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March - April 2020

ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

The Influence of Cultural and Legal Factors in

Decisions Regarding the Existence of Royal
Customary Lands: A Study in Surakarta, Indonesia
I.G.A Gangga Santi Dewi1, Emy Handayani2
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract: The meaning of the former royal land which differed between
Volume 83 the government and the kingdom became one of the triggers of conflict in
Page Number: 10789 - 10796 Indonesia. Horizontal conflict involves the community, kingdom and local
Publication Issue: government. Likewise, at this time there are many conflicts related to ex-
March - April 2020
kingdom land which finally ended in a court dispute in the city of
Surakarta, namely the Surakarta kingdom domain land and the
Mangkunegaran domain land.T he study was conducted using the socio
legal method qualitatively. It is hoped that the hidden meanings of the
objects and subjects under study are expected. This approach is carried out
to understand the law in the context of the community. In this study looked
at the reality of the validity of the ex-Kingdom land in Surakarta. The
reality of the absence of Government Regulation as instructed in Dictum
IV letter B of the BALA has resulted in a prolonged conflict between the
Regional Government and the royal heirs as well as the people who have
an interest in the ex-royal land. Based on the results of the study, the
Kingdom of Surakarta and Mangkunegaran, were customary communities,
because the King as the head of customary rules still had the same
Article History territorial and descendant territory and had authority in and out of his
Article Received: 24 July 2019 customary area. So that the land of the former kingdom acts as customary
Revised: 12 September 2019 land for the Kingdom of Surakarta.
Accepted: 15 February 2020
Publication: 13 April 2020 Keywords: legal status, ex-royal land, surakarta.


I. Introduction procedures set out in applicable regulations, as well

as local government authorities (Dahrendorf, 1986).
Various conflicts that ended in disputes in court and The meaning of the former royal land which
acts of communal violence occurred in Surakarta differed between the government and the kingdom
City related to former royal lands. According to increasingly triggered conflicts that ended in
Gangga Santi (2019), horizontal conflicts involve disputes in the city of Surakarta.
the community, between kingdoms with citizens as
well as kingdoms with local governments, in which A state that has power over land with the State's
many citizens certify ex-royal land without Right to Control is regulated in Article 2 of Law
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 10789
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on The data in this study were obtained through
Agrarian Principles (BAL), should provide legal activities of observation, interviews, interpretation
protection and legal certainty for the ownership of documents (text), and personal experience.
rights of ex-Kingdom land. It has been regulated in According to Faisal (1990), in qualitative research
the constitution of the 1945 Constitution Article 28 methods, the type and method of observation is
H paragraph (4), namely that every person has the used as a type of observation that starts from
right to have personal rights and property rights are descriptive work, then observations focus and
not entitled to be taken arbitrarily by anyone ultimately observation is selected. In accordance
(Gunanegara, 2008). with the paradigm of this research, in conducting
observations the researcher will take a position as a
Reality shows that various efforts of the regional participant observer meaning that the researcher is
government and the National Land Agency (BPN) united with what he is researching which results in
have made various efforts to resolve the conflict in the researcher being close to the object being
Surakarta by holding a meeting to produce an studied. According to Nasution (1992), the
agreement as outlined in the agreement. Agreement researcher is the main instrument because the
relating to ex-royal lands that will be released by researcher himself directly participates in observing
the kingdom so that it can be used by the people data collection. In-depth interviews are conducted
who physically control the land. However, in with open ended questions, but do not rule out
practice it is not carried out properly by the closed end questions, especially for informants who
government, so that the land becomes a status quo have a lot of information but there are obstacles in
that results in losses for third parties, namely the elaborating the information (Soeratno & Arsyad,
people as farmers who rely on their family lives 1993).
from the ex-royal land. are the reality of the policy
enactment of the lands of the former Kingdom of In addition to utilizing documentation and
Surakarta and the possibility of ex-royal land for observation, data collection is mainly done through
legally categorized as customary land. interviews with respondents. Data collection
activities include, first looking for primary data and
II. RESEARCH METHODS then secondary data. According to David W.
Stewart (1993), secondary data is data that has been
The study was conducted by the socio legal collected and systematized by other parties and is
method. According to Satjipto Rahardjo (2009) also used in this study.
with social science methods and theories about law
to help researchers carry out analysis. This study Techniques for finding primary data, conducted
uses qualitative research methods which are through interviews in a free / open or unstructured
expected to find hidden meanings behind objects manner directly with the respondents encountered,
and subjects to be studied. According to Zamroni were deemed important to provide data in this study
(1992), the approach of qualitative research (Muhadjir, 2002). Although there are statistical data
methods is carried out to understand the law in the obtained through secondary data and integrated
context of societ". This approach remains in the interviews, this study is more field research using a
realm of law, only the perspective is different. In verstehen or hermeneutic approach. Based on
this study looked at the facts of the reality of the ex- interviews and observational findings, it is then
Kingdom land in Surakarta. discussed in depth both with the informants /
respondents and with key informants.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 10790

