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1. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                6.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION

Enthalphy of an ideal gas is a function on of ____.                 An ideal gas is compressed in a cylinder so well
A. Enthropy                                                                                  insulated that there is essentially no heat
B. internal energy                                                                     The temperature of the gas.
C. Temperature                                                                                    A.     decreases
D. Pressure                                                                                            B.     increases
answer: c                                                                                                  C.     remain constant
2. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                    D.    is zero                    
Which of  the following is the most efficient thermodynamic         answer: B
Cycle?                                                                                    7.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                     
A. Brayton                                                                                   What is the SI unit of pressure?    
B. Otto                                                                                              A.    kg/cm^2
C. Carnot                                                                                           B.     dynes/cm^2
D. Diesel                                                                                            C.     Pascal
Answer: c                                                                                             D.     psi               Answer: C
3. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                8.   PAST ME BOARD
What is the first law of thermodynamics?                                        The equation Cp=Cv+R applies to which of the
A. Internal energy is due  to molecular motions                           following?               
B. Enthropy of the universe is increased by irreversible                    A.   enthalpy             
Processes                                                                                            B.   ideal gas
C. Energy can neither be created or destroyed                                   C.   two phase states
D. Heat energy cannot be completely transformed                            D.   all pure substances
Into work                                                                                       answer: B
Answer: C                                                                                 9. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
4. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                      In the flow process, neglecting kinetic
An ideal gas is compressed isothermally. What is the              potential energies, the integral of Vdp represents
Enthalpy change?                                                                         what?
A. Always negative                                                                          A.  heat transfer
B. Always positive                                                                           B.   flow energy
C. Zero                                                                                              C.   enthalpy change
D. Undefined                                                                                    D.   shaft work
Answer: C                                                                                         answer: D
5. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                 10. PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
Name the process that has no heat transfer.                               Mechanical energy of pressure transformed into
A. Isothermal                                                                                energy of heat.
B. Isobaric                                                                                           A.   Kinetic energy           
C. Polytropic                                                                                       B.   Enthalpy
D. Adiabatic                                                                                        C.    Heat exchanger
Answer: D                                                                                              D.    Heat of compression
                                                                                                               Answer: B
11.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                     
        The theory of changing heat into mechanical work.                          
A. Thermodynamics                                                                          17.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION      
B. Kinematics                                                                                           Is one whose temperature is below the
C. Inertia                                                                                                     temperature corresponding to its
D. Kinetics                                                                                                   A.  Superheated vapor
Answer: A                                                                                                        B.  Wet vapor
12.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                     C.   Subcooled
        Average pressure on a surface when a changing                                  D.   Saturated
        Pressure condition exist.                                                                      Answer: C                                                                  
A. Back pressure                                                                           18.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
B. Partial pressure                                                                                    Number of molecules in mole of any
substance is
C. Pressure drop                                                                                       a constant called _________.
D. Mean effective pressure                                                                     A.  Rankine constant                            
Answer: D                                                                                                       B.  Avogadro’s number
13.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                   C.  Otto constant
         Which of the following cycles consists two isothermal                      D.   Thompson constant
         And two constant volume processes?                                                Answer: B
A. Diesel cycle                                                                              19.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
B. Ericsson cycle                                                                                    If the pressure of a gas is constant the
volume is
C. Stirling cycle                                                                                      directly proportional to the absolute
D. Otto cycle                                                                                               A.  Boyle’s law
Answer: C                                                                                                         B.   Joule’s law
14.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                       C.   Charles’s law
        A control volume refers to what?                                                             D.   Kelvin’s law  
A. A fixed region in space                                                                       Answer: C 
B. A reversible process                                                                 20.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
C. An isolated system                                                                           The number of protons in the nucleus of an
D. A specified mass                                                                               or the number of electrons in the orbit of an
Answer: A                                                                                                         A.  Atomic volume 
15.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                       B.   Atomic number
        In the polytropic process, PV = constant, if we value                           C.   Atomic weight

        of n is infinitely large, the process is                                                         D.   Atomis mass

A. Isobaric                                                                                                  Answer: B
B. Isometric                                                                                   21.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
C. Isothermal                                                                                         In a P-T diagram of a pure substance, the
D. Polytropic                                                                                          separating the solid phase from the liquid
phase is:
Answer: B                                                                                                          A.  vaporization curve
16.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                                        B.  fusion curve
        If the temperature is held constant and the pressure is                        C.  boiling point
        Increased beyond the saturation pressure, then the                             D.  sublimation point
        Working medium must be:                                                                       Answer: B
A. Compressed liquid
B. Subcooled liquid
C. Saturated vapor
D.   Sarurated liquid
Answer: A

22.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTIONS                                           27.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION

        A water temperature of 18 ˚F in the water cooled                     When a substance in gaseous state is below
        Condenser is equivalent in ˚C to ___________.                              The critical temperature, it is called ___.
A. 7.78                                                                                                A.   vapor
B. 10                                                                                                   B.    cloud
C. 263.56                                                                                            C.   moisture    
D. -9.44                                                                                               D.   steam
Answer: B                                                                               28.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
23.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                           Superheated vapor behaves
         The latent heat of evaporazation in Joules per kg is                     A.   just as gas
          Is equal to ______.                                                                           B.   just as steam
A. 5.410 C.   just as ordinary vapor

B. 4.13×10                 D.  approximately as a gas


C. 22.26                                                                                         answer: D

      Answer: C                                                                                        Which of the following provides the basis 

24.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                           measuring thermodynamics property of
        Form of energy associated with the kinetic energy of the             temperature?
        Random  motion of large number of molecules.                           A.  Zeroth law of  thermodynamics
A.  Internal energy                                                                        B.  The law of  thermodynamics
B. Kinetic energy                                                                          C.   Second law of  thermodynamics 
C. Heat of fusion                                                                           D.  Third law of thermodynamics
D. Heat                                                                                        Answer: A 
Answer: D                                                                          30.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
25.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                         Which of the following is commonly used as
        If the temperature is held constant and the pressure is             liquid absorbent?
        Increased beyond the saturation pressure, then the working         A.  Silica gel
        Medium must be:                                                                            B.  Activated alumina
A. Saturated vapor                                                                         C.   Ethylene glycol
B. Compressed liquid                                                                    D.   none of these
C. Saturated liquid                                                                     Answer: C
D. Subcooled liquid                                                        31.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
Answer: B                                                                                  Mechanism designed to lower the temperature
26.   PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                    of air passing through it.
        Is the condition of pressure and temperature at which a               A.  Air cooler
        Liquid and its vapor are indistinguishable.                                   B.   Air defence
A. Critical point                                                                            C.   Air spill over
B. Dew point                                                                                D.   Air cycle 
C. Absolute  humidity                                                               Answer: A
D. Relative humidity
Answer: A

32.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                               37.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION

        A device or measuring the velocity of wind.               The total energy in a compressible or incompressible
A. Aneroid barometer                                                       fluid flowing across any section in a pipeline
is a 
B. Anemometer                                                                 function of
C. Anemoscope                                                                 A.  Pressure and velocity
D. Anemograph                                                                 B.  Pressure, density and velocity
Answer: B                                                                              C.  Pressure, density, velocity and viscosity
33.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                D.  Flow energy, kinetic energy, height above
        Heat normally flowing from a high temperature                      datum and internal energy
        A low temperature body whrein it is impossible             Answer: D
        To convert heat without other effects.                          38.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
 First law of thermpdynamics                                       The ratio of the density of  a substance to the
A. Second law of thermodynamics                              of some standard substance.
B. Third law of thermodynamics                                      A.  Relative density
C. Zeroth law of thermodynamics                                    B.  Specific gravity
Answer: B                                                                             C.  Specific density
34.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                               D.  Relative gravity
       The temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal       Answer: B
       The pressure exerted on the liquid.                               39.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
A. Absolute humidity                                                      Is one whose pressure is higher than the
B. Calorimetry                                                                pressure corresponding to its temperature.
C. Boiling  point                                                                 A.  Compressed liquid 
D. Thermal point                                                                B.   Saturated liquid
Answer: C                                                                              C.  Saturated vapor
35.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                D.  Super heated vapor
        A nozzle is used to                                                          answer: A
A. Increase velocity and decrease pressure                40.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
B. Decrease velocity and well as pressure                         The changing of solid directly to vapor without 
C. Increase velocity as well as pressure                             passing through the liquid state is called
D. Decrease velocity and increase pressure                      A.  Evaporation
Answer: A                                                                              B.  Vaporization
36.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                    C.   Sublimation
        The sum of the energies of all the molecules in                  D. Condensation
         System where energies apeear in several complex          answer: C
         Form.                                                                           41.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
A. Kinetic energy                                                                Weight per unit is termed as _____.
B. Potential energy                                                              A.  Specific gravity
C. Internal energy                                                                B.  Density
D. Frictional energy                                                             C.  Weight density
Answer: C                                                                                D.  Specific volume
                                                                                             Answer: C

42.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                         A.   Centrifugal force

        What is the SI unit of force?                                                       B.   Centrifugal in motion
A. Pound                                                                                   C.   Centrifugal advance
B. Newton                                                                                 D.  Centrifugal force
C. Kilogram                                                                           answer: D
D. Dyne                                                                      48.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
                                                                                   What is the process that has no heat transfer?
43.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                      A.   Reversible isometric
        The volume of fluid passing a cross-section of                        B.  Isothermal
         Steam in unit time.                                                                   C.  Polytropic
A. Steady flow                                                                        D.  Adiabatic
B. Uniform flow                                                                  Answer: D
C. Discharge                                                                 49.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
D. Continouos flow                                                               Which of the engine is used for fighter 
Answer: C                                                                                   bombers?
44.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTIO                                                       A.  Turbojet
        What equation applies in the first law of                                B.  Pulsejet
         Thermodynamics for an ideal gas in a reversible                  C.  Rockets
         Open steady-state system?                                                     D.  Ramjet
A. Q-W = U -U 2 Answer: A



C. Q-VdP = U -U 2 Exhaust gases from an engine posses:


D. Q-PdV = H -H                                                         A.  solar energy

2 1             

Answer: B                                                                                   B.  kinetic energy

45.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                     C.   chemical energy  
         A pressure of 1 millibar is equivalent to                                D.  stored energy
A. 1000  dynes/cm Answer: B

B. 1000 cm of Hg                                                         51.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION

C. 1000 psi                                                                           At critical point the latent enthalpy of 
D. 1000 kg/cm                                                               evaporization is

Answer: A                                                                                  A.  temperature dependent

46.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                     B.  zero 
        When a system deviates inifinitesimally from                        C.  minimum
         Equilibrium at every instant of its state, it is                          D.  maximum
         undergoing:                                                                         Answer: B
A. Isobaric process                                                       52.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION
B. Quasi-static process                                                         What is the force which tends to draw a 
C. Isometric process                                                             body toward the center about which it is 
D. Cyclic process                                                                  rotating?
Answer: B                                                                                 A.  Centrifugal force
47.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                        B.  Centrifugal in motion
        What is the force which tends to draw a body                       C.  Centrifugal advance
         The center about which it is rotating?                                   D.  Centrifugal force

53.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                  

        When a system deviates infinitesimally from                58.      Which of the following is true for water
         equilibrium at every instant of its state, it is                             at a reference temperature where enthalpy
         undergoing                                                                                is zero?
A. Isobaric process                                                                  A.  Internal energy is negative
B. Quasi-static process                                                            B.  Entropy is non-zero
C. Isometric process                                                                C.  Specific volume is zero
D. Cyclic process                                                                     D.  Vapor pressure is zero
Answer: B                                                                                 Answer: A

54.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                               

        A pressure of 1 millibar is equivalent to                   59.  On what plane is the mollier diagram plotted?
A. 1000 dynes/cm      A.  p-V

B. 1000 cm of Hg                                                                    B.  p-T

C. 1000 psi                                                                              C.  h-s
D. 1000 kg/cm                                   D.  h-u
2                         -                       

Answer: A                                                                                 Answer: C
55.  PAST ME BOARD QUESTION                                                
        Work done per unit charge when charged is            60.       The compressibility factor z, is used for 
        Moved from one point to another.                                            predicting the behavior of non-ideal gaseous.
A. Equipotential surface                                                          How is the compressibility factor
B. Potential at a point                                                              relative to an ideal gas? (subscript c
refers to
C. Electrostatic point                                                               critical value)
D. Potential difference                                                             A.  z=P/P

Answer: B                                                                                    B.   z=PV/RT
                                                                                                              C.    z=T/T

56.   How many independent properties are required                      D.   z=(T/T )(P /P) c c

        to completely fix the equilibrium state of a pure                  Answer: B

        gaseous compound?                                                        
A. 1                                                                          61.      How is the quality x of a liquid – vapor
B. 2                                                                                     defined?
C. 3                                                                                         A.  The fraction of the total volume that
D. 4                                                                                                saturated vapor
Answer: B                                                                                   B.  The fraction of the total volume that is
                                                                                                                     saturated liquid
57.  Which of the following relations defines enthalpy?                 C.  The fraction of the total mass that is
A. h= u+p/t                                                                                     saturated vapor
B. h=u+pV                                                                               D.  The fraction of the total mass that is
C. h=u+p/V                                                                                    saturated liquid
D. h=pV+T                                                                            Answer: C
Answer: B                                           

