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3553 46th Avenue South * Minneapolis, MN 55406

612.432.7565 *
Innovative, highly skilled professional with 20 years of laboratory research exp
erience and expertise in molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry. Addit
ional strengths in optimization of product extraction/purification, project coor
dination and bioinformatics. History of planning, developing, executing, and doc
umented well-designed experiments in accordance with GLP and study protocols. Co
ntinuously investigate, develop, and implement lab practices/protocols based on
scientific developments and advancements; recognized for ability to make intelle
ctual contributions to current research activities and adapt easily to challengi
ng projects, shifting priorities, and changing research focuses.
Skillfully manage full range of laboratory functions to ensure optimal use of ti
me and resources; maintain and calibrate equipment, monitor inventories, and ens
ure compliance with applicable regulatory guidelines. Background in hiring, trai
ning, and mentoring junior researchers. Valued, respected associate who displays
superior work ethic, strong attention to detail, and high professional standard
Recombinant Yeast In Vivo Models * Mouse Oral Infection Models * Organ Harvestin
g * PCR * RT-PCR
Sequence Analysis for Molecular Marker Optimization * Genome Assembly * Primer D
esign * Cloning
DNA Sequencing * DNA (chromosomal and plasmid), RNA, & Protein Extraction * Immu
noassay Development
Southern/Northern/Western Blot * Fermentation Product Analysis * Co-immunoprecip
itation * Mutagenesis
Microarray Development * Gel Eelectrophoresis * Immunofluorescence * Human AffyC
hips * Staining
Radiolabeled and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization * Tissue, Sample, and Reagent
Shuttle Vector Construction * Transformation Techniques * HTS * Biochemical Path
way analysis
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN * 1989-2009
Scientist - Laboratory of Dr. Dana Davis, 2006-2009
Fungal genetics lab focusing on stress response in Candida albicans
Developed host-pathogen interaction model at mucosal surface in human epithelial
cells and ex vivo human tissue. Investigated human innate immune response by an
alyzing global gene expression profiles confirmed by RT-PCR and western blot. St
udied localization of gene expression in human tissue using fluorescent microsco
py and in situ hybridization. Researched regulation of processing of transcripti
on factors related to iron metabolism and virulence in Candida albicans.
Scientist - Laboratory of Dr. P.T. Magee, 2000-2006
Fungal genetics lab focusing on physical mapping, mating, and translocation in C
andida albicans
Selected to lead 6-year, contracted project to create fosmid-based, sequence-tag
ged site, genomic physical map of 16 Mb heterozygous diploid to assemble fragmen
ted collection of genome sequence contigs into complete genome sequence. Support
ed development of research plans, budgets, and schedules to ensure attainment of
project goals. Determined equipment needs and oversaw purchasing, maintenance,
and repair of instruments, including biorobot.
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN * Continued
Scientist - Laboratory of Dr. P.T. Magee
* Skillfully coordinated research efforts of collaborators (including Biotechno
logy Research Institute in Montreal) and private contractor (OpGen in Madison, W
isconsin), as well as junior scientists and technicians.
Junior Scientist-Scientist - Biological Process Technology Institute, Bioprocess
Facility, 1995-2000
Core service facility providing advanced research, training, and university-indu
stry interaction in biological process technology
Engaged in all aspects of research and development (short- and long-term assignm
ents) for university and private biotechnology companies. Designed and developed
research plans on variety of projects. Supported technology transfer and implem
ented advanced security measures at facility.
* Operated, maintained, repaired, and remodeled 2,000-square foot BL2 pilot sca
le fermentation facility containing several 25-300 L fermenters, pulse combustio
n drier, continuous flow centrifuges, and several apparatuses used during purifi
cation of varied biosynthetic products. The facility also had a 500-square foot
chemical analysis unit.
Junior Scientist / Student Lab Technician - Laboratory of Dr. Palmer Roger, 1989
Bacterial physiology lab elucidating molecular level regulation of switching fro
m acetogenic to solventogenic phases in lifecycle of gram positive anaerobic bac
terium Clostridium acetobutylicum
Performed broad range of lab functions, including transforming, screening, and a
nalyzing mutant strains for altered fermentation product profile. Cloned and seq
uenced ATP-dependant RNA helicase, supported development of transformation metho
ds, and assisted with vector construction. Created and maintained genomic librar
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology & Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
Completed graduate-level courses at University of Minnesota in Chemical Engineer
ing and Medical Microbiology, as well as ongoing training/coursework related to
GMP, regulatory compliance, and lab safety.
Proficient with GeneSpring, Pathway Analyst, DNA Strider, DNAStar, AmplifX, BLAS
T, and Ensembl, and Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Display advanced knowledge of digital and analog controls, data management and o
rganization practices, and process scale-up and automation; designed and wrote c
omputer programs for biorobot. Assisted in website design.

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