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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Misamis Oriental
Libertad District
Libertad National High School


Following the conduct of the Division Training of Trainers by the Division Office of DepEd
Misamis Oriental, the Libertad District held a Midyear In-Service Training (INSET) last January 31 and
February 2-4, 2022 via Google Meet. The purpose of such event was to relay the information and
knowledge acquired by those who attended the DTOT to their fellow teachers in their respective schools,
as well as to re-orient teachers of strategies and methodologies that they can use in delivering lessons and
ensuring success of the teaching-learning process in the new normal. Due to the limitations of online
conferences, the workforce of Libertad National High School, along with the Lubluban Integrated School,
had a separate online venue for the INSET. But the topics and discussions conducted were very much the
same to that of the other schools in the district.
During the first 2 days of the INSET, the discussions were in line with revisiting the duties and
responsibilities of a highly proficient teacher, as well as the integration of the Internet and use of various
online platforms in the new teaching and learning modality. Different online applications and websites
were introduced to the teaching force of the school, which would be of utmost use to them as they venture
into the world of online teaching and learning. They were re-oriented on how to access and use Google
Classroom and Google Meet. They were also taught how to navigate through various video creating and
editing software that they can use in making video lessons and video presentations. Dr. Luzviminda Z.
Labis, C.E., PhD, Secondary School Principal II also presented on how to craft a Development Plan from
the electronic Self-Assessment Tool (eSAT) results via a video presentation. The teachers were then
required to submit their own development plans as output for the said presentation.
On the third day of the training, teachers were then separated and grouped by department. The
Science Department, led by the Headteacher-Designate for Science, Mrs. Laari Joy A. Fabricante, then
continued the INSET still via Google Meet. The speakers were those who attended the DTOT in Science
conducted by the Division Office. They were assigned topics from the DTOT which they relayed to their
fellow Science teachers.
Hosted by Ms. Bianca Z. Labis, the INSET in Science kicked off with the singing of the
Philippine National Anthem and an Opening Prayer, both done via an audio-video presentation. The
series of discussions were then started. Mrs. Ingrid Caburatan presented the topic “Integrating Science to
Reading through Storybook Writing”. In her presentation, she discussed about the importance of reading
and comprehension in delivering and understanding Science lessons. This can be done by crafting story
books. By doing so, teachers were able to practice reading comprehension among students as well as
deliver the lessons to them. Mr. Wilbert S. Tuyor then presented “Crafting Self-Instruction Modules
(SIM) for the Least Mastered Skills in Science”. In his talk, he pointed out the importance of crafting self-
learning modules that can cater to the level of understanding of the students. Mrs. Laarni Joy A.
Fabricante then gave a presentation on “Designing Instructional Materials for Science”. The very goal of
such topic was to aid teachers in crafting and designing the instructional materials that they use in their
lessons. Mr. Nourelle M. Calam then gave a discussion on “Conducting Investigatory Project: Producing
Young Inventors”. The topic aimed to review the guidelines on how to properly create a good
investigatory project. The speaker also stressed the importance of IP’s in initiating a love for research and
development among young Filipino students, which in the near future, will be the ones responsible in
leading the country’s initiatives geared towards Science and Technology. The last speaker for the day was
Mrs. Risty Jane S. Rameri. She discussed the topic “Teaching Science Using 5Es: An Inquiry-Based
Learning”. The speaker discussed about how to make a lesson plan guided by the 5Es which are Engage,
Explore, Elaborate, Explain, and Evaluate, to ensure an interactive and successful delivery of Science
The series of discussions for the INSET in Science was finished during Day 3. On the fourth day
of the INSET, the teacher participants were given the time to finish the outputs assigned to them during
the training.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Reviewed by:


Science Department Headteacher-Designate

Approved by:


Secondary School Principal II

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