62.   What is the expression for heat of evaporization?      67.   During an adiabatic, internally
A. h                 process, what is true about the change in                                                         

B. h f

C. h -h                                                                             A.  It is always
g f

D. h -h
f g                                                                              B.  It is always less than
Answer: C                                                                            C.  It is always greater than
                                                                                                            D.   It is temperature-dependent
63.   What is the value of the work done for a closed                  Answer: A
         Reversible, isometric system?                                                                                                                                          
A. Zero                                                                        68.   For an irreversible process, what is true 
B. Positive                                                                          about the change in entropy of the system
C. Negative                                                                        and sorroundings?
D. Indeterminate                                                                      A.  ds=dq/dt      C.  ds>0
Answer: A                                                                                     B.  ds=0            D.  ds<0
                                                                                                         Answer: C
64.   What is the equation for the work done by a constant                      
         Temperature system?                                                                   
A. W=mRT ln(V -V )                                                                                                                                           
2 1
B. W=mR (t -T )ln(V -V )                                             69.   For which type of process does the
2 1 2 1

C. W=mRT ln (V -V )                                                            equation dQ=Tds hold?
2 1

D. W=RT ln(V -V )                                                                     A.  Irreversible

2 1

Answer: C                                                                                          B.  Reversible

                                                                                                                   C.   Isobaric
65.   What is true about the polytropic exponent n for a                        D.  Isothermal
         Perfect gas undergoing an isobaric process?                              Answer: B
A. n>0                                                                                   
B. n<0                                                                                           
C. n=                                                                           70. Which of the following is true for any
D. n=0                                                                                          A.  ∆S(surrounding)+∆S(system)>0
Answer: D                                                                                        B.  ∆S(surrounding)+∆S(system)<0
                                                                                                                          C.   ∆S(surrounding)+∆S(system)0
66.   How does an adiabatic process compare to an                              D. ∆S(surrounding)+∆S(system)0
        Isentropic process?                                                                     Answer: D
A. Adiabatic: Heat transfer=0, isentropic: Heat 
Transfer=0                                                                  71.  Which of the following thermodynamic cycle
B. Adiabatic: Heat transfer=0, isentropic: Heat                     is the most efficient?
Transfer=0                                                                               A.  Brayton
C. Adiabatic: Reversible, Isentropic= not reversible                   B.   Rankine
D. Both: Heat transfer=0; Isentropic: Reversible                         C.   Carnot
Answer: D                                                                                         D.   Otto
                                                                                                            Answer: C

72.  The ideal reversible Carnot cycle involves four               76.  Which one of the following is standard and
        Basic processes. What type of processes are they?                  Pressure(STP).
A. All isothermal                                                                             A.  0 K and 1atm pressure
B. All adiabatic                                                                                B.  0 F and zero pressure
C. All isentropic                                                                              C.  32F and zero pressure 
D. Two isothermal and two isentropic                                            D.  0℃ and 1 atm pressure
Answer: D                                                                                       Answer: D
73.  What is the temperature difference of the cycle if the           77.  A substance is oxidized when which of 
        Entropy difference is ∆S, and the work done W?                            the following occurs?
A. W-∆S                                                                                          A.  It turns red
B. W/∆S                                                                                          B.  It losses electrons
C. ∆S/W                                                                                          C.  It gives off heat
D. ∆S-W                                                                                          D.  It absorbs energy
Answer: B                                                                                        Answer: B
74.  Which of the following is not an advantage of a                  78.  Which of the following is not a unit of
        Superheated, closed Rankine cycle is over an open                        pressure?
        Rankine cycle?                                                                                 A.  Pa
A. Lower equipment cost                                                                B.  kg/m-s
B. Increased efficiency                                                                   C.  bars
C. Increased turbine life                                                                 D.  kg/m2

D. Increased boiler life                                                                Answer: B

Answer: D                      
                                                                                         79.  Which of the following is the definition of
75.  Which of the following statements regarding Rankine                 Joule?
        Cycle is not true?                                                                             A.  Newton meter
A. Use a condensable vapor in the cycle increases the                   B.  kg m/s 2

The efficiency of the cycle                                                         C.  unit of power

B. The temperature at which energy is transferred to                     D.  rate of change energy
And from the working liquid are less separated                     Answer: A
Than in a Carnot cycle
C. Superheating increases the efficiency of a Rankine         80.  Which of the following is the basis for
Cycle                                                                                         Bernoulli’s law for fluid flow?
D. In practical terms, the subceptibility of the engine               A.  The principle of conservation of mass
Materials to corrosion is not a key limitation on the            B.  The principle of concervation of energy
Operating efficiency                                                               C.  The continuity equation  
Answer: D                                                                                       D.  Fourier’s law
                                                                                                     Answer: B

81.  Equation of state for a single component can be             86.  Work or energy can be function of all of the 
   any of the following except:                                                   following except:
A. The ideal gas law                                                               A.  force and distance
B. Any relationship interralating 3 or more state                   B.  power and time
function                                                                              C.  force and time
C. Relationship mathematically interralating                         D.  temperature and entropy
Thermodynamics properties of the material                  Answer: C
D. A mathematical expression defining a path 
Between states                                                           87.  Energy changes are represented by all except
Answer: D                                                                                 one of the following:
                                                                                                       A.  mC dt

82.  The state of a thermodynamic system is always                     B.  -VdP

        Defined by its:                                                                        C.  Tds-Pdv
A. Absolute temperature                                                        D.  dQ/T
B. Process                                                                           Answer: D
C. Properties              
D. Temperature                                                               88.  U + pV is a quantity called:
Answer: C                                                                                    A. shaft work
83.  In any non quasi-static thermodynamic process, the                B.  entropy
        Overall entropy of an isolated system will                               C.  enthalpy
A. Increase and the decreased                                                  D. internal energy
B. Decreased and then increased                                        Answer: C
C. Increased only                                                          89.  In flow process, neglecting KE and PE
D. Decreased only                                                                 vdP represents which ite below?
Answer: C                                                                                  A.  Heat transfer
                                                                                                        B.  Shaft work
84.  Entropy is the measure of:                                                       C.  Enthalpy change
       A.  the internal energy of a gas                                                D.  Closed system work
  B.  the heat capacity of a substance                                      Answer: B
  C.  randomness or disorder
  D.  the change of enthalpy of a system                             90.  Power may be expressed in units of
Answer: C                                                                                   A.  ft-lb
                                                                                                    B.  Kw-hr
85.  Which of the following statements about entropy                   C.  Btu
        Is false?                                                                                   D.  Btu/hr
A. Entropy of a mixture is greater than of its                      Answer: D
Components under the same condition
B. An irreversible process increases entropy 
of the universe
C. Net entropy change in any closed cycle is zero
D. Entropy of a crystal at 0℉ is 0
Answer: D

91.  Equilibrium condition exist in all except which of the     96.  A system in which there is no exchange of
       following?                                                                                  matter with the surrounding or mass does 
A. In reversible                                                                          not cross its boundaries.
B. In processes where driving forces are infinitesimals                 A.  Open system 
C. In a steady state flow processes                                                 B.  Closeed system
D. Where nothing can occur without an effect on the                    C.  Isolated system
System’s surrounding                                                               D.  Nonflow system
Answer: C                                                                                       Answer: B

92.  In a closed system (with a moving boundary) which of         97.  A system that is completely impervious to
       the following represents work done during an isothermal            its surrounding or neither mass nor energy 
       process?                                                                                          cross its boundaries.
A. W=0                                                                                           A.  Open system 
B. W=P(V -V )                                                                              B.   Closed system
2 1

C. W=P V lnV /V
1 1 2                                  C.   Isolated system

D. W=P V -P P 2 2 1 2

Answer: C                                                                                    Answer: C
                                                                                                        98.  A system in which there is a flow of mass
93.  A substance that exist, or is regarded as existing, as a                    across its boundaries.
       Continuoum characterized by a low resistance to flow                  A.  Open system
       and the tendency to assume the shape of its container.                  B.  Closed system
A. Fluid                   C. Molecule                                                   C.  Isolated system
B. Atom                   D. Vapor                                                       D.  Steady flow system    Ans: C
Answer: A                                                                                99.  The properties that are dependent upon the 
                                                                                                                 system and are total values such as total 
94.  A substance that is homogeneous in composition and                     volume and total internal energy.
       homogeneous and invariable in chemical aggregation.                    A.  Intensive properties
A.  Pure substance                                                                            B.  Extensive properties
B. Simple substance                                                                         C.  Specific properties
C. Vapor                                                                                           D.  State properties
D. Water                                                                                       Answer: B
Answer: A
                                                                                                  100.  The properties that are independent of the
95.  A substance whose state is defined by variable intensive              such as temperature, pressure, density and
       thermodynamic properties.                                                              Voltage.
A. Pure substance                                                                               A.  Intensive properties
B. Simple substance                                                                           B.  Extensive properties
C. Vapor                                                                                             C.  Specific properties
D. Water                                                                                             D.  State properties
Answer: B                                                                                          Answer: A

101.  The properties for a unit mass and are intensive by     106.  The force of gravity on unit volume is
          Definition such as specific volume.                                             A.  Density
A. Intensive properties                                                                B.  Specific volume
B. Extensive properties                                                               C.  Specific Weight
C. Specific properties                                                                  D.  Specific gravity
D. Thermodynamics properties                                                 Answer: C
Answer: C                           
                                                                                                107.  The reciprocal of density is
102.  The condition as identified through the properties                       A.  Specific volume
          of the substance, generally defined by particular                          B.   Specific weight
          values of any two independent properties.                                    C.   Specific gravity
A. State                                                                                         D.   Specific heat
B. Point                                                                                      Answer: A
C. Process                                            
D. Flow                                                                         108.  Avogrado’s number,  a fundamental
Answer: A                                                                                   of  nature of molecules in a gram-mole. This
                                                                                                     constant is
103.  The only base unit with a prefix kilo is                                          A.  6.0522210 23

          A.  kilogram                                                                                   B.  6.0225210


B.   kilometer                                                                                  C.  6.2052210


C.   kilojoule                                                                                   D.  6.5022210


D.   kilopascal                                                                             Answer: B
Answer: A 
                                                                                               109.  The ratio of the gas constant to Avogrado’s
104.  The force of gravity on the body.                                                Number is:
          A.  Weight                                                                                    A.  Maxwell’s constant
B.   Specific gravity                                                                      B.  Boltzmann’z constant
C.   Attraction                                                                               C.  Napier’s constant
D.   Mass                                                                                       D.  Joule’s constant
Answer: A                                                                                     Answer: B

105.  The mass per unit of any substance.                                110.  The absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale is
          A.  Density                                                                                    A.  -459.7 ℉
B.  Specific gravity                                                                        B.   459.7℉
C.  Specific weight                                                                        C.   -273.15℉
D.  Specifc gravity                                                                         D.   273.15℉
Answer: A                                                                                       Answer: A

111.  Absolute temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale               116.  The National Bureau of Standards uses,   
         are called:                                                                                   among others, the liquid-vapor equilibrium
A. Degrees Rankine                                                                      of hydrogen at
B. Degrees Kelvin                                                                         A.  -196℃
C. Absolute Fahrenheit                                                                 B.   196℃
D. Absolute pressure                                                                     C.   253℃
Answer: A                                                                                          D.  -253℃
                                                                                                        Answer: D
112.  The absolute zero on the Celcius scale is at                         
         A.  -459.7℉                                                                       117.  The National Bureau of Standards uses, 
B.  459.7℉                                                                                  among othes, the liquid-vapor equilibrium
C.  -273.15℉                                                                                   of nitrogen at
D.  273.15℉                                                                                    A.  -196℃
Answer: C                                                                                            B.    196℃
                                                                                                             C.    253℃
113.  What is the absolute temperature in Celsius scale?                         D.  -253℃
A.  degrees Rankine                                                                    Answer: A
B.  degress Kelvin
C.  degress Fahrenheit                                                            118.  The liquid-vapor equilibrium of oxygen 
D.  degrees Celsius                                                                           is what temperature?
Answer: B                                                                                             A.   197.82℃
                                                                                                              B.   -197.82℃
114.  The Fahrenheit scale was introduced by Gabriel                             C.    182.97℃
         Fahrenheit of Amstermdam, Holland in what year?                        D.   -182.97℃
A. 1592                                                                                         Answer: B
B. 1742
C. 1730                                                                                   119.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of
D. 1720                                                                                             is what temperature?
Answer: D                                                                                             A.  38.87℃
                                                                                                              B.  -38.87℃
115.  The Centrigade scale was introduced by Andres                             C.   37.88℃
          Celsius in what year?                                                                      D.   -37.88℃
A. 1542                                                                                        Answer: B
B. 1740
C. 1730                                                                                 120.  The solis-equilibrium of  Tin is at
D. 1720                                                                                           temperature?
Answer: B                                                                                             A.  -38.87℃
                                                                                                                   B.    38.87℃
                                                                                                                   C.   231.9℃
                                                                                                                   D.  -231.9℃
                                                                                                               Answer: C

