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Chapter 3

Priftis KN, Anthracopoulos MB, Eber E, Koumbourlis AC, Wood RE (eds): Paediatric Bronchoscopy.
Prog Respir Res. Basel, Karger 2010, vol 38, pp 30–41

Bronchoalveolar Lavage: Indications and

Fabio Midulla ⭈ Raffaella Nenna
Department of Paediatrics, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Rome, Italy

childhood application of BAL is the diagnosis of infection,

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a diagnostic procedure used to re- particularly in immunocompromised children. The world-
cover cellular and non-cellular components of the epithelial lining wide increase in the use of this procedure in children has
fluid from the alveolar and bronchial airspaces. Two types of the pro- established the role of BAL in the diagnosis and follow-up of
cedure have been described: bronchoscopic and non-bronchoscop- several childhood lung diseases and has revealed its poten-
ic BAL. The preferred site for bronchoscopic BAL is the middle lobe tial usefulness in paediatric research.
or the lingula. Gentle manual or mechanical aspiration is applied in
order to collect the lavage specimen in the collection trap, while
the tip of the flexible bronchoscope is maintained wedged in the
bronchus of the selected lavage site. The parameters measured in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Techniques
BAL fluid (BALF) include the percentage of the instilled normal sa-
line that is recovered as well as various BALF cellular and non-cellu- Current clinical practice utilizes two techniques: non-bron-
lar components. BAL is performed for diagnostic, therapeutic and
choscopic and bronchoscopic BAL. Non-bronchoscopic
research purposes. The most common indication for BAL is the in-
vestigation of lower respiratory tract infection. In chronic interstitial BAL involves the insertion of simple catheters or balloon-
lung disease, BAL may have an important role in reaching a specific type devices (size 4–8 Fr) through an endotracheal tube [3].
diagnosis, characterizing alveolitis, and monitoring patients during Unfortunately, this method does not allow visualization of
treatment and follow-up. BAL is still considered the gold standard the lavage site, although the turning of the child’s head to the
for diagnosing chronic pulmonary aspiration. In general, BAL is a left predictably directs the catheter into the right lung [3].
well-tolerated and safe procedure; however, on occasion, cough,
transient wheezing and pulmonary infiltrates have been observed,
Bronchoscopic BAL is performed by injecting NSS via
which usually resolve within 24 h. Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
a syringe into the working channel of a paediatric flexible
bronchoscope; the paediatric instruments have external
diameters of 2.8, 3.5 or 3.7 mm with a working channel of
1.2 mm in children younger than 9 years, and external diam-
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a diagnostic procedure eters of 4.6–4.9 mm with a working channel of 2.2 mm in
used for recovering cellular and non-cellular components of children older than 9 years [2; chapter 1, this vol., pp. 12–21].
the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) of the alveolar and bronchial In neonates it is possible to use the 2.8-mm bronchoscope
airspaces. The procedure usually entails the instillation and with a 1.2-mm working channel.
immediate withdrawal of prewarmed sterile 0.9% (normal)
saline solution (NSS) through the working channel of a flex-
ible bronchoscope, which has been wedged into a bronchus Bronchoalveolar Lavage Site
with a matching diameter.
The first reports on BAL derive from its use in adults [1]. The preferred site for BAL in diffuse lung diseases is the mid-
In the year 2000, a European Respiratory Society Task Force dle lobe or the lingula [chapter 10, this vol., pp. 114–119]
published their results on BAL in children [2]. The major because, being the smallest lobe of each lung, it offers better - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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fluid recovery. When lung disease is localized, BAL must tar- Table 1. Variables measured in BALF
get the radiologically or endoscopically identified involved
Percent of BALF recovered
lobe. In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), samples from multi-
ple sites should be obtained in order to avoid underestimation Cellular components
of the extent of infection [4]. To avoid contamination, BAL Number of cells per millilitre of BALF recovered
Differential cell count
must precede any other planned bronchoscopic procedure.
Lymphocyte subsets
Morphological features
Specific inclusions
Amount of Fluid Proliferation assay

