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Script Nutrition Month

….Acknowledge the presence/arrival of…

- Students, ladies and gentlemen, please settle down and do not make unnecessary noise, for in a few minutes, we will
start with the program./ because any moment from now, we will be starting with the program.

- Before we start, let me check first the attendance of everyone, so let’s have a roll call. When you hear your grade level,
you have to make some noise… Let’s start with the students of Grade 7…. Where are the… How about the… We want
from you grade…?Thank you so much for your cooperation. In a few moments we will be starting with the program so
brace yourselves.

- I believe that good nutrition means good heath, and good health is man’s greatest wealth. Do you agree with that?
Awesome! So it’s very important that we know how to take good care of our health, right? And today’s event will allow
us to become more cognizant on the importance of having a healthy body. So without much ado, let’s get started with
this exciting program because we have a lot of activities in stored to all you that you will surely enjoy.

- But before we proceed, I’d like to give recognition to our schools heads, for their presence. To our highly-
distinguished guest – deeply honoured Public Schools District Supervisor Dr. Eden E. Evangelista, to our greatly
respected Principal III, sir Edgardo A. Daquer, to our Hardworking and ever supportive Senior High School Assistant
Principal II, sir Eduardo C. Oliver, and to our amiable and truly talented head Teacher I, sir Mark Anthony E.
Evangelista, to our equally passionate and dedicated teachers, students, parents, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant
morning and welcome to the Nutrition Month Culmination Program with its theme “ Kumain ng Wasto at Maging
Aktibo, Push Natin To!” (Ad leave)

- To start unravelling today’s celebration of good nutrition, let us all rise for the singing of the National Anthem, to be
followed by a Doxology, and singing of SMEIS, Mabuhay Ka! Hymn, through an audio-visual presentation.

- You may now be seated.

- Today is not just a culmination. It is also a celebration to show that we value life through good nutrition. As a salute to
the celebration of life, let us all lend our ears for the opening remarks, to be given by sir Mark Anthony E. Evangelista,
Head Teacher I. A warm round of applause please.

- Thank you sir for your wonderful remarks. And to warm our hearts with his words, let us welcome our ever hard
working and dedicated Senior High School Assistant Principal II, no other than sir Eduardo C. Oliver. Let us give him a
resounding applause.

- Thank you sir. And now, nothing can be more uplifting and enriching than the encouraging words from our good-
natured principal. Ladies and gentlemen, let us give a warm round of applause to our Principal III, sir Edgardo A.
Daquer as he delivers a message.

- Thank you sir for your insights. That message is very significant to all of us, indeed. 9Thank you for your inspiring
message.) May I just quote from sir Daquer… “ ……”

- Today’s program wouldn’t be complete without hearing some words from our dynamic Public Schools District
Supervisor, ladies and gentlemen, please help me in welcoming Dr. Eden E. Evangelista as she delivers a message to

- Thank you so much, ma’am for giving us always words worth pondering. How about a resounding applause once again
to our school heads. Thank you.

- At this juncture, we are moving to the second part of our program which is the cookfest competition. But first, allow
me to read with you the criteria for judging for the cookfest competition.

- ………(READ CRITERIA)……….
- By the way, for the information of everybody, the entries for the cookfest will be coming from grades 9-12, and one
entry per section composed of 5 members, while the entries for the dessert making will be coming from grade 7 and 8,
one entry per section as well, composed of 3 members and it will be held here at our multipurpose shed.
- This afternoon, we will witness highlights of our celebration, the Nurti-Jingle competition and Mr. and Miss Nutrition
Month 2019, so see you all this afternoon, enjoy the rest of the day, and later we, your teachers will of course enjoy the

……The competition will start any minute from now. All the contestants, students, teachers and guest are invited to come
here at the shed now. Thank you…..

- Hello everybody. I can sense that everyone is excited for these two events that we will be witnessing this afternoon,
“The Mr. and Miss Nutrition Month, and the Nutri-Jingle Competition, which are still part of our nutrition month
celebration. Are you excited! I can’t hear you! Once more, are you excited?! I know you are as excited as I am and thai
is awesome!

- Awesome! Thank you so much.

- So this time, before we meet our bets (ang ating mga pambato) for the Mr. and Miss Nutrition Month, I know you are
very eager to see them already, but let us first enjoy the different Nutri-Jingle performances from different grade

- I’d like to request a representative or a teacher from each grade to please come here on stage for the draw lots, so that
we know the sequence of the performances.

