English: Quarter 1 - Module 5

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Quarter 1 – Module 5

MELC: Make connections viewed and personal experiences

K to 12 BEC CG- (EN6VC-IVd-1.4)
I – Introduction

Noting detail is a brief record of something that one has written down on
paper. It is an important reading comprehension skill that involves picking out,
from a text, a particular piece or pieces of information to achieve a given purpose
such as answering a question in a test. It is a comprehension skill which is
concerned directly in remembering specific facts (Idul, 2016).
How to Note Details
 When noting details always read the story with full understanding
and internalize the lines printed.
 Whenever you are reading, you should be constantly noting the
important details.
 When you are reading a text, be aware of the clues or important
details that help you understand what you are reading. This will
help you answer any questions about the selection when you
are done (Barlis, 2020).

Read the short story and note important details

“I have a good news today, Mother,” said Norma as she put down the big
basket she was carrying.
“What’s your news, Norma?” asked Mother.
“Look at my basket,” said Norma excitedly. “I bought many things today:
meat, sugar, fish, vegetables and fruits.”
“See, I still have a little change left.”
“But why?” asked Mother, puzzled (Logue C., 2007).
Choose the appropriate answer to each question?
1. Where did Norma come from?
a. playing b. the school c. the market
2. What was she carrying?
a. a big bag b. a big basket c. a school bag
3. What was Norma’s news?
a. bad b. good c. neither good or bad

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4. Why was Norma happy?
a. She bought a pretty dress.
b. She bought things she would use in school.
c. She was able to buy many things and still had some change.
5. How did Mother feel after listening to Norma?
a. Sad b. happy c. puzzled

Sequencing is one of many skills that contributes to students' ability to

comprehend what they read. Sequencing refers to the identification of the components
of a story — the beginning, middle, and end — and also to the ability to retell the
events within a given text in the order in which they occurred. The ability to sequence
events in a text is a key comprehension strategy, especially for narrative texts.
Sequence structures help students of varying abilities organize information and ideas
efficiently (literacyideas.com/, n.d.).
How to Sequence Events
 Look for words that tell when something happens.
Order Words: first, second, before, now, later, still, dates, days of the
week, months
 As you read, use these signal words to put story events in order
(literacyideas.com/, n.d.).
Read the selection carefully. Sequence the events listed below by numbering
them 1-5.
The Best Treasure
A certain farmer had several sons. He wanted them to become farmers. When
the farmer was dying, he called his sons and said to them. “Boys, I am about to leave
you. I have hidden my wealth in the vineyard. Search for it, it is all I have to give you.
His sons thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard. When the father
died, the sons dug in the vineyard, to search for the treasure. They did not find the
hidden wealth, but they had fine crops of grapes (Logue C., 2007).
________a. His sons thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard.
________b. He wanted them to become good farmers.
________c. They did not find the hidden wealth, but they had fine crops of grapes.
________d. A certain farmer had several sons.
________e. Their father had hidden his wealth in the vineyard.
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Exercise 1
Directions: Read the paragraph, then answer the following questions.
It was a hot, hot day. Sarah and Blake wanted to set up a stand to sell
lemonade. They made lemonade by mixing water, lemons, and sugar. Next, they
set up a table and put out cups. After that, they made a big sign. Sarah and Blake
sold it for five pesos a cup. Lots of people came to buy their drinks. At the end of
the day, Sarah and Blake had made one hundred pesos (Logue C., 2007)!