Non-cellular components
Three optional methods are currently used for calculating the
Microbiological studies
amount of sterile NSS for lavage and the number of aliquots
required to obtain samples that are representative of the alve-
olar compartment [5]. Some authors base their recommen-
dations on adult protocols and choose to use 2–4 aliquots of
equal volume (10 ml per aliquot for children less than 6 years, smaller amounts in children with obstructive lung disease as
and 20 ml per aliquot for children over 6 years of age), irre- compared to those with diffuse parenchymal lung disease.
spective of the patient’s body weight [6]. Others suggest the Throughout the procedure, patients should undergo rou-
use of 3 aliquots, each consisting of 1 ml/kg body weight for tine monitoring using pulse oximetry and electrocardiog-
children weighing up to 20 kg, and three 20-ml aliquots for raphy with intermittent checks of blood pressure. Oxygen
heavier children. Lastly, de Blic et al. [7] have recommended supplementation is recommended during the lavage. After
that the amount of instilled NSS be adjusted up to a maxi- the end of the procedure, children should be observed and
mum volume of 10% of the child’s functional residual capac- monitored for at least 1 h [chapter 2, this vol., pp. 22–29].
ity, i.e. 5- to 20-ml aliquots depending on the child’s size. The
saline utilized for BAL is prewarmed to body temperature
(37°C) in order to prevent the cough reflex. Flow from the Processing Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid
distal tip of the bronchoscope is observed during injection.
After each instillation, enough air must be injected in order Similarly to adult patients, BALF specimens should be pro-
to empty the dead space of the working channel. cessed as soon as possible. To optimize cell viability, BALF
must be kept at 4°C until analysed. The variables measured in
the BALF include the percentage of fluid recovered (as com-
Fluid Recovery pared to the amount of NSS instilled) as well as various cellu-
lar and non-cellular components (table 1). The first unfiltered
While maintaining the tip of the bronchoscope wedged into BALF aliquot is usually processed separately for microbiolog-
the selected site, gentle manual or mechanical suction (3.33– ical studies. The rest of the aliquots are filtered through sterile
13.3 kPa, i.e. 25–100 mm Hg) is applied in order to obtain the gauze to remove mucus; then they are pooled and submitted
lavage specimen in the dedicated collection trap. At higher for cytological studies and analysis of the BALF solutes.
suction pressures, distal airways may collapse. In such cases, Data on the cellular components suggest that, in healthy
suction pressures should be reduced or suctioning should children as well as those with lung disease, the first BALF
be applied intermittently with the use of a syringe. Manual sample differs from subsequent ones, possibly because
suctioning may be preferable to mechanical aspiration into small-volume lavage recovers BALF from proximal airways
a collection trap because it is easier to perform, the suction (bronchial and oral cells), whereas increased lavage volumes
pressure can be easily manipulated, and the procedure is less recover material from the more distal airways and the alveoli
costly. [8]. Another important difference is that the initially obtained
In general, BAL is considered technically acceptable if aliquots usually contain more neutrophils and fewer lympho-
more than 40% of the total NSS instilled is recovered, and cytes than the subsequent ones. For these reasons, at least 3
the lavage fluid (except for the first sample) contains few aliquots should be obtained during a BAL procedure.
epithelial cells. A portion of the instilled volume is absorbed BALF can be prepared in 2 ways: (a) by obtaining cytospin
by the lymphatics. BAL fluid (BALF) is often recovered in preparations of the whole BALF and (b) by resuspension of - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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technical factors, including site of lavage, fluid pH, temper-
ature and volume of instilled NSS, number of aliquots, size
of bronchoscope, dwell time and suctioning pressure. Two
further important points in the interpretation of BALF find-
ings are that its removal may preferentially select, activate or
injure particular cells, and that the composition of the ELF
may change during the BAL process.
a b c
The identification of an elevated erythrocyte count is an
early sign of alveolar haemorrhage, while the presence of
phagocytosed erythrocytes indicates that the alveolar hae-
morrhage has occurred within 48 h. The presence of hae-
mosiderin-laden macrophages in the BALF implies that the
d e
alveolar haemorrhage has occurred prior to 48 h.
Fig. 1. Cellular morphological features. a Macrophages. b Lympho-
cytes. c Neutrophils. d Eosinophils. e Foamy macrophage. May-
Grünwald Giemsa stain. ×100.
Reference Values

