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January 2022 Recalls copy​

Clinical Chemistry​

1. Warning Rule​
2. Progesterone- peaks when ovulating​
3. RACE ​
a. Enhale, exhale ​
4. Notify nurse when px doesn't let you extract ​
5. High ALP after fatty meal​
6. LD Flip​
7. Heparin concentration ​
8. Modified allen test​
9. Type 2 reagent water​
10. Volumetric pipet​
11. Calibration of centrifuge how many weeks​
12. Ultracentrifuge- lipoproteins ​
13. Random access - STAT sample​
14. Air bubbles- continuous flow '​
15. Connectivity ​
16. Absorbance directly proportional to concentration ​
17. Water blank​
18. Fluorometry​
19. Potentiometry​
20. Pre analyical​
21. Pre preanalytical​
22. External QC​
23. Delta check​
24. Benchmarking​
25. Median​
26. Percent solution​
27. MSDS​
28. AST- SGOT​
29. Deciliter to liter​
30. What type of estrogen seen in male​
31. Indicator of malnutrition​
32. Xanthelasma​
33. syringe angle during venipuncture​
34. Shape of cast if formed in the collecting tubule, calyx​
35. Panic value of Glucose​
36. Order of draw in evac tube​
37. Prefixes to be used with SI units (NANO)​
38. Hyperventilation​
39. SI unit used for temperature and mass​
40. Moderate elevation in AST​
41. Should ketones be present in urine sample of a patient with DM​
42. Apolipoprotein of HDL​
43. Screening test for DM in non-pregnant patients​
44. Anion gap formula​
45. Compensation mechanism of the body (e.g. hyperventilation)​
46. Lipoprotein stain (Ponceau S, Oil Red O, ___, ____)​
47. Stages of impairment by ethanol
48. Electrophoretic pattern and their diseases​
49. Proteins under each type of globulin​
50. Pre pre analysis definition​
51. Definition of Turn around time​
52. Usage of Urinometer (kung mauuna bang ilalagay ang urine sample sa hydrometer)​
53. Where to read the meniscus (upper or lower)​
54. Donning sequence​
55. Conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius​
56. ALP most heat stable​
57. Osmotic Pressure - Sodium​
58. Bunsen burner fire colors except (red, orange, yellow, blue)​
59. AST enzyme reaction​
60. SD, Precision, F-Test​
61. Amylase and Lipase ---- Acute pancreatitis​
62. Product of protein- urea​
63. Product of purine- uric acid​
64. Thermodynamic temperature- kelvin​
65. Malnutrition marker - p​

1. Katayama's Fever​
2. LDC+ CAMP +? ​
3. What parasite magka cause ng HCV​
4. Flow of blood if high temp​
5. how to properly open ampule​
6. Soil transmitted helminth --- C. Philippinensis, S. Stercoralis, A. Lumbricoides, E.
7. parasite causes cysticercosis​
8. Positive color of MPS paper test - (choices brown, red, blue, yellow)​
9. TORCHES 2 questions: Cytomegalovirus; Congenital infections​
10. W.bancrofti vector​
11. Burnt chocolate odor​
12. Grape like odor​
13. Factors affecting ZOI​
14. PYR positive (Enterococcus)​
15. 2 points in LDC and ODH of which organism is positive under each one​
16. Used in fungal culture to inhibit other contaminants​
17. H. Pylori stain​
18. Ground glass appearance with ingested RBC​
19. Molar tooth​
20. Zone within a zone phenomenon​
21. Indole (+), VP (-), Citrate (+), TSI = NLF, no H2S, Urease and PAD +​
a. choices: Morganella, Providencia, Proteus, Serratia​
22. Tests included in IMVC rxn.​
23. What makes chocolate agar appear brown? Ans: heating blood agar plate​
24. What parasite causes cysticercosis - T. solium​
25. Proteus vulgaris indole +​

