysical surveys, and surface radiological
Hazardous Waste Management 333

surveys. One or more of these methods may be employed Soil sampling tools include the scoop, the hand auger,
prior to on-site sampling for laboratory analysis. Current the slide hammer, and a variety of tube samplers. A hand-
and historical aerial photographs can be used to identify held scoop can be used to collect grab samples of sur-
the boundaries of fill areas, drainage pathways, previous face soil; the sample is placed directly into a sample jar. A
storage and process areas, and pollutant source locations. hand-held auger is an effective shallow soil sampling tool;
Geophysical techniques include electromagnetic, ground- although extensions for the shaft are available, hand-held
penetrating radar, gravity, and seismic surveys. They can augers are most useful for collecting samples less than 1.5 m
provide additional site data, such as the location of buried (5 ft) deep. Because rotation of the auger mixes the soil, this
drums and tanks and, in some cases, the boundaries of con- tool is useful primarily for composite samples. Shallow soil
tamination plumes. Radiological surveying techniques are samples can also be obtained using a slide hammer coring
used to locate areas where radioactive wastes are concen- tool, comprising a stainless steel core barrel, an extension
trated. A common and effective radiological method is the rod, and a slide hammer. The slide hammer is used to drive
gamma walk-over survey. This is done by carrying a gamma the core barrel into the ground; soil is transferred from the
radiation detector over the surface, following a marked sur- barrel into a sample jar.
vey grid pattern. Soil samples collected at depths exceeding 1.5 m are usu-
ally obtained by driving a split-tube or solid-tube sampler. A
Intrusive Sampling Techniques  Intrusive sampling drill rig is used to drive the sampler deep into the ground. In
techniques involve penetration of the ground or water sur- some cases, a thin-walled sample tube can be hydraulically
face. These include soil-gas surveys, as well as the sampling pushed into the ground instead of being driven by a hammer;
of soil sediment, surface water, and groundwater. To pre- in this way, the soil is not compacted in the sampling process.
vent damage and for safety reasons, local utilities are noti-
fied before intrusive sampling procedures are conducted. Sediment and Surface Water Sampling.  Sometimes it is nec-
essary to determine if pollutants are present in the sediment
Soil-Gas Surveying.  This is a relatively inexpensive tech- of streams or rivers on or near the site. This is important be-
nique used where volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may cause of the possibility for rapid spread of contaminants in
be among the site contaminants. Soil gas (methane plus the flowing water. In addition to the scoop and slide hammer
other hydrocarbons) is formed naturally in soils as organic methods, sediment may also be sampled using the box sam-
material decomposes. It is necessary to collect background pler method. A stainless steel sample box with spring-loaded
soil-gas samples from undisturbed areas near the site to sample jaws and a pole with a spring release mechanism are
distinguish between natural deposits of organics and con- pushed into the sediment. When the jaws are released, the
tamination due to waste deposits or plumes of migrating bottom of the box is closed, and the sample can be retrieved
contaminants. from the water.
Among the soil-gas surveying methods, field screen- In addition to soil and sediment contamination, it
ing provides a quick and inexpensive way to get results. It is often necessary to determine if pollutants are present
employs a portable photoionization detector with a hand- in surface waters on or near the site. The depth at which
driven steel sampling rod and is primarily useful where con- samples are collected depends on the suspected level and
tamination levels exceed 1 ppm. The sampling rod can be nature of contamination, but usually samples are collected
driven to a maximum depth of about 1.5 m (5 ft) into the from the water surface. For samples collected less than
ground. Another soil-gas survey technique is the sample tube. 1.5 m below the water surface, an extendible bottle sam-
Glass sampling tubes containing ferromagnetic filaments and pler can be used. After lowering the bottle to the desired
an activated carbon adsorbent are installed about 1 m below depth, a seal ring is lifted, allowing the bottle to fill with
the ground surface and left for a period of time. After they water. Samples can be collected at depths well beyond 1.5
are retrieved, the tubes are shipped to a laboratory, where m using the Kemmerer bottle method; the sample bottle is
the sample is analyzed using a mass spectrometer, which lowered by means of a flexible cable and opened by use of
ensures accurate identification of most organic compounds. a trip weight.
This method is very effective at sites where the contaminant
levels are very low because the sampling tubes can be left in Groundwater Sampling.  There is always a possibility that
the ground as long as needed to obtain results. The results, contaminants found in soil will migrate or leach into the
though, may take several weeks to obtain. groundwater underlying a polluted site. Once they reach
the groundwater, the contaminants will eventually disperse
Soil Sampling.  One objective of a site field investigation is or spread out into the aquifer. Application of a technique
to determine the extent of contamination present in the soil. called the direct push method, in combination with a mo-
Soil can be contaminated by chemical spills, leaking USTs, bile laboratory, allows samples to be collected and analyzed
buried drums, and improper waste disposal. Soil-gas sam- quickly and inexpensively. A truck-mounted hydraulic
pling techniques (discussed earlier) are useful for volatile press and slide hammer are used to force a sample probe
organics; other sampling methods are used when the pollut- up to 60 m (200 ft) through the soil into the groundwater.
ants are nonvolatile. A small-diameter bailer or weighted sample vial is then
334 chapter Twelve

lowered inside the probe. After a preliminary assessment of representative sample can be collected. Sample bottles for
groundwater conditions is made in this manner, permanent volatile organics should be filled first, since VOCs are con-
monitoring wells can be accurately positioned for long-term tinuously being lost to the atmosphere during the sampling
sampling and possible site remediation. procedure. A water-level reading is commonly taken before
Monitoring wells allow groundwater samples to be a sample is collected from the well.
repeatedly collected; they also allow observation of changes Groundwater samples can be removed from the well
in groundwater elevations. The main components of a by one of several methods. A bailer, the least complicated of
groundwater monitoring well are shown in Figure 12-12. sampling tools, can be lowered into a well on a fishing line;
The stainless steel or PVC well screen has slots large enough after the bailer is raised, the collected water is transferred
to allow groundwater and pollutants to flow freely into into a set of sample bottles. A device called a bomb sampler
the well but small enough to keep most soil particles out. can also be lowered into the well; this allows water to be col-
A sump is used to catch any fine-grained soils that do pen- lected at specific depths in the water column. A piston pump
etrate the screen; it may be cleaned out regularly to keep the can be installed in a well that is to be sampled regularly for
well screen clear. an extended time, and submersible pumps can be used in
Before samples are collected from a monitoring well, deep wells.
it must first be developed and purged. This restores the
aquifer’s natural hydraulic and geochemical characteris- Sampling Containerized Wastes.  Abandoned drums or
tics, which are disturbed during the well drilling operation. tanks that may contain hazardous wastes pose special safety
Development involves surging and pumping long enough problems. They must be opened and sampled in a way that
to clean out the well and for the water to stabilize in tur- prevents sudden releases of vapors or liquids, fires, or explo-
bidity, pH, temperature, and conductivity. Purging refers sions. Representative samples of the waste must be obtained
to the removal of stagnant water from the well so that a throughout the depth of the tank or drum.

(Top of manhole)
1”-2” Bolted manhole cover
2”-3” (Top of casing)
Concrete pad

Manhole sleeve

Locking well cap

(Spacing depends
on well depth) 2” schedule 40 PVC pipe

Bentonite grout

Bentonite seal
2 feet

2 feet

Sand pack

2” slotted schedule
40 PVC screen

10 feet

Bottom cap

Bottom of boring

Figure 12-12  Primary components of a groundwater monitoring well.

(Courtesy of Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Hazardous Waste Management 335

Field Investigation and Safety  Many risks and hazards

may be encountered during the field investigation of an old,
abandoned hazardous waste site. Technicians who perform
the fieldwork must have a thorough knowledge of the poten-
tial dangers and must conduct the site investigation with ex-
treme caution. Ideally, a field investigation team should con-
sist of at least three people, for safety purposes. In addition to
knowing all the chemical, physical, and biological characteris-
tics of hazardous waste materials, they should be familiar with
first aid techniques. They should also be familiar with the
proper use and operation of personal protective clothing and
equipment as well as with sampling and gas detection devices.
One primary danger for personnel at a waste disposal
site is the inhalation of toxic gases or vapors. Self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA) and cartridge respirators or
adsorbent gas masks are frequently used. The equipment
must be well maintained, and the technician must be thor-
oughly familiar with its use.
It is also necessary that devices for detecting and mea-
suring combustible or toxic gases and oxygen-deficient
atmospheres be used during the initial investigation of the
site. Such devices must be calibrated before use. In addi-
tion to respiratory protection, suitable clothing and equip-
ment for eye and body protection are used. Eye protection
includes safety glasses, protective goggles, or face shields
attached to a hard hat, depending on the risk involved. In
some cases, fully enclosed suits are used for protection. A
technician wearing protective equipment while sampling
groundwater in the vicinity of a landfill site is shown in Figure 12-13  An example of good safety procedure—
Figure 12-13. The types and levels of protection needed are a technician wearing protective clothing (Level C) while
predetermined before a worker is allowed to enter a site. collecting samples of groundwater at a waste landfill site.
(Courtesy of Chris Venezia.)

Levels of Protection for Site Entry  Equipment for

protecting the body against contact with known or antici- chemical-resistant clothing, inner and outer chemical-resis-
pated chemical hazards is divided into four categories ac- tant gloves, chemical-resistant steel toe and shank boots, a
cording to the degree of protection afforded. hard hat, and two-way radio communications.
Minimum requirements for Level C protection include a
1. Level A.  This is selected when the highest level of respi- full-face, air-purifying, canister-equipped respirator, chemical-
ratory, skin, and eye protection is needed. resistant clothing, chemical-resistant gloves and boots (steel toe
2. Level B.  This is selected when the highest level of respi- and shank), a hard hat, and two-way radio communications.
ratory protection is needed, but a lesser level of skin Minimum requirements for Level D protection include
protection. This is the minimum level recommended coveralls and leather or chemical-resistant shoes or boots
on initial site entries until the hazards have been further (with steel toe and shank).
defined by on-site studies.
3. Level C.  This is selected when the types of airborne sub- Site Work Zone Controls  To prevent the inadvertent
stances are known, the concentrations are measured, and transfer of hazardous substances from the waste site to unaf-
the criteria for using air-purifying respirators are met. fected areas, work at hazardous waste sites must be controlled.
4. Level D.  This category includes a work uniform pro- Control can be effected in a number of ways, including the
viding minimal protection, and is not worn on any site following:
with respiratory or skin hazards. 1. Setting up security and physical barriers to exclude
Minimum requirements for Level A protection include unnecessary personnel from the area
a pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus, a 2. Establishing work zones on the site and regulating
fully encapsulating chemical-resistant suit, inner and outer access to them
chemical-resistant gloves, chemical-resistant steel toe and 3. Conducting operations in a way that reduces the expo-
shank boots, and two-way radio communications. sure of workers and equipment and minimizes the
Minimum requirements for Level B protection include potential for airborne dispersion of contaminants
a pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus, 4. Implementing appropriate decontamination procedures
336 chapter Twelve

Hot line
Wind direction

Contaminated Contamination
area reduction

Command post

Access Exclusion zone

Support points
control line

Figure 12-14  Site work zones.

Work Zones.  One method of reducing the migration of material, the extent of existing contamination, the location of
contaminants is to delineate zones on the site where pre- the site, and other factors. Because each site is unique, par-
scribed operations occur. Movement of personnel and ticularly with regard to hydrogeological conditions, no two
equipment between zones is limited by access control points. hazardous waste remediation projects are identical; sound
Three common zones are the exclusion zone, the contamina- engineering judgment must be used in each case.
tion reduction zone, and the support zone (Figure 12-14). A site-specific goal regarding the appropriate degree
The exclusion zone, the innermost of three concentric of remediation is necessary, but there is no general method
areas, is the zone where contamination does or could occur. for determining “how clean is clean.” Some states simply
An access control point is set up at the periphery of the zone require that site cleanups achieve background levels of the
(called the hotline) to regulate movement of equipment and waste contaminants. For known carcinogens, however,
personnel in and out; all people entering the zone must where risk assessment data are available, the EPA may set
wear prescribed levels of protection. The hotline is fenced specific exposure risk levels.
or defined by landmarks and may be adjusted as more infor-
mation becomes available. Removal of the Waste  One possible course of action
The support zone, the outermost part of the site, is a is to physically remove the waste material from the site
noncontaminated or clean area. An equipment trailer and by excavation or dredging and transport it to some other
command post are located in this area, and traffic is restricted location for treatment, incineration, or final disposal in a
to authorized personnel. The contamination reduction zone secure landfill. This off-site solution may be the most desir-
provides a buffer between the contaminated (exclusion) and able for people living in the vicinity of the site, but it can
the clean (support) zones. Decontamination stations are be one of the most expensive options. Also, moving the
established in this area, one for personnel and one for equip- waste from one location to another still involves some risk
ment. Exit from the exclusion zone is through a decontami- of environmental pollution. Contaminated soil may be re-
nation reduction corridor. The boundary line between the moved using standard earth-moving equipment, but spe-
contamination reduction zone and the support zone is called cial equipment is often needed to remove buried drums or
the contamination control line. Access to the contamination other containers. Extreme care must be taken to prevent
reduction zone from the support zone is through a control releases of contaminants during the excavation or removal
point. Personnel entering must wear the prescribed protec- operation.
tive equipment; entering the support zone requires removal Dredging contaminated sediments from hazardous
of any protective equipment worn in the contamination waste ponds or lagoons also requires special precautions
reduction zone. to prevent further pollution. Clamshell, dragline, or back-
hoe machines are used to dredge consolidated sediments;
in some cases, stream diversion or diking may first be
Remediation Techniques necessary. When sediments are unconsolidated or have a
The basic objective of site remediation is to eliminate any high water content, the material may be pumped in slurry
immediate danger caused by the spread or migration of waste form; this is called hydraulic dredging. Dredged material
material, as well as to reduce any long-term threat to public can be dewatered, and both the solid and liquid fractions
health and environmental quality (especially to groundwater). can be subjected to appropriate treatment and disposal
The required course of action depends on the type of waste operations.
Hazardous Waste Management 337

On-Site Remediation  On-site remediation, in which of groundwater contaminated as a result of U.S. Department
the waste is not removed to another location, generally fo- of Defense activities.
cuses on the need to minimize the production of leachate The ordnance production areas at the site during World
and to eliminate groundwater pollution. Another primary War II and the Korean War were approximately 1.6 km
goal is to contain or prevent the further migration of any (1 mi) long. Wastewater containing RDX (the abbreviation
groundwater pollution that may have already occurred. This for cyclonite, also known as cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine)
could involve the temporary removal of the waste, construc- from the ordnance operations was sent to lagoons, where
tion of a lined, secure landfill on the same site, and replace- it evaporated or infiltrated the soil. Additionally, routine
ment of the waste in the new landfill. It could involve the housekeeping operations, including the use of TCE as a
­extraction of soil or groundwater, treatment or destruc- degreaser to clean pipelines in the 1950s, contributed to the
tion of the pollutants, and replacement or reinjection of the site’s contamination.
cleaned soil or groundwater. Finally, on-site actions could A chlorinated solvent, TCE is commonly found in
involve the isolation and containment of the waste, without groundwater contaminated as a result of industrial activity.
moving it, by the construction of impermeable barriers to Although not as common, RDX is a frequent groundwater
block the flow of water or other liquids. contaminant at sites where ordnance or explosives are or
were manufactured.
Extraction, Treatment, and Replacement. Groundwater GCW technology has provided a less costly and more
at an old waste site may be pumped or extracted to lower “resource conservative” alternative to traditional pump-and-
the water table below the waste material. In many cases, treat remediation methods. With the GCWs, groundwater is
the groundwater is extracted from a contaminated area or extracted, treated in a partially buried vault, and returned
plume and treated to remove the pollutants. The treated to the aquifer via a separate portion of the extraction well
water may be discharged on the ground surface or reinjected (Figure 12-15). In contrast to the pump-and-treat approach,
around the perimeter of the plume. treated groundwater is not discharged into a nearby stream
A modification of the pump-and-treat method uses what or other surface waters. As a result, an aquifer using GCW
is called a groundwater circulation well (see Figure 12-15). technology experiences no net removal of groundwater, an
The first-known application of groundwater circulation wells important consideration in areas dependent on the resource.
(GCWs) equipped with low-profile air strippers to remove Also, the system’s small footprint requires no long pipelines
trichloroethylene (TCE) or with ultraviolet units to remove extending to treatment areas or to discharge points and
the explosive RDX from groundwater were installed at the reduces the amount of real estate to be acquired as part of a
site of the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant (NOP), near remediation project.
Mead, Nebraska, in 20001. A large Superfund site covering The GCW system used to treat TCE-contaminated
more than 6900 ha (17,000 ac), the NOP location contains groundwater employs a low-profile air stripper originally
2400 ha (6000 ac) of aquifer and 88 million m3 (23 billion gal) designed for use with pump-and-treat systems. The system
also includes a 305-mm (12-in.)-diameter well, a submers-
ible pump, a discharge pump, a chemical feed system, and
Ground surface a packer that separates the extraction and recharge well
Treatment vault Groundwater is extracted at depths between 18 m and
Treatment 21 m (60–70 ft) below the ground surface and exits the sys-
unit tem at depths between 27 m and 33 m (89–108 ft). The RDX
treatment system comprises a 152-mm (6-in.)-diameter
Static water lever well, a submersible pump, a packer, and a single 3.5-kW
medium-pressure ultraviolet lightbulb in a 152-mm (6-in.)-
Recharge interval
diameter reactor. The bulb’s ultraviolet light photodegrades
RDX to extremely low concentrations of ammonia and for-
Inflatable packer mic acid. Groundwater is extracted at depths between 15 m
and 18 m (50–60 ft) below ground surface and discharged at
Submersible pump
depths between 4 m and 12 m (14–40 ft).
Extraction interval Both systems have demonstrated mass removal rates
greater than 96 percent. Operating at a rate of 189 L>min (50
Figure 12-15  Groundwater circulation wells extract gal>min), the TCE system achieved a treatment efficiency of
groundwater, treat it in a partially buried vault, and return it 96 to 98 percent. Influent concentrations of TCE, for which
to the aquifer via a separate portion of the extraction well. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued
a maximum contaminant level for drinking water of 5 mg>L,
1 ranged from 970 to 7300 mg>L. Effluent concentrations
Adapted from Jay Landers, “Groundwater Circulation Wells Modified
to Treat TCE, RDX.” Copyright © 2002 by the American Society of Civil ranged from 13 to 120 mg>L. After 10 months of treatment,
Engineers. Used by permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers. the system removed 102 L (27 gal) of TCE from more than
338 chapter Twelve

64,000 m3 (17 million gal) of treated groundwater, at an Various gas manufacturing processes were utilized during its
energy cost of $0.03>m3 ($0.10>1000 gal). operating history. When the plant finally closed it left behind
The RDX system operated at a rate of 83 L >min over 100,000 tons of highly contaminated soil. This much soil
(22 gal >min). Influent concentrations ranged from 5 to could cover a football field to a depth of about 3.5 m (12 ft).
78 mg >L, and effluent concentrations were always too low
to detect. (For adults, the EPA’s guidelines call for a life- Permanent Containment Methods.  Vertical walls can be con-
time exposure level of no more than 2 mg >L.) During the structed of steel sheet piling or slurry trenches to block the hori-
10-month trial, the system removed 298 g of RDX from zontal movement of liquid. But these subsurface cutoff walls are
more than 25,000 m3 (6.7 million gal) of treated ground- feasible only if there is an aquiclude, or naturally occurring im-
water. The energy cost, which is a function of the flow rate, permeable layer, below the waste site. The cutoff wall must pen-
was $0.06 >m3 ($0.22 >1000 gal). In 2004, a 10 kW wind etrate or be keyed into the aquiclude, which serves as a natural
generator was installed to offset most of the 767 kWh of bottom liner. A wall made of steel sheet piling can be driven to
monthly electrical usage of the GCWs. depths of about 30 m (100 ft) if the soil is not too rocky, but steel
Until 2009 the GCW continued to operate as designed, piling is not suitable if the waste contains corrosive liquids. A
meeting the criteria for focused extraction. slurry trench cutoff wall can be built to contain most hazardous
Toxic or flammable soil gas generated from anaerobic wastes, as shown schematically in Figure 12-16.
decomposition or volatilization of buried waste can be removed A slurry trench cutoff wall can be excavated from the
using an induced draft extraction fan and treated using granu- ground surface with a clamshell or backhoe excavator, as
lar activated carbon adsorption; in some cases, the gases can be illustrated in Figure 12-17, without moving or otherwise dis-
destroyed by flares or combustion devices. Contaminated soils turbing the waste material. The trenches, roughly 1 m (3 ft)
can also be excavated from a hazardous waste site, treated, and wide and up to 30 m (100 ft) deep, can be dug without collapse
then replaced on site, as was done at the site of a former manu- by filling them temporarily with a bentonite-clay slurry. The
factured gas plant in Paterson, New Jersey. dense slurry (a mixture of clay and water) maintains the sta-
The EPA estimates that there are about 1800 hazardous bility of the trench during excavation until it is backfilled with
waste sites in the United States created from former manu- a material that forms the vertical barrier. The backfill material
factured gas plants. These facilities, also known as “town gas” may be a mixture of soil and cement or soil and clay; it must
plants, were built beginning in the early 19th century to pro- be blended properly to have a permeability of 10–6 mm/s or
duce methane gas for street lighting, domestic hot water heat- less to block the flow of water. In some cases, a double trench
ing, and cooking. Hazardous by-products and wastes from wall, or a trench wall with an installed synthetic liner sheet,
the gas manufacturing process, including coal tar and other may be built for extra insurance that there will be no liquid or
substances, became contaminated with VOCs, such as ben- water movement into or out of the site.
zene and toluene. Most of these plants were shut down after
the mid-1900s, but the hazardous wastes remained where they In Situ Bioremediation.  Bioremediation is a technique
were originally dumped and the sites now require remediation. used for cleaning up contaminated soil or groundwater at
The former Paterson Gas Plant was constructed and hazardous waste sites. It relies on the biological action of
began producing manufactured gas in the mid- to late-1860s. microorganisms to convert the contaminants into harmless

clay cover

Slurry trench
cut-off walls

Natural clay strata


Figure 12-16  Slurry trench cutoff walls can be used to prevent the spread
of polluted groundwater at an abandoned hazardous waste dump site.
Hazardous Waste Management 339

Figure 12-17  Excavation of a deep slurry trench cutoff wall.

(Courtesy of Geo-Con, Inc.)

substances. The use of microorganisms for environmental or oxygen and reinjection. Treatment may involve the use of
purposes is not new; it has existed for decades at secondary an air stripper tower or activated carbon unit, an oil–water
wastewater treatment plants. What is unique about bioreme- separator, a biological unit, or a combination of these. Wells
diation is the way in which biological processes are applied are located so that nutrient- or oxygen-enriched groundwa-
in situ, that is, on the site of old hazardous waste dumps. ter flows toward the recovery wells, and only a portion of the
In soil above the water table, contamination may exist recovered groundwater may be reinjected; to control flow rate
in four phases. It may be in the vapor phase, within the pore and flow path, a portion may be discharged into surface waters.
spaces; the adsorbed phase, attached to soil particles; the
aqueous phase, dissolved in water; and the liquid phase, in Bioventing and Air Sparging.  To stimulate aerobic biodegra-
the form of nonaqueous-phase liquids. Below the water table, dation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants, air may be in-
contaminants may exist in all but the vapor phase. Certain jected below the ground surface. When air is injected through
contaminants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., ben- boreholes above the water table, the process is known as
zene, gasoline, and oil), are less dense than water and are ­bioventing. When it is injected below the water table, the tech-
called light nonaqueous-phase liquids. These tend to float on nique is termed “air sparging,” as illustrated in Figure 12-18.
the surface of the water table and spread laterally. Air sparging is an effective means of treating petroleum
Other contaminants, including chlorinated hydrocar- hydrocarbons because it also enhances physical removal by
bons (e.g., carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethane), are direct extraction of VOCs. Airflow must be carefully con-
denser than water and are called dense nonaqueous-phase trolled during a sparging operation to avoid the possible
liquids. These substances tend to migrate downward, some- increase in the spread of contaminants. Too low a flow can
times penetrating deep into the groundwater. Chlorinated significantly reduce treatment efficiency, and too high a flow
hydrocarbons are used widely as industrial degreasing sol- can result in a loss of control. Because of this, installation of
vents. They have often been disposed of improperly in an air sparging system must always be preceded by a pilot test.
refuse sites, lagoons, and storage tanks; as a group, chlori-
nated solvents are the most prevalent type of groundwater Remediation Methods for Chlorinated Solvents. Chlorinated
contaminants found in the United States. They are not as solvents can be transformed biologically by microorganisms,
readily biodegradable as petroleum products. thereby remediating contaminated soils. In addition, soils
Bioremediation of sites contaminated with petroleum contaminated with chlorinated solvents may be treated ef-
hydrocarbons often relies on indigenous (native) bacteria fectively by soil vacuum extraction to remove volatile vapors;
found in soil. The addition of suitable bacterial mixtures to groundwater can be treated by air stripping. These are physi-
“jump start” the process can significantly reduce the treatment cal treatment processes; the vapors are discharged into the
time. This is called bioaugmentation. If oxygen and nutrients atmosphere or treated with activated carbon, catalytic com-
(i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) are not present in sufficient bustion, or incineration.
quantities, one or more of these elements may also be added.
Systems for treating groundwater typically comprise recov- Natural Bioremediation.  Naturally occurring microorgan-
ery wells, monitoring wells, and injection wells. Recovered isms can degrade contaminants in the subsurface environment.
groundwater is often treated prior to the addition of nutrients Studies have shown that plumes of dissolved hydrocarbons will
340 chapter Twelve

Vent to

Air compressor Vacuum

Vapor extraction

Surface soil/cap

Unsaturated zone

Saturated zone

Contaminated zone

Direction of ground-
Streamtubes of air water flow

Figure 12-18  Air sparging.

(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)

eventually degrade without human intervention. The natural Brownfields

assimilative capacity of an aquifer depends on the local hydro-
geology, the geochemistry, and the metabolic characteristics of The previous section focuses on the remediation of sites
indigenous microorganisms. In some cases, removal of leak- that are definitely contaminated with potentially harm-
ing tanks or contaminated soil may be all that is necessary for ful substances. There are many industrial and commer-
natural bioremediation to complete the cleanup. In most cases, cial properties that, although they may not be on the
though, natural bioremediation is used only to supplement the Superfund list, are abandoned sites where redevelop-
methods discussed previously. ment is hindered by perceived or low-level environmen-
Hydrocarbons that do not completely degrade in the unsat- tal contamination. These properties or sites are called
urated zone will be transported within the water table aquifer, brownfields. For example, old warehouses or abandoned
where the extent of further biodegradation is likely to be limited factories in cities may become brownfields, as may aban-
by the available oxygen supply; oxygen is only slightly soluble in doned mines or fields in rural areas where illegal dumping
water. As the plume migrates, though, contaminated water will may have occurred. There are several hundred thousand
disperse and mix with clean, oxygenated water. brownfields in the United States; almost half of them are
Depending on site conditions, problems related to risk former gas stations. Called petroleum brownfields because
analysis, property rights, third-party liability, and the pos- the ground on which they are located may be contami-
sible need for variances from existing regulations will have nated by gas and oil, they are typically situated on small
to be considered if natural bioremediation is used. A com- but valuable parcels of land on busy street corners and can
prehensive monitoring system is needed, including interior pose unique financial challenges (as well as opportunities)
wells to monitor the plume and guardian wells at the outside for redevelopment.
edge of the contaminated area; guardian wells are needed Although brownfields do not pose severe or immediate
to monitor potential off-site migration of contaminants environmental threats, it is important that they be cleaned
and to determine if additional remedial steps are necessary. up and renovated to promote redevelopment and economic
Computer models may also be used to predict the extent of growth. The EPA, beginning in 1995, has provided legal and
plume migration and rate of biodegradation in an aquifer. technical guidance to prospective purchasers, current land-
In some cases, particularly for chlorinated contaminants, the owners, and land developers on issues related to liability
inoculation or addition of nonindigenous microorganisms and site cleanup. In 1997, a federal tax incentive was begun
into the ground can speed up the rate of biological action and to promote cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields in
remediation. economically distressed urban and rural areas and to bring
Hazardous Waste Management 341

thousands of abandoned and underused industrial sites back Waste minimization also can reduce a generator’s financial
into productive use. and legal liability; the less waste generated, the lower are the
Successful remediation of a new site for New York costs and environmental risks.
City’s Fulton Fish Market is one example of a brownfields Waste minimization is not regulated as a mandatory
cleanup project. The Fulton Fish Market was a New York program; the United States and other countries that pro-
City landmark in Manhattan since 1882, but a need for a mote minimization and recycling as a management option
market expansion, operational concerns, and other factors rely on cooperative, voluntary efforts by the industrial sec-
required its relocation to the Hunts Point peninsula in the tor. Mandatory performance standards and other regula-
Bronx, a borough of the city. The 13-ha (31-ac) new market tory approaches have been rejected because they would be
site at Hunts Point, however, was the former site of a man- counterproductive. They would second-guess industry’s
ufactured gas plant (MGP), and it was contaminated with production decisions and would be difficult to administer.
many MGP waste materials, including coal tar and other It is considered best to rely on existing strong economic
petroleum products. incentives for industry to reduce their wastes. The most
In addition to excavation, removal, treatment, and dis- constructive role for government in this effort is to provide
posal of the buried wastes, site remediation included on-site technical information and other assistance to waste genera-
air sparging of the contaminated plume in the groundwater tors. Because the states deal firsthand with the generators,
to extract the petroleum VOCs. Vapor extraction wells were they also should play a central role in assisting industry
also used to pull the air sparged from the groundwater out of with waste minimization programs. A few states provide
the soil pore spaces. This air was then passed through can- incentives and encourage waste reduction through tax
isters of activated carbon to adsorb the VOCs and clean the preferences.
exhaust before it was released to the environment. A vapor
barrier was installed under the concrete slab and parking lot Waste Minimization Audits
for further protection. The Fulton Fish Market opened for
business at its new home in the Bronx in 2005. The first step in establishing a waste minimization program
is to conduct a waste minimization assessment or audit. This
is a careful review of an industry’s potential opportunities to
reduce or recycle its waste; it may be done by in-house staff
12-5 Hazardous Waste or an independent consultant. An effective way to begin
Minimization such an audit is to select a few waste streams or processes
The most desirable solution to the hazardous waste problem for intensive review, rather than to attempt to cover all waste
is to reduce or minimize the quantity of waste at its source. streams at once. Waste minimization assessments identify
Waste minimization is, in fact, a primary waste management and characterize waste streams, the production processes
goal in the United States. In the 1984 Hazardous and Solid that are generating the waste, and the quantity of waste
Waste Amendments, it is stated that “The Congress hereby generated.
declares it to be the national policy of the United States that, The EPA suggests the following steps for a waste mini-
wherever feasible, the generation of hazardous waste is to be mization assessment:
reduced or eliminated as expeditiously as possible.” Waste ● Prepare background material for the assessment.
minimization policies are also followed by Japan and many ● Conduct a preassessment visit to identify candidate
European countries.
waste streams.
Waste minimization techniques focus on source reduc-
tion and recycling activities that reduce either waste volume
● Select waste streams for detailed analysis.
or hazards. Recycling is an increasingly attractive option, ● Conduct a detailed site visit to collect data on selected
particularly for waste that includes high concentrations of waste streams and controls and related process data.
metals, oils, acids, and other substances that may have eco- ● Develop a series of potential waste minimization
nomic value. options.
Waste minimization is now a top priority or goal for ● Undertake preliminary option evaluations (including
industry, not because of mandatory requirements (there development of preliminary cost estimates).
are none), but because of the very high costs of the other ● Rank options according to waste reduction effectiveness,
options, including disposal on or in the ground. Disposal extent of current use in the industry, and potential for
sites are scarce and prices keep rising. It has become clear future application at the facility.
that simply storing or burying hazardous waste in the ● Present preliminary results to plant personnel along with
land is not the ultimate solution or management option
a ranking of options.
for industry. Even treatment and stabilization of the waste
prior to its land disposal will not remedy the problem.
● Prepare a final report, including recommendations to
Because of restrictions on land disposal, many untreated plant management.
wastes that were sent to landfills in the past must now be ● Develop an implementation plan and schedule.
incinerated, at costs much higher than those for landfilling. ● Conduct periodic reviews and updates of assessments.
342 chapter Twelve

Waste Reduction Methods recycle the waste, stabilize the waste, incinerate the waste,
and apply modern land disposal methods. Hazardous mate-
Methods of reducing hazardous waste quantities can be rials (new and unused) are different from hazardous wastes
grouped into several categories, including product changes, and are regulated under the TSCA.
input material changes, technology changes, good operating The four primary characteristics of hazardous wastes are
practices, and recycling. These methods can be applied in toxicity, reactivity, ignitability, and corrosivity. Toxic wastes
a wide range of industries and manufacturing operations. are poisonous, even in very small (trace) amounts, and they
Most involve source reduction, the EPA’s preferred option. may have acute (immediate) or chronic (long-term) effects.
Others involve on- and off-site recycling or reuse. The most Reactive wastes can cause explosions or form harmful vapors
suitable method for any particular industry can be deter- and fumes. Ignitable wastes burn easily at low temperatures
mined after a waste minimization audit. and can pose an immediate fire hazard. Corrosive wastes
Improved operations may include the purchase of destroy materials by chemical reaction. In addition, hazard-
fewer toxic production materials, improved material stor- ous wastes may be characterized as being infectious (can
age and handling practices, employee training, and better spread communicable disease) or radioactive (emit harmful
housekeeping practices. Hazardous waste can be separated radiation). Several hundred million tons of hazardous waste
from nonhazardous waste to save money for disposal and are generated each year in the United States. About half of it
find new opportunities for reuse. Production equipment can comes from the chemical industry, and the rest is generated
be modified to produce less waste and to enhance material by the petroleum, electronics, and metal-related industries.
recovery operations; an improved preventive maintenance Also, about 11>2 million tons of household hazardous wastes
program can also be helpful. End products can be rede- are generated each year.
signed or reformulated to be less hazardous, and the sources Hazardous wastes require transport to a licensed TSDF,
of leaks and spills can be eliminated. Closed-loop produc- which requires special care to prevent accidental spills (and
tion systems can be designed and implemented to increase “midnight dumping”). This is regulated under the HMTA, as
on-site recycling. well as by the DOT. The wastes are typically moved in cargo
Metal parts cleaning and paint application processes are tank trucks, or they are containerized and shipped in 210-L
essential for many industries and businesses. Hazards from (55-gal) drums. A “cradle-to-grave” manifest system is used
metal parts cleaning can be minimized by reducing the vol- to monitor the journey of the waste from its point of origin
ume or the toxicity of the cleaning agents used. Low-toxicity to point of final disposal. A manifest must be prepared by the
paints (e.g., water based) that do not contain heavy metals generator of the waste and given to a licensed waste trans-
can be used to reduce paint-related hazardous wastes. porter along with the waste. The manifest must then be given
Sometimes, one company’s waste can be used as the to the recipient at an authorized TSDF. Each time the waste
feedstock or raw material for another company’s produc- changes hands, the manifest form must be signed, with cop-
tion process. Organizations that serve as hazardous waste ies kept by each party involved and sent to the appropriate
clearinghouses or material exchanges are able to facilitate environmental agency. In addition to preventing improper
exchange and recycling efforts. A clearinghouse can help waste disposal, the manifest system provides data about
make arrangements between waste generators and poten- sources, types, and quantities of hazardous wastes.
tial users of the waste material. It can serve as a matchmaker Hazardous waste can be treated to detoxify it and reduce
or directly as a transfer agent, purchasing the waste from its volume. Some chemical treatment processes include incin-
the generator, reprocessing it if needed, and selling it for eration, ion exchange, neutralization, precipitation, oxidation,
reuse by some other industry. Waste clearinghouses and and reduction. Biological treatment includes use of activated
exchanges have found some success in several European sludge or trickling filter system, land treatment, or bioreac-
and Scandinavian countries; private or government-funded tors. Land treatment is relatively inexpensive, but it may
waste exchange organizations are likely to play an increas- require large tracts of land to be removed from agricultural
ingly important role in managing hazardous waste in the use. Physical treatment can be used to concentrate, solidify,
United States in the coming years. or reduce the volume of the material. Volume reduction can
be achieved by evaporation, sedimentation, or floatation.
Solidification can be accomplished by encapsulating the waste
12-6  Chapter Synopsis in concrete asphalt, or plastic, or by mixing the waste with lime,
Hazardous wastes can result in serious illness, injury, or fly ash, and water to form a solid cementlike product. Specific
death of individuals exposed to them and can pose an imme- hazardous components in liquid waste can be removed by air/
diate threat to environmental quality when improperly gas stripping or by activated carbon adsorption.
managed. The RCRA regulations for hazardous wastes are Proper storage of hazardous waste is essential. Storage
more stringent than those for nonhazardous MSW. Under containers or drums must be labeled before transport. USTs
the RCRA, a “cradle-to-grave” system for managing hazard- pose a greater threat than aboveground tanks. Under RCRA
ous wastes from their origin to final disposal has been estab- regulations, new UST systems must be made of fiberglass or
lished. The options available for managing hazardous wastes steel with corrosion control. A secondary containment sys-
include eliminate or reduce waste quantities, reclaim and tem (e.g., double-wall tanks) and automatic leak detection
Hazardous Waste Management 343

systems and alarms must be installed. Surface impound- program (under the SDWA), each state has regulatory
ments such as PPLs are also regulated under RCRA and requirements for injection wells.
must meet strict design criteria, including two liners and a Remedial action to clean up old abandoned hazard-
leachate collection system. ous waste sites is conducted under the CERCLA, usually
Certain hazardous wastes can be disposed of in the referred to as the Superfund program. Remediation can
ground. Nonliquid or containerized waste can be bur- be achieved by removal of the waste by excavation or
ied in a secure landfill; liquid waste can be disposed of in dredging and transport to another location for incinera-
deep-well injection systems. A secure landfill must be at tion or disposal in a secure landfill. Or, on-site remedia-
least 3 m (10 ft) above bedrock or groundwater, and must tion techniques can be used, including waste extraction,
have a double liner, a leachate collection system, a network treatment, and replacement, or by building permanent
of monitoring wells for sampling, and an impermeable containment subsurface slurry trench cutoff walls around
cap when completed. The primary liner, called a geomem- the waste material. Another method, called in situ bio-
brane or flexible membrane liner (FML), is made of plastic; remediation, can be used to clean up contaminated soil
the secondary liner is a composite layer of compacted clay or groundwater at hazardous waste sites. This technique
and an FML. In a deep-well injection system, liquid waste relies on biological action of microorganisms to convert
is pumped down through a drilled well into a porous layer the contaminants into harmless substances. It can be done
of rock. The well must be at least 0.4 km (0.25 mi) from an using bioaugmentation, bioventing, and air sparging and
underground source of drinking water and must be injected by allowing natural bioremediation to occur. Site reme-
into a separate geologic formation free of faults. In addition diation is always preceded by a comprehensive field sam-
to the requirements of the Underground Injection Control pling investigation.

Review Questions 8. Briefly discuss the role of incineration in hazardous

waste treatment. What are other common chemical
1. There have been many episodes or cases publicized since treatment processes that may be applied to hazardous
the 1950s involving hazardous wastes and the damage waste? What are the basic purposes of those processes?
they caused to public health and the environment. The 9. Briefly discuss some of the common physical treatment
Love Canal case is perhaps one of the most famous, processes that may be applied to hazardous waste. What
but there are many others, involving such substances are the basic purposes of these processes?
as DDT, PCBs, mercury, and dioxin. Visit your public 10. Briefly discuss biological treatment methods for hazard-
or college library or the World Wide Web to research ous waste. What is the difference between land farming
the Love Canal episode in New York State; the Bhopal, and landfilling of hazardous waste?
India, incident (1984); and at least one other case. Write
a brief report on your findings. 11. What are the basic differences in the design require-
ments for an MSWLF and a secure hazardous waste
2. List five options for the management and control of haz- landfill? Describe four different phases of the operating
ardous waste. Which is the least desirable? Which is the life of a secure landfill. Is it really secure?
most desirable? Explain why.
12. Make a sketch showing a cross section of a secure land-
3. Give a workable definition of hazardous waste, includ-
fill. Briefly describe the bottom liner and leachate col-
ing the basic properties that are characteristics of such
lection systems.
wastes. Briefly describe these properties. Is there a
distinction between hazardous wastes and hazardous 13. Briefly describe the application of deep-well injection as a
materials? Should the term “toxic waste” be used inter- land disposal option for liquid hazardous waste. Are there
changeably with the term “hazardous waste”? Why? other options that you think may be preferable? Why?
What is the TCLP? 14. Briefly describe restrictions on land disposal of hazard-
4. Briefly discuss the primary mode of transport for haz- ous waste.
ardous waste. What is an SQG? What is a TSDF? 15. Briefly describe the role and application of the Superfund
5. Briefly discuss RCRA, CERCLA, HSWA, SARA, in hazardous waste management. What is the NPL?
TOSCA, and HMTA. 16. What is meant by site remediation? Briefly describe the dif-
6. What is the manifest system? Briefly discuss its basic ference between off-site and on-site remediation options.
purposes and its role in hazardous waste management. 17. Briefly discuss two basic alternatives for on-site
7. Briefly discuss hazardous waste storage methods. remediation.
344 chapter Twelve

18. What is bioremediation? Briefly discuss how it is accom- the primary dangers for personnel at the site? Why is
plished for VOCs and for chlorinated hydrocarbons. it important for field technicians to be knowledgeable
What is natural bioremediation? about the properties and characteristics of hazardous
19. Briefly describe three different nonintrusive field sam- wastes?
pling methods used to investigate hazardous waste dis- 23. Why are there no mandatory requirements for waste
posal sites. minimization?
20. Briefly describe soil and soil-gas sampling techniques 24. Briefly describe the purpose and major steps of a waste
used at waste remediation sites. minimization audit or assessment.
21. Discuss some methods used to sample sediment, sur- 25. Briefly describe four different strategies for waste mini-
face water, and groundwater at hazardous waste reme- mization. Explain the role of a hazardous waste clear-
diation sites. inghouse or material exchange.
22. Briefly discuss some of the safety factors related to
remediation site field investigation. What is one of
chapter Thirteen

Air Pollution and Control

Chapter Outline 13-5 Indoor Air Quality

Air Exchange
13-1 Historical Background
Indoor Pollutants
13-2 Atmospheric Factors Sick Building Syndrome
Composition of the Atmosphere LEED and Indoor Air Quality
Atmospheric Layers 13-6 Air Sampling and Measurement
Effects of Weather Air Sampling Methods
Units of Measurement
13-3 Types, Sources, and Effects Particulates
Criteria Air Pollutants
Hazardous Air Pollutants
13-7 Air Pollution Control
Effects of Ambient Air Pollution
Pollution Control Strategies
13-4 Global Air Pollution Air Quality Legislation and Standards
Global Warming and Climate Change Emission Controls for Stationary Sources
Depletion of Stratospheric Ozone Emission Controls for Mobile Sources
Acid Deposition 13-8 Chapter Synopsis

A ir is necessary for the survival of all higher forms

of life on Earth. On the average, a person needs at
least 30 lb of air every day to live, but only about
3 lb of water and 1.5 lb of food. A person can live about
5 weeks without food and about 5 days without water,
review of the history of air pollution, atmospheric and
meteorological factors are discussed. Types and effects of
ambient (outdoor) air contaminants are presented, and the
topics of indoor air pollution and global climate change are
also covered. Air sampling and measurement techniques, air
but only 5 minutes without air. We each breathe around quality rules and regulations, and, finally, air pollution con-
11,000 L (2900 gallons) of air per day, and naturally, every- trol strategies and air cleaning equipment for stationary and
one likes to breathe fresh, clean air. But the atmosphere, that mobile sources are discussed.
invisible yet essential ocean of different gases called air, is as
­susceptible to pollution from human activities as are water
and land environments. 13-1 Historical
Atmospheric pollution and air quality control are issues
of major concern in the fields of environmental engineering
and civil technology. Scientific studies have demonstrated Air pollution from human activities can be said to have orig-
that over the long term, the standard of health for people liv- inated with the discovery of fire; even today, most air con-
ing and working in urban areas is lower than that for popula- taminants originate in combustion processes from mobile as
tions in rural areas, where air pollution is much less severe; well as stationary sources. As early as 4000 bc, when copper
there is much scientific evidence of a distinct relationship and gold were beginning to be forged and clay was glazed,
between generally dirty air and a higher incidence of respira- there must have been significant amounts of air pollution in
tory diseases, including lung cancer. There is also compelling the local areas nearby those activities. There is little doubt
evidence that air pollution has a significant and lasting world- that the use of coal for fuel, which began around the year
wide (global) impact on the Earth’s climate. ad 1000, resulted in considerable amounts of air pollution.
This chapter presents some of the basic facts and con- Early in the 14th century, for instance, King Edward II pro-
cepts regarding air pollution and its control. After a brief hibited the burning of coal in London while Parliament was

346 chapter Thirteen

in session because of the smoke it caused. At the start of the 13-2 Atmospheric

17th century, when coal was converted to coke and used for
iron smelting, air pollution increased substantially. By the
mid-17th century, the city of London had such severe smoke To understand topics related to the effects and control of air
problems that a brochure containing ideas for reducing air pollution, it is first necessary to know something about the
pollution was written by a special commission and submit- composition and physical behavior of the atmosphere itself.
ted to King Charles II and to Parliament. What does “clean air” consist of, and how do meteorological
Later in the 17th century, the development of the steam or weather conditions affect the mixing and dispersion of
engine and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution her- pollutants? Meteorology, the science of the atmosphere and
alded a new era of air pollution. Early in the 20th century, weather forecasting, involves the study of both large-scale
yet another significant air pollution era began when the and small-scale atmospheric circulation patterns. During
gasoline-powered automobile became a major contribut- some types of adverse weather conditions, small-scale cir-
ing source. But it was not until the mid-1900s that any last- culation patterns are such that emitted pollutants are con-
ing attempts were made to protect air quality. Meaningful fined to a restricted volume of air. It is necessary to know
efforts to control air pollution were initiated about that time, how these weather patterns develop and to understand their
largely as the result of deadly air pollution episodes, particu- impact on air pollution control requirements. Large-scale
larly those in Donora, Pennsylvania; London, England; and weather patterns are also of concern with regard to regional
the Meuse Valley, Belgium. and global air pollution problems.
Donora, a small industrial town in western Pennsylvania,
experienced a temperature inversion (a weather effect Composition of the Atmosphere
explained in the next section) in the fall of 1948. The inversion
trapped air pollutants, mostly from the local steel mill, wire The atmosphere is a mixture of many different gases, but
mill, and zinc plating plant, in the valley in which the town the air we breathe mostly consists of molecular nitrogen and
is situated. An intense smog hung in the air and persisted for oxygen (N2 and O2). About 78 percent of unpolluted dry air
about 1 week. By the time the smog dissipated, the death of is nitrogen and about 21 percent is oxygen. These percent-
more than 20 people and the illness of about 600 others were ages are expressed on a volume basis. For example, a con-
attributed to its effects. Because the population of Donora at tainer holding 1 m3 or 1000 L of air (at standard pressure)
the time (about 14,000 people) was relatively small, the per includes about 780 L of nitrogen and 210 L of oxygen.
capita death rate was actually the highest ever recorded during The nitrogen and oxygen combined make up approxi-
an air pollution episode. mately 99 percent of the atmosphere. The remaining 1 per-
A similar episode occurred in London in 1952, also due cent of filtered dry air is a mixture of several other gases. Most
to a temperature inversion. An extremely severe ground- of that remaining 1 percent (about 0.9 percent) is the inert gas
level smog lasted for more than a week, reducing visibility argon. The rest of it includes carbon dioxide, methane, hydro-
to only a few meters. The average death rate in London more gen, helium, neon, ozone, and numerous other gases in trace
than tripled during that week (about 4000 people died), (very small) amounts. Figure 13-1 shows the relative amounts
but it dropped back to normal when the smog abated. The of atmospheric gases. It is seen that the “pure” atmosphere
Donora episode, London’s “Killer Smog,” and other events is normally a mixture of many different substances. In addi-
helped focus public attention on air pollution and prompted tion to the gases already mentioned, air may contain water
the development of new governmental strategies and laws, vapor and variable amounts of dust, pollen, and other very
and the improvement of engineering technologies needed to small particulates from natural sources. Later in this chapter,
solve the problem.
The air pollution episodes in Donora and London
were essentially “local” events. But in the second half of the
20th century it became obvious that air pollution knows no
boundaries. For example, air pollutants emitted by coal- Oxygen
21 percent
fired power plants in the Midwestern United States were Argon, carbon dioxide,
carried by winds, reaching communities in the northeastern and other gases 1 percent
part of the country. Air pollution was recognized to occur
on regional as well as global scales. In the mid-1980s, the fact Nitrogen
that certain chemicals were destroying the protective strato- 78 percent
spheric ozone layer was discovered, and international steps
were taken to mitigate that problem. More recently, espe-
cially since the beginning of the 21st century, attention has
been focused on the worldwide impact of air pollution on
Figure 13-1  Molecular nitrogen and oxygen are the main
climate and the need for international efforts and coopera- constituents of the atmosphere, but “clean” air also ­contains
tion to mitigate the effects of global warming due to human argon, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of several
activities. other gases.
Air Pollution and Control 347

several specific substances that are considered to be anthro- than the troposphere, the stratosphere contains only a
pogenic air pollutants or contaminants (from human activi- small part of the total air mass because of its lower air den-
ties rather than natural sources) are delineated. sity. It does, however, contain much more naturally occur-
The relative amounts or concentrations of gases in air can ring ozone (O3) than the troposphere. As is discussed later,
be expressed in terms of parts per million (ppm) and in terms this stratospheric ozone plays a crucial role as a barrier to
of percentage. For example, since 1 percent = 10,000 ppm harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Layers of
(see Section 4-1), an oxygen level of 21 percent in air can the atmosphere existing above the stratosphere include the
also be expressed as 210,000 ppm. Obviously, it is more con- mesosphere, the ionosphere, and the thermosphere. These
venient to express that concentration in percent. However, portions of the atmosphere are essentially unaffected by air
the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, now pollution.
close to 0.04 percent, may be more conveniently expressed A basic physical characteristic that distinguishes one
as 400 ppm. A wide range of concentrations is related to air atmospheric layer from the next is the temperature gradi-
quality; for instance, natural ozone concentrations can be as ent, that is, the gradual change of air temperature with alti-
low as 0.02 ppm. Concentrations of air pollutants are also tude. For example, air temperature normally decreases with
expressed in terms of mass per unit volume; conversion cal- increasing altitude in the troposphere, but increases with
culations are explained in Section 13-6. altitude in the stratosphere. This is illustrated in Figure 13-2.
As already mentioned, water vapor is also a nor- Naturally occurring variations in the temperature gradi-
mal component of the atmosphere, but the amount may ent of the troposphere cause certain weather patterns that
vary significantly over time and location. Local climate is directly affect air quality.
a major factor that affects the amount of water vapor or
moisture in the air. In very humid regions, for example, Effects of Weather
moisture content may be as high as 5 percent; on aver-
age, atmospheric moisture content is about 1 percent. Air quality at any given location can vary greatly over time,
Moisture affects air quality in several ways. For instance, as even though the rate of emission of pollutants remains rela-
it condenses or evaporates, water releases or absorbs heat, tively constant. This is because the air pollutants are mixed,
which affects atmospheric stability and air circulation pat- dispersed, and diluted within the troposphere by movement
terns. Also, when atmospheric moisture condenses, fogs of air masses, both horizontally and vertically. Air move-
are formed; fogs tend to occur more frequently in urban ments and therefore air quality are very dependent on local
areas due to higher levels of particulates, which serve as and regional weather conditions. Knowledge of horizon-
nuclei for the formation of fog droplets. Fogs are typically tal and vertical circulation patterns is of importance with
involved in serious pollution episodes (e.g., at Donora) regard to implementation of air pollution surveys, site selec-
because the droplets help the conversion of sulfur oxides tion for new industrial plants, establishment of maximum
into sulfuric acid. Fogs also block heat energy from the sun allowable air pollutant emission rates, and design of tall
and prolong weather circulation patterns that tend to trap stacks or chimneys.
the pollutants.

