Revision Class G10 HGE

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Rules to be observed during the examination

• The camera must be always turned on.

• No cheating.
• The exam is good for 80 minutes.
• You should be 5 minutes earlier before the exam starts
• If you finished early, you must go over your paper.
• Everybody will leave the testing room at the same time.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer from the list

by tickng the best option.
1. Under the Grace contract, the British was granted to take control of the Peruvian railways
and guano production. The contract was signed by _____

A. Andres A. Caceres
B. Miguel Iglesias
C. Antonio Arenas
D. Nicolas de Pierola
II . List down. List down what are asked for each of the following
Give at least five countries comprising Oceania [5]





III. Short Essays. Read the questions and directions carefully. Then write
your answer in an essay form.
What are the two pieces of evidence showing disaster, climate change poses a threat to living
species in this world?

• Financial system' is a system that allows the exchange of funds between financial
market participants such as lenders, investors, and borrowers
• operate at national and global levels
• consist of complex(many different and connected parts),closely related
services, markets, and institutions intended to provide an efficient and regular linkage
between investors and depositors
• Money, credit, and finance are used as media of exchange in financial systems
• International Financial System The international financial system (IFS) constitutes the
full range of interest‐ and return‐bearing assets, bank and nonbank financial institutions
• financial markets that trade and determine the prices of these assets, and the
nonmarket activities through which the exchange of financial assets can take place
• Nonmarket activities
- production is for self-consumption
- doesn’t provide any benefit
Peru’s national Reconstruction
• the National Reconstruction was a period after the War of the Pacific between the civil wars
of 1884 to 1885 and 1894 to 1895
• where the Peruvian Republic began its economic, political and social resurgence
Second Militarism
a. the First Militarism occurred after the victory in the war of independence , to which the
civil and international wars of the first decades of the Republic were added
b. The Second Militarism occurs after the defeat in the War of the Pacific and is divided
into two moments: the first (1883-1885), which corresponds to the predominance of
the "blue“ military led by Miguel Iglesias , who signed peace with Chile. ;

- and the second (1886-1895) which corresponds to the predominance of the "reds“
led by General Andrés A. Cáceres , the same ones who had resisted the invaders
until the end
Andrés A. Cáceres, who signed the Grace contract

- Grace contract by virtue of which the Peruvian State ceded control and administration of its
main productive resources (railways and guano) to its English creditors, in exchange for the
complete extinction of its debt

- Cáceres had to convene three extraordinary Congresses and expel the opposition deputies
so that Congress could ratify the contract in July 1889

- For better administration of the resources they received, the English creditors converted their
foreign debt bonds into shares of the Peruvian Corporation, the most important British
company that was born to implement the agreements of said contract

Causes of Russian Revolution

1. Peasant Poverty 6. Desperate for Reform
2. Desire for Autonomy 7. Russian Civil War
3. Peasant Population Rising 8. Bolshevik revolution
4. Adapting to Capitalist Landscape
5. Lack of Representation and a Bad Tsar
Social turmoil and weak leadership were some of the reasons for the Romanov dynasty to end. It
is under the leadership of Czar Nicholas II

1917 October Revolution, leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir
Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government

Causes of Mexican revolution

1. Despotic Government of Porfirio Díaz
2. Progress based on foreign capital
3. Absence of labor law
4. Land Disposal to Workers
5. Great gap of classes
6. Corruption
7. Denial of democracy
Porfirio Díaz was a dictator who directed Mexico between 1877 and 1880, and later from 1884
to 1911
• rule was military, he had control of the institutions, there was no freedom of the press and the
development of political leaders was avoided.
• government, known as the Porfiriato
• characterized by promoting economic growth and industrial growth, but at the expense of the
most vulnerable inhabitants of Mexico.
• ruled for more than 30 years
Causes of World War 1
Mutual Defense Alliances
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary- immediate caused of WW1

• countries included in Oceania are Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Samoa, Tonga, Papua
New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands,
Kiribati, and Nauru
• Oceania also includes several dependencies and territories such as American Samoa,
Johnston Atoll, and French Polynesia
Australia’s Fauna
1. Marsupials: They are certainly the most famous Australian animals! A distinctive
characteristic is that most of the young are carried in a pouch. That is of course the case of
2. Monotremes: They are probably the most exotic animals of Australia, a transitory group
between mammals and reptils! You have certainly heard about the platypus, this crazy
mammal with a duck beak
3. Placentals Dingoes are the largest terrestrial predator in Australia. They play an important
role as an apex predator. However, they are seen as a pest by farmers, due to attacks on
Australia’s Flora
Australia has a huge diversity of plants (27 700 plant species according to the last studies), due
to the fact that the country is huge and the climate is different from one region to another. From
the rainforests of the North Queensland to the dry vegetation of the Red Centre, from the
temperate plains of the NSW to the forests of Tasmania, diversity seems to have no limit.

One of the best-known Australian tree is the Eucalyptus. More than 2 500 species of Eucalyptus
are represented in Australia

Australia’s economy
The economy of Australia is a highly developed mixed economy. As of 2021, Australia was
the 12th-largest national economy by nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product) the 18th-largest
by PPP-adjusted(Purchasing Power Parity) is the measurement of prices in different countries
that uses the prices of specific goods to compare the absolute purchasing power of the
countries' currencies. GDP and was the 25th-largest goods exporter and 20th-largest goods

The Australian economy is dominated by its service sector, which in 2017 comprised 62.7% of the
GDP and employed 78.8% of the labour force. Australia has the tenth-highest total estimated
value of natural resources, valued at US$19.9 trillion in 2019

• natural disasters are the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that
overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic
development of a region

• there is no human control over the natural disaster

• we cannot stop these natural disasters but what is in our hands is to be prepared for these

Types of Natural Disasters

1. Tsunamis 2. Earthquakes 3. Avalanches 4. Volcanoes 5. Landslides 6. Floods 7.Droughts
8. Forest fires 9. Hurricanes 10.Thunderstorms 11. Tornadoes 12. Winter storms
Climate change and disaster risks

The scientific evidence 2 shows that for disasters, climate change poses a double threat

Firstly, increases are expected in the frequency and intensity of weather and climatic hazards, such as floods,
tropical cyclones, heatwaves and droughts (and in some places are already occurring)

Secondly, there are likely to be other changes such as ecosystem degradation, reduced availability of water
and food, and impacts on livelihoods, which together will reduce the capacities of communities to cope with
natural hazards, especially in poor developing countries.

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