1. Protein- least analyte affected when urine is delayed testing​
2. Normal level of Viral Meningitis CSF glucose​
3. Stool normal pH level​
4. Color of gastric fluid​
5. Chain of custody​
6. Fruit that can cause acidic urine a. Apple b. Pomelo c. Orange d. Cranberry:D.Cranberry?​
7. WBC count in synovial fluid​
8. Red, clear colored urine:Hemoglobin?​
9. Microscopic quantitation of Mucus threads, oval fat bodies, RTA​
10. Microscope used for hyalin casts and mixed cellular cast:Phase-Contrast​
11. Which is NOT a mucopolysaccharide disorder? Hurler, hunter, Lesch nyhan, san
filippo:Lesch Nyhan (Purine Disorder)​
12. CSF collection where there is presence of blood but no clot formation:Intracanial
13. Cause of false positive pregnancy test​
14. What test determines the presence of fetal blood in maternal circulation?:Kleihauer Betke
15. Normal crystals in acidic urine​
16. Cause of urine color turning pink after letting it stand ​
17. BSC with complete air recirculation​
18. Urinary crystal with a notch or staircase pattern​
19. Sheaves of wheat crystals​
20. Guaiac FOBT positive color-blue?​
21. Portion/part of feces used for FOBT testing (middle)​
22. False positive pregnancy test -- ascorbic acid?​
23. Synovial fluid: Hyaluronic acid​
24. Synovial fluid: not used in the test --- acetic acid​
25. Cystine --- 6 sided crystal​
26. Tail of Sperm for it to become abnormal​
27. Section in the laboratory which is 3rd in receiving a CSF specimen​
28. Urine clarity​
29. Meconium​
30. Which abnormality causes decreased sperm penetration?-Abnormal Head?
31. Management to follow for each zone of Liley graph​
1. X & y intercept answer: granula​
2. tion & volume? ​
3. Fitzgerald factor ​
4. Thrombin- heparin coagulates what​
5. APTT normal values​
6. Causes of poor blood smear​
7. mcv and mchc formula​
8. flower cell appearance leukemia ans. Hemoglobin C​
9. Common anticoagulant for ESR​
10. What factor is affected in patients with menorrhagia​
11. FIX Storage​
12. RBC Indices solving and significanceLL​
13. Factor XII Other name - Hageman Factor​
14. Production of T3T4 (wala sa choices ang thyroid gland) nasa choices --- hypothalamus,
pineal gland, pituitary gland​
15. What disease causes high ESR
16. immunoassays question Di ko na matandaan yung exact question ​
17. Normal value of hemoglobin in newborns​
18. Factors which are storage labile​
19. Other name of Fletcher factor​
20. Cell size of WBCs from immature to mature​
21. Granules present in segmented neutrophils​
22. Principle used by Sysmex​
23. Last stage of Neutrophil capable of mitosis​
24. Neutrophil which has a bilobed/ dumbbell appearance​
25. WBC which has large granules but does not cover the nucleus​
26. What does the Myeloperoxidase stain differentiate​
27. Stable factor ​
28. Days/weeks/months of gestation in the stage of hematopoiesis where hbA, hbA2, hbF are
29. 110fL, 35pg (which type) --- ​
choices macro, normo; macro hypo; micro, hypo; normo, normo​
30. Maximum tourniquet pressure​
31. Reagent in Prothrombin time​
32. Which is not a function of platelets? ​
A. adhesion B. Aggregation C. satelitosis D. Granule secretion ​
33. Effect of platelet satelitosis in automated machine ​
34. 100 cell differentiation count of WBC​
35. Reagent used for hb Gower ​
A. acid hematin B. alkali hematin C.??? D.??? ​
36. Automation: where does nRBC counted as by the machine?​
A.rbc B.wbc C.platelets D.blasts​
37. Dumbell shape --- Pelger huet anomaly​
38. Eosinophil cytoplasm color --- pink?​
39. Commonly used in the laboratory --- (Miller disk; --- mga unknown ibang nasa choices)​
40. 65yr. Old obese woman with xanthelasma. What associated disease​
41. Gowers Reagent​
42. False increase hematocrit except- Increase anticoagulant​
43. Reticulated platelet shape. Round in EDTA. Cylindrical and beaded in Citrate.​
44. Least affected blood factor when exposed to cold temperature​
45. Labile factors ans: V & VIII​
46. which is an acid —- methyl red​