Atmospheric Layers
The full atmosphere extends upward roughly 160 km Thermosphere
(100 mi) above the surface of Earth. But the mixture of gases
just discussed refers only to the troposphere, the lowermost 100
surface layer of the atmosphere. The troposphere, which is
Altitude (km)

roughly 12 km (8 mi) in depth, contains about 80 percent
of the total air mass. It is in this relatively thin layer of air Mesosphere
that oxygen-dependent life is sustained, clouds are formed,
weather patterns develop, and most air pollution problems 50
occur. If the Earth were imagined to be about the size of an Stratosphere
apple, the depth of the troposphere would be equivalent
to only the thickness of the apple’s skin. The density of air
(about 1.23 kg>m3 at sea level) decreases significantly with Troposphere
an increase in altitude or distance above Earth’s surface. In
fact, at elevations above the troposphere, there is not enough –50 0 50
oxygen to support life. Temperature (°C)
The layer of air above the troposphere, called the
Figure 13-2  In the troposphere, temperature normally
stratosphere, is a stable layer (in terms of air circulation drops with increasing distance from Earth’s surface; in the
patterns) that extends upward from the troposphere to an stratosphere, temperature increases with increasing distance
altitude of about 50 km (30 mi). Even though it is deeper or altitude.
348 chapter Thirteen

Horizontal Dispersion of Pollutants  Horizontal dis- escape; the heat island effect keeps cities several degrees
persion or spreading of air pollutants depends on wind speed warmer than their surrounding suburbs and rural areas,
and direction. The concentration of air pollutants decreases during the day as well as at night.
with increasing wind speed because, as the pollutants are
discharged from the source, they are more rapidly separated Vertical Dispersion of Pollutants  In addition to wind
and dispersed by the swiftly moving air. Knowledge of pre- patterns and horizontal dispersion, the vertical motion of
vailing wind speed and direction in a given locality makes it air is important with regard to air quality. Vertical mixing
possible to select sites for new industrial facilities or power of air and dispersion of pollutants depends on the kind of
plants to minimize local air pollution effects. Locating such atmospheric stability prevailing at any given time. The at-
sites downwind of residential areas is preferable, naturally, mosphere is considered to be stable when there is little or
to upwind location. Wind velocity data, plotted in a graph no vertical movement of air masses and therefore little or no
called a wind rose, give a picture of the speed and direction mixing and dispersion of pollutants in the vertical direction.
from which the wind tends to come; the graph provides in- Air pollutants tend to accumulate near the ground under
formation regarding the prevailing winds. A typical wind stable conditions, and severe pollution episodes may occur.
rose is shown in Figure 13-3. An unstable atmosphere, on the other hand, is one in which
Winds develop because of the combined effects of tem- the air moves naturally in a vertical direction, increasing
perature gradients and the rotation of Earth. Warm air near mixing and dispersion of the pollutants. With regard to local
the equator rises and moves toward the poles while friction or regional air quality, a condition of atmospheric unstability
and the forces resulting from Earth’s rotation deflect the is preferable to a stable condition.
air movement, eastward in the northern hemisphere and Atmospheric stability depends on the rate of change
westward in the southern hemisphere. Important factors of air temperature with altitude, that is, on the tempera-
that affect circulation patterns include topography, daily ture gradient (or profile) that may prevail at a particular
and seasonal variations in surface heating, proximity to time and location. Normally, air temperatures in the tropo-
large bodies of water and to mountains, and cloud cover. sphere decrease with increasing altitudes (see Figure 13-2).
Because soil and rock warm up and cool faster than water, But the rate at which the air temperature drops, called the
winds near shorelines are directed toward the water at environmental lapse rate, is of crucial importance with
night and inland during the day. In an urban area, where regard to atmospheric stability. (Environmental lapse rate is
steel, concrete, and masonry absorb and hold heat, a heat also called prevailing or ambient lapse rate.) To understand
island encompasses the city at night, with a self-contained the relationships among lapse rates, stability, and vertical
circulation pattern from which pollutants cannot readily mixing, a brief discussion of basic atmospheric physics is
N Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing height
above the ground. As a volume or parcel of air rises, it nat-
10% urally expands and cools, provided that heat energy is not
NNW NNE added or withdrawn. A physical process in which there is no
5% heat transfer is called an adiabatic process. Because a parcel
of air that is not in immediate contact with the ground is
WNW ENE well insulated by its surroundings, it can be assumed that
naturally occurring expansion (or compression) of air par-
cels, as they move vertically, is adiabatic.
W Calm–1.9% E Using the first law of thermodynamics, scientists have
calculated a theoretical dry adiabatic lapse rate to be 10°C
per km (5.4°F per 1000 ft). This lapse rate is independent
of the prevailing atmospheric temperature gradient at any
Miles per hour
given time. In other words, regardless of what the actual
SE 25–31
SW air temperature profile may be, a moving parcel of air will
SSW SSE 13–18 always cool down 1°C for each 100 m it rises in the atmo-
8–12 sphere and will warm up 1°C for every 100 m it sinks. [The
S 4–7 dry adiabatic lapse rate is calculated on the assumption that
there is no moisture or water vapor in the air. Water, usually
Figure 13-3  Example of a wind rose. Positions of spokes present in the atmosphere to some degree, emits or absorbs
show wind direction; total length shows percentage of time, heat as it condenses or evaporates. As air rises, condensation
for the reporting period, that the wind was blowing from occurs, producing a slower cooling rate (lower lapse rate)
that direction. Shaded segments show the percentage of than for dry air. The average wet adiabatic lapse rate is about
time the wind was blowing at the indicated speed.
6.5°C per km (3.5°F per 1000 ft).] The adiabatic lapse rate
(From Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, J. A. Salvato. Copyright ©
1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This material is used by permission of John usually differs from the environmental lapse rate because of
Wiley & Sons, Inc.) factors such as geographic features, wind, and sunlight.
Air Pollution and Control 349

The prevailing environmental lapse rate usually exceeds Adiabatic lapse rate
the adiabatic lapse rate. The atmosphere is unstable when
this happens, and vertical mixing of air masses occurs. This Weak lapse rate
is because an upward-moving parcel of air will cool adia-
batically at a slower rate than the ambient surrounding air.
Because the parcel of air then becomes warmer (and lighter) Temperature

than its surroundings, it continues to be accelerated upward
by buoyant forces. Conversely, a downward-moving parcel lapse rate
of air will become cooler (and denser) than its surroundings
and will continue its descent under the influence of gravity. Unstable Stable conditions
Such a condition of instability is beneficial with regard to air conditions
quality because it leads to the dilution and dispersion of any
contaminants in the atmosphere.
Consider, for example, a parcel of air at an altitude of Figure 13-5  The temperature profile that separates
1000 m. It will have the same pressure and temperature as the stable atmospheric conditions from unstable conditions
is the ­adiabatic lapse rate. The air is very stable during an
air surrounding it, say 20°C. Suppose that the environmental ­inversion, when temperatures increase with height above
lapse rate at the time is –2°C per 100 m. If the parcel rises to the ground or altitude.
an altitude of 1100 m, its temperature will drop to 19°C, while
the surrounding air will have a temperature of 18°C. Because
the parcel is warmer than the surrounding air, it will con- In urban areas, air quality will decrease rapidly due to the
tinue to rise, as if it were a hot-air balloon. This is illustrated stagnation caused by an inversion until weather conditions
in Figure 13-4. If the parcel were to move to a lower altitude, change and a superadiabatic lapse rate is restored.
say 800 m, its temperature would become 22°C, while the Temperature inversions can be caused by a variety of
surrounding air temperature would be 24°C; the colder (and local meteorological conditions, and they can occur just about
denser) air parcel would continue to descend. anywhere, but certain geographic conditions can increase
Environmental lapse rates are classified as being either their frequency and duration. An inversion can be particu-
strong or weak (superadiabatic or subadiabatic), as illus- larly severe, for example, for a community located in a valley,
trated in Figure 13-5. Strong lapse rates are associated with which acts as a holding basin or sink for the cold, denser air
an unstable atmosphere, while weak lapse rates are associ- masses near the ground. Hills surrounding the valley tend to
ated with a stable atmosphere. A lapse rate characterized block much of the horizontal air motion, thus adding to the
by an increase in actual air temperature with increasing stagnation problem. The city of Los Angeles, for example, lies
altitude is called a temperature inversion and results in in a mountain-rimmed bowl that traps air pollutants during
an extremely stable atmosphere. Temperature inversions, the frequent temperature inversions that occur there.
which effectively prevent the upward mixing and disper- Three types of temperature inversions, each associated
sion of contaminants, are usually the major causes of air with a specific weather pattern, are frontal inversions, sub-
pollution episodes, such as those in Donora and London. sidence inversions, and radiation inversions. Frontal inver-
sions generally develop at relatively high altitudes when
a warm air mass overruns a cold air mass; they are not
particularly important with regard to air quality control.
Subsidence inversions, however, are of major importance.
1100 m Although they also develop at relatively high altitudes,
lapse rate
(–1°C per 100 m) 19° subsidence inversions may persist for several days or even
18° weeks, especially in the summer months. This inversion is
Altitude (m)

1000 m Warmer air

continues caused, as its name implies, when a large warm mass of air
1000 Environmental 20° to rise subsides or descends over a community (e.g., Los Angeles).
lapse rate
20° The actual inversion may occur at an altitude of 300 m,
Altitude 800 m for example, while the lapse rate below is sub- or supera-
Air parcel 22° diabatic. This kind of inversion forms a lid or cap that liter-
Legend: Cooler air 24° ally traps pollutants and prevents further vertical mixing, as
500 continues
Surrounding shown in Figure 13-6. The plume from a smokestack will
to descend
air temperature abruptly stop rising when it reaches the inversion altitude. If
15 20 25 Temperature (°C) the ambient lapse rate below the inversion is superadiabatic,
a fumigating condition may develop near ground level due
Figure 13-4  Illustration of unstable atmospheric condi- to the strong mixing effects. Fumigation results in very high
tions, when the environmental lapse rate (e.g., –2° per 100
m) exceeds the adiabatic lapse rate. In this example, buoyant ground-level pollutant concentrations.
forces keep the air parcels moving in a vertical direction. Radiation inversions develop at low altitudes and are
caused by the rapid cooling of the ground due to radiation,
350 chapter Thirteen

activities. For example, the 1991 volcanic eruption of

Temperature Stable air
inversion Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, one of the largest vol-
canic eruptions in the last 200 years, spewed vast quantities

Unstable Fumigating of dust and gases into the atmosphere in a relatively short
air plume period of time. Pollutants from this eruption reached the
upper atmosphere and acted as sunlight reflectors, causing
global temperatures to fall slightly for a few years. In addi-
tion to volcanic discharges such as the one from Mount
Figure 13-6  When a temperature inversion begins above Pinatubo, other natural air pollutants include smoke and
the ground because of local weather conditions, it acts as a
lid or ceiling that prevents further vertical mixing and traps gases from forest fires, windblown dust from deserts, salt
pollutants below it. seaspray, pollen grains, and other naturally occurring sub-
stances. Obviously, there is not much that can be done to
control or regulate these natural occurrences, although
mostly on clear winter nights. The temperature of the air in
there may be certain actions that can be taken to mitigate
contact with the ground also drops, causing the inversion.
their harmful effects.
Air pollutants emitted during the night are trapped and do
Another general distinction among air pollutants
not disperse until later the next day, when the ground warms
involves the difference between primary pollutants and sec-
sufficiently to break the inversion. Fumigating conditions
ondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are emitted directly
are common during radiation inversions; fortunately, these
into the air from a specific source, such as a power plant
inversions are not long-lasting, although they are frequent.
stack. Secondary pollutants, however, are not emitted
Sophisticated mathematical models have been developed
directly from a source but are formed in the atmosphere
to calculate and predict ground-level concentrations of pol-
by complex chemical reactions involving the primary pol-
lutants downwind from sources such as smokestacks. Most
lutants and sunlight. The sources of primary air pollutants
computer programs that relate emissions to air quality use the
are either mobile (e.g., automobiles) or stationary (e.g.,
Gaussian dispersion equation. This model is based on a vari-
coal-fired electric power generating stations). The distinc-
ety of simplifying assumptions, including a uniform steady
tion between mobile and stationary sources of pollutants is
wind, a constant emission rate, flat terrain, a conservative
important because of the different pollution control tech-
pollutant (one that is not lost by decay, chemical reaction, or
nology applied to each type, as well as the different kinds of
deposition), and others. It is assumed to be accurate to within
contaminants that they emit.
only {50 percent. Although the results of the calculations
Air pollution occurs both indoors and outdoors. Until
are uncertain, the Gaussian model provides engineers and
recently, outdoor or ambient air quality problems received
scientists with an analytical tool useful for comparing various
most of the attention of scientists, engineers, and regula-
pollution control strategies. A demonstration of its applica-
tory agencies. In the United States, two kinds of ambient
tion is beyond the scope of this book.
­pollutants are regulated under the Clean Air Act: criteria pol-
lutants and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). The National
13-3 Types, Sources, and Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) promulgated
under the Clean Air Act characterize five primary pollutants
Effects and one secondary pollutant as criteria air pollutants. The
Air pollution may be simply defined as the presence of cer- primary pollutants are emitted in relatively large quantities
tain substances in the air in high enough concentrations by various sources. All the criteria pollutants tend to harm
and for long enough durations to cause undesirable effects. human health, diminish environmental quality, and damage
“Certain substances” may be any gas, liquid, or solid, property. Although the discharge of hazardous air pollutants
although certain specific substances are considered signifi- is not as voluminous as that of the criteria pollutants, they
cant pollutants because of large emission rates or harmful are considered to be immediately harmful to human health
and unwanted effects. On a local scale, “long enough dura- and are, for the most part, associated with certain specific
tions” can be anywhere from a few hours to several days or sources. (The Clean Air Act and the NAAQS are discussed
weeks; on regional and global scales, durations of months, further in Section 13-7.)
years, and decades are of concern. Before considering those In addition to the six criteria air pollutants (sulfur
substances considered to be major pollutants, it is useful to dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particulates,
first consider some of the general distinctions among the lead, and ozone), carbon dioxide and several other so-called
various types of air contaminants. “greenhouse gases” are considered to be air pollutants and
Implicit in this definition is the assumption that the are now subject to federal regulation in the United States (as
air pollution is anthropogenic, that is, caused by human of 2009, after the Supreme Court ruled that the EPA had the
activities. But air pollution may also result from natu- authority to set emission standards for heat-trapping gases
ral causes. In fact, at certain times pollution from natural that contribute to global climate change). Greenhouse gases
sources, such as volcanoes and forest fires, can be far more and their problems related to global warming are discussed
severe and longer lasting than air pollution from human in Section 13-4.
Air Pollution and Control 351

Criteria Air Pollutants emissions are initially in the form of nitric oxide (NO),
which by itself is not harmful at concentrations usually
The five primary criteria pollutants include: three gases— found in the atmosphere. But NO is readily oxidized to
sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon NO2, which in the presence of sunlight can further react
monoxide (CO); very small solid or liquid particulate mat- with hydrocarbons to form photochemical smog. Smog is,
ter; and lead particulates. Except perhaps for lead, the pri- of course, harmful. NO2 also reacts with the hydroxyl radi-
mary pollutants are emitted in industrialized countries at cal (OH–) to form nitric acid (HNO3), which contributes to
very high rates, usually measured in millions of tons per the problem of acid rain. Although NO is colorless, NO2 is
year. Ozone (O3) gas is the secondary criteria pollutant regu- a pungent, irritating gas that tends to give smog a reddish-
lated under the NAAQS. Although ozone near the ground brown color.
is a harmful pollutant and a main component of smog, in Several million tons of nitrogen oxides are discharged
the stratosphere it helps block harmful ultraviolet radiation. each year in the United States. The largest source is from
This is discussed in more detail later. the oxidation of nitrogen compounds during the combus-
tion of certain fossil fuels, such as coal, gasoline, and diesel
Sulfur Dioxide  Certain fossil fuels, particularly coal, fuel. Nitrogen oxides are also formed when temperatures are
may contain the element sulfur. When these fuels are high enough to oxidize molecular nitrogen in the combus-
burned for power or heat, the sulfur is also burned, or oxi- tion air. Stationary sources are the major contributions of
dized. This chemical reaction can be described by the fol- nitrogen oxides, although mobile sources are also important.
lowing equation: (Ironically, modifications in the operation of internal combus-
S + O2 1 SO2 tion engines meant to control carbon monoxide emissions,
such as increasing the air supply and raising the combustion
Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a sharp, choking odor. temperature, tend to make the NOx problem worse.)
It is a primary pollutant because it is emitted directly in the
form of SO2. Ordinarily, most people do not think of a gas Carbon Monoxide  During complete combustion of
as having much weight, but when the volumes are large, the fossil fuels, carbon atoms in the fuel combine with oxygen
total weight can be substantial. Millions of tons of SO2 are molecules to form carbon dioxide (CO2). But the process of
discharged into the atmosphere in the United States each combustion is rarely complete. Incomplete combustion of the
year. Most of the emissions result from fossil fuel com- fuel may occur when the oxygen supply is insufficient, when
bustion at electric utility power plants. Only a very small the combustion temperatures are too low, or when resi-
amount comes from gasoline-powered mobile sources. dence time in the combustion chamber is too short. Carbon
Other sources of SO2 emissions are petroleum refining, cop- monoxide (CO), a product of incomplete combustion, is
per smelting, and the manufacturing of Portland cement. the most abundant of the criteria pollutants. The chemical
Since the early 1970s, total sulfur oxide emissions have been equation that describes its formation is written simply as
reduced significantly as a result of fuel desulfurization, flue
gas scrubbing, and other emission controls. 2 C + O2 1 2 CO
In the presence of oxygen, water vapor, and sunlight, Carbon monoxide is completely invisible; it is colorless,
SO2 can be involved in additional chemical reactions. It odorless, and tasteless. (The harmful effects of this invisible
reacts with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide, which then reacts gas are discussed in the next section.) Almost 70 percent of
with water vapor to form a mist of sulfuric acid. The chemi- the total carbon monoxide emissions come from highway
cal reactions are shown in the following equations: vehicles, and atmospheric concentrations are very much a
2 SO2 + O2 1 2 SO3 function of urban traffic patterns. CO levels, which typically
range from 5 ppm to 50 ppm in city air, may often reach
SO3 + H2O 1 H2SO4
100 ppm on congested highways. (Cigarette smoke contains
The sulfuric acid (H2SO4) mist is a secondary pollut- more than 400 ppm of carbon monoxide.) A significant
ant because it is not emitted directly but is formed subse- fraction of total CO emissions comes from residential heat-
quently in the atmosphere. It is a constituent of acid rain, ing systems and from certain industrial processes. Power-
an important regional air pollution problem (as discussed generating plants, on the other hand, are typically designed
in Section 13-4). Sulfuric acid molecules may also condense and operated in a manner that reduces incomplete combus-
on existing particles in the air, and sulfate (SO42–) aerosols tion, so they do not emit very much CO at all.
often compose a significant fraction of particulate pollution
in the atmosphere. The sulfur pollution eventually reaches Particulate Matter  Extremely small fragments of solids
the ground by wet deposition (i.e., as acid rain) or dry depo- or liquid droplets suspended in air are called particulates
sition (without precipitation). or particulate matter (PM). Except for lead, PM is distin-
guished primarily on the basis of particle size, rather than by
Nitrogen Oxides  There are many forms of nitrogen chemical composition. The chemical composition of PM is
oxides (characterized collectively as NOx), but the one that important, though, and can provide information about the
is of greatest importance is nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Most source of the pollutants. It includes a highly variable mixture
352 chapter Thirteen

of elemental carbon, metals, organic compounds, carbon- processes, combustion processes, or gas conversion reac-
ates, acids, alkali compounds, and many other substances. tions in the atmosphere. Major sources include industrial
Because particulates typically have irregular shapes, processes, coal- or oil-burning power plants, residential
PM size is defined in terms of an equivalent aerodynamic heating systems, and highway vehicles.
diameter (which refers to a perfect sphere with the den- Particulates are generally classified by name according
sity of water that would have the same settling velocity to their size and phase (solid or liquid). Suspended solids
as the particle). Most airborne particulates range in size roughly 1 to 100 mm in size are called dust particles, while
from 0.1 mm to 100 mm (one micrometer, or 1 mm, is one smaller suspended solids (less than 1 mm) may be called
millionth of a meter; it may also be called a micron). To either smoke or fumes. Dust is formed from materials han-
put this in perspective, consider that the average human dling activities or mechanical operations, including grind-
hair is about 65 mm in diameter. PM smaller than 1 mm ing, woodworking, and sandblasting. Smoke is a common
tend to remain suspended in the atmosphere indefinitely, product of incomplete combustion; smoke particles consist
whereas those larger than 1 mm can eventually settle out mostly of carbonaceous material. Soot is a term that refers to
under the force of gravity. Airborne particulates larger visible clusters of carbon particles larger than PM10. Fumes,
than 10 mm readily settle out and generally do not travel usually consisting of very small metallic oxide particles, are
far from their source. typically formed during certain high-temperature chemical
The particulate materials of most concern with regard reactions and vapor condensation.
to adverse effects on human health (because they can be An airborne suspension of liquid particles between
inhaled) are equal to or less than 10 mm in size and are 0.1 mm and 10 mm in size is called a mist, whereas a spray
referred to as PM10. Fine particles, those with diameters consists of liquid particles greater than 10 mm in size. The
equal to or smaller than 2.5 mm (PM2.5) are of special con- term aerosol refers to a quantity of any small particles, liq-
cern because they are more likely to penetrate deep into uid or solid, suspended in air. To help put this array of terms
the lungs when inhaled, significantly aggravating illnesses in proper perspective, Figure 13-7 depicts the relative size
such as asthma, bronchitis, and heart disease. (Particulates ranges of various solid and liquid particulates.
larger than 2.5 mm but less than 10 mm in diameter are Particles that are highly elongated rather than mostly
called “inhalable coarse particles.”) PM2.5 are also a signifi- spherical in shape are called fibers. Examples include fiber-
cant component of smoke and haze (reduced visibility) in glass, asbestos fibers, and cotton fibers. Small diameter
urban areas and even in some of the national parks in the asbestos fibers are of special concern because of their persis-
United States. tence and adverse health effects when lodged in lung tissue
Even though individual airborne particles are so small, for long periods of time.
the total mass of particles discharged into the atmosphere Dust and other particulate matter can be released into
is very large. Total suspended particulate (TSP) emissions the atmosphere from natural sources, such as forest fires and
amount to several million tons per year in the United States; volcano eruptions. Major anthropogenic sources (i.e., from
in China, roughly 30 million tons of TSP were emitted in human activities) include fuel combustion, manufacturing
2007. Particulate emissions come from materials handling and industrial processes, and agricultural activities.

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Fume Dust

Mist Spray


Typical Fly ash
Viruses Sand

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Particle size (µ m)
Figure 13-7  Characteristic sizes of liquid and solid particulates.
Air Pollution and Control 353

Lead Particulates  This toxic metal, in the form of a fume and industrialized urban areas. Hazardous air pollution
(less than 0.5 mm in size), is one of the criteria pollutants. In increases the incidence of cancer, birth defects, and other
the past, major sources of lead (Pb) fumes were motor vehi- adverse health effects in humans, and causes widespread
cles that burned gasoline containing a lead-based antiknock environmental harm. A large fraction of toxics found in
additive. The EPA now requires the use of unleaded gaso- lake water, for example, is deposited from the air rather
lines, but lead is still emitted from petroleum refining and than from surface runoff (e.g., mercury in the Great Lakes).
smelting operations, battery recovery, and other industrial Although emission of the criteria pollutants is, for the most
activities. Young children are particularly at risk from lead part, steady and gradual, there is the possibility for haz-
poisoning because even slightly elevated levels of lead in the ardous air pollutants to be released in sudden and often
blood cause learning disabilities, seizures, permanent brain catastrophic accidents. One of the most notorious of these
damage, and even death. Ambient lead levels have decreased accidents is the December 1984 event at a Union Carbide
by more than 90 percent since the mid-1970s, when restric- pesticide factory in Bhopal, India, where a release of toxic
tions on leaded gasoline took effect. Under the 1990 Clean methyl isocyanate into the air killed approximately 3000
Air Act Amendments, a complete ban on the use of lead in people and injured hundreds of thousands more. Although
motor vehicle fuel took effect in 1996. With the phase-out not as severe as the incident in Bhopal, there are hundreds of
of leaded gasoline, the average blood lead level in children instances each year in the United States in which extremely
under age 6 dropped from 16.5 mg/dL in 1976 to 3.6 mg/dL hazardous substances are released into the air accidentally.
by 1996, and it continues to decline. Similar declines in The air toxics program established by the Clean Air
blood lead levels corresponding to leaded gasoline phase- Act Amendments of 1990 includes strong incentives for
outs have been observed in many other nations. innovation and pollution prevention in industry. A list of
189 toxic air pollutants was created, along with a schedule
Ozone and Photochemical Smog  Ozone (O3), a sec- for setting standards for all major sources of hazardous air
ondary air pollutant in the troposphere, is formed by a set pollutants. A major source is one that discharges more than
of exceedingly complex chemical reactions between nitro- 10 tons per year of any single HAP or 25 tons per year of
gen dioxide (NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). any HAP combination. Industries will be required to install
VOCs are hydrocarbons that quickly evaporate under normal the best control technologies that are achievable to meet the
atmospheric conditions. The reactions are initiated by the ul- new standards. It is expected that this regulatory effort will
traviolet energy in sunlight. Actually, a number of secondary reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants by more than
pollutants (collectively termed photochemical oxidants) are 1 million tons per year in the United States.
formed in the reactions. Ozone, the most abundant of the oxi- Standards have been set for six toxic air pollutants:
dants, is the key component of photochemical smog. asbestos, benzene, beryllium, mercury, vinyl chloride, and
The word smog, a contraction of “smoke and fog,” was radionuclides (radioactive air pollutants). Maximum lev-
initially coined in England to describe the visible air pol- els for arsenic and many others are now being developed.
lution caused by elevated levels of particulates and sulfur Asbestos, which can become airborne during the demoli-
oxides. While this kind of smog differs in origin and compo- tion or renovation of old buildings containing asbestos
sition from photochemical smog, a common characteristic fireproofing, can cause a variety of lung diseases, including
of both types is the low-lying, irritating brownish haze that cancer. Benzene, also a potent carcinogen (cancer-causing
prevails in the atmosphere when smog occurs. substance), is emitted into the air mostly by gasoline-powered
Since nitrogen oxides and VOCs are both emitted in vehicles. Beryllium comes from foundries, ceramic factories,
large quantities by motor vehicles, photochemical smog is incinerators, and other sources. Mercury is a metal found in
especially common in urban areas with lots of highway traf- trace amounts in coal and is released into the air when coal
fic and ample sunshine. Los Angeles, California, for example, is burned for power generation. It also can be released dur-
is generally noted for its chronic smog problem. Geographic ing incineration of garbage and from the weathering of latex-
features and weather patterns contribute to the situation. based paints, which contain mercury to prevent mildew.
Mountains up to 2500 m (8000 ft) high surround the Los Mercury can cause brain and kidney damage. Vinyl chloride
Angeles basin, and a steady easterly flow of cool upper air is emitted by various plastics processing facilities.
often subsides over the city, forming a temperature inver-
sion. The inversion traps the pollutants over the city, and the
Effects of Ambient Air Pollution
clear skies (about 200 d per year) ensure enough sunlight to
produce smog. Air pollution is known to have many adverse effects, includ-
ing those on human health, building facades and other
exposed materials, vegetation, agricultural crops, animals,
Hazardous Air Pollutants aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and the climate of Earth
Air pollutants associated with certain specific sources and as a whole. Some of the health effects have already been
that pose an immediate threat to human health are called alluded to, but are considered here in greater detail. Effects
toxic air pollutants (TAPs) or hazardous air pollutants. on materials, vegetation, and so on—largely economic
The risks are greatest for people living in heavily polluted impacts—will also be considered here. The long-term effects
354 chapter Thirteen

on global climate are considered later in this chapter (as are bronchial tubes and alveoli of the lungs. Gas transfer takes
the specific impacts of indoor air pollutants). place in the small alveolar sacs, where the pollutants can
then be absorbed into the blood. The lungs, a major target
Health Effects  Perhaps the most important effect of air of air pollution, can be damaged by gaseous and particulate
pollution is the harm it causes to human health. Generally, air pollutants.
air pollution is most harmful to the very old and the very Typical effects of sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen,
young. Many elderly people may already suffer from some and ozone include eye and throat irritation, coughing, and
form of heart or lung disease, and their weakened condition chest pain. These pungent gases can harm lung tissue when
can make them very susceptible to additional harm from inhaled and are associated with asthma, bronchitis, emphy-
air pollution. The sensitive lungs of newborn infants are sema, and other lung diseases. Sulfur dioxide can constrict
also susceptible to harm from dirty air. But it is not just the the bronchial tubes and adversely affect the cilia, the very
­elderly or the very young who suffer; healthy people of all small hairs that are part of the defense mechanism of the
ages can be adversely affected by high levels of air pollutants. respiratory tract. Nitrogen dioxide is known to cause pulmo-
Major health effects are categorized as being either nary edema, an accumulation of excessive fluids in the lungs.
acute, chronic, or temporary. An acute effect is short-lasting, Ozone, a highly irritating gas, produces pulmonary conges-
but severe, and may even result in death. Chronic (or long- tion; symptoms of ozone exposure may include dry throat,
term) effects usually include respiratory illnesses such as headache, disorientation, and altered breathing patterns.
bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and perhaps lung cancer. Excessive mucous secretions in the bronchial tubes cause
Temporary effects include intermittent periods of eye or chronic bronchitis, which is manifested by a severe cough;
throat irritation, coughing, chest pain, malaise, and general deaths from bronchitis have been correlated with high levels
discomfort. Intermittent air pollution episodes are temporary of air pollution. The same is true for emphysema, which is
but can be devastating. The Donora and London episodes characterized by the breakdown of the alveoli, causing great
are important examples, but many others have occurred in difficulty in breathing. This disease is common in urban
the past in many different countries, and the possibility of areas and is a leading cause of death, especially when coupled
their recurrence cannot yet be ruled out. An episode typi- with the synergistic effects of tobacco smoke.
cally lasts about 2 to 7 days, during which time illnesses and Carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas virtually
excess deaths occur in all age groups; but mostly the very unnoticeable to the senses, is especially dangerous because
old, the very young, and previously ill persons are affected. it is inhaled without causing any irritation or discomfort.
It is difficult for public health experts to correlate or Carbon monoxide is acutely toxic because it readily com-
match up specific air pollutants with specific diseases with bines with hemoglobin in blood, taking up the place normally
absolute certainty, but some general conclusions can be drawn occupied by oxygen (which the body needs continuously).
from available data, particularly data obtained during air pol- The formation of carboxy hemoglobin reduces the ability of
lution episodes. Some of the factors that must be considered the blood to transfer oxygen to body cells, leading to asphyxi-
include threshold dosage, total body dose, exposure time, and ation or suffocation.
synergistic effects. A threshold level for a given pollutant is a A carbon monoxide level of about 1000 ppm can cause
minimum level below which there will be no health effects. A unconsciousness in a healthy person after 1 h of exposure;
substance with no definitive threshold will have some detect- death by asphyxiation will occur in about 4 h at that con-
able effect or response at any level of the pollutant. The dose– centration. Even much lower levels can cause illness or
response relationships for most air pollutants, unfortunately, reduced mental awareness. As a result, a maximum allow-
do not reveal clearcut threshold values. The fact that people able 8-h exposure limit for workers in the United States
are exposed to some of the same pollutants in water and food, has been set at 50 ppm. Under certain circumstances, par-
as well as the air, further complicates public health studies of ticularly in the immediate vicinity of heavily congested
air pollution effects because the total body dose is not just a highways, atmospheric carbon monoxide levels may reach
function of airborne pollutants. Also, the health effects of 1-h peaks as high as 400 ppm.
many pollutants (e.g., CO) are strongly related to the time of The adverse health effects of inhaled particulate matter
exposure, and, further, some pollutants work synergistically, depend mostly on the size of the particles. Particles that pen-
meaning that the total health effect of two or more substances etrate deep into the lungs and reach the alveoli are especially
together is worse than any of them acting alone. harmful because they remain there for relatively long peri-
There is much evidence linking lung cancer to air pol- ods of time. Certain particulates are dangerous due to their
lution, although the actual cause-and-effect relationship is toxic or carcinogenic properties; lead fumes and asbestos
still unknown. Some of the facts that support the linkage are fibers are two such examples. Many carbonaceous particles
that lung cancer deaths are more frequent in urban areas are also suspected to be carcinogenic.
compared to rural areas, carcinogens are typically found in While particles smaller than 0.1 mm in size will readily
polluted urban air, and the carcinogens cause cancer in ani- reach the alveoli, particles larger than 2.5 mm in size are usu-
mals tested in the laboratory. ally trapped by the protective mucous lining and cilia hairs
Air pollutants enter the body by the respiratory sys- in the nose and throat. A factor that affects the deposition
tem, through the throat, nasal cavities, and trachea, into the of particles between 0.1 mm and 2.5 mm in size in the lungs
Air Pollution and Control 355

is the number of breaths per minute; another factor is the To the general public, the most noticeable effect of air
total volume of air moved in and out of the lungs with each pollution is on the atmosphere itself. Specifically, this is
breath. Particles larger than 10 mm tend to settle quickly in the unsightly haze and reduction of visibility caused by the
the air; they are not considered to cause many health prob- scattering of light. In the eastern region of the United States,
lems because those that are inhaled are usually removed in most of the haze is due to suspended sulfate particles, but
the upper respiratory tract and do not penetrate deep into in the West, it is usually caused by dust, nitrogen oxides,
the lungs. High levels of particulates, working synergisti- or photochemical smog. Suspended particulates and haze
cally with high levels of sulfur dioxide, have been linked to can affect weather conditions by increasing the frequency
increased rates of respiratory infections and cardiac disor- of fog formation and rainfall. Perhaps not as noticeable,
ders. Sulfuric acid mist is especially irritating to mucous but of great significance in the long run, is the fact that an
membranes; the tiny droplets of sulfuric acid are more than accumulation of suspended particles in the atmosphere can
four times as harmful as dry sulfur dioxide gas. Lead partic- appreciably reduce the amount of solar energy that reaches
ulates eventually interfere with the action of red blood cells, Earth’s surface. This, in effect, will increase Earth’s reflec-
and beryllium dust causes pulmonary fibrosis, with symp- tivity (albedo) and could lead to a decline in average global
toms of shortness of breath, coughing, and weight loss. temperatures. At the present time, however, it seems that
any increase in Earth’s reflectivity is counterbalanced by a
Other Effects of Air Pollution  Air pollution causes global phenomenon called the greenhouse effect, which is
s­ ignificant damage to material objects, particularly in heavily related to climate change and is discussed in Section 13-4.
polluted urban areas. This includes soiling and deterioration
of building surfaces (or facades) and public monuments,
corrosion of metals, and the weakening of textiles, leather, 13-4 Global Air Pollution
rubber, nylon, and other synthetic products. Air pollution problems are not necessarily confined to a
Deposition or settling of particulates on exposed mate- local or regional scale. Atmospheric circulation can trans-
rials is one of the causes of soiling, and the frequent cleaning port certain pollutants far away from their point of origin,
of these soiled surfaces may contribute to rapid deteriora- expanding air pollution to continental or global scales; it
tion. Abrasion, caused by particles carried in the wind at can truly be said that air quality problems know no inter-
high speeds, can eventually erode and wear away hard, solid national boundaries. Some air pollutants are known to be
surfaces, even stone. associated with changes in Earth’s climate, requiring con-
Sulfur dioxide, one of the pollutants that corrodes sideration of governmental actions to limit their impacts.
metals and weakens synthetic fibers (like nylon hose), also Describing the pollution as global does not mean that
can chemically discolor painted surfaces. Sulfuric acid the pollutant in question is necessarily dispersed over the
mist can cause serious damage to exposed marble, lime- entire world. It means that the pollution occurs at various
stone, and mortar. The acid reacts with calcium carbonate places around the globe and is not unique to individual
in these building materials, forming water-soluble calcium locations.
sulfate, which is easily washed away by rain, leaving an Scales of pollutant transport in the atmosphere can be
eroded surface. Leather becoming brittle when exposed to described as follows:
sulfur dioxide pollution, as well as the cracking of rubber
that is exposed to ozone, are additional examples of the ● Local:  p to a few kilometers from the source
direct and irreversible chemical attack of materials by air and typically associated with pollutants
pollution. emitted in chimneystack smoke plumes,
The damage of materials by air pollution is more than in automobile exhaust fumes, and from
just an esthetic problem; it is an economic problem of major factories
proportions. Although this is not immediately apparent to the ● Regional: Up to 1000 km from the source and
casual observer, the total cost of cleaning and repairing dam- associated with the merging of pollutant
age caused by air pollution is estimated to exceed $1 billion plumes and emissions from other
per year in the United States. localized sources
Air pollutants can damage trees, flowers, fruits, and veg- ● Continental: Up to a few thousand kilometers from
etables in various ways. Some pollutants cause collapse of the the source; an interchange of pollutants
leaf tissue; others may bleach or discolor the leaves. Ozone, between the troposphere and stratosphere
in particular, causes damage to tree foliage and reduces the is possible at this scale
growth rate of sensitive tree species. Ozone alone accounts ● Global: More than a few thousand kilometers
for approximately 90 percent of pollution damage to agri- from the source and potentially through-
cultural crops (e.g., corn and wheat), amounting to between out the entire atmosphere
$2 and $3 billion per year in the United States. Certain air
pollutants also harm cattle and other livestock, but this is In large cities, “hot spots” with high concentrations
usually a local problem on farms near specific industrial of primary pollutants such as carbon monoxide can occur,
sites that cause the pollution. especially near multilane highway intersections, but urban
356 chapter Thirteen

air pollution is more typically associated with high levels of Greenhouse Effect  To understand this theory of global
secondary pollutants, including ozone and smog. warming, it is necessary first to distinguish between a natural
At the global scale, identifiable pathways of pollutant greenhouse effect and an anthropogenic greenhouse effect. The
transport are not necessarily discernible because of exten- natural greenhouse effect is a normal result of the presence
sive atmospheric mixing. Two important air pollution prob- of a blanket of air around Earth, while the anthropogenic
lems that are generally considered worldwide in scope are greenhouse effect is considered to be a direct result of the ac-
global warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone. The cumulation of trace gases in the air from human activities. It is
environmental problems associated with acid rain, of major important to note that without the natural greenhouse effect,
concern primarily on a regional and continental scale, are life in its present form would not be possible on Earth.
also considered here. Because liquid water is necessary for life, the average tem-
perature on Earth must be in the range where liquid water can
exist, that is, between 0°C and 100°C. Earth is warm enough
Global Warming and Climate Change for liquid water (and life) to exist because of the blanket of air
Average land surface temperatures have been increasing we call the atmosphere. If Earth had no atmosphere, the aver-
worldwide (about 1.5°F or 0.8°C over the last 150 years), age temperature at the surface would be about –18°C, as it is
and most atmospheric scientists think that even this small on the airless moon. In fact, the temperature on the moon falls
increase in average global temperature is having a noticeable to about –150°C in the dark. But the average temperature of
impact on Earth’s climate. The first decade of the 21st cen- Earth, in the layer of air just above the surface, is about 15°C. In
tury has been the warmest ever recorded, and in the United other words, the atmosphere and its natural greenhouse effect
States, the year 2012 was the warmest year in American his- can be thought of as keeping Earth about 33°C warmer than it
tory; 2009 was the second warmest year since temperature would be otherwise. The reason for this is that the atmosphere
record keeping began in 1880. The rate of gradual rise in air affects the amount of radiant heat energy from the sun that
temperature seems to be increasing, as is the frequency and reaches the ground, as well as the amount of heat that is radi-
intensity of weather events such as major storms and floods ated by Earth back out into space. Here is how that occurs.
(predicted consequences of atmospheric warming). All of All objects radiate heat energy, and the hotter the
the warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. object, the more heat it radiates. The type of energy radi-
The fact that Earth is getting warmer is not in dispute ated, which is characterized by its wavelength, depends on
among scientists. However, in the four decades since the the temperature of the object. Radiation from the surface of
first research paper related to global warming was published the sun, which has a temperature of about 1600°C, is mostly
in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences in 1967, there had in the part of the spectrum we call visible light. Light passes
been some controversy about the causes of the global warm- through Earth’s atmosphere without being completely
ing trend, about how warm the climate will get if the trend absorbed. Overall, about 45 percent of incoming solar radia-
continues unabated, and about the effects of global warm- tion reaches Earth’s surface, about 15 percent is absorbed by
ing. Some scientists believe that the amount of warming is the atmosphere, and about 40 percent is reflected back into
too small to be attributed to human activities rather than to space by clouds. Some light is also reflected at the surface,
natural variability. but most of it is absorbed by soil, rocks, water, and vegeta-
The prevalent view, though, among most atmospheric tion, warming the land and sea.
researchers is that the warming trend is largely due to a Part of the sun’s radiant energy, with wavelengths shorter
steady increase in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and than visible light, is in the range of the spectrum called ultra-
other trace gases in the atmosphere, and that this increase is violet light. An even smaller part of the total energy from the
due to human activities since the Industrial Revolution. In sun is emitted at the other end of the spectrum in a band
2013, this view was greatly strengthened in a report prepared known as infrared radiation, with wavelengths longer than
by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, under those of visible light. Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed in the
the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program stratosphere (by oxygen and ozone molecules) and warms
and World Meteorological Organization. In this report, the that layer of the air. But this is not related to the greenhouse
fifth in a series of studies that began in 1990, it was concluded effect. Infrared radiation, in contrast, plays a key role in the
with near certainty (more than 95 percent confidence) that greenhouse effect. However, it is the infrared energy reradi-
human activities are the main cause of global warming, ated by Earth, and not the infrared energy from the sun, that
responsible for most of the rise in temperature since 1950. is involved.
Carbon dioxide and certain other trace gases in air trap The lower the temperature of an object, the longer the
heat from the sun, in a process that seems similar to what wavelengths of its radiant energy. Earth’s surface, at a much
happens in a greenhouse. Moisture (i.e., water vapor) in air lower temperature than the sun, radiates energy that is
also absorbs solar energy. The phenomenon of global warm- mostly in the infrared range of the spectrum. Unlike visible
ing is commonly called the greenhouse effect, although a light, this infrared radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere,
direct comparison between the atmosphere and a glass- primarily by water vapor and carbon dioxide molecules.
enclosed greenhouse is not strictly accurate. The reason for Because of this, the lower layer of the atmosphere, the tropo-
this is explained later in this section. sphere, is warmed.
Air Pollution and Control 357


energy Incoming solar

Re-radiated Re-radiated
Atmosphere and re-absorbed
and re-absorbed
energy energy

Land and oceans

ere ere
osph Earth

Figure 13-8  The amount of incoming energy from the sun is in equilibrium
with the energy radiated and reflected back into space. The atmosphere acts
as a “blanket” that regulates average temperatures at the Earth’s surface. The
“thicker” the blanket (i.e., the more “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere),
the warmer is the temperature in the lower atmosphere and Earth’s surface.

The warm air itself also radiates infrared heat, some energy absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and
of which goes back down toward the ground and keeps reradiated back to Earth’s surface. The greenhouse effect can
it warmer than it would be otherwise. This is essentially be considered, then, to be equivalent to the energy emitted
what is meant by the greenhouse effect. The rest of Earth’s by a typical household light bulb shining over every square
radiation goes upward through the atmosphere, where it is meter of Earth. This, along with the direct energy from the
repeatedly absorbed and reradiated and eventually escapes sun, is enough to keep the average surface temperature at
into space, as shown in Figure 13-8. 15°C (59°F), rather than the –18°C (–0.4°F) it would be with
The lowest part of the troposphere is the warmest, and no atmosphere.
temperature drops with increasing altitude, as shown in For a given composition of the atmosphere, there is a
Figure 13-2. This cooling trend is reversed in the strato- balance point at which the average temperature of Earth’s
sphere because incoming ultraviolet radiation from the sun surface remains constant (as long as the sun’s radiation does
is absorbed by molecules of oxygen and ozone. Even though not change). But a change in the composition of the atmo-
the surface of Earth is about 33°C warmer than it would be sphere (i.e., more greenhouse gases) would cause Earth’s
without the greenhouse effect, the average surface tempera- surface to get warmer until a new balance point was reached.
ture will not keep rising indefinitely as long as the chemical The natural equilibrium that existed a couple of hun-
composition of the atmosphere stays the same. dred years ago, prior to the Industrial Revolution, has
Overall, there must be equilibrium between the amount noticeably changed. This is largely due to the burning of fos-
of heat reaching Earth from the sun and the amount of heat sil fuels and an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in
that Earth reradiates back into space. Earth would eventu- the atmosphere, an anthropogenic greenhouse effect.
ally warm up if it radiated less heat than it received from the It was mentioned earlier that the use of the term green-
sun. But then a warmer Earth would radiate more heat, and house effect is not strictly correct in describing the phenome-
the warming trend would stop when the outgoing heat was non of global warming. This is because a glass-pane enclosure
again in balance with the incoming heat. prevents convective heat loss as well as infrared radiation loss,
Earth’s radiation balance is expressed in terms of watts raising temperatures inside a real greenhouse much higher
per square meter. A watt (W) is a unit for power, that is, than is possible by the effect of Earth’s atmosphere alone.
energy per second. A typical household light bulb, for (Convection refers to transfer of heat by the motion of a mass
example, may have a power output of 150 W, mostly in the of fluid from one region of space to another.) The atmosphere
form of light. Worldwide, the annual average emission of also allows certain wavelengths of infrared radiation to escape
long-wave (infrared) radiation from Earth’s surface is about into space through what is called the atmospheric window.
390  W>m2. But the radiation emitted into space from the Nevertheless, the term greenhouse effect is widely used by
top of the atmosphere is about 240 W>m2, as measured by the media and recognized by the public as being the cause of
satellites. The difference, about 150 W>m2, is the radiation global warming.
358 chapter Thirteen

Greenhouse Gases  Nitrogen and oxygen, the main con- gases has a long residence time in the atmosphere, so their
stituents of the atmosphere, play no part in the greenhouse effects are long lasting.
effect. But there are approximately 35 trace gases that scien- Up until the late 20th century, carbon dioxide was
tists believe contribute to global warming. Carbon dioxide estimated to cause almost 60 percent of the warming effect
(CO2), emitted into the air in vast quantities from fossil fuel and CFCs about 25 percent, and the remainder was caused
combustion, is considered to be the most important green- by methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and other trace gases.
house gas because it absorbs most of the heat trapped by the At about that time, international efforts to phase out and
atmosphere. A typical coal-burning power plant releases replace CFCs with other chemicals began taking effect (as
several million tons of carbon dioxide each year into the discussed later); as a result, CO2 is now (2013) estimated to
air. Although there has been a decline of CO2 emissions in cause about 85 percent of global warming.
developed countries during the first decade of this century, Natural sources of nitrous oxide include nitrogen-based
emissions have continued to grow significantly in develop- fertilizer and manure from farm animals. Ironically, recent
ing countries (e.g., China and India); overall, global emis- studies show nitrous oxide is also emitted into the air from
sions of CO2 were at a record high in 2011. catalytic converters, the devices installed on automobile
Carbon dioxide is a very small but normal component of tailpipes to reduce smog pollution. Nitrous oxide accounts
the atmosphere. By analyzing air bubbles found in ice cores for roughly 7 percent of greenhouse gases, and nearly half
taken from Greenland and Antarctica, and by other methods, of that comes from catalytic converters. Although ambi-
scientists have determined that average carbon dioxide levels ent nitrous oxide levels are much lower than carbon diox-
were roughly 270 ppm before the Industrial Revolution in the ide ­levels, nitrous oxide is about 300 times more potent
mid-19th century. Since that time, there has been increasing than carbon dioxide with regard to its ability to absorb heat
demand for fossil fuels (coal, gas, and oil) and combustion of energy and warm up the atmosphere. So its role as a green-
these fuels for energy. Carbon dioxide, a by-product of com- house gas is significant.
bustion, is emitted directly into the atmosphere. Today, aver- Nitrous oxide (N2O) has not been regulated as a criteria
age ambient carbon dioxide levels are close to 400 ppm. The pollutant because the Clean Air Act was originally imple-
levels have been increasing at a rate of almost 2 ppm per year mented to control smog and other types of air pollution, not
over the past decade, and that rate appears to be accelerat- global warming. Although it technically may be possible to
ing at the present time. The gradual increase in atmospheric reduce N2O emissions by redesigning the catalytic convert-
carbon dioxide correlates closely with the increase in aver- ers, gradually moving from gasoline-powered cars to electric
age global temperatures over the last century-and-a-half. cars could provide a more comprehensive solution to the
Although carbon dioxide is a natural part of air, it is now problem of pollution from auto emissions.
considered to be a significant air pollutant when emitted with
the exhaust gases of fossil fuel combustion; its recent regula- Potential Impacts of Global Warming  One of the
tion as a pollutant is discussed in Section 13-7. methods that scientists use to predict the impacts of global
About 90 percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming involves computer analysis of mathematical equa-
emissions occur in the northern hemisphere. The main tions that model the Earth’s atmosphere. These sophisticated
source of carbon dioxide is the burning of fossil fuels, which computer programs are often called general circulation models
provides more than 80 percent of human energy needs. (GCMs). On the basis of continuing increases in greenhouse
Oil accounts for about one half of the fossil fuels used for gas concentrations, GCMs generally estimate an average
energy, coal for about one third, and the remainder is from global warming of up to 4.2°C (7.5°F) and an overall increase
natural gas. It is also believed that the destruction of for- in precipitation of about 10 percent by the year 2050. It is also
ests contributes to increasing carbon dioxide levels, but the expected that the warming trend will create a more active hy-
effect of deforestation is much smaller than that from the drologic cycle, increasing both cloudiness and precipitation.
burning of fossil fuels. Two other potential impacts of global warming include rising
Other gases of special importance in global warming sea levels and changing ecosystems.
are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), methane, nitrous oxide, Recent estimates suggest that global sea level has risen by
and ozone. Although the average concentrations of these about 0.15 m during the 20th century, with most of the rise
gases are much lower than that of carbon dioxide, they are occurring since 1930. That rate has been increasing; in 2012,
much more “efficient” than carbon dioxide at soaking up the rate was estimated to be at least a third of a meter (about
long-wave radiation. Methane, for example, absorbs about 1 ft) per century. Some scientists believe that, because of global
25 times the amount of heat energy as carbon dioxide. CFCs, warming, average sea levels may rise by as much as 1 m (3 ft)
synthetic chemicals that enter the atmosphere solely as a by the year 2100. This is likely to cause extensive economic
result of human activities, are at least 1000 times stronger and social hardship in coastal areas all over the world.
than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. They are also of Sea levels may rise for several reasons, including ther-
concern because of their impact on stratospheric ozone mal expansion of warmer seawater, melting of glaciers on
depletion and are discussed in more detail later. Methane land (e.g., the Greenland ice sheet), changes in patterns of
and nitrous oxide, naturally occurring gases, are increasing precipitation and runoff, and changes in evaporation rates.
to some degree due to human actions. Each of these trace Rising sea levels will increase the danger of flooding for
Air Pollution and Control 359

low-lying coastal areas, which include many cities. Higher the former Soviet bloc, to stabilize emissions of greenhouse
sea levels may also increase beach erosion problems and gases at 1990 levels by the year 2000. At a 1995 global warm-
change the shape of the coastline. Saltwater intrusion into ing conference held in Berlin, 120 countries agreed to nego-
coastal wetlands or groundwater aquifers will also be likely tiate binding timetables for actual reductions in emissions
to occur more often. after the year 2000. This accord, called the Berlin Mandate,
Routine satellite tracking of melting Artic sea ice began also called for explicit measures to reduce greenhouse gases
in 1979; at that time, the ice sheet typically covered about half from developing countries. The Berlin Mandate laid the
of the Artic Ocean in the summer. The decline of Artic sea groundwork for the Kyoto Protocol.
ice has continued since then, at a rate faster than predicted At an international conference held in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan,
by computer models. In fact, in 2012, summer sea ice covered agreement was reached on more specifics for reducing green-
only 24 percent of the Artic Ocean, the lowest area on record. house gases. A key feature of the agreement, called the Kyoto
Although the melting Artic sea ice does not contribute to ris- Protocol, was the set of binding emissions targets and timetables
ing sea levels (since that ice is already floating and displacing for developed nations. The overall goal of the agreement was to
its weight in water), its decline is of much concern. reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 ­percent. Specific
White summer ice is a reflective surface; a darker targets vary from country to country, although those for the
ocean surface in the summer retains more of the sun’s major industrial powers of Europe, Japan, and the United States
heat, which in turn melts more ice (including the nearby are very similar. The target for the United States, for example,
Greenland ice sheet), and accelerates the disappearance was to cut greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, and N2O) to
of summer ice. Some scientists estimate that Artic Ocean a level 7 percent below 1990s levels. Emissions targets for the
summer sea ice will effectively disappear by 2020. Since the major greenhouse gases are to be reached over 5-year commit-
Artic is said to be “the Earth’s air conditioner,” the absence ment periods, helping to smooth out short-term fluctuations in
of Artic sea ice (and shrinking glaciers) will have a signifi- economic performance or weather, either of which could spike
cant impact on global weather patterns. pollutant emissions in a particular year.
Potential impacts of global warming on ecosystems mainly The first commitment period was 2008 through 2012.
include the effects on agriculture and forest growth. Plant Having a full decade before the start of the binding period
growth and development will be influenced by an increase in would allow more time for companies to make the transition
carbon dioxide levels, which stimulates photosynthesis and to greater energy efficiency and improved emission control
decreases water losses from transpiration. But any benefit from technologies. Activities that absorb carbon, such as planting
increasing carbon dioxide levels may be either enhanced or trees, were taken into consideration in meeting the targeted
offset by the changing patterns of climate associated with the emission reductions. Accounting for the role of f­orests in
effect of global warming. Changes in precipitation and climate absorbing carbon dioxide was considered critical to a com-
may present a series of new stresses to agricultural and forest prehensive and environmentally responsible approach to
ecosystems, such as pests, disease, drought, or flood. global warming and climate change. It also provided the
In addition to affecting agriculture and forests, green- private sector with low-cost opportunities to reduce emis-
house warming is expected to have other impacts. For sions. International emissions trading was another impor-
example, higher temperatures and humidity may increase tant feature of the Kyoto Protocol. With emissions trading,
the chances of disease in humans and animals in some parts countries could purchase emissions permits from those that
of the world. The physical effects of warming may require have more permits than they need (because they have met
adjustments in flood plain designations, public water sup- their targets with room to spare).
plies, building codes, engineering and architectural projects, Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol required for-
and other important areas that affect human lifestyles. mal ratification by all the nations involved. Because imple-
mentation had economic consequences, some nations were
International Control Efforts  In 1990, atmospheric more reluctant to participate fully than others. In fact, in
scientists meeting in Geneva recommended that all coun- the spring of 2001, the United States suddenly rejected the
tries take immediate steps to reduce emissions of green- Kyoto accord, largely because the plan set no standards for
house gases. They reported that many industrialized nations two other major emitters of greenhouse gases (China and
could cut carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent by the year India). Securing meaningful participation in any plan for
2005, using existing technology, without causing significant emission reduction from developing countries (like the
economic hardship. At the meeting, all 12 of the European aforementioned) remained a top priority for the United
­nations agreed to set targets for the reduction of carbon di- States before ratification.
oxide emissions, but the United States (responsible for more The Kyoto Protocol came into force in 2005 and by
than 20 percent of the world’s carbon dioxide output), Russia, April 2006, a total of 163 countries had ratified the agree-
and oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia believed ment (accounting for more than 55 percent of greenhouse
that more research about global warming was needed before gas emissions). Notable ratification exceptions included the
major policy decisions could be made. United States and Australia.
In 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, a treaty Although the United States has not ratified the Kyoto
was signed that obligated industrialized countries, including agreement, close to 30 states have voluntarily adopted state
360 chapter Thirteen

action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to protect storage of the CO2 (e.g., the possibility of increased earth-
air quality and public health. California, for example, offers quake frequencies and intensities) are resolved.
market incentives, known as a “cap-and-trade” system, to
set limits on emissions of greenhouse gases. In a cap-and-
trade system, a cap or limit is established for a pollutant that
Depletion of Stratospheric Ozone
various industries are allowed to release, and the compa- Ozone (O3) plays an important role with regard to atmo-
nies are then issued permits for that amount of emissions. spheric chemistry in both the troposphere and the strato-
Companies that can control emissions efficiently at low cost sphere. At ground level, it is a pollutant, but stratospheric
can profit by selling their extra permits to companies that ozone (at altitudes between 12 km and 30 km) is crucial for
cannot afford to install expensive pollution control facilities. life on Earth. The stratospheric ozone layer blocks most of
Despite continuing worldwide emission control the harmful UV rays coming from the sun, thus protecting
efforts (there have been more than a dozen international plants and animals.
meetings since 1990, including a meeting of delegates from Since 1985, when atmospheric scientists made a dramatic
193 countries in Durban, South Africa, in 2011), there still announcement about the discovery of a large hole in the
has been little progress in controlling global carbon diox- ozone layer over Antarctica, public awareness and concern
ide emissions; average carbon emissions worldwide have about the situation have grown significantly throughout the
risen 50 percent since 1990; emissions from China, India, world. The ozone hole, which is actually an ozone-depleted
and some other developing nations have nearly tripled region that seems to occur each year from about August to
since that time. November, encompasses an area that is roughly the same
The second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol size as the entire Antarctic continent. Although the hole later
applies to emissions between 2013 and 2020. Developed closes, the brief, but severe depletion of ozone has an effect
countries without second-round targets include Canada, that is eventually distributed around the world. Even if the
which withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol in 2012, and the major ozone losses over Antarctica are not included, how-
United States which has never ratified the Protocol. ever, measurements have shown a slow, but steady decrease
(roughly 1 percent per year) in total global ozone levels since
Innovative Technology for Controlling Global the late 1970s. Atmospheric ozone levels are routinely mea-
Warming  Presently, there are three strategies for con- sured by spectrographic instruments on the ground and by
trolling and mitigating anthropogenic global warming. One satellites.
is to develop alternative energy sources (such as nuclear, UV energy from the sun is absorbed by ozone mole-
wind, and solar power), which do not produce CO2, the cules before it can reach Earth’s surface. When ozone con-
major greenhouse gas. The second is to regulate and limit centrations decline, more UV radiation reaches the ground.
the maximum emissions of CO2 and to encourage the use of In effect, ozone serves as a protective shield from UV radia-
natural gas rather than coal or oil as a fuel. The third is to cut tion. This is important because increased exposure to UV
back on energy use by conservation efforts such as the use radiation is linked to human skin cancer, eye cataracts,
of more efficient highway vehicles (e.g., hybrid or electric- and suppression of immune system response. Many spe-
powered cars, trucks, and buses), and more efficient home cies of plant and aquatic organisms can also be harmed by
heating systems and appliances. increased UV exposure. Furthermore, UV radiation reacts
A newer approach is to capture and permanently store with formaldehyde in the troposphere, adding to the forma-
carbon dioxide emitted by power plants or other large carbon tion of photochemical smog.
dioxide sources. In the United States, engineers have begun to Ozone is basically an unstable molecule, and there is
explore this method, called carbon capture and sequestration a delicate balance between its formation and removal in
(CCS), in which CO2 is removed from power plant exhaust the stratosphere. It is continuously being formed as short-
gases by scrubbers (see Section 13-7), compressed and lique- wavelength UV energy is absorbed, and at the same time it is
fied, and then pumped via injection wells into porous rock being converted back to molecular oxygen by a wide variety
layers deep underground, for permanent storage. of photochemical reactions. This equilibrium is affected by
Construction and operation of CCS systems is very the presence of certain substances, particularly chlorine, that
expensive. In 2009, in the United States, a power company speed up the rate of ozone removal.
in West Virginia built a pilot-scale CCS system, but plans One of the most significant causes of ozone deple-
to fully implement the process were postponed in 2011 tion has been attributed to the presence in the atmosphere
due to the high costs as well as economic and regulatory of organic chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
uncertainties. CCS projects have also been tried in Europe Sources of CFC gases include aerosol spray cans, refriger-
and North Africa. And a 1.35 billion dollar CCS project is ants, industrial solvents, and foam insulation. CFCs are not
underway, and scheduled to begin operating in 2015, in biodegradable. They remain in the troposphere for a long
Alberta, Canada, by a private oil company; the Canadian time before eventually drifting up into the stratosphere,
federal government heavily subsidizes this project. CCS where they are broken down by UV radiation. This reac-
may become more viable in the future, if the costs decrease, tion releases chlorine, which is then available to act as a
and when environmental challenges related to underground catalyst in speeding up the destruction of ozone molecules.
Air Pollution and Control 361