121.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of  Zinc is at                   126.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of  Platinum
          what temperature?                                                                        is at what temperature?
A. 231.9℃                                                                                   A.  630.5℃
B. 419.505℃                                                                               B.  960.8℃
C. 444.60℃                                                                                 C.  1063℃
D. 630.5℃                                                                                   D.  1774℃
Answer: B                                                                                     Answer: D

122.  The liquid-vapor equilibrium of Sulfur is at                127.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of Tungsten is
          what temperature?                                                                        what temperature?
A. 231.9℃                                                                                   A. 3730℃
B. 419.505℃                                                                               B.  3370℃
C. 444.60℃                                                                                 C.  3073℃
D. 630.5℃                                                                                   D.  3037℃
Answer: C                                                                                      Answer: B

123.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of Antimony is at            128.  The device that measures temperature by 
          what temperature?                                                                        the electromotive force.
A. 630.5℃                                                                                   A.  thermometer
B. 419.505℃                                                                               B.  thermocouple
C. 444.60℃                                                                                 C.  electro-thermometer
D. 231.9℃                                                                                   D.  thermooseebeck
Answer: A                                                                                     Answer: B

124.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of Silver is at what          129.  The emf is a function of the temperature
          temperature?                                                                                 difference between   the    junction,     a 
A. 630.5℃                                                                                   phenomenon called:
B. 960.8℃                                                                                   A.  Seebeck effect
C. 1063℃                                                                                    B.  Stagnation effect
D. 1774℃                                                                                    C.  Primming
Answer: B                                                                                         D.  Electromotive force
                                                                                                      Answer: A
125.  The solid-liquid equilibrium of Gold is at what 
          temperature?                                                                   130.  The device that measure temperature by the 
A. 630.5℃                                                                                    electromotive force called
B. 960.8℃                                                                                    was discovered by:
C. 1063℃                                                                                     A.  Gallileo
D. 1774℃                                                                                     B.  Fahrenheit
Answer: C                                                                                          C.  Celsius 
                                                                                                D.  Seebeck
                                                                                           Answer: D

131.  When two bodies, isolated from other environment     136.  The region outside the boundary or the  
 are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, the                    space and matter external to a system:
 two are in thermal equilibrium with each other.                                A. Ex-system
A.  Zeroth law of thermodynamics                                                      B. Sorrounding
B.  First law of thermodynamics                                                         C. Matter              
C.  Secong law of thermodynamics                                                     D. Extension
D.  Third law of thermodynamics                                                  Answer: B
Answer: A
                                                                                             137.  The true pressure measured above a 
132.  A total entropy of pure substances approsches zero                            perfect vacuum.
as the absolute thermodynamic temperature                                        A. Absolute pressure
approaches zero.                                                                                   B. Gauge pressure
A.  Zeroth law of thermodynamics                                                      C.  Atmospheric pressure
B.  First law of thermodynamics                                                          D. Vacuum pressure
C.  Secong law of thermodynamics                                                  Answer: A
D.  Third law of thermodynamics    
Answer: D                                                                            138.  The pressure measured from the level  of
                                                                                                        atmospheric pressure by most pressure
133.  If any one or more properties of a system change,                     recording instrument like pressure gage 
the system is said to have undergone a _____.                           And open-ended manometer.
A.  cycle                                                                                               A. Gage pressure
B.  process                                                                                           B.  Atmospheric pressure
C.  flow                                                                                                C.  Barometric pressure
D.  control                                                                                            D. Absolute pressure
Answer: B                                                                                            Answer: A
134.  When a certain mass of fluid in a particular state            139.  The pressure obtained from barometric
Passes through a series of processes and return to                     reading.
Its initial state, it undergoes a:                                                            A. Absolute pressure
A.  revolution                                                                                      B. Gage pressure
B.  rotation                                                                                          C. Atmospheric pressure
C.  process                                                                                           D. Vacuum pressure
D.  cycle                                                                                        Answer: C
  Answer: D                                                                         140.  It is a form of energy associated with the
135.  The term given to the collection of matter under                      kinetic random motion of large number 
Consideration enclosed within a boundary.                              of  molecules.
A. System                                                                                             A. Internal energy
B. Matter                                                                                              B. Kinetic energy
C. Environment                                                                                    C. Heat
D. Atoms                                                                                              D. Enthalpy
Answer: A                                                                                           Answer: C

141.  The heat needed to change the temperature of              146.  A theoretically ideal gas which strictly follow
the body without changing its phase.                                      Boyle’s law and Charle’s law of gases.
A. Latent heat                                                                               A. Universal gas
B. Sensible heat                                                                            B. Perfect gas
C. Specific heat                                                                            C. Combined gas
D. Heat transfer                                                                            D. Imperfect gas
Answer: B                                                                                     Answer: B
142.  The heat needed by the body to change its phase          147.  In a confined gas, if the absolute temperature
          without changing its temperature.                                           is held constant, the volume is inversely pro-
A. Latent heat                                                                             portional to the absolute pressure.
B. Sensible heat                                                                           A. Boyle’s law
C. Specific heat                                                                            B. Charle’s law
D. Heat transfer                                                                           C. Dalton’s law
Answer: A                                                                                        D. Avogrado’s law
                                                                                                     Answer: A

143.  The measure of the randomness of the molecule of

a substance.                                                                   148.  In a confined gas, if the absolute temperature 
A. Enthalpy                                                                            constant the volume is directly proportional 
B. Internal energy                                                                   to the absolute temperature.
C. Entropy                                                                                     A. Boyle’s law
D. Heat                                                                                          B. Chrales law
Answer: C                                                                                          C. Dalton’s law
                                                                                                           D. Acogrado’s law
144.  The heat energy transferred to a substance at a                       Answer: B
Constant pressure process is:     
A. Enthalpy                                                                   149. The pressure exerted in a vessel by a mixture 
B. Heat                                                                                   of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures
C. Internal energy                                                                  that each separated gas would exert if it alone
D. entropy                                                                               occupied the whole colume of the vessel.
Answer: A                                                                                       A. Boyle’s law
                                                                                                        B. Charles law
145.  It is the energy stored within the body.                                      C. Dalton’s law
A. Enthalpy                                                                                D. Avogrado’s law
B. Heat                                                                                 Answer: C           
         C. Internal energy
         D. Entropy
     Answer: C

150.  At equal volume, at the same temperature and                155.  A surface that is impervious to heat is
pressure conditions, the gases certain the same                          A. isothermal surface  
number of molecules.                                                                  B. adiabatic surface
A. Boyle’s law                                                                             C. isochoric surface
B. Charle’s law                                                                            D. isobaric surface
C. Dalton’s law                                                                       Answer: B
D. Avogrado’s                                                                 156.  One of the consequence of Einstein’s 
 Answer: D                                                                                    theory of relatively is that mass may be
151.   Process in which the system departs from equi-                     converted into energy into mass the relation
 librium state only infinitesimally at every instant.                 being given by the famous equation, E=mc . 2

A. Reversible process                                                                  What is the value of the speed of light c?      

B. Irreversible process                                                                 A. 2.779710 cm/s

C. Cyclic process                                                                         B. 2.997910 cm/s


D. Quisi-Static process                                                                C. 1.779710 cm/s

Answer: D                                                                                        D. 2.997910 cm/s                      Ans: B

152.  A process which gives the states/condition after  

the system undergoes a series of processes:                       157.  In the polytropic process we have pv = n

A. Reversible process                                                                   constant. If the value of n infinitely large,

B. Irreversible process                                                                  process is called:
C. Cyclic process                                                                          A. constant volume process
D. Quisi-Static process                                                                 B. constant pressure process
Answer: C                                                                                         C. constant temperature process
                                                                                                          D. adiabatic process                       Ans: A
153.  A thermodynamic system that generally serves as                  
a heat source or heat sink another system.    
A. Combustion chamber                                                  158.  The thermodynamic cycle used in a thermal 
B. Heat reservoir                                                                           power plant is:
C. Heat engine                                                                              A. Ericsson
D. Stirling engine                                                                         B.  Brayton
Answer: B                                                                                         C. Joule
                                                                                                          D. Rankine
154.  A thermodynamic system that operates continuous                Answer: D
With only energy (heat and work)   crossing   it  
boundaries; its boundaries are impervious to the                   
flow of mass.
A. Heat engine                C. Stirling engine
B. Steady flow work       D. Ericsson engine        
Answer: A

159.  For the same heat input and same compression ratio:       165.  Exhaust gases from an engine possess
A. both Otto cycle and Diesel cycle are equally                          A. solar energy 
Efficient                                                                                        B. kinetic energy
B. Otto cycle is less efficient than Diesel cycle                           C. chemical energy
C. efficiency depends mainly on working substance                   D. stored energy
D. none of the above is correct                                                 Answer: B
 Answer: C                                                                              166.  The extension and compression  of  a 
160.  The exchange process where in the product of                             helical spring is an example  of  what
pressure and volume remains constant called:                              process?
A. heat exchange process                                                               A. isothermal cycle
B. isentropic process                                                                      B. thermodaynamic process
C. throtting process                                                                        C. adiabatic process
D. hyperbolic process                                                                    D. reversible process
Answer: D                                                                                      Answer: D
161.  Which of the following provides the bases for                   167.  At critical point the latent enthalpy of 
Measuring thermodynamic property of temperature?                  vaporization is ______.
A. Zeroth the thermodynamics                                                     A. dependent on temperature
B. First law thermodynamics                                                        B. zero
C. Second law of thermodynamics                                               C. minimum
D. Third law of thermodynamics                                                 D. maximum
Answer: A                                                                                     Answer: B
162.  1 watt…                                                                               168.  Which of the following relations is not  
A. 1 Nm/s                                                                                      applicable in a free expansion process?
B. 1Nm/min                                                                                   A. Heat supplied is zero
C. 1Nm/hr                                                                                      B. Heat rejected is zero
D. 1kNm/hr                                                                                    C. Work done is zero
Answer: A                                                                                          D. Change in temperature is zero
163.  Under ideal conditions, isothermal, isobaric, isochoric        Answer: D
and adiabatic processes are:                                               169.  The triple point of a substance is the temp.
A. dynamic processes                                                                   and pressure at which:
B. stable processes                                                                        A.  the solid and liquid phases are in 
C. quasi-static processes                                                                     equilibrium
D. static processes                                                                         B. the liquid and gaseous phases are in
Answer: C                                                                                                equilibrium
                                                                                                           C. the solid, liquid and gaseous phases 
164.  Isentropic flow is                                                                                are in equilibrium
A. perfect gas flow                                                                       D. the solid does not melt, the liquid does
B. irreversible adiabatic flow                                                            not boil the gas does not
C. ideal fluid flow                                                                   Answer: D
D. reversible adiabatic flow
 Answer: D

170.  According to Clausius statement                                                  

A. Heat flows from hot substance to cold substance                   
B. Heat cannot flow from cold substance to hot 
      substance                                                              175.  For steam nozzle, which of the following 
C. Heat can flow from cold substance to hot                            ratios will have the value less than unity?
     substance with the aid of external work                            A. (Pressure at Inlet)(Pressure at Outlet)
D. A and C                                                                              B. Specific volume at Inlet(Specific volume       
 Answer: D                                                                                        at outlet)
                                                                                                    C. Temperatureofsteamat inlet(Temperature
171.  A heat engine is supplied that at rate of 30,000 J/s                    steam at outlet)
gives an output of 9 kW. The thermal efficiency                  D. None of the above              
of the engine is ___.                                                          Answer: B
A. 30%
B. 43%                                                                         176.  A Bell-Coleman cycle is a reversed
C. 50%                                                                                      A. Stirling cycle      C.
D. 55%                                                                                      B. Brayton cycle     
Answer: A                                                                                      C. Joule’c cycle    
172.  The RMS velocity of hydrogen gas at N.T.P. is                       D.  Carnot cycle
Approximately _________.                                               Answer: C
A. 3838 m/s                                                                 177.  Ericsson cycle consist of the following for
B. 1839 m/s                                                                           processes: 
C. 4839 m/s                                                                            A.  two isothermal and two constant volume
D. 839 m/s                                                                              B. two isothermal and two constant isentropic
Answer: B                                                                                   C. two isothermal and two constant pressure
                                                                                                    D. two adiabatic and two constant pressure
173.  Which of the following cycles has two isothermal            Answer: C
And two constant volume processes?
A. Joule cycle                                                              178.  A steam nozzle changes
B. Diesel cycle                                                                             A. kinetic energy into heat energy
C. Ericsson cycle                                                                         B. heat energy into potential energy
D. Stirling cycle                                                                           C. potential energy into heat energy
Answer: D                                                                                        D. heat energy into heat energy
174.  “It is possible to conrtruct a heat engine that operates            Answer: D
in a cycle and receives a given quantity of heat from       
a high temperature body and does an equal amount                  
of work’ The above statement is known as:
A. Gay Lussac’s law
B. Kinetic Theory
C. Kelvin-Planck’s law
          D. Joule-Thompson’s law 