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

The kingdom of Surakarta namely Kasunanan and

III. LITERATURE REVIEW Mangkunegaran became one of the cultural
heritages in Indonesia until now and received
Progressive legal theory that departs from empirical subsidies from the government to maintain the
reality regarding the operation of law in society assets of the cultural heritage. They do not have the
(Handayani & Alfin, 2020). This is because society power to regulate land ownership rights that sustain
always moves continuously throughout time, like their families and surrounding communities. For
running water that is never from the bottom up, but example Colomadu sugar factory which is taken
always from top to bottom, as well as achieving the arbitrarily by the government. In contrast to the
truth that always sees the reality of society and the Kingdom of Yogyakarta which became the Special
law. Thus, to determine a rule of law must look at Region of Yogyakarta, where the Kingdom of
the value of expediency, legal certainty and justice Yogyakarta in addition to receiving subsidies from
which is related to the meaning of ex-royal land not the Indonesian government also got its own funds
only from the aspect of agrarian law (land) alone, from the region. From the background of the source
but also from the aspects of historical science, of these funds, it is clear that the differences in the
anthropology of law and customary law. policies provided by the state in the 2 kingdoms are
still a descendant of the great kingdom of Mataram.
IV. RESULTS This means that there is discrimination in the
Legal Status of Ex-Kingdom Land Becomes granting of special privileges in the 2 kingdoms.
Customary Land
The Fourth Dictum of the BAL stipulates
Indonesia is a constitutional state in the form of the
implementing regulations, namely Government
Republic. Independence is arranged in a basic rule,
Regulations related to the abolition of ex-royal
namely the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
land. However, up to now there has not been a PP
Indonesia Constitution (Gangga Santi Dewi, 2019).
that has been ordered by the BAL. Moreover, the
Everything about the legal system must be in
Government Regulation No. 224 of 1961
accordance with the constitution. With regard to the
concerning the Implementation of Land
Kingdom, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Distribution and Indemnification, which in Article
Indonesia in Article 18 stipulates that the Law
4 states that lands that have been transferred to the
governing regional government will view and
state, partly for the benefit of the government, some
remember the special rights of regional origin. The
for those who are directly disadvantaged due to the
special right of origin is an area that has a structure
abolition of self-governmental rights over the land,
(native government) like the Kingdom of Surakarta.
and partly for distributed to the people according to
The provisions of Article 18 stipulate that the future
the provisions of land reforms regulated according
of the kingdom must be looked at given its origins.
to this government regulation. In practice for the
Based on the policy of Law Number 18 of 1965
ex-royal land almost did not get compensation from
concerning the Principles of Regional Government,
the government.
the legal position of the Kingdom of Surakarta is
that it is a group of people bound by a family
Many conflicts regarding the ownership of royal
relationship chaired by Sinuhun for Kasunanan and
land and former royal land between the
Pangeran for Mangkunegaran, both claiming to be
Government and the Surakarta Kingdom have
custom in the territory around the indigenous
caused unrest in the community, especially those
people in the city of Surakarta.
who have certified the land. Based on data in the

