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B.P. 155, Ruhengeri, Rwanda

T : +250 788 90 30 30, +250 788 90 30 32, W :, E :

Faculty: …………AFS………………; Department: …CIVIL ENGINEERING ……………………

Year of study: I ……Level of study: ID March intake…………..…………….
Module code and title: CEN1102……........... ENGINEERING DRAWING I …………………
Category of assessment: Special test
Date: …29…../…10…/…2020…... Duration: …2.5.h….. ; Maximum Marks: 30
Names: ……………………………………………………Reg No: ……………………..

Instructions: This test has THREE Sections:

SECTION A: Answer all the questions
SECTION B: Answer all the questions
SECTION C: Choose only one question
N.B: -Every student must use her/his own drawing instruments. Exchanging them is
considered as cheating.
- Use the draft page of booklet as drawing space for all questions

SECTION A / 10 marks
1. 3-D pictorial of objects is shown with labeled surfaces. Identify those surfaces on the
corresponding 2-D orthographic projections. Dashed circles and leaders point to hidden
surfaces and edges.

What letter (identifying a surface on the 3-D isometric) matches what number (identifying a
surface on the 2-D orthographic projection)? /5marks

Accredited by Ministerial Order N° 005/2010/Mineduc of 16 June 2010

Scientia et Lux
B.P. 155, Ruhengeri, Rwanda
T : +250 788 90 30 30, +250 788 90 30 32, W :, E :

Surface Enter Surface Number Enter

Number Corresponding Corresponding

Surface Letter Surface Letter

1 12

2 13

3 14

4 15

5 16

6 17

7 18

8 19

9 20

10 21


2. A line AB, 65mm long has its end A 20mm above H.P. and 25mm in front of VP. The end B
is 40mm above H.P. and 65mm in front of V.P. Draw the projections of AB and compute its
inclination with H.P. and V.P. / 5 marks

SECTION B / 20 marks

3. A cylinder 40 mm diameter and 50 mm axis is resting on one point of a base circle on Vp

while its axis makes 450 with Vp and Fv of the axis 350 with Hp. Draw projections. /10marks

4. A regular pentagon of 30 mm sides is resting on HP on one of its sides with its surface 450
inclined to HP. Draw its projections when the side in HP makes 300 angle with VP. /10marks

SECTION C / 10 marks
5. This part is computer based drawing (you have done it in computer Lab)
Good luck!!!!!
Examiner: Eng. Jean d’Amour DUSABIMANA

Accredited by Ministerial Order N° 005/2010/Mineduc of 16 June 2010

Scientia et Lux

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