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Lusually hey | cereal and milj breakfast. They 4.” ime energy in ya moming: ~ jssity food. look atthe chart We use ferent colous 19 NT oy eat” [ifeod groups ar important Doors SOY. Tn * Are you a healthy kid? Do you eat different wea ad =f Pom = —-6--o2_) Glook and write. Which group is it? > banana apples. iia “a TI IAGTALLSS | (Read and complete. | @ Meals in a day: Eat veggies because they've got fore Cr Nicene UmuT on Per ull teu fue uaa they've got caldum for yourbenes, Fede he haa tell Al ‘got proteins for your brain, Pera) per lien coca You are what Yeu eatin ww © Ineed.... Eat healthy, stay healthy! vegetables and .. pieces of fruit a day. Food group: 94013 year-old gis 9013 year-old boys 2cups a day 2 cupsa doy or 2 pieces Vor 2 pieces 3.cups of mik or yogurt | 3 cupsof milk or yogurt Breakfast: .. [listen and read. Qo teatime. Leo is hungry. What about Lad? Do you like chocolate 50... No fish for dinner today! v | ceeaaunaemnaaaas {fread and match, (Ent Glin Toles TANCIS Ve Niro cate Kall OK (ent) Cite NCL Loses Benya tine [circle the correct option. iio ‘Meals are important: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Snacks important, too: sandwiches, cereals, fruit and so on. you like meat or there any yogurt or milk in your fridge? you like meat? Good! Remember! Breakfus avery important meal. you like cereals? Good for you! Fruit and vegetables (have got / has got.) vitamins. Fish is great because / but) itis very healthy. Bread and cakes are healthy, too, but remember: Don’t / Doesn't) eat cakes and bread all the time! You can get unhealthy. [uisten and read, Tick the correct option. QD This is may school report! These are my 6riends, Matt and Lucy. They are tui | toni birthday is on Ae 2. Lek af fhm inte prot. Thayne got dat bait and Br 5. Thy arein the fh grade and they are Very SPod sfden, of. when ifs ime 49 eat they like ieCeront king, af Gand, Lucy loves Cast Fd: hamburgers, het dis, pizza and Chips and she has Coke OF jvice Cor JUnch ang inne She never has wer ha abeUt Mat? He kes Gish Gruit and Vegefables but he 4°05 lie Gast Food, He has water Gor lunch and dinner, Bot there isa problem: He eves sweets, Otafe and ches. BecarecolMatH! LC Nuala fononeaucseotcterentiee| | {| __ fomeyavtenyensod [|| — susie [1 © Matt's sister likes coke. eee * Differences Matt likes... and Ilike..., too. | Matt likes... but | don’t like it / them. Matt doesn’t like... Matt doesn’t like... but | like it / them. and | don't like..., either. {Jfead the report again and draw, Then circle the healthy food items. Meee U2 What does he like? Afcomplete with a Vor aX. Ask your friend and your brother / sister. o at i ee i your mAs | a. Do you like milk? Does your sister like ..2 Trails Mixis iy favourite snack, Ingredients: Sana eee ctowlate a #201 Really? why do you like it? Because it’s got raisins and vitamins and it gives me energy! Amy rote BM ones, 1 - 1 , @ How much is a box of TRAILS MIX? © Has it got any vitamins? @ Five nineteen. Five ninety-nine, We don't know, @ No, it hasn't. © Five oh nine. ves, it has. © How many ingredients has it got? O There are prizes in the box. They are @ Four + milk. © Five + milk. @ tattoos. © stickers. © surprise toys. © Three + milk, Eat TRAILS MIX and tell us what you can do! Send us your photo and participate inthe prize-dram. You can win fantastic prizes! This is our winner! Andy won an MP3 player! My name's Andy, on Grom Pringles. eleven years ‘and am in the Gieth grade, My scheel is nof Very big but it is very good, We have get a Cootball ‘team and a basketball team. Ilove skating with my Friends, 40, | skate in the square near my house Very atferneon, Every day, have