In a complex series of photochemical reactions, one chlorine Unfortunately, all the currently available CFC substi-
molecule can destroy several hundred thousand ozone mol- tutes are potent global warming gasses, and the “cure” for
ecules before it eventually leaves the stratosphere. the ozone depletion problem adds to the greenhouse effect.
Several theories have been suggested by scientists as to New chemicals are being developed that are more ozone
why there is such a sharp seasonal depletion of ozone over friendly and do not cause atmospheric warming. For exam-
Antarctica. Although the exact nature of this phenomenon is ple, a coolant gas called HFC-32 has less than a third of the
still being investigated, scientists generally believe that CFCs warming effect as HFC-410a (which is the coolant now used
from sources in the northern hemisphere are transported in the United States). But the new coolant gases require
to Antarctica by stratospheric circulation. Microscopic ice safety checks and regulatory approvals before they can be
crystals are also believed to provide reaction sites at which used. And eventually it will be necessary to link and coor-
chlorine from the CFCs can interact with ozone. A technique dinate international climate protection efforts with ozone
using laser radar (called lidar) is being used by scientists to layer protection efforts, to assure the effectiveness of these
study how stratospheric ice crystals change in size and shape endeavors to protect environmental health. This is another
as the ozone hole is created. As a lidar beam hits air mole- example of the complexity of and interrelationships among
cules, trace chemicals, and ice particles, a part of the beam is environmental quality problems (see Figure 1-1).
scattered back to an array of detectors. Lidar beams reach up
to 100 km (60 mi) and can create three-dimensional maps
depicting the chemical composition and physical character-
Acid Deposition
istics of the atmosphere throughout the year. Since the early 1970s, problems associated with acidic pre-
In the mid-1970s, when CFCs were first recognized as a cipitation have gained worldwide attention. Acid rain, as it
serious threat to the ozone layer, more than 200,000 tons of is also called, is believed to have damaged or destroyed fish
CFC were being used annually in the United States alone as a and plant life in thousands of lakes throughout central and
propellant in aerosol cans. In 1979, under the Toxic Substances northern Europe (especially in Scandinavia), the northeast
and Control Act, the EPA banned the use of CFCs for most United States, southeast Canada, and parts of China. Many
aerosol propellant uses, and several other countries adopted species of trees in forests throughout these regions have been
similar CFC restrictions. The subsequent drop in aerosol appli- in decline, largely due to soil acidification. Acid rain also
cations has been offset by increases in other uses, however, causes pitting and corrosion of metals and the deterioration
including the manufacture of plastic foam insulating materials. of painted surfaces, concrete, limestone, and marble in build-
In 1986, at an international meeting in Montreal, Canada, ings, monuments, works of art, and other exposed objects.
representatives from more than 35 nations agreed to the pro- The acidity of a liquid is measured on a logarithmic pH
visions of an international treaty called the Montreal Protocol, scale that ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, higher
which was created to preserve stratospheric ozone. Since it pHs are basic or alkaline, and lower pHs are acidic (see
took effect in 1989, the Montreal Protocol has been revised Section 4-3). Rainwater is naturally acidic, even in regions
several times and has been ratified by all of the member coun- far removed from human activity, because atmospheric car-
tries of the United Nations. The treaty provides a schedule bon dioxide (CO2) reacts with water vapor (H2O) to form
for the gradual phase out and eventual elimination of CFCs carbonic acid (H2CO3). As a result, a pH of about 5.6 is usu-
and other ozone-depleting substances. If the provisions of the ally considered to represent background rainwater acidity in
Montreal Protocol are adhered to by all nations, it is believed a pristine environment. Acid rain, then, can be defined as
that the ozone layer will be fully recovered by 2050. rainwater with pH less than 5.6 that results from air pollu-
Industrialized countries began switching from use of tion caused by human activities.
CFCs to more “ozone friendly” gases at the end of the 20th Scientific studies have shown that in certain urban and
century. HCFC-22, for example, is somewhat less destruc- industrial areas of the United States and in other countries
tive to ozone than CFCs and has been used as a transition the average pH of rainwater has been less than 4.5. In parts
substitute refrigerant gas. In the United States, production of Southern California, acid fogs sometimes have a pH of less
of CFCs ended in 1995, and the use of HCFC-22 in new air than 3.0, and a pH of 2.2 (as acidic as vinegar) was reported
conditioners was banned in 2010. In its place, hydrofluoro- during a rainfall in Scotland in 1974. Because the pH scale
carbons (HFCs) are now used as coolant gases in new air is logarithmic, a drop of one pH unit represents a 10-fold
conditioners. HFCs do not contain chlorine and are less dis- increase in acidity, a drop of two pH units represents a ­100-fold
ruptive to the ozone layer than are CFCs. increase, and so on. Rainwater with a pH of 3.6, for example, is
Many developing nations, including China and India, 100 times more acidic than normal or “clean” rainwater.
are still producing and using the less expensive coolant Acid rain is caused by the emission of sulfur and nitrogen
HCFC-22 in large quantities. The Montreal Protocol calls oxides into the atmosphere, mostly from the burning of fossil
for the developing countries to begin reducing their use fuels for electric power. Other sources from human activities
of HCFCs by 2015. But refrigeration and air conditioning include certain industrial processes and the gasoline-powered
appliances are of increasing importance to people in most automobile. Sulfur dioxide reacts with water vapor in the
developing nations, and the production and use of HCFCs air to form sulfuric acid; nitrogen dioxide reacts with water
will likely continue for some time to come. vapor to form nitric acid. It has been found, though, that the
362 chapter Thirteen

contribution of sulfur dioxide to acid rainfall is more than Most acid deposition in the northeastern region of the
twice that from nitrogen oxides. Contributions of these gases United States is believed to be the result of fossil fuel combus-
from natural sources, such as from swamps and volcanoes, tion by power plants and industries located in the midwestern
are small in comparison to human sources. section of the nation. In fact, in the 1980s, about 16 million
Atmospheric mists of sulfuric acid and nitric acid even- tons of sulfur emissions each year came from the Midwest.
tually reach the surface of Earth in the form of rainfall, snow, It has also been estimated that 50 percent of the acid rain in
fog, or dew. Some sulfur oxides also can exist as tiny particu- eastern Canada comes from the United States, and about 25
lates and settle out of air in a dry form. The term acid depo- percent of the acid rain in the New England region of the
sition is used to describe the overall effect of both wet and United States originates from Canadian sources. In addition,
dry precipitation at ground level when acidic materials have acid rain in Norway is believed to come mostly from indus-
reached the surface environment. It is the long-term accu- trial areas in Great Britain and continental Europe.
mulation of acid deposition, rather than individual rainfall The transport of pollutants across political boundaries
events that has a significant effect on the environment. Acid is a significant issue. In 1984 in the United States, several
precipitation in the form of snow (where pH is measured northeastern states petitioned the EPA to order the reduc-
from melted snow water) is also a concern in the higher eleva- tion of emissions from coal-burning power plants in the
tions or latitudes, particularly when the spring melt creates a Midwest. The request was denied by the EPA at that time on
sudden low-pH impulse to surface water supplies. the basis that the existing requirements of the Clean Air Act
A major environmental impact of acid deposition is the were not being violated. In 1988, Canada decided to cut acid
lowering of pH in lakes and rivers. In New York State, for exam- rain pollutants in half and requested that the United States
ple, the pH of lakes in the Adirondacks averaged about 6.7 in do the same.
the 1930s, but has since decreased to about 5.1. Most aquatic The Clean Air Act of 1990, however, addressed this
life is disrupted as the pH drops. Phytoplankton populations issue by setting an annual limit on sulfur dioxide emissions
are reduced, and many common water-dwelling invertebrates, from power plants at 8.9 million tons by the year 2000 and
such as mayflies and stoneflies, cannot survive when the pH by requiring significant reductions of nitrogen oxide emis-
falls below about 6.0. Some sensitive species of fish, including sions as well. Research projects and economic incentives for
trout and salmon, are harmed when pH levels fall below 5.5. industry to reduce pollution were also initiated. Economic
Acidity has a deleterious effect on the reproductive cycle of fish; incentives include allowing the sale of emission credits.
when the pH is less than 4.0, reproduction of most fish species When a polluter reduces its emissions below a specified
is unlikely. Acid dead lakes have pHs below about 3.5. level, it can sell the difference as a credit to some other com-
The pH of lakes receiving acid deposition is greatly pany or power plant that is planning to expand. The credit
influenced by the presence of buffers in the water. Buffers can help to offset some of that company’s cost of installing
are capable of neutralizing acids and maintaining a stable new pollution control equipment. Research on mitigating
pH level, despite the addition of acidic materials to the the acid rain problem includes a $5 billion program (begun
liquid. Calcium carbonate, for example, is a natural buffer in 1986 as a joint Canadian and United States effort) to
released from limestone. Lakes, streams, and ponds under- develop cleaner coal-burning technology.
lain by limestone rocks or soil deposits usually have a large
buffering capacity for acid rain due to the dissolved calcium
carbonate in the water. But the buffering action in many
13-5 Indoor Air Quality
lakes can eventually be exhausted due to the reaction of the Until the mid-1980s, the focus of air pollution control tech-
acids with the calcium carbonate. For some lakes with little nology in industrialized nations was on the outdoor (ambi-
natural buffering capacity, the effects of acid deposition can ent) environment. At about that time, health risks related
be lessened by adding limestone to the water. to indoor air pollution became a concern. After all, most
There is no direct link between acid deposition and pub- people spend the majority of their time (up to 90 percent)
lic health, but groundwater with pH less than 4.5, which can indoors, at home and at work. This fact, along with increased
result from acid deposition, may corrode pipes and cause energy conservation measures (following in the wake of the
leaching of heavy metals into drinking water. Accumulation oil shortages of the 1970s), brought indoor air pollution to
of toxic metals (e.g., mercury and cadmium) in the food the attention of environmental scientists and public health
chain may also be caused by acid deposition. officials. Energy conservation measures tend to lower air
A factor that complicates the acid rain problem and exchange rates in buildings, allowing air contaminants to
makes finding a solution difficult is its regional and continental accumulate. Consequently, indoor air can be more polluted
scale. Most oxides of sulfur and nitrogen are emitted from tall than outdoor air.
smokestacks at power plants in order to increase the disper- Although there are no federal or state regulations spe-
sion and dilution of the stack gases. This may protect nearby cifically controlling indoor air quality, the EPA has devel-
communities from the immediate effects of air pollution, but oped a comprehensive program that focuses on the indoor
discharge from tall chimneys allows the pollutants to be car- air quality (IAQ) problem. The EPA is working to implement
ried for long distances in the atmosphere. The pollution is, in this program using nonregulatory as well as regulatory tools
effect, “air-mailed” to other regions and even other continents. available under several existing federal laws. A high priority
Air Pollution and Control 363

has been set on improving the way buildings are designed Other indoor air pollutants are asbestos, organic chemicals
and operated; exposure to air pollutants can be significantly from household products, formaldehyde, lead, and biologi-
reduced by applying “green” construction and building cal substances.
maintenance practices. Much attention is being given to the
identification of specific indoor pollutants and the means to Combustion Products  Environmental tobacco smoke
reduce their levels indoors. Adequate ventilation is essential (ETS) is a self-evident air pollutant from combustion that
to achieving and maintaining good IAQ levels, but many many people produce knowingly in the home, despite the
architects and engineers think that limiting pollutant sources warnings of adverse health effects. ETS is a mixture of more
is far more effective. than 4000 compounds, at least 40 of which are carcinogenic
and many of which are strong irritants. Indoors, tobacco
smoke can harm occupants as well as the smoker; ETS is also
Air Exchange referred to as secondhand or sidestream smoke, and expo-
Outdoor air leaves or enters a house in three ways: infiltra- sure to it is often called passive smoking. The EPA in 1992
tion, natural ventilation, and forced ventilation. Infiltration concluded that exposure to ETS is responsible for about
refers to air exchange that occurs when windows and doors 3000 lung cancer deaths each year in nonsmoking adults.
are closed; air leaks through cracks, joints, and holes in Long-term exposure to secondhand smoke combined with
exterior walls and the roof of a building. Typically, infiltra- radon is considered to be especially dangerous.
tion rates in U.S. houses range from 0.5 ach (air changes per Short-term health effects of exposure to ETS include
hour) to 4 ach; newer buildings have rates closer to the lower eye, nose, and throat irritation. Infants and young children,
end of the range, while older buildings have rates closer to particularly asthmatic children, are especially at risk of expe-
the upper end. A rate of 1 ach means that, on average, the riencing the harmful effects of ETS. Clearly, the most effec-
air in the entire house is exchanged with outdoor air in 1 h. tive way to avoid exposure is to eliminate smoking in the
Large amounts of energy are lost due to infiltration home. If smoking indoors cannot be avoided, increased ven-
exchange of heated or cooled indoor air with outside air. tilation rates by open windows or exhaust fans will reduce,
Infiltration rates can be minimized or tightened by use of but not eliminate exposure to ETS.
proper construction and insulation techniques, and this has In addition to secondhand smoke, other sources of
become a means of energy savings in new home construc- indoor combustion products include stoves, space heat-
tion. Lower infiltration rates, however, tend to worsen prob- ers, fireplaces, and chimneys. Pollutants from these sources
lems related to IAQ. include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particu-
In natural ventilation, air circulates through opened lates; these are also major outdoor air contaminants (see
doors and windows. Both natural ventilation and infiltra- Section 13-3). Kerosene space heaters may also emit sulfur
tion are caused by indoor and outdoor air temperature dif- dioxide and acid aerosols. In enclosed environments where
ferences, as well as by wind. Natural ventilation rates are there is no tobacco smoke, the level of suspended particu-
higher than infiltration rates under the same temperature lates (smaller than 15 mm) may be as much as 40 mg/m3.
and wind conditions. Forced ventilation, using fans or blow- With ETS, particulate levels may approach 700 mg/m3,
ers, can provide the highest rates of air exchange. Forced which greatly exceeds EPA standards. Steps to reduce expo-
(mechanical) ventilation can be either intermittent, remov- sure to indoor combustion products include using exhaust
ing air from a single room, such as a kitchen, or continuous, fans over gas cooking stoves, inspecting furnaces, flues, and
removing indoor air and distributing filtered and condi- chimneys annually, and using properly sized wood stoves
tioned outdoor air throughout the house or building. that are certified as meeting EPA emission standards.
Infiltration and ventilation dilute and remove indoor
air pollutants. When there is not enough infiltration, natural Radon  Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas
ventilation, or forced ventilation, air exchange rates are low that is part of a natural decay process beginning with ura-
and pollutant levels tend to increase. Overall, the most effec- nium and radium. It is found in varying concentrations
tive strategy for maintaining good, energy-efficient IAQ is in soils and rocks that make up Earth’s crust. Because it
to reduce sources of pollutants as much as is feasible and use is a gas, radon flows easily through porous soil and fis-
ventilation to limit pollutant concentrations to acceptable sures in rocks. When it reaches the ground surface, the gas
levels. In some cases, the use of air cleaners can be effective disperses and is diluted to very low concentrations in the
for the removal of particulate pollutants. outdoor environment. But when radon enters a building
through openings, cracks, or joints in the basement floor
or walls, the gas can accumulate. Indoor radon concentra-
Indoor Pollutants tions may build up to very high levels unless appropriate
There are many sources of indoor air contaminants. steps are taken to prevent its entry or accumulation. Radon
Combustion products, especially tobacco smoke, are par- may also be found in groundwater in some regions; it can
ticularly important. Radon, continuously produced from be released into household air as water is used for routine
the radioactive decay of naturally occurring radium found domestic purposes. Major radon entry routes into a house
in soil and rock, is also a significant indoor air contaminant. are shown in Figure 13-9.
364 chapter Thirteen

Water supply unless radon levels exceed 20 pCi/L. All scientists agree that
prolonged exposure to high levels of radon is hazardous, but
uncertainty remains about the risks of low-level exposure.
No relationship between lung cancer and radon in homes
has yet been definitively established in a scientific study.
With regard to radon in groundwater, the problem is not
in drinking the water, but in inhaling the released gas. A level
of 10,000 pCi/L of radon in water will produce about 1 pCi/L
of radon in indoor air. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act,
the proposed maximum contaminant level for radon in pota-
ble water is 300 pCi/L. Radon can readily be removed from
Block walls water by aeration or by activated charcoal filtration.
Two general approaches for reducing indoor air radon
levels are reducing radon entry into the house and remov-
ing radon after it has entered the house. Radon entry can be
reduced by several methods. One is to cover exposed earth
Cracks in floor
and seal all pores, cracks, joints, and other openings in the
Slab joints
crawl space or basement of the structure. Another method
is to install a subslab and perimeter soil ventilation system.
This system reverses the predominant direction of airflow,
Drain Sump which normally brings the radon into the house. A subslab
suction system is shown schematically in Figure 13-10.
Figure 13-9  Common radon entry points.
Other methods of reducing radon entry include avoid-
ing the use of building materials that may contain radium
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
and removing radon from potable water supplies with the
use of aeration or activated carbon filtration. An effective
Radon is chemically inert, but it breaks down into method for removing radon after it has entered the house
chemically active decay products (radon progeny) that is ventilation of the affected living space. Ventilation with
easily become attached to particles in the air. The health outside air can reduce indoor radon levels substantially. If
risk associated with radon, lung cancer, is considered to radon levels are not too high, natural ventilation can be suf-
be caused mostly by inhalation of particulate matter with ficient to eliminate radon pollution.
attached radon progeny. Further decay of radon progeny Forced ventilation relies on the use of fans to increase
releases radiation that damages lung tissue. The degree of house air exchange rates by blowing in outside air. Skillful
risk depends on total exposure time and average radon design, installation, and testing of a forced ventilation system
concentrations in the home. Inhalation of a mixture of both
radon and tobacco smoke is believed to increase health
risks significantly. The EPA estimates that between 5000 Outside fan
draws radon
and 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States away from house
can be attributed to household radon exposure.
Two common devices used to measure radon concen-
trations are the charcoal canister and the alpha-track detec-
tor. The charcoal canister provides quicker results (3 to 7 d)
than the alpha-track detector (30 to 90 d) and is more widely
used. Radon concentrations are expressed in units of pCi/L
(picocuries per liter). A curie (Ci) is a basic radiation unit cor-
responding roughly to the decay rate of 1 g of radium. One
picocurie, a much smaller unit, corresponds to the disintegra-
tion of about two atoms per minute 1pico = 10-12 2. Radon
concentrations may also be expressed in terms of working
level (WL), where 1 WL = 100 pCi/L. Working levels are
associated with historical lung cancer data of underground Sealant
miners, from which much of the current information regard- Pipes penetrate
beneath slab
ing household radon effects is extrapolated.
Remediation methods are available to reduce indoor
radon exposure. The EPA has set a recommended level for
remedial action at 4 pCi/L; some other countries, such as Figure 13-10  Subslab ventilation.
Canada and Finland, do not recommend remedial action (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Air Pollution and Control 365

are necessary to assure that air entry and exhaust points are materials, the work should be done by qualified contractors.
properly balanced. Otherwise, additional radon can be drawn Sealing off the materials in lieu of removing them is some-
in. Application of ventilation, whether natural or forced, is times an option.
limited by the increased energy costs for heating or cooling
needed to maintain comfortable conditions in the home. Organics from Household Products  Organic chemi-
This problem can be mitigated by use of heat-recovery ven- cals are widely used as ingredients in paints, varnishes,
tilation, as shown in Figure 13-11. This kind of system, also waxes, cleaning agents, cosmetics, pesticides, hobby materi-
called an air-to-air heat exchanger, uses heat in the exhaust als, and other products used in the home. They all can release
air to warm the incoming air; the process can be reversed organic compounds into the air when they are used and, to
in an air-conditioned house in warm weather. Heat-recovery some degree, when they are stored. Tetrachloroethylene,
ventilation can reduce energy loss significantly. methylene chloride, and paradichlorobenzene are just a few
of the multitude of potentially harmful organic chemicals
Asbestos  Asbestos is a mineral fiber that has been used found in household products. Health effects vary greatly, de-
as insulation and as a fire retardant in buildings. Many as- pending on the level of exposure and length of time exposed.
bestos products have been banned, and its use is now lim- Some of these chemicals are highly toxic or carcinogenic;
ited. In older buildings asbestos is still found in pipe and others may have no known health effect. Eye and respiratory
furnace insulation, asbestos shingles, floor tiles, textured tract irritation, headaches, dizziness, visual problems, and
paints, and other construction materials. If these materials memory impairment are some of the immediate symptoms
are disturbed by cutting, sanding, or other activity, excessive experienced after exposure to some organics.
airborne asbestos levels can occur. Improper attempts to Household use of pesticides is a notable source of
remove these materials can also release asbestos fibers into organics in indoor air. Pesticides commonly used in and
indoor air. As a guideline, average asbestos levels should not around the home include products to control insects, ter-
exceed 0.1 fibers/mL for fibers longer than 5 mm. mites, rodents, and fungi. They are sold as sprays, liquids,
If very small asbestos fibers are inhaled, they accumu- powders, and crystals. These products are all dangerous
late in the lungs. Adverse health effects, which can take if not used properly. The EPA registers pesticides and
many years to develop, include asbestosis (lung scarring), requires manufacturers to put information on the label
mesothelioma (cancer of the chest and abdominal linings), regarding proper use. The sale of chlordane, aldrin, diel-
and lung cancer. Most asbestos-related illness is associated drin, and heptachlor for home or commercial use is no
with occupational exposure to high concentrations of fibers, longer permitted.
but elevated levels can also occur in homes.
Because there is no danger from asbestos unless the Formaldehyde  Formaldehyde is an organic chemical
fibers are airborne, it is advisable to leave undamaged asbes- widely used in the manufacture of many building materials
tos materials alone if they are not likely to be disturbed. and household products. It is also a by-product of combustion
If it is necessary to remove or clean up damaged asbestos and may be present in significant amounts in indoor air. It is

air exhaust

Heat recovery ventilator

Outdoor air
room air
Warmed or cooled
air enters house

Figure 13-11  Heat-recovery ventilation.

(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
366 chapter Thirteen

used, for example, to add permanent-press qualities to drapes The potential health effects of indoor mold are a grow-
and other textiles, as a component of glues and adhesives, and ing concern. Molds (there are many types) are simple
as a preservative in some paints and coatings. Among the most microorganisms that are part of the natural environment.
significant household sources of formaldehyde are pressed Outdoors, they play a part in nature by breaking down dead
wood products that are made using adhesives containing urea organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees. Molds
formaldehyde (UF) resins. These ­include particleboard and reproduce by means of tiny spores, which are invisible to
plywood paneling. the naked eye and easily float through outdoor and indoor
Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent-smelling gas that air. Mold may begin growing indoors when mold spores
can cause eye and throat irritation, nausea, and respiratory land on surfaces that are damp or wet. Molds can produce
distress in some people exposed to high concentrations. It substances (allergens) that can cause allergic reactions in
has also been shown to cause cancer in animals and may some people, such as asthma, skin rash, and hay fever–type
cause cancer in humans. Average concentrations in older symptoms. Indoor mold exposure can also cause irritation
homes (emissions generally decrease over time) are gener- of the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs of nonallergic peo-
ally below 0.1 mg>m3; in homes with significant amounts of ple. Molds also produce potentially toxic substances called
new pressed wood products, levels can exceed 0.3 mg>m3. A mycotoxins. But there is no conclusive evidence that mold
suggested guideline is for levels not to exceed 0.12 mg>m3. causes health problems other than the allergic and irritant
Formaldehyde emissions increase with temperature and types of symptoms. Research on indoor mold and health
humidity. Thus, the use of dehumidifiers and air condition- effects is ongoing.
ing can help reduce indoor concentrations. Increased ventila- By controlling the relative humidity level in a home,
tion rates also reduce formaldehyde levels in the home. Use growth of mold and other biological contaminants can be
of exterior-grade pressed wood products in the home helps minimized; a relative humidity between 30 percent and
minimize formaldehyde emissions because they are made 50 percent is generally recommended. Kitchen and bathroom
with phenolformaldehyde resins rather than UF resins. exhaust fans vented to the outdoors will help to eliminate
moisture that builds up from everyday activities. Naturally,
Lead  Lead is a harmful environmental pollutant. People keeping a house clean will also help reduce airborne biological
can be exposed to lead in drinking water and food, as well to contaminants, particularly house dust mites, animal dander,
lead dust in the air. The most significant source of lead dust, pollen, and other allergy-causing agents.
old lead-based paint, is a particular threat to the health of
children. Lead can become airborne in the home when lead-
based paint is improperly removed from surfaces by scrap-
Sick Building Syndrome
ing, sanding, or open-flame burning. In 1978, residential use Indoor air pollution is not limited to individual homes; many
of lead-based paint was banned by the Consumer Product multistory commercial and office buildings have significant
Safety Commission. Old lead-based paint in good condition air quality problems. A number of well-identified illnesses
is generally not a problem and can be left undisturbed. Lead (e.g., Legionnaire’s disease) have been directly traced to
dust from contaminated soil tracked into the house can also ­specific building problems. These are called building-related
cause high levels of airborne lead. illnesses.
At high levels, lead can cause convulsions, coma, and When the occupants of a building have symptoms that
even death. Lower levels can adversely affect the brain, central do not fit the pattern of any particular illness and are diffi-
nervous system, blood cells, and kidneys. Infants and children cult to trace to a specific source, the phenomenon is referred
are especially vulnerable because lead is more easily absorbed to as sick building syndrome. This term is applied to a
into their bodies. Harmful effects of lead in infants and chil- building when more than 20 percent of its occupants com-
dren include delays in physical and mental development. plain of health problems for 2 weeks or more and the symp-
toms are relieved when the occupants leave the building. It
Biological Contaminants  Airborne contaminants of a is estimated that as many as 30 percent of new or remod-
biological nature include bacteria, viruses, molds, animal dan- eled commercial buildings induce sick building syndrome.
der, house dust mites, pollen, and other tiny forms or products Health complaints typically include sneezing, fatigue, head-
of life. There are many sources of these biological pollutants. ache, dizziness, nausea, dry throat, and irritability.
Contaminated central heating or cooling systems can become Air pollution sources in commercial buildings are similar
breeding grounds and then distribute these contaminants to those found in the home. One major cause of sick building
throughout the home. Standing water, water-damaged materi- syndrome is poor design, operation, or maintenance of the
als, or wet surfaces can also serve as breeding grounds. complex mechanical ventilation system needed to heat, cool,
Infectious diseases, such as influenza, measles, and and circulate air throughout a large building.
chickenpox, can be transmitted through the air. The deaths Ventilation problems arise when, in an effort to save
from Legionnaire’s disease of 29 visitors at a convention in a energy, inadequate amounts of outdoor air are exchanged
Philadelphia hotel in 1976 is a notable example of the poten- with the indoor air. Problems also may occur if air supply
tial hazards. The hotel’s ventilation system had nurtured the and return vents within each room are blocked or placed
bacterium Legionella. improperly. In the wrong locations, outdoor air intake vents
Air Pollution and Control 367

can bring in automobile exhaust, boiler emissions, or even devices for measuring volume, velocity, and flow rate. The
air vented from restrooms. The ventilation system itself can choice of a technique for sampling and measuring the mass
be a source of air pollution, spreading microbes that thrive and volume depends on the properties of the sampled gas
on the inside surfaces of duct work, as well as in humidifiers, or air and the specific pollutants to be analyzed. This sec-
dehumidifiers, and air conditioners. Finally, air pollutants tion highlights some of these techniques and presents an
can be circulated into offices from restaurants, print shops, overview of the technology involved in air sampling and
and dry cleaning stores located in the same building, as well measurement.
as from underground parking garages.
Sick building syndrome usually cannot be effectively Air Sampling Methods
remedied without a comprehensive air quality survey and
investigation. These investigations may begin with ques- There are three distinct kinds of air sampling: source sam-
tionnaires and telephone interviews to assess the nature and pling, ambient sampling, and indoor sampling.
extent of occupant symptoms. The ventilation system is often
the most important factor to investigate; inadequate ventila- Source Sampling  Source (or emission) sampling is per-
tion accounts for about half of sick building syndrome cases. formed at the location of a pollutant discharge, such as the
Air quality testing may help identify contaminants, but air exhaust gas from a chimney, ventilation system, the tailpipe
sampling and analysis are not always effective in solving the of an automobile. Source sampling is also termed stack sam-
problem due to the very low levels of pollutants. pling at power plants, solid waste incinerators, or factories
where the discharge comes from a chimney or smokestack.
LEED and Indoor Air Quality A basic purpose of source sampling is to evaluate the
pollution discharged from a specific generator of pollution
Green programs, such as Leadership in Energy Efficiency and to use the results to determine whether emission stan-
and Design (LEED), have brought an increased awareness dards are being complied with. Emission standards may
of indoor environmental factors to building designers and be set by the EPA, state or local environmental agencies,
occupants. In addition to a building’s indoor air quality, manufacturers, and some professional organizations. Other
other parameters influencing a building occupant’s experi- purposes of source sampling include the collection of data
ence with the indoor environment include lighting, acous- for designing and operating air cleaning equipment and for
tics, vibration, aesthetics, security, and ergonomic design measuring the effectiveness or efficiency of that equipment.
factors. The combination of all of these factors is referred to For accurate and meaningful results in determining the
as indoor environmental quality (IEQ). components of a flowing gas stream in a stack or duct, sam-
In LEED project certification, approximately half of the pling devices and procedures must follow formal require-
credits in the IEQ category are allocated to indoor air qual- ments known as EPA Reference Methods for Stationary
ity. The other three LEED IEQ criteria—controllability of Source Air Emissions Testing. When large smokestacks or gas
systems, thermal comfort, and daylight and views—make up ducts are involved, it is necessary to obtain gas samples from
the rest of the available credits. (See Appendix C for a dis- several positions in the gas passage. EPA Method 1 gives spe-
cussion of LEED project certification.) cific guidance for selecting the proper locations in the stack
to measure velocity and to sample for pollutants.
13-6 Air Sampling and Method 2 deals with the use of pitot tubes for velocity
measurements (pitot tubes are use to measure velocity of liq-
Measurement uids as well as gases; see Flow Measurement in Section 2-3 and
To evaluate air quality and to design efficient air pollution Figure 2-17), and Method 3 describes several ways to mea-
control systems, it is necessary to determine emission rates sure gas properties and compute the average dry gas mixture
from the sources of pollution and to analyze the type and molecular weight (as is needed for velocity calculations). Stack
amounts of pollutants in the gas and surrounding air. Before exhaust gas contains mostly nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen,
such measurements can be made, appropriate samples must carbon monoxide, and water vapor; this mixture is called the
be collected. The quantification and evaluation of air quality carrier gas. The pollutants being measured are dispersed in
involves accurate determination of pollutant concentrations, the carrier gas in much smaller quantities. A device called the
which are typically expressed as a ratio of the mass of the pol- Orsat analyzer is one of the instruments referred to in EPA
lutant to the volume of air or gas in which it is found. Method 3. It can measure the volume percentages of the major
Measurement of mass is primarily carried out in an ana- exhaust gas constituents, allowing computation of the average
lytical laboratory, while determination of volume is usually molecular weight. Because the chemical analysis of the Orsat
done in the field at the time of sampling. There are hundreds analyzer is time consuming, EPA Method 3 allows the use of
of methods and types of instruments that can measure pol- alternative devices, including the Fryite flue gas analyzer and
lutant mass. Some instruments require a few milligrams of electric or battery-powered gas analyzers that use selective
pollutant for accurate analysis, while others can detect and absorption of infrared light to measure the gas components.
accurately measure extremely small amounts, even in the EPA Method 4 focuses on measurement of gas moisture con-
range of a few molecules. There are also many methods and tent and allows calculation of total molecular weight.
368 chapter Thirteen

EPA Method 5, one of the most fundamental of the EPA acquisition of a representative quantity of polluted air or
source testing methods, is concerned with the determination gas for subsequent laboratory analysis and evaluation of the
of particulate emissions. An important requirement of Method types and amounts of contaminants present. Air monitor-
5 is that the gas sample be obtained isokinetically to assure ing, in contrast, refers to the collection of pollutant concen-
that the sample is truly representative of the stack gas. An iso- tration data on an effectively continuous basis. Continuous
kinetic sample is one in which the velocity of the gas stream (or intermittent) instruments are available for use as stack-
entering the sampling probe is the same as the velocity of the gas monitors as well as ambient or indoor air monitoring
carrier gas. The temperature, the pressure, and the total vol- devices. But continuous monitoring devices generally are
ume flow rate of the gas stream being sampled must be known, not sensitive enough to measure extremely low concen-
as well as those of the main gas stream. For the emission test trations of pollutants. Due to the dangers of even small
to be valid, the sampling velocity must be within 10 percent of amounts of organic or other toxic air pollutants and the re-
the average stack gas velocity. A stack sampling train for EPA cent development of toxic air pollution regulations, collec-
Method 5 is shown schematically in Figure 13-12. tion of air samples for later laboratory analysis has increased
in importance. This is particularly so for emission sampling
Ambient Sampling  Ambient (or atmospheric) sampling and indoor sampling.
pertains to the measurement of outdoor air pollution lev-
els. Samples are collected from the air after pollutants from
various sources have been thoroughly dispersed and mixed
Units of Measurement
together under natural meteorological conditions. Ambient Concentrations of air pollutants are commonly expressed as
sampling provides broad area or background air quality data the mass of pollutant per unit volume of air mixture, that is,
in urban or rural areas and serves as a basis for assessing as milligrams per cubic meter (mg>m3) or, for very small
health effects, determining compliance with federal or state concentrations, as micrograms per cubic meter 1mg>m3 2
ambient air quality standards, and predicting the effects of and nanograms per cubic meter (ng>m3). Analytical devices
proposed new sources of air pollution. Ambient sampling that can detect trace substances in the nanogram range are
methods are discussed later in this section. available; a nanogram is one billionth (10–9) of a gram.
Concentrations of gaseous pollutants may also be
Indoor Sampling  Indoor air sampling includes industrial expressed as volume of pollutant per million volumes of the air
hygiene sampling and residential sampling. Industrial (oc- plus pollutant mixture (parts per million, ppm) or in percent,
cupational) hygiene air sampling is done in factories or other where 1 ppm = 0.0001 percent by volume. It is sometimes
workplaces to protect the health of people who may be exposed necessary to convert from volumetric units to mass per unit
to pollutants throughout the workday. Residential air sam- volume and vice versa. The relationship between ppm and
pling, on the other hand, provides data regarding the quality of mg>m3 depends on the gas density, which in turn depends
indoor air in private homes to protect the health of residents. on the temperature, the pressure, and the molecular weight of
the pollutant. Concentration values expressed in volumetric
Monitoring.  A distinction should be made between air units (ppm), however, do not vary as temperature or pressure
sampling and air monitoring. Air sampling refers to the vary. The EPA ambient air quality standards (discussed in

Thermometer Thermometer
Heated area Check valve
Filter holder
Temperature Stack wall
Silica gel
pitot tube

Pitot manometer Thermometers Impingers Ice bath

Vacuum line
Bypass valve
Main valve

Dry gas Air-tight

meter pump

Figure 13-12  EPA Method 5 sampling train for particulates.

(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Air Pollution and Control 369

Section 13-7) are based on a temperature of 25°C (77°F) and a Example 13-3
barometric pressure of 1 atm (where 1 atm = 760 mm Hg). The exhaust of an automobile contains 2.2 percent carbon
The following expression can be used to convert monoxide and has a temperature of 82°C. Express the con-
between ppm and mg>m3 at any temperature or pressure: centration in ppm and mg > m3.

273 * ppm * molecular weight * pressure Solution

mg/m3 =
22.4 * temperature The molecular weight of carbon monoxide (CO) is
12 + 16 = 28. Convert 2.2 percent to ppm, as follows:
Simply multiply the calculated value of mg>m3 by 1000
1 ppm
to obtain mg/m3. 2.2 * = 22,000 ppm
The constant 22.4 is the volume in liters occupied by
1 mole of an ideal gas at standard conditions (0°C and 1 atm). The absolute temperature in kelvins is 82 + 273 = 355 K,
One mole of any substance is a quantity of that substance and the exhaust gas can be assumed to be at atmospheric
whose mass in grams numerically equals its molecular weight. pressure.
In Equation 13-1, temperature must be expressed in kelvins Applying Equation 13-1 gives
(K, units of absolute temperature), where K = °C + 273. 273 * 22,000 * 28 * 1
Pressure must be expressed in atmospheres. mg>m3 =
22.4 * 355
= 21 148 mg>m3
Example 13-1
Federal standards limit hourly ozone (O3) levels to 75 ppb, This concentration is equivalent to 21.1 g > m3 (rounded off)
which is equivalent to 0.075 ppm. Express this concentra- because 1 g = 1000 mg. It will be greatly reduced when
tion in terms of mg>m3 of ozone at 25°C and 1 atm pressure. the exhaust gas is diluted and dispersed in the atmosphere.
(The EPA ambient standard for carbon monoxide is only
Solution 9 ppm averaged over an 8-h period.)
The molecular weight of ozone is the sum of three atomic
weights of oxygen, or 16 * 3 = 48 (see Table 4-1 for atomic
weights). The temperature, in kelvins, is 25 + 273 = 298 K.
Applying Equation 13-1 gives Collection and measurement of suspended particulates in
air depends on principles very different from those used in
273 * 0.075 * 48 * 1 the analysis of gases. The mass (or inertia) and size of the
mg/m3 1ozone2 =
22.4 * 298 particles are key physical properties that affect the sampling
= 0.147 mg>m3 process. Three general methods for collecting and measur-
ing particulate air pollutants, which rely on physical proper-
and ties, are the gravimetric technique, the filtration technique,
0.147 * 1000 = 147mg>m3 1ozone2 and the inertial technique.
The gravity technique is the simplest method, but it can
only measure the amount of settleable particulates (dust and fly
Example 13-2
ash) in the air. A basic and inexpensive device, called a dust-
Convert an ambient sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentration of fall bucket, is an example of a first-generation method used to
365 mg>m3 at 25°C and 1 atm pressure into ppm as well as determine how much particulate material settles to Earth. In
percentage by volume. this technique, an open bucket containing water to trap and
hold the particles is exposed in a suitable location, such as a
building rooftop. After a collection time of usually 30 d, the
The molecular weight of sulfur dioxide is the sum of the water is evaporated and the particulates weighed. The results
atomic weights of one sulfur atom and two oxygen atoms, may be reported in terms of grams per square meter per month
or 32 + 16 + 16 = 64. Applying Equation 13-1 gives (g/m2/month), kilograms per hectare per month (kg/ha/month),
273 * ppm * 64 * 1 or tons per square mile per month (tons/mi2/month). The total
0.365 = = 2.617 * ppm amount of dust that will settle out of the atmosphere in a typical
22.4 * 298
urban area can be quite high; as much as 50 tons>mi2 >month
Solving for the concentration in ppm yields
of dustfall has been observed in some cities.
ppm 1SO2 2 = = 0.14 ppm 1rounded off2
2.617 Example 13-4
A volumetric concentration of 0.14 ppm is equivalent to The mass of a 6-in.-diameter dustfall bucket is 120.00 g when
0.14 volume of the gas in 1 * 106 volumes of mixture, or empty. After 30 d of exposure, the bucket and collected par-
0.14>106 = 14 * 10-8. To convert this into a percentage, ticulates have a combined mass of 120.30 g. Compute the
multiply by 100, obtaining 0.000014 percent. dustfall.
370 chapter Thirteen

mass of particulates = 120.30 - 120.00 Buffer chamber

= 0.30 g
pD 2 0.52 nozzles
area of the bucket = = p *
4 4 Vent tubes
= 0.196 ft2 Impaction
Because 1 mi = 5280 ft, 1 lb = 454 g, and 1 ton = 2000 lb,
0.3 g>month * 1 lb>454 g * 1 ton>2000 lb and filter adapter
dustfall =
0.196 ft2 * 11 mi2 2 > 15280 ft2 2
= 47 tons>mi2 >month Flow rate
Also, because 1 ft = 0.305 m and 1 ha = 10,000 m2, Flow
dustfall = probe
0.3 g>month * 1 kg>1000 g
0.196 ft * 10.305 m2 2 > 11 ft2 2 * 1 ha>10,000 m2
= 165 kg>ha>month

(As an exercise, convert this dustfall rate to g > m2 > month.

Answer: 16.5 g > m2 > month)

Dustfall buckets have several limitations, including

the long sampling period needed to get results. They have
largely been replaced by more accurate second-generation Figure 13-13  High-volume sampler with PM10 inlet.
particulate sampling devices known as high-volume (hi- (Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
vol) samplers. A schematic diagram of a hi-vol sampler is
shown in Figure 13-13. These devices, which reduce sam-
The total volume of air passing through the filter in 24 h is
pling time to 24 h, use the filtration technique rather than
gravity for capturing the particulates. A hi-vol sampler 45 ft3 >min * 60 min>h * 24 h = 64,800 ft3
draws a large volume of air through a glass-fiber or mem-
brane filter. The filter is weighed before and after sampling, Converting to cubic meters, we get
and the airflow rate, which gradually decreases as particu-
lates accumulate on the filter, is accurately metered and 64,800 ft3 * 0.02832 m3 >ft3 = 1.835 * 103 m3
recorded. Results are expressed as mg>m3. In cities, total
The weight of particulates is
suspended particulate (TSP) concentrations are typically
around 100 mg>m3, although peak hourly values may be sev- 0.200 g * 106 mg>g = 200 * 103 mg
eral times that amount; in rural areas, the levels are generally
about 30 mg>m3. Expressing results in terms of mg>m3 may The total suspended particulate concentration is
give an erroneous impression that the quantities of mate-
200 * 103 mg
rial are exceedingly small or negligible. However, a value of = 110 mg>m3
200 mg>m3 is roughly equivalent to 1 ton of particulates per 1835 m3
cubic mile of air. Hi-vol samplers may be used to obtain samples of
particulates for the analysis of metals, organics, sulfates,
Example 13-5 and nitrate compounds. They are also used to continue
The airflow through a high-volume sampler was recorded at long-term historical records of particulate levels at cer-
55 ft3 > min at the beginning of sample collection and 35 ft3 > tain locations. Since the development of the hi-vol sampler
min after 24 h of continuous sampling. The filter weighed in the late 1940s, there have been several improvements,
10.000 g before and 10.200 g after sample collection. What including better filter materials and air inlet design con-
was the TSP level measured in the sample? figurations. A portable, tripod-mounted sampler for PM2.5
is depicted in Figure 13-14. Measurement of particulate
Solution levels in ambient air can also be done using dichotomous
The average rate of airflow through the filter is samplers, which are modified hi-vol devices. They hold
two filters for separation and collection of both PM10 and
55 + 35 PM2.5. (See Section 13-3 for discussion of coarse and fine
= 45 ft3 >min
2 particulate size ranges.)
Air Pollution and Control 371

A Ringlemann smoke chart may be used to determine if

plumes of smoke from individual chimneys are within al-
lowable standards regarding the visual appearance and op-
tical density of the smoke. Ringlemann smoke charts have
been used for more than a century to provide subjective
measurements that can be used in smoke abatement efforts.
Dense (black or very gray) plumes are generally viewed as
stack emissions that are out of compliance. The density of a
plume is compared visually to standard shades of gray on the
chart, between white and black; smoke readings range from
0 (all white) to 5 (all black or fully opaque). A moderately
dense smoke, for example, may be said to be Ringlemann 3.
In the United States, new power plant plants are expected to
have Ringlemann readings no higher than 1. In the United
Kingdom, local agencies can designate “smoke control areas”
or “smokeless zones” in which the emission of dark smoke is
not allowed.
The ability to obtain accurate and consistent
Ringlemann chart smoke readings requires the spe-
cial training and skill of air pollution inspectors. In use,
the chart is located at a distance of about 15 m from the
observer, and 30 observations are made within 15 min;
an average is computed from these readings. Ringlemann
Figure 13-14  Weatherproof tripod-mounted ambient smoke chart readings are being replaced by a measure of
PM2.5 sampler, which can be operated by a battery for up to the percent opacity; a Ringlemann reading of 1, for example,
24 hours or by a solar panel. would correspond to a visual opacity of about 20 percent.
(Courtesy of BGI Incorporated.) Modern analytical instruments, called continuous emission

Inertial samplers operate on the principle that when

the airflow direction is changed suddenly, the inertia of the
particulates will cause them to hit an impaction surface, on
which they can be trapped. The impaction surface may be
a glass-fiber mat or a solid surface coated with oil and is
weighed before and after sampling to measure the amount
of material collected. The impaction surface may simply be
a hard surface nearly parallel to the gas flow, as in a cyclone
collector (see Figure 13-15), in which the impacted par-
ticulates fall to the bottom of the collector for removal and
weighing. (On a larger scale, cyclone collectors are used as
industrial air cleaning devices.)
Another type of inertial sampling device used to collect
and analyze specific particulates, such as pollen grains or
bacteria, is the cascade impactor. This device captures par-
ticles on a series of slides that is placed in the air stream. The
small orifices through which the air flows are progressively
decreased in size, thereby increasing flow velocity. Particles
of different size ranges are captured on each slide because
of the particles’ inertia, the sudden change in direction of
flow, and the different flow velocities. The particulates can
be observed and measured on the slides with a microscope.
Cyclone and cascade samplers (as well as hi-vol samplers)
require careful flow control and accurate measurement of
flow rate, time, temperature, and sample volume.
Figure 13-15  Cyclone collector for personal sampling
Smoke Readings  Smoke is an aerosol of tiny particu- ­applications.
lates of materials which have not been completely burned. (Courtesy of BGI Incorporated.)
372 chapter Thirteen

monitoring systems (CEMS), are also available now, to pro- that, the amount and concentration of sulfur dioxide in the
vide objective measurements of smoke densities, prior to air sample can be computed. Bubblers are not 100 percent
its emission from a chimney. efficient because not all the air sample is absorbed by the
liquid. They must be tested in advance to determine their
Gases efficiencies in order to be able to adjust the final quantitative
The physical properties and behavior of gases differ mark- An absorption instrument, called a three-gas sampler
edly from those of particulates. One important difference (or 24-h bubbler), shown in Figure 13-17, can be used to test
is that gas molecules are small enough to pass through the for three different gases at the same time. Separate sampling
finest filter, and they are certainly too small to settle out by trains with suitable collecting liquids in the bubbler are con-
gravity. Techniques for sampling and measuring gaseous nected in parallel to a vacuum pump. The rate of airflow
pollutants generally involve either the process of absorption can be controlled and measured. A similar device, called a
or the process of adsorption. (Although these two words sequential sampler, can be used to collect up to 12 samples in
look similar, students should carefully note the difference in sequence for fixed periods of time, typically 2 h. The sequen-
spelling; the actual processes are very different.) tial sampler allows peak concentrations of a specific pollut-
Absorption is a process involving the uniform distribu- ant to be determined on a daily basis.
tion of the gaseous compound in a liquid or solid, called the Adsorption is a physical process in which the gas mol-
absorbent. For air sampling, the absorbent is usually a liquid; ecules are attracted to the surface of a solid and held there by
absorption in a liquid for later analysis in a laboratory is the molecular bonding forces. The adsorbent is usually a granu-
EPA-approved method for sulfur dioxide and other low- lar, porous material (e.g., charcoal or activated carbon) with
molecular-weight compounds. a very high surface area-to-volume ratio. A reverse process
Absorption can be either a physical or chemical process; by which collected molecules may be removed from the
dissolving a gas in liquid is a physical process. Chemical ­surfaces is called desorption. Desorption can be achieved by
absorption, though, uses a liquid containing a substance that use of a solvent or heat to drive off the captured molecules.
reacts with the gas to form an easily detected by-product. Industrial hygiene surveys to detect organic compounds
A typical absorption sampler, called a bubbler or impinger in the workplace often use charcoal adsorption tubes and
tube, is shown in Figure 13-16. The air is pumped through solvent desorption. After the pollutants are desorbed, gas
a small glass diffuser (with 50@mm or smaller pores) and chromatography–flame ionization analysis techniques are
bubbled up through the liquid, which will either dissolve the used in a laboratory to measure the level of contamination.
gas or react with it chemically. If a known volume of air con- In colorimetric tubes, the adsorbent may be precoated
taining sulfur dioxide, for example, is bubbled up through with a chemical that reacts with and changes color in pro-
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sulfuric acid is quickly formed, portion to the amount of gas adsorbed. For example, the
as described by the following chemical equation: adsorbent in a carbon monoxide detector tube will change
H2O2 + SO2 S H2SO4 from yellow to blue-green as an air sample containing CO
The amount of sulfuric acid that is formed in the reaction
can be measured by standard chemical techniques; from

Air out Air in

Hydrogen peroxide

Rising air bubbles

Figure 13-17  A three-gas sampler can simultaneously test
for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide
Figure 13-16  A glass bubbler or absorber may be used (or other pollutant gases) over a 24-h period. It is typically
for sampling specific gaseous pollutants. For example, enclosed in a portable all-weather shelter (not shown here)
hydrogen peroxide will absorb sulfur dioxide from the air, and can be used anywhere that a power line is available.
forming sulfuric acid. The level of sulfur dioxide in the After a sampling cycle is completed the absorbing reagent
air can be computed after measuring the amount of sulfuric tubes are removed and sent to a laboratory for analysis.
acid in the bubbler. (Courtesy of New Star Environmental, Inc., Roswell, Georgia.)
Air Pollution and Control 373

passes though the tube. The CO concentration is measured the pollutant concentration, but no absorption occurs in the
by comparing the color to a calibrated color chart. Other reference cell.
materials, such as silica gels, alumina, and organic poly- After passing through either the reference cell or the
mers, may also be used as adsorbents. Organic polymer sample cell, the radiation is absorbed by the gas in the detec-
adsorbents are particularly useful in air sampling for organic tor cells. Because some energy was already absorbed in the
compounds. sample cell, the gas in the reference detector cell gets warmer
than the gas in the sampler detector cell. The pressure then
Whole-Air Samplers  Whole-air samples (or grab sam- increases in the reference cell; this deflects the diaphragm,
ples) are collected in a number of ways, including use of a changes the capacitance, and sends an electrical signal to a
simple evacuated canister or flask. When the flask is opened recorder. The signal is proportional to the concentration of
at the sampling location, the air sample is drawn into it by pollutant.
the vacuum; the sample is analyzed later in a laboratory. Additional modern analysis techniques include gas
Another grab sampling device that is effective if the chromatography, mass spectrometry, flame emission spec-
gas under study is insoluble is a displacement bottle, shown trometry, and electrochemistry, among others. Sophisticated
schematically in Figure 13-18. As water or some other liquid continuous monitoring (CM) instruments are available. These
is drained or siphoned out, air is drawn in by the lowered expensive instruments combine collection and automatic
pressure to take the place of the liquid removed. The volume analysis for many different air pollutants. Electronic detec-
of the air sample drawn in is equal to the volume of the dis- tors, meters, and recording devices are part of the sampling
placed liquid. In general, grab or whole-air samples are not train for this kind of equipment. Continuous graphs that
very useful when extremely small quantities of pollutants are show the hourly change in pollutant levels or concentrations
present in the air because the collected volumes may not be can be obtained. This is particularly useful in urban areas
large enough for accurate analysis. when used as part of a pollution episode warning system.

