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Task Criteria: Answer in complete sentences

Learning Outcomes: To understand the importance of soil

1.Match the following:

The bigger particles of soil water

Smaller particles of the size of sugar grains sand

Very fine powder – like particles loam

Particles between the size of sand and clay humus

Dead remains of plants and animals clay



2.Which is the best soil for growing plants? Why?

3. Which of these statements is correct?

1. The bigger particles of soil are called clay.

2. The wearing of rocks over the years is called weathering.
3. Soil also contains water and air.
4. Sandy soil is the best for growing plants.

(1) only (2) and (3) only (1) and (4) only (2) and (4) only

4.Why is soil important to us?

5.Identify the types of soil.

6. Write a short note on clayey soil.

7.Which is the largest particle size found in the soil?

a)Clay b)Silt c)Sand d)Gravel

8.If a person wanted to buy land for farming, what kind of soil should he look for?

a)Clay b)Humus c)Loam d)Sandy

9. Deepak is studying different types of soil. Which soil will he find to be made of the largest particles?

a)Clay b)Loam c)Sand d)Silt

10.Which type of soil would retain the most water?

a)Sand b)Silt c)Loam d)Clay

11. The soil we walk on is made up of

a) dust from the weather

b) meteors that have fallen from space

c) rocks that have been weathered

d) rain

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