179.  Which is not correct for calculating air standard      183.  Which of the following statement about Van der
efficiency?                                                                          Waals equation is correct?
A. All processes are reversible                                          A. It is valid for all pressures and temperatures
B. Specific heat remains unchaged at all temp.                 B. It represents a straight line on PV vs.V plot
C. No account of the mechanism of heat transfer              C. It has three roots of identical value at the 
     is considered                                                                          critical point
D. Gases dissociate at higher temperature                        D. The equation is valid for diatomic gases only      
Answer: D                                                                        Answer: C                        

180.  According to Pottlier Thompson effect.                     184.  The Clapeyron’s equation is applicable to:
A. it is operate to construct a heat engine that                    A. 1 system in equilibrium
     operates a cycle and receives a given quantity               B.  change of state
of heat from a high temperature body and does             C.  a change of state when two phases are 
an equal of work                                                                   in equilibium
B. It is impossible to construct a device that operate          D. a change of state when water and water  
     in a cycle and produces no effect other than the                  vapor are involved
     the transfer of heat from a cooler body to hotter         Answer: C
C. When two dissimilar metals are heated at one end   185. The vapor pressure is related to the   
     and cooled at other, e.m.f. that is developed is                   enthalpy of vaporization by the:
     proportional to difference  of    temperatures    at               A. Clausius-Claypeyron’s equation
     two ends                                                                               B. Dalton’s law
D. Work can’t be converted inot heat                                       C. Raoult’s law
Answer: D                                                                                      D. Maxwell’s equation
                                                                                                       Answer: A        
181.  In actual gases the molecular collisions are:                       
A. plastic                                                                
B. elastic
C. inelastic
D. inplastic
Answer: C

182.  The Beattle-Bridgeman equation of state is quite

Accurate in cases of:
A. all pressures above atmospheric pressure
B. densities less than about  0.8 times the critical
C, near critical temperature
D. none of the above
     Answer: B

186.  Solubility of a gas in a liquid at small  

concentration can be represented by which law?
  A. Henry’s law                              
  B. Clausius-Clapeyron’s equation 
  C. Dal ton’s law       
  D. Roult’s law
  Answer: A
187.  A compound pressure gauge is used to measure:
A. complex pressures       
B. variable pressures
C. average pressure
D. positive and negative pressure
Answer: D
188. Which of the engine is used for fighter bombers?
A. Turboprop                          
B. Turbojet 
C. Ramjet
D. Pulsejet
Answer: B
The thermal efficiency of gas-vapor cycle as compared to steam turbine or gas turbine
A. greater than                  
B. less than 
C. not comparable
D. equal
Answer: A
The process in which heat energy us transferred to thermal energy storage device is known as:
A. adiabatic                            C. intercooling
B. regeneration                       D. heat transfer
Answer: B
The absolute zero in cesius scale is:
A.100                                    C. -273
B. 0                                       D.  273
Answer: C
What is the temperature when water and vapor are
 in equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure?
  A. Ice point                          C. Critical point
  B. Steam point                     D. Freezing point
Answer: B
The temperature of a pure substance at a temperature of absolute zero is:
  A. unity                           C. infinity 
  B. zero                             D. 100
Answer: B


When the number of reheat stage in a reheat cycle is Increased, the average temperature:
 A. increases                           C. is constant
 B. decreases                           D. is zero
Answer: A
A temperature measurement in an ordinary thermometer which has constant specific humidity.
 A. Critical temperature
 B. Dew point temperature
 C. Dry bulb temperature
 D. Wet bulb temperature
Answer: B
In closed vessel, when vaporization takes place, the temperature rises. Due to the rising temperature, the
pressure increases until an equilibrium is established between the temperature of equilibrium is called:
 A. dew point
 B. Ice point
 C. Sperheated temperature
 D. boiling point
When not soup was served in a cup during dinner 
are engineer was so eager to drink it. Since it was hot, its added cubes of iceto cool the soup and stirred
it, notived that dew starts to form on the 
outterms surface of the cup. What is this temperature equal to?
 A. superheated temperature
 B. equal to zero
 C. standard temperature
 D. equal to air’s dew point temperature
Is a measure of the energy that is no longer available to perform useful work within the current
  A. Absolute entropy     C. Fugacity
  B. Absolute Enthalpy   D. Molar value
Answer: A

199.  A graph of enthalpy versus entropy for steam.

A. Mollier diagram
B. Moody diagram
C. steam table
D. Maxwell diagram
200.  The reaction of entertain in an accelerated body is
A. Kinetic reaction
B. Endothermic reaction
C. Kinematic reaction
D. Dynamic reaction
Answer: A
201.  A Mollier chart of thermodynamic properties is 
shown in which of the following diagrams?
A. T-S diagram
B. P-V diagram
C. h-S diagram
D. p-h diagram
Answer: C
202.  The following are included in the first law of  
Thermodynamics for closed system Except:
A. heat transferred in and of the system
B. work done by or on the system
C. internal energy
D. kinetic energy
203.  All processes below are irreversible except one.
Which one?
A. Magnetization with hysteresis
B. Elastic tension and release of a steel bar
C. Inelastic deformation
D. Heat conduction
Answer: B

204.  The condition of conditions that best describes 

Themodynamic process is given by which of the following?
I. Has successive states through which the system
II. When reversed leaves no change in the system
III.When reversed leaves no change in the               system or the sorroundings
IV. States are passes through so quickly that the 
     Sorroundings do not change
Answer: D


The sum of the energies of all the molecules 
in a system where energies appear in several 
complex forms is the:
A. kinetic energy
B. potential energy
C. Internal energy
D. frictional energy
Answer: C
The Carnot refrigeration cycle includes all of the foolowing process except.
A. isentropic  expansion
B. isothermal heating
C. isenthalpy expansion
D. isentropic compression
Answer: C
The maximum possible work that can be obtained a cycle operating between two reservoirs to
found from:
A. process irreversibility
B. availability
C. Carnot effieciecy
D. Reversible work
The following factors are necessary to define a thermodynamics cycle except
A. the working substance
B. high and low temperature reservoirs
C. the time it takes to complete the cycle
D. the means of doing work on the system
Answer: C
All of the following terms included in the second law for open system except
A. shaft work
B. flow work
C. internal energy
D. average work
Answer: D 


The following terms are included in the first law of thermodynamics for open system except
A. heat transfer in and out of the system
B. work done by or in the system
C. magnetic system
D. internal system
Answer: C
The following terms are included in the first law of thermodynamics for closed system except:
A. heat transferred in and out of the system
B. work done by or on the system
C. internal energy
D. kinetic energy
Answer: D
Which of the following statements about a path function is not true?
A. On a p-v diagram, it can represent work done 
B. On a t-s diagram, it can represent heat transferred
C. It is dependent on the path between states on thermodynamic equilibrium
D. It represents values of p, v, t, and s between states that are path functions
Answer: D

213.  A constant pressure thermodynamic process 

A. Boyle’s law
B. Charle’s law
C. Amagat’s law
D. Dalton’s law

214.  The first and second laws of thermodynamics are:

A. continuity equations
B. momentum equations
C. energy equations
D. equations of state
Answer: C

215.  Represents the temperature an ideal gas will attain

when it is brought to rest adiabatically.
A. Absolute zero temperature
B. Stagnation temperature
C. Boiling temperature
D. Critical temperature
Answer: B

216.  Gauge pressure and absolute pressure differ 

from each other by:
A. the system units
B. atmospheric pressure
C. the size of the gauge
D. nothing they mean the same thing
Answer: B

217.  Each of the following are correct values of 

standard atmospheric pressure except:
A. 1000 atm
B. 14.962 psia
C. 760 torr
D. 1013 mm Hg.
Answer: D

218.  All of the following are properties of an 

ideal gas except:
A. density
B. pressure
C. viscosity
D. temperature
Answer: C

219.  Which of the following is not the universal

gas constant?
A. 1545 ft-lb/lbmol-R
B. 8.314 J/mol.K
C. 8314 kJ/mol.K
D. 8.314 kJ/mol.K
Answer: C

220.  The following are all commonly quoted 

values of standard temperatures and pressure except:
A. 32 and 14.696 psia
B. 273.15 K and 101.325 kPa
C. 0 and 760 mm Hg.
D. 0 and 29.92 in hg.
Answer: D

221.  The variation of pressure in an isobaric pro-

cess is:
A. linear with temperature
B. described by the perfect gas law
C. inversely proportional to temperature
D. zero
Answer: D

222.  For fluid flow, the enthalpy is the sum of internal 

energy and _______.
A. entropy
B. work flow
C. pressure
D. temperature
Answer: B

223.  A thermodynamics process whose deviation from

equilibrium in infinitesimal at all time is ______.
A. reversible
B. isentropic
C. in quasi-equilibrium
D. isentropic
Answer: C

224.  Which thermodynamic property best describes the 

molecular activity of a substance?
A. Enthalpy
B. Entropy
C. Internal energy
D. External energy
Answer: C
225.  Stagnation enthalpy represents the enthalpy of a 
fluid when it is brought to rest ______.
A. isometrically
B. adiabatically
C. isothermally
D. disobarically
Answer: B

226.  During stagnation process the kinetic energy of a

 fluid is converted to enthalpy which result in an:
A. increase in the fluid specific volume
B. increase in the fluid pressure
C. increase in the fluid temperature and pressure
D. increase in the fluid temperature
Answer: C

227. The properties of fluid at the stagnation in the state

are called _______.
A. stagnation property
B. stagnation phase
C. stagnation state
D. stagnation vapor
Answer: C

228.  All of the following are thermodynamics 

          properties except:
A. temperature
B. pressure
C. density
D. odulus of elasticity
Answer: D

229.  A liquid boils when its vapor pressure equal

A. the gauge pressure
B. the critical pressure
C. the ambient pressuer
D. one standard atmosphere
Answer: C

230.  A system composed of ice and water at 0

A. a multiplephase material 
B. in thermodynamic equilibrium
C. in thermal equilibrium
D. all of the above
Answer: D
231.  The heat of fusion of a pure substance is:
A. the change in phase from solid to gas
B. the change in phase from liquid to gas
C. the energy released in chemical reaction
D. the energy released to melt the substance
Answer: D
232. The heat of vaporization involves the change
In enthalpy due to:
A. the change in phase from solid to gas
B. the change in phase from liquid to gas
C. the energy released in chemical reaction
D. the change in phase from solid to liquid
Answer: B
233.  The heat of sublimation involves the change
In enthalpy due to ____.
 A. the change in phase from solid to gas
 B. the change in phase from liquid to gas
 C. the energy released in chemical reaction
 D. the change in phase from solid to liquid
Answer: A
234.  A specific property
A. defines a specific variable(e.g.,tempera-
B. is independent of mass
C. is an extensive property multiplied by mass
D. is dependent of   the     phase     of     the

235.  A material’s specific heat can be defined as:

A. the ratio of heat required to change the temp.
      of mass by a change in temperature
B. being different for constant pressure and cons-
      constant temperature processes
C. a function of temperation
D. all of the above
Answer: D

236. If a substance temperature is less than its saturation

temperature, the substance is:
A. subcooled liquid
B. wet vapor
C. saturated vapor
D. superheated vapor
Answer: A

237.  If a substance temperature is equal to its saturation

temperature substance is a ________.
A. subcooled liquid
B. wet vapor
C. saturated liquid and vapor
D. superheated vapor
Answer: C

238.  If a substance’s temperature is greater than is 

saturation temperature, the substance is a _____.
A. subcooled liquid
B. wet vapor
C. saturated vapor
D. superheated vapor
Answer: D

239.  Critical properties re fer to:

A. extremely important properties, such as temp. 
     and pressure
B. heat required for phase change and important
     for energy production
C. property values where liquid and gas phase are
D. properties having to do with equilibrium 
     conditions, such as the Gibbs and Helmholtz
 Answer: C

240.  For a saturated vapor, the relationship between 

temperature and pressure is given by:
A. the perfect gas law
B. Van der Waal’s equation

C. the steam table

D. a Viral equation of state
           Answer: C

241.  Properties of a superheated vapor are given by:

A. the perefect gas law 
B. a superheated table
C. a one to relationship, such as the properties 
    of saturation steam
D. a Viral of state
Answer: B

242,  Properties of non-reacting gas mixture are given

A. geometric weighting
B. volumetric weighting
C. volumetric weighting for molecular weight
     density, and geometric weighting for all 
     other properties except entropy
D. arithmetic average
Answer: C

