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GROUP 5 STEM 11- Pasiphae

Thea Nicole Tindog Katriz Mae Villagantol
Mealcomar Pael Fatima Villacampa
John Lester Ferrer King Torrequemada
Bethel Dech Solamillo Adhel Samm Maravillas

Basic Limit Laws (Algebraic and Transcendental)

A. Express what you have learned in this lesson by completing the sentences below.

1. The limit of a function is a fundamental concept in calculus and analysis concerning the
behavior of that function near a particular input. The limit of a function at a point a in its
domain (if it exists) is the value that the function approaches as its argument approaches a.
The concept of a limit is the fundamental concept of calculus and analysis. It is used to define
the derivative and the definite integral, and it can also be used to analyze the local behavior
of functions near points of interest.

2. One-sided limit of a function is the behavior on only one side of the value where the function
is undefined. With these limits, we will only examine one side of the point in question, as the
name implies. Furthermore, one-sided limits are not concerned with what is present at the
point any more than normal limits are. They are solely interested in what's going on in the
immediate area around the point. The only significant distinction between one-sided and
normal limits is the range of "x" that we observe as we determine the value of the limit.

3. Is the limit of a function similar to evaluating a function? Explain briefly.

No, the limit of the function is not as similar as evaluating a function. When we
evaluate a function, it's like an "input-output process". You have your input and you will
have a corresponding output. While when we do limit of the function, technically we are not
doing the input-out process but we are looking at where the function is going to as our x
value is approaching a specific amount. The value of a function is its actual value while its
limit is the value approaching the functional value either from the left side or from the right
4. How can you solve the limit of a function? Explain briefly based on your own
To solve for the limit of function we need to first create two tables of values, one for the
inputs that approach a value from the left and one from the right. When the x-values(inputs) of
the table of values that you created is complete, we can now start solving for its corresponding
output, it is by substituting the x-values into the function. After completing the table of values
with its complete inputs and outputs, both the left side and right side table of values, we can now
determine what is the left side and right side equivalent to; that’s how you determine the limit of
a function.

5. What is a transcendental function? (Explain briefly)

A transcendental function is an analytic function that does not satisfy a polynomial

equation, in contrast to an algebraic function. In other words, a transcendental function
"transcends" algebra in that it cannot be expressed in terms of a finite sequence of the
algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power, and
root extraction.

6. Explain how you will solve for the limits of transcendental functions using
table of values and graph.

Firstly, create two tables for x values that approach a certain value from the left and
from the right. Evaluate the values by substituting the x on the given equation and find the
y values. Secondly, determine the limits by finding the answer of what the numbers of the
equation is approaching from both the left and right side. Thirdly, since both one-sided
limits from the left and right have the same or equal limits, hence, that is the limit of a
function. Lastly, to illustrate the function through a graph, plot all of the coordinates from
tables 1 and 2 to a cartesian plane.

Graph of Function:

Graph of Function:

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