CELTA Online Unit 9 Task 1 - Why Write Anticipated Problems and Solutions

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CELTA Online Unit 9 Task 1: Why Write Anticipated Problems and Solutions

1. Look at the following questions and make notes on the notepad below:
a. Think about when you learned a language and list two problems you had with it; for
example, using the formal ‘you’ form in Spanish or learning to use a new alphabet in
Arabic. If English is not your first language, what did you find difficult when you were
learning English?
b. What did your teacher do to help you with these problems?
2. When you are ready, share your ideas with your colleagues in the Unit 9 Task 1 Discussion
3. Check back later and respond to two of your colleagues who had similar problems as you. Did
the teacher respond in the same way or not? Why?

Your response

I am learning German and two of the problems I experience include

- The different cases - accusative and dative.

The teacher would explain this in English and show an example in English which made it much easier to
understand and at least be aware of.

- Form - sentence structure is very difficult for an english speaker

The teacher would make us repeat the sentences by saying them out loud, repeating the sentence and
developing own similar sentences. And repeating these sentences at the start of ever new lesson.

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