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aiso Nuwmbe21301268 Suractcedh440310

Nome . ARkuunsht

APPticilions gltns
a ubed to soduta supls un 9I0lifiats
b, USod to Qlimiai backgaund n n
c, Ad in oliminole sadio tuving fo a a i j i foauonay
d d n olimuna aadio soa -ampinlion .oauatinalion tona
Crbot in audis Sstom
e, Uad n Sigrol ruws3wg wwits
d i n dats Corupoibn Syslem
,wd jn medical olacunie Sytoms
hL3pdin Jadug conmuMalon dutoma

2 ommon ande cand Comman athordstyfe lED connsium


kojo Np 22130\26Y
Noma .Kauin Pof AR. Sub@ctook'Jo4oglo

3, Stabliy olev
Soblily toc o moobune db a braniusta
bias stability lqual dodthe nila
amqlilons Soluorilon Cobunt
Coleiln cobant udh usrac

banbistm js dha abilu

Tomwatuau ablity da lood tno
Manton dka 6loalung point

Aylicalions o FcT
C U80d jn Buil om rlifon wstuunnß

ucddos a kn in moasuuw turund ondcomuudo

80d inF omrlilins fM
(lU) Gked in mimix cuuils o tM and Tv

(v) Ud in aslol@ Cos

5, How oSádllatas o7a dassifod

b Dan
C, Gral

o ulpa' js a touminal touugh lihich ®changa

a Cavuos rlondts Channe.
Ragislbn ueumbe 213o1265 Subjed are : 4o4o3lo

6,aquany 9us[snhe R courled Grnplilo

oppralod Dvoarclae e dhe
Should an"
An amplijn But ouactically
oactiall an

t h e u t Sinhal
Wiano allaun ange uut
aylen dses hot amowe
ubh On Aaual

) low feajian an Jwactae CeUling

Atew oauanuios ho Oylow ameuwt
d hauenca
CCqacilo C u quut emilbn Jusuo
uill ass toxt Slage dho
Raoctaneb Pausing Copacdod
Canhot Shunt dhe emusw
CF Oy high
SisTon Roectiutly
tha uetto agan
Two octsU
prauany tonge
d h Omrlilin ta

iugh roauony 910onge

P high uaLorcas tka soaclue e the
Caraciln is wy low
Lahug ho CHtuil nbwuse
te t ret &lag.
Conacilh hasuna CE w m low in Ovaje
So d 4o4o3lo
Mid aauconuos dhe olade qaqu
A mud quenK tfe eltag gpin fa
ydifen is Censtoi
A thi 9ang dhu kgpcl h (mpivs Canaitio
t o aintaun a wuloUn pun
Oaa3a uncdion
Ta9ange as haquany Jn

CCboogso Awds VoN Ullaog goun

alma 9ulig un aulam
thos dtwo actsi
again od mud puguy IVu


Paug No'213o126
MomgRKoun Pola.
1inate o6 oherakien
Tha Dioc Can
The Noae befh diroctiens .chrondung

arlud jn botugan MT, ord MT Tn bot

pon dhe uellnge
Can be Suildbed CoN) only hondke
Sda dhe Diac boiaaka uelia.
9uachs dha
anled hage
, Alicilims So Ac ored De MAes
usae un Spoed Condanel of
(i) ed in suotas and (onulop
p ncus Deakou
Cii) wed jn Ac ond Cnbuel
Civ) uaed ten phas and hoaio Contuek

Clu u unNom ulauo Sharng cau

a hon

mils Guduth)dka omylludd s an inqut Singnal

tho omrluu felion (s) o zhe
by emouig (dung)
npw Signal Sido sn on
The Clyywg tinutod Slcos
G Comulude
berh Side chUuit also callod
ang clasilod into ta
Tha Duede clyos

ellouira tye fos fius cliN

BIaed dicd clippn
Combindliohdisclo Clin
RaA NO:21361288
Momg KainRoi APR
0, Multuuiblato
Multublater js a ype s elaralion ocillat
suctanoulan ulaue bsm
eduuas Squade oh
e dabh tne dolay wudh 90qued tvouenCA)
multiuiblnten is only in tueStals
The utrut o
Sto in ta laual. or jn high Lou
Condiliors tha Siato
ACLSdunA togho ouratig
el dassitad intovEuotupe
uith eut ayging any lule J Callod
uai Stabe tate
D Astabl nultiuiblatn

i) mene3tabue multibten
C)Btabte mulliwblatn-
RaANO Oo1268
NonakawinReki AR

b Photo tansisti
*A hoto ttanssti u atue s NPN Toanbiale
T 8 geneually uBad in Conmen emuili lerigdein
heins ultage ib aylid belueen tho Cethcton
rey u l uüth tho boe tul open
Theunalon o tansiste is Conibslal by igk

