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1 Adda247 | No.

1 APP for Banking & SSC Preparation |
Solutions (1-5):

Day Animals Forest Country

Monday Cheetah Black Forest China
Rata Forest/
Tuesday Tiger/Panda America
Otzarreta Forest
Wednesday Lion Goblin Forest Africa
Thursday Elephant Crooked Forest Spain
Rata Forest/
Friday Tiger/Panda India
Otzarreta Forest
Saturday Horse Hallerbos Forest Germany
Sunday Fox Tsingy Forest France

S1. Ans.(e)
S2. Ans.(d)
S3. Ans.(c)
S4. Ans.(e)
S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Fox

Solution (6-10):
Input: 48 line zoo 15 82 you come veto 31 all 85 53
Step I: all 48 line zoo 15 82 you come veto 31 53 85
Step II: come all 48 line zoo 15 you veto 31 53 85 82
Step III: line come all 48 zoo 15 you veto 31 85 82 53
Step IV: veto line come all zoo 15 you 31 85 82 53 48
Step V: you veto line come all zoo 15 85 82 53 48 31
Step VI: zoo you veto line come all 85 82 53 48 31 15

S6. Ans.(c)
S7. Ans.(d)
S8. Ans.(e)
S9. Ans.(b)
S10. Ans.(d)

Solution (11-15):
Sol. From I. E>B (B takes less time than E) and A and C are not first
From II.C,E > A (A reached earlier than C and E) and also A>D (D
is earlier than A) and B>D (D was at station before B ) so we get D
is first to reach the station
From III. We can’t say anything.

2 Adda247 | No. 1 APP for Banking & SSC Preparation |

Sol. From second it is clear that,
(21 students) Amar (11 students) Anuj (26 students)

Sol. From I and III, D =8 B = 8*100/40 = 20; A = 20-12 = 8

Sol. From-I and III, Ravi lives in 3rd floor.

Solution (16-20):

S16. Ans.(e)
S17. Ans.(d)
S18. Ans.(a)
S19. Ans.(d)
S20. Ans.(b)

Solution (21-25):
S21. Ans.(a)
Sol. P ≤ R > S ≥ T ≥ V

S22. Ans.(d)
Sol. H < C ≥ D > E ≥ F

S23. Ans.(b)
Sol. M ≤ N < O = P > R

S24. Ans.(d)
Sol. T ≥ U > X ≤ W < Y

3 Adda247 | No. 1 APP for Banking & SSC Preparation |
S25. Ans.(e)
Sol. R ≥ T= S > U ≥ W

Solutions (26-28):
A=70 word/minute, E=40 word/minute

S26. Ans.(d)
S27. Ans.(a)
S28. Ans.(c)

Solutions (29-30):

S29. Ans.(a)
S30. Ans.(d)

Solution (31-35):

S31. Ans. (b)

S32. Ans. (a)
S33. Ans. (c)
S34. Ans. (b)
S35. Ans. (e)

4 Adda247 | No. 1 APP for Banking & SSC Preparation |
Solutions (36-40):

S36. Ans.(a)

S37. Ans.(a)

S38. Ans.(d)

S39. Ans.(d)

S40. Ans.(a)

5 Adda247 | No. 1 APP for Banking & SSC Preparation |
6 Adda247 | No. 1 APP for Banking & SSC Preparation |

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