Courts Martial

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 Court Martial established under the Armed Forces Act 1972 to handle disciplinary matters
among members of the Malaysian armed forces. This court does not handle criminal and
civil cases. Consists of the Military High Court and the Military Subordinate Court. Among
those who can be prosecuted in the Court Martial are: All members of the Malaysian Army,
Territorial soldiers or reserve soldiers, Civilians employed in military operations and Civilians
who are in military transport.
 Membership Courts Martial hearings are attended by any officer appointed and authorized
by the YDPA on the advice of the Prime Minister. Military High Court is judged by the
President of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and two to five other military officers. The
Military Subordinate Court is judged by the President of the rank of Major and two to five
other military officers. Jurisdiction Among the forms of offenses that can be prosecuted in
the Court Martial are: Disobeying the orders of superiors, skipping duties, and leaving
service without permission.
 The Court Martial may impose any punishment prescribed by Law, except the death
penalty. The death penalty can only be imposed through the confirmation of the YDPA.
The Court Martial may impose the following punishments: Fines, Strict warnings, Demotion,
Dismissal and Imprisonment not exceeding 14 years.

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