Several papers have reported on the normal values of

the specimen in a small amount of medium which is then BALF in children [10–15]. Such data are difficult to be
centrifuged. At least 4 slides should be prepared for each collected from a healthy population that, for evident ethi-
patient, and we recommend storing 1 or 2 slides for research cal reasons, cannot be studied by using an invasive proce-
purposes. The number of cells per millilitre in the recovered dure. Hence, the data available come in part from children
BALF is counted with a cytometre on whole BALF specimens undergoing bronchoscopy for a variety of clinical indica-
stained with trypan blue, or with a cytoscan. Alternatively, tions such as stridor [10, 12], chronic cough, evaluation of
slides can be stained with May-Grünwald, Giemsa or Diff- stenosis of a main bronchus and follow-up after foreign-
Quick stains for the evaluation of differential cell counts body removal [13, 14], and in part from children without
and cellular morphological features (fig. 1). Macrophages pulmonary illness, under general anaesthesia for minor
are large cells with an abundant pale cytoplasm surround- surgery [11, 15].
ing 1 or more uniform oval nuclei, which may also pres- Table 2 shows BALF differential cell counts of healthy
ent with diverse shapes (e.g. round, oval, indented, folded children. The mean BALF total cell count ranges from 10.3
or bean shaped). The presence of foamy macrophages indi- to 59.9 × 104 cells/ml, with a mean of 81.2–90% for mac-
cates interstitial lung disease [9]. Lymphocytes have a large, rophages, 8.7–16.2% for lymphocytes, 1.2–5.5% for neutro-
dark-stained nucleus with little or no basophilic cytoplasm. phils and 0.2–0.4% for eosinophils (fig. 1). The predominant
In healthy children, the coarse dense nucleus of a lympho- cells, regardless of the child’s age, are macrophages, followed
cyte is approximately the size of a red blood cell (approx. 7 by lymphocytes. The BALF neutrophil percentage appears
μm in diameter). Eosinophils are cells with bilobed nuclei, to be higher in children younger than 12 months as com-
which are normally transparent but after eosin staining by pared to children aged 13–36 months.
the Romanowsky method they appear brick-red. An increased total number of BALF cell counts (more
In particular clinical settings, slides can also be prepared than 150 × 106/l) is a common characteristic of many lung
with specific stains, e.g. oil red O stain to detect lipid-laden diseases. Positive BALF cultures are associated with abnor-
macrophages (LLMs), iron stain to identify iron-positive mally increased cell counts and abnormal differential counts;
macrophages in patients with alveolar haemorrhage, and peri- in the event of a positive culture, such an increase supports
odic acid-Schiff to identify glycogen. Immunocytochemical the diagnosis of lung infection as opposed to bacterial con-
staining of lymphocyte surface markers is used to differen- tamination from the upper respiratory tract [12].
tiate lymphocyte subsets in specific clinical settings such as Normal values of BALF lymphocyte subsets in children
diffuse parenchymal lung disease. (table 3) resemble those found in healthy adults, except for
Materials for the evaluation of non-cellular components the CD4/CD8 ratio, which is often lower in children, possi-
must be obtained from the supernatant after centrifuga- bly because children frequently suffer from viral infections
tion. The composition of BALF can be influenced by several [11, 12]. - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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Table 2. Total and differential cell counts in BALF from control children

Clement et al. [10] Ratjen et al. [11] Riedler et al. [12] Midulla et al. [13] Tessier et al. [14]

Number of patients 11 48 18 16 16

Age range 1–15 years 3–16 years 3 months to 10 years 2–32 months 2 months to 8

Sedation LA GA GA LA LA

Number of aliquots 6 3 3 2 6

Lavage saline volume 10% FRC 3 ml/kg 3 ml/kg 20 ml 10% FRC

BALF recovered, %
Mean ± SD NR 58±15 NR 43.1±12.2 69.7±9.6
Median NR NR 62.5 42.5 68
Range NR NR 42.5–71.51 20–65 52–87

Cell count, × 104 cells/ml

Mean ± SD 25.5±4.1 10.3±11.1 NR 59.9±8.2 35.1±18.4
Median 24 7.3 15.5 51 30.5
Range 7–50 0.5–57.1 7.5–25.81 20–130 9–68

AM, %
Mean ± SD 89.7±5.2 81.2±12.7 NR 86±7.8 89.9±5.5
Median 89 84 91 87 92.5
Range 82–99 34.6–94 84–941 71–98 77–98

Lymphocytes, %
Mean ± SD 8.7±4.6 16.2±12.4 NR 8.7±5.8 8.9±5.6
Median 10 12.5 7.5 7 8
Range 1–17 2–61 4.7–12.81 2–22 2–22

Neutrophils, %
Mean ± SD 1.3±0.9 1.9±2.9 NR 5.5±4.8 1.2±1.2
Median 1 0.9 1.7 3.5 1
Range 0–3 0–17 0.6–3.51 0–17 0–3

Eosinophils, %
Mean ± SD NR 0.4±0.6 NR 0.2±0.3 NR
Median NR 0.2 0.2 0 NR
Range NR 0–3.6 0–0.31 0–1 NR

Modified from de Blic et al. [2]. LA = Local anaesthesia; GA = general anaesthesia; FRC = functional residual capacity; NR = not reported; AM =
alveolar macrophages.
1 Second and third interquartiles.

