Dark World 2 (Rise of Devil God)

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Dark world 2 (Rise of Devil God)

After the war ended Black hole and White hole were blocked by
Nature. The Civilizations started to grow. There were talented
civilians who were contributing for their civilization. After 10 years
Devil civilization has become type 4 civilization and human
civilization become type 6 civilization. One day Devil god took
incarnation in royal family of Devil civilization. His name was Lord
Devil. After some years when Lord Devil came to Power. His first
order was to Unblock the Black hole. Whole Devil army around
Devilverse started searching. His second order was Men are
compulsory to become soldiers. He killed hundreds of Devil civilians
who were not listening his order. His army reaches till 10
quadrillion ships. He changed Defense ships to SDT (Super Devil
Team). When Lord Devil did not get any response devil God Ordered
SDT to nuke the Blockage. Suddenly after the order asteroids
around Devilverse started destroying the throne. The time stopped
and heart of nature appeared in front of Lord Devil. He respected
him and asked to Unblock the Black Hole. Heart of Nature told him
about the throne. When throne will automatically get fixed and start
glowing. It will give human civilization a clue to open the Blockage.
It will be Humans wish to open the Blockage or not. Heart of nature
disappeared. After Nature disappearance. Lord Devil become a good
leader he fixed very issue of civilization and done some development
around Devilverse when he died after 50 years.
When he died and his son got the power. The throne automatically
fixed and started glowing. Meanwhile in Universe Unpower System
started. There was a UN team of 3 member in which several team
comes like defence, development, economy, health ETC. There was
a team called Devil activity. They received a sound box from a
planet. It has very low sound, but it vibrates and has a special
power to Nuke the Blockage. The Sound Box went to UN team they
discussed the situation. They take votes from civilian of universe,
but the vote was exact same. A team called Secret Service
Discussed a plan with UN. The final plan was Opening the blockage
of White hole and start researching about Dark world more. After
the plan UN made a special team called Dark Research. They
opened the White hole but not Black hole. Dark research team took
10 years of research they set a goal. The goal was to find energy and
source of energy. Dark research found about dark energy which is
made by 50% Dark power and 50% Light power. When by
mistakenly they opened the Black holes. They told the incident to
UN and UN sent 50 ASS as backup. The dark researcher team gave
all information to UN and they ordered to sent spy around
Devilverse and there goal was any ship who came near Black hole.
It needs to be destroy and because this in 50 years there were 1
million ship destroyed. When the devil leader gets the information
he sent 10 million ship to check the status and after this UN sent
billions of ship to destroy their ship. All 10 million ship were
destroyed and Devil leader stopped every ship to go near Black hole
for safety of soldiers. When Devil god got the information of black
hole he again took incarnation to Royale family of Devilverse. When
he came to power we order all SDT ship to go near black hole and
enter the Universe and destroy it but when UN got the information
they declared war against Devils. The war again took in Dark world
and at last Trillions of ships got destroyed but Humans win so
easily because they have most of the information about dark wworld
but Devil didn’t know when humans captured Lord Devil. Lord devil
came to his God form and started killing ASS. The nature came in
front of Humans and killed Devil god in front of every Human and
devil and Nature made a new Devil god. The nature killed Devil god
because he gone against the rule of nature. The god can’t show
themselves to there creation. And it was the fall of devil god

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