Activity For Finals-Bilan - RPH-BSTM103

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What was the single greatest lesson of this past

year and what did it teach you about yourself?

My intention in the way I live my life is to always put
God first and show through my actions that He is the
most important thing to me. But does it always go
down like that? No. It doesn’t, and admittedly, there
were too many times in the past year where my
spiritual investment and prioritizing was not as it should
have been. Life is a continuous learning experience.
Throughout our lives we keep rising and falling, picking
up important lessons along the way. Some of these
lessons come from experience, yet there are others
that we learn. But what I found is that any and every
time that I put my relationship with God first and truly
invested in it meaning saying an engaged, meaningful
prayer as the first thing I did when I woke up and the
last thing I did before going to sleep, and then actually
studying or even just listening to them and paying
attention instead of letting my mind wander on the
days I did that, everything just seemed to go better. I
believe, but it has also really and truly been my
experience that investing in my spiritual goals and my
Name:Jairen Rex D.Bilan relationship with God, first and foremost, makes all the

difference in the world in my ability to reach and
Section: BSTM 103 achieve my other goals.

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