Establishing reference values for non-cellular compo- are independent of the child’s age (tables 4, 5). Many pul-
nents is a complex task owing to the absence of valid BALF monary diseases result in an increase in the content of total
dilution markers [13, 16, 17]. The concentration of serum- protein and of serum-derived proteins of the BALF, prob-
derived proteins is higher in children than in adults, whereas ably reflecting the increased permeability associated with
locally produced mediators do not differ. Surfactant phos- inflammation. Studies designed to investigate non-cellular
pholipid concentrations are higher in 3- to 8-year-old than BALF components have few clinical indications and are
in older children, whereas surfactant protein concentrations more important in the research setting. - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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Table 3. Lymphocyte subsets in BALF from control children Unfortunately, the only two substances proposed, i.e. urea
and albumin, have important limitations. Urea diffuses into
Ratjen et al. [15] Riedler et al. [12]
BALF in a time-dependent manner and can be higher when
Number of patients 28 10 (5) there is an alteration of the capillary permeability. Moreover,
Age range 3–16 years 3 months to albumin concentrations are modified during lung disease
10 years [2]. Therefore, BALF solutes are currently referenced to the
BALF volume.
CD3, %
Mean ± SD 85.8±4.9 NR
Median 87 81
Range 72–92 75.5–881
Microbiological Studies

CD4, % Usually the first aliquot of BALF is used for microbiologi-

Mean ± SD 33.1±12.8 NR cal studies. Samples must be processed as soon as possible,
Median 34.5 27 avoiding contamination and without use of filters that with-
Range 10–57 22–321
hold cells or other diagnostic material. Another important
CD8, % precautionary measure is to keep the samples in anaerobic
Mean ± SD 56.8±13.1 NR transport media that contain reducing agents in order to
Median 57 45 avoid air exposure that destroys anaerobic bacteria.
Range 30–84 33.8–571 Bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses are detected by
CD4/CD8 ratio direct light microscopy after centrifugation or alterna-
Mean ± SD 0.7±0.4 NR tively by smears. Special stains such as Gram, Papanicolaou,
Median 0.6 0.6 Gomori-Grocott or toluidine blue are used in air-dried
Range 0.1–1.9 0.4–11 preparations. In addition, the samples that are to be cul-
tured for fungi, protozoa and viruses are first centrifuged,
CD19, %
whereas those for bacterial cultures are processed without
Mean ± SD 0.9±1.5 NR
Median 0.5 5
Range 0–7 4–9.51

CD25, % Indications for Bronchoalveolar Lavage

Mean ± SD 1.9±1.3 NR
Median 2 (2) BAL is performed for diagnostic, therapeutic and research
Range 0–4 (0–31)
applications, which require evaluation of microbiological
CD3/HLA-DR, % and/or cellular components. Indications for BAL include
Mean ± SD 1.4±1.7 NR non-specific chronic respiratory symptoms, non-specific
Median 1 NR radiological findings and clinical symptoms suggestive of
Range 0–7 NR interstitial lung disease.
CD56, %
Mean ± SD 7.8±8.2 NR Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
Median 5 4 BAL is an important tool in the diagnosis of lung infec-
Range 0–40 1.5–7.5 tion in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent
patients because pathogens can be easily identified from
Modified from de Blic et al. [2]. NR = Not reported; HLA-DR = human small BALF samples.
leucocyte antigen DR. BALF is diagnostic when pathogens not usually found
Second and third interquartiles.
in the lung are recovered, such as Pneumocystis jiroveci,
Toxoplasma gondii, Strongyloides stercoralis, Legionella pneu-
mophila, Histoplasma capsulatum, Mycobacterium tuberculo-
Because of the fluid exchange among the airspace, the sis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, influenza virus and respiratory
vascular compartment and the interstitium, correction of the syncytial virus. Other infectious diseases, in which isolation
BALF solutes for the ELF volume would be highly desirable. of the infectious agent from BALF is not diagnostic but may - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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Table 4. Concentration (mg/l) of serum-derived proteins in BALF from control children

Midulla et al. [13] Ratjen and Kreuzfelder [16] Braun et al. [17]

Children Adults Children Adults

Number of patients 7 37 (30) 15 (8) 39 16

Age range 1–3 years 3–15 years adults1 3–15 years adults2

Total protein
Mean ± SD 108±39 103±65 (62±10) NR NR
Median 67 92 (47) NR NR
Range 44–336 43–426 (29–115) NR NR