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 10791

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

Surakarta District Court there were 18 land disputes of royal rights over the land and partly for
related to royal land between 2016 -2019 at the distribution to people in need. In practice, the
District Court. Conflicts occur because of Surakarta Kingdom has never received
differences in interpretation of the meaning of the compensation as regulated in the Landreform
ex-royal land between the Regional Government of provisions.
Surakarta and the Kingdom of Surakarta
(Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran). The Surakarta Second, the causal factors of the palace or its heirs
Regional Government considers that ex-royal land who assume that Government Decree No. 16 of
of Surakarta is included in the category of ex-royal 1946 dated July 15, 1946 was a freezing of the
land referred to in Dictum IV letter A of the BAL, Royal Government, while assets in the form of land
so that its legal status becomes state land. While the rights and buildings were still owned by Royal in
kingdom considers that the land is customary land this case the court or his heirs. Based on the
which is customary land. Customary land is clearly telegram of the Minister of Home Affairs on
not the object of Dictum IV letter A of the BAL. September 25, 1967 the contents of which included
Customary land has its own legal protection and the prohibition on handling Royal lands, so that the
cannot be taken away by the state without the status of the ex-Royal land was stated in the status
reasons set out in the legislation. Any revocation or quo.
removal of land, based on the 1945 Constitution of
the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila, should not Third, factors of legal regulations that there is a
be taken arbitrarily without proper and fair difference in interpretation of the definition of state
compensation. land or land which is directly controlled by the
state; that the BAL cannot accommodate the subject
The main problem is to eliminate the habit of of ownership rights to former royal lands, because
immediately applying formal rules with a legalistic the King or the Kraton institution is not the subject
approach, because this approach can result in denial of land rights. Implementation regulations for ex-
of the law that lives in society (William & Seidman, royal lands have not yet been made, which can
1971). The number of conflicts related to the ex- overcome conflicts in former Royal lands. In fact
royal land in Surakarta City shows that the Policy the conflict occurred not between the palace and the
on ex-royal land has not been implemented well. people, but the conflict between the palace and the
This is caused by several factors. state.

First, factors causing the City Government who According to Tauchid (1952), since ancient times
think that with the issuance of Government Decree Indonesia consisted of many kingdoms. In 1870 the
No. 16 of 1946 on July 15, 1946, abolished the Dutch colonial government passed the Agrarian
court's power and at the same time abolished the Law for its political interests and was enacted by
provisions on control of land in the Surakarta Royal the Dutch and foreign private individuals. On the
region; that by basing on the Fourth Dictum letter A idea of the colonial government an overhaul was
of the BAL, the status of the ex-royal land has carried out over the pattern of land ownership and
become state land. Based on the Landreform control in the Surakarta area or known as land
provisions, the allotment and ownership reorganization / agrarian reorganization. With
arrangement of former royal lands is divided in part agrarian reorganization the community can own
for the interests of the Government, partly for those land with ownership rights, provided that it meets
who are directly disadvantaged due to the abolition the specified conditions. As a result of the political

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 10792

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

policy of the colonial government, Indonesian land members each unity experiences life in society as
law has a dualistic nature, namely the enactment of natural according to the nature of nature and none
customary law regulations in addition to those of the members has the mind or tendency to
based on western civil law. The dualism of land law dissolve the bond that has grown or leave it in the
in Indonesia shows that the agrarian politics of the sense of breaking away from that bond forever and
Dutch colonial government aimed to guarantee the ever.
greatness of foreign private capital as giant capital
at the expense of the people. Instead the law of the Recognition of the existence and rights of
land for the people of Indonesia is allowed to run indigenous and tribal peoples in Indonesia is
according to custom, with the reason to respect contained in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic
customs and customs that apply. This will cause of Indonesia, other laws and regulations. This
problems between groups and conflict with the shows that the existence and rights of indigenous
interests of the people and the State, because the and tribal peoples have been accepted within the
colonial land law does not guarantee legal certainty. applicable legal framework in Indonesia. There are
With the enactment of the BAL on September 24, three main provisions in the 1945 Constitution of
1960, the Indonesian people have a single national the Republic of Indonesia which can be the basis
land law structure. BAL as a National Land Law is for the existence and rights of indigenous and tribal
enforced throughout Indonesia. Likewise in peoples. The three provisions are Article 18B
Surakarta, the BAL also applies to ex-Kingdom paragraph (2), Article 28I paragraph (3) and Article
lands in Surakarta. For the former Surakarta 32 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the 1945
Kingdom land, the provisions of the Fourth Dictum Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Article
letter A of the BAL. With the existence of the 18B paragraph (2) The State recognizes and
kingdom in Surakarta, both Kasunanan and respects the customary law community units as well
Mangkunegaran which still functions cause as his traditional rights as long as they are still alive
problems in terms of land tenure and ownership and in accordance with the development of society
either by the people, local government or by the and the principles of the Unitary State of the
palace. Republic of Indonesia, which is regulated in law.
Article 28I paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution
According to Setiady (2008), customary law is a of the Republic of Indonesia also requires the
behavior that is continuously carried out by existence and rights of indigenous and tribal
individuals giving rise to 'personal habits. Then if peoples as long as they are in accordance with the
all members of the community perform the habit of times.
behavior earlier then the habit will gradually
become the 'custom' of the community. Custom of F.D. Hollenmann constructs 4 common
the community and community groups gradually characteristics of indigenous peoples, namely
make the custom as a custom that should apply to magical, religious, communal, concrete and cash.
all members of the community with sanctions, so Judging from the historical background, the
that it becomes customary law. customary law community in the Indonesian
Alting (2010) stated that in the opinion of Ter Haar, archipelago has a historical and cultural background
customary law communities are organized that is very old and much older than the formation
community groups, settling in a certain area, have of a kingdom or state. Historically, indigenous and
their own power, and have their own wealth in the tribal peoples in Indonesia and the ethnic groups
form of visible and invisible objects, where that surround them, are actually migrants from

