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Midterm Examination in Theories

Choose the letter of the correct answer for the following questions.


1.The following are the definition of crime except one.
(0/1 Point)
A. an act that constitutes the violation of law

B. an act that can lead to imprisonment

C. an act that can be prosecuted by the state

D. an act that can be constituted in law making practices

2.Theoretical insights are very prominent in providing a clear view of what kind of
(1/1 Point)
A. Criminal behavior

B. Socio Economic behavior

C. Atavistic behavior

D. Hedonistic behavior

3.It is defined as the statements that seek to understand and seek a certain
(1/1 Point)
A. Crime

B. Study

C. Research

D. Theory

4.Mr. Jeffrey Smith is a impulsive kind of person. One day he suddenly stab his
friend Mr. Giovanni Perili. What kind of behavior does Mr. Smith exhibit?
(0/1 Point)
A. Deviant behavior

B. Atavistic behavior

C. Cultural behavior

D. Criminal behavior

5.Theories are relevant in the study of criminology in what sense?

(0/1 Point)
A. it seeks to understand the workings of the criminal justice system and how it works

B. it helps in understanding the criminal behavior of a certain criminal

C. it helps to provide evidences in the prosecution of crimes

D. it helps to identify the identity of the suspect

6.A system in its general sense is defined as;

(0/1 Point)
A. it is an interaction between a mechanism and interconnecting network

B. a method that everyone follows in a network

C. a process that a company and the employees follow

D. a group of items forming a unified whole number system

7.Ms. Jenny was a office worker. After working her shift she was walking alone in
the train station to go home when suddenly a man grab her by the neck and
declared a robbery in a dark secluded place near the station . Based on the facts
present. What factor constitutes to the robbery of Ms. Jenny?
(1/1 Point)
A. Criminal Behavior

B. Ecological Factor

C. Societal or Macrolevel Factor

D. Motivation

8.A crime can be altered or prevented when a ______________ is present.

(0/1 Point)
A. Oppurtunity
B. Motivation

C. Guardian

D. Victim

9.In a ecological factor setting the following constitutes to the factor except;
(1/1 Point)
A. Geography

B. Topography

C. Crowding

D. Guardianship

10.Mr. X hated interacting with Asian people. So one day he went on a killing
spree and killed every Asian people he could find. What factor in the study of
criminology constitutes to the behavior shown by Mr. X?
(1/1 Point)
A. Motivation

B. Opportunity

C. Ecological factor

D. Societal or Microlevel factor

11.Dark and lonely places such as parking lots and abandoned subways are
examples of physical environment that constitutes  to what factor in the study of
criminal behavior?
(1/1 Point)
A. Behavioral factor

B. Atavistic factor

C. Ecological factor

D. Macro level factor

12.This factor constitutes in the societal and certain economic relations of such
(0/1 Point)
A. Motivation

B. Opportunity

C. Ecological

D. Macrolevel

13.Derek is a capable and responsible father. Upon finding out that his wife is
cheating on him. He was devastated and began exhibiting criminal behavior. And
one day while talking to his wife he suddenly point a gun at her and shot her to
death. According to the facts present Derek is exhibiting __________ which lead to
the killing of his wife?
(0/1 Point)
A. Motivation

B. Opportunity

C. Criminal behavior

D. Atavistic personality

14.Motivation cannot stand alone. This statement is;

(0/1 Point)
A. Somewhat true

B. Somewhat false

C. True

D. False

15.A BDO branch was robbed at the middle of the day. The robbers were able to
commit the deed in broad daylight. What is the essential factor that the
motivated robbers were able to execute the crime?
(1/1 Point)
A. Opportunity

B. Motivation

C. Criminal behavior

D. Atavistic mentality
16.He is the philosopher who stated that criminal behavior is poor driven and
that poverty is the root cause of all crimes.
(0/1 Point)
A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Francis Bacon