243.  The relationship between the total volume of a 

          mixture of non-reacting gases ang their partial
          volume is given by:
A. gravimetric fraction
B. Amagat’s law
C. Dalton’s law
D. mole fraction
Answer: B

244.  The relationship between the total pressure of

          a non-reacting gases and the partial pressures
          of constituents given by:
A. gravimetric fraction
B. Amagat’s law
C. Dalton’s law
D. mole fraction
Answer: C
255.  Which of the following is the best definition of
A. The ratio of the heat added to the temp.
      increases in a system
B. The amount of useful energy is a system
C. The amount of energy no longer available to
      the system
D. The heat required to cause a complete
      conversion between two phases at a 
      constant temperature
Answer: B
Which of the following statements is not true for real
A. Molecules occupy a   volume   not    negligible
     in comparison to the total volume of gas
B. Real gases are subjected to attractive forces bet-
    ween molecules(e.g., Van der Wall’s forces)
C. The law of corresponding states may be used 
     for real gasses
D. Real gases are found only rarely in nature
Answer: D

247. The stagnation state is called the isentropic stagnation

        state when the stagnation process is:
A. reversible as well dynamic
B. isotropic
C. adiabatic
D. reversible as well as adiabatic
Answer: D

248.  The entropy of a fluid remains constant during what

A. polytropic stagnation process
B. unsteady stagnation process
C. combustion process
D. isentropic stagnation process
Answer: D

249.  All of the following processes are irreversible except

A. stirring of a viscous fluid
B. as isentropic decelerationof a moving perfect
C. an unrestrained expansion of a gas
D. phase changes
Answer: B

250. All of the following processes are irreversible except:

A. chemical reactions
B. diffusion
C. current flow an electrical resistance
D. an isentropic compression oa a ga
Answer: D

251. All of the floowing processes are irreversible except:

A. magnetization with hysteresis
B. elastic tension and releases of a steel bar
C. inelastic deformation
D. heat conduction
Answer: B

252.  Which of the following states is/are necessary for a

         System to be in thermodynamic equilibrium?
A. Chemical equilibrium 
B. Thermal equilibrium
C. Mechanical equilibrium
D. All of the above
Answer: D
253.Adiabatic heat transfer within a vapor cycle refers            A. heat transfer that is atmospheric but not
B. the transfer of energy from one steam to another
in a heat exchanger so that the energy of the input
streams equal the energy of the output streams
C. heat transfer that is reversible but not isentropic
D. there is no such thing as adiabatic heat transfer
Answer: B


        Which of the following gives polytropic under
A. log P /P 2 1

log V /V
1 2

B. log P /P 1 2

log V /V
1 2

C. log V /V 1 2

log P /P
2 1

D. log V /V 1 2

log P /P
1 2

Answer: A


         The work done in an adiabatic process in a 
A. is equal to the change in total energy in
     a closed system
B. is equal to the total net heat transfer plus
     the entropy change
C. is equal to change in total energy of closed
     system plus the entropy change
D. is equal to change in total energy of closed
     system plus net heat trsnsfer
Answer: D


         Based on the thermodynamics, what is the following
         is wrong?
A. the heat transfer equals the work plus energy
B. the heat transfer cannot exceed the work done
C. the net transfer equal the net work of the cycle
D. the net heat transfer equals the energy change if
     no work done
Answer: B


         Assuming real processes, the net entropy change in 
         the universe:
A. must be calculated
B. equals zero
C. is negative
D. is positive
Answer: D


         Which of the following type of flowmeters is most 
A. Venturi tube
B. Pitot tube
C. Flow nozzle
D. Foam type
Answer :B


         What is reffered by control volume?
A. An isolated system
B. Closed system
C. Fixed region in space 
D. Reversible process only
Answer: C


         What is the most efficient thermodynamic cycle?
A. Carnot
B. Diesel
C. Rankine
D. Brayton
Answer: A


          How do you treat a statement that is considered a 
           Scientific law?
A. We postuate to be true
B. Accept as a summary of experiment observe
C. We generally observed to be true
D. Believe to be derived from mathematical    theorem
Answer: B


          An instrument commonly used in most 
research are engineering laboratories because    it is small and fast among other thermometers
A. Mercury thermometer 
B. Liquidin-glass thermometer
C. Gas thermometer
D. Thermocouple
Answer: D


          In a actual gases, the molecular collisions are
A. plastic
B. elastic
C. inelastic
D. inpalstic
Answer: C


          Which pf the following is used in thermal 
           power plant? 
A. Brayton
B. Reversed carnot
C. Rankine
D. Otto
Answer: C


The elongation and compression of a helical spring is an example of
  A. irreversible process
  B. reversible process
  C. isothermal process
  D. adiabatic process


          Otto cycle consists of
A. Two isentropic and two constant volume
B. Two isetropic and two constant pressure
C. Two adiabatic and two isothermal processes
D. Two isothermal and two constant volume
Answer: A
          Brayton cycle has:
A. Two isentropic and two constant volume 
B. Two isentropic and two constant pressure
C. One constant pressure, one constant volume
     And two adiabatic processes
D. Two isothermal, one constant volume and 
      One constant pressure processes


          A. Bell-Coleman cycle is a reversed
A. Stirling cycle 
B. Joule cycle
C. Carnot cycle
D. Otto cycle
Answer: B


          A steam nozzle changes
A. kinetic energy into heat energy
B. heat energy into potential energy
C. heat energy into kinetic energy
D. potential energy into heat energy
Answer: C


         The pilot tube is a device used for measurement of
A. pressure
B. flow
C. velocity
D. discharge
Answer: C


          The continuity equation is applicable to
A. Viscous, unviscous fluids
B. Compressibility of fluids
C. Conservation of mass
D. Steady, unsteady flow
Answer: C


          The work done by a force of R Newton moving in 
           a distance of L meters is converted entirely into
           kinetic energy and expressed by the equation:
A. RL=2MV 2

C. RL= ½ MV 2

D. RL= ½ MV
Answer: C


          Gas being heated at constant volume is
           undergoing the process of:
A. isentropic
B. adiabatic
C. isometric
D. isobaric
Answer: C


          Dew point is defined as
A. The temperature to which the air must
      be cooled a constant to produce satu-
B. The point where the pressure which dew
      is formed in the air
C. The temperature which dew is formed
      in the air
D. The pressure which dew in formed in the
Answer: A


          What do you call the changing of an atom of
           element into an atom of a different element
           with a different atomic mass?
A. Atomization
B. Atomic transmulation
C. Atomic pile
D. Atomic energy
Answer: B


          What do you call the weight of the column
          Of air above the earth’s surface?
A. Air pressure
B. Aerostatic pressure
C. Wind pressure
D. Atmospheric pressure
Answer: D


          What keeps the moisture from passing through 
          the system?
A. Dehydrator
B. Aerator
C. Trap
D. Humidifier
Answer: A


           What condition exists in an adiabatic throtting
A. Enthalpy is variable
B. Enthalpy is constant
C. Entropy is constant 
D. Sprecific volume is constant
Answer: B


          The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio on
           its density to the density of:
A. mercury
B. gas
C. air
D. water
Answer: D


          A compound pressure gauge is used to measure:
A. complex pressures
B. variable pressures
C. compound pressures
D. positive and negative pressures
Answer: D


          Isentropic flow is
A. perfect gas flow
B. ideal fluid flow
C. frictionless reversible flow
D. reversible adiabatic flow
Answer: D


          Under ideal conditions, isothermal, isobaric, 
           Isochoric and adiabatic processes are:
A. dynamic processes
B. stable processes

C. quasi-staic processes
D. static processes
Answer: C


          Onwe Watt is:
A. 1 N.m/s
B. 1 N/m/min
C. 1 N.m/hr
D. 1 kN/s
Answer: A 


A temperature above which a given gas cannot 
be liquefied:
  A. Crygenic temperature
  B. Vaporization temperature
  C. Absolute temperature
  D. Critical temperature
Answer: D


The effectiveness of a body as a thermal
radiator at a given temperature
  A. absorvtivity
  B. Emissivity
  C. Conductivity
  D. Reflectivity
Answer: B


Which of the following occurs in reversible polytropic process?
  A. Enthalpy remains constant
  B. Internal energy does not change
  C. Some heat transfer occurs
  D. Entropy remains constant
Answer: C
287.  ME BOARD Oct. 1997
The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is:
  A. Rotameter
  B. Manometer
  C. Venturi
  D. Barometer
Answer: D

288.  ME BOARD Oct. 1997

A pneumatic tool is generally powered by
  A. water
  B. electricity
  C. steam
  D. air
Answer: D


Which of the following gases can be used to measure the lowest temperature?
  A. Nitrogen
  B. Helium
  C. Oxygen
  D. Hydrogen
Answer: B


The triple point of a substance is the temperature pressure at which:
  A. The solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium
  B.The solid and gaseous phases are in equilibrium
  C. The solid liquid and gaseous phases are in 
  D. The solid does not melt, the liquid does not 
        Boil and the gas does not condense
Answer: D


Which of the following relations is not applicable in a free expansion process?
  A. Heat rejected is zero
  B. Work done is zero
  C. Change in temperature is zero
  D. Heat supplied is zero
Answer: C
Ericsson cycle has
  A. Two isothermal and two constant pressure
  B. Two isothermal and two constant volume 
  C. Two isothermal and two constant entropy
  D. Two adiabatic one constant volume and
        constant pressure processes
Answer: A


A Stirling cycle has
  A. Two adiabatic and two constant pressure
  B. Two adiabatic and two constant volume
  C. Two isothermal and two constant pressure
  D. Two isothermal and two constant volume 
Answer: D


The temperature of the fluid flowing under pressure through a pipe is usually measured by:
  A. a glass thermometer
  B. an electric resistance thermometer
  C. a thermocouple
  D. all of the above
Answer: D


Specific heat capacity is an SI derived unit described as
  A. J./kg
  B. W/mK
  C. kj/kgK
  D. J/m
Answer: C


Which of the following is mathematically a thermpdynamic property?
 A. A point function
 B. Discontinuous
 C. A path function
 D. Exact differential
Answer: A


When the expansion or compression of a gas takes place “without transfer of heat” to or from the gas,
the procees is called:
  A. reversible 
  B. adiabatic
  C. polytropic
  D. isothermal
Answer: B


Another name for the liquid valve is:
  A. Freon valve
  B. Shut-off valve
  C. King valve
  D. Master valve
Answer: C


A liquid whose temperature is lower than the
saturation temperature corresponding to the
existing pressure;
  A. Subcooled liquid
  B. Saturated liquid
  C. Pure liquid
  D. Compressed liquid
Answer: A


The law that states “Entropy of all perfect 
crystallline solid is zero at absolute zero 
   A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics
   B. First law of thermodynamics
   C. Seconf law of thermodynamics
   D. Third law of thermodynamics


What should be the temperature of both water
and steam whenever they are present together?
  A. Saturation temperature for the existing
  B. Boiling point of water at 101.325 kPa
  C. Superheated temperature
  D. One hundred degrees centigrade
Answer: A


A manometer is an instrument that is used to
  A. air pressure
  B. heat radiation 
  C. condensate water level
  D. air volume
Anwer: A


What is the area under the curve of temperature
Entropy diagram?
  A. Volume
  B. Heat 
  C. Work
  D. Entropy
Answer: B


What do bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit?
  A. Energy
  B. Heat of convection
  C. Thermal radiation
  D. Heat of compression
Answer: C


In the absence of any irreversible, a thermo-
electric generator, a device that incorporate both thermal an electric effects, will have the efficiency of
  A. Carnot cycle
  B. Otto cycle
  C. Diesel cycle
  D. Rankine cycle
Answer: A


Both Stirling and Ericsson engines are:
  A. Internal combustion engines
  B. external combustion engine
  C. Carnot engines
  D. Brayton engines
Answer: B


Nozzles does not involve any work interantion.
The fluid through the device experiences:
  A. no change in potential energy
  B. no change in kinetic energy
  C. no change in enthalpy
  D. vacuum
Answer: A


If the actual kinetic energy of a nozzle is Ka
and Kj is the maximum value that can be 
attined by an isentropic expansion from an 
initial to final state, then the efficiency of the 
nozzle is: 
  A. Kj/Ka
  B. Ka-Ki/Ka
  C. Ka-ki/Ki
  D. Ka/Ki
Answer: D


The convergent section of a nozzle increases from velocity if the flow of the gas. What does it do on 
in pressure?
  A. Pressure becomes constant
  B. Pressure equal the velocity
  C. It increases the pressure
  D. It decreases the pressure
Answer: D


In a closed vessel, when vaporization takes place the temperature rises. Due to the rising temperature the
pressure increases until an equilibrium is established between the temperature and pressure. The
temerature.of equilibrium is called:
  A.  dew point 
  B. ice point
  C. boiling point
  D. superheated temperature
Answer: C
At steam point, the temperature of water and its 
vapor at standard pressure are:
  A. extremes or maximum
  B. unity
  C. in equilibrium
  D. undefined
Answer: C