Mean ± SD 58±26 NR NR 21±16 11±5.9
Median 29 NR NR 16 9.7
Range 14–210 NR NR 0.5–70 3.8–24

Immunoglobulin A
Mean ± SD NR (3.6±1.4) 3.4±2 NR NR
Median NR (3.2) 2.9 NR NR
Range NR (0–7.7) 0–6.2 NR NR

Immunoglobulin G
Mean ± SD NR (9.1±7.4) 8.6±6.8 NR NR
Median NR (6.4) 7.8 NR NR
Range NR (2.8–3.7) 0–2.2 NR NR

Mean ± SD NR NR NR 1.3±1.2 0.3±0.3
Median NR NR NR 1.05 1.8
Range NR NR NR 0.3–5.7 0.1–9.8

Mean ± SD NR NR NR 0.5±0.8 0
Median NR NR NR 0.15 0
Range NR NR NR 0–3.8 0

Mean ± SD NR (1.4±1.2) 0.8±0.5 NR NR
Median NR (1) 0.7 NR NR
Range NR (0–5) 0–2.2 NR NR

Modified from Midulla and Ratjen [5]. NR = Not reported; figures in parentheses indicate parameters evaluated in number of patients in
Age range of patients: 22–54 years.
Mean age of patients: 24.7 years.

contribute to their diagnosis and management, include her- results, the physician must take into account the underlying
pes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Aspergillus, Candida disease and the overall clinical picture.
albicans, Cryptococcus and atypical mycobacteria. Therefore, In HIV-infected children, BAL can identify one or more
the presence of ≥104 colony-forming units/ml in the BALF infectious agents that alone or in combination cause interstitial
will identify patients with bacterial pneumonia with reason- pneumonitis. Similar findings are observed in children with
able accuracy. Hence, when evaluating the microbiological primary immune deficiency, immunosuppression secondary - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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Table 5. Concentration (mg/l) of locally produced mediators in BALF healthy children but should be reserved for patients with
from control children atypical manifestations. BAL is a useful tool in patients with
Midulla Braun et al. [17] chronic pneumonia, tuberculosis and CF. In CF patients,
et al. [13] BAL has an important role in detecting respiratory patho-
Children Adults
gens and inflammation, especially in young children who
Number of patients 7 39 16 are unable to expectorate or in those who fail to improve
Age 1–3 years 3–15 years adults1 after therapy [chapter 15, this vol., pp. 156–172]. In these
patients, samples should be taken from more than one site
Fibronectin so that the collected BALF is representative of the entire
Mean ± SD 172±83 240±120 89±52 lung [4]. Moreover, flexible bronchoscopy can be used in
Median 80 115 75
these patients to remove obstruction leading to atelectasis
Range 25–640 10–370 10–200
by directly injecting DNAse into the airways.
Hyaluronic acid
Mean ± SD 26±5 NR NR Chronic Interstitial Lung Disease
Median 18 NR NR Chronic interstitial lung disease (CILD) is a heterogeneous
Range 16–45 NR NR group of disorders characterized by typical radiological
Myeloperoxidase findings, restrictive lung disease and inflammation of the
Mean ± SD NR 58±51 19±17 pulmonary interstitium [19]. In these patients, BAL may
Median NR 0 24 have an important role in reaching or confirming a specific
Range NR 0–161 1–51 diagnosis, in characterizing the alveolitis and in monitoring
the patient during treatment and follow-up [20].
Fan et al. [21] published one of the first papers on the clini-
Mean ± SD NR 50±61 37±21
Median NR 31 27
cal application of BAL in children with CILD. They studied 29
Range NR 2–289 10–84 patients with a clinical and radiological diagnosis of CILD and
reported a positive BALF finding in 20 [22]. Unfortunately,
Elastase BALF findings proved diagnostic of a primary disorder in
Mean ± SD NR 1.4±1.2 0.8±0.5
only 5 patients (17%), while in another 15 they were consis-
Median NR 0 2
tent with a diagnosis; in 8 patients, BAL uncovered a second-
Range NR 0–21 1–14
ary pulmonary disorder. In 2004, a study that was conducted
Modified from Midulla and Ratjen [5]. NR = Not reported. as part of the European Respiratory Society Task Force on
1 Mean age of patients: 24.7 years. CILD in immunocompetent children provided an update on
the current understanding of the pathophysiology of these
diseases and the ongoing research directions [23].
In addition, BALF findings usually provide a specific
to chemotherapy for malignancy, and bone marrow or non- diagnosis in children with alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary
lung organ transplantation. The role of BAL in lung and heart- haemorrhage, pulmonary histiocytosis, chronic lipoid pneu-
lung transplantation patients is debated because, although monia and pulmonary microlithiasis.
helpful in diagnosing lung infection, it cannot replace trans- In alveolar proteinosis, BAL can be diagnostic because
bronchial biopsy in the diagnosis of graft rejection [18]. Several the BALF recovered has a milky appearance due to the pres-
efforts have been made to identify a marker of rejection in the ence of periodic-acid-Schiff-positive material (fig. 2) and
BALF by analysing combinations of various cell counts and enlarged foamy alveolar macrophages (fig. 1) with the char-
non-cellular components. Unfortunately, the results of these acteristic ‘onion-like’ cytoplasmic inclusions on electron
studies remain inconclusive. Nevertheless, BAL continues to microscopy [chapter 7, this vol., pp. 75–82].
play a role in the routine surveillance of lung transplant recipi- When BALF has a bloody or orange pink colour in
ents [chapter 18, this vol., pp. 191–197]. patients presenting with haemoptysis, infiltrates on chest
The role of BAL in the diagnosis of lung infection in X-ray and anaemia, the diagnosis of alveolar haemorrhage is
immunocompetent children is more controversial. This confirmed. Usually in such cases, the fluid becomes increas-
invasive procedure is hardly ever justified as a first step in ingly haemorrhagic with each aliquot. However, the diag-
the diagnosis of primary respiratory infection in otherwise nosis is more difficult to reach when free red blood cells, - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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a b
Fig. 2. Radiological and BALF findings in a
patient with idiopathic alveolar proteino-
sis. a Chest X-ray showing diffuse ground-
glass lesions. b BALF aliquots with milky
appearance (first and second aliquots from
the right), compared to normal-appearing
BALF (third aliquot from the right) at the
end of a therapeutic total lung lavage.
c Foamy macrophages. May-Grünwald
Giemsa stain. ×100. d Macrophages (elec-
tron microscopy) showing inclusion bodies
specific for alveolar proteinosis. c d