Gas Analysis  Hundreds of modern instruments are avail-

able from manufacturers for analyzing gases. Colorimetric and 13-7 Air Pollution
bubbler techniques are what may be called first- and second-
generation air analysis devices. An example of a widely used
third-generation device is the nondispersive infrared analyzer, The need to minimize or control air pollution has been evident
which is used to measure gases that absorb infrared radiation, for several hundred years. As mentioned in Section 13-1, one
such as CO, SO2, NOx, and HC. The measurement is based on of the earliest attempts to legislate air pollution control was in
the principle of selective absorption; different gases transmit England in the 14th century, when King Edward II prohib-
and absorb different wavelengths of infrared radiation. ited the burning of coal. In fact, he decreed that anyone found
The detector at the bottom of the analyzer has two guilty of burning coal while Parliament was in session would
chambers containing equal volumes of the gas to be studied. be executed. Apparently, the smoke bothered him somewhat.
The chambers are separated by a flexible metallic diaphragm Today, it is known that smoke can be more than just
and a stationary metallic button, which form a capacitor. a temporary annoyance; smoke and other air pollutants
Infrared radiation is directed through two identical cells, affect health and well-being, esthetic sensibilities, and even
one of which is a reference cell and is filled with nitrogen. Earth’s climate on a global scale. It is also known, certainly,
The other is a sample cell, through which the gas to be ana- that threats of medieval-type punishments cannot solve the
lyzed flows. When a pollutant of interest is present in the problem. In a modern industrial society, it is difficult to
sample, it absorbs an amount of radiation proportional to avoid generating at least some waste products that will enter
the atmosphere, in one way or another. Realistic pollution
control strategies, laws, and air quality standards are neces-
sary, and logical principles of engineering and technology
Air Air must be directed toward the development and use of pollu-
in in tion control equipment.
This section begins with an overview of air pollution
control strategies. Also included here is a discussion of air
quality legislation and standards. Air quality standards serve
as a framework within which the success of pollution control
strategies can be measured. They are based on the best avail-
able data regarding the health and environmental impacts of
various air pollutants. Finally, this section includes a discus-
Water sion of the different types of add-on devices and equipment
that are used to reduce pollutant emissions from both sta-
Figure 13-18  Displacement bottle. tionary and mobile sources and to keep air quality within the
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) legally established standard limits.
374 chapter Thirteen

Pollution Control Strategies come under much scrutiny because of its potential to pollute
groundwater resources as well as for contaminating soil and
There are several approaches or strategies for air pollution causing air pollution (see Section 5-6).
control. The most effective control would be to prevent the Fuel substitutions are also effective in reducing pollution
pollution from occurring in the first place. Complete source from mobile sources. For example, the use of reformulated
shutdown would accomplish this, but shutdown is practical gasolines or alternative fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas,
only under emergency conditions, and even then it causes compressed natural gas, or methanol for highway vehicles
economic loss. Nevertheless, state public health officials can would help to clear the air. (This is discussed in more detail
force industries to stop operations and can curtail highway later in this section.) Ultimately, complete replacement of
traffic if an air pollution episode is imminent or occurring. gasoline-powered vehicles with electric-powered vehicles
A source shutdown can only offer, at best, a very temporary may eliminate one of the major sources of ambient air pollu-
solution to local problems of air pollution. tion. California, a leader in environmental protection efforts,
Another option for air pollution control is source loca- was the first state to require that, by the year 1998, 2 per-
tion in order to minimize the adverse impacts in a particular cent of new car sales be zero-emission vehicles (i.e., electric
locality. Community air zoning may be included in munici- cars). The percent of sales requirement gradually increased
pal master plans, requiring power plants or industrial facili- in subsequent years. Other states, including Massachusetts
ties to be located where fewer people will be affected by the and New York, have adopted similar types of quotas and
pollutants. The location of these zones can be established timetables.
on the basis of prevailing wind patterns and weather condi- The use of correct operation and maintenance practices
tions. This option has a limitation; although local air quality is important for minimizing air pollution and should not be
may be somewhat protected, the pollutants can still be “air- overlooked as an effective control strategy. For example, if
mailed” to neighboring communities by the dispersion of the a power plant operator allows too much air into the boiler
plumes emitted from tall chimneys or smoke stacks. furnace, fly ash emissions will increase. Adding too much
Tall smoke stacks take pollutants high into the atmo- sulfur at a sulfuric acid manufacturing plant, without pro-
sphere, allowing the processes of mixing and dispersion to viding enough air, can cause excessive SO2 emissions. Even
dilute the contaminants, reducing pollution levels. However, a failure to properly lubricate a fan motor at an incinerator
“what goes up must come down,” and when it comes down, can lead to unnecessary pollution. Finally, one of the most
the problem of air pollution returns. Acid deposition (or important strategies for controlling emissions from mobile
acid rain) is a notable example of an air pollution problem sources is an effective motor vehicle inspection and mainte-
that transcends local boundaries. nance program.
An important approach for air pollution control is to
encourage or require industries to make fuel substitutions
or process changes. For example, making more use of solar,
Air Quality Legislation and Standards
hydroelectric, and geothermal energy would eliminate Until the mid-1900s, air pollution was viewed primarily as a
much of the pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion at state or local problem. Today, however, it is recognized to be
power-generating plants. Nuclear power would do the same, not only nationwide in scope, but of global scale and inter-
but other problems related to high-level radioactive waste national significance. In the United States, federal laws con-
disposal and safety remain to be solved. Also, using natural trolling air pollution began with the Clean Air Act (CAA)
low-sulfur coal and oil would reduce SO2 emissions from of 1963. Although governmental responsibility for air qual-
existing power-generating stations. Technology is available ity control was thereby raised to the national level, state and
for treating and desulfurizing dirty fossil fuels prior to their local efforts are still very important for the success of the
combustion, but it is expensive. A complete change of some federal air pollution control program.
industrial manufacturing processes can also reduce air pol- A few years after the CAA, the Air Quality Act of 1967
lution; one example is the use of electric furnaces instead of extended the authority of the federal government in ambi-
open-hearth furnaces in the steel industry. ent (outdoor) air pollution control and introduced the idea
Natural gas (which is mostly methane) is a cleaner that regulatory standards could precede existing technology,
burning fuel than coal or oil; its combustion by-products a concept known as technology-forcing legislation. Another
contain less carbon dioxide as well as fewer oxides of sulfur federal law (passed in 1970), the Occupational Health and
and other air pollutants. Natural gas has gradually become Safety Act (OSHA), also pertains, in part, to air pollution;
the fuel of choice for many new electricity-generating plants it establishes limits of exposure to certain air pollutants for
built in the United States since the 1990s, due to economic workers in various industries.
and environmental imperatives. This trend is expected to Air quality laws and guidelines are under constant
continue, particularly because of the discovery of exten- review and are often modified. They set maximum allowable
sive geological reserves of natural gas and improvements levels, discharge rates, or exposure times for specific sub-
in well drilling and gas extraction technology. A method stances. Three basic types of guidelines are threshold limit
used to obtain natural gas from deep deposits of shale and values, source performance standards, and ambient air qual-
other rocks, called hydraulic fracturing (or fracking), has ity standards.
Air Pollution and Control 375

Threshold limit values (TLVs) focus on specific air con- Table 13-1  Primary and Secondary National
taminants that have well-recognized cause-and-effect health Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
relationships. They serve primarily as occupational guide-
lines, limiting the exposure of workers in industrial environ- Allowable
ments to specific vapors or chemical dusts. TLVs are typically Pollutant Averaging time concentration
established on the basis of exposure for 8 h/d, 5 d/week. PM2.5 Annual arithmetic mean 35 mg>m3 (primary and
Source performance standards (also called emission stan- secondary)
dards) focus on the major municipal and industrial generators 24 h 12 mg>m3 (primary and
of air pollutants for both stationary and mobile sources. These secondary)
include power plants, solid waste incinerators, manufacturing PM10 24 h 150 mg>m3 (primary
plants, oil refineries, highway vehicles, and many more. They and secondary)
are usually expressed in terms of the mass of pollutant emit- SO2 1h 75 ppb (primary)
ted per unit of time, production volume, or distance. 3h 0.5 ppm (secondary)
Ambient air quality standards focus on the allowable
CO 8h 9 ppm (primary)
levels of outdoor atmospheric pollutants. They are intended
to set limits that will minimize the overall adverse effects on 1h 35 ppm (primary)
health, comfort, and property. Exposure time is assumed NO2 Annual arithmetic mean 53 ppb (primary and
to be for 24 h/d, 7 d/week (in contrast to the more limited secondary)
exposure times inherent in TLV standards). Emission stan- 1h 100 ppb (primary)
dards are established at levels intended to satisfy or meet the O3 8h 75 ppb (primary and
ambient air quality standards in an air quality control region secondary)
(AQCR). These regions are identified on the basis of meteo- Pb 3 mo 0.15 mg>m3 (primary
rological and social or political factors. and secondary)

Clean Air Act  There have been several amendments to

the Clean Air Act of 1963 and the Air Quality Act of 1967; Emission standards pertain to specific sources and are
together, the original acts and their amendments may be re- too numerous to list here. For example, at a sulfuric acid
ferred to simply as the CAA. To understand the current sta- manufacturing plant, the NSPS for SO2 is 2 kg per metric
tus of federal legislation in the national effort to control air ton of acid produced. For a sludge incinerator, the partic-
pollution, it is of value to have a perspective of the evolution ulate emission standard is a maximum of 0.65 g per kg of
of the CAA over the years since its inception. sludge input. Tailpipe (exhaust) emission standards for cars
The CAA Amendments of 1970 began to strengthen the include maximum allowable values of 0.4 g per mi (gpm) of
federal air pollution control effort. Under these amendments, nitrogen oxides, 3.4 gpm of carbon monoxide, and 0.25 gpm
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) were of nonmethane hydrocarbons.
officially established to protect the public health and welfare. By the mid-1970s, only about one third of the air qual-
These amendments also required the states to prepare state ity control regions in the United States were meeting national
implementation plans (SIPs) for achieving and maintaining standards, prompting Congress to pass the CAA Amendments
the national standards. For certain industries, New Source of 1977. The regions not meeting standards were termed
Performance Standards (NSPS) were established to limit emis- nonattainment areas. One of the innovations of the 1977 act
sions. In addition, strict automobile emission standards were was a policy of emission offsets, which created a way to allow
set; these standards were an example of technology-forcing industrial expansion in the nonattainment areas. If a partic-
legislation. The automobile industry was unable, at that time, ular company in a nonattainment area plans to build a new
to reach the stated goals with existing technology, and this ­factory, for example, one of the ways offsets can be obtained
part of the legislation has been amended several times. is for the company to reduce pollutant emissions from its
The primary and secondary NAAQS (as of 2013) for existing sources. This can be done by installing new and more
six criteria pollutants are presented in Table 13-1. Primary efficient control equipment on an older factory. The company
standards were established to protect public health; second- may also buy, sell, or trade emission offsets with other compa-
ary standards were established to protect against nonhealth nies in the area, and the offsets can be “banked” for future use.
effects, such as crop damage or visibility. (These terms The 1977 amendments also established the concept
should not be confused with primary and secondary pol- called prevention of significant deterioration (PSD), which
lutants.) States can set their own standards, but they must applies to attainment areas where the air is even cleaner than
meet or exceed the national primary ambient standards. the standards require. Three different kinds of attainment
Since ambient air quality varies significantly with time, the areas were defined: class I, in which no deterioration of air
NAAQS specify one or more averaging or measuring time quality is allowed; class II, in which moderate deterioration
periods for each pollutant. The allowable concentrations is allowed; and class III, which allows somewhat more dete-
may be expressed as mg>m3 or as ppm. rioration than does class II, but not more than the NAAQS
376 chapter Thirteen

would permit. The National Parks and Wilderness Areas are per megawatt-hour, but allows construction of new natu-
class I (pristine) areas. Industrialized PSD areas fall into the ral gas power plants, which release about half that amount.
class III category. Since power plants cause about 40 percent of greenhouse gas
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 introduced emissions in the United States, this represents a key step in
significant changes and added greatly to the potential for a nationwide effort to mitigate the anthropogenic compo-
improving nationwide air quality. They also addressed, for nent of the greenhouse effect. (Existing coal-fired plants were
the first time, global climate effects. The EPA is allowed to “grandfathered” or exempted from the rule.) In 2012, the
impose sanctions (e.g., loss of highway construction funds) EPA also issued rules requiring that leading manufacturers of
against states and cities that do not comply with federal cars and trucks double the average gas mileage efficiency of
standards. For highway vehicles, stricter tailpipe emission new vehicles by 2025, a requirement that will further reduce
standards were set for CO, NOx, and hydrocarbons; cleaner the emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.
burning fuels (e.g., reformulated gasoline, or RFG) are also Another air quality rule issued by the EPA in 2012
required in certain cities with severe air pollution. Under the pertains to the drilling process called hydraulic fracturing
1990 CAA Amendments, lead is completely banned from use (fracking), which is used to recover deep geologic deposits
in motor vehicle fuel as of the year 1996. In 2012, the EPA of natural gas for use as a fuel. Natural gas (mostly meth-
promulgated rules that require new automobiles and light ane) is a relatively “clean” fossil fuel, compared to coal or
trucks to have average efficiencies of about 55 mi per gallon oil. But fracking can potentially leak some methane, as well
by 2025, further reducing tailpipe emissions. as VOCs and other toxic pollutants, into the air. Methane
Additional 1990 amendments include regulation of is about 20 times stronger as a heat-trapping gas than car-
toxic emissions from major sources such as oil refineries, as bon dioxide, so its release from wells adds to global warm-
well as much smaller sources such as dry cleaners and gaso- ing, and the release of air toxics (e.g., benzene and hexane)
line stations; a phase-out schedule for chemicals that deplete harms public health. This new rule, which is to become fully
stratospheric ozone; a 10-million-ton-per-year reduction in effective in 2015, will significantly mitigate the air pollu-
SO2 emissions to reduce acid rain; a new operating permit tion problems associated with fracking. Existing technolo-
program to be administered by the states; and many oth- gies and gas capture equipment can be used to comply with
ers. The amendments of 1990 are an extensive and complex the new emission limits. Most objective scientists and public
piece of legislation, one that will take decades to fully imple- health officials agree that the benefits of these regulations
ment and will cost a great deal of money. far outweigh the costs of their implementation. (Fracking
Additional air toxics are continually being identified also poses problems related to water and land pollution; see
and regulated. In 2011, the EPA established regulations Section 5-6.)
called the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS),
sharply reducing emissions (more than 90 percent by 2017) Air Quality Index  To be able to provide the public with
of mercury, dioxin, acid gases, arsenic, and other very harm- timely, easy-to-understand information about outdoor air
ful substances from coal- and oil-fired power plants (with quality and to evaluate national air quality trends, the EPA
a capacity of 25 mW or greater). These standards are con- publishes a daily Air Quality Index or AQI (prior to July
sidered by some scientists to be among the most important 1999, this was called the Pollutant Standards Index or PSI).
rules to protect public health and prevent premature death In addition to its use as a public information tool, EPA and
in the history of the CAA. local officials use the AQI to help determine which precau-
Regulating Greenhouse Gases Until the beginning of tionary steps need to be taken if air pollution levels rise into
the 21st century, carbon dioxide was not considered to be the unhealthful range.
a pollutant in the usual sense of the word. It is, after all, a An AQI is determined for each of the five criteria air
normal (albeit very small) component of the atmosphere. pollutants—particulates, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
But the need to address the serious issues of global warming nitrogen dioxide, and ozone. This is done by converting the
and climate change has become imperative. In 2007, the U.S. measurement of a pollutant’s concentration in a commu-
Supreme Court ruled that the EPA has the authority under nity’s air to a number on a scale of 0 to 500. There are five
the Clean Air Act to regulate emissions of gases that con- intervals on the AQI scale, each of which is related to the
tribute to global climate change. In 2009, the EPA issued a potential health effects for each of the five criteria air pollut-
finding that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases ants. These intervals are:
do, in fact, pose danger to human health and welfare, and to
the environment, thereby enabling regulation of greenhouse
AQI Health effect
gas emissions from power plants, factories, motor vehicles,
and other major sources. 0 to 50 Good
Under rules promulgated by the EPA in 2012, emission 51 to 100 Moderate
of carbon dioxide from new power plants will be limited to 101 to 200 Unhealthful
1000 tons of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour of energy pro- 201 to 300 Very unhealthful
duced. In effect, this rule precludes the construction of new
301+ Hazardous
coal-fired power plants, which typically emit about 1600 tons
Air Pollution and Control 377

The most significant number on the AQI scale is 100, Emission Controls for Stationary Sources
since this number corresponds to the standards established
under the CAA for each pollutant. A 75 ppb reading for The optimum strategy for air quality protection is to reduce
sulfur dioxide, for example, would translate to an AQI level the amount of pollution at its source, primarily by fuel sub-
of 100. Similarly, a 12 mg>m3 measured concentration for stitutions or process changes. When this is not possible or is
PM2.5 would also convert to an AQI of 100. In most commu- simply insufficient to accomplish the goal, some type of air
nities in the United States, AQI levels generally fall between cleaning equipment must be installed at the source.
0 and 100; readings in excess of 100 are likely to occur only Several types of air cleaning devices can collect or trap
a few times a year, if at all. However, several metropolitan air pollutants before they are emitted into the atmosphere.
areas in the United States do have more severe air pollution Some of these devices serve to control only suspended partic-
problems, and may often experience AQI levels in excess ulates and others control only gaseous pollutants. The design
of 100. Even in such areas, though, AQI readings in excess of or selection of a particular type of air cleaning apparatus
200 are quite rare. depends on the physical and chemical properties of the pol-
EPA reports the highest of the five AQI figures for lutant to be removed as well as on temperature, corrosivity,
each major metropolitan area and identifies which pol- and other characteristics of the pollutant and the carrier gas.
lutant corresponds to the figure that is reported. For
example, if EPA reports an AQI level of 110 for ozone for Control of Particulates  Most ambient particulate air
a given metropolitan area, residents of that area would pollutants come from stationary sources, particularly from
know that the ozone level for the region is at the low end power plants, industrial processes, mining activities, and
of the unhealthful range; they would also know that ozone refuse incinerators. The primary particulate characteristics
is the pollutant with the highest AQI reading for the day, that determine which type of air cleaning equipment is best
and that all other pollutants are in the good or moder- for a specific pollution control application are average par-
ate range. On days when two or more pollutants exceed ticle size, size distribution, density, and reactivity. Properties
the standard (i.e., have AQI values greater than 100), the of the carrier gas, such as flow rate, moisture content, tem-
air pollutant with the highest index level is reported, but perature, and flammability, are also of importance.
information on any other pollutants above 100 may also Particulates come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and
be reported. they can be liquid droplets or solid fume and dust particles.
In the cities of some developing countries, the sever- Most particulates are not round, but are quite irregularly
ity of air pollution is often quite noticeable to residents in shaped. It is usually necessary to refer to an effective diam-
the form of dense haze and smog. But use of a numerical eter of an irregularly shaped particle when one or two of its
index, like the AQI, can clearly emphasize the actual extent dimensions are much larger than the other. The behavior of
of air quality problems. In Beijing, China, for example, an a particle that is suspended in a gas stream is a function of
AQI level of 755 was recorded for PM2.5 on January 12, 2013 its density and its aerodynamic diameter. The aerodynamic
(by an air-quality monitoring device at the United States diameter of an irregularly shaped particle is defined as the
Embassy); on the same day in New York City, the AQI for diameter of a sphere with the density of water that will settle
PM2.5 was reported to be 19. Hopefully, the measurement in still air at the same rate as the actual particle itself. This
and timely reporting of AQI data in developing countries is the diameter referred to when discussing particulates and
will foster stronger implementation of efforts to improve air particulate control equipment. A device called a cascade
quality in the very near future. impactor, which separates suspended particles on the basis
of aerodynamic diameters, is used to determine the size dis-
Episodes Criteria.  AQI levels above 100 may trigger tribution of particles in an exhaust stream.
preventive actions by state or local officials. These could There are many different kinds of particulate control
include health advisories for susceptible people to limit equipment, including gravity settlers, cyclones, electrostatic
certain outdoor activities and potential restrictions on in- precipitators, fabric filters, and wet scrubbers. Some are
dustrial activities. The 200 level is likely to trigger an Alert much less expensive than others, but are also less efficient
stage. Activities that might be restricted by local govern- in removing fine particulates from the carrier gas. Some are
ments include incinerator use and open burning of leaves limited to cleaning dry, low-temperature gases. Since air
or refuse. A level of 300 will probably trigger a Warning, pollution control problems are generally unique, engineer-
which is likely to prohibit the use of incinerators, severely ing principles must be used to select the best air cleaning
curtail power plant operations, cut back operations at some device(s) for specific control applications. Also, because par-
manufacturing facilities, and require the public to limit ticulate control equipment removes particles from the gas
driving by using car pools and public transportation. An stream but does not destroy them, proper disposal of the
AQI level of 400 or above would constitute an Emergency, collected dust is needed. It is usually disposed of in a landfill
and would require stopping most industrial and commer- (see Section 11-6); wastewater from wet scrubbers may be
cial activity, plus a prohibition of almost all private use of sent to a nearby sewage treatment plant or clarified on-site
motor vehicles. and reused.
378 chapter Thirteen

Top view Inner cylinder

velocity Outer vortex

Outlet Inlet flute

transition transition Inner vortex

Cleaner Carrier Dirty

gas Inlet
gas out gas in

Top view
Side Dust Dirty gas in
view hopper

Clean gas out

Dust to disposal
Inner cylinder (outlet tube)
Figure 13-19  A settling chamber or enlarged flue section
provides a simple way to remove settleable particulates at
the source. Inlet dirty gas enters

Inner vortex
Gravity Settlers.  The simplest kind of air cleaning device
is the settling chamber, which is shown schematically in Outer vortex
Figure 13-19. It is basically an enlarged section or com-
partment in a flue in which the velocity of the carrier gas is
reduced. When the gas flow velocity is slowed sufficiently, Cone
coarse particles (those more than about 40 mm in diameter) section
can settle out by gravity. A settling chamber of this type usu- view
ally serves as a precleaner to prevent clogging of the more Dust hoppes
efficient small particle collectors that must follow it. Baffles
are usually added inside the chamber to increase settling and Dust out
particulate removal efficiency.
Figure 13-20  In a cyclone collector, particulates are spun
Cyclones.  Another air cleaning device, called a cyclone, re- out toward the outer wall by inertia. They are slowed down
moves many of the particulates by causing the carrier gas to by friction and settle to the bottom; clean air flows upward
flow in a spiral path inside cylindrical and conical chambers. and out the top.
Instead of using velocity reduction and quiescent gravity set-
tling, a cyclone subjects the particulates to inertial forces and settling chamber, removal efficiency for small particles in
friction, which separate them from the carrier gas. As shown a cyclone increases as the flow velocity increases. In some
in Figure 13-20, carrier gas enters the cyclone chamber from a advanced designs, cyclones are capable of more than 98
tangential direction at the outer wall of the chamber and forms percent removal efficiencies for particles larger than 5 mm
a vortex as it swirls around inside the cylindrical and conical in diameter.
shells. The larger particulates in the gas move outward and Cyclones, which are low in cost compared to other air
are forced against the cylindrical wall (as they obey Newton’s cleaning devices, are particularly useful for the removal of
first law of motion, or the law of inertia). Particles are slowed industrial dusts from process gases. They are one of the
down by friction and slide down the wall of the cone into a most widely used of all industrial gas cleaning devices. But
dust ­hopper at the bottom, where they accumulate and are re- cyclones by themselves are generally not sufficient to meet
moved. The cleaner gas stream swirls upward in a narrower stringent air quality regulations. Low first cost and almost
spiral, through an inner cylinder and an outlet at the top. maintenance-free operation make them most suitable for
Cyclones are most efficient for removing relatively use as precleaners for more expensive final air cleaning
coarse particulates, but they are also somewhat efficient for devices, such as electrostatic precipitators or “baghouse”
removing smaller particles. They can routinely achieve effi- fabric filters. In addition to use as flue gas precleaners, small
ciencies of 90 percent for particles larger than about 20 mm. cyclone-type devices are also used to collect, sample, and
The typical cut diameter for a cyclone is about 15 mm; the measure ambient levels of particulates (see Section 13-6).
cut diameter is that for which 50 percent of the particles
are collected and 50 percent are not. In other words, most Wet Scrubbers.  Wet collection devices, called scrubbers,
of the particles larger than 15 mm are removed, as well as trap suspended particles by direct contact with an aerosol
about half of those as small as 15 mm. Unlike the gravity spray of water or some other liquid. In effect, a scrubber
Air Pollution and Control 379

washes the particulates out of the carrier gas as they collide

with and are intercepted by the countless number of tiny Clean gas out
droplets in the aerosol. There are several types of wet scrub-
bers on the market, including spray-chamber scrubbers,
Water Water in
cyclone spray scrubbers, orifice scrubbers, wet-impingement spray
scrubbers, and venturi scrubbers.
In a spray-chamber (or spray-tower) scrubber, the upward-
flowing carrier gas is washed by water sprayed downward from
a series of nozzles, as shown schematically in Figure 13-21. Dirty gas in
The water is recirculated after it is sufficiently clarified to pre-
vent clogging the nozzles. Spray chambers can remove par-
ticles larger than 8 mm from the gas with efficiencies of about
90 percent. They are widely used to control dust in fiberglass
and paper towel production and in other industrial applications.
Dirty water
Dust removal efficiencies can be increased by introducing the to disposal
carrier gas tangentially into the chamber, as in a cyclone cham-
Figure 13-21  The spray tower is a type of wet scrubber that
ber scrubber. The inertial effects and higher velocities caused by
removes suspended particulates from the carrier gas. Most
the spiral motion in the cyclone enhance aerosol droplet forma- of the dirty water is clarified and recycled.
tion and removal of particulates.
In orifice and wet-impingement scrubbers, the gas and
droplet mixture collides with a solid surface. These scrub- Electrostatic Precipitators.  Electrostatic precipitation is a
bers have the advantage of lower water recirculation rates commonly used method for removing fine particulates from
and treatment efficiencies of about 90 percent for particles gas streams, particularly at power-generating stations. In an
larger than 2 mm. Venturi scrubbers are the most effi- electrostatic precipitator, particles suspended in the carrier
cient of the wet collectors, achieving removal efficiencies gas stream are given an electric charge as they enter the unit
of more than 98 percent for particles larger than 0.5 mm and are then removed from the gas stream by the influence of
in diameter. Scrubber efficiency depends on the relative an electrical field. The precipitation chamber or box includes
velocity between the droplets and the particulates. Venturi gas flow distribution baffles, discharge and collection elec-
scrubbers achieve the high relative velocities by injecting trodes, a dust cleaning system, and collection hoppers. A high
water into the throat of a venturi (a construction in the direct-current voltage is applied to the discharge electrode
flow path) through which air is passing at about 75 m>s system in order to charge the particles, which then are at-
(250 ft>s). Venturi-type scrubbers are easy to install and tracted to the collecting surfaces where they become trapped.
maintain, but typically require relatively large pressure In a typical electrostatic precipitator, illustrated in
drops to operate. Figure 13-22, the collecting surfaces comprise a group of


Electrical system

Flue gas in


electrode plates


Figure 13-22  Cutaway view of an electrostatic precipitator.

(Courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
380 chapter Thirteen

large, parallel, rectangular metal plates suspended verti- It can be seen that above 99 percent efficiencies, relatively
cally inside the boxlike structure. There are often hundreds large increases in collector surface area achieve minimal
of plates with a combined total surface area in the range of increases in removal efficiency.
tens of thousands of square meters. A series of negatively The installation of precipitator units at a power-­
charged discharge electrode wires hang between all the generating facility or at an industrial plant represents a very
grounded collector plates, and voltages up to 100,000 V are large financial investment for the owner. Removal efficien-
applied. The suspended particles acquire a negative charge cies usually are guaranteed by the precipitator manufacturer
as they flow into and through the precipitation chamber. so as to assure the owner that federal and state air quality
Particles that stick to the positively charged collector or source emission standards will not be violated. Because of
plates are removed periodically when the plates are mechani- this, the precipitator manufacturers build and test exact scale
cally vibrated or rapped. Rapping is a mechanical technique models of each unit in a laboratory before they are actually
for separating the trapped particles from the electrode plates, constructed in the field. In this way, the required configura-
which typically become covered with a 6-mm (0.25-in.) layer tion or shape of ductwork and baffles can be predetermined
of dust. Rappers are either of the impulse (single blow) or so as to provide uniform flow velocities across the plates.
vibrating type. The dislodged particles are collected in a hop- Although installation costs and space requirements are
per bin at the bottom of the unit and removed for disposal high, the operating costs of electrostatic precipitators are
(usually in a landfill). relatively low. Gas flows as high as 5 million cfm (cubic feet
An electrostatic precipitator can remove particles as per minute) at temperatures of up to 650°C (1200°F) can be
small as 1 mm with an efficiency exceeding 99 percent. For handled effectively. Particles in the range of 0.05 to 200 mm
larger particles, the removal efficiencies may exceed 99.9 can be removed by electrostatic precipitation with very low
percent. When the concentration of particles in the carrier pressure losses.
gas is very high, a gravity settling chamber or a cyclone is
generally installed in front of the precipitator for preclean- Fabric Filters.  One of the most efficient devices for remov-
ing of the gas. The removal efficiency of an electrostatic pre- ing suspended particulates from a gas stream is the fabric fil-
cipitator is very sensitive to the speed and distribution of the ter, commonly referred to as a baghouse. A typical baghouse
gas stream flowing across the plates. The flow must be slow comprises a series of long and narrow filter bags, which are
and uniform, that is, the same across each plate, from top suspended upside down in a large enclosure (shown sche-
to bottom. Removal efficiency is also a function of the total matically in Figure 13-23). The bags are usually between
collection surface area and may be expressed by the follow- 125 mm and 300 mm (5 and 12 in.) in diameter. Dust-laden
ing formula: carrier gas is blown through the bottom of the enclosure by
fans; particulates are trapped inside the filter bags, whereas
E = 100 * 11 - e -wA/Q 2 (13-2)
the gas passes through the filter fabric and exits at the top
where E is the percent removal efficiency, e is the natu- of the baghouse. Filter baghouses are one of the oldest and
ral logarithm base, w is the effective drift velocity, A is most commonly used air cleaning devices, and it is esti-
the total area, e is the base of natural logarithms (equal mated that there are more than 200,000 of them currently in
to 2.718), and Q is the gas flow rate through the unit. operation in the United States.
Effective drift velocity, defined as the speed with which a
particle approaches a plate in the electric field, is obtained
from pilot studies.
Clean gas exhaust
Example 13-6
What is the expected efficiency of an electrostatic precipita-
tor that has a total collector plate area of 5000 m2, a flow
rate of 150 m3 > s, and a drift velocity of 0.1 m > s? What is filter bags
the efficiency if the plate area is increased to 750 m2 or to
10 000 m2? Dirty gas
For an area of 5000 m2, Dust hopper
-0.1 * 5000>150
E = 100 * 11 - e 2 = 96.4%

For an area of 7500 m2,

Dust out
E = 100 * 11 - e-0.1 * 7500>150 2 = 99.3%
For an area of 10,000 m 2, Figure 13-23  Section view of a baghouse filter. The filters
may be cleaned by mechanical vibrations or by blowing
E = 100 * 11 - e-0.1 * 10,000>150 2 = 99.9% clean air back through the unit.
Air Pollution and Control 381

The removal efficiency of a fabric-filter dust collector dew point, or temperature at which a pure vapor at atmo-
can approach 100 percent for particles as small as 1 mm in spheric pressure will condense into liquid form. Oxygen and
diameter, and particles as small as 0.01 mm can be removed nitrogen in the atmosphere, for example, are considered to
to a significant extent. But the fabric filters cause relatively be gases, but water or moisture in the air is considered a
high pressure losses, and they are expensive to operate vapor. Most VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are vapors
and maintain, and the carrier gas generally must be cooled (with a few exceptions, such as methane and other VOCs
before passing through the unit; cooling coils needed for this with low boiling points). The distinction between gases and
purpose add to the expense. Baghouse filter installations are vapors is important because different control techniques
classified as being either low capacity (handling up to a few are applied. Vapors, for example, are more readily adsorbed
thousand cfm), medium capacity (handling up to 100,000 onto surfaces or condensed into a liquid.
cfm), or high capacity (handling up to 1 million cfm).
Baghouses are generally preceded by gravity settling Absorption.  The transfer of a gaseous pollutant into a con-
chambers or cyclones to reduce the particulate load on the tacting liquid, such as water, is an absorption process; either
filter bags and to reduce the required cleaning frequency for the gas must be soluble in the liquid or a reactive liquid ab-
the bags. Several compartments of filter bags are often used sorbent is used to capture the pollutant by chemical reaction.
at a single baghouse installation so that an individual com- Gas removal efficiency depends on the solubility or reactiv-
partment can be cleaned while the others remain in service. ity of the gas, gas and liquid flow rates, and contact time be-
The bags are cleaned by one of several methods, and the tween the gas and the liquid. Applications of gas absorption
loosened particulates are collected and removed for disposal. in air pollution control include removal of sulfur dioxide
Three important filter cleaning methods include shakers, from combustion sources, recovery of ammonia in fertilizer
reverse-flow cleaning, and pulse-jet cleaning. A shaker clean- manufacture, and control of odors from rendering plants.
ing system separates the collected dust from the fabric by Wet scrubbers or washers, similar to those used for
mechanical shaking, using a motor-driven mechanism at the suspended particulate control, may be used for gas absorp-
top of the bag. The flow of dirty carrier gas is stopped during tion. Gas absorption can also be carried out in packed scrub-
the intermittent cleaning process; one isolated filter compart- bers or towers. A common type is the countercurrent tower:
ment is cleaned at a time. After a minute or so of shaking, the After entering the bottom of the tower, the gas flows upward
dust is allowed to settle, and the filtration process resumes. through a wetted column of a light, chemically inactive pack-
In reverse-flow cleaning, the dust is separated from the ing material. The liquid flows downward and is uniformly
fabric by a low-pressure backflow of air; in high-­temperature spread throughout the column packing, which increases the
applications, though, just-cleaned hot gas, rather than ambient- area of gas and liquid contact. Thermoplastic materials are
temperature air, is used. The reverse flow of air or gas is driven the most widely used for gas absorption; certain metals and
by a separate fan, which is much smaller than the main system ceramic materials are sometimes used. Countercurrent scrub-
fan. The filter bags generally contain rings that keep them from bers usually have efficiencies in the range of 90 to 95 percent.
collapsing during flow reversal. Reverse-flow cleaning is used Cocurrent and cross-flow packed scrubber designs are
primarily in high-capacity baghouse installations. also available. In the cocurrent design, both the gas and liq-
In the pulse-jet cleaning method, pulses of high-­ uid flow in the same direction—vertically downward through
pressure compressed air create shock waves that knock the the scrubber. Although not as efficient as a countercurrent
dust away from the filter bag surface. The pulses last only design, it can work at higher liquid flow rates to prevent plug-
a fraction of a second, and the baghouse does not have to ging of the packing when high particulate loadings are pres-
be subdivided for cleaning isolated units; each bag is pulsed ent in the carrier gas. Pressure drops can also be kept low,
every few minutes, allowing a continuous flow of dusty air and tower area can be reduced. The cross-flow design, in
through the baghouse. A cage inside each bag prevents it which the gas flows horizontally through the packing and the
from collapsing. liquid flows vertically downward, also can operate with lower
pressure drops when high particulate loadings are present. A
Control of Gases  Gaseous air pollutants can be con- cross-flow packed scrubber is illustrated in Figure 13-24.
trolled using the methods of absorption or adsorption, simi-
lar to the techniques used for air sampling, but on a much Flue Gas Desulfurization.  Oxides of sulfur, one of the
larger scale. A third method for controlling gaseous emis- major air pollutants emitted by coal-fired power plants,
sions involves combustion or incineration. The specific con- can be controlled by gas absorption in a scrubber, as well
trol method selected depends on the nature and properties as by several other methods. Options other than scrubbing
of the gas or vapor to be controlled. ­include changing to a low-sulfur fuel (i.e., natural gas or oil)
The terms gas and vapor are often used synonymously, or removing the sulfur from the coal.
but there is a basic distinction between the two. The dif- An option that is based on absorption is called flue
ference is that a gas is not readily condensed into a liquid, gas desulfurization (FGD). FGD systems may involve wet
whereas a vapor, although existing in a gaseous state, is not scrubbing or dry scrubbing. In wet FGD systems, flue gases
far from being a liquid. A vapor can exist as dispersed and are contacted with a liquid absorbent, with or into which
freely moving molecules at a temperature not far above the the sulfur dioxide reacts or dissolves. This forms a slurry
382 chapter Thirteen

Spray nozzles
Top spray header
Packed bed
Liquid inlet
Outlet transition

Packed support grids

Inlet transition Pump suction

Front spray header

Drain Baffles Sump
Figure 13-24  A cross-flow scrubber.
(From Theodore & Buonicone, Air Pollution Control Equipment, 1st ed. Copyright © 1982, p. 48.
Reprinted and electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, One Lake Street,
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.)

or liquid that contains the sulfur compounds. A dry scrub- ratio. Activated carbon (heated charcoal) is particularly use-
bing system offers cost and energy savings as well as rela- ful as an adsorbent for purifying gases containing organic
tively easier operation compared to wet FGD systems, but vapors as well as for solvent recovery and odor control. A
it requires higher chemical consumption and is limited to well-designed carbon adsorption unit can have an efficiency
low-sulfur coal applications. FGD systems are also classified exceeding 95 percent. Figure 13-26 is a schematic diagram of
as either regenerable or nonregenerable. Most systems are an activated carbon adsorption system.
nonregenerable because of their lower capital and operating
costs. They produce a sludge that requires appropriate dis- Incineration.  The process of combustion or incineration
posal. Regenerable FGD systems are not as common; they (rapid oxidation) can be used to convert VOCs and other
require additional steps to convert the sulfur dioxide into gaseous hydrocarbon pollutants to carbon dioxide and
useful by-products such as sulfuric acid.
One of several methods for flue gas desulfurization
Clean flue gas
involves contact of the sulfur oxides with lime (CaO) in a Reheater
to stack
wet scrubber. The lime is first reacted with water to produce
a slurry of calcium hydroxide. In this lime scrubbing process,
sulfur dioxide reacts with calcium from the lime to form
calcium sulfite and carbon dioxide. If limestone (CaCO3)
Mist eliminator
is used instead of lime, calcium sulfate (gypsum) is formed. washwater
The lime process is more efficient (up to 95 percent) than
the limestone process, but lime is more expensive than lime-
stone. Both calcium sulfite and calcium sulfate are not very Flue gas Scrubbing slurry
soluble in water and can be precipitated out as a slurry by
gravity settling. The thick slurry, called FGD sludge, cre- Ground
ates a significant sludge disposal problem. Flue gas desul- slurry
furization helps to reduce ambient SO2 levels and mitigate Make-up
the acid rain problem. However, in addition to the expense hold tank
(which is passed on directly to the consumer as higher rates
for electricity), there remains a major disposal problem for Thickener
the millions of tons of FGD sludge generated each year. A Fly ash
schematic flow diagram for a limestone scrubbing system is
shown in Figure 13-25. To disposal Thickener
Mixer Vacuum filter overflow
Adsorption. Gas adsorption, as contrasted with absorp- tank
tion, is a surface phenomenon: The gas molecules are sorbed
Figure 13-25  Limestone FGD flow diagram.
(­attracted to and held) on the surface of a solid. Activated car-
(Reprinted by permission of Waveland Press, Inc., from C. D. Cooper and
bon is one of the most common adsorbent ­materials; it is very F. C. Alley, Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach, 2nd ed. [Prospect
porous and has an extremely high surface area-to-volume Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 1994]. All rights reserved.)
Air Pollution and Control 383

efficiency. For instance, if combustion efficiency is 98 per-

Cleaned air out
cent and the capture efficiency is only 50 percent, then the
Blower total pollution control efficiency is only 0.5 * 0.99, or 49
percent. A 100 percent capture efficiency can be achieved in
a total enclosure in which all airflow is into the enclosure,
except for the exhaust points, which are directed to the
Bed of granular Certain substances, such as platinum, may act in a man-
activated carbon ner that will assist the combustion or oxidation reaction.
air in Such substances, called catalysts, allow complete oxidation
of the combustible gases at low temperatures. A catalytic
incinerator allows the combustion reactions to occur rap-
idly at temperatures as low as 400°C (750°F). Incineration
devices called catalytic converters are installed in exhaust
Figure 13-26  Activated carbon can be used to adsorb systems of automobiles to reduce the carbon monoxide and
­certain gaseous air pollutants. hydrocarbon emissions by oxidizing them to CO2 and H2O.
Direct flare systems provide yet another incineration
method for safely disposing of waste gases (like methane) at
water. Incineration of VOCs and hydrocarbon fumes can refineries, chemical process plants, and other facilities. The
be accomplished in a thermal incinerator or afterburner, as gas is continually discharged from an elevated stack, with
illustrated schematically in Figure 13-27. To achieve com- combustion occurring in a chamber at the top of the stack. A
plete combustion, it must be designed to provide the proper blower may be used to supply the air and turbulence needed
amount of turbulence, burning time, and sufficiently high for smokeless burning of the exhaust gases.
temperatures. Maintenance of good turbulence (mixing) is
a key factor in combustion because it reduces the required
burning time and temperature. A process called direct flame
Emission Controls for Mobile Sources
incineration can be used when the waste gas is a combustible Highway vehicles—cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles—
mixture by itself, not needing the addition of extra air or fuel. are the principal moving sources of air pollution, although
Thermal incinerators are typically constructed of a steel boats, trains, and airplanes also contribute to the problem.
shell lined with refractory material (e.g., fireclay bricks) 100 Pollutant emissions from these mobile sources are signifi-
to 200 mm (4 to 8 in.) thick. The refractory lining protects cant. In 1990, for example, about two thirds of CO emissions
the shell and serves as a thermal insulator; temperatures in the United States came from mobile sources, mostly from
may be as high as 1100°C (2000°F) inside the combustion automobiles; in some urban areas, as much as 95 percent of
chamber, but less than 100°C (212°F) on the outer surface CO emissions came from these sources. It is the mobility of
of the steel shell. huge numbers of these diverse, decentralized sources that
Incineration can be very efficient (up to 99.95 percent makes their regulation and control even more of a challenge
efficient); with enough time and high enough temperatures, than control of stationary sources. Also, mobile sources such
the organics can be almost completely oxidized. Overall as highway vehicles are typically very close to the receptors—
reduction in VOC emissions from a source depends not people living in cities.
only on the efficiency of the thermal oxidizer, but also on In addition to carbon monoxide, the mobile emissions
the capture efficiency of the system. Capture efficiency is the of most concern in the United States include nitrogen oxides
fraction of pollutants emitted that are actually sent through and volatile organic compounds. Sulfur dioxide and par-
the incinerator. VOCs that escape capture are called fugi- ticulate emissions are less of a problem, largely because of
tive emissions. The total efficiency of the system is equal to fuel desulfurization, fewer diesel vehicles, and the generally
the product of the afterburner efficiency and the capture good condition of motor vehicles. In many other countries,
though, sulfur dioxide and particulate emissions are of con-
Steel shell cern, as are emissions of lead. Vehicular emissions of lead
Dirty gas
have effectively been eliminated in the United States because
of the ban on the use of leaded gasoline.
Refractory material
Fuel Temp.
Internal Combustion Engines  The four-stroke, gaso-
and Flame up to Gas line-burning internal combustion engine is the prime mover
air 2000°F exhaust of most highway vehicles, although motorcycles and small
three-wheeled vehicles are also used, particularly in devel-
oping countries. There are four major emission points from
internal combustion engines, including the exhaust or tail-
Figure 13-27  Schematic of a thermal incinerator. pipe, the engine crankcase vent, the carburetor, and the fuel
384 chapter Thirteen

tank. Hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides more than doubled since then, and many challenges remain
come from the exhaust, unburned gasoline and hydrocar- in the effort to further reduce vehicle-related air pollution.
bons come from the crankcase, and hydrocarbons evaporate
from both the carburetor and fuel tank. Changes in Fuels.  Fuel composition is yet another factor
Evaporative losses from the fuel tank and carburetor in mobile source emissions, and changing or modifying the
are controlled by the use of an activated carbon canister fuel can play an important role in controlling air pollution
that stores the vapors emitted when the engine is turned from these sources. Removing impurities in the fuel is an
off. When the motor is on, the vapors are purged from the obvious way to reduce pollution. Lead, a substance that was
canister and burned in the engine. Crankcase vent emis- blended with gasoline to increase octane ratings and engine
sions are controlled by positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) performance, is one substance no longer allowed in gaso-
systems, which serve to recycle gases that slip by the piston line. Airborne lead is not only a health hazard, it also dam-
rings back to the engine intake manifold; a PCV check valve ages catalytic converters. The elimination of leaded gasoline
is used to prevent the buildup of excessive pressure in the in the United States has significantly reduced lead levels in
engine crankcase. urban air.
Emissions from the tailpipe of an automobile, which Another example of an undesirable substance in gaso-
account for roughly 60 percent of the hydrocarbons and line is sulfur, which not only leads to increased sulfur dioxide
almost all the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emis- emissions, but also interferes with the operation of catalytic
sions, depend on the mode of operation of the vehicle. converters, thereby contributing to increased carbon mon-
Acceleration results in less carbon monoxide and hydro- oxide and hydrocarbon emissions. Because of more strictly
carbon emissions, but more nitrogen oxides; deceleration controlled refining processes compared to other countries,
results in less nitrogen oxides, but much higher hydrocar- gasoline and diesel fuels produced in the United States con-
bon levels from the partially burned fuel. Because of these tain less sulfur than fuels produced elsewhere and therefore
variations, exhaust emissions testing procedures are stan- cause less sulfur dioxide emissions.
dardized so that test results will be meaningful. Alternative fuels that can replace gasoline include
Exhaust emissions from an automobile tailpipe are con- compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, metha-
trolled by use of a catalytic converter, a device installed in nol, ethanol, propane, and hydrogen. Each of these pos-
the tailpipe ahead of the muffler. It allows almost complete sible replacements has a variety of advantages as well as
oxidation of combustible gases in the exhaust to occur at disadvantages compared to gasoline. For example, com-
relatively low temperatures; in effect, a catalytic converter pressed natural gas produces about 50 percent less carbon
allows “flameless combustion” to take place. The carbon monoxide and volatile organic emissions and no air toxics
monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust are such as benzene, but it has significant problems related to
converted to carbon dioxide and water. But any sulfur in the on-vehicle fuel handling, storage, and refueling. Hydrogen
gasoline is oxidized to particulate sulfur trioxide, thereby gas produces no carbon oxides or hydrocarbons and has
increasing sulfur levels in the air. the highest energy content of any combustible fuel, but
To further reduce pollutant emissions from gasoline- there are numerous technological and safety problems to
powered motor vehicles, certain engine operating or design solve before hydrogen becomes a practical alternative fuel
features can be controlled or modified. For example, increas- for automobiles.
ing the air-to-fuel ratio helps combustion, thereby reducing
carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions. Carburetors Reformulated Gasoline (RFG).  As required by the 1990
are not very effective in accurately controlling the air-to-fuel Clean Air Act Amendments, a Reformulated Gasoline Pro­
ratio; new cars are equipped with computer-controlled fuel gram went into effect in 1995 in areas of the United States
injectors that can optimize the air and fuel mixture for differ- designated as having severe ozone pollution and smog, as
ent driving conditions. well as in other areas of the country that opted to participate
Other key engine design and operation features that in the program. In 2000 the second (current) phase of the
affect emissions include the compression ratio and timing program began. RFG is an oxygenated fuel, containing at least
of the spark plugs. High compression ratios produce greater 2 percent of oxygenates by weight. The oxygenates replace or
power, but the accompanying higher temperatures produce dilute other, less desirable compounds and enhance cleaner
more nitrogen oxide emissions. Hydrocarbon and nitrogen burning, especially in cold climates. This blend of gasoline
oxide emissions can be reduced by retarding the spark, but also has limits on the amounts of benzene and other toxics, as
this reduces the performance of the engine. Clearly, control well as hydrocarbons, it may contain.
of air pollutant emissions from internal combustion engines RFG reduces air pollution, in a variety of forms, by
is a complex problem. decreasing the propensity of gasoline to evaporate (volatil-
As a result of emission controls required for gasoline- ize), reducing the use of toxic substances in gasoline, and
powered internal combustion engines, today’s cars typically reducing sulfur levels. RFG is currently used in 17 states
emit about 80 percent less pollution than did cars in the and the District of Columbia. About 30 percent of gasoline
1970s. On the other hand, total vehicle miles traveled have sold in the United States is reformulated. Although RFG is
Air Pollution and Control 385

slightly more expensive, no additional investments are nec- when peak power is needed, as when climbing a hill. When
essary to retrofit highway vehicles or gasoline filling stations the gasoline engine operates, it also recharges the batteries for
to accommodate the fuel. the electric motor, so the vehicle does not require any external
recharger. It is possible that hybrid vehicles such as this will
Diesel Standards.  In 2001, the EPA implemented stan- be used until a technical breakthrough makes zero-emission
dards to control emissions from diesel engines, a signifi- vehicles fully competitive with other types of vehicles.
cant source of air pollution. Under these standards, diesel
producers were required to virtually eliminate sulfur from
the fuel. Sulfur produces soot and clogs up a vehicle’s cata- 13-8 Chapter Synopsis
lytic converter. With the removal of sulfur, manufacturers Dry air in the troposphere (the lowermost atmospheric
of diesel engines were also required to incorporate the so- layer) is a mixture of molecular nitrogen (78 percent) and
phisticated pollution control devices that are now standard oxygen (21 percent), plus small amounts of several other
equipment in all gasoline-burning cars. These changes were gases, including argon, carbon dioxide, and methane. Air
phased in over time—as of 2006, almost all petroleum-based pollution caused by certain other substances can threaten
diesel fuels in use in the United States, Canada, and Europe, public health and welfare. In the United States, criteria ambi-
were ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels. Along with required diesel ent (outdoor) air pollutants that are regulated under the
engine modifications, these standards have cut air pollution CAA and the NAAQS are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides,
from trucks and buses and other commercial vehicles by 95 carbon monoxide, particulates, lead, and ozone. Air pollut-
percent over the first decade of this century, the equivalent ants associated with certain specific sources, and that pose
of removing 13 million trucks from the road. an immediate threat to human health, are called air toxics
Zero-Emission Vehicles  Alternatives to internal combus- or hazardous air pollutants. HAPs (e.g., asbestos, benzene,
tion engines include solar-powered cars and electric vehicles. mercury, vinyl chloride, and radioactive air pollutants) are
Solar-powered cars are still very much in the experimental regulated under the CAA Amendments.
stage, but electric cars are of particular interest at the present Sulfur dioxide, a colorless gas with a sharp, choking
time. Currently 10 states in the United States require that a cer- odor, comes primarily from fossil fuel combustion at electric
tain percentage of all motor vehicles sold in the state must be power plants. It is one of the causes of acid rain. Nitrogen
zero-emission vehicles. (California has set a goal having 1.5 mil- dioxide, a pungent irritating gas that is also caused by com-
lion ZEVs in service by 2025.) The only zero-emission vehicle bustion of fossil fuels, can react in sunlight with hydrocar-
presently capable of mass production is the electric-powered bons to form photochemical smog. Carbon monoxide, the
car, which uses lead–acid batteries to store the electricity. most abundant of the criteria air pollutants, is a colorless
Most electric-powered cars and vans have a range of and odorless gas that comes largely from highway vehicle
only about 130 km (80 mi) before the batteries need recharg- emissions and residential heating systems. It reduces the
ing, and they are considerably more expensive than conven- ability of blood to transfer oxygen to body cells, and at
tional gasoline-powered vehicles. Some researchers think high concentrations, it can be acutely toxic. Particulates are
that emissions from the mining, smelting, and recycling of extremely small fragments of solid or liquid droplets sus-
lead needed to operate a large fleet of electric cars and vans pended in air. Major sources of particulates include indus-
could pose serious threats to public health. In addition, the trial materials handling processes, coal- and oil-burning
extra electricity needed to recharge car batteries will come power plants, residential heating systems, and highway
from power plants that also generate pollution. vehicles. Particulates that penetrate deep into the lungs
Clearly, there are trade-offs that must be considered are harmful, and certain particulates can be toxic or carci-
by environmental engineers and policy makers in regard to nogenic (cause cancer). Lead fumes, emitted primarily by
zero-emission vehicles. Although electric-powered vehicles petroleum refining and smelting operations, are also toxic.
operate adequately for certain light-duty applications, more Ozone, a secondary pollutant (i.e., not emitted directly but
research and improvement in battery technology is needed formed in the atmosphere), is an irritating gas and also a key
before they are likely to become a significant alternative to component of photochemical smog.
internal combustion engines. Air quality depends on local and regional weather condi-
tions, including the prevailing winds and atmospheric stabil-
Hybrid Vehicles A hybrid vehicle is one that can use two ity. An unstable atmospheric condition is one in which the air
sources of power to turn the wheels. Some automobile mak- moves naturally in a vertical direction, increasing mixing and
ers, for example, have begun to make prototypes of hybrids dispersal of pollutants. It is preferable to stable conditions in
that use a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine with which there is little or no mixing and dispersion. Air stability
an electric motor. The electric motor powers the car up to depends on the rate of change of air temperature with alti-
a speed of about 20 km>h (12 mph), below which gasoline tude, called the temperature gradient. The rate at which air
engine emissions are highest. Above 20 km>h, the vehicle’s temperature drops with increasing altitude in the troposphere
relatively small (1.5-L) gasoline engine starts up and becomes is called the environmental lapse rate. A theoretical dry adia-
the main power source. The electric motor can also operate batic lapse rate (assuming no heat transfer) can be calculated
386 chapter Thirteen

and is independent of the environmental lapse rate at any Air sampling methods, including source sampling,
given time. When the environmental lapse rate exceeds the ambient sampling, and indoor sampling, are necessary
adiabatic lapse rate, the atmosphere is unstable and vertical to evaluate air quality and to design air pollution control
mixing of air masses will occur. A lapse rate characterized by systems. Source (also emission, or stack) sampling is per-
an increase in air temperature with increasing altitude, called formed at the location of a pollutant discharge and can
a temperature inversion, results in an extremely stable con- determine whether emission standards are being met.
dition. This prevents the upward mixing of pollutants and a Ambient (atmospheric) sampling collected after air pol-
major cause of severe air pollution episodes. lutants have been dispersed and mixed in the atmosphere
Air pollution problems can be manifest on a regional, determines compliance with federal or state ambient air
continental, or global scale, as well as on a local scale. A quality standards. Indoors sampling for industrial hygiene
problem called acid rain, for example, occurs largely on a control (in workplaces) and residential air quality stud-
regional and a continental scale. It has killed fish and plant ies (in private homes) provides data to protect health of
life in thousands of lakes in Europe, China, Canada, and workers and residents. Concentrations of air pollutants
the northeast United States. It also causes deterioration are expressed as milligrams per cubic meter (mg >m3),
of metals, concrete, painted surfaces, and other exposed micrograms per cubic meter 1mg>m3 2, and parts per mil-
objects. Acid rain is caused by emission of sulfur and lion (on a volume basis). The relationship between ppm
nitrogen oxides, mostly from electric power plants. Global and mg >m3 or mg>m3 depends on temperature, pressure,
warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone are air qual- and the molecular weight of the pollutant. Settleable par-
ity issues worldwide in scope. The current trend of increas- ticulate concentrations can be expressed in terms of grams
ing average temperatures is believed by most scientists per square meter per month, kilograms per hectare per
to  be caused by the accumulation of carbon dioxide and month, or tons per square mile per month. High-volume
other greenhouse gases emitted as a result of human activi- samplers, which reduce the particulate sampling time to
ties. Global warming may lead to melting of glaciers and a 24 h, have TSP results expressed in units of micrograms
rise in sea levels, as well as adversely affecting ecosystems per cubic meter.
in some parts of the world. Stratospheric ozone is impor- Air pollution control strategies include complete
tant because it blocks harmful UV rays from the sun. But source shutdown, source location (or air zoning), fuel
those ozone levels have been dropping, largely due to the substitution, process changes, and enforcement of emis-
presence of nonbiodegradable organic chemicals such as sion standards for specific sources. Emission standards are
chlorofluorocarbons from aerosol cans, refrigerants, and established at levels that meet the ambient air quality stan-
industrial solvents. CFC production and use is now banned dards in an air quality region. Several types of air cleaning
in the United States. devices can trap air pollutants before they are emitted into
In addition to ambient air quality, IAQ is important the atmosphere. Particulate control equipment includes
because people generally spend most of their time indoors. gravity settlers, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, fabric
Indoor air contaminants include combustion products filters, and wet scrubbers. The selection of control equip-
(especially tobacco smoke), radon, asbestos, formaldehyde, ment depends on the range of particulate sizes, flow rates,
lead, and biological substances. ETS, which contains more temperatures of the carrier gas, costs, and other factors.
than 40 carcinogenic compounds, causes thousands of lung One of the most efficient of these devices for removing
cancer deaths each year in nonsmoking adults. The most suspended particulates is the fabric filter, or baghouse.
effective way to avoid exposure is to eliminate smoking Removal efficiencies can approach 100 percent for parti-
in the home. Other sources of indoor combustion prod- cles 1 mm in diameter, and particles as small as 0.01 mm
ucts include stoves, kerosene space heaters, and fireplaces. can also be removed to a significant extent.
Radon, a naturally occurring colorless, odorless, radioac- Gaseous air pollutants can be controlled using either
tive gas, can enter buildings through porous soil and rock absorption or adsorption processes. Absorption involves
fissures at basement walls and floors. It can be a cause of the transfer of a gaseous pollutant into a contacting liquid,
lung cancer if inhaled for long periods, especially along with while adsorption involves attracting and trapping gas mol-
tobacco smoke. Asbestos, a mineral fiber used as insulation ecules onto the surface of a solid (e.g., activated carbon).
and as a fire retardant, has been banned from use. It can Wet scrubbers similar to those used for particulate control
eventually cause lung cancer if very small airborne asbestos can be used for gas absorption, as well as packed scrubber
fibers are inhaled. Formaldehyde, a colorless gas that can towers. Another method using absorption, called flue gas
cause eye and throat irritation (and maybe cancer), comes desulfurization, is used to control sulfur oxides at coal-
from certain building materials and household products. fired power plants. Emissions from the internal combustion
Lead dust from old paint is a particular health threat to engine, which is a major mobile source of air pollutants, are
children. Indoor exposure to mold is of growing concern. controlled by positive crankcase ventilation systems and
Proper infiltration and ventilation (air exchange) is neces- catalytic converters. Use of alternative fuels, reformulated
sary to minimize levels of indoor air pollutants. IAQ is a gasoline, hybrid vehicles, or zero-emission (fully electric)
component of the LEED green building certification credits vehicles offers additional control options for minimizing air
related to indoor environmental quality. pollution emissions from highway vehicles.
Air Pollution and Control 387

Review Questions 17. Briefly describe four different scales of air pollutant
transport in the atmosphere.
1. Briefly discuss the historical background of air pol- 18. Briefly explain the difference between the anthropo-
lution. What is an air pollution episode? Give two genic greenhouse effect and the natural greenhouse
examples. effect. Why is the term “greenhouse effect” not com-
2. What are the major gaseous constituents of fresh (clean) pletely accurate as a synonym for global warming?
air? 19. Briefly discuss the role of the wavelength of light (i.e.,
3. Give a brief definition of air pollution. What is meant by short versus long or visible versus infrared light) as a
the term anthropogenic air pollution? factor in the natural greenhouse effect. How does the
troposphere serve as a blanket to keep Earth warm?
4. List three sources and types of natural air pollutants.
20. Identify and briefly discuss the major greenhouse gases.
5. What is the troposphere? How does it differ from the
stratosphere? 21. Briefly discuss the potential impacts of global warming.
6. What is meant by atmospheric stability? How does it 22. Why is stratospheric ozone not considered an air pollut-
affect air quality? ant? What is the ozone hole, and what harm is done by
global ozone depletion?
7. Define the terms environmental lapse rate, adiabatic
lapse rate, and temperature inversion. How does a weak 23. What is the major cause of stratospheric ozone depletion?
prevailing lapse rate differ from an inversion? Does a 24. What is acid deposition? Briefly discuss its causes and
superadiabatic lapse rate cause poor air quality? Briefly effects.
explain your answer. 25. List the major sources and effects of indoor air pollution.
8. Describe three types of temperature inversions. How do 26. Describe methods for controlling and reducing indoor
they affect air quality? Which type of inversion causes air pollution for each of the major sources.
27. Briefly discuss sick building syndrome.
9. Consider a parcel of air at an altitude of 1000 m. It will
28. Briefly explain the differences between source sampling
have the same pressure and temperature as the air sur-
and ambient sampling. What is meant by isokinetic
rounding it, say 18°C. Suppose that the prevailing lapse
sampling? Is there a difference between air quality sam-
rate at the time is +2°C per 100 m. If the air parcel rises
pling and air quality monitoring?
to an altitude of 1100 m, how will its temperature com-
pare to that of the surrounding air? Will the parcel of 29. What are the typical units of measurement of gaseous
air continue to rise, or will it tend to descend? Why? and particulate air pollutants? Do they all vary with air
What would happen if the parcel of air moved to a lower temperature and pressure?
altitude, say 800 m? Would you say that the atmosphere 30. Discuss the major techniques and devices used to sam-
was stable under these conditions? Make a sketch simi- ple and measure particulate air pollutants.
lar to Figure 13-4 to illustrate your answer. 31. Discuss the major techniques (i.e., absorption and
10. What is the difference between primary air pollut- adsorption) and the devices used to sample and mea-
ants and secondary air pollutants? What is the differ- sure gaseous air pollutants.
ence between criteria air pollutants and hazardous air 32. Discuss five strategies for air pollution control.
33. With regard to air pollution regulations, briefly discuss
11. What are the six criteria air pollutants regulated under the meanings of threshold limit values, emission stan-
the Clean Air Act? What are their major sources? dards, and ambient standards.
12. What is the difference between dust and fume? Between 34. Briefly discuss the history and scope of the Clean Air
mist and spray? Is fly ash synonymous with smoke? Act. What is the Pollution Standards Index?
13. What size range of particulates is of most significance 35. Describe the basic operating principles for five differ-
with respect to human health? What size range of par- ent particulate emission control devices for stationary
ticulates will readily settle out of the air? sources. Which of these are used primarily as preclean-
14. Briefly discuss photochemical smog. Is it a primary pol- ing devices?
lutant? Why? 36. Describe the key devices used to control gaseous air pol-
15. Briefly discuss typical types and sources of hazardous lution? What is an FGD system used for?
air pollutants. 37. Combustion is a major source of air pollution. Can it
16. Briefly discuss the adverse health effects of the six crite- also be used for air pollution control? Explain.
ria air pollutants. What are some other harmful effects 38. Describe the basic emission control techniques for high-
of air pollution in addition to those on human health? way vehicles. What is RFG?
388 chapter Thirteen

Practice Problems 6. Federal standards limit 1-h average carbon monoxide

(CO) levels to 40 mg>m3 at 25°C and 1 atm pressure.
1. Plot a graph of altitude versus prevailing air tempera- Express this concentration in ppm, as well as percent by
ture, using the following data: volume.
7. The exhaust of an automobile contains 1.8 percent by
Altitude, m: 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
volume of carbon monoxide (CO) at a temperature of
Temperature, °C: 21 20 19 22 21 20 19 85°C. Express this concentration as g>m3.
a. What kind of lapse rate exists between 0 and 8. The exhaust of an automobile contains 0.1 percent
100 m? of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at a temperature of 90°C.
b. What kind of lapse rate exists between 200 and Express the concentration in g>m3.
300 m?
9. The mass of a 6-in.-diameter dustfall bucket is 125.00 g
c. Do these data show a temperature inversion? If so,
when empty. After 30 d of exposure, the bucket
and collected particulates have a combined mass of
d. Would fumigation occur if smoke at 20°C was dis-
125.25 g. Compute the dustfall in terms of tons per
charged from a chimney at a height of 50 m? At a
square mile per month, as well as kilograms per hect-
height of 250 m?
are per month.
2. Plot a graph of altitude versus prevailing air tempera-
10. The airflow through a hi-vol sampler was recorded as
ture, using the following data:
54 ft3 >min at the beginning and 48 ft3 >min at the end
Altitude, m: 0 50 100 150 200 of a 24-h sampling period. The filter weighed 9.80 g
Temperature, °C: 19 19.5 20 20.5 19 before and 10.05 g after sample collection. What was the
suspended particulate concentration?
a. What kind of lapse rate exists between 0 and 150 m?
b. What kind of lapse rate exists between 150 and 11. What is the expected efficiency of an electrostatic pre-
200 m? cipitator that has a total collector plate area of 6000 m2,
c. Do these data show a temperature inversion? If so, a flow rate of 200 m3>s, and a drift velocity of 0.15 m>s?
where? What is the efficiency if the plate area is increased to
d. Would fumigation occur if smoke at 20°C was dis- 7500 m2 or to 15,000 m2? Plot a graph that shows the
charged from a chimney at a height of 100 m? At a relationship between efficiency and total plate area,
height of 200 m? assuming that drift velocity and flow rate remain
3. Federal standards limit annual mean sulfur dioxide
(SO2) levels to 80 mg>m3 at 25°C and 1 atm pressure. 12. What is the expected efficiency of an electrostatic
Express this concentration in terms of ppm. precipitator that has a total collector plate area of
4000 m2, a flow rate of 100 m3>s, and a drift velocity
4. Federal standards limit annual mean nitrogen dioxide
of 0.12 m >s? What is the efficiency if the flow rate is
(NO2) levels to 100 mg>m3 at 25°C and 1 atm pressure.
increased to 150 m3>s, or decreased to 50 m3>s? Plot a
Express this concentration in terms of ppm, as well as a
graph that shows the relationship between efficiency
percentage by volume.
and flow rate.
5. Federal standards limit 8-h average carbon monoxide
(CO) levels to 9 ppm. Express this concentration in
terms of mg>m3 at 25°C and 1 atm pressure.
chapter Fourteen

Noise Pollution and Control

Chapter Outline 14-3 Effects of Noise

14-1 Basic Physics of Sound 14-4 Noise Mitigation
Sound Wave Characteristics Regulations and Standards
Loudness and Pitch Noise Control Techniques

14-2 Measurement of Noise 14-5 Chapter Synopsis

The Decibel Scale
Sound-Level Measurements
Cumulative Noise Levels

N oise is perhaps one of the most undesirable by-prod-

ucts of a modern mechanized lifestyle. It may not
seem as insidious or harmful as the contamination
of, for example, drinking water supplies from pathogens or
from hazardous chemicals, but it is a pollution problem that
is necessary to have a basic understanding of sound and its
measurement and the effects of noise.

