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//////////////////////UNIT TEST 1/////////////////////////////

def __init__(self, radius):

# Define the initialization method below
if not isinstance(self.radius,(int,float)):
raise TypeError("radius must be a number")
elif(self.radius>1000 or self.radius<0):
raise ValueError("radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive")
def area(self):
# Define the area functionality below
return math.pi*(self.radius**2)
def circumference(self):
return 2*math.pi*self.radius
# Define the circumference functionality below

class TestCircleCreation(unittest.TestCase):
def test_creating_circle_with_numeric_radius(self):
# Define a circle 'c1' with radius 2.5 and check if
# the value of c1.radius equal to 2.5 or not

def test_creating_circle_with_negative_radius(self):
# Try Defining a circle 'c' with radius -2.5 and see
# if it raises a ValueError with the message
# "radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
self.assertEqual(str(e.exception),"radius must be between 0 and 1000

def test_creating_circle_with_greaterthan_radius(self):
# Try Defining a circle 'c' with radius 1000.1 and see
# if it raises a ValueError with the message
# "radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
self.assertEqual(str(e.exception),"radius must be between 0 and 1000

def test_creating_circle_with_nonnumeric_radius(self):
# Try Defining a circle 'c' with radius 'hello' and see
# if it raises a TypeError with the message
# "radius must be a number"
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as e:
self.assertEqual(str(e.exception),"radius must be a number")

/////////////////////////UNIT TEST 2///////////////////////////////////

def __init__(self, radius):

# Define initialization method:

if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)):

raise TypeError("radius must be a number")

if not 1000 >=radius >=0:

raise ValueError("radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive"


def area(self):

# Define area functionality:

return round(math.pi*(self.radius**2),2)

def circumference(self):

# Define circumference functionality:

return round(math.pi*(self.radius*2),2)

class TestCircleArea(unittest.TestCase):

def test_circlearea_with_random_numeric_radius(self):

# Define a circle 'c1' with radius 2.5, and check if

# its area is 19.63.

c1 = Circle(2.5)

self.assertEqual(c1.area(), 19.63)

def test_circlearea_with_min_radius(self):

# Define a circle 'c2' with radius 0, and check if

# its area is 0.

c1 = Circle(0)

self.assertEqual(c1.area(), 0)

def test_circlearea_with_max_radius(self):

# Define a circle 'c3' with radius 1000.1. and check if

# its area is 3141592.65.

c1 = Circle(1000)
self.assertEqual(c1.area(), 3141592.65)

///////////////////////UNIT TEST 3////////////////////////////

def __init__(self, radius):

# Define initialization method:

if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)):

raise TypeError("radius must be a number")

if not 1000 >=radius >=0:

raise ValueError("radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive"


def area(self):

# Define area functionality:

return round(math.pi*(self.radius**2),2)

def circumference(self):

# Define circumference functionality:

return round(math.pi*(self.radius*2),2)

class TestCircleCircumference(unittest.TestCase):

def test_circlecircum_with_random_numeric_radius(self):

# Define a circle 'c1' with radius 2.5, and check if

# its circumference is 15.71.

c1 = Circle(2.5)

self.assertEqual(c1.circumference(), 15.71)

def test_circlecircum_with_min_radius(self):

# Define a circle 'c2' with radius 0, and check if

# its circumference is 0.
c1 = Circle(0)

self.assertEqual(c1.circumference(), 0)

def test_circlecircum_with_max_radius(self):

# Define a circle 'c3' with radius 1000, and check if

# its circumference is 6283.19.

c1 = Circle(1000)

self.assertEqual(c1.circumference(), 6283.19)


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