1. Who wanted to set up a lemonade stand?

a. Sara b. Blake c. Sara and Blake
2. What did they make after setting up a table?
a. Made a big sign b. made an ice cream c. baked a cake
3. How do Sara and Blake make the lemonade?
a. Blended water, lemons, and sugar
b. Boiled water, lemons, and sugar
c. Mixed water, lemons, and sugar
4. How much money do Sarah and Blake make?
a. One hundred pesos b. fifty pesos c. hundred and fifty pesos
5. What did Sara and Blake feel at the end of the day?
a. Sad b. happy c. fulfilled

Exercise 2
Directions: Arrange the events from the story in order using the number serie
1 – 5.
_______ They made a sign.
_______ They made the lemonade
_______ They set up a table and put out cups
_______ They made one hundred pesos
_______ Lots of people bought the lemonade

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Exercise 3
Directions: Study and note the details of actions present in the picture. Then
answer the questions below.

(google.com, n.d.)
1. How many children are there?
2. Where are they?
3. What is the boy in yellow shirt doing?

4. Who is playing on a swing?

5. What is Fred doing?

6. When is this, do you think?

7. Where is the dog?
8. What is the dog doing?

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9. Where are the birds?
10. What are the birds doing?

Exercise 4
Directions: Construct 5 primary steps on how to cook rice using correct sequence.

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Practice Exercise

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

1.c 3
2. a 2
3. c 1
4. a 5
5. b 4

Exercise 3

1. 3
2. Field/Farm
3. He is singing
4. The girl
5. He is kicking the ball
6. Summer
7. The dog is under the big shady tree, / answers may vary
8. Happily watching the children play, / answers may vary
9. Perching on a branch of a tree
10. Birds are singing/answers may vary

Exercise 4

Answers may vary. Teacher will give corresponding points.

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A. Directions: Arrange the events below in the sequence they happened in the story. Write
the number 1 – 5.

_________ An idea came to him after he realized he couldn’t drink from the pitcher.
_________ The crow couldn’t drink because the mouth of the pitcher was too small for
him to get in.
_________ He flew down on the ground, picked up pebbles, and dropped them one at
a time into the pitcher.
_________The water rose and the crow drank until he was satisfied.
_________ A thirsty crow wanted to drink from a pitcher

B. Directions: Read the invitation letter of Gina. Answer the following questions.

27 del Pilar Street

Sampaloc, Manila
June 28, 2021
Dear Nina,

My parents are going to give a party on the evening of my graduation, July 5. It

will be held in our house on del Pilar Street. Please come and bring along your brother,
Milo and your sister Ester. My father has prepared some very exciting parlor games
which I am sure you and your sister and brother will enjoy. There will also be a program
prepared by my elder sister, Nora. The party starts at six o’ clock. You can go home at
nine so you will have plenty of time to enjoy the party. We are hoping to see you al
(Logue C., 2007)

Your friend,


1. What kind of Letter is this?

a. a letter of thanks b. a letter of invitation c. a letter of congratulations

2. Who wrote the letter?

a. Gina b. Father c. Nina

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3. The letter is addressed to

a. Mother b. Gina c. Nina

4. Who is giving a party?

a. Tita’s parents b. Nina’s parents c. Gina’s parents

5. Where is the party going to be held?

a. in school b. in Nina’s home c. in Gina’s home

6. Who are included in the invitation?

a. Milo and Ester b. Gina and Nina c. Gina’s parents

7. What did Gina’s father prepare for the children?

a. parlor games b. group games c. outdoor games

8. What has been prepared by Gina’s sister?

a. dances b. program c. parlor games

9. What occasion will be celebrated?

a. Gina’s birthday b. Gina’s graduation c. Gina’s house blessings

10. Who are expected by the family to come?

a. Nina, Milo and Esther b. Gina, Nina and Esther c. Nina, Gina and Nora

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Barlis, J. (2020, 8 11). google. Retrieved from

google.com. (n.d.). google. Retrieved from
Idul, J. J. (2016, february 8). Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/
literacyideas.com/. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.literacyideas.com/teaching-
Logue C., e. a. (2007). Developing Reading Power 6. Manila: Saint Mary.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I

English 6 Module 5 - Quarter 1,Page 9 of 9


Summative Evaluation (For Teachers Only)

A. 3

B.1. b
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. a

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