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The Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998, also known as

Republic Act No. 8559, was passed in 1998 to promote and upgrade
agricultural engineering practice in the Philippines, as well as to ensure the
delivery of fundamental and technical services to accelerate agricultural
modernization throughout the country through adequate and well-trained
professional agricultural engineers. It examines how the law was implemented
and how it benefited farmers and fishermen by producing professional
agricultural engineers and providing essential and technical services to
accelerate agricultural modernization across the country through adequate
and well-trained professional agricultural engineers. It will also explain what
this republic act is for and what its objectives are.It also tries to add
information to the topic and broaden the knowledge of the readers. Under
Senate Bill No. 8559, the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998, also
known as RA 8559, was enacted on February 26, 1998. Its mother law is RA
No. 8435, the "Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997."
When asked what they planned to do in the future, students and others
tended to avoid terms like agriculture, crop science, animal science, and
others. Despite the fact that 80-90 percent of students come from farming
backgrounds, the majority of them wish to pursue different vocations. In our
country, the Philippines, agriculture is the most abundant source of income.
We make our living from agricultural products, yet young Filipinos are losing
interest in the industry, partly due to underpaying and undervaluation of
farmers. In the agricultural sector, there are various unsolved questions. "Can
agriculture secure the safety of our future?" or "What can we get in
agriculture?" were prevalent questions. ".
The "Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998" was passed in
1998 to promote and upgrade the practice of agricultural engineering in the
Philippines, as well as to ensure the delivery of fundamental and technical
services to accelerate agricultural modernization throughout the country
through adequate and well-trained professional agricultural engineers. Before
executing duties, each member of the Board must qualify by taking the
necessary oath of office. Any vacancy on the Board that occurs during a
member's term must be replaced for the remaining term. The board has the
following powers, functions, and duties: it shall promulgate and adopt rules
and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act; it shall
supervise the registration, licensure, and practice of professional agricultural
engineers in the Philippines; it shall administer oaths to successful examinees
entering the practice of agricultural engineering; it shall issue, suspend, or
revoke certificates of registration to sucessful examinees entering the practice
of agricultural engineering; it shall issue, suspend, or revoke certificates of
registration to successful examinees. Everyone who wants to be an
agricultural engineer has to take and pass a written technical exam. An
applicant must earn a weighted overall average of seventy percent (70
percent) with no grades lower than fifty-five percent (55 percent) in any
specific topic to be qualified as having completed the Board examination for
agricultural engineers. An examinee who receives a weighted general
average rating of seventy percent (70 percent) or higher but receives a rating
of less than fifty-five percent (55 percent) in any given subject must retake the
examination in the subject or subjects in which he received a grade of less
than fifty-five percent (55 percent ). So long as no justification is given, the
Board must transmit the candidate's evaluations to the Commission within
twenty days. Each registrant will receive the Board of Agricultural
Engineering's seal. To stamp plans and specifications created by or under the
supervision of a trained agricultural engineer. No one may copy or make
copies of mentioned papers without the explicit permission of the agricultural
engineer or author. Design, construction, testing and evaluation of agri-
structures, machines/equipment, processes & systems must be signed by an
ag engineer. Registration is automatic for all professional agricultural
engineers at the time of this Act's enactment. The Board adopts and
disseminate rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act, which
shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication in the Official Gazette or a
major daily newspaper of broad circulation. As such, the Commission shall
enforce the relevant parts of this Act, enact implementing rules and
regulations, investigate complaints, including violations of the profession's
Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, and prosecute where merited. In
addition to the administrative sanctions imposed under this Act, any person
who violates any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be
penalized by a fine not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) nor more
than Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00), or imprisonment of not less
than six (6) months nor more than (3) years, or both fine and imprisonment at
the discretion of the court. All laws, decrees, executive orders and other
administrative issuances and parts thereof which are inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act are hereby modified or superseded. Discordant with the
provisions of this Act are amended or repealed. If the Official Gazette or a
major daily newspaper of broad distribution in the Philippines publishes the
Act first, it takes effect fifteen (15) days later. Government units (LGUs) at the
provincial, city and municipal levels were required to adopt Republic Act No.
The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) issued
Memorandum Circular No. According to this DBM Budget Circular, all LGUs
may reallocate agriculturist and other agricultural engineering positions to the
current engineer class of employment. Furthermore, position reallocation must
be approved by the Sanggunian in question and is part of the Salary
Standardization Law's implementation.

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