When hot soup was served in a cup during dinner, an engineer was so eager to drink it. Since it was hot,
he added cubes of ice to cool the soup and stirred it. He noticed that dew starts to fom on the outermost
surface of the cup. He wanted to check the temperature of the outermost surface of the cup. What is this
temperature equal to?
A. Superheated temperature
B. Equal to zero
C. Standard temperature
D. Equal to air’s dew point temperature
Answer: D

313. What do you call a conversion technology that

yields electricity from sunlight without aid of a working substance like gas or steam without use of
any mechanical cycle?
A. Power conversion
B. Stirling cycle conversion
C. Solar thermal conversion
D. Photovoltaic-energy conversion
Answer: D


Which of the following property of liquid extend resistance to angular or shear deformation:
A. Specific gravity
B. Specific weight
C. Viscosity
D. Density
Answer: C


What is the pressure at the exit of a draft tube in a turbine?
A. Below atmospheric
B. Above atmospheric
C. Atmospheric
D. Vacuum
Answer: C


When changes in kinetic energy of a compressed gas are negligible or insignificant, the work input
to a adiabatic compressor is _______.
A. negligible
B. zero
C. infinity
D. equal to change in enthalpy
Answer: D


What is the area under the curve of a pressure-volume diagram?
A. Nonflow work
B. Steadyflow work
C. Heat
D. Power
Answer: A


In Stirling and Ericsson cycle, regeneration can
A. Increase efficiency
B. decrease efficiency
C. control efficiency
D. limit efficiency
Answer: A


The first law of thermodynamics is based on which of the following principle?
A. Conservation of mass
B. Enthalpy-entropy relationship
C. Entropy-temperature relationship
D. Conservation of energy
Answer: D


In a two-phase system, 30% moisture means
A. 70% liquid and 30% vapor
B. 70% vapor and 30% liquid
C. 30% liquid and 100% vapor
D. 30% vapor and 100% liquid
Answer: B

321.  ME Board Apr. 2002

At 101.325 kPa, the boiling point of water is 100
If the pressure is decreased, the following boiling temperature will: 
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain the same
D. drop to zero
Answer: B


Which of the following is equivalent to 1 hp in btu/hr?
A. 778
B. 2545

             C. 746
             D. 3.41
            Answer: B


What is the pressure above zero?
A. gage pressure
B. Absolute pressure
C. vacuum pressure
D. atmospheric pressure
Answer: A


One Newton-meter is equal to:
A. 1 Joule
B. 1 Btu
C. 1 calorie
D. 1 Ergs
Answer: A


Which of the following is the instrument used to measure fluid velocity?
A. Pitot tube
B. Orsat apparatus
C. Anemometer
D. Viscosimeter
Answer: A


Cryogenic temperature ranges from:
A. -150 to -359
B. -250 to -459
C. -100 to -300
D. -200 to -400
Answer: B


Steam at 2 kPa is saturated at 17.5 . In what state will the state be at 40 if the pressure  is 2.0 kPa?
A. Superheated
B. Saturated
C. Subcooled
D. Supersaturated
Answer: A


Acceleration is popotional to force.
A. Newtons law
B. Arcgimedes principle
C. Law of gravitation
D. Theory of relativity
Answer: A


Which of the following could be defined as simple push and pull?
A. Power
B. Inertia
C. Work
D. Force
Answer: D


The true pressure measured above a perfect vacuum is:
A. absolute pressure
B. atmospheric pressure
C. gauge pressure
D. vacuum pressure
Answer: A


In an initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed to one-half its original volume and to twice its original
temperature, the pressure:
A. doubles
B. halves
C. quadruples
D. triples
Answer: C


When the expansion or compression of gas takes
Place without transfer of heat to or from the gas, the process is called:
A. isometric process
B. isothermal process
C. isobaric process
D. adiabatic process

333.  A body radiates heat proportional to the 

fourth power of its absolute temperature:
A. Stefan-Boltzmann law
B. Planck’s law
C. Kirchhoff’s law
D. Maxwell’s law
Answer: A

334.  All substances emit radiation, the quantity

And quality of which depends upon the absolute temperature and the properties of the material,
composing the radiating body.
A. Stefan-Boltzmann law
B. Planck’s law
C. Kirchhoff’s law
D. Maxwell’s law
Answer: B

335.  For bodies in thermal equilibrium with the 

environment, the ratio of total emissive power to the absorpvitty is constant at any temperature.
A. Stefan-Boltzmann law
B. Planck’s law
C. Kirchhoff’s law
D. Maxwell’s law
Answer: C



Which is not a viscosity rating?
A. Redwood
C. Centipoise
D. Entropy Degrees API
       Answer: D


Percent excess air is the difference between the air actually supplied and the theoretically
required divided by:
A. the theoretically air supplied
B. the actually air supplied
C. the deficiency of air supplied
D. the sufficient air supplied
       Answer: A

What is the apparatus used in the analysis of combustible gases?
A. Calorimeter differential
B. Calorimeter gas
C. Calorimetry
D. Calorimeter
       Answer: D


Percent excess air is the difference between the air actually supplied and the theoretical air
divided by:
A. the sufficient air supplied
B. the deficiency air supplied
C. the actually air supplied
D. the theoretical air supplied
       Answer: D
The viscosity of most commercially available petroleum lubricating oil changes rapidly above
A. 120°F
B. 180°F
C. 150°F
D. 130°F
       Answer: B


When 1 mol carbon combines with 1 mol oxygen
A. 2 mols carbon dioxide
B. 1 mol carbon dioxide
C. 1 mol carbon and 1 mol carbon dioxide
D. 1 mol carbon dioxide
       Answer: B

What are the immediate undesirable products from the petroleum based lubricating oil when
subjected to high pressure and temperature?
A. gums, resins and acids
B. sulfur
C. soots and ashes
D. carbon residue
       Answer: A

8.   What kind of bonding do common gases that exist in free states as diatomic molecules
A. Ionic bonds
B. Covalent bonds
C. Metallic bonds
D. Nuclear bonds
       Answer: B

9.   An Orsal's apparatus is used for

A. volumetric analysis of the flue gas
B. gravimetric analysis of the flue gas
C. smoke density analysis of the flue gas
D. all of the choices
       Answer: A
10.   A theorem that states that the total property of a mixture of ideal gases is the sum of the
properties that the individual gases would have if each occupied the total mixture volume alone
as the same temperature.
A. Gibbs Theorem
B. Dalton's Theorem
C. Boltzmann's Theorem
D. Maxwell's Theorem
       Answer: A

11.   A small enough particles suspended in a fluid and exhibit small random movements due to
the statistical collision of fluid molecules on the particle's surface. This motion is called______.
A. Boltzmann motion
B. rectilinear motion
C. kinetic gas motion
D. Brownian motion
       Answer: D

12.   When two or more light atoms have sufficient energy (available only at high temperature
and velocities) to fuse together to form a heavier nucleus, the process is called ______.
A. fusion
B. fission
C. the photoelectric effect
D. the Compton effect
       Answer: A

13.   What is the residue left after combustion of a fossil fuel?

A. Charcoal
B. Ash
C. Scraper
D. All of the choices
       Answer: B

14.   What is formed during incomplete combustion of carbon in fuels?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Nitrogen oxide
D. Oxygenated fuel
       Answer: B

15.   A gas produced by the combustion of fuel oil and cannot be found in the fuel gases is:
A. oxygen
B. nitrogen
C. hydrogen
D. carbon dioxide
       Answer: C

16.   Which of the following chemical reactions in which heat is absorbed?

A. Heat reaction
B. Endothermic reaction
C. Exothermic reaction
D. Combustion reaction
       Answer: B

17.   A chemical reaction in which heat is given off.

A. Heat reaction
B. Endothermic reaction
C. Exothermic reaction
D. Combustion reaction
       Answer: C

18.   A colorless, odorless mixture of nitrogen and oxygen with traces of other gases, water
vapor, and some impurities.
A. Air
B. Helium
C. Water gas
D. Nitrite
       Answer: A

19.   The transfer of air and air characteristics by horizontal motion is called _____.
A. convection
B. air transfer
C. advection
D. adhesion
       Answer: C

20.   Properties of non-reacting gas mixture are given by:

A. geometric weighting
B. volumetric weighting
C. volumetric weighting for molecular weight and density, and geometric weighting for all
other properties except entropy
D. arithmetic average
       Answer: C

21.   The process of separating two or more liquids by means of the difference in their boiling
A. Engler distillation
B. Fractional distillation
C. Gas scrubbing
D. Fractional crystallization
       Answer: B

22.   The gaseous products of combustion of a boiler which contains carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor is called _____.
A. Fuel gas
B. Producer gas
C. Product gas
D. Universal gas
       Answer: A

23.   A substance whose burning with oxygen yields heat energy such as coal, petroleum and
natural gas.
A. Air
B. Fluid
C. Fuel
D. Gas
       Answer: C

24.   Stoichiometric ratio is 

A. chemically correct air - fuel ratio by volume
B. chemically correct air - fuel ratio by weight
C. theoretical mixture of air for complete combustion
D. actual ratio of air to fuel for maximum efficiency
       Answer: B

25.   A type of radiation consisting of singly charged particles that generate to intermediate
A. Nuclear radiation
B. Alpha radiation
C. Beta radiation
D. Gamma radiation
       Answer: C

26.   The increase in velocity past the throat is due to the rapid increase in the:
A. fluid density
B. fluid specific volume
C. fluid temperature
D. fluid pressure
       Answer: A

27.   In an oxidation - reduction chemical reaction, all of the following occur except:
A. the exchange of electrons between elements
B. elements becoming more positive
C. elements becoming more negative
D. nuclear fusion
       Answer: D

28.   The residual oil left after the distillation of gasoine and kerosene from crude petroleum;
yellow to brown oil used as a diesel fuel and for enriching water gas.
A. Diesel oil
B. Gasoline oil
D. Gas oil
       Answer: D
29.   A fuel gas obtained by the destructive distillation of soft coal is called ______.
A. Gas scrub
B. Coal gas
C. Alcogas
D. Water gas
       Answer: D

30.   Removing of impurities from a gas by bubbling it through a liquid purifying agent is called
A. Gas scrubbing
B. Gas purifying
C. Gas liquefying
D. Gas bubbling
       Answer: A

31.   During the fusion process, mass is lost and converted to energy according to:
A. the Heisenburg uncertainty principle
B. the Compton's Law
C. Einstein's Law
D. the second law of thermodynamics
       Answer: C

32.   A finely divided carbon deposit by the smoke or flame is called _____.
A. Fly ash
B. Soot
C. Residue
D. All of the choices
       Answer: B

33.   Rare gases such as helium, argon, krypton, xenon and radon that are non-reactive are called
A. Non-reactant
B. Stop gases
C. Inert gases
D. Residual gases
       Answer: C
34.   Kinematics and dynamic viscosity vary from each other only by a factor equal to the:
A. fluid density
B. temperature
C. pressure
D. specific gas constant
       Answer: A

35.   The following properties are different for isomers of the same chemical compound except:
A. density
B. melting point
C. number of atoms in a mole of each isomers
D. specific heat
       Answer: C

36.   Atomic weights of the elements in the periodic table are not whole numbers because of:
A. the existence of isotopes
B. imprecise measurements during the development of the periodic table
C. round-off error in calculating atomic weights
D. the exchange of reference of the atomic mass unit from oxygen - 16 to carbon - 12 in
       Answer: A

37.   The tendency of a pure compound to be composed of the same elements combined in a
definite proportion by mass.
A. Avogadro's law
B. Boyle's law
C. The law of definite proportions
D. Le Chatelier's principle
       Answer: C

38.   How do you call the process of removing of impurities from a gas by bubbling it through
liquid purifying agent?
A. Gas scrubbing
B. Gas purifying
C. Gas liquefying
D. Gas bubbling
       Answer: A

39.   What is the effect of a catalyst in a chemical reaction?

A. absorb the exothermic heat of reaction
B. provide the exothermic heat of reaction
C. lower the activation energy
D. provide the heat of sublimation
       Answer: C

40.   The relationship between the concentration of products and reactants in a reversible
chemical reaction given by:
A. the ionization constant
B. the equilibrium constant
C. the solubility product
D. Le Chatelier's principle
       Answer: B

41.   What fuel gas obtaines by the destructive distillation of soft coal?
A. Gas scrub
B. Coal gas
C. Alcogas
D. Water gas
       Answer: B

42.   The process of splitting the nucleus into smaller fragments.

A. fusion
B. fission
C. the photoelectric effect
D. the Compton effect
       Answer: B

43.   The ash that is removed from the combustor after the fuel is burn is the:
A. fly ash
B. bottom ash
C. scraper ash
D. top ash
       Answer: B

44.   A mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide made by passing steam over hot coke.
A. Water gas
B. Water vapor
C. hydrocarbon
D. air
       Answer: A

