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S.No. 1510 19UBA14/

(For the candidates admitted from 2019–2020 onwards)


Fifth Semester


(Common for B.B.A. (CA))

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (15 × 1 = 15 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. The information of MIS comes from the

(a) Internal source
(b) External source
(c) Both internal and external source
(d) None of the above

2. The backbone of any organization is __________

(a) Information (b) Employee
(c) Management (d) Capital
3. Which type of system tracks day-to-day activities
of an organization?

(a) Transaction processing system (TPS)

(b) Management information system (MIS)

(c) Decision-support system (DSS)

(d) Executive support system (ESS)

4. RAM is memory device uses __________ in nature.

(a) Volatile (b) Non-volatile

(c) Solid (d) Semi-volatile

5. Programmers who write software are called

__________ programmers.

(a) Physical (b) System

(c) Application (d) Library

6. CPU means __________

(a) Central Process Utility

(b) Central Processing Unit

(c) Central Process Uniformity

(d) Central Process Usage

2 S.No. 1510
7. System is a group of elements organized with a
(a) Purpose (b) Data
(c) Procedure (d) Instruction

8. The __________ type of a system will interact with

outside environment.
(a) Closed (b) Open
(c) Adaptive (d) Stable

9. The basic component(s) of DSS is

(a) Database
(b) Model base
(c) DSS software system
(d) All of the above

10. __________ is type of decision is based on

repetitive routine for handling problems.
(a) Unstructured (b) Structured
(c) Standard (d) General

11. __________ is the resources are used for DSS to

explore decision alternatives.
(a) Data (b) Software
(c) Hardware (d) People

3 S.No. 1510
12. The __________ system is used to serve the
operational level of an organization.

(a) Transaction (b) Information

(c) Data (d) Executive

13. __________ details are given by Management to

Marketing Service System.

(a) Customer (b) Employee

(c) Supplier (d) None of the above

14. The effectiveness of marketing information system

depends to a larger extent of __________ from
market place to the firm,

(a) Marketing (b) Advertising

(c) Feedback (d) Promoting

15. The __________ information system deals with the

flow of information about people working in the

(a) Record (b) Transaction

(c) Personnel (d) Blocked

4 S.No. 1510
PART B — (2 × 5 = 10 marks)

Answer any TWO questions out of Five.

16. Explain the three dimensions of an information


17. Explain the Characteristics of Computer

Information System.

18. What are the typical steps in Systems


19. What are the different types of Transaction

Processing systems?

20. What are the key decisions supported by a

Financial MIS?

PART C — (5 × 10 = 50 marks)
Answer ALL questions.

21. (a) Explain the Characteristics of Management

Information System.
(b) What are the sources of MIS? Explain.

22. (a) Describe the importance of computers.

(b) Explain the different types of software.

5 S.No. 1510
23. (a) Write down the steps in system development
life cycle.
(b) What are the five major business systems
found in Most Companies?

24. (a) What is the difference between intelligence

and decision support systems?
(b) How would you develop the data bases for
transactions processing?

25. (a) Explain the functional information systems

in detail.
(b) Explain the managerial roles in decision
making processes.


6 S.No. 1510

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