14-1 Basic Physics
affects human health and well-being and that can contribute to of Sound
a general deterioration of environmental quality. It can affect Sound energy is produced by mechanical vibrations of a
people at home, in their community, or at their place of work. sound source. The vibrations are transmitted or carried
Simply defined, noise is unwanted and potentially harm- away from the source in the form of sound waves. Sound
ful sound. It takes energy to produce all sound, so, in a man- waves can be transmitted through solids, liquids, or gases,
ner of speaking, noise is a form of waste energy. It is not a but they cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, where there is
substance that can accumulate in the environment, like most no medium or material to transmit the vibrations.
other pollutants, but it can be diluted with distance from a In air, sound waves can be visualized as a series of tiny,
source. All sounds come from a sound source, whether it is quick pulses or oscillations of air pressure (or air density),
a radio, a machine, a human voice, an airplane, or a musical slightly above and slightly below the ambient atmospheric
instrument. Not all sound is noise. What may be considered pressure. This is shown schematically in Figure 14-1. The
music to one person may be nothing but noise to another. pulses of pressure impinge on the ear, creating what the mind
To an extent, noise pollution is a matter of opinion. perceives as sound.
Noise from highway traffic, construction activities, and Molecules in the high-density regions are relatively
other sources in the community is of special concern to civil close together; molecules in the low-density regions are
and environmental engineers and technicians. Architects, spread farther apart. The regions of high and low air pres-
builders, urban planners, and public health officials also sures may be represented graphically as the peaks and val-
get involved in problems related to noise, as do industrial leys of a trigonometric sine curve. This looks much like a
hygienists, mechanical engineers, and equipment manufac- wave traveling along a string that is being moved side to
turers. Noise is a ubiquitous problem and can have impacts side or up and down, but, of course, this is only a schematic
ranging from temporary public or personal nuisance to per- diagram. Air molecules carrying a sound wave are actually
manent hearing loss in individuals. vibrated or displaced rapidly back and forth in the direction
Laws and regulations regarding noise pollution exist at of the wave; they do not move or travel along a sine curve.
the federal, state, and local levels. More and more communi-
ties are imposing noise controls on construction activities,
and the environmental impact reports for land develop-
Sound Wave Characteristics
ment or transportation projects usually must include a sec- The distance between the pressure peaks (or valleys) is called
tion on noise. To understand noise regulations and to plan the wavelength. As sound is transmitted, the wave appears to
for effective community and occupational noise control, it move outward from the source of vibration. The number of
390 chapter Fourteen

Because the speed of sound is a constant, there is an inverse

Source relationship between the frequency and the wavelength. In
other words, the higher the frequency, the shorter is the
Wave length wavelength, and vice versa.
1 cycle High pressure

Amplitude Example 14-1

Sound waves in air at 21°C travel at a speed of 344 m>s.
How long would it take to hear thunder from a bolt of light-
Trigonometric ning that occurred 5.0 km from an observer?
sine curve Low pressure
Figure 14-1  The alternating high- and low-pressure re-
gions in a sound wave can be represented by a trigonomet- From physics, it is known that distance equals the product
ric sine curve. The peaks represent high-pressure regions, of speed and time. Expressing this algebraically, after first
and the valleys represent low-pressure regions, above and converting km to m, yields
below average atmospheric pressure.
5000 m = 344 m>s * time

wavelengths that appear to pass a fixed point in 1 s is called and

the frequency of the wave. The height of the peaks, called the 5000 m
amplitude of the wave, represents the pressure intensity and time = = 15 s 1rounded off2
344 m>s
is related to the volume or loudness of the perceived sound.
A single wavelength is also called a cycle. Frequency can Example 14-2
be expressed in units of cycles per second (cps), but the term
What is the wavelength of a sound traveling through the
hertz (Hz), named after the 19th-century physicist Heinrich
steel rails of a railroad track if the frequency of the sound
Hertz, is now more commonly used. One hertz is equiva-
caused by a moving train is 500 Hz? (Assume that sound
lent to 1 cycle per second 11 Hz = 1 cps2. A sound wave
travels at a speed of 5000 m>s in steel.)
with a frequency of 1000 Hz, for example, is one in which
the pressure waves pass by a given point at a rate of 1000 cps. Solution
Another way to view the frequency of a sound wave is to
Applying Equation 14-1 gives l = v>f = 5000>500 = 10 m.
consider it as the number of times the air pressure reaches
the peak value (or wave amplitude) in 1 s at any particular
point in the air. If the sound pressure (above and below the Loudness and Pitch
barometric pressure) at any fixed point is plotted on a graph Two terms used to describe human perception of sound are
as a function of time, the sine curve will be formed. “loudness” and pitch. Loudness is related to the amplitude
The frequency should not be confused with the speed of of the wave as well as other factors, and is discussed in more
sound, which is a constant in a given transmission medium. For detail in the next section. Pitch is a function of the frequency
example, a sound wave travels at a speed of about 1500 m>s in of the wave that produces it. A high-pitched sound (e.g., a
water and about 5000 m>s in steel. In air, at standard temper- shrill whistle) has a relatively high frequency, compared to a
ature and pressure, sound travels at a constant speed of about low-pitched sound (e.g., a fog horn), which has a lower fre-
340 m>s (1100 ft>s). If a bolt of lightning is seen, for example, quency. (It also follows that a high-pitched sound must have
and it then takes about 3 s to hear the thunder, it is safe to say a shorter wavelength than a low-pitched sound.)
that the lightning occurred 13 s2 * 1340 m>s2 = 1020 m, Sound waves cause eardrums to vibrate, activating mid-
or about 1 km, away from the observer’s location. dle and inner ear organs and sending bioelectrical signals to
There is an important relationship among the three the brain. The human ear can detect sounds in the frequency
key characteristics of a sound wave: wavelength, frequency, range of about 20 to 20,000 Hz, but for most people hearing
and speed. The speed of a wave is equal to the product of its is best in the range of 200 to 10,000 Hz. A sound of 50-Hz
wavelength and frequency. This is expressed simply as frequency, for example, is perceived to be very low pitched,
v = l * f (14-1) and a 15,000-Hz sound is very high pitched. The middle C
note on a piano has a frequency of 262 Hz. In normal con-
where v = speed of sound, m>s or ft>s versation, the human voice covers a range of about 250 to
l = wavelength, m or ft per cycle 2000 Hz. The audibility of a sound depends on both fre-
(l = Greek “lambda”) quency and amplitude. As people age, hearing often become
f = frequency, Hz or cps less acute. This natural loss of hearing ability, called presby-
cusis, is not related to noise pollution exposure.
The dimensional validity of this expression is easily verified The sine curves or sound waves illustrated in Figure 14-2a
as follows: and Figure 14-2b are pure tones. Sound, and especially noise,
meters meters cycle is typically much more complex than a pure tone; it comprises
= *
second cycle second a combination of many pressure waves, each with a different
Noise Pollution and Control 391

it may also be expressed as 1 bar. Sound pressures are so

small that they are more conveniently expressed as micro-
bars, or mbar. A mbar is one millionth 11 * 10-6 2 of aver-
age atmospheric pressure at sea level. One mbar is equivalent
to about 0.1 Pa (0.0000147 psi).
The human ear is a remarkably sensitive organ. The
(a) average person with normal hearing can detect a sound
with a pressure amplitude as small as 0.0002 mbar. This
value is, by convention, taken to be the lowest audible
sound for humans and is used as a base or reference level
in most noise measurements. This threshold of hearing may
also be expressed in terms of micropascals 1mPa2, where
0.0002 mbar = 20 mPa.
(b) The highest sound pressure that can be perceived by the
human ear without causing pain is about 1000 mbar. The
range of pressure, from 0.0002 mbar up to 1000 mbar, cov-
ers a wide spectrum; it is equivalent to a range of 5 million
to 1 1since 1000>0.0002 = 5,000,0002. The human ear can
actually perceive sound pressures as high as 10,000 mbar (or
1 kPa) before immediate physical damage occurs to the ear-
(c) drum or middle ear.

The Decibel Scale


Measuring sound levels with pressure units that can vary

over such a wide range of values is impractical and inconve-
Time nient. Another disadvantage of measuring sound in terms of
microbars or micropascals is the fact that the ear responds
nonlinearly with respect to pressure. This means that a per-
Figure 14-2  Pure tones (a and b) can combine to form a son’s perception of loudness is not simply a direct function
wave pattern like (c); random noise is depicted in (d). of sound pressure. For example, a doubling of sound pressure
levels is not necessarily heard or perceived as a doubling of
frequency and amplitude. A sound wave formed from such the loudness of the sound. Other factors such as frequency are
a combination does not exhibit the simple pattern of a sine involved in this phenomenon and are discussed later.
curve. Two pure tones, such as these shown in Figure 14-2a To avoid the disadvantages of using pressure directly
and Figure 14-2b, can combine to form a wave like the one for sound or noise measurement, a logarithmic relation-
shown in Figure 14-2c. A random pattern of pressure inten- ship called the decibel scale is used. The measurement units,
sity is typical of most unwanted sounds or noises, as shown in called decibels (dB), do not represent actual physical quali-
Figure 14-2d. ties, such as pressures. A decibel is essentially a ratio of two
The pressure of a cyclical function, such as a sound pressures; logarithms are used to convert the range of the
wave, is characterized by a mathematical term called the ratios into more manageable and convenient numbers.
root-mean-square value, or rms. This is necessary because The magnitude of volume or a sound expressed in decibels
the arithmetic average of the sound pressure peaks and low is called a sound pressure level (SPL). An SPL is defined
points is zero; half are above and half are below the ambient mathematically as
air pressure. The rms value is equal to the square root of the P
mean of the squares of the sound pressure fluctuations. In SPL = 20 * loga b (14-2)
the following discussion on noise measurement, reference to
sound pressure refers to the rms value. where SPL = sound pressure level, dB
P = rms sound pressure, mbar
P0 = reference pressure, mbar
14-2 Measurement
The reference pressure generally used for P0 is the
of Noise ­ earing threshold or lowest audible sound pressure of
Sound waves are characterized by cyclical changes of air 0.0002 mbar. The base of the logarithm or log function is 10;
pressure above and below average atmospheric pressure. recall that the logs are essentially exponents or powers of 10.
Compared to average atmospheric or barometric pressure, For example, log110002 = log1102 2 = 2; log110002 = 3;
sound pressure fluctuations are exceedingly small. Average and so on. Also, since 100 is defined mathematically as being
atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 100 kPa (14.7 psi); equivalent to unity or 1, log112 = 10g1100 2 = 0.
392 chapter Fourteen

Based on the preceding definition of sound pres- Combined Noises  In many instances, it is necessary
sure level, an SPL of 0 dB does not represent the c­ omplete to predict what the combined sound pressure level will be
absence of sound. It represents the hearing threshold when two or more nearby noise sources act at the same time.
or lowest audible sound for most people. This can be For example, it may be required to estimate the noise level
seen by applying Equation 14-2, using 0.0002 mbar for expected at the boundary of a construction site caused by
both P0 and P; SPL = 20 * log10.0002>0.00022 = the combined operation of trucks, dozers, pavers, and other
20 * log112 = 20 * 0 = 0. In fact, some people with par- machinery. It is important to realize that it would be incor-
ticularly acute powers of hearing can detect sounds with nega- rect to add together the SPLs of each individual noise source
tive SPL decibel values. by using simple arithmetic. This is because of the logarith-
mic nature of the decibel scale.
Example 14-3 For practical purposes, it is convenient to know that the
An ambulance siren causes a sound pressure of 200 mbar. combination of two sounds with equal SPL values always
What is the SPL of the siren? results in only a 3-dB increase over the SPL of one source
alone. For example, if a construction drill has an SPL of
Solution 90 dB and two identical drills are operating simultaneously
Applying Equation 14-2, we obtain next to each other, the resulting noise or SPL from both
together will be 93 dB (but not 180 dB!). Likewise, if one
200 loud ambulance siren causes 120 dB of noise, then two iden-
SPL = 20 * log a b = 20 * log1106 2
0.0002 tical sirens will result in an SPL of 123 dB. It does not matter
= 20 * 6 = 120 dB what the original SPL value is; the combined SPL will only
The threshold of pain for humans, about 1000 mbar, is be 3 dB more than the SPL of the single source.
equivalent to about 134 dB (try the computation using However, when two sounds that differ by more than 15 dB
Equation 14-2). It can be seen, then, that the decibel scale in SPL are combined, the contribution of the weaker sound
serves to reduce the scope or spread of sound measurement will not be noticeable to even the most sensitive ear or mea-
to a reasonably convenient range of 0 dB to about 140 dB. To suring device. For example, if a 95-dB rock drill is operating
put the decibel scale in perspective with regard to people’s simultaneously with and next to an 80-dB loader at a construc-
perceptions of the loudness of common sounds and levels tion site, the combined SPL will be measured and perceived
of noise, a list of typical SPL values is shown in Figure 14-3. as 95 dB. The weaker sound is, in effect, drowned out by the
louder one. This phenomenon is called masking of one sound
by another. Most people have experienced this at one time or
another. For example, industrial noise in a factory at a level of
Environmental conditions
about 80 dB will mask most human voices, making conversa-
Sound level in dB
tions difficult, if not impossible, under those conditions.
Threshold of pain Sometimes the SPL values of noise sources that differ
Pneumatic chipper
between 0 and 15 dB must be combined. To avoid compli-
120 cated mathematics, it is convenient to use a chart like the
Loud automobile horn (distance 1 m) one illustrated in Figure 14-4. The chart is entered first with
110 the numerical difference between the two noise levels to be
Overhead jet plane
Inside subway train (New York)
Inside motor bus
Decibels to be added to the

Average traffic on street corner
70 2
Conversational speech
larger SPL

Typical business office
Living room, suburban areas
Bedroom at night
Broadcasting studio 0 5 10 15
10 SPL difference between noises to be combined, dB
Threshold of hearing
0 Figure 14-4  A chart such as this may be used to simplify
the addition of decibel values when combining two or more
sound levels. The chart is entered on the horizontal axis with
Figure 14-3  The decibel (dB) scale is used to measure noise the numerical difference between the sound levels to be com-
levels. bined, and the corresponding number of dB to be added to
(Courtesy of Copyright © Brüel & Kjær.) the larger of the two sound levels is read on the vertical axis.
Noise Pollution and Control 393

added. Moving up to the curve and then across to the left sound waves. Most people perceive a 6- to 10-dB increase
axis, the corresponding number of decibels to be added to the in the SPL to be equivalent to a doubling of loudness. It is
higher SPL value is read from the chart (see Example 14-4). important to remember that there is a difference between
the scientific description and measurement of sound and an
Example 14-4 individual’s personal or subjective opinion about it.
Four identical dozers are available for excavation of soil at
a construction site. Each dozer has an SPL of 90 dB when Sound-Level Measurements
operating alone. What is the SPL when the four dozers are
operating at the same time? (For simplification, the effect The human ear responds to sounds in a complex way.
of distance from the noise source has been ignored in the There is really no simple relationship between the physical
discussion of SPL. For this problem, it is assumed that the measurement of sound pressure levels and an individual’s
dozers are operating together in a confined area.) perception regarding the loudness of sounds. To a certain
extent, the perception of relative loudness is subjective and
Solution depends on the individual’s opinion. But one physical char-
Consider what occurs when only two of the machines are acteristic of sound (other than amplitude) that is known to
operating. The numerical difference between the two SPL have a definitive effect on the perception of loudness is the
values is 90 - 90 = 0. Entering the curve in Figure 14-4 pitch, or frequency, of the sound wave.
with a difference of 0, read a corresponding 3-dB value on Experiments have shown that the average person with
the vertical axis. Therefore, the two dozers operating simul- normal hearing will perceive a high-pitched sound to be
taneously will generate an SPL of 90 + 3 = 93 dB. This is louder than a low-pitched sound, even though both sounds
an expected from the previously discussed rule for combin- have exactly the same intensity or SPL. For example, a sound
ing identical SPL values. with SPL = 70 dB at a frequency of 1000 Hz is usually per-
With a third dozer operating, add another 90 dB ceived as being louder than a 70-dB sound at a frequency of
to the previous level of 93 dB for two dozers. The differ- 100 Hz. In fact, a sound with a frequency of 100 Hz must
ence between the two SPL values is now 93 - 90 = 3 dB. have an SPL of about 76 dB for it to be judged as loud as
Entering the chart with a 3-dB difference, find that it is nec- a 1000-Hz sound with an SPL of 70 dB. A higher pressure
essary to add an additional 1.7 dB to the 93 dB to obtain level (i.e., more energy) is needed at the lower frequency for
the combined SPL. Thus, 93 + 1.7 = 94.7 dB from three the average person to perceive the same loudness because
dozers operating simultaneously. Remember that the SPL the human ear is somewhat inefficient in detecting low-
increment is always added to the larger of the two SPL val- pitched sounds.
ues being combined. Because sounds with the same SPL intensity but vary-
Finally, with a fourth dozer, combine the 94.7 dB with ing frequencies are not perceived as being of equal loudness
90 dB. The difference is 4.7 dB, and the required increment or volume, a method that allows meaningful and consistent
from the chart is 1.3 dB. This results in 94.7 + 1.3 = 96 dB sound- or noise-level measurements is needed. One way to
being generated by the four machines. This can be checked accomplish this is to use a chart showing equal loudness con-
by considering that combining two pairs of dozers, at 93 dB tours, as depicted in Figure 14-5.
a pair, also yields 93 + 3 = 96 dB. The contour curves represent loudness or sound levels
called phons. At a frequency of 1000 Hz, the reference pitch,
Sound Intensity  It has been noted that all sounds are sound pressure levels are the same as sound levels; both are
produced by mechanical vibrations of some physical me- expressed in terms of decibels. Consider, for example, a lis-
dium and that sound waves transmit energy. The rate at tener with normal hearing who hears a 100-Hz tone with an
which this energy is transmitted through a unit area perpen- SPL of 70 dB. What loudness does the listener perceive? Enter
dicular to the direction of the sound wave is called sound the chart on the bottom axis at 100 Hz and follow the vertical
intensity and is expressed in terms of watts per square meter line upward to a point at the 70-dB value for SPL; the closest
(W>m2). Sound intensity is proportional to the square of contour curve is labeled 60. In other words, the sound will be
the rms value of sound pressure or SPL. judged to have a loudness of 60 phons. Using the same con-
For every 10-dB increase in the SPL, there is a tenfold tour, it can be seen that a person hearing a 65-dB SPL sound
increase in sound intensity. For instance, an SPL of 10  dB at 200 Hz would perceive the same loudness, that of 60 phons.
is 10 times more intense than an SPL of 1 dB, 20 dB is Many other methods are used to measure apparent
100 times (102) more intense, 30 dB is 1000 times (103) more loudness. For example, another unit of loudness that is used
intense, and so on. Also, for every doubling of sound inten- is the sone. A loudness of 40 phons corresponds to 1 sone;
sity (e.g., doubling of the number of equal sound sources), each doubling of the sones increases the phons by 10. For
the SPL increases by 3 dB (as illustrated in Example 14-4). example, a sound of 2 sones is equivalent to 50 phons,
For a single-frequency sound or pure tone, there is 4 sones is equivalent to 60 phons, and so on. Other units are
a direct correspondence between loudness and intensity. also used, but a full discussion is beyond the scope of this
However, most sounds comprise several frequencies, and text. The important point to note is the complexity involved
the correspondence is affected by interference effects of the in measuring both noise levels and effects.
394 chapter Fourteen

Threshold of feeling
120 Phons


Sound pressure level in dB Re 20 µN/m2


80 80


60 60


40 40
re 30
of 20
20 au
ilit 10

0 0

20 100 500 1000 5000 10,000

Frequency (Hz)
Figure 14-5  Equal loudness contours, in phons.
(Courtesy Lindosland.)

Sound-Level Meters  Many electronic instruments are most commonly used. Sound measurements made with
available for measuring noise. The basic components of a this filter are referred to as A-weighted decibels, or dBA.
typical noise meter include a microphone, an amplifier, a The A-weighted network filters out low-frequency and
frequency filter, and a readout device. The readings or mea- very high-frequency sounds, where the human ear is less
surements are called sound levels and take into account the efficient. This helps to match the meter readings with the
variation of perceived noise or loudness with frequency. sensitivity of the ear and with the average person’s judg-
Some noise surveys can be conducted with a battery-oper- ment of the relative loudness of various sounds. Two
ated, handheld sound-level meter, as shown in Figure 14-6. sound levels of equal dB level but of different frequencies
If noise measurements are to be made at one location over have different dBA levels; the lower frequency sound has
a relatively long period of time, such as for a traffic noise the lower dBA level.
survey, meters can be mounted on a tripod and a recording Other frequency filters or weighting networks may be
device and a frequency analyzer can be added to the system. used for specialized noise-level surveys. For example, the
Noise meters generally cover a range of 20 to 180 dB. The C-weighted filter may be preferable for analyzing sound
selection of noise-measuring instruments depends on the sources with many low-frequency components, such as
type of noise, the environmental conditions, and the general blasting noise or artillery fire. The A-weighted filter, how-
purpose of the survey. ever, is taken to be the best measure of environmental or
community noise; it is usually required by the EPA and
Frequency-Weighting Networks When measur- many other federal and state agencies.
ing total noise levels of any source, it is necessary to break
down the noise into different ranges of frequencies, or
bands (e.g.,  low-, mid-, and high-frequency bands). One
Cumulative Noise Levels
reason for this is the fact that engineering solutions to Noise levels almost always vary with time, and the over-
many noise problems differ for different frequency ranges; all measurement results must be reported in statistical
low-frequency noises, for instance, are generally more terms. Several methods and parameters are used to repre-
difficult to control. Another reason is that the human sent the time-averaged values of individual or short-term
ear responds differently to different frequencies. It is not noise events, as well as overall noise exposure from many
very sensitive to low-frequency noise, so mid- and high- noise events. One technique is to determine the percent-
frequency noises are perceived as being more annoying. age of time a sound level (SL) is exceeded. For example,
Also, high-frequency noises are more capable of causing a after a series of SL measurements, it may be reported that
hearing loss. the L90 = 75 dBA; this means that during the time period
Sound-level meters are typically supplied with built- in which readings were taken, sound levels were equal
in frequency filters or weighting networks. The A filter is to or higher than 75 dBA 90 percent of the time. Other
Noise Pollution and Control 395

90 (Noise dose Noise dose

A-weighted sound level (dBA)

to a 1-second
80 duration)




t1 t2
0 1 Sec. 1 Minute
Figure 14-7  Sound exposure levels are used to account for
the time interval of a noise event.
(Courtesy of Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc., Burlington, MA.)

durations in a manner that can match the average person’s

impression of the noise.
An SEL expresses the equivalent accumulation of sound
energy over the duration of a noise event; duration is defined
as extending from the time when the SPL first exceeds the
normal ambient noise level until the time when the SPL drops
back down to that level. This is illustrated in Figure 14-7,
Microphone and which shows the variation in SPL over 1 min. The shaded area
covers the duration of the noise event, where the SPL values
exceed (in this case) 60 dBA.
In Figure 14-7, it is seen that the maximum SPL is
Noise level 85 dBA1L max = 852, but Lmax values do not accurately
analyzer represent an average person’s perception of the noise, due
to the variety of durations that occur among different noise
events. To account for this, SEL values are standardized to
a 1-s duration. In other words, the total sound energy rep-
resented by the lightly shaded area is compressed into an
(b) equivalent amount of energy for only 1 s of time; this noise
dose can be viewed as the solid dark line. Because the SEL is
Figure 14-6  (a) Typical handheld sound level meter.
standardized to 1 s, it almost always is larger in magnitude
(Courtesy of David J. Green/Alamy.)
than the Lmax of the actual noise event. In this illustration,
(b) Typical measuring arrangement used for traffic noise the SEL value is about 95 dBA.
At first, it may seem strange to describe the magnitude
of a noise event using a decibel level that actually exceeds
noise parameters discussed here include the sound expo- the maximum measured level. Keep in mind, though, that
sure level, the equivalent sound level, and the day–night SEL values are intended for use in noise surveys, where it is
sound level. necessary to compare many noise events of varying dura-
tion in a way that matches human perceptions. Regardless of
Sound Exposure Level  Many types of noise pollution the duration of a noise event, the higher the SEL, the more
problems involve a series of intermittent noise events that annoying or harmful the noise is likely to be.
occur over a period of time; each noise event may last for
a short time interval, from a few seconds to a few minutes. Equivalent Sound Level  SELs measure the noise asso-
For example, noise from a single airplane flying over a com- ciated with individual events such as the flyover of a single
munity may last for 1 min or so; in addition, many planes airplane. It is important to be able to objectively describe the
may fly over the town in the course of a day. The first step cumulative effects of a series of many similar noise events.
in analyzing the noise pollution effects on the community One method used to do this is to determine the equivalent
from these sources is to compute a sound exposure level sound level (or Leq). The Leq may be conceptualized as an av-
(SEL) for each noise event (or flyover, in this case). SEL val- erage or constant SPL over the period of interest. It contains
ues provide a basis for computing noise events of variable as much sound energy as all the actual noise events combined
396 chapter Fourteen

during that time frame. The period of interest may be 1 h, an Example 14-5
8-h workday, or a full 24-h day. It is important to identify the Transient noise levels due to traffic along a highway were
time period used for any noise survey; for example, an 8-h measured at 10-min intervals for 1.5 h; nine individual SL
workday Leq would be identified as Leq 182. readings (in dBA) were taken in sequence: 72, 76, 79, 81, 84,
The average sound level represented by an Leq is not an 76, 75, 75, 74. Determine the sound level that was exceeded
arithmetic value, but a logarithmic or energy-averaged value. 50 percent of the time over the total measurement period.
Because of this, higher SPL values receive greater empha- Also determine the L10 and L90 values.
sis than lower values. For example, if an SPL is constant at
50 dBA for 30 min and then is constant at 100 dBA for the Solution
next 30 min, the Leq for the full 60-min time frame will be Rearrange and rank the sound-level readings in descending
97 dBA, not 75 dBA (as would be expected using an arith- order, as shown in the first two rows:
metic average). Loud events typically dominate the noise
dBA: 84 81 79 76 76 75 75 74 72
environment described by an Leq.
rank: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Day–Night Sound Level The day–night sound level, or % Time exceeded: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
DNL, is the Leq(24) with a 10-dBA penalty added to the sound The percent time exceeded is easily computed by divid-
pressure levels that occur during the night (from 10 pm to ing the rank number by the number of readings plus 1 and
7 am). Another symbol used for the DNL is Ldn. The 10-dBA then multiplying by 100. For example, for the sound level
penalty for nighttime noises represents an adjustment for the with rank 3 179 dBA2, [3> 19 + 12] * 100 = 30 percent. In
additional annoyances caused by those noises. Most people are other words, during the time period that sound measure-
more sensitive to noise during the night, particularly because ments were made, they equaled or exceeded 79 dBA about
ambient or background noise levels are lower at that time. 30 percent of the time 1L30 = 79 dBA2.
DNL values can be measured with standard noise-metering From the table, it can be seen that L50 = 76 dBA, which
equipment; they can also be predicted using computer models. is, in effect, the median of the readings. It can also be seen
Typical DNL values are shown in Figure 14-8. They that L10 = 84 dBA. In other words, it can be assumed that
range from a low of 40 dB in extremely quiet, remote loca- 10 percent of the time the sound levels equaled or exceeded
tions to a high of almost 90 dBA in urban neighborhoods 84 dBA (even though there was no measurement of an
close to major airports. In some studies of noise pollution, SL above that value). Although 72 dBA appears, from the
computed DNL values in a town or neighborhood can be given data, to have been exceeded most of the time, the
shown on a map as noise contours depicting lines of equal computations show that level to be the L90 value. (This is
noise exposure in the same way that elevation contours a simplified example of a statistical method that may be
depict topography. DNL measurements are of particu- used to describe transient or intermittent noise levels; the
lar importance for analyzing and describing the exposure results become more accurate as the number of SL read-
of communities to aircraft noise; in the United States, Ldn ings increases.)
has been selected by the EPA and the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) as the optimum parameter for evalu-
ating aircraft noise.
14-3 Effects of Noise
Day–Night The difference between sound and noise is often subjective,
Sound Levels Outdoor Locations a matter of personal opinion. Despite differences of opin-
Vicinity of ion, some very definite harmful effects are caused by expo-
Major airport sure to high sound levels, whether or not they are called
noise. These effects may be physical or emotional, and they
80 City noise can range in severity from being merely annoying to being
Business area
Ldn extremely painful and hazardous. Excessive noise levels can
Noisy urban cause environmental problems and workplace hazards.
(dBA) Residential The most direct harmful effect of excessive noise is physi-
cal damage to the ear and the temporary or permanent hear-
Urban ing loss that results from the damage. Temporary hearing loss,
often called temporary threshold shift (TTS), refers to a reduced
Suburban ability to detect weak sounds; hearing ability is usually recov-
50 Residential ered within 1 month of exposure. Permanent loss, usually
called noise-induced permanent threshold shift (NIPTS), repre-
Farm field sents a loss of hearing ability from which there is no recovery.
40 Below a sound level of 80 dBA, hearing loss does not
Figure 14-8  Typical ranges of day–night environmental usually occur at all. But temporary (or TTS) effects are
noise levels. noticed at sound levels between 80 and 130 dBA. About
Noise Pollution and Control 397

50  percent of people exposed to 95-dBA sound levels at Regulations and Standards
work will develop NIPTS, and most people exposed to more
than 105 dBA will experience permanent hearing loss to Noise pollution problems are significant in today’s indus-
some degree. A sound level of 150 dBA or more can physi- trial society, but they are not only a modern phenomenon.
cally rupture the human eardrum. Urban noise levels were high even in ancient cities; it has
In general, high- and mid-frequency sounds are more been said, for example, that Julius Caesar banned the use of
harmful than low-frequency sounds at the same level, and chariots on the cobblestone streets of Rome during the night
the degree of hearing loss depends on the duration as well as so that he could sleep. Even before widespread use of per-
on the intensity of the noise. For example, 1 h of exposure to sonal automobiles began in the 20th century, the clamor of
a 100-dBA sound level can produce a TTS that may last for iron horseshoes on the stone pavements of major cities was a
about 1 d. But in some cases, particularly in factories with big problem. In addition to automobiles, increasing aircraft
noisy machinery, workers are subjected to high sound levels traffic added to community noise levels. Increased use of
for several hours a day. Exposure to 95 dBA for 8 h >d over a machinery in the workplace after the Industrial Revolution
period of 10 years may cause about 15 dBA of NIPTS. added significantly to occupational noise hazards.
In addition to hearing losses, excessive sound levels
can cause harmful effects on the circulatory system by rais- State and Local Regulations  As with other forms of
ing blood pressure and altering pulse rates. Noise can also environmental pollution, laws and regulations are necessary
cause emotional or psychological effects, such as irritability, to limit and control problems caused by excessive noise lev-
anxiety, and stress. Even lack of concentration and mental els. Many municipal governments have enacted local noise
fatigue are significant health effects of noise. In industry, control ordinances; local enforcement of regulations consis-
it results in lowered worker efficiency and productivity, tent with federal and state laws is considered the most prac-
increased employee absences from work, and higher acci- tical approach for mitigating noise pollution.
dent rates on the job. In the community it interferes with Modern community noise control ordinances are usu-
sleep, recreation, and personal conversations. ally based on objective performance standards, which specify
Outdoor sound levels (Ldn) of less than 55 dBA and maximum noise emission levels for operation of certain types
indoor sound levels of less than 45 dBA are considered by of equipment and the conduct of specific local activities. Some
the EPA as best to prevent annoyance and not interfere with ordinances set maximum sound levels for new products or
conversation or sleeping. DNLs greater than 65 dBA are not machines sold in the community, such as motorcycles and
usually compatible with residential land- or public-use facili- power tools. Most have curfews that limit nighttime opera-
ties such as schools or libraries; noise attenuation is needed tion of certain types of equipment; zoning restrictions may
above this level. also apply, limiting noise-producing activities in residential
In general, then, noise is more than a mere nuisance or areas or in the vicinity of hospitals and schools. Depending
annoyance. Noise can have a direct effect on personal health on a community’s requirements for noise control, other lim-
as well as esthetic sensibilities. There can be no question that its may be included, such as land-use planning standards and
noise affects the quality of life. Mitigation or control of noise noise exposure criteria and building code provisions specify-
in the community and in the workplace is an important ing noise controls in buildings and residential structures.
aspect of environmental technology. Laws established at the state level can be effective in
mitigating noise pollution problems and encouraging towns
and cities to set equal or even more stringent requirements.
14-4 Noise Mitigation New York State, for example, enacted a highway noise law
Noise can be controlled to mitigate or reduce its intensity, in 1965, as did California in 1967; a comprehensive anti-
and steps can be taken to reduce durations of exposure to it. noise law was enacted in New Jersey in 1972. The weakest
All noise control problems involve three essential elements: a link in noise control legislation at all levels of government is
noise source, direct and indirect paths of noise transmission, enforcement of the regulations.
and one or more recipients of the noise (see Figure 14-9).
Noise levels and exposure time are generally limited by com- Federal Noise Regulations  Under the Noise Control
munity ordinances, federal and state regulations, and occupa- Act (1972), the EPA was authorized to set limits on com-
tional safety laws. munity or environmental noise, and manufacturers were
required to label and warrant product performance with re-
gard to noise levels. The 1972 law was amended in 1978 by
Paths the Quiet Communities Act to encourage noise control prob-
Source Receiver
lems at state or local government levels. But in 1982, EPA’s
Structureborne; Office of Noise Abatement and Control was eliminated due
Reverberations to federal budget cuts, and its responsibilities were shifted
Figure 14-9  Basic elements in noise control. Air provides
to state and local governments. Other federal agencies, such
a direct path for noise transmission; solid materials and as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration),
reverberations (reflections) provide indirect paths. continue to take an active part in noise pollution control.
398 chapter Fourteen

Maximum permissible workplace noise levels in the Table 14-1  Land-use and Outdoor Noise
United States were first established in 1970 under the Levels
Occupational Health and Safety Act. OSHA does not allow
worker exposure to sudden impact or impulse noise lev- Land-use Analysis L10 Noise
els above 140 dBA. Limits have been set on the duration of category Land-use description location level (dBA)
exposure to a range of noise levels. For example, a maximum A Land areas where seren- Exterior 60
sound level of 90 dBA is allowed for an 8-h exposure. Higher ity and quiet serve an
sound levels are permitted, but for shorter durations (e.g., important public need,
100 dBA is allowed for up to 2 h and 115 dBA for 15 min). No where the preserva-
tion of those qualities is
exposure to continuous noise levels above 115 dBA is allowed.
essential if the area is
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to continue to serve its
(NIOSH) recommends that the OSHA standards be reduced intended purpose
by 5 dBA; for example, it is recommended that the maximum B Residential areas includ- Exterior 70
8-h exposure level should be reduced from 90 to 85 dBA to ing undeveloped land
more adequately protect workers from hearing loss. permitted for this use.
In addition to the OSHA standards, noise regulations C Active sport areas, am- 70
have also been set by other federal agencies. The Department phitheaters, auditoriums,
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), for example, campgrounds, cemeter-
ies, day care centers,
has provided guidelines for residential buildings that are hospitals, libraries, medi-
to qualify for HUD mortgage insurance. Unfortunately, cal facilities, parks, picnic
enforcement of the noise standards for new buildings leaves areas, places of worship,
much room for improvement. playgrounds, schools
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has central D Auditoriums, day care Interior 55
authority for highway noise abatement and for directing centers, hospitals,
libraries, medical facili-
activities at the state and the local levels. DOT regulations
ties, places of worship,
establish maximum noise levels for interstate trucks and radio studios, recording
buses; for example, new trucks over 5 tons must achieve studios, schools, and
sound levels less than 83 dBA in speed zones of 35 mph or television studios.
less at a distance of 50 ft from the road centerline. E Hotels, motels, offices, Exterior 75
The Federal Highway Administration has adopted restaurants/bars, and
Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) which identifies the noise other developed lands,
properties or activities
level at which noise abatement must be evaluated as part
not included in A–D
of the design of federal aid highway projects. The criteria,
based on noise-level and land-use relationships, are sum-
marized in Table 14-1. The L10 values refer to sound levels
(SLs) not to be exceeded more than 10 percent of the time. best control method is to reduce noise levels at the source.
In developing the criteria, the FHWA attempted to strike a Sometimes it is necessary to use two or more techniques,
balance between desirable noise levels and that which is fea- though, because no single method would be sufficiently
sible. Factors such as technical feasibility, the unique char- effective.
acteristics of highway generated noise, cost, overall public
interest, and other agency objectives were important ele- Protection of the Recipient  One way to protect indi-
ments in the process of establishing the criteria. viduals from excessive noise levels is to require the use of ear
Responsibility for aircraft and airport noise control is plugs or ear muffs. Specially designed ear muffs can reduce
assumed primarily by the Federal Aviation Administration the sound level reaching the eardrum by as much as 40 dBA;
(FAA). The FAA has set limits on commercial aircraft noise they are very useful for protecting industrial or construction
in areas surrounding airports; these limits vary for differ- workers who are exposed to noise for long periods of time.
ent classes of aircraft. Efforts to decrease flyover noise levels But it is obviously unrealistic to consider the use of personal
include designing quieter aircraft, improving airport operat- ear protectors as a practical solution to community noise for
ing procedures, and changing flight patterns. Environmental the average citizen. Even in occupational settings, ear muffs
noise due to aircraft flyovers, however, remains one of the most cannot be relied on as the only solution. Workers tend not
intractable noise pollution problems for many communities. to wear them on a regular basis, despite company require-
ments for their use.
Noise Control Techniques Increasing Path Distance  Sound levels drop sig-
There are four fundamental ways in which noise can be con- nificantly with increasing distance from the noise source.
trolled: protect the recipient, increase the path length, block Increasing the path length between source and recipient
the path, or reduce the noise at the source. In general, the ­offers a passive means of control; it requires no effort on
Noise Pollution and Control 399


(a) Applying Equation 14-3 gives

SL12 = 85 - 10 * log a b
= 85 - 10 * 0.477 = 80 dBA
Line of motion
(b) Again applying Equation 14-3 yields
DA Moving noise
DB source 79 = 85 - 10 * log a b
Figure 14-10  As a sound wave spreads out from a line and
source of noise, its sound level decreases at about the rate of
3 dBA for each doubling of the distance from the source. DB 79 - 85
log a b = = 0.6
4 - 10

From the definition of the log function,

the part of the recipient. Municipal land-use ordinances
pertaining to the location of airports and minimum dis- DB
tances between houses and roads or highways make use = 100.6 = 3.98
of the attenuating effect of distance on sound levels. Poor
planning efforts, however, can result in situations where and
houses are built too close to major highways; in California, DB = 4 * 3.98 = 16 m
for example, some houses have been built as close as 6 m
(20 ft) from interstate highways. At that distance, sound Sound levels from a line source decrease 3 dBA for each
levels inside a house with closed windows can be as much doubling of the distance from the source (use Equation 14-3
as 70 dBA from a passing truck. Noise is more than just an to confirm this). However, sound levels from a point source
annoyance at that level; normal speech communication is decrease at twice that rate, or 6 dBA, for each doubling of
almost impossible. distance. Use of a chart as shown in Figure 14-4 for adding
The decrease or attenuation of sound levels with increas- sound levels, along with an appropriate distance formula,
ing distance from the source occurs because the fixed amount allows the prediction of noise levels from transportation,
of sound energy is spread and diluted over an increasing construction, or other noise sources in a community or
area. As a sound wave spreads out from a source, its inten- neighborhood.
sity decreases; from a point source, the sound waves tend to
form concentric spheres and the intensity decreases with the Noise Barriers  A barrier placed in the path of a sound
square of the distance from the source. For example, if the wave will absorb and reflect some of the sound energy,
path length is doubled, the intensity reaching the recipient of reducing sound levels on the side opposite the source.
the sound is one fourth of its original intensity. This is known Different materials absorb (soak up) or reflect (bounce
as the inverse square law. back) sound energy in different amounts. Absorptive mate-
Most noise sources are not points, and reflections of the rials include heavy drapes, carpets, and special ceiling and
sound waves from the ground or walls and ceilings prevent wall acoustic materials. Absorptive materials can control in-
the formation of spherical waves. A highway, for example, is terior noise, sound reflection, and reverberation (reflected
considered to be a line source of noise, from which sound is sound that persists in an enclosed space after the source has
propagated in the form of a half-cylinder (see Figure 14-10). stopped). Most hard, smooth, impervious materials reflect
The relationship between the sound level and distance from sound. For any sound barrier to work effectively, all cracks
a line source can be written as follows: or other openings must be sealed.
Highly absorptive interior finish materials for walls, ceil-
SLB = SA - 10 * loga b (14-3) ings, and floors can decrease indoor noise levels significantly.
DA In concert halls, meeting rooms, classrooms, and theaters,
where SLA = sound level at distance DA from the source reflective and absorptive surfaces must be carefully propor-
SLB = sound level at distance DB from the source tioned to create optimum hearing conditions. Acoustic pri-
vacy between rooms can be easily created by partitions that
are both heavy and airtight. Most building materials and
Example 14-6 components are tested for acoustic properties and assigned
The sound level measured at a 4-m distance from the cen- sound transmission class (STC) numbers. The higher the
terline of a busy highway is 85 dBA. (a) What is the sound STC rating for a partition, the better is the acoustical privacy
level at a distance of 12 m from the road centerline? (b) At between adjacent rooms. For example, 1>2-in. gypsum boards
what distance from the road centerline is the sound level nailed on wood studs provide an STC rating of about 30 dB,
reduced to 79 dBA? and a 4-in.-thick brick wall has an STC of about 45 dB.
400 chapter Fourteen

Ceilings made from fibrous materials, often called acous- machinery; acoustic absorbing material can line the inside
tic ceilings, are highly absorptive of sound (unlike plaster or of the enclosure. Machines or their enclosures can be iso-
gypsum board, which are highly reflective). Acoustic proper- lated from the floor using special spring mounts or absor-
ties of these ceiling materials are described in terms of noise bent mounts and pads; flexible couplings can also be used
reduction coefficients (NRCs). An NRC rating of 0.80, for for interior pipelines to reduce noise transmission.
example, indicates that the material absorbs 80 percent of the One of the best, but often overlooked, methods of noise
sound that reaches it and reflects only 20 percent of it. Most source reduction is regular and thorough maintenance of
acoustic ceilings have NRCs between 0.5 and 0.9, while plas- operating machinery. Even machines of the best design peri-
ter and gypsum board ceilings have NRC ratings below 0.1. odically need lubrication and realignment to keep vibrations
Acoustic ceilings are most useful for reducing interior noise to a minimum. Proper balancing of rotating components
levels in offices, restaurants, retail stores, and noisy factories. and replacement of worn bearings and gears is necessary;
However, they do not block the transmission of noise. fasteners must be checked periodically to assure that they
Lightweight, porous materials that produce high NRC have not loosened. All machinery should be operated with
ratings allow most sound to pass through. In fact, a ceil- its original design limits to reduce vibrations.
ing with a high NRC generally has a low STC number. To
reduce interior noise and sound transmission at the same Construction and Industrial Noise  The construc-
time, composite ceiling panels can be used; these panels are tion industry has long been a focus of complaints related to
made with a highly absorbent material laminated to a denser ­excessive noise. Construction activities typically require the
substance that provides acoustic privacy. use of heavy machines, each of which can be a significant
source of noise (see Figure 14-11). Noise levels at construc-
Source Reduction  Perhaps the most direct approach for tion sites can be controlled using proper construction plan-
noise control is to reduce the sound produced by the source ning and scheduling techniques. For example, locating noisy
itself. Vehicles and machinery can be effectively muffled air compressors and other equipment away from the site
to reduce the noise. In industrial facilities, noise reduction boundary will help to mitigate noise levels outside the site.
can be obtained by using rigid, sealed enclosures around Temporary barriers may also be used to physically block the


60 70 80 90 100 110
Compacters (rollers)
Equipment Powered by Internal Combustion Engines

Front loaders
Earth Moving

Scrapers, graders
Concrete mixers

Concrete pumps
Cranes (movable)
Cranes (derrick)
Other Equipment Stationary

Pneumatic wrenches

Jack hammers and drills

Pile drivers (peaks)

Figure 14-11  Relative ranges of noise levels for some common types of heavy construction
(Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.)
Noise Pollution and Control 401

noise. Construction managers must be aware of any local

municipal noise ordinances that may restrict the hours of
construction activity, as well as the allowable noise levels
emitted from various pieces of equipment.
Construction machinery such as portable air compres-
sors, rock drills, and paving breakers must be sound-tested
by the equipment manufacturers and must meet EPA as well
as any local noise emission standards; A-weighted sound lev-
els are generally measured at a distance of both 1 and 7 m.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
has also proposed noise emission standards for construction
Figure 14-12  One way to reduce traffic noise in a city is to
machines, but they are based on sound power levels rather
build sections of the roadway in a cut below street level.
than sound pressure levels.
Portable air compressors that provide power to certain
construction machines have been identified by the EPA as exhaust streams. Additional noise comes from airframe
one of the major sources of overall noise at a construction vibrations and aerodynamic turbulence.
site. Large compressors require complete enclosures, includ- Aircraft noise mitigation (interior and exterior) can
ing vibration isolators and sound absorption panels; air must be achieved by improvements in engine and airframe
be brought in through acoustically treated ducts, and an design as well as by appropriate control of flight patterns.
adequate exhaust silencer must be used on the engine. These Considerable progress has been made in regard to reducing
enclosures can reduce the noise from about 110 to 85 dBA at engine and airframe noise, since the 1970s; exterior noise
a distance of 1 m. But there are some types of construction from airplanes is about 15 dB quieter now, and the average
machinery for which it is extremely difficult to reduce the level of interior noise is about 75 dB. But there is still much
noise emissions. Special exhaust mufflers, for example, can room for improvement in flight patterns is some urban
reduce the noise levels emitted by paving breakers and rock areas, especially in coastal regions, where more flight paths
drills only from about 108 dBA to about 100 dBA at 1 m. directed over the ocean during the takeoff could reduce
noise levels in residential neighborhoods.
Transportation Noise  Most automobile traffic noise
comes from the movement of the vehicle tires on the pave-
ment and wind resistance. Noise from the engine and the
14-5 Chapter Synopsis
exhaust of a properly maintained automobile adds little to Excessive noise pollution (undesirable and unwanted sound)
the noise level. Traffic volume and speed have significant can have harmful effects, ranging from physical damage to
effects on the overall sound levels: Doubling the speed in- the ear and temporary or permanent hearing loss, to the
creases sound levels by about 9 dBA; doubling the traffic physiological effects of raising blood pressure and pulse
volume (number of vehicles per hour) increases sound levels rates, and causing stress, irritability, and anxiety. In general,
by about 3 dBA. Also, a smooth flow of traffic causes less noise is more than a mere nuisance. The mitigation of com-
noise than does a stop-and-go traffic pattern. munity and workplace noise levels is an important aspect of
Proper highway planning and design are essential for environmental technology.
controlling traffic noise. Establishing lower-speed limits for Mechanical vibrations of a sound source produce noise.
highway segments that pass through residential areas, limit- The vibrations are transmitted in the form of waves through
ing traffic volume, and providing alternative routes for truck the air. The physical characteristics of sound waves are wave-
traffic can all be effective noise control measures. The use of length, frequency, and amplitude. Wavelength is the distance
a cut or depressed roadway passing through urban neighbor- between air pressure peaks (or valleys) and the number of
hoods is also very effective for reducing traffic noise in the wavelengths that passes a fixed point in 1 s is the frequency.
adjacent buildings. This is illustrated in Figure 14-12. The height of the air pressure peaks (i.e., above the average
The path of traffic noise can also be blocked by con- air pressure) is the amplitude of the sound wave. A single
struction of vertical barriers alongside the highway. wavelength is called a cycle, and the frequency is expressed
Concrete or masonry walls about 4 m high may reduce peak in terms of cycles per second (cps). The term “hertz” (Hz) is
noise levels by up to 15 dBA. Sloping earthen berms with often used for frequency, where 1 Hz = 1 cps. The relation-
dense landscaping may offer a more attractive solution as a ship among the three characteristics is v = l * f , where v
noise barrier, but they generally require acquisition of addi- is the speed of sound in m>s (or ft>s), l is wavelength in m
tional right-of-way along the route and are more expensive (or ft) per cycle, and f is the frequency in Hz (or cps).
than concrete or masonry barriers. Human perception of sound includes its loudness
One of the most annoying types of outdoor or environ- (amplitude) and pitch (frequency). The human ear can detect
mental noise comes from aircraft flyovers in the vicinity of sounds in the frequency range of about 20 to 20,000 Hz (the
airports. Most of the noise is from the aircraft propulsion middle C note on a piano is 262 Hz). In normal c­ onversation,
system: propellers, rotors, turbine blades, and jet engine the human voice spans about 250 to 2000 Hz. The average
402 chapter Fourteen

atmospheric pressure is about 1 bar, and an average ­person DNL measurements are particularly important for analyzing
can typically detect a sound with amplitude as small as aircraft noise levels.
0.0002 mbar. The human ear can perceive sound pressures Noise can be controlled in four fundamental ways: pro-
as high as 10,000 mbar before ear damage occurs. Because of tect the recipient, increase the path length, block the path,
the wide variation of sound pressure levels, a more conve- or reduce the noise at the source. Earplugs or earmuffs
nient logarithmic relationship called the decibel scale is used protect recipients by as much as 40 dBA. Sound levels also
for noise measurement, and sound pressure levels (SPLs) are drop significantly with increasing distances from the noise
expressed in terms of decibels (dB). (An SPL = 0 dB is the sources, so increasing path lengths between sources and
lowest audible sound, and an SPL of 140 dB just exceeds the recipients offers a passive means of control. If path length
human threshold of pain.) People generally perceive a 6- to from a point source is doubled, for example, the intensity
10-dB increase in SPL to be equivalent to a doubling of its of the noise reaching the recipient is one fourth of the origi-
loudness. nal intensity. Sound levels from line sources (e.g., highways)
Noise measurements can be made using electronic decrease 3 dBA for each doubling of the distance from the
instruments that record sound levels, which take into source. In industrial plants, noise reduction can be achieved
account the variation of perceived noise or loudness with fre- by enclosing machinery in acoustic absorbing materials and
quency. A common measurement referred to as A-weighted by using absorbent mounts and pads. Barriers to block noise
decibels, or dBA, filters out the low-frequency and very and restriction of hours of construction activity can reduce
high-frequency sounds, where the human ear is less effi- noise levels from construction sites. Proper highway plan-
cient. A sound exposure level (SEL) is used to evaluate the ning and design are essential for controlling traffic noise.
overall noise effects of variable durations. The cumulative Lower speeds and depressed roadways through urban areas
effect of a series of many similar noise events is described as are effective in this regard. The path of traffic noise can also
an equivalent sound level, which is the average SPL over the be blocked by the construction of vertical walls or barri-
period of interest. Most people are more sensitive to noise ers along the highway. Aircraft noise can be mitigated by
during the night; so 10-dBA penalties are added to the SPLs, improvements in engine and airframe design, and by appro-
resulting in a day–night sound level (DNL) measurement. priate control of flight patterns.