Cereal and milk, Vegetables and Grvit. _ ('m a Fan 0€ reams mux! because Cereals have got Fibre and vitamins, Excellent For sports peeplel f —_ i ove some food - -. don't eat food products | see ort | just because it’s TV ads but my on the telly. | mother doesn’t eat it because | buy them. like it. : y — | Me aa ; ee _ li ae ‘Some food } i products on TV f jaa fads are great! i irre Y tte and they include I hab aide ‘Some food products on TV ads are very attractive but be : careful sons nn os an od are not very goo for your health. ‘any children love the prizes in snacks, for example, tattoos, toys and sticke Serer hcihy, Mveoaisay Moms ean a ¢ Se chaeheccan inp sect eats cdf bos Do you eat vegetables and fruit? ae Be “= fJRead again, Circle and write, - OThis is : (rail 7 aTeter 7a song) ~ =e ‘an article / a letter / a song Oltisabout sows (Haldays /food products / sports) @ Be careful with some ‘rit “ . snack ads on TV 0... on love prizes in sn Alot of children / vacks, E Just a few children O Children usually choose. a «(what they watch on TV / wtattheyter on ead) [JRead the text again and correct these ideas, Food high in sugar is very good for your heatth, © Children don''t like prizes in snacks, @ Snacks are very healthy. © Children eat fruit and vegetables because they incl © Cartoon characters are always a bad influence. Greate an ad to help children eat vegetables and fruit. Complete the notes and design the ad. Name of the product: Benefits: Prize Cartoon character: animal) person () food 2) Appearance: _is__and She/He/Ithasgot_______and She / He / It can uisten and complete the chant. Q2 i we) ae ring routings = Get up at once, Margaret May! Munn’ cooking e335 somal the kitchen f2dayl... 'S and write the oo time. ace ely (ts__am) JA | a ‘Mum's cooking eggs ® In the kitchen tod We have eggs on Sundays, QO ‘Mondays and Fridays. (CC) the probien today? Now, say the chant! complete the chant with the time. Then say it to your fiend, Its eight am, Get up at © :00_ cet up at once, Margaret once, Margaret May! May! |_ Mum's preparing breakfast. OR eine Don't be © ____ there ore cereals t's (ate! Tuesday today! © ___ Goto school, Margaret May! a 7 } Wy, have breakfast C) get up C) watch TV C) do my homework () 90 to school () |practise sports () | go to bed early in the evening because | get up at every day. Do you get up early? We go to school in the morning. (On Mondays and Tuesdays, we have lunch at school at ). Do you have lunch at schoot? Jlisten and read Margaret's chat with her grandma, Write notes, es i! How are you? argaret: Him tired today. My week is very busy! Gandna: Why? What time do you get up? Margaret: Every day, I get up at seven in the morning ‘and get ready for school. | have breakfast with my mum and dad at seven fifteen. Then, | ride my bike to schoo! at seven thirty and study a lot! Grandma: Doyou have lunch at school? — No, | don't. | have lunch at home at twelve thirty. And | watch TV from one to two pm. Grandma: That's great! You can relax! My weekly activities Monday to Friday am Margaret: Yes, but then I do my homework and at five, | have tea with | my mum. | go to the Sports club at five twenty every afternoon, Grands What sport do you play? Margaret ; ‘aay hake My friend Mary plays Grandia: You are very active! Do you go h that? ty Jo you go home after : Margaret: 7 3 ‘Yes, Ido. | have dinner and go to Ineed a holiday nowt S10 be ear Grandma: e rE Yes, you do! Come to visite during the \winter holidays! Grandad and | miss you alot! 7,00 Set P nave breakfast ride my bike f# sc) [sels ees What time do you... every day? | getup ot). Then goto school at (___) have neh at ()..1domyhomework om (_) to (_). what do you lo Every year, Or Lee gives a talk to the children at school What is he talking about? teat cereal for breakfast every morning. s/s That's perfect!