- This is the sequence of performers, first will grade …. Followed by, … then

- Let me read to you as well the criteria for judging for the Nutri-Jingle competition…


- And while waiting for the first performers, I’d like to share with you a trivia about nutrition. This is something I/we
learned from the seminar we attended last Saturday, the Girl Powered Nutrition, wherein we in the girl scout
organization are encouraged to advocate healthy living by eating nutritious foods. But before I give you this trivia, I
want to ask you about it first, in case anyone here happen to know it. Are you ready?

- For those who will be able to answer this will receive a prize sponsored by sir Mark. Charot! Pero may prize kayo
talaga, 2 way ticket, so it means, back and forth, two way ticket for one to Carmesis Resort. Oh diba exciting!

- Did you know guys, that there are three types of malnutirion and nowadays these three types of malnutrition is
evident among us Filipinos, that’s the reason why we are included to the top five countries facing malnutrition all over
the world? Imagine that.

- So, who can give me one type of malnutrion? Who among you knows the three types of malnutrition, give me one…

- I think the grade (….) performers are now ready. Let’s continue this later/Hindi ko na papatagalin pa. But may I ask as
well the next group to prepare now, and huddle up at the back. I won’t prolong your agony in waiting. Ladies and
gentlemen, let’s give it up to grade --- students as they perform their nutri-jingle.

- Wow! Thank you grade ---. Una palang yan, pero parang pati ako kinakabahan… I’m excited to witness the next groups
too. So moving on to the next performers, let’s welcome the grade…

- Thank you so much…once again, the next group who will perform should prepare at the back, you can already form
your line there, para mabilis po tayo…

---So on and so forth---

- That concludes the nutri-jingle competition, what grade do you think will be the champion? Okay, let’s find out later.
- And hold your breath because we are now down to the last contest that we have for today. That is the search for Mr.
and Miss Nutrition Month 2019! Gusto niyo na ba silang Makita at makilala? Sino sa tingin niyo ang mananalo? I know
as early as now you already have your own bets, right? Well, I’m sorry to say na hindi pa natin malalaman at this point
in time.

- And I’m excited about it too, so ladies and gentlemen, let us witness the production number of our Mr. and Miss
Nutrition Month candidates on their shorts wear! Let us give them a big, big hand!

- There you have it ladies and gentlemen! Our charismatic and gorgeous candidates for the search for Mr. and Miss
Nutrition Month. They truly are captivating. And for us to identify the rightful owner of the title as Mr. and Miss
Nutrition moth, we need the help of our board of judges. To introduce to us our board of judges… Let us get to know

- And now, ladies and gentlemen, let us have them once more here on stage to show us more of what they got as they
ramp individually on their shorts wear.

- Wow! Thank you candidates. These candidates really possess the bearing and poise as they did the walk wearing their
shorts wear/sports attire. We will get to see more of them later. For now as they prepare for the talent portion………….

- (award certificates) (Trivia) (Reading of Criteria) …while waiting

- Moving on, we have seen how the candidates carry themselves on stage with their shorts wear but there sure is
something unique about them. More that beauty and charm, let us see what they have in store for us and I believe they
are ready to entertain us and show us what they’ve got, let’s welcome candidate number 1 and so on and so forth…

- (let’s have him on stage, give it up to candidate, the floor is yours, give a big hand, show us what you’ve got candidate)

- So there you have it. Our candidates had shown their genuine talents making each and everyone one of them stand out
on their own. Thank you candidates. Did you enjoy it? And as they prepare for the next round, let us (award)

- At this time, let us have the candidates back on stage on their casual attire, so you have to give your loudest cheers for
the candidate you support the most. In a nick of time we will be finding out who will be the title holder for Mr. and
Miss nutrition Month. Kung kanina yung iba wala pang idea kung sino ang kanilang pambato, ngayon siguro since we
have seen them ramp, and we have witnessed their talents, you already have your bets at this point in time. So who do
you think will win?

- Mamaya, malalaman natin yan. For now let uswelcome then back on stage on their casual attire, starting of with
candidate number 1… and so on…

- So there you have it, the candidates on their casual attire. They truly are captivating and charming, right? So like what
I said, in a nick of time….. we are almost there. The results will be in few minutes from now.

- (…..I have in my hands the results for the nutri-jingle…..)


THANT CONCLUDES….. Thank you let’s call it a day!

Absolutely captivativg, absolutely stunning, gorgeous male candidates.

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