Review Questions 10. How much does sound intensity increase for each 10-dB
increase in SPL? When sound intensity is doubled, what
1. Give a brief definition of noise pollution. Is the distinc- is the increase in the SPL?
tion between loud sounds and noise a matter of opinion 11. Is the sound pressure level from two identical noisy
or an objective and scientific fact? machines twice the level from one machine operating
2. Briefly discuss the physical characteristics of sound and alone? Briefly explain your answer. What is meant by
sound waves. masking of sound? Under what conditions does it occur?
3. How is a plot or graph of the sine function related to a 12. Briefly explain the difference between sound pressure
sound wave? levels measured in decibels and sound levels measured
in A-weighted decibels. Which is the more common
4. What characteristic of a sound wave relates the speed to
unit of sound measurement and why?
the frequency of the wave? Describe the relationship.
5. What does the term “hertz” refer to? How is it related to 13. What is a phon? Is there any relationship between a
pitch? phon and an SPL?
6. In what range of frequencies can individuals with nor- 14. What is a sound exposure level (SEL)? Briefly explain its
mal hearing perceive sounds? What is the frequency application.
range of normal conversation? What is the average 15. Briefly describe the meanings and applications of Leq
threshold of hearing? and Ldn values as measures of noise pollution.
7. What are the characteristics of sound that affect a per- 16. Discuss the effects of excessive noise. At what SL,
son’s perception of the volume or loudness of the sound? approximately, does physical harm occur? At what level
8. What is a decibel? Briefly describe why sound is mea- does it interfere with indoor sleep or conversations? Is
sured in units of decibels instead of sound pressures in the duration of time of exposure to noise a factor with
units of microbars. regard to its effect?
9. What is the difference between sound pressure level 17. Briefly discuss how noise pollution is regulated at the
(SPL) and sound intensity? Is it possible to hear a sound local, state, and federal levels. What is considered the
with a negative SPL? Why? most effective way to regulate noise pollution?
Noise Pollution and Control 403

18. Investigate the noise pollution ordinance in your town pressure higher than the pressure corresponding to the
or city, and write a brief summary or report of your threshold of human hearing?
findings. 7. A bulldozer is being used to push-load a scraper at a
19. What are the four basic ways in which noise can be con- construction site. Each machine has an SPL of 95 dBA
trolled or reduced? Which is considered to be the best operating alone. What is the SPL of the two machines
or most effective way? operating together?
20. What are the effects of distance on sound levels from a 8. What is the combined SPL from three vibratory rollers
point source and a line source? Why do they differ? operating at the same time on a construction site if each
21. Briefly discuss the application of barriers in noise one alone has an SPL of 75 dBA? What will be the SPL if
­control. What is the difference between an absorptive four identical rollers operate simultaneously?
material and a reflective material in a noise barrier? Are 9. What is the combined SPL from a 75-dB roller and a
acoustic ceiling tiles helpful in providing acoustic pri- 90-dB scraper at a construction site?
vacy; that is, do they block the transmission of sound? 10. What is the combined SPL from an 80-dB vibratory
22. Briefly discuss STCs and NRCs as related to noise pollu- roller and a 90-dB bulldozer at a construction site?
tion control. 11. A listener with normal hearing is exposed to a 300-Hz
23. How can noise be reduced at the source? What is one tone that has an SPL of 40 dB. How loud is the sound in
of the best, but often overlooked, methods of reducing phons? What is the SPL for a tone at 100 Hz that seems
noise from machinery? to be equally loud to the listener?
24. Briefly discuss sources of construction noise and con- 12. A listener with normal hearing is exposed to a 10,000-Hz
trol methods. tone that has an SPL of 62 dB. How loud is the sound in
25. What is the source of most of the noise from automobile phons? What is the SPL for a tone at 50 Hz that seems to
traffic? What is the effect on noise levels (in dB) of dou- be equally loud to the listener?
bling speed or traffic volume? 13. The sound level measured at a distance of 25 ft from the
26. Describe some ways in which automobile traffic noise center of a road is 76 dBA. What is the sound level at
can be controlled. Briefly discuss problems related to 100 ft from the road under the same traffic conditions?
aircraft noise. What would you expect the level to be at 100 ft if the
traffic volume doubled, but average speed remained the
Practice Problems 14. The sound level at a distance of 60 m from the ­center
of a roadway is 65 dBA. What is the sound level at
1. About how long would it take to hear thunder from a a distance of 10 m from the center of the road under
bolt of lightning that occurred 2.5 mi from an observer’s the same ­traffic conditions? What would you expect
location? the level to be if the average speed doubled, but traffic
­volume was the same?
2. If a bolt of lightning is seen and after 5 s the thunder is
heard, about how far away is the storm? 15. Transient noise levels due to traffic along a highway
were measured at 10-min intervals, and the following
3. What is the wavelength of a 15,000-Hz sound in water,
individual SL readings (in dBA) were taken in sequence:
assuming that the speed of the wave is 1500 m>s?
73, 78, 82, 84, 84, 76, 75, 75, 73, 72, 76, 78, 81, 85, 81, 80,
4. The speed of sound in concrete is 3400 m>s. What is the 78, 78, 74. Compute the L10, L50, and L90 sound levels.
frequency of a sound transmitted through concrete if the
16. Transient noise levels due to traffic along a roadway
sound wavelength is 500 mm?
were measured at 10-min intervals, and the follow-
5. A machine causes an rms sound pressure of 160 mbar. ing individual SL readings (in dBA) were taken in
What is the SPL? sequence: 70, 75, 79, 81, 81, 73, 72, 71, 69, 68, 72, 75,
6. What is the sound pressure in microbars caused by a 79, 82, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73. Compute the L10, L50, and L90
noise with an SPL of 95 dB? By what factor is that sound sound levels.
Appendix A

Environmental Impact
Studies and Audits

Appendix Outline A-4 Assessment of Environmental Impacts

A-1 The Environmental Impact Statement A-5 Other Aspects of an EIS
A-2 Description of the Existing Environment A-6 Environmental Audits
A-3 Description of the Proposed Project

T raditionally, the planning process for civil engi-

neering and construction projects has always
included consideration of the economic and the
technical problems involved. It was not until 1970, when
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) took effect,
a prediction of all possible environmental changes as well as
a consideration of the magnitude and overall importance of
those changes. In many assessments, an attempt is made to
measure and describe qualitative environmental impacts in
quantitative or numerical terms.
that environmental impacts were also given due consider- The format of the EIS document or report may vary to
ation in the project planning process. some degree, depending on the requirements of the munici-
The NEPA regulations focused on major federal ­projects pality or regulatory agency that will review and approve it.
that could damage the environment. Shortly after NEPA, many Generally, the following topics or sections are included in a
states also adopted similar laws of their own. Eventually, local final draft of the EIS:
municipalities began to incorporate thorough environmental
1. Description of the existing environment
planning requirements into land-use or zoning ordinances.
Now, even small and privately funded construction projects 2. Description of the proposed project
usually must include an environmental impact study before 3. Environmental assessment
approval for the project will be granted. Many existing indus- 4. Unavoidable adverse environmental impacts
trial facilities are also audited for compliance with environ- 5. Secondary or indirect impacts
mental regulations and other purposes. It is important that 6. Methods for reducing adverse impacts
all civil design and construction professionals have a basic
7. Alternatives to the proposed project
understanding of what environmental impact studies and
environmental audits are and how they are used. 8. Irreversible commitments of energy and resources
9. Consideration of public input and review

A-1 The Environmental The EIS is meant to be used as a planning and decision-

making tool. It is supposed to be objective and unbiased, and
Impact Statement it is meant to neither promote nor block the implementation
An environmental impact statement (EIS) for a proposed of a proposed project. The greatest benefit of the EIS process
project is a written report that summarizes the findings of a is that environmental concerns must be examined thoroughly,
detailed environmental review process. The writing of an EIS and the chances for severe or unexpected damage due to a
is preceded by two steps. First, an environmental inventory construction project are significantly minimized.
must be conducted for the site and vicinity of the proposed Unfortunately, EIS reports are sometimes manipulated
project. This inventory includes a thorough description of by developers to promote a construction project, or they are
the existing physical environment and serves as the basis for misused by special interest groups to stop a project com-
evaluating the possible impacts of the project. The second pletely. A criticism often directed toward the EIS is that it
step involves a systematic and comprehensive environmental may be imposed on small projects that might not warrant
assessment. This assessment, a crucial part of the EIS pro- so much concern. But the role of the EIS as an environmen-
cess, identifies and analyzes the potential adverse environ- tal planning tool is still evolving. We can expect that it will
mental consequences of the project. This analysis includes eventually be fine-tuned to the point where environmental
Environmental Impact Studies and Audits 405

protection will be achieved in a cost-effective manner. ● Population, land use, and socioeconomics. Existing
Because it is a permanent and important aspect of civil con- ­population densities and land-use patterns are stud-
struction technology, some of the key features of an EIS are ied and described, including residential, commercial,
discussed in the following sections. industrial, and agricultural areas. Local incomes and
economic levels, the local tax base, and the capacities of
school, fire, and police services in the area are evaluated.
A-2 Description of the ● Historical or unique cultural features.  The possibility of
Existing Environment an archaeological site existing within the project bound-
A basic objective of an environmental study is to anticipate ary is investigated. The locations of historical landmarks,
any potential impacts of a proposed construction project museums, or libraries are described. Any unique esthetic
on the environment. It is first necessary to have an accurate features, such as a beautiful view or the last remaining
and thorough picture of what the predevelopment (existing) open space in the community, are also noted.
environmental conditions are at and near the proposed site.
Sometimes an environmental inventory report is already
available for an entire city or township. Usually, though, the A-3 Description of the
interdisciplinary team that is preparing the EIS must con- Proposed Project
duct a more detailed and site-specific environmental survey.
The inventory of existing natural resources and urban In addition to a complete environmental inventory, it is also
facilities in the vicinity of the project site typically includes necessary to have a clear picture of the nature and extent of
the following categories of data: the proposed project. Although detailed engineering plans
are not generally needed for this, a preliminary plan must
● Geology, soils, and topography.  This includes a descrip- be made available by the project owner. This plan must be
tion of the types of bedrock that underlie the site, soil comprehensive enough to allow for a meaningful assessment
types and characteristics, and existing ground slopes of environmental impacts.
or topography. Soil erosion potential is a particularly To illustrate, consider again the fictitious land develop-
important factor, as are percolation rates, depth to ment project discussed in Section 1-1 of Chapter One. An EIS
groundwater, and the location of aquifer recharge areas. would have to be prepared for this project. The developer’s
● Water resources.  Streams and lakes on or near the consulting engineer or architect would provide information
project site are studied and described. Data on existing regarding the total area of the project, the number of build-
surface and groundwater quality are discussed, as are ing lots, the relative distribution of residential, commercial,
drainage patterns, flood hazards, and streamflow rates. and industrial facilities, and other data. A preliminary plan
Existing or predevelopment runoff rates are evaluated showing the proposed alignment and grading of roadways
so that appropriate measures can be taken to ensure that would be submitted. First-floor elevations of proposed struc-
they are not increased later on. tures and any changes or regrading of topography would be
● Vegetation and wildlife.  The extent and type of wood- indicated.
lands or plant growth on the site are described, and any A proposed stormwater drainage system would have to
rare or unique species are inventoried. Species of ani- be shown, including underground pipelines and any storm-
mals that use the site as a habitat are also discussed, and water detention basins. The points of stormwater discharge
the presence of any endangered species is determined. would be shown. Plans for a proposed water supply and
Usually, environmental resource data are presented wastewater collection system would be submitted, showing
graphically for clarity. the location and capacities of pipelines and other utilities. In
● Air quality and noise.  Existing air quality data from the some cases, information regarding the type of construction,
nearest state or federal air sampling station are obtained the landscaping, and the expected market value of the con-
and discussed. Local meteorological conditions, includ- structed facilities would be required.
ing average wind speed and direction and the frequency
of temperature inversions, are studied and summarized. A-4 Assessment of
Noise levels, frequency, and duration in the vicinity of
the site are evaluated. Environmental
● Transportation.  Existing modes of transportation are Impacts
described, including automobile, bus, rail, and aircraft. The primary goal of the EIS procedure is to predict any
Local traffic volumes, patterns, and existing roadway ­adverse  (or beneficial) effects of a proposed project on the
­capacities are evaluated. natural and urban environment. This is done so that measures
● Public utilities.  The location and service capacities of can be taken to minimize or eliminate the harmful i­mpacts
nearby water supply mains and sewerage systems are de- when the project is implemented. The prediction or assess-
scribed and shown on a site plan. Gas, telephone, electric, ment of environmental impacts is not an easy task. It  must
and refuse collection service in the area are evaluated. be conducted by an interdisciplinary team including civil
406 Appendix A

e­ngineers and technicians, geologists, urban planners, and In the matrix methods, an attempt is made to quantify
biologists or ecologists. For large and complex projects and or grade the relative impacts of the project alternatives and
particularly for sensitive environmental settings, the team may to provide a numerical basis for comparison and evaluation.
also include archaeologists, architects, and social scientists. The anticipated magnitude of each potential impact may be
Certain environmental impacts can be evaluated directly rated on a scale of, say, 0 to 10; the higher numbers may
and objectively. They are not really subject to conflicting represent severe adverse impacts, whereas the lower num-
subjective or personal opinions. For example, the expected bers represent minor or negligible effects. Zero (0) would
increase in stormwater runoff due to the project can be com- indicate no expected impact for a particular activity or envi-
puted and compared to the existing runoff rates and volumes. ronmental component.
The effect of the increase on the site and on downstream Numerical weighting factors are also used in the matrix
properties may then be predicted. As discussed in previous method to indicate the relative importance of a particular
chapters, environmental effects of stormwater runoff might impact. These weighting factors are agreed on by the assess-
include flooding, soil erosion, and water pollution. ment team and are site and project specific. For example, the
Air quality impacts can also be assessed using sophis- impacts on groundwater quality may be considered more
ticated mathematical models. Usually, emission of carbon important in a particular area than impacts on air quality, par-
monoxide from cars is of particular significance in land ticularly if the groundwater is a sole source of potable water.
development projects; the increase in automobile traffic Groundwater quality could be assigned a relative importance
would contribute directly to this effect. Basic traffic engineer- or weight of, say, 0.5, compared to 0.2 for air quality.
ing principles can be applied to estimate the increase in traf- Weighting factors can be multiplied by the respective
fic as a function of population density and land use. Using impact magnitudes to put each impact in perspective. For
this information, along with data on existing air quality and example, consider that the impact on groundwater quality has
prevailing weather conditions, the impact of the project on a magnitude of 4 and the impact on air quality has a higher
ambient air quality can be anticipated. magnitude of 6. But after weighting the impacts (multiplying
Impacts on vegetation and wildlife are more difficult to by the weighting factors), we see that the overall significance
evaluate objectively. Although it is relatively easy to estimate of the impact on water quality, 0.5 * 4 = 2, is more impor-
how many hectares or acres of woodland will be destroyed tant or severe than the impact on air quality, 0.2 * 6 = 1.2.
by the project, it is much more difficult to agree on the value If the weighted impacts for all the listed items are added
or importance of this impact. If the project site is the last together, a composite score or environmental quality index
remaining woodland in an urban community or if some can be obtained for each project alternative. The alternative
of the trees are among an endangered species, the impacts with the lowest index is the one that will probably cause the
would be considered more severe than otherwise. least harmful environmental impact overall.
It is important to distinguish between short-term impacts
and long-term impacts. For example, the impacts of construc-
tion activities might include a temporary increase in neigh- A-5 Other Aspects
borhood noise levels from the heavy machinery. Once the
of an EIS
project is completed, these impacts cease; they are therefore
considered short term. But the effect of the project on, say, An EIS should include a section in which mitigating ­measures
runoff patterns and local aquifer recharge rates will not cease are discussed. These mitigating measures are, in effect, sug-
when construction is finished; these are long-term impacts. gested changes of details regarding project design that would
Many procedures for conducting an environmental tend to reduce or eliminate the adverse impacts. For example,
assessment have been developed over the years. They share one of the most serious short-term impacts due to construc-
the basic goal of providing a comprehensive and systematic tion activities is an increase in soil erosion and sedimentation in
environmental evaluation of the project, with the greatest ­local streams; this leads to degradation of surface water quality.
degree of objectivity. These procedures range in complex- Specific ­measures for controlling erosion and preventing stream
ity from simple checklists to more complex matrix methods. sedimentation can be described in the EIS (e.g., using hay bales
In the checklist method, all potential environmen- and temporary seeding). Another example of a mitigating mea-
tal impacts for the various project alternatives are listed, sure is to relocate where facilities are constructed on the site, if
and the anticipated magnitude of each impact is described possible, to preserve valuable trees or other vegetation.
qualitatively. For example, negative impacts can be indi- An EIS report must also focus on unavoidable adverse
cated with minus signs. A small or moderate impact could impacts—those harmful effects that simply cannot be
be shown with, say, two minus signs (– –), whereas a rela- avoided if the proposed project is implemented. For example,
tively more severe impact could be shown with three or four if construction of the project must involve the destruction of
minus signs (– – – –). Beneficial or positive impacts can be a mature stand of beautiful trees, this should be identified as
shown with plus 1 + 2 signs. If the environmental impact is an unavoidable environmental impact. Short of not building
not applicable for a particular project alternative, a zero (0) the project at all (the no-action alternative) and therefore not
would be shown. Such a list presents a visual overview of the having to cut down the trees, nothing can be done to mitigate
assessment. this impact.
Environmental Impact Studies and Audits 407

All reasonable project alternatives should be evaluated A-6 Environmental

and discussed in the EIS. These may include changes in
scope or location as well as the no-project or no-action alter-
native. The no-action alternative causes no environmental An environmental audit is an evaluation of an industrial
disruption to the proposed site and environs, but it generally ­facility’s waste generation and waste management prac-
has some adverse socioeconomic side effects. For example, tices, as well as an assessment of the facility’s compliance
suppose that the project involves a residential subdivision; with environmental laws at the local, state, and federal
the no-project option preserves the site in its natural state, levels. ­Environmental auditing is a management tool that
but a shortage of available housing in the community could enhances the overall environmental performance of manu-
be an unwelcome result. facturing facilities and is now generally a requirement for
Many EIS reports must include an evaluation of pos- property transfers and reduction of legal liabilities due to
sible secondary or indirect impacts that would be caused improper or inadequate waste management operations.
by project implementation. Secondary impacts are those The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compen-
that are not immediately apparent and that are not directly sation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Superfund
caused by the project itself, but probably would not occur if Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) assign li-
the project were not built. ability for hazardous waste conditions to property owners
For example, consider what could happen if a new water who knowingly purchase contaminated industrial sites.
main and sewer line are built along a rural road to connect From the findings of an environmental audit, all parties to
a new subdivision of homes to existing municipal water and a transaction will have accurate knowledge of the condi-
sewerage facilities. This is illustrated in Figure A-1. Before tions of the property and its true value.
long, new homes will be built along that road, causing strip There are different types and purposes of environmental
development, because water and sewerage utilities are read- audits. For example, one type is called a waste minimization
ily available. In effect, construction of the original planned audit (see Section 12-5). Another type is the transactional audit,
subdivision may indirectly lead to the less desirable future performed prior to the sale or refinancing of manufacturing or
development. commercial facilities; it is typically required by l­ending institu-
Most EIS documents contain a section pertaining to the tions, insurance companies, buyers, and state regulatory agen-
irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources that cies before the transaction is finalized.
will result if the proposed project is built. Supplementing The audit team must be impartial in their review of a
the section on unavoidable adverse impacts, this serves to facility’s status. Company personnel are often part of the
review and focus attention on energy and material con- team, since they are the most knowledgeable about plant
sumption, loss of wildlife habitat, loss of rare or endangered operations; independent consultants and specialists may
species, and permanent changes in land topography and use. also serve as audit team members or may conduct the audit
Finally, a complete EIS will contain a section that in its entirety for a completely objective assessment.
responds to public opinion and input. The EIS report is ini- An audit conducted to assess liability typically consists
tially prepared in a draft form, which is distributed to the of three phases. In the first phase, determination of whether
appropriate agency for review and to interested citizens and contamination exists is made by means of a site survey, a his-
public interest groups. In most cases, a public hearing is torical property evaluation, and a regulatory file check. The
announced and held so that the environmental issues can be second phase characterizes types, sources, and extent of any
discussed openly. contamination. The third phase usually includes a detailed
Public input is considered important in the EIS process assessment of environmental (and related financial) risks or
because it can provide a perspective or identify an alternative liabilities. Key steps involved in an auditing process include
that can otherwise be overlooked by the professionals who preaudit planning and development of protocols, checklists,
prepared the report. Public involvement also serves to resolve and questionnaires; field surveys and sampling activities;
disputes early in the planning process. The final copy of the record keeping; and final evaluation of the findings.
EIS document will reflect this public feedback and input. A report is prepared at the completion of the audit,
candidly addressing deficiencies. Recommendations in the
audit report may include corrective actions, such as physical
Secondary impacts occur plant upgrades, revisions to standard operating procedures,
here because the New
Existing municipality utilities are available development improved sampling, and obtaining appropriate permits.
of homes Action plans and follow-up procedures are also essential to
the effectiveness of the audit.
Water main
Standards for conducting environmental assessments
Trunk sewer and audits are published by ASTM (American Society for
Extended water and sewer Testing and Materials), including risk-based corrective
lines to service new homes
actions and guides focusing on sampling and monitoring,
Figure A-1  Undesirable strip development may be a
s­ econdary or indirect environmental impact of utility physical and chemical characterization, site remediation,
­construction. materials recovery, and processing equipment.
Appendix B

Education, Employment, Licensing,

and Certification

Appendix Outline B-3 Licenses, Certifications, and Certificates

B-1 Education B-4 Environmental Technology Certifications
B-2 Employment

T he engineering team includes technicians and

technologists as well as engineers. It is impor-
tant for students to have a clear understanding of
their future role on this team and to be aware of the edu-
cational requirements necessary to begin a career in the
and sophomore years. Most engineering courses rely on a
thorough knowledge of calculus.
Engineering is often defined as the application of sci-
ence and math to solving problems for the benefit of people.
Technology, however, can be defined as the application of
field of civil–environmental engineering or technology. It engineering principles for the benefit of people. There is less
is also helpful for students to be aware of the wide variety emphasis on math and theory in the technology programs.
of employment opportunities and job responsibilities that Instead, practical applications and hands-on skills are
exist as they relate to the different levels of education and stressed. Technology courses usually require knowledge of
training. And, it is useful for anyone planning a career in algebra and trigonometry, but do not rely on calculus, par-
environmental technology or engineering to understand ticularly in the freshman and sophomore years. And specific
the levels of professional licensing and certification, as well technical subjects may be studied in the freshman year of a
as green building project certification. technology curriculum.
Generally, a minimum of 7 years of full-time university
study is required for the doctorate degree (PhD), 5 years is
B-1 Education needed for the master’s degree (MS), and 4 years is needed
for the bachelor’s degree in engineering (BS or BE). A mini-
There are no less than six different levels of education at
mum of 4 years is required for the bachelor’s degree in
which a person can begin a career in the field of civil–­
technology (BET or BSET), and 2 years is needed for the
environmental engineering or technology. As would be
associate degree in technology (AAS). Some schools offer a
expected, a higher level of education requires a greater in-
master’s degree in technology, but this is not very common.
vestment of time and stronger academic abilities than does
Certification as an operator of a public water supply or
a lower level of education. These educational levels include
sewerage system requires a high school diploma and the pass-
the following:
ing of a written exam; in many states, several years of oper-
ating experience is also required. The levels of certification
Engineering Technology Certification depend on the type and size of the water or sewerage facility
Doctorate degree Bachelor’s degree Various levels being operated.
Master’s degree Associate degree Graduates of the bachelor’s degree program in engineer-
Bachelor’s degree ing technology are called technologists, whereas graduates of
the associate degree program are called technicians. Many
The basic difference between bachelor’s degree pro- employers, however, do not make a distinction between the
grams in engineering and in technology is in the sequence technologist and the bachelor’s-degree-level engineer; some
and level of technical courses in the curriculum. Engineering technologists are hired with a job title that includes the word
programs place much more emphasis on math, science, and engineer. Most states allow technologists to take the profes-
general analytical abilities than do the technology programs. sional engineering (PE) licensing exam, but the requirements
Specific engineering courses are taken by the student in the for years of experience vary. In general, the role of the techni-
junior and senior years of college, after a solid foundation in cian and technologist is that of a liaison between the engineer
theoretical principles has been established in the freshman and builder.

Education, Employment, Licensing, and Certification 409

B-2 Employment the likelihood of having a position of responsibility in any

activity increase as education and training increase.
For the purpose of discussion, employment opportunities
can be categorized into eight different types of activities:
1. Research and development:  Conducting laboratory and Types of Employers
theoretical investigations to further the understanding Several different types of organizations employ civil–­
of environmental processes and to develop new applica- environmental engineers, technologists, and technicians.
tions and environmental control equipment. These include colleges or universities, consulting engineering
2. Teaching: Instructing and guiding engineering and firms, municipal engineering or public works departments,
technology students, developing educational curricula construction contractors, industries, water and ­ sewerage
and new courses, writing textbooks, and preparing utilities, and regulatory government agencies. The activities
other instructional material. that these different employers are most likely to be engaged
3. Project planning and management:  Conducting techni- in are shown in Figure B-2.
cal, economic, and environmental feasibility and impact
studies evaluating project alternatives, overseeing the
progress of engineering studies and design projects. Job Activities
4. Project design: Conducting design computations and Some activities, such as project design, overlap or span the
preparing detailed plan drawings and specifications to educational spectrum from PhD to the associate degree.
guide the construction of the project. How do job duties and responsibilities vary with education
5. Construction management: Estimating construction in that particular activity? What role do engineers, technolo-
costs, scheduling equipment, material delivery, and gists, and technicians play in project design?
labor, and supervising and coordinating field activities, Generally, an engineer with a high level of education
construction inspection, material testing, and quality or experience will serve as project manager. This involves
and safety control. meeting with the client or project owner, preparing the
6. Facility operation and maintenance:  Conducting daily budget, scheduling and coordinating specific design tasks,
process evaluations and control, water and wastewa- and making major decisions about the technical design con-
ter testing, and supervising maintenance and repair cepts and approach to problem solving. A project engineer
activities. (with a master’s or bachelor’s degree in engineering) will
7. Regulation and enforcement:  Monitoring environmen- work under the direction of the project manager; he or she
tal quality, enforcing environmental rules and regula- assumes overall responsibility for the daily design activities
tions, reviewing and approving plans for new water involved in preparing plans and specs for that particular
supply and waste disposal facilities, and inspecting project.
existing facilities. If it is a large and complex project—such as the design
of a modern water treatment plant—several other engineers,
8. Marketing and sales:  Providing technical support and
technologists, and technicians will work under the direct
liaison between manufacturers and users of environ-
supervision of the project engineer. Engineers with bach-
mental control products and equipment.
elor’s and master’s degrees will be involved in the detailed
Of course, it is possible to have a career that includes design of specific project components, such as the coagula-
more than one of these eight activities. But the likelihood of tion or filtration processes. This includes design computa-
working in a specific activity depends somewhat on educa- tions using electronic calculators and desktop computers,
tional level and training. The likelihood of having a super- preparation of sketches and plans, and equipment selec-
visory role in any of these activities is even more dependent tion and specification writing. Technologists may also be
on education. This relationship is shown in Figure B-1. involved in these detailed design activities.
An engineer with a master’s degree, for example, would Technicians with associate degrees are involved in
have opportunities in all eight activities, but engineers at that assisting the design engineers and technologists. Under
level are most frequently employed in responsible positions direct supervision, they perform specific routine tasks,
related to project planning and project design. Technicians such as making computations, preparing and inputting
with associate degrees have significant opportunities to hold data for computer analysis, preparing detailed plan draw-
responsible positions in construction and facility opera- ings, plotting data, and other activities. The technician also
tion. Technicians may also be employed in planning, design, conducts project site surveys, soil or water sampling and
enforcement, and perhaps research activities, but this is usu- testing, and other field investigations. Senior technicians
ally under direct supervision of more highly trained and with good technical abilities and several years of experi-
experienced professional engineers. It can be seen from ence can assume more design responsibility and supervise
Figure B-1 that the range of employment opportunities and other, less experienced technicians.
410 Appendix B

Figure B-1  Employment opportunities in civil–environmental technology are related to the level of education. In general,
greater opportunities for responsibility and advancement are available with higher levels of education.

B-3 Licenses, to engage in activities that would otherwise be prohibited or

forbidden. Certifications are credentials that are created and
Certifications, and
granted by nongovernmental, private professional ­societies.
Certificates Certifications earned from professional societies provide
In today’s business climate, it is important for a technician, for  recognition of an individual’s technical knowledge and
designer, or engineer to continually enhance his or her pro- experience. In some cases, professional certification is a
fessional capabilities and technical knowledge. Becoming a requirement for employment, even when a government
licensed professional, obtaining professional certifications, granted license is not necessary.
and completing continuing education certificates are three Most engineers or technologists find employment and
ways to improve one’s knowledge, skills, and abilities within rewarding careers in positions that do not specifically require
the civil engineering profession. a professional license or certification. But any engineer who
is fully responsible for the design of a public project (which
includes all types of civil and environmental infrastructure)
Licensing vs. Certification is required by law to be registered as a professional engineer
A license is a credential created and granted by a state or (P.E.) and to maintain a P.E. license in the state in which he
federal government board and is a government granted or she works. The purpose of state licensing laws is to assure
privilege. Licenses grant the license holder the permission professional competence and to protect public welfare. Most
Education, Employment, Licensing, and Certification 411

Figure B-2  There are many different types of employers in the field of environmental technology. Most employers focus on
one or two principal tasks or activities, such as design or construction.

states have requirements for continuing education for peri- B-4 Environmental

odic renewal of the P.E. license.
There are four basic steps in the legal process of obtain-
ing a P.E. license. First, it is necessary to graduate with an Certifications
engineering degree from an accredited college or university There are many professional associations that offer certifi-
(in some states, a 4-year engineering technology degree is cations related to the various subject areas covered in this
acceptable). Second, it is necessary to pass an eight-hour textbook. Following is an overview of some of the more
Fundamentals of Engineering Examination, also called the common certifications related to environmental technology.
engineer in training (EIT) exam. The EIT exam tests broad-
based knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and
general engineering subjects. U.S. Green Building Council—LEED
After passing the EIT exam, it is necessary to obtain Professional Credentials
at least 4 years of experience working as an EIT under the The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
direct supervision of at least one licensed P.E. employer. (LEED) professional credentials are a series of credentials
And finally, it is necessary to pass the Principles and offered through the Green Building Certification Institute
Practices Examination, which is an eight-hour exam testing (GBCI). The credentials are divided into three levels based
knowledge in an engineering specialty (e.g., civil engineer- on level of involvement, depth of knowledge, and experience
ing). Although it is not necessary to have a P.E. license for a in green building: LEED Green Associate, LEED Accredited
career as a member of an “engineering team,” obtaining the Professional (AP), and LEED Fellow. The LEED Green As-
license is a worthwhile professional goal and a valuable asset sociate credential is for individuals who want to demonstrate
for long-term career flexibility and job advancement. green building expertise in nontechnical fields of practice
such as real estate, law, planning, manufacturing, marketing,
leasing, sales, or education. The Green Associate credential
Certificates is also open to those new to green building.
A certificate is a document given at the completion of many The LEED AP credential is for professionals with an
continuing education courses to validate attendance or par- advanced knowledge of green building principles and who
ticipation. Certificate programs are usually open to anyone have expertise in a particular LEED project certification pro-
who applies, and they are geared toward obtaining specific cess. Within the LEED AP level there are five specialty areas:
skills or knowledge. While certificate programs may award a building design and construction 1BD + C2, operations and
certificate of attendance or participation, they do not award maintenance 1O + M2, interior design and construction
a credential. 1ID + C2, Homes, and neighborhood development (ND).
412 Appendix B

LEED Fellows are individuals nominated by their LEED tions covering many different practice areas within the
peers who have a demonstrated mastery of green building environmental technology field. All NREP certifications
design. ­require a combination of education, work experience, and
Regardless of the level or division, the goal of the GBCI’s examination within the subject area and each recertifica-
credentialing process is to develop professionals with exper- tion cycle is 1 year in length beginning the year following
tise to design, construct, operate and maintain buildings and initial successful completion of the certifying examina-
neighborhoods that save energy, use fewer resources, reduce tion. In order to maintain certified status, an individual
pollution, and contribute to healthier environments. must complete fifteen approved continuing education
or community environmental service hours during each
American Public Works Association (APWA) ­recertification cycle.
Certifications  The American Public Works Association
offers two different credentials related to infrastructure, the
Certified Stormwater Manager (CSM) credential and the Conclusion
Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector (CPII) credential. It is not possible to discuss all the employment oppor-
The CSM certification is intended for experts in the tunities and activities related to environmental engineer-
public and private sectors who coordinate and implement ing and technology. However, this discussion should help
stormwater management programs for city, county, state, the ­student to appreciate the wide range of job activities
provincial, and federal agencies. and  types of employers and to understand the general
The purpose of the Public Infrastructure Inspector relationship between level of education and opportuni-
Certification is to advance the knowledge and practice of ties for responsibility and advancement. In particular,
construction inspection. The Certified Public Infrastructure it is important that the student understand the distinc-
Inspector certification program is intended for individuals tion between engineering and ­engineering technology, and
that inspect the construction of public infrastructure (e.g., appreciate the advantages of professional licensure and
roadways, highways, utilities, bridges, dams) and facilities certification.
(e.g., pump stations, treatment plants, water storage facili- In the future, there will be a need in the field of envi-
ties) and other types of construction work. ronmental technology for technical personnel at all ­levels
Candidates for an APWA certification must meet spe- of education and training. Protection of public health
cific education and experience requirements and pass an and environmental quality is a top priority goal for most
examination related to the desired certification. APWA cer- ­citizens, including politicians and legislators. As researchers
tifications are valid for a period of 5 years. and engineers develop new techniques for waste manage-
ment and pollution control, more and more opportunities
National Registry of Environmental Professionals  will be available for technologists and technicians to apply
The National Registry of Environmental Profession- and implement the principles of modern environmental
als (NREP) offers 25 different environmental certifica- technology.
Appendix C

LEED Green Building Project

Certification Process

L EED project certification is a national certification

system developed by the US Green Building Council
(USGBC) to encourage the construction of energy
and resource-efficient buildings that are healthful to live in.
USGBC established LEED as a way to define and measure
Retail: Commercial Interiors, LEED for Existing Buildings:
Operations & Maintenance.
Each LEED rating system consists of a collection of strat-
egies that project designers and owners can implement to
achieve a green design. The strategies are grouped into six
“green buildings.” Project certification is a voluntary, market- major categories: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy
driven process based on existing, proven green technologies. & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, Indoor Environmental
LEED project certification provides national con- Quality, and Innovation in Design & Regionalization. Each
sistency in defining green features. All rating is done by a strategy is catalogued as a credit. Each credit in a category is
third party, the GBCI. All material selections and construc- worth a certain number of points based on the relative impor-
tion techniques are documented and energy performance tance of that strategy in creating a green design. For every
is tested to represent a consensus standard by third party strategy utilized in a LEED-registered project, the project
experts. The system provides a comprehensive evaluation of acquires the corresponding number of points for that credit.
the building process from the design phase through owner Building developers and design teams must register
possession using a consistent grading scale. By recogniz- their project with the GBCI and pay a fee to initiate the
ing sustainable design, construction, and operations, LEED ranking and certification process. There are four levels of
project certification helps project owners differentiate their project certification, differentiated by the number of points
projects using a recognized national brand. the project earns under the applicable rating system: LEED
Since its initial launch in 1998, the LEED project cer- Certified 40–49 points, LEED Silver 50–59 points, LEED
tification process has grown to include nine distinct rat- Gold 60–79 points, and LEED Platinum 80–100 points.
ing systems. The rating systems are based on the extent There are over 44,000 LEED-certified projects in the
and type of construction and include: LEED for New United States and over 52,000 around the world. These proj-
Construction and Major Renovations, LEED for Schools, ects encompass an amazing range of end uses from condo-
LEED for Healthcare, LEED for Retail: New Construction miniums, hotels, public libraries, and schools to warehouses,
and Major Renovations, LEED for Homes, LEED for casinos, fast-food restaurants, data centers, and correctional
Core & Shell, LEED for Commercial Interiors, LEED for institutions.

Appendix D

Review of Basic Mathematics,

Units, and Unit Conversions

Appendix Outline D-2 Units of Measurement

D-1 Review of Basic Mathematics D-3 Conversion of Units

E nvironmental technology involves the application

of mathematics for problem solving. Most of the
mathematics used in this introductory text does not
go much beyond the level of elementary algebra and geome-
try. It is assumed that most engineering technology ­students
It is convenient to use letters to represent variables, such as
x, y, A, Q, and so on. For instance, 2L + 2W is an algebraic
expression which means “two times L plus two times W”
(when a constant is adjacent to a variable, without any arith-
metic symbols, the multiplication is implied). Remember
have already studied these topics and are prepared to apply that multiplication (or division) is always done before addi-
them. Many students, though, can benefit from a brief tion (or subtraction). If the variable L represents the length
review of some fundamentals before reading the ­example of a rectangle and W represents its width, this expression
problems in the text and working out the practice problems. would represent the so-called perimeter of the rectangle
This appendix can serve as a refresher or primer for relevant (i.e., the total length or distance around its four sides).
computational skills, and is intended primarily for review by
Example D-1
Computation of area, whether it is of the cross section
of a pipe or a watershed, is a common task in many envi- Evaluate the expression 2L + 2W for L = 9 and W = 5 (for
ronmental technology applications. So is the computation of now, we will ignore units).
volume, whether it is of a water supply reservoir or a munici-
pal solid waste landfill. Area and volume computations
require skill in algebraic substitution, also called evaluation To evaluate an expression for specific values of the variables,
of literal expressions (because the variable parts of a formula, simply substitute the values of the variable into the expression
or equation, are called literal parts). The ability to solve sim- and do the arithmetic. In this example, for L = 9 and W = 5,
ple equations is also of importance in basic environmental the following is obtained after making the substitutions:
technology applications, including some skills in using expo-
2 * 9 + 2 * 5 = 18 + 10 = 28
nents and understanding logarithms (as used in the determi-
nation of biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen The symbol “ * ” as used here stands for multiplication, not
profiles, for example). In practical applications, knowledge the variable “x.” Remember, do multiplication or division
of significant figures and rounding is important, as is knowl- ­before addition or subtraction.
edge of units of measurement and the conversion of units
from one type or system to another.
Use of an exponent or power is a simple way of expressing
D-1 Review of Basic repetitive multiplication. For example, to “multiply 3 times
Mathematics itself five times,” we can write 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3, or, in
a much simpler form, we could write 35, where the small
Algebraic Substitution number 5 in the upper right corner is called the exponent
An algebraic expression is made up of some combination or power. In this case, the number 3 is called the base.
of additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions of Here is another example: For “multiply 4 times itself three
constants and variables. A constant is simply a number (or times,” we can write 43 instead of 4 * 4 * 4. The number
symbol, like p) with a value that does not change, whereas 4 is the base, and the number 3 is the power. For the prod-
a variable is a symbol that stands for an unknown number. uct of “10 times itself six times,” we can write 106 instead

Review of Basic Mathematics, Units, and Unit Conversions 415

of 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10. The use of “exponent (d) 2343 is 7, because 73 = 343
notation” with 10 as the base is most convenient for writing 3
(e) 21000 is 10, because 103 = 1000
very large (and very small) numbers (as is seen later in the
discussion of scientific notation). The previous examples involve only the roots of perfect
squares and perfect cubes. A perfect square has an integer
Example D-2
(whole number) square root, and a perfect cube has an inte-
ger cube root.
Evaluate each of the following: In many applications, the roots are not integers or
(a) 33  (b)  24  (c)  x5 for x = 4  (d)  102  (e)  105 whole numbers, and they can only be expressed as decimal
approximations. For instance, 17 = 2.65, as determined
Solution with a calculator and rounded to the nearest hundredth.
(a) 33 means 3 * 3 * 3, or 27 (not 3 * 3, or 9): (Rounding off is discussed later in this appendix.) Note
that 2.652 = 2.65 * 2.65 = 7.0225, so 2.65 is only an
33 = 27
approximation of the square root of 7. Although we could
(b) 24 means 2 * 2 * 2 * 2, or 16 (not 2 * 4, or 8): be more accurate by expressing the root as 2.646, since
2.6462 = 7.001316, we can never reach a number in decimal
24 = 16
form whose square is exactly 7, no matter how many places
(c) x5 for x = 4 means 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4, or 1024 (not to the right of the decimal we use. At some point, we always
4 * 5, or 20): have to round off.
45 = 1024
Negative and Fractional Exponents  Mathematical
(d) 102 = 10 * 10 = 100 (Note: When 10 is the base, the expressions sometimes have terms with negative exponents
result is simply the numeral 1 followed by the same or powers. For any integer n, a-n = 1>an. In words, a num-
number of zeros as the power or exponent.) ber taken to a negative power is equal to the reciprocal of
(e) 105 = 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 = 100,000 (Note: the same number to the positive power (remember that the
105 = 1 followed by 5 zeros.) reciprocal of x is 1>x). This definition of what a negative
­exponent means is necessary for the general rules of expo-
The exponents 2 and 3 have special names. When a base
nents to work in all cases.
is raised to the second power it is said to be squared. A base
It is also possible to have fractional (and decimal) expo-
raised to the third power is said to be cubed. For example,
nents. By definition, a1>2 is the square root of a, and a1>3 is
“5 squared” is 52 or 5 * 5 = 25, and “4 cubed” is 43 or
the cube root of a. For example, 91>2 = 3. In words, 9 to the
4 * 4 * 4 = 64. These special names for the powers of 2
one-half power is the square root of 9, which equals 3. In gen-
and 3 come from the calculation of areas and volumes. Area
eral, a1>n = the nth root of a. Another example is 271>3 = 3.
and volume calculations are very common in environmental
In words, 27 to the one-third power is the cube root of 27,
technology, and typical problems are reviewed later in this
which equals 3.
Example D-4
Square Roots and Cube Roots Evaluate the following expressions:
Sometimes it is necessary to determine the square root or
(a) 2-3  (b)  3-2  (c)  161>2  (d)  271>3  (e)  25-1>2  (f)  360.5
the cube root of a number. The square root of a number n,
written as 1n, is the number that must be squared to get n. Solution
In symbols, if x = 1n, then x2 = n. (The symbol used to
(a) 2-3 = 1>23 = 1>8
denote square root, 1, is also called a radical.) For example,
the square root of 25, written 125, is 5, because 52 = 25. In (b) 3-2 = 1>32 = 1>9
a similar fashion, the cube root of a number n is the number (c) 161>2 = 4
that must be cubed to get n. For example, the cube root of 27 (d) 271>3 = 3
is 3, because 33 = 27. The symbol for cube root is 1 . (e) 25-1>2 = 1>251>2 = 1>5
(f) 360.5 = 6
Example D-3
Find the following roots: Scientific Notation
3 3 3
(a) 181  (b)  1225  (c)  164  (d)  1343  (e)  11000 Very large or very small numbers are often written in scientif-
ic notation, which has the form a * 10n, where a is a number
between 1 and 10 and n is an integer. To convert a number
(a) 181 is 9, because 92 = 81 from standard notation to scientific notation and vice versa,
(b) 1225 is 15, because 152 = 225 it is convenient to remember that multiplying a number by
(c) 2 64 is 4, because 43 = 64 10 (i.e., 101) moves the decimal point one place to the right,
416 Appendix D

multiplying by 100 (i.e., 102) moves the decimal point two Combined Operations
places to the right, and so on. Also, dividing a number by 10
(or multiplying by 1>10 = 10-1) moves the decimal point It is frequently necessary to evaluate mathematical expres-
one place to the left, dividing a number by 100 (or multiply- sions that involve a series of arithmetic operations. The order
ing by 1>100 = 10-2) moves the decimal point two places to in which the operations are performed is important for the
the left, and so on. result to be correct. There are three basic steps to follow:
1. Evaluate expressions within pairs of parentheses or
Example D-5 brackets first, starting with the innermost parentheses.
Standard notation Scientific notation
2. Perform multiplications and divisions, working from
left to right.
85 8.5 * 101 3. Perform additions and subtractions, working from left
924 9.24 * 102 to right.
3576 3.576 * 103
Example D-8
0.123 1.23 * 10-1
0.0345 3.45 * 10-2
(a) 9 - 417 - 52
0.00678 6.78 * 10-3
(b) 17 - 2132 + 4
(c) 18 - 3142 - 16>2 - 12
Logarithmic Notation
A logarithm (log) is just an exponent. For instance, given that Solution
100 = 102, then we say that the logarithm of 100 is 2 to the (a) 9 - 417 - 52 = 9 - 4122 = 9 - 8 = 1
base 10, or simply log10 100 = 2. Also, because 1000 = 103, (b) 17 - 2132 + 4 = 17 - 6 + 4 = 15
then log10 1000 = 3. (Logs can be expressed with any num-
(c) 18 - 3142 - 16>2 - 12 = 18 - 12 - 13 - 12
ber for a base. For logs to base 10, the subscript is often
= 18 - 12 - 122 = 4
omitted; e.g., log 1000 = 3.) Logarithmic notation is just
the ­opposite of exponential notation. For example, given
Example D-9
x = by, then y = logb x. In words, if x = b to the y power,
then y = the log of x to the base b. Logarithms were use- Evaluate Equation 5-2 using the data for Example 5-3 using
ful for doing precise computations before the advent of elec- a scientific handheld calculator:
tronic calculators and digital computers. It is still important
to understand the use of logarithms for many applications in
engineering technology and higher mathematics. The method for evaluating this expression, which deals
with stream pollution and dissolved oxygen profiles, de-
Example D-6 pends on the type of calculator being used. Many modern
calculators allow the entire expression to be entered just
Write each of the following in logarithmic form:
as it appears in Example 5-3, and it is then automatically
(a) 23 = 8  (b)  104 = 10,000  (c)  1001>2 = 10 evaluated with the click of one button. Other calculators
allow for storage of intermediate results in memory so the
Solution expression can be evaluated without the need to write
(a) 23 = 8 means log2 8 = 3 down intermediate results. In Example 5-3, intermediate
(b) 104 = 10,000 means log 10,000 = 4 results are written out to illustrate the proper order of op-
erations. For further clarification, it can be noted that the
(c) 1001>2 = 10 means log10010 = 1>2
first step involves the difference between 0.5 and 0.2, or
0.3, divided by the product of 0.2 and 14.8, or 2.96. The
Example D-7 quotient is then multiplied by 3.7, yielding 0.375, shown in
Write each of the following in exponential form: Example 5-3.

(a) log 100 = 2

Solving Equations
(b) log2 32 = 5
(c) log 100,000 = 5 Applications of mathematics in most cases involve finding the
solution (or solutions) to an equation. There are many types of
equations. The most basic type is the first-degree equation in
one variable (or one “unknown”). For example, the equation
(a) log 100 = 2 means 102 = 100 x - 7 = 2 is a first-degree equation because the variable, x,
(b) log2 32 = 5 means 25 = 32 has an exponent or power of 1 (although a power of 1 is not
(c) log 100,000 = 5 means 105 = 100,000 shown). The solution to this simple equation is x = 9, which
Review of Basic Mathematics, Units, and Unit Conversions 417

is evident by inspection. A solution to a first-degree equation the measuring instruments. There just are no perfect mea-
is a number that, when substituted for the variable term in the suring instruments of any kind. Because of this, it is impor-
equation, makes the left side of the equation equal to the right tant to know how to use and display all computational results
side. In other words, the solution makes the equation a true with an appropriate number of significant figures.
statement. In this simple example, it is clear that 9 - 7 = 2. A digit in a number is a significant figure when it is
We also say that the solution satisfies the equation. known with some reliability. For example, if the thickness
Not all equations can be easily solved by simple inspec- of a book was measured with a metric ruler graduated in
tion. A method for systematically determining the solu- mm (millimeters), it could be reported as, perhaps, 21.5 mm,
tion to an equation involves application of the properties of where all three of the digits are significant. The 5 in that
equality, which can be summed up as “what you do to one number (which would be estimated by eye as half a millime-
side of an equation, you must do to the other side.” In other ter) is the least accurate digit, but it is still significant. The
words, a number can be added to or subtracted from both number 21.5 can be described as having three significant fig-
sides of an equation without changing the validity of the ures. The number of significant figures in a measured quan-
equation. Both sides of an equation can also be multiplied tity is the number of sure or certain digits, plus one estimated
(or divided) by a number without changing the validity of digit, which is a function of the least count or graduation of
the equation. The objective of applying these properties of the measuring instrument.
equality is to isolate the unknown on one side of the equals The number 21.55 would be interpreted as having
sign. For example, the equation x - 7 = 2 can be solved by four significant figures, and it would be assumed that the
adding 7 to both sides of the equation. By adding 7 here, the second five was reliable. It is important not to display a
variable x is isolated on the left, and the sum of 2 and 7, or 9, number with more significant figures than are justified
remains on the right, thus x = 9. by the actual measurement or calculation. If a number is
written as 21.55079, it will be assumed that it has seven
Example D-10 ­significant figures. If this is not the case, the number
Solve the following equations: should be rounded off to display an appropriate number of
significant figures. Before looking at the topic of rounding
(a) 15 - y = 6
off ­numbers, here are a few more facts and rules regarding
(b) 3 x + 7 = 19 significant figures.
(c) 3.7 - 7.4y = 0 In decimal numbers less than 1, zeros just to the left
and right of the decimal are not significant, since they
Solution serve only to locate the place values of the digits. For
(a) Subtract 15 from both sides to get -y = -9, and after example, the numbers 0.543, 0.0543, and 0.000543 all have
multiplying both sides by -1, y = 9 is the solution three significant figures. Intermediate zeros, however, are
(b) Subtract 7 from both sides to get 3x = 12, and after significant. For example, 6078, 607.8, 60.78, 6.078, and
dividing both sides by 3, x = 4 is the solution 0.6078 all have four significant figures. Simply moving the
(c) Subtract 3.7 from both sides to get - 7.4y = - 3.7, and decimal point does not change the number of significant
after dividing both sides by - 7.4, y = 0.5 is the solution figures. An intermediate zero does not serve to locate the
decimal point.
Example D-11 Numbers with trailing zeros can be ambiguous with
The distance d traveled in time t by a car traveling at aver- regard to the number of significant figures. For example, the
age speed v is the product of its speed and time of travel, or number 140,000 could be interpreted as having six signifi-
d = vt, as all physics students soon learn. If a car travels a cant figures, or as having only two significant figures (the 14)
distance of 200 mi in 4 h, what is its average speed? if the zeros are used only to place or locate the decimal point.
The best way to avoid ambiguity is to use scientific notation
Solution to display the number. In this case, if the number has six
Substituting the given values of distance (200) and time (4) significant figures, it would be written as 1.40000 * 105.
in the equation gives 200 = 1v2142. Because this is a linear However, if it has only two significant figures, it would be
equation in one unknown (v in this case), it can be solved by written as 1.4 * 105. When using scientific notation, the
dividing both sides of the equation by 4 to give a solution of factor a preceding 10n should be written as a number 1 and
v = 200>4 = 50 miles per hour, or 50 mph. 10 with the desired number of significant figures.

Significant Figures and Rounding Rounding of Numbers  When doing computations with
measured quantities, it is ­often necessary to round off the
Most applications of mathematics in environmental technol- numbers to display the ­appropriate number of significant
ogy involve using numbers that come from field or laborato- figures. The steps used to round off are as follows:
ry measurements, such as pollutant concentrations and flow
rates. But no measurement can be perfect or exact because of 1. Look at the digit just to the right of the place to which
the physical limits in human perception and limitations of you will round off.
418 Appendix D

2. If that digit is less than 5, replace it and all digits to its same dimensions.) For a cylinder, the total surface area is the
right with zeros. sum of the circular areas of the top and bottom plus the area
3. If that digit is 5 or more, replace it and all digits to its of the curved surface. Like areas of flat, two-dimensional
right with zeros, and add 1 to the digit to its left. (Note: shapes, surface area has the units of length squared.
Trailing zeros after a decimal point can be omitted, The formulas for areas of common shapes and volumes of
except in the case of measured quantities.) common solids are shown in Figure D-1. Notice that the sur-
face area of the curved surface of a cylinder 12pRh2 is formed
For example, the number 1234.5678 rounded to the by the product of a line of height h and a line equal in length
nearest thousand is 1000, to the nearest hundred is 1200, to the circumference of the base of the cylinder 12pR2. Also,
to the nearest ten is 1230, to the nearest whole number is the volume of a cylinder is the product of the area of the base
1235, to the nearest tenth is 1234.6, to the nearest hun- and the height. The volume of a lake or reservoir of irregular
dredth is 1234.57, and to the nearest thousandth is 1234.568. shape with an area A is the product of the area and the average
Rounding to one significant figure would be 1 * 103, to depth h, as shown in the bottom right corner of Figure D-1.
two significant figures would be 1.2 * 103, to three signifi-
cant figures would be 1.23 * 103, to four significant figures Example D-12
would be 1.235 * 103, to five significant figures would be
1.2346 * 103, and so on. (a) Compute the total surface area of a rectangular box
1.2 m long, 3.4 m wide, and 5.67 m high (l = 1.2 m,
Computations with Measured Quantities  A com- w = 3.4 m, h = 5.67 m).
puted number can be no more precise than the least precise (b) Compute the volume of the box described in part (a).
number in the original data. Consequently, the computed
result of multiplication (or division) should be rounded off Solution
so that it has as many significant figures as the least precise (a) The area of the front of the box is length times height,
quantity used in the calculation. For example, the product or 1.2 m * 5.67 m = 6.804 m2. But this area must be
of 5.1 * 9.52 = 48.552, but it should be rounded off to 49 rounded off to 6.8 m2 because of the rules for significant
since 5.1 has two significant figures. The quotient of 48.552 ­figures and rounding. The area of the top of the box is
and 5.12 = 9.4828125 should be rounded to 9.48 since 5.12 length times width, or 1.2 m * 3.4 m = 4.08 m2, which
has three significant figures. must be rounded to 4.1 m2. The area of the end of the
The computed results of an addition (or subtraction) box is width times height, or 3.4 * 5.67 = 19.278 m2,
should be rounded off so that it has the same number of deci- which must be rounded to 19. The total surface
mal places (to the right of the decimal point) as the number area of the box is the sum of the two ends, the
in the calculation that has the least number of decimal places. top and the bottom, and the front and the back, result-
For example, the sum of 1.2 and 3.456 must be written as 4.7 ing in 2 * 6.8 + 2 * 4.1 + 2 * 19 = 13.6 + 8.2 + 38
because the result should not have more than one decimal = 59.8, which must be rounded to 60 m2. [Notice that
place to the right of the decimal point (as in 1.2). And the when multiplying by 2 (for two ends, etc.), the 2 is an
result of 3.456  -  1.2 should be written as 2.3. exact number and the products are not rounded off.
Also, when adding the three products, the sum is
Area and Volume Computations rounded so that there are no digits to the right of the
Environmental technology often involves computation of decimal point (as in the 38).] The total surface area of
areas and volumes, ranging from the area of a watershed to the box should be written as 60 m2, with the appropri-
the volume of a water storage tank or sanitary landfill. ate number of significant figures.
Area is a measure of the planar surface enclosed within a (b) The volume of the box is the product of length, width,
boundary. It has physical dimensions of length squared, or L2. and height (V = lwh), which gives V = 1.2 * 3.4 * 5.67
If length is measured in units of meters, then area is expressed = 23.1336 = 23 m3 (rounded to two significant figures.)
in units of square meters, or m2. If length is measured in units
of feet, then area is expressed in square feet, or ft2. Example D-13
Volume is a measure of the three-dimensional space A cylindrical tank is filled with 925 m3 of water. The tank has
enclosed within a continuous surface or solid figure. It has an inner diameter of 3.0 * 101 m (or 30 m with two signifi-
physical dimensions of length cubed, or L3. If length is mea- cant figures). Compute the depth of the water in the tank.
sured in units of meters, then the volume is expressed in
units of cubic meters, or m3. If length is measured in units Solution
of feet, then volume is expressed in units of cubic feet, or ft3. From Figure D-1, V = pR2h. First substitute 925 for volume
Surface area is measure of the total surface encompass- V and 15 m for the radius R (which is half the diameter), to
ing a solid figure. For example, for a box, the total surface get the equation 925 = p1152 2 1h2. For practical purposes
area is the sum of the flat areas of the top, bottom, front, the value of p can be taken as 3.14, giving 925 = 706.5h.
back, and two ends of the box. (This is true for a prismatic Solving for h by dividing both sides of the equation by 706.5,
rectangular solid figure, in which the opposite sides have the and rounding off gives h = 1.3 m.
Review of Basic Mathematics, Units, and Unit Conversions 419

l A

w A  lw l V = lwh


A  R 2 A  4R 2
Circumference  2R V  43R 3


b A  12 bh V  R 2h
A  2R 2  2πRh

h h

b A  bh V  Ah

Figure D-1  Areas and volumes.

