COURSE CODE: BCHE325 (9498) Name: Venteroso, Jeremie John P. Program: Bs Chemical Engineering - 2 Year

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Activity 1: Fill in the blanks. Write the correct word/s on the left of each number to satisfy the statement
on the right.
Oxidation of Ethylene
______________1. The chemical reaction in the preparation of acetic acid from ethylene as a raw
material obtained from petroleum.
Acetic acid
_____________2. The product obtained by controlled oxidation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
Smoke Point
_____________3. This is determined as the height of the flame (in millimetres) produced by the oil in
the wick of a stove or a lamp without forming any smoke
Sebacic acid
_____________4. This acid is commercially produced from castor oil saponification with a caustic
solution at about 250°C.
Sulfur Compounds The presence of this may cause corrosion in the fuel pipes in the engine cylinder and
produce sulfur dioxide during combustion.
PET Plastic
_____________6. Common name for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
_____________7. After polyethylene, this is a valuable polymer and is used as plastic for making pipes,
ropes, fibers, etc.
Low-density polyethylene
_____________8. The class of PE produced in a very high-pressure process.
_____________9.   This involves two monomers, same or different, which combine to form a polymer
with the elimination of small molecular weight by-products like water.
_____________10. These are reacted with other hydrocarbons or non-hydrocarbon chemicals to
generate vinyl chloride, ethylene glycol, neoprene, ethylene oxide.
Cloud Point
_____________11. The temperature at which oil becomes hazy or cloudy due to the onset of wax
crystallisation or solidification.
Jet Fuel
_____________12. This is usually polymer gasoline or alkylated gasoline having an octane number
greater than 100
catalytic desulfurisation
_____________13. This is carried out to remove sulfur from diesel oil. The sulfur content should not be
more than 0.25% by weight of the oil.
Flash Point
_____________14. The lower the flash point, the greater the chance of autoignition.
_____________15. The fuels used in airplanes.

Ignition Quality
_____________16. This quality of diesel oil is measured by cetane number,
Paraffin Wax
_____________17. This wax is soft and has a low melting suitable for candle making, paper coating.
_____________18. Common name for bitumen is obtained from short residue.
JBO(C) and JBO(P)
_____________19. Two grades of jute batching oils.
Motor Spirit
_____________20. This is known as petrol in Europe but as gasoline in the U.S.

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