Academic Advantage of Technological Literate Students

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus

College of Teacher Education

First Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

Researcher: SAMPLE A. SAMPLE Program: BSEd Major in Science

Date Submitted: 11/16/2021

Proposed Title of the Study


Area of Study
Teaching and Learning/Instruction

Introduction/Background of the Study

(Author 2015 onwards)

Technology has been an abundant component in our lives as it is applied in different aspects of
life such as the economy, education, and many other industries.

Santoso (2019) defines technology literacy as the ability of a person to work independently and
collaborate with others effectively, responsibly and precisely by using technological instruments to
obtain, manage, then integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information. Otherwise, one is “non-
technical”, or the level of understanding on how to handle and utilize tools, such as fundamental
computer programs, Internet use, and so on, is very limited or nonexistent.

In recent years, education has centered on preparing pupils for "the future" by providing
students with 21st-century skills such as information and communication talents in communication
technology and problem-solving. Technology in education can be observed as different trends occur in
teaching and learning; mobile devices, game-based learning, robotics, internet, and the like. According
to Aitokhuehi and Ojogho, it is the job of all educators to facilitate computer literacy for no society can
grow to its fullest without computer literacy in the whole world today.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus

College of Teacher Education

First Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

is theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner has been very significant in educational process.
Intelligence was thought to be pre-determined and fixed from birth, regardless of one's greatest
efforts, one's IQ does not grow or expand. Gardner initially introduced the Theory of Multiple
Intelligences, in which he stated that learning occurs through a variety of intelligences, with different
degrees of each. To further understand the concept of intelligence, Gardner defined intelligence as
the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural

Research Paradigm


Studying hours

Technological trends General weighted average

Statement of the Problem

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus

College of Teacher Education

First Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

This study aims to determine the academic advantage of technology literate individuals to non-
technical students. Specifically, it seeks to find the following information:

1. What is the difference between the technology literate individual and non-technical in terms of:
1.1. Access to technological trends;
1.2. Studying hours;
1.3. General weighted average;

2. What is the perceived level of engagement of the respondents in the two groups before and after the
exposure to active learning strategies in a flipped online classroom?
3. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test scores of the two groups before the intervention?
4. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the two groups of
students exposed to active learning strategies in the two types of flipped online classroom such as:
4.1 standard online flipping
4.2 full hybrid online flipping
5. Is there a significant difference between the mean post-test scores of the two groups of students
exposed to active learning strategies in flipped online classroom as to their critical thinking skills in
terms of:
5.1 analysis;
5.2 evaluation;
5.3 explanation;
5.4 inference;
5.5 interpretation; and
5.6 self-regulation?
6. Is there a significant difference in perceived level of engagement of the two groups of students
before and after the exposure to active learning strategies in a flipped online classroom?

This research would likely to identify if:
Ho: The distribution of GWA is the same across categories of group; the distribution of technology
literacy score is the same across categories of group
Ha: The distribution of GWA is not the same across categories of group; the distribution of technology
literacy score is not the same across categories of group
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus

College of Teacher Education

First Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

Research Design: Comparative Quantitative Design

Respondents: Grade 9 students under Online Distance Learning (ODL) modality of San Pablo City
Integrated High School.

1. Survey Instrument on Students Level of Engagement
2. Teacher-made test for Critical Thinking

Statistical Treatment
1. Descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation and percentage
2. Inferential statistics: paired t-test and independent t-test


Dumford, A.D., Miller, A.L. Online learning in higher education: exploring advantages and
disadvantages for engagement. J Comput High Educ 30, 452–465 (2018).

Gardner, H. (1983/2003). Frames of mind. The theory of multiple intelligences. New York:

Martinez, K (2012). Technology Implementation In K-12 Schools: A Research Study Of Perceptions

And Practice Kaitlin Martinez. University of Central Florida.

Lestari S. & Santoso A. (2019). The Roles of Technology Literacy and Technology Integration to
Improve Students’ Teaching Competencies. International Conference on Economics, Education,
Business and Accounting, KnE Social Sciences, pages 243–256. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i11.4010

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