“ ) Ahtealtly child practises sports and Gogg) doesn't sit in front of the compute 2 1 sleep, eight lay play footbat in the afternoon, v7 gets up early: » has a good breakfast “walks ot rides a School Yeats fruit and, vegetables: 7 goes to the club after ‘school 9 Ss hhowtrs a “7 goes to the pal computer games after school. Computer games are fine. But be careful! Play computer games but also play with \ Your friends in the park as well. nemeniber a fievlilayy Gy cil doesnt wach ve Perea to bed late at night... ¢ ExctIse me, Dr Lee. Can a healthy child have a GQ Five children love Dr Lee but they love breaktime, too. {Read again. Complete Dr Lee's chart. __ doesn’t watch TV For hours, practises spars. Design a banner for a social Roe ukoualo Mlustrate one of i] aura cD Pe a me [Tmatch the questions with the answers. © What time do you get up, Lad? © What do you have for breaks? Oat hor A is @ Do you drink water every @ Some yogurt a! its, doy? © Atseven thirty every © Where do you have lnch? morning. © When do you do your © Yes, | do. | play football at homework? the sports club. © Do you practise any sports? @1 do my homework after lunch. No, | don’t. But | drink fruit A complete Dr Lee’s report about Lad. juice. Fo! Lad. SASUP carly every morning and some yogurt and biscuits Cor breakCast. He doesn’t dvink water every day but he... an UI JICR, He .. lunch Bf HME Hn iS heOMOLWERK in is Dedroomy aC er lunch, Then, he... ~~ t9 the sports club near his home ~~» Football with his Griends, From; @mail.comar Jo: S| Dear Dr Lee, My friend... Thank you very much, rid chock, OP ro goos to Kenko ra Idron dO Ot ee fT Read and complote, Then listen an This Is Akira, Ho ls olovon an Elomontary School In Japan, What do chi school In Japan? Do you know? cor seve day starts. af ix thirty every amerning. MY | Griends and 4o school together. | There AYO ono Children in my Class, We practise | reading and writing every day. And we sometimes... and paint. ( have Calligraphy lessons and learn the dapanese alphabet. practise sports, We nnennnn-IUncha abort fuyelVe fairy in our chassteO" Weeat all fogether with eur feachers, We... vseatt or akniGe, We Use chopsticks, ow and Fridays, we go ovfside a4 {ffRead again and tick the correct answer, 0 Akira... to school, «walks e rides his bike + doesn’t go © Akira gets up... © at six thirty, * very early in the morning, » ateight fifteen. @ Akira doesn't... * have Art lessons every day, 3 * learn Calligraphy. * practise reading, © At school, Akira practises sports... in summer. + on Wednesday and Friday. * in winter, © Akira and his friends have lunch... + at home. + in the playground. + in the classroom, © Akira uses .. for lunch, * chopsticks + a fork and a knife + his hands complete the notes. Then write about your day at school. DRAGON WORLD IG A DARK LAND RULED BY PRAGONS. GOME ARE GOOP BUT GOME ARE EVR. THERE ARE FOUR IMPORTANT DRAGONS THAT FIGMT, ROAR AMD SHOUT I THE NIGHT, OMY THE L___ wizaans cay cournot Tem, — | 1090 ues N THe FOREST Kear THe MOUNTANS. HE 1S AN ROOKESLAN DRAGON THAT HELPS PEOPLE. EVERY WHT. TOGO pues - | WaGH OVER THE VELAGE TO PROTECT Trew, ONS WINGS. He Uses Wig WINGS FOR PROTECT. UL} SSESSSSRSEregpecanenegesnces™ 4A Bi2N6 Bony auo covounrus FEATS (ao MOROWANA Ke 1 ‘I6Y HAS GOT THREE HEADS AND ENORMOUS WWGS. HE LIVES AT THE TOP OF THE NOUNTAINS AND HE SPITS FIRE WHEN HE Is GRY, i NEA, THEY ARE ev, KOWANA LIVES IN THE SEA BY THE MOUNTAINS, PEOPLE SAY HE IS & VERY POWERFUL DRAGON BECAUSE HE CAN JUMP OUT OF THE SEA ANID SWALLOW THE MOON, TODAY THE Sky IS VERY DARK AND SILENT. WHATS WRONG? what