D. Cesare Lombroso

17.All can be said true to the Antique philosophy as a concept except;

(1/1 Point)
A. It is poverty driven

B. It is the  philosophy that is proposed by Plato

C. That poverty in the root cause of all crimes

D. That poverty causes revolutions among leaders

18.This prominent figure in the study of criminology stated that human behavior
will greatly depend on situations.
(1/1 Point)
A. Voltaire and Rousseau

B. William Sheldon

C. Francis Bacon

D. Cesare Beccaria

19.The French renaissance philosophy is the one that introduced the concept of
(1/1 Point)
A. Atavistic behaviorism

B. Criminal behavior

C. Free will behavior

D. Static behaviorism
20.A huge amount of money was placed in an open area for an extended amount
of time. Later on the money was stolen. Among the historical philosophies what
can this situation correlate into?
(1/1 Point)
A. Antique Philosophy

B. Medieval Philosophy

C. Anthropological Philosophy

D. French Philosophy

21.Mr. X was a motivated criminal. He was fond of stealing things that are not his
property. He was never caught because he was fond of only stealing things that
he wanted at a considerate opportunity and avoids stealing things when a
guardian is present. What kind of behavior is Mr. X presenting?
(0/1 Point)
A. Deviant behavior

B. Atavistic behavior

C. Criminal behavior

D. Hedonistic behavior

22.All of the following are true in the study of traditional explanations of crime
(1/1 Point)
A. They practice witchcraft and wizardy

B. They practice banishment

C. They practice exorcism

D. They seek pleasure and avoid pain

23.What among these statements best describes the demonological theory?

(1/1 Point)
A. a person is deviant because of outside factors

B. a person is possessed by demons and evil spirits that constitute to criminal behavior
C. a person seek pleasure and avoid pain

D. a person is criminally liable for his actions by the concept of free will

24.This is one of the forerunners in the study of criminal behavior in the medieval
(0/1 Point)
A. Demonological Theory

B. Positivist Theory

C. Neo- Classical Theory

D. Classical Theory

25.It was believed by Pratap that criminals were influenced by _______________ in

the commission of a crime.
(1/1 Point)
A. Free will

B. Evil Influences

C. Psychological Factors

D. Ecological factors

26.It is the event that shaped the trial system of the United States of America
during the early times.
(1/1 Point)
A. Assassination of John F. Kennedy

B. Salem Witch Trials

C. Shooting case of Theodore Roosevelt

D. The 9/11 terror attack

27.In ancient times these were the terms used to described a person who turned
into a criminal except;
(1/1 Point)
A. Spirits

B. Witches
C. Demons

D. Windigo

28.The method used in ancient times to exorcise the demons and evil spirits
possessing the person turned into a criminal.
(0/1 Point)
A.Puncturing the head with a nail

B. Prayer by a clergy member

C. Crusification

D. Burning the person alive

29.Demonological Theory is a ancient type of theory that do not have a scientific

explanation. This statement  is.
(1/1 Point)
A. True

B. False

C. Partially true

D. Partially false

30.Demonological theory is sometimes referred to as ______________________.

(1/1 Point)
A. Scientific explanation

B. Spiritual explanation

C. Sociological explanation

D. Psychological explanation

31.The following statements for spiritual explanations of crime is true except;

(1/1 Point)
A. it is attached to religious belief

B. it is attached to superstitions

C. it has a strong adherence with the divine intervention

D. it has strong scientific processes and experimentations

32.In this explanation of crime causation. It states that the nature of reality in the
physical world are based on observations of nature and not on the scientific
(1/1 Point)
A. hedonistic explanation

B. atavistic explanation

C. Natural explanation

D. Spiritual explanation

33.Rico was a member of a cult. They believed that killing will bring them
salvation and so they started killing people and offer them to their gods. What
approach best describes the behavior of Rico and his cult?
(1/1 Point)
A. Spiritual

