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Name: Kyle Justine F.

Key Terms Definition
Athenian philosopher (469–399 BCE) Convicted and sentenced to death by his peers for threatening society with his probing
Socrates philosophical questions; wrote nothing himself but often serves Plato’s dialogues as the
spokesman for Plato’s own views

Manicheism A form of esoteric Christianity which believed that suffering and evil in the world are not caused
Augustine by God but by a lower power (Satan). Humans have two souls: the higher soul desires God and
the lower soul desires evil.

Hyperbolic Doubt This term is used to describe Descartes's philosophy to consider false any belief that falls prey
Descartes to even the slightest doubt. This is what he uses as the base to search for ultimate truth.

Empiricism, skepticism, personal identity, One of the most important among. Philosophers, because he developed to its logical conclusion
Hume necessary connection, causal connection, the empirical.
induction, impressions, ideas.

Transcendent Idealism Kant’s theory that humans construct knowledge by imposing universal concepts onto sensory
Kant experiences.

Order In classification, a group of closely related families.

Locke Laws Enforceable rules of conduct in a society.

The Concept of Mind (1949) Considered a modern classic. In it he challenges the traditional distinction between body and
Ryle mind as delineated by René Descartes. Traditional Cartesian dualism, Ryle says, perpetrates a
serious confusion when, looking beyond the human body (which exists in space and is subject
to mechanical laws), it views the mind as an additional mysterious thing not subject to
observation or to mechanical laws, rather than as the form or organizing principle of the body.

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