a b c
Fig. 3. BALF cytological features in various clinical conditions. a Lymphocytic alveolitis. b Neutrophilic alveolitis. c Eosinophilic alveolitis. May-
Grünwald Giemsa stain. ×100.

red blood cells phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages or the appropriate therapy. However, lung biopsy should not
haemosiderin-laden alveolar macrophages become evident be considered if the diagnosis can be reached by using less
only at microscopy. invasive techniques [22].
Detection of more than 5% CD1a-positive cells in the With BALF analysis, 3 different forms of alveolitis can be
BALF is diagnostic of pulmonary histiocytosis [24]. identified, lymphocytic, neutrophilic and eosinophilic (fig.
Finally, in chronic lipoid pneumonia, BALF samples from 3):
alveolar structures usually contain lipoid material originat- (a) When patients present with clinical manifestations
ing from external or internal sources [25]. typical of sarcoidosis, a high percentage of lymphocytes
In several types of CILD, BAL is a useful tool, even if not (more than 30%) with predominating CD4 T cells in the
per se diagnostic of the disease. Lung biopsy is often indi- BALF is strongly suggestive, although not definitively con-
cated in order to reach a definitive diagnosis and decide on firmatory, of the diagnosis [26]. Results obtained in recent - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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years suggest that the CD4/CD8 T lymphocyte ratio in air-trapping and bronchial thickening [29]. Reflux aspira-
patients with sarcoidosis varies greatly from patient to tion is usually evaluated by pH and/or impedance monitor-
patient [27]. BALF samples in which CD4 T lymphocytes ing [30] or by gastro-oesophageal scintigraphy.
predominate can also be found in children with Crohn Flexible bronchoscopy with BAL is a useful tool for assess-
disease. ing aspiration. This procedure helps to evaluate swallowing,
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis typically causes lympho- allows direct assessment of airway anatomy and inflamma-
cytic alveolitis with the BALF containing predominantly tory changes in airway mucosa, and can detect evidence
CD8 T lymphocytes. Similarly, in children with histiocyto- of gastro-oesophageal reflux. BAL remains the procedure
sis X, or with interstitial lung disease related to collagen dis- of choice to diagnose CPA by determining the LLM index
ease, or in cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (previously [31], by immunocytochemical staining for α-lactoalbumin
termed bronchiolitis obliterans and organising pneumonia) and β-lactoglobulin [32], and by measuring gastric pepsin
the predominant cells are CD8 T lymphocytes. concentrations [33, 34].
(b) Features of BALF reminiscent of neutrophilic alveo- The presence of LLM in BALF is a sensitive marker of
litis are usually found in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and aspiration in children. In CPA the lipids present in aspi-
in cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. The histological fea- rated food are phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages.
tures are an accumulation of macrophages accompanied by Theoretically, an increased prevalence of LLM in the lower
mild chronic interstitial pneumonia and, at the very worst, airways suggests aspiration of food with swallowing or after
mild interstitial fibrosis. gastro-oesophageal reflux.
(c) Patients with eosinophilic alveolitis or interstitial lung The LLM index can be calculated by assigning each LLM
disease always show a predominance of eosinophils in BALF a score that ranges from 0 to 4 according to the amount of
with focal eosinophilic abscesses. The aetiology of this con- cytoplasmic lipid (fig. 4) and scoring 100 consecutive alveolar
dition often remains elusive; a number of causes (e.g. drug macrophages; thus, the highest possible score (LLM index)
reactions, fungi, parasites and vapour inhalation) have been is 400. An LLM index of more than 100 is considered posi-
described. There is a dramatic response to corticosteroid tive for aspiration [31]. However, the LLM index has certain