B. Natural

C. Atavistic

D. Hedonistic

34.The theories that are not associated with scientific processes are called?
(1/1 Point)
A. Ecological explanation

B. Spiritual explanation

C. Natural explanation

D. Atavistic explanation

35.The following statement are true to the natural explanation of crime except;
(0/1 Point)
A. it says that crime were rooted in the people's ideas

B. it is based on obeservations of nature

C. it is not scientific
D. it relies solely on spiritual influences

36.Classical theory states that human behavior is rational and assumes that
people know the consequences of their actions. This statement is?
(0/1 Point)
A. True

B. False

C. Partially true

D. Partially false

37.These are the elements  of a crime that the Routine activities theory state
except one.
(0/1 Point)
A. Perpetrator

B. Victim

C. Opportunity

D. Guardian

38.Beccaria and Bentham stated that human behavior in correlation to criminality

is rational and that the benefits of committing the crime is a choice. This
statement is.
(0/1 Point)
A. False

B. Extremely false

C. True

D. Somewhat true

39.Joey was always with the presence of his peers. On one occasion they decided
to steal at a local convenience store. Joey was a quiet and shy type of person
until he meet his delinquent peers. In the facts provided what theory explains the
sudden shift in Joey's behavior?
(0/1 Point)
A. Neo-classical theory
B. Classical theory

C. Routine activities theory

D. Deterrence theory

40.The following statement are the underlying principles of Classical theory

except one.
(1/1 Point)
A. sees that human behavior is essentially rational

B. people have the ability to choose what is right and what is wrong

C. a persons main desire is obtaining pleasure and avoiding pain

D. it seeks explanation in the causation of crimes in terms of natural causes

41.This doctrine states that the purpose of all actions should bring about the
most and the utmost joy to a certain group of people.
(1/1 Point)
A. Free will doctrine

B. Atavism Doctrine

C. Moral calculus doctrine

D. Utilitarianism doctrine

42.Mr. Miyagi is a theoretical person. He believes that all human seek pleasure
and avoid pain and thus also believed that humans always prioritize their own
self gain. Mr. Miyagi is displaying what kind of behavior and mentality?
(0/1 Point)
A. Atavistic

B. Hedonistic

C. Utilitarianistic

D. Self Centered

43.All this words are synonyms of retribution except;

(0/1 Point)
A. Payback
B. Revenge

C. Take action

D. Nemesis

44.In a certain Barangay the crime rate is high. Upon the request of the barangay
officials, a policeman was deployed to patrol a certain area of the barangay
where the most crimes were reported. This action by the said barangay is related
on what theory of crime causation?
(1/1 Point)
A. Classical theory

B. Neo- classical theory

C. Deterrence theory

D. Anomie theory

45.The following statements are not related to the routine activities theory except
(0/1 Point)
A. it provocates the concept of free will

B. it was proposed by Beccaria

C. it suggests that crime is a by product of routine activities that is influenced by factors

D. it has the idea that criminals are impulsive

46.Who is the forerunner in the study of brain and later on coined the term
(1/1 Point)
A. Johann Lavater

B. William Sheldon

C. Aguste Comte

D. Johan Spurzheim

47.All can be said true about Positivist theory except;

(1/1 Point)
A. it emphasizes the techniques of observation

B. it details that every individual has different biological traits

C. that the doctrine of free will is present

D. there are outside factors that influenced the individual in exhibiting criminal behavior

48.It is the study of the skull and facial features in the impact of human behavior
and actions.
(0/1 Point)
A. Phrenology

B. Physiognomy

C. Cranioscopy

D. Dactyloscopy

49.Positivist theory believed that people are part of the animal kingdom whose
behavior are very much influenced. This statement is.
(1/1 Point)
A. True

B. False

C. Partially true

D. Partially false

50.The other term used to describe Positivist theory is called?

(0/1 Point)
A. Italian school of criminology

B. Deterministic explanation theory

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a nor b
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