45.   All of the following are true of non-stoichiometric reactions except:

A. there is an excess of one or more reactants
B. the percentage yield measures the efficiency of the reaction
C. non-stoichiometric reactions are rare in the combustion process
D. in combustion, air is often the excess reactant to assure complete combustion of fuel
       Answer: C

46.   It is the ratio of the volume at the end of heat addition to the volume at the start of heat
A. compression ratio
B. air-fuel ratio
C. volumetric ratio
D. cut-off ratio
       Answer: D

47.   Piston rings are made up of:

A. alloy steel
B. carbon steel
C. copper
D. cast iron
       Answer: D


Loss power is due to:
A. poor compression
B. restricted exhaust
C. clogging of air cleaner
D. low injection pressure
       Answer: D


A branch system of pipes to carry waste emission away from the piston chambers of an internal
combustion engine is called ______.
A. exhaust nazzle
B. exhaust deflection pipe
C. exhaust pipe
D. exhaust manifold
       Answer: D


The type of filter wherein the filtering elements is replaceable.
A. Paper edge filter
B. Metal edge filter
C. Pressure filter
D. Filter with element
       Answer: B


When four events take place in one revolution of a crankshaft of an engine, the engine is called
A. rotary engine
B. steam engine
C. two stroke engine
D. four stroke engine
       Answer: C


Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Air injection system
B. Mechanical injection system
C. Time injection system
D. Gas admission system
       Answer: C


Specific heat capacity is an SI derived unit described as:
A. J/kg
B. W/m °K
C. J/m³
D. J/kg °K
       Answer: D


A device whose primary function is to meter the flow of the refrigerant to the evaporator.
A. Sniffer valve
B. Equalizer
C. Thermostatic expansion valve
D. Crossover valve
       Answer: C


The internal combustion engines never work in 
A. Rankine cycle
B. Diesel cycle
C. Dual combustion cycle
D. Otto cycle
       Answer: A

56.   The general chemical formula for all hydrocarbons is CnHm. In different combinations of
interest, as internal combustion engine fuel, n varies from:
A. 1 to 26
B. 2 to 54
C. 2 to 26
D. 1 to 54
       Answer: A
57.   The general chemical formula for all hydrocarbons is CnHm. In different combinations of
interest, as internal combustion engine fuel m varies from:
A. 1 to 26
B. 2 to 54
C. 2 to 26
D. 1 to 54
       Answer: B

58.   The general chemical formula of a paraffin fuel is

A. CnH2n
B. CnH2n-6
C. CnH2n+2
D. CnH2n-2
       Answer: C

59.   Naphthenes and olefins are types of hydrocarbons with chemical formula of:
A. CnH2n
B. CnH2n-6
C. CnH2n+2
D. CnH2n-2
       Answer: A

60.   Which of the following types of hydrocarbons have chemical formula of CnH2n-2 ?
A. Diolefins
B. Aromatics
C. Asphaltics
D. Paraffins
       Answer: A

61.   Which of the following types of hydrocarbons have chemical formula of CnH2n-4 ?
A. Diolefins
B. Aromatics
C. Asphaltics
D. Paraffins
       Answer: C

62.   What is the chemical formula of an Aromatic type of hydrocarbon fuels?

A. CnH2n-6
B. CnH2n-2
C. CnH2n
D. CnH2n+2
       Answer: A

63.   At atmospheric condition, hydrocarbon molecules with a low number of carbon atoms, 1 to
4 are
A. Liquids
B. Atomic
C. Gases
D. Light oils
       Answer: C

64.   Hydrocarbons with 5 to 15 carbon atoms are:

A. more or less volatile light oils
B. referred to as heavy oils
C. mixtures of many kinds of hydrocarbons
D. commercial fuels
       Answer: A

65.   Hydrocarbons with 16 to 26 carbon atoms are referred to as:

A. light oils
B. heavy oils
C. commercial fuels
D. lubricating oils
       Answer: B

66.   In a four stroke engine, if a valve opens 25° before B.D.C. and close after 10° after T.D.C.
the valve should be:
A. puppet valve
B. exhaust valve
C. inlet valve
D. spring valve
       Answer: B
67.   In a hot wire anemometer, the rate of heat loss from sensing element is a function of:
A. mass rate of flow
B. pressure
C. velocity of flow
D. all of the above
       Answer: C

68.   Sticking valves

A. valve tappet clearance incorrect
B. valve springs of defective material
C. valve guides gummed
D. lubricating oil of poor quality
       Answer: B

69.   Detonation of pinging noise is due to:

A. early timing of fuel injection
B. late timing of fuel injection
C. head of piston carbonized
D. valve springs weak or broken
       Answer: B

70.   The thermal efficiency of a dual cycle engine with fuel compression ratio and fixed quantity
of heat and with increase in pressure ratio, will
A. increase
B. remain same
C. decrease
D. depends on other factors
       Answer: A

71.   Scavenging efficiency of a four stroke diesel engine is

A. in the range 80-95 percent
B. in the range 60-80 percent
C. below 60 percent
D. between 95% and 100%
       Answer: D
72.   Volumetric efficiency of a well designed engine may be in the range of:
A. 75 to 90 percent
B. 60 to 75 percent
C. 30 to 50 percent
D. below 30 percent
       Answer: A

73.   During idling in a compression ignition engine, the air fuel ratio may be of the order of:
A. 30
B. 200
C. 150
D. 100
       Answer: A

74.   Vapor lock is

A. lock of vaporization of fuel to atmospheric pressure
B. excess fuel supply to engine because of faster evaporation
C. complete or partial stoppage of fuel supply because of vaporization of fuel in supply
D. locking carburetor jets because of vapor pressure
       Answer: C

75.   Flash point of liquids is the temperature at which:

A. the fuel emits vapors at a rate which produces an inflammable mixture with air
B. the fuel spontaneously ignites
C. the fuel ignites with clearly visible flash
D. the fuel ignites without a spark
       Answer: A

76.   The mean effective pressure of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio will increase if
cut off ratio is:
A. increased
B. decreased
C. independent of compression ratio
D. depends on other factor
       Answer: A

77.   Hot spots

A. do not exist in engines
B. are the hottest spots in engines
C. are the spots where heavier functions of fuel are vaporized
D. are the defects in S.I. in engines
       Answer: C

78.   Flash point for diesel fuel oil should be:

A. maximum 49°C
B. maximum 490°C
C. maximum 200°C
D. maximum 300°C
       Answer: A

79.   Morse test is conducted on

A. single-cyinder engines
B. multi-cylinder engines
C. horizontal engines
D. vertical engines
       Answer: B

80.   Prony brake is used for testing of:

A. small engines
B. large engines
C. engines having small flywheel
D. high speed engines
       Answer: A

81.   Clog point of an oil refer to:

A. the point of maximum contamination of oil
B. the level of impurities beyond which oil ceases to flow
C. the temperature at which oil solidifies
D. the temperature at which paraffin and waxes in oil start precipitating
       Answer: D

82.   Otto cycle consists of:

A. two isentropic and two constant volumes processes
B. two isentropic and two constant pressure processes
C. two adiabatic and two isothermal processes
D. two isothermal and two constant volume processes
       Answer: A

83.   Diesel cycle consists of:

A. isentropic, isothermal, constant volume, constant pressure process
B. two constant volume, one constant pressure, and one isothermal process
C. two isentropic, one constant volume and one constant pressure processes
D. two constant pressure, one constant volume, and one isentropic processes
       Answer: C

84.   Which is not correct for calculating air standard efficiency?

A. All process are reversible
B. Specific heat remains unchanged at air temperatures
C. No account of the mechanism of heat transfer to considered
D. Gases dissociate at higher temperature
       Answer: D

85.   The king pin inclination is generally:

A. less than 0.5°
B. between 1° and 2°
C. between 2° and 5°
D. more than 9°
       Answer: C

86.   For balancing single cylinder engine, a counter weight is added to:
A. piston
B. piston pin
C. cam
D. crank
       Answer: D

87.   To measure the clearance between the valve and tappet of an automobile engine, we use a
A. vernier scale
B. feeler gauge
C. pneumatic gauge
D. slip gauge
       Answer: B

88.   By supercharging:
A. power stroke becomes stronger
B. loss in exhaust gets reduced
C. engine can be made to run smoother
D. thermal efficiency of the engine can be improved
       Answer: D

89.   Speedometer drive is generally taken from:

A. dynamo
B. flywheel
C. fan belt
D. front wheel
       Answer: D

90.   Odometer is :
A. An instrument that indicates the condition of the battery
B. An instrument used for measurement of fue consumption
C. An instrument used for BHP measurement
D. An instrument used for distance measurement
       Answer: D

91.   Automobile radiator is filled with:

A. acidic water
B. alkaline water
C. hard water
D. soft water
       Answer: D

92.   The ignition coil acts as:

A. a capacitor
B. an inductor
C. an RC circuit
D. a step up transformer
       Answer: D

93.   The self-starting motor for automobile is:

A. universal motor
B. DC shunt motor
C. DC series motor
D. synchronous motor
       Answer: C

94.   Starting motor current may be about

A. 0.15 A
B. 0.5 A
C. 5.1 A
D. 25 A
       Answer: D

95.   As a rule before the piston are removed, it is essential to remove the:
A. gudgeon pin
B. circlip
C. piston rings
D. crankshaft
       Answer: C

96.   Common causes for excessive oil consumption include:

A. heavy oil and light bearings
B. high speed and worn engine
C. short trips and cold weather
D. frequent oil changes
       Answer: B

97.   The device that is used for reducing the exhaust noise is called______.
A. exhaust manifold
B. exhaust pipe
C. muffler
D. none of the above
       Answer: C

98.   The device that is used to measure the clearance between the valve and tappet of an interval
combustion engine is measured by using:
A. snap gauge
B. slip gauge
C. feeler gauge
D. micrometer
       Answer: C

99.   Which of the following instrument is used for measuring specific gravity?
A. Thermometer
B. Hygrometer
C. Anemometer
D. Hydrometer
       Answer: D

100.   Exhaust gas leakage into the cooling system is most likely to occur because of defective:
A. cylinder head gasket
B. manifold gasket
C. water pump
D. any of the above
       Answer: A

101.   Clutch slippage while clutch is engaged is specially noticeable_______.

A. during idling
B. at low speed
C. during acceleration
D. during braking
       Answer: C

102.   To engage securely and prevent dragging the clearance between release bearing and
release collar in a clutch is generally:
A. 2-3 mm
B. 10-12 mm
C. 20-22 mm
D. 30-32 mm
       Answer: A

103.   Gudgeon pins are made of:

A. same material as that of piston
B. cast iron
C. hardened and ground steel
D. none of these
       Answer: D

104.   Latex is:

A. a plastic
B. a cover on writes carrying current to spark plugs
C. a variety of lubricant
D. a milky juice of rubber
       Answer: D

105.   Cross wire grooves on tires 

A. decrease the danger of skidding
B. absorb shocks because of road unevenness
C. provide good traction
D. provide better load carrying capacity
       Answer: B

106.   The diesel fuel pump is designed to supply fuel

A. just sufficient against the demand of the injection pump
B. in excess quantity than needed by the injection pump
C. a constant quantity at all engine speeds
D. insufficient quantity in accordance with the engine speed
       Answer: D

107.   The fuel is injected into the cylinder in Diesel engine when the piston is:
A. exactly at B.D.C. after compression stroke
B. exactly at T.D.C. before compression stroke
C. approaching T.D.C. during compression stroke
D. approaching B.D.C. during exhaust stroke
       Answer: C

108.   In the cam, the distance between the base circle and the nose is known as_______.
A. flank
B. nose
C. lobe
D. lift
       Answer: D

109.   Dirt or gum in fuel nozzle or jets can produce:

A. excessive fuel consumption
B. lack of engine power
C. smoky black exhaust
D. white exhaust
       Answer: C

110.   Oil pan is attached:

A. to the bottom of the cylinder block
B. in a separate unit away from the crankcase
C. at the top of the cylinder block
D. at the outside wall of the crank case
       Answer: A

111.   Excess oil consumption in engine may be because of:

A. leakage of oil through oil pan gasket
B. poor quality or improper viscosity of engine oil
C. excessive oil pressure
D. any of the above
       Answer: D

112.   Wheel base of a vehicle is the:

A. distance between front and rear axies
B. distance between the front tires
C. extreme length of the vehicle
D. width of tires
       Answer: A
113.   The percentage of heat released from fuel -a mixture, in an internal combustion engine
which is converted into useful work is roughly:
A. 10 percent
B. 10-20 percent
C. 20-25 percent
D. 40-45 percent
       Answer: C

114.   The efficiency of hydraulic braking system is:

A. about 90 percent
B. 60-80 percent
C. 50-60 percent
D. 40-50 percent
       Answer: A

115.   The instrument that is used to check the state charge of a battery is called a ______.
A. hydrometer
B. battery charger
C. battery eliminator
D. anemometer
       Answer: A

116.   When not in use, the sef discharge of an automobile battery in dry weather is generally:
A. 0.5 to 1%
B. 3 to 5%
C. 5 to 7.5%
D. not more than 10%
       Answer: A

