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Amadelle: Our PSDS, Dr. Eden E. Evangelista, our Principal III, sir Edgardo A.

Daquer, our SHS Assistant Principal II,

sir Eduardo C. Oliver, our Head Teacher I, sir Mark Anthony E. Evangelista, fellow teachers, barangay  officials who
are here with us tonight, our beloved students, ladies & gentlemen, a spectacular evening to all of you!

Sherwin: I believe that tonight is going to be a memorable night not just to our beloved students but to us teachers
as well, esp. that out theme for this year’s acquaintance party is really interesting! So, Howdy partner!

Amadelle: Howdy sir Sherwin!

Sherwin: Don’t be surprise because that’s just how cowboys and cowgirls greet people! So, howdy guys?!
Great! Before we proceed to our program, I would just like to share a short trivia. Why don’t we trace
back to the history of cowboys. Didn’t you know, that the origins of the cowboy tradition come from Spain,
beginning with the hacienda system of medieval Spain. This style of cattle ranching spread throughout much of
the Iberian peninsula, and later was imported to the Americas.

Amadelle: And what’s interesting about it is that, the cowboys of the Old West had an unwritten code that
they lived by. The code included such rules as being courteous, always saying "howdy", so for tonight,
since we are cowboys and cowgirls, why don’t we greet our friends and teachers… howdy!!!!

Sherwin: Awesome. Tonight is such a spectacular night to remember! Everybody seems to be very handsome
and beautiful this night. Right guys? So to formally commence this event, please rise and feel a few moments of
solemnity for the opening prayer to be led by Mam Jessebel Gajete.

Amadelle: You may noe take your seats. To enliven the atmosphere and accommodate us, please give a
big hand to sir Mark Anthony E. Evangelista, Head Teacher I for the welcome address.

Sherwin: Thank you sir for your wonderful remarks. And now, let us witness a special presentation. Let’s give it up to
grade 9/grade 10 class.

Aryan: At this juncture, let us be all eyes and all ears as we witness the Rigodon dance to be performed by selected

Jellen: Thank you for that very entertaining number. At this time, let us hear an inspirational message to be given to
us by our school’s very own action man, sir Edgardo A. Daquer, Principal III. A resounding applause, please.

Flavy: Thank you sir. Let us lend our ears to another inspirational message, this time to be given to us by our ever
supportive and lovely PSDS, Dr. Eden E. Evangelista. A warm applause, please.

Sherwin: Thank you mam. This time, let us listen to the words of thanks coming from our very own hard-working and
dedicated Senior High School Assistant Principal II, Sir Eduardo C. Oliver. Let us give him a round of applause, please.

Aryan: Thank you sir. And now, let us be entertained once again woth another special presentation to be performed
by the Grade 11/Grade 12 class. Let us give them a resonating applause!

(Promenade Proper) I am not sure about this…

 Requesting all Junior and senior attendees to please assemble at the entrance for the promenade.
 Ladies and gentlemen, let us witness the entrance of the juniors and seniors.

Flavy: At this point, let’s move onward and go forward for the candle lighting ceremony. No JS Prom is considered
memorable in the absence of candle-lighting ceremony. Such ceremony symbolizes the hand-over of the candles to
the next bearers so as to lead and guide our school and their stakeholders in reaching their dreams and aspirations.
The flame atop of every paraffin elucidates the road to success of the outgoing seniors in the next chapter of their
academic career.

And to showcase the gracefulness and

the inclination of the Vincentians
tonight, let’s
now welcome the Cotillion de Honor
dancers under the supervision of Mr.
Edwin Acierto.
Let’s give them a big hand with grace
and poise!
And to showcase the gracefulness and
the inclination of the Vincentians
tonight, let’s
now welcome the Cotillion de Honor
dancers under the supervision of Mr.
Edwin Acierto.
Let’s give them a big hand with grace
and poise!
And to showcase the gracefulness and
the inclination of the Vincentians
tonight, let’s
now welcome the Cotillion de Honor
dancers under the supervision of Mr.
Edwin Acierto.
Let’s give them a big hand with grace
and poise One of the most awaited part of this event is the traditional cotillion de honor.
Sherwin: And to showcase the gracefulness and the inclination of SMEISians tonight, let’s now welcome the
Cotillion de Honor dancers, under the supervision of Sir Jimboy Gabriel and yours truly. Let’s give them a big hand,
with grace and poise.

Jellen: Thank you cotillion de honor dancers for your awe-inspiring performance. At this juncture, let us all witness
the entrance of our beauties and beaus from different grade levels. Starting of with Miss Grade 9…. (ALTERNATE

…..Let us now proceed to the pinning of sashes. To pin the sash for our Mr. and Miss Grade 9, I’d like to call in
Ms./Mr…. /0r we have/or may I request…to pin the sash for… (ALTERNATE ULIT BESH)

Sherwin: At this point in time, let us meet the elected Supreme Student Government for the school year 2019-2020.
I am honored to present to you the new student-officers who will commence on their duties on the opening of the
school year 2019-2020. (TAWAGIN NIYO NA SILA DITO)

Flavy: May I request the presence of sir/mam…. To lead the oath taking of our SSG officers.

Aryan: And for the turn-over of the key responsibility, let’s welcome Rochelle C. Navarro, SSG President 92018-

Jellen: And to accept the key responsibility, let’s have the newly elected SSG President, Cipriano C. Tabayoyong, Jr.

Sherwin: We are down to the third part of our program which is the search for the ff:

(You can adlib na here guys… )

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