kind of story is it? Fantasy stories tell us about imaginary and magical worlds, They include fantasy characters such as dragons, monsters, faites, .. —~ “ei ries tell us Science Ciction (sci-fi stories about an imaginary future based on science and technology. es cre science fiction characters suc ‘as robots, aliens or astronauts, in these stories. Ack AND MOMTORG, WIZARD ON HIS rues WITH A WHERE ARE THE Evi DRAGONS? TOGO GUPDBILY, KOWANA JUMPS HIGH AND ATTACKS THEM, TOGO HITS KOWAMA WITH HIS STRONG TAIL 2EY AND QUETZAL COME TO HELP THEIR FRIENDS, ZEY 16 FURIOUS AND SHOOTS FIRE BUT GUETZAL HIDES BEHIND HIS FEATHERS AUD ESCAPES, ITs TIME FOR A MA@Ic SPELL, OMLY THE WIZARDS CAN HELP. ‘ONE, TWO, THREE, STUPEFY!” THE WIZARDS SHOUT TOGETHER, THERE IS A SHOWER OF STARS, AN EXPLOSION! (lo THE EVIL RAGONS FLY AWAY, feat the story again and compl = lete. ai i rue sentences. ‘t/ doesn'tto write t © Now, use don {JRead and match. jot is enormous and This dragon is po He lives in the huge and white. its forest with his best got red eyes, Itis vend Pete. always Protecting friend . Gringotts bank, © listen and complete, Answer, Qs Doon (lor crop Dragons play a very important role in There are many different kinds of dra ‘and fantasy Stories and legends, igons. Some. dragons are ——___.Some dragons are and But they are all very 6 Comple'e the chart and choose some options, © Finish the description, Draw your dragon, forest mountains cove islor ‘SHE / HE HAS GOT a 55, [Read, then match the questions and answers on page Pie | Go!) | New | Find , oo my pel tarantula, Her rane Fs Randy, | Randy very trendy, We tal ery day For more information, contact fauraceyoohoa corn ar My pet, Hobby, is praying man | teen my garden, Adon ge because he eats by hime | isl him every afternoon after xhwook Send! your questions to bobbyandmettieemallcom wen years 0 1 play with him every |alenisecoldmacom Trove Randy! | want a pet Hi, Laura! wh antl, to0. Tell me, please: How old -nyour gecko, please! js Randy? ls she poisonous? Does she When's Ruby's birthday? sleep at night? Does he live in the water? know the praying mantis is a carnivore insect, What does Bobby eat, exactly? No, she To, he lives onthe sand... but he ean swim. C) Allisten and tick: When's Randy's birthday? 2 Hello, Ricky. Talkinds ofinsects:(_) ist. ex) em) ex) = BL ths is a veri) special Youre sbagon. iswtip kidding! Dragons Lad, look at muy newy pet. Mary has got avery spec) pet, What is it? What do you think? NAME: KONOPO PRAGON class) REPTIE HABITAT: @RASSLANDS, ORESTS NAME: DRAGONFLY CLASS: INSECT. mS MOPIONL SIZE 2 TOM, HABITAT: LAKES, PONDS, STREANS Piet: one aun ‘SIZE: 5 10 7.6m ca gas ier nes Poisowous aM? ‘CHARACTERISTICS: TWO PAIRS OF ‘STRONG WINGS, 816 EVES sad YH 940 He AOU hai Dows,.? What doas,..? t ner lth Whos got and and (habits), {Jud tho correct options, «Go through the unl and check your anawers, ‘Discuss with your partners, (1) Fantasy stories talk about, (8) Adragontly ls... (0 the futur, (© a dragon that ean tly, ) © magical worlds, oO «9a Insect that spits fire, «_) (9 robots and astronauts, ) © an insect that has got strong wings, (2) Ellot .. Mel ¥ ls good dragon, (.) 4) Rubysbithday sn. © doesn't have friends, \_) © January, O Is dangerous, © August, @ December, Jtisten and read. QD ing andl ti arching the can see it’s a quiet evel the little boy is ™ fuowres lake. sey he Ra Gen e thing i MARY, LAD, strange 160 AND THEIR SCHOOLMATES GO CAMPING wit THR TEACHERS, Iris ate ar ign. THE CHILOREN ARE SITTING AROUND THE FRE. MS ROLAND IS TELLING THER AFASCATING ‘STORY. Itsa monster! WHAT A FASCINATING STORY! BUT IT IS FINISHED NOW. IT IS TINE TO SLEEP, LOOK AT LEO! WHAT IS HE DREAMING ABOUT? what are you doing,” We want to r.. Take my joys? It's four thirty see Nahuetito, Jacket, in the morning! "Are you coming? 