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Maths (minimum 10 questions of the following type)

 A alone can perform line setting in 30 minutes, B alone can perform line setting in 60
minutes. How much time they take to perform line setting together?

 (112*54) = ?

 What is the unit digit of (6417 * 2525 * 2720)

 What is the smallest number by which 5500 is multiplied to make it as a perfect

square number?

 The sum of ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. What
is the age of the youngest child?

 If a car moving from Chennai with the velocity of 100 km/hr it will reach Pondicherry
10 minutes later, if it moves with a velocity of 150 km/hr it will reach Pondicherry 10
minutes earlier. What is the distance between Chennai and Pondicherry?

 What is the value of ‘m’ in 5m / 5-3 * 510 = 515?

Reasoning (minimum 10 questions of the following type)

 A is B’s father. B is E’s mother in law. D is the husband of E. How is A related D?

 January 1, 1996 was Tuesday. What will be the day on March 1, 1997?

 How many times the hands of the clock are perpendicular to each other?

 Some number of students is standing in the line. Tom is standing 5th from the front
and Ram who is standing 4th from the last is immediately behind Tom. How many
students are standing in the line?

 Complete the series A, D, I, ?

 Arrange the words given below in meaningful sequence.

income – status - education – wellbeing - job

1. Show a picture to the candidate (not more than 10 seconds)

2. Ask him/her to prepare a story from the picture (not more than 1 minute)
3. The candidate is asked to narrate the story
4. Based on the story we can conclude the mental state and behavioural status of
the candidate.

 We are allowing ony 1 minute to develop the story so the real mental state of the
person may be revealed through the story to us
 The most suitable candidate will develop the story in the positive manner even from
the negatively potrayed image. And the candidate may be admitted for further
rounds of interview

 If the story is in positive approach – There is high possibility that the candidate is a
optimistic person
 If the story is in negative approach – There is high possibility that the candidate is a
pessimistic person

1. Core values
 When was the last time you broke the rules? For what reason?
 If we ever got bind with the client, would you be willing to tell a little lie to help us
2. Conflict resolution, decision making, problem solving
 Tell me about the some of the most difficult problem you worked on and how you
solved them. (this question is using in SPACEX interviews)
 Two employees are having regular conflicts with each other which disturb the team’s
balance. How will you handle this?
3. Social skill

Face – Every moment of your life is another chance to socialize and make new
friends, drawing your energy from these interactions.
Candlestick - Quiet and introverted.
(b) Tell me about a time when you had to collaborate with the co-worker whose
personality was opposite of yours?
4. Motivational skill
 Describe a time when you motivated yourself to complete an assignment or task that
you did not fell like doing?
 What is the riskiest decision you have ever made in the workplace?
5. Adaptability
 Tell me about your first job and what did you do to learn the work on time?
 Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to major change in the workplace?
 Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with it?
6. Leadership skills
 Tell me about a time at work when something went wrong and you took control?
 Describe the toughest team you’ve ever managed?
 How would you develop a team to get the most out of them?
7. Time management skills
 How do you accomplish tasks when a tight deadline? Give me an example?
 Tell me about an unexpected problem arose and it delayed your progress. How did
you manage that?
8. Communication skills
 Have you ever successfully explained a technical problem to a colleague who didn’t
have a technical background?
 How would you manage if you work under someone who wasn’t good at
9. Self belief
 Tell me a time you make an unpopular decision and how you implemented it.
 Explain a creative solution you implemented to solve a problem.
10. Listening/ observation skills
 Can you explain the circumstance where your listening skills helped a company
achieve its goal?
 Have you ever asked someone to clarify their point of view before offering your
 How many persons did you noticed inside the company?
11. Interpersonal skills
 How would you handle a situation when a colleague is less cooperative than you
 Tell me how you deal with 2 of your co-worker at the same time, who are very
different to each other
12. Empathy
 What do you fear the most?
 Why did you leave your previous job?
 How do you react when people make you angry?
13. Creativity
 How many cars are there in a city (or) How many square feet of DOSA are eaten by
you in a month? (or) How many words are there in an average book (question used
 Giving an incomplete figure to complete it (same as picture perception test)
 How would you know if the light inside the fridge is on or off?
 What would be the title for your autobiography?
 Which is an unpopular opinion you hold and why you declare it as unpopular?
 Which year of your life would you like to relive and why?
14. Critical thinking
 How would you describe primary colours to someone who is blind?
 You have one 8 litre can and one 3 litre can. How will you collect exactly 4 litres?
 How would you handle when you noticed your supervisor made an error in the
 How would you check functionality of a calculator? (Candidate must ask whether to
check the buttons or calculative function)
 A co-worker proposes an uncomfortable solution to a problem. How would you
handle that situation?
15. Emotional intelligence
 How do you celebrate success?
 How would you recover from failure?
 What kind behaviour makes you angry?
 How would your previous co-workers describe you?
 What area do you need to improve on right now?
“Situational questions”:
 You are expecting A grade in an exam but you got D grade what do
you do?
 You’re on the bus which suddenly hits a breaking failure what would
you do?
16. Patience
 What will you do if someone intentionally criticizes your thoughts in social media?
 How you explain a technical concept to an aggressive customer without technical
 If you disagreed with a colleague during the meeting, what would you do?
 If a colleague disagreed with you during the meeting, what would you do?
 If your superior assigned you a task that you had never done before, how would you
approach it?
17. Stress Management
 How would you react when a co-worker keep on criticizing your views?
 What would you do when your superior gave you a negative feedback in front of
 How many steps did you take while walking through the door to chair?
 How do you make sure that problems in your personal life don’t affect your work life
and your performance?
18. Persuasion
 Is influencing skill good or bad?
 Do you consider yourself to be a team leader or follower?
 Tell me your past experience when you influence your point of view to the whole
 What would you do when an employee with non productive opinion, tries to
influence you?
19. Teamwork
 What would you do when you had to collaborate with a worker who was difficult to
work with?
 How would you handle when a member of your team not working up to his capacity?
 Tell me an example of a team project you worked before that failed
20. Flexibility
 How do you adjust to changes you have no control over?
 What would you willing to change something in your life for the improvement of the
 Describe the situation when you experienced a changing deadline and how you
handled it

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