D-2 Units of Base Units

Measurement Base SI metric units include the meter (m) for length, the
Two systems of measurement units are used in this book— ­kilogram (kg) for mass, and the second (s) for time. In the
the International System of Units and the U.S. Customary Sys- conventional system, base units include the foot (ft) for
tem of Units. The International System, also called SI metric length, the pound (lb) for force, and the second (s) for time.
units, is used in most countries of the world (SI stands for Note that in the SI metric system, mass is a base unit, where-
System International). U.S. Customary units are also called as in the U.S. Customary system, force is a base unit.
conventional, English, Imperial, or inch–pound units. They In the metric system, force is a “derived” physical
are still used in the United States. ­quantity, with units of kilogram-meters per second per s­ econd
Although all federally funded projects in the United (kg # m/s2). This somewhat strange-looking combination
States are now designed using metric units, inch–pound of units for mass, length, and time stems from Newton’s
units are still often used in the private sector. It is important second law of motion, which states that force equals
for engineering and technology professionals in the United the product of the mass and its acceleration (F = ma).
States to be capable of using both systems. In this book inch– For convenience and in honor of Sir Issac Newton, units
pound units are noted parenthetically after metric units of kg # m/s2 are called newtons (abbreviated N). One new-
for help in “thinking metric.” (For Americans accustomed ton is defined as the force that will cause a mass of 1 kg to
to inch–pound units, “thinking metric” means developing accelerate at a rate of 1 m/s2.
a feeling for the equivalent values of the units rather than In the U.S. Customary or inch–pound system, mass is a
memorizing exact conversions.) In engineering practice it is “derived” quantity, with units of slugs. A mass of 1 slug will
generally best to utilize only one system of units on design accelerate at the rate of ft>s2 when acted upon by a force of
drawings and written specifications, rather than using dual 1 lb. (Units of slugs are rarely used in practical applications
metric and inch–pound units. of environmental technology.)
420 Appendix D

Weight lb>in.2 (pounds per square inch). For convenience, a pressure

of 1 N>m2 is called a pascal, and 1 lb/in.2 is abbreviated psi. The
Mass and weight are different physical quantities. The mass symbol for the pascal is Pa (with a capital P). Other key derived
of a given quantity of matter is constant anywhere, where- measurement units include joule (J) for energy and watt (W)
as the weight of that matter depends on the strength of the and horsepower (hp) for power. These and other derived units
gravitational field. Weight is the force due to gravity. From are discussed in the relevant chapters of this book.
Newton’s second law of motion, it follows that weight equals Unit weight (denoted by the Greek letter g, pronounced
mass times the acceleration due to gravity, W = mg, where “gamma”), defined as weight per unit volume, is expressed
weight W is expressed either in terms of newtons or pounds, as newtons per cubic meter (N>m3), pounds per cubic yard
mass M is expressed in either kilograms or slugs, and g is (lb>yd3), or some other ratio of weight and volume. In alge-
the acceleration due to gravity. At mean sea level on Earth, braic form g = w>v, where g = unit weight, w = weight,
the average value for g is 9.81 meters per second per second and v = volume. Rearranging terms yields w = gv as
(m/s2), or 32.2 feet per second per second (ft/s2). well as v = w>g. Uncompacted municipal solid waste
Because W = mg, a mass of 1.00 kg weighs (MSW), for example, has a unit weight of g = 1000
W = 11 kg219.81 m>s2 2 = 9.81 N. An object with a mass N>m3. An MSW volume of v = 5 m3 would therefore
of 50.0 kg would weigh 490 N, and so on. It is technically weigh w = 1000 * 5 = 5000 N, and 2500 N of MSW
incorrect to say that an object “weighs 50 kg,” although would occupy a volume of v = 2500>1000 = 2.5 m3.
many laymen use such expressions. It is important to under-
stand that mass and weight are distinctly different physical
Metric Prefixes and Multipliers
It is often convenient to remember that a force (or Metric units are a decimal-based (or base-10) measurement
weight) of 1 N is roughly equal to the weight of an apple system. They avoid units such as inches, feet, miles, gallons,
(about 1>4 lb), and a mass of 1 kg weighs about 2.2 lb (on pounds, and tons. SI metric units are based on ­multiples
Earth). More discussion and examples of conversions of of 1000, or 103. It is not necessary to use fractions, such
units from one system to another follows in Section D-3. as 1/16 in., or unique and esoteric conversion factors (such
as 1 mi = 5280 ft) when using the metric system. This helps
Temperature prevent mistakes in mathematical analysis, engineering de-
sign, and construction.
In addition to mass, force, length, and time, temperature is Metric units use prefixes to express multiples of 1000 for
also a fundamental physical quantity used in environmental convenience in expressing very large or very small numbers
technology. In the S.I. system, the kelvin (abbreviated K) is without using scientific notation. For example, a pressure of 1
the standard unit for temperature, but for practical purposes Pa (one pascal) is a very low pressure; pressures in many engi-
the Celsius scale is used (formerly called the ­centigrade scale). neering applications are often much higher. In a typical water
The Celsius scale sets the temperature of boiling water at 100° main, for instance, the water pressure may be about 40,000
and the temperature of freezing water at 0°, and 0°C is equal Pa (60 psi). (In the SI unit system, a space is used instead of a
to 273.15 K. (Note that °C is the abbreviation for ­degrees comma to separate groups of three zeros.) It is better to write
Celsius.) In the United States, temperature is expressed in the metric pressure value as 40 kilopascals (or kPa) rather than
­degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The temperature of freezing water is 40,000 Pa, to avoid using all the zeros. The prefix kilo stands
32°F and the temperature of boiling water is 212°F. for 1000 or 103, so 40 kPa means 40 * 103 Pa or 40,000 Pa.
Temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit units are The metric prefixes most commonly used in environ-
related by the following formulas: TF = 32° + 19>52TC or mental engineering applications are as follows:
TC = 15>92 1TF - 32°2, where TF and TC are corresponding
degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius. For example, a tem- Prefix Symbol Multiplier
perature of 20°C is equal to 32 + 19>52 1202 = 68°F and a
temperature of 50°F is equal to 15>92 150 - 322 = 10°C. giga G 109
mega M 106
Other Derived Units kilo k 103
milli m 10-3
Other physical quantities of importance in environmental
technology, such as area, volume, pressure, and flow rate, are ex- micro m 10-6
pressed in units derived from the base units. For example, area is nano n 10-9
expressed as square meters (m2) or square feet (ft2) and volume pico p 10-12
is expressed as cubic meters (m3) or cubic feet (ft3). Other com-
mon units for area are acres (ac) and hectares (ha), and common For example, a volume of five milliliters (5 mL) is equiva-
units for volume include liters (L) and gallons (gal). (These are lent to 5 * 10-3 or 0.005 L. A mass of 0.000 003 grams
further discussed in relevant sections of the text.) 13 * 10-6 g2 is equivalent to 3 mg (3 micrograms). And
Pressure, defined as force per unit area, is expressed seven million (106) liters of water is equivalent to 7 ML (7
in derived units of N/m2 (newtons per square meter) or as megaliters) in volume.
Review of Basic Mathematics, Units, and Unit Conversions 421

Other important metric prefixes, such as centi (c), with 1000 mm/1 m. To convert a length of 0.5 m to an equivalent
a multiplier of 10-2, and deci (d), with a multiplier of 10-1, length expressed in mm, simply multiply as follows:
are often used in scientific applications. One centimeter 1000 mm
(1 cm), for example, is a length equal to 0.01 m, and one 0.5 m = 0.5 m * = 500 mm
deciliter (1 dL) is a volume of 0.1 L.
Notice how the units of m cancel, leaving mm.
To convert a mass of 125 g to an equivalent mass in kg,
Conversion of Units multiply as follows:
1 kg
It is often necessary to convert the units that express a mea- 125 g = 125 g = = 0.125 kg
sured or calculated physical quantity from one type to an- 1000 g
other. This can be within a given system or between systems. In this example, the units of g cancel, leaving the unit kg.
In both cases, the best way to do the conversion is to use a Using this method of “unit cancellation” helps to avoid
ratio equal to unity (one) as a multiplier, with the desired unit errors when making conversions. It is necessary to have
on the top and the unit to be replaced on the bottom. The units access to a list of appropriate unit equivalencies to convert
can be “canceled” in the same manner as common factors are units. Selected lists of unit equivalencies are given in Table
canceled in division. For instance, because 1 m = 103 mm = D-1 and Table D-2. Additional unit equivalencies can be
1000 mm, the ratio of 1 m/1000 mm = 1, as does the ratio of found in most physics and engineering textbooks.

Table D-1  Unit Conversions, Equivalencies, and Selected Unit Abbreviations

SI Metric to U.S. Customary equivalencies Unit abbreviations

Length ac = acre
1 mm = 0.03937 in. atm = atmosphere
1 m = 3.281 ft cfs = cubic feet per second
1 km = 0.6214 mi ft = feet
ft2 = square feet
Area ft3 = cubic feet
1 m2 = 10.76 ft2 gal = gallon
1 ha = 10,000 m2 = 2.471 ac gpg = grains per gallon
1 km2 = 0.3861 mi2 gpm = gallons per minute
ha = hectare
Volume hp = horsepower
1 L = 0.2642 gal = 0.03531 ft3 in. = inch
1 m3 = 264.2 gal = 35.31 ft3 kg = kilogram
km = kilometer
Volume flow rate km2 = square kilometer
1 L>s = 15.85 gpm = 0.02282 mgd = 0.03531 cfs kN = kilonewton
1 m3 >s = 15,850 gpm = 22.82 mgd = 35.31 cfs kPa = kilopascal
1 ML>d = 1000 m3 >d = 0.264 mgd kW = kilowatt
L = liter
Mass and Weight (force) L>s = liters per second
1 kg = 2.205 lb lb = pound
1 N = 0.2248 lb m = meter
1 ton 1metric2 = 1000 kg = 2205 lb m2 = square meter
1 kg>L = 8.345 lb>gal m3 = cubic meter
1 kN>m3 = 172 lb>yd3 m3 >s = cubic meters per second
mg>L = milligrams per liter
Pressure mgd = million gallons per day
1 kPa = 0.147 psi mi = mile
1 atm = 100 kPa = 14.7 psi mi2 = square mile
ML>d = megaliters per day
Chemical Concentrations mm = millimeter
1 mg>L = 1 ppm = 0.0584 gpg = 8.345 lb>million gal N = newton
1mg>L = 1 ppb ppb = parts per billion
1% = 10,000 ppm ppm = parts per million
% = percent
Power psi = pound per square inch
1 kW = 1.341 hp yd3 = cubic yard
1 hp = 550 ft # lb>s mg>L = micrograms per liter
422 Appendix D

Example D-14 Alternate Solution

Convert a water main diameter of 60 in. to an equivalent Using the unit equivalency of 1 m = 3.281 ft, the conversion
pipe diameter expressed in (a) feet and (b) millimeters. can be done as follows:
11 m3 2
Solution 15.0 ft3 = 15.0 ft3 *
13.281 ft3 2
(a) The appropriate unit conversion, of course, is
1 ft = 12 in., and simply dividing 60 by 12 results in a 1 m3
= 15.0 ft3 * = 0.42 m3
diameter of 5 ft. But it is possible to make the inadver- 35.32 ft3
tent error of multiplying by the 12 rather than dividing
(Note that 35.32 equals 3.281 cubed. Also, the difference
by 12. Using unit cancellation helps to avoid such an
between 0.43 and 0.42 is “rounding-off error” and is of little
error. In this case, since feet (ft) is the desired unit, it
should be in the top of the conversion ratio, and the
inches should cancel out, as follows:
Example D-16
1 ft
60 in = 60 in. * = 5 ft Convert an area of 350 ha to square kilometers (km2).
12 in.
(If we assume the 60-in. length is accurate to two sig- Solution
nificant figures, we could express the diameter of the Because 1 ha = 10 000 m2 and 1 km2 = 106 m2,
pipe as 5.0 ft.)
(b) From Table D-1, 1 mm = 0.03937 in., and in this case 10 000 m2 1 km2
350 ha = 350 ha * * = 3.5 km2
the desired unit is mm, which must be in the top of the 1 ha 106 m2
ratio, as follows:
Example D-17
1 mm
60 in. = 60 in. * = 1524 mm (a) Convert a flow rate of 100 gpm (gallons per minute) into
0.03937 in.
an equivalent flow rate expressed in units of cubic feet
= 1500 mm per second (cfs, or ft3/s).
(to two significant figures)
(b) Convert a flow rate of 5.0 cubic meters per second
(m3/s) into an equivalent flow rate expressed in terms of
Example D-15
megaliters per day (ML/d).
Convert a volume of 15 ft3 to an equivalent volume in m3.
(a) 100 gpm = 100 gal>min * 1 ft3 >7.48 gal
Because 1 ft3 = 7.48 gal and 1 m3 = 264 gal we can write
* 1 min>60 s = 0.223 ft3 >s, or 0.223 cfs
7.48 gal 1 m3 (b) 5.0 m3 >s = 5.0 m3 >s * 103L>1 m3 * 1 ML>106L
15.0 ft3 = 15.0 ft3 * *
1 ft3 264 gal * 3600 s>1 h * 24 h>1 d = 432 ML>d = 430 ML>d
= 0.425 m3 = 0.43 m3 (to two significant figures)

Table D-2  SI Metric and U.S. Customary Equivalencies

Selected SI metric equivalencies Selected U.S. Customary equivalencies

Length Length
1 km = 1000 m 1 ft = 12 in.
1 cm = 0.01 m = 10 mm 1 mi = 5280 ft
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm 1 yd = 3 ft
Area Area
1 ha = 10,000 m2 1 ac = 43,560 ft2
Volume Volume
1 m3 = 1000 L 1 ft3 = 7.48 gal
1 L = 1000 cm 3 1 gal = 4 qt
Mass and Weight Mass and Weight
1 kg = 9.81 N 1 slug = 32.2 lb
Pressure Pressure
1 atm = 100 kPa 1 atm = 14.7 psi
1 kPa = 1000 Pa 1 atm = 29.92 in Hg
1 Pa = 1 N>m2 1 atm = 33.9 ft H2O
Appendix E

Glossary and

M any of the technical terms and abbreviations

related to the subject of environmental technol-
ogy are new to the student. For the most part,
these are defined when they are first introduced in the text.
In some cases, though, a student may read certain sections
to ­remove nutrients or additional solids and dissolved
­organics; also called tertiary treatment.
Aeration p. 150  A physical treatment process in which
air is thoroughly mixed with water or wastewater for
or chapters out of sequence. This glossary is then useful
Aerobe  pp. 10, 95  A microorganism that requires an aer-
for getting a quick and brief definition of a new term or
obic environment to live and reproduce.
­abbreviation that is unfamiliar. It also serves as a review and
study aid. Aerobic  p. 10  In the presence of air or available molecular
The definitions here are intentionally brief; further dis- oxygen.
cussion of each item can be found in the appropriate section Aerosol  p. 352  A suspension of small solid or liquid par-
of the text. A list of commonly used environmental abbre- ticles in air.
viations follows the glossary definitions. Air Quality Index p. 376  A number on a uniform scale
between 0 and 500, published daily by the EPA, to
Glossary inform the public about local air quality conditions for
each of the five major air pollutants; the higher the index
Absolute Pressure p. 25  Pressure measured with refer- number, the worse is the air pollution. (Formerly called
ence to a total vacuum as a zero or starting point. Pollutant Standards Index.)
Absorption p. 372  A process by which one substance is Airlift Pump p. 71  A pump using a compressed air and
trapped throughout the volume of another, usually a liq- water mixture to raise water in a vertical pipe to a higher
uid, by solution or chemical reaction. elevation.
Absorption Field  p. 268 See leaching field. Algae p. 93  Microscopic single-cell plants suspended in
Acid Rain  p. 76  Precipitation with higher-than-normal water; phytoplankton.
acidity, caused primarily by sulfur and nitrogen diox- Algal Bloom  pp. 96, 114  Visible overgrowth of algae in a
ide air pollution. lake due to eutrophication.
Acre–Feet  p. 54  A unit used for expressing large quanti- Alpha Particles  p. 81  Ionizing radiation comprising two
ties of water, as in conservation reservoirs, equivalent protons and two neutrons (helium nucleus).
to the volume that would cover 1 ac of land to a depth Altitude Valve  p. 164  A device that controls flow rate of
of 1 ft. water into an elevated water storage tank.
Activated Sludge p. 252  The suspended solids in an
Alum p. 140  Aluminum sulfate, one of the most
aeration tank or at the bottom of a secondary clarifier ­commonly used chemical coagulants used for water
in a sewage treatment plant, consisting mostly of living treatment.
Ambient Sample  p. 367  An air sample collected from the
Activated Sludge Process  pp. 9, 250  A biological sewage
outdoor or surrounding air after pollutants from various
treatment system in which living microbes, suspended sources have been dispersed.
in a mixture of sewage and air, absorb the organic pol-
lutants and convert them to stable substances. Anaerobe pp. 10, 95  A microorganism that lives under
anaerobic conditions, without free oxygen.
Adsorption p. 372  A physical process involving the
contact and trapping of water pollutants or air pollut- Anaerobic  p. 10  In the absence of air or available molecu-
ants on the surface of a solid substance, usually acti- lar oxygen.
vated carbon. Anthropogenic  p. 350  Caused by human activities.
Advanced Treatment  p. 266 Purification processes Aqueduct  p. 157  A conduit for carrying a large quantity
used after or during secondary wastewater treatment of flowing water.

424 Appendix E

Aquifer  p. 53  An underground layer of soil or rock that is Biodisc p. 257  A biological sewage treatment system
porous enough to yield significant amounts of ground- comprising a series of large rotating discs mounted on a
water for public supply. horizontal shaft, with half the disc area being submerged
Artesian Aquifer p. 69  An aquifer that is enclosed or in wastewater as the shaft rotates; a fixed film form of
sandwiched between two impermeable layers of soil biologic treatment usually serving small communities.
or rock; also called a confined aquifer. Biological Accumulation p. 13  The process by which a
Atom  p. 77  The smallest part of an element that can exist pollutant first enters a food chain by being ingested by
and still retain the same chemical characteristics. an organism.
Autotrophic Organisms  p. 9 Self-nourishing green Biological Aerated Filter p. 265  An innovative waste-
plants that obtain food from photosynthesis; the begin- water treatment system that uses a reactor basin with
ning link of the food chain. ­submerged media that serves both as a contact surface
for biological activity and as a filter to separate solids
from the sewage.
Backflow  p. 164  The flow of water in the opposite direc-
tion of the normal flow, due to siphoning or change in Biological Magnification p. 13  The steadily increasing
water pressure, often causing contamination of a potable concentration of a pollutant as it moves from one level
water system; see cross-connection. of the food chain to the next.
Backwash  p. 142  The washing cycle for a rapid filter in Biological Treatment  p. 326 See secondary treatment.
a water treatment plant in which clean water flows up Bioreactor  p. 327  A vessel or lagoon used for biological
through the filter. treatment of hazardous waste.
Backwater Analysis p. 45  Computation of upstream Bioremediation p. 338  Use of microorganisms to con-
water surface elevations in gradually varied flow where vert  harmful chemical compounds to less harmful
the flow depth is above the normal depth on a mild slope. ­compounds in order to clean up or remediate a contami-
Baghouse Filter p. 380  An air-cleaning device that nated site.
removes very small particles from dirty flue gases as the Biosolids pp. 3, 278  Treated sewage sludge; a primarily
gas stream passes through a special filter fabric shaped organic solid product, produced by wastewater treat-
like a long, inverted bag. ment processes, that can be beneficially recycled.
Baling p. 297  A mechanical process in which municipal Bioventing  p. 339 See sparging.
solid waste is compressed under high pressure and com- Blackwater  pp. 160, 277  Wastewater generated from toi-
pacted into rectangular blocks or bales for subsequent lets, kitchen sinks, and dishwashers.
land disposal.
Bottom Ash p. 298  Residue remaining on the grate or
Base Flow p. 53  Dry-weather flow in a stream fed by hearth after incineration.
groundwater seeping out of the ground and into the
Brackish Water p. 152  Water containing more than
stream channel.
1000 mg/L of dissolved salts.
Batter Boards p. 205  Wooden boards placed across a
Brownfields p. 339  Abandoned, idle, or underused
trench during construction to help in establishing line
­industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or
and grade for a sewer pipeline.
redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived envi-
Best management practices p. 229  The most effective ronmental contamination.
as well as cost efficient technique or design to achieve
Bubbler  p. 372  A device used to collect gaseous air pol-
a particular outcome or goal (e.g., stormwater control,
lutants for analysis by absorption in an appropriate
using a combination of structural and non-structural or
“green” methods), at a particular point in time.
Butterfly Valve p. 164  A commonly used valve used for
Best Operating Point  p. 170  The point on a pump char-
throttling flow rate in a water distrubution system.
acteristic curve at which it operates at peak efficiency.
Beta Particles p. 82  Ionizing radiation in the form of Carcinogen  p. 5  Agent capable of causing cancer.
Catalyst p. 383  A substance that modifies a chemi-
Bioaugmentation p. 339  Addition of bacterial mixtures cal reaction (makes it slower or faster) without being
to contaminated soil to facilitate bioremediation. ­consumed.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand  p. 89  The amount of oxy- Catchment Area p. 59  The area that contributes runoff
gen required by microorganisms to decompose organic to a stream or urban drainage system; also, watershed or
waste in water; a measure of the amount of organic pol- drainage basin.
lution; BOD.
Cavitation p. 169  A problem in centrifugal pump opera-
Biodegradable p. 85  Readily broken down or decom- tion due to low suction head pressure that reduces pump
posed into simpler substances by biological action of efficiency.
Glossary and Abbreviations 425

Centrifugal Pump  p. 167  A mechanical device that adds Composting  p. 297  A biological process for treating gar-
energy to a liquid, using a rapidly rotating impeller in bage and/or sewage sludge, involving aerobic decom-
a specially shaped casing; most common type of pump position of organic waste under controlled conditions.
used for water treatment and distribution. Compound  p. 77  A substance made up of a combination
Cesspool p. 268  A covered pit for disposal of sanitary of elements.
sewage, usually prohibited now in the United States. Cone of Depression p. 71  The shape of the ground-
Channel Flow Time p. 218  Time of flow in a stream or water table around a well from which water is being
pipeline to a drainage basin outlet; part of the time of withdrawn.
concentration used in stormwater computations. Confined Aquifer  p. 69 See artesian aquifer.
Check Valve  p. 164  A valve that permits flow in only one Conservation Reservoir  p. 65  A large open reservoir that
direction in a pipeline. serves primarily to store excess wet-weather streamflow
Chemical Oxygen Demand  p. 91  The amount of oxygen for later use during periods of dry weather or drought.
needed to oxidize all the organics in a wastewater sam- Constructed Treatment Wetlands p. 264  A method of
ple, a measure of the level of organic pollution; COD. land treatment of secondary sewage effluent where the
Chlorination p. 145  The process of adding chlorine to effluent saturates the ground and supports native wet-
water or wastewater, primarily for disinfection. land vegitation.
Chlorine Residual  p. 146  The small amount of chlorine Contact Stabilization p. 256  A variation of the conven-
compounds that remains in water or wastewater after tional activated sludge process, used for sewage treatment.
disinfection, providing continued sanitary protection in
Contaminents of Emerging Concern  p. 94 Trace
the distribution system.
amounts of pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) p. 359  Synthetic ­organic that are detected in some water sources.
compounds that contribute to global air ­pollution.
Corrosive Waste  p. 322  A hazardous waste with pH less
Clarifier p. 136  A sedimentation basin or settling tank than 2 or more than 12.5.
in which suspended solids settle to the bottom and the
Cross-Connection p. 7  An unintentional connection
clarified water or wastewater is drawn off the top.
between a potable water system and any nonpotable sys-
Coagulation  p. 140  The addition to water or wastewater of tem, through which backflow and contamination of the
certain chemicals that allow very small suspended par- potable system can occur.
ticles to collide, stick together, and form settleable flocs.
Crown  p. 36  The top inside wall of a pipe.
Cogeneration p. 300  Energy recovery by production of
Cryptosporidium  pp. 7, 96, 133  A microscopic organism
both steam and electricity at a municipal solid waste
(protozoan) transmitted through ingestion of contami-
incineration facility.
nated drinking water; causes gastrointestinal disease.
Coliforms  p. 97  A group of mostly harmless bacteria that
Cullet  p. 306  Crushed glass recycled for use in the manu-
live in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals and
facture of new glass products.
are used as a biological indicator of water pollution.
Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) p. 210  A method for
Colloid  pp. 82, 140  Extremely small particles suspended
in water or wastewater that cannot be removed by plain sewer main repair that avoids the need for service-line
sedimentation or filtration without coagulation. excavations.
Combined sewer overflow p. 238  The discharge into Cyclone  p. 377  A mechanical air pollution control ­device
a stream, river, or lake of untreated wastewater from used to remove particulates.
a combined sewer; these overflows occur during wet
weather conditions when the combination of storm Darcy’s Law  p. 70  A formula that expresses the velocity
runoff and sanitary sewage exceeds the capacity of the of groundwater flow as a function of the slope of the
wastewater treatment plant to which it is flowing. water table and the soil permeability in the aquifer.
Comminutor p. 248  A mechanical cutting or shredding Day–Night Sound Level p. 396  A 24-h average sound
device often used for preliminary treatment of sewage. level with a 10-dB penalty for nighttime noises.
Communicable Disease p. 5  A contagious disease that Decibel p. 391  A unit of noise measurement that uses a
can be transmitted from person to person in a family or logarithmic scale and that is referenced to the lowest
community. audible sound.
Composite Sample  p. 101  A water or wastewater sample Deep Well p. 331  A relatively deep and narrow vertical
obtained by mixing individual grab samples taken at excavation drilled to penetrate an aquifer for water supply.
regular time intervals over the sampling period. Denitrification  p. 263  Conversion of nitrates to nitrogen
Compost  p. 302  The end product of the composting pro- gas in wastewater treatment systems.
cess, consisting of an inoffensive material resembling Desalination  p. 152  The process of separating freshwater
potting soil; also called humus. from seawater or brackish water; also called ­desalting.
426 Appendix E

Detention Basin  p. 230  A relatively small reservoir con- Ecosystem p. 20  An identifiable ecological system
structed to slow down or temporarily detain surface c­ ontaining plants and animals and the air, water, and
runoff from a storm. minerals necessary for their survival.
Detention Time  p. 137  The average amount of time water Effluent  p. 138  Waste or wastewater that flows out from
or sewage remains in a treatment tank or basin. a treatment plant or individual treatment process.
Dewatering  p. 280  Removal of water from sludge. Effluent Polishing  p. 260  A tertiary wastewater treatment
Direct Potable Reuse p. 267  A method that recycles step used to remove additional BOD and TSS from the
highly treated wastewater directly into the source water secondary effluent.
intake of a drinking water plant, without prior reten- Effluent Standards  p. 124  Limitations on the maximum
tion in an engineered or environmental storage buffer. amounts of pollutants that can be discharged from a
Discharge p. 266  The volume rate of flow in a stream, sewage treatment plant.
­river, or pipeline. Electrodialysis  p. 152  A process for desalination that uses a
Disinfection p. 145  The destruction of disease-causing voltage applied across saltwater and across a semiperme-
microbes in water or sewage effluent, usually by the able membrane that separates positive and negative ions.
addition of chlorine, ozone, or UV radiation. Electrostatic Precipitator  p. 377  An air-cleaning device
Disinfection Byproduct Rule p. 147  Standards estab- that removes very small particulates from flue gases in
lished by the EPA to eliminate harmful substances an electric field.
formed as by-products in drinking water due to disin- Element p. 77  A substance that cannot be divided into
fection by chlorination. simpler substances by ordinary chemical change.
Dispersed Source p. 106  A broad and unconfined area Environmental Justice p. 290  The need to ensure that
from which pollutants enter a body of water. new waste processing and disposal facilities do not inflict
Distribution Box  p. 272  A component of an on-site sew- unfair harm on groups of people by being improperly
age disposal system that receives septic tank effluent and sited in low-income communities, without full consid-
distributes the flow in equal portions to two or more dis- eration of all possible alternative locations.
posal pipes or fields. Environmental Lapse Rate p. 348  The naturally occur-
Diversity Index  p. 12  A measure of the variety and popu- ring rate of change in air temperature with altitude at a
lation density of different species in an ecosystem. particular time and place.
Dosing Chamber p. 276  A watertight box located Epidemic p. 6  The temporary but above-average occur-
between a septic tank and leaching field, equipped with rence and spread of a particular disease in a community.
a pump or siphon to deliver intermittent doses of efflu- Epilimnion p. 116  Uppermost relatively warm layer of a
ent to the disposal field. lake or reservoir.
Drainage Basin  p. 59 See catchment area. Equivalent Pipe  p. 179  A computed or theoretical diam-
Drainage Divide  p. 59  A line sketched on a topographic eter and/or length of pipe that would have the same
map that separates adjacent drainage basins; also called hydraulic characteristics as an actual series and/or par-
a ridgeline. allel pipe network.
Drain Field  p. 268 See leaching field. Equivalent Sound Level p. 395  An energy-averaged
Drawdown  pp. 45, 71  The vertical distance between the sound pressure level over a specific period of time.
static water level and the pumping water level in a well. Estuary  p. 122  A brackish water ecosystem between riv-
Drought p. 64  A long period of dry weather that causes ers and nearshore ocean waters, where freshwater mixes
low flows in streams and rivers and that affects water with salt water and shelter is provided for marine life,
supplies adversely. birds, and wildlife.
Dual Water system  p. 276  A water piping and distribu- Eutrophication pp. 12, 114  The natural aging of a lake,
tion system that provides two independent water flow characterized by high nutrient levels, excessive plant
networks within a single municipal or on-site service growth, and accumulation of bottom sediments.
area, that is, one for potable uses and another for non- Evaporation  p. 275  Change of phase of a liquid into a ­vapor.
potable uses. Evapotranspiration  p. 274  A part of the hydrologic cycle
Dump p. 309  An uncontrolled area where wastes have involving the combined processes of evaporation and
been placed in an environmentally unsound manner. transpiration of water by vegetation.
Dust p. 380  Suspended solid particles in air larger than Exfiltration Test p. 207  A method of testing sewer lines
1 mm in size. for watertightness, usually as part of an I/I survey.
Dustfall Bucket  p. 369  A simple device used to collect and Extended Aeration  p. 255  A modification of the conven-
measure settleable particulate levels in the atmosphere. tional activated sludge process for sewage treatment.
Glossary and Abbreviations 427

Facultative Bacteria p. 95  Bacteria that can thrive in Gage Pressure  p. 25  Pressure measured with reference to
either an aerobic or an anaerobic environment. atmospheric pressure as a zero or starting point.
Fecal Coliforms  p. 97  Coliform bacteria from the intes- Gamma Ray  p. 82  Ionizing radiation in the form of high-
tines of warm-blooded animals. energy x-rays.
Fecal Strep  p. 98 Fecal Streptococcus bacteria, which live Garbage p. 293  Food wastes in refuse, usually originat-
in the intestines of warm-blooded animals; used along ing in the kitchens of homes or restaurants and in food-
with fecal coliforms to determine the source of water processing plants.
pollution, whether of animal or human origin. Gate Valve p. 163  A valve used for complete shutoff of
Ferrous Metal  p. 305  Metal alloy containing mostly iron. flow in a water distribution network.
Filtration  p. 327  The removal of suspended particles from Geographic Information System  p. 183  A computerized
water or air using a porous material that allows the fluid mapping system capable of storing, manipulating, and
to pass through, but traps and retains the ­particles. displaying geographically referenced information; GIS.
Final Clarifier p. 251  A sedimentation tank that follows Geomembrane  p. 312 See flexible membrane liner.
a secondary (biological) wastewater treatment process. Global Warming  p. 5  Gradual increase in average atmo-
Flexible Membrane Liner p. 312  Plastic sheet used spheric temperature, attributed by many scientists to the
as an impermeable liner at a landfill; also called a greenhouse effect caused by fossil fuel combustion.
­geomembrane; FML. Grab Sample  p. 373  A single sample of water, wastewater,
Floc  p. 82  A particle large enough to settle out of w ­ ater or or air collected within a short time span for analysis of
wastewater, formed during the coagulation–flocculation pollutants.
process; also, settleable particles of activated sludge. Gradually Varied Flow p. 42  Open channel flow where
Flocculation p. 130  Gentle stirring of water or sewage the liquid depth changes from one end of the channel
after the addition of coagulation chemicals, which aid in reach to the other and the slope of the liquid surface is
the formation of settleable flocs. not parallel to the slope of the channel bottom.
Floodplain p. 236  The land along a river that would be Gravity Flow p. 36  Open channel flow in a pipe, ditch,
covered by water during a 100-year flood. or stream bed, characterized by a free liquid surface at
Flue Gas p. 298  Gases produced during combustion of atmospheric pressure.
MSW in an incinerator furnace. Graywater p. 160  Household wastewater from showers,
Flue Gas Desulfurization  p. 381  An air pollution control bathtubs, bathroom sinks, and washing machines.
process that removes sulfur oxides from the emissions Green Engineering  p. 20  Design, construction, and man-
from coal-fired power plants; FGD. ufacturing activities that focus on environmental sustain-
Fly Ash  p. 298  Finely divided suspended particles carried ability, and energy and natural resource conservation.
out of a furnace in the combustion gas. Greenhouse Effect  pp. 11, 356  The gradual warming of
Food Chain  p. 9  An interrelated series of living organisms the atmosphere due to increasing levels of carbon diox-
that feed on each other in a one-way pattern or direction: ide and other gases, and the trapping of radiated heat
the producers, the consumers, and the decay organisms. energy.
Food Web  p. 11  A complex food chain involving interac- Grit Chamber  p. 249  One of the preliminary processes in
tions among many different species of organisms. a sewage treatment plant, which serves to remove sand
and other inert gritty material from the sewage by grav-
Foot Valve  p. 164  A check valve installed at the end of a
ity settling
pump suction line in a well.
Groundwater  p. 69  Underground water that occupies the
Force Main p. 36  A pipeline through which sewage is
pore spaces in soil or fissures in rock.
pumped under pressure, usually to a sewage treatment
plant. Half-Life  p. 81  The time required for half of the atoms of
Fracking  p. 120 See Hydraulic Fracturing. a radioactive substance to decay.
Freeboard  p. 138  The vertical distance between the top of Hammer Mill p. 300  A mechanical device used to shred
a tank wall and the water surface in the tank. and pulverize municipal solid waste prior to composting
Frequency Analysis  p. 64  A statistical method for deter- and/or disposal.
mining the recurrence interval of storms, floods, or Hand Texturing  p. 269  A method used to determine soil
droughts; also, a method for analyzing complex noises. texture and to assess its suitability for use as a SWIS.
Freshwater  p. 277  Water that does not contain excesssive Hardness  p. 92  A property of water characterized by soap
amounts of dissolved salts (e.g., 500 mg/L of total dis- curdling and scale deposits in hot-water systems, caused
solved solids is the secondary MCL for drinking water primarily by the presence of dissolved calcium and mag-
in the United States). nesium salts.
428 Appendix E

Hardy Cross Method p. 181  A computational method Hypolimnion  p. 116  Lowermost relatively cold layer of a
for analyzing flows and pressures in interconnected lake or reservoir.
water distribution networks. Hypoxia  p. 88  Condition when dissolved oxygen concen-
Hazardous Waste pp. 82, 91  Dangerous waste material tration in a water body decreases to less than 30 percent
that can cause serious illness, injury, or death, and envi- of the saturation value.
ronmental damage. Hypoxic Zone p. 122  A part of an aquatic ecosystem in
Hazen–Williams Equation  p. 33  A formula used to com- which dissolved oxygen levels are too low to support
pute major pressure losses in water distribution mains aerobic organisms.
and to design the mains.
Heavy Metals  pp. 7, 94  Metals such as mercury or lead Igneous Rock  p. 15  Rock that has cooled and solidified
that have high molecular weights and are toxic to living from an original hot, molten condition.
organisms at trace levels. Ignitable Waste p. 322  A hazardous waste that can
Hertz  p. 390  Unit of frequency, or cycles per second (e.g., readily cause a fire during its storage, treatment, or
of a sound wave). disposal.
Heterotrophic Organism  p. 10  An organism that cannot I/I Survey  p. 207  A field survey for measuring the extent
manufacture its own food by photosynthesis and must of infiltration and inflow in a sanitary sewer system.
consume plants or animals for energy. Imhoff Cone p. 91  A graduated transparent glass cone
High-Level Radioactive Waste  p. 323  Spent nuclear fuel used in laboratories for volumetric determination of
from nuclear power plants. settleable solids content in sewage.
High-Volume Sampler  p. 370  A filtration device used for Incineration p. 297  An engineered process using con-
collecting and measuring the amount of suspended par- trolled combustion to burn solid waste and/or sewage
ticulates in a relatively large sample of air; also called a sludge for volume reduction and disposal.
hi-vol sampler. Indirect Potable Reuse  p. 266  Augmentation of a drink-
Humus  p. 302  The end product of garbage and/or sludge ing water source (surface or ground water) with reclaimed
composting. wastewater, using an engineered or environmental stor-
Hydraulic Fracturing p. 120  A drilling procedure that age buffer that precedes drinking water treatment.
improves the flow of natural gas through layers of rock Industrial Sewage  p. 189  Used water from industrial or
for its recovery and use as a source of energy; also called manufacturing facilities that carries primarily chemical
fracking. waste products.
Hydraulic Grade Line  p. 33  A graph of pressure head in a Infiltration pp. 16, 264  In hydrology, a term referring
hydraulic system, usually comprising a series of sloping to the penetration of water from precipitation into the
straight lines that show a drop in pressure in the direc- ground. In sanitary sewer systems, a term referring to
tion of flow. the seepage of groundwater into the sewer line through
Hydraulic Jump  p. 45  Rapidly varied flow which occurs poorly constructed joints or cracks.
when flow passes from supercritical to subcritical con- Inflow p. 207  Unwanted runoff that gets into a sanitary
ditions, characterized by a relatively sudden increase in sewer from illegal connections to roof drains or base-
depth and turbulent flow. ment sump pumps.
Hydraulics  p. 24  The study of water at rest and in motion Influent Stream  p. 70  A perennial stream that has a base
in tanks, reservoirs, pipelines, and pumping systems. flow sustained by groundwater seepage.
Hydrocarbon p. 84  An organic substance that contains Inorganic Compound p. 78  Mineral substances, usually
only hydrogen and carbon atoms. not containing carbon.
Hydrograph p. 62  A graph of stream or river discharge Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge p. 265 An
versus time. innovative sewage treatment method using small plastic
Hydrologic Cycle p. 52  The cycle of water moving sponges or rings, called carriers, suspended in the acti-
through the environment as rainfall, surface and sub- vated sludge tank; the carriers increase the total biomass
surface flow, and vapor. undergoing nitrification and allow the system to operate
Hydrology  p. 50  The study of the occurrence and distri- at higher organic loading rates.
bution of water on and under Earth’s surface. Invert  p. 36  The bottom inside wall surface of a pipe.
Hydrostatic Pressure  p. 25  The force per unit area on the Ion  p. 81  An atom or group of atoms that become electri-
walls of a tank, dam, or pipe caused by the action of a cally charged by gaining or losing electrons.
stationary liquid such as water or sewage.
Ionization  p. 81  The process by which molecules disso-
Hyetograph  p. 54  A graph of rainfall intensity versus time. ciate into charged fragments called ions or radicals.
Glossary and Abbreviations 429

Isokinetic Sample p. 368  A sample drawn through a Major Losses  p. 34  Energy loss in a pipeline, manifested
probe in a smokestack at the same velocity as the gas in as a pressure drop due to friction between the layers of
the stack. flowing water and the pipe wall.
Isotopes  p. 81  Chemical elements with the same atomic Manhole  p. 223  A structure that provides access to a sewer
number but different atomic mass. system for inspection, cleaning, maintenance, sampling,
or flow measurement.
Jar Test p. 140  A lab procedure used to determine the
Manifest System p. 324  The federally mandated pro-
optimum coagulant dose in a water treatment plant.
cedure for monitoring or tracking hazardous waste
Jevon’s paradox  p. 159  The proposition that technologi- ­material from cradle to grave.
cal progress that increases the efficiency with which a
Marston’s Formula  p. 203  An equation used to estimate
resource is used tends to increase, rather than decrease,
the external load acting on a buried pipe for the purpose
the rate of consumption of that resource.
of designing its bedding.
Land Disposal  p. 3  Placement of treated wastewater onto Mass Burning  p. 299  The incineration of raw or unpro-
the ground in a way that facilitates its further purifi- cessed municipal solid waste in an energy recovery
cation as it percolates through soil; also, placement of facility.
MSW into sanitary landfill. Materials Recycling Facility  p. 3  A facility in which com-
Landfills  p. 118 See sanitary landfill and secure landfill. mingled recyclable materials are separated from refuse,
Land Subsidence p. 72  A drop in land surface eleva- sorted, and prepared for marketing; MRF.
tion that can be caused by excessive groundwater Maximum Contaminant Level p. 131  The highest con-
withdrawal. centration of a substance allowed in public drinking
Land Treatment p. 327  The controlled spreading of water supplies; MCL.
wastewater, sludge, or hazardous waste on selected land Maximum Contaminant Level Goal p. 131  A level of a
parcels for waste treatment and/or disposal. drinking water contaminant not expected to cause any
Lateral  p. 272  A relatively small sewer in a public right- harmful health effect, published as an MCL goal, but not
of-way that collects wastewater directly from homes or as an enforceable standard; MCLG.
buildings. Membrane Bioreactor  p. 264  An innoative system used
Lateral Sewers p. 190  Sewers that convey wastewater for biological wastewater treatment in which aeration
directly from individual buildings to a larger collector and clarification occur in a single basin.
sewer. Membrane Filter Method p. 98  A technique for testing
Leachate p. 3  Highly contaminated liquid generated in the bacteriological quality of water, using a very fine
and tending to flow out of a sanitary landfill, thereby paper filter to trap and collect the bacteria.
causing water pollution. Metabolism p. 9  Biochemical process by which living
Leaching Field p. 268  An area comprising several organisms produce energy to sustain themselves.
trenches and buried perforated pipes for the distribu- Metamorphic Rock  p. 15  Rock formed from igneous or
tion and absorption of septic tank effluent in soil; also sedimentary rock due to the action of extreme heat and
called an absorption field. pressure over long time periods.
LEED  p. 159  A collection of rating systems for the design, Meteorology p. 346  The study of weather patterns and
construction, and operation of high-performance green events in the troposphere.
buildings, homes, and neighborhoods.
Microbar p. 391  A unit for expressing sound pressures,
Lift Station p. 199  A pumping facility for lifting sewage equal to one millionth of standard atmospheric pressure.
from a low point and moving it in a force main to a
higher elevation, usually to a treatment plant. Microbe p. 6  A tiny single-celled living organism seen
with the aid of a microscope.
Low-Impact Development  p. 216 An engineering
and design approach to site design and building con- Microconstituents p. 94 See contaminents of emerging
struction, which minimizes adverse environmental concern.
effects due to changes in topography, vegetation, pave- Microfiltration p. 429  A physical treatment process in
ment, stormwater runoff, and other aspects of land which hydrostatic pressure forces water against a thin
development. sheet of permeable material to separate substances from
Low-Level Radioactive Waste  p. 323  Radioactive trash the water; used primarily for advanced water or waste-
from commercial, medical, or research activities. water treatment applications and desalination.
Low-Pressure Air Test  p. 207  A method for determining Minor Losses p. 34  Energy loss in flowing water mani-
the degree of watertightness of a sanitary sewer system fested as a pressure drop that occurs as the water flows
during an I/I study. through vales, bends, and other pipeline fittings.
430 Appendix E

Mist p. 352  Very small liquid droplets suspended in the Organic Compound  p. 78  A substance usually made up
atmosphere. of complex molecules that comprise carbon with hydro-
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids  p. 253  The contents of gen, oxygen, and other elements.
an activated sludge aeration tank at a secondary sewage Outfall Pipe  p. 246  A conduit that conveys wastewater to
treatment plant; MLSS. a point of disposal in a river, lake, or ocean.
Molecule p. 77  The smallest fragment of a compound Overland Flow pp. 59, 263  Runoff that has not yet
that can exist and still retain the same chemical reached a well-defined stream channel or ditch; also
­properties. called sheet flow.
Most Probable Number p. 100  A statistical estimate of Overland Flow Time  p. 218  The time it takes sheet flow
coliform bacteria concentration in a sample of water or to reach a stream or a stormwater inlet; one part of the
wastewater, based on the results of the multiple-tube fer- time of concentration.
mentation test; MPN. Oxidation  p. 298  A chemical reaction involving combina-
Multiple-Tube Fermentation p. 98  A method for esti- tion with oxygen and/or loss of electrons.
mating the concentration of coliform bacteria in water Oxidation Ditch  p. 256  A concrete-lined basin that uses
or wastewater. mechanical aerators to propel sewage around the basin
Multipurpose Reservoir p. 65  A large reservoir built to and provide secondary treatment.
satisfy two or more needs, including flood control, water Oxidation–Reduction p. 325  A process of complemen-
supply, power generation, irrigation, and recreation. tary chemical reactions involving the transfer of elec-
Multistage Flash Distilation  p. 152  A thermal process for trons among ions used to treat certain hazardous wastes.
desalination that evaporates water at lowered air pres-
sures in a series of closed vessels. Parshall Flume p. 42  A constricted section in an open
Municipal Solid Waste  p. 293  Nonhazardous refuse gen- channel, for the purpose of measuring flow rate.
erated by individual and community activities; MSW. Particulate Matter  p. 350  A very small fragment of a solid
Mutagenic p. 94  Causing harmful health effects in the or liquid substance that is suspended in the ­atmosphere.
next generation. Pascal  p. 25  A unit of pressure, equal to 1 N per square
Nappe  p. 40  A sheet of water that flows freely over a dam Pathogen p. 6  A type of microorganism that can cause
or weir. disease.
Natural Attenuation p. 309  The process by which pol- Percolation pp. 16, 264  The flow of water through the
lutants are eventually diminished or destroyed in the pore spaces of soil, due to gravity.
environment by naturally occuring physical, chemical,
Perc Test p. 269  A field test to determine the rate at
or biologic processes.
which water seeps into the ground at a given site, used
Natural Succession  p. 12  A process by which healthy eco- for septic system design.
systems gradually age and change form as time passes.
Perennial Stream p. 62  A stream that has flow all year,
Net Positive Suction Head  p. 169  In centrifugal pump- despite periods of drought.
ing systems, the total pressure on the inlet side of the
Permeability p. 15  The ability of porous soil or rock to
allow the flow of water through voids and fissures.
Nitrification p. 11  The conversion of ammonia into
Phon p. 393  Sound-level units representing constant
nitrates by bacterial action, causing a decrease in dis-
loudness over a wide range of frequencies.
solved oxygen levels in water or sewage.
Photochemical Smog p. 351  Air pollution caused
Nomograph p. 33  A chart used to solve equations
by the action of sunlight on nitrogen oxides and
Noninfectious Disease p. 5  A disease that is not trans-
Photosynthesis  p. 9  The natural process by which green
mitted from person to person.
plants convert carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and sun-
Normal Depth  p. 42  The depth of steady, uniform flow in light energy into basic food substances.
an open channel, when the slope of the liquid surface is
Phreatic Surface  p. 69 See water table.
parallel to the slope of the channel bottom.
Phytoplankton  p. 96  Tiny autotrophic plants (i.e., algae)
Oligotrophic Lake p. 114  A relatively deep, cold, clear that live in water.
young lake, with little aquatic life. Picocurie  p. 364  A unit of radiation used to express radon
Open Channel Flow  p. 36  Gravity flow in a pipe or open levels or concentrations; 1 picocurie is equivalent to one
conduit with a free surface at atmospheric pressure. trillionth of the decay rate of 1 g of radium.
Glossary and Abbreviations 431

Piezometric Surface  pp. 28, 69  An imaginery surface or Pump Head Curve p. 168  A graph that shows the rela-
line that represents the height to which water would rise tionship between flow rate and pressure head on the
in an artesian well or in a water main. ­discharge side of a pump.
Pit Privy  p. 268 See cesspool. Putrefaction  p. 10  Anaerobic decay of protein compounds.
Planimeter p. 60  A device used to measure the area Pyrolysis  p. 300  A high-temperature thermal conversion
enclosed within an irregular boundary, such as a ridge- process using little or no oxygen for processing munici-
line, on a scaled map. pal solid waste.
Plasma  p. 326  A state of matter in the form of a gaslike
Radionuclides  p. 81  Elements that emit potentially harm-
cloud at extremely high temperatures, so that the
ful radiation as they undergo a process of natural decay.
­particles in it are electrically charged and respond to
electromagnetic fields; plasma gasification is an emerg- Radius of Influence  p. 71  The horizontal distance from
ing technology in MSW incineration. a well to the area where the water table elevation is not
affected by pumping.
Plasma Arc Gasification pp. 78, 300  A process in which
the extremely high temperature of a plasma arc created by Rainfall Intensity p. 54  The rate of rainfall expressed in
graphite electrodes converts MSW into a “synthesis gas,” terms of inches per hour or millimeters per hour.
called syngas, which can then be used as an energy source. Rational Formula  p. 218  A common procedure for esti-
Point of Concentration  p. 59  A point in a watershed for mating peak stormwater runoff rates.
which runoff quantities are calculated. Reach p. 36  A length of a stream, channel, or pipeline
Point Source p. 106  A pipe, channel, or chimney from
that has a constant slope and cross section.
which pollutants are discharged directly into a body of Reactive Waste  p. 322  Hazardous waste material that is
water or the air. explosive, flammable, or highly corrosive.
Pollutant Standards Index  p. 376 See Air Quality Index. Reaeration  p. 110  A natural process that occurs in flow-
ing streams, by which air is mixed in the water, thereby
Pollution p. 106  Contamination of air, water, or land by
increasing the dissolved oxygen level; also, part of con-
substances that can damage ecosystems or harm public
tact stabilization.
health and welfare.
Recharge Area p. 69  A region where water infiltrates
Pores  p. 16  The spaces or voids formed among adjacent
the ground surface and percolates to the underlying
soil particles.
groundwater aquifer.
Porosity p. 15  The percentage of rock or soil volume
Recharge Basin  pp. 72, 230  A reservoir built specifically
occupied by spaces or voids.
to collect stormwater runoff and allow it to percolate to
Potable Water p. 2  Freshwater that is crystal clear, safe, an underlying aquifer.
and pleasant to drink. Recurrence Interval  p. 55  The average number of years
Preliminary Treatment p. 248  The first steps in sewage between storms of specific intensities and durations;
treatment, including the physical processes of screening, also, return period.
comminution, and grit removal. Recycling p. 295  The recovery, reprocessing, and reuse
Pressure Head p. 27  The height of a column of liquid, of certain discarded materials as an alternative to final
usually water, that a given hydrostatic pressure in a waste disposal.
­water distribution system could support. Reduction p. 325  A chemical reaction involving the
Pretreatment p. 248  The removal of pollutants from removal of oxygen from and/or the addition of electrons
industrial sewage before it is discharged into a munici- to a compound.
pal sewerage system, to reduce its strength and toxicity Refuse  p. 293  All the solid waste from a community that
so that it will not overload the municipal system. requires collection and hauling to a disposal or process-
Primary Pollutant p. 350  A substance that is emitted ing site, including garbage, rubbish, and trash.
directly into the environment and that causes harm in Refuse-Derived Fuel  p. 299  The combustible portion of
its original form. solid waste burned for energy in an incinerator; RDF.
Primary Standards p. 375  Air and water quality stan- Respiration  p. 10  The process by which organic material
dards that protect public health. is oxidized inside the cells of living organisms, providing
Primary Treatment p. 249  The removal of floating and energy for growth and reproduction.
settleable solids from wastewater by screening and grav- Retention Basin  p. 230  A small reservoir holding a per-
ity settling, preceding secondary treatment processes. manent pool of water, constructed to retain stormwater
Protozoa  p. 7  Microscopic single-celled animals that con- runoff.
sume bacteria and algae for food. Return Period  p. 55 See recurrence interval.
432 Appendix E

Reverse Osmosis  p. 152  A process for desalination that Secure Landfill  pp. 3, 329  A landfill constructed with a dou-
makes use of a semipermeable membrane to separate ble impermeable bottom liner, a double leachate collection
salt solutions of two different concentrations. system, an impermeable cover or cap, and a groundwater
Revulcanization  p. 306  The process by which waste rub- monitoring system for the disposal of hazardous waste.
ber is processed for reuse as part of a solid waste recy- Sedimentary Rock p. 15  Compacted and consolidated
cling program. soil particles that have become cemented together natu-
Ridgeline  p. 59  A line sketched on a topographic map to rally over a long period of time.
show the separation of adjacent watersheds; also, drain- Sedimentation  p. 130  The slow settling and separation of
age divide line. suspended solids from a liquid under the force of gravity.
Ringlemann Smoke Chart  p. 371  A set of five standard Septage  p. 270  The contents of a septic tank.
shades of gray used for visual measurement of smoke
Septic  p. 2  Anaerobic, or without oxygen.
plume density.
Septic Tank p. 268  A buried steel or concrete tank that
River Basin p. 60  A large watershed encompassing a
serves for primary settling, sludge digestion, and storage
major river and all its tributary streams.
in an on-site sanitary sewage disposal system.
Rotating Biological Contactor  p. 256 See biodisc.
Septic Tank Effluent Pump p. 212  A pump that moves
Rubbish p. 293  The dry, nonbiodegradable portion of settled sewage from a septic tank into a pressure sewer
solid waste. system.
Runoff p. 59  Water from rain or snowmelt that flows
Settling Chamber p. 378  An enlarged compartment or
overland to lakes, streams, and rivers. section of a flue in which airstream velocity is reduced
so as to allow relatively coarse particulates or dust to
Safe Yield p. 71  The rate at which water can be with-
settle out by gravity.
drawn from a well without pumping it dry.
Saltwater Intrusion p. 153  Gradual displacement of Settling Tank  p. 136  A steel or concrete basin in which set-
fresh groundwater by seawater or brackish water, due to tleable solids are allowed to separate from water or waste-
excessive pumping of groundwater. water under the force of gravity; also called a clarifier.
Sanitary Landfill  p. 3  An engineered facility for disposal Sewage  p. 2  Used water from domestic, commercial, or
of municipal solid waste on land, without endangering industrial establishments carrying sanitary or industrial
public health or causing environmental damage. waste material; also, wastewater.
Sanitary Sewage p. 189  Sewage that contains human Sewer p. 189  A pipeline that conveys wastewater to a
wastes and washwater from homes, public buildings, point of treatment.
and commercial facilities. Sewerage System p. 189  A physical network of pipe-
Sanitation  p. 1  The promotion of cleanliness for the pre- lines, pumping stations, appurtenances, and treatment
vention of disease and for public health protection. systems that collect and purify wastewater before it is
Screening  p. 248  A physical treatment process for water
discharged into a body of water.
or wastewater in which relatively large floating objects Shallow Depth Sedimentation  p. 139  A water clarifica-
are removed as the liquid passes through a coarse bar tion technology that utilizes prefabricated modules of
screen or wire mesh screen. inclined plates or tubes in settling tanks to increase sedi-
Scrubber p. 378  An air-cleaning device that traps par- mentation efficiency.
ticulates or gases in a spray of water; also called a wet Sheet Flow  p. 59  Runoff that has not yet reached a well-
collector or spray tower. defined stream channel or drainage ditch; also, overland
SCS Method  p. 222  A procedure for estimating the vol- flow.
ume and rate of stormwater runoff using soil type as a Short-Circuiting  p. 139  A term referring to the condition
major criterion. in which water or wastewater flows through a treatment
Secondary Clarifier  p. 251 See final clarifiers. tank in less than the theoretical detention time based on
the tank volume and flow rate.
Secondary Pollutant  p. 350  A pollutant that is not emit-
ted directly into the atmosphere, but is formed after Shutoff Head p. 168  The pressure head developed by
emission by chemical reactions with other substances. a centrifugal pump that operates against a closed dis-
Secondary Standards  p. 375  Air and water quality stan- charge valve.
dards that relate to esthetic impacts rather than health Sick Building Syndrome p. 366  Indoor air pollution in
impacts. an office building, characterized by unspecific illness
Secondary Treatment  p. 2  Biological treatment of waste- among occupants.
water designed to remove at least 85 percent of the sus- Side Water Depth  p. 138  Actual depth of water or sewage
pended solids and biochemical oxygen demand. in a treatment tank; SWD.
Glossary and Abbreviations 433

Sludge p. 3  A slurry or concentrated suspension of solids Standard Methods p. 77  An important reference and
that accumulates at the bottom of a settling tank or clarifier. guide for water and wastewater sampling and analysis,
Sludge Digestion  p. 280  Biological stabilization of published jointly by the APHA, AWWA, and the WPCF.
organic sludge to reduce its volume, destroy pathogens, Static Level  p. 71  The position or elevation of the water
and prepare it for drying. surface in a well that is not being pumped at the time.
Sludge Thickening p. 280  A process that increases the Storm Sewers  p. 225  Pipelines that are designed to carry
solids concentration of sludge in order to reduce its only stormwater to a point of storage or disposal.
overall volume. Stratosphere p. 347  A stable layer of the atmosphere
Sludge Volume Index p. 254  A measure or indicator of located just above the troposphere.
the settling behavior of activated sludge in a secondary Submain p. 190  A relatively large sanitary sewer that
clarifier. intercepts the flow from smaller lateral sewers; also
Smoke p. 352  Very small airborne solid particulates, called a collector sewer.
less than 1 mm in size, formed during incomplete Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration System p. 272 An
combustion. underground network if perforated pipes in gravel that
Smoke Testing p. 207  A method for testing a sanitary distributes septic tank effluent over a sizable area, allow-
sewer system for watertightness during an I/I survey. ing the effluent to readily percolate downward by gravity
Soil Erosion  p. 109  Movement of soil by flowing water or to the water table.
wind from one location to another. Summation Hydrograph  p. 66  A graph that shows cumu-
Soil Horizons  p. 268  Layers of soil with similar color, tex- lative flow versus time and is used to determine required
ture, and structure. reservoir storage volumes; also called a mass diagram.
Soil Series p. 17  A group of related soils that have Supercritical Flow p. 44  Open channel flow where the
developed from similar rocks and that have similar depth is lower than the critical depth; typically shallow
characteristics. flow at high velocity on steep slopes.
Soil Structure p. 269  The arrangement or grouping of Superfund  p. 331  A large fund of money set aside by the
soil particles. federal government to help pay for cleaning up aban-
doned hazardous waste dump sites.
Soil Survey Map p. 18  A map prepared by the Natural
Resource Conservation Service showing the soil series Supernatant p. 252  The water that remains above the
in different areas of a county. sludge layer in a settling tank or digester.
Solid Waste Management  p. 292  The planning, Surface Water  p. 59  Water in lakes, streams, and rivers.
design, construction, and operation of facilities for Suspended Solids  p. 91  Solids carried in water or sewage
the collection, transport, processing, and disposal of that would be retained on a glass-fiber filter in a stan-
solid waste. dard lab test.
Sound Exposure Level p. 395  A measure of noise that Syngas p. 300  A product of plasma gasification, a pro-
takes into account the variable durations of noise events. cess used to treat hazardous waste and MSW, that can
Sound Level p. 393  A measure of noise, using a meter be converted into hydrocarbon fuel or used for chemical
that weights or adjusts the readings so as to respond manufacturing processes.
approximately as the human ear perceives sound, usu- System Head Curve  p. 170  A graph that shows the rela-
ally expressed in units of dBA. tionship between the flow rate and the total dynamic
Sound Pressure Level  p. 391  The magnitude or volume head in a water distribution system.
of sound as computed using a formula involving a ratio
Temperature Inversion  p. 349  An atmospheric condition
of actual sound pressure to a reference sound pressure,
in which air temperature increases with altitude, instead
expressed in dB.
of decreasing as normal.
Source Reduction  p. 295 See waste minimization.
Tertiary Treatment p. 260  Processes used after or dur-
Source Sampling  p. 367  Air samples collected from the ing secondary wastewater treatment to remove nutri-
pollutant source; also called emissions sampling. ents and/or additional solids and organics; also called
Source Separation  p. 296  Segregation of paper and other advanced treatment or effluent polishing.
recyclables from garbage at the point of waste generation. Test Pit p. 268  An excavation, usually by backhoe, to
Specific Energy  p. 42  The sum of the depth of flow and observe and sample soil suitability for subsurface sew-
the velocity head in open channel flow. age disposal.
Stack Sampling  p. 367  Collecting samples of flue gas by Thermal Pollution  p. 108  The change in water tempera-
a probe that is inserted directly into the stack, for emis- ture of a river or lake, usually caused by cooling water
sion analysis. discharge from power plants.
434 Appendix E