1. H. Pylori what gold standard/ reference method ​
2. Turbidimetry​
3. Positive color for FTA-Abs​
4. HbsAg​
5. CEA​
6. Old blood test for syphilis​
7. First check performed in the investigation of transfusion reaction- check for any clerical
8. Latest technology used in some tests​
9. HLA -B8​
10. Common contamination blood bag --- platelets​
11. Contamination of blood bag; Transmitted by deer ticks --- Babesia microti​
12. 2 questions about a disease that has (1) anti phospholipid (2) anti-dsDNA etc...and anti
13. positive color of IHC​
14. Child who has anemia with past allergic transfusion reaction (What to transfuse)​
15. Patient who had a delayed transfusion reaction but no symptoms (TACO?)​
16. Needle gauge of RPR​
17. Interpretation of Syphilis tests ​
18. Purpose of LISS​
19. Type of hypersensitivity in serum sickness
20. Feldene deferral time​
21. Deferral time of a person having multiple needle scars​
22. When do we administer Rhogam to a mother (Rh -) who had just delivered her infant (Rh +)​
23. Function of IgD​
24. Least abundant immunoglobulin​
25. Use of flocculation instead of FTA-abs​
A.If the physician values sensitivity more than specificity​
B.If the physician values specificity more than sensitivity ​
C. ???​
D. Faster diagnosis of disease ​
26. Feldene deferral ---7 days same ng aspirin??​
27. Blood group which causes delayed HTR --- Anti-I; Anti-Fy; Anti-Kpa; Anti-Kpb​
28. CPD - 21 days; ACD - 35 days​
29. TACO after massive transfusion​
30. Marker for infection in Hepatitis B​
31. Antibody in Kell blood group which causes HDN​
32. An Rh (-) mother who has delivered her first born Rh (+) experienced HDN. What may have
caused the incident?​
33. Lewihson discovered Sodium Phosphate​
34. Braxton Hicks​
35. After thawing FFP, what part is insoluble​
A. Cryoprecipitate B. Cryosupernate C.?? D.??​
36. RhIg shelf life​
37. First 3 ISBT number​
38. DNA replication, transcription and translocation​
39. Fragments caused by Pepsin​
40. Dimer Immunoglobulins ​
41. Total number of autosomes- 44​
42. Man with blue spots on lips and (blue cheeks?) - deferred because of what disease?​
a. Chagas, HIV, Gonorrhea, CJD​
43. ISBT number - blood group​
a. first 3 digits, last 3 digits, …​
44. when is flocculation preferred over FTA-ABS?​
45. Blood typing (should know the color of typing sera: blue=Anti-A, yellow=Anti-B clear=Anti-
46. Widal test ans: typhoid fever​
47. 2 questions - temp of water bath in 1. IAT 2. Crossmatching ata = 37C​
48. TORCH test is for?​
49. What is the C in torch?​

