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Prepared & Assembled by: Ms.

Mai Hesham Abdelshakour

It slows down the pace of the text; usually shows that more than one event is happening

at the same time.

" qtt' 6o"Q{ro+
Exercises f, co*'
A. on the line, identify each senten". uffi {ru,.i:, d,
1. 5 Suruwill attend a new school soon. b*q*t
2. EJ-Maryand Sara have been, for a very long time.
3. (dAlthough is going to Blue Hill, Mary will stay behind.
a. CC She will leave soon, and she still has to pack.
5. -1This last summer with Sara is a time of great change for the girls' friendship.
6. '1' ,''5utu thinks of Mary as her best friend in the whole world; however, Mary doesn,t feel
the same
7. ( ( Wtilte sometimes things change, and they can't change back again; this friendship
may stay the same.
B. Combine the following sentences using what,s in the parenthesis
1. Marla came to school late. Marla is always on time. (Who)
o{ e,
2. Ben is cooking. Ahmed is reading. carly is talking on the phone. (while....and)

wh;t tr
|'len t5

3. I have 7 hours' worth of training today. I will find a way to finish my work. (Even /"aJ:r' ."

rli i.$

4. These books are valuable. These books are one'of a kind. (and)

5. I never want to go to school. I get bullied a lot. (because)


C. True or False
1. This is a compound sentence
Ahmed and Dina are going to the new mall around the block.
&-"Vn\:e A
2. This is a simple sentence
Mark and Marina want to eat both cake and pizza.
t L yg n

H l
& Assembled Ms. Mai Hesham Abdelshakour 16
Prepared & Assembled by: Ms. Mai Hesham AbdelShakour -

3. This is a complex sentence:

The boy who likes tea is late. ,

4. This is a complex sentence:

Ahmed is working on his assignment; Johnathan is playing on his Xbox. f r' '

h 5. This is a compound-Complex Sentence:

Even though Ahmed enjoys his En-glish sessions, Johnathan always tries to distract

while Jane sits and watches them. X, l, ,"

D. Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns and add commas if
1. Sherlock Holmes is the cleverest detective out there. Sherlock is not an easy person to

\niP t rd ( i. *ta, 1,"frr .J


2 My grandparents live in Colorado. They are school teachers ,}rle*rt"

{\N I q{s,i 0{(
3. St. Peter',s Hospital was shut down. St. Peter',s Hospital is in America
6* p fLsr#
i,l rtry c4",'L,
4. Joseph's account was hacked. He called the police'

E. Complete thd foilowing with the appropriate relative pronoun:

a. Christopher Columbus was the sailor \nr ho discovered America

b. This food has an ingredient rnrhI is very sweet.

c. The lady , .t ',:r

t)'($ ." son plays football with me is the head-teacher of my


d. The house rr,,h 1 t h I was born is now for sale'

e. Antonio Banderas, Vrlh o is married to Melanie Griffrth, was born in

f. D.H. Lawrence, was an English author, wrote many interesting


g. London, whl i ' is on the river Thames, is the capital of the United


& Assembled Ms. Mai Hesham AbdelShakour t7

8I rno{Br{slepqv tueqsoH I€I tr 'sntr pelquossv T, LI


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'sunouord aArlBIoJ Sulugap-uou 3u1sn sorualuas aql aulqurof 'C

.:r --, ; i]ge1s,(1puer4,tte,t u sediu,.t s€'4d' I3req^\11e1'dsog ?ur16 s1rq16 s

1. .,,.r
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', ' i 1 'mu srq s1a3 r.neu oq^/petuqv seleq EurCI 'srIli : ulir

. ., .. , lJ'lAH rreql ]e3 l.uop oq,lA sluepnls ,fue1 seleq €uICI 'sJI,^d a

'oAIIE leJ Sut.loq lsotu eql sl'sdeels oq^lr.lrrn1r5

s,(u,,r,r1e 1

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rnorieqslopqv u€qseH IBI tr 'sW :fq pelqruessy ry pe:eci:;;

?:epared & Assembled by: Ms. Mai Hesham Abdelshakour

h. The Prado Museum, 'o,,; i is in Madrid, is one of the best art galleries in
the world.

F. Add commas to the sentences ifnecessary t'l I (5!' ilO n^r*1 f\rn l''n1 Liff)-
1. Silvester,who always sleeps, is the most boring cat alive. 'i
?, Mrs. Dina hates lazy students who don't get their ,y/.[ , ,l -, , t,
: hrm \{rs. Dina hates AhmedTwho never gets his HW. f, ,. ,
/ ': - .',

5. \\'1iite Wing Hospital,where I was bornl|ras a very friendly staff \ c5

G. Combine the sentences using non-defining relative pronouns.
:r to l. Valencia is a great place. Vplencia is due east of Madrid.

!' ot(n't\t ii +6tr8 l[$h;t,v-; .t.... + *fl .... .{.i.', X.. 6;:...
2. Jimbo is living in Thailand now. Jimbo got
Ufr" ,.
L. 0..
l-\. / ;.[,r" g i n f h ti.ton rI l{. 5,rh* 9-{.t-.1. .dgar
Clare is a good teacher. I don't like Clare
+? f
a fi1 + '..rJ rt.l,o r*t"'i "'
',i: o*'L,' '::"v "f ' "" " .." "u " "'' ..

- neighbour stinks greasy neighbour is a bus driver

t-.Xf), "ll -sreasy

i, Erq+t /Ct? li ..b,s \rirr
....0.,r-.. nrg{.q:t,. i":i{.,',q"y"& ir
-,,meria is very dry. The of are wonderful

srL iirl hr.o(hesoP- iil', ,il) c

\' !' --" " "' $"E:q" " itu' \" s.,..
school has about 800 students
] ) 1.- drt


-.-: government handled the diplomatic crisis badly. The government is facing
;Lrrruptlon charges

hh 'rL" ..t.*. {\
"! rl
Ylo.U. Y. $\ L, +. It\^ \. ..?. .h'*r- i,,",. ir I\.
.Y -\!l -
(r ii
Tne Plaza Rodonda square is near the cathe{ral.,They hold a market 1n The Plaza L\ \a\
li']dondqsquare every Sunday. (use WHE$ 1, rt
{ \

1g .-...... :. r,i.+ F*r,\g...{

b...{{. 9.4{..:f\L..Yyh fut r\! d

Ssmantha is coming to the party. Samantha's mother is mayoress of this town.

-,,*.oo'i*) .[." t\& fl.-.**...lrv.YtouL. nn.oflre fC

M\ [a{ag) ur {-\ ,!

17 : ,: ied : Ms. Mai Hesham AbdelShakour 18

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