117.   A laminated glass on cracking:

A. bursts into sharp edged fragments
B. bursts into granular pieces
C. sandwitched layer taps the fragments
D. breaks into the farm of crystals
       Answer: C
118.   Wax is applied on car body as:
A. it is water repellent
B. is seals off the pores
C. the surface shines
D. any of the above
       Answer: D

119.   A spark voltage requires a voltage of:

A. 112 V
B. 124 V
C. 220 V
D. 440 V
      Answer: C

120.   The minimum cranking speed in petrol engine is:

A. same as the normal operating speed
B. half of operating speed
C. one-fourth of operating speed
D. 60-80 rpm
       Answer: D

121.   Which oil is more viscous?

A. SAE 30
B. SAE 50
C. SAE 80
D. SAE 40
      Answer: C

122. Engine oil is generally changed after:

A. 100 km
B. 1500 km
C. 1100 km
D. 2500-6000 km
       Answer: D
123.   The most probable cause for uneven wear of tires for truck is:
A. low tire pressure
B. excessive camber
C. tires over loaded
D. any of the above
       Answer: D

124.   In a vehicle, the most probable cause for hard steering may be:
A. low tire pressure
B. bent wheel spindle
C. tie rod ends tight
D. any of the above
       Answer: D

125.   Poor compression in a two stroke engine cannot be because of:

A. leaky valves
B. broken piston rings
C. leaking cylinder head gasket
D. poor fits between pistons, rings and cylinder
       Answer: A

126.   The number of exhaust manifolds in a V-8 engine is:

A. one 
B. four
C. there is no exhaust manifold
D. two
       Answer: D

127.   The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is known as:
A. clutch
B. flywheel
C. gear box
D. differential
       Answer: B

128.   The firing order in case of four cylinder in-fuel engines is generally_______.
A. 1-2-4-3
B. 1-3-4-2
C. 1-4-3-2
D. either B or C
       Answer: D

129.   In case of four cylinder opposed cylinder engines, the firing order is:
A. 1-4-3-2
B. 1-3-4-2
C. 1-2-3-4
D. 1-2-4-3
       Answer: A

130.   In a four stroke engine, for the combustion of one liter of fuel, the volume of air needed
would be approximately
A. 1 cu.m
B. 2 cu.m
C. 5-7 cu.m
D. 9-10 cu.m
       Answer: D

131.   Theoretically air needed for the combustion of one kg of fuel is:
A. 100 kg
B. 14.5 kg
C. 16.7 kg
D. 27.4 kg
       Answer: B

132.   Which of the following is the cause of loss power?

A. Poor compression
B. Restricted exhaust
C. Clogging of air cleaner
D. Low injection pressure
       Answer: D
133.   A valve in the carburetor of an internal combustion engines which regulates the proportion
of air gasoline vapors entering the cylinder.
A. Gate valve
B. Choke valve
C. Check valve
D. Globe valve
       Answer: B

134.   What device combines air and fuel for burning in cylinder?
A. Intercooler
B. Regenerator
C. Fuel injection
D. Carburetor
       Answer: D

135.   A passive restraint device consisting of bags in front of the driver and passenger.
A. Air buoy
B. Air bag
C. Air balloon
D. Air duct
       Answer: B

136.   The heat exchanger used in an Ericsson cycle is:

A. Regenerator
B. Combustion chamber
C. Intercooler
D. Recuperator
       Answer: D

137.   In Stirling engine, the heat is added during

A. isothermal process
B. isometric process
C. isobaric process
D. isentropic process
       Answer: A

138.   In an Otto engine, the heat is added during

A. isothermal process
B. isometric process
C. isobaric process
D. isentropic process
       Answer: B

139.   Exhaust stroke of gasoline engine is also known as

A. supercharging
B. choking
C. scavenging
D. knocking
       Answer: C

140.   The mechanical efficiency of a device is the ratio of the 

A. mechanical energy input to the mechanical energy output of the device
B. ideal energy input to the actual energy input
C. actual energy extracted to the ideal energy extracted
D. actual to the ideal energy input
       Answer: B

141.   The smallest subdivision of an element that can take place in a chemical reaction is a/an
A. atom
B. molecule
C. electron
D. proton
       Answer: A

142.   The smallest subdivision of a compound that can exist in a natural state is a/an
A. atom
B. molecule
C. electron
D. proton
       Answer: B

143.   Elements with different atomic weights but the same atomic number are:
A. isomers
B. isotropes
C. isotopes
D. isobars
       Answer: C

144.   All of the following are characteristics of metal except:

A. high electrical comductivities
B. tendency to form positive ions
C. tendency to form brittle solids
D. high melting points
       Answer: C

145.   The following are all characteristics of nonmetal except:

A. having little or no luster
B. appearing on the right end of the periods table
C. having low ductility
D. being reducing agents
       Answer: D

146.   Graduations in the properties of elements from one elements to the next are less
pronounced in:
A. the lanthanide series
B. periods
C. groups
D. active metals
       Answer: C

147.   All of the following are components of a chemical elements except:

A. protons
B. neutrons
C. electrons
D. ions
       Answer: D

148.   Which of the following is not a prefix used in naming isomers?

A. Para
B. Meta
C. Cis
D. Bi
       Answer: D

149.   All of the following are types of chemical bonds except:

A. ionic bonds
B. covalent bonds
C. metallic bonds
D. nuclear bonds
       Answer: D

150.   The equilibrium distance between elements in an ionic bond is function of all of the
following except:
A. ionic charge
B. coordination number
C. atomic weight
D. temperature
       Answer: C

151.   Which of the following statements is not a characteristics of ionic compounds?

A. They are usually hard, brittle, crystalline solids
B. They have high melting points
C. They are nonvolatile and have low vapor pressures
D. They are good electrical conductors in the same phase
       Answer: D

152.   What kind of bonding do common gases that exerts a free state as diatomic molecules
A. Ionic bonds
B. Covalent bonds
C. Metallic bonds
D. Nuclear bonds
       Answer: B

153.   Measure the diffuser's ability to increase the pressure of the fluid is:
A. speed recovery factor
B. pressure recovery factor
C. volume recovery factor
D. diffuser recovery factor
       Answer: B

154.   A decrease in stagnation pressure will decrease the mass flux through the:
A. diverging nozzle
B. converging nozzle
C. converging-diverging nozzle
D. none of these
       Answer: A

155.   What is the main power generating plant that produces the most electricity per unit thermal
energy in the fuel input and has the greatest surplus of electricity for most cogeneration system?
A. Steam engine
B. Steam turbine
C. Gas turbine
D. Diesel turbine
       Answer: D

156.   Air standard efficiency of a diesel engine depends on

A. speed
B. compression ratio
C. fuel
D. torque
       Answer: B

157.   What is meant by brake horsepower?

A. Power developed in the engine cylinder
B. Final horsepower delivered to the equipment
C. Actual horsepower delivered to the engine drive shaft
D. Work required to raise a weight of 33,000 lbs at a height of one foot in one minute of
       Answer: C
Average pressure on a surface when a changing pressure condition exist
A. back pressure
B. partial pressure
C. pressure drop
D. mean effective pressure
       Answer: D


What air pressure is needed for air starting a diesel engine?
A. 350 psi
B. 250 psi
C. 450 psi
D. 150 psi
       Answer: B


Mechanical energy of pressure transformed into energy of heat:
A. Kinetic energy
B. Enthalpy
C. Heat exchanger
D. Heat of compression
       Answer: B


Ignition of the air-fuel mixture in the intake of the exhaust manifold.
A. Backlash
B. Backfire
C. Exhaust pressure
D. Back pressure
       Answer: B


The total sulfur content in a diesel fuel must not exceed______.
A. 0.3%
B. 0.5%
C. 0.8%
D. 0.11%
       Answer: B


Total sulfur content in a diesel fuel oil must not exceed
A. 0.2%
B. 0.5%
C. 0.15%
D. 0.1%
       Answer: B


The color of lubricating oil:
A. does not indicate contamination
B. does not indicate qualities
C. indicates qualities
D. indicates viscosity
       Answer: B


There are two broad types in the classification lubricating oils, these are straight and
A. active
B. inactive
C. crooked
D. additives
       Answer: D


Most commercially available petroleum lubricating oil deteriorates starting from operating
temperature of:
A. 150°F
B. 200°F
C. 300°F
D. 250°F
       Answer: B


An orsat apparatus is used for:
A. volumetric analysis of the flue gases
B. gravimetric analysis of theflue gases
C. smoke density analysis of the gases
D. all of the above
       Answer: A


The indicator used to determine the anti-knock characteristics of gasoline.
A. Aniline point
B. Cetane number
C. Octane number
D. Diesel index
       Answer: C


Amount of heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit weight or volume of fuel is:
A. heating value
B. latent heat
C. sensible heat
D. work of compression
       Answer: A


Air that controls the rate of combustion in a combustion chamber is known as:
A. secondary air
B. excess air
C. control air
D. primary air
       Answer: A
Percentage of excess air is the difference between air actually supplied and the theoretically
reuired divided by:
A. actual air supplied
B. theoretical air supplied
C. theoretical less actual supplied
D. deficient air supplied
       Answer: B


When fuel oil has a high viscosity the the fuel oil
A. will evaporate easily
B. will have a low specific gravity
C. will burn without smoke
D. will flow slowly through pipes
       Answer: D


Engines using heavy fuels require heating of the fuel so that the viscosity at the injector is:
A. around 200 SSU
B. 100 SSU or less
C. 200 SSU + 50
D. 150 SSU or slightly higher
       Answer: D


A gas produced by the combustion of fuel oil and cannot be found in the flue gases is:
A. carbon dioxide
B. hydrogen
C. oxygen
D. nitrogen
       Answer: B


Amount of heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit weight or volume of fuel is:
A. heating value
B. latent heat
C. sensible heat
D. work of compression
       Answer: A


The products of complete combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons.
A. Carnon dioxide and water
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Carbon monoxide, water and ammonia
D. Water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
       Answer: A


When the water in the products of combustion is in the vapor state, the heating value is:
A. lower heating value
B. higher heating value
C. gross calorific value
D. average heating value
       Answer: A


At what temperature wherein an oil of any grade becomes cloudy and it freezes , thus its
application is limited.
A. Cold point
B. Flash point
C. Pour point
D. Freezing point
       Answer: A


Dry air can be approximated as____% oxygen and ____% nitrogen by mole numbers.
A. 30% and 70%
B. 70% and 30%
C. 21% and 79%
D. 79% and 21%
       Answer: C


When H20 in the products of combustion is in liquid form, the heating value is known as
A. higher heating value
B. lower heating value
C. low and medium heating value
D. average heating value
       Answer:  A


Flow of fluids wherein its particles do not have defined paths and the paths of the individual and
distinct particles cross one another is:
A. non-uniform flow
B. unsteady flow
C. laminar flow
D. turbulent flow
       Answer: D


If the composition of hydrocarbon fuel is known, the ratio between the nitrogen and oxygen that
is supplied in air is:
A. equal
B. constant
C. intensity
D. fixed
       Answer: B


The property of liquid in which they extend resistance to angular or shear deformation is:
A. specific gravity
B. specific weight
C. viscosity
D. density
       Answer: C


A property of lubricating oil that measures the thickness of the oil and will help determine how
long oil will flow at a given temperature is known as:
A. viscosity
B. flash point
C. cloud point
D. cloud point
       Answer: A


The minimum amount of air required for a complete combustion of fuel is called _____.
A. dry air
B. excess air
C. theoretical air
D. flue gas
       Answer: C


The temperature at which lubricating oil will form a cloud.
A. Cloud point
B. Pour point
C. Critical point
D. Boiling point
       Answer: A


The ideal cycle based on the concept that the combustion process is both diesel and gasoline in
the combination of heat transfer processes that is constant pressure and constant volume.
A. Ericsson cycle
B. Dual cycle
C. Brayton cycle
D. Rankine cycle
       Answer: B


The unit used for expressing API gravity is:
A. gm/cc
B. dimensionless numbers
C. degrees
D. none of the above
       Answer: C

189.   ASTM coal classification is based on:

A. proximate analysis
B. orsat analysis
C. ultimate analysis
D. none of the above
       Answer: A

190.   API gravity of water is:

A. zero
B. 10
C. 1.0
D. 100
       Answer: B

191.   Which of the following variety of coal has highest air content?
A. Lignite
B. Bituminous coal
C. Grade I steam coal
D. Coking coal
       Answer: A

192.   Which of the following is a petroleum fuel?

A. Benzol
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Methyl alcohol
D. Naphta
       Answer: D

193.   Diesel engine fuels are rated by:

A. Specific gravity
B. calorofic value
C. cetane number
D. octane number
       Answer: C

194.   Which of the following needs to be filtered in a diesel engine?

A. Air only
B. Lubricating oil only
C. Air and diesel oil only
D. Air, diesel oil and lubricating oil
       Answer: D

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