The Constutkion oh a [heto toanitM J Jusf

Like a Conuontien NPN arnjiylen wth a
i e helo mada on tke Suckaa haaiha
Cotlecten baa {uncioh
The mudon hoto tanibtou us hugh lin
t6 ectiugo malivia is in Stod
helo and icng a long on it making


The Mtage (uce)agpliod toika tranbistei maka

emittan bas Jucien J ouand biainga dnd
Celbctet base Jwuckun J touonsc boistng
whon tho transisten is kat in dasrknoss
tho tuil b uoy owthaae eotuaks He
s makey nogliblo CsRcieTuIMt

n rang ig

t bina tusd
truonsisten Ce[acken- bOse Jundibh
stants Cenducting ord amylid (uovert.
Slarts ruirg
tocunh dhe ounx biayao Jundion
The omeunt wtwnt
o Leouod lighit Hew dononds unen tha
APPlcaign pheto tloviste
fundh Cod sondes
Soulity ysten
Encedos moa3u Snud ard ditoctusn
IR dotectoa.
ELectoic tenbels

isirg onbes

2 ard Chaucteustirs
b,U3T outim Shbw in ths
Oanaprnin uJT 34
Tho binsing udtage (vB6) uth
B, aluaus positiuo
The touninal
arliud tothe
posituue wltage luEE)
USU2lly o
toumunal E wth
Tho ofotalingcondatién U3r dionts uuen

thawn emitter udlage (eE) teakag

Nowa Small
Now the UJTS in 3tat
Ba to£
Cuaont only fleus pm


hon a uebilue uetage is arlad +to dhe onit

h Pn Junclen al3o n suesa bia3ud
ho elas ao rolodby gha tonina B ord
atilocled tha touriral 8,
WU tha occumulaiem e the heSU Eto so B
Qud ollracod by sagusm Sudiwe o SBiston
Ahis Sociush tnth
ho douia s haw in Stota
Chalacioistis ch uST emiton
ciuoul diaoyam ton fnding o
Chowcteustib eb uJT
millon yollage
(uettod boluuereon
The Cuue
CueL )and ta enited
Cuwond thalactøistis g uST
i Calld emilte


This 90gion in belwan oak point

a ually
Ahtas ho alluy Poin uOGur becem) Satunalien
Tha Sugjn buord ualley poind is Callad Sotuuation

1n thus 9oaioh dhe UIT n 'on stodo

3 is ud in
uring uides
wod rhaje torbal (hait
1ubed in ruua Opdaton.
213o12 6&

Bra ausen Cauoia ia the Statmont uithguo
ho essendim Conclition ton mavtairg sdh Sustone
ubch 9ilalish
Tha cllaud do not haua on ySnpal eqt
Cund henaui = o inthitout

Tmu Signal uh ow aad bock =vi

ut fu Sigol dh oud tocd backo
eoindh omylilio uh ous od nk A:
Tha Bud u 3ra od bock rousk ut =fuvo

A VLHBL -|2o

is eyTulo Jh feul ned3.Wch a d
ha au maun
yn dhe nelaruty uellagetoumunal.
toruninal nd also goto
rMT2 and rasenesitua uish sugroct fo
The Cunrort 1 laug om 2 fomT, fhaugh
P Pzw
Tha wrctu Ondl Pa N2 al ow in
cund t h Junclion N is n
ow 90roc to hay
A fo3liuagatn utane houcd bias gho R
blaksouny dhu sueuoUe
Jundion and aljo
biasd uncion ne.
Miz is fositue ard bat is naplie tudh
Swmutto T, fmeda}
The ushurt 1lows fnom To wIdhaeugl

Ord P Nz a o urkia
The Jwckion PN

ewnh bo
uelking in
213o 12(s

udin NP iS ukug 9oxhias.

bia3ed tha Rws
A hagptiu gat ueltaag {eunaa
THo Cuooant Caua Co ectod Into A lajen Ond
3unction So it Lan tk Diat inDn
Jt eaka o e
t r e aha tuo rocoa bic qates jntto
cin) M iy nagatiua ard (uw js ritiuo so3rach
to Mmwodes
Tha coood Ls em wz tHoLOuah PaPiMe
Th Tunckisn Pev,ond PN0a wankina In
Ssd ai
Dundion N,P is wking 9ouDbRbia)
Anengtua gate ultorgoudd biad PN,
Juncdun 3o it on thu buc orv 3lake
n made 7b ond madk Ja Tha öcR r®actoKAn dka
teud uodon


Tha Scmilt Cuogen on Umpettant Suitcing

ued n dpal Sustun
Cuit thaB is uide by
late is oulounind ty the amlilude
a 3table
Thaa is o Coutig is an belwocn the cetlodisn
e are the baza 6
ad bock js oblainud duugh ubütat

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