1. Blue red green lavender-answer​
2. Fat in old people. Lipofuscin (answer)​
other choice: lipids​
3. Bunsen burner colors, except ​
a. ReD b. Orange. C. Blue d. Yellow​
4. Warning rules- Westgard​
5. Medtech interns per night duty bawal more than 10​
6. Causes of inflammation except: decreased capillary permeability​
7. Biobanking​
8. RA 7719​
9. Purpose of Autopsy​
10. Important PPE used for protection during autopsy​
A.thick apron B.goggles C.gloves D.face mask​
11. Secondary stain in Papanicolaos stain ​
12. Subject which weighs 10% on the boards​
13. Hematoxylin, acid or basic stain?​
14. Eosin, acid or basic stain?​
15. ​
Primary metabolism of metabolic acidosis​
A. -​
B. Bicarbonate release​
C. Hypoventilation​
D. Hyperventilation ✨​
Xanthelma is due to
A. Dyslipidemia ​
B. Hypercholesterolemia ✨​
C. Hyperbilirubinemia​
D. -​
In the lean six sigma what is considered as waste​
1. Waiting ​
2. Unnecessary practice​
3. Unnecessary motions ​
4. Defects ​
A. 1​
B. 2 and 3​
C. 2 3 4​
D. 1 2 3 4​
What is correct with the following statement​
A. SGPT is the older name version of AST​
B. SGPT is the newer name version of AST​
C. SGPT is the older name version of ALT ✨​
D. SGOT is the older name version of ALT​
Most heat stable ALP - Placental​
Detects bacterial infection - Calcitonin​
Nutritional marker - Prealbumin​
25 year old woman after eating result - Cholesterol normal, TAG elavated​
Amount of heparin in tube - 2 mg/dL​
What do you call the instrument consistently move​
A. - ​
B. -​
C. Agitator ✨​
D. -​
Size of loop being used in the microbiology when planting organism​
A. 10 ✨​
B. 100​
C. 1 ​
D. 0.1​
*kalimutan ko pero kung uL yan sagot​
Basal Medium - Thioglycollate broth​
Specimen of choice of schistosoma japonicum - Stool​
What is the pH of Stool?​
A. 4-10 ​
B. 8-10 ✨ (not sure)​
C. 7-10​
D. 5-8​
Lens system in microscope​
A. Ocular ​
B. Ocular, Objective, Fine, Coarse ✨​
C. -​
D. Objective, Ocular​
Portion of the feces where will you get the specimen for FOBT ​
A. Central ​
B. -​
C. Greenish part​
D. Mucoid ✨​
Color of the meconium ​
A. Brown​
B. Green ✨​
C. Red ​
D. - ​
What crystal causes gout?​
C. Uric Acid ✨​
D. Tyrosine ​
What type of crystal is colorless and hexagonal in nature?​
A. Cystine ✨​
B. Uric acid ​
C. ​
What is the end color of Guiac test​
A. Green​
B. Blue ✨​
C. Purple​
D. Red​
This is a type of crystal that is described to be having a thorny apple like appearance ​
A. Ammonium phosphate​
B. Ammonium biurate ✨​
C. Triple phosphate
D. - ​
Vitality of the sperm ​
A. 90 percent​
B. 100 percent​
C. 75 percent ​
D. 50 percent ✨​
What will you do to the excess CSF​
A. Refrigerate ✨​
B. Freeze ​
C. Discard to the sink​
D. Discard sa isang bote na lalagyan yata ng fluids​
Color of urine for patient having alkaptonuria ​
• Black upon standing​
Hormones na responsible for ovulation - LH​
Hormone responsible for non pregnant women - Estradiol​
Normal gastric color - yellow​
What is the preferred anticoagulant use for ESR​
A. Heparin​
B. Sodium Citrate​
C. Potassium Oxalate ​
D. EDTA ✨​
What factor does a female patient do have who is suffering from menorrhagia​
A. Factor V​
B. Factor IX ​
C. VWF ✨​
D. Factor XII​
The request of a physician is for FBS lipid profile, liver profile, hepatitis profile CBC PT and
APTT. Give the correct order of draw ​
A. Blue red lavender ✨​
B. Red lavender blue ​
C. Red blue lavender ​
D. Lavender blue red​
What hematologic disease cause to the membrane of the cell to become folded?​
A. Hb C​
B. Sickle cell​
C. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria ✨​
D. Plasmodium infection ​
What is the precursor of Dendritic cell. ​
A. -​
B. Neutrophil ​
C. NK cell​
D. Monocyte ✨​
Extramedullary hematopoiesis comes from the other site of the body other than ​
A. Bone marrow ✨​
B. Yolk sac ​
C. Thymus ​
D. Kidney ​
The second major organ for secondary hematopoiesis​
A. Thymus ✨​
B. -​
C. Kidney​
D. Liver​
The application of tourniquet should be applied only within ​
A. 2 mins​
B. 60 sec ✨​
C. -​
A tube agglutination was described as "few aggregates, many free floating red cells, and a red
supernatant". This reaction is graded and identified as​
A. Prozone​
B. Trace​
C. 1+ ✨​
D. Mixed filed​
Most common type of chamber​
• Neubauer​
Deferral for a person with multiple puncture ​
A. -​
B. Indefinite ✨​
C. 6 mos​
D. 12 mos​
One of the requirements of a Philippine Bloodbank is external audit by​
B. DOH designed auding body ✨​
D. Philippine Accreditation Bureau​
What is the first check performed in the investigation of transfusion reaction​
A. Repeat ABO typing of donor's blood​
B. Check for clerical errors ✨​
C. Performed diredt antiglobulin test​
D. Check the blood clots in the bloodbag​
How long does CPDA1 preserves blood​
A. 60 days​
B. 43 days​
C. 28 days​
D. 35 days ✨​
What test directly test for the amount of leakage of fetal cells in other fetal circulation in
fetomaternal hemorrhage​
A. Complement fixation​
B. Spectrophotometry​
C. Antiglobulin​
D. Flow Cytometry ✨​
A mother's first baby has HDFN due to the antigen. What is the most probable cause​
A Very strong antigenic stimulation during pregnancy​
B. Presence of naturally occuring D antigens mothers blood​
C. Leakage of fatal cells in mother's circulation​
D. Transfusion of Rh positive blood to fhe mother ✨​
In Wienner concept agglutinogen Rho is composed of factor​
A. Rhohr 'hr" ✨​
B. Rhohr 'rh"​
C. Rhorh 'rh"​
D. Rhorh 'hr"​
What color does the bunsen burner do not produce​
A. Yellow​
B. Orange​
C. Blue​
D. Red ✨​
What is the latest test for HIV ​
A. NAT ✨​
What is the speed of serofuge - isbb​
A. 1000 ✨​
B. 2000​

- Rhogam is administered after ____ days​

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