7 ‘Mary. Lad, have you got your camera? Vm a bit 50... Here we scared. It’s are! Uff, Vim very quiet... tired! answer and tell your partners. Do you like mystery stories? Do monsters exist? ‘© Do you know anything about Nahuelito? 3 im not cut... Waite | the water is moving! AD Listen! The hirds are inging IV 1g SEVEN FORTY-FIVE AT THE SCHOOL CNAPSITE, THE GUN IS Hina. 1T 1G TNE TO GET UPL Its Nahuelito! Where's your camera, La‘ WHAT A NICE PICTURE! IG IT THE MONGTER IM ‘THE LAKE? NO, IT'S LEO! THE CHILDREN ARE HAVING GREAT FUN! listen and tick. 2 P ce dbl ji BICRLES —s__ ay ; ond Leo ore walking (Patera sh in the foes suntn pu are listening to } | The children are going to = lads toking a photo, =e glad isnt sleeping, © What day ist today? ts © Where is Maggie going? hE @ Whois she going with? winner ais) Clea) eka) © What is she taking in her rucksack? Plastic glass@%} camera plastic plateQ) jacket) a trainers ©) Q dress Q) 9 ‘umbrella C) swimsuit fork and knife O O candles Q) gist the qvestions with the answers Listen and check, OQ» © Are you going to Yes, |am, school? © Are you going with Yes, of course. your cousins? *No, I'm not, @ Are you going by ; | bus? *No, fm going with Pilger my school friends. rucksack? [Report the conversation. ‘Maggie is going camping today, She is not going... (think and discuss. Here is a photo of| ‘Maggie's campsite. What do you think? Who are they? What are they doing? Is it hotday? => Why? Why nof? re cic a le a Do you usually go camping? i Sado you like it? Where do you go? Who do you go with? if not, why don't you 90? Juisten and number. say. QD (Trew) ay INiolcluytfalels) O ‘SSGG0000 506 (GUGREDGRGHGOOn (GBBOS000G0G0) 8 iO, Gtsugve Goo GOGGGE0G) GO0R5) r _ WHEN YOU GO CAMPING IN SUNMER, YOU NEED SUNBLOCK. [Juse these ideas. (When you go cont You need a torch, you need a fishing rod, : you don't need sunblock) (_Whenyougo comping, ) © When you go camping on the FVEF, nnn Oi. When you go camping at night... © When you go camping on a rainy da, ssn ns 0... OWhen.. 1 You don't need a swimsuit. PARTI TOM AND PETER ARE AT A CAMPSITE WITH THEIR SCHOOLMATES NEAR A LONG, BLUE RIVER, IT IS A WARIN SUNY DAY. TOM, PETER AND THEIR FRIENDS LOVE swimming SO THEY GO TO THE RIVER, SUDDEWY, THEY CAN SEE SOMETHING BIG AND € ir GREY IN THE WATER, IT I$ MOVING QUIETLY, cam e LOOK! IS IT A PRaMbia? PETER Asks, “NO, IT ISNT. ITS TOO BIG, ITS A DOLPHN, TOM ANsWeRs, “PONT BE SILLY! DOLPHINS LIVE IM THE SEA. THEY CANT LIVE IN THIS RIVER’, PETER EXPLAIS, 'SO... WHAT IS IT?* TOM Ass, ‘ITS... ITS A... SHARK! PETER AND TOM sHour. THERE IS A VERY BiG SHARK IN THE QUIET RIVER. IT 1s. SWIMMING NEAR THE CAMPSITE, TOM AND HIS FRIENDS RUN AND RUN GUICKLY, VERY GuicKy, BUT WHEN THEY GET To THE CAMPSITE, THERE IS NOBODY THERE, WHERE ARE OUR TEACHERS? WHERE ARE OLR FRIENDS? OK, NOI WE ARE ALONE!" THE GIRLS cry. PART 2 THE CHILDREN ARE FRIGHTENED NOW, THey Shark in the viv ARE ALONE, Is this a true “I WANT TO GO HOME.’ PETER says, story? “HELP? ONE OF THE GIRLS ‘SHOUTS. SHE'S Furious, TOM CAN HEAR SOMETHING AND HE TURNS, HE CANT BELIEVE IT! HE CAN cee THE SHARK SUT HE CANT OPEN His MOUTH, THE SHARK IS CONING CLOSER AND cLoseR listen to the story and chock, oO: SSS r ead the StOry again, Tick the cor ‘i What's the setting of the rect options, PETER Ai TOM ARE TER ‘SUDDENLY, THE SHARK OPENS ITS ROUTH AND THEY CAN SEE A BOY INgIDE ITS MOUTH! tHA, HAI” THE BOY LAUGHS, ‘T'S ME, pe HE SHARK IS NEAR THe GuILDREN, iT opens hee ot Has Gor sue SITS 816 MOUTH, ir ARE TeRripteg! oT THE CHLDREN PAUL!" suppey. ay EVERYTHING IS A JOKE. PALL IS SUPVALY, Wiss Deacon Was WEARING THE COSTUME OF A SHARK Site 28 Ao es, “OH, BAD sHaRe! ID TEACHERS. 