Thermal Stratification p. 116  The natural process by Underground Injection  p. 331  A method for disposing
which separate layers form in lakes because of water of hazardous waste by pumping it through deep wells
temperature differences. into confined porous aquifers; also called deep well
Thermocline p. 116  A layer of water that separates the injection.
upper, epilimnion, from the lower, hypolimnion, layer
in a stratified lake. Vacuum Filter  p. 282  A mechanical device used at a sew-
age treatment plant for sludge dewatering.
Time of Concentration  p. 219  The time it takes a drop of
water to flow from the most distant point of a watershed Vadose Zone  p. 69 See zone of aeration.
to the outlet; also, the storm duration used in the ratio- Vectorborne  p. 6  A mode of disease transmission through
nal method for runoff calculations. insects, rodents, or other living animal carriers of patho-
Tipping Floor  p. 307  Unloading area for solid waste at an genic organisms.
incinerator or transfer station. Vehicleborne  p. 6  A mode of disease transmission from
Total Coliform  p. 97  Bacteria that are used as indicators of contaminated inanimate objects, including food and
pollution in drinking water. water.
Total Dynamic Head  p. 168  The total pressure head in a Volatile Organic Compound  p. 131  Any organic com-
system against which a centrifugal pump operates; TDH. pound that readily evaporates and participates in
atmospheric photochemical reactions to form smog;
Total Static Head p. 170  The vertical distance between
the free water surfaces on the suction side and the dis-
charge side of a pump.
Waste Minimization p. 320  Reduction of waste at the
Toxic Waste  p. 321  Poisonous waste that causes acute ill- source by process changes or recycling.
ness, death, or chronic health problems.
Water Hammer p. 161  A sudden increase in the water
Transfer Station  p. 311  A centrally located facility where pressure in a pipeline, sometimes caused by excessively
refuse from individual collection trucks is transferred rapid closure of a valve; forces created by the surge in
into larger vehicles for transport to a more distant dis- pressure may be high enough to damage or burst the
posal site. pipe.
Transpiration p. 52  A process whereby water is used by Watershed  p. 59  The land area that contributes runoff to
vegetation and then returned to the atmosphere through a stream or lake; also called drainage basin and catch-
openings in the leaves. ment area.
Trash  p. 293  Community refuse that requires special col- Water Table  pp. 18, 69  The top of the zone of satura-
lection, such as an old mattress. tion, where all soil voids are filled with groundwa-
Treatment Technique  p. 131  A specific treatment process ter at atmospheric pressure; static water surface in
(e.g., filtration) required to remove certain contaminants a well.
from drinking water, used in lieu of an MCL for sub- Weir  pp. 40, 63  An obstruction or small dam placed in a
stances that are very difficult or costly to measure; TT. flowing stream or channel, usually to measure the flow
Trenchless Construction p. 206  A method of install- rate.
ing underground pipelines using horizontal directional Windrow p. 303  A long, narrow pile of garbage and/or
drilling methods rather than excavating open trenches. sewage sludge in an open-field composting facility.
Trickling Filter  p. 250  A biological sewage treatment unit Working Level  p. 364  A unit of measure for exposure to
in which dissolved organics are absorbed from the set- radon gas radiation.
tled sewage as it flows over a bed of slime-covered rocks.
Troposphere p. 347  The lowermost layer of the atmo- Zero-Emission vehicle  p. 374  An alternative to vehicles
sphere, in which life is sustained, weather patterns powered by internal combustion engines, such as solar-
develop, and most air pollution problems occur. powered or electric vehicles.
Trunk Line  p. 190  A large sewer that collects wastewater Zone of Aeration  p. 69  The upper layer of soil, in which
from submains and conveys it to a treatment plant or the voids or spaces between the soil particles are not
pumping station; also called an interceptor. completely filled with groundwater.
Tuberculation p. 161  The formation of nodules of rust Zone of Saturation p. 69  The layer of soil or rock
on the inside wall of a pipe, increasing pressure loss and in which all the voids or fissures are filled with
decreasing flow capacity. groundwater.
Turbidity p. 86  A measure of the light-scattering effect Zooplankton p. 96  Tiny, free-floating animals in water,
caused by finely divided suspended particles in water. which serve as food for fish and other organisms.
Glossary and Abbreviations 435

AC pipe asbestos cement pipe FGD flue-gas desulfurization
ach air changes per hour FRPP fiber reinforced polymer pipe
ACS alternative collection system F/M food-to-microorganism ratio
AFY acre feet per year FML flexible membrane liner
APHA American Public Health Association GAC granular activated carbon
AQI Air Quality Index GCM global circulation model
AWWA American Water Works Association GFRP glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe
BAC biologically activated carbon GIS geographic information system
BAF biological aerated filter gpcd gallons per capita per day
BFR ballasted floc reactor gpg grains per gallon
BMP best management practice gpm gallons per minute
BOD biochemical oxygen demand HDPE high-density polyethylene
BOP best operating point HGL hydraulic grade line
CAA Clean Air Act HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
CEC contaminents of emerging concern HWM hazardous waste management
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Hz hertz (cps)
Compensation, and Liability Act IAQ indoor air quality
CFC chlorofluorocarbons IDF intensity–duration–frequency
cfs cubic feet per second IFAS integrated fixed-film activated sludge
CI pipe cast-iron pipe I/I infiltration and inflow
CIPP cured-in-place-pipe IPR indirect potable reuse
cmd cubic meters per day JTU Jackson turbidity unit
COD chemical oxygen demand LEED leadership in energy and environmental
COH coefficient of haze design
cps cycles per second LID Low-impact development
CSO combined sewer overflow LNAPL light nonaqueous-phase liquids
CSS combined sewer system MA7CD10 minimum average 7-consecutive-day 10-
CWA Clean Water Act year low flow
DAF dissolved air flotation MBR membrane bioreactor
dB decibel MCF membrane cartridge filter
dBA decibel, A-weighted MCL maximum contaminant level
DBR disinfection by-product rule MCLG maximum contaminant level goal
DIP ductile iron pipe MF microfiltration
DNAPL dense nonaqueous-phase liquids mgd million gallons per day
DNL day–night level MLSS mixed liquor suspended solids
DO dissolved oxygen MPN most probable number
DPR direct potable reuse MRF materials recycling facility
EIA environmental impact assessment MSW municipal solid waste
EIS environmental impact statement MSWLF municipal solid waste landfill
EPA Environmental Protection Agency NAAQS national ambient air quality standards
ETS environmental tobacco smoke NAPL nonaqueous-phase liquids
FBRR Filter Backwash Recycling Rule NEPA National Environmental Policy Policies Act
436 Appendix E

NF nanofiltration SEL sound exposure level

NFIP National Flood Insurance Program SIP state implementation plan
NIMBY not in my backyard SBR sequencing batch reactor
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination SOC synthetic organic chemical
System SPL sound pressure level
NPSH net positive suction head SPS source performance standards
NRC noise reduction coefficient SS suspended solids
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service SSO sanitary sewer overflow
NSPS new source performance standards STC sound transmission class
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit STEP septic tank effluent pump
O&M operation and maintence STP sewage treatment plant
OCC old corrugated cardboard SVI sludge volume index
ONP old newspaper SWD sidewater depth
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act SWIS subsurface wastewater infiltration
OWTS on-site waste treatment system system
PCB polychlorinated biphenol SWMM Stormwater Management Model
PET polyethylene teraphthalate SWTR Surface Water Treatment Rule
PM particulate mater (airborne) TARP Tunnel and Reservoir Project
POP persistent organic pollutant TCLP toxicity characteristics leaching procedure
POTW publically owned treatment works TDH total dynamic head
PPCP pharmaceuticals and personal care products TDS total dissolved solids
PPL pits, ponds, lagoons TLV threshold limit value
ppm parts per million TOC total organic carbon
PSI Pollutant Standards Index TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons
psi pounds per square inch TS total solids
PURPA Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
RBC rotating biological contactor TSDF treatment, storage, and disposal facility
RBCA risk-based corrective action TSP total suspended particulates
RCP reinforced concrete pipe TSS total suspended solids
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act TT treatment technique
RDF refuse-derived fuel TTHM total trihalomethanes
RFG reformulated gasoline UF ultrafiltration
RI/FS remedial investigation/feasibility study USDA United States Department of Agriculture
rms root mean square USGBC United States Green Building Council
RO reverse osmosis USGS United States Geological Survey
SARA Superfund Amendments and UST underground storage tank
Reauthorization Act UV Ultraviolet
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition VFD variable frequency drive
SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus VOC volatile organic compound
SCS Soil Conservation Service WEF Water Environment Federation
SDGS small-diametres gravity sewer WL working level
SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act WTP water treatment plant
Appendix F

Answers to Practice Problems

Chapter 2
nswers have been rounded off to reflect the pre-
cision of the data and/or the accuracy of assumed
factors in the problems.
Chapter 8
1.  830 gpm 2. 
300.70 4. 
60 L>s 3.  350 mm at 2.5 percent; 303.20,
200 mm at 0.0213; 300 mm at 0.00725 5. 
lb>ft 6. Class B 7.  Class C 8.  14 L>min 9. 
870 gal>
1.  22 psi; 8.6 psi 2.  5 m 3.  290 kPa 4.  115 ft; 32 psi 
5.  40 kPa; 4 m 6.  1.4 m>s 7.  12 in. 8.  8 m>s 9.  0.67 Chapter 9
m>s 10.  48 psi 11.  660 kPa 12.  13 kPa 13.  10.5 in.;
use 12-in. standard size 14.  100 L>s 15.  2 cfs 16.  63 L>s  1.  18 cfs 2. 750 L>s 3. 0.30 4. 0.34 5. 0.26 to 0.45 
17.  560 L>s; 1.17 m>s 18.  1800 gpm; 2.3 ft>s 19.  450 mm  6.  44 cfs 7. 3 m3>s 8. 4 m3>s 9. 15 m3>s 10. 1400
20.  0.05 percent 21. 130 mm; 1.8 m>s 22. 1900 gpm; cfs; 2400 cfs 11.  11 cfs, 24 in.; 23 cfs, 30 in.; 35 cfs, 36 in. 
17 in. 23.  1 m>s; 580 L>s; 740 mm 24.  100 L>s; 1.3 m>s  12.  220 L>s, 600 mm; 400 L>s, 650 mm; 600 L>s, 650 mm 
25.  500 L>s 26.  0.16 ft3>s 27.  12 L>s 28. 120 L>s 13.  1.3 m3>s 14. 12,000 m3 15. 1.2 ac

Chapter 3 Chapter 10
1.  50 mm>h; 375 ML  2. 2 in.>h; 8 ac–ft; 350,000 ft3  1.  18 mg>L; 1500 lb>d 2. 96 percent; 150 kg>d 3. 70
3.  4 in.>h; 1.7 in.>h; 2 in.>h 4. 1 percent 5.  27 mm>h  percent 4. 140 ppm 5. 6 mgd 6. 19 m3>m2 d;
6.  5 percent 7.  35 m3>s 8.  See instructor for solution.  0.5 kg>m3 # d 7. 31 mg>L; 86 percent 8. 0.21 9. 6 m 
9.  40 * 106 gal 10.  0.9 mm>h 11.  sand 12.  30 m3>h; 10.  250; no 11. 50 min>25 mm 12. 20 min>in. 
33 m >h 13.  7 at 20 m long 14. 5 at 100 ft; 24 ft wide 15. 
75 tons 
16.  6000 kg; 100,000 L 17. Approximately 9 m3
Chapter 4
1.  275 mg>L; 16.1 gpg 2. 68 mg>L 3. 1250 lb>d  Chapter 11
4.  0.6 mg>L 5. 
10 kg 6. 100 lb>d 7. 
25 ppb 8. 
8 mg>L 1.  80 percent; 5:1; 20:1  2.  88 percent; 20 yd3  3.  90 percent;
9.  714 mg>L 10. 300 mg>L 11. 270 mg>L; 340 mg>L  20 m3 4.  89 percent; 9:1; 20:1 5.  3.8 ft 6.  2.7 m 
12.  5.8 m>L 13. 500 mg>L 14. 350 mg>L; 57 percent  7.  14 loads>day  8.  25 loads>day  9.  15 years  10.  35 years 
15.  220>100 mL 16. 120 11.  4 m 12.  21 ft 13.  30 ac 14.  23 ha

Chapter 5 Chapter 13
1.  180 mg>L 2. 20 ML>d 3. 6.4 mg>L 4. 5.5 mg>L; 1.  (a) superadiabatic (b) superadiabatic (c) 100 m to 150 m
6.6 km 5. 8.8 mg>L 6. 7.9 mg>L; 2.2 mi (d) yes at 50 m 2. (a) subadiabatic (b) superadiabatic
(c) 0 to 150 m (d) no at 100 m and 200 m 3. 0.031 ppm 
Chapter 6 4.  0.05 ppm; 0.000005 percent 5.  10 mg>m3 6.  35 ppm;
1.  8.8 d 2. 1250 m3, 5 m 3. 0.5 in.>min 4. 56.4 ft, 0.0035 percent 7. 17 g>m  8. 1.5 g>m3 9. 39 tons>

4.6 gpm>ft2, 7.4 in.>min 

13.4 ft 5. 20 m by 10 m by 4 m 6.  mi2>mo; 141 kg>ha>mo 10. 120 mg>m3 11. 98.9 per-
7.  6 m by 6 m 8. 2.6 percent 9. 19 cylinders; yes  cent; 99.6 percent; 99.99 percent 12.  99.2 percent;
10.  0.6 mg>L 11. 50 ML>d 95.9 percent; 99.99 percent

Chapter 7 Chapter 14
1.  35 ML>d or 9.5 mgd 2.  3200 L>s 3.  77 L 4. 0.62 m2  1.  12 s 2. 1.67 km 3. 0.1 m 4. 6800 Hz 5. 118 dB 
5.  625 gpm at 156 ft 6. 500 gpm at 180 ft 7. 610 gpm at 6.  11 mbar 7. 98 dBA 8. 79.8 dBA; 81 dBA 9. 90 dB 
195 ft 8. 185 L>s at 27 m; pump b alone, 110 L>s at 30 m  10.  90.5 dB 11. 30 phons; 57 dB 12. 50 phons; 75 dB 
9.  23 hp; 30 hp 10.  65 percent 11.  4100 m3 12.  8 L>s; 13.  70 dBA; 79 dBA 14. 72.8 dBA; 75.8 dBA 
filling at 34 L>s 13. 260 mm 14. 320 mm 15. 14 in.  1 5 .   L10 = 84; L50 = 78; L90 = 73 dBA   1 6 .  L10 = 81;
16.  AB: 300 L>s; BC: 100 L>s; CA: 200 L>s 17. 170 kPa L50 = 75; L90 = 69 dBA

A definition of, 349 Arsenic, 94, 132

Absolute pressure, 25 episodes, 345 Asbestos:
Absorption, 372 global warming, 5, 355–359 in air, 365
Absorption field, 118, 268, 273 greenhouse effect, 5, 8, 11, 355–356 in water, 132, 161
Absorption of gases, 372–373, 381 greenhouse gases, 357 Asbestos cement pipe, 161, 191
Acidity, 84, 93–94, 361 impacts of, 357 Associate degree in technology (AAS), 408
Acid rain. see Air pollution historical background, 344 Aswan High Dam, 67
Acre feet per year (AFY), 54 indoor air quality (IAQ), 361–366 Atmosphere. see Air pollution, atmospheric
Activated carbon, 150–151, 327 ozone depletion, 8, 359–360 factors
Activated sludge process, 9, 252–257, 265 sampling and measurement, 366–372 Atomic structure, 78
F/M ratio, 253, 256 of gases, 371–372 Autotrophic organisms, 9, 96
modifications of, 255–257 methods, 366–368
sludge settling, 252–255 of particulates, 370 B
Adiabatic lapse rate, 348 units and conversions, 367–368 BAC. see Biologically active carbon
Adsorption, 150, 372, 382 types, sources, and effects, 349–354 Backflow, 164
Advanced treatment, 266 criteria air pollutants, 350–352 Backwashing filters, 142
effluent polishing, 260 hazardous air pollutants, 352 Backwater analysis, 45
land application, 263 health effects, 353–354 Bacteria, 95–96, 114
membrane filtration, 151 mobile sources, 382–384 coliform bacteria, 98–101
nitrogen removal, 262 natural sources, 349 Baghouse filter, 381
phosphorus removal, 262 Air quality index, 375, 376 Baling of solid waste, 301–302
Aeration: Air quality standards, 373–376 Ballasted floc reactor (BFR), 265
drinking water treatment, 149, 150 Air sparging, 338 Bar screens, 248
sewage treatment with pure oxygen, Air stripping, 150 Base flow, 53, 62
256, 257 Air toxics. see Hazardous air Bases, 84
Aerobic decomposition, 10, 95 pollutants Batter boards, 205, 270
Aerobic digestion of sludge, 279 Algae, 96, 114, 115, 258 Bedding of pipes:
Aerobic treatment unit, 275 algal blooms, 96 sewers, 202–204, 206
Affinity laws for pumps, 168 in oxidation ponds, 258 water mains, 164
AFY. see Acre feet per year Alkalinity, 84, 93–94 Benthic organisms, 109
Agriculture wastes, 119, 301 Altitude valve, 164 Bernoulli’s equation, 32
Air-gas stripping, 326 Alum, 140, 261 Best available technology (BAT), 246
Airlift pump, 71 Ambient air quality, 373 Best conventional technology
Air pollution, 3, 344–385 sampling, 366 (BCT), 246
acid rain, 8, 76, 360–361 Ambient lapse rate, 347 Best management practice, 3, 229
atmospheric factors, 345–349 Ammonia stripping, 262 Bioaugmentation, 339
composition, 345–346 Ammonium radical, 81 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
effects of weather, 346–349 Amoebae, 96 89–91, 106–107, 110, 111, 116, 245,
lapse rates, 348 Amoebic dysentery, 7 246, 252, 302, 260, 263, 280
layers, 346 Anaerobic decomposition, 10, 95 Biodisc process, 257, 259
stability, 348 Annual hydrograph, 62 Biogeochemical cycles, 10–11
control of, 372–385 Aquatic ecosystem, 11 Biological aerated filter, 265
gases, 380–382 Aqueduct, 157 Biological air contaminants, 366
particulates, 376–379 Aquifers, 53, 69, 117 Biological magnification, 13


Biological monitoring, 13 Chemistry, basic concepts, 77–86 Concentrations of pollutants:

Biological sewage treatment. see Chlorides, 92 in air, 368
Secondary (biological) treatment Chlorinated hydrocarbons, 13, 94, 107, in water, 82–84
Biologically active carbon (BAC), 150 117, 339 Cone of depression, 71
Bioremediation, 338–340 Chlorination, 19, 146–147 Confined aquifer, 69
Biosolids. see Sludge chlorination chemistry, 145 Conservation of energy, 31–32
Biosphere, 8, 20 chlorination methods, 146–147 Conservation reservoir, 65, 175
Bioventing, 339 chlorine demand, 146 Constant rate filtration, 144
Blackwater, 160, 277 chlorine residual, 93, 146–147, 260 Constructed treatment wetlands, 264
Blue baby, 93, 132 of water mains, 166 Construction and demolition (C&D)
BOD. see Biochemical oxygen demand Chlorine contact tank, 260 debris, 294, 306
Bottom ash, 298 Chloroflourocarbon (CFC), 358, 360 Construction noise, 400–401
Bottom liner, landfill, 312 Chlorophyll, 9, 96 Contact stabilization, 256–257
Botulism, 6 Cholera, 6, 20 Contact time, 146
Bourdon tube pressure gage, 28 Cipoletti weir, 42, 43 Containment landfill, 311
Brackish water, 152 Circular pipe flow, 37–39 Contaminants of emerging concern
Breakpoint chlorination, 146 Clarification of water, 136–139 (CEC), 94–95
Broad Street well, 19 Clean Air Act (CAA), 20, 350, 353, 362, Continuity of flow, 30–31
Brownfields, 339, 340 374–376 Conversion factors, 421–422
Buffering action, 94, 362 Clean Water Act, 20, 126, 246, 284 Cooling tower, 108
Bulking sludge, 254 Clean Water Action Plan, 126 Copper in water, 92
Buoyant force, 29 Climate change. see Global air pollution Copper sulfate, 115
Butterfly valve, 164 Co-disposal of sludge, 292 Corrosion, 151
Coagulation, 140–141 control, 151
C COD. see Chemical oxygen demand crown corrosion, 93, 191, 196
California Aqueduct, 52 Cogeneration, 300 Cradle-to-grave manifest, 320, 324
Carbon cycle, 10 Coliforms, 97–100, 132 Criteria air pollutants, 351–353
Carbon dioxide, 346, 357, 358, 376 fecal coliforms, 97, 125 Critical oxygen deficit, 113
Carbon monoxide, 351, 354, 383 membrane filter test, 98–99 Cross connections, 7
Carbonaceous BOD, 90 MPN, 100 Cryptosporidium, 7, 96, 133, 144, 148
Carcinogens, 5, 8, 94, 117, 354 multiple-tube fermentation test, Cullet, 306
Cast iron (CI) pipe, 161 99–100 Cultural eutrophication, 115–116
Catalyst, 383 standards: Culverts, 225
Catch basin, 226 for drinking water, 132 Cumulative noise levels, 394–395
Catchement area, 59 for sewage effluent, 247 Curbside collection of MSW, 307
Cathodic protection, 179 total coliform rule, 132 Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP), 210
Cavitation in pumps, 169 Collection of solid waste, 295–297 Cyclones, 377, 378
CEC. see Contaminants of emerging Colloids, 82, 140
concern Color in drinking water, 87, 130 D
Centrifugal pumps, 167–175 Combined noises, 392–393 DAF. see Dissolved air flotation
impeller speed, 168 Combined sewers, 189–190, 238 Dams, 65, 67–69
operating point, 170–171 combined sewer overflows (CSOs), 3, Darcy’s law, 70
operation and maintenance, 175 189, 238–240 Day-night sound levels, 396
parallel operation, 171–172 Combustion products, 363 DDT, 13, 20, 94, 107, 321
power and efficiency, 173–174 Commingled solid waste, 308 Decibel scale, 391–392
pump head curve, 167 Comminutor, 248, 249 measurement, 394
system head curve, 170 Communicable disease, 5–8, 96 Declining rate filtration, 144
total dynamic head (TDH), 168, 170 Composite samples, 101–102 Deep tunnel storage, 240
Centrifuge, 282 Composting MSW, 302–304 Deep-well injection, 118, 329, 331
CERCLA, 20, 320, 331 co-composting, 304 Denitrification, 263
Certified stormwater manager (CSM), 412 composting sludge, 284 Deoxygenation curve, 112
Cesspool, 268 Compounds, 77–90 Department of Transportation (DOT),
Channel flow time, 219–221 Comprehensive Environmental Response, 324
Check valve, 164 Compensation, and Liability Act. Depressed sewer, 192
Chemical bonds, 79 see CERCLA Desalination (desalting), 119, 152–153
Chemical compounds, 77–78 Computer modeling: Detention basin, 230. see also Stormwater,
inorganic, 78, 79 hydraulic, 241–242 on-site detention
organic, 84–86 hydrologic, 241–242 Detention time, 136
Chemical concentrations, 82 sewer modeling, 213 Diatomaceous earth filter, 145
Chemical oxygen demand (COD), 91 stormwater management model Diesel standards, 385
Chemical treatment of hazardous (SWMM), 217, 239, 240 Diffused-air aeration, 150
waste, 325–326 of water systems, 157, 182–183 Diffusion of sewage, 123
440 Index

Digestion of sludge, 280–281 filtration, 141–145 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

Dilution of pollutants, 111–112 flocculation, 140–141 119, 123, 124, 126, 217, 246, 248,
Direct circulation, 251 fluoridation, 151 284, 293, 294, 309, 321–322, 325,
Direct filtration, 143 iron and maganese removal, 150 329, 342, 365, 367
Direct potable reuse (DPR), 120, 266, 267 sedimentation, 136–140 Environmental sustainability, 20–21, 176
Discrete settling, 136 softening, 149 Environmental technology certifications,
Disease, 5–8, 21 taste and odor control, 150 411–412
Disinfection,methods of: Drop manhole, 192 Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), 363
chlorination, 145–147 Droughts, 52, 64–65 Epilimnion, 116
ozonation, 148 Dry wells, 199, 201, 230, 274 Equalizing storage, 175
ultraviolet radiation, 148, 260 Drying beds, for sludge, 282 Equivalent pipes, 179–180
Disinfection Byproducts Rule, 147 Dual-media filter, 143 Equivalent sound level, 395
Disinfection of secondary effluent, Dual water system, 160, 164 Erosion of soil, 109–110
260–261 Ductile iron pipe, 161–162 Escherichia coli, 97
Disinfection of water mains, 166 Dysentery, 7 Estuaries, 122, 127
Dispersed sources of pollution, 106 Eutrophication, 12, 93, 114–115
Dissolved-air flotation, 280 E Evapotranspiration, 52
Dissolved air flotation (DAF), 141, 280 Earth Summit (1992), 359 of sewage, 275
Dissolved oxygen (DO), 88–89, 108, 111 Earth’s radiation balance, 357 Exfiltration test, 207–208
computations, 113–114 Ecology, 8–14 Extended aeration, 255
deficit, 112 aerobic and anaerobic decomposition, Exxon Valdez oil spill, 123
profile, 112 10–11, 95
solubility, 80 biomagnification, 95–96 F
Dissolved solids, 91 diversity index, 12 Fabric filter. see Baghouse filter
Distribution storage. see Drinking water ecological niche, 11 Facultative bacteria, 95, 259
Distribution systems. see Drinking water ecosystems, 8 Fall overturn of lakes, 116
Diversity index, 12 food chain, 9–10, 11 Fecal coliform bacteria, 98, 132
DO. see Dissolved oxygen food web, 11 Fecal-strep ratio, 97
Dosing sand beds, 276 nutrient cycles, 11 Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 298, 398
DPD chlorine residual test, 146 photosynthesis and respiration, 9–10 Fiber reinforced polymer pipe (FRPP), 191
DPR. see Direct potable reuse stability and diversity, 11–12 Filter media, 141
Drainage basin, 59 Efficiency: Filtration
basin area, 219 of electrostatic precipitators, 379 of sewage, 275
divide line, 59 of pumps, 173 of sludge, 281
Drawdown, 71 of sewage treatment processes, of water, 141–145
Drinking water, 2, 130–131 252–253 Fire flows, 159
demand for, 158 Effluent Fire hydrants, 162
distribution storage, 175–179 polishing, 260 Fixed growth system, 250
distribution systems, 157–183 standards, 247 Flash mix, 140, 141
appurtenances, 162–164 NPDES permit, 101, 238, 247, 260 Flexible membrane liner (FML), 312, 329
computer modeling of, 158, 182 EIS. see Environmental impact studies Floatation, 143
cross connections, 163 Electrodialysis, 152 Flocculation, 140–141
disinfection of, 166 Electrostatic precipitator, 379–380 Flood hydrograph, 62
dual pipe systems, 160, 164 Elements, 78–80 Flood routing, 231
equivalent pipes, 179–182 Employment Floodplains, 236–237
flows and pressures, 158–159 job activities, 409–410 flood hazard map, 237
installation, 164–166 types, 409 Floods, 64
pipe bedding, 164 Employment for engineering and technol- Flotation, 141
pipe cleaning and lining, 166–167 ogy, 409–410 Flow, 29–32
pipe materials, 161–162 Endangered Species Act, 14 open channel, 36–42
pipe network analysis, 181–182 Energy recovery, 299–300 under pressure, 32–36
pipeline layout, 160 Environmental audit, 487 Flow factor, 232
pumps, 167–175 waste minimization audit, 341 Flow rate, 29
history, 18–19 Environmental health, 2 measurement, 35–36, 40–42
standards, 130–134 Environmental impact statement (EIS), 4, Flue-gas desulfurization, 381–382
treatment processes 20, 481–482 Fluidized-bed incinerator, 283–284, 325
activated carbon, 150–151 Environmental impact studies, 19–20 Flumes, 42
aeration, 150 Environmental interrelationships, 5 Fluoride in water, 92
coagulation, 140–141 Environmental justice, 290, 291 flouridation, 151
corrosion control, 151 Environmental lapse rate, 348 Fly ash, 298
desalination, 119, 152–153 Environmental laws, 20. see also Food chain, 9–10, 11
disinfection, 145–149 Regulations food web, 12

Food-to-microorganism (F/M) ratio, pollution, 117–121 open channel flow, 42

253, 256 leachate, 118, 309, 311–312 pressure head, 27
Foot valve, 164, 170 sustainability, 72 Hydrocarbons, 84, 339
Force main, 189 water table, 69 Hydrogen sulfide, 88, 196
Formaldehyde, 365 wells, 70–72 Hydrology, 50–73, 311
Fracking, 120, 374, 376 injection wells, 118 droughts, 64–65
Freeboard, 138 sampling from, 333–334 groundwater, 69–72
Frequency analysis, 64 wellpoints, 70 hydrographs, 57–58, 224
droughts, 64 detention basins, 233
Frequency weighting noise, 394 H hydrologic cycle, 10, 52–53, 245
Freshwater, 277 Half-life, 81 hydrologic soil groups, 223
FRPP. see Fiber reinforced polymer pipe Hammer mill, 300 hyetograph, 54
Hand texturing of soil, 269 rainfall, 53–59
G Hardness in water, 92 reservoirs, 65–69
Gaging station, 63–64 Hardy Cross analysis, 181 surface water, 59–64
Garbage, 293. see also Municipal solid Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), 350–351 water use and availability, 50
waste (MSW) Hazardous waste, 3, 291, 319–343 Hydrostatic pressure. see Pressure
Gaseous air pollutants: definition of, 321–322 Hypolimnion, 116, 117
control, 381–383 household hazardous waste, 323 Hypoxia, 88
sampling, 372–373 legislation, 320 Hypoxic zone, 122
types, 350, 353 minimization of, 320, 341–342
Gastroenteritis, 7 quantities, 323 I
Gate valve, 163 site remediation, 331–341 IAQ. see Indoor air quality
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), field safety, 335–336 Imhoff cone, 91
183, 213–214 field sampling, 332–334 In-depth filtration, 142
Geology, 15–18, 311 methods, 336–341 Incineration
Geomembrane, 312, 329 superfund program, 331–332 of gaseous air pollutants, 382–383
Germ theory of disease, 19 transportation, 341–342 of hazardous waste, 325
GFRP. see Glass fiber reinforced plastic treatment, storage, and disposal, 325–331 of municipal solid waste, 297–304
pipe biological treatment, 326–327 energy recovery, 299–300
Giardia lamblia, 96, 133 chemical treatment, 325–326 residues and emissions, 298
Giardiasis, 7 physical treatment, 327 of sewage sludge, 283–284
Glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe (GFRP), storage impoundments, 327–329 I/I survey, 207
191 Hazen-Williams equation, 33–34, 161, 181 Imhoff cone, 91
Glass, recyclable material, 306 Heavy metals, 7, 94 Index of Watershed Indicators (IWI), 126
Glen Canyon Dam, 67–68 Hertz (Hz), 401 Indicator organisms, 97–98
Global air pollution: Heterotrophic organisms, 10, 96 Indirect potable reuse (IPR), 120, 266
acid deposition, 8, 76, 361–362 HGL. see Hydraulic grade line (HGL) Indoor air quality (IAQ), 362–367
greenhouse effect, 5, 8, 11, 356–357 High-lift pumps, 167 sampling, 368
ozone depletion, 8, 360–361 High-volume air sampler, 370 Industrial sewage, 117–118
Global warming and climate change, Hindered settling, 136 pretreatment, 248
356–360 Historical perspective, 18–21 Infiltration:
Grab samples, 101, 373 air pollution, 345 groundwater, 16, 52
Gradually varied flow, 47 era of environmental awareness, 19 sewage, 263
Gravity flow in pipes and sewers hazardous waste, 319–321 Inflow and infiltration in sewers, 207–209
in sanitary sewers, 192, 196–199 noise pollution, 397 Inflow hydrograph, 231
in storm sewers, 225–229 solid waste, 291–292 Influent stream, 70
Gravity settling chamber, 378–379 water supply and pollution, 18–19 Infrastructure, 1, 209
Gravity sewer, 211 Household hazardous waste, 323 Injection wells. see Deep well injection
Gravity thickening of sludge, 280 Hudson River, 14–15, 111 Inlet time, 227
Graywater, 160, 277 Humus, 302 Inlets, for stormwater, 225
Green building design, 21, 130, 266 Hybrid vehicles, 385 Inorganic compounds
Green engineering, 1, 20–21 Hydrants, 162 water quality standards, 130, 131
Greenhouse effect, 5, 8, 11, 356–360 Hydraulic fracturing (fracking), 120, Integrated fixed film activated sludge
greenhouse gases, 358 374, 376 (IFAS), 264, 265–266
Grit removal, 249 Hydraulic grade line (HGL), 33, 36, 192 Integrated waste management, 292, 304
Groundwater, 69–72, 76, 129, 149, 206, Hydraulic jump, 45 Integrated water management, 53, 266
263, 311 Hydraulic load, 251 Intensity of rainfall, 53–54, 55–59
aquifers, 69 Hydraulic radius, 37 Intermittent sand filter, 275–276
Darcy’s law, 70 Hydraulics, 24–47 Internal combustion engine, 383–385
flow, 70 flow under pressure, 32 Intestinal disease, 7
mining, 72 gravity flow in pipes, 36 Inversion. see Temperature inversion

Invert elevations, 196 Loads on pipes, 202–205 Molecules, 78

Inverted siphon, 192 mass balance, 86 Montreal Protocol, 361
Ion exchange, for waste treatment, 325 Loudness and pitch, 390 Most probable number (MPN), 100
Ion-exchange water softening, 149 Love Canal, 8 Mounds, 274
Ionization, 81 Low-impact development (LID), 21, 110, Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption, 350
Ionizing radiation, 81 217 MTBE, 5
IPR. see Indirect potable reuse Low-level radioactive waste, 323 Multiple-hearth incinerator, 283–284, 325
Iron bacteria, 96 Low-lift pumps, 167 Multiple-tray aerators, 150
Iron in water, 92 Low pressure air test, 207 Multiple-tube fermentation, 99–100
Isokinetic air sample, 368 Multipurpose reservoir, 65
Isotope, 81 M Multistage flash distillation, 152
MA7CD10 flow, 64–65 Municipal solid waste (MSW), 3, 291–317
J Maganese in water, 92 collection, 295–297
Jackson candle turbidimeter, 87 Magnetic flow meter, 35 historical background, 292
James River, 111 Malaria, 7 landfills. see Sanitary landfills
Jar test, 140 Manhole structures, 191–192, 210 management, 292
Jevon’s paradox, 159 Manifest system, 324 processing, 3–, 297–304
Manning’s, 36–39 baling (compaction), 301–302
K overland flow time, 219–220 composting, 302–304
Kepone, 8, 111 Manning’s formula, 36–42, 197, 229 incineration, 298–300
Koch’s postulates, 19 Manometers, 28 shredding and pulverizing, 300–301
Kyoto Protocol, 359 Marston’s formula, 203–204 quantities and composition, 293–295
Mass balance, 86 recycling, 304–309
L Materials exchange, 342 material recycling facility (MRF),
Lagoons, 319 Materials recycling facility (MRF), 3, 307–309
Lakes, pollution of, 114–115 304–309 recyclable materials, 305–307
eutrophication, 114–115 Maximum contaminant levels (MCL),
thermal stratification, 115 130–135 N
Land application of sludge, 284 MCF. see Membrane cartridge filter Nanofiltration (NF), 152
Land development: Mechanical aeration, 150, 256 National Ambient Air Quality Standards
effects on runoff, 224–225 Membrane bioreactor process (MBP), 264 (NAAQS), 350–352
overview of, 2–5 Membrane cartridge filter (MCF), 152 National Environmental Policy Act
Land treatment: Membrane filter test, 98–99 (NEPA), 20
of hazardous waste, 329–331 Membrane filtration, 151 National Flood Insurance Program, 237
of sewage, 2, 263–264 Mercury, 7, 353 National Pollution Discharge Elimination
Landfarming of hazardous waste, 327 Minamata Bay pollution, 7 System (NPDES), 238, 246, 285
Landfill gas, 314–315. see also Metals, recyclable material, 305–306 National Pretreatment Program, 248
Methane gas Methane gas National Priority List, 331
Landfills, 3, 117 in air, 346, 358 National Registry of Environmental
for hazardous waste. see Secure landfills at landfills, 314 Professionals (NREP), 412
for municipal refuse. see Sanitary Methemoglobinemia, 93. see also Blue National Water Quality Inventory, 126
landfills baby National Weather Service, 53
Lapse rate, 348 MF. see Microfiltration Natural attenuation landfill, 309
Lasers and sewage construction, Microconstituents, 94 Natural Resource Conservation Service,
205–206 Microfiltration (MF), 152 18, 222
Laterals, 190, 272 Microorganisms, 6, 95–97 Natural succession, 12
Leachate, 3, 118, 309, 311–312 algae, 96 Nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU), 87,
Leaching field, 118, 270–272 bacteria, 95–96 134
Lead, 8 drinking water standards, 132 Net positive suction head (NPSH), 169
in air, 353, 365 indicator organisms, 97–98 Neutralization reaction, 84, 325
Lead and copper rule, 132 protozoa, 96 New pipeline, 165, 167
Leadership in energy and environmental viruses, 96–97 NF. see Nanofiltration
design (LEED), 21, 159–160, 236, Microstrainers, 261 NIMBY syndrome, 291, 309
367, 413 Midnight dumping of hazardous waste, Nitrates, 132, 262
LEED. see Leadership in energy and 319, 325 Nitrification, 11, 90, 93, 262
­environmental design Minamata Bay mercury pollution, 7 Nitrogen:
Legionella, 133, 366 Mineral soils, textural properties, 17 in air, 345
Licensing vs. Certification, 410–411 Mining pollution, 118 cycle, 10
LID. see Low-impact development Mississippi River, 109 in sewage, 262
Lift-stations, 199–201 Mixed liquor, 252 in water, 93, 107, 113, 116, 132
Lime-soda water softening, 149 Mixed-media filter, 143 Nitrogen oxides, 351, 358
Liquid injection incinerator, 325 Mobile sources of air pollution, 383–385 Nitrogenous oxygen demand, 260
Index 443

Noise pollution, 3, 389–402 Parallel operation of pumps, 171–173 Pressure filter, 145
control, 398–401 Parallel pipes, 179–180 Pressure reducing valve, 164
effects, 396 Parshall flume, 42 Pressure sewer, 211–212
measurement, 391–396 Partial flow in pipes, 39–40 Pretreatment of industrial sewage, 248
regulations, 397–398 Particulate air pollutants, 351 Primary air pollutants, 350
sound waves, 389 control, 377–383 Primary MCLs, 131–134
Nomographs: sampling, 371 Primary sewage treatment, 248–249
Hazen-Williams, 33–34 Parts per million (ppm), 83, 347, 368 Primary sludge, 278, 279
Manning’s, 37–38 Pascal’s Law, 26 Probability of occurrence, 55
overland flow time, 222 Pathogens, 6, 97, 107 Proteins, 86
Non-point sources of pollution, 106 PCB, 14–15, 111, 118, 329 Protozoa, 7, 96, 114
Non-uniform open channel flow, 52 Percolation, 16, 264 Public health, 1, 5
Noninfectious disease, 5, 7–8 perc test, 269–270 communicable disease, 6–7
Normal depth of gravity flow, 42 Perennial stream, 62 noninfectious disease, 7–8
NPDES permit, 101, 247 Permeability, 15, 16 Public notification, 135
Nutating disk meter, 36 pH, 84, 93–94, 329 Public Utilities Regulatory Act
Nutrient cycles, 10 in acid rain, 361–362 (PURPA), 300
in sewage effluent, 247 Public water systems, definition of, 130
O Pharmaceuticals and personal care Pumps. see Centrifugal pumps;
Ocean pollution, 121–124 ­products (PPCP), 94 Lift-stations
Oil spills, 108, 123–124 Phons, 393 Pure oxygen aeration, 257, 258
sewage diffusion, 123 Phosphorus, 11, 93, 107, 114, 115 Putrefaction, 10
sludge dumping, 123 phosphates, 93 Pyrolysis, 300
Odor in drinking water, 87, 129, 150 removal from sewage, 262
Oklahoma Dust Bowl, 109 Photochemical smog, 351, 353 Q
Oligotrophic lake, 114 Photosynthesis, 9–10, 85 Quiet Communities Act, 397
On-site refuse storage, 295 Physical treatment of hazardous waste, 327
On-site remediation. see Hazardous waste, Phytoplankton, 96, 362 R
site remediation Picocurie, 364 Radiation inversion, 349
On-site sewage disposal, 2. see also Piezometer tube, 28 Radioactive substances, 94, 323
Sanitary sewage Piezometric surface, 28, 69 radionuclides, 134
On-site stormwater storage, 2, 217, 230–233 Pilot plant studies, 260 radon gas, 363–365
Open channel flow. see Gravity flow in Pipeline repairs, 209–210 Radius of influence, 71
pipes and sewers Pipes. see Sanitary sewers; Drinking water, Rainfall, 53–59
Operating point, pumps, 170 distribution systems classification system, 58
Operation and maintenance, 175, 285–287 Pit privy, 268 curves, 56
Organic chemicals, 78, 84–86 Pitot tube, 35 intensity, 53–54, 219
drinking water standards, 130 Plague, 3 probability of occurrence, 55
indoor air pollutants, 365 Plankton, 96 rational formula for runoff, 218
Organic load, 251 Plasma, 77 volume, 53, 231
Orsat analyzer, 367 Plasma arc gasification, 78, 300 Ramp method, 312
Outfalls, sewage, 123 Plastic, recyclable material, 306 Rapid filters, 141–143
Outflow hydrograph, 231–232 Plastic pipe, 161, 191 design, 143
Overflow rate, 137 PM10 and PM2.5 samplers, 370 operation, 143–144
Overland flow, 52, 264 Pneumatic waste collection, 297 Rapid infiltration, 264
Overland flow time, 219–220 Point of concentration, 59 Raritan River Basin, 60–61
Overturn of lakes, 116 Point sources in pollution, 106 Rational formula, 218
Oxidation, 10, 298 Pollutant standards index, 376–377 RCRA. see Resource Conservation and
Oxidation ditches, 256 Porosity of soil, 15 Recovery Act
Oxidation ponds, 259 Positive displacement pump, 146, 167 Reaeration, 110, 111
Oxidation-reduction, 325 Potable water, 2, 129 Recarbonation, 149
Oxygen, 78, 80, 257 Power and efficiency, 173 Recharge area, 69
in the atmosphere, 346 PPCP. see Pharmaceuticals and personal Recharge basins, 230, 264. see also
in water. see Dissolved oxygen (DO) care products Stormwater, on–site detention
Oxygen sag curve, 112 Preliminary treatment, 248–249 Recirculation in trickling filters, 251
Ozone, 96, 346, 353, 354, 355 Pressure, 24–29 Record keeping and reporting, 135
stratospheric depletion, 360–361 computation, 26 Recurrence interval, 54
used for disinfection, 147–148, 240, 260 head, 27 Recycling, 294. see also Municipal solid
measurement, 28–29 waste (MSW), recycling
P testing, 165 hazardous waste recycling, 304–309
Package plants, 255 transducers, 28, 35 wastewater recycling, 5
Paper, recyclable material, 305–306 in water mains, 159 Reformulated gasoline (RFG), 384
444 Index

Refuse, 292. see also Municipal solid Sand filters. see Rapid filters Secondary air pollutants, 350
waste (MSW) intermittent sand filter, 275 Secondary (biological) treatment, 2, 111,
refuse cell, 312 slow sand filter, 142 249–260
refuse derived fuel (RDF), 299 Sanitary engineering, 1 activated sludge, 252–255
Regulations, 20 Sanitary landfills, 3, 118, 292, 309–316 biodisc process, 259
air, 374–377 bottom liners and cap, 312 disinfection, 260
drinking water, 130–133 construction and operation, 312–316 lagoons, 260
noise, 397 gas production, 314 trickling filters, 250–252
solid and hazardous waste, 291 leachate, 3, 118, 309 Secondary MCLs, 134
wastewater, 245–246 containment, 311–312 Secondary sludge, 279
Regulators for CSO, 239 monitoring, 315 Secondhand smoke, 363
Reinforced concrete pipe, 162, 190 site selection, 310–311 Secure landfills, 3, 329–331
Remediation. see Hazardous waste, site Sanitary sewage, 2, 189–190 Sediment control, 109–110
remediation construction, 202–207 Sediment sampling, 333
Reservoirs, 65–69 disposal, 267–278 Sedimentation, 136–140, 327
capacity, 67–68 effluent standards, 247 detention time, 136
distribution storage, 175–179 lift stations, 199–201 overflow rate, 137
multipurpose, 65 ocean diffusion, 121–124 primary settling, 249
pollution, 114–117 on-site disposal settling tank design, 138–140
stratification, 116–117 evapotranspiration, 275 tube settlers, 139
volume, 67–68 mounds, 274 Seepage pits, 274
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, sand filters, 275–276 Septic systems. see Sanitary sewage,
20, 292, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, seepage pits, 274 ­on-site disposal
325, 328 septic systems, 2, 270–319 Sequencing batch reactor (SBR), 264
Resources recovery and refuse. see quantity, 195–196 Service connections, 163
Municipal solid waste (MSW), treatment, 245–264 Setteable solids, 91
recycling advanced, 266, 267 Settling tanks. see Sedimentation
Respiration, 9–10 disinfection, 260 Sewage. see Sanitary sewage
Retention basins, 230. see also Stormwater, efficiency, 247 Sewerage system, 33, 323
on–site detention lagoons, 260 Sewers. see Sanitary sewers; Storm sewers
Return period (rainfall), 55 land treatment, 263–264 Shallow depth sedimentation, 139
Reverse osmosis (RO), 152 pretreatment, 248 Sheetflow, 59
Revulcanization, 306 primary, 248–249 Short circuiting flow, 139
Ridge line, 59 reclamation and reuse, 266 Shredding of solid waste, 300–301
Ringlemann smoke chart, 371–372 secondary, 249–260 Shutoff head, 168
River basins, 60–61 standards, 247 SI metric units, 24, 29, 53, 62, 137, 143,
RO. see Reverse osmosis tertiary, 260–267 218, 419–420
Rock types, 15–16 Sanitary sewers, 189–215 Sick building syndrome, 366
Rotary-drum vacuum filter, 282 alternative systems, 211–213 Side water depth (SWD), 138
Rotary-kiln furnace, 299, 325 crown corrosion, 196 Silent Spring, 13, 20
Rotating biological contractor, 258 design: Site remediation. see Hazardous waste, site
Rubbish, 293. see also Municipal solid flow depth and velocity, 196 remediation
waste (MSW) infiltration and inflow, 207–209 Sliplining pipes, 210
Runoff, 59, 202 location and layout, 193 Slopes, 18
curve, numbers, 223 materials and appurtenances, Slow rate infiltration, 263
see also Stormwater, estimating quantities 190–191 Slow sand filters, 142
plan and profile details, 193 Sludge, 3, 136
S rehabilitation, 210–211 activated, 252–255
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), 20, 96, sanitary sewer overflows (SSO), 199 bulking, 254
130–136 size and slope, 196–199 characteristics, 278–280
record keeping, 135–135 Sanitary survey, 98 composting, 284
sampling procedures, 134–135 Sanitation, 1, 5 dewatering, 281
standards, 131–134, 141, 364 SBR. see Sequencing batch reactor digestion, 280–281
Safe yield: Screening, 248 disposal, 2, 282–285
wells, 71 Scrubbers, 337, 381 dumping, 123
Safety procedures, 335–336 SCS method for estimating runoff, incineration, 283
Saltwater intrusion, 119–120 222–224 land application, 284
desalting, 152–153 SDWA. see Safe Drinking Water Act management, 278–285
Sampling procedures: (SDWA) quantity, 279
air, 367–368 Seasonal overturn of lakes, 116 settling, 254–255
hazardous waste, 332–334 Seawater, 123 thickening, 280
water and sewage, 333 Secchi disk, 87 Sludge volume index, 254
Index 445

Slurry trench cutoff wall, 338 Stormwater Management Model Threshold odor number, 88
Smog, 353, 360 (SWMM), 217, 239 Threshold of hearing, 391
Smoke readings, 371–372 Stormwater mitigation techniques, Thrust restraints, 165
Smoke testing of sewers, 208 229–236 Time of concentration, 219–220
SOC. see Synthetic organic chemical Stratification of lakes, 116–117 Tipping floor, 307
Softening. seeWater softening Stratosphere, 347, 360–361 Torrey Canyon oil spill, 123
Soil, 15–18 Stream pollution, 110–114 Total coliforms, 97
erosion, 109–110 assimilative capacity, 62, 110 Total dissolved solids (TDS), 91
group, 223 Stream standards, 124–125, 130 Total dynamic head (TDH), 168, 170
sampling, 332–333 Streamflow, 62 Total maximum daily load (TMDL),
survey maps, 17–18 Streeter-Phelps equation, 113 111, 126
types and gradation, 16–17 Subsurface sewage disposal, 267–278 Total static head, 170
uniformity coefficient, 16 Subsurface wastewater infiltration Total suspended solids (TSS), 91, 245, 260,
unit weights, 203 system, 267, 272 261, 262, 264, 280
Solar humidification, 152 Sulfates in water, 93 Toxic substances, 94, 107, 108
Solid waste. see Municipal solid waste Sulfur bacteria, 96 air toxics, 353, 385
(MSW) Sulfur dioxide, 351 definition of, 321
Solid Waste Disposal Act, 292 Sulfur wells, 88 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA),
Solids-contact tank, 141 Summation hydrograph, 65–69 321, 342
Solids in water, 91 Superfund Amendments and Toxicity characteristics leaching
Solubility of oxygen, 80 Reauthorization Act (SARA), procedure (TCLP), 321
Solutions, 80–81 331, 407 Transfer stations, 296, 311
Sound exposure level (SEL), 395–396 Superfund program, 14, 332, 331–332 Transpiration, 52
Sound levels, 393–394 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Transportation noise, 401
Sound pressure level (SPL), 391, 402 (SCADA), 183 Transportation of hazardous waste,
Sound waves, 389 Surcharging of sewers, 3 323–324
Source sampling, 367 Surface impoundments, 328 Trash, 293. see also Municipal solid waste
Source separation of refuse, 296 Surface loading, 137 (MSW)
commingled waste, 307 Surface water, 59–64 Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities
Specific capacity of wells, 71 gaging stations, 62 (TSDFs), 324, 325–331
Sphaerotilus natans, 95, 254 sampling, 333 Treatment efficiency. see Efficiency
Spray irrigation, 284 streamflow, 62–63 Treatment technique requirements, 131
Spray towers. see Scrubbers watersheds, 59–61 Trenchless construction, 207
Spring overturn of lakes, 116 Surface Water Treatment Rule, 133 Trickling filters, 250–252
Stabilization ponds, 259 Suspended-growth system, 250 Trihalomethane (THM), 145, 147
Stabilization tank, 256 Suspended solids, 82, 91 Trophic levels, 9
Stack emissions, 367 Suspensions, 82 Troposphere, 347, 360
Standard Methods, 77, 100 Swale, 234 Trunk line, 190
Standpipes, 176 Syngas, 300, 326 Tube settlers, 139
Steady uniform flow, 36 Synthetic organic chemical (SOC), 131 Tuberculation, 161, 166
Steel pipe, 162, 191 System head curve, 170 Tunnel and Reservoir Project, 240
Step aeration, 255 Turbidity, 86, 133
Storage factor, 232 T Turbine pump, 167
Storage tanks: Taste, in drinking water, 88, 129, 150 Tyndall effect, 82
drinking water distribution, 175–179 TDH. see Total dynamic head (TDH) Typhoid fever, 6, 291
underground storage tanks (UST), 327 Temperature effects in water, 87 Typhus, 3, 7
Storm hydrograph, 62, 224, 231 Temperature gradient in air, 347
Storm sewers, 3, 225–229 Temperature inversion, 346, 349 U
Stormwater, 3, 217–218 Tertiary treatment, 259–266 UF. see Ultrafiltration
best management practices, 3 effluent polishing, 309 Ultimate BOD, 89
combined sewer overflows, 3, land application, 312–313 Ultrafiltration (UF), 151
238–240 nitrogen removal, 311–312 Ultraviolet radiation, 347, 356, 359
effects of land development, 224–225 phosphorus removal, 309–310 for disinfection, 148, 240
estimating quantities: rational Test pit, 268 Underdrains, 143, 250
method, 218–222 Thermal incinerator, 383 Underground injection. see Deep well
mitigation techniques, 229–236 Thermal pollution, 108–109 injection
SCS method, 222–224 Thermal stratification of lakes, 116–117 Underground storage tanks (UST), 108,
floodplains, 236–238 Thermocline, 116, 117 117, 118, 328
inlets, 225 Thickening of sludge, 280 Uniform flow, 36
on-site detention, 2, 217, 230–231 THM. see Trihalomethane (THM) Unit peak discharge, 224
rainfall, 219 Three-edge bearing test, 202 United States Geological Survey (USGS),
storm duration, 55 Threshold limit value (TLV), 374 62, 237
446 Index

Units and conversions, 418–422 Water distribution, on Earth, 51. see Water-tube wall furnace, 299
air, 368 also Drinking water, distribution Water use
water, 83 systems fire flows, 159
Upflow clarifier, 141 Water hammer, 161, 175 water demand, 158–159
Upflow velocity, 137 Water pollution, 2, 76–77 Watersheds, 59–61
Urban hydrologic cycle, 53 clean water act, 126 divide line, 59
U.S. customary units, 24, 30, 54, 62, 83, cultural eutrophication, 115 Weirs, 40–42, 139
137, 143, 218, 419–421 groundwater, 117–119 Wells, 70–72
US Green Building Council (USGBC), 413 lakes, 114–115 dry wells, 199, 202, 229, 273
oceans, 121–124 injection wells. see Deep well
V soil erosion and sediment control, injection
V-notch weir, 41, 207 109–110 sampling and monitoring,
Vacuum chlorinator, 146 streams, 110–114 333–334
Vacuum filter, 282 stream standards, 124–125 wellpoints, 70
Vacuum sewers, 212 zones of pollution, 112 wet wells, 199
Vadose zone, 69 thermal pollution, 108–109 Wet ponds, 234
Valves, 163–164 types of pollutants, 107–108 Wet scrubber, 378–379
Venturi meter, 35 Water Pollution Control Act, 125, 246 Wetlands, 4, 126
Venturi scrubber, 379 Water pressure. see Pressure Wetted perimeter, 36
Viruses, 96 Water purification, advanced, 21, 95, 130, Wind rose, 348
Vitrified clay pipe, 190 141 Windrow (compost), 303
Volatile organic compounds (VOC), 131, Water quality, 76–103 Winter stagnation, in lakes, 116–117
333, 381, 382, 383 biological factors, 95–101 Working level of radon gas, 364
Volatile solids, 91 chemical factors, 88–95
Vortex valve, 239 physical factors, 86–87 Y
standards for: Yellow fever, 7
W drinking water, 125 Yield
Waste activated sludge, 254 streams, 124–125 reservoirs, 67
Waste assimilative capacity, 62, 110 treated sewage effluents, 125 wells, 71
Waste disposal, low-level radioactive, Water Quality Act, 124, 125, 246
331 Water quality standards, 124–126 Z
Waste minimization, 320, 341–342 Water sampling, 101–102 Zero emission vehicles, 374, 385
audits, 341 Water softening, 149–150 Zinc in water, 92
Waste piles, 328 Water supply, 2. see also Drinking water, Zone of aeration, 69
Wastewater. see Sanitary sewage. see also distribution systems Zone of saturation, 69
Industrial sewage Water table, 69 Zones of pollution, 112
Wastewater treatment, advanced, 64, 115, Water treatment. see Drinking water, Zoning ordinances, 121
151, 285 treatment Zooplankton, 96

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