On-Site FMEA Review Checklist Reverse FMEA Manufacturing Process

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M2M006_B Rev.

1 - jun 2019
On-site FMEA review checklist
Reverse FMEA Date:
Manufacturing Process
Method leader:


Workstation: Reference : Part name:

Operation: Component(s) reference:
Component (if relevant):

Rat. Comment:
1) Can a material / component reference error be generated? (yes/no)
If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

2) Can the operation be skipped / not performed? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

3) Can the operation be performed twice? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

4) Can the operation be performed at incorrect place on part? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

5) Can a part be deformed when ejected? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

6) Can a part be deformed when transferred to parts bin? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

7) If several parts manufactured, is there a risk of mixing them up in bin? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

8) Can manufacturing waste be mixed up with parts? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

9) Can manufacturing waste leave marks on parts? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

10) Can an unfinished part be mixed up with others? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

11) Can an isolated NC part be mixed up with others? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

12) Can a foreign part be mixed up with others? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

13) Can a part be contaminated? (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

14) Other: (yes/no)

If yes, can it be detected?
1: at workstation 2: downstream of process 3: not detected at site

Note: Does an adjustment / repair operation exist for this workstation?

If yes, conduct the on-site FMEA / reverse FMEA review also on this rework / repair workstation

Other risks Rat. Anti-error system

- material placed wrong way round / upside down
- absence of material coating

- marking (absence, readability, etc.)

- marking not acceptable for customer (problem with appearance)

- mislabelling (identification error)

Conclusion / follow-up required: Workstation monitored yes no => precautionary measure

Update FMEA
Implement precautionary measure
Modify monitoring plan
Modify other documents (to be specified)
Implement / modify / improve anti-error system (particularly for rating 3)
Production line
Workstation /
Team observed
Product Ref.
Duration of
REVERSE PFMEA - Activity report


No. of unacceptable risks with

severity ≥ 9

No. acceptable risks with

severity ≥ 9

No. of unacceptable risks with

severity ≤ 8

No. of acceptable risks with

severity ≤ 8
before Reverse FMEA

Total no. of risks

No. of unacceptable risks with

severity ≥ 9

No. acceptable risks with

severity ≥ 9

No. of unacceptable risks with

severity ≤ 8

No. of acceptable risks with

severity ≤ 8
after Reverse FMEA

Total no. of risks


Total no. of modifications

M2M006_C Rev.0 - jun 2019

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