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 10793

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

other regions in Southeast Asia. Culturally they are works through state institutions, but rather accepts
included in the Austronesian cultural area, namely and recognizes the contributions of institutions that
the culture of wet-rice farmers, with community are not state. Order is also supported by the
arrangements and ownership rights arranged workings of these non-state institutions.
collectively, specifically the ownership rights to
customary land. According to Bahar (2005), in From the above opinion it can be seen that the
political life, several ethnic groups succeeded in existence of the legal system in society occupies a
dominating other ethnic groups and their territories, vital and strategic position if the components of the
and formed traditional kingdoms, both local and legal system are mutually compatible. On the
regional sized (Soimin, 2004). contrary, according to Sastrosoehardjo (1993), if
the components of the legal system collide with one
Based on the results of the study, the Kingdom of another and cannot function as expected, then the
Surakarta, namely the Palace and Mangkunegaran, community will lose its endurance, with the result
are indigenous people, because the King as the that there will be constant chaos and chaos. The
Chief of customary still has the same territorial and legal ideal that is fought for in the context of legal
ancestral territory and has authority in and out of development in Indonesia is the legal ideal of
his customary area. Indigenous peoples have Pancasila. The Pancasila legal system requires legal
customary land which is their customary land certainty that justice has been upheld. The Pancasila
(Setiawan, 2009). This means that the land of the legal system requires the enforcement of substantial
former kingdom of Surakarta acts as customary justice through formal legal rules or enforces legal
land. certainty based on formal legal rules that guarantee
the fulfillment of substantial justice.
Progressive law does not move in a positivistic
legalistic direction, but rather is not absolutely V. CONCLUSION
driven by legislation, but rather in the sociological
principle. The law is not absolutely driven by The results showed that the reality of the absence of
positive law or statutory law, but it moves on an Government Regulation as instructed in Dictum IV
informal basis. The evidence for this is an letter B of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic
opportunity to carry out progressive law. Rules on Agrarian Principles resulted in a
The thought of Satjipto Rahardjo (2005) explained prolonged conflict between the Regional
that the existence of progressive law is not a legal Government and the heirs of the kingdom as well as
theory that stands alone, but is interrelated with the people who had an interest in the former royal
other legal theories. Thus, to determine a rule of land. Problems that cause prolonged conflict are
law must look at the value of expediency, legal related to legal, economic, social and cultural
certainty and justice. It is related to the meaning of aspects. These protracted problems have an impact
ex-royal land not only from the aspect of agrarian on the lives of the people especially those who have
law alone, but also from the aspects of historical certified land from the ex-kingdom as the rights to
science, anthropology of law and customary law. their land affected by development projects.
Progressive law can be a correction of the Development on the one hand has positive aspects,
weaknesses of the modern legal system which is namely to advance the regional economy and
loaded with bureaucracy and procedures, so that it national and international tourism. On the other
has the potential to override truth and justice. hand, it creates negative aspects in the form of a
Progressive law does not argue that order only prolonged conflict on the lives of people who have

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 10794

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 10789 - 10796

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