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Program : PISMP Nama Pelajar :

Kod: TSLB3033 Semester / Tahun: Semester lll Year 1

Nama Kursus:
Ambilan: Jun 2021
Principles and Practice in English Language
Prinsip dan Amalan dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Kumpulan: TESL1, TESL 2 & TESL 3
Tugasan Tarikh Mula Tarikh Hantar
1. Written assignment 14.02.2022 10.03.2022

2. Quiz 11.03.2022 18.03.2022

3. Oral Presentation (30 minutes for each group) 04.04.2022 11.04.2022

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyse the theories of language learning and the different approaches of language teaching.
(C4, P2, A4, PLO3, CTPS2)
2. Explain aspects of the four language skills and principles of materials selection and
adaptation. (C6, P2, A4, PLO3, CTPS4)
3. Present the underlying principles and general characteristics of the Malaysian primary school
English Language syllabus in groups (C6, A2, PLO3, PLO4, PLO5, CTPS4, CS3, TS2)
4. Evaluate effective classroom management skills for the teaching and learning of the language
skills. (C5, PLO3, CTPS3)
5. Compare the three purposes of assessment in English language teaching. (C5, A4, PLO3,

This continuous assessment will assess course learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

Continuous Assessment Objectives:

Students will be able to complete the following tasks:
1. Write an essay to elaborate the language skill(s) taught and materials used in a recorded
classroom lesson, to analyse the theories of language learning and the language teaching
approaches evident in the lesson (CLO1, CLO2)
2. Evaluate the course content through a quiz. (CLO1, CLO2)
3. Present orally the underlying principles and characteristics of the Malaysian primary school
English Language syllabus using infographics in groups. (CLO3)

Big Idea:
Effective communication enhances the quality of language teaching and learning.

Essential Questions:
1. Why is it crucial to understand the underlying principles and characteristics of a syllabus?
2. To what extent, the language classroom can be a platform to resolve pronunciation problems?
3. How can the underlying principles and general characteristics of a syllabus be delivered


There are many factors that contribute to successful teaching. Basically, English Language
teachers need to increase their knowledge on the theories of language learning, the professional
repertoire of approaches, methods and techniques and also selecting and adapting materials are
crucial to apply in lessons. Additionally, teachers need to fully understand the current Malaysian
English Language Syllabus as well as the four language skills in order to plan good lesson plans
for their lessons.

Students are required to carry out the following tasks:

Task 1 : Written assignment - Individual (30 marks)

Choose ONE of a recorded lesson from these YouTube links:


Based on the chosen recorded lesson, write an academic essay of 1000 words. In your essay,
you should:
• analyse the theories of language learning and approach(es) of language teaching
• elaborate on how the language skill(s) is/are taught
• elaborate on the materials selected or adapted
• think divergently and generate new ideas based on your understanding of the task.
• You are required to complete the task and submit via google classroom.

Assessment criteria:
• Analysis of theories and approaches of language teaching in the lesson
• Explanation of the language skill(s) taught, selection and adaptation of materials used
• Organisation of ideas
• Relate the language skills taught with the selection or adaptation of materials
• Expanding and developing critical thinking abilities
• Think outside the box

Task 2 : Quiz – Individual (10 marks)

You are required to answer a 30-minute quiz spanning selected topics of the course.
• Complete the quiz and submit via google classroom.

Assessment criteria :
• Knowledge of the course content, and ability to analyse and evaluate the content.

Task 3 : Oral Presentation – Groupwork (10 marks)

In groups of three, select and present an English language lesson plan by highlighting the
inclusion of the underlying principles and characteristics of the current Malaysian primary school
English language syllabus (KSSR) in line with CEFR using infographics.

Your presentation should entail the following elements:

• Details of the lesson plan (bearing in mind the inclusion of the element of Green STEM)
• The highlighted underlying principles and characteristics of KSSR in the lesson plan.
• Inclusion of any teaching activities on pronunciation in any part of the lesson plan as a solution
to the pronunciation problems identified for TSLB3043 task 2 coursework.

• The use of infographics in your presentation
• The presentation should not be more than 30 minutes.
• Each presenter will have equal duration to present.
• Respond to questions asked during the presentation.
• Upload the video recording of your group presentation to Google Classroom.

Assessment criteria:
• Presentation of the content using infographics
• Respond to audience
• Think outside the box
• Delivery of the presentation
• Team work – the role


1. Cite the source of the text and any references you have used, using the APA format.
2. No duplication of assignments from other coursework is allowed.
3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
4. Your work should be typewritten with 1.5 lines spacing and font Arial, size 11.
5. The cover page should have the following information:
• Student’s Name
• Index number
• Identity card number
• Group/Unit
• Code and Name of Course
• Lecturer’s Name
• Date of submission
• Acknowledgement of Feedback from Lecturer
6. You should adhere to the deadline. Without an approved extension of time, late submission
will be dealt severely.

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