2H BAP sHaRe! Waar Ane you Are AND LAUGH, THE CHILDREN ARE ONG? SHE SAYS, ‘ARE you) “60 Act To REN? 70 THE RIVER Ap THE SEAI’ SHE says, hen To THE CHILDREN ARE VERY SURPRISED! waar HAPPENS WHEN THE REALLY NEAR THE oa nest MIS Ac eC eA os ‘© Why do you like if? ‘Can you think of another ending? Bcompict: te food pyramid and craw examples of the food you eat, @ tee opples cM ort tes oronges. K (He/She) likes apples cD (o/h) down live oranges. {fcomplte with ike, don't ike, tes or doesn't ke, yh % & 1_like © healthy food. | ' © meat and vegetables, too. x sut!__ © rice. My friend edd Grice s and fish, too. But he © vegetables. e © fit salad for dessert. @it, too! He hates lettuce! | and he [Icomplete the chart and write, vos, (Hap do. / No (hey) don't. = an. Iho? (GOO eos. No, doesnt, [compote with do or does, Answer. Does Lucy like water? d,__— Matt and Lucy Uiko ice lollies? “sho ko pare? " CBr rd ‘hoy like ieee Mat ik fst food? Tunscramble the questions and answer, a, you / do / chocolate milk / like b, does / cheese / your / like / friend | ¢, your / fish / parents / like / do d, cakes / do / like / you ¥ gonode the mexage (Jas) VE LAAl saan) NT CS OMEST OVA nO Ap OR GROn RHIC a) homo 4 ®& a> [Jrind your partner's hidden food items. Take turns! record of your hits gd) Sharing routines 7 I get up early every morning, x I don’t get up early every mornit {what can you remember? Circle the wrong information and correct. «. | get up at eight fifteen on Sundays, b.|hae cereal fr recast on sundays, Mondays and sid clo cogs! b.1(@at/don’Feat_) cereal for breakfast, ¢. | (ride / don’t ride_) my bike to school. Gera) (SLR tat “I iv rae batg he ‘tos, | 80, | have breakfast every da? aia walk to school in the morning? a a. Do you get up early every morning? b.oyou goto schoo oven ity? ¢, Do you practise sports? d. Do you do your hornework after lunch? e, Do you watch TV after dinner? LDoyougetobedion? - ott and write questions. Then answer. @ \get up late on Sunday. @) igets up late on Sunday. }go to school every day. (Sha) goes o school every day. Alrite. ©.Lod (getup) early in the morning every day. Lad gets up early in the morning every 4. Margaret (not lke) eggs for breakfast. My brother and | (not watch) TV after dinner. 5 | Inot go) to school on Sunday. [complete Jake's woekly routtne, (tJ ei) 8) Os My name's dake, During the week | af cig and oval and milk Gor breekFast. My sister oveal, she has chocolafe milk. and east. + |e fo schol, My sisfer and ave fonch af schoo beCAVSE WE un SPS {HONE Toro basketball during PE classes and fhe U..ccsesnsi @ Very big stulimyming poo), My sister hockey. Actor school, Lave fea with my Gamily and HOM as MY HOMEWOFK, WE coos TV Gor an hour and af nine we have dinner, | fobed early. TRead the toxt again and choose the correct option, a, Jako usually gots up at... d. In the afternoon, his sister... * sovon, QO *has swimming lessons. aight, QO * plays hockoy, Q + sovon thinly, CQ. * plays basketball. Q b, For breakfast, he has... ©. After school, he... + chocolate mi) * loops, Q + coffe. O *doos hishomawork. * coroal and milk, () + has dinner, 0 c, Ho walks... + fo tho sports cub.) + home. OQ + to school, O | ee a eet ae 4. tthas got the front legs, wings and feathers, 0 O head of an eagle, b.tthas got a strong beak. () e.lts a mythical bird, C) C.ltbumsin ire, — ©) f-ithas got the body, back legs and tail ofahorse, () complete the description, | like sports, at meat every day, like computer ames, ., | drink fea fo don't ud breakfast, doesn't | eat sweets at + | school sleep onthe sofa. Welch TV in the evening, {Jwrite these sentences in the negative form, a, Togo lives in the sea, b. the wizards rls aaa we onan c, Kowana uses his wings for protection. d. The dragons control the wizards in Dragon World. ¢. Zey protects the village. £, Zey and Kowana help people. Jing the name of the correct character. {JNow, make true sentences by using the x {classify the aiectives, {Tdescribe these dragons, {jead the answers andl complete the questions. 