therapy. limitations such as the lack of reproducibility, the inability to
differentiate between exogenous and endogenous lipids, and
Chronic Pulmonary Aspiration the false-positive results that it may yield in patients with lung
BAL is still considered to be the gold standard for the diagno- disease unrelated to aspiration or even in healthy children [35,
sis of chronic pulmonary aspiration (CPA), i.e. the repeated 36]. LLMs may also be observed in cases of fat embolism [37]
passage of food material, gastric refluxate or saliva into the and endogenous lipoid pneumonia [38]. Advantages of its use
subglottic airways causing chronic or recurrent respiratory are: it is simple to perform, it remains elevated for several days
symptoms [28]. Several predisposing factors (neurologi- after aspiration, and a specific cut-off increases its diagnostic
cal disorders, underlying medical conditions such as pre- specificity [35]. The LLM index remains a useful diagnostic
maturity, anatomical abnormalities of airways, vocal cord tool in the evaluation of children with a history and clinical
paralysis), when coinciding with other stressors (respira- symptoms suggestive of aspiration. Therefore, such children
tory tract infection, gastro-oesophageal reflux), predispose should undergo diagnostic bronchoscopy.
to this condition. CPA arises from anatomical defects in Immunocytochemical staining for α-lactoalbumin
the separation of the gastrointestinal from the respiratory and β-lactoglobulin proteins has also rendered interest-
tract, swallowing dysfunction and the inability to protect ing results in animal models of pulmonary aspiration [39].
the airway from oral secretions and gastric refluxate. The Unfortunately, these findings have not been confirmed by
typical presenting signs and symptoms are chronic cough, studies in paediatric patients [32].
wheezing, recurrent pneumonia, failure to thrive, apnoea With respect to other potential biomarkers, tracheal
and choking on food or secretions; optimal management pepsin has been used as a marker of reflux aspiration [33].
entails a multidisciplinary approach. Chest radiographs Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme that is secreted by the gastric
usually disclose diffuse air-trapping, subsegmental infil- chief cells and mucus neck cells as inactive pepsinogen and
trates and peribronchial thickening, which involve the basi- then cleaved in the stomach at a pH of 5, thus forming active
lar and superior segments of the lower lobes and posterior pepsin. Pepsin detection in the BALF has been shown to
upper lobe segments. High-resolution computed tomogra- have high sensitivity and specificity values for reflux-related
phy scans may show bronchiectasis, centrilobular opacities, pulmonary aspiration [34]. Unfortunately, pepsin detection - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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38 Midulla · Nenna
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Grade 0 Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Fig. 4. Lipid index graded from 0 to 4. Oil red O.


is still a ‘home-made’ assay, and its use is limited strictly to the duration of the bronchoscopic procedure [chapter 2, this
the diagnosis of gastric reflux-related aspiration. vol., pp. 22–29].
Severe bleeding, bronchial perforation, mediastinal
Therapeutic Applications emphysema, pneumothorax and cardiac arrest are extremely
BAL has a major role in the therapy of certain lung diseases, rare. A large prospective study [41] showed that less than 2%
in the form of total lung lavage [chapter 7, this vol., pp. 75–82] of patients suffer a major complication, and, to date, no pub-
or mucus plug removal. In particular, children with persis- lished report has described a lethal complication directly
tent and massive atelectasis can successfully undergo selec- related to the BAL procedure. If necessary, BAL can also
tive lavage with DNAse [chapter 14, this vol., pp. 149–155]. be undertaken in intubated patients who require mechani-
cal ventilation. Contraindications to the procedure include:
bleeding disorders, severe haemoptysis and severe hypoxae-
Complications mia that persists despite oxygen treatment.

