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3-minute AVP For SBM Regional Validation.

Part I

N- Gearing towards SBM efficacy in times of Pandemic, DAAES would like to invite you to take a glimpse
of what transpired in this greatly challenging year. See the spirit beyond doubts and uncertainties.
Meet these people behind the trail of unfailing desire to push through. Feel the triumph as it unfolds
right before your very eye.

N- In recent years principal together with the school planning team and school governing council
collaboratively developed the SIP and AIP. But since this school year is particularly unique, School Based-
Management nevertheless requires much needed to revamp from the very start, originating from the
Plan. They revised the annual plan to suit the Basic education-Learning Continuity Plan. Following the
road map of SIP-AIP formulation, it has been approved and implemented in this “New Normal” school
(photos/videos of Sir Francis with school planning team)

N-Our usual SBM fund comes from various sources: LGU, DepEd MOOE, and donations from NGO’s and
private entities. In consultation with community stakeholders, the allotment was done according to the
priorities as set by SIP, AIP, and now the BE-LCP.
(photos/videos of Finance team with Sir Francis especially Mam Nerie for MOOE); photos of donations
especially with SK Micah Cadiz;

The improvement of the facilities was a priority in recent years because it's a way to create and
preserve both beautiful and healthy environments where learning and camaraderie are enhanced.
But because of the pandemic, the activities mainly focused on resolving problems of instruction delivery
and improving learning situations with the support of parents, LGU’s and the community.
(photos/videos of plan implementation particular to those mentioned in the LCP and added new school-
based program adaptation from the division including those relating to COVI-19 protocols, health &
mental health..)- curriculum instruction, physical facility improvements, engaging internal & external
stakeholders, and good governance.)

Project SIKAP -- Teachers evaluated children's reading and found that many children had difficulty in
reading. To solve the reading problem of the students, Project SIKAP was created. It started with having
a nice and spacious place to be a reading center and teachers made reading materials to help with the
project being promoted by the school. Teachers devote time for students ’reading remediation and now
that we have gone through the pandemic it has not been a hindrance it is being conducted online to
help our students.

Our school is one of the honored best in the School-Based Feeding Program 2021. With the help of our
stakeholders, it has become easier to conduct the feeding program and provide proper food to our
students. Even in the amidst of pandemics are still underway the program
N-In managing the fund, our school head provides for the financial resources needed by various
activities on time and following good governance requirements.
(photos/videos of Sir Francis doing the actual on-site monitoring and meeting/discussion with the details
of PPAs with Finance team)


N-In the implementation of BE-LCP, the principal manages the fund, whilst monitoring and evaluating.
The school performance has to be monitored and evaluated by comparing planned and implemented
activities versus actual accomplishments.

(photos/videos of the SMEA team doing the actual M&E, Post-Con, and FGD’s extending Technical
Assistance to each SBM team being monitored. Forms used can also be exhibited.

N-In the monitoring and evaluation system, the learners' achievement progress including Non-readers
and non-numerates, MPS in the pre-post test of the five learning areas under the BEC, and Teacher
effectiveness are also part of the instructional supervision.

N-All those targeted activities aimed at accomplishing different projects and programs objectives have
to be compared against the previous school year baseline data, in great consideration to the different
learning modalities used. This has a particular focus on the increased learning achievement rate,
participation rate, completion rate, and decreased drop-out rate.

N-The school’s vision-mission, and even the accomplishments are communicated to stakeholders
through the School Governing Council, the School Report Card, and the School Newsletter.
SGC ( photos/video of meeting with SGC officers, situational discussion with them, and school events
where they are engaged.)
School Newsletter (photo/video of meeting with School journalists:T.Sheena, T.Mina,T.
Gina, T. Karen, and T.Emarc)
- planning the development of this SY newsletter.
-reviewing the articles submitted from sources
-technical lay-outing of the newsletter.


The school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children learn. Schools shall
have a single aim of providing the best possible education for all learners regardless of the situations
exclusive of our comfort zone. Pushing our limits to reach and touch them. Inspire them amidst
difficulties. That’s who we are…teachers!


a. Leadership and Governance
(The chairman presenting their best practices/MOV’s )

N- "The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader
adjusts the sails.”
-John Maxwell

b. Curriculum and Instruction

(The chairman presenting their best practices/MOV’s )

N- “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those
who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but
warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.”
-Carl Jung

c. Accountability and Continuous Improvement

(The chairman presenting their best practices/MOV’s )

N- “Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will
stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path.
You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from
discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.”
 - Sir Winston Churchill

d. Resource Management
(The chairman presenting their best practices/MOV’s )

N- “You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you
don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes
to life.”
– Renee West

Part III


The school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children learn. Schools shall
have a single aim of providing the best possible education for all learners regardless of the situations
exclusive of our comfort zone. Pushing our limits to reach and touch them. Inspire them amidst
difficulties. That’s who we are…teachers!

(Photos/video of the whole faculty in action and in formal set)

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or
excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” (Aristotle)


(photos/video of Faculty in chant with action)

We fall, we break, we fail……

But then, we rise, we heal.. we overcome.

Ma.Gina G. Etrella (07.16.21)

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