9, DO€S 0 CO aan tink milk 2 Yes, itdoes. p,Does arobbit. No, it doesn't. ¢, Does a hamster... ‘Yes, it does. d, Does {flGircle the correct option. «. Ricky viits Bobby at 7 on / in) Tam (at / on 7 in) the weekend. = , Does the gecko go to the garden ‘at / on / in) winter? «.Lwalk my dog (at Zon 7 in) Saturday aftemoon. 4. I gjve my pe tarantula food (at on / in) si am every meming. ¢. Ruby's birthday is (at 7 on / in) Janwory. £. Does Alexis play with his gecko _at_/ on 7 in ) the evening? cect - What - drogontly - does - 0? does - When - his - Ricky - visit - pet Bobby? «.Radby the gecko - ive - Where - does? lw isthe sight pet for you? Why? walking now. jumping now. playing now. running now. swimming now. {Jlook at the photos and answer. ¢, Whats he doing? He is playing the guitar b What are they doing? riding a horse now? playing in the park now? eating lunch now? wearing a jacket now? taking an umbrella? inser Yes nis / NOs at Yes a. / No, aren't aulsthe litle boy drawing a picture? @Z) ¢.[sthe teacher writing on the board? (%) | 1. Are the boys doing their homework? @) . Are the girls running fast? o. ; = aqive Spree onare You tomatoes. My eed wr [complete with need or don't need. «a. Imagine you are riding a bike in the park. You bike, You ____— swimsuit. b. Imagine you are fshing on a sunny day. You________ an umbrella, You —_———— a fishing rod. . Imagine you are doing your homework. You a pencil or a pen. You binoculars. use these verbs to write sentences. @ @ =) Gon) a. Peter: /s ita piranha? if apiranha®’ Peter asks. b. Tom: Neo, itis’ Its a dolphin, fJrateyor" 0 Campfire Sty Create your own story, Follow these © Imagine you have a dream. Think ofthe setting instructions. of your dream: A forest? A river? A lake? The beach? The mountains? © Think of the characters of your dream: You and your friends? You, Your friends and a monster? A ghost? A poisonous insect? Make a list of words and ideas. ‘Ask your teacher for help, if necessary: How do you say fantasma in English? How do you spell ghost? Gor camping: Elements needed © Complete the text of the narrator. Draw yourself and your friend / s at the campsite / in the sleeping bags. ‘© Then, draw your dream. © Write the story in different speech bubbles on a separate piece of paper. Then cutout the speech bubbles ond add hem fo your toy. EVERY YEAR Wt AND THEIR SCHOOLMATES. G0 cANPING WITH THER TEACHERS, ITIs Late AT igi, THE CHILDREN ARE SITTING ‘AROUND THE FIRE, IS TELLING THEM AFASCINATING TORY, WHAT A FASCINATING STORY! BUT IT IS FINISHED NOW, IT I TIME TO SLEEP. Look ar —_______!wHaris__ DREAMING ABOUT? English © Where io tom? a Brazil b Argentina aine “© Whet sport ean Lad play very wel? Football b Volleyball» Basketball TW cea?” Fish b Veggies cPizza_ © What ime does Margaret May get up? a At 8:00 am b At7:00 am : @ Whot does a healthy child do? ashe / He has « good breakfast, She / He watches TV for hours, She / He goes to bed late, ; @ What can most dragons do? ‘a They can jump out of the sea, b They can fly and spit fire, ci as can help people nd talk. 0 why is Mars pet special? ‘a Because its a Komodo dragon, b Because it's a dragon. c Because it's a cero antes eae aol camping? a Balloons bAtent Tea cups + When do Leo, Lad and Mary 9 camping? ain December bIn October ¢In November

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