In general, BAL is a well-tolerated and safe procedure.

Sometimes cough, transitory wheeze and pulmonary infil- Research Applications
trates, which in most cases resolve within 24 h, are observed
[40]. As far as minor complications are concerned, in approx- The worldwide increase in the use of paediatric BAL and the
imately 10–30% of children a transient fever is reported after opportunity to study cellular as well as non-cellular com-
BAL, while bronchospasm is observed in approximately 1% ponents in the ELF have made this procedure useful in the
of patients. Notwithstanding its good safety profile, BAL investigation of the pathogenesis of lung disease. By direct
may cause hypoxaemia, hypercapnia or both as it increases evaluation of local response to therapy, BALF studies may - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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Bronchoalveolar Lavage: Indications and Applications 39

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contribute to improvements in the management of a num- for subsequent asthma could prove to be an exciting path
ber of lung diseases [42]. For example, the new multiplex for BALF-related research in the near future. Airway neu-
PCR for Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, trophilia observed in early childhood asthma and in severe
M. pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae appears to asthma suggests that bacterial infection may be important in
be a useful tool in the investigation of the aetiology of lower promoting airway inflammation [46]. In recent years, stud-
respiratory tract infection, particularly in patients previ- ies have provided evidence that corticosteroid therapy may
ously treated with antibiotics [43]. actually induce airway inflammation [47].
Several attempts have been made to evaluate the balance In children with bronchiolitis BAL may prove helpful in
between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mecha- evaluating processes within the peripheral airways by identify-
nisms involved both in the early stages as well as during res- ing markers that could help to explain the clinical presentation
olution of paediatric lung disease, including wheezing and of the inflammatory process, the predisposition of wheezers to
asthma, bronchiolitis, CF, CILD and complications of lung subsequent asthma, or both. Moreover, alveolar macrophages
transplantation. Thus, a method capable of valid measure- infected by respiratory syncytial virus may indeed have a role
ment of cytokine expression during the course of various in the pulmonary response to infection [48].
paediatric lung diseases may prove to be a powerful tool to In CF, research on BALF could prove to be helpful in
assess disease activity, and will have important implications the assessment of disease prognosis and the selection of the
for the planning of therapy. Furthermore, the identification subjects who are fit to receive organ transplantation. BALF
of the genes involved in disease pathogenesis will probably research may also help to elucidate the pathogenetic mech-
enhance our understanding of these conditions and provide anism that links the abnormal CF transmembrane regula-
new therapeutic targets [23]. tor function to lung inflammation. Several studies in young
Analysis of BALF in wheezing children [chapter 13, this patients with CF suggest that infection is a fundamental
vol., pp. 142–148] during relatively quiescent periods of driving force behind the inflammatory process [49; chapter
their disease by Stevenson et al. [44] has suggested that the 15, this vol., pp. 156–172]. Conversely, studies in children
pathophysiological mechanisms underlying atopic asthma at 4 weeks of age have demonstrated that airways inflam-
that is characterized by airway inflammation with recruit- mation develops at a very early stage, thus suggesting that
ment of eosinophils and mast cells differ from those oper- inflammation precedes infection [50].
ating in viral wheeze. Despite these differences, children Lastly, in patients scheduled for lung or heart-lung trans-
with viral wheeze, regardless of aetiology, were found to plantation, BALF analysis, a procedure that has already
have elevated histamine levels, whereas eosinophil cationic proved to be helpful in the diagnosis of infections, may be
protein was elevated only in children with atopy [45]. The used in the future to evaluate organ rejection, a task cur-
investigation of the underlying inflammatory processes in rently achievable only by performing transbronchial biopsy
wheezing children in an attempt to detect subjects at risk [chapter 18, this vol., pp. 191–197].

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Dr. Fabio Midulla

Department of Paediatrics, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome
Viale Regina Elena 324
IT–00165 Rome (Italy)
Tel. +39 06 4997 9363, Fax +39 06 4997 7412, E-Mail - 8/17/2015 12:37:48 PM
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